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Rev. 8 to IP-EP-115, Emergency Plan Forms, Rev. 1 to IP-EP-212, Unit 2 Control Room, Rev. 1 to IP-EP-213, Unit 3 Control Room, Rev. 2 to IP-EP-250, Emergency Operations Facility, & Rev. 4 to IP-EP-310
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/05/2004
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
-RFPFR, 29102, IP-SMM-AD-103, Rev 0 IP-EP-115, Rev 8, IP-EP-212, Rev 1, IP-EP-213, Rev 1, IP-EP-250, Rev 2, IP-EP-310, Rev 4
Download: ML040760935 (272)






FROM: IPEC DOCUMENT CONTROL: EEC or IP2 53'EL PHONE NUMBER: 271-7057 The Document(s) identified below are forwarded for use. In accordance with IP-SMM-AD-103, please review to verify receipt, incorporate the document(s) into your controlled document file, properly disposition superseded, void, or inactive document(s). Sign and return the receipt acknowledgement below within fifteen (15) working days.



IP-EP-115 REV7.8, IP-EP-212 REV7.1, IP-EP-213 REVJ.1, IP-EP-250 REV.2, IP-EP-310 REV.4 NOTE: IP-EP-115 REV.7 & REV.8 CAME DOWN AT THE SAME TIME.

                      • PLEASE NOTE EFFECTIVE DATE***********




TO: Nuclear Regulatory Commission CC#" 2 5 Transmittal# '#

FROM: IPEC Emergency Planning


Emergency Planning Document Update DATE: 03/01/04 Please update your controlled copy of the documents listed below as specified with the copy(s) attached New Old Rev.#/

Document Document Name Rev.#/ Date Instructions Date Emergency Plan IPEC Implementing Procedures Remove old and TOC IPEC 03/01/04 02/26/04 Replace with new Remove old and IP-EP-115 Emergency Plan Forms Rev 8 Rev 7 Replace with new 03/01/04 02/26/04 Remove old and IP-EP-212 Unit 2 Control Room Rev I Rev 0 Replace with new 03/01/04 12/10/03 Remove old and IP-EP-213 Unit 3 Control Room Rev 1 Rev 0 Replace with new 03/01/04 12/10/03 Remove old and IP-EP-250 Emergency Operations Rev 2 Rev I Replace with new Facility 02/26/04 12/10/03 Remove old and IP-EP-310 Dose Assessment Rev 4 Rev 3 Replace with new 02/26/04 12/10/03

Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Table of Contents Procedure Nro.~edure IRev. Procedure Title No.

Effective Date IPEC PROCEDURES IP-EP-115 Emergency Plan Forms 8 03/01/04 IP-EP-120 Emergency Classification 0 11106103 IP-EP-130 Emergency Notifications and Mobilization 1 12/10103 IP-EP-212 Unit 2 Control Room 1 03101/03 e IP-EP-213 Unit 3 Control Room 1 03/01/03 IP-EP-222 Unit 2 Technical Support Center 1 02/05/04 IP-EP-223 Unit 3 Technical Support Center 1 02/05/04 IP-EP-232 Unit 2 Operations Support Center 0 12110/03 IP-EP-233 Unit 3 Operations Support Center 0 12/10103 IP-EP-240 Security uG 12/10/03 IP-EP-250 Emergency Operations Facility 2 02/26/04 IP-EP-251 Alternate Emergency Operations Facility i :2 12/10/03 IP-EP-260 Joint News Center 0 03/06/03 IP-EP-310 Dose Assessment 4 02/26/04 IP-EP-320 Radiological Field Monitoring 0 12/10103 IP-EP-330 Airborne Sample Analysis 0 12/10/03 IP-EP-350 Emergency Contamination Control 0 12/10/03 IP-EP-360 Core Damage Assessment 0 12/18/03 IP-EP-410 Protective Action Recommendations 3 12/10/03 IP-EP-430 Site Assembly, Accountability &Relocation of Personnel Offsite 1 12/10/03 IP-EP-510 Meteorological, Radiological & Plant Data Acquisition System 2 12/10/03 IP-EP-520 Modular Emergency Assessment & Notification System (MEANS) 2 12/10/03 IP-EP-610 Emergency Termination and Recovery 1 03/06/03 IP-EP-620 Estimating Total Population Exposure 1 03106/03 IP-EP-630 Onsite Medical Emergency 1 01/20/04 Paae I of I As of 03/01/04

Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Table of Contents UNIT 3 PROCEDURES IP-1028 Core Damage Assessment Void (Replaced by IP-EP-360) Void IP-1052 Hazardous Waste 8 07/02 IP-1055 Fire Emergency Response 16 01120104 IP-1057 Natural Phenomena 8 10/01 IP-1059 Air Raid Alert 7 05101 IP-1 070 Inventory Void (Incorporated into ADS) __Void IP-2603 Corporate Support Group Manager 1 07/02 Page 1 of I As of 03/01/04


= E7te 8IMPLEMENTING I PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 1 of 7 CONThOLLED copy # .2 5000, Emergency Plan Forms Prepared by: Daria Weaver Z2 i- /(' v Print Name Signature DaAe Approval: Frank Inzirillo bignapire Date Print Name b7'~

Effective Date: March 1, 2004

. >:, r;re exca adefrom further L1-10D review EP-IP-EP-115 (Forms) R8

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-115 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE 1~1, IMPLEMENTING i:Entergy PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 2 of 7 Table of Contents Section Page 1.0 PURPOSE ...................................... 3


...................................... 3 3.0 DEFINITIONS ...................................... 3 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................... 3 5.0 DETAILS ...................................... 3 5.1 Use of Forms ..................................... 3 5.2 Control of Forms ...................................... 3 5.3 Method of Placing Forms in this Procedure ...................................... 3 6.0 INTERFACES ...................................... 4 7.0 RECORDS ...................................... 4 8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENTS .................................. .. 4 9.0 ATTACHMENTS ...................................... 4 9.1 Current List of Effective Forms ..................................... 5


==-,7 IMPLEMENTING tnegy PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 3 of 7 Emergency Plan Forms 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure controls Forms used by the Emergency Response Organization during emergencies.


Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan 3.0 DEFINITIONS NONE 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 The Emergency Planning Department is responsible for maintaining forms used by the Emergency Response Organization in accordance with this procedure.

5.0 DETAILS 5.1 Use of Forms 5.1.1 The Implementing Procedure that calls for a form to be completed controls the actual use of forms.

5.1.2 Any needed instructions for form completion will either be on the form itself or in the procedure calling for its use.

5.2 Control of Forms 5.2.1 Forms are numbered sequentially as the need for them is defined by other implementing procedures.

5.2.2 Form numbers will be formatted as "Form EP-n Rev x", where n is the sequential number of the form and x is the current revision of the form.

5.3 Method of Placing Forms in this Procedure 5.3.1 Forms are attached as addendums to this procedure. They will appear formatted in the end use format. There will be no annotation on the addendums or actual forms showing addendum number or procedure page number.

5.3.2 Attachment 9.1, Current List of Effective Forms will list all effective forms and the number of pages in each form.

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED I.P15 Rvso Aft EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IP EP 115 Revision 8 l====nIMPLEMENTING Elniergy i~ PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 4 of 7 6.0 INTERFACES Attachment 9.1, Current List of Effective Forms contains interfacing documents to each form.

7.0 RECORDS Forms become official records when completed during a declared emergency.

8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCE None 9.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 9.1 Current List of Effective Forms


==:Ewe IMPLEMENTING nery PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 5 of 7 Attachment 9.1 Current List of Effective Forms Sheet 1 of 3 Form Current Form Title Interfacing Number Revision (number of pages if > 1) Procedures EP-1 Rev. 2 NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part 1 IP-EP-130 (1 page) IP-EP-250 IP-EP-212 IP-EP-213 EP-2 Rev. 2 NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part 2 IP-EP-130 (1 page) IP-EP-250 IP-EP-212 EP-3 Rev. 2 CCR NUE Notification Checklist IP-EP-130 (2 pages, used back to back) IP-EP-250 IP-EP-212 IP-EP-213 EP-4 Rev. 1 CCR Initial Notification Checklist-Alert/SAEIGE IP-EP-130 (2 pages, used back to back) IP-EP-250 IP-EP-212 IP-EP-213 EP-5 Rev. I Upgrade / Update Notification AlertISAEIGE Checklist IP-EP-130 (2 pages, used back to back) IP-EP-250 IP-EP-212 IP-EP-213 EP-6 Rev. 1 Emergency Exposure Authorizations (2 pages, used back IP-EP-250 to back) IP-EP-232 EP-7 Rev. 0 EOF Staffing IP-EP-250 EP-8 Rev. 0 Recovery Issues / Strategies Form IP-EP-610 IP-EP-250 EP-9 Rev. I Essential Information Checklist IP-EP-212 IP-EP-213 IP-EP-250 EP-10 Rev. 0 ERO Log Sheet IP-EP-222 IP-EP-223 EP-1 I Rev.1 IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet I IPEP 310 Estimating Containment Activity via R-25 / 26 (2 pages)

EP-12 Rev. 1 Estimated Total Population Dose (8 pages) IP-EP-620 EP-13 Rev. 2 Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet (2 pages) IP-EP-310 EP-14 Rev. 0 EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (2 pages, used back to back) IP-EP-250 EP-15 Rev. 0 Response Check For Radioactive Airborne Concentration IP-EP-330

IPEC NON-QUALiTY RELATED I-P15 Rvso EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IP-EP-115 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING E n ergy PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 6 of 7 Attachment 9.1 Current List of Effective Forms Sheet 2 of 3 Form Current Form Title Interfacing Number Revision (number of pages if > 1) Procedures EP-16 Rev. 0 Determination Of Radioactive Airborne Concentration IP-EP-330 EP-17 Rev. 1 IP-2 Manual Determination of Release Rate IP-EP-310 EP-18 Rev. I IP-3 Manual Determination of Release Rate IP-EP-310 EP-19 Rev. 0 IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet IP-EP-310 Back Calculating Release Rate from Field Data EP-20 Rev. 1 Turnover Sheet IP-EP-250 EP-21 Rev. 0 Media Briefing Worksheet IP-EP-260 EP-22 Rev. 0 Media Briefing Issues Form IP-EP-260 EP-23 Rev. 0 JNC Staffing Form (3 pages) IP-EP-260 EP-24 Rev. 0 Emergency Summary Sheet IP-EP-260 EP-25 Rev. 1 Written Statement Distribution Checklist (2 pages) IP-EP-260 EP-26 Rev. 2 Information Distribution Guide IP-EP-260 EP-27 Rev. 0 Public Inquiry - Media Referral and Media Monitoring Form IP-EP-260 EP-28 Rev. 0 Joint News Center Fax Cover Sheet IP-EP-260 EP-29 Rev. 1 Individual Exposure Tracking Log IP-EP-250 EP-30 Rev. 1 Monitoring Team Survey Data IP-EP-250 IP-EP-320 EP-31 Rev. 0 Monitoring Team Sample Data IP-EP-250 IP-EP-320 EP-32 Rev. 0 Determination of Radioactive Airborne Concentrations IP-EP-250 EP-33 Rev. 0 Media Inquiry Log IP-EP-260 EP-34 Rev. 0 Courtesy Call Guide IP-EP-260 EP-35 Rev. 0 JNC Briefing Summary/Talking Points IP-EP-260 EP-36 Rev. 0 Primary - ERO Activation Checklist IP-EP-130 EP-37 Rev. 1 Backup - ERO Activation Checklist IP-EP-130 EP-38 Rev. 0 Emergency Team Briefing Form (2 pages, Back to Back) IP-EP-232 EP-39 Rev. 0 Task Assignment Log IP-EP-232 EP-40 Rev. 0 Emergency Radiation Work Permit IP-EP-232

IPEC NON-QUJALirY RELATED I-P15 Rvso EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE l l l E:~ IMPLEMENTING Enerty PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 7 of 7 Attachment 9.1 Current List of Effective Forms Sheet 3 of 3 Form Current Form Title Interfacing Number Revision (number of pages if > 1) Procedures EP-41 Rev. 0 Normal Unit 2 OSC Staffing IP-EP-232 EP-42 Rev. 0 ERO Tracking Log IP-EP-232 EP-43 Rev. 0 Unit 2 Onsite ERO Shift Rosters IP-EP-232 EP-44 Rev. 1 Unit 2 OSC Guidelines IP-EP-232 EP-45 Rev. 0 Assembly Area Coordinator Instructions IP-EP-232 EP-46 Rev. 0 Normal Unit 2 TSC Staffing IP-EP-222 EP-47 Rev. 0 Accountability Roster IP-EP-232 IP-EP-430 EP-48 Rev. 0 Security Sign in Log IP-EP-240 IP-EP-250 EP-49 Rev. 0 Containment Discharge Worksheet IP EP-250 IP-EP-310 EP-50 Rev. 0 Surface Contamination Check IP-EP-320 EP-51 Rev. 0 Normal Unit 3 OSC Staffing Chart (2 pages, back to back) IP-EP-233 EP-52 Rev. 0 Normal Unit 3 TSC Staffing Chart IP-EP-223 EP-53 Rev. 0 Unit 2 Plant Parameters - 42a IP-EP-212 EP-54 Rev. 0 Unit 2 Equipment Status - 42b IPREP21 2 IP-EP-222 EP-55 Rev. 0 Unit 2 Radiological Data - 42c IP-EP-212 aioogca

-IP-EP-222 EP-56 Rev. 0 Communications Message Form IP-EP-223 EP-57 Rev. 0 Unit 3 Plant Parameters - 31a IP-EP-213 IP-EP-223 EP-58 Rev. 0 Unit 3 Radiological Data - 31b IP-EP-213 IP-EP-223 EP-59 Rev. 0 Unit 3 Equipment Status - 31c IP EP 213 IP-EP-223 EP-60 Rev. 0 Protected Area Route Alerting IP-EP-240 EP-61 Rev. 0 Personnel Contamination IP-EP-350 EP-62 Rev. 0 Vehicle Contamination check IP-EP-350 EP-63 Rev. 0 Unit 3 OSC/TSC Survey Map IP-EP-233 NRC 361 12-2000 Reactor Plant Event Notification Worksheet (NRC Form) IP-EP-130

New York State Radiological Emergency Data Form Notification #

Indian Point Energy Center Part I - General Information Instructions

1. This message being transmitted on:_ _ at: C0 AM VIA: A. RECS (Date) (Time) 0 PM B. Other
2. This is... A. NOT an Exercise B. An Exercise
3. The Facility Affected is: A. Unit 2 B. Unit 3 C. Both
4. The Emergency A. Unusual Event C. Site Area Emergency E. Emergency F. Recovery B. Alert D. General Emergency Terminated G. Other
5. This Emergency Classification Declared on: at: _1 AM (Date) (Time) O PM
6. Release of A. No Release Radioactive Materials B. Release BELOW federally approved operating limits (Technical Specifications) due to the Classified Event: 0 To Atmosphere 0 To Water C. Release ABOVE federally approved operating limits (Technical Specifications) 0 To Atmosphere E To Water D. Unmonitored Release - requiring evaluation
7. Protective Action Recommendations:

A. No need for Protective Actions outside the site boundary.

B. EVACUATE and implement the KI plan for the following ERPAs and SHELTER all remaining ERPAs.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

8. EAL Number:

Brief Event Description

9. The Plant status is: A. Stable C. Degrading E. Cold Shutdown B. Improving D. Hot Shutdown
10. Reactor Shutdown: A. NotApplicable B. at: DAM (Date) (Time) D PM
11. Wind Speed: Meters/Second at elevation 10 meters.
12. Wind Direction: (From) _Degrees at elevation 10 meters.
13. Stability Class: A B C D E F G
14. Report By: at Telephone Number (914)

(Communicator's Name)

Message Received by: Message Ended at:

Emergency Director Review and Approval:

Part I Effective 11/3/03 Page 1 of 1 Form EP-1, Rev 2

New York State Radiological Emergency Data Form Indian Point Energy Center Part 11- Radiological Assessment Data This is: A. NOT an Exercise B. An Exercise

15. Message transmitted at: Date: Time: Location / Facility transmitted from:
16. General release information:

A. Event Release started Date Time:

B. Event Release expected to end Date: Time:

C. Event Release ended: Date: Time:

D. Reactor Shutdown: N/A OR Date: Time:

Meteorological Data As of Date: Time:

E. Wind Speed _ meters/second At elevation: meters F. Wind Direction: degrees At elevation: _ meters G. Stability class (Pasquill):A B C D E F G

17. Atmospheric release Information: As of Date Time_

A. Release from: C Ground a Elevated D. Noble gas release rate: Ci/sec B. Iodine/Noble gas ratio: E. Iodine release rate Ci/sec (Assumed OR Acual)

C. Total release rate: C/sec F. Particulate release rate Cl/sec

18. Waterborne release information: As of Date Time_

A. Volume of release gallons C. Radiolnuclides in release:

B. Total concentration: pCl/ml D. Total activity released Ci

19. Dose calculations (based on a release duration of hours)

Calculation is based on (circle one):

A. Inplant measurements B. Field Measurements C. Assumed source term Table below applies to (circle one) A. At ospheric release B. Waterborne release DOSE DISTANCE Xp/Q TEDE (Rem) TODE (Rem)

Site Boundary 2 Miles 5 M iles _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _==

10 Miles Miles

20. Field measurement of dose rates or surface contamination/deposition:

Mile/Sector OR Time of Dose Rate (mR/hr) OR Mile/Degrees Location OR Sampling Point Reading Contamination (pCilrn Emergency Director Review and Approval:

Part 11 Effective 1 1/3/03 Page 1 of 1 Form EP-2, Rev 2



Reason for exposure in excess of 5 Rem: (include tasks to be performed)

ESTIMATE OF PLANNED DOSE AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY DOSE WHOLE BODY REM REM EXTREMITY REM REM THYROID REM REM I have volunteered to perform the task(s) during which I will receive the emergency Exposure, and I understand the potential consequences of the proposed emergency from the attached summary.

Individual to Receive Exposure: Date:


EPM/POM Or Emergency Director Approval: Date:


WARNING Emergency worker exposure limits are NOT TO BE APPLIED to minors or Fertile women Emergency Exposure Guidelines:

1. All Emergency Exposures shall be authorized by the Emergency Director (ED) or Emergency Plant Manager (EPM)

I Plant Operations Manager (POM).

2. All individuals may be authorized up to 5 Rem per declared emergency. This is exposure for a given emergency event historical occupational exposure is not totaled into this limit.
3. Volunteers may be authorized up to 10 Rem to protect valuable property.
4. Volunteers may be authorized up to 25 Rem for life saving or the protection of large populations.
5. Individuals may volunteer to receive greater than 25 Rem to save a life.
6. Procedures allow for the ED or EPM / POM to give a blanket authorization of up to 5 Rem emergency exposure for Alert or higher classifications. These authorization should be documented in position logs.
7. Any emergency exposure greater than 5 Rem Whole Body, 50 Rem Extremities or 50 Rem Skin of Whole Body, shall be authorized on a individual basis for a specific task.
8. All emergency exposures are voluntary. - For higher doses individuals over the age of 45 are preferable.
9. Individuals shall be briefed that these exposures may increase their chances of cancer during their lifetime.
10. For any expected or actual Thyroid Exposure > 5 Rem CDE, the issuance of KI should be considered. The ED or EPM I POM authorize the use of KI Page 1 of 2 Form EP-6 Rev 1

EMERGENCY EXPOSURES AUTHORIZATION Effects From High Levels Of Radiation Exposure

_Radiation injury depends on numerous factors such as the type of radiation, the parts of the body exposed, the rate and duration of exposure, the number of exposures, and the age and sex of the irradiated person. There are short and long term effects from high levels of radiation exposure.

Short Term Effects:

Whole Body Effects:

15 to 50 Rem - No symptoms, blood test may show some slight changes.

50 to 200 Rem - Some nausea, vomiting, and slight decrease in blood count, no deaths expected.

200 to 450 Rem - Most have nausea, vomiting, and feel flu symptoms. Most have hair loss, infection likely, 10-50% deaths.

450 to 600 Rem - Flu, bleeding from mouth and throat, infections likely, 50-90% deaths.

600 to 1000 Rem- Symptoms worse than above, 90-100% deaths.

Radiation Injury to the Skin:

Less than 1000 Rem - First degree thermal burn (similar to sunburn) to 5000 Rem - Blisters form and break open to 5000 Rem - Similar to scalding or chemical burn Over 5000 Rem - Ulceration and major skin damage Potential Long Term Effects: Based on information from the National Research Council (BEIR V).

Cancer Probability: The normal chance of contracting fatal cancer for a group of people with no radiation exposure in the United States is 20%.lf this group of people were exposed to 100 Rem, the chance of any person contracting fatal cancer would increase to 28%.

Genetic Effects: A 100 Rem exposure to radiation is estimated to increase the chance of a genetic effect from 0.25% for the average person with no radiation exposure to 0.5%

Fertility Effects: An exposure to the gonads of 250 Rem may cause reduced fertility, and an exposure of 600 Rem may cause permanent sterility.

Cateracts: (Cloudiness or darkening in the lens of the eyes.) 200 Rem to the eyes may cause cataracts (ICRP 41).

Page 2 of 2 Form EP-6 Rev 1

EOF Staffing No. Positions Is SHIFT l 2 nd SHIFT 1* Emergency Director 1* ED Technical Advisor _

1* Offsite Radiological Manager _

1* Offsite Communicator 1 EOF Manager 2** Dose Assessor 1 Radiological Communicator 1 Field Team Coordinator _

6 Field Monitoring Team Members 1 Admin & Logistics Manager 3 EOF Clerical Staff 1 Lead Offsite Liaison I State Liaison _

1 Westchester County Liaison 1 Rockland County Liaison 1 Orange County Liaison 1 Putnam County Liaison 1 Equipment Operator 1 Information Liaison _

  • Minimum Staffing for facility activation
    • Only one Dose Assessor required if determination is made there is limited offsite radiological concerns for event.

Sheet I of I Form EP-7 Rev 0

Recovery Issue I Strategies Form Area Owner Safety Rel. Priority Duration Man-hours Description of Issue Resources Needed Use this form to document major items to be addressed during Recovery.

Area: Onsite / Offsite / Public Information Owner: Responsible individual or organization Safety Related: Yes or No Priority: 1 = Immediate (24 hr.) 2 = Short Term (1Week) 3 = Intermediate (1Month) 4 = Long Term (> 1 Month)

Duration: Estimated Calendar Duration Man-hours: Estimated Total Project Hours Sheet I of 1 Forn EP-8 Rev 0


Essential Information Checklist IAffected Unit: E Unit 2 E Unit 3 [1 Both Status of Unaffected Unit:

I Cm rrnnu W-M-Piotn


I IL1luum'y  %.01000111%

Reactor: E At Power E Tripped Time: EAL #:

El Unusual Event RCS:

El Alert Temp: OF Pressure: PSIG E Site Area Emergency RVLIS / Pressurizer Level:

E General Emergency Subcooling:

Last Offsite Notification Completed Method of Core Cooling: E S/G E Safety Injection E RHR Electrical Power Supply: E 138 KV E 13.8 KV E # Diesel Generators Event


Major Equipment Problems:

Current Priorities: High Med Low El No Release ID Release Fission Product Barrier Status l Liquid l Gaseous Barrier Intact Challenged Lost Release Status: Fuel Clad E3 LI LI L InProgress LI Expected RCS LD LI L LI Filtered LI Unfiltered Containment LI L Li LI Monitored LI Unmonitored Wind Speed: Wind Direction From:

El Controlled El Uncontrolled Date I Time This Checklist was Other:

Completed: /

Form EP-9 Rev 1

Emergency Response Organization Log Sheet ERO Position: l Date:


Time Significant Events, Information or Communications 4-4-




Form EP-10 Rev 0

IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet Estimating Containment Activity via R-25 / 26 Radiological Data R-25 /26 Reading Rem/hr Dose Conversion Factor (from table below) (pCi/cc) / (Rlhr)

Time after Shutdown (hrs.) Dose Conversion Factor (pCucc) I (R/hr)

< 1000 Rem/hr > 1000 Rem/hr (Gap Release) (Fuel Overheat I Melt Release) 0 0.04 0.03 4 0.12 0.07 8 0.17 0.1 12 0.2 0.13 16 0.22 0.14 20 0.25 0.17 24 0.27 0.18 Vapor Containment Activity Calculation x x 7.4 E+10 cc _

R-25 126 Dose Containment Total VC Activity (pCi)

Reading (R/hr) Conversion Volume Factor R-25/26 Reading (R/hr) 1~ _Dose


_____Factor ____ IRelease Concentration (pCi/cc)

Sheet I of 2 Form EP-11 Rev. 1

IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet Estimating Containment Activity via R-25 / 26 Containment Data Containment Pressure psig Estimated Leak Rate (cc/sec) - cm2 (see table below)

Estimated Leak Area Cm2 (leak area = Tv)

Leak Rate per Cm2 VC Pressure Leak Rate (cc/sec) VC Pressure Leak Rate (cc/sec) 1.0 8.34E+03 18.0 1.93E+04 1.5 9.96E+03 20.0 1.95E+04 2.0 1.12E+04 22.5 1.97E+04 2.5 1.22E+04 25.0 1.99E+04 3.0 1.31 E+04 27.5 2.01 E+04 4.0 1.44E+04 30.0 2.03E+04 5.0 1.55E+04 *32.5 2.04E+04 6.0 1.63E+04 35.0 2.06E+04 7.0 1.69E+04 37.5 2.07E+04 8.0 1.74E+04 40.0 2.08E+04 9.0 1.78E+04 42.5 2.IOE+04 10.0 1.81 E+04 45.5 2.11 E+04 12.0 1.86E+04 47.5 2.12E+04 14.0 1.89E+04 50.0 2.13E+04 16.0 1.91 E+04 Vapor Containment Release Rate Calculation x x X 1.OE-06 VC Activity Leak Rate Leak Area 2

Conversion VC Release Rate (pCifcc) (from Table) (Cm) _ Factor (CUsec)

Sheet 2 of 2 Form EP-1 1 Rev. 1

-K ESTIMATED TOTAL . OPULATION DOSE t Iof 8 Sector/Zone Ref. TLD mrem Zone Corr. Factor (1) Interpreted mrem (2) Modifier (3) Population (4) Est. WB Rem 1-1 0 1-2 _ _ _ _[ _ _ _ _11 1-3 109 1 -4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 83 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1-5 343 1 -6 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 -7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ,3 22 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 -8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 ,3 9 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 -9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7.4 60 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1-10 182

, ....- .,. , SECTOR TOTALS:

2-1) 0 2-2 Census 0 FormEP-12 Rev 2-3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2-4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _66 1 2-5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1,716 2-6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 921 2-7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.044 2-8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34 0 2-9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 838 2-10 1.235 (1) Zone in question correction factor (Attachment 2 procedure IP-EP-620 or calculated from formula at bottom of Attachment2 and Xu/Q values)

(2) Multiply TLD mrem by Zone Correction Factor (3) If no evacuation, modifier is 1.0 (4) 2000 Census Form EP-12 Rev I

-c ESTIMATED TOTAQrIOPULATION DOSE Sh.. 2 of 8 Sector/Zone TLD mrem Zone Corr. Factor (1) Interpreted mrem (2) Modifier (3) Population (4) Est. WB Rem 3-1 17 3 -2 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 ,4 39 3 -3 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _9 ,7 74_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3-4 l ___2 9 '3 l4,510 3-5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2,973 3-6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 ,8 23 3-7 _ 3,356 3-8 1,760 3-9 1.196 3-10 1,097


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4- 1 4-2 If no 1e653 __________________R e _

4-3 2000 2,841C 3,238 4-4 2,178 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4-5 3 ,6 8 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4 -6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 ,4 7 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4- 7 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 , 7 9 7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4- 8 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

,9 3 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4 -9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6 6,915 4-10

- ., ~ .x..  :,.~. ~  :, SECTOR TOTALS:

2 procedure IP-EP-620 or calculated from formula at bottom of Attachment2 and XuIQ values)

(1) Zone In question correction factor (Attachment (2) Multiply TLD mrem by Zone Correction Factor (3) If no evacuation, modifier is 1.0 Form EP-12 Rev I (4) 2000 Census

K ESTIMATED TOTA)L POPULATION DOSE Sheet 3 of 8 Sector/Zone TLD mrem Zone Corr. Factor (1) Interpreted mrem (2) Modifier (3) Population (4) Est. WB Rem 5-1 334__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5-2 315 5-3 24 5-4 _ 950 5-5 594 5-6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _620 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5-7 . 1,545 5-8 1,355 5-9 3,224 5-10 3.426

.-i',... .. .. .:.,;: .*~  :~ SECTOR TOTALS:

6-1 251 6-2 192 6-3 757 6-4 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _656 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6-5 __________918 _ ________

6-6 304 6-7 75 6-8 319 6-9 626 6-10 2,113

- *,.. **~

.. i.i.'

.: r e.

, ; ; t

f;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. >..ft .i. .  ;';.;

. . 'A;I'w'it' *

(1) Zone in question correction factor (Attachment 2 procedure IP-EP 620 or calculated from formula at bottom of Attachment2 and XuIQ values)

(2) Multiply TLD mrem by Zone Correction Factor (3) If no evacuation, modifier Is 1.0 (4) 2000 Census Form EP-12 Rev I

-c ESTIMATED TOTAXL POPULATION DOSE Shewt4 of 8 Sector/Zone TLD mrem Ratio Corr. Factor (1) Interpreted mrem (2) Modifier (3) Population (4) Est WB Rem 7-1 807 7-2 922 7-3 1,543 7-45 2,490 7 -5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6 94 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7-6 . 4,590 7-7 2,630 7-8 3,004 l 7-9 10,085 7-10 6,9001


8-1 _____.._.._._..._.._._.435 8-2 2,042 8 -3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 868 84 . . 136 8-5 217 8 -6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 8 -7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 90 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8-8 _ 0 8-9 . 3,864 8-10 9,817

..,. . i. t :2 W-' ;iSECTOR TOTALS:

(1) Zone in question correction factor (Attachment 2 procedure IP-EP-620 or calculated from formula at bottom of Attachment2 and XuIQ values)

(2) Multiply TLD mrem by Zone Correction Factor (3) If no evacuation, modifier is 1.0 (4) 2000 Census Form EP-12 Rev 1

-C ESTIMATED TOTAL-. OPULATION DOSE Sh-.,of 8 Sector/Zone TLD mrem Zone Corr. Factor (1) Interpreted mrem (2) Modifier (3) Population (4) Est. W13 Rem 9-1 68 9-2 541 9-3 0 9-4 0 9-5 1,229 9-6 5,661 9-7 942 9-8 4,716 9-9 7,829 9-10 7,358

. .;'.: - .  !.', .:'.:.":, SECTORTOTALS:

10-1 52 10-2 . 604 10-3 . 420 104 2,853 10-5 . 10,900 10-6 5,970 10-7 3,378 10-8 3,778 10-9 6,101 10-10 10,856


(1) Zone In question correction factor (Attachment 2 procedure IP-EP-620 or calculated from formula at bottom of Attachment2 and XuIQ values)

(2) Multiply TLD mrem by Zone Correction Factor (3) If no evacuation, modifier Is 1.0 (4) 2000 Census Form EP-1 2 Rev I

I ESTIMATED TOTAL OPULATION DOSE hl.- Iof 8 Sector/Zono TLD mrom Zone Corr. Factor (1) Interpreted mrem (2) Modifier (3) Population (4) Est. WB Rem 11-1 _ _ 0 11-2 0 11-3 2,115 11-4 2,486 11-5 3,853 11-6 '626 11-7 4,496 11-8 3,090 11-9 1,388 11-10 2,955


12-1 0 12-2 457 12-3 518 12-4 _ 628 12-5 221 12-6 433 1 2 -7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48 12-8 134 1 2-9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

12-10 5 i  ;, :i'; SECTOR TOTALS:

(1) Zone In question correction factor (Attachment 2 procedure IP-EP-620 or calculated from formula at bottom of Attachment2 and XuIQ values)

(2) Multiply TLD mrem by Zone Correction Factor (3) If no evacuation, modifier Is 1.0 (4) 2000 Census Form EP-12 Rev 1

{r ESTIMATED TOTA1L -rOPULATION DOSE She. Iof 8 Sector/Zone TLD mrem Zone Corr. Factor (1) Interpreted mrem (2) Modifier (3) Population (4) Est WB Rem 13-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 1 3-2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 95 1 3-3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 54 13 -4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 1 3-5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 13-6 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _0 13-7 0 1 3-8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 13-9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 13-10 20

,- . - TOTALS:

14-1 0 14-2 0 14 -3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _19 144 1-0 14-5 0 14-6 _ 0 1 4-7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 1 4-8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 1 4-9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21 7 14-10 1,633

-. <f. . - X,.SECTOR TOTALS:

(1) Zone In question correction factor (Attachment 2 procedure IP-EP-620 or calculated from formula at bottom of Attachment2 and XulQ values)

(2) Multiply TLD mrem by Zone Correction Factor (3) If no evacuation, modifier Is 1.0 (4) 2000 Census Form EP-12 Rev I

-K ESTIMATED TOTAL OPULATION DOSE S> 3of8 Sector/Zone TLD mrem Zone Corr. Factor (1) Interpreted mrem (2) Modifier (3) Population (4) Est. WB Rem 1 5-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

15 -2 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

15-3 60 15-4 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

15-5 192 1

15 -6 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

15-7 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

15-8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

15-9 OE l 3 15-10 1,204 I.. -, . SECTOR TOTALS:

16-1 0 1 6-2 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 16-3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

16-4 0 16-5 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _8 42 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 6-6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 34 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

16-7 l 55 1 6-8 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 1 6-9 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0 16-10 0

::s3 .  ;-:; 1., v . _,: 9:.->  ;  ;

(1) Zone in question correction factor (Attachment 2 procedure IP-EP-620 or calculated from formula at bottom of Attachment2 and XulQ values)

(2) Multiply TLD mrem by Zone Correction Factor (3) If no evacuation, modifier Is 1.0 (4) 2000 Census Form EP-12 Rev I

Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet TEDE Whole Body Exposure Calculations Date: Time Name:

Meteorology Wind Direction (from): Downwind Sector. WS = Wind Speed (m/sec):

PasquillCategory: l A l B l C L D [L E l F IG TEDE -Whole Body Exposure Release Duration (RD): hrs DitneNGRR Distance (Ci/sec) XUIQ (from tabls) 1K1 Sec (1 ) +

Constadt<) Dose Rate(DR)

Dose Rate(R) Ds (mrem)

_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Mtsec) (D R x mR


Site Boundary X( t X [j X( +

2Mile = X + -

5Mile X X 1 X( +

10Mile X X X( + )=

(1) Obtain K1 value from table below.

(2) Constant for MSL & SGBD is 3.3E+05, for all others use 3.3E+03 (Constant includes Iodine CEDE)

K1 Whole Body @ Time After Shutdown K2 Thyroid for Noble Gas DDE For Iodine CDEITODE TAS = hours.

4.7E+5 0- 1.5 Hours Iodine Mix 4.OE+8 2.8E+5 1.5-2.5 Hours 1-131 1.3E+9 2.3E+5 2.5 - 3.5 Hours 1-132 7.5E+6 2.0E+5 3.5-4.5 Hours 1-133 2.2E+8 1.7E+5 4.5 - 6.5 Hours 1-134 1.3E+6 1.2E+5 6.5- 12.5 Hours 1-135 3.8E+7 5.8E+4 >12.5 Hours  ;.-; -.....  ;.. .- .


Particulate Dose Conversion Factor (DCF) for TEDE is 2.7E+07. This DCF should be used applied during dose assessments performed in the EOF or AEOF only if significant particulates are identified in the release (E.G., FSB Accident). Control Room Staff need not consider particulates.

Form EP-13 Rev.2 Page 1 Page of 22 I of Form EP-13 Rev.2

IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet CDE/TODE Thyroid Exposure Calculations I Date: l Time Name:

Meteorology Wind Direction Downwind Sector: WS = Wind Speed (m/sec):


Pasquill Category: O A l B L C O D l E L F O G NOTES:

For Less Than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> use Iodine Mix K2 (4.0 E+8)

For Greater Than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, only use 1-131 K2 value when using isotopic analysis. (1.3 E+9)

Isotope 1-131 (or Total Mix) TODE -Thyroid Exposure Release Duration (RD)* = li l.

