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Inservice Inspection Summary Report
Person / Time
Site: Cook American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 07/21/2005
From: Fadel D
Indiana Michigan Power Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML052140463 (92)


Indiana Michigan Power INDIANA Cook Nuclear Plant MICHIGAN One Cook Place Bridgman, Ml 49106 POWER AERcom A unit of American Electric Power July 21, 2005 AEP:NRC:5055-05 10 CFR 50.55a Docket No.: 50-315 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission AITN: Document Control Desk Mail Stop O-P1-17 Wasliington, DC 20555-0001 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1 INSERVICE INSPECTION


REPORT The attachment to this letter provides a copy of the inservice inspection summary report for activities at Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1, State of Michigan, National Board Number 1-20761 (Mich.

M-096762-M), located in Bridgman, Michigan. The plant is owned by Indiana Michigan Power Company, P.O. Box 60, Fort Wayne, IN, 46801.

The unit's commercial service date is August 23, 1975, and the Authorized Code Inspector is Mr. A. S. Jimenez, who is employed by ABS Group, Inc. of Houston, Texas.

The examinations, tests, replacements, repairs performed, conditions observed, and corrective measures taken are summarized in the attached report. Inservice inspection activities were performed in accordance with the rules and requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Code,Section XI, 1989, and 1992 Editions with the 1992 Addenda, as applicable.

There are no new commitments in this letter. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. John A. Zwolinski, Safety Assurance Director, at (269) 466-2428.

Sincerely, Engineering Vice President


Summary Report for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Unit 1 Cycle 20 2005 Refueling Outage.

RV/rdw oq

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission AEP:NRC:5055-05 Page 2 C: R. Aben, DLEGIBCCFS/BD J. L. Caldwell, NRC Region III K. D. Curry, Ft. Wayne AEP, w/o attachment J. T. King, MPSC, w/o attachment C. F. Lyon, NRC Washington, DC MDEQ - WHMD/RPMW, w/o attachment NRC Resident Inspector

Attachment to AEP:NRC:5055-05 Summary Report for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Unit 1 Cycle 20 2005 Refueling Outage



COMMERCIAL SERVICE DATE 8-23-1975 Report for Inspection Period From November 27,2003 to April 25,2005 July 14, 2005 Prepared by: i~j ,) u, Date: 7 N1 C)r ISI gram Owner Reviewed by::(L - &LA) Date: 7L1A5/

Robert Ker1in Welding Program Owner


COMMERCIAL SERVICE DATE 8-23-1975 Report of Inservice Inspections From November 27, 2003 to April 25, 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 Introduction (Page 2 of 6)

Section 2 NIS-1 Inservice Inspection Summary Report (Page 3 of 6) Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 / Outage 1 (Page 1 of 25)

Section 3 Examination of Class 1 and Class 2 Systems and Components (Page 1 of 3)

Section 4 System Pressure Tests (Page 1of 2)

Section 5 Snubber Tests (Page 1 of 3)

Section 6 ASME Section XI, Article IWE and IWL (Page 1 of 3)

Section 7 ASME Section XI, Steam Generator Eddy Current Examinations (Page I of 1)

Section 8 NIS-2 Repair and Replacement Reports Index (Page 1 of 2)

Section 9 NIS-2 Repair and Replacement Reports (Page 1 of 43) 1 of6


COMMERCIAL SERVICE DATE 8-23-1975 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the Inservice Inspection (ISI) activities performed at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, for the period November 27, 2003 to April 25, 2005. This report addresses examinations and activities associated with the Third Ten-Year Interval's First Outage of the Second Inspection Period, Unit 1 Cycle 20 Refueling Outage. These activities were performed in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components. The Third Ten-Year Inspection Interval began July 1, 1996 and continues through February 28, 2010. The applicable code of record for ISI activities is ASME Code Section XI, 1989 Edition (No Addenda) and 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda as applicable.

The purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements of IWA-6000 for the submittal of an Inservice Inspection Summary Report at the completion of each refueling outage.

Examination and tests conducted since the preceding summary report are included in this report. Repairs and replacements (for Class I and 2 Components) are also included in this report per the requirements of the 1989 Edition (No Addenda) and the 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda of ASME Code Section XI, IWA-6220.

Contents of this report have been reviewed and verified correct with supporting documentation available at the plant for review if required.

2 of 6




REPORT 3 of 6

FORM NIS-1 OWNERS' DATA REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules

1. Owner: Indiana Michigan Power Co., PO Box 60. Ft. Wayne. IN 46801 (A wholly owned subsidiary of American Electric Power)

(Name and Address of Owners)

2. Plant: Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, One Cook Place, Bridgman, MI 49106 (Name and Address of Plant)
3. Plant Unit: One
4. Owner Certification of Authorization (if required): N/A
5. Commercial Service Date: 08/23/75
6. National Board Number for Unit: 1-20761 (Mich. M-096762-M)
7. Components Inspected Component or Manufacturer or Manufacturer or State or Province National Board Appurtenance Installer Installer Serial Number Number Number Reactor Vessel Combustion CE 66105 M 96762 M 1-20761 1-OME-I Engineering Steam Generator Babcock & Wilcox 7803-02 / 1122 M 96765 M 193 / 6832 I-OME-3-2 / Westinghouse Steam Generator Babcock & Wilcox 7803-03 / 1124 M 96767 M 194 / 6834 1-OME-3-4 / Westinghouse Pressurizer Westinghouse 1131 M96763 M 6849 I-OME-4 Reactor Coolant Westinghouse 2 - 618J881 --

Pumps PP-45-2 Excess Letdown Westinghouse 1158 _ 986 Heat Exchanger (1-HE-13)

Chemical and Joseph Oats and 1787-3A - _375 Volume Control Sons, INC.

Tank (I-TK-10)


Accumulator Tank Delta Southern 41054-69-01 _ 2463 I-OME-6-1 Company Accumulator Tank Delta Southern 41054-69-02 _ 2464 I-OME-6-2 Company Accumulator Tank Delta Southern 41055-69-03 _ 2465 I1-OME-6-3 Company Accumulator Tank Delta Southern 41055-69-04 --- 2466 1-OME-6-4 Company ._._.

East Residual Heat Engineers and S-15586-A _ 1102 Removal Heat Fabricators Exchanger (1-HE-17E) .


Component or Manufacturer or Manufacturer or State or Province National Board Appurtenance Installer Ihstaller Serial Number Number

._ Number West Residual Engineers and S-15586-B 1103 Heat Removal Fabricators Heat Exchanger (1-HE-17W)

West Containment Yuba 69-G-226-1C _

Spray Heat Exchanger (1-HE-18W)

Boron Injection Struthers - Wells SPIN AEP-Tank (1-TK-11) Corp. SIATBI-01 Component Grinnell See Attachment 1 Supports I I NOTE: Steam generators are a composite-original by Westinghouse

8. Examination Dates: November 27. 2003 to April 25. 2005
9. Inspection Period Identification: Second
10. Inspection Interval Identification: Third
11. Applicable Edition of Section XI 1989 (No Addenda) & 1992 with Addenda 1992
12. Date/Revision of Inspection Plan: 7/96 Rev. 0
13. Abstract of Examinations. Include a list of examinations and tests and a statement concerning status of work required for the Inspection Plan.

See Sections 2 (Attachment 1) 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

14. Abstract of Results of Examinations and Tests.

See Sections 2 (Attachment 1) 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

15. Abstract of Corrective Measures.

See Sections 2 (Attachment 1) 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 We certify that a) the statements made in this report are correct, b) the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required by the ASME Code,Section XI, and c) corrective measures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable) N/A Expiration Date N/A Date: July 14. 2005 Signed: Indiana Michigan Power Co Byy:

Owner (Wholly Owned Subsidiary of AEPN 5 of6

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS Group, INC. of Houston, Texas have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period November 27. 2003 to April 25, 2005 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.

Furthermo either the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or prop d age or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions Michigan 300975, Endorsements: N & I Insp tor' ign-a ure National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 2003 6 of6 Inservice Inspection Report Interval 31 Period 2 / Outage 1 CLASS: 1 CATEGORY: B-B

-- . . ITEM: B2.11 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 009400 1-PRZ-15 UPPER SHELL TO UPPER HEAD PRZ PRESSURIZER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks UT UT-05-052 54-ISI-130 Fifteen small laminar Indications were identified during the volumetric examination of 1-PRZ-15 (Pressurizer Upper Head to Shell Weld). All were acceptable per IWB-3510.2 and Table IWB-3510-2.

UT UT-05-053 54-ISI-130 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-054 54-ISI-130 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-055 54-lSl 130 Fifteen small laminar Indications were Identified during the volumetric examination of 1-PRZ-15 (Pressurizer Upper Head to Shell Weld). All were acceptable per IWB-3510.2 and Table IWB-3510-2.

UT UT-05-056 54-ISI-130 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-057 54-ISI-130 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS ITEM: B2.12 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 009800 1-PRZ-19 LONGITUDINAL SEAM AT -44 DEG. PRZ PRESSURIZER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks UT UT-05-058 54-ISI-130 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION UT UT-05-059 54-ISI-130 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION UT UT-05-060 54-ISI-130 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION CLASS: I

_ _ _ CATEGORY:.B-D ITEM: B3.120 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 009900 4'-1-RC-10-IRS SPRAY NOZZLE PRZ PRESSURIZER I of 25 Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3/ Period 2/ Outage I Method Reoort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks UT UT-05-029 54-ISI-132 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summarv No. Component ID Comonent Descriotion System System Description 010200 6'-l-RC-7-IRS RELIEF NOZZLE PRZ PRESSURIZER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks UT UT-05-028 54-ISI-132 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS ITEM: B3.140 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 012900 STM-12-I-IRS INLET NOZZLE INSIDE RADIUS SECTION 12 STEAM GENERATOR NO. 12 Method Report No.. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks UT UT-05-021 54-ISI-132 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Commonent ID Component Description System System Description 013000 STM-12-O-IRS

  • OUTLET NOZZLE INSIDE RADIUS 12 STEAM GENERATOR NO. 12 SECTION Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks UT UT-05-020 54-ISI-132 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Descridtion 015000 STM-14-1-IRS INLET NOZZLE INSIDE RADIUS SECTION 14 STEAM GENERATOR NO. 14 Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks UT UT-05-010 54-4SI-132 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS 2 of 25 Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 I Outage I CLASS: 1

- CATEGORY: B-D ITEM: B3.140 Summary No. Component ID Component Description _ System System Descriptlon 015100 STM-14-O-IRS OUTLET NOZZLE INSIDE RADIUS 14 STEAM GENERATOR NO. 14 SECTION Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks UT UT-05-019 54-ISI-132 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS

. CATEGORY: B-F ITEM: B5.40 Summary No. *Component ID Component Description System System Description 010900 1-PRZ-20 NOZZLE TO SAFE-END PRZ PRESSURIZER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-016 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

UT UT-05-030 54-1SI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION UT UT-05-031 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION UT UT-05-032 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION VT VT-05-031 54-5047902 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Surnmary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 011000 1-PRZ-21 NOZZLE TO SAFE-END PRZ PRESSURIZER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-015 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.


Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3/ Period 2 / Outage I CLASS: I CATEGORY: B-F ITEM: B5.40 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 011100 1-PRZ-22 NOZZLE TO SAFE-END PRZ PRESSURIZER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-012 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

UT UT-05-036 54-iSI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION UT UT-05-037 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION UT UT-05-038 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION VT VT-05-028 54-5047902 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Summarv No. Component ID Component Description System System Descrintion 011200 1-PRZ-23 NOZZLE TO SAFE-END PRZ PRESSURIZER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-014 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SDCN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

UT UT-05-040 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-041 54-ISI-829 One axial Indication was observed in the A-82/182 weld material. This indication was determined to be rejectable and was repaired by the application of a weld overlay (Reference Relief Request's: AEP:NRC:5055-01, AEP:NRC:5055-02, AEP:NRC:5055-03, and AEP:NRC:5055-04).

UT UT-05-042 54-ISI-829 One axial Indication was observed In the A-82/182 weld material. This indication was determined to be rejectable and was repaired by the application of a weld overlay (Reference Relief Requests: AEP:NRC:5055-01, AEP:NRC:5055-02, AEP:NRC:5055-03, and AEP:NRC:5055-04).


Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3/ Period 2/ Outage I CLASS: 1 CATEGORY: B-F ITEM: B5.40 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 011300 1-PRZ-24 NOZZLE TO SAFE-END PRZ PRESSURIZER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-013 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

UT UT-05 039 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION UT UT-05-044 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION UT. UT-05-045 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION VT VT-05-029 54-5047902 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Sumrnmary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 011400 1-PRZ-25 NOZZLE TO SAFE-END PRZ PRESSURIZER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-019 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

UT UT-05-046 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION UT UT-05-047 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION UT UT-05-048 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS VT VT-05-026 54-5047902 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION VT VT-05-030 54-5047902 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION 5 of 25 Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 / Outage 1 CLASS: I CATEGORY: B-F ITEM: B5.70 Summary No. Component ID Comoonent Description System System Description 013100 STM-12-02R SAFE END TO INLET NOZZLE 12 STEAM GENERATOR NO. 12 Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-004 54-lSI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

PT PT-05-010 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

UT UT-05-006 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

UT UT-05-007 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

UT UT-05-008 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

UT UT-05-009 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 013200 STM-12-03R OUTLET NOZZLE TO SAFE END 12 STEAM GENERATOR NO. 12 Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-005 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

PT PT-05-009 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

UT UT-05-022 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

UT UT-05-023 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

UT UT-05-024 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

UT UT-05-025 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only) 6 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 / Outage I CLASS: i CATEGORY: B-F ITEM: B5.70 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 015200 STM-14-02R SAFE END TO INLET NOZZLE 14 STEAM GENERATOR NO. 14 Method Reoort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-006 54-lSI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

PT PT-05-018 54-lSI-240 NO RECORDABLE NDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

UT UT-05-015 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

UT UT-05-016 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

UT UT-05-017 54-lSI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

UT UT-05-018 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

Summary No. Component ID Component Description System' System Description 015300 STM-14-03R OUTLET NOZZLE TO SAFE END 14 STEAM GENERATOR NO. 14 Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-007 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

PT PT-05-017 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

UT UT-05-011 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

UT UT-05-012 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

UT UT-05-013 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only)

UT UT-05-014 54-ISI-829 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS (Performed for Info only) 7 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 31 Period 21 Outage I CLASS: 1 CATEGORY: B-G-2 ITEM: B7.30 Summary No. Commonent ID Component Description System System Descrition 013400 STM-12-1MB-1 INLET MANWAY BOLTING 12 STEAM GENERATOR NO. 12 THROUGH 16 Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-017 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Descripton 013500 STM-12-OMB-1 OUTLET MANWAY BOLTING 12 STEAM GENERATOR NO. 12 THROUGH 16 Method Reort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-018 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS II Summary No. Component ID Commonent Descrdtion System System Description 015800 STM-14-IMB-1 INLET MANWAY BOLTING 14 STEAM GENERATOR NO. 14 THROUGH 16 Method Reoort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-019 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Component ID Comoonent Description System System Description 015900 STM-14:OMB-1 OUTLET MANWAY BOLTING 14 STEAM GENERATOR NO.14 THROUGH 16 Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-020 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS 8 of 25 Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 / Outage 1 CLASS: I CATEGORY: B.G-2 ITEM: B7.50 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 037700 1-RC-9-09S-FB FLANGE BOLTING RC REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-050 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 047050 1-RC-13-01S-FB FLANGE BOLTING RC REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-039 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 062950 1-RC-504-21S-FB FLANGE BOLTING RC

  • REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-040 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Commennt ID Comoonent Description System System Description 066150 I-RC-505-26S-FB FLANGE BOLTING RC REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Method -Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-041 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Comwonent ID Component Description System System Description 084350 1-RC-510-21 S-FB FLANGE BOLTING RC REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT - VT-05-033 12-QHP-5050-NDE.006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS 9 of 25 Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 / Outage I CLASS: 1 CATEGORY: B-G-2 ITEM: B7.50 Summary No. Component ID Component Descrption System System Description 087950 1-RC-511-28S-FB FLANGE BOLTING RC REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-034 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS

- ITEM: B7.60 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 148875 PUMP BOLTS LOWER SEAL HOUSING (2-) PUMP REACTOR COOLANT PUMP BOLTS NO. 12 Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-032 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS 10 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 / Outage I CLASS: 1 CATEGORY: B-H ITEM: BB.20 Summary No. Comoonent ID Component Description System System Description 011500 1-PRZ-26 VESSEL SUPPORT PRZ PRESSURIZER Method Rkoort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks MT  : MT-05-003 54-ISI-270 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS - CENTERLINE OF ID PLATE IS 0 DEGREES. 3 BETWEEN 180 DEGREES AND 270 DEGREES IS LIMITED DUE TO ADJACENT AIR DUCTS. THERMOMETER CAL DATE: 5/2212005.


UT UT-05-061 54-ISI-136 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-062 54-ISI-136 Five recordable Indications were Identified during the volumetric examination of 1-PRZ-26 (Pressurizer Vessel Support). One Indication was determined to be non-relevant. The remaining four indications were evaluated against the criteria of IWB-3510-1 and found acceptable.

UT UT-05-063 54-ISI-136 Five recordable Indications were Identified during the volumetric examination of 1-PRZ-26 (Pressurizer Vessel Support). One Indication was determined to be non-relevant. The remaining four indications were evaluated against the criteria of IWB-3510-1 and found acceptable.

UT UT-05-064 54-ISI-136 Five recordable Indications were Identified during the volumetric examination of 1-PRZ-26 (Pressurizer Vessel Support). One Indication was determined to be non-relevant. The remaining four Indications were evaluated against the criteria of iWB-3510-1 and found acceptable.

CLASS: -I CATEGORY: B-i 11 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 / Outage 1 ITEM: -

Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 011201 1-PRZ-23-OVLY NOZZLE TO SAFE-END WELD OVERLAY PRZ PRESSURIZER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks UT UT-05-065 54-ISI-838-03 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-066 54-ISI-838-03 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-067 54-ISI-838-03 During the final ultrasonic overlay examination an Indication was observed In or very near the fusion zone 1-RC-9-01 F. The indication is approximately 0.29" In height, located approximately 0.09" from the ID. This Indication was observed while performing an axial scan downstream. Therefore, the Indication Is characterized as circumferential in nature, but did not have any measurable circumferential extent. However, I&M conservatively assigned a circumferential extent of 0.3 Inch for the IWB-3600 evaluation. The IWB-3600 Evaluation found the Indication acceptable for the remaining life of the component.

Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 011201 1-PRZ-23-OVLY NOZZLE TO SAFE-END WELD OVERLAY PRZ PRESSURIZER Method Report No. Examination F'rocedure Examination Remarks UT UT'-05-068 54-ISI-838-03 Two small laminar areas (Lack of Bond) were observed during the ultrasonic examination. The laminar flaws were less than 0.2 square inches and met the acceptance criteria of ASME Section Xi, Table iWB-3514-3.

ITEM: B9.11 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 104800 1-SI-31-15S ELBOW TO PIPE Si SAFETY INJECTION SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-008 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SCDN'S 30-5051639 REV 01 & REV 00.

UT UT-05-026 54-ISI-836 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-027 54-ISI-836 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS 12 of 25 Inservice Inspection Report Interval 31 Period 2 / Outage I ITEM: B9.21 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 058900 1.RC-16-26S ELBOW TO PIPE RC REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-021 12-QHP-5050-NDE-001 No recordable Indications noted. Extent of coverage per IWB-2500-8(b) 13 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 / Outage I CLASS: I CATEGORY: B-K-1 ITEM: B 10.10 Summary No. Component IDI Component Description System System Description 040600 1-RC-10-241F-I IL I HANGER LUG RC REACTOR COOLANT THROUGH 4 SYSTEM Method Reoort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-020 12-QHP-5050-NDE-001 No recordable Indications noted. Extent of coverage per Fig. IWB-2500-15.

CATEGORY: F-A ITEM: F1.10A Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 623550 1-GSI-R-590 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENTS GSI SAFETY INJECTION SYSTEM Method Remort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-036 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION ITEM: F1.10WB Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 621905 1-GSI-L-157 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENTS GSI SAFETY INJECTION SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-037 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION ITEM: F1.40 Summary No. Component ID Component Descrtition System System Description 601000 1-PRZ-SUPPORT VESSEL SUPPORT INTEGRAL PRZ PRESSURIZER ATTACHMENT Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-049 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS 14 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 31 Period 2 1 Outage 1 CLASS: 1 CATEGORY:. F-A ITEM: F1.4 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 602010 STM-12.SUPPORT VESSEL SUPPORT 12 STEAM GENERATORS Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-044 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS CLASS: 2 CATEGORY: C-A ITEM: C1.10 Summary No. Compnent ID Component Description System System Description 300740 W-CTSHEX-2 SHELL TO FLANGE CTSHE CONTAINMENT SPRAY HEAT EXCHANGER X WEST Method Report No. Examination Ptocedure Examination Remarks UT UT-05-001 54-ISI-136 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT , UT-05-003 54-ISI-136 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-005 54-1SI-136 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS CATEGORY: C-B ITEM:. C2.21 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 300400 STM-14-FWN NOZZLE TO SHELL 14 STEAM GENERATOR NO. 14 Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks MT MT-05-001 54-ISI-270 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS. THERMOMETER CAL EXPIRATION DATE: 5/2212005. LIGHT METER EXPIRATION DATE: 8115/2005.

