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Responds to 780821 NRC Ltr Requesting Addl Info Re Spent Fuel Mod.Forwards Boraflex 1 Suitability Rept.
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/20/1978
From: Dise D
To: Ippolito T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7812270176
Download: ML18037A146 (144)






~',0 SUBJECT! Responds to 780821 NRC ltr requesting addi info re spent fuel mod.Forwards "Boraf lex Suitability Rept."




1 2


.DEC 29 1978


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onald P. Disc NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION/300 ERIE BOULEVARO WEST, SYRACUSE, N.Y. 13202/TELEPHONE (315) 474-1511 Vice President Engineering December 20, 1978 Division of Operating Reactors Attention: Mr. Thomas A. Ippolito Operating Reactors Branch f13 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: Nine Mile Point Unit 81 Docket No. 50-220 DPR-63

Dear Mr. Ippolito:

Your letter of August 21, 1978 requested additional information regarding the spent fuel pool modification for Nine Mile Point Unit 1.

The attached information is in response to your request.


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D. P. Disc Vice President Engineering SMW/kmb Attachment

Response to August 21, 1978 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION UESTIONS Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Docket No. 50-220 DPR-63 Question Provide the details of the uranium-235 loading and distribution in the fuel assembly which were used for the spent fuel pool criticality calculations.

~Res ense Figures 7 and 8 contained in the March 1978 submittal detail the fuel assembly model used in the criticality calculations. The fuel assembly is comprized. of 64 0.64 inch by 0.64 inch cells containing homogenized fuel, water and cladding. The fuel assemblies are assumed to be un-irradiated with an assembly average enrichment of 3.0 weight percent which is equivalent to a loading of 15.186 grams per axial centimeter of fuel assembly. A calculation, representing an explicit fuel pin distribution of selected U-235 enrichments typical of a 3.0 weight per-cent General Electric intra-assembly fuel pin arrangement is performed and included as a perturbation on the single average enrichment model results.

uestion Provide the areal density of boron-10 in the Boraflex plates which was used in the criticality calculations and provide the "quality assured" minimum value of .this areal density (i.e., atoms of boron-10 per square centimeter of Boraflex plate).

~Res onse The boron-10 loading used for the criticality analysis was based on the minimum B4C loading of 34.8 weight percent in the Boraflex and assuming 76 weight percent boron in the B4C powder. This corresponds to a boron-10 loading in the minimum 0.10 inch thick Boraflex sheet of 0.0217 grams per square centimeter of cross section area (0.0217 gm B-10/cm -0.1 inch).

This represents the minimum areal density required by specification to be incorporated into the as fabricated Boraflex plates. As a perturba-tion on the criticality calculation it was assumed t)gt the boron content of the B4C powder was 70 weight percent (0.0200 gm B /cm2-0.1 inch),

which represents an 8.5 percent reduction in boron-10 content of the Boraflex. Current production techniques indicate that the actual boron-10 loading in the Boraflex will be well above the 0.0217 gm B-10 value.

I y7812270176 (

3. Question Provide the calculated change in the storage lattice k~ with a small change in the boron-10 concentration in the Boraflex plates.

~Re onse The calculated change in the storage lattice k~ with a small change in boron-10 concentration in the Boraflex is shown in Figure l.

4. Question Will there be any place in the pool under any of the proposed changes where it will be possible to place a fuel assembly very close to the outside of a rack which is filled with fuel assemblies? Such a place might be the space between the outer periphery of the rack modules and the walls of the pool. What is the maximum neutron multiplication factor that can be obtained in this si.tuation?

~Res ense Yes. However, the reactivity effect of a fresh fuel assembly located outside the fully loaded spent fuel storage rack has been evaluated for all postulated locations, including this area. The maximum per-turbation associated with this event has been calculated to be +0.0186k.

5. Question Provide the nominal value of the k~ for the PDQ-7 cell model shown in Figure 7 of your submittal.

~Res ense The calculated k~ of the basic cell at 100 degree F is 0.8775.

6. Question Provide the maximum value of the k~ that is obtained when the perturbations listed in Table 3 of your submittal are all assumed to be in the direction that gives an increased neutron multiplication factor.

~Res ense The maximum value of k~ for the spent fuel rack under worst mechanical and thermal conditions with calculational uncertainties is 0.8971.

7. Question Provide the change in the multiplication factor when axial neutron leakage is assumed.

~Res ense The change in multiplication factor when axial leakage is assumed is


ge uestion NRC procedures require that an on-site test be performed to verify within 95 percent confidence limits,'that a sufficient number of neutron absorbing plates (i.e., poison plates) in the installed racks contain the required boron content to maintain the k f <0.95. When the poison plates are made an integral part of the racks ani the condition of the poison plates is continually monitored by surveillance tests, the NRC finds that a single, initial neutron attenuation test on the racks is sufficient. However, a single, initial neutron attenuation test will not be sufficient for the proposed racks with the removable poison inserts. Describe how you propose to periodically perform tests to verify, within 95 percent confidence limits, that there will always be a sufficient number of poison plates which contain the required boron content to maintain the keff ( 0.95 in the proposed storage racks with the removable poison inserts.

~Res onse The rack design provides one semi-permanent poison assembly per fuel assembly. The poison inserts are not normally removeable and it is anticipated will not be removed from the fuel storage rack for the life of the rack, therefore we will satisfy NRC procedures. The poison assem-bly is locked in place by a lock bolt that cannot be removed without mechanically deforming the locking element. The lead-in funnel at the top of the fuel cell location is an integral part of the poison assembly and thus the presence of the neutron poison plates can be verified visually. The presence of the neutron poison plates will be verified visually prior to the installation of the storage racks in the pool.

Quality Assurance records, during manufacture, will confirm the instal-lation of the Boraflex poison material into every poison assembly. A neutron attenuation test will be performed at the manufacturer's plant on 10 percent of the storage locations after the poison assemblies are installed and locked in the racks. A site verification neutron attenu-ation check will be performed on at least 5 storage locations in each rack module.

