NL-15-154, Submittal of Emergency Plan Document Change,
ML15356A203 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Indian Point |
Issue date: | 12/15/2015 |
From: | Robert Walpole Entergy Nuclear Northeast |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
NL-15-154 | |
Download: ML15356A203 (135) | |
Enterqy Nuclear Northeast Indian Point Energy Center 450 Broadway, GSB
'~ Entei~gy P.O. Box 249 Buchanan, NY 10511-024 Tel 914 254 6710 Robert Walpole Manager Regulatory Assurance NL-1 5-1 54 December 15, 2015 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk 11555 Rockville Pike, OWFN-2 F1 Rockville, MD 20852-2738
Submittal of Emergency Plan Document Change Indian Point Unit Numbers 1, 2 and 3 Docket Nos.50-003, 50-247 and 50-286 License Nos. DPR-5, DPR-26 and 64
Dear Sir / Madam:
The purpose of this letter is to distribute, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4(b)(5)(iii), a Copy of the Emergency Plan document change "Indian Point Energy Center On-Shift Staffing Analysis" Revision I as required by 10 CFR50.54(q)(5) and 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Section V.
The On-shift Staffing Analysis revision does not result in a change to Table B-I of the Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) Emergency Plan, does not result in a reduction or increase to the required minimum on-shift staffing, nor lessen any requirements to support emergency response functions or tasks. The revised on-shift staffing analysis does not affect compliance with 10 CFR 50.47. The revision has been evaluated in accordance with 10 CER 50.54(q) and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.
The evaluation and the "Indian Point Energy Center On-Shift Staffing Analysis" Revision I are provided in the enclosure. This letter and the enclosed evaluation constitute the summary of analysis required to be submitted by 10 CFR 50.54(q)(5).
NL-15-154 Docket Nos.50-003, 50-247 and 50-286 Page 2 of 2 This letter contains no new regulatory commitments. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact me.
Sincerely, RW/sp
"Indian Point Energy Center On-Shift Staffing Analysis" Revision 1 and Evaluation cc: Mr. Douglas Pickett, Senior Project Manager, NRC NRR DORL Ms. Kimberly A Conway, Project Manager, NRC NRR DUWP Mr. Daniel H. Dorman, Regional Administrator, NRC Region 1 NRC Resident Inspector Mr. John B. Rhodes, President and CEO, NYSERDA Ms. Bridget Frymire, New York State Dept. of Public Service
Sheet 'I of 3 ___________________
-Procedureliocument Number:...C.On-S.i..Revision..
Staffing Analysis Equipment)Facility/Other: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA)
Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed Revision 1 to IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis:
o Refer to Revision Matrix Part 11,Activity Previously Reviewed? I-YES ]N Is this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.,54(q)(3) Continue to Alert and Notification System Design Report?* Evaluation is next part
- NOT required, Enter If YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justification ensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below and proposed change is documented below:, complete Part Vi. _ _ _ _ _
O] Bounding document attached (optional)
Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control Processes Check if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-i100)
NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes to other documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)
[] Ifthere are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.
Li One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portion of Ihe activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.
fl One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)
Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.
I --.-. - -,
Part lV. Editorial Change LJYiiS l~1 NO Is this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph 5O54(q)(3) Continue to Itcxt pun numbering, spelling, or punctuation that does nol change intent? NOT n~qiIrcd.
Justification: The following changes are considered an editorial change without a change of intent, VI.
Changes 1, 2, 3, 4, 58. No further evaluation is required for this change; "No" is selected because the procedure contains some non-editorial changes that require further screening.
I ___________ L ____________
EN-EP-305 REV 3
Sheet 2 of 3
[Procedure/Docu ATTACHMENT 9.1 IOCFRS0.54(q) SCREENING Staffing AnalysisI EqiretFciiy~hr Number:
IndianIPECPointOn-Shift Energy Center (IPEC) Reii:I Trtie: IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA)
Part V, Emergency identified in brackets) Planning Does this Element/Function activity affect any ofScreen (Associated the following, 10 CFR including 50.47(b) program planning elements fromstandard NUREG-function 0654/FEMA REP-i Section I1?
- 1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. (1]....[
- 2. The response organiz'ation has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 []
staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]
3, The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] *
- 4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] . .... [
- 5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [31 ....
- 6. State and local staff can 'be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency pla'n. [31 El
- 7. A standard scheme of= emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] El
- 8. P~rocedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of E the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [51
- 9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt El instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]
- 10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-1 0 Guide for Evaluation of Alert and [
Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]
- 11. Systems are established for prompt communication among princi'pal emergency response El organizations. [6]"
- 12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6) [
- 13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [71
- 14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] [
"15,Adequat'e'facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] "*
- 16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [6] [
- 17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radlioactive releases are in use. [9] [
- 18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation d'uring" emergencies. [10] F]
- 19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are [
available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities. [10]
- 20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including [
those for hostile action events.t10]
- 21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers a're established. [11]
- 22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] [
- 23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [131 .... [
- 24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program [
areas) is established. [14]
EN-EP-305 REV 3
Sheet 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 ICCFR5O.54(q) SCREENING Pr-ocedurelDocument rtaffing Analysis Number: IPEC On-Shift !Revisio0n: I . . .. .....
Equipment/lFacllitylOther: indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
[Titl e: IPEC On,-Shif Staffing Analysis (OSSA)
- 25. Drills, exercises, and Iraining evolutions thiat provide performance opportunities to develop, [
maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify weaknesses. [14]
- 26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [t14J [
- 27. Training is provided to..emergency responders. [15S] .......
- 28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [161 "E1[
- 29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] _____
0 Ifno Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below and complete Part VI.
gi Ifany Part Vcriteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.64(q)(3) Evaluation.
Change 80 - Unit designators (U2 or U3) were added to NE! 10-05 Tables throughout OSSA to provide clarity for reference. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required.
Change 82 - The revision 1 of the OSSA deleted five overlapping tasks identified in the original analysis and replaced with "None" as the previously identified overlapping tasks had been addressed during the original analysis and no overlaps currently exist. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required.
Change 83 - Added additional references to support assessment findings. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required.
Emergency Planning Elements 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Part V of this form are potentially affected by the remaining changes described in the Revision Matrix. A I0CFR50.54 (q) evaluation will be performed to determine if the effectiveness of the IPEC Emergency Plan is reduced and prior NRC approval is required.
Part VI, Signatures:
Preparer Name (Print) Dae Anthony E. ,Am-brose /1... $
(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) Rve SnaueDate:
Reviewer Name (Print) ... "Re dewer Sig~a ~ .Date:
Nuclear EPProject Manager . ...
Approver Name (Print) Approver Signature *"Date:
Lori A. Glander4 EP Maageror deigne EN-EP-305 REV 3
--rocedurelDocu-- ment Number:lIPEC On-Shift l Revision: ... ............. .......
Staffing Analysis I EquipmentlFacl~itylOther: indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA)
Part 1.Description of Proposed Change: Tihe activity being reviewed is a revision to JPEC, On-Shift Staffng Analysis:
- Referto Revision Matrix Part II.Description and Review of Licensing Basis Affected by the Proposed Change:
Thie IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis has been reviewed through the Process Applicability Determination (PAD) in accordance with thle criteria described in N E! 96-07 and EN-L1-t00. This proposed change does not (I) change the facility or procedures as described in thle UFSAR or (2) creatc a test or equipment not described in the UFSAR and is governed under the Emergency Plan 10 CFR 50.54(q) screening process in accordance with EN-EP-305. These proposed changes do not involve structures, systems or components controlled by 10 CFR 50.59 or 72.48 and do not have thle potential to impact any of thle License Basis Documents (LBDs) on thle PAD form, except for the Emergency Plan. All responses to the questions contained in sections III and IV of the PAD form were determined to be "no impact". Since these proposed changes do not contain any requirements that could affect any LB3Ds other than thle Emergency Plan, it is determined to be fully governed under 10 CFR 50.54(q). All Sections of the IPEC Emergency Plan were thoroughly reviewecd and found that these changes wxill not require a change to the IPEC Emergcncy Plan Revision 15-02.
Part Ill. Describe How the Proposed Change Complies with Relevant Emergency Preparedness Regulation(s) and Previous Commitment(s) Made to the NRC:
Previous Commitments to the NRC - Per EN-LI-I110, the licensing management system used for tracking NRC commitments was searched and no results were found related to proposed changes to the IPEC ON-Shift Staffing Analysis.
IOCFR50.47(b)(1): Assignment of responsibility/Organizational Control Responsibility for emergency response is assigned
- The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (i.e., 24./7 support) itn accordance with the emergency plan.
Site Compliance: These changes associated wvith revision I do not result in a change to Table B3-1 of the IPEC Emergency Plan, do not result in a reduction or increase in the required mininlum on-shift staffing, nor lessen any requirements to support, emergency functions or tasks. Table 8-1 will continue to list the station minimum staff requiremnents and augmentation capabilities to respond to an emergency.
to CFR 50,47(b)(2)---Onsite Emergency Organization
- The process ensures that on -shift emergency response responsibilities are stafl*:d and assigned.
- The process for timely augmnentation of on-shift staff is established and maintained.
Site Compliance: These changes associated with revision 1 include a Time Motion Study (TMS) regarding the on-shift Shift Manager's capability to complete the task of notifying the Emergency Response Organization (ERe) to mobilize for an emergency. The TMS establishes the Shift Manager's ability to complete the ERe notification task and other emergency notifications in a timely manner while maintaining oversight of shift emergency actions.
EN-EP-305 REV 3
Sheet 2 of 5 ATTACHMENT 9.2 IOCFRS0,54(q) EVALUIATIOI rN SProcedurelDocument Number: IPEC On-Shift Revision: I Staffing AnalysisI EquipmentlFacilitylOther: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA) i Part IV. Description of Emergency Plan Planning Standards, Functions and Program Elements Affected by the Proposed Change:
10C FRS0.47(b) (1): Assignment of responsibility/Org&anizationaI Control Functions:
- Responsibility for emergency response is assigned The response organization has the stall to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (i.e., 24/7 support) in accordance with the emergency plan.
Program Elements: Sections I V.A. I-I V.A.9 of Appendix E to I 0 CFR Part SO provide supporting requ irements.
Informing criteria appear in Section l1.A ofNUREG-0654 and in the IPEC Emergency Plan.
10 CFR 50.47(b) (2)-Onsite Emergency Orgainization Functions:
.oThe process ensures that on-shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed anld assigned.
,o The process for timcly augmentation of on-shift stalf is established and maintained.
Program Elements: Sections IV.A.2.a--c, IV.A.3, and IV.C of Appendix E to 10OCFR Part 50 provide supporting requirements. Informing criteria appear in Section 11.B3 of NUREG-0654 and in the IPEC Emergency Plan.
EN-EP-305 REV 3
Sheet 3 of 5 ATTACHME.NT 9.2 10OCFR50.54(q) EVALUATION SProced urelDocument Number: IPEC On-Shift Revision: I Staffing Analysis I EquipmontlFacilitylOther: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA)
Pa*rt V. Description off Impact of the Proposed Ch:ange on tile Effectiveness of Emergency Phlai Functions:
Proposed Chanuies 5 and 7 incorporate the analysis of thie responsibi lities of the on-sh ift staff supporting IPE3C Unit I. This analysis identified that U~nit I is defueled, has lirnitcd operating systems with reduced radioactive sou~rce tcrms and no specific Emergency Action Levels assigned. The revised On-Shift Staffing Analysis determined that IPEC on-shift staff actions in response to accidents evaluated during the staff analysis are bounded by the operating units, Unit 2 and Unit 3. No changes in on-shift staffing resulted from the inclusion of Unit I in the On-Shift Stafling Analysis. These proposcd changes are determined to continue to mect thec requirements of"planning standards 10 CFR 50.47(b) (l) and (2),
Sections lV,A.t-*IV.A.9, IV.A.2.a-c, IV.A.3, and IV.C of" 10 CFP. 50 Appendix E, Sections llI.A and
[i.B of NUREG-0654, and the IPEC Emergency Plan because the revision identified that no changes to IPEC on-shift staffing were impacted by the inclusion of Unit I in the analysis and that all accidents evaluated for thc staffing analysis were bounded by the operating units at Indian Point Energy Center.
Proposed Chxaneles 6, 8, 10, Ii 13, 15,.32, 33,.35. 36. 37, 39, 41, 42,45, 47, 48,51, 59, 60, 61. 62, 63, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79 and 8t- incorporated a Time Motion Study (TMS) to evaluate the Shift Manager's capability to notify the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) to mobilize for emergency support while maintaining the primary emergency function of direction and control. This TMS wvas conducted in support of the NRC-endorsed industry guidance for performing the detailed analysis, N El 10-05, "A~ssssmnent of On-shift Emergencyj Response Organizalion Sta~ffing and Capabilities",regarding evaluating all concurrent or conflicting tasks with the potential to impact the Shift Manager's ability to perform the primary Emergency Plan functions. Criteria were provided to evaluate the conflicting or concurrent task to determine if it actually posed a challenge to implementation by the Shift Manager. This T[MS evaluation identified that the task of ERG notification takes less than two min~utes (103 seconds) to complete. This time was compared to the time required to perform a turnover of the required actions to another member of the on-shift staff and resulted in the determination that the task does not negate or interfere with the Shift Manager's ability to continue oversight of control room activities or to initiate additional actions. At IPEC, the task of ERG notification is performed by the unaffected unit Shift Manager at the ALERT declaration or higher. The previous analysis identified the Shift Technical Advisor as performing various notifications incltuding the notification of the ERO.
Revision I of the OSSA has been revised to reflect the Shift Manager performing the various notification tasks. These proposed changes are determinled to continue to meet the requirements of planning standards 10 CFR 50.47(b) (I) and (2), Sections IV.A.2.b and IV.C of 10 CFR 50 Appendix E, Sections l1.A and 11.B3 of NUREG-0654, and the IPEC Emergency Plan because the revision analysis identified that the task of ERO notification and other associated emergency notifications does not negate or interfere with the Shift Manager's ability to continue oversight of control room activities or to initiate additional actions and the task of ERO notification is perfornmed by the unaffe~cted unit Shift Manage/" at the ALERT declaration or higher.
Chiangcs 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2122, 23, 24, 25, 34, 53, 54, 55, 56. and 57- reflect procedural guidance regarding control room evacuation and alternate safe shutdowvn activities at IPEC. Current procedural guidance requires the unaffected unit Shift Manager to assume the Emergency Director function, allowing the affected unit Shift Manager to maintain field oversight of alternate safe shutdown activities.
In addition, a Nuclear Plant Operator (NPO) from the unaffected unit is assigned to provide assistance to EN-EP-305 REV 3
Sheet 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT 9.2 10CFRSO.54(q) EVALUATION
- -- Number:
- -'ProcedurelDocument IPEC On-Shift-- iRevision: 1 Staffing Analysis I EqulpmentlFacilitylOther: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA) thle affected unit personnel during alternate saib shutdown activities. This OSSA revision was revised to reflect the reassignment of tasks for alignment with station procedures. These proposed changes are determined to continue to meet the requirements of planning standards 10 CFR 50.47(b) (1) and (2).
Sections IV.A.2.b and IV.C of 10 CER 50 Appendix E, Scctions ll.A and II.B ot'NUREG-0654, and the IPEC Emergency Plan because thle reassignmnnt of alternate safc shutdown tasks support the affected unit Shift Manager to maintain oversight of the alternate safe shutdown and provide for the unaffected Shift Manager to assume Emergency Director responsibility for management of the emergency.
Changes 9, 12, 14, 26, 29, 31, 38, 40, 43. 44* 46. 49, 50, 52, 64, 65 and 69- reflect thle reassignment of tasks associated with Dose Assessment from the Shift Manager to the unaffected unit On-Shift Chemistry Technician, who may perform the role of Control Room Dose Assessor. This position wvas previously evaluated via I 0CFR50.54(q) for Revision 16 of iP-EP-2 10, Central Control Room. In the event of a radiological release, the affected unit Shift Manager (Emergency Director) may request, from thle unaffected unit Shift Manager, assistance from thle unaffected unit On-Shift Chemistry Technician.
This Chemistry Technician is a dose assessment trained and qualified individual who could assist the Shift Manager in performing dose assessl pent activities, thereby relieving the affected unit Shift Manager of this additional burden. Once the Emergency Response Organization is in place, Dose Assessors in Ihe Emergency Operations Facility would assume responsibility for close assessment.
While the unaffected unit Chemistry TechnIician may perform dose assessment activities for the affected unit, the Shift Manager retains sole responsibility for dose assessment and must approve any dose calculations performed by the Chemistry Technician prior to' transmittal to oft'site facilities. This additional person, if utilized. is anl enhancement to the operation of the CCR and relieves the Shift Manager/ED of a time consuming task, specifically during a radiological release or unstable plant conditions. These proposed changes to the OSSA have been determined to continue to meet the requirements of the IPEC Emergency Plan and Sections ll.A- ll.B ofNUREG-0654, Sections IV.A. I IV.A.9 of Appendix E to 10 CFR 50 and 10 CFR 50.47 (b) (I) and does not represent a reduction in thle effectiveness of the i PEC Emergency Plan because it does not reduce the authority or responsibility of the Shift Manager, who will stilt maintain control of these responsibilities and functions, and enhances the program by allowing assistance from the unaffected unit Oni-Shift Chemistry Technician to perform Dose Assessment if required and does not reduce the ability of thc Shift Manager to perform oversight of emergency activities in the control room.
.Changes27, 28, 30, 66 and 67 - revisions made to applicable tables reflecting the analysis of a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) /Gencral Emergency with Release and Protective Action Recommendation (PAR). Revisions reflect assignment of tasks associated wvith affected unit Shift Manager responsibilities for PARs and dose extensions wvhen required which had been omitted f'rom the OSSA Revision 0 and reassignment of tasks to reflect responsibilities of unaffected unit Shift Manager regarding ERO and Other site-specific notifications and On-Shift Chemistry Technician regarding dose assessment. These proposed changes to the OSSA have been determined to continue to meet thle r'equiremlents of the IPEC Emergency Plan and Sections IV.A. 1 - I V.A.9 of Appendix E to I0 CFR 50, Sections 1I.A- II.B of NUREG-0654 and 10 CFR 50.47 (b) (1) and does not represent a reduction in the effectiveness of the IPEC Emergency Plan because the revision corrects an omission of required affected unit Shill Manager tasks and reassigns tasks to the tnaffected unit Shift Manager and On-Shift Chemistry Technician to relieve burden from the affected unit Shift Manager and does not reduce the ability of the Shift Manager to perform oversight of emergency activities in the control room.
EN-EP-305 REV 3
Sheet 5 of 5 ATTAC HMENT 9.2. 10OCFR50,54(al EVALUATION Procedurel~ocument Number: IPEC On-Shift Revision: I Staffing Analysis I EquipmentlFacllitylOther: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
iPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA)
Chanuc 75 - revision added th~e approved task of abbreviated NRC notification for the Shift Technical Advisor during a Design Basis Threat (DBT) and added associatcd training program information to the task analysis controlling method. This task had previously been omitted from the OSSA Revision 0 analysis. These proposed changes to the OSSA have been determined to continue to meet the requirements of the IPEC Emergency Plan and Sections I1.A- 11.8 of NUREG-0654, Sections IV.A, I tV.A.9 of Appendix E to 10 CFR 50 and 10 CFR 50.47 (b) (l) and does not represent a reduction in the effectiveness of the IPEC Emergency Plan because the revision corrects a previous omission from Revision 0 and establishes responsibility from the task of NRC notification during a Design Basis Thr'eat and does not reduce the ability of the Shift Technical Advisor to perform assigned duties during emergency activities in the control room.
The proposed changes to the IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis, Revision 1, continue to meet the planning standards outlined in 10 CFR 50.47(b)(l), and 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2). These changes will not require a change to the IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 15-02 and do not represent a reduction in effectiveness to thec IPEC Emergency Plan and can be incorporated without prior NRC approval.
Part VI. Evaluation Conclusion Answer the following questions about the proposed change.
I. Does the proposed change comply with 10 CFR 50.47(b) and 10 CFR 50 Appendix E? B5;YES El NO
- 2. Does the proposed change maintain the effectiveness of the emergency plan (i.e., no YS N
- 3. Does the proposed change constitute an emergency action level scheme change? IJYES [] NO If questionschange proposed I or 2 are answered NO, or question 3 answered YES, reject the proposed change, modify the and perform a new evaluation or obtain prior NRC approval under provisions of 10 CFR 50.90.
If questions 1 and 2 are answered YES, and question 3 answered NO, implement applicable change process(es).
Ref'er to step 5.618].
Part VII. Signatures Preptoa)Reveer Name (Print) at e ae (Otoa)Rveeae(rn)Revie e-er Signature Date:
Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Sinature Bate:
Nuclear EP Project Manager Lori A.Glander j' A EP Manager or designee J [1
(/1 -
EN-EP-305 REV 3
________-Revision Matrix for On-Shift StfigAnalyi Revision 1
- 1. Cover Page - Rev 0 Cover Page - Rev I j YES NO -Editorial - revision number change
_________ IDecember 17, 2012 November 2, 2015 __________________
- 2. Table 1, Line 4 Table 1, Line 4 YES NO - Editorial - typographical error
__ Pages 23, 29, 35, 41l, 47, 52, 57, 62, Pages 23, 29, 35, 41I, 47, 52, 57, corrections 68, 74, 80, 86, 91, 96 and 102 62, 68, 74, 80, 86, 91,96 and 102
______U20#1. U2 RO#1
- 3. Page 3 YES NO - Editorial - Formatting change Addcd Section X - APPENDIX C
- Time Motion Studies Supporting Thle Staffing Analysis _____
4, Page 3 - Added subsection A YES NO - Editorial - Formatting change under Section X -ERO
______________________________ Activation)______
5,Page 4: Section 1: Introduction YES Added reference to incorporation of IPEC Unit 1 in analysis
- 6. Page 4: Section I: Introduction IYES Added reference to incorporation of Shift Manager task of ERO
__________________________notification in analysis I7. Page 4: Section U: Analysis YES Summary
_________________________Added reference to IPEC Unit 1 ____
- 8. Page 7: Section II: Analysis YES - Corrective Action implemented to Summary align the assignment of ERO notification to
_______________________Added Step C: Reference to Time _____the SM as an Entergy fleet standard r
Revision Matrix for On-Shift Staffing Analysis Revision I Propsed*Editorial Number Existing Condition or Affected Pages PrpsdChange Impact on 50.47 planning Std.?
_________________________to Pages 18, 23, 29, 35 SMotion Study frSitManager perform ERG notification.
IChangedto "No" Deleted T5/LI2 from the SM role TMS required from I_____ _____________________
YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign a SM collateral duty of dose "Ycs" ______assessment
- 10. Pages 18, 23, 29, 35 Added T5/L6 and T5/14 to the YES - Corrective Action implementation to U3 SM role in column 5 re-assign collateral tasks to notify the ERG and make other notification from the STA to
_____________ _______the non-affected unit 133 SM.
- 11. Pages 18, 23, 29, 35 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and T5/L14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to from the STA role in column 5 re-assign collateral tasks to notify the ERG Column 7 changed "Yes" to "No" and make other notification from the STA to
________________________________________________ _______the non-affected unit U3 SM.
- 12. Pages 18, 23, 29, 35 Added T5/LI12 to the U3 YES - Corrective Action implementation to Chemistry Technician role in re-assign collateral tasks of dose assessment column 5 from the SM to the Chemistry Technician
- 13. Pages 21, 27, 33, 39 Changed "STA" to "Shift YES - Corrective Action implementation to Manager" re-assign collateral tasks of ERG notification
_______________________ _______from the U3 STA to the U3 SM
- 14. Pages 21, 27, 33, 39 Changed "U32 Shift Manager" to YES - Corrective Action implementation to "U3 Chemistry Technician" re-assign collateral tasks of dose assessment from the U2 SM to the 133 Chemistry
- 15. Pages 21!, 27, 33, 39 Changed "U3 STA" to U33 Shift YES - Corrective Action implementation to Manager re-assign collateral tasks of other notification
_________________________ __ _from the U3 STA to the U3 SM
- 16. Page 40 Added statement 132 SM YES - Corrective action implementation and
____________________________________maintains field oversight of the _______procedure change for SM collateral duty of 2
________Revision I Nuber ondtionor~fectd Matrix for On-Shift Poposd Staffing Analysis IEditorial Revision 1 Nubr IExisting Codto rfetdPages Prhposed Change Impact on 50.47 planning Sti. ?
response and U33 SM assumes the fsafe shutdown
- 17. Page 41 IChanged TMS requ'ired from E m er ge n cy Dir e cto r fun ctio n . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
YES -Corrective Action implementation to
"'Yes" to "No" remove STA collateral duty of Safe Shutdown actions
- 18. Page 41 Added tasks T5IL1, T5/L3, YES - Corrective Action implementation to T5/L5, T5/L8, T5/LIQ re-assign the ED tasks to the unaffected unit 3 SM~ and remove tasks from U2 SM
- 19. Page 41 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T5/L1,4 YES -Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "N"in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3 t7 _____SM and remove tasks from U3 STA
- 20. Page 41" Added task"U2 T2/L9 'YES - Procedure was revised to assign the U3
_________NPO a task as U2 safe shutdown, operator S21]. Page 42 Added Nuclear Plant Operator #3 YES - Procedure was revised to assign the U3 in column 5 and added Non- NPO a task as U2 safe shutdown operator licensed Operator Training
________________________Program to column 4 ____
- 22. Page 45 Reassigned all tasks on these lines Procedure was revised to direct the unaffected from the U2 SM to the U3 SM SM to perform the Emergency Director function while the affected unit SM responds
____ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ to the event.
- 23. Page 47 Added tasks T5/L6 and T51L14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to I re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3
___________________ I______SM and remove tasks fr'om U3 STA 2.Page 47 Deleted tasks T5/L6"and, T5/.1 4 YES --'Corrective Action implementation to i25.