UT UT-05-049 54-ISI-130 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-050 54-ISI- 30 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-051 54-ISI-130 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS' 15 of 25 Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 1 Period 2 / Outage I CLASS: 2 CATEGORY: C-B ITEM: C2.21 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 300850 W-RHRHEX-OUT SHELL TO NOZZLE RHRHE RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL HEAT EXCHANGER X WEST Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-003 54-ISI-240 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-002 54-ISI-136 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS UT UT-05-004 54-ISI-136 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS CATEGORY: C-C ITEM: C3.10 Summary No. Component ID Comonent Description System System Description 300710 1-CVCT-2VS-4. 5, & 6 VESSEL SUPPORT INTEGRAL CVCT CHEMICAL AND VOLUME ATTACHMENT CONTROL TANK Method Reoort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-025 12-QHP-5050-NDE-001 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 300870 W-RHRHEX-2VS INTEGRALLY WELDED VESSEL RHRHE. RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL HEAT EXCHANGER X WEST Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-002 12-QHP-5050-NDE-001 No reportable indications noted. Limitation of coverage due to concrete pedestal, grout, and various support Interferences.

Summary No. Component ID Component Descriotion System System Description 300930 1-BIT-VS-2 VESSEL SUPPORT INTEGRAL BIT BORON INJECTION TANK ATTACHMENT Method Reoort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-023 12-QHP-5050-NDE-001 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION 16 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 1 Period 2 / Outage I CLASS: 2 CATEGORY: C-C ITEM: C3.20 Summary No. Component ID Commonent Description System System Descriition 302450 1-SI-20-06F-HL I AND 2 HANGER LUG Si EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-022 12-QHP-5050-NDE-001 No reportable indications noted. Extent of coverage per IWC-2500-5(a).

Summary No. ComDonent ID Component Description System System Description 310870 1-FW-10-13F-A-PL SADDLE FW FEEDWATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks MT MT-05-002 12-aHP-5050-NDE-002 REJECTED - Expanded scope not required due to original construction defects.

8 welds total, 3 of the 8 welds have cracks at the ends. The other 5 welds though not cracked display conditions indicative to poor work practices, e.g.,

arc strikes, undercut, porosity, and overlap. WR# 05098019 Summary No. Component ID Component Describtion System System Description 313320 1-MSe1-11S-PS PENETRATION SUPPORT WELD MS MAIN STEAM SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks PT PT-05-024 12-QHP-5050-NDE-001 No reportable indications noted.

CATEGORY: F-A ITEM: FI.20A Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 708520 1-GRH-R-505 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GRH EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM Method Reoort No. Exam-ination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-053 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 Expanded scope as identified by ISI Coordinator. NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS 17 of 25 Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 / Outage 1 CLASS: 2 CATEGORY: F-A ITEM: F1.20A Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 708700 1-GRH-R-500 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GRH EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-043 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 REJECTED - Scope expansion required. Approx 10% bearing at time of exam.

Also, apparent misalignment, initiated WR #05096067. Insulation in place, visual exam performed on exposed portions of support as well as insulation surface.

Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 708740 1-GRH-R-502 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GRH EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM Method Rep6rt No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-052 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 Expanded scope as Identified by ISI Coordinator. NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Component ID Component Descriotion System System Description 719580 1-GCTS-R-31 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENTS GCTS CONTAINMENT SPRAY SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-005 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION ITEM: F1.20B Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 702910 1-GSI-R-535 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GSI EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM Method Repdort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-042 12-OHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION 18 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 / Outage I CLASS: 2 CATEGORY: F-A ITEM: F1.20WB Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 708720 1-GRH-R-501 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GRH EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-051 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 Expanded scope as Identified by ISI Coordinator. NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 745052 1-GCS-R-86 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENTS GCS CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM Method Recort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks At-VT VT-05-038 12-OHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION ITEM: F1.40 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 700010 CS-1 VESSEL SUPPORT BRACKET REGEN REGENERATIVE HEAT HTEX EXCHANGER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-021 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS 700I020dr NO. '.omponent li uomponent uesviplon System ,Systemuescnption 700020 CS-2 VESSEL SUPPORT BRACKET REGEN REGENERATIVE HEAT HTEX EXCHANGER Method Revort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-022 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS 19 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 / Outage I CLASS: - 2 CATEGORY: F-A ITEM: F1.40 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System Systern Description 700030 CS-3 VESSEL SUPPORT BRACKET REGEN REGENERATIVE HEAT HT EX EXCHANGER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-023 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Comoonent ID Component Description System System Description 700040 CS-4 VESSEL SUPPORT BRACKET REGEN REGENERATIVE HEAT HT EX EXCHANGER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-024 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 700090 1-CVCT-SC-3 VESSEL SUPPORT INTEGRAL CVCT CHEMICAL AND VOLUME ATTACHMENT CONTROL TANK Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-048 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Surnmary No. Conloonent ID Component Description System System Description 700100 1-CVCT-SC-4 VESSEL SUPPORT INTEGRAL CVCT CHEMICAL AND VOLUME ATTACHMENT CONTROL TANK Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-047 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 700150 E-RHRHEX-SC-1 VESSEL SUPPORT RHRHEX RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL HEAT EXCHANGER EAST Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-060 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS 20 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 / Period 2 1 Outage 1 CLASS: 2 CATEGORY: F-A

- . ITEM: F1.40 Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 700160 E-RHRHEX-SC-2 VESSEL SUPPORT RHRHEX RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL HEAT EXCHANGER EAST Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-015 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Summary No. Component ID Commonent Description System System Description 700210 1-BIT-SC-3 VESSEL SUPPORT INTEGRAL BIT BORON INJECTION TANK ATTACHMENT Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-046 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Summary No. - Component ID Component Descriotion System System Description 700220 1-BIT-SC-4 VESSEL SUPPORT INTEGRAL BIT . BORON INJECTION TANK ATTACHMENT Method Renort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-045 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION CLASS:- 3

. . CATEGORY: F;A ITEM:. FI.30A Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 800160 1-GC-R-20 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GC AUXILIARY FEEDWATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-009 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 No recordable Indications noted. Extent of coverage per IWC-2500-5(a).

21 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 1 Period 2 / Outage I CLASS:. 3 CATEGORY: F-A ITEM: F1.30A Summarv No. Component ID Comoonent Description System System Description 805490 1-GCCW-R-115 PIFIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GCCW COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-001 12-OHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION.

Summary No. Component ID Comoonent Descrition System System Description 805710 1-GCCW-R-131 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT . GCCW COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-003 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Summary No. Comonent ID Comoonent Description System System Description 806280 1-GCCW-L-50 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GCCW COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-016 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Summary No. Component ID Comoonent Description System System Description 832030 -- 1GESW-R-23 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GESW ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER Method Rebort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-013 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 832820 1-GESW-L-107 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GESW ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-059 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION 22 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3/ Period 2 / Outage 1 CLASS: 3 CATEGORY: F-A ITEM: F1.30A Summary No. Component ID Cormaonent Descriotion System System Description 833260 1-GESW.V-83 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GESW. ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-014 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 853815 1-GFW-R-196 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GFW FEEDWATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-008 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Summary No. Component ID Component Description System Systern Descriotion 870210 12-GSF-R-68 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GSF SPENT FUEL COOLING

-SYSTEM Method Reoort No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-006 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS ITEM: F1.30B Summary No. Componbnt ID Comoonent Description System System Description 807620 1-GCCW-R-522 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GCCW COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-035 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 853500 1-GFW-R-118 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GFW FEEDWATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-007 12-OHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION 23 of 25 Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3/ Period 2 Outage I CLASS: 3 CATEGORY: F-A ITEM: F1.30B Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 855030 1-GFW-L-103 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GFW AUXILIARY FEEDWATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-011 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION ITEM: F1.30C Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 807150 l-GCCW-V-290 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GCCW COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examinatin Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-004 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION ITEM: F1.30WA Summary No. Component ID Component Description System System Description 806040 1-GCCW-R-382 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GCCW COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-002 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION Surmmary No. Component ID Component Description SVstem SVstem Description 857000 1-GFW-R-189 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GFW AUXILIARY FEEDWATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-012 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 NO RECORDABLE INDICATION 24 of 25

Attachment I Inservice Inspection Report Interval 3 1 Period 2 / Outage I CLASS: .3 CATEGORY: F-A ITEM:. F1.30WB Summary No. Component ID) Component Description System System Description 800200 1-GC-R-42 PIPE SUPPORT COMPONENT GC AUXILIARY FEEDWATER SYSTEM Method Report No. Examination Procedure Examination Remarks VT VT-05-010 12-QHP-5050-NDE-006 No recordable Indications noted. Extent of coverage per IWC-2500-5(a).

25 of 25


COMMERCIAL SERVICE DATE 8-23-1975 SECTION 3 Inservice examinations were performed during the period November 27, 2003 to April 25, 2005. This report addresses examinations and activities associated with the Third Ten-Year Interval's First Outage of the Second Inspection Period, Unit 1 Cycle 20 Refueling Outage. All examinations were in accordance with the ASME Code Section XI 1989 Edition (No Addenda) and 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda as applicable.

Examinations were scheduled and performed according to the Third Ten-Year Long Term Inservice Examination Plan for Class 1, 2, and 3 Systems and Components for Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (CNP), Unit 1. This is the currently approved Inservice Inspection (ISI) examination plan that identifies specific activities to be performed on a refueling outage basis.

Nondestructive ISI examinations were performed by Framatome and I&M personnel in accordance with procedures approved for use at CNP. PWSCC examinations were performed by Framatome and I&M personnel in accordance with procedures approved for use at CNP.

Reactor Pressure Vessel (1-OME-1)

The scope of examinations also included the examination of the Unit 1 reactor pressure vessel for evidence of Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking (PWSCC). The examinations for PWSCC were performed and documented in response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Revised Order EA-03-009. All 78 vessel head penetrations and the head vent were examined using a combination of ultrasonic, surface, eddy current and visual techniques. No evidence of PWSCC was observed.

