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Revision 8 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure IP-EP-220, Technical Support Center
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/2011
From: Phillips F
Entergy Corp
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FOIA/PA-2011-0181, FOIA/PA-2011-0262 IP-EP-220, Rev 8
Download: ML111020430 (51)











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IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-220 Revision 8 Lfl~ei. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page I of 49 Technical Support Center Prepared by: Frank Phillips Print Name

,ýIzt Date I~/

Approval: Brian Sullivan Print Name A,4 ///4.z

/Sifgnatu ir Pate If Effective Date: March 29, 2011 This procedure excluded from further 0-1O0 reviews.

IP-EP-220 (Technical Support Center)R8.doc C01N-T On",LLE D

  • IPEC NoN-QuAuTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURESI REFERENCE USE Page 2 Of 49 Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE ......................................................................................................... 3


...................................................................................................... 3 3.0 DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................... 3 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................ 3 4.1 Emergency Plant Manager ........................................................... 3 4.2 TSC Manager ............................................................................ 3 5.0 D ET A ILS ................................................................................ ......................... 4 6.0 INTERFACES ......................................................................................................... 5 7.0 RECORDS .......................................................................................................... 5 8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT ............................................................... 5 9.0 ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................... 5 9.1 Emergency Plant Manager Checklist .......................................................... 6 9.2 TSC Manager Checklist ............................................................................. 16 9.3 Operations Advisor Checklist .................................................................... 22 9.4 Deleted (Formerly Radiological Advisor Checklist) ...........................................

9.5 Reactor Engineer Checklist ....................................................................... 25 9.6 Technical Assessment Coordinator Checklist ........................................... 28 9.7 Mechanical and Electrical/l&C Engineer Checklist .................................... 33 9.8 TSC IT Support Checklist ................................................................ 36 9.9 TSC Communicator Checklist .......................................................... 41 9.10 TSC Admin Assistant Checklist ...................................................... 44 9.11 TSC SAMG Evaluator Checklist ...................................................... 46 9.12 TSC/OSC Layout ......................................................................... 49 9.13 Public Address System Description and Operation ............................. 50

[ Entey.

IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NoCN-QA Iy RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-220 Revision 8 I IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 3 Of 4..9 TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER (TSC) 1.0 PURPOSE To describe the activation and operation of the Technical Support Center (TSC)


2.1 Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan 2.2 IP-EP-130, Emergency Notifications and Mobilization 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Activated - an order has been made to activate an emergency response facility, and the facility is in the process of being staffed.

3.2 Staffed - The emergency response facility has been activated and sufficient personnel are available to perform the required functions as determined by the facility manager.

3.3 Operational - The emergency response facility has been activated and staffed, and has assumed responsibilities for performing its intended functions.

4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The Emergency Plant Manager (EPM) is responsible for:

4.1.1 Overall management of the Emergency Response Organization within the Protected Area Fence 4.1.2 Keeping the Emergency Director informed on the status of the plant and conditions within the Protected Area Fence.

4.1.3 Authorizing emergency radiation exposures and issuance of KI for Emergency Response Organization personnel and other workers within the Owner Controlled Area.

4.1.4 Set priorities for the TSC/OSC staff 4.2 The TSC Manager is responsible for:

4.2.1 Directing TSC personnel to provide technical support to the Control Room and other portions of the Emergency Response Organization.

4.2.2 Working with the EPM to set priorities for the TSC Staff.

4.2.3 Ensuring that the TSC is made operational in accordance with this procedure.

Is IPEC NoN-QuAuTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 SEtergy EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 4 Of 49 A. Ensuring minimum staffing is attained.

B. Declaring TSC staffed as soon as minimum staffing can assume its responsibilities.

4.2.4 Directing the activation and operation of ERDS and MRPDAS.

4.3 All other members of the TSC Staff are responsible for performing their duties as outlined in their position specific checklist or as directed by the TSC Manager.

5.0 DETAILS 5.1 The Emergency Plant Manager (EPM) SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1, Emergency Plant Manager Checklist.

5.2 The TSC Manager SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.2, TSC Manager Checklist.

5.3 The Operations Advisor SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.3, Operations Advisor Checklist.

5.4 The Reactor Engineer SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.5, Reactor Engineer Checklist.

5.5 The Technical Assessment Coordinator SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.6, Technical Assessment Coordinator Checklist.

5.6 The Mechanical and Electrical / I&C Engineer SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.7, Mechanical and Electrical I I&C Engineer Checklist.

5.7 The TSC IT Support SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.8, TSC IT Support.

5.8 The TSC Communicator SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.9, TSC Communicator.

5.9 The TSC Admin Assistant SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.10, TSC Admin Assistant.

5.10 The TSC SAMG Evaluator SHALL follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.11, TSC SAMG Evaluator.

  • I='Enler.

, IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NoN-QuAuTY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-220 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 5 Of 49 6.0 INTERFACES 6.1 IP-EP-1 15, Emergency Plan Forms 6.2 IP-EP-210, Central Control Room 6.3 IP-EP-230, Operations Support Center 6.4 IP-EP-430, Site Assembly, Accountability and Relocation of Personnel Offsite 6.5 IP-EP-510, Meteorological, Radiological & Plant Data Acquisition System 6.6 IP-EP-61 0, Emergency Termination and Recovery 6.7 IP-EP-420, Use of Potassium Iodide by Indian Point Personnel during an Emergency 7.0 RECORDS All forms and logs completed by the Emergency Response Organization during a declared emergency are quality records and shall be maintained for the life of the plant plus twenty (20) years.


9.2 TSC Manager Checklist.

9.3 Operations Advisor Checklist 9.4 Deleted (Formerly Radiological Advisor Checklist) 9.5 Reactor Engineer Checklist 9.6 Technical Assessment Coordinator Checklist 9.7 Mechanical and Electrical / I&C Engineer Checklist 9.8 TSC IT Support Checklist 9.9 TSC Communicator 9.10 TSC Admin Assistant Checklist 9.11 TSC SAMG Evaluator Checklist 9.12 OSC/TSC Layout I 9.13 TSC/OSC Public Address System Description and Operation

IPEC NoN-auAuTY RELATED IP-EP-220 Revision 8

~Enje . EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page _6 of 49 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Plant Manager Checklist Sheet 1 of 10 NOTE: The expectation for all ERO positions is to use WebEOC for loakeepina purposes. Reference to traditional paper forms remains in this checklist for the situation in which WebEOC is unavailable, such as a power or computer failure.

1.0 Initial ResponsibilitylActivitv NOTE:

Procedure refers to an event at Unit 2, Unit 3 or both (i.e.,

Security, Natural event). Ifdetermined to be a Site event, then Unit 2 will be the lead plant for all communications.

1.1 Assume the position of Emergency Plant Manager (EPM).

A. Swipe your badge in one of the accountability card readers.

B. Sign in at the facility.

C. Call the affected Unit Control Room (CR) and receive a briefing on-......

plant conditions from the Plant Operations Manager (POM) (Shift Manager if POM is not available). Use an Essential Information Checklist (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-9) to document turnover information.

D. Review electronic displays, plant data and any other available information to become familiar with current plant conditions.