Xt should be noted that manufacturing process Quality Assurance pro-cedures and controls provide assurance that the actual BgC content of the Boraflex poison material is above minimum calculational levels established by Reactor Physics calculation models for each batch of B<C and silicone material.


9. gu'eseion Will any sources of neutrons other than spent fuel assemblies be stored in the spent fuel pool? If so, at what rate will they emit neutrons?

~Res ense Tabulated below are sources of neutrons other than spent fuel assemblies which may at times be stored in the spent fuel pool.

NEUTRON SOURCE DESCRIPTION NEUTRON RATE n/sec Start-up Sources 5 Sb-Be (6-n) sources will be ~4xlO 7 3x10 9 removed from the core during (each source) the next refueling outage, temporarily stored in the pool and eventually shipped off site (60 day half-life)

Am-Be Source 1 Am-Be P-n) source; occa- +12xlO 6 sionally stored in the spent fuel pool Depleted LPRM'.s Upon removal from the reactor Minimum during refuelings, LPRM's are stored in the spent fuel pool until disposed of

10. Question What will the maximum integrated neutron and gamma flux be in the Boraflex material over the lifetime of the racks'? What spent fuel assembly power density and burn-up, and what rack life were assumed in calculating these maximum integrated fluxes? What is the assumed energy spectrum for the gamma flux'

~Re ense The maximum integrated neutron and gamma dose expected for the poison material will be 1.2 x 10 1 Rads. The neutron dose is expected to be no more than 5 x 108 Rads. For the gamma dose calculation, it is assumed that the poison is subjected to irradiation from the hottest spent fuel assembly (gamma dose design basis peaking factor of 1.25, burnup of 33,000 MWD/NT) from 10 days out of the reactor to 18 months. when the next refueling occurs. It is assumed that the fuel assembly is then replaced by the hottest spent fuel assembly discharged at that time.

There are 27 such cycles that correspond to a rack life of 40.5 years.

Since over 70 percent of the gamma energy is in the 0 to 0.5 NEV group, 1 NEV gammas were assumed, making the resulting dose estimate conser-vatively high.

uestion What will the maximum temperature be in the center of the Boraflex material, assuming the highest neutron and gamma flux and the worst accident conditions?

~Res onse The maximum temperature in the center of the Boraflex material assuming worst accident conditions is 247 F.

uestion State the quantity and composition of the gas which will come out of the Boraflex material when it is being irradiated in the spent fuel pool.

~Res onse Currently a sampl~ of Boraflex material is being exposed in the Phoenix Reactor at 2 x 10 R/hr (Gamma). The gas release from a 0.5 inch x O.l inch x 6 inch sample is 15 ml/hr. The composition of the gas being re-leased has been measured as 10% 02, 15% H2, 45% N2, 14% methane, and 3% ethane.

uestion On page 9 of your 1farch 22, 1978 submittal, it is indicated that there is a poison slab which is sealed in a stainless steel casing. Is the Boraflex going to be sealed inside of a stainless steel casing?

~Res onse The Boraflex is canned in a stainless steel casing. The assembly is vented at the top and bottom to prevent gas build up in the casing.

uestion What will the chemical composition of the Boraflex be after receiving the design dose of irradiation?

~Res onse There will be little or no change in the chemical composition of the Boraflex after receiving the design dose of irradiation.

Question What is the melting temperature of the Boraflex in the unirradiated-condition?

~Res onse The Boraflex material does not melt below 1000 F. At 1300 F the Boraflex material begins to char.

uestion Is the Boraflex going to be bonded to stainless steel? If so, what will happen to this bond under the design dose of irradiation in conjunction with the design number of thermal cycles?

~Res ense The Boraflex is not bonded to the stainless steel casing.

uestion What will the physical properties such as the density, the modulus of rupture, and the compressive strength of the Boraflex be after it receives the design dose of irradiation in the spent fuel pool?

~Res onse Tests performed to date at greater than the design dose indicate that the only change in properties of the Boraflex after irradiation is an increase in stiffness of the material. This change does not consititute a problem with the material in regard to its function as a neutron absorber.

uestion Provide a detailed description of and the documented results of a proto-typical experiment, which includes all significant aspects of the spent fuel pool situation and environment, that shows that these Boraflex plates will not become so brittle from irradiation in the spent fuel pool that they could be broken up by the insertion and removal of fuel assem-blies or by a safe shutdown earthquake at some time in the design life of the spent fuel racks.

~Res ense A continuous program of irradiation of Boraflex is in progress at the Phoenix Reactor of the University of Michigan. Various tests on Boraflex to date, summarized in the attached "Boraflex 1 Suitability. Report,"

No. 1047-1, have demonstrated that the material undergoes no significant physical or chemical change when exposed to 2 x 10 9 rads gamma irradi-ation. Additional testing of the material is documented in the propri-etary BISCO Procedure 748-10, "Irradiation Studies of Neutron Shielding Materials", a copy of which can be supplied on request.

The Boraflex material is fully supported in a double stainless steel can that is vented at the top and bottom to allow any gas generated to escape.

The poison assembly is a complete unit that does not provide the bearing surface for the spent fuel. The rack structure provides this . Any distortion of the poison box assembly is contained in the slot within the rack that it occupies. A distortion will not affect the fuel cell.

All the structural analyses performed on the poison design racks assumed the poison material had zero strength and contributed nothing to the strength of the rack.

19. uestion If the Boraflex is to be exposed to the pool water, state the maximum percentage of boron oxide, B203, in the B4C. Since B203 is soluble in water it will either be necessary to assume that this amount of boron is leached from the Boraflex plates or to experimentally show that this will not happen during the life of the racks.

~Res onse The B203 content in the B4C is less than 0.75.