1 Page 50 Changed "Yes" to "No" in column 7
Changed to U3 Shift Manager 1S_____YES re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3 M a nd re mo ve ta sks fro m U 3 STA
- Corrective Action implementation' to 3
Revision Matrix for On-Shift Staff il Proposed Number Existing Condition orAffected Pages Change
I ______________________________________
__ _M__
Page 52
_and__ __ _remove___ __
__tasks__ __
Deleted tasks"T5/Ll12 in column 5
__ _fMrndoeov re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3 tsk3fom S3ST YES - Removed the collateral task of dose Changcd "'Yes" to "No" in column assessment from the SM
_ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ 7 _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_27. Page 52 Added tasks T5/L6 and TS/L14 't YES - Corrective Action implementation to
' re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3
___________ ______________________SM and remove tasks from U3 STA
- 28. Page 52 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T5/L14 YE'S - Corrective Action implementation-to Changed "'Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3
_______7 _____SM and remove tasks from U3 STA
- 29. '....Page 52 Added task T5/LI 2 YES - Corrective Action implementation to reassign the dose assessment task from the
_______________ _______________________________SM to the Chemistry Technician 30.' Page 55 Added tasks T5/L6 and T5/L14 YES -Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3
__________________SM and remove tasks from U3 STA
- 31. Page 55 Added tasks T5/L 12 YES -Corrective A£ction implementation to re-assign the tasks to the Chemistry
,* Technician and remove tasks from U32 SM 132. Page 57 Added ta'sks T5/L6 and T5/L14 "YE*S - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the U 2 SM and remove
___________ _____________________________________________tasks from U32 STA
- 33. Page 57 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T5!L1 4 ...YES - Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes'" to "No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7 _ __SM and remove tasks from U32 STA
- 34. 'Page 5"7 Changed "Yes" to "No" in column 'YES j - Corrective action to reassign SM safe
________________________7 ____ shutdowvn tasks 4
_________Revision Nubr I EitnCndtn Matrix for On-ShiftopsdEditorialt rAftdPge Staffing Analysis Revision I NubrhangAft Pooed Change impact on 50.47 planning Std. ?
- 35. Page 60 f
Changed to U2 Shift Manager
_____________________________________________SM YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2 and remove tasks from U2 STA
- 36. Page 62 Added tasks T5/L6 and T5/LI4 YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the U 2 SM and remove tasks from U32 STA
- 37. Page 62 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T5/L14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to tChanged "Yes" to "'No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
____________7 _ ___SM and remove tasks from 132 STA
'38. .... Page 62 'Added tasks T5/LI12 YES - Correctiive Action implementation to re-assign the dose assessment to the Chemistry Technician and remove tasks from
________ _______________ _____U3 SM
- 39. Page 66 "Changed to U2 Shift Manager YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
___________ ________________________SM and remove tasks from U32 STA 40,.' Page 66 "Changed to 132 Chemis'try ...YES -' Corrective Act'ion implementation to Technician ire-assign the dose assessment to the Chemistry Technician and remove tasks from
___ __________ ___ __ ___ ____ ___ _ _ ___U3 SM
- 41. Page 68 Added tasks T5/L6 and TS1L14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the U 2 SM and remove
____________ ________________________tasks from U32 STA 42." Page 68 . ....... Delete'd tasks T5/L6 and, T5/L14 ....: .... YES - Corrective' Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
____________ 7SM
_______________________ and remove tasks from U2 STA
- 43. Page 68 Addtasks T5/LI 2 YES -Corrective Action implementation to
_____re___as___gn___the__dosee-aaisnthedoseassssmet ttth 5
_________Revision Matrix for On-Shift Staffing Analyses Revision 1 Number Existing Condition or Affected Pages Proposed hneIpc
? n5.7pann t
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
___ __ _ U3 S M Technician and remove tasks from I44. Page 6'8 Deleted' task T5/L 12 in column 5 YES - Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the dose assessment to the 7 Chemistry Technician and remove tasks from
____ ___ ___ _____ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ___ _ _U3 SM
- 45. P"Fage 72 Changed to U2 Shiift Manager YE*S"- 'Corrective Action implementation to i re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
______________________________ SM and remove tasks from U2 STA
- 46. Page 72 Changed to U2 Chemistry YES - Corrective Action implementation to Technician re-assign the dose assessment to the Chemistry Technician and remove collateral
____________ _______task from U3 SM
- 47. Page 74 Added tasks T5/L6 and T5/LJ 4 YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the U 2 SM and remove
______________________________________ ________________________tas__s__ftsks ro 2 STST 48, Page 74 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T5/L1 4 YES - Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7 _ __SM and remove tasks from U2 STA
- 49. P.......*age 74 Added tasks T5/L12 YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the dose assessment to the Chemistry Technician and remove tasks from
____ ___ __ ___ ____ ___ _ _ ___U3 SM 50, Page. 74 Deleted task T51L12 in column 5 YES - Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "'No" in column re-assign the dose assessment to the 7 Chemnistry, Technician and remove tasks from
________ _________________________________I_____ U3 SM
-51. IPage 7/8 jChanged to U2 Shift Manager j____ YES - Corrective Action implementation to 6
________Revision Matrix for On-Shift Staffing Analysis Revision 1 i 1 Prposed Editorial ume I Existing Condition orAffected Pages Coaoged Change Impact on 50.47 planningStd. ?
re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
________________________SM and remove tasks from 132 STA
- 52. Page 78 Changed to V2 Chemistry YES - Corrective Action implementation to Technician re-assign the dose assessment to the Chemistry Technician and remove collateral
____________ _________________ _______task from U3 SM
- 53. Page 79 Addedt statement 133 SM YES - Corrective action implementation and maintains field oversight of the procedure change for SM collateral duty of response and U32 SM assumes the safe shutdown
________ _________________Emergency Director function.
,54. Page 80 Added tasks T5ILt, T5/L3, YES - Corrective Action implementation to T5/L5. TS/L6, TStL8, T5/LI10, and re-assign the tasks to the U2 SM and remove
_____ ____________T5/LI14 _______ ___collateral tasks from V2 STA and the 133 SM
- 55. Page 80 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T51k14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected 132 SM
_______7 _ ___and remove tasks from U32 STA
- 56. Page 80 Deleted tasks TS/LI, T5IL3, YES - Corrective Action implementation to TS/L5, T51L8, and T5/LI 0 re-assign the tasks to the U32 SM and remove
__________________________ _________________________ ________collateral tasks from the 133 SM
- 57. ag84Changed to U2 Shift M'anager YES - Corrective Action implementation to I re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit2
________________________ _______SM and remove tasks from U32 STA
- 58. Page 84 Corrected typo, changed U32 to 133 YES NO - Editorial - typographical error
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _correction
- 59. Page 86 Added tasks T5/L6 and T51L14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to
! re-assign the tasks to the U2 SM and remove
_______ ________________ ________________tasks from U32 STA
- 60. [Page 8..6 Deleted tasks T5/-L6 and, T5/L1 4 ____ YES - Corrective Action implementation to 7
____ ____Revision Niatrix for On-'Shift Staffing Anal.ysis Revision 1 Number Existing Condition or Affected Pages ProposedCanempton547lnigSd.
Cagd"'Yes" to "No" in column [re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
__________ 7l.____________ SM and remove tasks from U2 STA I61. Page 89 Changed to U2 Shift Manager YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
____________ j________________________ ISM
________________________ and remove tasks from U2 STA
- 62. Page 91 jChanged to U2 Shift Manager YES - Corrective Action implementation to
~re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
__________ ______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ __ ___ SM and rem ove tasks from U2 STA
- 63. Page 91 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T5/L14 'YES - Corrective Action implemen~tation to Changed "Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2 7 SM and remove tasks from U2 STA
- 64. Page 91 Added task T5/L12 YES - Corrective Action implementation to
! re-assign the dose assessment to the Chemistry Technician and remove tasks from
________ _________________ _____________________U3 SM
- 65. Page 91 Deleted task T5/LI2 in column 5 YES - Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the dose assessment to the 7 Chemistry Technician and remove tasks from
____ ___________ ___ _ _____U'3SM
- 66. Page 94 Added U3 Shift Manager in YES - Was not included 'in RO, added since column 3 to the task and added this is the LOCA GE scenario I Emergency Planning Training
__________________________Program / EP Drills in column 4
- 67. Page 94 Addcd U3 Shift Manager in 'YES - Was not inclu'ded in R0, added since column 3 to the task and added this is the LOCA GE scenario Emergency Planning Training
___________________________Program / EP Drills in column 4 _____ _____________________
________Revision Matrix for On-Shift Staffing Anal!ysis Revision 1
' I i cang. Editoriali Nuber Existing Condition orAffected Pages PrpsdChange impact on 50.47 planning Std,?
I I ...... re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
________ ________________ ___________ SM and remove tasks from 02 STA
- 69. Page 94 Changed to U2 Chemistry .... YES - Corrective Action implementation to iTechnician re-assign the dose assessment to the.
Chemistry Technician and remove collateral
_______________________________________ _____task from 03 SM
- 70. Page 94 Changed to 02 Shift Manager YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the task to the 02 SM and remove
______________________ _______________________ _______collateral task from 02 STA 71.
Page 96
... Page 96
_______________ I___________________ Reassigned task T51L8 and T5/L 10 Changed TMS required from 1re-assign YES - Correcuive Action implementation to the tasks to the U 2 SM and remove
YES - Removed the collateral taSk of ERO "Yes" to "No" notification and completing notification forms
________________________from the STA i 73. Page 96 Added tasks T5/1L6 and T5/L 14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to reassign the tasks to the U3 SM and remove
____ ______ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ _F_ ___ tasks from the 02 andVU3 STAs
- 74. " Page 100 J
Changed U3 STA to 03 SM Iremove YES - Corrective Action implemen-tation to re-assign ERO notification to the 03 SM and collateral task from 03 STA
- 75. '.. ... Page 100. A~dded ab'breviated NRC YES - Added approved task to 02 ST'A and notification task and associated the associated training program associated training program for performance with the task. Task was inadvertently omitted 7.
K 6
________ ________________by
... Page 100 the 0 2 STA
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___rem in the original analysis YES - Corrective Action imple'mentation to re-assign ERO notification to the U3 SM and ove collateral task from 03 STA 9
_____Revision I! Matrix for On-Shift Analysis Revision 1 propEditor°"ia Nume Existing Coditino Affected PaPropohadge Change impact on 50.47 planning Std.?
- 77. Page 102 t Reassigned tasks T5/L6 and YES - Corrective Action implementation to
!T/L14 -jreassign the tasks to the U3 SM and remove
_________ __________________ _________________ collateral tasks from the U3 STAs
- 78. Page 1.02 Changed TMS required from YES - Removed the collateral task o'f ERO' "Yes" to "No" and other site-specific notifications from the
- 79. ' ... Page 107 Changed U3 STA to U3 SM YES - Correcti~ve Action implementation to re-assign ERO and other site-specific notifications to the U3 SM and remove
_____________ ________collateral task from U3 STA SO. Various Tables Added unit designators (U2 or N'~o - Adds clarity to wh~ich unit and wvhich U3) to some NEI 10-05 tables td unit staff are referenced in the tables.
more clearly define which unit and which unit staff were referenced in the tables
- 81. '.... Pages 108 - 11i2 Section X: Appendix C: Time jYES I i~Motion Study of Overlapping ITasks: Shift Manager - ERO I
- 82. Page 113 ...
Notification Replaced the (5) previously
NO The (5) Overlapping tasks identified in Section XI, Overlap of Tasks, identified overlaps identified the initial staffing analysis were deleted and Activities or Other Conflicts during initial staffing assessment replaced with "None" because the previously Identified with "None" identified overlaps had been addressed and no
_,oelascrrnl eit
- 83. Page 11*3 Addition' of references "Indian 'NO - Administrative change of adding Section XII, References Point No. I Safety Analysis additional references used to support Report", and "Decommissioning assessment findings.
___________________________Plan fo~r Indian Point Unit 1, _________________________
Revision Matrix for On-Shift..Staffii INumberProposed ubr Existing Condition or Affected Pages Change October 1980" i END I I 1!
Myra Jones Fred Guynn
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................... 4 II. ANALYSIS
................................................................................... 4 A. Emergency Plan Minimum Staffing............................................................ 5 B. Other Commitments to Shift Staffing.......................................................... 7 C. Staffing Exceptions and Time Motion Studies (TMS)....................................... 7
- 0. Emergency Plan Tasks Not Analyzed ........................................................ 8 Ill. ANALYSIS PROCESS ................................................................................... 8 IV. ACCIDENT SCENARIOS................................................................................ 9 A. Accident Selection ............... ............................................................... 9 B. Accident Scenarios included in the Analysis ............................................... 10 C. Accident Scenarios Not Included in the Analysis .......................................... 11 V. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ............................................ ....... 12 A. Notes and Assumptions Applicable to All IPEC osA ..................................... 12 B. NEI 10-05 Rev 0 Assumptions ............................................................... 12 VI. APPENDIX A - ANALYZED EVENTS AND ACCIDENTS......................................... *15 VII. APPENDIX B - U2 ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS ............................................ 17 A. Design Basis Accident Analysis #3 - Steam Line Rupture............................... 17 B. Design Basis Accident Analysis #.4 - Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)............... 22 C. Design Basis Accident Analysis #5 - Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) ..... 28 D. Design Basis Accident Analysis #6 - Fuel Handling Accident........................... 34 E. Design Basis Accident Analysis #10 - Control Room Evacuation and Alternate Shutdown ........................................................................................ 40 F. Design Basis Accident Analysis #11 - Station Blackout (SBO) ......................... 46 G. Design Basis Accident Analysis #12 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR .............................................................................. ................. 51 VIII. APPENDIX B - UNIT 3 SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS............................................. 56 A. Design Basis Accident Analysis #3 - Steam Line Rupture............................... 56 B. Design Basis Accident Analysis #4 - Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)............... 61 C. Design Basis Accident Analysis #5 - Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) ..... 67 D. Design Basis Accident Analysis #6 - Fuel Handling Accident ................... ........ 73 IPEC Page 2
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT E. Design Basis Accident Analysis #10 - Control Room Evacuation and Alternate Shutdown........................................................................................... 79 F. Design Basis Accident Analysis #11 - Station Blackout (SBO).......................... 85 G. Design Basis Accident Analysis #12 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR .................................................................................................. 90 IX. APPENDIX B - COMMON CONTROL ROOM SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS................. 95 A. Accident Analysis #1 - Design Basis Threat (DBT) ........................................ 95 B. Accident Analysis #9 - Aircraft Probable Threat .......................................... 101 X. APPENDIX C - TIME MOTION STUDIES SUPPORTING THE STAFFING ANALYSIS .... 108 A. ERO Notification (Everbridge activation).................................................... 108 Xl. OVERLAP OF TASKS ACTIVITIES OR OTHER CONFLICTS IDENTIFIED ........... 1.......a13 A. Overlap Requiring Compensatory Measures .............................................. .113 Xli. REFERENCES............................................................................................ 113 XIII. STAFFING ANALYIS TEAM............................................................................11.3 Page 3 IPEC Page 3
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT I. INTRODUCTION This document is a revision to the Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) On-Shift Staffing Analysis Report added to the IPEC Emergency Plan on December 17, 2012. This revision incorporates the analysis of the responsibilities of the on-shift staff supporting IPEC Unit 1 and documents the evaluation of the Shift Manager's task of Emergency Response Organization (ERO) notification.
The NEI 10-05 Tables in sections VII, VIII, and IX were also updated to reflect the corrective actions taken for the task overlaps listed in section X of the original report (Revision 0).
This revision continues to satisfy the requirement of 10 CFR 50 Appendix E Section IV.A.9 for Units 1, 2 and 3, which states that nuclear power licensees shall perform "a detailed analysis demonstratingthat on-shift personnel assignedemergency plan implementation functions are not assigned responsibilitiesthat would prevent the timely performance of their assigned functions as specified in the emergency plan." A structured approach was utilized to perform this analysis using the guidance found in NEI 10-05, Rev. 0, Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities. This analysis examined the capability of the minimum staff listed in Table B-i of the IPEC Emergency Plan (E-Plan) to perform the actions for the key functional areas of events described in NSIR/DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance - Emergency Planningfor Nuclear PowerPlants, until augmenting ERO staff arrives in accordance with the E-Plan.
The OSA team determined that a total on-shift staff of twenty-six (26) for IPEC units 1, 2 and 3 is required to respond to the accidents reviewed. It is noted, however, that Unit 1, is defueled and only those areas that either store or process radioactive materials (the Fuel Handling Building and waste storage/process areas in the Chemical Systems Building and the Integrated Liquid Radwaste Systems Building) are considered in evaluating the radiological hazards for the IPEG Emergency Plan. As detailed in the Unit 1 Safety Analysis Report and Decommissioning Plan, there are limited operating systems remaining in Unit 1. The limited operating systems combined with the reduced radioactive source term would result in a limited potential impact to a radiological release resulting from an event at Unit 1. Additionally, there are no Emergency Action Levels specifiC to IPEC Unit 1 that would challenge the on-shift staffing above and beyond those considered in this analysis for Units 2 and 3. For any event that may challenge Unit 1, Unit 2 and 3 staff are available to provide support as needed. As such, the IPEC on-shift staff actions in response to the accidents evaluated for this staffing analysis are bounded by the operating IPEC Pg Page 4
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT units (Units 2 and 3) and a separate evaluation of the NEI 10-05 required accidents for Unit I s not included in the analysis.
Additionally, the single plant operator assigned to Unit I has minimal responsibilities specific to Unit 1. These responsibilities consist of conducting a limited scope building tour once per shift and the periodic monitoring of evaporator operation occurring approximately 2 to 3 times/week.
These tasks are not time critical and do not impact the Unit 1 staff member's ability to perform assigned Emergency Plan functions and/or tasks. Additionally, the limited Unit 1 tasks are not time critical and can be accomplished by the augmented ERO if required.
The most limiting accident scenario reviewed for the operating units (Units 2 and 3) was a main control room fire and alternate shutdown. The on-shift staff consists of individuals necessary to support each of the emergency plan functional areas or tasks:
- Emergency Direction and Control
- Plant Operations and Safe Shutdown (SSD)
- Fire Fighting (FB)
.. Accident Assessment
- Radiation Protection and Chemistry
- Notification/Communication
- Technical Support
- Access Control and Accountability NEI 10-05 states it is acceptable for certain function to be assigned to personnel already assigned other functions/tasks. These include Repair and Corrective Action, Rescue Operations and First Aid.
A. Emergency Plan Minimum Staffing Per 10 CFR 50.54 (q)(1)(iii), Emergency planning function means a capability or resource necessary to prepare for and respond to a radiological emergency, as set forth in the elements of section IV of Appendix E and, for nuclear power reactor licensees, the planning standards of § 50.47(b).
IPEC Pg Page 5
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT The following table indicates the result of the NEI 10-05 staffing analysis of on-shift personnel to perform the required emergency planning functions and the licensing basis requirement for each on-shift position. These positions are included in Table 1 of each accident.
E-~a EP~nOn-Shift On-Shift PstoU2E-Plan Functional Functional Staffing Staffing PstoU2 Requirement Area Area Analysis Analysis Results Results U2 staff U3 staffU23 E-Plan Table B- Emergency SSD/Emergency Shift Manager (SM) 1 Direction and Direction and11 Control Control Control Room Suevsr(R) E-Plan Table B- SSD SSD 1 1 Shift Technical E-Plan Table B- Technical Technical11 Advisor/FSS (STA) 1 Support Support______
Reactor Operators E-Plan Table B- SD1 SSD U3 (RO) 1 1 SSD U2 & U3)____
Nuclear Plant E-Plan Table B- SSD (2) SSD (3)54 Operator (NPO) 1 FB (3) FB____(1)__
Nuclear Plant ,
Operator (U1) SSDN/1
1 * ,
Nuclear Plant E-Plan Table B- Communicator / Notifications for ***,
Operator 1 bt nt Chemistry 1-lnTbeB Chemistry Chemistry 11 Radiation E-Plan Table B- Radiation Radiation Protection (RP) 1 Protection Protection Security SecritCPlntinge-ncy Access Control and Accountability Per Security Contingency Plan
______________ Table B-i TOTAL 13 13 IPEC Page Page 66 IPEC
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Other Commitments to Shift Staffing
- 1. No additional shift staffing commitments were identified.
C. Staffing Exceptions and Time Motion Studies (TMS)
- 1. The primary responsibility for the two on-shift Chemistry Technicians is chemistry/radiochemistry sampling; however no chemistry job tasks were noted as being required within the first 90 minutes of any of the analyzed events. The two Chemistry Technicians on-shift are qualified to work either unit. The task of dose assessment, currently assigned to the Shift Manager, will be reassigned to Chemistry as a result of this staffing analysis. One Chemistry Tech is assigned to perform the chemistry tasks and the second is assigned the responsibility for dose assessment. It is acceptable for one on-shift Chemistry Technician to perform dose assessment because no specific time critical chemistry tasks were identified requiring the use of both Chemistry Technicians. No further analysis or TMS is required.
- 2. The Shift Manager is assigned the responsibility to make some notifications such as the Duty Plant Manager, Operations Manager, and Resident Inspector. These notifications by phone are considered communications that are approximately one minute in length and are acceptable tasks for the Shift Manager. No further analysis or TMS is required.
- 3. Station staff is required, to maintain continuous communications with the notification source during an aircraft threat in accordance with 10CFR50.54(hh) and Reg. Guide 1.214:)There are no specific qualifications required to perform this task and the function is not required to be assigned in advanice. The analysis of this event identified there are sufficient personnel on-shift to perform this task during the event. Specifically, reactor operators, nuclear plant operators, radiation protection technicians, or chemistry technicians were all available to fill this function. No further analysis or TMS is required.
- 4. The task of activating ERDS (Emergency Response Data System) is not required for this analysis because the system operates 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s/day. A specific task to initiate ERDS is therefore not required and was not analyzed.
- 5. The STA was previously assigned the task of notifying the off-shift ERO of the emergency. A TMS was conducted to determine if this task could be reassigned to the Shift Manager and to verify the Shift Manager could perform the concurrent tasks of maintaining emergency direction and control while notifying the ERO of the event using Everbridge. The TMS demonstrated the Shift Manager was able to maintain Emergency Direction and Control during the approximate two minutes it took to notify the ERO using Everbridge. This evaluation may be used to allow the Shift Manager to perform the task of ERO notification.
IPFC Page 7
- 1. Repair and Corrective Action - Per the guidance of NUREG-0654, Table B-I, repair and corrective action tasks may be performed by dedicated shift personnel or qualified shift personnel assigned other functions/tasks. Repair and corrective action is defined as:
- An action that can be performed promptly to restore a non-functional component to functional status (e.g., resetting a breaker), or to place a component in a desired configuration (e.g., open a valve), and which does not require work planning or implementation of Iockout/tagout controls to complete.
In accordance with NEI 10-05 section 2.5, the analysis included a review of repair and corrective action tasks. For the purpose of this analysis, the tasks were considered to fall into two broad categories:
- Unplanned/unexpected actions that address equipment failures. These actions are contingent in nature and cannot be specified in advance.
- Planned/expected actions performed in support of operating procedure implementation, including severe accident management guidelines.