Pressurizer (1-OME4)

Per Indiana Michigan Power Company's (I&M's) response to NRC Bulletin 2004-01 "Inspection of Alloy 82/182/600 Materials Used in the Fabrication of Pressurizer Penetrations and Steam Space Piping Connections at Pressurized-Water Reactors", all pressurizer nozzle safe end welds received a bare metal visual examination for leakage, a liquid penetrant examination and a best effort Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI) volumetric examination (no ASME Code Section XI completion credit is taken for these volumetric examinations). Noleakage was observed and there were no recordable indications identified during the liquid penetrant examination. However, during the 1 of3

ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS, RESULTS, AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS FOR CLASS 1 AND CLASS 2 COMPONENTS volumetric examination of 1-PRZ-23 (safety nozzle to safe end weld), one axial indication was observed in the A-82/182 weld material. This indication was determined to be rejectable and was repaired by the application of a weld overlay (Reference Relief Request's: AEP:NRC:5055-01, AEP:NRC:5055-02, AEP:NRC:5055-03, and AEP:NRC:5055-04). Following the repair a liquid penetrant and ultrasonic examination of the overlay was performed. There were no indications observed for the liquid penetrant examination. Two small laminar areas (lack of bond) were observed during the ultrasonic examination. The laminar flaws were less than 0.2 square inches and met the acceptance criteria of ASME Code Section XI, Table IWB-3514-3.

The weld overlay also covered the weld downstream of I-PRZ-23. This is a stainless steel weld (denoted as I-RC-9-01F) joining the stainless steel safe end to a stainless steel elbow. During the final ultrasonic overlay examination an indication was observed in or very near the fusion zone of this weld. The indication is approximately 0.29 inches in height, located approximately 0.09 inches from the inside diameter. This indication was observed while performing an axial scan in the downstream direction. Therefore, the indication is characterized as circumferential in nature, but did not have any measurable circumferential extent. However, I&M conservatively assigned a circumferential extent of 0.3 inch for the ASME Code Section XI IWB-3600 evaluation.

A review of construction radiographs indicated that a repair had occurred in close proximity to this indication. However, only a density change was observed on the radiograph, with no linear type indication observed. The ultrasonic data from 1977 identified two "spot" indications in the approximate area scanning in the axial downstream direction. Based upon these observations, the indication is classified as a construction flaw. I&M contacted Westinghouse to perform an ASME Code Section XI, IWB-3600 analysis. The analysis concluded that the flaw was acceptable without removal and that it would not grow through wall during the remaining life of the component.

Fifteen small laminar indications were identified during the volumetric examination of l-PRZ-15 (pressurizer upper head to shell weld). All were acceptable per IWB-3510.2 and Table IWB-3510-2.

Five recordable indications were identified during the volumetric examination of I-PRZ-26 (pressurizer vessel support). One indication was determined to be non-relevant. The remaining four indications were evaluated against the criteria of IWB-3510-1 and found acceptable.

System Pressure Tests System pressure tests did not reveal any degradation of the system pressure boundary.

However, during a scheduled ISI depressurized walk down of 1-TIE-13 (excess letdown heat exchanger) evidence of leakage was identified at the head to flange connection.

The evaluation by ISI could not determine whether degradation had occurred to the low 2of3

ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS, RESULTS, AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS FOR CLASS 1 AND CLASS 2 COMPONENTS alloy steel bolting which required the bolt closest to the leakage to be removed and VT-3 examined. This was performed under Job Order 05088032. The results were acceptable and the VT-2 performed at nominal operating pressure did not identify any additional leakage.

3 of3


COMMERCIAL SERVICE DATE 8-23-1975 SECTION 4 Inservice Inspection (ISI) System Pressure Tests were performed during the period November 27, 2003 to April 25, 2005. These tests were performed in accordance with the requirements of ASME Code Section XI, 1989 Edition (No Addenda) Articles IWA-5000, IWB-5000, IWC-5000, IWD-5000, Code Case N-533-1, N-616 and Code Case N-416-1, as applicable.

Pressure tests for systems identified below were performed. No pressure boundary through-wall leaks were identified. However, during the depressurized walk down of 1-HE-13 (excess letdown heat exchanger) evidence of leakage was identified at the head to flange connection. The evaluation by ISI could not determine whether degradation liad occurred to the low alloy steel bolting which required the bolt closest to the leakage to be removed and VT-3 examined. This was performed under Job Order 05088032. The results were acceptable and the VT-2 performed at nominal operating pressure did not identify any additional leakage.

TEST DESCRIPTION DATE R0212105-01 Accumulator Discharge Piping (SIS-8) 03/26/05 R0212105-05 Component Cooling Water (CCW) to/from Excess 03/28/05 Letdown Heat Exchanger, Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) Thermal Barrier, Oil Coolers and Reactor Supports (CCW-8)

R0212105-06 East Residual Heat Removal (RHR) / Containment 03/24/05 Spray (CTS) Recirculation Piping (CTS-1 and RHR-9)

R0212105-07 West RHR/CTS Recirculation Piping (CTS-1 and 03/24/05 RHR-9)

R0212105-08 East Train RHR Normal Cool Down (RHR-1) 03/27/05 R0212105-09 West Train RHR Normal Cool Down (RHR-2) 04/18/05 R0212105-40 Feedwater and Main Steam (FW-1, MS-1, MSB-1 and 04/24/05 NS-3)

R0212105-16 Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger (CS-1 and SW-1) 04/24/05 I of 2

ABSTRACT OF SYSTEM PRESSURE TESTS TEST DESCRIPTION DATE R0212105-26 Pressurizer Steam Space (NS-1) 04/24/05 R0212105-32 1 and 3 Hot Leg Sample at CPN-66 03/26/05 R0212105-34 Pressurizer Liquid Space CPN-66 (NS-1) 04/24/05 R0212105-73 1-TK-37 (CCW Surge Tank) (CCW-1A) 03/24/05 R0210005-01 East Essential Service Water (ESW) 11/25/04 R0210005-02 West ESW 11/26/04 R0254217-01 Perform Reactor Coolant System (RCS) VT-2 at 4/24/05 Nominal Operating Pressure (NOP) / Nominal Operating Temperature (NOT) Conditions (RCS-1, RCS-2, CS-1, SIS, NS-2, RHR, SIS-8B, and PAGS)

R0254217-02 Perform Depressurized Walk down Per Code Case 3/30/05 N-533 2 of 2


UNIT 1 COMMERCIAL SERVICE DATE 8-23-1975 SECTION 5 Snubber examinations and functional testing were performed in conjunction with the maintenance procedures implemented to satisfy technical specification surveillance requirements. Provided is a summary of the as-found visual examinations and as-found functional test results.

There were two unacceptable snubbers (denoted by *) found due to an empty common reservoir. The condition investigation (CR 05088067) revealed that the upper snubber was inoperable but the fluid level in the tubing to the lower of the two snubbers was adequate for the snubber to be operable. Both snubbers were in-place functionally tested by Enertech Testan II equipment with acceptable results. Maintenance was performed on the valve block tubing connections to stop the leakage.

Snubber VT-3 Visual Examinations Snubber No. Exam Date Job Order No. Results 1-GRC-S519 3/30/05 R253786 Acceptable 1-GRC-S537 4/4/05 R253786 Acceptable 1-GRC-S538 4/7/05 R253786 Acceptable 1-GRC-S555 4/4/05 R253786 Acceptable I-GRC-S562 4/405 R253786 Acceptable 1-GRC-S564 4/7/05 R253786 Acceptable 1-GRC-S566 4/7/05 R253786 Acceptable 1-GRC-S573 4/4/05 R253786 Acceptable 1-GRC-S575 4/4/05 R253786 Acceptable 1-GRC-S582. 4/16/05 R253786 Acceptable 1-GRC-S587 3/30/05 R253786 Acceptable I-GRC-S592 3/30/05 R253786 Acceptable 1-GRC-S594 3/30/05 R253786 Acceptable I-GRC-S596 3/30/05 R253786 Acceptable I-GRC-S598 4/7/05 R253786 Acceptable I-GRC-S599 3/30/05 R253786 Acceptable I-GRC-S604 3/30/05 R253786 Acceptable 1-GRC-S608 3/30/05 R253786 Acceptable 1-GRC-S614 3/30/05 R253786 Acceptable I-AFW-S4023 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable I-AFW-S4024-L 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable I -AFW-S4024-U 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable 1-AFV-S4021 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable I-AFW-S4028-L 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable 1-AFW-S4028-U 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable I-AFW-S4027 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable.

I of 3

ABSTRACT OF SNUBBER EXAMINATION AND TEST RESULTS Snubber No. Exam Date Job Order No. Results 1-AFW-S4025 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable 1-AFW-S4031 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable 1-AFW-S4032-L 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable 1-AFW-S4032-U 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable 1-AFW-S4029 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable I-AFW-S4036-L 4/7/05 - R253779 Acceptable I-AFW-S4036-U 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable I-AFW-S4035 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable 1-AFW-S4033 4/7/05 R253779 Acceptable I-GCCW-S309 3/2/05 R249082 Acceptable I-GCCW-S837 3/2/05 R249082 Acceptable 1-GCCW-S838 3/2/05 _ R249082 Acceptable 12-GCCW-S839 3/2/05 R249082 Acceptable 1-GBD-S573 4/6/05 R250663 Acceptable 1-GBD-S574 4/6/05 R250663 Acceptable 1-OME-3-1 -HSD-3U 3/29/05 R253070 Acceptable 1-OME-3-1-HSD-3L 3/29/05 PR253070 Acceptable l-OME-3-1-HSD-lU 3/29/05 . R253070 Acceptable 1-OME-3-1-HSD-1L 3/29/05 R253070 Acceptable 1-OME-3-2-HSD-3U 3/29/05 R253070 Acceptable I-OME-3-2-HSD-3L 3/29/05 R253070 Acceptable I-OME-3-2-HSD-1U 3/29/05 R253070 Acceptable I -OME-3-2-HSD-I L 3/29/05 R253070 Acceptable 1-OME-3-3-HSD-3U 3/29/05 R253070 Acceptable 1-OME-3-3-HSD-3L 3/29/05 R253070 Acceptable 1-OME-3-3-HSD-IU 3/29/05 PR253070 Unacceptable*

1-OME-3-31-HSD-1L 3/29/05 R253070 Unacceptable*

1-OME-3-4-HSD-3U 3/29/05 PR253070 Acceptable 1-OME-34-HSD-3L 3/29/05 R253070 Acceptable 1-OME-34-HSD-1U 3/29/05 R253070 Acceptable 1-OME-34-HSD-IL 3/29/05 R253070 Acceptable 2 of 3

ABSTRACT OF SNUBBER EXAMINATION AND TEST RESULTS Snubber Functional Tests Snubber No. Test Date Job Order No. Results Remarks 1-GRC-S575 4/14/05 R49777 Accept. Small Bore Grinnell 1-GRC-S608 4/15/05 R49778 Accept. Small Bore Grinnell 1-AFW-S4024-U 4110/05 R209200 Accept. Small Bore Grinnell I-AFW-S4031 4/11/05 R49669 Accept. Small Bore Grinnell I-AFW-S4028-L 4/12/05 R36140 Accept. Small Bore Grinnell I-AFW-S4032-L 4/13/05 R22654 Accept. Small Bore Grinnell 1-OME-3-1-HSD-IL 4/4/05 R208525 Accept. Large Bore 1-OME-3-1-HSD-lU 4/3/05 R208573 Accept. Large Bore 1-OME-3-1-HSD-3U 4/1/05 R88711 Accept. Large Bore 1-OME-3-1-HSD-3L 4/1/05 R88712 Accept. Large Bore 1-OME-3-3-HSD-lL 4/7/05 R260608 Accept. Large Bore - Supplemental*

1OME-3-3-HSD-1U 4/7/05 R260610 Accept. Large Bore- Supplemental*

The minimum 14% Technical Specification required sample size consists of 6 small bore (Grinnell) and 3 large bore (Steam Generator) snubbers.