E. IF relieving another EPM THEN perform a formal turnover with the current EPM

1. Review position log.
2. Obtain a briefing from current EPM on the emergency, plant conditions and any actions that have been completed or are in progress.
3. Relieve current EPM F. Announce yourself as the EPM and provide initial briefing to the TSC/OSC staff. Ensure briefing covers the following items:
1. Introduction of Self and Facility Managers.
2. Establish clear expectations for:
a. Use of Three-Part Communications by ERO members
b. Use of phones during facility briefs
c. Limit excess chatter during emergency
  • -Ente EMERGENCY IPEC PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE NoN-QuALrrY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 7 Of 49 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Plant Manager Checklist Sheet 2 of 10 Initial ResponsibilitylActivity (cont)
d. Review and follow your procedures
3. Remind personnel to validate information 1.2 Inform the POM and EOF you have assumed the duties of the EPM.

2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.1 Maintain (or direct an Admin Assistant to maintain) a log using WebEOC or if unavailable, an ERO Log Sheet IP-EP-115 Form EP-10.

A. Log when you assumed the duties of EPM.

B. Log significant communications to individuals outside the TSC/OSC complex and-all communications to individuals offsite C. Log major decisions and any important details used to make decision 2.2 Inform the TSC Manager and OSC Manager when temporarily leaving the work area.

A. IF you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN:

1. Designate an individual to be in command during your absence.
2. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (for accountability purposes)
3. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you return.

B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from TSC Manager on any events that have occurred while you were away.

  • e IPEC NoN-OuALrry IP-EP-220 Revision 8 Entergy. EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 8 Of 49 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Plant Manager Checklist Sheet 3 of 10 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont)


After initial accountability has been completed, facility managers are responsible for accountability of individuals assigned to their respective organizations.

2.3 At a Site Area Emergency or higher classification, or if the decision has been made to do so, INIIATE accountability.

A. Direct the OSC Manager to coordinate with Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) to perform accountability. Initial accountability shall be completed within approximately 30 minutes of the sounding of the Site Assembly Alarm B. IF anyone is unaccounted for THEN direct the Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) and the OSC Manager to commence search and rescue operations.

C. Direct TSC Manager, OSC Manager, POM and Security Supervisor to maintain onsite accountability throughout the event.

2.4 Confer with the Emergency Director on release or evacuation of non-essential personnel from the Energy Education Center and the Generation Support Building. (Indian Point Training Center if used)

A. Check with POM, TSC Manager and OSC Manager to determine if additional personnel are needed to support emergency response.

B. Inform the ED when you no longer have any immediate personnel needs and concur with release of non-essential personnel from the site.

2.5 Coordinate and direct the Response Activities of all Onsite ERO Personnel.

A. Establish and promulgate onsite priorities in response to the emergency.

A IPEC NON-QUALITY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 Enley. EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING RELATED PROCEDURE PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 9 Of 49 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Plant Manager Checklist Sheet 4 of 10 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont)

1. Designate priorities as High (H), Medium (M), or Low (L) as appropriate.

(a) High (H): The task is necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the public. High priority tasks are in response to plant conditions that are allowing the rapid deterioration of safety barriers, or barriers have already been broken such that a release is either occurring or is imminent.

(b) Medium (M): Any task that requires action by the TSC/OSC and should be worked on at the immediate time period, but does not fit the criteria of a health and safety of the public related item (for example, if a system has only one remaining component, repair of the backup__


(c) Low (L): Any task, which can be worked on when resources permit (i.e. getting meals, preparations for recovery activities).

2. If multiple tasks exist within a single priority classification, confer with the appropriate managers and personnel to establish the preferred sequence.

B. Direct TSC Manager and OSC Manager to maintain current task and priorities in WebEOC.

2.6 Prepare for NRC Site Team response activities.

A. Coordinate the arrival of the Site Response Team with the EOF.

B. Brief (or designate an individual to brief) the in-plant NRC Site Team upon arrival.

C. Direct the TSC Manager to coordinate activities associated with the NRC Site Team.

  • , eIPEC NoN-QuALTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 SEnle . EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 10 Of 49 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Plant Manager Checklist Sheet 5 of 10 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont) 2.7 When applicable, direct Implementation of Severe Accident Management Guidelines.

A. When the Control Room transitions from the EOPs to SACRG-1, ENSURE the TSC SAM Evaluator is ready to take over Severe Accident Management control.

B. Once the TSC SAM Evaluator is ready to take over Severe Accident Management control ANNOUNCE yourself as the Severe Accident Management Decision Maker.

C. CONFER with the SAM Evaluators which SAM guidance should be implemented.

D. NOTIFY the Emergency Director (ED) which guidance will be implemented. IF the guidance involved a release to the environment, ENSURE the ED discusses this with the Offsite Radiological Manager (ORM) and the State/Counties prior to implementation.

2.8 Authorize Emergency Exposures I KI issuance A. Inform the OSC Manager and RP Team Leader that you authorize emergency exposures up to 1 Rem TEDE for all OSC and Operations personnel dispatched into the plant.

Document this authorization in WebEOC, OR on your ERO Log Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-10) if WebEOC is unavailable.

B. IF emergency measures require additional exposure THEN raise the emergency exposure limit 1 Rem at a time up to 5 Rem.

C. Review and authorize, when requested by OSC Staff, emergency exposures beyond 5 Rem on an individual basis using Emergency Exposure Authorization (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-6). General guidelines (more details are listed on authorization form):

1. ERO members may receive up to 5 Rem TEDE (per event) for any required emergency activities.
2. ERO members may be authorized emergency exposures up to 10 Rem TEDE to protect vital equipment.

, IPEC NoN-QUALUTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 Entegy EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING RELATED PROCEDURE PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 11 Of 49 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Plant Manager Checklist Sheet 6 of 10 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (cont)

3. ERO members may be authorized emergency exposures up to 25 Rem TEDE to save a life.
4. Individuals may volunteer to receive greater than 25 Rem TEDE to save a life.

D. When requested by OSC Rad Protection Team Leader, authorize issuance of Potassium Iodine (KI). (KI is normally issued at 5 REM CDE projected child thyroid dose or declaration of a General Emergency.)

2.9 Maintain communications with the Shift Manager A. Discuss current plant status and planned operations B. Discuss tasks the TSC/OSC are performing and review priorities.

C. Inform POM of any other important ERO activities (such as shift changes, arrival of NRC personnel, etc.)

2.10 Maintain communications with the Emergency Director (ED).

A. Use an Essential Information Checklist (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-

9) to periodically update ED on conditions.

B. Inform the ED of onsite priorities and activities.

C. Inform the ED of any plant conditions or events which have the potential for change of emergency classification or radiological releases status.

2.11 Coordinate with TSC and OSC Managers to establish a time period for the conduct of facility briefings A. Make an announcement approximately 5 minutes before actual brief that a brief will be conducted (if possible).

B. Use an Essential Information Checklist (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-

9) as guide for leading briefings.

C. Emphasize the following items in each brief:

1. What the major task and priorities are.

Ia IPEC NON-QUAUTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8

- Enie , EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 12 Of 49 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Plant Manager Checklist Sheet 7 of 10 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont)

2. Everyone should review their procedure checklist to ensure proper actions are being taken.
3. Everyone should ensure they are maintaining proper logs and all forms are completed and legible.