At IPEC, Nuclear Plant Operators are trained to perform the actions associated with this functional area. Repair and Corrective Action is an acceptable collateral duty per the guidance of NEI 10-05 and was not analyzed
- 2. Rescue Operations and First Aid: In accordance with NEI 10-05 section 2.6, the analysis also included a review of rescue operations and first aid response. Per the guidance of NUREG-0654, Table B-i, rescue operations and first aid may be performed by shift personnel assigned other functions. IPEC Fire brigade members are trained to perform rescue operations and are assigned the task should the need arise. Rescue operations were not required in any of the accident scenarios reviewed. Additionally the Nuclear Plant Operators on shift are trained to Red Cross First Aid standards and meet the basic requirements to render first aid and CPR. Rescue operations and first aid response are acceptable collateral duties per the guidance of NEI 10-05 and were not analyzed.
III. ANALYSIS PROCESS This analysis was conducted by a joint team of corporate Emergency Preparedness (EP) personnel and station personnel from the Operations, Operations Training, Radiation Protection, Chemistry, and Emergency Preparedness (EP) departments. The team members are identified in Section XII of this report.
The emergency response to each event was determined by conducting a tabletop of the event using the emergency plan and procedures and the applicable department procedures such as Operations emergency and abnormal operating procedures.
IPEC Pg Page 8
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Each scenario was reviewed by the cross disciplinary team to determine what plant actions and emergency plan implementation actions were required based on plant procedures prior to staff augmentation. These actions were then compared to the minimum staffing for Emergency Plan implementation as described in the Emergency Plan Table B-I and Figure B-i., ensuring that no actions were assigned to staff members that conflicted with either their dedicated emergency plan role or their dedicated operational role as appropriate. In cases where multiple tasks were assigned to an individual in their role, the team evaluated timing of the tasks to ensure that they could be performed by the individual in series within any specified time requirements.
The results of the analysis for each of the scenarios are included in Sections VII, VIII and IX, APPENDIX B - ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS. Note that NSIR DPR-ISG-01 states that only DBA accidents "which would result in an emergency declaration" should be evaluated in the staffing assessment. Each of IPEC's DBAs were evaluated and classified according to its FSAR Chapter 14 description.. If the accident description alone did not result in a classification, the projected accident Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB) dose found in the FSAR was utilized to determine if an EAL threshold would be exceeded within the first 60 minutes using the Abnormal Rad Level EAL thresholds. In cases where several projected dose rates were provided or release data was not detailed significantly to determine an EAL, the assessment used the radiological consequences associated with the realistic case in accordance with NEI 10-05.
IV. ACCIDENT SCENARIOS A. Accident Selection
- 1. The OSA scenarios were chosen using the guidance of NEI 10-05 and NSlR/DPR-ISG-01, "Interim Staff Guidance - Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants." The evaluation considered the station Design Basis Accidents (DBA) described in the FSAR along with additional scenarios specified by the guidance documents. The scenarios considered for both U2 and U3 were:
- Design Basis Threat (DBT)
- DBA Control Element Ejection Accident
- DBA Steam Line Rupture
- DBA Loss of Coolant Accident
- DBA Steam Generator Tube Rupture'.
- DBA Fuel Handling Accident
- DBA Accidental Release of Waste - Liquid
- DBA Accidental Release of Waste - Gases
- DBA Aircraft Probable Threat
- Control Room (CR) fire requiring CR evacuation and Alternate Shutdown (Appendix R Fire)
- Station Blackout, (SBO)
- LOCA/General Emergency with release and PAR
- LOCA with entry into Severe Accident Management
- Appendix R Fire (Fire that results in reactor trip)
IPEC Pg Page 9
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Accident Scenarios included in the Analysis
- Land and/or waterborne Hostile Action directed against the Protected Area by a Hostile Force. This event assumes the threat is neutralized immediately when inside the protected area fence, no significant damage
- to equipment or systems that require corrective actions before the ERO is staffed, no radiological release, and no fire that requires firefighting response before the ERO is staffed. EAL is based on the event.
- 2. Steam Line Rupture as described in FSAR 14.2.5
- A main steam line break with loss of offsite power. Release into the turbine building until Main steam stop valves isolates. EAL is based on the event.
- 3. Loss of Coolant Accident as described in FSAR 14.3
- Break (Double Ended Guillotine Cold Leg (DEGGL) break) between the reactor coolant pump and the reactor vessel. Core degradation with release to the containment and to the environment at the containment design leakage rate. EAL is based on the event.
- 4. Steam Generator Tube Rupture as described in FSAR 14.2.4
- Double ended rupture of a single U-tube that results in exceeding charging pump capacity. No fuel failure is postulated. The EAL is based on the event
- 5. Fuel Handling Accident as described in FSAR 14.2.1
- The accident involves a dropped fuel bundle on top of the core. Initial EAL is based on the event.
- 6. Aircraft Probable Threat as described in 10 CFR 50.54 hh(1)
- Notification is received from the NRC that a probable aircraft threat exists
(>5 minutes, <30 minutes). EAL is based on the event
- 7. CR Fire Requiring CR evacuation and Alternate Shutdown
- A fire occurs in the main control room requiring the evacuation and the procedure implemented to shutdown from the alternate shutdown panels.
EAL is based on the event.
- 8. Station Blackout
- A loss of all offsite AC power occurs and the failure of the emergency diesel generators to start. EAL is based on the event.
- 9. General Emergency with release and PAR
- Assumed SAE condition when dose projection indicates an upgrade to GE and a PAR based on release is needed.
IPEC Page 10
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT C. Accident Scenarios Not Included in the Analysis 1, Control Rod Ejection (CRE) as described in FSAR 14.2.1
- Mechanical failure of a control rod mechanism pressure housing resulting in the ejection of a rod cluster control assembly and drive shaft.
The CRE accident is bound by the LOCA. No further analysis is required.
- 2. Accidental Release of Waste - Liquid as described in FSAR 14.2.2
- The largest vessels are the three liquid holdup tanks (CVCS), each sized to hold two-thirds of the reactor coolant liquid volume. The tanks are, used to process the normal recycle or waste fluids produced. The contents of one tank will be passed through the liquid processing train while another tank is being filled. Hence, the loss of water from the spent resin storage tank presents no hazard offsite or onsite because means are available both to detect the situation occurring and to keep the resin temperature under control until the resin can be removed to burial facilities. No EAL condition met.
- 2. Accidental Release of Waste - Gases as described in 14.2.3
- The tanks operate at low pressure, approximately 2 psig, a gas phase leak would result in an expulsion of approximately 12-percent of the contained gases and then the pressure would be in equilibrium with atmosphere. The curie content of the tanks is controlled administratively to maintain an operating limit. It is conservatively assumed that all of the contained noble gas activity and one percent of the iodine activity are released. The tank pits are vented to the ventilation system so that any gaseous leakage would be discharged to the atmosphere by this route.
No EAL condition met.
- 3. Implement Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG)
- A review of the SAMGs associated with the initial site-specific Candidate High Level Actions concluded that no actions would require~on-shift personnel other than licensed and non-licensed operators. No analysis required.
- 4. Appendix R Fire
- The team concluded the Control Room fire to be the most limiting for resources and therefore a staffing analysis for an additional fire scenario is not required. The emergency plan and fire brigade responsibilities are the same for both events. No analysis required.
IPECPae1 Page 11
- 1. The RP and Chemistry tasks reviewed were those directed by the Shift Manager to support actions in Abnormal Operating Procedures (AOP), Off Normal Procedures (OP), Emergency Operating Procedures (OP), and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EP). Any additional tasks directed by the Technical Support Center (TSC), Operations Support Center (OSC), or Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) procedures were not reviewed.
- 2. IPEC has 60 minute emergency responders when augmented while the ERO is offsite. This analysis was conducted assuming a 90 minute response of the augmented ERO. No specific emergency response tasks requiring the augmented ERG were identified prior to the 90 minutes following the emergency declaration.
- 3. The GSA team determined there are no time critical RP and Chemistry tasks and that task performance is directed and prioritized by the Shift Manager. The time RP or Chemistry is directed to perform a task and the amount of time taken to complete tasks are estimated. No Chemistry samples are required by Tech.
Specs within the 90 minute period after a declaration. Since the Shift Manager directs when the tasks are performed, there are no overlapping RP or chemistry tasks.
- 4. All crews have one individual filling the SM and one individual filling the STA roles therefore the analysis did not consider using a dual-role individual.
B. NEI 10-05 Rev 0QAssumptions
- 1. Response time used for this analysis was the maximum acceptable number of minutes elapsed between emergency declaration and the augmented ERO position holder at a location necessary to relieve an on-shift position of the emergency response task. (60 min.)
- 2. On-shift personnel complement was limited to the minimum required number and composition as described in the site emergency plan. If the plan commitments allow for different minimum staffing levels (e.g., a variance between a normal dayshift and a backshift), the staffing with the smallest total number of personnel was used for the analysis.
- 3. Although the temporary absence of a position may be allowed by Tech Specs, the analysis was performed assuming that all required on-shift positions are filled.
- 4. Event occurred during off-normal work hours where ERG was offsite and all required minimum on-shift positions were filled.
- 5. On-shift personnel reported to their assigned response locations within timeframes sufficient to allow for performance of assigned actions.
IPEC Page 12
- 6. On-shift staff had necessary Radiation Worker qualification to obtain normal dosimetry and enter the radiological control area (RCA) (but not locked high or very high radiation areas) without the aid of a RP technician.
- 7. Personnel assigned plant operations and SSD met the requirements and guidance (analyzed through other programs such as operator training) and were not evaluated as part of this assessment unless a role/function/task from another major response area was assigned as a collateral duty.
- 8. In-plant (manual) safety related operator actions to manipulate components and equipment from locations outside the control room to achieve and maintain safe shutdown was done by a member of the on-shift staff as defined in the unit's Tech Specs.
- 9. Fire brigade (FB) staff performance is analyzed through other station programs (e.g., fire drills) and was not evaluated as part of this assessment unless a role/function/task from another major response area was assigned as a collateral duty.
- 10. Individuals holding the position of RP technician or Chemistry technician are qualified to perform the range of tasks expected of their position.
- 11. Security was not evaluated unless a role or function from another major response area was assigned as a collateral duty.
- 12. Communications, briefings, and peer checks are acceptable collateral duties.
- 13. All on-shift staff positions were evaluated, even if they had no known collateral duties, to ensure they can perform the tasks assigned to them. [Ref NSIR/DPR-ISG-01]
- 14. The Staffing Analysis specified the resources available to perform "Repair and Corrective Actions" and 'Rescue Operations and First Aid" but these may be assigned as collateral duty to a designated on-shift responder.
- 15. For assessment purposes, NRC notifications were treated as a continuous action per 10CFR50.72(c)(3) and 73.71(b)(1). This means once the initial NRC communications are established, the NRC will request an open line be maintained with the NRC Operations Center.
- 16. OBA (postulated accident, Condition IV event, or limiting fault) is considered as "Unanticipated occurrences that are postulated for accident analysis purposes but not expected to occur during the life of the plant. A postulated accident could result in sufficient damage to preclude resumption of plant operation. As a result, a greater number and variety of actions would need to be implemented by plant personnel."
- 17. Unless otherwise specified in NSlR/DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance -
Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants, or by the USAR initial conditions of a DBA analysis, it was assumed that the unit was in Mode 1, Power.
IPEC Page 13
- 18. DBT assumed a hostile force breached the protected area fence but was neutralized with no adverse consequences to plant safety. Damage inflicted on plant systems, structures and components was not sufficient to prevent safe shutdown or cause a radiological release. There was no fire significant enough to warrant firefighting efforts prior to arrival of offsite resources and/or the augmented ERO.
- 19. The Staffing Analysis used DBA analysis assumptions, inputs, timing of events, plant protective response, and specified manual operator actions and their timing, as documented in the USAR.
- 20. In cases where a DBA analysis included a radiological release, and the starting point of the release was not clearly defined, the staffing analysis assumed that the release began 15-minutes after the initiating event.
- 21. Severe Accident Management Guideline (SAMG) - It is sufficient to simply assume that the accident progressed to conditions requiring a severe accident response; it did not include determining specific failures and the accident sequence.
- 22. SAMG - The actions analyzed included those that implement the initial site-specific actions assuming the core is not ex-vessel (i.e., no reactor vessel failure), and there is no actual or imminent challenge to containment integrity.
IPECPae1 Page 14
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT VI. APPENDIX A - ANALYZED EVENTS AND ACCIDENTS NOTE Appendix A is applicable to both Unit 2 and Unit 3. Accidents and FSAR section numbers are the same.
Event: : Event ::Summary Description Plant Reference : ::AnalYsis
": Type :[ :.of Event Mode' DoCument(s): Event ECL Rqurd Land and/or 1 waterborne HOSTILE 1 DT ACTION directed NEI 10-05 Site Area YE against the Protected ISG IV.C Emergency Area by a HOSTILE FORCE.
2 DBA Control Rod Ejection 1 FSAR 14.2.6 Alert NO2 3 DBA Steam Line Rupture 1 FSAR 14.2.5 Evntsa E 4Loss of Coolant I1SR1. Site Area YE DA Accident (LOCA) Emergency ______
5 DBA Sta eeao ue I FSAR 14.2.4 Alert YES
______Rupture 6 DBA Fuel Handling Accident 1 FSAR 14.2.1 Alert YES Accidental Release of 1 7 DBA FSAR 14.2.2 None NO
_____Waste -Liquid 8 ~~~Accidental Release of 1 FAR1.3NoeO DA Waste - Gases Assumed Aircraft Probable 1 for Threat. 10CFR50.54hh(1) Alert YES Analysis RG 1.214
____Purpose Control RoomI AsmdEvacuation and 10CFR50 10 fr Alternate Shutdown Appendix R Alert YES Analysis (fire in main control ISG IV,C Purpose rom Assumed Station Blackout1 for Site Area Analysis IS VC Emergency YE Purpose Assumed LOCA - GeneralI 12 for Emergency with ISG IV.C GE YES Analysis radiological release Purpose and PAR Assumed LOCA with entry into I 13 for severe accidentIGI.CENO 1 Analysis procedures.ISIVCGNO Purpose _________
IPEC Page 15
- Summiary Description :* Plant
ii:=: :.* . Analysisi
...... Type
_ ... :,of EVent , Mode1 Document:s) Event ECL;L Required Assumed Appendix R Fire with 1 14 for Reactor Trip ISG IV.C Alert NO4 Analysis
____ Purpose ___________ _ _ _ ________ _____
1 ln mode per USAR or assumed for analysis purpose 2The CRE accident is bound by the LOCA accident. No further analysis required.
3 1PEC does not meet the NEI 10-05 intent for the analysis of implementing SAMG. NEI 10-05 Section 2.11 states that the analysis of the ability to implement SAMG focuses on the reasonably expected initial mitigation action that would be performed by on-shift personnel other than licensed and non-licensed operators. The actions assessed by NEI 10-05 are those which implement the initial site-specific Candidate High Level Action assuming the core is not ex-vessel (i.e., no reactor vessel failure), and there is no actual or imminent challenge to containment integrity. SAMG is implemented by the TSC. All success paths' actions are performed by on-shift licensed and non-licensed operators.
4 Appendix R Fire is bound by the Control Room Fire and Remote Shutdown.
- 1. Accident Summary
- Steam pipe rupture in a faulted main steam line with loss of offsite power.
- Reactor coolant contaminated with fission products corresponding to continuous operation with a limited amount of defective fuel rods. Leads to contamination of the secondary system due to leakage.
- Main steam stop valves and check valves close and prevent blow-down of the other steam generator. Feedwater isolates and receive safety injection signal.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- None
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- 2-E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation
- 2-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
- 2-ES-i1.1, SI Termination
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room
- 4. Tables Page 17 IPEC Page 17
- =' := ~~~~IPEC:TABLE *I- ON-SHIFT POSITIONS' i '!:i=:;~
On-shift:;,:i::I AugmentatiOn Role in Table # Unanalyzed TMS,.,*.*
U2 T2/L1 T5/L1 USME-Plan Table B-i 6 T5/L3Noo 2 U2 CR5 E-Plan Table B-i 3 U2 CST EN/AanTabTe2-iL2_No__No 4 U2 RST# E-Plan Table B-i 60_U2T2/L3NoN 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N_____A_ U2__T2/L4 No .No 6 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N2T/A7 No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No ii U2Chemstr E-Plan Table B-i 60A N4/A No No 12 U2ChmsrP E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L7 No No 13 Communicator 60/L9No No E-Plan Table B-i T5/L6 14 U3 SM N/ANoN
___________ T5/L14Noo 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A T5/L12 No No
.24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L2 No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 60 T5/L1 5 No No 27 Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ _____
Page 18 IPEC Page 18
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT r~dinmu Oertios re Ncesar t SIplmft AMsanageOr o ifApiclertrTann LiAense Lin #hf eanaeri TileRlenShfrstinaskAayi hit angeoSitro Romanagervio Licensed Operator Training 2___ Unit ________Supervi__sor_____________Program 2 Unt SperisoiCotrochl RomSuevisor Licensed Operator Training 3___ __hi _______Te___hni____al___Ad___i__or___Program 3 SiftTecnialdviorahito T pehialtdior#1Licensed Operator Training 4___ Reactor _________Operator__________#1___Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4Reactor Operator #1 Program 5 OeratoN#2leatrPln Reator Operator #2 NnLicensed Operator Tann 6___ ____ux _____iary____Operator_______#1_ roramnn rga 6 Oprato uxliar #1Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator
____ __uxiliary_______Operator_________2___ Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Lin:e #
- eneric TtleIRole ..... n-Shift.............
. P......ositio...n o~to
........ ,*' ::**'*:,,* askgA*
£~* ** **!:ii ly i:!:*
11 Mlechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 19 IPEC Page 19
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Fire Brigade 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident.
IPCTBE4 AITO POETO N HMSR I In-Plant Survey: ,,, ,
__(survey TB) 2 On-site Survey:
U3 RP (site X X X X X 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe):
N/A )
7 Chemistry Function task#1 (describe) X X X X X X X X X X U2 Chemistr
__(sample all SG's) 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 20 IPEC Page 20
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT IPEC :TABLE 5-EERGENCYPLNMLMETTO Declare the emergency classification level U2SitMngrEmergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) U2SitMaae rogram / EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A NI/A 2Recommendations 3Aprovecontent of State/local notifications U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pprove rogram 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A NI/A Notification and direction to on-shift staff Lcne prtrTann 5 (g.toasmleautec)U2 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning (e~g, evcuae, t assmbl, ec.)raining Program 6ERO notification U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 6 Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A 8 Complete State/local notification form U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training
____________________________ __ ____ ___ __ rogram 9Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
____________________________ __ ____ ___ __ rogram NRC ventnotficaionform U2 SiftManaericensed Operator Training 10 Complete vn oiiainfom U hf aae PRrogram 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) NI/A Offiteraiolgial ssssmntU3 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12echnician Program 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Pmrogram Plnin rann Perform other site-specific event Licensed Operator Training.
14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U3 Shift Manager Program INPO, ANI, etc.) _______ _____________
15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 21 IPEC Page 21
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING AN~ALYIS REPORT B. Design Basis Accident Analysis #4 - Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)
- 4. Accident Summary
- Break (Double Ended Guillotine Cold Leg (DEGGL) break) between the reactor coolant pump and the reactor vessel occurred. Safety Injection initiated.
- It is assumed core cooling features fail to prevent the core from experiencing significant degradation (i.e. melting) A portion of the activity that is released to the containment is assumed to be released to the environment due to the containment leaking at its design rate.
- 5. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Assume GE conditions are not met until after the emergency response facilities are activated.
- Assumed reactor coolant activity was >300 IpCi/cc 1-131 equivalent~based on FSAR LOCA accident analysis. Initial EAL based on event.
- 6. Procedures for Accident ResPonse
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- IP-EP-1 20, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room
- 2-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
- 2-ES-i1.3, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation
- IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment
- 0-CY-1645, Chemistry Response to Plant Causalities Page 22 IPEC Page 22
- 4. Tables U2 T2/L1 T5/Li I USME-Plan Table B-i16 T5/L3Noo T5/L5 T5/L8
_____ _____ _____ T5/L10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-i 60 U2 T2/L3 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L7 No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/Li T4/L6 No No i3 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L9 No No
_____ _____ __ _ _____ ____ T5/L13 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
E-Plan Table B-i T5/L6 i4 U3 SM N/A No No
___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ T5/L14 i5 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No i6 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 17 U3 RO #i E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No i18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 19 U3 NPO#i E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A T5/L12 No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency60T/1Noo 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1 0T/i oN Page 23 IPEC Page 23
IPEC TABL. 2-UIT2PLN PERAIN AESUDW On nt-OeControl RoomSuevsrLcneOprtrTaig AnlShist#4eLchnclAdvsr Lcne prtrTann Lie3 eneif.TehicalAdisore i PrhitooitonraskAam 1RhftMnaecSito Manaerao #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 ___Reactor_______Operator__________1__Program 2upervior Unit C OntoomSpervisor Licensed Operator Training 5__ReactorOperator__2_Program 3 SiftTecnicl dvior hifTehnclarlan Advistor #1NnLicensed Operator Tann 6 Auxiliary OperatorProgramnn rga 5 Ractoliry Operator #2 RueatrPln Operator #2 NnLicensed Operator Tann
___________Training_ Program 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator
__________________ Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable 11 Mlechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 24 IPEC Page 24
- : :::: * ;IPEC, TABLE 3 *FiREFIGHTING : * *:*:*" : .... ....
Line **i*/ii, : .Perfo~rmed by;!i:' :::: ! Task Analysis Controlling Method :
1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Firefighting activities not included in the analysis.
Page 25 IPEC Page 25
- =: .l**:*;= * ;:i? %***'i NE5- 10- .15-,20-i2'5 3,5-: 40- 4*5-
- 50-: 55-i60-: :65- 7*0- 75-80-*85-1 In-Plant Survey:
U2 RP survey all X X X X SG lines 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A T Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe): U2 RP goes toCR setupX X X X habitability/contaminationX X X X instruments
__N/A )
7 Chemistry Function task
- 1U2 Chemistry X X X X X X X X
__ Samplie allSG __
8 Chemistry Function task
- 2 (describe)
N/A Page 26 IPEC Page 26
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Declare the emergency classification level J2SitMngrEmergency Planning Training 1 ___________ECL)_____ ________Program / EP Drills 2 Approve Offsite Protective Action NI/A N/A 2 Recommendations conentof tat/loal otfictios U Shft anaerEmergency Planning Training 3 Approve cnetoStt/oanoiiain J2SftM agrProgram 4 Approve extension to allowable dose NI/A N/A Notification and direction to on-shift staff Lcne prtrTann 5 sebe vcae t. Uegt 2 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning (e~g, evcuae, t assmbl, ec.)raining Program ERO otiicaionU3 SiftMangerEmergency Planning Training 6 EOntfctoJ3SitMngrProgram 7 ,bbreviated NRC notification for DBT event NI/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2 Shift Manager Program 9Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
___________________________ ___________Program NRC ven notfictionforU2 hif MangerLicensed Operator Training 10 Complete NR vn oiiainfr 2SitMngrProgram 11 ,ctivate ERDS NI/A (runs 24/7) N/A Offiteraiolgicl ssesmetJ3 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12 echnician Program Emergency Planning Training 13 P~erform NRC notifications Communicator Program Perform other site-specific event Lcne prtrTann 14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U3 Shift Manager Program INPO, ANI, etc.)______________
15 Prsonel ccoutabiity3ecuitySecurity Training Program / EP 15 Prsonel ccoutabiitySecuityDrills Page 27 IPEC Page 27
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT, C. Design Basis Accident Analysis #5 - Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR)
- 1. Accident Summary
- Primary to secondary leakage 150 gal/day in all SGs. All noble gases carried over to the secondary side through SG tube leakage is assumed to be immediately released to the atmosphere.
- Operators recognize the tube leak and isolate the affected steam generator.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- EAL is based on event.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.
- 2-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
- 2-E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- EP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-21 0, Central Control Room
- IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment
- 0-CY-1645, Chemistry Response to Plant Causalities Page 28 JPEG IPEC Page 28
- 4. Tables
........ ........ ...TA..LE....-.......SK IFT PO SITIO....
U2 T2/L1 T5/L1 I USM E-Plan Table B-i16 T5/L3Noo 1-5/L5 T5/L8
_____________ ____________ T5/L10 _______
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-i1_ 60 U2 T2/L3 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T-2/L6 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-1 _ N/A N/A No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i1_ 60 1-4/L7 No No 12 U P E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L1 oN 12 ___2___P _________________ T4/L6Noo 13 Communicator E-lnTbeBi60 TL9No No
__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ T5/L13 14 U M E-Plan Table B-i1/ T5/L6Noo 15 U3 CSM EPa al - / N/A No No 16 U3 RST E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 17 U3 RST# E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 19 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 22 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A T5/L12 No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 2 Seuty Security Contingency 60 T5/Li 5 No No 27 __Security Plan I E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 29 IPEC Page 29
... One.* Unit O=ne Control= Roo m : :!