The Boraflex will be exposed to pool water, however, the silicone rubber matrix of the Boraflex essentially coats the B4C and B203 particles to prevent the water from contacting it. A 4700 hour0.0544 days <br />1.306 hours <br />0.00777 weeks <br />0.00179 months <br /> test at 240 F in Borated water has shown no leaching to occur. Even if leaching should occur, analysis shows this small decrease in Boron content would have little effect on the rack k~ (see figure 1).

20. uestion Describe the instrumentation and alarms on the spent fuel pool water level and temperature or reference the location in the FSAR where this description can be found.

~Res ense The level alarm system initiates when the water level in the spent fuel pool falls to elevation 338 feet 0 inches. The level alarm annunciator is located in the control room and on the spent fuel pool panel located on elevation 281 feet of the reactor building. The spent fuel pool filtra-tion system has a low pump suction trip alarm and a low flow alarm, both of which would indicate low water level. The pump suction trip alarm and low flow alarm annunciate on the spent fuel pool panel at elevation 281 feet and the computer prints out an alarm in the control room. In addition, the computer prints out an alarm when the water level falls to elevation 338 feet 0 inches.

The temperature alarm system annunciator is located on the fuel pool panel on elevation 281 feet 0 inches, and a high fuel pool temperature alarm is printed on the computer. In addition, there is a fuel pool alarm in the control room which can be initiated by high temperature or anyone of several other parameters. When the fuel pool alarm is annunciated, it can be determined from the computer printout which of the parameters has caused the alarm, and action can be taken. The temperature alarm system is set to initiate at 113 F.


.89 (0.8819)

.88 (0.8775)'.742-

'.149 x 10 21 B Loading


in Boraflex, Atoms B cm

brand industrial services, inc.

1420 renaissance drive, park ridge, illinois 60068, (312) 298-1200, telex 282-482 a subsidiary of brand insulatlons, inc.

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A~C lip:1'L~~ igni'i~ AS l i" 0 ~195 Dial:-la"'"ic "pn':r all= Pg qitc D-159 01~8:L'pc~ l: i Pn l Vi i-pi. Vp,LL!!",i . ill.:-:~.H.l: LVL t;V l'-3'i /

brand industrial services, Inc. 1420 renaissance drive, park ridge, illinois 60068, (312) 298-1200, telex 282-482 a subsidiary of brand insulations, inc.

ATTA~CIII1EX~'T lP TIII"'RHK Z~GEx~G 0" BISCO NSX POLYI'ILL77 C Job 1047 2-15-78 Table XA Dielectric I'ou" s Duroraet;er. 'L'ens ile I".loncfa tion S ~ren~ihh 7 Days RT 460 540 120 464 70 240 360 62 505 480 59 404 567 600. 59 486 100 720 522 840 510 83 960 490 78 560 1080 492 86 1200 88 13?0 62 473 95 1440 62 381 1560 63 378 1680 417 1800 60 397 1920 404 80 2040 432 2160 393 2280 363 82 2400 390

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THL"'.O'BL AGIYG OE BISCO, HSI VOL'l'iHZ. AT 190 C Job 1047 2-15-78 D161QCtX'1C Duroc- te'r TGQsl.lQ E 10ÃlgQ L3.071 SiC '".l'/i"h 37?0 272 63 4080 263 70 533 1 4560 67 310 4800 261 50 040 258 73 560 5160 64 247 70

~ ~ 300 C'Og O(>)~ LIES~ 200 1 500 1000 , 1500 2500 3C".0 4000

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  • I ip brand industrial services; inc.

1420 renaissance drive, park ridge, Illinois 60068, (312) 298-1200, telex 282-482' a subsidiary of brand insuiations," inc.

                                         '..Sob     3.047'.

g g IJ1fn Q~ f 7 'gTaqggp BXSCO NS.r C G il CO~'lT 'iTS 2'iND a'cIYS."CATi CO:4DYT VOL'i i'KPTZR HEAT AG'rNG

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0 brand industrial services, inc. 1420 renaissance drive, park ridge, illinois 60068, (312) 298-1200, telex 282-482 4 a subsidiary of brand insulations, inc. Job 1047 ON


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0 iVCTi'.CUHI NT 3 Job 10'/ 2-18-78 i!,FI~"ZCT Ol'V~.DX!<TXOtf Ois BXSCO 3<'SJ EXPOSED TO A COP>ALT 60 SOiJi-'.C.; Do: ~~ Tensile Hlqsgi c T.. a'fc,','cl I. Gt~is (PST.) Ho(td 1 us 5g(l 68 750 516 55 938 60 i~50 8;0 1375 50~~ 38 1326 553 240/; I

                  ~                       896                                3.3          27,151 S;<::nl.c:               1" z  1."   Tensile Ear pulled e            10 inches/minu~">>

S L:r es s i. Or (%) Dos 20% Compression Dynam'.c Comp. Sat XT. ~ I Icf.;c'.1:i/ <.ss (PST.) i).L 20% Comp. 0 2 5% 206 396 0 119 652 0

               /;86                                    2756 (she~ t t:Qred)

S'~mpl 1.125" D:i.. z 1" thi.'cl; hut:ton coinpressed 20'/. ~~ 1 inch/min.

brand Industrial services, inc. 1420 renaissance drive, park ridge, illinois 60068, (312) 298-1200, telex 282-482 a subsidiary of brand lnsuiatlons, 'inc. ", ~ r r 4


r ~,, Jot: 'i.O~;7 2-7.P)- 78 jz'j."L'('t.Cli<"i"ll'>". !:- 2% l).I'JD 50"j t': C t A. SliOZL'f.';;l(!z 1'...t",'HUfiE 7

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4J 1i (18 Gctmnt2

r!;~ >.:;.;! J.=nS!.r; OI= .',3!CW!; ""-: PHO"":>~I!': >.'>:.I'! Gs'>.%L 'L>>0 lAT'J!'!