D. Establish briefing periods at approximately 30 minute intervals or as conditions change.

2.12 Maintain adequate manning, access control, and 24-hour functional continuity of the CR, TSC, and OSC.


The OSC Accountability Coordinator prepares shift relief schedules and calls out the second shift.

A. Request additional material, manpower, and equipment as necessary.

2.13 Circumstances including, but not limited to a power outage, toxic gas condition, or increased radiation levels may necessitate the need to evacuate the TSC/OSC complex. IF it becomes necessary to evacuate the TSCIOSC complex for any reason, the following guidance shall be followed.

A. Determine a suitable alternate location(s) for TSC and OSC staffs. In selecting an alternate location, keep the following in mind:

1. In the event of increased radiation levels or a toxic gas condition, consider relocating individuals to the Central Control Room or Outage Control Center. Another possible alternative location for consideration is the EOF. Although desirable to keep the entire staff together, it may be necessary to utilize more than one facility.
2. In the event of a power outage, there may be additional locations that could be relocated to. Such possible locations include an IPEC Conference Room within the Protected Area, the Outage Control Center, the Indian Point Training Center or even the Generation Support Building.

[ *:=Enjer. IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-220 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES P I REFERENCE USE Page j1 Of 49 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Plant Manager Checklist Sheet 8 of 10 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont)

3. In selecting the facility to which you are evacuating, ensure that you consider the ability for the TSC/OSC staffs to function in the new facility. Some items for consideration include:

- Is the required Plant information able to be readily obtained?

- Are the necessary computer resources available?

- Will adequate communications be obtainable with all of the necessary parties?

B. PRIOR to evacuating the TSC/OSC complex, address the following:

1. Ensure that evacuating personnel take their position books with them to the new location.
2. Ensure that all needed data is gathered and transported during the relocation of personnel. Examples include information on the electronic displays, other charted information, completed logs and the like.
3. Inform the Emergency Director and the Plant Operations Manger of your relocation plans. Advise them that you will notify them of when you have relocated and are a functioning facility. If relocation will be at two or more sites, direct an individual at each of those sites to advise you when their relocation is complete.

When you are advised, notify both the Emergency Director and the Plant Operations Manager of the completed relocation.

4. Determine the speed at which the relocation of personnel should occur giving consideration to the following items:
a. Consider the impact of immediate relocation vs. mitigation activities in progress.
b. Current radiological or hazardous conditions within the TSC/OSC.
c. Radiological or hazardous conditions at the proposed TSC/OSC.
d. Radiological or hazardous conditions en route.
e. The adequacy of response from the alternate location.

IPEC NoN-QuALITY IP-EP-220 Revision 8

-Enter. EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 14 Of 49 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Plant Manager Checklist Sheet 9 of 10 C. Determine proper path to take to new locations.

D. Direct personnel to relocate.

E. Notify Security to instruct incoming personnel to report to the designated alternate TSC/OSC.

F. After arriving at the new TSC/OSC location(s), re-establish this new location as the TSC/OSC.

1. Set up the appropriate equipment such as electronic displays, plant data displays and telephones.
2. Notify the Emergency Director and Plant Operations Manager when established and ready to commence functioning as the TSC/OSC.
3. Obtain an updated briefing on the current status of the emergency; plant conditions and any actions that are in progress or that may have been completed.
4. Continue functioning as the EPM.

G. Direct personnel to relocate TSC/OSC personnel.

3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 3.1 Preparations for Recovery Phase:

A. Start preparations as soon as conditions and resources allow.

This should occur several hours before actual termination of an event.

B. Review IP-EP-610, Emergency Termination and Recovery for guidance on termination of the emergency and entry into Recovery.


= EnIeq. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 15 of 49 Attachment 9.1 Emergency Plant Manager Checklist Sheet 10 of 10 3.2 Direct Onsite personnel to return all equipment to proper storage locations.

3.3 Review all documentation:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete.

B. Direct the OSC Manager to ensure that all repairs performed by OSC Teams that deviate from normal station procedures are properly documented in WebEOC so that necessary actions can be taken for continuous plant operations or long-term restoration. If WebEOC is unavailable, use another method such as PCRS or traditional hard-copy.

C. Direct the TSC Manager to ensure that all deviations from Technical Specifications, Quality Assurance Documents and other procedures are properly documented in WebEOC so that these items are evaluated during the Recovery Phase. If WebEOC is unavailable, use another method such as PCRS or traditional hard-copy.

3.4 Provide all logs and records to the Recovery Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry Into the Recovery Phase.


?~ntry.EERENYPLNPROCEDURES PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 16 of 49 Attachment 9.2 TSC Manager Checklist Sheet 1 of 6 NOTE: The expectation for all ERO positions is to use WebEOC for loqkeepina purposes. Reference to traditional paper forms remains in this checklist for the situation in which WebEOC is unavailable, such as a power or computer failure.

1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity 1.1 Activation of the TSC and assuming the position of TSC Manager.

A. Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

B. Sign in at the facility.

C. Synchronize your time with the TSC/OSC clock located above the PICS computer displays. Verify with the EOF and/or CR that the time displayed in the TSC/OSC is the same as it is there.

D. Review the facility electronic displays, plant data and any other available information to become familiar with current plant conditions.- ---.... ..

E. IF the TSC has not been previously operational THEN perform the following:

1. Obtain a briefing from the Emergency Plant Manager (EPM) to identify the following: (Do not delay TSC becoming operational for this briefing)

(a) Plant conditions using an Essential Information Checklist (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-9).

(b) Actions that have been taken.

(c) Engineering requirements for actions to be initiated.

2. Verify you have the following minimum ERO prior to declaring the TSC staffed:

(a) TSC Manager (b) TSC Communicator (c) Based on your judgement, adequate Engineering Staff to provide some support to Control Room Personnel for the current events.

F. IF additional personnel are required THEN:

1. IF it is during normal working hours THEN call or assign someone to call the Assembly Areas for needed personnel
  • -Enterg, iPECIPEC EMERGENCY NoN-QuALIrY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 17 Of 49 Attachment 9.2 TSC Manager Checklist Sheet 2 of 6 Initial Responsibility/Activity (cont)
2. IF needed individuals are not available onsite THEN assign someone to call individuals at home using the Emergency Telephone Directory.

G. Verify the following systems are operational (normally started by TSC IT Support, however can be performed by available personnel. If not working send individual to Control Room, record information on Forms 31 A,B,C or 42 A,B,C. Fax to EOF and NRC):

1. Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) should be set up to transfer plant data to the NRC for both Unit 2 and Unit 3 data. (1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> required activation)
2. MRP-DAS should be started to display plant data for which ever unit is affected. If both Units are affected utilize multiple computers to display both plants' data.

H. Announce to the TSC Staff that the TSC is operational and .......

you are the TSC Manager.

1.2 Report readiness status to the EPM and CR when prepared to assume the TSC Manager position and declare the TSC operational.


The list on "Normal TSC Staffing (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-46) is the basic staffing level, however the TSC Manager should call in as many resources as needed to support the event in progress.