NGRR X K1 =A l RR(I-131 orTotal) X K2 = B IU A+ B Dose Rate Dose Distance (from tables) 1S (above) (mremihr) (DRXR)

_ __ __ _ _ _ (m/sec) _ _ _ _ _ __ (DR XRD)

Site Boundary X _ X( + ) =

2 Mile X X + =

5 Mile X X( + )=

10 Mile X X( + =

  • If the projected Release Duration (RD) is not known us four hours as a default value.

Page 20f 2 Form EP-13 Rev. 2

EOF Check Point Sign In Log EOF Registration Assistant: Date:

(print name) Date:

Print Name In Out/ Time Organization El Indian Pt. FFD* Yes: El No: E ElOther l Dl Indian Pt. FFD* Yes: El No: El El Other l E Indian Pt. FFD* Yes: El No: El D Other l El Indian Pt. FFD* Yes: El No: E EOther l El Indian Pt. FFD* Yes: E No: El El Other l E Indian Pt. FFD* Yes: E No: E E Other El Indian Pt. FFD* Yes: El No: El El Other E Indian Pt. FFD* Yes: El No: El EOther E Indian Pt. FFD- Yes: El No: El El Other El Indian Pt. FFD* Yes: El No: E El Other El Indian Pt. FFD* Yes: El No: El El Other E Indian Pt. FFD* Yes: E *No: E EOther El Indian Pt. FFD- Yes: E No: E EOther If NO, THEN report to EOF Manager for further evaluation.

Page 1 of 2 Form EP-14 Rev 0

EOF Check Point Sign In Log EOF Check Point Instructions:

1.0 Set up a EOF Checkpoint at the entrance to the EOF.


IF there is any question if an individual should be allowed to enter the EOF THEN request clearance from the Emergency Director or the EOF Manager.

Individuals entering the EOF during emergencies must be screened in accordance IPEC Fitness for Duty procedures. The Emergency Director may authorize individuals not meeting these requirements into the EOF.

1.1 Have all individuals entering EOF complete sign in log.

1.2 Request the Admin & Logistics Manager draft someone to take sign in log around to individuals who may have entered facility before check point was set up.

2.0 Allow only the following personnel into the EOF:

A. Indian Point Emergency Response Organization Personnel, as listed in the K> Emergency Telephone Directory, B. Indian Point Corporate Officers, C. State and County Officials, D. Federal Officials from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Federal Emergency Management Agency; E. Individuals authorized by the Emergency Director or the EOF Manager.


IF individuals are only going to another room within the Buchanan Service Center (offices across the hall or men's rest room) THEN it is not necessary to log them in and out each time they leave the EOF.

3.0 Maintain a "EOF Check Point Sign in Log" complete with names of all personnel within the EOF.

Page 2 of 2 Form EP-14 Rev 0

( (7.



Tech. Date Time IO Source COUNTS






Total Counts

___ME COUNT Source l


C et Circut Source




Form EP-1 5 Rev 0

( (


ID Breathing El General Area COUNTER DATA:

1. BETA COUNTER Serial No. MDC Button Source Response
2. CHARCOAL MODEL NO. MS-2 Serial No. MDC Battery Test
3. AIR SAMPLER MODEL Serial No. 3600 Cycle Test (AC only RM-14)


GAMMA CHAR. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

SILVER ZEO LITE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

BETA PA RT. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _

GAMMA CHA R. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _

SILVER ZEOLITE __ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _

BETA PART. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

GAMMA CHAR. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Form EP-16 Rev 0

IP-2 Manual Determination of Release Rate Determine Noble Gas & Radioiodine Release Rates Date: Time: Name:

Plant Vent Release Rate Calculations (use only one vent monitoring method)

R-27 X X 4.7E-04 =

Wide Range (WcUc) (Plant Vent CFM), (Constant) (NGRR Cilsec)

R-44 X X 4.7E-04 =

LowI Mid Range (pciicc) (Plant Vent CFM)- (Constant) (NGRR CUsec)

Vent Contact X X X 4.7E-04 Reading (mRhr) I (Conv. factor) n ( Vent CFM)s

)lant (constant) (NGRRCi/sec)

Time Afer _TAS (hr) EFactor TAS (hr) Factor Shutdown 0-2 2.8E-04 6-8 4.9E-04 Conversion 2-4 3.4E-04 8 -12 6.1 E-04 Factors for Contact Reading 4 -6 4.1 E-04 12 - 24 7.6E-04 PclhaentV~ent X 4.7E-04 =

Saempler (PUiCC) --- F (Plant Vent CFM)- (Constant) l (NGRR Ci/seF}

Air Ejector (AE)

Air Ejector X X 4.7E-04 =

R-45 (pcucc) (AE CFM) l (Constant) (NGRR Csec)

Main Steam Line (MSL)

R-28, R-29 X 2.7E-03 X X 4.9 E-06 =

R-30, R-31 (CPM) (MSL Conv. Factor) l (Ibm/hr)- I (Constant) (NGRR Cisec) 7= Steam Generator Blowdown (SGBD)

Chemistry X X 6.3E-05 Sample (PcUcc) l (Constant) (NG RR Ci/sec)

Total Noble Gas Release Rate: Total NGRR Add Plant Vent + AE + MSL + SGBD Cilsec Determine Radioiodine Release Rate (RR) In Curies/Second

1. MSL NG RR + SGBD NG RR = X 1.OE-02 =
2. Plant Vent NG RR + AE NG RR = X 1.OE-04 =

Total Radioiodine Release Rate (Add 1 + 2 to Obtain) Total IRR (Ci/sec) =

  • If actual flow rate is unavailable, use 70,000 cfm
  • If actual flow rate is unavailable, use 20 cfm

- If actual value is unavailable, use 300 GPM

  1. 22 Auxiluary Feedwater Pump 2.5 x 104 Ibm/ hr Page I of 1 Form EP-17 Rev 1

IP-3 Manual Determination of Release Rate Determine Noble Gas & Radioiodine Release Rates Date: I Time: l Name:

Plant Vent Release Rate Calculations (use only one vent monitoring method)

R-27 X 1.OE-06 Wide Range (pCisec) (Culpci) (NGRR Ci/sec)

R-14 X X 4.7E-04 =

Low/ Mid Range (PcCicc) (Plant Vent CFM)- (Constant) (NGRRCilsec)

Vent Contact x X X 4.7E-04 =

Reading (mRlhr) (Conv. Factor) (Plant Vent C W). (Consa ntj (NGRR Cilsec)

(Contact 16 Ft)

Time After TAS (hr) Contact Factor 6tft TAS (hr) Contact Factor 6ft Shutdown 0-2 6.OE-04 2.5E-03 6 - 12 2.8E-03 9.5E-03 Conversion 2 -4 1.2E-03 3.8E-03 12 - 24 5.5E-03 1.6E-02 Factors for Contact Reading 4-6 1.6E-03 5.5E-03 24 - 2 Wk 6.5E-03 2.0E-02 Plant Vent X X 4Y.7 E-04 Chemistry (Icc) (Plant Vent CFM)- (Constant) (NGRR Ci/sec)

Sample II Air Ejector (AE)

Air Ejector X X 4.7E-04 -

R-1 5 (pUcC) (AE CFM)- (Constant) (NGRR Cisec)

Main Steam Line (MSL)

R-62A, R-62B X X 3.2 E-06 =

R-62C, R-62D (pC/cc) (tbnmer)... I (Constant) (NGRR C/dsec)

Steam Generator Blowdown (SGBD)

Chemistry X X 6.3E-05 =

Sample (1a0/cc l (GPM)... I (Constant) (NGRR Ct/src)

Total Noble Gas Release Rate: Total NGRR Add Plant Vent + AE + MSL + SGBD Ci/sec Determine Radioiodine Release Rate (RR) In Curies/Second 1.MSL NG RR = X 1.OE-02 =

2. PlantVentNG RR + AE NG RR X 1.OE-04 =

Total Radioiodine Release Rate (Add 1 + 2 to Obtain) Total IRR (Ci/sec) =

  • If actual flow rate is unavailable, use 60,000 cfm
  • If actual flow rate is unavailable, use 20 cfm

- If actual value is unavailable, use 300 GPM

IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet Back Calculating Release Rate from Field Data Administrative Data Field Reading Location Field Reading Mileage Miles Field Reading Sector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Meteorology Wind Speed (at time of release) meters/sec XV /Q Radiological Data Field Reading (clsd window or Reuter Stokes) mrem / hr Noble Gas DCF (from table below) (mr/hr) / (,Ci/cc)

Time after Shutdown (hrs.) Dose Conversion Factor (mr/hr) / (pCi/cc) 0-1.5 4.70 E+5 1.5-2.5 2.80 E+5 2.5 - 3.5 2.30 E+5 3.5 - 4.5 2.00 E+5 4.5-6.5 1.70 E+5 6.5-12.5 1.20 E+5

> 12.5 5.80 E+4 Release Rate Calculation x x ) =

Field Wind X I Q Noble Gas NGRR (Ci/sec)

Reading Speed DCF (mr/hr) (m/sec)

Sheet 1 of 1 Form EP-1 9 Rev 0

Turnover Sheet Date: Time:

Outgoing: Relieving:

Discuss the following items:

1. Emergency Classification: 1l GE [I SAE El Alert E Unusual Event EAL:
2. Initiating Event:
3. Current Status of:

A. Personnel Safety:

B. Plant Safety:

C. Release of Non-Essential Personnel:

D. Accountability:

Missing Persons:

Search and Rescue:

E: Radiological Conditions:

F. WPO/JNC Actions:

G. OSC/TSC Status:

H. Offsite Actions (ie: schools, facility activation, PARs, etc.)

5. Status of Offsite Notifications: El None El NYS /Counties E NRC (headquarters and Residents El INPO El ANI
6. Corrective Actions:

Teams Out:

7. Actions Underway:


8. Actions that need to be Initiated:
9. Prognosis:

Page 1 of 1 Form EP-20, Rev 1

Media Briefing Worksheet Date: Briefing #:

Time: Briefing Announced: U Yes U No Reason for Briefing: U Initial Briefing U Emergency Classification Change U EAS Broadcast U Periodic Update / Other Points to be Covered Order Entergy Westchester County Rockland County Putnam County Orange County (confirm if via PictureTel or teleconference)

State of NY Public Inquiry Feedback Media Monitoring Feedback Graphic Changes Needed:

Graphics I Visual Requests:

Form EP-21 Rev. 0

Media Briefinq Issues Form Time Noted: lINoted By:

Type of Issue: D Incorrect Information Li Additional Information Needed 0 Clarification Requested LI Unanswered Question Issue:

Type of Resolution: LI Provide Information to Media Rep. OL Include in Written Statement EI Include in Next Media Briefing El Brief Spokesperson(s) L Other Resolution Details:

Page 1 or 1 Form EP-22, Rev 0

( (7 C JNC AFIG-FR-PoiinName (print) Arrived Departed Name (print) Arrived Departed JNC Director Company Spokesperson JNC Technical Advisor Technical Briefer Agency Liaison Support Services Manager Media Room Manager Media Room Liaison JNC Writer JNC Documenter Audiovisual Coordinator AV / Graphics Staff (2 minimum for activation, may include Audiovisual _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Date: Page I of 3 Form EP-23 Rev. 0 Shaded positions entail functions that are required for activation


((. C (

.. . . .. J fJ C STjILF Fl 1'I G FORM:.'.w '*.:.
  • Poiio s' Shift Time Time 2nd Shift Time Time PoiinName (print) Arrived Departed Name (print) Arrived Departed Public Inquiry Coordinator lll[]

Media Monitoring Staff Media Referral Staff Memnber(s)

Public Inquiry Staff=

(as required)l [ 3 Date:. Page 2of 3 Form EP-23 Rev. 0 Shaded positions entail functions that are required for activation

( ( (7 Shift Time jSt Shift 2Time nd Time

-  ; . i STAFFIG R mA 15t Shift Time Time 2nd Shift Time Time Position Name (print) Arrived Departed Name (print) Arrived Departed Support Services Staff Registration Coordinator Registration Coordinator IT Representative Radiological Advisor JNC Access Control IP Communications Representative Government Liaison Rep Government Liaison Rep Government Liaison Rep Date: Page 3 of 3 Form EP-23 Rev. 0 Shaded positions entail functions that are required for activation

Emergency Summary Sheet

< ndian Point Energy Center Time:


1. This is a Drill D-This is an Actual Event D
2. Emergency Classification:

Unusual Event D] 270 90 Alert D]

Site Area Emergency LI General Emergency LI

3. Event


180 Radiological Conditions:

Release of Radioactive Materials Li No Release due to the classified Fi Release BELOW federally approved operating limits event. (Technical Specifications)

O To Atmosphere 0 To Water Release ABOVE federally approved operating limits El (Technical Specifications)

O To Atmosphere 0 To Water n Unmonitored Release - Being Evaluated

5. Meteorological Conditions:

Wind Speed: MPH Wind Direction (from):

General Weather Conditions:

ITo convert Meters / sec to Miles / Hr divide by .46)

Page 1 of I Form EP-24 Rev. 0

Written Statement Distribution Checklist I chllow each step below as assigned. Some steps are concurrent, as noted by the numbering. Support Services Manager isto confirm all steps are completed at conclusion.

Statement Number: I I -lh Step JNC Position Completed By (Print)

  1. Responsible Detail Description and Time 1 Support Obtain "APPROVED WRITTEN STATEMENT/NEWS Services RELEASE" from JNC Writer and start distribution Manager process:

o Have Company Spokesperson initial, notify Documenter of approval time El Start a Written Statement Distribution Checklist and Fax Distribution Sheet (in Position Binder and file cabinet)

El Record Statement Number above o Give Original statement with Distribution Checklist and Fax Distribution sheet to Support Services Staff to make initial copies.

2 Assigned El Make 2 copies of statement Support El Provide Support Services Staff in fax/copy room Services Staff with 2 copies (one for further copying and one Person for fax distribution described below)

El Provide original initialed copy back to Support

- Services Manager 3a Support Make 48+ copies of final written statement/news Services Staff releases and coordinate distribution with other Support assigned to Services Staff as follows:

Copy area El 16 Copies to Public Inquiry Coordinator El 12+ Copies to the Media Room Liaison for media (Coordinate number needed with Media Room Liaison. Copies to Media may take priority depending on timing.)

E 4 Copies to Media Monitoring Room Personnel 0 8 Copies to Entergy Rooms A/B El Post 1 Copy on Bulletin Board near JNC Writer E 7 (or 14-2 each) copies to each work room (State, Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Orange, NRC and FEMA)

El Upon completion, provide this Distribution Checklist to Support Services Manager Page 1 of 2 Form EP-25 Rev. 1

Written Statement Distribution Checklist

ollow each step below as assigned. Support Services Manager isto Statement Number

confirm all steps are completed.

3b Support Concurrently, ensure statement is faxed to locations Service Staff indicated on the Fax Distribution Form. DO NOT SEND in Fax/Copy FAX DISTRIBUTION FORM IN OUT-GOING FAX Room TRANSMISSION, Include Fax Cover Sheet o Complete fax distribution to media on one fax machine U Complete fax distribution to other emergency facilities and other Entergy locations on another fax machine (follow Fax Distribution Form)

El Review Fax Confirmation sheets to ensure they state that all transmissions were successfully completed (the text of the confirmation will read OK)

Upon completion, provide fax confirmation sheet(s) to Support Services Manager I

4 Support Provide original (initialed) statement; fax confirmation(s);

Services and this Distribution Checklist to JNC Documenter for log Manager keeping I Il Page 2 of 2 Form EP-25 Rev. I

Information Distribution Guide 1

(Follow the priority ordernoted) 1

+rype of Information Recipient (follow order for distribution, if possible) Distribution Completed By (Print)

Plant Status, including Utility Room A & B PICS or EDDS data E JNC Technical Advisor (& Radiological sheets, Forms and Advisor) plant parameters (received via fax or El Company Spokesperson from/via JNC Technical E JNC Director Advisor)

El Agency Liaison o JNC Documenter El State/County PlOs (Radiological Data Forms, Part I and 2 ONLY)

EAS Statements ALL Locations/All positions (provided by State or El Public Inquiry Room & Media Monitoring via Agency Liaison) Room (20+ copies)

El Entergy Rooms A & B (9+copies)

El State, County and Federal Work Rooms El Media Briefing Room (at assigned time provided by State or Agency Liaison)

Written Statements, Follow Written Statement Distribution Checklist . .

including news releases form All Other Information Request distribution instructions from the Received (via fax or Support Services Manager and/or JNC Director otherwise)

Page 1 of 1 Form EP-26 Rev. 2 Pae1o omE-6Rv



-tfypeof call: (Public Inquiry) (Professional Inquiry) (Media Inquiry) (Media Monitor Report)

Date of call/broadcast: Time of call/broadcast:

Name of responder/monitor:

Media Name/Location:

Caller's/Reporter's name: Phone: ( j -

Question(s) asked/Inaccurate Information:

Response given/Correct Information and Source:

Is call back required: ( ) Yes (_) No Call Back Number ( )_ _

If yes, call back completed at: By:

Was the call referred: _) Yes (_) No If yes, to whom?

Further action required: () Yes () No Was this action completed? (_) Yes (_) No By:

Reported to Public Inquiry Coordinator at:

Public Inquiry Coordinator Notes:

Return completed form to Public Inquiry Coordinator:

Page I of 1 Form EP-27 Rev. 0

Joint News Center Fax Cover Sheet FROM:


Number of Pages (including cover):_


Individual Exposure Tracking Log Name: lTLDX l KI Issued:

VEmployee #: Date: Time:

Initial Exposure Limit: WBC O TRNG E PHY 0 RESP 0 SCBA O Available Time Emergency Location I Team / Times Exposure of Dosimeter Exposure (mrem) Reading Readin (mrem)


Time Out:

Time In:


Time Out:

Time In:


Time Out:

Time In:

T eam :__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

T im e O u t: __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Time In:


Time Out:

Time In:


1. Use this form to track individual's exposure of ERO members dispatched from EOFIOSC/TSC and
2. Initial Exposure Limit will be normal occupational limit or 1000 mrem emergency limit for duration of emergency. ED or EPM may authorize more exposure.
3. If Form is filled transfer Name, TLD # and remaining available exposure to new form and staple this completed form to it.

Form EP-29 Rev I


Team Member Names:

Count Rate Meter, Model#: E-140N Serial#: Ion Chamber, Model#: R-02 Serial#:_


SURVEY LOCATION (Sector/Mile, Streetlintersectionlmi. to Int.)








CW (mRlhr)


X2 REMARKS l __[

NOTES: [1] 24-hr clock

[2] E-140N, Count Rate Meter data.

13] RO-2, Ion Chamber data.

[4] 1000 CPM = 0.1 mR/hr (OW)

Form EP-30, Rev. 1

Monitoring Team Sample Data Team Name: Date:

Team Member Names:

Sample Location:

Sector: Mile:

County: Atlas Key Map #: Grid:

Street: Nearest Intersect: Mi. to Intersect.: -

Radiation Field Measurements:

Ion Chamber, Model #: RO-2 Serial #: Time:

@ 3 In. above ground: @ 3 ft. above ground:

Opened Window (OW) (mR/hr): -Opened Window (OW) (mR/hr):

Closed Window (CW) (mR/hr): Closed Window (CW) (mR/hr):

(OW-CW) X 2 (mrad/hr):

Air Sampling:

Air Sampler, Model #: H-809V-1 Serial #:

Particulate Filter: Iodine (C): Iodine (AgZ):

Sampling Start: Time (HH:MM): Flow (CFM):

Sampling Stop: Time (HH:MM): Flow (CFM):

Duration (MM)

Average Flow (CFM):

Sample Volume (CF):

Air Sample Countingq:

Count Rate Meter, Model #: E-140N Serial #: Time:

Part Filter, Bkgd (CPM): Gross (CPM): Net (CPM): )

Iodine (C), Bkgd (CPM): Gross (CPM): Net (CPM): )

Iodine (AgZ), Bkgd (CPM): Gross (CPM): Net (CPM):

Form EP-31, Rev. 0

Determination of Radioactive Airborne Concentrations Where: Vol") is in liters ( Liters = 2.832 x FT3 )

A= Net CPM x I.OE-09 Efficiency'2) is 0.1 for particulate, 0.2 for iodine pci/cc =

B= 2.2xVolxEff.xCCF CCF3) is .95 for Charcoal, 1.0 for AgZ I Paper Sample Location: O Particulate IIodine Sample Time: Team:

Sample Net CPM Constant AG . I0  ?:

Z X 1.OE-09 =

Sample Volume Efficiency Constant CCF in Litersf ) (2) (3) B X X 2.2 X pCi/cc = A/B =PCi/cc Calculated by: Time:

Sample Location: 0 Particulate 0 Iodine Sample Time: Team:

Sample Net CPM Constant A 43-X 1.OE-09 ,

Sample Volume Efficiency Constant CCF in Liters' (2) (3) B X X 2.2 X pCi/cc = A/B . pCi/cc l  :

pi.7 '

Calculated by: Time:

Sample Location: 0 Particulate Iodine Sample Time: Team:

Sample Net CPM Constant A 43-X 1.0E-09 Sample Volume Efficiency Constant CCF in Liters° (2) (3) B G X X 2.2 X pCi/cc A/B = pCi/cc Calculated by: Time:m Form EP-32, Rev 0









Form EP-33 Rev. 0

Courtesy Call Guide



(from IP Communications Representative)

Indicate Emergency Classification Level (ECL), EAL/Time Unusual Event Alert Site Area Emergency General Emergency Plant Status/lnformation/Radiological Conditions (notes):

2. Script for Courtesy Calls "Hi, my name is I'm representing the Indian Point Energy Center as a Government Liaison Representative.

I'm calling to inform you that....(provide the event information obtained from the IP Communications Representative)....

This is all the information that I have at this point. Entergy will be issuing a news release regarding the event (give timeframe, e.g. within the next 30 minutes).

Should I continue to call you at this number if I need to contact you again?"

Name of GLR:

Time Calls Completed:


Form EP-34 Rev. 0




TIME: Start: End:

Indian Point Energy Center declared a at (time). The event was declared as a result of PLANT STATUS/EVENT INFORMATION: RESPONSE (SITE, CORPORATE):





Form EP-35 Rev. 0

Emergency Team Briefing Form Ta ubr Lead Breifer: Date: lLocation of Work:

O I&C El Rad (I Main Time:l El Ops O Chem El Secl Task:

Attach any additional supporting documentation Tools, Keys, Equipment and/or Supplies:

Name! Avail Dose Name/ Avail Dose Team Members: *

  • Designate one member as the Team Leader  :

Rad. Brief: E Complete 0 NIA Estimated Dose: Contact Numbers:

ERWP: E N/A or #

Primary Method(s) of Communications: 0 Radio 0 Phone 0 Other:

Recommended Route to Work:

Time Release to Field: Expected Duration:

Status I Debrief Items: 0 Completed Debriefer:

Page 1 of 2 Form EP-38 Rev 0

Emergency Team Briefing Form Team Dispatch Guidelines:

iK 1. Do they know the Scope of Job & Approximate Duration O

2. Technical Briefing Complete, including scope of job L
3. Radiological Briefing Complete, I
4. Do they have HP Coverage, if needed 0
5. Tell them their Available Dose, available dose on form 0
6. Tell them about non-radiological Safety Issues, electrical, confined space, lighting, chemical, falls, fire, other work in area, running equipment. 0
7. Assign and tell team their Team Number and list it on form 0
8. Do they know the Location of Job and Route, is it listed on form 0
9. Do they have their Tools, Needed Keys and/or Parts L
10. Give them Coordinators Phone Numbers L I1. Tell them to Report Back Every 20 - 30 Minutes L
12. Have them perform a Radio Check when they get in the field 0
13. Provide team leader with copy of Team Briefing form 0 Team Check-In Guidelines: (completed by Team Coordinator)
1. Ensure All Team Members Returned L
2. Record Dose Received L
3. Ask about Job Status L
4. Have them Return Radio to Charger L
5. Tell them to Report to Lead Coordinator for Debriefing L Team Debriefing Guidelines: (completed by Lead Coordinator) Yes
1. Are there any outstanding safety issues to address? LI
2. Were any Non-Quality or Non-Standard Parts used? LI
3. Were any Temporary Facility Changes made? El
4. Was any excess torque or force applied to components? 0I
5. Was any valve position or equipment status changed? El

, 6. Was any work performed which would normally require follow-up Testing El Attach further details as needed to ensure outstanding issues can be addressed during Recovery Phase.

Page 2 of 2 Form EP-38 Rev 0

Task Assignment Log Task Description / Lead Coordinator Datel Time Date/ Time Assigned Competed Priority lLead Coordinator Priority Lead Coordinator Priority lLead Coordinator Priority lLead Coordinator Priority lLead Coordinator Priorities:

High (H): The mission is necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the public and/or plant personnel.

Medium (M): Any task that requires action by the OSC and should be worked on at the immediate time period, but does not fit the criteria of a health and safety of the public related mission.

Low (L): Any mission which can be worked on when resources permit.

Sheet 1 of 1 Form EP-39 Rev 0

Emergency Radiation Work Permit ERWP Number: Written By:

Date: Approved By:

(RP Coordinator)

Work Area:

Radiation Readings: L Based on recent survey (post emergency) SurveyTime:

LI Based on Old Surveys & Plant Conditions (update as soon as possible)

High General Area Reading: mR/Hr Updates: mR/Hr mR/Hr High Equipment Contact Readings: / mR/Hr On:

Surface Contamination Levels: DPM/100CM 2 DPM/100CM 2 Internal System Contamination Expected: El Yes O No Airborne Levels*: 0 Yes LI No

  • Attach Sample Results -- Consider giving KI prior to dispatching teams IFthyroid dose isexpected to be > 25 Rem Recommended Respirator Protection:

To be Worn When:

Dosimetry Required: El TLD El SRD Range(s) L Alarming Set At:

Recommended Protective Clothing:

Hold Radiation Limit: mR/Hr mrem Turn Back Radiation Limit: mR/Hr mrem RP Technician Required: OL No L Until on location (survey)

LI Self Monitoring LI Continuously L To Open System Other Instructions:

Sheet I of 1 Form EP-40 Rev 0

Normal Unit 2 OSC Staffing At least 2 individuals shall be members of the First Aid Team N. Positions Number Number Called Present Needed 1 OSC Manager I Team Coordinator 2 Accountability Clerks 1 Rad Protection Coordinator I Operations Coordinator 1 Maintenance Coordinator 1 I&C Coordinator 1 I&C Planner 1 I&C Supervisor 2 I&C Technicians 1 Chemistry Supervisor 1 Chemistry Technician 1 Electrical Planner 1 Electrical Supervisor 2 Electrical Technicians 1 Mechanical Supervisor 1 Mechanical Planner 2 Mechanical Technicians 1 HP Supervisor 4 HP Technicians

- Operations Personnel

- Other 27 Total number of individuals assigned to OSC [

OSC Manager should enter number of each positions needed based on event.

Sheet 1 of I Form EP-41 Rev

TT ( (.

Team Coordinator: ERO Tracking Log Date:

Team Location I Time Due Time Team Avail. Dose New Avail Job Task Out Back . In Member Names Exposure Rec Exposure Status Lead Coordinator Lead Coordinator Lead Coordinator NOTES:

1. Use this form (or similar electronic spreadsheet) to track individuals located outside the TSCIOSC Complex, CR or Security Posts
2. Individual emergency exposures should be tracked on Individual Exposure Tracking Log (Form EP-29)

Sheet I of I Form EP42, Rev 0

Onsite ERO Shift Rosters EOF i POSITION Shift 1 Individual(s) Shift 2 Individual(s)

Emergency Director EOF Manager ORAD Dose Assessment HP ED Technical Advisor MIDAS Operator _

EOF Information Liaison EOF Communicator #1 EOF Communicator #2 EOF SAS Proteus Operator EOF Offsite Liaison State EOC Technical Liaison Westchester EOC Technical Liaison Putnam EOC Technical Liaison Rockland EOC Technical Liaison Orange EOC Technical Liaison Admin and Logistics Manager ___

Offsite Monitoring Teams (4) ___

Onsite Monitoring Team (2 HPs) _ _

EOF Clerical Staff (3) _

Pag 1oof4Frm1-3 e Page 1 of 4 Form EP-43 Rev 0

Onsite ERO Shift Rosters TSC POSITION l Shift 1 Individual(s) Shift 2 Individual(s) _

Emergency Plan Manager TSC Manager Technical Assessment Coordinator Operations Advisor Radiological Advisor Core Physics Engineer Mechanical Engineer Elec I l&C Engineer TSC Data Coordinator TSC Communicator TSC Communicator CCR Data Processor CCR Document Controller TSC Clerical Staff (2)

Others Page 2 of 4 Form EP-43 Rev 0

Unit 2 Onsite ERO Shift Rosters osc POSITION Shift I Individual(s) Shift 2 Individual s)

OSC Manager Team Coordinator Operations Coordinator RP Coordinator Maintenance Coordinator I&C Coordinator Accountability Clerk HP Supervisor HP Technicians Chemistry Supervisor Chemistry Technicians I&C Supervisor I&C Planner I&C Technicians Page P4 e _o4Fr Page 3 of 4 Form EP-43 Rev 0

Unit 2 Onsite ERO Shift Rosters osc

POSITION Shift I Individual(s) Shift 2 Individual(s)

Mechanical Supervisor Mechanical Planner Electrical Planner Mechanical / Electrical Technicians Material Storekeeper Others Notes:

1. Call the EOF Clerical Staff and or Fax them the EOF Section of this form to obtain names of individuals filling EOF positions on the first shift
2. Call individuals filling Misc. positions outside the EOF,TSC or OSC
3. With the Support of the facility clerical staffs use Emergency Telephone Book to call in individuals to fill second shift.

Page 4 of 4 Form EP-43 Rev 0

Unit 2 OSC Guidelines General Guidelines BE CAREFUL

1. Always ensure you card into the Accountability Card Reader or sign in on an Accountability Roster when you arrive at the Operations Support Center.
2. Maintain a quiet professional manner throughout the event.
3. Pay attention to the facility briefings and maintain awareness of conditions and events.
4. DO NOT leave the TSC/OSC Complex without checking out with the Team Coordinator. or the Accountability Clerk NOTE: The restrooms at the top of the stairs are still within the TSC/OSC Complex, but you should inform a coworker when going there.

Team Dispatch WORK SAFE

1. When selected to perform a task in the field, receive job briefing from the Lead Coordinator (Operations, Maintenance, I&C or Radiation Protection) for your assigned task. IF the job involves possible radiological exposures THEN the Radiation Protection Coordinator or an HP Supervisor will provide a you with a radiological briefing.

These briefs should be conducted in one of the briefing rooms.

The Lead Coordinator will give you the Team Briefing Form when you are being dispatched after completion of briefing.

2. ALWAYS check out with the Team Coordinator prior to leaving TSC/OSC Complex to perform a task -

Always take a radio and test it before going out into the field unless directed otherwise by the Team Coordinator.

Give the Team Coordinator the Team Briefing Form when you are checking out.

3. Maintain communications with the Team Coordinator while in the field. Report any unexpected conditions or events immediately.
4. ALWAYS check in with the Team Coordinator and report any exposure you received IMMEDIATELY upon your return to the TSC/OSC Complex after performing a task.

REPORT any safety concerns which may be important for future work or to teams currently in the field The Team Coordinator will return the Team Briefing Form to you after you have checked in with him/her.

5. Report to the Lead Coordinator (Operations, Maintenance, I&C or Radiation Protection) for a de-briefing after you have completed checking in with the Team Coordinator. Report:

Status of the assigned task Any deviations taken from normal work practices or quality control processes Any follow-up task(s) you feel are needed to ensure assignment goal is completed

6. After the team de-briefing return to the pool area and await further assignment. Brief other Technicians in the pool on tasks you performed and conditions in the field.

Page I of I Form EP-44 Rev 1

Assembly Area Coordinator Instructions Instructions Notes

1. Review any special instructions with OSC Manager and insure you have a full understanding of priorities Record OSC Manager Contact Number:
2. Assume the duties of the Energy Education Center (EEC)

Assembly Area Coordinator.

A. Report to the EEC B. Establish telephone communications with the OSC Manager,

i. Using the phone located under round access control desk in upper level EEC call the OSC Manager to inform them you are in place, provide them with phone number at your location.

ii. Draft an individual to remain at phone and communicate messages to you as necessary.

iii. Set up, or direct assistance to set up, EEC PA System, stored in the security area behind the access control desk.

3. Draft at least 3 Management personnel to assist in controlling personnel located at the EEC. Have them direct assembled personnel to form groups by disciplines and stand by for further information and instructions.
4. Do not allow personnel to leave the EEC until you have verified with the OSC Manager that there has been no release of Radioactive Materials.
5. Periodically (-every 30 min) contact the OSC Manager for brief overview of events and plant conditions.
6. Periodically (-every 30 min) brief personnel in the EEC on events and plant conditions.
7. Locate and dispatch additional personnel to respond inside the Protected Area or to the EOF as needed.
8. When directed by the OSC Manager either:

A. Dismiss Individuals from the Site B. Release individuals back to work C. Direct individuals to a designate location (on or offsite)

9. When all personnel have departed from the EEC Assembly Area A. Return Portable PA System to it's storage location.

B. Return Assembly Area Phone to it's storage location.

C. Document any problems with equipment, personnel or procedures observed during event.

Page I of I Form EP-45, Rev 0

Normal Unit 2 TSC Staffing No. Positions Number Number Called N P Present Needed 1 TSC Manager 1 Technical Assessment Coordinator 1 Operations Advisor 1 Radiological Advisor 1 Core Physics Engineer 1 Electrical / I&C Engineer 1 Mechanical Engineer 1 TSC Data Coordinator 1 TSC Communicator 1 CCR Communicator 1 CCR Data Logger 1 Document Control Technician 2 TSC Clerical Support 14 Total number of individuals assigned to TS_ _

TSC Manager should enter number of each position needed based on event.

Sheet 1 of 1 I Form EP-46 Rev 0

Accountability Roster Facility: UTSC / OSC Complex E Control Room E Command Guard House Unit: E Unit 2 0 Unit 3 Security Print Name Location Verified to Badge # (Last I First) (If known) be ok (V)

.I I=

Accountability checked by: on at (Signature) (Date) (Time)

EP-47 Rev 0

EOF Security Sign In Log

[Security Officer:

(print name)


Print Name In I Out In mIeut Organization

_ Indian Pt. E State O County El NRC E FEMA O Other El Indian Pt. O State El County El NRC E FEMA El Other El Indian Pt. E State El County E NRC E FEMA El Other El Indian Pt. El State El County El NRC El FEMA El Other E Indian Pt. E State E County E NRC El FEMA El Other E Indian Pt. El State El County El NRC El FEMA E Other E Indian Pt. El State E County E NRC El FEMA E Other l_Indian Pt. El State E County E NRC E FEMA E Other E Indian Pt. E State El County El NRC El FEMA El Other E Indian Pt. El State E County E NRC El FEMA E Other OE Indian Pt. E State E County E NRC El FEMA El Other El Indian Pt. E State E County El NRC E FEMA El Other D Indian Pt. D State E County El NRC E FEMA E Other Form EP-48 Rev 0

Containment Discharge Worksheet Date: Time: Name:

VC Activities Noble Gas Particulates Radioiodines pci/cc Estimated Begin Release Time: hr.

Estimated End Release Time hr.

Estimated Release Duration: hrs.

Estimated Plant Vent Flow Rate CFM Estimated Plant Vent Noble Gas Reading pCi/cc Estimated Release Rate Noble Gas Ci/sec Radioiodines Ci/sec Particulates Ci/sec Wind Speed m/s Wind Direction Degrees Pasquill Category (A-G)

Forecasted Weather:

Projected Exposure: TEDE - Whole Body (REM) TODE - Thyroid (REM)

S.B 2 Mile 5 Mile 10 Mile Emergency Director Concurrence El Received Print Name Nuclear Regulatory Commission R Concurrence Received Print Name N t NYS El Westchester II Rockland

.a Putnam LI Orange Page 1 of 2 Form EP-49 Rev. 0

Containment Discharge Worksheet Date: Time: Name:

Date @ Start of Release: Time @ Start of Release:

Date @ End of Release: Time @ End of Release:

Release Duration: hrs.