                                                                                     '>>" .ACTOi3            >'.ORO>>UCL>=AH AN!'! A.'33 sl!i,   >>:> I C.! I >3%i'!  ",'I'! 05 D"c mb;.r 2s t97o

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Broil(l In('VSi> 'Ol S>" I'Yicc. s inc ~ 630 bonnie Lan(. EIi( Gro r;, il>iiIIois D'ar Jim: i !1~IY(: CIlc!OS J f'he SI Icon 50SO 0 C Samp'.8 tha> KYG II'I'a ias>;(i In Mare 'I 19/o. As you mcy r'.m>=mber, tII~,aaioactivity content 7/a. 'oo )Ii(3<l >'o b(. (.n'u>';i(.r. Th" -'o.',",I Iadioaciivi'y is aboui 1.85 microcvries OF primcrijy Zil-55 which Is" From control. 'fh"- a>"/ache(i tab>e lis>s >n.". ra('io-(ic>'! Ylty con>oni oi th s(Imp)( b(ls d U,")on ovi Oil 'tysis. Also Qllcl osBQ Is a copy or" >h-" original te"t (la'ra ro rcFIcsh yovr rliemn y. Very trv!y yovrs, Re('.(i R. Bi,irn R ac>or I Arnag=r enc). RRD:jan

81SCO Siiicon -50~i~o 8 C Somp.-'moipiSOrOPE CON;rC1 n i ~ ~ Podlolsoi opB r"-Lir"o 1 Iv'<tcrocvrto.: Mt crocvri '.";I Gr.".r . Eiv I~) 13 yr. 7.19x 10 1.09 x 10

            'v ii 177m                 lol    d                4.59 v           10                     x 10
                            ~i2.4 d                  ~.97 x           10              753x     10        'i Co 53                    71   ~ 3d                1.13ix          10"               '1.71 x 10 (Egn  5                  31?.5 d                  I.CD x          '10 1

I 6~'"i Sc ~!) 83.8 d I.t5x '10'.77 x 10 './i', 5o ~4.6 o x IO 1.18 x 10 7ll 65 2~t3.7 d I. 85 x 10

                                                                                                     '.80 Co 60                   5 272 )it'                3.68 x 10                       5 58    x IG TV   l82                  115 d          x        10
                                                                                "            v IG
                                                                                                    '.~A r

Na 2% 2.601 yr. 3.00 x '10 )l.55 - 10 lrra diction Da'c: M rcIi 31, 1976 Pedio"ciiv!sy iVtt".Qavro."ianna'otp.: Nov~i locr 2 i 1976

                         ~ ~


BlSCQ Silicnn -. B,iC Samples Shor. '!".rm Irrc!icrioa 2;; a:.IC Sor.? t=s 50% '<>C S.".-,".Ol ~.-.


U~irr(" ic -='d lrred i(Ir(:d Uairrc:dic > (.'2 I


ICi~('d S w( ~ I .illc A {2 Into."-ll) {1 No';oil) ii.oich) (I 6!ntch} a:C: Ir:. C! IG)!O",I lV','!('hf'<t(.I~ J ~ O Prci I r(c'd Ici I orl

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         ~ cy  l., r' i.lo 'rrca'i(I(ion 16 rO~ DOSe {IN/Coax)                                                    1.26 x 10                                 1.26 x.10
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Tl 0. 258 0.270 T2 0. 261 0. &J'2 T'> 0. 2o5 0. 275 0.313 0.322

                                             %Y'lfg                                  0.312                                     0.?:.:0 0.318                                     0 339
l. 3.011 3.027 1;o.(,I.;:ss {f)IIrorr;~.l 'r i> o.-

Ap Iosj( r) 35 F00

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Tl 0, 262 T2 0. 2(32 T3 0. 2~~": V)/3 0.3ll W2 0.301 EV3 0.309 L 2. 9'i0 A(tosi

Demi: '. Qo" o'"'..- pRgPf c1/g)7%

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BlSCO Silicon -50% B>C Sam>>t Lone! Term l'vacl!Gi!on Tasj Sac';u: nc="


50% B)C Sample I P! e-Irrad!t hon;vc.;gi!,'gm) 5 ~ I I I 7.0 f i.: lri adiaiioin Dimen"j:ons (in) TI 0.271 T2 0.272 T3 0.27/c Vli 0 ll/ Vl2 0. 308 Vf3 0. 316 L 3. 020 237 l.!our lrradiaiion 2 17 t~!evhron Dose (l~!/Cm ) 8.53 v 10 Somme! Dose (Rods) 7.11 x 10 Gas Lvoi Jilon Cy! i:l"' Prcssure Pui,ovp


[ I P.ale (PSl/hr) 0.2 rl/droc~-.n (%) ~0.89 0>:yJ~tl (io) 5 93 i!i bragi-.n (/0) 33./2 Ii~i. i.r:;n (ig) 19 50 Pos! lrratiiaiion!Ncicjll'gm) 6.6 Po; . i ad!ai ion Diin"-n:ions (in) fI 0.2o? T2 0.262 T3 0.2CA

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gs i- /)g f.p- . Dat'": l:.

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brand industrial services, inc. 1420 renaissance drive, park ridge, illinois 60068, (312) 298-1200, telex 282-482 a subsidiary of brand insuiations, inc.