3 of 3


COMMERCIAL SERVICE DATE 8-23-1975 SECTION 6 During the reporting period of November 27, 2003 to April 25, 2005, inservice inspections were performed on the Unit 1 containment pressure retaining structure in accordance with Subsection IWE of ASME Code Section XI, 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda, and 10 CFR 50.55a.

The following attachment provides a listing of the examinations performed, results, and corrective actions, if any, that were performed. Visual examinations on pressure retaining bolting were performed along with examinations performed in conjunction with coating repairs, and other repair/replacement activities.

An acceptance criteria providing the acceptable minimum thickness of the containment liner was established for the examination of the concrete-backed liner. The examination results were compared to the acceptance criteria. There were no areas that required to be classified as an Augmented Examination area in accordance with IWE-1240.

1 of3


Date U Job Order Examiatio:AiExam . Indication/sConditons that led" DspositlonlCorr.

Un Activity Examination Aaethod to Degrdation (If rejectable)Actons 3/26/2005 1 R256825- Penetration 1-CPN-80-BOLTING VT-1 None Accept 3/26/2005_ 1__ _ .V05 3/26/2005 1 R256825- Penetration 1-CPN-57-BOLTING VT-1 None Accept 3/26/2005_ 1 P Penetration aVe04 _________________ VT-1 None Accept 3/26/2005 1 R256825- Penetration 1-CPN-71-BOLTING VT-1 None Accept 3/26/2005 1 R256825- Penetration 1-CPN-76-BOLTING VT-i None Accept 3/28/2005 1 R256825- Penetration I-CPN-i-BOLTING VT-i None Accept 1)Zone 1-612-20 Elevation 638, liner behind Ice Condenser, viewable through a 12 inch long .25 inch wide gap in divider barrier 4/2/2005 1 R253300- when seal isremoved, near Column 20 and General None Accept 06 penetration 1-CPN-4. Viewable area starts Visual approximately 8 inches up from seal attachment to liner plate, up approximately

- 5 feet-1 0 inches and 4 feet to either side.

Isolated areas for scraping of loose coatings Coating: chipping, flaking, 42/2005 1 R254102- Zones: 1-612-1 0, 1-612- 13, 1-612-12!', VlT-3 peeling, delamination, surface Accept 07 1-612-13B3, 1-612-1413, 1-612-15B3, rust. No liner degradation noted.

__________ 1-612-14A, 1-612-13A. 1-612-7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1-CPN-2: Penetration and area of inspection 4/4/2005 1 04145060- was approximately 6 inches on to liner from VT-3 Discoloration of coating. No liner Accept 02 edge of penetration, 360 degrees around degradation noted.

circumference. Zone 1-612-5 Personnel Airlock 1-AIRLOCK-C650 upper personnel lock inner door viewport bolting -

4/5/2005 1 0314030.08 1-UPLIDV-BOLTING and VT-1 None Accept 1-UPLID-SURFACE; viewport area,

_ _including

__ ligaments between holes. .

2 of 3


  • Dt Unt Job Order amntnAra* Exam Indicatioins(Conditlons that ted DlsposltlonlCor'r.'
  • Activity Method toDegradation (i rejectable) Actionst Personnel Airlock 1-AIRLOCK-C612 upper 02081024- personnel lock inner door viewport bolting -

4/5/2005 1 16 1-LPLIDV-BOLTING and VT-i None Accept 1-LPLID-SURFACE; viewport area, including ligaments between holes.

Isolated areas for scraping of loose coatings

- Zones: 1-650-3A Elevation 675 down to Elevation 660, from azimuth 90 east 4/8/2005 1 R254102 approximately 10 feet, 1-612-27A, VT-3 coation. Noeling Accept 07 1-612-26A, 1-612-25A, 1-612-15A; VT3disolradtion. notlierdccp 1-AIRLOCK-C612 1-LPLID-SURFACE, degradation noted.

1-LPLOD-SURFACE, 1-LPLPEN-SURFACE (inside airlock)

R254102- Area for scraping of loose coatings - Zone 1- .

4/9/2005 1 715-1A approximately 4 feet above Elevation VT-3 nCoating: flakig, peeling. No Accept 07 -716 platform. ieerdainntd 3 of3


COMMERCIAL SERVICE DATE 8-23-1975 SECTION 7 The tubing in the Unit 1 steam generators (SGs) was last eddy current inspected in October/November of 2003. Based upon the results of the 2003 inspection and the previous inspection, the Unit I steam generator inspection interval is governed by the provisions of Technical Specification This specification allows an inspection interval of up to 40 calendar months once two consecutive inspections have yielded degradation category C-1 results. As such, no inspections were performed in 2005. The Unit 1 steam generators will next be inspected in the fall of 2006.

1 of 1



NIS-2 REPAIR AND REPLACEMENTS INDEX Ul C20 RepairReplacement Report Job Order Descriptionz Component Code Class 03309014 01 1-SI-161-L4 REPLACED BONNET BOLTING 1-SI-161-L4 1 05099030 01 STRUCTURAL WELD OVERLAY 6' NOZZLE SAFE END I-OME-4 1 R0022654 01 1-AFW-S4032-L, REPLACE SNUBBER 1-AFW-S4032-L 2 R0209200 01 1-AFW-S4024-U: REPLACE SNUBBER 1-AFW-S4024-U 2 R0049669 01 1-AFW-S4031; REPLACE SNUBBER 1-AFW-S4031 2 R0049777 01 1-GRC-S575; REPLACE SNUBBER 1-GRC-S575 I R0036140 01 1-AFW-S4028-L; REPLACE SNUBBER 1-AFW-S4028-L 2 R0261417 06 1-SV-45B; REPLACE VALVE 1-SV-45B 1 R0261416 06 1-SV-45C; REPLACE VALVE 1-SV-45C I R0254193 06 1-SV-45A; REPLACE VALVE 1-SV45A I 04015010 01,04 1-CMM401 04. REPLACE BONNET BOLTING / ORIFICE PLATE 1-RO-119E 2 R0260672 04 1-SV-3-1; REPLACE VALVE 1-SV-3-1 2 R0070707 04 1-SV-2A-1; REPLACE VALVE 1-SV-2A-1 2 R0260662 04 1-SV-1 B-4; REPLACE VALVE 1-SV-1B-4 2 R0260671 04 1-SV-2B-4; REPLACE VALVE 1-SV-2B4 2 04090012 01,21 1-OME4; REPAIR MANWAY LEAK / REPLACE BOLTING 1-OME-4 I 04090033 08 1-OME-3-3; REPLACE MANWAY AND BOLTING 1-OME-3-3 2 04204039 01 1-lLA-130-V1; REPLACE VALVE AND INSERT 1-ILA-130-V1 2 04204039 02 1-ILA-1 30-V2; REPLACE VALVE, PIPE AND FITTINGS 1-ILA-130-V2 2 05078009 01 I-RH-108W; REPLACE BODY-TO-BONNET BOLTING 1-RH-1 08W 2 05016003 01, 21,38 1-PP-50W; REPLACE PUMP / PIPE WELDS 1-PP-50W 2 2 of 2



FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04106/05 Name P.O. Box60 Fort Wayne. IN 46801 Sheet I -of 2 Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit 1 Component 1-SI-161-L4 Name One Cook Place. Bridaman, Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. 03309014-01 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEPID.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp NIA S Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place. Bridaman. Ml 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL ISI CLASS I
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. N/A Add. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xi Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) _. (Yes or No) 1-SI-161-L4 1 '4"NUT N/A M&E 30-044090 NIA ASME SA194 N/A REPLACED NO ASP 26000 GR8M I 1/4 STUD N/A M&E 30-044105 NIA ASME SA564 NIA REPLACED NO MATERIAL ASP 20442 GR 630
7. Description of Work REPLACED BONNET BOLTING
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic []Pneumatic L Nominal Operating Pressure [1 Other [R VT-1,VT-2. VT-3 Pressure N/A psi. Test Temp. N/A F :

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/File 03309014-01

9. Remarks: _

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE

. We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this REPAIR & REPLACEMENT conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date N/A Signed. e T mmons Malhtenance Weldina Suoervisor Date 20 Owner or Owner's Designee, 1

- CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued bythe National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed 'by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON. TEXAS , X haye Ins ected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period ___ ________r to ------- and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner'has performed examinations'and faken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes anywarranty, expressed orimplied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures descnbed in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neitherthe Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any nner forany personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. ,j7/

imissions AJ8Cg717AJ# , /1/,nO4fZs Inspector's nat(ri S National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 0 C.4

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR / REPLACEMENT ACTMrY As Required by the Provisibns of the ASME Code,Section X)

1. Owner Indlana Mlhlcan Power Comoanv Date AnIl 21. 2005 One Cook Place Na.Bridrmn. Michigan 49106 sheet Pt 2
2. PlaNt DCCook Nudear Plant Unk Q 1L One One Cook PlNce Bridaman. Mlch=an 49106 DC Cook No. 05099030-1 P.O. C-7693-05-7 Rrh0mwr DMuaptM P.ONM.,.Jb H06. .f
3. Wok Perfomud by PCI Enerv Services LLC Type Codo Symbol Stamp NP Ahcutzaflo No. NR-74 One Enerav Drive. Lake Bluff. Imnols 60044 ExpkrdlonDatS SeRt 16. 2006 lden~lmonof!,y.l~ UnIt 1 Pressurizer l-OME-4 RlelleiNozzle 1-PRZ-23 and 1.RC941lF ISate Endt Elbow)

L (a)AePOCable Conshton Coda ASMElIPIIN . Edon, W196 Addenda 140111459 Code Case Ob) Akpn=e Editlon Seon d U d for Repre Actses yaw.