Total Volume Released: ft3 Average Reading - Plant Vent Monitor for the Release pCi/cc Total Release Noble Gas Curies Radioiodines Curies Particulates Curies Plant Vent Samples Isotope pCi/cc Time of Sample Isotope CLi/cc Time of Sample Pae2o omEP4Rev 0 Page 2 of 2 Form EP-49 Rev. 0

( C (


£ 4 4

£ 4 + 4

  • 4 i . . t 4 i I i Form EP-50, Rev 0

Normal Unit 3 OSC Staffing Chart No.* Positions / Job Name Needed Called 1 OSC Manager 1 OSC Direct-Line Communicator 1 OSC Dispatcher 1 OSC Team Leader 1 OSC H.P. Team Leader I OSC Dosimetry Technician 6 OSC H.P. Technician 1 OSC Maintenance Team Leader 2 OSC Maintenance Technicians 1 OSC l&C Team Leader 3 OSC l&C Technicians 1 OSC Chemistry Team Leader 1 OSC Chemistry Technicians 2 Radwaste Technicians I OSC Clerk 1 OSC Security Team Leader 25 Total # Normal Staff l l

  • Normal Staffing Level OSC Manager should enter number of each positions needed based on event.

Sheet 1 of 2 Form EP-51 Rev 0

Additional Unit 3 OSC Staffing Positions / Job Name Needed Called I

Sheet 2 of 2 Form EP-51 Rev 0

Normal Unit 3 TSC Staffing Chart No.* Positions / Job Name Needed Called 1 TSC Manager 1 TSC Communicator (s)_

1 TSC SPDS Computer Operator 1 TSC Video Operator I TSC Clerk(s) 1 Reactor Engineer 1 Mechanical Engineer I

1 Electrical Engineer 8 Total # Normal Staff l

  • Normal Staffing Level OSC Manager should enter number of each positions needed based on event.

Sheet 1 of 1 Form EP-52 Rev 0

Unit 2 Plant Parameters - 42A Parameter Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Reactor Shutdown YIN NIS Power Range  %

NIS Interm. Rg. 35 Amps NIS Interm. Rg. 36 Amps NIS Source Rg. 31 CPS NIS Source Rg. 32 CPS RCS Incore TIC Center OF RCS Incore TIC 5th Highest OF RCS Press PSIG RCS Avg. Temp. OF RCS Cold Leg Temp. OF SAT. Meter Margin OF All RCPs in Service YIN Pressurizer Level  %

Reactor Vessel Level  %

S/G Levels (NR) #21  %

  1. 22  %
  1. 23  %
  1. 24 _

SIG Press #21 PSIG

  1. 22 PSIG
  1. 23 PSIG
  1. 24 PSIG VC Press PSIG
  • VC Temp. OF VC Sump Level Elev. FT.

VC Hydrogen  %

Aux. FW Flow SG 21 GPM Aux. FW Flow SG 22 GPM Aux. FW Flow SG 23 GPM Aux. FW Flow SG 24 GPM R.W.S.T. Level FT.

Cond. Stor. Tk. Level FT.

  • Manual entry in PICS Form EP-53 Rev 0

Unit 2 Equipment Status - 42B Parameter Time Parameter Time Offsite Pwr. Avail 138KV Service Water Pumps #21 13.8KV #22 6900 Volt BUS NO. 1 #23 BUS NO. 2 #24 BUS NO. 3 #25 BUS NO. 4 #26 BUS NO. 5 Circ Water Pumps #21 BUS NO. 6 #22 480 Volt BUS NO. 2A #23 BUS NO. 3A #24 BUS NO. 5A #25 BUS NO. 6A #26 Emergency D/Gs #21 Condensate Pumps #21

  1. 22 #22
  1. 23 #23 Gas Turbines GTA1 Comp Cool Heat Exch #21 GT-2 #22 GT-3 RHR Heat Exch. #21 SIS Pumps #21 #22
  1. 22 Fan Cooler Units #21
  1. 23 #22 RHR Pumps #21 #23
  1. 22 #24 Charging Pumps #21 #25
  1. 22
  1. 23 VC Isol. Phase A (YIN)

Rx Coolant Pumps #21 VC Isol. Phase B (YIN)

  1. 22 VC Isol. Vent. (YIN)
  1. 23
  1. 24 Exceptions Component Cool Pumps #21
  1. 22
  1. 23 Hi Hd SIS Flow #21 (GPM)

Aux Comp Cool Pumps #21 #22 (GPM)

  1. 22 #23 (GPM)

Aux Feed Water Pumps #21 #24 (GPM)

  1. 22 Lo Hd SIS Flow #21 (GPM)
  1. 23 #22 (GPM)

Cont Spray Pumps #21 #23 (GPM)

  1. 22 #24 (GPM)

Recir Pumps #21 Accumulator Level #21(  %

  1. 22 #22 ( )
  1. 23(  %)
  1. 24( %

S = Stand By 0 = Operating OS = Out of Service Form EP-54, Rev 0

Unit 2 Radiological Data 42C Parameter Time Time Time Time Time Time Time R-5987 MCC 98' mR/hr R-1 CCR mR/hr R-2 VC 80' mR/hr R-4 Charging Pump mR/hr R-5 F.S.B. mR/hr R-6 Sample Room mR/hr R-7 VC Seal Table mR/hr R-41 VC Part. pCi/cc R-42 VC Gas ,uCi/cc =

R-43 Vent Part. gCiIcc R-44 Vent Gas ,uCi/cc R-44 VENT 1-131 gCi/cc R-45 Air Ejector ,Ci/cc R-46 F.C. Water ,Ci/cc __

R-47 Comp. Cool. PCi/cc R-48 Liq. Waste pCi/cc R-49 S/G B.D. pC!Icc R-53 F.C. W ater pCilcc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

R-25 VC Hi-Rge. R/hr R-26 VC Hi-Rge. R/hr R-27 Vent Monitor pCi/cc R-27 Vent Flow Rate CFM R-27 Vent Disch. Rate _ Cilsec R-28 Main Steam Rad Mon.CPM R-29 Main Steam Rad Mon.CPM R-30 Main Steam Rad Mon.CPM R-31 Main Steam Rad Mon.CPM Vent Flow Rate CFM Main Steam Exh. Lbs/hr Air Ejector (meas. Value) CFM

    • Manual entry in EDDS & Proteus Form EP-55, Rev. 0

Communications Message Form Route To:

From: El Emergency Director (ED)

To: El Plant Operations Manager (POM)

Date: El Offsite Radiological Manager (ORM)

El TSC Manager Time:

El OSC Manager El Other:




Form EP-56, Rev. 0

Unit 3 Plant Parameters - 31A

_ Time Time Time Monitor Units Status Incore TIC Time Avg DegF Highest CET DegF RCL Avg Tave DegF RCL Hot Avg T DegF RCS Pressure Loop I PSIG RCS Pressure Loop 4 PSIG RCS Sat Mar Low DegF CET Temp Sat Max DegF RCP Running #

Pzr Lvi 112131 Ave PCT Charging Pump Disc GPM SG # 31 WR Lvl PCT SG # 32 WR Lvl PCT _

SG # 33 WR Lvl PCT SG # 34 WR Lvl PCT SG A Stm P PSIG SG B Stm P PSIG SG C Stm P PSIG SG D Stm P PSIG Cnmt P 11213 Avg PSIG Aux FD to SG # 31 GPM Aux FD to SG # 32 GPM Aux FD to SG # 33 GPM Aux FD to SG # 34 GPM CST Lvl LT-1128 FT CST Lvl LT-1128a FT Cnmt Avg Temp DegF Cnmt Sump LT-1255 FT Cnmt Sump LT-1256 FT Recirc Sump LT-1261 FT Recirc Sump LT-1252 FT RWST Lvl FT CSAT Lvl FT Cnmt H2 Conc A PCT Cnmt H2 Conc B PCT RVLIS Dyn Head Lvl A PCT RVLIS Dyn Head Lvi A PCT RVLIS Full Rng A PCT RVLIS Full Rng B PCT Src Rng Det N31 CPS Src Rng Det N32 CPS Int Rng Det N35 AMPS Int Rng Det N36 AMPS WR Start-Up, High DPM Power Rng Det Avg PCT O_S = Out of Service U = Bad Data / Out of Range A = Alarm S = Out of Scan X = Out of Alarm Form EP-57, Rev. 0

Unit 3 Radiological Data - 31 B Time Time Time Monitor Units Status R-01 mR/hr R-02 mR/hr R-04 mR/hr R-05 mR/hr R-06 mR/hr R-07 mR/hr R-08 mR/hr R-11 pCi/cc R-12 pCi/cc _

R-14 pCi/cc _ _

R-15 pCi/cc R-16A pCi/cc R-16B pCi/cc R-17A pCi/ml R-17B pCi/ml R-18 pCi/cc R-19 pCi/cc R-23 pCi/cc R-25 R/hr R-26 R/hr R-27 pCi/sec Y9051 A KCFM R-59 pCi/cc R-62A pCi/cc R-62B pCi/cc R-62D pCi/cc R-63A pCi/cc R-63B pCi/cc R-64 MR/hr R-65 MR/hr R-66 MR/hr R-67 MR/hr R-68 MR/hr R-69 MR/hr R-70 MR/hr OS = Out of Service U = Bad Data / Out of Range S = Out of Scan X = Out of Alarm Form EP-58, Rev. 0

Unit 3 Equipment Status - 31C Time Time Time Time Time Time Bus Bus.

Reactor 31-1 RHR 31 Coolant 32-4 Pumps 32 =-

Pumps 33-3 CCW 31 HXs 34-2 (gpm) 31 31-2A H2 31-2A Emer. 32-6A RcmBnrs 32-6A D/Gs 33-5A 31 -5A Offsite 138 Fan 32-2A Power Cooler (Kv) 13.8 Units 33-5A GT-1 . 34-3A Gas GT-2 35-6A Turbines GT-3 Aux 31-3A 31-5A Blr Feed 32 SIS 32-2A Pump 33-6A Pumps 33-6A Cnmt 31-5A Spray 31 Pumps 32-6A Hig Flow 32 Charging 31-5A (gpm) 33 Pump 32-3A 34 Breakers 33-6A RHR 31-3A Comp 31-5A Pumps 32-6A Cooling 32-2A Recirc 31-3A Pumps 33-6A Pumps 32-6A Aux 31-5A 31 Comp 32-6A Low Head 32 Cooling 33-5A SIS Flow 33 Pumps 34-GA 34 App R D/G 31 Accum 32 Level 33 (pct) 3 31-5A Service 32-2A Water 33-6A Pumps 34-5A 35-3A 36-6A On = Equipment Operating, Off = Off I Available, OS = Out of Service Form EP-59, Rev. 0

Security Route Alerting Security Patrol should go to each marked Location and make the following announcement, twice:

"Attention all personnel, Attention all personnel, an emergency has been declared" "All essential personnel report to your emergency facility" "All other personnel report to the Energy Education Center" Then proceed to next location and repeat the announcement, until all nine locations have been notified.

Energy Unit 2 0 Command Post I

I Unit 3 2 47 4& Command

\ i 1 - 3 - _

A I Post o\ Fri;~--

e Scrcen IHousC I

_ -- I-

-N A _ --I-Form EP-60, Rev. 0


Sheet 1 of 2


Name Date/Time Denote Contaminated Areas Numerically Initial Decon #1 Decon #2 Decoi#3 Time I L I I CPM mrad/hr Whole Body Time I L 1 CPM mrad/hr Time EL LLLL L11 2 CPM mrad/hr Time CPM II LI L 1 mrad/hr 4 CPM mrad/hrL Time Time I*I L LI L 5 CPM mrad/hr Time*

6 CPM mrad/hr Method of Decon (* Indicate Applicable Letter)

A. Soap & Water shower B. Soap Shampoo C. Water Flush D. Tape Lift E. Soap & Water Wash F. 50% Cornmeal/50% Detergent Paste G..

Meter Type/Serial No./Calib Due Date/Probe Type Meter Type/Serial No./Calib Due Date/Probe Type Health Physics, Medical and Supervisory Personnel Present or Consulted During Decon.

Remarks I understand the decontamination results and the actions required of me (if any) to complete this investigation.

Individual / Date Hot Particle Detected El NO El YES If yes, initial simplified Dose Assessment mRad Decon Performed by:

H.P. Technician Reviewed by:

R. P. Supervisor Form EP-61 Rev. 0


(Last) (First) (initial) (Social Security Number)

(Date) (Time of Contamination) Technician How & where it occurred Max. Initial Contam. Levels - With Anti-C Without Anti-Body Orifices - Swabs or Smears - Counting Instr. Used 1 2 3 4 5 Time CPM Time CPM Time CPM Time CPM Time CPM E ye __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ear Nose Mouth Other__ __

Time Decontamination Skin Area Decontamination Agents Contamination Level Skin Step Begins Contaminated Used After Decontamination Condition Time Decontamination Completed: Decontamination Done by:

Form EP-61 Rev. 0

Vehicle Contamination Check Sheet 1 of I Date: Instr. Model:

Technician:_ Instr. Number: .

Vehicle Lic. P]ate Number:_



+ 4 4 4 4 +

.4- 4 4 4 4 .4-

.4- 4 4 4 4 +

+ 4 4 4 1 I - -- - I I,

-I I I I I 4 4 4- + +/-

.4. 4 4- .4- 4- 4 I-4 I 4 4- + 4- 4 4 - .4-I 4 4 4- + + 4 1 - tI I

+ 4 4- 4- t

4. ________ 1 ________________________ ..________________ .. ..

IP-EP-Form 62, Rev 0


ARMIPRM Readings:


R41 Csm R44A __. _mrlHr Instr. Type:_

R4t2 Com R44B _--mrlHr Instr. Nbr:-

R-43 corn R44C mrIHr Cal Due:_

R44D __. m/Hr HP Tech:_

Page 1 of 1 Form EP-63, Rev 0


NRC OPERATION TELEPHONE NUMBER: PRIMARY - 301-816-5100 or 800-532-3469-, BACKUPS - [1st] 301-951-0550 or 800-449-3694, I2'wl 301-415-0550 and pa3I 301-415 053 *'Licenseeswho maintain their own ETS are provided these telephone numbers.

NOTIFICATION TIME FACILITY OR ORGANIZATION UNIT NAME OF CALLER CALL BACK1 EVENT TIME 6 Zone EVENT DATE POWERIMODE BEFORE POWERJMODE AFTER EVENT CLASSIFICATIONS 1-Hr. Non-Emergency 10 CFR 50.72(b)(1) (v)(A) Safe SD Capability AINA GENERAL EMERGENCY GEN/AAEC TS Deviation ADEV (v)(B) RHR Capability AINB SITE AREA EMERGENCY SITIAAEC 4-Hr. Non-Emergency 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2) (v)(C) Control of Rad Release AINC ALERT ALE/MEC _(i) TS Required SID ASHU (v)(D) Accident Mitigation AIND UNUSUAL EVENT UNUIAAEC (iv)(A) ECCS Discharge to RCS ACCS (xii) Offsite Medical AMED 50.72 NON-EMERGENCY (see next columns) (iv)(B) RPS Actuation (scram) ARPS (xiii) Loss Comm/Asmt/Resp ACOM PHYSICAL SECURITY (73.71) DDDD (xi) Offsite Notification APRE 60-Day Optional 10 CFR 50.73(a)(1)

MATERIALJEXPOSURE B?7? 8-Hr. Non-Emergency 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3) Invalid Specified System Actuation

_ _IAINV FITNESS FOR DUTY HFIT (ii)(A) Degraded Condition ADEG Other Unspecified Requirement OTHER UNSPECIFIED REOMT. (see last column) (ii)(B) Unanalyzed Condition AUNA NONR INFORMATION ONLY NNF (iv)(A) Specified System Actuation AESF NONR DESCRIPTION Include: Systems affected, actuations and their initiating signals, causes, effect of event on plant, actions taken or planned, etc. (Continuedon back)






  • State release path in desciption Release Rate (C1isec)  % T. S. Limit HOO GUIDE Total Activity (Ci)  % T. S. Limit HOO GUIDE Noble Gas 0.1 Ci/sec 1000 Ci Iodine 10 uClsec 0.01 CI Particulate 1 uClsec 1mCi Liquid (excluding tritlum 10 uCVmin 0.1 Ci and dissolved noble gases)

Liquid (tritium) 0.2 Ci/min 5 Ci Total Activity.


%T. S.LIMIT if applicable RCS OR SG TUBE LEAKS: CHECK OR FILL IN APPLICABLE ITEMS: (specific detallslexplanations should be covered In event description)






PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 1 of 37 Unit 2 Control Room Prepared by: Ed DeGasperis rint Naame 7/t~4 /

Signalurek f .;-

Z Date-- -

Approval: Frank Inzirillo i'-, rae -a - P_ C7 A(^)~ 7,/Z-7i (o((

IPrint Name /Date Effective Date:

IP-EP-212 (U2CCR) RI.doc

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I 11 ergye EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 2 of 37 Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE ...................................................... . 3


...................................................... . 3 3.0 DEFINITIONS ...................................................... . 3 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................... 3 5.0 DETAILS ...................................................... . 5 6.0 INTERFACES ....................................................... . 5 7.0 RECORDS ...................................................... . 5 8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT ...................................................... 6 9.0 ATTACHMENTS ....................................................... 6 9.1 SHIFT MANAGER (EMERGENCY DIRECTOR) CHECKLIST ...................................................... 7 9.2 SHIFT MANAGER UNIT 2 RESPONSE TO A UNIT 3 EMERGENCY CHECKLIST ................................. 18 9.3 CCR OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR CHECKLIST ................ ...................................... 22 9.4 CCR-TSC COMMUNICATOR CHECKLIST ...................................................... 28 9.5 CCR DATA LOGGER CHECKLIST ...................................................... 30 9.6 WATCH HEALTH PHYSICS TECHNICIAN CHECKLIST ............................ .......................... 33



- J]."rlergny, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 3 of 37 Unit 2 Control Room 1.0 PURPOSE To describe emergency response activities and operations of the Unit 2 Central Control Room (CCR).

To provide guidance for the response to emergencies declared at Unit 3.


2.1 Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan 2.2 IP-EP-110, Concept of Operations 2.3 IP-EP-130, Emergency Notification and Mobilization 2.4 IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite 2.5 IP-EP-610, Emergency Termination and Recovery 3.0 DEFINITIONS None 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The Emergency Director has the sole authority and responsibility for the classification and declaration of any emergency, approving offsite notifications and the making of protective action recommendations for the general public. These responsibilities may not be delegated. The Shift Manager in the role of Emergency Director makes the initial emergency classification.

4.2 The Shift Manager shall, upon assuming the role of Emergency Director, continue to perform the duties of Emergency Director until properly relieved by either the On-call Emergency Director in the EOF or by another qualified Emergency Director such as the Emergency Plant Manager.

4.3 The Unit 2 Shift Manager SHALL confer with the Unit 3 Shift Manager for any event or condition, which may affect both Units such as security, or natural events. IF it is agreed that both units are affected, THEN the Unit 2 Shift Manager shall classify and declare the emergency and assume the role of site Emergency Director in accordance with Attachment 9.1 of this procedure.


' B EMERGENCY PLA N PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 4 of 37 4.4 The Shift Manager shall ensure that notifications of offsite authorities are initiated within 15 minutes of declaration of any emergency classification, classification upgrade or protective action recommendation being formulated.

4.5 The Shift Manager shall direct that the IPEC Emergency Response Organization (ERO) be mobilized and the emergency response facilities (TSCs, OSCs, EOF and JNC) activated upon declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

4.6 The Shift Manager shall establish and maintain accountability of all Operating Shift staff under the Shift Manager's control upon declaration of a Site Area Emergency or higher classification.

4.7 Until such time as the EOF is activated, the Shift Manager shall assess the offsite consequences of any radiological release and, if appropriate, formulate offsite protective action recommendations. In all cases, should a General Emergency be declared, protective action recommendations shall be formulated, approved and communicated to offsite authorities in accordance with implementing procedures.

4.8 For events classified as Unusual Events, the Shift Manager, acting as Emergency Director shall terminate the emergency and enter into recovery in accordance with implementing procedures. For all emergencies classified at the Alert level or higher, emergency termination and entry into the recovery phase shall be at the discretion of the On-call Emergency Director in the EOF.

4.9 The CCR Offsite Communicator shall be responsible, until relieved, for performance of offsite notifications and initiation of IPEC ERO mobilization.

4.10 The CCR-TSC Communicator shall be responsible for establishment of an open line of communication between the CCR, TSC and EOF.

4.11 The CCR Data-Logger shall be responsible for the collection of plant information and equipment status and entering required information into the EDDS overlays.

4.12 The Watch Health Physics Technician shall be responsible for the conduct of CCR habitability surveys and establishment of CCR exposure and contamination controls.

4.13 For events classified as an Unusual Event, the Shift Manager, acting as Emergency Director, has the ability to activate the ERO for support as needed.

Aft IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I 11 egy" EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 5 of 37 5.0 DETAILS 5.1 For a Unit 2 emergency, the Shift Manager (SM) shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1, Shift Manager (Emergency Director) Checklist.

5.2 For a Unit 3 emergency, the Shift Manager (SM) shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.2, Shift Manager Unit 2 Response to a Unit 3 Emergency Checklist.

5.3 The CCR Communicator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.3, CCR Communicator Checklist.

5.4 The CCR-TSC Communicator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.4, CCR-TSC Communicator Checklist.

5.5 The CCR Data Logger shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.5, CCR Data Logger Checklist.

5.6 The Watch Health Physics Technician shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.6, Watch Health Physics Technician Checklist.

6.0 INTERFACES 6.1 IP-EP-115, Emergency Plan Forms 6.2 IP-EP-120, Emergency Classification 6.3 IP-EP-130, Emergency Notifications and Mobilization 6.4 IP-EP-213, Unit 3 Control Room 6.5 IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations 6.6 IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite 6.7 IP-EP-520, Modular Emergency Assessment & Notification System (MEANS) 6.8 IP-EP-610, Emergency Termination and Recovery 7.0 RECORDS All Logs, Completed Forms and other records generated during an actual emergency shall be considered quality records and maintained for the life of the plant.


, yeg,. IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-212 Revision I IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 6 of 37 8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCE None 9.0 ATTACHMENTS 9.1 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) Checklist 9.2 Unit 2 Response to a Unit 3 Emergency Checklist 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist 9.4 CCR-TSC Communicator Checklist 9.5 CCR Data Logger Checklist 9.6 Watch Health Physics Technician Checklist

EAmp e IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I J bdefgy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 7 of 37 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet I of 12 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes NOTE:

Authority to classify and declare an emergency is reserved solely for the Emergency Director and may not be delegated. The SM in the role of Emergency Director makes the initial emergency classification.


The Unit 2 Shift Manager SHALL confer with the Unit 3 Shift Manager for any event or condition, which may affect both Units such as security, or natural events. IF it is agreed that both units are affected, THEN the Unit 2 Shift Manager shall classify and declare the emergency and assume the role of site Emergency Director in accordance with this attachment.

1.1 Classification of the Emergency A. Classify the emergency condition in accordance with IP-EP-120 "Emeraencv Classification".


Security and Operations will take steps as directed by Safeguard instructions to protect the safety of site employees and the integrity of plant equipment.

Site access and egress will be controlled per Security procedures.

B. IF the initial emergency classification is due to a security event, THEN consider mobilization of ERO to either primary or backup locations, or suspending initial mobilization.


1. If suspending mobilization is considered:
a. Insure NO PA announcements are made directing assembly or mobilization.
b. Instruct NOT to sound the Assembly Alarm

_ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision 1 tnlefqny, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 8 of 37 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 2 of 12 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes C. Determine if emergency could possibly affect Unit 3.

1. Confer with Unit 3 SM and IF agreed that both units are affected, THEN the Unit 2 SM SHALL classify and declare the emergency and assume the role of site ED (Emergency Director).

D. IF a General Emergency is declared, THEN protective action recommendations must be made in accordance with IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations.

E. Declare the emergency and announce the classification to Control Room personnel.

F. Ensure Unit 3 Control Room is notified of the emergency classification.

G. At an Alert or higher classification, ensure that BOTH Unit 2 AND Unit 3 Site Assembly alarms are sounded with appropriate PA announcements (coordinate with Unit 3 Control Room).

1.2 Notification - Unusual Event (Use IP-EP-115 Form EP-3)


State and local authorities shall be notified within 15 minutes of emergency declaration.

A. IF the initial emergency classification is an Alert or higher THEN proceed to step 1.3.

B. IF CCR Offsite Communicator is unavailable THEN direct an individual to serve as CCR Offsite Communicator.

C. Complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I." (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1)


-,I Jegy EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 9 of 37 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 3 of 12 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity (cont) Notes D. Direct notification of offsite authorities using (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-3) by providing the completed and signed NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1) to the CCR Offsite Communicator.

E. Determine if Emergency Response Organization mobilization is needed or if Emergency Response Organization should receive event notification only based on the following:

1. IF based on Shift Manager (Emergency Director) judgment the Emergency Response Organization should be activated, THEN direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope A "IPEC ERO Mobilization" envelope as indicated on (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist."
2. IF based on Shift Manager (Emergency Director) judgment the Emergency Response Organization should be called and notified only, THEN direct the CCR Offsite Communicator use Envelope B "IPEC ERO Event Notification" envelope as indicated on (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist."
3. IF based on Shift Manager judgment the Emergency Response Organization should respond to a remote location due to security event, THEN direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope C "IPEC ERO Mobilization to Remote Location" envelope as indicated on (IP-EP-I15 Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist"
4. IF based on Shift Manager (Emergency Director) judgment the Technical Support Center / Operations Support Center only should be activated, THEN direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope D "IPEC TSC/OSC Mobilization" envelope as indicated on (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist."

__m IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision 1 JLiiergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 10 of 37 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 4 of 12 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) I Notes

5. IF based on Shift Manager (Emergency Director) judgment the Technical Support Center I Operations Support Center / Emergency Operation Facility only should be activated, THEN direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope E "IPEC TSC/OSC/EOF Mobilization" envelope as indicated on (IP-EP-115 Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist."

1.3 Notification & Mobilization -Alert, Site Area or General Emergency (Use IP-EP-115 Form EP-4)


1. Once the EOF is activated, turnover command and control to the EOF in an expeditious manner and the EOF can then perform all offsite communications.
2. The following steps are for initial classification at the Alert level or higher.
3. State and local authorities shall be notified within 15 minutes of emergency declaration.

A. IF CCR Offsite Communicator is unavailable THEN direct another qualified individual to serve as CCR Offsite Communicator.

B. Complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I." (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1).


IP-EP-430 "Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite" provides guidance for the suspension of personnel assembly and accountability under certain conditions.

C. IF personnel assembly is suspended, THEN inform the CCR Offsite Communicator prior to directing personnel mobilization and instruct him/her NOT to sound the site assembly alarm.

->a_ i, IPEC NON-QUALiTy RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I

- rierty EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 11 of 37 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 5 of 12 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) I Notes NOTE:

IF adverse conditions exist onsite to an extent impacting safety of Emergency Response Organization personnel responding from outside the Protected Area, THEN consider having Security direct responding personnel to the Emergency Operations Facility rather than reporting directly to their assigned emergency facility.

D. IF based on Shift Manager judgment the Emergency Response Organization should respond to a remote location due to security event, THEN direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope C "IPEC ERO Mobilization to Remote Location" envelope as indicated on (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-4) "Control Room Alert/SAE/GE Initial Notification Checklist". Otherwise, direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope A "IPEC ERO Mobilization" envelope as indicated on (IP-EP-115 Form EP-4) "CCRAlert/SAE/GE Initial Notification Checklist" E. Direct notification of offsite authorities using (IP-EP-115 Form EP-4) by providing the completed and signed NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-15 Form EP-1) to the CCR Offsite Communicator.

1.4 Establish Personnel Accountability NOTES:

1. The Shift Manager may call for accountability to be completed any time due to hazards in the plant such as fire, toxic gas, high radiation levels, earthquake etc.
2. Security and Operations will take steps as directed by Safeguard Instructions to protect the safety of site personnel during security events. During security events, accountability may be suspended until conditions can be established for safe site access.

A. IF a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been declared, and personnel accountability has not already been established, THEN initiate site personnel accountability per IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite.

hiBer IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I JM BYE EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 12 of 37 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 6 of 12 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont) l Notes B. Have all shift staff personnel (including Shift Watch HP and Chemistry) swipe their security badge through the CCR accountability card reader.

C. Record or designate someone to record the names, badge numbers and locations of any watch personnel located in the field on an Accountability Roster, (IP-EP-115 Form EP-47) and forward roster to the Lead Accountability Officer or OSC Manager (if OSC activated).

D. IF any individuals are missing, THEN direct available personnel and Security to conduct search and rescue operations to locate the missing individuals as conditions allow.

1.5 Assess Any Radiological Release NOTE:

The MEANS computer program is available for the performance of dose projections and the formulation of protective action recommendations.

A. IF any indications exist of abnormal radiological release as a result of the emergency, THEN assess offsite consequences in accordance with IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment.

B. IF dose assessment results indicate offsite consequences in excess of the EPA Protective Action Guidelines THEN evaluate the need to modify the General Emergency PARs per IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations.

_ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I Enlgy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 13 of 37 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 7 of 12 2.0 Interim Responsibility/Activity (cont) I Notes NOTE: lI IF while performing the Continuous Responsibility/Activity steps as Emergency Director, you are relieved of Emergency Director duties by the EPM or On-Call ED, THEN exit this section and enter the Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (Shift Manager) section at step 3.0.

2.1 Re-Classify the Emergency if Necessary.

A. IF plant conditions change or other events occur which may warrant upgrade of the emergency classification, THEN re-classify the emergency condition in accordance with IP-EP-120 "Emergency Classification".

B. IF a General Emergency is declared, THEN protective action recommendations must be made in accordance with IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations.

C. Declare the emergency and announce the classification to Control Room personnel.

D. Complete (or have completed) and sign a (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-1) "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I."

E. Direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to perform notifications using (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-5) "Upgrade/Update Notification Alert/SAE/GE Notification Checklist".



PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 14 of 37 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 8 of 12 Interim ResponsibilitvlActivity(cont) Notes 2.2 Establish Radiological Controls and Maintain Onsite Personnel Safety.

A. Keep Security informed of emergency classification, plant status and any radioactive releases, which may effect Security Personnel.

B. Once established, maintain personnel accountability.

C. IF the potential for abnormal radiological conditions in-plant or onsite exists, THEN:

1. Direct the Watch Health Physics Technician to establish radiological controls for the Central Control Room and initiate habitability monitoring for the Central Control Room.
2. Evaluate the need to relocate personnel offsite per IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite.
3. Authorize emergency exposure, if necessary using Emergency Exposure Authorization (IP-E-115 Form EP-6).

2.3 Perform Periodic Update Notifications.

A. Periodic update notifications to offsite authorities should be made approximately every 30 minutes or more frequently when plant conditions change. Time interval may be lengthened with concurrence of offsite agencies.

B. For each update notification, complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I" (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1)

___ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision 1 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 15 of 37 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 9 of 12 Interim Responsibilitv/Activitv(cont) l Notes C. For each update notification, complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I" (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1)

D. IF there has been a radiological release to the environment, THEN complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Data Form, Part II (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-2).

E. For periodic update notifications during Unusual Events, direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to perform update notifications using "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist" (IP-EP-I15 Form EP-3).

F. For periodic update notifications during an Alert or higher classifications, direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to perform update notifications using (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-5)

"Upgrade/Update Notification Alert/SAE/GE Notification Checklist".

2.4 Turnover Emergency Director Responsibilities NOTE:

For Unusual Events, the Shift Manager will normally maintain the Emergency Director responsibilities until the classification is terminated per IP-EP-61 0, Emergency Termination & Recovery. For Alert and higher classifications, the Emergency Plant Manager will relieve the Shift Manager of Emergency Director duties in the Control Room. The On-Call Emergency Director in the EOF at his discretion may assume Emergency Director duties directly from the Shift Manager via telephone turnover.

A. Provide a status briefing to the Emergency Plant Manager upon his arrival in the Control Room. The Emergency Plant Manager will request status on all of the information specified on an Essential Information Checklist (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-9).

B. Provide copies of all completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data forms to the Emergency Plant Manager.



"- Eiireny. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 16 of 37 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 10 of 12 Interim Responsibilitv/Activitv(cont) l Notes C. Resume duties as Shift Manager and proceed to step 3.0 in the Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Shift Manager) section.

2.5 Terminate the Emergency (Unusual Event Only).

A. When conditions warrant termination of the Unusual Event, enter IP-EP-610 Emergency Termination & Recovery and terminate the emergency per section 5.1 "Transition and Recovery Following an Unusual Event."

B. Exit this section after termination of the emergency and enter the Closeout Responsibility/Activity section at step 4.0.

3.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv 3.1 Evaluate Emergency Action Levels.

A. Continue to evaluate current plant condition and events relative to the emergency action levels as specified in IP-EP-120, Emergency Classification.

B. Make recommendations to the Emergency Director and Emergency Plant Manager for upgrading of the emergency classification as appropriate.

3.2 Maintain Communications with the Emergency Plant Manager and Emergency Director.

A. Keep the Emergency Plant Manager and Emergency Director informed of current plant status and planned operations.

B. Discuss tasks and procedures the Control Room is currently performing and review priorities on a regular basis.

C. IMMEDIATELY inform the Emergency Plant Manager and Emergency Director of any plant condition or event that has the potential to change the emergency classification or affect radiological release status.

coy -, IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I W-'t1'llergy" EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 17 of 37 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 11 of 12 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont) Notes 3.3 Coordinate In-Plant Team Activities with the Operations Coordinator in the OSC.


Once the OSC is activated, the dispatch of personnel into the field for emergency operations is controlled from the OSC. Communications and directions can be provided to the teams from the Control Room; however, the OSC must retain team control for personnel safety and continuous accountability.

A. Once the OSC is activated, coordinate the dispatch and control of NPOs assigned to perform in-plant operations with the Operations Coordinator located in the OSC.

(Operations Coordinator telephone # located in ETD)

B. For operations teams already dispatched and in the field prior to the OSC being activated, coordinate the transfer of team control to the OSC with the Operations Coordinator.

C. Direct requests for in-plant operational support IMMEDIATELY to the Operations Coordinator in the OSC to facilitate prompt response to Control Room needs. Keep the Emergency Plant Manager informed of all requests.

D. Re-enforce Control Room priorities and needs with the Emergency Plant Manager if in-plant team support is not being provided in a timely and effective manner.

3.4 Request Technical Support as Needed to Mitigate the Emergency.

A. Request the TSC Manager to provide forward-looking technical support as needed to assist the Control Room staff in responding to the emergency.

B. Provide the Emergency Plant Manager and TSC Manager with periodic briefs on current mitigation strategies and emergency procedures currently being implemented.

Zt -,i IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I W:-- lergny, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 18 of 37 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 12 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes 3.5 Exit to Recovery Phase.

A. Upon notification from the Emergency Director that the emergency has been terminated, exit this section and enter the Closeout Responsibility/Activity section at step 4.0.

2.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 4.1 Direct the Control Room staff to return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations.

4.2 Review all documentation the Control Room staff generated during the emergency:

A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation are complete.

B. Ensure all temporary procedures used and/or developed are properly documented for use by the Recovery Organization so that necessary actions can be taken for long-term restoration.

C. Collect all computer printouts and strip charts.

4.3 Provide all logs and records to the Recovery Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.


  • - Elergy. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 19 of 37 Attachment 9.2 Unit 2 Response to a Unit 3 Emergency Checklist Sheet 1 of 4 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activitv Notes 1.1 Notification of the Emergency NOTE:

The Unit 3 Shift Manager SHALL confer with the Unit 2 Shift Manager for any event or condition, which may affect both Units such as security, or natural events. IF it is agreed that both units are affected, THEN the Unit 2 Shift Manager shall classify and declare the emergency and assume the role of site Emergency Director in accordance with Attachment 9.1 of this procedure.

A. Upon notification from Unit 3 Control Room that an event has been declared at Unit 3 announce the information to Control Room personnel.