Minimum Operationis= Crew= Necesayt mlmn O* n Oso AG if pplicabl L*:ine # eneic:itOIioe nShiift Position ask Analysis::
Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Nlon-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Nlon-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator UI N]on-Licensed Operator 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line # :' ~enericTitleIRole On-Shift Position: : Task Analysi!s 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 30 IPEC Page 30
~~~~~~~IPEC i~~i !,:
- ='~Analysis #5-*SGTR (U2): '
- i I N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Page 31 IPEC Page 31
- ,
- :: :: :=*Performance TimePeriod After Emergency Declaration (minutes)*:: .,:* :.
N *5-~i10-: 1*5- 20-125-130-~ 35- 40-* 45 50 60- 165 75 5 1 In-Plant Survey:
RP#1 Surveys X X X X X X X X X X X
__S/Gs RCS 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table
__5 6 Other site specific RP#1 (describe): CR Habitability/air s__ampler/contamination 7 Chemistry Function task #1 (describe) X X X X X X X X X X X X
__Sample all S/Gs 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)
__ N/A 4,
Page 32 IPEC Page 3 2
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Lieuncton TaskOn-Sift ositon eTskenalysi CoannigTrolling Declare the emergency classification level aa Em2Sif /Plann erPrgency Trainin 1 (ECL) U hf aae 2 ,pprove Offsite Protective Action NI/A N/A R
- ecommendations 3*,provecontent of State/local notifications U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pproveProgram 4 ,pprove extension to allowable dose NI/A N/A Nlotification and direction to on-shift staff Licensed Operator Training
,5 sebe vcae t. Uegt 2 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning (e~g,evcuae, t assmbl, ec.)raining Program ERG otifcatin U3Shif MangerEmergen~cy Planning Training 6 -OntfatoJ3SitMngrProgram 7 ,bbreviated NRC notification for DBT event NI/A N/A Stat/loal orm otifcaton U2 SiftMangerEmergency Planning Training 8 C3omplete Stt/oa oiiainfr 2SitMngrProgram PeMrform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training g Program NRC ven notfictionforU2 hif MangerLicensed Operator Training 10 Complete NR vn oiiainfr 2SitMngrProgram 11 ,ctivate ERDS NI/A (runs 24/7) N/A Offiteraiolgicl ssesmetJ3 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12 echnician Program 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
__________________ _______Program Perform other site-specific event Lcne prtrTann 14 notifications (e*.g., Duty Plant Manager, U3 Shift Manager Program INPO, ANI, etc.) ____________________
15=ronlAccountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 PeronnelDrills Page 33 IPEC Page 33
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT D. Design Basis Accident Analysis #6 - Fuel Handling Accident
- 1. Accident Summary
- Dropped fuel assembly over the core in the containment building. The activity is discharged to the atmosphere at the ground level. No credit is taken for filtration or isolation of the leak.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Additional SROs, ROs, NPOs, and RP techs are assumed to be on shift as part of the refueling/outage staff to assist the Shift Manager.
- EAL is based on the event.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room 2-AOP-FH-1, Fuel Damage or Loss of SFP/Refuel Cavity Level Page 34 IPEC Page 34
- 4. Tables IPEC TABLE 1-ON-SHIFT POSITIONS AnalysIs #6- PHA (U2)
Linensift Do...ument. *:**e***iAu=gmentation:: Role in T~able .# 'i*Un;anaI~edi T...........MS.......
U2 T2/Li T5/Li USM E-Plan Table B-I16 T5/L3Noo T5/L5 T5/L8
___________ ____________ , T5/L10 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-i 60 U2 T2/L3 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AQ #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A NO No i1 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L7 No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L6 No No 13 Communicator T60L9No No B-i Table 60T5/L13 E-Plan ______
E-Plan Table B-i T5/L6 14 U3 SM N/A TSL4No No i5 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A____ N/A____ No No 16 __U3__TA E-PlanTaleB-1 N/A____ N/A___ No ' No 17_3_O_1_-Panae_-_N/ N/A___ No No 18 __U3__RO #2 _E-PlanTaleB- N/A_____ N/A___ No No 19 _U3_NPO#1 E-_lanTaleB-1 N/A____ N/A___ No No 20 _U3_NPO#2 _-PanTae_-___AN/ No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A_____ N/A____ No_____ No___
22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-I N/AN/_NoN 23 U3 Chemistry E-Planl Table B-i N/A_____ T5/L12___ No_____ No____
24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A___N/A No_____ No____
25 UI NPO E-Plan Table B-I N/A_2_T/_8_oN 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A___N/A _ No_____ No____
2 Seuty Security Contingency 60 T5/L1 5 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i ______________ ______ _____
Page 35 IPEC Page 3 S
!** :i~ipEC TABLE2- UNIT 2One PLNT Unit - neonrolioo& SAFE SHUTDOWN OPERATIONS i :;**!* ,*
LEine #; e;neric TitlelRolei i On-Shift Positionak nlyi 1 SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1___ Shift __________Manager____________ Program 2uprviorControl Uit Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2___ _____n ___t___Supervisor_____________Program 3Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program 4Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1~ Program 5Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program 6 Oprato #1Nuclear uxliar Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6___ ___uxil __aryOperator_____Training Program 7 Oprato uxliar #2Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7___ ___uxiliary __Operator__#2_Training Program 8 uiliry pertor#3luclear Plant Operator U1 Non-Licensed Operator 8 ______ux____iary____Operator________3__Training Program -
9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 36 IPEC IPEC Page 36
- !'::::::..... ,:: i IPEC :TABE E3-*FIREFiGH*TING :::: :::*;* ::
Anayss/#- HA/A2 3 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Firefighting activities are not included in the analysis.
Page 37 IPEC Page 3 7
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT E....... *:,*;*::*.i .::: : 0-5:**1::::015 20.* *25' :3:0 35 .40 45:: 50:: *55: 60: '65: 7:0 *75 *[80 i85! :i90i 1 In-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
_N/A_ _
5 Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table
__5 6 Other site specific UI2 RP:
contaminationx x x x x x mnonitoringq 7 Chemistry Function iask #1 U2 Chem.
Monitor plant X X X X X X X X
/ents for risinq
__ evels 8 Chemistry Function
- ask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 38 IPEC Page 38
....... Task *,::; i ~
Func....tion I:=1 , ; O~n-Shift Position Ts nlsi otoln Declare the emergency classification level UShRMngrEmergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) U2SitMaae rogram I EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2Recommendations 3Aprovecontent of State/local notifications U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pprove rogram 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A Nl/A 5 Notification and direction to on-shift staff (g.toasmleautec)U2 Shift Manager Lcne prtrTann Program / Emergency Planning (e~g,evcuae, t assmbl, ec.)raining Program 6ERO notification U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 6 Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A Shif MangerEmergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2 aae Phf rogram Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
____________________________ ___________ rogram 10Complete NRC event notification form U2 Shift Manager Lienedo peatrTrinn 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) NI/A 12 adilogcalassssmntU3 ffste Chemistry Emergency Planning Training Technician Program 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Pmrogram Plnin rann Perform other site-specific event Lcne prtrTann 14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U3 Shift Manager PrenedOgramrTrinn INP0, ANI, etc.) Program_
15 Prsonel ccoutabiitySecuitySecurity Training Program / EP 15 Prsonel ccoutabiitySecuityDrills Page 39 IPEC Page 39
.. IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT E. Design Basis Accident Analysis #10 - Control Room Evacuation and Alternate Shutdown
- 1. Accident Summary
- Fire in the control room and decision is made by the Shift Manager to evacuate and shutdown from the Alternate Shutdown Panel.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Assume reactor tripped, turbine tripped, feed pumps tripped, reactor coolant pumps tripped and other actions of steps 4.1-4.12 are completed prior to evacuation.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-AOP-SSD-1, Control Room Inaccessibility Safe Shutdown Control
- IP-EP-120, Classifications
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control room Page 40 IPEC Page 40
- 4. Tables
- ~~~~Analysis: #1;0 -ControlRooml Evacuation and Alternate Shutdo0wn (U2);;:,: :,*
SPsiion Bais
, Docuent . . ElapsedTie
. .... n~__ ILn#Tak Rqurd._ _
I: U2:SM E-P:a Table..B-i..60.U2.T......No.No 2 U2 CRM E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L1 No No 3 U2 CST E-Plan Table B-1 N/A6 U2 T2/L2 No No 4 U2 RSTA E-Plan Table B-I 60N/ U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-PRan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan TableB-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2T3/L2 No No 9UAO E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L32oN 10 U2 AO #53 -lnTbe - / 3L No No i U2Cesty E-Plan Table B-i 60A N3/ALN3N 12 U P E-Plan Table B-i 60A T3/L4Noo 13 CmUnicAtOr T55L No No 12 U P E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L43 No___No E-Plan Table B-i T5/L9 13 Comunictor T5NoLN T5/L13 14PlUn3TMlN/A-1T5/L61oN T5/L3 T5/L5O T5/L8 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L9 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L5 No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L1 No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L15 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1 _______ _______ ______ _____
Page 41 I PEG IPEC Page 41
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALY1S REPORT IPECTABL 2-UNIT 2 :PLANT OPERATIONS & SAF E SH UTDOW MaOnaControlgRoo One Unit Anayss 10- onroCRonvaution andm Alternater Shutdonse (UraorTri)n MinimumSOperatinsoCre NeesrPtrmometAg adE~ rSMGifApiam Lie3 eneicTiIehicale Adio n-hitoostinaskAayi Manaerao #1 RehftMnaecSito Licensed Operator Training
____ __eactor ________Operator_________#1__ Program 2upervior Unit ContoomSperat isor Licensed Operator Training 5___ __eactor ________Operator___________2_ Program 3 SiftTecnicl dvior hifTehnclar la Advistor #1NnLicensed Operator Tann 6___ __uxiliary___perator__#Proramnn rga 4 OeratoN#1leatrPat Reator Operator #1 Tann NnLicensed Operator 5 RactoiryOertr #2 Reactor Opraor#aicnsed OPeraorgrainn 6 uiliry pertor#1luclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 8___ Auxiliary _________Operator__________3___ Training Program 7 uxiiary Operatd or #2e htdw Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator
______ ________________________Training Program 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line ;# enricTileIo On-*Shift Position...ask..n....s.s 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Fire Brigade Page 42 IPEC Page 42
, IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Line i::::*i* : i Perfored b~y **** , * *:,**:iask T: Analysis Controlling Methodi : , *
- 1 SRO FBL Fire Protection Training Program 2 U2 NPO#3 Fire Protection Training Program 3 U2 NPO#4 Fire Protection Training Program 4 U2 NPO#5 Fire Protection Training Program 5 U3 NPO#4 Fire Protection Training Program Page 43 IPEC Page 43
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT L* Postin;rfrmngPerform ance ::Time Period AtrEegnyDcaain(iue)
IIn-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage: U2 RP FB SupportX X X X X X X X X X 5 Offsite Rad
- ssessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe):
~N/A )
7 Chemistry Function
- ask #1 (describe)
N/A 8 hemistry Function
- ask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated Page 44 IPEC IPEC Page 44
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Analsis 10-Contro)l RoomEautinadAterniate hton(2 Declare the emergency classification level U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training S(ECL) Manager Program / EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2Recommendations conen Stteloalnotfiaton o U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 poeManager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A on-sift taff U3 Sift Licensed Operator Training Program Notification and direction to EmergencytPlaningUTrainin 5(e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager P mrogram Plnin rann 6ERO notification U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 6Manager Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Stae/ocl ntiictio frm U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 8 omleeManager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________ _________Program U3 Shift 10 Complete NRC event notification form Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________Program Perform other site-specific event notifications UI3 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 15 Pesne~cutblt Persnne Acounabilty ecuity euiy Security Drills Training Program / EP Page 45 IPEC Page 45
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT F. Design Basis Accident Analysis #11 - Station Blackout (SBO) 1.. Accident Summary
- A loss of all AC power occurred on U2..
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Assume the emergency diesel generators are not started for the first 60 minutes and that that the Appendix R SB0 diesel is started and energizes equipment per procedure.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- 0-SOP-ESP-002, Emergency Contingency Plan
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room Page 46 IPEC Page 46
Line n-shift,'Basis Document Augmentationi Role in ,Table #
- U~nanali
- e TM..
U2 T2/Li T5/Li I USME-Plan Table B-i16 T5/L3Noo T5/L5 T5/L8
_____________ _ _____ _____ T5/LiO _ _ _ __0_ _ _ _ _ _
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-1 _ 60 U2 T2/L3 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No ii U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i 60 N/A No No E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/Li 12 U2 RP T4/L6 No No E-Plan Table B-I T5/L9 13 Communicator 60 T5L3No No E-Plan Table B-i T5/L6 14 U3 SM N/ANoo
______ ____ _____ _____ _____ T5/14Noo 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No i6 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A ,No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A "No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L1 5 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______ ______ ___________
Page 47 JPEG IPEC Page 47
- Ainimum. Op*erations,; Crew N*ecessary to Im'plement AOPs aend :EOPs or SAM*Gs if Applicable! :::::*!' ::*
Lin #hfe anaeri ProgrlenShfPstinaskAayi ShftMnaeoSitro Romanagervo Licensed Operator Training 2I ntSprio Program 2 UntSperisoiCotro Roomica Supevisor Licensed Operator Training 3___ __hift ____Technical___ ____Advisor_____ Program 3 SiftTecnial dviorahito T pehialtdior
- 1 Licensed Operator Training 4 #1Program Recto Opeato 4 eato peatr 1Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 5 ___Reactor_______Operator_______#2___Program 5 OeratoN#2leatrPln Reator Operator #2 NnLicensed Operator Tann 6___ __uxiliary________Operator____________ roramnn rga 6 Oprato uxliar #1Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 7___ ____uxiliary_______Operator________#2___Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 *uxiliary Operator #2 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line.....# ene.. . .i. . Titl../Role.n-Shift....sition.ask..An.lysis......
11 Mlechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A
- Fire Brigade Page 48 IPEC Page 48
,:::;: : ;;*:;:I PEC T'ABLE 3=- ;FIREFIGHTING ::: : : :: *: :iii :;
- ii' i!:; !; i~:*'; : ii;= iA~nalysis~i#11 - tation Blackout ({SBO) (U2)I :;i o i *! *,
1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Firefighting activities not included in the analysis.
- i Anailysis #*1 - Station Blackout :(S:BO) :(U2)ii:
L oition.. Performing*,::::: l: : : Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes)**
N* 52-710- :15 25- 30-: 3i5- 0 5 0 5 60-:165-70 -: 75- 085-
- E: 0-5i;10 15:20;*25:30 354: 04;5 50: 55160* 657017580 8590go 1 !In-Plant Survey:
U2 RP X X X X X X X 2 O)n-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel M~onitoring:
N/A TJob Coverage:
N/A 5 Offsite Rad
(Included in Table
__5 6 Other site specific RP U2 RP Control RoomX X X Hlabitability 7 Chemistry Function
- ask #1 (describe)
N/A 8 Chemistry Function
- ask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated Page 49 IPEC Page 49
- : ::/:
Line Function I Taski*: On-Sif Task Anal!ysis ContrOlini*g :Method Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1(ECL) Manager Program / EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2Recommendations conen ofSttelocl otfictinsU2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 poeManager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Notification and5/ direction to on-shift staff U2 Shift Lcne EmergencyprtrTann Planning Trainingrga (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program 6ERO notification U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 6Manager Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Stae/ocl ntiictio frm U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 8 omleeManager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
__________Program U2 Shift 10 Complete NRC event notification form Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A NI/A 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
____________________________ _________ Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U3 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program Security Training Program / EP 15 Personnel Accountability Security Drills Page 50 IPEC Page 50
G. Design Basis Accident Analysis #12 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR
- 1. Accident Summary (Assumed for Staffing Analysis Purpose)
- The unit is in a Site Area Emergency AS1 when the Shift Manager is given a dose projection update and site boundary survey data that supports >1 Rem TEDE dose at the site boundary.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- All actions for SAE are complete.
- No transients other than LOCA are considered.
- The ERO would be activated at an Alert or SAE. For Staffing Analysis purpose, the T=O clock is used for the emergency plan actions to evaluate the capability to implement the GE classification, PAR and notification functions before the ERO arrives.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-410, PARs
- IP_EP-310, Dose Assessment
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP--21 0, Central Control Room Page 51 IPEC Page 51
- *::=*::=
- =*i =::: *, *2:? IPEC TABLEI - ON-;SHIFT POSITIONS := :: : =' ,
Line n-shift:: ' : :: ": .. AugmentatiOn= Role in Table # .. :
- ostin mi*Task Requir~ed?;;
U2 T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L2 E-Plan Table B-I T5/L3 I U2 SM 60 T5/L4 No No T5/L5 T5/L8 T5/L1 0 2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-I 60 U2 T2/L3 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i 60 N/A No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L2 No No 13 Communicator 60/L9No No E-Plan B-I Table 60T5/L13 ______
E-Plan Table B-i T5/L6 14 U3 SM N/ANoo
___________ T5/L14Noo 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A T5/L12 No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L15 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 52 IPEC IPEC Page 5 2
- ,*:/**
- ,i,*IPIEC TABLE :2-* UNIT 2 PLA NT OPERATION !Q & SAFE SHUTOW Minimum* Operatioans Crew Necessary to Imlmie menit AO*:s and :EOPS or SAMGs if Applica bile:*:**:.:: !:
SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1I hf aae Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor !Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program OpertorNuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 uxiliary Oprtr#1 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator UI Nlon-Licensed Operator 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown "N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable 111 Mechanic- N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 53 IPEC Page 5 3
- =: ,Analysis #12 - LOCA/Generai Emerencywit Release and PAR (U2)::'
Line :#: Perormd b Task Analysis ContrOlling Method :: ..
I N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A k
IjO TnreTIgniing acuviules incIuuecu in mre analysis.
- ' ...... iiAnalyis #1 OA~nrEmergency with Release and PAR (U2)i ... /:::::
I: Function /er Task :: :: ~ii:performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (rninu:tes)* ::!:i,:i
,N:,**::: : I 5- 1t0 20 30-' 35 ,45 55- 60-: 65- ;70- 75-, 80 E": .... - 10 15 20 2530 35 40 45,5055 60.65:7075,8,085 90 1 In-Plant Survey:
NI/A 2 n-site Survey:
U2 RP site X X X X X 3Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 !Job'Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad
(Included in Table
__5 6Other site specific RP (describe):
7Chemistry Function task #1 (describe)
N/A 8Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 54 IPEC Page 54
- i::
- i:: :=:=
- =
Analyss LOC~ienerIEmergency
- 12 wt ees n PlaRnn Tranin Declare the emergency classification level EmSitaa erPrgency/Plann Training Approve Offsite Protective Action U2SitMngrEmergency Planning Training 2 Recommendations U2ogShift EManager 3Aprovecontent of State/local notifications U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pproveProgram U2 SiftMangerEmergency Planning Training 4 pprove extension to allowable dose U2SitMngrProgram / EP Drills Notification and direction to on-shift staff U2SitMngrLicensed Operator Training to assembleSeacuatenetc.)Program / Emergency Planning (e.g., tasebeevcaeec.Training Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U3 Shift Manager Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8 Cmpet Stteloalnotification form U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training Complte Sate/ocalProgram 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Pmrogram Plnin rann formU2 hiftMangerLicensed Operator Training 10 Complete NRC event notification fr U2SitMngrProgram 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A Offiteraiolgial ssssmntU3 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12echnician Program 13Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training 13 Program Perform other site-specific event Licensed Operator Training 1i4 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U3 Shift Manager Program INPO, AN!, etc.) ____________________
15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 55 IPEC Page 5 5
- 1. Accident Summary
- Steam pipe rupture in a faulted main steam line downstream of MSIVs with loss of offsite power.
- Release until MSIVs close. Puff release to turbine building and to environment.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- EAL based on Shift Manager's discretion
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 3-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- 3-E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation
- 3-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
- 3-ES-1.1 SI Termination
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room
- 4. Tables Page 56 IPEC Page 5 6
-ONSHFTPOITON III Lin nUsif AumentatonRoleli TableN/AUNanoye No 2 Postio U EPaiDcmnTaEapedTie B- / LioeNo N/
I U2 SMA E-Plan Table B-I N/A N5/A1 No No 2 U2 CRS# E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No 'No 3 U2 STA# E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 80 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 11 U2Chems#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L2 No No 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L9 No No
_________________T5/L13 _ _ _ _ _
E-Plan Table B-I U3 T2/L1 T5/L1 U3 Shift T5/L3 i4 Manager 60T5/L5Noo T5/L8 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No i9 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L7 No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L1 No No 25 Ui NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L1 5 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-I1______________ ______ _____
Page 57 IPEC Page 57
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT PAt SPhTAL2ifNI OPEaTIONS ensHUdOWN LiSA ao Tann On nt-OeControl RoomSuevsrLcneOprtrTaig Analyist#Superteamsine upturgram Vlimm pertinsCrw Ncesay t ShimeftO Tecndca Advisor Licenseif OpplclertrTang Lie3 Sneift TehitaleAdisore nPhitoostinaskAayi Manaerao #1 RehftMnaecSito Licensed Operator Training 4___ __eactor ________Operator__________#1___Program 2 Unit upeaior COntoomSpervisor# Licensed Operator Training 5___ __eactor ___Operator____#2Program 3ShftNTchniarlan Advistor #1NnLicensed Operator Tann Reuilactry Operator #1 Proramnn rga RueatrPan Operator #2 NnLicensed OperatorTann 5 Reactoiry Operator #2 Proramnn rga OpertorNuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 8 uxlliary Oprtr#1 Training Program 9 :Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 :Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs ifApplicable 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 58 IPEC Page 58
- ,:j*: *% ;!,,:/ :
- IP ECtTABLE 3- FIREFIGHTiN 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident.
______________ o,:Ana!ysis # 3- Stea'm Line Rupture :(U3)i*!i! ::i*ii 1 In-Plant Survey:
__ survey TB) 2 On-site Survey:
U3 RP (site X X X X X 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad
(Includedin Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe):
N/A )
7 Chemistry Function lask #1 (describe) X X X X X X X X X X U3 Chemistry
___sample all SG's) 8 Chemistry Function iask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 59 IPEC Page 59
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Li lae heemugnctio classiiato Oee U3Shift Tmskgencly PlannigTraining~Mto Approv ProectiveActio Offsie Decareth emrgncyclasiicaio leel U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3Apoecontent of State/local notifications U hf mrec lnigTann 3 poeManager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program Notification and direction to on-shift staff U3 ShiftEmrecPlnigTaig 5(e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Pmrogram Plnin rann 6EOnotification U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 6EOManager Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8Complete State/local notification form U hf mrec lnigTann 8Manager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________ _________Program UI3 Shift 10 Complete NRC event notification form Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13ntifcatins Prfom NC ommnictorEmergency Planning Training 13ntifcatins Prfom NC ommnictorProgram Perform other site-specific event notifications UI2 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Mlanager Licensed Operator Training Program 15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 60 IPEC Page 60
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Design Basis Accident Analysis #4 - Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)
- 1. Accident Summary
- Break (Double Ended Guillotine Cold Leg (DEGGL) break) between the reactor coolant pump and the reactor vessel occurred. Safety Injection initiated.
- It is assumed core cooling features fail to prevent the core from experiencing significant degradation (i.e. melting) A portion of the activity that is released to the containment is assumed to be released to the environment due to the containment leaking at its design rate.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Worse 2 hr. EAB dose occurs at 0.6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> to 2.6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. Assume GE condition not met until after the emergency response facilities are activated.