A. IF TSC staffing is less than that shown on "Normal TSC Staffing (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-46) THEN call for additional personnel.

B. IF relieving another TSC Manager THEN perform a formal turnover:

1. Review Position Log.
2. Obtain a briefing from current TSC Manager on the emergency, plant conditions and any actions that have been completed or are in progress.

C. Relieve current TSC Manager D. Inform the EPM, POM, OSC Manager and the TSC staff that you are now the TSC Manager.

E. Log the time you assumed duties of TSC Manager

,EnteW IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QUAUlTY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-220 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 18 Of 4!9 Attachment 9.2 TSC Manager Checklist Sheet 3 of 6 Initial ResponsibilitvlActivitv (cont) 2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.1 Inform the Technical Assessment Coordinator (TAC) when temporarily leaving the work area.

A. IF you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN

1. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (for accountability purposes)
2. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you return.

B. Upon return, obtain a briefing from the TAC on any events that have occurred while away.

2.2 Use WebEOC or If unavailable, ERO Log Sheet(s) (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-10) to maintain a log.

A. Log the time when you assumed the duties of TSC Manager.

B. Log significant communications to individuals outside the TSC/OSC complex and all communications to individuals offsite C. Log major decisions, actions and any important details 2.3 Manage the activities of the TSC Staff:

A. Analyze plant information to provide support to plant operations personnel in returning the plant to a safe condition.

B. Develop action plans and procedures to repair and/or mitigate consequences.

C. Provide a central organization and facility for the accumulation and transmittal of plant information to the EOF and NRC

  • / IPEC NON-QUAUTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 SEn~e . EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 19 Of 49 Attachment 9.2 TSC Manager Checklist Sheet 4 of 6 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont)

D. When applicable, direct the appropriate individuals to implement and perform monitoring and evaluations as directed in the Indian Point Severe Accident Management Guidelines.

E. IF requested by the NRC to provide an open communications line for plant data, THEN direct an individual having sufficient knowledge staff the phone. This person may locate in any facility with ENS phone access. If necessary, request the OSC Accountability Coordinator to obtain additional personal to support this activity.

F. Anticipate TSC support requirements from ERO.

G. Procure drawings and information needed to solve plant problems. .......

2.4 Maintain TSC Staffing A. Prepare second shift scheduling (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-43)

B. With OSC Accountability Coordinator assistance, ensure second shift personnel are available and do not have other ERO assignments.

C. Upon direction from the EPM, reduce staffing per shift schedule D. Continually assess the need for additional personnel, especially during off hours.

2.5 Direct EOP questions to the Operations Advisor.

I* Eney. IPEC IMPLEMERGENCY PLAN NON-QUAUTY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-220 Revision 8 PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 20 Of 4_9 Attachment 9.2 TSC Manager Checklist Sheet 5 of 6 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (cont) 2.6 Monitor containment integrity status throughout the event:

A. Initiate a review to determine If any non-automatic containment isolation valves should be closed.

B. Repeat the above review approximately every 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for first 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of event and thereafter at the discretion of the EPM.

2.7 Assist the EPM in setting priorities for TSC activities.

A. In conjunction with EPM:

1. Designate priorities as High (H), Medium (M), or Low (L) as appropriate.

(a) High (H): The task is necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the public. High priority tasks are in response to plant conditions that are allowing the rapid deterioration of safety barriers, or barriers have already been broken such that a release is either occurring or is imminent.

(b) Medium (M): Any task that requires action by the TSC/OSC and should be worked on at the immediate time period, but does not fit the criteria of a health and safety of the public related item (for example, if a system has only one remaining component, repair of the backup components).

(c) Low (L): Any task, which can be worked on when resources permit (i.e. getting meals, preparations for recovery activities).

2. If multiple tasks exist within a single priority classification, confer with the appropriate managers and personnel to establish the preferred sequence.

B. Keep TSC Staff informed of priorities C. Direct that TSC assignments in WebEOC are updated to reflect priorities.

  • / IPEC NON-QUALTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 Enjer. EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 21 Of 49J Attachment 9.2 TSC Manager Checklist Sheet 6 of 6 Continuous Responsibillty/Activity (cont) 2.8 Participate in periodic briefings with EPM and OSC Manager on the following items:

A. Current plant conditions B. Emergency Classifications C. Activities underway to mitigate the emergency D. Current priorities E. Log and record keeping 2.9 Establish communications as needed with the Entergy Engineering Groups for engineering support functions. Use company phone directory and Emergency Telephone Directory (ETD) to locate phone numbers.

2.10 Core Damage Assessment A. Direct TSC Staff members to complete core damage-assessment, using guidance provided in IP-EP-360, Core Damage Assessment.

B. Provide summary of core status to other emergency facilities when core damage assessment is complete.

2.11 Notify Westinghouse and other vendors of emergency conditions, as required. (Phone numbers in ETD).

3.0 Closeout ResponsiblitylActivity 3.1 Direct TSC Staff to return all equipment to proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation the TSC Managers and TSC Staff maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete B. Ensure all temporary procedures used and/or developed are properly documented in WebEOC for use by Recovery Organization so that necessary actions can be taken for plant operations 3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Recovery Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

  • r IPEC NON-QUAUTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 22 Of 49 Attachment 9.3 Operations Advisor Checklist Sheet 1 of 3 NOTE: The expectation for all ERO positions is to use WebEOC for loakeepinaq Purposes. Reference to traditional paper forms remains in this checklist for the situation in which WebEOC is unavailable, such as a power or computer failure.

1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity 1.1 Assume the position of Operations Advisor.

A. Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

B. Sign in at the facility.

C. Synchronize your time with the TSC/OSC clock located above the PICS computer displays.

D. Review facility electronic displays, plant data and any other available information to become familiar with current plant conditions.

E. Report readiness status to the Technical Assessment Coordinator or TSC Manager when prepared to assume the Operations Advisor position.

F. IF relieving another Operations Advisor THEN Perform a formal turnover:

1. Review Position Log
2. Obtain a briefing from current Operations Advisor on the emergency, plant conditions and any actions that have been completed or are in progress.
3. Relieve the current Operations Advisor G. Inform TSC Manager and staff that you are now the Operations Advisor.

E IPEC NoN-QuALrTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 Ener EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 23 Of 49 Attachment 9.3 Operations Advisor Checklist Sheet 2 of 3 2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.1 Inform the Technical Assessment Coordinator when temporarily leaving the work area.

A. IF you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN:

1. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (for accountability purposes)
2. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you return.

B. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events, which have occurred while away.

2.2 Use WebEOC or if unavailable, ERO Log Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-1 0) to maintain a log of significant items pertaining to your position.

2.3 Monitor plant data communications between CR and other Emergency Response Facilities 2.4 Monitor fission product barrier and plant status A. Provide recommendations to TSC Manager and EPM for emergency classification changes based on EALs.

B. Assist the Reactor Engineer in maintaining the Fission Product Barrier Status. As applicable, refer to the guidance Intact, Challenged and Lost as provided on the EAL charts.

C. Assist in clarifying Plant Parameter Information to EPM, TSC Manager and other members of the Technical Assessment Team.

  • IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QuAUTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 24 Of 49 Attachment 9.3 Operations Advisor Checklist Sheet 3 of 3 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont) 2.5 Work with other members of the Technical Assessment Team to provide support to the CR to mitigate the effects of the event and return the plant to a safe condition.

A. Provide recommendations on plant operations.

B. Assist in developing emergency procedures if needed.

C. Provide technical support to OSC teams as needed.

D. Look ahead for possible plant problems and solutions.

3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 3.1 Assist TSC personnel In returning all equipment to proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation the Operations Advisor(s) maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete B. Ensure all emergency procedures performed that deviate from normal station procedures are properly documented so that necessary actions can be taken for continuous plant operations or long-term recovery activities.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Technical Assessment Coordinator upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

  • IPEC NON-QUALuTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 Entey EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE REAEPOCDE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 25 Of 49 Attachment 9.5 Reactor Engineer Checklist Sheet 1 of 3 NOTE: The expectation for all ERO positions Is to use WebEOC for loakeepina purposes. Reference to traditional paper forms remains in this checklist for the situation in which WebEOC Is unavailable, such as a power or computer failure.

1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity 1.1 Assume the position of Reactor Engineer.

A. Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

B. Sign in at the facility.

C. Synchronize your time with the TSC/OSC clock located above the PICS computer displays.

D. Review facility electronic displays, plant data and any other available information to become familiar with current plant conditions.

E. Discuss Fission Product Barrier status with the Operations Advisor and update displays as required.

F. Report readiness status to the Technical Assessment Coordinator or TSC Manager when prepared to assume the Reactor Engineer position.

G. IF relieving another Reactor Engineer THEN perform a formal turnover:

1. Review Position Log.
2. Obtain a briefing from current Reactor Engineer on the emergency, plant conditions, fission product barrier status and any actions that have been completed or are in progress.
3. Relieve the current Reactor Engineer.

H. Inform TSC Manager and staff that you are now the Reactor Engineer.

1. If not already available, access plant status forms by starting desktop PC's as follows:
1. Log in using your user name and password.


ýhEnjer. EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 26 Of 49 Attachment 9.5 Reactor Engineer Checklist Sheet 2 of 3

2. Click on Internet Explorer; go to IPEC, under "applications" and click on MRPDAS.
3. Ensure Guest User is entered as user name and no password is entered, then hit logon.
4. From left Treeview, select desired forms (for U2 plant data, select 42's, for U3 plant data, select 31's) 2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity 2.1 Inform the Technical Assessment Coordinator when temporarily leaving the work area.

A. IF you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN B. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (for accountability purposes)

C. Upon return to the TSC/OSC complex:

1. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator you are back
2. Obtain a briefing on any events that have occurred while away 2.2 Use WebEOC or if unavailable, ERO Log Sheet(s) (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-10) to maintain a log of significant items pertaining to your position.

2.3 Monitor plant conditions for any indications of core damage.

A. Perform and update core damage assessment based on current information using guidance provided in procedure IP-EP-360, Core Damage Assessment.

B. Notify TSC Manager and/or Technical Assessment Coordinator immediately of any changes in core status.

  • IPEC NON-QUALrrY IP-EP-220 Revision 8
  • EntewIMPLEMENTING EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 27 Of 49 Attachment 9.5 Reactor Engineer Checklist Sheet 3 of 3 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (cont)

C. Keep the OSC RP and Chemistry Team Leaders informed on core status to assist in maintaining radiological controls for plant personnel.

D. Through the TSC Manager and/or the Rp Team Leader, ensure that the Offsite Radiological Manager (ORM) is kept informed of the latest estimate of the amount of core damage.

E. Work with the Operations Advisor to maintain Fission Product Barrier Status board.

2.4 Assist operations personnel in calculating and tracking core reactivity.

2.5 Assist in clarifying core parameter information to other members of the Technical Assessment Team.

2.6 Work with other members of the Technical Assessment Team to provide support to the CR to mitigate the effects of the event and return the plant to a safe condition.

A. Provide recommendations on plant operations.

B. Assist in developing emergency procedures if needed 3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation the Reactor Engineers maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete B. Ensure any core parameters, which were outside technical specifications during the event, are properly documented so that proper actions can be taken during the recovery phase.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Technical Assessment Coordinator upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

ME IPEC NON-CUAuTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 28 Of 49 Attachment 9.6 Technical Assessment Coordinator Checklist Sheet 1 of 5 NOTE: The expectation for all ERO positions is to use WebEOC for locikeeping purposes. Reference to traditional paper forms remains in this checklist for the situation In which WebEOC is unavailable, such as a power or computer failure.

1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity 1.1 Assume the position of Technical Assessment Coordinator (TAC).

A. Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

B. Sign in at the facility.

C. Synchronize your time with the TSC/OSC clock located above the PICS computer displays.

D. Review facility electronic displays, plant data and any other available information to become familiar with current plant conditions.

E. Evaluate the adequacy of the Technical Assessment Team staffing and ability to support CR in technical assessment activities. The normal Technical Assessment Team includes:

1. Operations Advisor
2. OSC Radiological Protection or Chemistry Team Leader
3. Reactor Engineer
4. Electrical / I&C Engineer
5. Mechanical Engineer G. Report readiness status to the TSC Manager when prepared to assume the Technical Assessment Coordinator position.

H. IF relieving another Technical Assessment Coordinator THEN perform a formal relief:

1. Review Position Log.
2. Obtain a briefing from current Technical Assessment Coordinator on the emergency, plant conditions and any tasks that have been completed or are in progress.
3. Relieve current Technical Assessment Coordinator.
4. Inform TSC Manager and staff that you are now the Technical Assessment Coordinator.
  • *s IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-OUAUTY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-220 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 29 Of 49 Attachment 9.6 Technical Assessment Coordinator Checklist Sheet 2 of 5 2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.1 Inform a staff member when temporarily leaving the work area.

A. IF you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN:

1. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (for accountability purposes)
2. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you return.

B. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events, which have occurred while away.

2.2 Use WebEOC or If unavailable, ERO Log Sheet (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-10) to maintain a log of significant Items.

A. Time you assume position of Technical Assessment Coordinator B. Technical Assessment Team activities undertaken with information pending actions to ensure the plant is returned to a safe condition.

C. Communications external to the TSC 2.3 Coordinate with the TSC Manager to call in additional engineering assistance as needed:

A. All Entergy engineering resources should be utilized as required. Individuals may be tasked with activities to be completed at the offsite engineering offices, be called to report to the TSC or directed to other facilities as needed.

B. Non-Entergy engineering support such as Westinghouse, Equipment Vendors and/or NRC Engineers. (some support organization phone numbers are located in the Emergency Telephone Directory)

  • A Enlew.,* IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-OUALnY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-220 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 30 Of 49 Attachment 9.6 Technical Assessment Coordinator Checklist Sheet 3 of 5 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (cont.)

2.4 Assist the TSC Manager in planning and performing engineering assessment of the plant conditions and/or actions to be taken to mitigate plant damage.

A. Assist the EPM and TSC Manager in establishing onsite priorities in response to the emergency.

1. Designate priorities as High (H), Medium (M), or Low (L) as appropriate.

(a) High (H): The task is necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the public. High priority tasks are in response to plant conditions that are allowing the rapid deterioration of safety barriers, or barriers have already been broken such that a release is either occurring or is imminent.