1.2 Notification of ERO Personnel A. UNUSUAL EVENT

1. Make a PA announcement providing information regarding the Unit 3 event and any additional information as required restricting access to Unit 3 areas affected by the emergency.
2. Request direction from Unit 3 Shift Manger (Emergency Director) if ERO mobilization is needed or if Emergency Response Organization should receive event notification only.
3. IF CCR Offsite Communicator is unavailable THEN direct an individual to serve as CCR Offsite Communicator.
4. IF based on Unit 3 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) judgment the Emergency Response Organization is needed, THEN direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope A "IPEC ERO Mobilization" envelope to mobilize the IPEC ERO members.

cat IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I 7- ,Idergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 20 of 37 Attachment 9.2 Unit 2 Response to a Unit 3 Emergency Checklist Sheet 2 of 4 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes

5. IF based on Unit 3 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) judgment the Emergency Response Organization should be notified only, THEN direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope B "IPEC ERO Event Notification" envelope.
6. IF based on Unit 3 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) judgment the Emergency Response Organization should respond to backup locations, THEN direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope C "IPEC ERO Event Mobilization to Backup Locations" envelope.
7. IF based on Unit 3 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) judgment the Technical Support Center / Operations Support Center only should be activated, THEN direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope D "IPEC TSC/OSC Mobilization" envelope as indicated on (IP-EP- 15 Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist."
8. IF based on Shift Manager (Emergency Director) judgment the Technical Support Center / Operations Support Center I Emergency Operation Facility only should be activated, THEN direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope E "IPEC TSC/OSC/EOF Mobilization" envelope as indicated on (IP-EP-115 Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist."


1. Sound the Site Assembly Alarm for (30) seconds (coordinate sounding of the assembly alarm with the Unit 3 CCR) and make the following announcement (3) times over the public address system:

1 IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I 1IhlIergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 21 of 37 Attachment 9.2 Unit 2 Response to a Unit 3 Emergency Checklist Sheet 3 of 4 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont) Notes "Attention all personnel, Attention all personnel, an (Alert / Site Area Emergency / General Emergency) has been declared at Unit 3, all essential personnel report to your assigned emergency facility. All other personnel assemble at the Energy Education Center."

2. IF CCR Offsite Communicator is unavailable THEN direct another qualified individual to serve as CCR Offsite Communicator.
3. IF based on Unit 3 Shift Manager (Emergency Director) judgment the Emergency Response Organization should respond to backup locations, THEN direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope C "IPEC ERO Event Mobilization to Backup Locations" envelope.
4. Otherwise direct the CCR Offsite Communicator to use Envelope A "IPEC ERO Mobilization" envelope to mobilize the IPEC ERO.
5. IF a Site Area or General Emergency (or when directed by the ED) is declared THEN perform Personnel Accountability per IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite.
6. Direct all watch staff, including the Watch HP and Chemistry, to swipe their security badge through the CCR accountability card reader
7. Upon request from the Unit 3Shift Manager, provide a Shift HP Technician to support Unit 3 response.
8. Upon request from the Emergency Director, call-out and dispatch Offsite Field Monitoring Teams to support Unit 3 field monitoring activities. Direct offsite-monitoring personnel to report to the EOF and inform the Emergency Director of their availability. Refer to the Emergency Telephone Directory for names and telephone numbers of qualified individuals.

A IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision 1 G E If re r, yEMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 22 of 37 Attachment 9.2 Unit 2 Response to a Unit 3 Emergency Checklist Sheet 4 of 4 2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes 2.1 Provide Support to Unit 3 as Requested A. Upon request from the Emergency Director, provide Unit 2 personnel, equipment and resources available to you.

2.2 Provide updates to personnel in Unit 2 with information provided regarding Unit 3 by the Emergency Director A. When information is provided to you, use the public address system to disseminate that information to the personnel on the Unit 2 side of the site.

2.3 Evaluate Emergency Action Levels A. Continue to evaluate current plant condition and events relative to the Emergency Action Levels as specified in IP-EP-120, "Emergency Classification" and make recommendations for upgrade, if appropriate, to the Emergency Director.

3.0 Closeout Responsibilitv/Activitv 3.1 Direct the Control Room staff to return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation the Control Room staff generated during the emergency:

A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation are complete.

B. Ensure all temporary procedures used and/or developed are properly documented for use by the Recovery Organization so that necessary actions can be taken for long-term restoration.

C. Collect all computer printouts and strip charts.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Recovery Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.


]'Illergyy EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 23 of 37 Attachment 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 1 of 6 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CCR Offsite Communicator NOTE:l State and local authorities shall be notified within 15 minutes of emergency declaration.

A. Upon being notified to fulfill the CCR Offsite Communicator role, IMMEDIATELY report to the Control Room.

B. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CCR accountability card reader.

C. Inform the Shift Manager (Emergency Director) and the Control Room staff that you have assumed the duties of CCR Offsite Communicator.

D. IF the emergency classification is an Unusual Event, THEN, proceed to step 1.2.

E. IF the emergency classification is an Alert or higher, THEN, proceed to step 1.3.

1.2 Perform Initial UNUSUAL EVENT Notifications (Use IP-EP-115 Form EP-3)

A. Obtain the completed and signed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1) from the Shift Manager.

B. Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Shift Manager (Emergency Director) signature.

C. Using a "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist" (IP-EP-115 Form EP-3) start the initial roll call to State and counties within 15 minutes of the declaration of the Unusual Event.

if ln IPEC NON QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision 1 Eidlergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 24 of 37 Attachment 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 2 of 6 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont) Notes D. Complete Section 1 of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-15 Form EP-1), by recording the date and time the message is being transmitted as well as checking the appropriate communication method (RECS or Other).

E. Request direction from Shift Manger (Emergency Director) if Emergency Response Organization mobilization is needed or if Emergency Response Organization should receive event notification only.

F. Complete the remaining notifications as specified on the (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-3) checklist.


Fax numbers can be found in the Emergency Telephone Directory G. Fax copies of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I and if completed, Part II to State/counties/ EOF.

1.3 Perform Initial ALERT ! SAE / GE Notifications (IP-EP-115 Use Form EP-4)

A. Determine if personnel accountability is being suspended from the Shift Manager.


IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-4; Control Room Alert/SAE/GE Initial Notification Checklist is used only once. After notifications are complete using this form, all subsequent upgrade and update notifications shall be made using anUpgrade/Update Notification Alert/SAE/GE Checklist. (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-5).

B. Using Control Room Alert/SAE/GE Initial Notification Checklist (IP-EP-115 Form EP-4), initiate notification of personnel located in the Protected Area, Unit 3 CCR and the Emergency Response Organization.


{I g " EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 25 of 37 Attachment 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 3 of 6 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes C. Obtain the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1) from the Shift Manager.

Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Shift Manager (Emergency Director) signature.

D. Using Control Room Alert/SAE/GE Initial Notification Checklist (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP4), start the initial roll call to State and counties within 15 minutes of the declaration of the Alert, SAE or GE.

E. Complete Section 1 of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1), by recording the date and time the message is being transmitted as well as checking the appropriate communication method (RECS or Other).

F. Complete the remaining notifications as specified on the (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP4) checklist.


Fax numbers can be found in the Emergency Telephone Directory G. Fax copies of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I and, if completed, Part II to State/counties/ EOF.

2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.1 Perform Periodic Update Notifications - UNUSUAL EVENT (Use IP-EP-115 Form EP-3)


Periodic Update Notifications to offsite authorities shall be made approximately every 30 minutes or whenever conditions change. Time interval may be lengthened with concurrence of offsite agencies.

A. Obtain the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I from the Shift Manager.

1. Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Shift Manager (Emergency Director) signature.

EW=lr IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I 1,=TL"eEgY, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 26 Of 37 Attachment 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 4 of 6 Continuous Responsibility/Activity(cont) Notes B. Using Control Room NUE Notification Checklist (IP-EP-115 Form EP-3) perform ONLY the circled items, to make the periodic update notifications.

C. Complete Section 1 of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1), by recording the date and time the message is being transmitted as well as checking the appropriate communication method (RECS or Other).


Fax numbers can be found in the Emergency Telephone Directory D. Fax copies of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part 1 and, if completed, Part II to State/counties! EOF.

2.2 Perform Periodic Update Notifications - Alert/SAE/GE (Use IP-EP-115 Form EP-5)


Periodic Update Notifications to offsite authorities shall be made approximately every 30 minutes or whenever conditions change. Time interval may be lengthened with concurrence of offsite agencies.

A. Obtain the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1) (Part II if a radiological release has occurred or is in progress) from the Shift Manager.

1. Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Shift Manager (Emergency Director) signature.

B. Using Upgrade/Update Alert/SAE/GE Checklist (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-5), start the initial roll call to State and counties.

C. Complete Section 1 of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1), by recording the date and time the message is being transmitted as well as checking the appropriate communication method (RECS or Other).


-Elergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 27 of 37 Attachment 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet5 of 6 Continuous Resnonsibilitv/Activitv (cont) Notes D. Complete the remaining notifications as specified on the (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-5) checklist.

2.3 IF the Emergency Classification is Upgraded, THEN Perform Upgrade Notifications (Use IP-EP-115 Form EP-5)

A. Using an Upgrade/Update Alert/SAE/GE Checklist (IP-EP-115 Form EP-5) initiate notification of personnel located in the Protected Area, Unit 3 CCR and the Emergency Response Organization.

B. Obtain the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-1) from the Shift Manager.

1. Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Shift Manager (Emergency Director) signature.

C. Using an Upgrade/Update AlerVSAE/GE Checklist (IP-EP-115 Form EP-5) start the initial roll call to State and counties within 15 minutes of upgrade of the emergency classification.

D. Complete Section 1 of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1), by recording the date and time the message is being transmitted as well as checking the appropriate communication method (RECS or Other).


Fax numbers can be found in the Emergency Telephone Directory E. Complete the remaining notifications as specified on the checklist.


  • legy" EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 28 of 37 Attachment 9.3 CCR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 6 of 6 3.0 Closeout Responsibilitv/Activity Notes 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations 3.2 Review all documentation the CCR Offsite Communicators generated during the emergency:

A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation are complete.

B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.


,rl ergyl EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 29 of 37 Attachment 9.4 CCR-TSC Communicator Checklist Sheet 1 of 2 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CCR-TSC Communicator A. Upon being notified to fulfill the CCR-TSC Communicator role, IMMEDIATELY report to the Control Room.

B. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CCR accountability card reader.

C. Inform the Shift Manager and the Control Room staff that you are assuming the duties of CCR-TSC Communicator.

D. IF not already established THEN establish an open line of communications with the TSC Communicator and EOF (EOF may not always be on line) over the 3-way ring down phone:

1. Remove handset from cradle (may use headset if available).
2. Press button labeled "TSC-CCR-EOF"
3. Press SIGNAL button to ring other locations.
4. Listen to ensure other parties pick up (it may take additional time for the TSC Communicator to arrive in TSC)
5. Inform other parties that you are establishing an open line from the CCR.
6. Stay on line or inform other parties any time you will be offline.

E. Inform the Shift Manager that you have established communications with the TSC and EOF.

_=__ir IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 30 of 37 Attachment 9.4 CCR-TSC Communicator Checklist Sheet 2 of 2 2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes 2.1 Maintain Communications with the TSC and EOF NOTE:

The primary responsibility of the CCR-TSC Communicator is to provide an open line of communication between the CCR and TSC; however, the Technical Advisor to the Emergency Director in the EOF will periodically monitor the communications line or will request information from the CCR and TSC.

A. Transmit information as requested by the TSC and EOF.

B. Use ERO Log Sheet(s) (IP-EP-115 Form EP-10) to maintain a log.

1. Log the time when you assumed the duties of CCR-TSC Communicator
2. Log significant communications pertaining to plant operations and emergency events.

3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations 3.2 Review all documentation the generated during the emergency:

A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation are complete.

B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

w___z IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I Liilneqny,, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 31 of 37 Attachment 9.5 CCR Data Logger Checklist Sheet 1 of 3 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CCR-Data Logger A. Upon being notified to fulfill the CCR-Data Logger role, IMMEDIATELY report to the Control Room.

B. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CCR accountability card reader.

C. Inform the Shift Manager and the Control Room staff that you are assuming the duties of CCR Data Logger.

1.2 Initiate Data Acquisition A. Begin manual data collection and entry into PICS:

1. Activate the manual overlay functions of PICS on the PICS console.
2. Begin manual data collection and entry into PICS from the SPDS Secondary Menu.
a. Screen 42B Left - Enter equipment status
b. Screen 42B Right - Enter equipment status and Accumulator levels
c. Screen 42C - Enter values for text boxes provided B. IF PICS is not functional, THEN:
1. Begin manual collection of data for the following forms for manual transmission to the TSC:
a. Plant Parameters - 42A (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-53)
b. Equipment Status - 42B (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-54)
c. Radiological Data - 42C (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-55)
2. Fax (or physically deliver) completed forms to the TSC.


- rlEergy. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 32 of 37 Attachment 9.5 CCR Data Logger Checklist Sheet 2 of 3 2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivitv Notes 2.1 Maintain Up-to-Date Plant Data Transmissions NOTE:

The primary responsibility of the CCR-Data Logger is to provide constant updates of manually acquired plant data for input into PICS. If PICS is not functional the CCR-Data Logger is responsible for manual acquisition and transmission of plant data as needed. However, additional requests for plant information may be made by the TSC or EOF.

A. Maintain PICS manual input data up-to-date: Update manual data points at least every 15 minutes and any time there is a significant change in value or status.

B. If there is any qualifying information that may be important or useful for the TSC or EOF to be aware of regarding data being manually entered into PICS, pass that information on via the CCR-TSC Communicator.

2.2 IF PICS is not functional, THEN A. Continue manual collection of data for the following forms for I manual transmission to the TSC:

1. Plant Parameters - 42A (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-53)
2. Equipment Status - 42B (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-54)
3. Radiological Data - 42C (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-55)

B. Fax (or physically delivered) completed forms to the TSC.

2.3 Use (IP-EP-115 Form EP-10), ERO Log Sheet, to maintain a log.

A. Log the time when you assumed the duties of CCR-TSC Communicator B. Log significant communications pertaining to plant operations and emergency events.

_ _ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision 1 ZIMIergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 33 of 37 Attachment 9.5 CCR Data Logger Checklist Sheet 3 of 3 3.0 Closeout Responsibilitv/Activitv Notes 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations 3.2 Review all documentation generated during the emergency:

A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation are complete.

B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.


== Lifdlergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 34 of 37 Attachment 9.6 Watch Health Physics Technician Checklist Sheet 1 of 4 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of Watch Health Physics Technician A. IF the declared emergency is an Alert or higher, THEN first:

1. Proceed to HP1 and determine who has NOT signed out of the RCA by accessing the computer (Option 3 main menu, option 1 sub-menu).
2. Obtain a list of personnel still in RCA B. IMMEDIATELY report to the Control Room and provide list of individuals still in the RCA to the Shift Manager.

C. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CCR accountability card reader.

D. Inform the Shift Manager and the Control Room staff that you are assuming the duties of Watch Health Physics Technician.

1.2 Establish Initial CCR Radiological Protection A. Evaluate the need and make a recommendation to establish radiological access control for the Control Room

1. Ask the Shift Manager if there is potential for abnormal radiological conditions outside of the RCA.
2. Evaluate PRM-ARM instrumentation.

__W!!& IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-212 Revision I iergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 35 of 37 Attachment 9.6 Watch Health Physics Technician Checklist Sheet 2 of 4 Initial Responsibility/Activity(cont) Notes B. IF the Shift Manager directs that Control Room radiological controls be established, THEN:

1. Set up step off pad (SOP) requiring shoe check and frisker at the entrance from the turbine floor to SFS Office and at the side entrance.
2. Place SOPs in a position that does not preclude opening the door while standing on the SOP.
3. Perform periodic contamination surveys on both sides of the SOP
4. Perform periodic airborne contamination checks.
5. Record results on applicable forms.

2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.1 Provide Radiological Protection NOTE:

The actions and responsibilities listed in this procedure are intended to assist the Watch Health Physics Technician in the performance of his/her duties. While some items are performed once, others are repeated over the duration of the event.

A. Provide radiological support, such as issuance of dosimetry, determination of respiratory and protective clothing requirements, and performance of radiological surveys for the following activities, as directed by the Shift Manager:

1. Search and rescue
2. Repair and corrective actions


- l]rilergy. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 36 of 37 Attachment 9.6 Watch Health Physics Technician Checklist Sheet 3 of 4 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont) Notes

3. Response to fires by Fire Brigade (includes survey

/decontamination of Fire Department personnel and equipment)

4. Personnel and equipment decontamination
5. As requested by the Shift Manager B. Conduct outside surveys as requested by the Shift Manager C. Provide Radiological Support for Personnel Medical Emergencies
1. Upon notification that a personnel medical emergency has occurred onsite, report to the scene with the HP Plant Medical Emergency Kit (stored in the HPT Office/Counting Room Area).
2. Support Medical response as necessary.

2.2 Use (IP-EP-115 Form EP-10), ERO Log Sheet, to maintain a log.

A. Log the time when you assumed the duties of Watch Health Physics Technician.

B. Log significant communications pertaining to personnel radiological conditions and actions.


'E'nerdye EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 37 of 37 Attachment 9.6 Watch Health Physics Technician Checklist Sheet 4 of 4 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont) Notes 2.3 Turnover to OSC Radiation Protection Coordinator A. Once the OSC has been activated, upon direction from the Shift Manager, report to the OSC Radiation Protection Coordinator in the OSC.

3.0 Closeout Responsibilitv/Activitv 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations 3.2 Review all documentation the generated during the emergency:

A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation are complete.

B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.


Frint Name >\/- :bignature,_

Approval: Frank Inzirillo adz 4t2Xau> 2/i r/J'L PMnt Name I Date Effective Date: February 26, 2003 This procedure excluded from further LI-100 review IP-EP-310 (Dose) R4.doc

_ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-310 Revision 4 JldergY. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 2 of 17 Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE .......................................................................................... 3


3.0 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................... 3 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................... 4 5.0 DETAILS .......................................................................................... 4 5.1 USE OF MODULAR EMERGENCY ASSESSMENT AND NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (MEANS): ......................... ................ 4 5.2 M DA...4. ..

5.3 HAND CALCULATION: .......................................................................................... 4 5.4 IN THE EOF ONLY: .......................................................................................... 7 6.0 INTERFACES .......................................................................................... 8 6.1 IP-EP-4 10, PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................... 8 6.2 IP-EP-520, MODULAR EMERGENCY ASSESSMENT & NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (MEANS) ............................................... 8 6.3 IP-EP-5 10, OBTAINING METEOROLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL AND DOSE ASSESSMENT DATA FROM MRP-DAS ............. 8 7.0 RECORDS .......................................................................................... 8 8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCE ............................................................................. 8 9.0 AT TACHMENTS ........................................................................................... 8 9.1 ATTACHMENT 9.1, SITE BOUNDARY Xp/Q BY PASQUILL STABILITY CATEGORY ............................................................ 9 9.2 AT T 9.2, ACHMENT Xp/Q VALUES FOR OTHER DISTANCES ......................................................................................... I1 9.3 AT T 9.3, NT ACHME 2, 5 AND 10 MILE Xp/Q VALUES ......................................................................................... 12 9.4 ATTACHMENT 9.4, REUTER-STOKES LOCATION Xp/Q VALUES .1................................................... 3 9.5 ATTACHMENT 9.5, ACCIDENT MONITORING OF NOBLE GAS CONCENTRATION IN THE PLANT VENT.14 9.6 ATTACHMENT 9.6, DISCUSSION.16

__ IPEC NoN-QUALn-y RELATED IP-EP-310 Revision 4 fIIerft, Y, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 3 of 17 DOSE ASSESSMENT 1.0 PURPOSE To describe the methods of estimating the whole body and thyroid dose to onsite personnel and the offsite population in the event of an accidental release of radioactivity to the environment.


2.1 IP-EP-520, Modular Emergency Assessment & Notification System (MEANS) 2.2 IP-EP-510, Obtaining Meteorological, Radiological and Dose Assessment Data from MR.P DAS 2.3 IP-2 Manual Determination of Release Rate (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-17) 2.4 IP-3 Manual Determination of Release Rate (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-1 8) 2.5 IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet/TEDE Whole Body Exposure Calculations and TODE Thyroid Exposure Calculations (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-13) 2.6 IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet/Release Rate Back Calculated from Field Reading (IP-EP-115 Form EP-19) 2.7 Estimating Containment Activity via R-25 /26 (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-1 1) 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Meteorological, Radiological, and Plant Parameter Data Acquisition System (MRP- DAS) - the system which provides meteorological, Reuter Stokes and certain plant parameter data (VC Temperature, VC Pressure, Plant Vent and VC High Radiation Monitors) 3.2 Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) - The sum of the Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE) and the Committed Effective Dose Equivalent (CEDE).

3.3 Total Organ Dose Equivalent (TODE) - The sum of the Committed Dose Equivalent (CDE) to a body organ or tissue and the Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE).

3.4 Site Boundary - For Dose Assessment and Protective Action Recommendation purposes the Site Boundary is the closes distance at which members of the public would be exposed to a release. When the plume is traveling toward the water, the distance to the nearest point on opposite side of Hudson River will be considered as the Site Boundary.

W ' IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-310 Revision 4 l Ie riy,. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 4 of 17 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES Dose Assessment staff in the Control Room (CR) and in the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) are responsible for assessing actual and potential planned and unplanned releases to the environment.

5.0 DETAILS 5.1 Use of Modular Emergency Assessment and Notification System (MEANS):

Refer to procedure IP-EP-520, MEANS for guidance on performing dose assessments using computer program.


Refer to IP-EP-51 0, Obtaining Meteorological, Radiological and Dose assessment Data from MRP-DAS.

5.3 Hand Calculation:

5.3.1 Obtain the proper release rate calculation form (IP-EP-15 Form EP-17 for Unit 2 and EP-18 for Unit 3).

5.3.2 Determine radioactive release concentration or rate (pCi/cc OR CPM) from installed radiation monitors OR via a Chemistry sample and enter onto the appropriate Release Rate calculation form (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-17 Unit 2 or IP-EP-l15 EP-18 Unit 3)

a. IF the plant vent survey is to be used THEN:
1. Follow guidance provide in Attachment 9.5, Accident Monitoring of Noble Gas Concentration in the Plant Vent.
2. Convert contact field reading on plant vent to pCi/cc using conversion factor for appropriate time after shutdown.

See the appropriate Release Rate calculation form (IP-EP-115 EP-FORM-17 Unit 2 or IP-EP-115 EP-FORM-18 Unit 3).

b. WHEN back calculating release rate from field recordings use (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-19).
c. WHEN using R-25/26 to calculate the release rate, use (IP-EP-115 Form EP-11).


- EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 5 of 17 5.3.3 If necessary, determine the rate at which this concentration is being released. Insert values obtained into the proper equation(s) on the appropriate section of the Release Rate calculation form (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-17 Unit 2 or IP-EP-1 15 EP-18 Unit 3). Calculate the noble gas release rate (NGRR) 5.3.4 Calculate the radioiodine release rate (Ci/sec) using the default equation (assumes NG/I ratio) OR the Chem Sample equation on the appropriate Release Rate calculation form (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-1 7 Unit 2 or IP-EP-1 15 EP-1 8 Unit 3).

5.3.5 Obtain the appropriate Xp/Qs from Attachment 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3.

Record these values on the IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-13).

5.3.6 Obtain meteorological data in accordance with IP-EP-510.

5.3.7 Enter the release rates (RR), wind speed (WS) AND appropriate constants on the IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet (IP-EP-I15 Form EP-13).

5.3.8 Determine the TEDE (Whole Body) AND TODE (Thyroid) exposure rates at the site boundary, 2, 5 AND 10 mile distances.

(IP-EP-l15 Form EP-13) 5.3.9 Determine exposure rates if desired, at other distances utilizing the Xp/Q's from Attachment 9.2.


)sence of information, use four (4) hours as default release duration.

5.3.10 IF the calculated or actual doses exceed the following THEN, if in the CR, immediately inform the Shift Manager (SM) or Emergency Plant Manager (EPM) or, if in the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)/ Alternate Emergency Operations Facility (AEOF), the Offsite Radiological Assessment Director (ORAD):

a. 1 Rem /hr TEDE, or
b. 5 Rem/hr TODE, or
c. 1 Rem Integrated Dose TEDE, or
d. 5 Rem Integrated Dose TODE


- El(er)gye EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 6 of 17 5.3.11 Determine if there is a release above plant Technical Specifications using one or more of the following methods:

Release Point Rad Monitor Tech Spec Release Rate Setpoint Plant Vent uCi/sec R-27 6.0 E+4 uCi/sec Plant Vent uCi/cc R-44 (U2) / R-14 (U3) 2.2 E-3 uCi/cc SG Safety or Main Steam Line Mons P/S leak > 15 gpd and Steam Atmospheric line activity > .01 uCi/cc with Atmospheric at 10% open or greater Hole in the VC R-25/26 1 R/hr 5.3.12 If there is a release to the environment above Technical Specifications, complete Parts II & I or New York Radiological Data Form. These forms (IP-EP-1 15 Forms EP-1 and EP-2) can be filled in by hand or refer to procedure IP-EP-520, Modular Emergency Assessment & Notification System (MEANS) to have MEANS automatically print out these forms.

5.3.13 (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1) "New York State Radiological Data Form, Part I", General Information, shall be transmitted:

  • Within 15 minutes of the declaration of an emergency,
  • Within 15 minutes of a significant change in plant status or emergency classification change.
  • With updates approximately every 30 minutes; Time interval may be lengthened with concurrence of offsite agencies.

5.3.14 (IP-EP-115 Form EP-2), "New York State Radiological Data Form Part II, Radiological Assessment Data" shall be completed and transmitted:

  • As soon as possible after it has been determined that a release above technical specifications exists.
  • With updates approximately every 30 minutes; Time interval may be lengthened with concurrence of offsite agencies.
  • If there is a significant change in the release.

_ IPEC NON-QUALiTY RELATED IP-EP-310 Revision 4 LIer<gye EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 7 of 17 5.3.15 To help visualize plume location, determine the proper plume dispersion overlay:

a. IF Speed <4 m/s AND Direction between 340° - 1010 THEN:
1. Use BLUE down valley overlays.
2. CENTER overlay on plant and ALIGN N - S and E - W lines with those on map.
b. IF Speed < 4 m/s AND Direction between 1020 - 2090 THEN:
1. Use YELLOW up valley overlays.
2. CENTER overlay on plant and ALIGN N - S and E - W lines with those on map.
c. IF speed 2 4 m/s OR direction between 2100 - 3390 THEN:
1. Use RED cross valley overlays.
2. CENTER overlay and point plume along wind direction 5.3.16 IF a General Emergency has been declared AND/OR calculated or actual offsite doses are EQUAL to or GREATER than the following THEN use IP-EP-410 "Protective Action Recommendations" to determine what protective action recommendations should be conveyed to the EPM/ED:
a. 1 Rem /hr TEDE, or
b. 5 Rem/hr TODE, or
c. 1 Rem Integrated Dose TEDE, or
d. 5 Rem Integrated Dose TODE 5.4 In the EOF only:

5.4.1 Calculate projected doses using MEANS or manual methods.

5.4.2 If available, verify projected doses with actual field radiological data.

5.4.3 If available, back-calculate and/or verify release rates based on actual field radiological data using an IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet, Back Calculating Release Rate from Field Data (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-19).

5.4.4 Review Site Perimeter surveys.

5.4.5 Review Field Surveys.


'tIIero"y EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 8 of 17 5.4.6 Review Reuter Stokes data. Attachment 9.4, Reuter-Stokes Location Xp/Q for 1 Meter/Sec Wind-speed provides Xp/Q values for comparison purposes.

5.4.7 Exchange offsite monitoring and projected data with State and Counties.

5.4.8 If required, estimate release rates utilizing High Range Vapor Containment radiation monitors R-25/26 (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-11).

6.0 INTERFACES 6.1 IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations 6.2 IP-EP-520, Modular Emergency Assessment & Notification System (MEANS) 6.3 IP-EP-510, Obtaining Meteorological, Radiological and Dose Assessment Data from MRP-DAS.

7.0 RECORDS Forms and reports completed during an actual emergency are permanent records.

8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCE IPEC Emergency Plan 9.0 ATTACHMENTS 9.1 Site Boundary Xp/Q by Pasquill Stability Category 9.2 Xp/Q Values for other Distances 9.3 2, 5 and 10 Mile Xp/Q Values 9.4 Reuter-Stokes Location Xp/Q Values 9.5 Accident Monitoring of Noble Gas Concentration in the Plant Vent.

9.6 Manual Calculation of Thyroid CDE.

9.7 Discussion


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Attachment 9.1 Site Boundary Xp/Q by Pasquill Stability Category Cross Valley (Wind Direction from 210° - 339° or Wind Speed 2 4 m/s)

Sheet 1 of 2 Sector Wind Distance Pasquill Categories From (Meters)

A B C D E F G 1* 1699 to 1902 2977 5.5 E-7 9.0 E-7 5.7 E-6 2.1 E-5 4.3 E-5 1.1 E-4 2.0 E-4 2* 1912 to 2132 3234 5.2 E-7 1.0 E-6 5.0 E-6 1.9 E-5 3.9 E-5 9.6 E-5 1.8 E-4 3 2149 to 2350 716 3.6 E-6 2.0 E-5 5.3 E-5 1.5 E-4 2.7 E-4 4.9 E-4 7.1 E-4 4 2362 to 2582 701 3.7 E-6 2.0 E-5 5.4 E-5 1.6 E-4 2.7 E-4 5.0 E-4 7.2 E-4 5 2592 to 2802 762 3.2 E-6 1.8 E-5 4.8 E-5 1.4 E-4 2.5 E-4 4.7 E-4 6.8 E-4 6 2812 to 303 2 625 4.7 E-6 2.5 E-5 6.4 E-5 1.8 E-4 3.1 E-4 5.5 E-4 7.9 E-4 2

7 304 to 3252 610 4.9 E-6 2.6 E-5 6.6 E-5 1.9 E-4 3.2 E-4 5.6 E-4 8.0 E-4 8 3262 to 3482 701 3.7 E-6 2.0 E-5 5.4 E-5 1.6 E-4 2.7 E-4 5.0 E-4 7.2 E-5 9 3492 to 100 1006 2.1 E-6 1.0 E-5 3.2 E-5 9.9 E-5 1.8 E-4 3.6 E-4 5.4 E-4 10 11Q to 33Q 1006 2.1 E-6 1.0 E-5 3.2 E-5 9.9 E-5 1.8 E-4 3.6 E-4 5.4 E-4 11 349 to 552 488 7.7 E-6 3.6 E-5 8.8 E-5 2.5 E-4 4.0 E-4 6.7 E-4 9.2 E-4 12* 562 to 782 2349 6.6 E-7 1.5 E-6 8.3 E-6 3.0 E-5 6.0 E-5 1.4 E-4 2.6 E-4 13* 799 to 1009 1802 8.1 E-7 3.2 E-6 1.3 E-5 4.3 E-5 8.5 E-5 1.9 E-4 3.3 E-4 14* 1012 to 1232 1689 9.0 E-7 3.7 E-6 1.4 E-5 4.8 E-5 9.2 E-5 2.0 E-4 3.5 E-4 15* 1242 to 1459 1432 1.2 E-6 5.1 E-6 1.9 E-5 6.1 E-5 1.2 E-4 2.4 E-4 4.0 E-4 16* 1469 to 1689 1416 1.2 E-6 5.2 E-6 1.9 E-5 6.2 E-5 1.2 E-4 2.5 E-4 4.0 E-4

  • Plume for these sectors goes over the water before it touches public or private land. Site boundary in these cases istaken to be the landfall point at the sector center.

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,I Fa IPEC NoN-OuALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-310 Revision 4 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 10 of 17 Attachment 9.1 Sheet 2 of 2 Site Boundary Xp/Q by Pasquill Stability Category Up Valley Plumes (wind speed <4 m/s) Wind Direction from 102° - 2090(1)

Pasquill Categories A B C ID E l F I G 5.2 E-7 1.0 E-6 5.0 E-6 1.9 E-5 3.9 E-5 9.6 E-5 1.8 E-4 Site Boundary XIJQ by Pasquill Stability Category Down Valley Plumes (wind speed <4 m/s) Wind Direction from 3400- 1010(2)

Pasquill CateFories A B C I lD C r E ICt Gi 3.7 E-6 1.0 E-5 3.2 E-5 9.9 E-5 1.8 E-4 3.6 E-4 5.4 E-4 (1) Plume centerline will always cross the site boundary at sector 2. Therefore, the sector 2 Xp/Q values are used.

(2) Plume centerline will cross the site boundary at either sector 8 (Pasquill category A) or sector 10 (for Pasquill category B - G)

( C_ =(


, IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-310 Revision 4 tUilerg0y., EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 11 of 17 Attachment 9.2 Xp/Q Values for other Distances Sheet 1 of 1 Sector Distance Pasquill Categories (Meters)

A B C D E F G 1.0 1608 9.5 E-7 4.0 E-6 1.5 E-5 5.0 E-5 9.0 E-5 2.1 E-4 3.4 E-4 1.5 2412 6.3 E-7 2.1 E-6 1.1 E-5 5.4 E-5 5.4 E-5 1.3 E-4 2.2 E-4 2.0 3216 5.2 E-7 8.3 E-7 5.0 E-6 1.9 E-5 3.9 E-5 9.6 E-5 1.8 E-4 2.5 4020 4.4 E-7 5.8 E-7 3.5 E-6 1.4 E-5 3.7 E-5 7.0 E-5 1.7 E-4 3.0 4824 3.6 E-7 5.0 E-7 2.8 E-6 1.0 E-5 2.2 E-5 5.7 E-5 1.3 E-4 3.5 5628 3.2 E-7 4.2 E-7 2.0 E-6 8.1 E-6 1.8 E-5 4.7 E-5 1.1 E-4 4.0 6432 2.8 E-7 3.7 E-7 1.6 E-6 6.8 E-6 1.5 E-5 4.0 E-5 9.4 E-5 4.5 7236 2.6 E-7 3.5 E-7 1.4 E-6 5.8 E-6 1.3 E-5 3.5 E-5 7.3 E-5 5.0 8040 2.4 E-7 3.2 E-7 1.2 E-6 5.1 E-6 1.1 E-5 3.1 E-5 6.7 E-5 5.5 8844 2.1 E-7 3.1 E-7 9.9 E-7 4.4 E-6 1.0 E-5 2.8 E-5 5.9 E-5 6.0 9648 2.0 E-7 2.7 E-7 8.3 E-7 3.8 E-6 9.1 E-6 2.5 E-5 5.4 E-5 6.5 10452 1.9 E-7 2.5 E-7 7.5 E-7 3.5 E-6 8.2 E-6 2.3 E-5 5.0 E-5 7.0 11256 1.8 E-7 2.4 E-7 6.7 E-7 3.2 E-6 7.5 E-6 2.1 E-5 4.7 E-5 7.5 12060 1.7 E-7 2.3 E-7 6.1 E-7 3.0 E-6 6.9 E-6 1.9 E-6 4.3 E-5 8.0 12864 1.6 E-7 2.2 E-7 5.5 E-7 2.7 E-6 6.3 E-6 1.8 E-5 4.1 E-5 8.5 13668 1.5 E-7 2.1 E-7 5.0 E-7 2.5 E-6 5.8 E-6 1.7 E-5 3.8 E-5 9.0 14472 1.5 E-7 2.0 E-7 4.6 E-7 2.3 E-6 5.5 E-6 1.6 E-5 3.6 E-5 9.5 15276 1.4 E-7 1.9 E-7 4.2 E-7 2.1 E-6 5.4 E-6 1.5 E-5 3.4 E-5 10.0 16080 1.4 E-7 1.8 E-7 4.0 E-7 2.1 E-6 5.3 E-6 1.5 E-5 3.4 E-5

  • . IPEC SITE NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-310 . Revision 4 J-lliliry, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 12 of 17 Attachment 9.3 2, 5 and 10-Mile XtVQ Values Sheet 1 of 1 XwaQ PASQUILL 2 MILE 5 MILE 10 MILE CATEGORY A 5.2E-7 2.4E-7 1.4E-7 B 8.3E-7 3.2E-7 1.8E-7 C 5.0E-6 1.2E-6 4.OE-7 D 1.9E-5 5.1 E-6 2.1 E-6 E 3.9E-5 1.1 E-5 5.3E-6 F 9.6E-5 3.1 E-5 1.5E-5 G 1.8E-4 6.7E-5 3.4E-5


IAll gy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 13 of 17 Attachment 9.4 Reuter-Stokes Location XpIQ Values Sheet 1 of 1 l_ Stability Class Sector Monitor A B C D E F G Distmce ()

I 3226 5.3E-7 8.4E-7 5.IE-6 1.9E-5 4.OE-5 9.8E-5 1.8E-4 2 3379 5.2E-7 8.3E-7 5.OE-6 1.8E-5 3.9E-5 9.7E-5 1.7E-4 3 2574 6.3E-7 1.2E-6 7.3E-6 2.6E-5 5.3E-5 1.2E-4 2.4E-4 4 1448 1.2E-6 4.6E-6 1.8E-5 6.1E-5 1.IE4 2.4E-4 3.9E-4 5 1287 1.4E-6 6.4E-6 2.3E-5 7.3E-5 1.4E-4 2.8E-4 4.4E-4 6 643 4.3E-6 2.2E-5 6.OE-5 I.8E-4 3.OE-4 5.5E-4 7.7E-4 7 643 4.3E-6 2.2E-5 6.OE-5 1.8E-4 3.OE-4 5.5E-4 7.7E-4 8 804 2.9E-6 1.7E-5 4.5E-5 1.3E-4 2.4E-4 4.5E-4 6.6E-4 9 1126 1.8E-6 8.5E-6 2.6E-5 8.1E-5 1.5E-4 3.2E-4 4.9E4 10 1287 1.4E-6 6.4E-6 2.3E-5 7.3E-5 1.4E-4 2.8E-4 4.4E-4 11 1287 1.4E-6 6.4E-6 2.3E-5 7.3E-5 1.4E-4 2.8E-4 4.4E4 12 2494 6.4E-7 1.3E-6 7.5E-6 2.7E-5 5.6E-5 1.2E-4 2.4E-4 13 1870 8.OE-7 2.7E-6 1.2E-5 4.2E-5 8.1E-5 1.8E-4 3.2E-4 14 1870 8.OE-7 2.7E-6 1.2E-5 4.2E-5 8.1E-5 1.8E-4 3.2E-4 15 1648 9.4E-7 3.9E-6 1.5E-5 5.OE-5 9.7E-5 2.1E-4 3.6E-4 16 1770 8.4E-7 3.3E-6 1.3E-5 4.5E-5 8.8E-5 1.9E-4 3.4E-4


' gyj, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 14 of 17 Attachment 9.5 Accident Monitoring of Noble Gas Concentrations in the Plant Vent Sheet 1 of 2 NOTES

1. The Operations Support Center (OSC) H.P Team Leader / Rad. Protection Coordinator will determine which reading to obtain first; plant vent or back-up plant vent monitoring.
2. Locations and equipment may be different from Unit 2 to Unit 3 1.0 Radiation readings may be obtained on the plant vent by the following:

1.1 Follow the provisions used by the OSC to plan and track team assignments.

1.2 Use a telescoping radiation monitoring instrument (e.g. teletector or equivalent) to perform this function.

1.3 AAs requested by OSC Health Physics (HP) Team Leader or Control Room (CR), REPORT radiation levels.

1.4 Proceed to the Containment Airlock area.

1.5 Using the fan-building wall for shielding, obtain radiation readings by Vapor Containment purge and exhaust ducts.

CAUTION The door leading out to the plant vent area may lock when closed. To prevent being trapped in the plant vent area, BLOCK OPEN THE DOOR prior to going to the plant vent area.