- Assumed reactor coolant activity was >300 pCi/cc 1-131 equivalent based on FSAR LOCA accident analysis.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-21 0, Central Control Room
- 2-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
- 2-ES-I1.3, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation
- IP-EP-31 0, Dose Assessment
- 0-CY-1645 Chemistry Response to Plant Causalities Page 61 IPEC Page 61
- 4. Tables
- i*::,i~ii: :: IPii:!EC TABLE 1- Oi0N-SHIFT: POS!ITION S ,i **: j **: *: .:
T5/L6 I U2 SM E-Plan Table B-i N/A T5L4No No 2 U2 E-Pan CSTale B- N/A5/ALN1N 3 U2 RST E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 4 U2 RST# E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 6 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 8 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9UAO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/ANoo 1 U2A#5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/ANoo i U2Cesty E-Plan Table B-i N/A N5/Ai oN 12 U P E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L1 oN 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L9 No No
_________________T5/L13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
U3 T2/LI T5/L1 U3 ShiftT5/L3 14 U3Sit E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L5 No No Manager T5/L8 T5/L1 0 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-I N/A T4/L7 No No E-Plan Table B-I T4/L4 24 U3 RP N/ANoo T4/L6Noo 25 Ul NPO E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 2 Seuty Security Contingency 60 T5/L1 5 No No 27 __Seurity Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______ ______ ______ _____
Page 62 IPEC Page 62
.... IPECiTABLE 2- UNIT 2 PLANT OPERATIONS&SAEHUDW On nt-OeControl RoomSuevsrLeneOprtrTain Vilimm pertinsCrw Ncesay t ShifmetATechndca Advisor ApplclertrTang Licenseid Lie3 eneiftTehitaleAdisore n-hitoogtinaskAayi Manaerao #1 RehftMnaecSito Licensed Operator Training 4 _____eactor______Operator_________1__Program 2upervior Unit COntoomSpervisor# Licensed Operator Training 5___ __eactor _______Operator___________2_ Program 3 SiftTecnicl dvior hifTehnclarlan Advistor #1NnLicensed Operator Tann 6___ ____uxiliary_______Operator__________ roramnn rga 4NuReatrPln Operator #1 Tann onLicensed Operator Reuilactry Operator #2 Program raiin Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 *uxiliary Operator #2 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line #* enri Ttl:lenSh~ift: Position: :*: ::ask Analysis 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 63 IPEC Page 63
. IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Fire Brigade AnayNs/A -LN/AU3 3 N/A N/A 2 N/A -N/A 5 N/A N/A Firefighting activities not included in the analysis.
Page 64 IPEC IPEC Page 64
N/A 3 P~ersonnel Monitoring:
N/A T Job Coverage: U3 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP
(,describe): U3 RP goes io CR setupX X X X habitability/contamination instruments N/A )
7 Chemistry Function task IlU2 Chemistry X X X XX X XX Sampole all SG _
8 Chemistry Function task
- 2 (describe)
N/A Page 65 IPEC Page 65
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Li uncton 1TaskOn-Sift sito meTskenalysi Pl onnigTrolning.
Declare the emergency classification level U3 Shift Manager Emrogency /Plann Training 2 Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2 Recommendations 3 Approve content of State/local notifications U3 Shift Manager Emergency Program Planning Training 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Notiicaion irecionto o-shft nd saffLicensed Operator Training Notfiatonanddiecio t onshftstff U3 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Training Program U2 SiftMangerEmergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2SitMngrProgram 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A 8Complete State/local notification form U3 Shift Manager EmrogenyPlninarann 9Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________Program CompeteNRCevet ntifcatin frm 3 SiftMangerLicensed Operator Training 10 ometNRevnnoiiaonfr U3SitMngrProgram 11 Activate EROS N/A (runs 24/7) NI/A U2 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessmentecniaPrgm 13Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training 13 Program Perform other site-specific event Lcne prtrTann 14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, UI2 Shift Manager PrenedOgramrTrinn INPO, ANI, etc.) Program___
15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 66 IPEC Page 66
. IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT C. Design Basis Accident Analysis #5 - Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR)
- 1. Accident Summary
- Primary to secondary ieakage 150 gal/day in all SGs. All noble gases carried over to the secondary side through SG tube leakage are assumed to be immediately released to the atmosphere.
- Operators recognize the tube leak and isolate the affected steam generator.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- EAL is based on event.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- 2-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
- 2-E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- EP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room
- IP-EP-31 0, Dose Assessment
- 0-CY-1645 Chemistry Response to Plant Causalities Page 67 IPEC IPEC Page 67
- 4. Tables
,IPEC TABLEI: 1- ON-SHIFT POSITIONSl Lin n-sif AugmentationbleRoleinTabLe4 UNaoe TNo 2 Position-PaisDumnTaEapedTie.B-N/ LNeA #....ak Reuieo 3l U2 SMA E-Plan Table B-I N/A N5/A No No 5 U2 CRO# E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 3 U2 TAO# E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 5 2R 2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/ANoo 6 U2 AO #13 -lnTbe - / / No No 7 2A 2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/ANoo 8 U2 AO #34 -lnTbe - / / No No 9UAO E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/ANoo 10 U2 AO #5 E-lnTbeBiNANANo No E-Plan Table B-I N/A T5/L12 12 U2 RP No No 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-I 60 T5/L9 No No
___________ ___________ T5/L13 _ _ _ _ _ _
E-Plan Table B-i U3 T2/L1 T5/L1 U3 Shift T5/L3 14 60 T5/L5 No No Manager T5/L8 T5/L10 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No NO 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-I N/A T4/L7 No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-I N/A T4/L4 No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L15 No, No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 68 IPEC Page 68
!One Unit-tOnelControl Room 1 SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1___ ___hi _________Manager_____________ rogram Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 U~nit Supervisor P)rogram IShift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program IReactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2. Program OpertorNuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 ,uxiliary Oprtr#1 [raining Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Nlon-Licensed Operator 7 *uxiliary Operator #2 [raining Program 8 Oprato uxliar #3Nuclear Plant Operator #3 Non-Licensed Operator 8___ ____uxiliary________Operator_________3____raining Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line:!# Generic TitielRole>:, *:' *:::,: ::On-Shift POsition * ::; ask Analysis:
- . :;___________________i:;
.... : ControllingM to 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 69 IPEC Page 69
A~nalysis,#5- -ISG:T.R ;(u3).....
- ='i= ===
1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Page 70 IPEC Page 70
IPEC ON-SHIFT-STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT L* Position Performig ,ormance Time* Perio*d After Emerge:ncy Decliaration (minutes)
1 In-Plant Survey:
U2 RP X X X X X 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
U3 RP____ X X 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe):
N/A ) - - - - - - - - -
7 Chemistry Function task #1U3 Chem X X X X X X X
__sample SGs 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 71 IPEC JPEG Page 71
..... ........ TA..E. 5-.EMERGEN....PLAN......EME NTATION Declare the emergency classification level U3 Shift Manae Emergency Planning Training S (ECL) .... . .. .. . . ... . ... ... . r Program /IEP Drills-.
ag... .. . . .
2Approve Offsite Protective ActionNAN/
2RecommendationsN/NA 3Aprovecontent of State/local notifications U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pprove rogram 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A NI/A Notification and direction to on-shift staff Licensed Operator Training 5 (g.toasmleaute.)U3 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning (e~g, evcuae, t assmbl, ec.)raining Program 6ERO notification U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 6 Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A 8 omleeState/local notification form U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 8 Comlete rogram 9Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
___________________________ __________ rogram 10Complete NRC event notification form U3 Shift Manager Lienedo peatrTrinn 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A U2 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessmentecniaPrgm 13Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training 13 Program Perform other site-specific event Lcne prtrTann 14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U2 Shift Manager PrenedOgramrTrinn INPO, ANI, etc.) Program_
15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 72 IPEC Page 72
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT D. Design Basis Accident Analysis #6 - Fuel Handling Accident
- 1. Accident Summary
- Dropped fuel assembly over the core in the containment building. The activity is discharged to the atmosphere at the ground level. No credit is taken for filtration or isolation of the leak.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Additional SROs, ROs, NPOs, and RP techs are assumed to be on shift as part of the refueling/outage staff to assist the Shift Manager.
- EAL is based on the event.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room
- 3-AOP-FH-1 Fuel Damage or Loss of SFP/Refuel Cavity Level Page 73 IPEC Page 73
- 4. Tables i'* !" ::*:':* : IpEC TABLE 1 :- ON-SHIFT POSITIONS i := :**:: ~*::ii: !!:
- ine= 0n-sh~ifti i! : ,:; *: :!AugmentationI Role :in Table # ..... .... ...... :..
- Poitin (in) Tak? equaired?
T5/L6 1 U2 SM E-Plan Table B-I N/A T5L4No No 2 U2E-PanCSTale B- N/A5/ALN1N 3 U2 OST E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 4 U2 ROT# E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 6 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9UAO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/ANoo 1U2A#5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/ANoo 9i U2 Chmitr E-lnTbl#-4/AT/ No No E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A 12 U2 RP No. No 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L9 No No
________ ____ ____ __ __ ____ ____ T5/L13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
E-Plan Table B-i U3 T2/L1 T5/L1 U3 Shift T5/L3 14 60 T5/L5 No No Manager T5/L8 T5/L10 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L7 No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L6 No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L15 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 74 IPEC Page 74
IPEC.ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT ruinim:um Op~ertions ,Crew Necebssaryto Implement AO~s and *EOPs or SAMGs :ifAp plicable , :
- Line # eei ilIoenSif oiinakAayi I SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training
_______hift_______Mana________er____Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program 3 Sif Tchica AviorShift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 __Shift __Te _hni __alAdvisor__Program 4 eato peatr 1Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 ___Reactor________Operator________#____Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program 6 Oprato uxliar #1Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 ___Auxiliary_______Operator_______#1___ Training Program 7 Oprato uxliar #2Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 ___Auxiliary_______Operator_______#2___ Training Program 8 uiliry pertor#3Nuclear Plant Operator #3 Non-Licensed Operator 8___ Auxiliary _________Operator________#___ _ Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A -N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs ifApplicable 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 75 IPEC Page 75
- ~~~~~~IPEC TAB LE 3- IFIREFIGHTING * *i:i:i!*7**i :::
Line ............
Tas Analysi
.. Meth :od 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Firefighting activities are not included in the analysis.
Page 76 IPEC IPEC Page 76
Performing:*::. ;:e~rformance.Tim~e P P:eriod After Emergency Declaration (mninutes)*:: :-
TIn-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A T Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific U3 RP:
contaminationx x x x x x monitoringq 7 Chemistry Function Iask #1 U3Chem.
Monitor lant X X X X X X X X
- ents for risinq
__levels 8 Chemistry Function Iask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 77 IPEC Page 77
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT TABEN-SH IPEC EMERGENCY PANAIMLY EMENTAT iii......... i:nc¢tion Fu,* 1Task::? On-Shift Positfio~n Task*An~aiysis Contoling.ii, Declare the emergency classification level U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 1 ______(______CL)_____________ rogram / EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A NI/A 2Recommendations 3Aprovecontent of State/local notifications U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pprove rogram 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A NI/A Notification and direction to on-shift staff Licensed Operator Training 5 (g.toasmleautec)U3 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning (e~g, evcuae, t assmbl, ec.)raining Program 6 ERO notification U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training
___ ____ ___ __ _ ___ ____ __ rogram 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A Emergency Planning Training
- 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Pmrogram Plnin rann 10Complete NRC event notification form U3 Shift Manager Lienedo peatrTrinn 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A U2 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessmentecncn Prga 13Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training 13 Program Perform other site-specific event Lcne prtrTann 14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U2 Shift Manager PrenedOgramrTrinn INPO, AN!, etc.) Program___
15 Prsonel ccoutabiitySecuitySecurity Training Program / EP 15 Prsonel ccoutabiitySecuityDrills Page 78 IPEC Page 78
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT E. Design Basis Accident Analysis #10 - Control Room Evacuation and Alternate Shutdown
- 1. Accident Summary
- Fire in the control room and decision is made by the Shift Manager to evacuate and shutdown from the Alternate Shutdown Panel.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Assume reactor tripped, turbine tripped, feed pumps tripped, reactor coolant pumps tripped and other actions of steps 4.1-4.12 are completed prior to evacuation.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 3-AOP-SSD-1, Control Room Inaccessibility Safe Shutdown Control
- IP-EP-120, Classifications
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control room Page 79 IPEC Page 79
- 4. Tables
!;*::::: :: ::*:::!,::;*IPEC: TABLE I - ON-SHIFT POSITIONS ;:: :?:*i* : !**: ::*
Line: n-hf AUgmentation': Role in Table # Uaaye T5/LI T5/L3 T5/L5 1 . U2 SM E-Pian Table B-I N/A T5/L6 No No T5/L8 T5/L10
____________ T5/L14 ___ ____ ______
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L3 No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L4 No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L5 No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L9 No No
___________ T5/L13 __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
14 U3 Shift E-Plan Table B-i16 U3 T2/L1 oN Manager__________________
15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#i E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L2 No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No *No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L1 No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/Li5 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 80 IPEC Page 80
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT IPEC TABLE 2- UNIT 3 PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN One Unit One Control Room Analysis #10 Control Room Evacuation and Alternate Shutdown (U3)
~Ainimum Ooerations Crew Necessarvto ImolementAOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if ADDlicable
_______________________ _____________________ ,ontrolling *Method :;
- 1 SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1___ ___hi _____t____Manager___________ Program 2uprviorControl Uit Room SuPervisor Licensed Operator Training 2___ L__nt__Superv__sorProgram 3Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program 5 Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2Program Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 *uxiliary Operator #1 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 &uxiliary Operator #2 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #3 Non-Licensed Operator 8 &uxiliary Operator #3 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line #:, *en~eric TitleIRole ..: on-sh~ift Position: . s Aayss.
i11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 81 IPEC Page 81
- :.... ... 'IPEC Control Room Anlss#10"- TABLE 3--FIREFIGHTING .. .
EvacuationanAleatShdon(3 Line , Performed by .. . Task Analysis Controlling Method 1 SRO.FBL Fir Prtcin riig rga 2SURNO#FB Fire Protection Training Program 3U2 NPO#3 Fire Protection Training Program 4U2 NPO#5 Fire Protection Training Program 5U3 NPO#5 Fire Protection Training Program Page 82 IPEC IPEC Page 82
='*'*::*: Anlalys #10 - ..Control Room Evacu~ation
.... and Alternate Shutdown (u3)":: :..., : *i L Position Performing *: '.Performance Tirie Period After Emergency Declaratio~n (minutes)* ;i
' ::Function;/Task :
N' :S 5-?)i1015- 20-*
- 25 35- 40-:45-: :655- 60 70- 75-, 80 50-:
E __.....__ ,~ 10'5 25 35"40-45 50 55-'60 ,6570 750 8 5 9-05 1 In-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4Job Coverage: U2 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe):
N/A )
7 Chemistry Function task #1 (describe)
N/A 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated Page 83 IPEC IPEC Page 83
- i:.:::iAnalysis #10 - Control Room Evacuation and Alternate ShiUtdown (U3)= '*..
Line........:::: : Function i Task*: ::: , On-Shift: : Task Analysis Controlling Method
, ..... .. ... . . .. . . ... ..... . .. .... Pos ition : , * = : *. * : : .. .
Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) Manager Program / EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2Recommendations of tae/ocl ntiictins U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 prvecotetManager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A 5 Notification and direction to on-shift staff (g.toasmleautec)Mngr U2 Shift Lcne
!Emergency prtrTann Planning Trainingrga (e~g,eacuae, t assmbl, tc.)Manger Program 6ERO notification U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 6Manager Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A Stteloalnoifcaio frm U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 8 omleeManager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
__________ rogram U2 Shift 10 Complete NRC event notification form Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) NI/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A NI/A 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
__________ rogram Perform other site-specific event notifications U2 Shift 14 ,(e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program Persnne Accuntbilty Scurty 3ecurity Training Program / EP 15 *esne~cutblt euiy Drills Page 84 IPEC Page 84
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT F. Design Basis Accident Analysis #11 - Station Blackout (SBO)
- 1. Accident Summary
- A loss of all AC power occurred on U3..
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Assume the emergency diesel generators are not started for the first 60 minutes and that that the Appendix R SBO diesel is started and energizes equipment per procedure.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- 0-SOP-ESP-002, Emergency Contingency Plan
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room Page 85 IPEC Page 85
- 4. Tables
- A;*,*
- !* "i;/:: i *i:IPEC TA LEI- ON-SHIFT POSITiONS:: ;*, * " i::,: ....
.. :+'" Analysis #11 -Stato Blackoutu* (U3). ......
Line 3n-shift ::;'*' .... Augmentation Role in Table # Unanlyze TM..S
- Positi . ,Basis Document Ela*pse ie ILn # Tak Required T5/L6 I U2 SM E-Plan Table B-I N/A T5L4No No 2 U2 EP~anTabl RS B-IN/AS/A No4N 3 U2 RST E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 4 U2 RST# E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 6 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No-10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No i0 U2Chemstr E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 12 U2ChmsrP E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L9 No No T5/L13 E-Plan Table B-I U3 T2/LI T5/Li U3 Shift T5/L3 14 Manager 60 T5/L5 No No T5/L8 T5/L10 _____
15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO, #l E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 Ul NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/Li15 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-I1______________ ______ _____
Page 86 IPEC Page 86
- ::: : ** i ** , *'One Unit
- ...... -One Control Room ,' :i i! i J * **
- ......... :=**:* * ' :Analysis #11 - Station
........... .. ..Blackout
. . (SBOi~jU3)
Minimurn Operations crew Necessary/to Implement AoPs and EOPs or SAMGS if Applicable * :....
Line #
.... enteric Title/Role On-Shift Position= ask Analysis- ;.*
1 SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1___ ___hift_________Manager______________ rogram 2uprviorControl Uit Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training
'Unit_ Supervisor __________ _______________ rogram 3 Sif Tchica AviorShift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3___ Shift ______Technical___ ___Advisor_______ rogram 4 eato peatr 1Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4___ Reactor _________Operator________________ rogram 5 eato peatr 2Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5___ Reactor _________Operator____________2___ rogram 6 uiliry pertor#1Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Nlon-Licensed Operator 6 ___Auxiliary_______Operator_________1__ 1"_raining Program 7 uiliry pertor#2Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Nlon-Licensed Operator 7___ Auxiliary _________Operator_________2____ -raining Program 8 uiliry pertor#3Nuclear Plant Operator #3 Nlon-Licensed Operator 8___ Auxiliary _________Operator_________3__ 1"_raining Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs ifApplicable Line #? Generic TitlelRole : . :: : .. * *On-Shift Position *i::' ask AnalySis,;:*i*! .... :"'
______:i!*i __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ ntrolling Methlodi ii,*
11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 87 IPEC Page 87
... ..... ... IPEC TABLE 3- FIREFIGHTING :
- ,
- "Analysis #11 - Station Blackout (SBO) (U3)
- Line # :;::*.. :Performed by * " ,Task Analysis' Controlling Method 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Firefighting activities not included in the analysis.
- ;:'i:*
/ : *,i* ::,IPEC
______________: ;: TABLE 4- RADIATION Analysis PROTECTION
- 11 - Station AND :CHEMISTRY:
Blackout (sBo) (U3): :i:: .. '.....*: ::
LPosition PerformingI :::::
Performance.Tim Period Afte Emergency.: ion (minutes)* ;
Declarat i lunct ')Y~s:==. 5 15 25 35-: 40 50 60 70 80 E 0....-5::
- 10 1520 2530 35 404550:55 606570 75 8085 90 1 In-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP N/A 7 Chemistry Function Lask #1 (describe)
N/A 8 Chemist'ry Function
[ask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated Page 88 IPEC IPEC Page 88
- ' ,i :,":
- Analysis #11 Station Blacko~ut (SBo) (u3) i
- : i. :: *:
Lin ....... *
- Function
..... F..... I Task nction/Positio'n-a ...... O.....
n-Shiftl Task Analysis Cotrolling C n Method Declare the emergency classification level U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) Manager Program / EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2Recommendations of tae/lca noifcaton U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 prvecotetManager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Notification and 5 direction to on-shift staff U3 Shift Lcne EmergencyprtrTann Planning Trainingrga (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) M~anager Program 6EOnotification U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 6EOManager Program 7 &bbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Stae/ocl ntiictio frm U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 8 omleeManager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________ _________Program U3 Shift 10 Complete NRC event notification form Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 11 *ctivate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________ _________Program i4 Perform other site-specific event notifications UI2 Shift 14 e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program ccoutabiitySecuity 15 Prsonel Security Training Program / EP 15 Prsonel ccoutabiitySecuity Drills Page 89 IPEC Page89
.. IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT G. Design Basis Accident Analysis #12 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR
- 1. Accident'Summary (Assumed for Staffing Analysis Purpose)
- The unit is in a Site Area Emergency AS1 when the Shift Manager is given a dose projection update and site boundary survey data that supports >1 Rem TEDE dose at the site boundary.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- All actions for SAE are complete.
- No transients other than LOCA are considered.
- The ERO would be activated at an Alert or SAE. For Staffing Analysis purpose, the T=0 clock is used for the emergency plan actions to evaluate the capability to implement the GE classification, PAR and notification functions before the ERO arrives.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-410, PARs
- IP_EP-310, Dose Assessment
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP--21 0, Central Control Room Page 90 IPEC IPEC Page 90
- 4. Tables Tables 4.
Analysis. : #12:
Emeraencv with Release and...PAR ... (U3)
Line n. :shift::: Augmentation. Role in Table # UaayeM T5/L6 1 U2 SM E-Plan Table B-i N/A T5L4No No 2 U2 E-Pan CSTale B- N/A5/ALN1N 3 U2 CST E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 4 U2 ROT# E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 6 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i .N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A T5/L12 No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L13N N E-Plan Table B-i U3 T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L2 U3 Shift T5/L3 14 Manager 60 T5/L4 No No T5/L5 T5/L8
___________ T5/L10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _____
15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L2 No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/Li15 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 91 IPEC Page 91
- ,::-: i::::: :?One unit One Control Room <! <:*
Anlsi 12-LCAGnea Eegnc it elaeand PAR (U3)::'::* :
Vlnimum Operationis Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable :;. ...
Line # Generic Title/Role : : n-Shiift Position Task AnalySis ,,..
___....._..... __________.... ___ __...... ______" _ . ............. _- Controlling M ethod .
Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program 3 Sif Tchica AviorShift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training Shif Tecnica AdvsorProgram Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #3 Non-Licensed Operator 8 *uxiliary Operator #3 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line # *eneric Title/Role, O:,..
n-Shift Position .Task AnalYsis
_ _ ___ _.......__ __.....__ Controlling Method 11 Mlechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 92 IPEC Page 92
'i.,i =: ** ** : .: IPEC TABLE 3:- FIREFIGHTING !-:.=::
Analysis 12 LOC/GeneralEmerglency with Release and PAR (U3) zLine #* Perfored by,iii=,:,il*,**:i**i Task Analysis COntrolling Method*?:***:
1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in the analysis.
/iAna sis#12 -LOCAGeneral Emergencywith :Release and PAR (u3) "
L/Poitin Prfomin Performance Time Period After EegnyDeclarto.mits)
N..........5-;:: ... :1:0 20- 25 35 45- 50-'
"5=5- 60-65-"70 80- 85-9 1 In-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
U3 RP(site X X X X X 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Includedin Table
__5 6Other site specific RP (describe):
7Chemistry Function Iask #1 (describe) 8 Chemistry Function Iask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 93 IPEC Page 93
- Anlyi #12 C ... eeral Emergency with Relea~se and PAR (U3) i Line ,=:... FunctionlITask On-,Shift Position ? Task Analysis Controlling Line :... :' : ... / * ': M ethod Declre he mergncyclasifiatin lvelEmergency Planning Training (ecl)r h mrec lasfcto ee U3 Shift Manager !Program / EP Drills pproe OfsiteProectie AcionEmergency Planning Training 2 Recommendations U hf aae 3Aprovecontent of State/local notifications U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pprove rogram 4 Approve extension to allowable dose U3 Shift Manager Emergency Program / EPPlanning Drills Training Notification and direction to on-shift staff Lcne prtrTann (e.g., to 5assemble, evacuate, etc.) U3 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning Iraining Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2 Shift Manager Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U3 Shift Manager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Pmrogram Plnin rann Licensed Operator Training 10 Complete NRC event notification form U3 Shift Manager Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) NI/A U2 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessmentecncaPrgm 13Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training 13 Program Perform other site-specific event Licensed Operator Training 14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U2 Shift Manager Program INPO, AN!, etc.) _______
15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 94 IPEC Page 94
NOTE Threat based event is single procedure and both units affected. Unit 2 takes lead on EP actions.
- 1. Accident Summary
- Land and/or waterborne HOSTILE ACTION directed against the Protected Area by a HOSTILE FORCE. Assume adversary characteristics defined by the Design Basis Threat.
- Security Code Red condition
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- This event assumes the threat is neutralized immediately when inside the protected area fence, no significant damage to equipment or systems that require corrective actions before the ERO is staffed, no radiological release, and no fire that requires firefighting response before the ERO is staffed.
- Assume at power in Mode 1
- Assume Security notifies the Shift Manager of condition Security Code RED.
- Assume all non-security staff is located inside the protected area at their normal work station when the event occurs.
- Assume all systems function and the core remains covered. No fuel damage and no release.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 0-AOP-SEC-1, Response to Security Compromise
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- 2/3-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-21 0, Central Control Room Page 95 JPEG IPEC Page 95
- 4. Tables
- .. Analysi
...... #,I.:: Threat ,,. ..... ., :, ;= *!* : ,
Lie -sif* "! *::: IAugmentation Tme Role in Table I* ILine # #'* Unantalyzed
... *: ..