(b) Medium (M): Any task that requires action by the TSC/OSC and should be worked on at the immediate time period, but does not fit the criteria of a health and safety of the public related item (for example, if a system has only one remaining component, repair of the backup components).

(c) Low (L): Any task, which can be worked on when resources permit (i.e. getting meals, preparations for recovery activities).

2. If multiple tasks exist within a single priority classification, confer with the appropriate managers and personnel to establish the preferred sequence.

2.5 Direct the activities of the Technical Assessment Team in the following areas:

A. Direct the technical support and engineering activities in accordance with the priorities established by the EPM and the TSC Manager.

B. Use available computer systems along with communications with the CR to monitor and assess vital plant parameters and conditions C. Direct the Assessment Team to monitor, trend and assess plant parameters and status to:

  • ==-EjeWEMERGENCY U'r°IPEC PLAN NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-220 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 31 Of 49 Attachment 9.6 Technical Assessment Coordinator Checklist Sheet 4 of 5 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity (cont.1 Determine the condition of safety related systems and the fission product barriers.
1. Verify that the status of equipment out-of-service is maintained.
2. Provide recommendations for emergency classification changes based on review of the EALs.
3. Provide recommendations for mitigating activities.
4. Forecast expected changes in the level of plant and system safety.
5. Determine the extent of core damage.

D. When applicable, perform monitoring, assessment and evaluation in accordance with the Indian Point Severe Accident Management Guidelines.

E. Direct personnel to develop or modify procedures to perform response activities as necessary. (Such as emergency repairs or emergency system lineups).

F. Confirm that any sample requests for chemistry sampling contain specific details on the type of results information that is necessary (such as system boron concentration, activity, etc.).

G. Focus TSC Engineering efforts on short term (< 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />) support activities. IF longer-term engineering activities are to be undertaken, THEN a separate team should be established at offsite engineering locations.

H. Provide engineering support for OSC activities as requested.


  • Enter . EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 32 Of 49 Attachment 9.6 Technical Assessment Coordinator Checklist Sheet 5 of 5 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivitv (cont.)

2.6 Provide information to the NRC Operations Center as requested.

A. Use (IP-EP-1 15 NRC Form 361) to organize information for NRC.

B. Use the Emergency Notification System (ENS) phone to transmit information; phone numbers are on sticker on telephone.

3.0 Closeout Responsibility/Actlvity 3.1 Direct Technical Assessment Team Staff to return all equipment to proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation the Technical Assessment Team maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete B. Ensure all temporary procedures used and/or developed are properly documented for use by the Recovery Organization so that necessary actions can be taken for continuous plant operations or long-term restoration.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

  • ,e =nley EMERGENCY IPEC PLAN No4-OuALITY LATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-220 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 33 Of 4j Attachment 9.7 Mechanical and Electrical I I&C Engineer Checklist Sheet 1 of 3 NOTE: The expectation for all ERO positions is to use WebEOC for loakeepinaq purposes. Reference to traditional paoer forms remains in this checklist for the situation in which WebEOC is unavailable, such as a power or computer failure.

1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity 1.1 Assume the position of Mechanical or Electrical / I&C Engineer.

A. Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

B. Sign in at the facility.

C. Synchronize your time with the TSC/OSC clock located above the PICS computer displays.

D. Review facility electronic displays, plant data and any other available information to become-familiar with current plant conditions.

1. If not already available, access plant status forms by starting desktop PC's as follows:
a. Log in using your user name and password.
b. Click on Internet Explorer; go to IPEC, under "applications" click on MRPDAS.
c. Ensure Guest User is entered as user name and no password is entered, then hit logon.
d. From left Treeview, select desired forms (for U2 plant data, select 42's, for U3 plant data, select 31's)

E. IF relieving another Engineer THEN perform a formal turnover:

1. Review Position Log.
2. Obtain a briefing from current Mechanical / Electrical / I&C Engineer on the emergency, plant conditions and any actions that have been completed or are in progress.
3. Relieve the current Mechanical or Electrical / I&C Engineer
  • IPEC NON-QUALITY IP-EP-220 Revision 8

-Eegy EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 34 Of 49 Attachment 9.7 Mechanical and Electrical I I&C Engineer Checklist Sheet 2 of 3 2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity 2.1 Inform the Technical Assessment Coordinator when temporarily leaving the work area (such as to the restroom).

2.2 IF you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex), THEN:

A. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (for accountability purposes).

B. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you return.

C. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events that have occurred while away.

2.3 Use WebEOC or if unavailable, ERO Log Sheet (iP-EP-1 15 Form EP-

10) to maintain a log of significant Items pertaining to your position.

2.4 Assist In clarifying Mechanical or Electrical I I&C Information to other members of the Technical Assessment Team.

2.5 Work with other members of the Technical Assessment Team to provide support to the CR to mitigate the effects of the event and return the plant to a safe condition.

A. Provide recommendations on equipment operations.

B. Develop emergency procedures if needed.

C. Identify emergency repairs that can be undertaken to restore and maintain equipment operability and plant safety.

IPEC NoN-QuALry IP-EP-220 Revision 8

  • Enler. EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 35 Of 49 Attachment 9.7 Mechanical and Electrical I I&C Engineer Checklist Sheet 3 of 3 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.6 Assist the OSC Maintenance and I&C Team Leaders in preparing to send repair teams Into the plant.

A. Provide information on parts needed.

B. Provide information on tools required.

C. Prepare emergent maintenance procedures for OSC Repair Teams.

D. Participate in team briefing if required.

3.0 Closeout ResponsibilitylActivity 3.1 Assist TSC personnel In returning all equipment to proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation the Mechanical or Electrical I&C Engineers maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete B. Ensure any equipment repairs which were performed outside normal requirements during the event are properly documented so that proper actions can be taken during the recovery phase.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the Technical Assessment Coordinator upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

r* ~En~e .

IPEC EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTING PLAN NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-220 Revision 8 I PROCEDURES [ REFERENCE USE Page 36 of 49 Attachment 9.8 TSC IT Support Checklist Sheet 1 of 5 NOTE: The expectation for all ERO positions is to use WebEOC for loakeepingq purposes. Reference to traditional paper forms remains in this checklist for the situation in which WebEOC Is unavailable, such as a power or computer failure.

1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity 1.1 Assume the position of TSC IT Support A. Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

B. Sign in at the facility.

C. Synchronize your time with the TSC/OSC clock located above the PICS computer displays.

D. Synchronize your time with the TSC/OSC clock.

NOTE: There is an activation time requirement of 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> for ERDS. Notify NRC when ERDS is activated.

E. If Unit 2 is the affected unit, THEN:

1. Verify that the TSC PICS Terminals are operational (PCs and monitors are ON) to display plant data (turn on and adjust brightness).