1.6 Proceed through the door to the plant vent area.

1.7 Obtain radiation readings at the following locations:

1.7.1 6 feet from the plant vent 10 feet above the floor.

1.7.2 Contact with the plant vent 10 feet above the floor.

1.8 Notify the OSC or CR that radiation readings have been obtained and follow instructions as directed.


- LIhergyn EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 15 of 17 Attachment 9.5 Accident Monitoring of Noble Gas Concentrations in the Plant Vent Sheet 2 of 2 2.0 Backup plant vent monitoring readings may be obtained by the following:

2.1 Follow the provisions used by the OSC to plan and track team assignments.

2.2 Proceed to the Auxiliary Building (PAB) Post Accident (PASS) Plant Vent Sample Cave 2.3 Ensure that the RMS-2 meter is positioned on top of the PASS plant vent shield.

2.4 Ensure that the RMS-2 detector is positioned on the floor of the PASS plant vent shield near the gas-sampling bulb.

2.5 Ensure that detector is connected properly to meter with the cable run through the 1-inch hole in the top of the PASS plant vent shield.

2.6 Ensure that the meter is energized by A/C and the power is on.

2.7 With the shield door closed, Establish recirculation flow of plant vent gases through the Pass plant vent piping according to RE-CS-040.

2.8 After recirculation is equilibrated (about 5 minutes) 2.9 Record backup plant vent readings from the RMS-2 monitor.

2.10 Using a hand held meter, OBTAIN a background radiation reading outside of the PASS plant vent shield.

2.11 Report RMS-2 readings to the OSC or CR and FOLLOW instructions as directed.


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LuiI(,y,. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 16 of 17 Attachment 9.6 Discussion Sheet 1 of 2 The following instrumentation/methodology can be used to determine the noble gas release rate.

- Plant vent monitor-low range (Direct Readout)

- Plant vent monitor-high range (Direct Readout)

- Plant vent survey-hand held instrument or remote readout

- Isotopic analysis of sample taken from release point.

- Condenser air ejector monitor (Direct Readout).

- Main steam line monitors.

- Back calculating a release rate based on actual field radiological data.

- Containment radiation monitors R-25 and R-26 to measure the source term within containment and to estimate potential releases from containment.

- Potential exposure to the population if a future release of the existing containment source term occurs, utilizing the following information:

1. Containment pressure relief line contains three isolation valves (one in containment and two outside).
2. Containment purge system contains two isolation valves on the Inlet Duct (one in containment and one outside).
3. Containment purge system contains two isolation valves on the Exhaust Duct (one in containment and one outside).
4. Weld Channel (WC) and Isolation Valve Seal Water System (IVSWS) are pressurized to ensure that during accident conditions a pressure build up to AT LEAST 50 psi in containment would NOT cause a leak of radioactive material to the environment as long as the isolation valves remained in the closed position.

e__145,r IPEC SITE NON-QuALITY RELATED IP-EP-310 Revision 4

l- Edergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 17 of 17 Attachment 9.6 Discussion Sheet 2 of 2
5. WITHOUT WC AND IVSWS, BUT with isolation valves closed, the containment leak rate is expected to be LESS THAN 0.1% of the containment volume per day (Tech Spec) WITH a pressure buildup to 50 psi inside containment. At lower pressures the leak rate would be smaller, approaching zero as the pressure differential approaches zero.
6. Containment Volume = 2.6 x 106 ft3 = 7.4 x 10' 0cc
7. For IP2 and Post-Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) cooldown using blowdown situations, the determination of the gaseous release rate from the blowdown flash tank shall be accomplished by determining the noble gas concentration in the faulted SG blowdown (Chem sample pCi/cc) AND the blowdown rate (GPM).


Unit 3 Control Room I Prepared by: Ed DeGasperis Print Name I ~Inqure Date I

Approval: Frank Inzirillo Pinnt NiJame -1 42 ._7 I Date U1 Effective Date: o3 0 -oH I This procedure excluded from further LI-100 review IP-EP-213 (U3CCR) Rl.doc I


-IIIergy. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 2 of 42 Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE .............................................. 3


.............................................. 3 3.0 DEFINITIONS .............................................. 3 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................. 3 5.0 DETAILS ................................................ 5 6.0 INTERFACES .............................................. 5 7.0 RECORDS .............................................. 6 8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT ............................................ 6 9.0 ATTACHMENTS .............................................. 6 9.1 SHIFT MANAGER/POM (EMERGENCY DIRECTOR) CHECKLIST ..................................... 7 9.2 UNIT 3 RESPONSE TO A UNIT 2 EMERGENCY CHECKLIST .......................................... 19 9.3 CR OFFSITE COMMUNICATOR CHECKLIST ............................................. 22 9.4 CR DIRECT-LINE COMMUNICATOR CHECKLIST ............................................. 28 9.5 CR HEALTH PHYSICS TECHNICIAN CHECKLIST ............................................. 30 9.6 CR WATCH CHEMIST CHECKLIST ............................................. 34 9.7 CR CLERK CHECKLIST ............................................. 38 9.8 POM CHECKLIST FOR SEVERE ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT .......................................... 42

. IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I WIergy. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 3 of 42 Unit 3 Control Room 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 To describe emergency response activities and operations of the Unit 3 Control Room.

1.2 To provide guidance for the response to emergencies declared at Unit 2.


2.1 Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan 2.2 IP-EP-1 10, Concept of Operations 2.3 IP-EP-130, Emergency Notification and Mobilization 2.4 IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite 2.5 IP-EP-610, Emergency Termination and Recovery 3.0 DEFINITIONS None 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The Emergency Director has the sole authority and responsibility for the classification and declaration of any emergency, approving offsite notifications and the making of protective action recommendations for the general public.

These responsibilities may not be delegated. The Shift Manager in the role of Emergency Director makes the initial emergency classification.

4.2 The Shift Manager shall, upon assuming the role of Emergency Director, continue to perform the duties of Emergency Director until properly relieved by either the On-call Emergency Director in the EOF or by another qualified Emergency Director such as the Plant Operations Manager (POM).

4.3 The Unit 3 Shift Manager SHALL confer with the Unit 2 Shift Manager for any event or condition, which may affect both Units such as security, or natural events. IF it is agreed that both units are affected, THEN the Unit 2 Shift Manager shall classify and declare the emergency and assume the role of site Emergency Director in accordance with IP-EP-212, Unit 2 Control Room.

4.4 The Shift Manager shall ensure that notifications of offsite authorities are initiated within 15 minutes of declaration of any emergency classification, classification upgrade or protective action recommendation being formulated.

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 4 of 42 4.5 The Shift Manager shall direct that the IPEC Emergency Response Organization (ERO) be mobilized and the emergency response facilities (TSCs, OSCs, EOF and JNC) activated upon declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

4.6 The Shift Manager/Plant Operations Manager shall establish and maintain accountability of all Operating Shift staff under the Shift Manager's control upon declaration of a Site Area Emergency or higher classification.

4.7 Until such time as the EOF is activated, the Shift Manager/Plant Operations Manager shall assess the offsite consequences of any radiological release and, if appropriate, formulate offsite protective action recommendations. In all cases, should a General Emergency be declared, protective action recommendations shall be formulated, approved and communicated to offsite authorities in accordance with implementing procedures.

4.8 For events classified as Unusual Events, the Shift Manager, acting as Emergency Director shall terminate the emergency and enter into recovery in accordance with implementing procedures. For all emergencies classified at the Alert level or higher, emergency termination and entry into the recovery phase shall be at the discretion of the On-call Emergency Director in the EOF.

4.9 The CR Health Physics Technician is responsible for monitoring Control Room habitability and establishment of Control Room contamination controls.

4.10 The CR Watch Chemist is responsible for the performance of Dose Assessment calculations until such time as the EOF is activated.

4.11 The CR Offsite Communicator shall perform duties in the Control Room under the Shift Manager's direction. These duties shall entail implementing the notification checklists (IP-EP-I15 Forms EP-3, 4 or 5) and use of RECS, radio, telephones and other communication equipment to notify the offsite authorities of the accident conditions and to supply updates as needed.

4.12 The CR Direct-Line Communicator is responsible for providing clear and concise communications between the CR and other emergency response facilities.

4.13 The CR Clerk is responsible for assisting in the performance of CR setup, second shift scheduling and faxing/record keeping.

4.14 For events classified as Unusual Events, the Shift Manager, acting as Emergency Director has the ability to activate ERO callout for support as needed.

k IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I rw:nergy. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 5 of 42 5.0 DETAILS 5.1 For a Unit 3 emergency, the Shift Manager (SM)/Plant Operations Manager (POM) shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1, Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist 5.2 For a Unit 2 emergency, the Shift Manager (SM)/Plant Operations Manager (POM) shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.2, Shift Manager/POM Unit 3 Response to a Unit 2 Emergency Checklist 5.3 The CR Offsite Communicator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.3, CR Offsite Communicator Checklist.

5.4 The CR Direct-Line Communicator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.4, CR Direct-Line Communicator Checklist.

5.5 The CR Health Physics Technician shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.5, CR Health Physics Technician Checklist.

5.6 The CR Watch Chemist shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.6, CR Watch Chemist Checklist.

5.7 The CR Clerk shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.7, CR Clerk Checklist.

5.8 The Plant Operations Manager shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.8, POM Checklist for Severe Accident Management.

6.0 INTERFACES 6.1 IP-EP-l15, Emergency Plan Forms 6.2 IP-EP-120, Emergency Classification 6.3 IP-EP-130, Emergency Notifications and Mobilization 6.4 IP-EP-212, Unit 2 Control Room 6.5 IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment 6.6 IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations 6.7 IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite 6.8 IP-EP-610, Emergency Termination and Recovery 6.9 IP-2003 Computer Program

_ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I riletcrgY,, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 6 of 42 7.0 RECORDS All Logs, Completed Forms and other records generated during an actual emergency shall be considered quality records and maintained for the life of the plant.

8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCE None 9.0 ATTACHMENTS 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist 9.2 Shift Manager/POM Unit 3 Response to a Unit 2 Emergency Checklist 9.3 CR Offsite Communicator Checklist 9.4 CR Direct-Line Communicator 9.5 CR Health Physics Technician Checklist 9.6 CR Watch Chemist Checklist 9.7 CR Clerk Checklist 9.8 POM Checklist for Severe Accident Management


' tLJJt,7y. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 7 of 42 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 1 of 12 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes NOTE:

Authority to classify and declare an emergency is reserved solely for the Emergency Director and may not be delegated. The SM in the role of Emergency Director makes the initial emergency classification.


The Unit 3 Shift Manager SHALL confer with the Unit 2 Shift Manager for any event or condition, which may affect both Units such as security, or natural events. IF it is agreed that both units are affected, THEN the Unit 2 Shift Manager shall classify and declare the emergency and assume the role of Site Emergency Director in accordance with IP-EP-212, Unit 2 Control Room.

1.1 Classification of the Emergency A. Classify the emergency condition in accordance with IP-EP-120 "Emergency Classification".


Security and Operations will take steps as directed by Safeguard instructions to protect the safety of site employees and the integrity of plant equipment.

Site access and egress will be controlled per Security procedures.

B. IF the initial emergency classification is due to a security event, THEN consider mobilization of the ERO to either primary or backup locations, or suspending initial mobilization.

1. If suspending mobilization is considered:
a. Insure NO PA announcements are made directing assembly or mobilization.
b. Instruct NOT to sound the Assembly Alarm

__W_= IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision 1 L.IWYE EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 8 of 42 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 2 of 12 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont) l Notes C. Determine if the emergency could possibly affect Unit 2.

1. Confer with Unit 2 SM. IF agreed that both units are affected, THEN the Unit 2 SM SHALL classify and declare the emergency and assume the role of Emergency Director (ED)

D. IF a General Emergency is declared, THEN protective action recommendations must be made in accordance with IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations.

E. Declare the emergency and announce the classification to Control Room personnel.

F. Ensure Unit 2 Control Room is notified of the emergency classification.

G. At an Alert or higher classification, ensure that BOTH Unit 2 AND Unit 3 Site Assembly alarms are sounded with appropriate PA announcements (coordinate with Unit 2 Control Room.

1.2 Notification - Unusual Event (Use IP-EP-115 Form EP-3)


State and local authorities shall be notified within 15 minutes of emergency declaration.

A. IF the initial emergency classification is an Alert or higher THEN proceed to step 1.3.

B. IF CR Offsite Communicator is unavailable THEN direct an individual to serve as CR Offsite Communicator.

___ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I lIdergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 9 of 42 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 3 of 12 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity (cont) l Notes C. Complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I" (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-1).

D. Direct notification of offsite authorities using (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-3) by providing the completed and signed NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1) to the CR Offsite Communicator.

E. Determine if Emergency Response Organization (ERO) mobilization is needed or if Emergency Response Organization should receive event notification only based on the following:

1. IF determined that the Emergency Response Organization should be activated, THEN direct the Unit 2 SM to use Envelope A "IPEC ERO Mobilization" envelope as indicated on "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist" (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-3)
2. IF determined that the Emergency Response Organization should be called and notified only, THEN direct the Unit 2 SM to use Envelope B "IPEC ERO Event Notification" envelope as indicated on "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist" (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-3).
3. IF determined that the Emergency Response Organization should respond to a remote location due to a security event, THEN direct the Unit 2 SM to use Envelope C "IPEC ERO Mobilization to Remote Location" envelope as indicated on 'Control Room NUE Notification Checklist" (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-3).
4. IF determined that the Technical Support Center /

Operations Support Center only should be activated, THEN direct the Unit 2 SM to use Envelope D "IPEC TSC/OSC Mobilization" envelope as indicated on (IP-EP-115 Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist."

l__ IPEC NON-QUALITy RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I BY E EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 10 of 42 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 4 of 12 Initial Responsibility/Activitv (cont) Notes

5. IF determined that the Technical Support Center I Operations Support Center / Emergency Operation Facility only should be activated, THEN direct the Unit 2 SM to use Envelope E 'IPEC TSC/OSC/EOF Mobilization" envelope as indicated on (IP-EP-115 Form EP-3) "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist."

I 1.3 Notification & Mobilization -Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency (Use IP-EP-115 Form EP-4)


1. Once the EOF is activated, turnover command and control to the EOF in an expeditious manner and the EOF can then perform all offsite communications.
2. The following steps are for initial classification at the Alert level or higher.
3. State and local authorities shall be notified within 15 minutes of emergency declaration.


A. IF CR Offsite Communicator is unavailable THEN direct I another individual to serve as CR Offsite Communicator.

B. Complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I" (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1).


IP-EP-430 "Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite" provides guidance for the suspension of personnel assembly and accountability under certain conditions.

C. IF personnel assembly is suspended, THEN inform the Unit 2 SM prior to directing personnel mobilization and instruct that the site assembly alarm NOT be sounded.


_ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision 1 I11nermny, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 11 of 42 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 5 of 12 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) I Notes NOTE:

IF adverse conditions exist onsite to an extent impacting safety of Emergency Response Organization personnel responding from outside the Protected Area, THEN consider having Security direct responding personnel to the Emergency Operations Facility rather than reporting directly to their assigned emergency facility.

D. IF determined that the Emergency Response Organization should respond to a remote location due to a security event, THEN inform the Unit 2 SM to use Envelope C "IPEC ERO Mobilization to Remote Location" envelope as indicated on "Control Room Alert/SAE/GE Initial Notification Checklist" (IP-EP-115 Form EP-4). Otherwise, inform the Unit 2 SM to use Envelope A "IPEC ERO Mobilization" envelope as indicated on 'CCR Alert/SAE/GE Initial Notification Checklist" (IP-EP-115 Form EP4).

E. Direct notification of offsite authorities using (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP4) by providing the completed and signed NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1) to the CCR Offsite Communicator.

1.4 Establish Personnel Accountability NOTES:

The Shift Manager may call for accountability to be completed any time due to hazards in the plant such as fire, toxic gas, high radiation levels, earthquake etc.

Security and Operations will take steps as directed by Safeguards Instructions, I to protect the safety of site personnel during security events. During security events, accountability may be suspended until conditions can be established for safe site access.

A. IF a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been declared, and personnel accountability has not already been established, THEN initiate site personnel accountability per IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite.


- iierXye EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 12 of 42 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 6 of 12 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes B. Have all shift staff personnel (including CR HP Technician and CR Watch Chemist) swipe their security badge through the CR accountability card reader.

C. Have the Control Room Clerk or designee record the names, badge numbers and locations of any watch personnel located in the field on an Accountability Roster, (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-47) and forward roster to the Lead Accountability Officer (LAO).

D. IF any individuals are missing, THEN direct available personnel and Security to conduct search and rescue operations to locate the missing individuals as conditions allow.

1.5 Assess Any Radiological Release A. IF any indications exist of abnormal radiological release as a result of the emergency, THEN direct the CR Watch Chemist to assess offsite consequences in accordance with IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment.

B. IF Watch Chemist cannot man CCR due to Security Event, then notify Unit 2 CCR to assess offsite consequences in accordance with IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment for Unit 3.

C. IF dose assessment results indicate offsite consequences in excess of the EPA Protective Action Guidelines THEN evaluate the need to modify the General Emergency PARs per IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations.

__WN IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision 1 JiI ergy~. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 13 of 42 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 7 of 12 2.0 Interim Responsibility/Activity I Notes NOTE:

IF while performing the Interim Responsibility/Activity steps as Emergency Director, you are relieved of Emergency Director duties by the On-Call ED, THEN exit this section and enter the Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Shift Manager/POM) section at step 3.0.

2.1 Re-Classify the Emergency if Necessary.

A. IF plant conditions change or other events occur which may warrant upgrade of the emergency classification, THEN re-classify the emergency condition in accordance with IP-EP-120 "Emergency Classification".

B. IF a General Emergency is declared, THEN protective action recommendations must be made in accordance with IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations.

C. Declare the emergency and announce the classification to Control Room personnel.

D. Complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I" (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1).

E. Direct the CR Offsite Communicator to perform notifications using 'Upgrade/Update Notification Alert/SAE/GE Notification Checklist" (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-5).

2.2 Establish Radiological Controls and Maintain Onsite Personnel Safety.

A. Keep Security informed of emergency classification, plant status and any radioactive releases, which may affect Security Personnel.

B. Once established, maintain personnel accountability.


` EnIergyt. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 14 of 42 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 8 of 12 Interim Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont) l Notes C. IF the potential for abnormal radiological conditions in-plant or onsite exists, THEN:

1. Direct the CR Health Physics Technician to establish radiological controls for the Control Room and initiate habitability monitoring for the Control Room.
2. Evaluate the need to relocate personnel offsite per IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite.
3. Authorize emergency exposure, if necessary, using Emergency Exposure Authorization Form (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-6).

2.3 Perform Periodic Update Notifications.

A. Periodic update notifications to offsite authorities should be made approximately every 30 minutes or more frequently when plant conditions change. Time interval may be lengthened with concurrence of offsite agencies.For each update notification, complete (or have completed) and sign a "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I" (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1).

B. IF there has been a radiological release to the environment, THEN complete (or have completed) and sign a 'NYS Radiological Data Form, Part II (IP-EP-115 Form EP-2).

C. For periodic update notifications during an Unusual Events, direct the CR Offsite Communicator to perform update notifications using "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist" (IP-EP-15 Form EP-3).

D. For periodic update notifications during an Alert or higher classifications, direct the CR Offsite Communicator to perform update notifications using "Upgrade/Update Notification Alert/SAE/GE Notification Checklist" (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-5).

ft IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision 1 z .JILLLegye EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 15 of 42 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 9 of 12 Interim Responsibilitv/Activitv(cont) Notes 2.4 Terminate the Emergency (Unusual Event Only).

A. When conditions warrant termination of the Unusual Event, enter IP-EP-61 0 Emergency Termination & Recovery and terminate the emergency per section 5.1 "Transition and Recovery Following an Unusual Event."

B. Exit this section after termination of the emergency and enter the Closeout Responsibility/Activity section at step 4.0.

2.5 Turnover Emergency Director Responsibilities NOTE:

For Unusual Events, the Shift Manager will normally maintain the Emergency Director responsibilities until the classification is terminated per IP-EP-610, Emergency Termination & Recovery. For Alert and higher classifications, the Plant Operations Manager (POM) will relieve the Shift Manager of Emergency Director duties in the Control Room. The On-Call Emergency Director in the EOF at his discretion may assume Emergency Director duties directly from the Shift Manager via telephone turnover.

A. Provide a status briefing to the POM upon his arrival in the Control Room. The POM will request status on all of the information specified on an Essential Information Checklist.

(IP-EP-l15 Form EP-9).

B. Provide copies of all completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data forms to the POM.

C. Resume duties as Shift Manager and proceed to step 3.0 in the Continuous Responsibility/Activity (Shift Manager/POM) section.

3.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes 3.1 Provide Backup Plant Data to the TSC A. IF the SPDS is out of service THEN request the TSC to send an individual to the CR to record plant data on IP-EP-115 Forms EP-57, 58 and 59 as needed and to fax the forms to the TSC on a periodic basis or as plant status and conditions change.

__ l Elegy IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-213 Revision I IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 16 of 42 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 10 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activity(cont) Notes 3.2 Direct Entry Into Severe Accident Management IF plant conditions warrant the transition to Severe Accident Management (SAM),

THEN use Attachment 9.8, Plant Operations Manager Checklist for Severe Accident Management (SAM).

3.3 Evaluate Emergency Action Levels.

A. Continue to evaluate current plant condition and events relative to the emergency action levels as specified in IP-EP-120, Emergency Classification.

B. Make recommendations to the Emergency Director for upgrading of the emergency classification as appropriate.

3.4 Maintain Communications with the Emergency Director.

A. Keep the Emergency Director informed of current plant status and planned operations.

B. Discuss tasks and procedures the Control Room is currently performing and review priorities on a regular basis.

C. IMMEDIATELY inform the Emergency Director of any plant condition or event that has the potential to change the emergency classification or affect radiological release status.

3.5 Coordinate In-Plant team activities with Operations Team Leader/OSC NOTE:

Once the OSC is activated, the dispatch of personnel into the field for emergency operations is controlled from the OSC. Communications and directions can be provided to the teams from the Control Room, however, the OSC must retain team control for personnel safety and continuous accountability.

A. Once the OSC is activated, coordinate the dispatch and control of NPOs assigned to perform in-plant operations with the Operations Team Leader (OPSTL) located in the OSC.

OPSTL telephone # located in Emergency Telephone Directory (ETD).


- Idergy8. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 17 of 42 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 11 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv(cont) Notes B. For operations teams already dispatched and in the field prior to the OSC being activated, coordinate the transfer of team control to the OSC with the Operations Team Leader.

C. Direct requests for in-plant operational support IMMEDIATELY to the Operations Team Leader in the OSC to facilitate prompt response to Control Room needs.

D. Re-enforce Control Room priorities and needs with the OSC Team Leader if in-plant team support is not being provided in a timely and effective manner.

3.6 Request Technical Support as Needed to Mitigate the Emergency.

A. Request the TSC Manager to provide forward-looking technical support as needed to assist the Control Room staff in responding to the emergency.

B. Provide the TSC Manager with periodic briefs on current mitigation strategies and emergency procedures currently being implemented.

3.7 Exit to Recovery Phase A. Upon notification from the Emergency Director that the emergency has been terminated, exit this section and enter the Closeout Responsibility/Activity section at step 4.0.

4.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 4.1 Direct the Control Room staff to return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations.

4.2 Review all documentation the Control Room staff generated during the emergency:

A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete.

___ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I lergye EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 18 of 42 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) Checklist Sheet 12 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv (cont) Notes B. Ensure all temporary procedures used and/or developed are properly documented for use by the Recovery Organization so that necessary actions can be taken for long-term restoration.

C. Collect all computer printouts and strip charts.

4.3 Provide all logs and records to the Recovery Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

ak m IPEC NON-QUALrY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I al erby, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 19 of 42 Attachment 9.2 Unit 3 Response to a Unit 2 Emergency Checklist Sheet 1 of 3 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activitv Notes 1.1 Notification of the Emergency NOTE:

The Unit 2 Shift Manager SHALL confer with the Unit 3 Shift Manager for any event or condition, which may affect both Units such as security, or natural events. IF it is agreed that both units are affected, THEN the Unit 2 Shift Manager shall classify and declare the emergency and assume the role of site Emergency Director in accordance with IP-EP-212, Unit 2 Control Room.

A. Upon notification from Unit 2 Control Room that an event has been declared at Unit 2 announce the information to Control Room personnel.

1.2 Notification of ERO Personnel A. UNUSUAL EVENT

1. Make a PA announcement providing information regarding the Unit 2 event and any additional information as required restricting access to Unit 2 areas affected by the emergency.


1. Sound the Site Assembly Alarm for (30) seconds (coordinate sounding of the assembly alarm with the Unit 2 CR) and make the following announcement (3) times over the public address system:

"Attention all personnel, Attention all personnel, an (Alert / Site Area Emergency / General Emergency) has been declared at Unit 2, all essential personnel report to your assigned emergency facility. All other personnel assemble at the Indian Point Training Center."

JL ey IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I WI,'Iniergny" EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 20 of 42 Attachment 9.2 Unit 3 Response to a Unit 2 Emergency Checklist Sheet 2 of 3 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont) Notes

2. IF a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency is declared THEN perform Personnel Accountability per IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite.
3. Direct all watch staff, including the CR HP Technician and CR Watch Chemist, to swipe their security badge through the CR accountability card reader
4. Upon request from the Unit 2 Emergency Director, provide a Shift HP Technician to support Unit 2 response.

2.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activity 2.1 Provide Support to Unit 2 as Requested A. Upon request from the Emergency Director, provide Unit 3 personnel, equipment and resources available to you.

2.2 Provide updates to personnel in Unit 3 with information provided by the Emergency Director A. When information is provided to you, use the public address system to disseminate that information to the personnel on the Unit 3 side of the Site.

A_ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I of lllergy. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 21 of 42 Attachment 9.2 Unit 3 Response to a Unit 2 Emergency Checklist Sheet 3 of 3 3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 3.1 Direct the Control Room staff to return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation the Control Room staff generated during the emergency:

A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete.

B. Ensure all temporary procedures used and/or developed are properly documented for use by the Recovery Organization so that necessary actions can be taken for long-term restoration.

C. Collect all computer printouts and strip charts.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Recovery Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

f__ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision 1 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 22 of 42 Attachment 9.3 CR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 1 of 6 1.0 Initial ResponsibilitvlActivitv Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CR Offsite Communicator NOTE:

State and local authorities shall be notified within 15 minutes of emergency declaration.

A. Upon being notified to fulfill the CR Offsite Communicator role, IMMEDIATELY report to the Control Room.

B. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CR accountability card reader.

C. Inform the Shift Manager (Emergency Director) and the Control Room staff that you have assumed the duties of CR Offsite Communicator.

D. IF the emergency classification is an Unusual Event, THEN, proceed to step 1.2.

E. IF the emergency classification is an Alert or higher, THEN, proceed to step 1.3.

1.2 Perform Initial UNUSUAL EVENT Notifications (Use IP-EP-115 Form EP-3)

A. Obtain the completed and signed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1) from the Shift Manager.

B. Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Shift Manager (Emergency Director) signature.

C. Using, "Control Room NUE Notification Checklist" (IP-EP-115 Form EP-3) start the initial roll call to State and counties within 15 minutes of the declaration of the Unusual Event.

___ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I Ln ~ery. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 23 of 42 Attachment 9.3 CR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 2 of 6 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont) Notes D. Complete Section 1 of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-I15 Form EP-1) by recording the date and time the message is being transmitted as well as checking the appropriate communication method (RECS or Other).

E. Request direction from Shift Manger (Emergency Director) if Emergency Response Organization mobilization is needed or if Emergency Response Organization should receive event notification only.

F. Complete the remaining notifications as specified on the (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-3 checklist).


Fax numbers can be found in the Emergency Telephone Directory G. Fax copies of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part 1 to State/counties/ EOF.

1.3 Perform Initial ALERT / SAE / GE Notifications (Use IP-EP 115 Form EP-4)

A. Determine if personnel accountability is being suspended from the Shift Manager.


(IP-EP-l15 Form EP4) Control Room Alert/SAE/GE Initial Notification Checklist is used only once. After notifications are complete using this form, all subsequent upgrade and update notifications shall be made using an Upgrade/Update Notification AlertUSAE/GE Checklist (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-5)

B. Using Control Room Alert/SAE/GE Initial Notification Checklist (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-4), initiate notification of personnel located in the Protected Area, Unit 2 CR and the Emergency Response Organization.

_f_ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision 1 t tegy. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 24 of 42 Attachment 9.3 CR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 3 of 6 Initial ResponsibilitV/Activity (cont) Notes C. Obtain the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP- 15 Form EP-1) from the Shift Manager.

Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Shift Manager (Emergency Director) signature.

D. Using Control Room Alert/SAE/GE Initial Notification Checklist (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP4), start the initial roll call to State and counties within 15 minutes of the declaration of the Alert, SAE or GE.

E. Complete Section 1 of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1) by recording the date and time the message is being transmitted as well as checking the appropriate communication method (RECS or Other).

F. Complete the remaining notifications as specified on the (IP-EP-115 Form EP-4 checklist).


Fax numbers can be found in the Emergency Telephone Directory G. Fax copies of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part 1 to State/counties/ EOF.

2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv 2.1 Perform Periodic Update Notifications - UNUSUAL EVENT (Use IP-EP-115 Form EP-3)


Periodic Update Notifications to offsite authorities shall be made approximately every 30 minutes or whenever conditions change. Time interval may be lengthened with concurrence of offsite agencies.

A. Obtain the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1) from the Shift Manager.


-J EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 25 of 42 Attachment 9.3 CR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 4 of 6 Continuous ResponsibilitvlActivitv (cont) Notes

1. Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Shift Manager (Emergency Director) signature.

B. Using, Control Room NUE Notification Checklist (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-3) perform ONLY the circled items, to make the periodic update notifications.

C. Complete Section 1 of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-1), by recording the date and time the message is being transmitted as well as checking the appropriate communication method (RECS or Other).


Fax numbers can be found in the Emergency Telephone Directory D. Fax copies of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part 1 to State/counties/ EOF.

2.2 Perform Periodic Update Notifications - Alert/SAE/GE (UselP-EP-116 Form EP-5)


Periodic Update Notifications to offsite authorities shall be made approximately every 30 minutes or whenever conditions change. Time interval may be lengthened with concurrence of offsite agencies.

A. Obtain the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1) (Part II if a radiological release has occurred or is in progress) from the Shift Manager.

1. Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Shift Manager (Emergency Director) signature.

B. Using an Upgrade/Update AlertUSAE/GE Checklist (IP-EP-115 Form EP-5) start the initial roll call to State and counties.

__ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision 1 Ll ergy.. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 26 of 42 Attachment 9.3 CR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 5 of 6 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont) l Notes C. Complete Section 1 of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1), by recording the date and time the message is being transmitted as well as checking the appropriate communication method (RECS or Other).

D. Complete the remaining notifications as specified on the (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-5 checklist).

2.3 IF the Emergency Classification is Upgraded, THEN Perform Upgrade Notifications (Use IP-EP-115 Form EP-5)

A. Using an Upgrade/Update AlertYSAE/GE Checklist (IP-EP-115 Form EP-5) initiate notification of personnel located in the Protected Area, Unit 2 CR and the Emergency Response Organization.

B. Obtain the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP- 15 Form EP-1) from the Shift Manager.

1. Review form to ensure all required information is completed, including Shift Manager (Emergency Director) signature.

C. Using an Upgrade/Update AlertSAE/GE Checklist (IP-EP-115 Form EP-5) start the initial roll call to State and counties within 15 minutes of upgrade of the emergency classification.

D. Complete Section 1 of the NYS Radiological Data Form Part I (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-1), by recording the date and time the message is being transmitted as well as checking the appropriate communication method (RECS or Other).


Fax numbers can be found in the Emergency Telephone Directory E. Complete the remaining notifications as specified on the checklist.

_A_ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I Lrilergye EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 27 of 42 Attachment 9.3 CR Offsite Communicator Checklist Sheet 6 of 6 3.0 Closeout Responsibilitv/Activitv Notes 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations 3.2 Review all documentation the CR Offsite Communicators generated during the emergency:

A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete.

B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

. IPEC NON-QUALrrY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I I.iiergye EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 28 of 42 Attachment 9.4 CR Direct-Line Communicator Checklist Sheet 1 of 2 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CR Direct-Line Communicator A. Upon being notified to fulfill the CR Direct-Line Communicator role, IMMEDIATELY report to the Control Room.

B. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CR accountability card reader.

C. Inform the Shift Manager and the Control Room staff that you are assuming the duties of CR Direct-Line Communicator.

D. IF not already established THEN establish an open line of communications over the 5-Party Line:

1. TSC
2. OSC
3. EOF
4. AEOF (if activated)

E. IF the 5-Party Line is inoperable, THEN establish an open line of communications on the 4-Party Line:

1. TSC
2. OSC
3. EOF F. IF the 4-Party Line is inoperable, THEN establish an open line of communications on the Onsite radio frequency.

G. Inform the Shift Manager that you have established communications with the TSC, OSC and EOF.

___ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision 1 Ierye EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 29 of 42 Attachment 9.4 CR Direct-Line Communicator Checklist Sheet 2 of 2 2.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv Notes 2.1 Maintain Communications with the TSC, OSC and EOF A. Transmit information as requested by the TSC, OSC and EOF.