- .Psiio Basis Document: *IElapsed Task?..*, Required?. ** ,
U2 T2/Li T5/LI T5/L3 I U2 SM E-Plan Table B-i N/A T/5No No T5/L5
_________________T5/L10 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L2 No No E-Plan Table B-i U2 T2/L3 3 U2 STA N/A T5L7 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-I1_ N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 7 - U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-I1_ N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 13 Communicator 60T5/L13 No No E-Plan Table B-I U3 T2/Li 14 U3 Shift 60 T5/L6 No No Manager T5/L14 _____
15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 -U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L1 5 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 96 IPEC Page 96
"'*' *"*::' " ............. . O ne UJnit'
..... O ne Control Room *::". ......
. .:. *'i
- i! .... * ::*:,,Analysis # I DBT security Threat : :}*:.:!
MinmumO~ratonsCrw Necessary to Imolement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Appia
- Line # ebneici Title/Role : On-S.hift *Position* ::*'::* ask Analysis:
____ _________________________________ ContrOlling Methobd*: *,.
1 SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 ____hi __t__Manager_____Program 2uprviorControl Uit Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training UnitSuprvisr .Program 3 Sif Tchica AviorShift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training Shift__TechnicalAdvisor Program 4 eatopeatr 1Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4__ReactorOperator___1_Program 5 eatopeatr 2Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5___ Reactor___Operator___2Program 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator
__________________Training Program 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator
_____ __________________Training Program 8 uiliry pertor#3Nuclear Plant Operator U1 Non-Licensed Operator 8___ Auxi_____iary_____Operator________#3___Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A
- .;*',i!:;
- i
- ::*.,*:*. ii i i : O: ne Unit - One C ontrol Room ::* : *° i-:: -
Minimum :Oper~ations Crew Necessary to: Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs: if Applicable : i* :! o!
'Line # Generic Title/Role: :: ,,: On-Shift Position; ,: : :,ask Analysis :
I SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training
____ Shift __________Manager_____________Program 2uprviorControl Uit Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 ____Unit______Supervisor____________Program Shift Technical Advisor
- Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program 4 eatopeatr 1Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4___ Reactor _________Operator_________#1___Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program uxllaryOpeato #1Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6___ Auxiliary _________Operator_________1__Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #3 Non-Licensed Operator 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 Training Program Page 97 IPEC IPEC Page 97
9 lOther needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line # -::,Generic Title/Role::..." On-Shift Position CotaskAnlysisMeho 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 98 IPEC IPEC Page 98
.... , ::iAnalysis # i DBT Security Threat*i~
Line'* !Performed bY*!!: ,":i : *-Task AnalysiS COntrolling Methobd*:* ,*
N/A N/A N/2/
N/A N/A Note: This accident does not include the need for firefighting, first aid or search & rescue.
~~~~Analysis#1 DB Security Threat='i ... :: *.....
T: Position Performin Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minu~tes)
- N io50-;::: 5- 10-;15-;20. 25-,3o035 45-50-55 65- 70-:75 85-1 In-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A T Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
__N/A 6 Other site specific RP (describe):
__N/A 7 Chemistry Function task #1 (describe)
__N/A 8 Chemistry Function
- ask #2 (describe)
__N/A Note: No chemistry or RP job function tasks for the conditions described in the DBT assumptions. RP and Chemistry take cover as directed.
IPEC Page.99
i: :* : * ' Analy.siesif# 1 DBT Secuirity.Threat' i :: * " :: ".. ............ i: *= ::
L*inJ : ** ::::: Fun~ction I/.Task~i !: :': On-Shift T
]ask Analysis Controlling Method Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1(ECL) Manager Program / EP Drills 2 Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A NI/A 2Recommendations 3 Aprveconen o Stteloalnotifications U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training pprveconen ofStte/ocllanager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose 'N/A NI/A Notification and 5 direction to ori-shift staff U2 Shift LiesdOraoTanngPgar Emergency Planning Training (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program 6 EO otfictiU 3 Shift. Emergency Planning Training 6 EO otfictin anager Program Licensed Operator Training Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event U2 STA Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________ rogram U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification formMage Prrm 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________ rogram U2 Shift 10 Complete NRC event notification form Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) NI/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A NI/A 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
______________________________ __________ rogram Perform other site-specific event notifications U3 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 15 ccoutabiitySecuity Prsonel Security Training Program / EP 15 ccoutabiitySecuity Prsonel Drills Page 100 IPEC Page 100
- IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Accident Analysis #9 - Aircraft Probable Threat NOTE Threat based event is single procedure and both units affected. Unit 2 takes lead on EP actions.
- 1. Accident Summary
- The analysis includes all emergency response actions taken prior to an aircraft impact in accordance with RG 1.214 for an aircraft threat that is greater than 5 minutes, but less than 30 minutes from the site, and considers the dispersal of the site fire brigade away from target areas for firefighting.
- The analysis does not include a scenario or response actions taken during or after a crash.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- The Shift Manager receives the call from the NRC of probable aircraft threat.
- All non-security on-shift personnel are inside the protected area fence at their normal workstation.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 0-AOP-SEC-2, Aircraft Threat
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-21 0, Central Control Room (for both units)
Page 101 IPEC Page 101
- 4. Tables
- :; *'!***i
'i.* :*:: * *:, IPEC TABLE I -ON-SHIFT POSITIONS :::i .. :,*':*~~ ~.....*
Lin n-shift : Augmentation;* Role in Table # ,u!*n-al *e d,/ *' TMSi*,::
- Lie Position: asis:**
... ocument......
.... . El apEfi #... .:~ T...
sed Time i I Line......
............. ask? : Req,'Uired?::
__________.......... ..__ __ __ __ __ _ :(mini)*,: __________ ___________ ____k?__
U2 T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 1 U2 SM E-Plan Table B-I N/A T15No No T5/L5
_____________ ___________ T5/L8O ____________
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L3 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 -U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 9 -U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 12 .U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 1 Comnctr E-Plan Table B-i16 T5/L9Noo E-Plan Table B-i U3 T2/L1 14 Managert 60 T5/L6 No No Manager____ T5/L14 _____
15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No E-Plan Table B-i U3 T2/L3 i6 U3 STA N/A No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/Li15 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 102 IPEC Page 102
i ::::" : :iii:i :
- i:Analysis # 9 Aircraft Probable Threati* !:: i* i Minimum: Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs o'rSAMGs if Applicable.*: *,
Linte*#, Generic TitlelRole n-SiftPoitin ak nalsi Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager P~rogram 2uprviorControl Uit Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 ___Unit______Supervisor_____________ rogram
.Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor P~rogram 4 eato peatr 1Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 __Reactor ___Operator____1__ rogram 5 eato peatr 2Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 __Reactor ___Operator____2__ rogram 6 uilirypertor#1Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 __Auxiliary __Operator___#1_Training Program 7 AxilaryOpeato #2Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 #2raining uxliar Oprato Program Nuclear Plant Operator U1 Non-Licensed Operator 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A
-: . : :: ii.:i~i*::: One Unit - One C ntro.R.o Mlinimum operations:(*" Cr........
,ew. Necessary to........... I:mplement AOPs andl EO* orSAMs i Aplicbl Line# itle~olen-Shift enric Position akAayi I SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training
_______hift________Manager___________Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed OPerator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program" Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program 4 RacorOpraor#1Reactor Operator #1. Licensed Operator Training 4___ __eactor ________Operator_____________Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 ,uxiliary Operator #1 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 *uxiliary Operator #2 Training Program IPEC Page 103
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line #: : Gefl!iC *Title/Role :~ " ::: * * , ,:: n-Sh,***'ift Position: ii: *u . Analysis
, y,,.,u:ask i*::
________________________________ __ _ ........... ot.llig'M eho 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 104 IPEC Page 104
" ..... ' , ::IPEC TABLE 3- FIREFIGHTING . .. :
- * : ~~Analvs'is #9.-Aircraft Probable Threat,... :
Line' : Performed by Task Analysis Co'ntrolling Method:.
1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A FB stages in the In-Processing Building, no firefighting activities during the 30 minutes included in the analysis.
Page 105 IPEC Page 105
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT IPEC TABLE 4 :- RADIATION PROTECTION AND CHEMISTRY SL PoSitiOn Performing : ::,, Performance Time Period After Emergency DeClarato (mintes)*
I Function /Taisk - - - -...-.... ... . ...
1 In-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A T Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
.(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe):
N/A )
7 Chemistry Function task #1 (describe)
N/A 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)
N/A Note: No chemistry or RP job function tasks for the conditions described in the Aircraft Threat assumptions.
Page 106 IPEC Page 106
=.. .........
- i:= .. =
. ... ~~~~~Analysis # 9 Aircraft Probable Threat}* *? ** ;:i 'i Lin. Fucio Ts On-Shift ' Task Analysis Controlling Method
..... . . .. . . .. .. ~~~~Position := . .. -;:
Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 CL Manager Program / EP Drills 2 ,pprove Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2Recommendations conen ofSttelocl otfictinsU2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 poeManager Program 4 *pprove extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Notification and 5 direction to on-shift staff U2 Shift Lcne EmergencyprtrTann Planning Trainingrga (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program 6 -R ntiictinU3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 6 EO otfiatonManager program 7 ,bbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A tae/lca ntiicaio frm Comlee U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 8Manager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
__________Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form Managert Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13ntifcatins Prfom NC ommnictorEmergency Planning Training 13ntifcatins Prfom NC ommnictorProgram Perform other site-specific event notifications U3 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 107 IPEC Page 107
Perform a Time Motion Study to evaluate whether assigning the performance of ERO notification using Everbridge to the Shift Manager or STA can be justified as an acceptable overlap to the Shift Manager's primary emergency plan function of direction and control.
NOTE The Time Motion Study may be completed during simulator training/evaluation or during EP drills LOCATION:
Simulator (to use the "TRAINING' event code to avoid inadvertent ERO activation for an EMERGENCY event.)
Codes are site specific.
A. Individual performing the procedure actions must be logged on to the computer being used.
B. PC with Internet 7.0 and internet access.
C. Instructions/codes for activating Everbridge in the TRAINING mode. [Staged Instruction sheet for activating Everbridge may be used in lieu of EN-EP-31 0, Emergency Response Organization Notification System)]
Page 109 IPEC Page 109
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Function / Responsibility (Task) Analysis Template Event: All Site: __IPEC Position: Shift Manaqier Line #: 1 Function [Responsibility (Task) Action Step JDuration I .Notification 1.1 Initiate notification to the ERO via the 1.1.1 ERON Program Retrieve the Everbridge instruction that contains the
[TRAINING] Access code and Pass code. 22 sec.
1 (On the PC)
Open ERO Notification System by clicking: 17 sec.
Start -*Nuclear Corporate Apps (ESM) -* Nuclear Emergency Response (ESM) -* ERON 2
Enter Access code (XXXXX) and Pass code (XXXXX) 11 sec.
and click the SUBMIT button 3
Select the appropriate classification by clicking on it.
8 sec.
(Select ALERT) 4 Answer "Yes" or "No" to Security EAL question, "Was 8 sec.
the event declared on a Security EAL?" [ Click on "YES"]
5 Select proper response action by clicking on it.
10 sec.
[Select "Security Event"}
6 Review the message that was generated in the User 12 sec.
Message box at the bottom of the screen. Ensure the message contains the information to communicate to
~2 'JO
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT the ERO. Additional information can be added to the message by clicking in the User Message box and typing.
7 Once satisfied with the message content, click send 7 sec.
notification button. [Click "Send Notification"]
8 Answer "YES" to send verification question, 'Are you 5 sec.
CERTAIN you want to send this message?" [Click "YES"]
9 If message was successfully sent, you will see a dialog 5 sec.
[Click "Return"]
- END OF iNITIATE :NOTIFICATION TO ERO TASK 2.Emergency Direction and 2.1 Maintain emergency direction and control 1 Control of the event response. Oversight of the emergency response.
NA 21 Initiate any emergency actions. NA Comments:
The task of ERO notification/activation via ERON for the Non-ED Unit Shift Manager does not negate or interfere with the SM's ability to continue oversight of control room activities or to initiate additional emergency actions.
4 I.
,TASK ,,
Page 111 IPEC Page 111
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Task Performer: _Donald Dewey________ Position: __Shift Manager/AOM______ Date: 4/9/13 Name Job Title Evaluator: Anthony Ambrose_____ Position: __Sr. Emergency Planner_____ Date: 4/9/13 Name Job Title Evaluator: .Brian McCarthy._______ Position: Shift Manager/AOM_______ Date: 4/9/13 Page 112 IPEC IPEC Page 112
- NEI 10-05, Rev 0, Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities
- NSIR DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance - Emergency Planning for NuclearPower Plants
- NUREG-0654, Criteria for Preparationand Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparednessin Support of Nuclear Power Plants.
- Indian Point No. 1 Safety Analysis Report
- Decommissioning Plan for Indian Point Unit 1, October 1980 XllI. STAFFING ANALYIS TEAM
- Myra Jones, Contractor CMCG
- Charles Hock, IPEC Operations Shift Manager
- Brian Sullivan, Training Superintendent
- Brent Magurno, Chemistry Specialist
- Steve Sandike, Chemistry Specialist
- Scott Stevens, Radiation Protection Supervisor
- Mary Ann Wilson, Emergency Preparedness Manager
Enterqy Nuclear Northeast Indian Point Energy Center 450 Broadway, GSB
'~ Entei~gy P.O. Box 249 Buchanan, NY 10511-024 Tel 914 254 6710 Robert Walpole Manager Regulatory Assurance NL-1 5-1 54 December 15, 2015 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk 11555 Rockville Pike, OWFN-2 F1 Rockville, MD 20852-2738
Submittal of Emergency Plan Document Change Indian Point Unit Numbers 1, 2 and 3 Docket Nos.50-003, 50-247 and 50-286 License Nos. DPR-5, DPR-26 and 64
Dear Sir / Madam:
The purpose of this letter is to distribute, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4(b)(5)(iii), a Copy of the Emergency Plan document change "Indian Point Energy Center On-Shift Staffing Analysis" Revision I as required by 10 CFR50.54(q)(5) and 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Section V.
The On-shift Staffing Analysis revision does not result in a change to Table B-I of the Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) Emergency Plan, does not result in a reduction or increase to the required minimum on-shift staffing, nor lessen any requirements to support emergency response functions or tasks. The revised on-shift staffing analysis does not affect compliance with 10 CFR 50.47. The revision has been evaluated in accordance with 10 CER 50.54(q) and does not decrease the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.
The evaluation and the "Indian Point Energy Center On-Shift Staffing Analysis" Revision I are provided in the enclosure. This letter and the enclosed evaluation constitute the summary of analysis required to be submitted by 10 CFR 50.54(q)(5).
NL-15-154 Docket Nos.50-003, 50-247 and 50-286 Page 2 of 2 This letter contains no new regulatory commitments. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact me.
Sincerely, RW/sp
"Indian Point Energy Center On-Shift Staffing Analysis" Revision 1 and Evaluation cc: Mr. Douglas Pickett, Senior Project Manager, NRC NRR DORL Ms. Kimberly A Conway, Project Manager, NRC NRR DUWP Mr. Daniel H. Dorman, Regional Administrator, NRC Region 1 NRC Resident Inspector Mr. John B. Rhodes, President and CEO, NYSERDA Ms. Bridget Frymire, New York State Dept. of Public Service
Sheet 'I of 3 ___________________
-Procedureliocument Number:...C.On-S.i..Revision..
Staffing Analysis Equipment)Facility/Other: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA)
Part I. Description of Activity Being Reviewed Revision 1 to IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis:
o Refer to Revision Matrix Part 11,Activity Previously Reviewed? I-YES ]N Is this activity fully bounded by an NRC approved 10 CFR 50.90 submittal or 50.,54(q)(3) Continue to Alert and Notification System Design Report?* Evaluation is next part
- NOT required, Enter If YES, identify bounding source document number/approval reference and justification ensure the basis for concluding the source document fully bounds the below and proposed change is documented below:, complete Part Vi. _ _ _ _ _
O] Bounding document attached (optional)
Part Ill. Applicability of Other Regulatory Change Control Processes Check if any other regulatory change processes control the proposed activity.(Refer to EN-LI-i100)
NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed activity, consequential actions may include changes to other documents which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 50.54(q)(3)
[] Ifthere are no controlling change processes, continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening.
Li One or more controlling change processes are selected, however, some portion of the activity involves the emergency plan or affects the implementation of the emergency plan; continue the 50.54(q)(3) Screening for that portion of Ihe activity. Identify the applicable controlling change processes below.
fl One or more controlling change processes are selected and fully bounds all aspects of the activity. 50.54(q)(3)
Evaluation is NOT required. Identify controlling change processes below and complete Part VI.
I --.-. - -,
Part lV. Editorial Change LJYiiS l~1 NO Is this activity an editorial or typographical change such as formatting, paragraph 5O54(q)(3) Continue to Itcxt pun numbering, spelling, or punctuation that does nol change intent? NOT n~qiIrcd.
Justification: The following changes are considered an editorial change without a change of intent, VI.
Changes 1, 2, 3, 4, 58. No further evaluation is required for this change; "No" is selected because the procedure contains some non-editorial changes that require further screening.
I ___________ L ____________
EN-EP-305 REV 3
Sheet 2 of 3
[Procedure/Docu ATTACHMENT 9.1 IOCFRS0.54(q) SCREENING Staffing AnalysisI EqiretFciiy~hr Number:
IndianIPECPointOn-Shift Energy Center (IPEC) Reii:I Trtie: IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA)
Part V, Emergency identified in brackets) Planning Does this Element/Function activity affect any ofScreen (Associated the following, 10 CFR including 50.47(b) program planning elements fromstandard NUREG-function 0654/FEMA REP-i Section I1?
- 1. Responsibility for emergency response is assigned. (1]....[
- 2. The response organiz'ation has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (24/7 []
staffing) in accordance with the emergency plan. [1]
3, The process ensures that on shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed and assigned. [2] *
- 4. The process for timely augmentation of onshift staff is established and maintained. [2] . .... [
- 5. Arrangements for requesting and using off site assistance have been made. [31 ....
- 6. State and local staff can 'be accommodated at the EOF in accordance with the emergency pla'n. [31 El
- 7. A standard scheme of= emergency classification and action levels is in use. [4] El
- 8. P~rocedures for notification of State and local governmental agencies are capable of alerting them of E the declared emergency within 15 minutes after declaration of an emergency and providing follow-up notifications. [51
- 9. Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt El instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway. [5]
- 10. The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-1 0 Guide for Evaluation of Alert and [
Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, or complies with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter. [5]
- 11. Systems are established for prompt communication among princi'pal emergency response El organizations. [6]"
- 12. Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response personnel. [6) [
- 13. Emergency preparedness information is made available to the public on a periodic basis within the plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ). [71
- 14. Coordinated dissemination of public information during emergencies is established. [7] [
"15,Adequat'e'facilities are maintained to support emergency response. [8] "*
- 16. Adequate equipment is maintained to support emergency response. [6] [
- 17. Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radlioactive releases are in use. [9] [
- 18. A range of public PARs is available for implementation d'uring" emergencies. [10] F]
- 19. Evacuation time estimates for the population located in the plume exposure pathway EPZ are [
available to support the formulation of PARs and have been provided to State and local governmental authorities. [10]
- 20. A range of protective actions is available for plant emergency workers during emergencies, including [
those for hostile action events.t10]
- 21. The resources for controlling radiological exposures for emergency workers a're established. [11]
- 22. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, injured individuals. [12] [
- 23. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. [131 .... [
- 24. A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics and other program [
areas) is established. [14]
EN-EP-305 REV 3
Sheet 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 9.1 ICCFR5O.54(q) SCREENING Pr-ocedurelDocument rtaffing Analysis Number: IPEC On-Shift !Revisio0n: I . . .. .....
Equipment/lFacllitylOther: indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
[Titl e: IPEC On,-Shif Staffing Analysis (OSSA)
- 25. Drills, exercises, and Iraining evolutions thiat provide performance opportunities to develop, [
maintain, and demonstrate key skills are assessed via a formal critique process in order to identify weaknesses. [14]
- 26. Identified weaknesses are corrected. [t14J [
- 27. Training is provided to..emergency responders. [15S] .......
- 28. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review is established. [161 "E1[
- 29. Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are properly trained. [16] _____
0 Ifno Part V criteria are checked, a 50.54(q)(3) Evaluation is NOT required; document the basis for conclusion below and complete Part VI.
gi Ifany Part Vcriteria are checked, complete Part VI and perform a 50.64(q)(3) Evaluation.
Change 80 - Unit designators (U2 or U3) were added to NE! 10-05 Tables throughout OSSA to provide clarity for reference. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required.
Change 82 - The revision 1 of the OSSA deleted five overlapping tasks identified in the original analysis and replaced with "None" as the previously identified overlapping tasks had been addressed during the original analysis and no overlaps currently exist. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required.
Change 83 - Added additional references to support assessment findings. This change does not change the meaning or intent of a description, does not change facilities or equipment, and does not change a process. No further evaluation is required.
Emergency Planning Elements 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Part V of this form are potentially affected by the remaining changes described in the Revision Matrix. A I0CFR50.54 (q) evaluation will be performed to determine if the effectiveness of the IPEC Emergency Plan is reduced and prior NRC approval is required.
Part VI, Signatures:
Preparer Name (Print) Dae Anthony E. ,Am-brose /1... $
(Optional) Reviewer Name (Print) Rve SnaueDate:
Reviewer Name (Print) ... "Re dewer Sig~a ~ .Date:
Nuclear EPProject Manager . ...
Approver Name (Print) Approver Signature *"Date:
Lori A. Glander4 EP Maageror deigne EN-EP-305 REV 3
--rocedurelDocu-- ment Number:lIPEC On-Shift l Revision: ... ............. .......
Staffing Analysis I EquipmentlFacl~itylOther: indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA)
Part 1.Description of Proposed Change: Tihe activity being reviewed is a revision to JPEC, On-Shift Staffng Analysis:
- Referto Revision Matrix Part II.Description and Review of Licensing Basis Affected by the Proposed Change:
Thie IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis has been reviewed through the Process Applicability Determination (PAD) in accordance with thle criteria described in N E! 96-07 and EN-L1-t00. This proposed change does not (I) change the facility or procedures as described in thle UFSAR or (2) creatc a test or equipment not described in the UFSAR and is governed under the Emergency Plan 10 CFR 50.54(q) screening process in accordance with EN-EP-305. These proposed changes do not involve structures, systems or components controlled by 10 CFR 50.59 or 72.48 and do not have thle potential to impact any of thle License Basis Documents (LBDs) on thle PAD form, except for the Emergency Plan. All responses to the questions contained in sections III and IV of the PAD form were determined to be "no impact". Since these proposed changes do not contain any requirements that could affect any LB3Ds other than thle Emergency Plan, it is determined to be fully governed under 10 CFR 50.54(q). All Sections of the IPEC Emergency Plan were thoroughly reviewecd and found that these changes wxill not require a change to the IPEC Emergcncy Plan Revision 15-02.
Part Ill. Describe How the Proposed Change Complies with Relevant Emergency Preparedness Regulation(s) and Previous Commitment(s) Made to the NRC:
Previous Commitments to the NRC - Per EN-LI-I110, the licensing management system used for tracking NRC commitments was searched and no results were found related to proposed changes to the IPEC ON-Shift Staffing Analysis.
IOCFR50.47(b)(1): Assignment of responsibility/Organizational Control Responsibility for emergency response is assigned
- The response organization has the staff to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (i.e., 24./7 support) itn accordance with the emergency plan.
Site Compliance: These changes associated wvith revision I do not result in a change to Table B3-1 of the IPEC Emergency Plan, do not result in a reduction or increase in the required mininlum on-shift staffing, nor lessen any requirements to support, emergency functions or tasks. Table 8-1 will continue to list the station minimum staff requiremnents and augmentation capabilities to respond to an emergency.
to CFR 50,47(b)(2)---Onsite Emergency Organization
- The process ensures that on -shift emergency response responsibilities are stafl*:d and assigned.
- The process for timely augmnentation of on-shift staff is established and maintained.
Site Compliance: These changes associated with revision 1 include a Time Motion Study (TMS) regarding the on-shift Shift Manager's capability to complete the task of notifying the Emergency Response Organization (ERe) to mobilize for an emergency. The TMS establishes the Shift Manager's ability to complete the ERe notification task and other emergency notifications in a timely manner while maintaining oversight of shift emergency actions.