Note: The logon = sds Password = sds

2. IF THIS IS A DRILL: If necessary, open the ICONs labeled "PICS SIM LEFT", "PICS SIM MID" or "PICS SIM RIGHT".
a. Verify that PICS SIM is open - a yellow bar and the words "IPEC U2 SIM" will appear at the bottom of the screen. If not, close PICS and reopen the appropriate icons.
b. From the PICS main menu select the "SYSTEM MENU" button.
c. At the SYSTEM MENU select "ERDS" button.
d. At the ERDS screen, select the "Activate" button. This will simulate activating ERDS. NOTE: Notifications will NOT be sent (no Modem installed).

IPEC NON-QUAUTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8

3. IF THIS IS A REAL EVENT: If necessary, open the ICONs labeled "PICS PRIM LEFT", "PICS PRIM MID" or "PICS PRIM RIGHT".
a. Verify that PICS PRIM is open - a green bar and the words "IPEC U2" will appear at the bottom of the screen. If not, close PICS and reopen the appropriate icons.
b. From the PICS main menu select the "SYSTEM MENU" button.
c. At the SYSTEM MENU select "ERDS" button.
d. When authorized at the ERDS screen, select the "activate" button.
e. Verify that ERDS is connected and transmitting data every 15 seconds.
f. Contact an IT specialist if ERDS is not functional.

F. IF THIS IS A REAL EVENT AND Unit 3 is the affected unit, THEN activate-ERDS as follows:

1. From Unit 3 PICS Home Page, type "ERDS" and click "enter'
2. Click "activate" button NOTE: ERDS is not functional in the Simulator for a Drill.
  • IPEC NoN-QuAUTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 SEnlrgy EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 38 Of 49 Attachment 9.8 TSC IT Support Checklist Sheet 3 of 5 G. IF ERDS is unavailable notify TSC Manager. Obtain 31 A, B, C and 42 A, B, C from Control Rooms. Fax to NRC at fax # provided by NRC at requested intervals.

H. Assist Admin Support in setting up the TSC/OSC electronic displays.

I. IF relieving another IT Support THEN perform a formal turnover:

1. Obtain a briefing on the emergency, plant conditions and any actions that have been completed or are in progress.
2. Relieve current TSC IT Support.

I. Log time of ERDS activation.

J. Inform TSC Manager and staff that you are now the TSC IT Support 1.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity 1.2 Inform the TSC Manager when temporarily leaving the work area.

  • e IPEC NoN-QuALITY IP-EP-220 Revision 8

-OEnWW. EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING RELATED PROCEDURE PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 39 Of 49 Attachment 9.8 TSC IT Support Checklist Sheet 4 of 5 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont)

A. IF you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex THEN

1. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator/Accountability Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return.
2. IF you left TSC/OSC Complex THEN inform the OSC Team Coordinator/Accountability Coordinator you have returned.

B. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events from the TSC Manager, which have occurred while away.

1.3 Assist the Technical Assessment Team in obtaining plant data from the various TSC Computer systems 1.4 Coordinate TSC Communicators, Document Controller and Admin Support to assist TSC operations.

1.5 Ensure computer displays continue to operate properly.

A. IF the MRP-DAS displays are NOT functioning THEN perform the following:

1. IF Unit 2 obtain 42A, 42B and 42C data printout from PICS a) IF PICS is NOT operating THEN obtain information from the CCR (IP-EP- 115 EP Forms 53, 54 and 55) b) Have Admin Support transcribe form data to TSC Electronic displays AND fax form information to the EOF
2. IF Unit 3 obtain 31A, 31B and 31C data from the CCR (IP-EP-115 EP Forms 57, 58 and 59).

a) Have Admin Support transcribe form data to TSC Electronic displays AND fax form information to the EOF.

2.0 Closeout Responsibility/Activity 3.1 Assist TSC support personnel to return all equipment to pre-emergency conditions:

A. Erase TSC Electronic displays B. Return plant drawings, procedures and other items obtained from the Document Control area.

C. Log off the PCs D. Turn off or dim computer display systems.

4 IPEC NON-QUAUTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8

-Enlergy, EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 40 Of 49 Attachment 9.8 TSC IT Support Checklist Sheet 5 of 5 Closeout Responsibility/Activity (cont)

IF Unit 2:

E. Deactivate ERDS data link by:

1. From the PICS main menu select"SYSTEM MENU"
2. At the SYSTEM MENU select "ERDS."
3. At the ERDS screen, select "TERMINATE".
4. Verify that ERDS is disconnected and not transmitting data.
5. Leaving the PICS PCs ON - Turn off the PICS Monitors.

IF Unit 3:

F. Deactivate ERDS data link by:

1. From Unit 3 PICS Home Page, type "ERDS and click "enter"
2. Click "terminate" button 3.2 Provide all logs and records to the Technical Assessment Coordinator upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

I **

  • IPEC NoN-QuALrry IP-EP-220 Revision 8

=ýEnjer. EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 41 Of 49 Attachment 9.9 TSC Communicator Checklist Sheet 1 of 3 NOTE: The expectation for all ERO positions is to use WebEOC for loa-keeping purposes. Reference to traditional paper forms remains in this checklist for the situation in which WebEOC Is unavailable, such as a power or computer failure.

1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity 1.1 Assume the position of TSC Communicator A. Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

B. Sign in at the facility.

C. Synchronize your time with the TSC/OSC clock located above the PICS computer displays.

D. Review facility electronic displays, plantdata and any other available information to become familiar with current plant conditions.

.E. Verify that at least one of the two Public Address Systems ( Red or Green) in TSC/OSC is turned on and ready for use. Refer to Attachment 9.13 for a description and operation.

F. IF an open phone line has not been established with the other facilities on the Communicator's Hotline THEN establish open line:

1. Remove handset from cradle
2. Press appropriate call # to ring other locations
3. Listen to ensure other parties pick up
4. Inform all parties you are establishing open line from the TSC/OSC and are now monitoring line.
5. Stay on line at all times or inform other parties when you will be off line.

F. IF relieving another TSC Communicator THEN perform a formal turnover:

1. Review TSC Communicator Log.
2. Obtain a briefing from current TSC Communicator on the emergency, plant conditions.
3. Relieve the current TSC Communicator

Entey, IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QUALITY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 42 Of 49 Attachment 9.9 TSC Communicator Checklist Sheet 2 of 3 G. Inform TSC Manager and staff that you are now the TSC Communicator 2.0 Continuous Responsibility/Activity 2.1 Inform the TSC Manager when temporarily leaving the work area (such as to the restroom).

A. Request the TSC Operation Advisor monitor the open phone line to the CR and EOF while you are away.

B. IF you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN:

1. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (for accountability purposes)
2. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator and/or Accountability Coordinator when you return.
3. Upon return, obtain a briefing on any events, which have occurred while away.

2.2 Use WebEOC or if unavailable, ERO Log Sheet(s) (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-10) to maintain a log A. Log the time when you assumed the duties of TSC Communicator.

B. Log significant communications pertaining to plant operations and all communications to individuals offsite C. Remain on the direct line to transmit / receive data to /

from the TSC and OSC Managers as applicable regarding action being taken in all Emergency Response Facilities (ERF).

D. Advise Direct-Line Communicators in the other ERFs of the actions being taken in the TSC/OSC:

1. Report TSC/OSC activities
2. Question others regarding activities and actions at their facilities.
3. Ask for feedback from OSC on engineering decisions.