(c)App ablSection )a Code Ces *HNdr504-3 N41-1 L detftalln d Comonet ASH!

ta mmimoof IharAfttW 3. u Ra owir bm cathtd W. r Y ML OIwd Cie. . . np ow Y Pmmur*er W 1131 .849 UdnM1~o 9 1 Cor'ected e yes

7. Decpton of Work Sudure Weld Oveday at Prsurize Reli Nozzle _-PUZM a Tesb Cao t Hydrostat 3 Pnewatic O Nomiol Opeaung Pressm §1 Emnpt O Otwr 03 Pnessix Ps.l Tes Tsnp. F NOTE: Supptentl sheets Infoam of lItk,skethes or dmwkg may be used, pved (1)stze h 8A h x I hI., (2)lfomation hI Item 1 though 6 on t report ishWuded on eadh Wme and M each het Isnumbered and number of sheet reorded at tl top of ts fom.

isbw(on(iyb dhnUnOhrD7.AVAzLt *a .MPkfd.Il0w4m

DC Cook No. 05099030-1 Pag 2 2 f, 1.

FORM NIS-2 (Back) a ReMAM APqICOUS M~uAAkftw' Om PAq~tou tobe ,w

~tvw~qw~tflu,4n nrfrma~ l rwa-wvavauw~i rkuav*vnfaikInriMPAFLJLtWq fnl Nozzle Material SA-218 Gr.WCC Safe End Matsipal- SA-82 Gr. 316L ---

EQC.AlEtA %4 4i"DgIr


SiBWeld ERdE-308L Nozle to Sate End Weld7 VS/EbowSA-403GOR. WP-I§ Overay Material ERNlCMPE-7 Heat No. NX 4034JK(NX287JK aoalled by the GTAW Machire Proces Overlay Mafteri E1RNICfFE-7 Heat N.X24J(mDOWd by the GTAW Manural Procms Relief Recues AEP-NRC 605S-01. AR3.NRC 50655.0 AE-Nl 5055W.3 AEP-NRC 5055-49 CERTUCTE OF COUPUANCE I certify t the statements made In the report ae correct and tha bt cornorms to the requrements of the ASUE Code, Section Xt.

Type Code Smb Stamp

  • uiNRu Certificate d Authortzation No -. NR-74 Expiration Date Sept 16,2006 Date A/-2C Ouwwrwatarfuu'u .dTe.t I. -I CERIFCATE OF INSERVICE NSPWECTON L,te undersloned, holding a vald comrrisson Issued bythe National Bowd of Bolberand PressreVassal Inspectors and fte Stats or Province of / 1Cj mandempboyedby 4 SC C-e'Nsr7J C /AX.

oftS descrbed In this Owneres Report dung the period to and state tat to the best of my knovledge and belief, the Owner hs pe examinations and Wamn measres desacred hI this Owner' Roport In the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI By signing i ce tor the Inspector nor his etmpoyr makes any warranty, expressed or Ipisd, concenin the exardnatlof nnd correcsdi In this Owners Report Furthermore, neffhr the Inspector nor his errployer ad be flable In any manner for any pesonal rnage or a loss of ary kind arising from or connected with ts Inspection ar

___________' m ssion Wi Y, Y/395


FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER  ! Date 04/13105 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort Wayne. IN 46801 Sheet , I of 2:


2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit I Component 1-AFW-S4032-L Name One Cook Place. Bridaman. MI 49106 JOB ORDER No. R0022654-01 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEPID.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place. Bridgman, Ml 49106 Expiration Date NIA Address
4. Identification of System: FEEDWATER SYSTEM ISI CLASS 2
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed, N/A Add. N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xi Utlized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement StampN (Yes

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o r N o)

I-AFW-4032-L SNUBBER GRINNELL M&E 30-024700 NIA SIN 35941 NIA Replacement NO ASP 29275

8. TestConducted: Hydrostatic nLPneumatic ]Nominal Operating Pressure []

Other nI VT-3 Pressure N/A psi. Test Temp. N/A F

Page 2 of 2 FORM NISB-2 (Back)

Job OrderiFile Rk022654-01

9. Remarks:

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached NFRTF~tATFn= f'nUVI IA^MrF V-We certify that the statements made In the report are correct and this REPLA CEMENT conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NIA Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed e mons Maintenance Weldina Supervisor Date SAge /3 20 .O Owner or Owner's Designee, 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of . Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON. TEXAS . , have pecIed the components described In this Owner's Report during the period. to */w7oS - and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

Bysigning this certificate neitherthe Inspector nor his employer makes anywarranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective me sures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neitherthe Inspector nor his employer shall be liable Inany manner f9(f6any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. Ad/ > -

National Board,' Province, and Endorsements Date 4' 0

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04110/05 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort Wayne, IN 46801 Sheet I of 2 Address
  • 2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit 1 Component I-AFW-S4024-U Name One Cook Place. Bridaman. Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. R0209200-01 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEP/D.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp NIA Name 1' Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place, Bridaman. Ml 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: FEEDWATER SYSTEM ISI CLASS 2
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. NIA Add. N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stampe

.. (Yes

_ ___or ____ __ No) 1-AFW-4024-U SNUBBER GRINNLLL M&E 30-024700 NIA S/N 35940 NIA Replacement NO ASP 29275

8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic LiiiPneumatic [iNominal Operating Pressure []

Other i-] Vr-3 Pressure NIA psi. TestTemp. N/A F INrrkl§ -_

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job OrderIFile R0209200-01

9. Remarks: 0 Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached I'-I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE
  • We cerUfy that the statements made in the report are correct and this REPLA CEMENT conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date NIA Signed m ans Maintenance Welding Supervisor Date 07.A2 /3' .- 20 OS Owner or Owners Designee, '

I CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a.valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON. TEXAS . - h. lpsopted the components described in this Owners Report during the period 9 to z and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has p6fformed examinalions and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xi.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes anywarranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable Inany ma terfor anypersonal injuryor property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. /4/

National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04/11/05 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort Wayne, IN 46801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit 1 Component 1-AFW-S4031 Name One Cook Place, Bridgman. Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. R0049669-01 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEP/D.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place. Bridaman, Ml 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: FEEDWATER SYSTEM ISI CLASS 2
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. NIA Add. N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989, No Addenda
  • 6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stampe

. orNo) 1-AFW-4031 SNUBBER GRINNELL M&E 30-024700 N/A SIN 35939 NIA Replacement NO ASP 29275

8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic ] Pneumatic []Nominal Operating Pressure [I Other F3 VT-3 Pressure NIA osi. Test Temp. N/A F INTL-

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/File'R0049669-01

9. Remarks:

- Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this .


conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NIA Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed e MaintenancA WAldinn Ri onpnrnr Date gyVo!' f3 20 61S-Owner or Owner's Designee,'


CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON. TEXAS havens c the components described in this Owner's Report during the period &2>7)r to and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations an taen corrective measures described In this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinatonsand corrective measuresdescribed in this Owner's Report. Furthermore,neitherthe Inspectornorhisemployer shall be liable in any mann for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.

! v ,. .. Commissions 6 e9'77 , g R6^-< 7 a

Inspector's Sign~ture I/ ,

I National Board, Stale, Province, and Endorsements Date 4' J0 er

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER I Date 04/14105 1 Name P.O. Box60 Fort Wayne, IN 46801 Sheet I of 2; Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit I Component 1-GRC-S575 Name One Cook Place, Bridaman. MI 49106 JOB ORDER No. R0049777-01 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEP/D.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place. Brildman. Ml 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM ISI CLASS I
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. N/A Add. N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stampe ASp, PO) d (Yes

_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o r N o) 1-GRC-S575 SNUBBER GRINNELL M&E 30-024683 N/A S/N 32547 N/A Replacement . NO ASP 30086 SEAL KIT GRINNELL M&E 30-025060. N/A N/A N/A Replacement NO ASP 28424

'A' .SEAL KIT GRINNELL M&E 30-040591 N/A N/A N/A Replacement NO ASP 27405 I


7. Description of Work REPLACED SNUBBER
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic [IlPneumatic FINominal Operating Pressure ]

Other I VT-3 Pressure N/A sL. Test Temp. N/A F

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/File R0049777-01

9. Remarks:

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this REPLACEMENT conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed Dmons Maintenance Weldinc Supervisor Date E3 20 00 Owner or Owners Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I,the undersigned, holding avalid commission issued bythe National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON. TEXAS haveinrected the components described Inthis Owner's Report during the period id 3 to . /fU/716 . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner had pekforilied examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owners Report Inaccordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes anywarranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinaUons and corrective measures described Inthis Owner's ReporL Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shallbe liable in anymannerforny personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. -/ll

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04/14105 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort Wavne, IN 46801 Sheet I of 2 '


2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit 1 Component 1-AFW-S4028-L Name One Cook Place, Bridaman, Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. R0036140-01 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEPID.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name Authorization No. NIA One Cook Place, Bridaman, MI 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: FEEDWATER SYSTEM ISI CLASS 2
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. N/A Add. N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989, No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stampe A~SpPQP) d

.. (Yes

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o r No) 1-AFW-4028-L SNUBBER GRINNELL M&E 30-024683 N/A SIN 32470 N/A Replacement NO ASP 30086 SEAL KIT GRINNELL M&E 30-025060 N/A N/A N/A Replacement NO ASP 26432 mA! SEAL KIT GRINNELL M&E 30-040591 N/A N/A N/A Replacement NO ASP 28476

7. Description of Work REPLACED SNUBBER
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic []Nominal Operating Pressure Ei Other VT-3 Pressure _ N/A psi. Test Temp. N/A F

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job OrderIFie R0036140-01 Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLiANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this REP LACEMENT conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date NIA Signed a Maintenance Weldino Suoervisor Date i 77' 43 20 °5-Owner or Owner's Designee, '

I I CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I,the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Bonler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON, TEXAS , _ iaytinpected the components described inthis Owner's Report during the period __

4_ to _ _ SA_ __. and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has'performed examinations and tken corrective measures described Inthis Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xi.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described Inthis Owner's Report. Furthermore, neitherthe Inspectornorhisemployer shall be liable inany manner any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connectedwith this inspection.

Commissions , fi/ -

National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04/12105 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort Wayne. IN 46801 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit I Component 1-SV-45B Name One Cook Place, Bridaman, MI 49106 JOB ORDER No. R0261417-06 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEPID.C. COOK Maint Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place, Bridaman. Ml 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM ISI CLASS 1
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. N/A Add. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Bult Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) (Yes or No) 1-SV-45B SAFETY VALVE CROSBY M&E 30-036392 N/A SERIAL # N/A REPLACED NO ASP 30032 N-56499 =0002
7. Description of Work REPLACED VALVE
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic [ Pneumatic []Nominal Operating Pressure ]I Other L VT-2. VT-3 Pressure N/A psi. Test Temp. N/A F INI'T-44

Page 2 of XZ FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/FileRO261417-06

9. Remarks: I' Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached N. -

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We cerify that the statements made In the report are correct and this REPAR & REPLACEMENT conformsio the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. NIA E,#iration Date NIA

.artnrieedn - , Dat ....