EN-EP-305 REV 3
Sheet 2 of 5 ATTACHMENT 9.2 IOCFRS0,54(q) EVALUIATIOI rN SProcedurelDocument Number: IPEC On-Shift Revision: I Staffing AnalysisI EquipmentlFacilitylOther: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA) i Part IV. Description of Emergency Plan Planning Standards, Functions and Program Elements Affected by the Proposed Change:
10C FRS0.47(b) (1): Assignment of responsibility/Org&anizationaI Control Functions:
- Responsibility for emergency response is assigned The response organization has the stall to respond and to augment staff on a continuing basis (i.e., 24/7 support) in accordance with the emergency plan.
Program Elements: Sections I V.A. I-I V.A.9 of Appendix E to I 0 CFR Part SO provide supporting requ irements.
Informing criteria appear in Section l1.A ofNUREG-0654 and in the IPEC Emergency Plan.
10 CFR 50.47(b) (2)-Onsite Emergency Orgainization Functions:
.oThe process ensures that on-shift emergency response responsibilities are staffed anld assigned.
,o The process for timcly augmentation of on-shift stalf is established and maintained.
Program Elements: Sections IV.A.2.a--c, IV.A.3, and IV.C of Appendix E to 10OCFR Part 50 provide supporting requirements. Informing criteria appear in Section 11.B3 of NUREG-0654 and in the IPEC Emergency Plan.
EN-EP-305 REV 3
Sheet 3 of 5 ATTACHME.NT 9.2 10OCFR50.54(q) EVALUATION SProced urelDocument Number: IPEC On-Shift Revision: I Staffing Analysis I EquipmontlFacilitylOther: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA)
Pa*rt V. Description off Impact of the Proposed Ch:ange on tile Effectiveness of Emergency Phlai Functions:
Proposed Chanuies 5 and 7 incorporate the analysis of thie responsibi lities of the on-sh ift staff supporting IPE3C Unit I. This analysis identified that U~nit I is defueled, has lirnitcd operating systems with reduced radioactive sou~rce tcrms and no specific Emergency Action Levels assigned. The revised On-Shift Staffing Analysis determined that IPEC on-shift staff actions in response to accidents evaluated during the staff analysis are bounded by the operating units, Unit 2 and Unit 3. No changes in on-shift staffing resulted from the inclusion of Unit I in the On-Shift Stafling Analysis. These proposcd changes are determined to continue to mect thec requirements of"planning standards 10 CFR 50.47(b) (l) and (2),
Sections lV,A.t-*IV.A.9, IV.A.2.a-c, IV.A.3, and IV.C of" 10 CFP. 50 Appendix E, Sections llI.A and
[i.B of NUREG-0654, and the IPEC Emergency Plan because the revision identified that no changes to IPEC on-shift staffing were impacted by the inclusion of Unit I in the analysis and that all accidents evaluated for thc staffing analysis were bounded by the operating units at Indian Point Energy Center.
Proposed Chxaneles 6, 8, 10, Ii 13, 15,.32, 33,.35. 36. 37, 39, 41, 42,45, 47, 48,51, 59, 60, 61. 62, 63, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79 and 8t- incorporated a Time Motion Study (TMS) to evaluate the Shift Manager's capability to notify the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) to mobilize for emergency support while maintaining the primary emergency function of direction and control. This TMS wvas conducted in support of the NRC-endorsed industry guidance for performing the detailed analysis, N El 10-05, "A~ssssmnent of On-shift Emergencyj Response Organizalion Sta~ffing and Capabilities",regarding evaluating all concurrent or conflicting tasks with the potential to impact the Shift Manager's ability to perform the primary Emergency Plan functions. Criteria were provided to evaluate the conflicting or concurrent task to determine if it actually posed a challenge to implementation by the Shift Manager. This T[MS evaluation identified that the task of ERG notification takes less than two min~utes (103 seconds) to complete. This time was compared to the time required to perform a turnover of the required actions to another member of the on-shift staff and resulted in the determination that the task does not negate or interfere with the Shift Manager's ability to continue oversight of control room activities or to initiate additional actions. At IPEC, the task of ERG notification is performed by the unaffected unit Shift Manager at the ALERT declaration or higher. The previous analysis identified the Shift Technical Advisor as performing various notifications incltuding the notification of the ERO.
Revision I of the OSSA has been revised to reflect the Shift Manager performing the various notification tasks. These proposed changes are determinled to continue to meet the requirements of planning standards 10 CFR 50.47(b) (I) and (2), Sections IV.A.2.b and IV.C of 10 CFR 50 Appendix E, Sections l1.A and 11.B3 of NUREG-0654, and the IPEC Emergency Plan because the revision analysis identified that the task of ERO notification and other associated emergency notifications does not negate or interfere with the Shift Manager's ability to continue oversight of control room activities or to initiate additional actions and the task of ERO notification is perfornmed by the unaffe~cted unit Shift Manage/" at the ALERT declaration or higher.
Chiangcs 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2122, 23, 24, 25, 34, 53, 54, 55, 56. and 57- reflect procedural guidance regarding control room evacuation and alternate safe shutdowvn activities at IPEC. Current procedural guidance requires the unaffected unit Shift Manager to assume the Emergency Director function, allowing the affected unit Shift Manager to maintain field oversight of alternate safe shutdown activities.
In addition, a Nuclear Plant Operator (NPO) from the unaffected unit is assigned to provide assistance to EN-EP-305 REV 3
Sheet 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT 9.2 10CFRSO.54(q) EVALUATION
- -- Number:
- -'ProcedurelDocument IPEC On-Shift-- iRevision: 1 Staffing Analysis I EqulpmentlFacilitylOther: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA) thle affected unit personnel during alternate saib shutdown activities. This OSSA revision was revised to reflect the reassignment of tasks for alignment with station procedures. These proposed changes are determined to continue to meet the requirements of planning standards 10 CFR 50.47(b) (1) and (2).
Sections IV.A.2.b and IV.C of 10 CER 50 Appendix E, Scctions ll.A and II.B ot'NUREG-0654, and the IPEC Emergency Plan because thle reassignmnnt of alternate safc shutdown tasks support the affected unit Shift Manager to maintain oversight of the alternate safe shutdown and provide for the unaffected Shift Manager to assume Emergency Director responsibility for management of the emergency.
Changes 9, 12, 14, 26, 29, 31, 38, 40, 43. 44* 46. 49, 50, 52, 64, 65 and 69- reflect thle reassignment of tasks associated with Dose Assessment from the Shift Manager to the unaffected unit On-Shift Chemistry Technician, who may perform the role of Control Room Dose Assessor. This position wvas previously evaluated via I 0CFR50.54(q) for Revision 16 of iP-EP-2 10, Central Control Room. In the event of a radiological release, the affected unit Shift Manager (Emergency Director) may request, from thle unaffected unit Shift Manager, assistance from thle unaffected unit On-Shift Chemistry Technician.
This Chemistry Technician is a dose assessment trained and qualified individual who could assist the Shift Manager in performing dose assessl pent activities, thereby relieving the affected unit Shift Manager of this additional burden. Once the Emergency Response Organization is in place, Dose Assessors in Ihe Emergency Operations Facility would assume responsibility for close assessment.
While the unaffected unit Chemistry TechnIician may perform dose assessment activities for the affected unit, the Shift Manager retains sole responsibility for dose assessment and must approve any dose calculations performed by the Chemistry Technician prior to' transmittal to oft'site facilities. This additional person, if utilized. is anl enhancement to the operation of the CCR and relieves the Shift Manager/ED of a time consuming task, specifically during a radiological release or unstable plant conditions. These proposed changes to the OSSA have been determined to continue to meet the requirements of the IPEC Emergency Plan and Sections ll.A- ll.B ofNUREG-0654, Sections IV.A. I IV.A.9 of Appendix E to 10 CFR 50 and 10 CFR 50.47 (b) (I) and does not represent a reduction in thle effectiveness of the i PEC Emergency Plan because it does not reduce the authority or responsibility of the Shift Manager, who will stilt maintain control of these responsibilities and functions, and enhances the program by allowing assistance from the unaffected unit Oni-Shift Chemistry Technician to perform Dose Assessment if required and does not reduce the ability of thc Shift Manager to perform oversight of emergency activities in the control room.
.Changes27, 28, 30, 66 and 67 - revisions made to applicable tables reflecting the analysis of a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) /Gencral Emergency with Release and Protective Action Recommendation (PAR). Revisions reflect assignment of tasks associated wvith affected unit Shift Manager responsibilities for PARs and dose extensions wvhen required which had been omitted f'rom the OSSA Revision 0 and reassignment of tasks to reflect responsibilities of unaffected unit Shift Manager regarding ERO and Other site-specific notifications and On-Shift Chemistry Technician regarding dose assessment. These proposed changes to the OSSA have been determined to continue to meet thle r'equiremlents of the IPEC Emergency Plan and Sections IV.A. 1 - I V.A.9 of Appendix E to I0 CFR 50, Sections 1I.A- II.B of NUREG-0654 and 10 CFR 50.47 (b) (1) and does not represent a reduction in the effectiveness of the IPEC Emergency Plan because the revision corrects an omission of required affected unit Shill Manager tasks and reassigns tasks to the tnaffected unit Shift Manager and On-Shift Chemistry Technician to relieve burden from the affected unit Shift Manager and does not reduce the ability of the Shift Manager to perform oversight of emergency activities in the control room.
EN-EP-305 REV 3
Sheet 5 of 5 ATTAC HMENT 9.2. 10OCFR50,54(al EVALUATION Procedurel~ocument Number: IPEC On-Shift Revision: I Staffing Analysis I EquipmentlFacllitylOther: Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC)
iPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis (OSSA)
Chanuc 75 - revision added th~e approved task of abbreviated NRC notification for the Shift Technical Advisor during a Design Basis Threat (DBT) and added associatcd training program information to the task analysis controlling method. This task had previously been omitted from the OSSA Revision 0 analysis. These proposed changes to the OSSA have been determined to continue to meet the requirements of the IPEC Emergency Plan and Sections I1.A- 11.8 of NUREG-0654, Sections IV.A, I tV.A.9 of Appendix E to 10 CFR 50 and 10 CFR 50.47 (b) (l) and does not represent a reduction in the effectiveness of the IPEC Emergency Plan because the revision corrects a previous omission from Revision 0 and establishes responsibility from the task of NRC notification during a Design Basis Thr'eat and does not reduce the ability of the Shift Technical Advisor to perform assigned duties during emergency activities in the control room.
The proposed changes to the IPEC On-Shift Staffing Analysis, Revision 1, continue to meet the planning standards outlined in 10 CFR 50.47(b)(l), and 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2). These changes will not require a change to the IPEC Emergency Plan Revision 15-02 and do not represent a reduction in effectiveness to thec IPEC Emergency Plan and can be incorporated without prior NRC approval.
Part VI. Evaluation Conclusion Answer the following questions about the proposed change.
I. Does the proposed change comply with 10 CFR 50.47(b) and 10 CFR 50 Appendix E? B5;YES El NO
- 2. Does the proposed change maintain the effectiveness of the emergency plan (i.e., no YS N
- 3. Does the proposed change constitute an emergency action level scheme change? IJYES [] NO If questionschange proposed I or 2 are answered NO, or question 3 answered YES, reject the proposed change, modify the and perform a new evaluation or obtain prior NRC approval under provisions of 10 CFR 50.90.
If questions 1 and 2 are answered YES, and question 3 answered NO, implement applicable change process(es).
Ref'er to step 5.618].
Part VII. Signatures Preptoa)Reveer Name (Print) at e ae (Otoa)Rveeae(rn)Revie e-er Signature Date:
Reviewer Name (Print) Reviewer Sinature Bate:
Nuclear EP Project Manager Lori A.Glander j' A EP Manager or designee J [1
(/1 -
EN-EP-305 REV 3
________-Revision Matrix for On-Shift StfigAnalyi Revision 1
- 1. Cover Page - Rev 0 Cover Page - Rev I j YES NO -Editorial - revision number change
_________ IDecember 17, 2012 November 2, 2015 __________________
- 2. Table 1, Line 4 Table 1, Line 4 YES NO - Editorial - typographical error
__ Pages 23, 29, 35, 41l, 47, 52, 57, 62, Pages 23, 29, 35, 41I, 47, 52, 57, corrections 68, 74, 80, 86, 91, 96 and 102 62, 68, 74, 80, 86, 91,96 and 102
______U20#1. U2 RO#1
- 3. Page 3 YES NO - Editorial - Formatting change Addcd Section X - APPENDIX C
- Time Motion Studies Supporting Thle Staffing Analysis _____
4, Page 3 - Added subsection A YES NO - Editorial - Formatting change under Section X -ERO
______________________________ Activation)______
5,Page 4: Section 1: Introduction YES Added reference to incorporation of IPEC Unit 1 in analysis
- 6. Page 4: Section I: Introduction IYES Added reference to incorporation of Shift Manager task of ERO
__________________________notification in analysis I7. Page 4: Section U: Analysis YES Summary
_________________________Added reference to IPEC Unit 1 ____
- 8. Page 7: Section II: Analysis YES - Corrective Action implemented to Summary align the assignment of ERO notification to
_______________________Added Step C: Reference to Time _____the SM as an Entergy fleet standard r
Revision Matrix for On-Shift Staffing Analysis Revision I Propsed*Editorial Number Existing Condition or Affected Pages PrpsdChange Impact on 50.47 planning Std.?
_________________________to Pages 18, 23, 29, 35 SMotion Study frSitManager perform ERG notification.
IChangedto "No" Deleted T5/LI2 from the SM role TMS required from I_____ _____________________
YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign a SM collateral duty of dose "Ycs" ______assessment
- 10. Pages 18, 23, 29, 35 Added T5/L6 and T5/14 to the YES - Corrective Action implementation to U3 SM role in column 5 re-assign collateral tasks to notify the ERG and make other notification from the STA to
_____________ _______the non-affected unit 133 SM.
- 11. Pages 18, 23, 29, 35 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and T5/L14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to from the STA role in column 5 re-assign collateral tasks to notify the ERG Column 7 changed "Yes" to "No" and make other notification from the STA to
________________________________________________ _______the non-affected unit U3 SM.
- 12. Pages 18, 23, 29, 35 Added T5/LI12 to the U3 YES - Corrective Action implementation to Chemistry Technician role in re-assign collateral tasks of dose assessment column 5 from the SM to the Chemistry Technician
- 13. Pages 21, 27, 33, 39 Changed "STA" to "Shift YES - Corrective Action implementation to Manager" re-assign collateral tasks of ERG notification
_______________________ _______from the U3 STA to the U3 SM
- 14. Pages 21, 27, 33, 39 Changed "U32 Shift Manager" to YES - Corrective Action implementation to "U3 Chemistry Technician" re-assign collateral tasks of dose assessment from the U2 SM to the 133 Chemistry
- 15. Pages 21!, 27, 33, 39 Changed "U3 STA" to U33 Shift YES - Corrective Action implementation to Manager re-assign collateral tasks of other notification
_________________________ __ _from the U3 STA to the U3 SM
- 16. Page 40 Added statement 132 SM YES - Corrective action implementation and
____________________________________maintains field oversight of the _______procedure change for SM collateral duty of 2
________Revision I Nuber ondtionor~fectd Matrix for On-Shift Poposd Staffing Analysis IEditorial Revision 1 Nubr IExisting Codto rfetdPages Prhposed Change Impact on 50.47 planning Sti. ?
response and U33 SM assumes the fsafe shutdown
- 17. Page 41 IChanged TMS requ'ired from E m er ge n cy Dir e cto r fun ctio n . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
YES -Corrective Action implementation to
"'Yes" to "No" remove STA collateral duty of Safe Shutdown actions
- 18. Page 41 Added tasks T5IL1, T5/L3, YES - Corrective Action implementation to T5/L5, T5/L8, T5/LIQ re-assign the ED tasks to the unaffected unit 3 SM~ and remove tasks from U2 SM
- 19. Page 41 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T5/L1,4 YES -Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "N"in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3 t7 _____SM and remove tasks from U3 STA
- 20. Page 41" Added task"U2 T2/L9 'YES - Procedure was revised to assign the U3
_________NPO a task as U2 safe shutdown, operator S21]. Page 42 Added Nuclear Plant Operator #3 YES - Procedure was revised to assign the U3 in column 5 and added Non- NPO a task as U2 safe shutdown operator licensed Operator Training
________________________Program to column 4 ____
- 22. Page 45 Reassigned all tasks on these lines Procedure was revised to direct the unaffected from the U2 SM to the U3 SM SM to perform the Emergency Director function while the affected unit SM responds
____ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ to the event.
- 23. Page 47 Added tasks T5/L6 and T51L14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to I re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3
___________________ I______SM and remove tasks fr'om U3 STA 2.Page 47 Deleted tasks T5/L6"and, T5/.1 4 YES --'Corrective Action implementation to i25.
1 Page 50 Changed "Yes" to "No" in column 7
Changed to U3 Shift Manager 1S_____YES re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3 M a nd re mo ve ta sks fro m U 3 STA
- Corrective Action implementation' to 3
Revision Matrix for On-Shift Staff il Proposed Number Existing Condition orAffected Pages Change
I ______________________________________
__ _M__
Page 52
_and__ __ _remove___ __
__tasks__ __
Deleted tasks"T5/Ll12 in column 5
__ _fMrndoeov re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3 tsk3fom S3ST YES - Removed the collateral task of dose Changcd "'Yes" to "No" in column assessment from the SM
_ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ 7 _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_27. Page 52 Added tasks T5/L6 and TS/L14 't YES - Corrective Action implementation to
' re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3
___________ ______________________SM and remove tasks from U3 STA
- 28. Page 52 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T5/L14 YE'S - Corrective Action implementation-to Changed "'Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3
_______7 _____SM and remove tasks from U3 STA
- 29. '....Page 52 Added task T5/LI 2 YES - Corrective Action implementation to reassign the dose assessment task from the
_______________ _______________________________SM to the Chemistry Technician 30.' Page 55 Added tasks T5/L6 and T5/L14 YES -Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 3
__________________SM and remove tasks from U3 STA
- 31. Page 55 Added tasks T5/L 12 YES -Corrective A£ction implementation to re-assign the tasks to the Chemistry
,* Technician and remove tasks from U32 SM 132. Page 57 Added ta'sks T5/L6 and T5/L14 "YE*S - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the U 2 SM and remove
___________ _____________________________________________tasks from U32 STA
- 33. Page 57 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T5!L1 4 ...YES - Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes'" to "No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7 _ __SM and remove tasks from U32 STA
- 34. 'Page 5"7 Changed "Yes" to "No" in column 'YES j - Corrective action to reassign SM safe
________________________7 ____ shutdowvn tasks 4
_________Revision Nubr I EitnCndtn Matrix for On-ShiftopsdEditorialt rAftdPge Staffing Analysis Revision I NubrhangAft Pooed Change impact on 50.47 planning Std. ?
- 35. Page 60 f
Changed to U2 Shift Manager
_____________________________________________SM YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2 and remove tasks from U2 STA
- 36. Page 62 Added tasks T5/L6 and T5/LI4 YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the U 2 SM and remove tasks from U32 STA
- 37. Page 62 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T5/L14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to tChanged "Yes" to "'No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
____________7 _ ___SM and remove tasks from 132 STA
'38. .... Page 62 'Added tasks T5/LI12 YES - Correctiive Action implementation to re-assign the dose assessment to the Chemistry Technician and remove tasks from
________ _______________ _____U3 SM
- 39. Page 66 "Changed to U2 Shift Manager YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
___________ ________________________SM and remove tasks from U32 STA 40,.' Page 66 "Changed to 132 Chemis'try ...YES -' Corrective Act'ion implementation to Technician ire-assign the dose assessment to the Chemistry Technician and remove tasks from
___ __________ ___ __ ___ ____ ___ _ _ ___U3 SM
- 41. Page 68 Added tasks T5/L6 and TS1L14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the U 2 SM and remove
____________ ________________________tasks from U32 STA 42." Page 68 . ....... Delete'd tasks T5/L6 and, T5/L14 ....: .... YES - Corrective' Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
____________ 7SM
_______________________ and remove tasks from U2 STA
- 43. Page 68 Addtasks T5/LI 2 YES -Corrective Action implementation to
_____re___as___gn___the__dosee-aaisnthedoseassssmet ttth 5
_________Revision Matrix for On-Shift Staffing Analyses Revision 1 Number Existing Condition or Affected Pages Proposed hneIpc
? n5.7pann t
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
___ __ _ U3 S M Technician and remove tasks from I44. Page 6'8 Deleted' task T5/L 12 in column 5 YES - Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the dose assessment to the 7 Chemistry Technician and remove tasks from
____ ___ ___ _____ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ___ _ _U3 SM
- 45. P"Fage 72 Changed to U2 Shiift Manager YE*S"- 'Corrective Action implementation to i re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
______________________________ SM and remove tasks from U2 STA
- 46. Page 72 Changed to U2 Chemistry YES - Corrective Action implementation to Technician re-assign the dose assessment to the Chemistry Technician and remove collateral
____________ _______task from U3 SM
- 47. Page 74 Added tasks T5/L6 and T5/LJ 4 YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the U 2 SM and remove
______________________________________ ________________________tas__s__ftsks ro 2 STST 48, Page 74 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T5/L1 4 YES - Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7 _ __SM and remove tasks from U2 STA
- 49. P.......*age 74 Added tasks T5/L12 YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the dose assessment to the Chemistry Technician and remove tasks from
____ ___ __ ___ ____ ___ _ _ ___U3 SM 50, Page. 74 Deleted task T51L12 in column 5 YES - Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "'No" in column re-assign the dose assessment to the 7 Chemnistry, Technician and remove tasks from
________ _________________________________I_____ U3 SM
-51. IPage 7/8 jChanged to U2 Shift Manager j____ YES - Corrective Action implementation to 6
________Revision Matrix for On-Shift Staffing Analysis Revision 1 i 1 Prposed Editorial ume I Existing Condition orAffected Pages Coaoged Change Impact on 50.47 planningStd. ?
re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
________________________SM and remove tasks from 132 STA
- 52. Page 78 Changed to V2 Chemistry YES - Corrective Action implementation to Technician re-assign the dose assessment to the Chemistry Technician and remove collateral
____________ _________________ _______task from U3 SM
- 53. Page 79 Addedt statement 133 SM YES - Corrective action implementation and maintains field oversight of the procedure change for SM collateral duty of response and U32 SM assumes the safe shutdown
________ _________________Emergency Director function.
,54. Page 80 Added tasks T5ILt, T5/L3, YES - Corrective Action implementation to T5/L5. TS/L6, TStL8, T5/LI10, and re-assign the tasks to the U2 SM and remove
_____ ____________T5/LI14 _______ ___collateral tasks from V2 STA and the 133 SM
- 55. Page 80 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T51k14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected 132 SM
_______7 _ ___and remove tasks from U32 STA
- 56. Page 80 Deleted tasks TS/LI, T5IL3, YES - Corrective Action implementation to TS/L5, T51L8, and T5/LI 0 re-assign the tasks to the U32 SM and remove
__________________________ _________________________ ________collateral tasks from the 133 SM
- 57. ag84Changed to U2 Shift M'anager YES - Corrective Action implementation to I re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit2
________________________ _______SM and remove tasks from U32 STA
- 58. Page 84 Corrected typo, changed U32 to 133 YES NO - Editorial - typographical error
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _correction
- 59. Page 86 Added tasks T5/L6 and T51L14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to
! re-assign the tasks to the U2 SM and remove
_______ ________________ ________________tasks from U32 STA
- 60. [Page 8..6 Deleted tasks T5/-L6 and, T5/L1 4 ____ YES - Corrective Action implementation to 7
____ ____Revision Niatrix for On-'Shift Staffing Anal.ysis Revision 1 Number Existing Condition or Affected Pages ProposedCanempton547lnigSd.
Cagd"'Yes" to "No" in column [re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
__________ 7l.____________ SM and remove tasks from U2 STA I61. Page 89 Changed to U2 Shift Manager YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
____________ j________________________ ISM
________________________ and remove tasks from U2 STA
- 62. Page 91 jChanged to U2 Shift Manager YES - Corrective Action implementation to
~re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
__________ ______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ __ ___ SM and rem ove tasks from U2 STA
- 63. Page 91 Deleted tasks T5/L6 and, T5/L14 'YES - Corrective Action implemen~tation to Changed "Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2 7 SM and remove tasks from U2 STA
- 64. Page 91 Added task T5/L12 YES - Corrective Action implementation to
! re-assign the dose assessment to the Chemistry Technician and remove tasks from
________ _________________ _____________________U3 SM
- 65. Page 91 Deleted task T5/LI2 in column 5 YES - Corrective Action implementation to Changed "Yes" to "No" in column re-assign the dose assessment to the 7 Chemistry Technician and remove tasks from
____ ___________ ___ _ _____U'3SM
- 66. Page 94 Added U3 Shift Manager in YES - Was not included 'in RO, added since column 3 to the task and added this is the LOCA GE scenario I Emergency Planning Training
__________________________Program / EP Drills in column 4
- 67. Page 94 Addcd U3 Shift Manager in 'YES - Was not inclu'ded in R0, added since column 3 to the task and added this is the LOCA GE scenario Emergency Planning Training
___________________________Program / EP Drills in column 4 _____ _____________________
________Revision Matrix for On-Shift Staffing Anal!ysis Revision 1
' I i cang. Editoriali Nuber Existing Condition orAffected Pages PrpsdChange impact on 50.47 planning Std,?