                                                                                 "1 4w g ~
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A C I Zoo .LOit7 GAYiYiA XRBPaD.r.lii'j:QLiS

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Don or @ra~()cj Jncjus tria 1 r>crvicc~, inc. '.'ors( ssl) I f>O'.>>4: O Je(a e (~ s ('.(f('.ct oF c'@ma trt.lf.'i".tion on 'ilicon>> rLibf)('.r f Oaa)>>OL)tl(j f I I'a>fjI 0 tt Oll I.QCI h t ./ QQss. >>aJ I t t rs(f! 0 a. I Oil 'F(>C I 1 a I /) 5!.fgf>a I O>> f) ~ I!()."(.a I>>CS i t CLI. Sar)ole Hns. fI I a>>CI I.G(: I Of> t)CI I OO' e'>> A 1 . 0 :c 1 0, I s1 5%1 iy (hrri(6 J6 s.o y '7.1 /l)

                                       >>  ~ is     )  I(                                                        Containe;                                          I rraclillt: EO:I                                 I'<) 'i) 1              f3osc I  (! i.'I i; I I'            c'I ).' o;           )                                                                                             LO(.<~ 'a.    'I 0'll                         I s(!(In            a  B(l    s 10.1 f:o       );I)    (:Ltf)e            ):       1       r'. t.'    o                                                                                  R-2 10'O>

I c>::>>I cL'.I)" 1 1 t n>>. I 0 1 I (jhs. fst <<'/ 5 till) B.-7. log f I>>( 7 I . !C(s "Il I:il I'<~I s. I 0 tsl I Xt'Lt I () ~ 7 10j's'.~p:

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I e> s I 0 tal >X(: tlt 0 1OD al ljl 0 I'Of: bloc!( ~C f> ~f

                                                                                                                               ~f                                            I<-p                                          (EO f', /'!:;     .      i!(:iit ".c(or/ l)tlr'I (. 1.                                                                            ~f                                            [s                                              1 f)i
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//rg'g I'e)!>>'Orf;",t)1

        ~   af         I>> I                   >> 1 fI'etll:f)t>                                                                                                                                         P.-()                                           EOG
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1 f)t ii)r "o ini t t))(.i.)( ife i I'ra(If".'riot)" "n(i I::fice (I(:riltfl t:i).. i rt c".(i: f)(:io:) p(:riO(l. U:. i t<<I <it) .'.C I;,CCI" L.I!:;;;Cnt:- 1:I.C i rt V.(lie".0: i 0 )>>S:fe I C: '.d j(I.Si'-':I

                       ."(> '(:i)sit.':ll!I I>)'ll t)V.:, (!)Is)i).",Ltt C >!a~".>> 10')1('(':.)ra'.!j5.
                                                                                            ~                                                                                          Tll I .s   a~ 1  1( .'I .. i ol si Ct'mr                 i fl        (l<-'s:('rli)it)infj                        ".II(,'!O'e I'Ccei V('('s.
                      'I'I)(: ("')n)fj,.' ll) ('.I',                                    '> )/           i ..;.1 (.-,')lit oct.'(:I

I I:)4,s (> Ll)". Ca) tl i)e Os>>".ee)'s,>>c.'Cl I!>: 'Vs-'I'>> i'll( t'e I .'>> Vt)f.'l)sil e>ct:(:> I 5 I: I (: I:lt)lI.'.')!>> no'.(I, lfj)i (:st 'I,">> ~s't I i/ 1 "s t>>: I ':ll .".)>>let) t. Iie

                                                ~                                         a>>e:til')a I!'      C)n   s.'a) I       nf. I' 'L'I('I'C'>>>('l)(i(I I: s.'a)               a ~          'n(s         Os       I;I>il              I '. I'a)<I. ~

f>>sil I >fj I Ii I ~ ('i)et) ,I e I >> (.I)(f f I)V I Oal'e (I(:tl('I )( I nii 0> ~ (je>5 (lite I l)<j I: I'a)el i:I( I (>>tl s (: (;.I~, > f I ( I)(. I Is, a) I 1 'a';s'..i>a>.,fi I ti('a .' ~ > i Ci) l)i: a il s.le ~ )

                       !~   I  a  I <.(>I) f ( a'ee)'~t>II >,'..                                 I lit!'e I I::" I)                     s  I ~ >>'('S)!         I ~      !>I'itCI';           (>>)')
                       '(  ))s)f'>>ll<()(Iir:.a1 I I (>:,I LI)" e;1                                                              ',  ', r(>>,     ~

brand industrial services, inc. 1420 renaissance drive, park ridge, illinois 60068, (312) 298-1200, telex 282-482 a subsidiary of brand insulations, inc

                                                                                                                                  > ~ '

ill"PACkll-iRi~!7 6, P,=-'I:>Ol.-t, XO l'/-l JOB .'i0~t/

                                                                                                               -'-'8- /0   li -'l A Px'QI .>,r>l'irl<'3: ~

C> ". Ule! Ti.:.;:('.( ('= Cl >.

                                        '3.'g>PPC>y;! LU3.- ~           Dpi:;; (:C>Q E.:@OS     tl >'. C-'. on   13XSCO BC33:c;l. I.C'.~C      X   IiGB L t:Oil >ill.CI CI.'.lt<>>         a~iB f;.Q3:.I.B l. >:

P-r.!~>>. CCt. J c> ~tl 0 C>.t. c;OT) '.L'c.c" 1. D:i.3 C.c<oz I't't. C"3 ~3 l.3lCI'l6:.':,>. ct.L >~3'.-'S ".'C<lCl. > q Xl]C: /b,g>>:.i..t 2 >, 't "/0

o-., 1 25 1978 Ab tract samples of B~sco I>oraf leg T. Q .'LZcZmerC -'Q .7.n c. 1)ore~.te(l E ater; olU."ci.ozl o.: L p .rio l to allow czazlzinati:on of Lhe effect:s of sLzch izmlersion oil he 7)hyD.".cctl 7 7) of: 't 11G 13oraf leg T1.e boratoc.:7olution con '. teel of .,000 parL. per million boron i.n the form of boric aciQ, and a>> ph ac'.justecl by L t1.G vQc!ition of "odiLEm hyQro::.icle to a rane;c o= 9.0 to A coneta:7t temper'ature of 240oF Lva.=. main<ainGQ in a prQHDure born ) typG tea'L) vGGDel ~ Yiea.".ureme~t of the phy."ical ci>aracter; .".tic;: 'of the material after l.99 Qay 0 f te.'t Gz')oc- Lzre inQica G"; a cli,,enSi oncll Qecrea"e ba -GQ on the measure"...Gnt of t1le lo;;c'ic";e of th; ma. saQlple piece o f ~he of cegt ~ample 0.

