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Responds to IE Bulletin 79-14, Seismic Analysis for As-Built Safety-Related Piping Sys. All safety-related Piping Is Installed So Piping Analyses Will Correspond to Actual Piping Configuration
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 09/07/1979
From: Mills L
To: James O'Reilly
NUDOCS 7910050467
Download: ML19209A839 (2)




CHATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE 37401 400 Chestnut Street Tower II C

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Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Region II - Suite 3100 101 Marietta Street Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

OFFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT BULLETIN 79 RII:JP0 50-327, 50-328, 50-390, 50-391, 50-438, 50-439, 50-518, 50-519, 50-520, 50-521, 50-553, 50-554, 50-566, 50-567 - SEQUOYAH, WATTS BAR, BELLEFONTE, HARTSVILLE, PHIPPS BEND, AND YELLOW CREEK NUCLEAR PLANTS In response to your July 27, 1979, letter which transmitted OIE Bulletin 79-14, we are enclosing the results of our investigations for Sequoyah, Watts Bar, Bellefonte, Hartsville, Phipps Bend, and Yellow Creek Nuclear Plants.

Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthismatter,pleasecallTinhJenkink at FTS 854-2014.


. M. Mills, Mar ager Nuclear Regulation and Safety Enclosure cc (Enclosure):

Mr. Victor Stello, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 20555 Director of the Division of Operating Reactors Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission

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j Washington, DC 20555 i T ..omd'AL C. An Equal Opportunity Employer 7910050 b 7

E I,.0 ENCLOSURE RESPONSE TO NRC-0IE BULLETIN 79-14 SEISMIC ANALYSES FOR AS-BUILT SAFETY-RELATED PIPING SYSTEMS c SEQ 1'OYAH, WATTS BAR, AND BELLEFONTE (50-327, 50-328, 50-390, 50-391, 50-438, 50-439) Through a system of written procedures and documentacion, TVA (OEDC) verifies that all safety-relsted piping $s installed such that piping analyses will correspond to the actual piping configuration. Verification begins is the design stage. As the design of a piping system passes from dea.tgn input decumente to isometric drawings to analysis and then to mechanical (construction) drawings, TVA (EN DES) oversees design verificatica through its system of engineering procedures to ensure that all design requirements are satisfied. TVA (EN DES) then verifies through its QA procedures at the fabrication and installation stages that design requirements are again satisfied. When the installation of a piping system is complete to the point of tentative or final transfer to P PROD, the as-built configuration is noted on the drawings and sent to EN DES for final verification. This final verification by TVA (EN DES) that seismic analysis applied to actual configuration, has been initiated within the last six months for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant and verification is continuing in accordance with "as-built" procedures. For Watts Ear Nuclear Plant and Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, although procedures have been written, the final verification program has not been initiated at this time. When these programs are initiated, adherence to the "as-built" procedures will provide final verification that seismic analysis applies to actual configuration. A copy of the construction procedures with summary information for the respective plants which pertain to this verification is provided in Attachment A. In alditioc, a list of design input documents for the respective plants, with descriptive information, is provided in Attachment B. The above described program and procedures for verification of as-built safety-related ayatems are equivalent to the requirements identified in Bulletin 79-14. HARTSVILLE, PHIPPS BEND. AND YELLOW CREEK (50-518, 50-519, 50-520, 50-521-, 50-553) At Hartsville, installation of safety-related piping has not progressed sufficiently for TVA's (OEDC) as-built verification program to be initiated. At Phipps Bend and Yellow Creek, no safety-related piping has been installed. Procedures are being prepared for these plants which will assure that final verification will be provided to a degree equivalent to that identified by Bulletin 79-14. 1127 129 .}}