Signed e MaeenarieWeldingiSupervisor Date AF&O 20 05 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued bythe National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON. TEXAS - have i0spected the components described Inthis Owners Report during the period 4' to d . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examtnations andtaken corrective measures described In this Owners Report Inaccordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinatfons and correctve measures described inthis Owner's Report. Furtherrnore, neitherthe Inspectornorhis employer shall be llableinanymannerforanypersonal injuryorpropertydamage ara lossof anykind arising from or connected wth this Inspection.

Commissionss C//-n e eJ/7 spectrsNational Board, StatePr6vince, and Endorsements Date  ; 20f4

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date - 04/12/05 Name -

P.O. Box60 Fort Wavne. IN 46801 Sheet I of 2

.. Address

2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit I Component I-SV-45C Name One Cook Place. Bridaman. MI 49106 JOB ORDFR No. R(26141p06fl Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEPID.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name Authorization No. NIA One Cook Place. Bridaman, Ml 49106 Expiration Date NIA Address
4. Identification of System: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1SI CLASS 1
5. (a) Ap~plicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. N/A Add. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) _Y. (Ye or No) 1-SV-45C SAFETY VALVE CROSBY M&E 30-036392 N/A SERIAL# N/A REPLACED NO ASP 30032 N-56499 _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _0

_ _ 0 03_ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. Decito of Wor RELAE VALVE
7. Description of Work -REPLACED VALVE
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic []Pneumatic []Nominal Operating Pressure [i]

Other El VT-2. VT-3 Pressure N/A psi. Test Temp. NIA F INIT.-Q.

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/File R0261416-06

9. Remarks:

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made inthe report are correct and this REPAIR & REPLACEMENT conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed n Malitenance Welding Supervisor Date a .20 OS Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I,the undersigned, holding avalid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON. TEXAS / have insp ted the components described Inthis Owner's Report during the period V24/615 to and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner haa'perfirrmed examinations aMd &en corrective measures described in this Owner's Report Inaccordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and correct' measures described inthis Owner's Report. Furthermore, neitherthe inspectornorhisemployer shall be liable Inan merfor any personal injury or propertydamage or aloss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. /1/ /

Dates 4//R 2CA-

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04115105 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort Wayne. IN 46801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit 1 Component 1-SV-45A Name One Cook Place, Bridaman. Ml 49106 J10 ORDER No. R025s41M3-f Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEPID.C. COOK Maint. DeDartment Type Code Symbol Stamp NIA Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place, Bridgman. Ml 49106 Expiration Date NIA Address
4. Identification of System: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM ISI CLASS I
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI 631.1 1983 Ed. N/A Add: Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E,. No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) (Yet or No)

I-S V-45A SAFETY VALVE CROSBY M&E 30X036392 N/A SERIAL # N/A REPLACED NO ASP 30032 RV-2-8010C 1-3/8" HEX NUT N/A M&E 30-047350 N/A ASME SA194 N/A REPLACED NO ASP 19729 GR 8F

7. Description of Work REPLACED VALVE
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic II] Pneumatic []Nominal Operating Pressure [xi Other LI VT-1.VT-2. VT-3 Pressure N/A nsi. Test Temp. N/A F

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/FileRO254193-06

9. Remarks: I Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE
  • We cerify that the statements made in the report are correct and this REPAIR & REPLACEMENT conformsio the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date NIA Signed a mans ,.. ...X_. . .. _ WAldinn MaiMAntenan . ._._..,___ __. ..__.

Siunervinor Date A Y ---.,20 L9S Owner or Owner's Designee, 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVECE INSPECTION I,the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michican and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON, TEXAS haye Inspected the components described Inthis Owner's Report during the period ,Z>S~o/ to _ /G' - and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and tlken corrective measures described Inthis Owner's Report Inaccordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xi.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes anywarranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures descnbed inthis Owner's ReporL Furthermore, neitherthe Inspectornorhisemployer shall be liable inanyman erforanypersonal injuryor propertydamage ora loss of anykind arising from orconnectedwith this inspection.

4 44 - - Commissions 667(f&

7qS4 5/'9 3 CZ)DO76 Inspectors 6atur National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 57//;Z/20,

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04/06/05 Name P.O. Box60 Fort Wayne, IN 46801 Sheet I -of 2-Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit I Component I-RO-119E Name One Cook Place. Bridaman. MI 49106 JOB ORDER No. 04015010-01.04 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEPID.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A

,% Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place. Bridaman, MI 49106 Expiration Date NIA Address

4. Identification of System: CHARGING SYSTEM ISI CLASS 2
5. '(a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. NIA Add. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacem'ents 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Bunlt Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) (Yes or No) 1-RO-119E 1 1/4" NUT N/A M&E 30-212142 N/A ASME SAI 94 N/A REPLACED NO ASP 24624 GR 8F ORIFICE PLATE NIA M&E 30-014879 NIA ASTM A240 NIA REPLACED NO ASP 15572 'GR 316
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic [ Nominal Operating Pressure i]

Other I] VT-2 Pressure NA Dsi. Test Temp. N/A F

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/File 04015010-01, 04

9. Remarks: I Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certfy that the statements made in the report are correct and this REPAIR & REPLACEMENT conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date NIA Signed mans Maibtenance Weldino Suoervisor Date /4 /6 20 O.%

Owner or Owner's Designee, 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued bythe National Board of Boilerand Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON. TEXAS / / have Jnspected the components described In this Owner's Report during the period !2L/t to aol/311zt-_ and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owfie'r/as performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report Inaccordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any mare for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.

Commissions it&&7i SIkI/ /d/ R-93 Inspector's Signafilre National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 0 z

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04/12/05 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort Wayne. IN 46801 Sheet 1 of 2.


2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit I Component I-SV-3-1 Name One Cook Place, Brid-man. Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. R0260672-04 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEPID.C. COOK MainL Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A N Name Authorization No. NIA One Cook Place. Bridaman, MI 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: STEAM GENERATOR ISI CLASS 2


5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI 631.1 1983 Ed. N/A Add. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) (Yes

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _or No) 1-SV-3-1 VALVE N/A M&E 30-037162 N/A SERIAL # N/A REPLACED NO ASP 28281 BN 6320

7. Description of Work REPLACED VALVE
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic []Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure Exi Other [1 VT-2 Pressure N/A psi. Test Temp. NIA F INITlh

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job OrderlFile R0260672-04

9. Remarks:

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We cerUfy that the statements made in the report are correct and this REPAIR &REPLACEMENT conformsito the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date NIA Signed m mons 7 Malhtenante Weldina Stinervisar

.. ,.. .z. ,. .U, . .v.. *N _bvl twVg Date Ao / 20 OJr Owner or Owner's Designee, 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by -ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON. TEXAS I spected the components described Inthis Owner's Ie Report during the period 5/Uf to g and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner K'as performed examinationlan ken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xi.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes anywarranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owners Report. Furthermore,neltherthe Inspector nor his employer shall be liable Inany manner or any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.

' Commissions A/8~71 ' /AI8. /2/ /ri 37C Inspectors Signatbre V National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date '5c_ a-2


FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04101105 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort Wayne, IN 46801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit I Component I-SV-2A-1 Name One Cook Place. Bridaman. Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. R0070707-04 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEP/D.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp NIA Name Authorization No. NIA One Cook Place. Bridaman. MI 49106 Expiration Date NIA Address
4. Identification of System: STEAM GENERATOR ISI CLASS 2
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. NIA Add. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xi Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repalred, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) (Yes or No)


. ASP 30010 BN 6337

7. Description of Work REPLACED VALVE
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic jlPneumatic [ Nominal Operating Pressure Fli Other [J VT-2 Pressure N/A psi. TestTemp. N/A F INITt

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job OrderIFile-ROD70707-04

9. Remarks: I Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE We certify that the statements made i the report are correct and this REPAIR & REPLACEMENT conformsio the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date NIA Signed Maintenance Weldina Sugervisor Date /4e#c 2r , 20 OS' Owner or Owner's Designee, 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michican and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON, TEXAS a have inspected the components described Inthis Owners Report during the period _ __ __ __to A 47 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinationK and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes anywarranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore,netherthe Inspectornorhisemployer shall be liable in any ma ryer for any personal Injuryor property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. / //

fissions '7iqIAO/J. /1166.-%-

Inspector's tgghtne4:_ National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Datedj/4/ 20 '

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04101105 Name P.O. Box60 Fort Wayne. IN 46801 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit 1 Component 1-SV-1 B-4 Name One Cook Place, Bridaman. MI 49106 JOB ORDER No. R0260662-04 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by ASEP/D.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A I"- Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place, Bridaman. MI 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: STEAM GENERATOR ISI CLASS 2
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. N/A Add. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) (Yes or No) 1-SV-1B4-4 VALVE NIA M&E 30-037160 N/A SERIAL# N/A REPLACED NO ASP 30075 BN 6309
7. Description of Work REPLACED VALVE i
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic LM Pneumatic n Nominal Operating Pressure j-j Other D VT-2 Pressure N/A psi. Test Temp. N/A F

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/File R0260662-04

9. Remarks:

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We cerUfy that the statements made in the report are correct and this REPAIR & REPLACEMENT conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date NIA Signed De timons Matenance Weldin Supervisor Date 20 05 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michican and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON. TEXAS , /

  • h'einspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period t 5 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Ownef hag performed examinatio and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report Inaccordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xi.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes anywarranty, expressed or implied, conceming the examinations and correcUve measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any man for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. oray/

Commissions &661x *IgJA /8C'zIsJ, Inspector's Signe re National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date


FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04112105 Name P.O. Box60 Fort Wayne. IN 46801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit I Component 1-SV-2B-4 Name One Cook Place. Bridgman. Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. R0260671-04 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEPID.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A go Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place. Bridaman. MI 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: STEAM GENERATOR ISI CLASS 2
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. NIA Add. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer
  • Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) (yes or No) 1-SV-2B*-4 VALVE N/A M&E 30-037161 N/A SERIAL # N/A REPLACED NO ASP 30075 BN 6319
7. Description ofWork REPLACED VALVE
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic FiNominal Operating Pressure ]

Other M VT-2 Pressure N/A _si. Test Temp. N/A F


Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job OrderIFile R0260671-04

9. Remarks:

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made i the report are correct and this REPAIR &REPLACEMENT conformi lo the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed Q Owner or Owne's Designee, Title Maintance Welding Supervisor Date A7,, 20 05 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by. ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON, TEXAS have' sped the components described In this Owner's Report during the period _ ___ ___ to n' t and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has/performed examinations an en corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective m asures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neiherthe Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner o any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.