                                       'f 93% c~n(t     an aver(Le e
0. 246.

i zlc> Gas . of The gas e~roluI;ion o.": I!Oxc7fle:~ T. ~;czc.: mca.",ure:l Llz7cler Lho te~t condition., L;'ith a Lotal of. ~. 91 cubic inc':7G:i OZ c;zLs

c i 8 2 )ein(f (f en'. aL QQ pe $ ..1Uc o incl'1 0 J. ~ c!mpl c Ur face arec'. AVOX'!!e ent..3.rc "dies i Perlo(t. A Ql.m3.D:I.shkng (fc~S evol.u.'i!ion t:ren(t 1";!." (ie"~Octo(t, as eviQcncec~ by i.!..e ~acL that 36.3G xo "Lhe tote.l gc.s!ras evolveQ Quring .t: he first ('uar i: x of 'ie "ie.. 't 13er3.0(" .' repor~ (!Ons'~1.-cu~es preliminary J":in< ings oT. a '~est..

 $   <xll       3.D  pro(fress.             2 C3.nal report:             !gill he      3.$ $ UCQ 1i).'~h aQ(     3.Lional physical proper'ty                           1'";oa   UxcmenL     'l'! col piet iol>>

o:F f:he Gc.n(.r a 1 DTSCO Doraf le@ 1 Deu"~ron hielQ:t:ng material wa developeQ for Bppl 3.c 'Lion a. c! i poison 1 hicjh (t(!D $ :t.'cy spenL Rue.1

 -  'tor go r .:: s Tile composiKion 3.$ bacseQ ol'1 &e corn,3ina'i.3.0D

O' hVfhly 'Stable Si.liCOne elec tomer Xriih a bO: On COn- ';.vining:Ciller in the form of. boron cc!rbiQ(:. '.l.'he boro!. concentra-'=ion in Bora~lex( 1 can ae varieQ over a broaQ -ange; ho<eever, the sample chosen Zor speci'":ic '~es Ling rei~re.:en";.s a boron c.rbi(te fil;1 OZ 50;. by voi(fh:.. Jhe ' L coDQi't:ioDG solec t-c(j Sil!lul<l't!e %ho: (! Qr "Je( i:OQ 1 a p'L B sg)QD L J U 1 poo 1 I UDQex c cc LQcn L col!Q  ! E iol s I llaC 3 Jg bora.t:(:(l 1)at.or pool rea( hing a ma3:imum I em (.'ra't Ul.'e

2'OP '3.'il8 't est 3.ply'th Has orl.!'',3.3.y .'~('t o;E'. 30 c";(Iys; ho~:r",ver, has bec.n each n(l(.cl:i.n(;OR' to a3.3.ovI con't" nuol.!., lone 'ter!A IAon." to on 'the c'2;CQC'ts 0'f: 'tha te .~ environment OQ tho j)h j 8 l cal. Charac t':i sties of; t!lo IT!ate".. a3.- X 1 a(".CIl.t.".On 'LO tilCI L) 1. CharaC trcI. XstlCS I i)i .: C Voll tlo'.1 o.": tile Dora "lez saIAgl(..s vc(s monz,torecl to terI;;~ne c".. x.,~at c.c:Ccats that gc-.s ovolu.'ion 'Aay on c3esir!n co:l-

.'i(lera t iona of ti!c: 'i:orc,ge rack  -                         ~

613. t;...';t !Iexe oerForme(l aL. Tcrralai), Salt Laj;e City, a fccloral 3.y casual).f > ocl laboratory r D~~~~. io 10500. ~ TGs't Proceclure iA high. prossur>> test clevice was constructeD, as shoIIn in Fi<ures 1, throucfh ., which concainecl .til'. folio:ri.r(J Zunct.~.olla 'lv:cs:!.OnS. 1.. h, tQIA>lerature Con trol.lCCl PrQSsur l."6(! Sc!i"f)3.8 onclo ur - which 1,'oulQ maintain tile te.'t environIAenL. throughout the clurai:ion o.: til tost perioQ.

2. ii col.umn .. oparator syc:toA: !,::Iici!:; a3.3.O(I Separc!ti.On O.!..eVOlVe(1 c!aSes fro;A the
                  'LU   '     CilclQ'b     r  Vlhi3.Q IAai! I!tal,n:!.1)(3 'Li!8 prC,"Scluro aIl(3 toliUDQrc          tur('. 3. c(,:u:I.. eal(!nts   in  Li1(!    chart.)cr     .

0 0

3. Pa>> Qvo17Q(3 cf .s col 16(.'8:l.on QY:(-'B:Lnc1!!( <<
                     'cE!LVlc LloiEl              'I 0   c~11OL'E      fo.      p-.-3.'LO(:LC Crl'-'O':LCB1 QElc~  1VS:LS Tbc Elocr. ssrlÃg xns                  L3".Ll!Elc!El'I cl4 "a.on    'Lo Q11OL'1 mainL..QELQnce an(L m=Q.:E:3."emQElt                           of     'c.h       test:

QAU.'". 0! Lm(~nt. TllQ 'I:(3S c'. GCfL33.D71Qnt NQS Con '."LLCL'C!(". QlKl I,lcl~'. cL

          '.'. Q3, XQ1Qb g GQl'i           TicL1((. C ~ '4V I LQbol".QPO3.            )     f c~ C:L 1 1. Q".
                                                                                                                    'hQ S J..      3303: Q   f1QZ      7   c Q - 't   S.tlllc)1QS       LEQ3. e    P3. 80Q~:Q(c I        ~  QACh Sc~MPIQ b     ing        app3.ozima.tQ1y              10.5" z 3.5" x 0.200" '='nicf(,                                   c.n(",

S;QEEQ mQnufaCc:u.".rlQ VCCOXding tO DXGCO SKVnla.-.(L man(L-fQc BLEY-ing P3:occc1lll:('8 fot 803-.Qf1(.3: T.. 1?3:io.-.. to thQ in.i..Licltion of <:0:-3 .Lest-., thQ fo11oving l3'( lg r "LCcl 1 Z')2'Og)- 3 L3. QS Of 'QC13 SrLLQ1) 1(3 L'rQ. (. 3'.3( cl S L13 Q(l cL\l(a 3.-Qcozde(t.