B. Notify the OSC Operations Team Leader whenever teams (NPO's, Chemists etc.) are dispatched from the CR.

C. Use an ERO Log Sheet (IP-EP-115 Form EP-10) to maintain a log.

1. Log the time when you assumed the duties of CR Direct-Line Communicator
2. Log significant communications pertaining to plant operations and emergency events.

3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations 3.2 Review all documentation that was generated during the emergency:

A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete.

B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation..

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.


, egy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 30 of 42 Attachment 9.5 CR Health Physics Technician Checklist Sheet 1 of 4 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CR Health Physics Technician A. IF the declared emergency is an Alert or higher, THEN first:

1. Proceed to the Control Point and determine who has NOT signed out of the RCA.
2. Obtain a list of personnel still in RCA B. IMMEDIATELY report to the Control Room and provide list of individuals still in the RCA to the Shift Manager.

C. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CR accountability card reader.

D. Inform the Shift Manager and the Control Room staff that you are assuming the duties of the CR Health Physics Technician.

1.2 Establish Initial CR Radiological Protection A. Evaluate the need and make a recommendation to establish radiological access control for the Control Room

1. Ask the Shift Manager if there is potential for abnormal radiological conditions outside of the RCA.
2. Evaluate PRM-ARM instrumentation.

B. Place a TLD and dosimeter on the computer terminal by the RO's desk.

C. Issue TLDs and dosimeters to persons who are dispatched from the CR, if necessary.

___ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I EnIergy. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 31 of 42 Attachment 9.5 CR Health Physics Technician Checklist Sheet 2 of 4 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes D. IF conditions warrant, or the Shift Manager directs, that Control Room radiological controls be established, THEN:

1. Set up step off pad (SOP) requiring shoe check and frisker at the CR entrance.
2. Post rear door with "NO ENTRY/EXIT" signs.
3. Place SOPs in a position that does not preclude opening the door while standing on the SOP.
4. Set up MS-2/SPA-3 and BC-4 and perform periodic contamination surveys on both sides of the SOP
5. Perform periodic (hourly or as directed) airborne contamination checks with HD-28B or equivalent.
6. Record results on applicable forms and survey maps.

2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.1 Provide Radiological Protection NOTE:

The actions and responsibilities listed in this procedure are intended to assist the CR Health Physics Technician in the performance of his/her duties. While some items are performed once, others are repeated over the duration of the event.

A. Provide radiological support, such as issuance of dosimetry, determination of respiratory and protective clothing requirements, and performance of radiological surveys for the following activities, as directed by the Shift Manager:

1. Search and rescue
2. Repair and corrective actions

nlIPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision 1 i Ize rgy., EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 32 of 42 Attachment 9.5 CR Health Physics Technician Checklist Sheet 3 of 4 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes

3. Response to fires by Fire Brigade (includes survey

/decontamination of Fire Department personnel and equipment)

4. Personnel and equipment decontamination
5. As requested by the Shift Manager B. Conduct outside surveys as requested by the Shift Manager C. Provide Radiological Support for Personnel Medical Emergencies
1. Upon notification that a personnel medical emergency has occurred onsite, report to the scene with survey instrument(s).
2. Support Medical response as necessary.

2.2 Use ERO Log Sheet(s) (IP-EP-115 Form EP-10) to maintain a log.

A. Log the time when you assumed the duties of CR Health Physics Technician.

B. Log significant communications pertaining to personnel radiological conditions and actions.

C. Log any other significant information pertaining to actions taken as duty of CR Health Physics Technician. (i.e.,

surveys completed, dosimetry issuance, AIS results, etc.)

__ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I Lery . EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 33 of 42 Attachment 9.5 CR Health Physics Technician Checklist Sheet 4 of 4 3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity Notes 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations 3.2 Review all documentation that was generated during the emergency:

A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete.

B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation..

C. Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

- l IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 34 of 42 Attachment 9.6 CR Watch Chemist Checklist Sheet 1 of 4 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CR Watch Chemist A. Upon being notified to fulfill the CR Watch Chemist role, IMMEDIATELY report to the Control Room.

B. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CR accountability card reader.

C. Inform the Shift Manager and the Control Room staff that you are assuming the duties of CR Watch Chemist.

1.2 Determine Magnitude of Any Release Due to the Event A. Obtain a briefing from the CR operating crew.

1. Assess whether a radiological release due to the event is in progress or is likely to occur.
2. Determine actual or likely release point.

B. Obtain Meteorological Data from one of the following:

1. CCR meteorological display panel
2. Unit 2 CCR
3. On the Dell Computer in the E-Plan folder, double click on Connect to Met Tower, Login as CCREOF and hit

[ENTER] (Time will be displayed in EST and wind speed in mph [mph x .447 = m/s]

4. Or any other backup method, refer to IP-EP-51 0 Meteorological, Radiological & Plant Data Acquisition System (MRPDAS)

_ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I Isrliergy,. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 35 of 42 Attachment 9.6 CR Watch Chemist Checklist Sheet 2 of 4 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont) Notes C. Determine the magnitude of the release and whether or not the release is greater than Effluent Technical Specifications by one of the following methods:

1. IP-2003 Computer program (from the desk-top E-Plan folder and double click on the E-Plan IP-2003 icon) or access IP-2003 program via the 3 /2 floppy disk in the Watch Chemist E-Plan position book.
2. IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment
3. The following table:

Release Point Rad Monitor Tech Spec Release Rate Setpoint Plant Vent pCi/sec R-27 60,0000 pCi/sec NG or 20 pCi/sec Iodine Plant Vent pCi/cc R-44 (U2) / R-14 2.2E-3 pCi/cc (U-3)

SG Safety or Main Steam Line P/S leak > 15 gpd and Steam line activity >

Atmospheric Mons .01 pCi/cc with Atmospheric at 10% open or greater.

Hole in VC R-25/26 1 R/hr D. IF a release is occurring due to the event of a magnitude greater than Technical Specification THEN proceed to Step 1.3 and perform dose projections.

E. Assist the Shift Manager/POM (Emergency Director) in I completing "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form" (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1) Part 1 blocks 6, 7,11, 12 and 13.

___ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I Eriergye EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 36 of 42 Attachment 9.6 CR Watch Chemist Checklist Sheet 3 of 4 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity(cont) Notes 1.3 Perform Dose Projection for Release Greater than Technical Specifications by one of the following methods:

A. IP-2003 Computer program (from the desk-top E-Plan folder and double click on the E-Plan IP-2003 icon) or access IP-2003 program via the 3 % floppy disk in the Watch Chemist E-Plan position book.

B. IP-EP-31 0, Dose Assessment 1.4 Evaluate the need to make protective action recommendations (PARS) by one of the following methods:

A. IP-2003 Computer program (from the desk-top E-Plan folder and double click on the E-Plan IP-2003 icon) or access IP-2003 program via the 3 Y/2 floppy disk in the Watch Chemist E-Plan position book.

B. IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations 1.5 Complete (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1 "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form" Part I & II (IP-EP- I5 Forms EP-1 and EP-2)

A. Based on dose projection and protective action recommendation results, assist the Emergency Director in completing "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form" Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1) blocks 6, 7,11,12 and 13.

B. Complete "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form" Part II (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-2) "Radiological Assessment Data" and provide to the Shift Manager/POM for review and approval.

1.6 Display the plume direction on the 10-mile map using the plume overlay.

___ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision 1 n'Ilergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 37 of 42 Attachment 9.6 CR Watch Chemist Checklist Sheet 4 of 4 2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity Notes 2.1 Re-calculate dose assessment and protective action recommendations as necessary based on changes in release rate and meteorological data until relieved of dose assessment responsibility by the Offsite Radiological Manager in the EOF.

2.2 Use ERO Log Sheet(s) (IP-EP-115 Form EP-10) to maintain a log.

A. Log the time when you assumed the duties of CR Watch Chemist Communicator B. Log significant communications pertaining to radiological releases and emergency events.

3.0 Closeout Responsibilitv/Activitv 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations 3.2 Review all documentation generated during the emergency:

C. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete.

D. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation..

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.


-nlergye EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 38 of 42 Attachment 9.7 CR Clerk Checklist Sheet 1 of 4 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv Notes 1.1 Assume the Duties of CR Clerk A. Upon being notified to fulfill the CR Clerk role, IMMEDIATELY report to the Control Room.

B. IF site accountability has been directed, THEN swipe your security badge through the CR accountability card reader.

C. Inform the Shift Manager and the Control Room staff that you are assuming the duties of CR Clerk.

1.2 Assist the Plant Operations Manager (POM) with CR set-up A. Distribute Position Specific Binders to the following:

2. CR Communicator
3. Direct-Line Communicator
4. CR HP Technician
5. CR Watch Chemist
6. CR Clerk B. Plug in phones and headsets C. Verify the IPEC 10-mile Wind Sector Map in-place.

D. Verify appropriate emergency classification signs in place (NUE, Alert, SAE, GE).

E. Set up and test fax machines F. Notify SM/POM (ED) that CR setup is complete.


- EllergyA EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 39 of 42 Attachment 9.7 CR Clerk Checklist Sheet 2 of 4 Notes 1.3 Assist with accountability A. Have all shift staff personnel (including CR HP Techs and CR Watch Chemist) swipe their security badge through the CR Accountability card reader.

B. Using IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-47, Accountability Roster, generate a list of individuals that are in your facility, Record badge numbers.

C. Using (IP-EP-115 Form EP-47), Accountability Roster, record the names, badge numbers and locations of any watch personnel located in the field and forward roster to the Lead Accountability Officer (LAO).

2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv 2.1 Assist with maintaining accountability A. Using (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-47), Accountability Roster, record the names, badge numbers and locations of any individuals as they enter/exit the control room.

2.2 Assist POM in scheduling second shift A. Rosters of trained personnel are located in the Emergency Telephone Directory B. Call office extensions, beepers and home numbers as necessary to identify and schedule second shift relief.

2.3 Fax forms, when completed, to off-site agencies and emergency facilities NOTES:

1. When NYS and County EOCs are activated, discontinue faxing Part I forms to Warning Points
2. When the EOF assumes responsibility for offsite notifications, discontinue faxing Part I and Part II forms to offsite agencies.

' IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision 1 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 40 of 42 Attachment 9.7 CR Clerk Checklist Sheet 3 of 4 Notes Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont)

A. 'NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form" Part I "General Information Instructions" (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1)

1. NYS/County Warning Points
2. NYS/County EOCs
4. JNC B. "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form" Part II "Radiological Assessment Data" (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-2)
1. NYS/County EOCs
3. JNC C. When the EOF assumes responsibility for offsite notifications, discontinue faxing Part I and Part II forms to offsite agencies. IF SPDS is not operational THEN fax the following completed forms to the TSC and EOF/AEOF:
1. Unit 3 Plant Parameters - 31A (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-57)
2. Unit 3 Radiological Data - 31B (IP-EP-115 Form EP-58)
3. Unit 3 Equipment Status - 31C (IP-EP-115 Form EP-59) 2.4 Receive faxes from the EOF/AEOF, when activated A. Form EP-1 "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form" Part I "General Information Instructions" (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1)

D. Form EP-2 "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form" Part II "Radiological Assessment Data" (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-2) 3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 3.1 When directed by the Shift Manager, return all equipment utilized in the response to proper storage locations

__ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision 1 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 41 of 42 Attachment 9.7 CR Clerk Checklist Sheet 4 of 4 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont) 3.2 Review all documentation generated during the emergency: l A. Ensure all logs, forms and other documentation is complete. l B. Collect all forms, logs and other documentation.

Notes 3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Shift Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

___IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-213 Revision I fJEnIergy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 42 of 42 Attachment 9.8 POM Checklist for Severe Accident Management Sheet 1 of 1

1. When the Control Room transitions from the EOPs to SACRG-1, ENSURE the TSC SAM Evaluators are ready to take over Severe Accident Management control
2. Once the TSC SAM Evaluators are ready to take over Severe Accident Management control, ANNOUNCE yourself as the Severe Accident Management Decision Maker
3. COMMUNICATE with the SAM Evaluators which SAM guidance should be implemented. This can be done via the following methods:

- telephone

- going to the TSC

- having the SAM Evaluators report to the Control Room

4. NOTIFY the Emergency Director (ED) which guidance will be implemented. If the guidance involved a release to the environment, ENSURE the ED discusses this with the Offsite Radiological Manager (ORM) and the State/Counties prior to implementation


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Emergency Operations Facility Prepared by: Michael Miele z/z v/o y Print Name Sinae Date (14 /1I Approval: Frank Inzirillo Print Name Date Effective Date: February 26, 2004 r~

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IP-EP-250 (EOF) R2.doc



- EnterO- . IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 2 of 83 Table of Contents Section Paqe 1.0 PURPOSE .............. 3


.............. 3 3.0 DEFINITIONS .............. 3 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES .............. 3 5.0 DETAILS .............. 5 5.1 Emergency Director ..................... 5 5.2 EOF Manager ..................... 5 5.3 EOF Technical Advisor ..................... 5 5.4 Offsite Radiological Manager ..................... 5 5.5 Dose Assessor ..................... 5 5.6 Radiological Communicator ..................... 5 5.7 Field Team Coordinator ..................... 5 5.8 Offsite Communicator ..................... 5 5.9 Admin & Logistics Manager ...................... 5 5.10 EOF Clerical Staff .................... 5 5.11 Lead Offsite Liaison .................... 5 5.12 State and County Liaison .................... 5 5.13 Equipment Operator .................... 5 6.0 INTERFACES .............................. 6 7.0 RECORDS .............................. 6 8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENTS .......................... .. 6 9.0 ATTACHMENTS 9.1 Emergency Director Checklist ....................................... 7 9.2 EOF Manager Checklist ...................................... 16 9.3 EOF Technical Advisor Checklist ...................................... 28 9.4 Offsite Radiological Manager Checklist ...................................... 32 9.5 Dose Assessor Checklist ...................................... 40 9.6 Radiological Communicator ...................................... 48 9.7 Field Team Coordinator Checklist...................................... 51 9.8 Offsite Communicator Checklist ...................................... 56 9.9 Admin & Logistics Manager ....................................... 60 9.10 EOF Clerical Staff Checklist ...................................... 64 9.11 Lead Offsite Liaison Checklist ...................................... 68 9.12 State and County Liaison Checklist ...................................... 71 9.13 EOF Equipment Operator Checklist...................................... 74 9.14 EOF Layout ...................................... 81 9.15 Directions to Westchester County Fire Trainin Center ...................................... 83


=EnterI1 . IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 3 of 83 Emergency Operations Facility 1.0 PURPOSE To describe the activation and operation of the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)


2.1 Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan 3.0 DEFINITIONS NONE 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The Emergency Directory (ED) is responsible for overall command and control of the emergency response, including classifications; notifications, PARs and ensuring all resources are available to mitigate emergency conditions.

4.2 The EOF Manager is responsible for overseeing operations of the EOF and assisting the ED in performance of key duties.

4.3 The Technical Advisor is responsible for analyzing data from the plant and providing technical advise to the EOF Staff and tracking EALs based on plant data.

4.4 The Offsite Radiological Manager is responsible for overseeing operations of the Dose Assessment, Field Team Monitoring and all radiological controls for Entergy Personnel outside the Protected Area Fence.

4.5 Dose Assessors are responsible for monitoring plant data for possible releases and performing dose projections based on any actual or potential releases.

4.6 The Radiological Communicator is responsible for radiological communications between the plant and the EOF and the EOF to offsite groups responding to an emergency at the site.

4.7 The Field Team Coordinator primary responsibility is tracking any offsite plume using the Offsite Monitoring Teams.

4.8 The Offsite Communicator is responsible for making required communications to offsite authorities.


IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN 1NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-250 Revision 2 l EnterW . CI PLEMENTING PROCEDURES I REFERENCE USE Page 4 of 83 4.9 The Admin & Logistics Manager oversees EOF support staff and provides for support from Entergy personnel not part of ERO or outside organizations which may be called on to provide material support to the site.

4.10 The EOF Clerical Staff is responsible for providing administrative support to the EOF Staff and signing personnel in an out of the EOF 4.11 The State and County Liaisons are responsible for reporting to their assigned offsite EOC and providing support to the EOC staff.

4.12 The Lead Offsite Liaison is responsible for keeping the State and County Liaisons informed of onsite conditions and providing information on EOC operations to the EOF staff.

4.13 The EOF Equipment Operator is responsible for assisting EOF staff in operation of EOF computer systems and other equipment as necessary.

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-250 Revision 2 Ask EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE EnterE t IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 5 of 83 5.0 DETAILS 5.1 The Emergency Director (ED) shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1, Emergency Director Checklist.

5.2 The EOF Manager shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.2, EOF Manager Checklist.

5.3 The EOF Techncial Advisor shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.3, Technical Advisor (TA) Checklist 5.4 The Offsite Radiological Manager shall follow the instructions outlined Attachment 9.4, Offsite Radiological Manager Checklist 5.5 The Dose Assessor shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.5, Dose Assessor Checklist.

5.6 The Radiological Communicator shall follow the instructions outlined Attachment 9.6, Radiological Communicator Checklist.

5.7 The Field Team Coordinator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.7, Field Team Coordinator. Checklist 5.8 The Offsite Communicator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.8, Offsite Communicator. Checklist 5.9 The Admin & Logistics Manager shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.9, Admin & Logistics Manager Checklist.

5.10 The EOF Clerical Staff shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.10, EOF Clerks. Checklist 5.11 The Lead Offsite Liaison shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1 1, Lead Offsite Liaison Checklist.

5.12 The State and County Liaison shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.12, State and County Technical Liaison Checklist 5.13 The EOF Equipment Operator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.13, EOF Equipment Operator Checklist.



-Entery. C-,

IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 6 of 83 6.0 INTERFACES 6.1 IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment 6.2 IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations 6.3 IP-EP-251, AEOF 6.4 IP-EP-510, Meteorological, Radiological & Plant Data Acquisition 6.5 IP-EP-520, Modular Emergency Assessment & Notification System (MEANS) 6.6 IP-EP-620, Estimation of Total Population Exposure 7.0 RECORDS Any logs or forms completed by members of the ERO during an actual declared emergency are permanent quality records.

8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENTS NONE 9.0 ATTACHMENTS 9.1 Emergency Director Checklist 9.2 EOF Manager Checklist 9.3 Technical Advisor Checklist 9.4 Offsite Radiological Manager (ORM) Checklist 9.5 Dose Assessor Checklist 9.6 Radiological Communicator Checklist 9.7 Field Team Coordinator Checklist 9.8 Offsite Communicator Checklist 9.9 Admin & Logistics Manager 9.10 EOF Clerical Staff Checklist 9.11 Lead Offsite Liaison Checklist 9.12 State and County Liaison Checklist 9.13 EOF Equipment Operator Checklist 9.14 EOF Layout 9.15 Directions to the Westchester Fire Training Center


__ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Entery.6Z IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 7 of 83 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Director Checklist Sheet 1 of 9 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity Notes 1.1 Initial Orientation.

A. Sign in on EOF staffing board and EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (IP-EP-115 Form EP-14).

B. Upon arrival at the EOF review facility status boards, EDDS/PICS/SPDS and any other available sources to become familiar with current plant status.

C. Obtain a briefing from the acting ED (if the EOF has not been activated, either the SM or EPM/POM will be the acting ED in the Control Room):

1. Use an Essential Information Checklist (IP-EP-115 Form EP-9) to document the briefing.
2. IF completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Forms are not present in the EOF THEN Request the CR to fax copies of all forms used to make offsite notifications to the EOF for your review.

D. IF the emergency affects both units, THEN obtain a briefing from both CR's. Assign EOF staff appropriately to fill their assigned positions.

1.2 Assume the position of Emergency Director.

A. IF the EOF has NOT been activated THEN:

1. IF an EOF Manager is NOT yet present THEN (a) Ensure individuals are filling the EOF positions as they become available.

(b) IF additional personnel are needed THEN call or direct someone to call additional individuals using the Emergency Telephone Directory.


- Entern, bi IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 8 of 83 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Director Checklist Sheet 2 of 9 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes

2. WHEN there is sufficient EOF staff present to assume the following emergency functions:
  • EOF Technical Advisor to assess plant conditions and recommends emergency classifications.
  • Offsite Radiological Manager to perform dose assessment and formulate protective action recommendations (PARs)
  • Offsite Communicator to make notifications to offsite authorities THEN declare the EOF activated, announce facility activation within the facility and record activation time in the ED ERO Log.
3. Use a Emergency Director Turnover Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-
20) to perform a formal turnover with the acting ED in the Control Room:
  • Coordinate the official time of turnover to ensure it will not interfere with or delay required emergency classification, offsite notifications or issuance of PARs.
  • Once the determination has been made to formally turnover ED responsibilities, make an announcement to EOF personnel that the EOF is operational and that you are now the Emergency Director.
4. Inform, or direct the EOF Manager to inform, the following individuals that you have assumed the duties of Emergency Director and that the EOF is operational.

(a) Emergency Plant Manager (EPM - Unit 2) or Plant Operations Manager (POM - Unit 3)

(b) Shift Manager (CR)

(c) Company Spokesperson or JNC Director (if activated) via the Information Liaison (d) White Plains Office (directly or through the Recovery Support Group Manager via the Emergency Telephone


__EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE iEnterg . IMPLEMENTING OJ PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 9 of 83 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Director Checklist Sheet 3 of 9 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes

5. Direct EOF Manager or Offsite Communicator to notify Offsite Agencies of the time that the EOF was operational:

(a) NRC via ENS (b) NYS and 4 Counties B IF relieving another Emergency Director in the EOF THEN perform a formal turnover with the current Emergency Director:

1. Review the Emergency Director's activity log
2. Obtain briefing form current ED on the emergency and any actions the have been competed or are in progress using a Turnover Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-20) to document the turnover.
3. Once the formal turnover is complete direct the EOF Manager to inform the EOF, TSC, CR, OSC, Security, JNC and WPO that you are now the Emergency Director.

2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitV/Activity 2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOF A. Direct EOF personnel required to temporarily leaving the EOF area to inform the EOF Manager before leaving the work area.

B. If you leave the area, assign the EOF Manager to fulfill your responsibility. Upon your return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on any events that have occurred while you were away.

2.2 Maintain a Log:

A. Maintain or direct an EOF Clerk or designee to maintain a log using an ERO Log Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-1 0), or equivalent.

B. Log when you assume the duties of Emergency Director (and EOF activation if not previously done).

C. Log significant decisions and important details used to make decisions (emergency classification changes and protective actions recommendations).

AtIPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-250 Revision 2 Gil EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 10 of 83 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Director Checklist Sheet 4 of 9 Continuous Responsibility/Activity(cont.) Notes D. Log all significant communications with other members of the ERO and communications with individual's offsite.

E. IF you have assigned someone to maintain the ED log THEN periodically review the log for accuracy.

2.3 Classify Emergency Conditions. (Non-delegable)

A. Review plant conditions with the Emergency Plant Manager (EPM) or Plant Operations Manager (POM) and ED Technical Advisor.

B. Review offsite radiological data with the ORM and EOF Manager.

C. Compare current information and recommendations with the thresholds on the EAL Wall Chart or Emergency Classification Procedure and if necessary the EAL Technical Basis Document.

D. Solicit recommendation for change of classification from the EPM/POM.

E. Escalate or Terminate the emergency classification when appropriate.

F. If not already communicated, then notify the EPM/POM and the EOF Staff when and at what time the new emergency classification is made.

G. IF the emergency is classified as a Site Area Emergency or higher THEN direct release of onsite non-essential personnel. Consider this action at the Alert classification.

H. IF conditions have stabilized THEN review procedure IP-EP-610, Emergency Termination and Recovery for termination and entry into Recovery.

NOTE IF the emergency is classified as a Site Area Emergency or higher verify accountability is completed within 30 minutes of the sounding of the site assembly alarm. Authorize search & rescue for any missing persons. Consider having Security establish security controls for the EOF.

IPEC NON-QUALiTY RELATED I-P20 Rvso is EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IP-EP-250 Revision 2 Entergy. IMPLEMENTING 6] PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page I11 of 83 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Director Checklist Sheet 5 of 9 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont.) Notes 2.4 Make Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) (non-delegable)


Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) are to be made only at the General Emergency classification.

A. Assess, with the assistance of the ORM and EOF Manager, the appropriate PAR per IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations.

B. Reevaluate the adequacy of PARs when plant conditions, dose projections, meteorological, or environmental conditions change.

C. PARs shall be transmitted to offsite authorities within 15 minutes of the GE declaration and/or with the decision to revise the PAR using the offsite notification methods.

2.5 Direct initial notification of emergency classification and/or PARs to offsite authorities (State, local and NRC) (non-delegable)


Offsite notifications to State and local authorities (completion of the roll call) must be completed within 15 minutes of making an emergency declaration or PAR. Notification of the NRC shall be done as soon as possible after state and local authorities have been notified and must be completed within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.

A Direct the EOF Manager to ensure a NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1) is being completed.

B Review and approve (sign) the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1)(non-delegable).

C Direct the EOF Manager to have the Offsite Communicator transmit data on the form to the State and Local authorities and the NRC and report to you when task is complete.


__ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE i- IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 12 of B83 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Director Checklist Sheet 6 of 9 Continuous Responsibility/Activitv (cont.) Notes 2.6 Direct periodic update notification to offsite authorities A. Direct the EOF Manager to ensure completion of a NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Parts I (IP-EP-15 Form EP-1) and if applicable, Part II (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-2), at the following frequencies:

1. When there has been a release or significant change in release rates and/or meteorological conditions. (Part I within 15 minutes &

Part II within 30 minutes) OR

2. When there has been a significant change in plant conditions/classifications (Part I within 15 minutes). OR NOTE:

When onsite conditions are stable time period for periodic updates may be extended with concurrence from offsite authorities.

3. Approximately every 30 minutes when conditions are static.

B. Review and approve the completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-1)(non-delegable).

C. Direct the EOF Manager to have Offsite Communicator transmit data on the form to State and Local authorities and the NRC and report to you when task is complete.

D. Ensure Part II (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-2) of form is faxed to State and Counties.

2.7 Periodically meet with offsite representatives present in the EOF (State, Local, FEMA and NRC)

A. Coordinate with the Lead Offsite Liaison to ensure representatives are kept current on:

1. emergency events
2. current plant conditions
3. emergency response activities currently underway
4. offsite radiological release status, dose assessment and PARs B. Conduct periodic briefing of offsite representatives as deemed appropriate.



~E fegy PROCEDURES REEEUIMPLEMENTING REFERENCE USE Page 13 of 83 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Director Checklist Sheet 7 of 9 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont.) Notes 2.8 Review and approve/concur Entergy news releases A. Maintain the EOF Information Liaison apprised of current emergency status and any significant events that may be of public interest.

B. Ensure that the EOF Information Liaison obtains a copy of any news release prior to issue for your review and approval (prior to JNC activation) or technical concurrence (after JNC activation).

C. Direct copies of news releases are given to offsite representatives in the EOF upon approval.

D. Confer with the Company Spokesperson at the JNC, EOF Manager, Technical Advisor and ORM if there is any question as to the accuracy of the proposed news release prior to approval.

v 2.9 Conduct periodic facility briefings A. Coordinate with the EOF Manager to schedule the conduct of periodic facility briefings. Establish a briefing schedule of approximately every 30 minutes or as conditions change.

B. Use an Essential Information Checklist (IP-EP-115 Form EP-9) as a guide for leading the briefings.

C. Direct the ED Technical Advisor and the ORM to participate in briefing facility personnel on current plant status and offsite radiological conditions respectively.

D. Emphasize what the major tasks and priorities are during every briefing.

E. Direct EOF staffs to review their procedure to ensure required actions are being performed.

F. Periodically ensure the Company Spokesperson and the other facility managers are briefed on EOF activities.


__ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE i- Entergy.ON IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 14 'of .83 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Director Checklist Sheet 8 of 9 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes 2.10 Approve emergency radiation exposures and KI issuance for Entergy Workers A. When requested by the ORM, approve emergency radiation exposures and/or issuance of KI for Entergy emergency workers outside the Protected Area Fence.

B. Authorize emergency exposures for all monitoring team personnel dispatched from the EOF and other EOF staff as required. Ensure this authorization is documented in the ED's Log Sheet.

C. Potassium Iodide should be issued for any projected or actual Thyroid Exposure > 25 Rem CDE.

2.11 Acquire and allocate Entergy and external resources as needed to support emergency response.

A. Review personnel, equipment and supply needs with the EPM/POM.

B. Make all Nuclear Organization resources available to supply needed items.

C. Direct the Admin & Logistics Manager to interface and coordinate with the Entergy Corporate organization to acquire needed equipment and resources that are not under the direct control of the Indian Point Nuclear Organization.

D. Request support from INPO and Federal authorities when needed.


____ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Enter . IMPLEMENTING OJ PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 15 Of ~83 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Director Checklist Sheet 9 of 9 3.0 Closeout Activity Notes 3.1 Terminate the emergency and enter the Recovery Phase.

A. Refer to IP-EP-610, Termination and Recovery, for guidance on entry into Recovery Phase.

B. Identify who will become the Recovery Manager.

C. Notify the Recovery Manager of the intention to enter recovery.

D. Terminate the emergency and officially enter the Recovery Phase.

E. Formally turnover the emergency organization to the Recovery Manager F. Direct notification of the following locations that Indian Point has entered the Recovery Phase:

1. The NRC via Emergency Notification System (ENS)
2. State and Counties using a NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form - Part I, via the RECS
3. All activated emergency response centers (CR, TSC/OSC and JNC)

G. Ensure that a written summary of the event is provided to State and Counties per IP-EP-610, Termination and Recovery 3.2 Direct all Emergency Response Organization Managers to review documentation generated during the emergency.

A. Verify all required documentation has been competed.

B. Verify accuracy of documentation.

C. Provide additional documentation such as summary reports or closeout reports that could assist in recovery of station.

3.3 Have ERO members provide all logs and records to the Recovery Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.


--- lEnteryov IMPLEMENTING

-0J PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 16 of 83 Attachment 9.2 EOF Manager Sheet 1 of 12 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity Notes 1.1 Initial Orientation.

A. Sign in on EOF staffing board and EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-14).

1. Ensure EOF set-up is complete: ED PA system is operational and EOF positions are ready to perform their functions. Obtain Control Room official time (time on their clock) and note any difference between CR time and EOF time (satellite clock) in you log (for example + 5 min.).

B. Upon arrival at the EOF review facility status boards, EDDS, SPDS OR PICS information and any other available sources to become familiar with current plant status, if available.

C. Obtain briefing from the Emergency Director

1. Use an Essential Information Checklist (IP-EP-115 Form EP-9) to document briefing items.
2. Request any additional information on current status of emergency response.

D. If the emergency affects both units, assist the ED in assigning the appropriate EOF staff to fill their assigned positions.

1.2 Assume the position of EOF Manager.

A. IF the EOF has NOT been activated THEN:

1. IF the NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP-I15 Form EP-1) (Part II if required) completed by the CR are not available in the EOF THEN. Request CR fax copies to EOF.
2. Review notification forms, noting time next notification is due.
3. WHEN the following minimum staff is available THEN inform the ED that you are ready to activate the EOF.

(a) Offsite Radiological Manager (ORM)

(b) Offsite Communicator (c) Technical Advisor

4. Complete or direct Admin & Logistics Manager to complete EOF Staffing Form (IP-EP-115 Form EP-7) and verify full EOF Staffing.



- Entergy. IMPLEMENTING D/ PROCEDURES I REFERENCE USE IPage 17 of 83 Attachment 9.2 EOF Manager Sheet 2 of 12 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes

5. IF additional personnel are required THEN:

(a) IF it is during normal working hours THEN call or assign someone to call the Assembly Coordinator in the Energy Education Center or the Hall Monitor in the IPEC Training Center for additional personnel.

(b) IF the needed individuals are NOT available onsite THEN call or assign someone to call individuals at home using the Emergency Telephone Directory.

6. WHEN the EOF Emergency Director assumes ED responsibilities from the acting ED in the CR (or a new shift relieves current ED in EOF) THEN:

(a) Inform the following personnel that (name) is now the Emergency Director and that the EOF is operational.

(1) Emergency Plant Manager/Plant Operations Manager (2) Shift Manager (3) JNC director (4) Recovery Support Group Manager via the Emergency Telephone Directory.

7. Ensure EOF Access Control is established:

(a) The Admin & Logistics Manager should assign an individual from the excess personnel reporting to the EOF or a clerk to be the EOF registration assistant. This individual will ensure emergency responders sign in and out of the EOF.

(b) Direct the EOF registration assistant to obtain permission from EOF Manager or Emergency Director for anyone not properly badged.

AtIPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-250 Revision 2 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE i- lEntergy.RIMPLEMENTING TJ PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 18 of 183 Attachment 9.2 EOF Manager Sheet 3 of 12 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity(cont.)

8. Ensure the Lead Offsite Liaison is coordinating the State and County Liaisons at the EOCs. Provide them with the following directions via the Lead Offsite Liaison:

(a) Direct that the Liaisons should provide technical assistance to EOC personnel and direct any other request to the EOF.

(b) Direct the Liaisons NOT to talk to the press and direct any media questions to the JNC.

B. IF relieving another EOF Manager THEN perform a formal turnover with the current EOF Manager:

1. Review the Emergency Director's activity log
2. Obtain briefing from current EOF Manager on the emergency and any actions the have been completed or are in progress. Use Turnover Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-20) as a guide.
3. Announcement to the EOF that you are now the EOF Manager.

2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.1 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOF A. Direct EOF personnel to inform you and sign out at registration desk if they must temporarily leave the EOF.

B. IF you are temporarily leaving the work area THEN

1. Inform the Emergency Director if you are leaving the work area.
2. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the Emergency Director on any events that have occurred while you were away.

2.2 Assist the Emergency Director in maintaining a Log A. A member of the EOF Clerical Staff may be assigned to maintain Log B. Use ERO Log Sheets (IP-EP-115 Form EP-10) to log information, or equivalent.



"_Entergy . IMPLEMENTING IPROCEDURES I REFERENCE USE IPage 19 of 183 Attachment 9.2 EOF Manager Sheet 4 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont.) l Notes C. Log when the Emergency Director assumed the duties of ED (and EOF activation if not previously done).

D. Log when you assumed the duties of EOF Manager.

E. Log significant decisions and important details used to make decisions. (Emergency classification changes and protective actions recommendations shall be logged)

F. Log significant communications with other members of the ERO and all communications with individuals' offsite.

2.3 Keep the ED informed of changing conditions that may cause a change in the Emergency Classification.

A. Review plant data with ED Technical Advisor.

B. Review offsite radiological data with ORM.

C. Compare current information and recommendations with the thresholds on the EAL Wall Chart or Emergency Classification Procedure and if necessary the EAL Technical Basis Document.

D. Inform the ED of any possible changes in the Emergency Classification.

2.4 Evaluate the need to release all Non-Essential Personnel and recommend release to ED if conditions warrant.

A. Check with the EPM/POM on conditions within the Protected Area and the ORM on conditions outside the Protected Area.

B. Release of non-essential personnel should occur at a Site Area Emergency, if radiological plume direction does not preclude.

NOTE IF the emergency is classified as a Site Area Emergency or higher verify accountability is completed within 30 minutes of the sounding of the site assembly alarm. Authorize search & rescue for any missing persons. Consider having Security establish security controls for the EOF.


___ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE gEntg IMPLEMENTING y/ PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 20 of ~83 Attachment 9.2 EOF Manager Sheet 5 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes C. IF conditions exist at an Alert that could warrant release THEN consider release of non-essential personnel from site. Ensure Westchester EOC is notified via the Offsite Communicator.

2.5 Assist the ED in determining the appropriate Protective Action Recommendations to Offsite Authorities.


Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) shall only be made at the General Emergency Classification A. Support the Dose Assessment team on the assessment of PAR's per IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations.

B. Update Protective Action Board when PARs have been initiated and revised.

C. Support the Dose Assessment team on the reevaluation of PARs when plant conditions, dose projection, meteorological, or environmental measurements change.

D. Once the ED makes or changes a PAR it shall be transmitted to offsite authorities using a NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part I (IP-EP-I15 Form EP-1), within 15 minutes of the decision to make the PAR.

2.6 IF the ED changes the emergency classifications THEN ensure notification of State and Local authorities (first response to roll call) be completed within 15 minutes.