7 -. , 2 - 2 Commissions c36077 (/2 A,q 7ke3Q97 Inspectors Signature ' a< National Board, State, Provirice, and Endorsements

- -U Date 2 0 6 -

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04103104 Name P.O. Box60 Fort Wavne. IN 46801 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit I Component 1-OME-4 Name One Cook Place, Bridaman, Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. 04090012-01.21 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEPID.C. COOK Maint. Denartment Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A atz Name Authorization No. NIA One Cook Place. Bridgman, Ml 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM ISI CLASS I
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. N/A Add. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xi Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) (Yes or No) 10ME-4 PRESSURIZER MANWAY 1-7I8B BOLTS N/A M&E 30-009772 NIA ASME SAI 93 N/A REPLACED NO (15) ASP 16387 GRB7 -

1-7/8' BOLTS NIA M&E 30-009772 N/A- ASME SA1 93 NIA REPLACED NO (1) ASP 12665 GRB7

8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic [ Pneumatic [ Nominal Operating Pressure [

Other [ VT-i. VT-2. MT Pressure NIA psi. TestTemp. NIA F INIT--

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/File 04090012-01, 21

9. Remarks:

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached I I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made Inthe report are correct and this REPAIR & REPLACEMENT conformsrlo the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date NIA Signed De _

Maintenance WA1dina Sungnvkor ... .

Date / 6 20,0S'V Owner or Owners Designee,'

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I,the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON, TEXAS , ave ns ected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period V/ULE4/cv to A4/Xh ,, "a'/dA-.andstatethattothebestofmy knowledge and belief, the Owne(has p6rforned examinations ard taken corrective measures described Inthis Owner's Report Inaccordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes anywarranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described Inthis Owner's Report. Furthermore, neitherthe Inspectornorhisemployer shall be liable Inany ma ner forany personal injuryor propertydamage or a loss of any'kind arising from orconnected with this inspection.

_ _ApCommissions ,i B -A/,

Inspectoers S tu National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04/08/05 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort Wavne-IN 46801 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit 1 Component 1-OME-3-3 Name One Cook Place. Bridaman, Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. 04090033-08 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEP/D.C. COOK Maint Devartment Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place, Bridgman. MI 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: STEAM GENERATOR ISI CLASS 2
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. N/A Add. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) (Yes or No) 1-OME-3-3 GENERATOR N/A M&E 30-009785 N/A ASME SA516 N/A REPLACED NO MANWAY ASP 29969 GR70 1 1/4" BOLT N/A M&E 30-009778 N/A ASME SA1 93 N/A REPLACED NO ASP 29743 GR __=_-_=
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic F]Pneumatic E Nominal Operating Pressure El Other E VT-1, VT-2 Pressure N/A Osi. Test Temp. N/A F

Page 2 of 2.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/File 04090033-08

9. Remarks:

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this REPAIR & REPLACEMENT conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date N/A Signed Maihtenance Welding Supervisor Date A;? " Z 20 05 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON. TEXAS havp Inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period A/S/,f> to / and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Ownee hai peiformed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report Inaccordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Bysigning this certificate neither the Inspectornor his employer makes anywarranty, expressed orrimplied, conceming the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any man for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions A L39;7'Y ads, if! 36P <

Inspectoes Sign~t.& National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 2 0 21

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04/05105 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort Wayne, IN 46801 Sheet

-' I--- 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit I Component .- ILA-130V &W 1 Name One Cook Place. Bridgman. Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. 04204039-01 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEP/D.C. COOK Maint. DeDartment Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place. Bridgman. Ml 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTER i1 ISI CLASS 2
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. N/A Add. Code Case N-416-1 (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xi Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) (yes or No) 1-ILA-V1 Ago, VALVE  : CONVAL M&E 30-035209 N/A ASME SA182 N/A -REPLACED NO ASP 14401, GR F316 2" X 2" . N/A M&E 30-017029 NIA ASME SA182 N/A REPLACED NO INSERT -ASP 597 GR F304
7. Description of Work REPLACED VALVE AND INSERT
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic I Pneumatic L Nominal Operating PressureD Other [ VT-2, PT Pressure N/A Test Temp. Nsi. F N/A INR4

' 1

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. FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/File 04204039-01

9. Remarks:

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached I '


'We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this REPAIR & REPLACEMENT conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. repair or replacement

. Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date N/A Signed e- Maintenance Welding Supervisor *Date Am lf .__20a-Owner or Owner's Designee, Title if CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON. TEXAS . - ha inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period. to _ _ _ _ _ and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner fag performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinabons and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neitherthe inspectornorhisemployer shall be liable in any manna rfor any personal injury or property damage ora loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. /

____________________Commissions A48 y ,/ 3tr7?,

National Board, State, Prorvince, and Endorsements

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04104105 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort Wayne, IN 46801 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT' Unit 1 Component 1-ILA-130-V2 Name One Cook Place. Bridaman, Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. 04204039-02 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEP/D.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A I Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place. Bridgman. Ml 49106 Expiration Date NIA Address
5. (a) Applicable Const. Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. NIA Add. Code Case N-416-1 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) orsNo) e 1-ILA-130-V2 2' VALVE M&E 30-035209 N/A ASME SAI 82 N/A REPLACED NO ASP 14119 GRF316L 2' TEE M&E 30-017194 N/A ASME SAI 82 N/A REPLACED NO ASP 17380 GR 304 2' X Y2W RED M&E 30-01 7029 N/A ASME SAI 82. N/A REPLACED NO INSERT ASP 597 GR 304 2" PIPE M&E 30-016711 N/A ASME SAI 82 NA REPLACED NO ASP 25312 TP 304
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic n Pneumatic L Nominal Operating Pressure [ii Other L PT. VT-2 Pressure N/A psi. Test Temp. N/A F

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/Fil6 04204039-02 Remarks: 1, Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached 1,

I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made In the report are correct and this REPAIR & REPLACEMENT conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date NIA Signed e MimttnAnre Wldino Suinrrvkrr Date A,6 7 ___, 20 OS Owner or Owner's Designee, '

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON, TEXAS hae sgcted the components described In this Owners Report during the period_ t 5 to.and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Ow erhas performed examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neitherthe Inspector norhis employer shall be liable Inany manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. . C s J / /

Ok  !//(X#5./ __Commissions A5&9@7/ X/ B; Inspectorsi nature \) National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 6/98 200J-

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Date 04106105 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort Wayne, IN 46801 Sheet I of 2 Address
2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit 1 Component I-RH-108W Name One Cook Place. Bridaman. Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. 05078009i01 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEP/D.C. COOK Maint. Department Type Code Symbol Stamp NIA Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place. Bridaman. Ml 49106 Expiration Date N/A Address
4. Identification of System: RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL ISI CLASS 2
5. (a) Applicable Const Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. N/A Add. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Ideniffication of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufactur Serial No. Board Identification Bullt Replaced, Code (Material M&EI No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, P0) (Yes

, A Por No) 1-RH-108W 7/8' STUD N/A M&E 30-212300 N/A ASME SA453 N/A REPLACED NO MATERIAL . ASP 29846 GR 660 CLB 7/8' STUD N/A M&E 30-212300 N/A ASME SA453 N/A REPLACED NO MATERIAL ASP 26890 GR 660 CLB 7/8" STUD NiA M&E 30-212300 N/A'- ASME SA453 N/A REPLACED NO MATERIAL ASP 27194 GR 660 7/8" NUT N/A M&E 30-212110 N/A ASME SAI94 N/A REPLACED NO ASP 19704 GR 8F

7. Description of Work REPLACED BONNET BOLTING
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic [1 Pneumatic R Nominal Operating PressureD Other [ Pressure N/A osi. Test Temp. NIA F

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/Fil6 05078009-01

9. Remarks: I Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached I-1, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certfy that the statements made h the report are correct and this REPAIR & REPLACEMENT conforms'tb the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date NIA Sigped Maihtenance Weldino Sunervisor Date 4c:76 20 05 Owner or Owners Designee,'

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued bythe National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON, TEXAS ,h t tenfped the components described In this Owner's Report during the period to J//6Z Adz______ ,_and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Ownef ias performed examinations and'tdken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Bysigning this certificate neitherthe Inspectornor his employer makes anywarranty, expressed orimplied, concerning the examinations and corr~eze measures described in this Owners Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in a yaerforanypersona! injuryor property damage ora loss of anykind arising from or connected with this inspection. / /



FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xi


Date 04104105 Name P.O. Box 60 Fort WaVne. IN 46801 Sheet I of 2 Address

2. Plant D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Unit I Component I-PP-50W Name One Cook Place. Brdqman. Ml 49106 JOB ORDER No. 05016003-01.21.38 Address Repair Org. P.O. No., Job No., etc
3. Work Performed by AEP/D.C. COOK Maint. Denartment Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A

- Name Authorization No. N/A One Cook Place. Bridgman. MI 49106 Expiration Date NIA Address

4. Identification of System: CHARGING SYSTEM ISI CLASS 2
5. (a) Applicable Const Code ANSI B31.1 1983 Ed. NIA Add. Code Case N-416-1 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1989. No Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired, ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No. Board Identification Built Replaced, Code (Material M&E, No. or Replacement Stamped ASP, PO) . (Yes or No) 1-PP-50W PUMP . PACIFIC M&E 30-014849 N/A ASME SA1 82 N/A REPLACED NO ASP 30069 GR F304 1/8" ER308 N/A M&E 30-044990 N/A NIA N/A REPLACED NO FILLER METAL ASP 29426 _

3132" ER 308 NIA M&E 30-044988 NIA N/A REPLACED NO FILLER METAL ASP 19186 _

8. TestConducted: Hydrostatic F]Pneumatic E Nominal Operating Pressure El Other ] VT-2.PT.RT Pressure N/A psi. Test Temp. N/A F If

Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Job Order/File 05016003-01,21,38

9. Remarks:

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached I-.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made inthe report are correct and this REPAIR &REPLACEMENT conformsito the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xi. repair or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp NONE Certificate of Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date NIA Signed vne m s MaiNtenance Welding Sunervisor Date :A- f , 20 rS" Owner or Owne's Designee, 1

1. CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Michigan. and employed by ABS GROUP INC. of HOUSTON, TEXAS , haye Ins ected the components described Inthis Owner's, Report during the period _ X26 /S - to /p7/ A' .and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Ownet has performed examinations And taken corrective measures described Inthis Owner's Report Inaccordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI. I/

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described Inthis Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shal be liable in any man r for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection. /

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Inspectors SigA.+ur6 I/

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National Board, Stafe, Province, and Endorsements I

Date .44 0L20 Ad