1. N(.ig'nt f


3. Vol>3mo i).il.l( nsions bQ'iL'EQ(,' 3'QQl"( nc(: f)oi31'is GP(3C lf 3(C G3. c3U's t

Th( 'tcs":. cnv'.0>>m .n t cons:l.s tc(l OZ ~ k'>orit ted %<cltcr co>>ta:i.n~.l.,: l7,300 parts pcr w'l:i.on oX bo ic aci.d mi.llew.0!1 (Ii3BO;), ecru:i.vcllcni to 3, 000 par'i:s per o.: l)oron in T'Iat.":r . $ 00.:Luill hycll.oc.xQ<'. (5'c.Oh} Uris 0('cl(~R in suf.c'.cl.ent (-uanti.ty to control a ph between the .';ange o.. 9.0 c~.nd 9.5. ta.'i.n. (l at a consi ant 260 I" <<n(l a. m.'..1!'mini. pres."arc oK l0.2 PSTG. Thc Les i: 8 mples '4~cY.'e loaQQQ 1'1'Lo th p2.cssul.e tcc'i. charlk3er, in such a manner as to.assure compli. tc subllclrs .on of: thc samples at all times .throu(.hour the tcs+ . 1'ressure an(i tcmpexature lrere monitorc(l co>>tinuou'ly to clef any cl ev~ at3.0>> ~crom tes t CQD(i: 'ns. This tc.i t report covers Lhe:i.>>itial periocl 02 0 to l99 (lc y', e(u:i.valent to 4,776 hours. "'he test l1a" continllous except Sor thos='.>>stances; thc . amalCS l"ere l,">.thC":ralm. ZOr .C ltlOn OC )hy':i.Cal paral!letnrS gn3.'thai <<)h QS.Leal m BUU). ('m('.>>ts 0 each o~: 'Lh.. 01.'(..:alApl cs 0 f'~o3 cl. l( v, I 1?as mal(le prio3. LO the:L>>3.4;i at i.on 0: the n: .)0::U c. tc:i .-:: i">>(1 ai (3 l.i':L(:(';I:I L.a!>l.c

l)a<ate 6)

                                                        <y<>yv) l'      'P 3!1 ')  ~<  < c  1 +r()r<s   f LQ)      O'clrlg       I Q   l)hvs        <

ccgg @<<a r uremcn I S SW.';1).r,) I):I;KXViST.(')b S ( inchc.c ) V>ASS (rr<<lms) DT'XS" (1.b/.i-" 10.8 x 3.6 x 0.218 2.)5e 41 llew.'. ~ g')

        ?                 l0.8 x 3 6              x 0.21.8                         255)      58                lice 771 l0.8 3.6                .. 0.220                         257.13                      l.l)'<. 417
I.O. 8 x 3.6 x 0.?17 25<<. 19 116- 6 "/3 1.0. 8 x 3.6 x 0. 218) ll<s'. /31 1.0.8 x 3.G' 0.220 257. 2:I. lÃ<. 45)3 AV(.'.': c~.<; Q 1.0. 8 x 3.6) 0. 21.9 )5 Bs ilil.6)?3 The svziglc mass was 1535.0~) Lrams (?.38lb ) <<nQ total salfl'.:) lQ s< rf <~~CQ arQa $')as 3? 5ta 33 CI' c)pi) . Q Q n )

Physic<ll proaerLics of the Poraflex samples li~~re mca:;urQP.. c.i intervals of 40, 80, 150 an.t 19.'3 (;ays. Those measu):ement: intervals rer)rQSQ<<t: ihe only intcrrupti.on of I:he con.i invous t()"c. Qxl)osurc secruen::e. Tne follO<iing <.<lblCS indiac,LQ Lhc Ch<ln<IQ O.!": (iirnensi<~nal an(). w(i< cixaractc)ri tl c., o.i th( T:ora).lex T. Lest spec:imcr.s a~. thQ measurer<!en'nLerval< . Ti)Q <<i,iren.".ioncll s'LA}y l.l l.'ty shoUn in Table X l. 3 ..:ieq>r(:.';Q! ) tive o,f: <lir<len< .i().,al <'.heal "Q in Qach ')lan(.') )<"Over m ly .)Q som<<.')l '.'t overs'ta'LQ(< QUQ 'Lo 'LlM Diced.suromen t'ccu).c)ncy 1-'.Nx La t:.<)n:: Paral!'.(l i'.Qr 8 . J'hl.cJ',ncs.> o - tll('am<'t)1<)s on .I.On<3 L'll cl A<) K'i3.<1 L.h <Ice).o 'SO<1 ov(.. ';h('..I.'.39 <lay L<..', I: r>cr J.o<1 J.l-om p. 000 l.n<.-I) ... <'0 0. 00.. l.n<.l')cs ~  !<.o .).n".I.< ('::.t:>,<)n

  >><I!jCI u Vc s,l>>L". T V k>cn'i.h..y Rtajo'i.i              ity of        .!:    (""  Ciia>>!;o fro;a Ori.t>>na.'j.)