The MEANS Computer program may be used to print NYS Radiological Emergency Data Forms.

A. Ensure the Offsite Communicator is provided the information needed to complete the NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1).


__ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IP-EP-250 Revision 2 l Enter IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES RU REFERENCE USE Page 21 of 83 Attachment 9.2 EOF Manager Sheet 6 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes B. Acquire & review the completed Part 1 Form.

C. Have the ED review and approve the completed Part 1 Form (The ED approval is non-delegable).

D. Direct Offsite Communicator to transmit data on form to State and Local authorities and report to you when task is complete E. Direct transmittal of data to NRC as soon as possible but no later thanl hour (classification, EAL#, time of event and brief description).

2.7 Direct periodic updates to offsite authorities be prepared O NOTE:

Completion and transmittal of Part II of the NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form (IP-EP-115 Form EP-1) may not be needed if there has been no significant release of radioactive materials.

A. Ensure offsite notification of a NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I within 15 min. (Part II, if required within 30 min) for the following criteria:

1. When there has been a release or significant change in release rates, which would affect classification change or PAR change and/or meteorological data effecting a PAR change.
2. When there has been a significant change in plant conditions, which would affect a classification change.

B. Approximately every 30 minutes if conditions are static.

C. Present completed form to the ED for review and approval.

(The ED's Approval is non-delegable.)

D. Direct Offsite Communicator to:

1. Transmit, via RECS (and fax), data on the Part I form
2. Fax the Part II Form (if required) to State and Local authorities
3. Notify NRC of event classification, EAL #, time of event and brief description.
4. Report to you when tasks are complete.



-- Enlergy.R IMPLEMENTING 6] PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 22 of 83 Attachment 9.2 EOF Manager Sheet 7 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont.) l Notes 2.8 Brief Offsite Representatives arriving at EOF A. Brief or ensure the Lead Offsite Liaison is briefing offsite representatives present at the EOF (State, Local, FEMA and NRC)

B. Upon their arrival at the facility, offsite representatives should be briefed on:

1. Emergency events
2. Current plant conditions
3. Emergency response activities currently underway
4. Offsite radiological release status
5. Dose assessment and PARs C. Coordinate with ED and ORM the periodic meetings of offsite representatives as deemed appropriate.

2.9 Assist the ED in periodic facility briefings A. Coordinate with the Emergency Director to schedule the conduct of periodic facility briefings. Establish a briefing schedule of approximately every 30 minutes or as conditions change.

B. Use (IP-EP-115 Form EP-9), Essential Information Checklist as a guide for leading the briefings.

C. Direct the ED Technical Advisor and the ORM to participate in briefing facility personnel on current plant status and offsite radiological conditions respectively.

D. Emphasize what the major tasks and priorities are.

2.10 IF additional resources are need to support emergency response THEN assist, and or direct the Admin & Logistics Manager to assist in making request to Federal agencies or other non-Entergy organizations.


_ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Entergy.TJ IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 23 of ~83 Attachment 9.2 EOF Manager Sheet 8 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/ActivitV(cont.) Notes 2.11 Arrange for second Shift A. IF it is a Unit 3 event THEN:

1. Request the ED establish a relief time.
2. Direct Emergency Response Facilities to prepare rosters for second shift.

2.12 Relocation of the EOF to AEOF A. IF radiological conditions are present THEN perform an organized relocation of the EOF to the AEOF.


Evacuation may be performed at rates below those listed in the ORM Checklist K> based on plant conditions and response needs.

  • Discuss relocation with the ORM.
  • Consider radiological exposures listed in the ORM checklist, actual and forecasted meteorological conditions.

B. IF plant conditions warrant, THEN consider starting relocation to the AEOF.

C. IF time permits THEN have a relief shift report to the AEOF and perform turnover prior to evacuation of EOF:

1. Have relief team begin set up of the AEOF. Direct them to set up facility in accordance with procedure IP-EP-251, Attachment 9.4, AEOF Setup Checklist.

D. Determine the speed at which the relocation of personnel should occur giving consideration to the following items:

1. Consider the impact of immediate relocation vs. projects in progress.
2. Current radiological conditions within the EOF and the Plant.
3. Radiological conditions en route.
4. The adequacy of response from the alternate location.


___ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Ente nrgyt] IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 24 of 83 Attachment 9.2 EOF Manager Sheet 9 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes E. With the assistance of the ORM, determine if contamination controls are needed when leaving the EOF. Items to consider:

1. Are personnel going to become contaminated reaching their vehicles
2. Are personnel going to become contaminated in route to the AEOF.
3. What steps are needed to prevent contamination of the AEOF
4. IF time allows THEN consider arranging for a bus to relocate personnel. (this will minimize movement of potentially contaminated vehicles outside the Emergency Planning Zone)

F. Direct the ORM to:

1. Determine radiological controls needed to safely transfer personnel to the AEOF.
2. Consider contamination control measures needed to prevent contamination of AEOF.
3. IF EOF Staff members are or will be potentially contaminated THEN:
a. Send personnel to the Westchester County Fire Training Center for monitoring and decontamination. (Attachment 9.15 of this procedure contains directions to center).
b. Inform Westchester County of decision to have Indian Point ERO members decontaminated at center and arrange for expeditious processing of personnel.
4. Individuals should be decontaminated prior to arrival at AEOF.
5. Transfer offsite radiological assessment responsibilities:
a. To a qualified ORM located at the AEOF OR
b. Back to the Control Room


__ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Enterg. IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 25 of 83 Attachment 9.2 EOF Manager Sheet 10 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes G. Direct the EOF staff to relocate to the AEOF as follows:

1. Instruct clerical personnel to make and distribute copies of Attachment 9.5 of procedure IP-EP-251, Directions to the AEOF, to EOF Staff members, Federal, State and Local representatives in the EOF, as necessary.
2. Direct EOF Staff to wear their ID badges enroute to the AEOF and show them to authorities if necessary to transit through evacuated areas.
3. IF it was determined that contamination controls are needed, THEN brief EOF Staff members to go to the Westchester Fire Training Center for decontamination AND inform the AEOF staff of the required actions.
4. IF between 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, THEN responding emergency personnel should enter through the main entrance to 440 Hamilton.
5. IF it is during non-working hours THEN responding emergency personnel should enter through the side door.

H. IF communications systems are still functional THEN notify the following locations that the EOF is being relocated to the AEOF:

1. Offsite authorities verifying they have the telephone numbers they can use to maintain communications.
2. The Joint News Center
3. The Technical Support Center
4. The Operational Support Center
5. The Control Room
6. The Emergency Planning Staff Member at the AEOF I. Coordinate evacuation of the EOF with the ED and the EPM/POM transferring ED responsibilities back to the EPM/POM if another ED cannot assume responsibilities at the AEOF.


_ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Entery. OX~Efrg PROCEDURES RFRNEUEIMPLEMENTING REFERENCE USE Page 26 of .83 Attachment 9.2 EOF Manager Sheet 11 of 12 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont.) l Notes J. Direct copies of Directions to the AEOF, Attachment 9.6 of Procedure IP-EP-251, Alternate Emergency Operations Facility, Have directions distributed to AEOF be provided to EOF Staff.

K. Request that the EPM/POM announce the decision to evacuate and ensure relief shift is made aware of re-location.

1. Inform the POM, TSC Manager and OSC Manager of the relief time and that they are to inform ERO members prior to releasing them and have their staffs contact relief personnel not currently onsite.

L. IF it is a Unit 2 event THEN the OSC Accountability Clerk will be establishing relief rosters. Work with ED and EPM to establish relief time.

3.0 Closeout Activities 3.1 Termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase. (The ED is responsible for directing entry into the Recovery Phase)

A. Refer to IP-EP-61 0, Termination and Recovery, for guidance on entry into Recovery Phase.

B. Assist the ED in formulation of a recovery plan.

C. Notify the following locations that Indian Point has entered the Recovery Phase:

1. The NRC via Energy Notification System (ENS)
2. State and Counties using information on a NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I, via the RECS
3. All activated emergency response centers (CR, TSC/OSC and JNC)
4. Entergy Corporate 3.2 Ensure that a written summary of the event is provided to State and Counties per IP-EP-610, Termination and Recovery.


____ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 27 of 83 Attachment 9.2 EOF Manager Sheet 12 of 12 Closeout Activities (cont.) Notes 3.3 Direct EOF Staff to return all equipment to proper storage locations.

3.4 Review all documentation the EOF Staff maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation is complete.

B. Ensure all temporary procedures used and/or developed are properly C. documented for use by Recovery Organization so that necessary actions can be taken for plant operations.

3.5 Provide all logs and records to the Recovery Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

AIL IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-250 Revision 2 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE "EnfeWg . PRCDUE REFERENCE USE Page 28 of 83 Attachment 9.3 EOF Technical Advisor (TA)

Sheet 1 of 4 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity l Notes 1.1 Initial Orientation.

A. Sign in on EOF staffing board and EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (IP-EP-115 Form EP-14)


If needed see Attachment 9.13, EOF Equipment Operator for guidance on starting systems.

B. Upon arrival at EOF review facility status boards, EDDS/PICS/SPDS information and any other available sources to become familiar with current plant status.

C. Confer with the Emergency Director and EOF Manager on emergency status.

KJ 1.2 Assume the position of EOF TA.

A. IF initial activation THEN:

1. Confer with the Emergency Director and EOF Manager on emergency status.
2. Contact the TSC or Control Room to obtain information on the status of the affected unit(s) via the affected unit(s)

EOF/TSC/OSC/CR dedicated phone line.

3. Inform the Emergency Director and EOF Manager when you are prepared to assume TA duties.

B. IF relieving another TA THEN perform a formal turnover with the current TA:

1. Review the current TA activity log.
2. Obtain briefing form current TA on the emergency and any actions the have been completed or are in progress. Use Turnover Sheet (IP-EP-15 Form EP-20) as a guide.

C. Inform the Emergency Director that you are now the TA.


___ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE i- Entergy. OY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 29 of 183 Attachment 9.3 EOF Technical Advisor (TA)

Sheet 2 of 4 2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities Notes 2.1 IF you are temporarily leaving the work area THEN A. Inform the EOF Manager (or ED) you are leaving the work area.

B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on any events, which have occurred while you were away.

2.2 Maintain a Log NOTE:

Logging items on an Easel or use of an auto log system may take the place of the TA's individual log.

A. Use (IP-EP-115 Form EP-10), ERO Log Sheet to log information.

B. Log when you assumed the duties of Emergency Director Technical Advisor.

C. Log significant decisions, important details used to make decisions and any equipment operability issues.

2.3 Obtain and Monitor Plant Data:

A. Monitor plant data and operations information on the affected units EOF/TSC/OSC/CR dedicated phone line.

B. Monitor plant data on the Emergency Data Display System (EDDS),

Plant Information Computer System (PICS), Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) and other plant information systems. Print out hard copies. After review, provide to clerical staff for copying.

C. Continuously compare conditions with the Emergency Action Level threshold values on the EAL Wall Chart or Emergency Classification procedure and notify the Emergency Director immediately of any changes that may require a classification change.

D. Advise ED on the following items:

1. Any significant change in the condition of the plant;
2. Any observable trends in plant data;
3. Major Operator actions being undertaken;
4. Any condition which may effect the emergency classification.


___ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Entegy. IPR EM NG REFERENCE USE Page 30 of 83 Attachment 9.3 EOF Technical Advisor (TA)

Sheet 3 of 4 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) Notes E. Advise the Offsite Radiological Manager of any observed changes in plant radiological data. Provide a copy of affected units radiological data form (U2 42C or U3 31 B).

F. IF any of the EOF plant data computer systems are not functioning THEN inform the EOF Equipment Operator of malfunctions.

2.4 Maintain Plant Status Chronology on easel pad.

A. Enter major information on plant status or changes to plant status obtained from CR or TSC.

B. WHEN easel sheet gets full THEN:

1. Have Clerical Staff transcribe information onto log sheet, place sheet with TA logs.
2. Have Clerical Staff hang completed easel sheet on the wall between upper and lower levels of EOF.

2.5 Assist ED in interpreting plant data A. Provide technical advice on plant operating procedures.

B. Provide recommendations for emergency classification.

2.6 Assist Emergency Director in conduct of briefings A. Assist the ED in preparations for facility briefings.

B. When directed by the ED, provide summary briefings of plant conditions to EOF Staff and/or offsite authorities present in the EOF.

2.7 Assist Offsite Radiological Manager in determining release point.



-Enle te .IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 31 of 83 Attachment 9.3 EOF Technical Advisor (TA)

Sheet 4 of 4 3.0 Closeout Activities l Notes 3.1 Return all equipment to its proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation the ED Technical Advisors maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete B. Ensure any items which need follow up investigations are identified to be completed during the Recovery Phase 3.3 Provide all logs and records to the EOF Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.


_l_ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE 1=Enterg . IMPLEMENTING IJ PROCEDURES I REFERENCE USE IPage 32 of 83 Attachment 9.4 Offsite Radiological Manager Sheet I of 8 1.0 Initial ResponsibilitvlActivity l Notes 1.1 Initial Orientation.

A. Sign in on EOF staffing board and EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (IP-EP-115 Form EP-14).

B. Upon arrival at the EOF review facility status boards, EDDS/PICS/SPDS information and any other available sources to become familiar with current plant and radiological status.

C. Confer with the Emergency Director (ED) and EOF Manager on emergency status. An Essential Information Checklist (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-9) may be used for a status review.

1.2 Assume the position of Offsite Radiological Manager.

A. IF the EOF has NOT been activated THEN:


Offsite Dose Assessment and Radiological Monitoring responsibilities may be transferred to the Offsite Radiological Manager before the EOF is fully activated.

1. WHEN the following staff is available THEN inform the EOF Manager or the ED that you are ready to assume responsibilities for offsite monitoring.

(a) Field Team Members (4)

(b) Field Team Coordinator

2. WHEN ready to assume dose assessment and offsite (outside Protected Area) monitoring responsibilities from the CR THEN contact the CR and formally assume these responsibilities.
3. Notify the ED / EOF Manager that you have assumed these responsibilities.
4. IF additional personnel are required to perform offsite radiological assessments THEN inform the EOF Manager to direct callout of needed personnel.
5. Direct a Dose Assessor to disarm (or disarm lAW steps in Dose Assessor checklist) the EOF Halon Fire Protection System.


___EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Entergydo. IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 33 of 83 Attachment 9.4 Offsite Radiological Manager Sheet 2 of 8 Initial Responsibilitv/Activities (cont.) l Notes

6. IF the CR performed offsite dose assessment calculations and made a Protective Action Recommendation THEN:

(a) Obtain and review NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part I and Part II (b) Verify or have a Dose Assessor verify dose assessment calculations.

(c) Evaluate Protective Action Recommendations.

(d) Notify the ED or CR if there are any discrepancies.

B. IF relieving another Offsite Radiological Manager THEN perform a formal turnover with the current Offsite Radiological Manager:

1. Review the current Offsite Radiological Manager activity log.
2. Obtain briefing from current Offsite Radiological Manager on the emergency and any actions that have been completed or are in progress. Use Turnover Sheet (IP-EP-115 Form EP-20) as a guide.

C. Inform the EOF Manager that you are now the Offsite Radiological Manager.

2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities 2.1 IF there is or has been a release of radioactive materials THEN direct a Dose Assessor (or perform step lAW steps in Dose Assessor checklist) to place the EOF ventilation in the internal recirculation mode.

2.2 Ensure habitability in the EOF A. IF there is a potential for surface or airborne contamination within the EOF THEN:

1. Suspend eating and drinking until you ensure EOF food and drinking water supplies are safe for consumption.
2. Determine the survey and radiological controls needed for the EOF based on plant conditions and whether there has been a release or not.


____ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IP-EP-250 Revision 2 Enterg . IMPLEMENTING do PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 34 of ~83 Attachment 9.4 Offsite Radiological Manager Sheet 3 of 8 Continuous Resnonsibility/Activities (cont.)

3. IF additional support is needed to maintain EOF Radiological Controls THEN request an HP Technician to assist with radiological controls.

B. IF the following conditions are present THEN inform the EOF Manager and/or the ED that relocation of EOF Personnel to the AEOF should be considered.

  • Exposure rates > 80 mRem/Hr TEDE OR 400mRem/Hr TODE
  • Projected Whole Body Dose for a 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> period is > 1 Rem TEDE OR Thyroid Dose >5 Rem TODE Elevated airborne concentrations.

Relocation may be performed at rates below those listed based on plant conditions and response needs.

2.3 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOF A. If you leave the area, inform the EOF Manager. Upon your return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on any events that have occurred while you were away.

2.4 Maintain a Log A. Use (IP-EP-I15 Form EP-10), ERO Log Sheet to log information.

B. Log when you assumed the duties of Offsite Radiological Manager.

C. Log significant decisions, important details used to make decisions and any equipment operability issues.




Attachment 9.4 Offsite Radiological Manager Sheet 4 of 8 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) Notes 2.5 Develop and provide recommendations for EAL and classification level changes based on radiological considerations to the ED.

A. Compare dose projection and field survey results with EAL criteria to determine the impact on the existing classification level.

B. Review Radiological data forms (U2 42C or U3 31 B) to evaluate any plant radiological changes.

C. Notify the ED of any EALs affected by changes in radiological conditions.

2.6 Develop and provide recommendations for offsite PARs based on radiological considerations to the ED.

A. Notify the ED of any changes in radiological conditions, which may affect the PAR.

B. Use procedure IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations to determine proper PAR.

C. Document PARs whenever a General Emergency is declared.

D. Review PARs whenever radiological or meteorological conditions change significantly.

2.7 Coordinate and direct the dose assessment and offsite monitoring efforts.

A. Supervise the activities of the Dose Assessors, Field Team Coordinator, Radiological Communicator and the Field Monitoring Teams.

B. Ensure the Health Physics Network (HPN) is manned when requested by the NRC.

C. Determine the periodicity of dose projection calculations.

1. Direct a Dose Assessor to perform offsite dose projections using IP-EP-310 Dose Assessment.


--Ente .

en PROCEDURES N SIMPLEMENTING REFERENCE USE Page 36 of 183 Attachment 9.4 Offsite Radiological Manager Sheet 5 of 8 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) Notes

2. Direct a Dose Assessor to obtain and track Offsite Radiation Monitoring System (formally Reuter-Stokes) readings, using IP-EP- 510 Meteorological & Radiological Data Acquisition System.

D. Analyze dose assessment and environmental information to determine any actual or potential offsite consequences of the event.

E. Support the Field Team Coordinator in determining monitoring activities of Field Monitoring Teams;

1. Determine anticipated plume track based on meteorological data.
2. Ensure initial offsite sample points are based on plumes expected path or are expanded based on actual readings in the field
3. Determine special instructions to be provided to monitoring teams:

(a) IF the expected thyroid dose is greater than 25 Rem THEN consider issuing KI.

(b) Team tracking efforts should be directed to limit their exposure to less than 5 Rem for the entire emergency.

4. Teams should not go into radiation fields greater than 1 Rem/hr without providing them with specific directions.
5. Direct the Field Team Coordinator to:

(a) Direct Monitoring Teams to survey anticipated plume path.

(b) Brief teams on expected doses, plume path and any special instructions or safety precautions (such as use of KI, respirators, or protective clothing).

6. IF required THEN arrange for environmental monitoring to be performed to confirm dose projections and track any offsite radioactive plume.


=EntermgI . IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 37 of 83 Attachment 9.4 Offsite Radiological Manager Sheet 6 of 8 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) Notes F. Compare projected doses with actual readings taken by field monitoring teams.

G. Determine which ERPAs are affected by any release and verify proper PARs have been issued.

H. Conduct periodic briefings with the ED and the EOF Manager to discuss the status of offsite radiological information and assessments.

I. Compare dose assessment and offsite monitoring efforts with state and NRC personnel responsible for environmental monitoring.

2.8 Evaluate and direct the requirements for offsite emergency exposure.

A. IF EOF staff must receive exposure or potential exposures THEN initial exposure limits will be set as follows:

1. Individuals will remain within their 10CFR20 occupational dose limits.


2. Request the ED authorize emergency exposures up to 1 Rem TEDE for all monitoring team personnel dispatched from the EOF and remainder of staff as required. This authorization shall be documented in the ED's ERO Log Sheet.

B. IF emergency measures require additional exposure THEN request the ED to the raise the emergency exposure limit 1 Rem at a time up to 5 Rem.

C. Emergency exposures beyond 5 Rem shall be authorized on an individual basis. Request the ED authorize these exposures using (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-6), Emergency Exposure Authorization.

General guidelines (more details are listed on authorization form).

1. ERO members may receive up to 5 Rem TEDE (per event) for any required emergency activities.
2. ERO members may be authorized emergency exposures up to 10 Rem TEDE to protect vital equipment.

AkIPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-250 Revision 2 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE POEntergyES REFERENCE USE Page 38 of 83 Attachment 9.4 Offsite Radiological Manager Sheet 7 of 8 Continuous ResponsibilitV/Activities (cont.) l Notes

3. ERO members may be authorized emergency exposures up to 25 Rem TEDE to save a life.

D. Individuals may volunteer to receive greater than 25 Rem TEDE to save a life.

E. Request authorization for the issuance of KI for any large exposures or expected large exposures (>5 REM CDE) to the thyroid.

F. IF emergency workers are exposed to contamination or airborne activities THEN direct radiological evaluations and monitoring as needed. (bioassay, whole body counts, etc.).

2.9 Analyze any Planned Containment Venting IF there is to be a planned venting of containment THEN:

A. IF time allows THEN request chemistry to sample containment atmosphere.

B. Compete the steps on a Containment Discharge Worksheet (IP-EP-115 Form EP-49).

C. Monitor and document release resulting from venting.


When a release of radioactive materials outside the Protected Area has occurred or is about to occur, it is recommended that an HP Technician be available in the EOF at all times to assist with radiological controls, counting samples and processing samples for shipping to outside labs.

2.10 Contamination Controls A. IF a radiological release has occurred THEN track contamination onsite outside the Protected Area:

1. Use HP personnel from the OSC, called in or from other plants to survey site and monitor personnel and vehicles.
2. Ensure contamination controls are established for the EOF and Security personnel working outside the Protected Area.

B. IF needed THEN decontamination facilities can be set up at the EOF or the Westchester Fire Training Center.


_Entergy.OR IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 39 of .83 Attachment 9.4 Offsite Radiological Manager Sheet 8 of 8 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) I Notes 2.11 Assist Emergency Director in conduct of briefings A. Assist the ED in preparations for facility briefings.

B. When directed by the ED provides summary briefings of plant conditions to EOF Staff and/or offsite authorities present in the EOF.

2.12 Initial Post Accident Environmental Sampling NOTE:

After a radiological release preliminary sampling may be performed to aid in development of more extensive plan for environmental sampling.

1. Confer with Emergency Director and offsite radiological officials (State, County, NRC and/or FEMA) on need for sampling.
2. Confer with Environmental Monitoring personnel for sampling guidelines.

3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activities 3.1 Direct staff to return all equipment to proper storage location 3.2 Determine the disposition of the field team sample media. Initiate isotopic analysis of these samples at either the onsite Chemistry Lab or offsite facilities.

3.3 Review all documentation the EOF Radiological Staff maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation is complete.

B. Ensure all temporary procedures used and/or developed are properly documented for use by Recovery Organization so the necessary actions can be taken for continued plant operations.

3.4 Provide all documentation to the EOF Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase


-Enterigy. IMPLEMENTING OX PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 40 of 183 Attachment 9.5 Dose Assessor Sheet 1 of 8 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity l Notes 1.1 Initial Orientation.

A. Sign in on EOF staffing board and EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (IP-EP-115 Form EP-14).

B. Review facility status boards, EDDS, SPDS or PICS information and any other available sources to become familiar with current plant status.

C. Confer with the Offsite Radiological Manager on emergency status.


There will normally be two Dose Assessors. Individuals shall work as team to perform required task in an efficient manner.

1.2 IF the EOF has not been activated THEN:

A. WHEN directed by the Offsite Radiological Manager THEN places the EOF ventilation on internal recirculation ELSE ask the Offsite Radiological Manager if the action is required.

1. Obtain the key to the EOF Electrical Equipment Room from the EOF key locker.
2. Locate the EOF HVAC damper control system switches on the East wall of the EOF Electrical Equipment Room.
3. Rotate all three (3) damper control knobs CLOCKWISE to close the dampers.
4. Place the three (3) AC Unit control switches to the "OVERRIDE" (up) position
5. Inform the Offsite Radiological Manager and log when you have placed ventilation system in recirculation and return key to Key Locker.

B. WHEN directed by the Offsite Radiological Manager (ORM) THEN disarm the EOF Halon System ELSE ask the Offsite Radiological Manager if the action is required.

1. Obtain the key to the FIKE Fire Suppression System control panel from the EOF key locker.



- Enteroy . IMPLEMENTING b PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 41 Of 83 Attachment 9.5 Dose Assessor Sheet 2 of 8 Initial Responsibility/Activities (cont.) l Notes

2. Open the upper compartment of the FIKE control panel located on the west wall of the EOF next to the key locker.
3. Toggle the module switch (the switch is located in the lower left corner of the panel.) from the "Armed" position to the 'Sl" position.

1.3 Operate the AMS-4 l ~NOTE:l

]AMS-4 shall be started during EOF activationl

1. Initial AMS-4 Start Up (a) OPEN filter-housing cover, remove any existing filter media AND install a new charcoal filter paper (# 508 Carbon Impreg.)

The "lined" side should face down.

(b) CLOSE and latch the filter housing cover.

(c) PLUG the AMS-4 in and turn on SW1 (power) and SW2 (pump) switches located in the back of the monitor.

l ~NOTE:l IF beeping continues, THEN readjust filter paper and restart.l (d) AFTER the AMS-4 has gone through the initial self test cycle (approximately 5 minutes), THEN VERIFY the "READY" light is on AND activity is displayed.

(e) PRESS "2" on the keypad AND VERIFY that indicated flow rate is near the posted reference flow rate for charcoal filter. A low flow rate may indicate a flow blockage OR loaded filter paper.

(f) PRESS "1" on keypad to display airborne concentration.

Negative numbers indicate the current activity is less than the historical data.



_E- vtgy. IMPLEMENTING nt~, PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 42 of 83 Attachment 9.5 Dose Assessor Sheet 3 of 8 Initial Responsibility/Activities (cont.) l Notes

2. Normal AMS-4 Operation NOTE:

This instrument is calibrated to monitor Iodine gas and particulates.

(a) CHECK periodically the AMS-4 flow rate by pressing "2" on the keypad. IF desired return to activity monitoring by pressing "1" on the keypad.

(b) IF the flow rate approaches 28320 cm3/min OR the "MIN FLOW FAIL" alarm activates THEN CHANGE the filter paper as per Section 3.

(c) IF the ASM-4 "DAC HOUR ALARM DETECTED" alarm activates THEN NOTIFY the ORM. The alarm set point is 60 DAC hrs, which is equivalent to 150 mRem.

(d) IF the "FILTER DOOR, OPEN OUT OF SERVICE" alarm activates THEN VERIFY that the filter housing is closed and latched.

(e) IF the gamma background in the area changes substantially THEN GO to Section 4 to set the Gamma Factor.

(f) WHEN finished monitoring with the AMS-4 THEN TURN off SW1 (Power), SW2 (pump).

3. Changing AMS 4 Filter Paper (a) TURN SW2 (pump) OFF.

(b) WHEN the audible alarm activates THEN PRESS "ALARM ACK.".

(c) OPEN the filter housing cover AND WHEN the audible alarm activates press "ALARM ACK.".

(d) REMOVE any existing filter media AND install a new charcoal filter paper (# 508 Carbon Impreg.) The "lined" side should face down.

(e) CLOSE and latch the filer housing cover.

(f) TURN on SW2 (pump) switch.

(g) WHEN the audible alarm activates THEN press "ALARM ACK.".



--Enter.m, bJ IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 43 of 83 Attachment 9.5 Dose Assessor Sheet 4 of 8 Initial Responsibility/Activities (cont.) l Notes (h) PRESS "2" on the keypad AND verify that indicated flow rate is near the posted reference flow rate for charcoal filter. The low flow rate alarm set point is 28320 cm3/min. A low flow rate may indicate a flow blockage OR loaded filter paper.

(i) RETURN to Section 2 for normal operations.

4. Gamma Factor Set (a) VERIFY "READY" light is on. The AMS-4 front panel will NOT respond as expected if an alarm condition exists.


(c) AT the prompt "password" type in "8435" THEN press "ENTER".

(d) PRESS "_" button until "Calibrate" appears in display.


(f) PRESS "_" button until "Gamma Factor Count" appears in display.


(h) WHEN "Calibration Mode Halts Normal Operation" displays THEN press "ENTER".

(i) WAIT until both Beta AND BKG counts are greater than 400 counts THEN observe "Factor = XX.XXX" (where XX.XXX is a number) on display AND press "ENTER".

() PRESS, "ENTER" to accept and update Gamma Factor value.

(k) PRESS "MENU" key twice.

(I) WHEN "READY" light appears AND airborne concentrations appears on top line of display THEN go to Section 2 for normal operation. (IF the flow rate appears THEN press "1" to display activity).


[IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NoN-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP.EP-250 Revision 2 En~ erg I . IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 44 of 83 Attachment 9.5 Dose Assessor Sheet 5 of 8 Initial Responsibilitv/Activities (cont.) Notes 1.4 Assume the position of Dose Assessor A. IF relieving another Dose Assessor THEN perform a formal turnover with the current Dose Assessor.

1. Review the current Dose Assessor activity log.
2. Obtain briefing from current Dose Assessor on the emergency and any actions the have been completed or are in progress. Use Turnover Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-20) as a guide.

B. Inform the Offsite Radiological Manager that you are now the Dose Assessor.

2.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activities Y .i2.1 Maintain a Log A. Use (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-1 0), ERO Log Sheet to log information.

B. Log when you assumed the duties of Dose Assessor.

C. Log significant decisions, important details used to make decisions and any equipment operability issues.

2.2 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOF A. IF you leave the area THEN notify the Offsite Radiological Manager.

Upon your return, obtain a briefing from the Offsite Radiological Manager or other Dose Assessor on any events that have occurred while you were away.

2.3 Monitor Radiological Release Rates and Perform Dose Assessment Calculations A. Perform a base line dose projection based on current readings (from PICS, EDDS, SPDS or Control Room) using MEANS and procedure IP-EP-3 10, Dose Assessment.

B. Monitor Plant Effluent Monitors for changes in Release Rates. Notify the ORM immediately of any change in release status.


. IMPLEMENTING NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-250 Revision 2 t:] PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 45 of 183 Attachment 9.5 Dose Assessor Sheet 6 of 8 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) Notes C. Monitor meteorological data for changes, which may effect offsite dose projections or Protective Action Recommendations.

D. IF there is a change in any parameter THEN recalculate dose projections using MEANS and procedure IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment and report results to ORM immediately.

2.4 Use MEANS program or procedure IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations to calculate appropriate Protective Action Recommendation. Any change of PAR must be transmitted to offsite authorities within 15 minutes.

2.5 IF there has been a release above technical specifications THEN complete "NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part II" approximately every 30 minutes and submit it to the ED for review and transmittal. Provide to Offsite Communicator for offsite distribution.

2.5 Maintain the MET Data Status Board A. Use procedure IP-EP-510, Meteorological & Radiological Data Acquisition to retrieve weather predictions.

B. Obtain the latest measured MET data from MR-DAS every 15 minutes.

1. Update the MET Data Status Board to display the correct data.
2. Notify the Offsite Radiological Manager (ORM) of any significant changes in the meteorological data.

C. Obtain weather predictions from MR-DAS and/or Weather Bureau

1. Update the MET Data Status Board to display the correct data.
2. Notify the ORM of any significant changes in the weather forecast data.

2.6 Compare Dose Projections with Field Team Survey Results A. Confer with Field Team Coordinator on survey points and reported readings.

B. Update NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part II with Field Team Data


___ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Enter v IMPLEMENTING 01 PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 46 of 83 Attachment 9.6 Dose Assessor Sheet 7 of 8 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) I Notes 2.7 Monitor Offsite Monitoring System (formally Reuter-Stokes) data.

A. Obtain readings from MR-DAS.

B. Inform the ORM of any reading greater than background.

2.8 Periodically check readings of AMS-4 and ensure proper instrument operation.

A. IF there is a release THEN monitor the AMS-4 to identity any increase in the radiological levels in the EOF.

B. Follow directions in section 1.2.C of this checklist to maintain AMS-4 operations.

2.9 Confer with the Offsite Radiological Manager on the need to set up EOF Radiological Controls. When directed set up EOF entrance as follows:

A Set up stanchions, rope barricade, and frisker in the main hall entrance to EOF work area.

B Set frisker alarm to two (2) times background.

C Set up Step Off Pads (SOPs) at entrance.

1. Place a waste receptacle and clean shoe covers near the SOP location.

D Post the door in the upper level EOF near the Clerks as "Emergency Exit Only" E Check to ensure door to West stairwell (to upper EOF) is locked to entrance from stairwell.



Enterty . IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES I REFERENCE USE IPage 47 of 83 Attachment 9.5 Dose Assessor Sheet 8 of 8 3.0 Closeout Activities Notes 3.1 Rearm the EOF Halon System A. Obtain the key to the FIKE Fire Suppression System control panel from the EOF key locker.

B. Open the upper compartment of the FIKE control panel located on the west wall of the EOF next to the key locker.

C. Toggle the module switch (the switch is located in the lower left corner of the panel.) from the "S1 (up) position to the "Armed" (down) position.

3.2 Return the EOF ventilation to normal.

A. Obtain the key to the EOF Electrical Equipment Room from the EOF key locker.

B. Locate the EOF HVAC damper control system switches on the East wall of the EOF Electrical Equipment Room.

C. Rotate all three (3) damper control knobs COUNTER -CLOCKWISE half way to open the dampers.

D. Place the three (3) AC control switches to the "NORMAL" (down) position.

3.3 Return all equipment used by Dose Assessors to its proper storage locations.

3.4 Review all documentation the Dose Assessors maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation is complete.

B. Ensure any items, which need follow up investigations, are identified to be completed during the Recovery Phase.

3.5 Provide all logs and records to the Offsite Radiological Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-250 Revision 2 Aft EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE En tergy.R IMPLEMENTING OJ PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 48 of 83 Attachment 9.6 Radiological Communicator Sheet 1 of 3 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity j Notes 1.1 Initial Orientation.

A. Sign in on EOF staffing board and EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (IP-EP-115 Form EP-14).

B. Review facility status boards, EDDS, SPDS or PICS information and any other available sources to become familiar with current plant status.

C. Obtain briefing from the Dose Assessor or the Offsite Radiological Manager.

1. Review monitoring team data.
2. Request any additional information on current status of emergency response.

1.2 Assume the position of Radiological Communicator A. IF it is the initial activation of position THEN:

1. Establish communications with the affected unit:

(a) For Unit 2 contact the TSC Radiological Advisor.

(b) For Unit 3 contact the OSC Health Physics Team Leader.

2. Establish communications with the Lead Accountability Officer (LAO).

B. IF relieving another communicator THEN perform a formal turnover with the current Radiological Coordinator:

1. Review the current Radiological Communicator activity log.
2. Obtain briefing from current Radiological Communicator on the emergency and any actions the have been completed or are in progress. Use Turnover Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-20) as a guide.

C. Inform the Offsite Radiological Manager and Dose Assessor(s) that you are now the Radiological Communicator.



--Ent y.BY IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 49 Of .83 Attachment 9.6 Radiological Communicator Sheet 2 of 3 2.0 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activities I Notes 2.1 Maintain a Log A Use (IP-EP-115 Form EP-10), ERO Log Sheet to log information.

B Log when you assumed the duties of Radiological Communicator.

C Log significant decisions, important details used to make decisions and any equipment operability issues.

2.2 Maintain personnel accountability in the EOF A. If you leave the area, notify the Offsite Radiological Manager. Upon your return, obtain a briefing from the Offsite Radiological Manager or other Dose Assessor on any events that have occurred while you were away.

K-, 2.3 Communicate Radiological Information to Security A Provide following information to Lead Accountability Officer (LAO):

1. Provide information on onsite plant radiological conditions and/or hazards.
2. Any areas in which movement of Security Personnel or non-ERO individuals should be restricted.
3. Site access restrictions.

B IF accountability has been called for THEN receive accountability status from LAO and report it to EOF Manager.