2.3 Maintain communications as necessary with the Entergy engineers.

  • IPEC NON-OUALrTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 ztvEnjeW. EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 43 Of 49 Attachment 9.9 TSC Communicator Checklist Sheet 3 of 3 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont) 2.4 Monitor communications from the CCR and EOF. (IP-EP-115 Form EP-56)

A. Log pertinent information/questions received from other facilities on IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-56.

B. Keep aware of CCR personnel actions and procedures being implemented, notified TSC Engineers if appropriate.

2.5 Work with other members of the TSC Staff to provide support to the CCR to mitigate the effects of the event and return the plant to a safe condition.

2.6 When requested by TSC Manager, notify Westinghouse and other vendors of emergency conditions. Phone numbers can be found in Emergency Telephone Directory. ..

2.7 Provide information to the NRC Operations Center as requested.

3.0 Closeout ResponsibilityLActivity 3.1 Assist TSC personnel in returning all equipment to proper storage locations.

3.2 Review all documentation the TSC Communicators maintained during the emergency.

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete B. Ensure any equipment and procedure problems noted during the event are properly documented so that proper actions can be taken to correct them.

3.3 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

  • ,
  • IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN NON-QUALUTY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-220 Revision 8 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 44 Of 49 Attachment 9.10 TSC Administrative Support Checklist Sheet 1 of 2 NOTE: The expectation for all ERO positions is to use WebEOC for toqkeeping purposes. Reference to traditional paper forms remains in this checklist for the situation in which WebEOC is unavailable, such as a Power or computer failure.

Initial ResponsibilitylActivity 1.1 Assume the position of TSC Administrative Support A. Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

B. Sign in at the facility.

C. Synchronize your time with the TSC/OSC clock located above the PICS computer displays.

D. IF the TSC has not been previously activated THEN perform the following:

1. IF directed by the TSC Manager, THEN update the TSC/OSC Electronic displays.
2. Ensure the TSC Telephones, fax machines and photo-copiers are operable.

E. IF relieving another TSC Admin Assistant THEN perform a formal relief:

1. Review Admin Assistant's ERO Log Sheets (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-10)
2. Obtain a briefing on facility status
3. Relieve current Admin Assistant.

F. Inform TSC Manager and staff that you are now TSC Admin Support.

2.0 Continuous ResponsibilitylActivity 2.1 Assist the TSC Manager in scheduling second shift A. Obtain shift turnover time from TSC Manager B. Contact second shift to verify their availability and inform them of turnover time.

i IPEC NoN-QUAuTY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 wEnjeWr EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 45 Of 49 Attachment 9.10 TSC Admin Assistant Checklist Sheet 2 of 2 Continuous Responsibility/Actlvlty (cont) 2.2 Use WebEOC or If unavailable, ERO Log Sheet(s) (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-10) to maintain a log.

2.3 IF directed by the TSC Manager THEN maintain a log for the TSC Log.

2.4 Receive status updates from the TSC Manager and if directed post updates on the appropriate electronic displays.

3.0 Closeout ResponsibilitylActivitv 3.1 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry Into the Recovery Phase.

4 *EnteW.

    • ,IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE j IP-EP-220 Page Revision 8 48 Of 49 Attachment 9.11 TSC SAMG Evaluator Checklist Sheet 1 of 2 NOTE: The expectation for all ERO positions Is to use WebEOC for loakeepina Purposes. Reference to traditional paper forms remains in this checklist for the situation In which WebEOC is unavailable, such as a power or computer failure.

1.0 Initial Responsibility/Activity 1.1 Assume the position of TSC SAMG Evaluator.

A. Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

B. Sign in at the facility.

C. Synchronize your time with the TSC/OSC clock located above the PICS computer displays.

D. IF the TSC has not been previously activated THEN perform the following:

1. IF directed by the TSC Manager, THEN work with Admin Support to update the TSC/OSC Electronic Displays.

E. IF relieving another TSC SAMG Evaluator THEN perform a formal relief:

1. Review SAMG Evaluator ERO Log Sheets (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-10)
2. Obtain a briefing on facility status
3. Relieve current SAMG Evaluator.

F. Inform TSC Manager and staff that you are now the TSC SAMG Evaluator.

2.0 Continuous Responsibillty/Actlvlty 2.1 Maintain a log using WebEOC or if unavailable, an ERO Log Sheet (IP-EP-115 Form EP-10)

A. Log when you assumed the duties of SAMG Evaluator

IPEC NON-QUALITY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 Enler. EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 47 Of 49 Attachment 9.11 TSC SAMG Evaluator Checklist Sheet 2 of 2 Continuous Responsibility/Activity (cont)

B. Log significant communications to individuals outside the TSC/OSC complex and all communications to individuals offsite.

C. Log major decisions and any important details used to make decisions.

2.2 Assist the EPM in Implementation of Severe Accident Management Guidelines.

A. When the Control Room transitions from the EOPs to SACRG-1, inform the EPM when you are ready to take over Severe Accident Management control.

B. INFORM EPM which SAM guidance should be implemented C. IF guidance involved a release to the environment ENSURE ED discussed with Offsite Radiological Manager (ORM) and the State/Counties prior to implementation.

2.3 Receive status updates from the TSC Manager and/or EPM and If directed post updates on the appropriate electronic displays.

3.0 Closeout Responsibilitv/Activity 3.1 Provide all logs and records to the TSC Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.



SIPEC NON-QUALITY IP-EP-220 Revision 8 Enter. EMERGENCY PLAN RELATED PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 49 Of 49 Attachment 9.13 TSC/OSC Public Address System Description and Operation 1.0 General There are three Public Address Systems (PA) in the TSC/OSC and they have been color coded for easy identification of microphones and speakers.

2.0 Systems/Operation 2.1 Blue System comprises the plant page system. This page system is only from U2.

The Speakers are located in the Halls, the OSC Bull Pen , the R&CA Briefing room, the NRC Conference Room, and the old U2 Records room. Volume controls are typically walls near speakers. Activation is via the normal plant page access.

2.2 Red System is the permanently installed TSC/OSC page system. The speakers are located in the ceilings similar to the Plant Page system. Speakers are in the Halls, the OSC Bull Pen, the R&CA Briefing room, the TSC/OSC Command room, the NRC Conference room and the old U2 Records room. The speakers are marked with red tape. Each speaker has its own on/off switch and volume control knob.

The amplifier and two microphones are on/in the counter separating the TSC and OSC each marked with RED tape. The microphones are wireless and battery powered and simply require that they be turned on to activate the system. Volume control is via the local speaker or the amplifier on the counter separating the TSC and OSC.

2.3 Green System consists of wireless portable speakers distributed around the facility.

Each speaker must be turned on by a switch on the back and the volume adjusted locally by a switch on the front. The volume should be turned up to full volume and adjusted down as needed. Speakers are located in the OSC Bull Pen, the TSC/OSC Command room, the NRC Conference room, the Whole Body Count room and the old U2 Records room. There are two microphones on/in the TSC/OSC Counter each marked with GREEN tape. The microphones are wireless and battery powered and simply require that they be turned on to activate the system. Additional batteries are available in the supply boxes. Note that this system does not cover the Hallways.