5,"i ik?3'z;..- 40 clavs <I c3 0 r1 <.i i~a 1.5 0 'i<~vs 199 r<ails I<

                         +O. 82"--          -<3   .60~             +X. 87'-";          +5. 27>>.
                        +Q.     <<2             .I  l.. l3.           -l-3.. BG            -l.5. 21.
                        -0. 3.0                   i-2. OG             -i.l.. 93            -i 4. 6~

i3 . <"Sess '-3 . OG +~ . 3.9 5 ~ Pl. 21. +1 59 -) ~ 3 . Zi2 +4. 3.0

                        +0 32                   -0.09                 ~

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brand industrial services, inc. 1420 renaissance drive, park ridge, illinois 60068, (312) 298-1200, telex 282-482 a subsidiary of brand insulations, inc. Job 1047 ATTACHMENT 8 NEUTRON 6 GAMblA Attenuation tables for various Boroflex compounos.

ISCO c~>,~q Lg,;,.:; ),.i-,', I..iver.MENT

                                                                        '    i enaction     Measurements Sample                                                                                                   Gamma   1.2 MeV Sample Identification             Description           Attcn'ation, Tnici:neii,          Attenuation      Atlenuation, Thickness,   A t tenua ti on A                        Factor, p             A            T       Factor~ p (in-I)                        (in)          (in-I) 6% 84C                         .12  IQ      ,2  IO                 0. 68 6-2                   6% 84C                         . 120 I      .2  IO                 8.54 6% 84C                         .1340       .2.IO                   0.34 10/100  -G           10% 84C, < 100 mesh            . 3202      .270                    4.23 25/100 - 0           25% 84CI < 100 mesh             .0390       ,  135                 23.00 "O.o/100 - A          40.6% 84C <    100 mesh        . 0069      . 135                  36.89 40.6/100 - 8         40,6% 84C, <    100 mesh        .0006       ,135                   35.22 40/220   E          40% 84C, < 220 mesh            .0041        . 135                  40.77 40/220   -F           .0% 84C, < 220 mesh           ,  0073      , 125                  39.38 60/100   -C          60% 84C, < 100 mesh            . 0033      , 135                  42. 41 60/100   -D          60% 84C      100 mesh          . 0054      . 120                  43.52 O

SF150+150. 6 .2306 ,525 2.79 .797 ,525 ,432 143IL/60 - 1

                                                                .570                    2. 96 V3 l4
                                                   . 1052                                             . 003        .570          ,385 143 11/60 -2                                        ,2090        .525                    2. 97          . 802        ,525          ,420 176.7ILL - 3                                        .2462        ,540                    2.59           .772          5/0          .479       I 0 176.7ILL - 4                                        .2957        ,475                    2.56 m U'
                                                                                                       .791         ,475          . 493 MO Equations: Attenuation = Transmitted Beam/Incident Beam A

pT 1/T ln (1/A)

1 0



II'~9>" April 8, 1977 Mr. Jim Sherwood Brand industrial Services, Inc. 630 Bonnie lane Elk Grove Villcge, illinois 60007

Dear Jim:

                                                               'I Enclosed is a neutron and gamma attenuation iable for the samples you provided.

Values oF the attenuation factor, p, give relative abilities to atter,vate neurrons and gammaso Yov can plug into the formvfa A=V'o calculate attenualion, A, for a given thickness~ T, or the formula T = 1/p In (1/A) to calculate the thickness required to provide a desired attenuation. k&. Sincerety, Reed R. Bvrn Reactor Manager Enclosure RRB:Iab

brand Industrial services, inc. 1420 renaissance drive, park ridge, illinois 60068, (312) 298-1200, telex 282-482 a subsidiary of brand insulations, inc. Job 1047 2-j.5-78 ATTACHMENT 9 The Effect of Combined Gamma and Neutron Radiation on the Hydrogen Content of BISCO NS-II Neutron Shielding i~tatezial


       'I brand Industrial services, inc.

t420 renaissance drive, park ridge, illinois 60068, (3t2) 298-1200, telex "282-482 ~ a subsidiary of brand insulations, inc. r 2 Job 1047 2-15-78 ATTACIBti".NT 10 The Reactor Cavity Annular Gap Shield Design Using NS II material at Arkansas Nuclear One Unit Two HISCO Project 41006-60

Attachment 1047 W~arrant BISCO warrants to the purchaser that the work provided under this contract will be free from defects in mater-ial, workmanship, and title, and will meet the specifi-cations contained in the Contract of Sale. BXSCO shall be responsible for any repairs or replace-ment caused by defective materials or workmanship which shall become necessary during a period of one year from and after the date of initial acceptance of the work by this contract. If certain portions are shown to be defective within the original warranty period, then the warranty period on the repaired portion shall be extended one year from and after such time that all defects are corrected. If any repairs or replacements are necessary, BISCO will undertake, with due diligence, to make the aforesaid repairs or replacements within 10 days after receiving written no+ice that such repairs or replacements are required. If BISCO should fail to begin sucn repairs or replacements within this period, or in the case of emergency wherein, in the judgment of the purchaser, delay would cause serious loss or damage, the repairs and/or replacements may be made by the purchaser and charged to BISCO, provided the purchaser obtains BISCO's prior written consent. The guarantee furnished hereinby BISCO will be rendered void if the work is damaged by others, or if it jected to improper operation or temperatures. Ifis sub-and when'he above condition occurs, repairs will be provided by BISCO under the .normal unit cost provisions for time and material, and only after the rework is accepted by the customer and paid for, will BISCO extend a warranty on the products and services. Correction of non-conformities of the materials and ser-vices provided by BISCO under this contract shall con-stitute the entire liability of BISCO with respect to such work, wh ther in contract, tort, or otherwise, unless otherwise agreed to and expressly provided in this contract. THE WARRANTY FURNISHED BY BRAND IN THIS ARTICLE IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES (INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF PURPOSE) / EXCEPT TFIAT OF TITLEg WHETHER WRITTEN / ORAL / OR IMPLIES, XN FACT OR IN LA'N.}}