2.4 Provide Radiological Information to the NRC A If requested by the NRC via the Health Physics Network (HPN), then provide radiological information from the Part II Radiological Data Form completed by the Dose Assessor or if requested by the NRC use Form 361.

B IF requested by the NRC, THEN continuously man the Health Physics Network (HPN) phone line.



d&W IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 50 of 83 Attachment 9.6 Radiological Communicator Sheet 3 of 3 3.0 Closeout Activities Notes 3.1 Return all equipment used by Radiological Communicator to its proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation the Radiological Communicator maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete B. Ensure any items which need follow up investigations are identified to be completed during the Recovery Phase 3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Offsite Radiological Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

As PEC NON-QUALrrY RELATED IP-EP-250 Revision 2 l EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE EnterR O`Ftw IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 51 of 83 Attachment 9.7 Field Team Coordinator Sheet 1 of 5 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitvy Notes 1.1 Initial Orientation.

A. Sign in on EOF staffing board and EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (IP-EP-115 Form EP-14).

B. Review facility status boards, EDDS, SPDS OR PICS information and any other available sources to become familiar with current plant status.

C. Obtain briefing from the Dose Assessor or the Offsite Radiological Manager.

3. Review monitoring team data.
4. Request any additional information on current status of emergency response.

1.2 Assume the position of Field Team Coordinator.

A. IF it is the initial activation of position THEN:

1. Determine if there are 6 Field Monitoring Team members present (3 teams). IF additional personnel are needed THEN inform the Offsite Radiological Manager or EOF Manager and request additional personnel.
2. IF Field Team Members are reporting from unit 3 OSC THEN have Radiological Communicator call OSC for Field Team Member status.
3. Conduct a briefing with the members of the Field Monitoring Teams present in the EOF, informing them of plant conditions and expected radiological conditions outside the Protected Area Fence.

B. IF relieving another coordinator THEN perform a formal turnover with the current Field Team Coordinator:

1. Review the current Field Team Coordinator activity log.



=-Enterg by. IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 52 Of 83 Attachment 9.7 Field Team Coordinator Sheet 2 of 5 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont.) Notes

2. Obtain briefing from current Field Team Coordinator on the emergency and any actions the have been completed or are in progress. Use Turnover Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-20) as a guide.

C. Inform the Offsite Radiological Manager and Dose Assessor(s) that you are now Field Team Coordinator.

1.3 Initial Field Team Briefing A. Prior to dispatching teams into the field brief them on the following:

1. Discuss Current Conditions Emergency Classification:

Condition of Plant:

Wind Speed: Wind Direction (from):

Release El NOT In Progress E Expected 1In Progress

2. Use of Potassium Iodide (KI):

Ensure all teams have KI Tablets prior to leaving the EOF and understand it is only to be used upon direction from Offsite Radiological Manager (ORM).

3. Team Designations:

Ensure each team knows how they are to be identified.

(e.g., Site Perimeter Team, Mobile 1, Mobile 2)

4. Team Member Exposure Limits:

Ensure all Team members know their exposure limits.

Exposure limits will either be set at current occupational limits, in which case current individual yearly exposures must be obtained.

OR Emergency Director may authorize I Rem (regardless of current exposure) Emergency Exposure to all team members. Check with ORM on which limits are to be used.


__ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IP-EP-250 Revision 2 Ente .NC IMPLEMENTING Iy PROCEDURES I REFERENCE USE I Page 53 of 83 Attachment 9.7 Field Team Coordinator Sheet 3 of 5 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont.) Notes

5. Communications Discuss communication systems used (radio, cell phones)

Discuss what units / terminology will be used when reported survey / sample results.

6. Radio uDead Spaces" Remind teams to use cell phones or other teams as alternative /

backup methods of communication should radio "dead spaces" occur.

7. Dosimetry Ensure teams have required dosimetry and remind them to frequently check dosimetry and report results.
8. Synchronize Time Have teams synchronize watches with EOF time.
9. Survey Expectations Ensure teams are aware of survey expectations; defining centerline and edge of plume, obtaining air samples, ground samples, one meter readings etc.
10. Initial Team Destinations Inform each team the location they are initially to report to.

2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities 2.1 Maintain a Log A. Use (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-10), ERO Log Sheet to log information.

B. Log when you assumed the duties of Field Team Coordinator.

C. Log significant decisions, important details used to make decisions and any equipment operability issues.



=Entery.OJ IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 54 of .83 Attachment 9.7 Field Team Coordinator Sheet 4 of 5 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) Notes 2.2 Transmit directions to the Offsite Teams Note:l Teams should be designated as Mobile 1, 2 etc. and Site Perimeter Team A. Use the Radio or Cell Phones to communicate with teams.

B. Confer with the Offsite Radiological Manager and/or Dose Assessors to determine the sample points and the expected whole body exposure rates based on dose projections.

C. Enter selected sample point(s) and assigned team on Monitoring Team Radiation Field Survey Data (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-30).

D. Contact each team and direct them to the designated sample point providing following information:

1. The expected dose rates.
2. Methods of traversing the plume to keep their exposure as low as possible, such as going around plume or traveling through low field areas.

E. Have teams verify instructions by repeating them back.

2.3 Receive and Record Offsite Monitoring Team Data A. Have teams state sample point for which data is being transmitted.

B. Record survey data on Monitoring Team Radiation Field Survey Data and Monitoring Team Sample Data (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-30 and Form EP-31).

C. Verify numbers by repeating values back to the team.

D. Inform the Offsite Radiological Manager or Dose Assessor immediately of survey and sample results.



-En terrg O}. IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 55 of .83 Attachment 9.7 Field Team Coordinator Sheet 5 of 5 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activities (cont.) Notes 2.4 Determine Radioactive Airborne Concentrations When Offsite Monitoring Teams report air sample results THEN determine airborne concentrations as follows:

A. Use (IP-EP-115 Form EP-32), Determination of Radioactive Airborne Concentrations to calculate pCi/cc.

B. Report concentration to Dose Assessor or Offsite Radiological Manager.

2.5 Maintain Onsite and Offsite Monitoring Team Exposure Records.

A. IF any exposure rates are above background THEN obtain team member whole body exposure (dosimetry readings).

B. IF any team members are receiving radiological exposures THEN record exposures on Individual Exposure Tracking Log (IP-EP-115 Form EP-29) periodically.

2.6 Keep Onsite and Offsite Teams informed of major changes in emergency status:

A. Changes in emergency classification.

B. Start or stop of any offsite releases of radioactive materials.

2.7 Obtain new sample locations and points from Offsite Radiological Manager or Dose Assessor.

Repeat above steps to continue plume tracking until Offsite Radiological Manager determines surveys and sampling are no longer necessary.

3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activities 3.1 Return all equipment to proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation Field Team Coordinators maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation is complete. I B. Ensure any items, which need follow up investigations, are identified to be completed during the Recovery Phase. I 3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Offsite Radiological Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.



-IN Entersy gIMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES I REFERENCE USE IPage 56 of 183 Attachment 9.8 Offsite Communicator Sheet 1 of 4 1.0 Initial ResponsibilitylActivities Notes 1.1 Initial Orientation.

A. Sign in on EOF staffing board and EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (IP-EP-15 Form EP-14).

B. Review facility status boards, EDDS, SPDS OR PICS information and any other available sources to become familiar with current plant status.

C. Obtain briefing from the EOF Manager

1. Request any additional information on current status of emergency response.

1.2 Assume the position of Offsite Communicator.

A. IF it is the initial activation of position in the EOF THEN:

1. Obtain copies of all NYS Radiological Emergency Data Forms that have been transmitted prior to activation.
2. Call the effected Unit Control Room to:

(a) Determine and record other offsite notifications made. (NRC, INPO, ANI, Corporate)

(b) Determine and record the next time required notifications are due.

B. IF relieving another communicator THEN perform a formal turnover with the current Offsite Communicator:

1. Review the current Offsite Communicator activity log.
2. Obtain briefing from current Offsite Communicator on the emergency and any actions the have been completed or are in progress. Use Turnover Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-20) as a guide.
3. Determine the time the next notification updates are due to be transmitted.

C. Inform the EOF Manager that you are now the Offsite Communicator.


'-Enterg . IMPLEMENTING OF PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 57 of 83 Attachment 9.8 Offsite Communicator Sheet 2 of 4 2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities l Notes 2.1 IF you are temporarily leaving the work area THEN A. Inform the EOF Manager you are leaving the work area.

B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EOF Manager on any events, which have occurred while you were away.

2.2 Maintain a Log A. Use (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-10), ERO Log Sheet to log information.

B. Log when you assumed the duties of Offsite Communicator.

C. Log all communications that are not already documented on Forms.

2.3 Perform required notifications to Offsite Authorities.


1. Start notification of any change in classification within 15 minutes of the classification change.
2. The 15 min. requirement is meet upon the first response to the roll call.

A. IF the emergency classification changes (upgrade, terminates, enters Recovery) THEN perform the following:

1. Complete or obtain a completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part 1 (IP-EP- 15 Form EP-1) from ED or EOF Manager.
2. Ensure the ED has signed the NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form to indicate approval for transmittal.
3. Communicate the information on the completed form(s) to the offsite authorities per instructions on Alert/SAE/GE Upgrade/Update Notification Checklist (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-5).


- EnteryR


REFERENCE USE Page 58 of 83 Attachment 9.8 Offsite Communicator Sheet 3 of 4 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) Notes B. IF the emergency classification DOES NOT change THEN perform subsequent notifications as follows:

1. Subsequent notifications shall be made:
  • It has been approximately 30 minutes since the last form was transmitted.
  • The plant status has changed (Stable, improving or degrading)
  • There has been a change in the status of an actual or potential radiological release.
2. Complete or obtain a completed NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part 1 (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-1) from EOF Manager or ED.
3. IF there is a change in radiological release data THEN ensure NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Part II is completed.
4. Ensure the ED has signed the NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form(s) to indicate approval for transmittal.
5. Communicate the information on the completed Part I form to the offsite authorities per instructions on AlertISAE/GE Upgrade/Update Notification Checklist (IP-EP-115 Form EP-5).
6. Provide the completed Part I and if required, Part II form(s) to the EOF clerks for copying and faxing.
7. Maintain status board of unext notification & next briefing".
8. Provide copied Part I and if required, Part II form(s) to the ED and Dose Assessor.

2.4 Perform Industry Group Notifications A. Notify the following (phone numbers in Emergency Telephone Directory), document notifications in log:

  • American Nuclear Insurers


=EnterOer. IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 59 of 83 Attachment 9.8 Offsite Communicator Sheet 4 of 4 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) Notes

  • NEIL B. Notify the EOF Manager which notifications were made or not made.

3.0 Closeout Activities 3.1 Return all equipment to proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentations Offsite Communicators maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete B. Provide all logs and records to the EOF Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.



' Entery.Oery IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 60 of 83 Attachment 9.9 Admin & Logistics Manager Sheet 1 of 4 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activity l Notes 1.1 Initial Orientation.

A. Sign in on EOF staffing board and EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (IP-EP-115 Form EP-14).

B. Review facility status boards, EDDS, SPDS OR PICS information and any other available sources to become familiar with current plant status.

C. Confer with the EOF Manager on emergency status.

1.2 Assume the position of Admin & Logistics Manager.

A. IF it is the initial activation of position THEN

1. Complete an EOF Staffing Form (IP-EP-I15 Form EP-7) and verify full EOF Staffing, report-staffing status to EOF Manager (or ED).
2. Check staffing level of support staff:

(a) Should have 3 Clerical Support Personnel and 1 Equipment Operator.

(b) At least 2 clerical support personnel should staff the upstairs clerical area and 1 individual may be used as the EOF Registration Assistant. Also assign a Manager type individual to support the Registration Assistant.

(c) IF short of support staff THEN draft non-assigned ERO member to fill the Registration Assistant.

3. Ensure the EOF Clerical Staff and the EOF Equipment Operator are briefed and ready to support EOF emergency response
4. Inform the EOF Manager when you are ready to provide logistics support to the ERO.
5. Call an Entergy Recovery Support Manager (numbers listed in the Emergency Telephone Directory under Entergy Headquarters.

Provide them with the following information:

A. Date/Time Event emergency was declared.

B. Brief Description of event C. Phone number where you can be reached.

D. Any anticipated corporate support needed by the onsite ERO.



-'Entergy.t IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 61 of 183 Attachment 9.9 Admin & Logistics Manager Sheet 2 of 4 Initial Responsibilitv/Activitv (cont.) l Notes B. IF relieving another Admin & Logistics Manager THEN perform a formal turnover with the current Admin & Logistics Manager:

1. Review the Admin & Logistics Manager activity log.
2. Obtain briefing from current Admin & Logistics Manager on the emergency and any actions the have been completed or are in progress. Use Turnover Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-20) as a guide.
3. Ensure you have an understanding of any outstanding request for outside support or materials.

C. Inform the EOF Manager that you are now the Admin & Logistics Manager.

2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivities 2.1 Process request from the Emergency Response Organization for outside assistance:

A. Arrange to fulfill requests from the ED for any corporate or outside support needed.

2.2 IF the event is expected to last more than 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> THEN make arrangements for meals for the ERO.

2.3 IF the event has been classified at a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency THEN:

A. Call in additional support staff, as necessary, to assist. Personnel from the following Indian Point Energy Center organizations:

1. Material Procurement / Purchasing - to assist in procurement of items needed to support the emergency response.
2. Facilities - to provide additional office equipment, supplies, food and/or make arrangements for ERO berthing onsite.
3. Nuclear Licensing - to assist in receiving and supporting the NRC Incident Response Team
4. Other - such as additional clerical support to make phone calls or provide document-processing support.

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED I-P20 Rvso is EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IP-EP-250 Revision 2 zEntergy . IMPLEMENTING TJ PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 62 of 83 Attachment 9.9 Admin & Logistics Manager Sheet 3 of 4 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activities (cont.) Notes B. As necessary support should be arrange through the Entergy Recovery Support Manager for the following areas (group titles are representative do not match actual titles):

1. Office Services group provides general office services such as:

typing (machines and personnel), reproduction (Photostats and drawings), telephone dictation, office supplies, office furniture, mail delivery, photography services, facility and area maps, audio visual aids, graphics printing, and distribution service as required

2. Finance group prepares payroll, controls accounts payable, and administers cash disbursements and expense accounts.
3. Accommodations group provides lodging if necessary for emergency workers and makes arrangements for rental cars and travel on commercial and charter carriers.
4. Human Resources group can assist for the human resource needs using existing Entergy personnel and non-Entergy personnel obtained through the New York Power Pool and the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations.
5. Purchasing group, acts as purchasing agent to obtain the materials and services required by the Emergency Response Organization.
6. Legal Group provides advice to the Emergency Director as to actions which may violate federal, state or local statutory and regulatory requirements concerning the operation of the Indian Point Station, OR jeopardize coverage of the insurance policies and indemnity agreements. The group also provides legal counsel to Entergy employees involved in the emergency
7. Information Technologies group provides assistance to develop AND maintain computerized information processing systems.
8. Central Stores group helps provide class/stock material.


. IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 63 of 183 Attachment 9.9 Admin & Logistics Manager Sheet 4 of 4 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) Notes 2.4 Continue to coordinate with Entergy organizations outside the ERO and other assistance to the ERO.

3.0 Closeout Activities 3.1 Return all equipment to proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation maintained by Admin & Logistics Managers during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete B. Provide all logs and records to the EOF Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.



- Enter~,g . IMPLEMENTRNG do PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 64 of 83 Attachment 9.10 EOF Clerical Staff Sheet 1 of 4 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activities Notes 1.1 Assume the position of EOF Clerical.

A. Sign in on EOF staffing board and EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (IP-EP-115 Form EP-14).

B. Obtain briefing from the Admin & Logistics Manager or the EOF Manager.

C. IF relieving another clerk THEN perform a formal turnover with the current clerk:

1. Review current emergency status
2. Obtain briefing from current Clerical Staff on the emergency and any actions the have been completed or are in progress.

D. Inform the Admin & Logistics Manager that you are now part of the EOF Clerical Staff.

2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities 2.1 IF assigned as the EOF Registration Assistant THEN:


IF there is any question if an individual should be allowed to enter the EOF THEN request clearance from the Emergency Director or the EOF Manager.

A. Allow only the following personnel into the EOF:

1. Indian Point Emergency Response Organization Personnel, as listed in the Emergency Telephone Directory.
2. Entergy Corporate Officers.
3. State and County Officials
4. Federal Officials from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Federal Emergency Management Agency
5. Individuals authorized by the Emergency Director or the EOF Manager.


?Entergy. IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 65 of 83 Attachment 9.10 EOF Clerical Staff Sheet 2 of 4 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) Notes NOTES:

IF individuals are only going to another room within the building or outside for a short period of time THEN it is not necessary to log them in and out each time they leave the EOF.

B. Maintain an EOF Check Point Sign in Log, (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-14) complete with names of all personnel within the EOF.

C. IF personnel had entered EOF without signing in prior to Registration Station being staffed THEN: request the Admin & Logistics Manager to assign someone to go around and have ERO members complete sign in log.

2.2 Process Plant Status Data A. IF the Emergency Data Display System (EDDS), Safety Parameters Display System (SPDS) or the Plant Information Computer System (PICS) is operating THEN perform the following:

1. Obtain computer printout of Forms 42a Unit 2 (31a Unit 3), 42b Unit 2 (31c Unit 3) and 42c Unit 2 (31b Unit 3) trend data screens every 15 minutes.
2. Make and distribute copies of the updated forms to State and County representatives located upstairs in the EOF and two copies to the ED Technical Advisor.
3. Telecopy forms to the following locations
  • State
  • JNC B. IF the Emergency Data Display System (EDDS) and/or Safety Display Parameter System (SPDS) or the Plant Information Computer System (PICS) is NOT operating THEN perform the following:
1. Inform the EOF Manager

AkIPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-250 Revision 2 I_£ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE iZEntergy. IMPLEMENTING IZ PROCEDURES I REFERENCE USE IPage 66 of 83 Attachment 9.10 EOF Clerical Staff Sheet 3 of 4 Continuous Responsibility/Activities (cont.) Notes

2. Receive Forms Forms 42a Unit 2 (31a Unit 3), 42b Unit 2 (31c Unit 3) and 42c Unit 2 (31 b Unit 3) via Telecopier from the affected Unit's TSC.
3. Make and distribute copies of forms to EOF Staff, NRC, FEMA, State and County Representatives at the EOF.
4. Telecopy forms (a, b & c) to the State and County EOCs and JNC.

C. IF all of the following systems are NOT operating: EDDS, SPDS, Telecopiers and PICS Computer Terminals THEN:

1. Inform the EOF Manager that equipment necessary to obtain plant data in the EOF is not operating
2. Call the TSC and obtain Forms 42a Unit 2 (31a Unit 3), 42b Unit 2 (31c Unit 3) and 42c Unit 2 (31b Unit 3).
3. Distribute forms as specified in Step 2.2.B.3 above.

2.3 Process the NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form Parts I & II as follows:

A. Receive form(s) from the Offsite Communicator, verifying that the form(s) are signed by the Emergency Director.

B. Telecopy form(s) to NYS, Counties and JNC.

C. Maintain Fax Report (printed from fax machine) as record.

D. Make and distribute copies of form to NRC, FEMA, State and County representatives in the EOF.

E. Return original form and 2 copies to Offsite Communicator.


==EEEnteds. IMPLEMENTING 83 PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 67 of Attachment 9.10 EOF Clerical Staff Sheet 4 of 4 Continuous Responsibilitv/Activities (cont.) I Notes 2.4 Receive and distribute telecopies from outside sources as follows:

A. Distribute to addressee if known.

B. For any document containing radiological data distribute copies to Offsite Radiological Manager, FEMA, State and County representatives in the EOF.

C. Maintain copies of all telecopies.

2.5 Copy Chronology Easel Pad as follows:

A. Receive completed easel pad from EOF Technical Advisor.

B. Transcribe the information from the easel pad and give transcript to the EOF Technical Advisor.

C. Tape or hang the easel pad to the wall between the upper and lower levels of the EOF.

2.6 Perform accountability duty of the EOF as follows:

A. Record the names of personnel stationed in the EOF.

3.0 Closeout Responsibilitv/Activities 3.1 Return all equipment to proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency by the clerical staff to ensure it is complete and organized.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the EOF Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.


___ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 68 of .83 Attachment 9.11 Lead Offsite Liaison Sheet 1 of 3 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activities j Notes 1.1 Assume the position of Lead Offsite Liaison.

A. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

B. Sign in on the EOF staffing board and EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-14)

C. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency director NOTE:

All Technical Liaisons may not be present when you assume your position.

The State EOC is located in Albany and it may take 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or more for individual to arrive.

D. Establish communications with State and County Technical Liaisons and ensure all liaisons are in place:

1. Using wireless phone located in the upstairs State and County work area call into State and County Liaison Conference Bridge (Phone number and password are listed in the Emergency Telephone Directory)
2. Inform State and County Technical Liaisons (Located at the Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) on bridged conference call) that you are assuming Lead Offsite Liaison, List each Technical Liaison here:

(a) State EOC:

(b) Westchester County (c) Rockland County (d) Putnam County (e) Orange County

3. Re-assign extra State and County Liaisons at one location to another location if needed.

E. Greet and/or contact State and County Representative as they arrive at the EOF and have them sign in on EOF Visitor Board and have them complete and don a nametag.


- Enterg . IMPLEMENTING Or PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 69 of 83 Attachment 9.11 Lead Offsite Liaison Sheet 2 of 3 Initial Responsibilitv/Activities (cont.) Notes 1.2 IF relieving another Lead Offsite Liaison THEN perform a formal turnover with the current Lead Offsite Liaison:

A. Review current emergency status and plant conditions B. Obtain briefing from current Lead Offsite Liaison on the emergency and any actions that have been competed or are in progress. Use Turnover Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-20) as a guide.

C. Obtain briefing from State and County Liaisons located in the EOCs D. Have off-going liaison introduce you to representatives in EOF.

1.3 Inform the EOF Manager that you are now the Lead Offsite Liaison 2.0 Continuous Responsibility / Activities 2.1 Maintain a Log A. Use (IP-EP-l15 Form EP-10), ERO Log Sheet to log information.

B. Log when you assumed the duties of Lead Offsite Liaison.

C. Log significant communications, important details on information provided to Offsite Representative and EOC Liaisons.

2.2 Ensure EOC Liaison Staffing A. IF all State and County Technical Liaisons are not present in EOCs within two hours of EOF activation THEN attempt to fill positions.

2.3 Provide technical assistance to the EOF State and County Representatives and to the State and County Technical Liaisons located at the EOCs.


When answering questions from offsite representatives:

DO NOT: 1) Express any opinions regarding the events

2) Question or "double guess" ED decisions
3) Provide any prognosis or guesses of where the event may go A. Request copies (from EOF Clerical Staff) of notification and data forms received from the plant and clarify the data received.



-- Entery.t IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 70 of 83 Attachment 9.11 Lead Offsite Liaison Sheet 3 of 3 Continuous Responsibility /Activities (cont.) l Notes B. Keep updated on plant and emergency conditions:

1. The Essential Information Checklist (IP-EP-115 Form EP-9)

(complete form or acquire completed form from the EOF Staff) may be used to provide consistent information to State and County Liaisons located at EOCs.

2. Receive update on plant conditions from the Emergency Director Briefings.

C. Answer questions and provide clarification as needed from the State and County Representatives (in the EOF) and State and County Liaisons regarding plant systems and operations, and how they relat to the current conditions.

D. Be prepared to brief offsite representatives on basis for decisions made by the Emergency Director.

E. Request the Emergency Director, EOF Manager, ORM and/or Technical Advisor to the ED assist in keeping the offsite representatives located in the EOF updated.

2.4 Keep the EOF Manager informed of actions being taken at State and County Emergency Operations Centers.

A. Report when EOCs are activated.

B. Report Protective Actions the State or Counties are implementing.

3.0 Closeout ResponsibilitylActivities 3.1 Collect all materials (or copies of materials) you provided to the State and County Representatives in the EOF.

3.2 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency by the Lead Offsite Liaisons to ensure it is complete and organized.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the EOF Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.



'Entergy . IMPLEMENTING OX PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 71 of 183 Attachment 9.12 State and County Liaison Sheet 1 of 3 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activities l Notes 1.1 Assume the position of State or County Liaison.


I IF more than one liaison arrives at an EOC THEN one individual should assume position and other individual(s) should stand by until all EOCs have been staffed and relief schedule established.

A. Report to your assigned offsite Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

1. Show your Identification to EOC security and inform them of your purpose for being at the EOC.
2. Inform the Emergency Operations Center Manager (title may vary for different EOCs) you have arrived.
3. Contact Lead Offsite Liaison:

(a) Using wireless phone call into State and County Liaison Conference Bridge (Phone number and password are listed in the Emergency Telephone Directory)

(b) Inform the Lead Offsite Liaison of your arrival at the Emergency Operations Center and you are now the <location>

Technical Liaison.

4. IF the Lead Offsite Liaison is NOT available THEN contact the EOF Manager (via the Emergency Telephone Directory or Appendix C) and inform him/her of your arrival at <location>.

B. IF relieving another State and County Liaison THEN perform a formal turnover with the current liaison:

1. Review current emergency status
2. Obtain briefing from current State and County Technical Liaison on the emergency and any actions the have been competed or are in progress.
3. Inform the Lead Offsite Liaison or EOF manager that you are now the State and County Liaison for (location)
4. Inform key members of the EOC staff you are now the liaison.





S IMPLEMENTING REFERENCE USE Page 72 of 83 Attachment 9.12 State and County Liaison Sheet 2 of 3 2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities l Notes 2.1 Maintain a Log A. Use (IP-EP-115 Form EP-10), ERO Log Sheet to log information.

B. Log when you assumed the duties of State or County Liaison C. Log significant communications, important details on information coming into the Emergency Operations Center.

2.2 Provide technical assistance to the Emergency Operations Center staff.


DO NOT: Express any opinions regarding the events.

DO NOT: Question or "second guess" ED decisions.

DO NOT: Provide any prognosis or guesses of where the event may go.

A. Request copies of notification and data forms received from the plant and clarify the data received.

B. Use an Essential Information Checklist (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-9) to document updates on emergency and plant conditions.

C. Answer questions regarding plant systems and operations, and how they relate to the current conditions.

D. Be prepared to brief EOC Staff on basis for decisions made by the Emergency Director.

E. Be prepared to provide technical briefings to EOC staff regarding the sequence of events and the current plant status.

F. Contact the Lead Offsite Liaison for clarification of any questionable or confusing data, or if any question of a "sensitive" nature has been posed.

2.3 Keep the Emergency Operations Facility informed of actions being taken at your assigned Emergency Operations Center.

A. Inform the Lead Offsite Liaison of Protective Actions the State or Counties are implementing.

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-250 Revision 2 Aft EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Z Enterj gy.OJ PROCEDURES IMPLEMENTING REFERENCE USE Page 73 of 83 Attachment 9.12 State and County Liaison Sheet 3 of 3 3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activities I Notes 3.1 Collect all materials you provided to the EOC.

3.2 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency by the State and County Liaisons to ensure it is complete and organized.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Emergency Planning Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.



=-En tergy.RIMPLEMENTING 6] PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 74 of 83 Attachment 9.13 EOF Equipment Operator Sheet 1 of 7 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activities l Notes 1.1 Assume the position of EOF Equipment Operator.

A. Sign in on the Facility Sign-in Board and EOF Check Point Sign-In Log (IP-EP-115 Form EP-14).

B. IF the EOF has not been previously activated THEN perform then assist EOF Staff in performing the following steps:

1. Start the EDDS computers (upstairs and downstairs) and ensure Forms 42A, 42B and 42C for U2 or Forms 31A, 31 B and 31 C for U3 are properly displayed on the overhead monitors.

(a) Start computer and turn on overhead monitors.

(b) Bypass network logon.

(c) Launch "Internet Explorer" from the windows desktop.

(d) From the "ProcessNet" screen select "logon" (no password required for guest logon).

(e) For U2, select EDDS for actual emergencies or EDDSIM for drill data. For U3, select CFMS for actual emergencies or Simulator for drill data.

(f) Select Historical "Form 42A (31A)" for monitor labeled Form 42A (31A).

(g) Adjust display-to-display entire form.

(h) Return to step 1 and repeat for Forms 42B (31 C) and 42C (31B).

(i) Repeat for the EDDS terminal(s) located upstairs in the State and County work area.


Attachment 9.13 EOF Equipment Operator Sheet 2 of 7 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activities (cont) l Notes

2. IF not already started THEN Start Unit 2 PICS or Unit 3 SPDS:

(a) For U2 events, start the PICS computer in the EOF command room (1) Turn on computer and monitor (2) Log on to computer: User Name = "sds", Password = 'sds:

(3) Double click on "Plant PICS" icon (or "Simulator PICS" icon for drills.

(b) For Unit 3 events, start the SPDS computer in the EOF command room:


(2) ENSURE the power is on for the RAMTEK (the display generator located under the Genicom printer), and the time display in the upper left hand corner of the PC screen is updating.

(3) ENSURE the power is on for the Terminal AND that the SECURITY/PRINTER screen (Page 101) is displayed. IF the screen is blank, THEN try adjusting the brightness control using the buttons found on the lower left side of the monitor.

(4) IF there is only a blank screen on the monitor, OR the date/time is frozen/wrong in the upper left corner of the screen, THEN do the following:

1. Reset the RAMTEK (the display generator located under the Genicom printer) as follows:
2. TURN the RAMTEK power switch (located on the upper right hand side of the display generator) OFF.
3. WAIT 15 seconds


- Enterg . IMPLEMENTING OJ PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 76 of .83 Attachment 9.13 EOF Equipment Operator Sheet 3 of 7 1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activities (cont) Notes

4. TURN the RAMTEK power switch ON. The screen will start blinking immediately. Within one minute the screen should stop blinking and "INITIALIZING DISPLAYS" should appear in the middle of the screen.

Approximately 4 1/2 minutes later, the SECURITY/PRINTER screen (Page 101) should appear.

(5) IF the above step does not power up the system, THEN contact the TSC (X 8710) and inform the CR.

1. LOGGING ON SPDS- Log-on as follows:

NOTE Two (2) or three (3) attempts may be necessary.

a. EOF -Type EOF4, press RETURN
b. AEOF -For Level 4 logon, Type AYEOF, press RETURN OR C. For Level 5 login, Type AEOF, press RETURN
a. ENSURE power to screen printer (if equipped)

(VGR 4000) is ON by pulling out power switch on the right side of the VGR case. Pull the drawer (on the left side of the case) completely out; the green copy light will come on.

b. ENSURE the Genicom printer is ON LINE (front right side light).
c. VERIFY that a primary or secondary printer light is blue (listed under the facility name in the right middle portion of the Terminal screen).

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-250 Revision 2 EMERGENCY PLAN E PROCEDURE 4%Entergy. IMPLEMENTING OJ PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 77 of 183 Attachment 9.13 EOF Equipment Operator Sheet 4 of 7 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activities (cont) Notes

d. GO to the Security/Printer screen
i. PRESS the PAGE key ii. TYPE 101 iii. PRESS the EXEC key
e. IF the printer light is magenta in color, THEN do the following:
i. TYPE CP7 (EOF) or CP8 (AEOF).

ii. PRESS the ADDR key.

iii. TYPE 7 (EOF) or 8 (AEOF), and PRESS the VALUE ONE key.

iv. PRESS the EXEC key.

f. IF the printer is not available for output, THEN call Computer Services in the TSC (X 8710).
  1. 31a), "Plant Status Log (measurements)", (IP-EP-115 EP-Form #31b), "Plant Status Log (rad.

monitors)"and (IP-EP-1 15 EP-Form #31 c), "Plant Status Log (equipment)", as follows:

i. PRESS the DIALOGUE key.

ii. TYPE the Emergency Status function number, and press RETURN.

iii. (This entry selects Emergency Plant Status.)

iv. Optionally, TYPE a desired time interval for the report, then PRESS

v. the VALUE ONE key.

vi. Optionally, TYPE a different station number (on whose printer the


_ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE Ent.ergy.R IMPLEMENTING h/ PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 78 of 83 Attachment 9.13 EOF Equipment Operator Sheet 5 of 7 1.0 Initial Responsibilitv/Activities (cont) Notes vii. report will print), then PRESS the VALUE TWO key.

viii. PRESS the EXEC key.

ix. This entry selects (IP-EP-1 15 EP-Forms

  1. 31a/b/c) printout routine and they should begin to print.
3. ACCESSING AND USING SPDS OSC: TRANSMIT (IP-EP-115 EP-Forms #31a) "Plant Status Log (measurements)", (IP-EP-1 15 EP-Form #31b), "Plant Status Log (rad. monitors)" and (IP-EP-l15 EP-Form #31c), "Plant Status Log (equipment)" as follows:

(a) PRESS the DIALOGUE key.

(b) TYPE the Emergency Status function number and press RETURN.

(c) (This entry selects Emergency Plant Status.)

(d) TYPE desired time intervals in minutes (1-60).

(e) (Every 15 minutes is suggested.)

(f PRESS the VALUE ONE key.

(g) PRESS the EXEC key.

(h) (This sets the automatic time interval for transmitting data.)

(i) STOP the automatic report output by pressing the STOP key.

(1) Print a page to Color and Black and white printers, to warm up printers and ensure print capabilities.

(j) Start the PICS computer in the NRC work area and set it up to display Forms 42A, 42B and 42C on the three monitors.

4. Start Unit 3 the SPDS computer in the EOF command room and ensure it properly prints to the printer.


==-n JW PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE - Page 79 of 83 Attachment 9.13 EOF Equipment Operator Sheet 6 of 7 1.0 Initial ResponsibilitvlActivities (cont) Notes C. IF relieving another EOF Equipment Operator THEN perform a formal turnover with the current operator:

1. Review current emergency status
2. Obtain briefing on the emergency and any actions the have been competed or are in progress.
3. Inform the Admin & Logistics Manager that you are now the EOF Equipment Operator.

2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activities 2.1 Maintain a Log A. Use (IP-EP-115 Form EP-10), ERO Log Sheetto log information.

B. Log when you assumed the duties of EOF Equipment Operator C. Log significant equipment problems identified and actions taken to correct these problems.

2.2 Maintain personal accountability A. Inform the Admin & Logistics Manager if you are leaving the EOF for any reason.

2.3 Assist EOF Staff with any computer problems, which may arise during the event.

A. Provide Technical Support on operations of EOF computer systems B. Obtain additional resources (IT Support, more equipment, network access, etc.) as needed


-=Enry. le IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 80 Of 83 Attachment 9.13 EOF Equipment Operator Sheet 7 of 7 3.0 Closeout Responsibilitv/Activities l Notes 3.4 RESTORING THE FACILITY:

A. ENSURE Security/Printers screen is in the sign-off mode.

B. B. PUSH buttons on lower left side of the monitor to darken the screen brightness.

C. C. THEN PRESS the STOP key.


A. PRESS the PAGE key.

B. TYPE 101.

C. PRESS the EXEC key.

D. D. WHEN the SECURITY/PRINTERS screen is displayed, 3.1 Return all EOF equipment to stand by.

3.2 Review all documentation maintained during the emergency by the EOF Equipment Operator to ensure it is complete and organized.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Admin & Logistics Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.



- Entergv. C' IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 81 of 83 Attachment 9.14 EOF Layout Sheet 1 of 2 Lower Level Work Area MR-DAS I

Offsie Rad. Dose Information I Map Table Manger Assessor LUaison Emergency I Director Door . r

.- j Security Post, Frisker and /7-Monitoring Team Setup Area I EOF-Manager F

I-EOF Technical Advisor Field Team Coordinator 1 Dose Assessor PiCS ME.NS MET Data Door Offsite Radiological Computer Corrimunicator omnunicator Equipment

- I PI i___ _ -EDDSDisplays Door Conference Room / NRC Work Area I PICS I


=Enter01 . IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 82 of 83 Attachment 9.14 EOF Layout Sheet 2 of 2 Upper Level Work Area



~Entere IMPLEMENTING 01 PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 83 of 83 Attachment 9.15 Directions to Westchester Fire Training Center Sheet 1 of 1

1. Route 9 South to Route 9A South
2. Take 9A South approximately 12 miles - past Westchester County Police Headquarters.
3. Stay on 9A to Dana Road (road past "Topps")
4. Make a LEFT onto Dana Road.
5. Fire Training Center is 2nd driveway on RIGHT.