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Summary of 08/17/07 Closed Meeting with FENOC to Discuss Security Threat-Based Event Emergency Preparedness Drill Scenario at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/21/2007
From: James Anderson
To: Chris Miller
Anderson, Joseph, NSIR/DPR, 301-415-4114
NEI 06-04
Download: ML072320381 (3)


August 21, 2007 MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher G. Miller, Deputy Director for Emergency Preparedness Division of Preparedness and Response Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response FROM:

Joseph D. Anderson, Security Interface Team Leader /RA/

Emergency Preparedness Division of Preparedness and Response Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response



OF AUGUST 17, 2007, CLOSED MEETING WITH FIRST ENERGY NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY TO DISCUSS SECURITY THREAT-BASED EVENT EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DRILL AT THE PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT On August 17, 2007, a closed meeting was held between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and representatives of First Energy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) and Lake County, Ohio Emergency Management Agency at NRC Headquarters, Two White Flint North, 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland. The purpose of the meeting was for FENOC to present their proposed security threat-based event Emergency Preparedness (EP) drill scenario scheduled for September 12, 2007, at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant and provide the opportunity for staff to discuss with the licensee the application of NEI 06-04, Guideline for the Development of EP Drill and Exercise Threat-Based Scenarios (ADAMS Accession No. ML062480049),

Supplement to NEI 06-04 dated May 18, 2007 (ADAMS Accession No. MO071520256), and industry lessons-learned. This meeting contained sensitive security-related information and, therefore, was conducted as a closed meeting.


Joseph D. Anderson, NSIR/DPR/EP (301) 415-4114


Attendees List


Supplement to NEI 06-04 dated May 18, 2007 (ADAMS Accession No. MO071520256), and industry lessons-learned. This meeting contained sensitive security-related information and, therefore, was conducted as a closed meeting.


Joseph D. Anderson, NSIR/DPR/EP (301) 415-4114


Attendees List DISTRIBUTION:

EPD Reading File SISP Review Completed: Joseph Anderson 08/20/2007 ADAMS Accession Number: ML072320381 (Memo)

Publicly Available 9 Non-Publicly Available 9 Sensitive
Non-Sensitive OFFICE NSIR/DPR/EP NSIR/DPR BC:NSIR/DPR/EP NAME JDAnderson ASalus ACMcMurtray DATE 08/20/2007 08/ 21 /2007 08/ 21 /2007

ATTENDEES LIST Closed Meeting with First Energy Nuclear Operating Company to Discuss Security Threat-based Event Emergency Preparedness Drill at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant (Friday, August 17, 2007)

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC):

Melvyn Leach Director, DPR (NSIR)

Brian McDermott Deputy Director, Incident Response (NSIR/DPR-IR)

Chris Miller Deputy Director, Emergency Preparedness (NSIR/DPR-EP)

Anthony McMurtray Chief, Regulatory Improvements and Outreach Branch (NSIR/DPR-EP)

Joseph Anderson Security interface Team Leader (NSIR/DPR-EP)

Michael McCoppin Emergency Preparedness Specialist (NSIR/DPR-EP)

William Gott Drill and Exercise Team Leader (NSIR/DPR-IR)

First Energy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC):

Vernon Higaki Manager, FENOC Emergency Preparedness Frederick Smith Manager, Perry Plant Emergency Response Joseph Slike Supervisor, Security Operations State/local Governmental Agencies:

Larry Greene Lake County, OH Emergency Management Agency Director Nuclear Energy institute (NEI):

Martin Hug Emergency Preparedness Enclosure