I I ...... re-assign the tasks to the unaffected unit 2
________ ________________ ___________ SM and remove tasks from 02 STA
- 69. Page 94 Changed to U2 Chemistry .... YES - Corrective Action implementation to iTechnician re-assign the dose assessment to the.
Chemistry Technician and remove collateral
_______________________________________ _____task from 03 SM
- 70. Page 94 Changed to 02 Shift Manager YES - Corrective Action implementation to re-assign the task to the 02 SM and remove
______________________ _______________________ _______collateral task from 02 STA 71.
Page 96
... Page 96
_______________ I___________________ Reassigned task T51L8 and T5/L 10 Changed TMS required from 1re-assign YES - Correcuive Action implementation to the tasks to the U 2 SM and remove
YES - Removed the collateral taSk of ERO "Yes" to "No" notification and completing notification forms
________________________from the STA i 73. Page 96 Added tasks T5/1L6 and T5/L 14 YES - Corrective Action implementation to reassign the tasks to the U3 SM and remove
____ ______ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ _F_ ___ tasks from the 02 andVU3 STAs
- 74. " Page 100 J
Changed U3 STA to 03 SM Iremove YES - Corrective Action implemen-tation to re-assign ERO notification to the 03 SM and collateral task from 03 STA
- 75. '.. ... Page 100. A~dded ab'breviated NRC YES - Added approved task to 02 ST'A and notification task and associated the associated training program associated training program for performance with the task. Task was inadvertently omitted 7.
K 6
________ ________________by
... Page 100 the 0 2 STA
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___rem in the original analysis YES - Corrective Action imple'mentation to re-assign ERO notification to the U3 SM and ove collateral task from 03 STA 9
_____Revision I! Matrix for On-Shift Analysis Revision 1 propEditor°"ia Nume Existing Coditino Affected PaPropohadge Change impact on 50.47 planning Std.?
- 77. Page 102 t Reassigned tasks T5/L6 and YES - Corrective Action implementation to
!T/L14 -jreassign the tasks to the U3 SM and remove
_________ __________________ _________________ collateral tasks from the U3 STAs
- 78. Page 1.02 Changed TMS required from YES - Removed the collateral task o'f ERO' "Yes" to "No" and other site-specific notifications from the
- 79. ' ... Page 107 Changed U3 STA to U3 SM YES - Correcti~ve Action implementation to re-assign ERO and other site-specific notifications to the U3 SM and remove
_____________ ________collateral task from U3 STA SO. Various Tables Added unit designators (U2 or N'~o - Adds clarity to wh~ich unit and wvhich U3) to some NEI 10-05 tables td unit staff are referenced in the tables.
more clearly define which unit and which unit staff were referenced in the tables
- 81. '.... Pages 108 - 11i2 Section X: Appendix C: Time jYES I i~Motion Study of Overlapping ITasks: Shift Manager - ERO I
- 82. Page 113 ...
Notification Replaced the (5) previously
NO The (5) Overlapping tasks identified in Section XI, Overlap of Tasks, identified overlaps identified the initial staffing analysis were deleted and Activities or Other Conflicts during initial staffing assessment replaced with "None" because the previously Identified with "None" identified overlaps had been addressed and no
_,oelascrrnl eit
- 83. Page 11*3 Addition' of references "Indian 'NO - Administrative change of adding Section XII, References Point No. I Safety Analysis additional references used to support Report", and "Decommissioning assessment findings.
___________________________Plan fo~r Indian Point Unit 1, _________________________
Revision Matrix for On-Shift..Staffii INumberProposed ubr Existing Condition or Affected Pages Change October 1980" i END I I 1!
Myra Jones Fred Guynn
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................... 4 II. ANALYSIS
................................................................................... 4 A. Emergency Plan Minimum Staffing............................................................ 5 B. Other Commitments to Shift Staffing.......................................................... 7 C. Staffing Exceptions and Time Motion Studies (TMS)....................................... 7
- 0. Emergency Plan Tasks Not Analyzed ........................................................ 8 Ill. ANALYSIS PROCESS ................................................................................... 8 IV. ACCIDENT SCENARIOS................................................................................ 9 A. Accident Selection ............... ............................................................... 9 B. Accident Scenarios included in the Analysis ............................................... 10 C. Accident Scenarios Not Included in the Analysis .......................................... 11 V. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ............................................ ....... 12 A. Notes and Assumptions Applicable to All IPEC osA ..................................... 12 B. NEI 10-05 Rev 0 Assumptions ............................................................... 12 VI. APPENDIX A - ANALYZED EVENTS AND ACCIDENTS......................................... *15 VII. APPENDIX B - U2 ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS ............................................ 17 A. Design Basis Accident Analysis #3 - Steam Line Rupture............................... 17 B. Design Basis Accident Analysis #.4 - Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)............... 22 C. Design Basis Accident Analysis #5 - Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) ..... 28 D. Design Basis Accident Analysis #6 - Fuel Handling Accident........................... 34 E. Design Basis Accident Analysis #10 - Control Room Evacuation and Alternate Shutdown ........................................................................................ 40 F. Design Basis Accident Analysis #11 - Station Blackout (SBO) ......................... 46 G. Design Basis Accident Analysis #12 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR .............................................................................. ................. 51 VIII. APPENDIX B - UNIT 3 SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS............................................. 56 A. Design Basis Accident Analysis #3 - Steam Line Rupture............................... 56 B. Design Basis Accident Analysis #4 - Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)............... 61 C. Design Basis Accident Analysis #5 - Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) ..... 67 D. Design Basis Accident Analysis #6 - Fuel Handling Accident ................... ........ 73 IPEC Page 2
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT E. Design Basis Accident Analysis #10 - Control Room Evacuation and Alternate Shutdown........................................................................................... 79 F. Design Basis Accident Analysis #11 - Station Blackout (SBO).......................... 85 G. Design Basis Accident Analysis #12 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR .................................................................................................. 90 IX. APPENDIX B - COMMON CONTROL ROOM SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS................. 95 A. Accident Analysis #1 - Design Basis Threat (DBT) ........................................ 95 B. Accident Analysis #9 - Aircraft Probable Threat .......................................... 101 X. APPENDIX C - TIME MOTION STUDIES SUPPORTING THE STAFFING ANALYSIS .... 108 A. ERO Notification (Everbridge activation).................................................... 108 Xl. OVERLAP OF TASKS ACTIVITIES OR OTHER CONFLICTS IDENTIFIED ........... 1.......a13 A. Overlap Requiring Compensatory Measures .............................................. .113 Xli. REFERENCES............................................................................................ 113 XIII. STAFFING ANALYIS TEAM............................................................................11.3 Page 3 IPEC Page 3
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT I. INTRODUCTION This document is a revision to the Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) On-Shift Staffing Analysis Report added to the IPEC Emergency Plan on December 17, 2012. This revision incorporates the analysis of the responsibilities of the on-shift staff supporting IPEC Unit 1 and documents the evaluation of the Shift Manager's task of Emergency Response Organization (ERO) notification.
The NEI 10-05 Tables in sections VII, VIII, and IX were also updated to reflect the corrective actions taken for the task overlaps listed in section X of the original report (Revision 0).
This revision continues to satisfy the requirement of 10 CFR 50 Appendix E Section IV.A.9 for Units 1, 2 and 3, which states that nuclear power licensees shall perform "a detailed analysis demonstratingthat on-shift personnel assignedemergency plan implementation functions are not assigned responsibilitiesthat would prevent the timely performance of their assigned functions as specified in the emergency plan." A structured approach was utilized to perform this analysis using the guidance found in NEI 10-05, Rev. 0, Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities. This analysis examined the capability of the minimum staff listed in Table B-i of the IPEC Emergency Plan (E-Plan) to perform the actions for the key functional areas of events described in NSIR/DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance - Emergency Planningfor Nuclear PowerPlants, until augmenting ERO staff arrives in accordance with the E-Plan.
The OSA team determined that a total on-shift staff of twenty-six (26) for IPEC units 1, 2 and 3 is required to respond to the accidents reviewed. It is noted, however, that Unit 1, is defueled and only those areas that either store or process radioactive materials (the Fuel Handling Building and waste storage/process areas in the Chemical Systems Building and the Integrated Liquid Radwaste Systems Building) are considered in evaluating the radiological hazards for the IPEG Emergency Plan. As detailed in the Unit 1 Safety Analysis Report and Decommissioning Plan, there are limited operating systems remaining in Unit 1. The limited operating systems combined with the reduced radioactive source term would result in a limited potential impact to a radiological release resulting from an event at Unit 1. Additionally, there are no Emergency Action Levels specifiC to IPEC Unit 1 that would challenge the on-shift staffing above and beyond those considered in this analysis for Units 2 and 3. For any event that may challenge Unit 1, Unit 2 and 3 staff are available to provide support as needed. As such, the IPEC on-shift staff actions in response to the accidents evaluated for this staffing analysis are bounded by the operating IPEC Pg Page 4
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT units (Units 2 and 3) and a separate evaluation of the NEI 10-05 required accidents for Unit I s not included in the analysis.
Additionally, the single plant operator assigned to Unit I has minimal responsibilities specific to Unit 1. These responsibilities consist of conducting a limited scope building tour once per shift and the periodic monitoring of evaporator operation occurring approximately 2 to 3 times/week.
These tasks are not time critical and do not impact the Unit 1 staff member's ability to perform assigned Emergency Plan functions and/or tasks. Additionally, the limited Unit 1 tasks are not time critical and can be accomplished by the augmented ERO if required.
The most limiting accident scenario reviewed for the operating units (Units 2 and 3) was a main control room fire and alternate shutdown. The on-shift staff consists of individuals necessary to support each of the emergency plan functional areas or tasks:
- Emergency Direction and Control
- Plant Operations and Safe Shutdown (SSD)
- Fire Fighting (FB)
.. Accident Assessment
- Radiation Protection and Chemistry
- Notification/Communication
- Technical Support
- Access Control and Accountability NEI 10-05 states it is acceptable for certain function to be assigned to personnel already assigned other functions/tasks. These include Repair and Corrective Action, Rescue Operations and First Aid.
A. Emergency Plan Minimum Staffing Per 10 CFR 50.54 (q)(1)(iii), Emergency planning function means a capability or resource necessary to prepare for and respond to a radiological emergency, as set forth in the elements of section IV of Appendix E and, for nuclear power reactor licensees, the planning standards of § 50.47(b).
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IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT The following table indicates the result of the NEI 10-05 staffing analysis of on-shift personnel to perform the required emergency planning functions and the licensing basis requirement for each on-shift position. These positions are included in Table 1 of each accident.
E-~a EP~nOn-Shift On-Shift PstoU2E-Plan Functional Functional Staffing Staffing PstoU2 Requirement Area Area Analysis Analysis Results Results U2 staff U3 staffU23 E-Plan Table B- Emergency SSD/Emergency Shift Manager (SM) 1 Direction and Direction and11 Control Control Control Room Suevsr(R) E-Plan Table B- SSD SSD 1 1 Shift Technical E-Plan Table B- Technical Technical11 Advisor/FSS (STA) 1 Support Support______
Reactor Operators E-Plan Table B- SD1 SSD U3 (RO) 1 1 SSD U2 & U3)____
Nuclear Plant E-Plan Table B- SSD (2) SSD (3)54 Operator (NPO) 1 FB (3) FB____(1)__
Nuclear Plant ,
Operator (U1) SSDN/1
1 * ,
Nuclear Plant E-Plan Table B- Communicator / Notifications for ***,
Operator 1 bt nt Chemistry 1-lnTbeB Chemistry Chemistry 11 Radiation E-Plan Table B- Radiation Radiation Protection (RP) 1 Protection Protection Security SecritCPlntinge-ncy Access Control and Accountability Per Security Contingency Plan
______________ Table B-i TOTAL 13 13 IPEC Page Page 66 IPEC
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Other Commitments to Shift Staffing
- 1. No additional shift staffing commitments were identified.
C. Staffing Exceptions and Time Motion Studies (TMS)
- 1. The primary responsibility for the two on-shift Chemistry Technicians is chemistry/radiochemistry sampling; however no chemistry job tasks were noted as being required within the first 90 minutes of any of the analyzed events. The two Chemistry Technicians on-shift are qualified to work either unit. The task of dose assessment, currently assigned to the Shift Manager, will be reassigned to Chemistry as a result of this staffing analysis. One Chemistry Tech is assigned to perform the chemistry tasks and the second is assigned the responsibility for dose assessment. It is acceptable for one on-shift Chemistry Technician to perform dose assessment because no specific time critical chemistry tasks were identified requiring the use of both Chemistry Technicians. No further analysis or TMS is required.
- 2. The Shift Manager is assigned the responsibility to make some notifications such as the Duty Plant Manager, Operations Manager, and Resident Inspector. These notifications by phone are considered communications that are approximately one minute in length and are acceptable tasks for the Shift Manager. No further analysis or TMS is required.
- 3. Station staff is required, to maintain continuous communications with the notification source during an aircraft threat in accordance with 10CFR50.54(hh) and Reg. Guide 1.214:)There are no specific qualifications required to perform this task and the function is not required to be assigned in advanice. The analysis of this event identified there are sufficient personnel on-shift to perform this task during the event. Specifically, reactor operators, nuclear plant operators, radiation protection technicians, or chemistry technicians were all available to fill this function. No further analysis or TMS is required.
- 4. The task of activating ERDS (Emergency Response Data System) is not required for this analysis because the system operates 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s/day. A specific task to initiate ERDS is therefore not required and was not analyzed.
- 5. The STA was previously assigned the task of notifying the off-shift ERO of the emergency. A TMS was conducted to determine if this task could be reassigned to the Shift Manager and to verify the Shift Manager could perform the concurrent tasks of maintaining emergency direction and control while notifying the ERO of the event using Everbridge. The TMS demonstrated the Shift Manager was able to maintain Emergency Direction and Control during the approximate two minutes it took to notify the ERO using Everbridge. This evaluation may be used to allow the Shift Manager to perform the task of ERO notification.
IPFC Page 7
- 1. Repair and Corrective Action - Per the guidance of NUREG-0654, Table B-I, repair and corrective action tasks may be performed by dedicated shift personnel or qualified shift personnel assigned other functions/tasks. Repair and corrective action is defined as:
- An action that can be performed promptly to restore a non-functional component to functional status (e.g., resetting a breaker), or to place a component in a desired configuration (e.g., open a valve), and which does not require work planning or implementation of Iockout/tagout controls to complete.
In accordance with NEI 10-05 section 2.5, the analysis included a review of repair and corrective action tasks. For the purpose of this analysis, the tasks were considered to fall into two broad categories:
- Unplanned/unexpected actions that address equipment failures. These actions are contingent in nature and cannot be specified in advance.
- Planned/expected actions performed in support of operating procedure implementation, including severe accident management guidelines.
At IPEC, Nuclear Plant Operators are trained to perform the actions associated with this functional area. Repair and Corrective Action is an acceptable collateral duty per the guidance of NEI 10-05 and was not analyzed
- 2. Rescue Operations and First Aid: In accordance with NEI 10-05 section 2.6, the analysis also included a review of rescue operations and first aid response. Per the guidance of NUREG-0654, Table B-i, rescue operations and first aid may be performed by shift personnel assigned other functions. IPEC Fire brigade members are trained to perform rescue operations and are assigned the task should the need arise. Rescue operations were not required in any of the accident scenarios reviewed. Additionally the Nuclear Plant Operators on shift are trained to Red Cross First Aid standards and meet the basic requirements to render first aid and CPR. Rescue operations and first aid response are acceptable collateral duties per the guidance of NEI 10-05 and were not analyzed.
III. ANALYSIS PROCESS This analysis was conducted by a joint team of corporate Emergency Preparedness (EP) personnel and station personnel from the Operations, Operations Training, Radiation Protection, Chemistry, and Emergency Preparedness (EP) departments. The team members are identified in Section XII of this report.
The emergency response to each event was determined by conducting a tabletop of the event using the emergency plan and procedures and the applicable department procedures such as Operations emergency and abnormal operating procedures.
IPEC Pg Page 8
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Each scenario was reviewed by the cross disciplinary team to determine what plant actions and emergency plan implementation actions were required based on plant procedures prior to staff augmentation. These actions were then compared to the minimum staffing for Emergency Plan implementation as described in the Emergency Plan Table B-I and Figure B-i., ensuring that no actions were assigned to staff members that conflicted with either their dedicated emergency plan role or their dedicated operational role as appropriate. In cases where multiple tasks were assigned to an individual in their role, the team evaluated timing of the tasks to ensure that they could be performed by the individual in series within any specified time requirements.
The results of the analysis for each of the scenarios are included in Sections VII, VIII and IX, APPENDIX B - ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS. Note that NSIR DPR-ISG-01 states that only DBA accidents "which would result in an emergency declaration" should be evaluated in the staffing assessment. Each of IPEC's DBAs were evaluated and classified according to its FSAR Chapter 14 description.. If the accident description alone did not result in a classification, the projected accident Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB) dose found in the FSAR was utilized to determine if an EAL threshold would be exceeded within the first 60 minutes using the Abnormal Rad Level EAL thresholds. In cases where several projected dose rates were provided or release data was not detailed significantly to determine an EAL, the assessment used the radiological consequences associated with the realistic case in accordance with NEI 10-05.
IV. ACCIDENT SCENARIOS A. Accident Selection
- 1. The OSA scenarios were chosen using the guidance of NEI 10-05 and NSlR/DPR-ISG-01, "Interim Staff Guidance - Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants." The evaluation considered the station Design Basis Accidents (DBA) described in the FSAR along with additional scenarios specified by the guidance documents. The scenarios considered for both U2 and U3 were:
- Design Basis Threat (DBT)
- DBA Control Element Ejection Accident
- DBA Steam Line Rupture
- DBA Loss of Coolant Accident
- DBA Steam Generator Tube Rupture'.
- DBA Fuel Handling Accident
- DBA Accidental Release of Waste - Liquid
- DBA Accidental Release of Waste - Gases
- DBA Aircraft Probable Threat
- Control Room (CR) fire requiring CR evacuation and Alternate Shutdown (Appendix R Fire)
- Station Blackout, (SBO)
- LOCA/General Emergency with release and PAR
- LOCA with entry into Severe Accident Management
- Appendix R Fire (Fire that results in reactor trip)
IPEC Pg Page 9
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Accident Scenarios included in the Analysis
- Land and/or waterborne Hostile Action directed against the Protected Area by a Hostile Force. This event assumes the threat is neutralized immediately when inside the protected area fence, no significant damage
- to equipment or systems that require corrective actions before the ERO is staffed, no radiological release, and no fire that requires firefighting response before the ERO is staffed. EAL is based on the event.
- 2. Steam Line Rupture as described in FSAR 14.2.5
- A main steam line break with loss of offsite power. Release into the turbine building until Main steam stop valves isolates. EAL is based on the event.
- 3. Loss of Coolant Accident as described in FSAR 14.3
- Break (Double Ended Guillotine Cold Leg (DEGGL) break) between the reactor coolant pump and the reactor vessel. Core degradation with release to the containment and to the environment at the containment design leakage rate. EAL is based on the event.
- 4. Steam Generator Tube Rupture as described in FSAR 14.2.4
- Double ended rupture of a single U-tube that results in exceeding charging pump capacity. No fuel failure is postulated. The EAL is based on the event
- 5. Fuel Handling Accident as described in FSAR 14.2.1
- The accident involves a dropped fuel bundle on top of the core. Initial EAL is based on the event.
- 6. Aircraft Probable Threat as described in 10 CFR 50.54 hh(1)
- Notification is received from the NRC that a probable aircraft threat exists
(>5 minutes, <30 minutes). EAL is based on the event
- 7. CR Fire Requiring CR evacuation and Alternate Shutdown
- A fire occurs in the main control room requiring the evacuation and the procedure implemented to shutdown from the alternate shutdown panels.
EAL is based on the event.
- 8. Station Blackout
- A loss of all offsite AC power occurs and the failure of the emergency diesel generators to start. EAL is based on the event.
- 9. General Emergency with release and PAR
- Assumed SAE condition when dose projection indicates an upgrade to GE and a PAR based on release is needed.
IPEC Page 10
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT C. Accident Scenarios Not Included in the Analysis 1, Control Rod Ejection (CRE) as described in FSAR 14.2.1
- Mechanical failure of a control rod mechanism pressure housing resulting in the ejection of a rod cluster control assembly and drive shaft.
The CRE accident is bound by the LOCA. No further analysis is required.
- 2. Accidental Release of Waste - Liquid as described in FSAR 14.2.2
- The largest vessels are the three liquid holdup tanks (CVCS), each sized to hold two-thirds of the reactor coolant liquid volume. The tanks are, used to process the normal recycle or waste fluids produced. The contents of one tank will be passed through the liquid processing train while another tank is being filled. Hence, the loss of water from the spent resin storage tank presents no hazard offsite or onsite because means are available both to detect the situation occurring and to keep the resin temperature under control until the resin can be removed to burial facilities. No EAL condition met.
- 2. Accidental Release of Waste - Gases as described in 14.2.3
- The tanks operate at low pressure, approximately 2 psig, a gas phase leak would result in an expulsion of approximately 12-percent of the contained gases and then the pressure would be in equilibrium with atmosphere. The curie content of the tanks is controlled administratively to maintain an operating limit. It is conservatively assumed that all of the contained noble gas activity and one percent of the iodine activity are released. The tank pits are vented to the ventilation system so that any gaseous leakage would be discharged to the atmosphere by this route.
No EAL condition met.
- 3. Implement Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG)
- A review of the SAMGs associated with the initial site-specific Candidate High Level Actions concluded that no actions would require~on-shift personnel other than licensed and non-licensed operators. No analysis required.
- 4. Appendix R Fire
- The team concluded the Control Room fire to be the most limiting for resources and therefore a staffing analysis for an additional fire scenario is not required. The emergency plan and fire brigade responsibilities are the same for both events. No analysis required.
IPECPae1 Page 11
- 1. The RP and Chemistry tasks reviewed were those directed by the Shift Manager to support actions in Abnormal Operating Procedures (AOP), Off Normal Procedures (OP), Emergency Operating Procedures (OP), and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EP). Any additional tasks directed by the Technical Support Center (TSC), Operations Support Center (OSC), or Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) procedures were not reviewed.
- 2. IPEC has 60 minute emergency responders when augmented while the ERO is offsite. This analysis was conducted assuming a 90 minute response of the augmented ERO. No specific emergency response tasks requiring the augmented ERG were identified prior to the 90 minutes following the emergency declaration.
- 3. The GSA team determined there are no time critical RP and Chemistry tasks and that task performance is directed and prioritized by the Shift Manager. The time RP or Chemistry is directed to perform a task and the amount of time taken to complete tasks are estimated. No Chemistry samples are required by Tech.
Specs within the 90 minute period after a declaration. Since the Shift Manager directs when the tasks are performed, there are no overlapping RP or chemistry tasks.
- 4. All crews have one individual filling the SM and one individual filling the STA roles therefore the analysis did not consider using a dual-role individual.
B. NEI 10-05 Rev 0QAssumptions
- 1. Response time used for this analysis was the maximum acceptable number of minutes elapsed between emergency declaration and the augmented ERO position holder at a location necessary to relieve an on-shift position of the emergency response task. (60 min.)
- 2. On-shift personnel complement was limited to the minimum required number and composition as described in the site emergency plan. If the plan commitments allow for different minimum staffing levels (e.g., a variance between a normal dayshift and a backshift), the staffing with the smallest total number of personnel was used for the analysis.
- 3. Although the temporary absence of a position may be allowed by Tech Specs, the analysis was performed assuming that all required on-shift positions are filled.
- 4. Event occurred during off-normal work hours where ERG was offsite and all required minimum on-shift positions were filled.
- 5. On-shift personnel reported to their assigned response locations within timeframes sufficient to allow for performance of assigned actions.
IPEC Page 12
- 6. On-shift staff had necessary Radiation Worker qualification to obtain normal dosimetry and enter the radiological control area (RCA) (but not locked high or very high radiation areas) without the aid of a RP technician.
- 7. Personnel assigned plant operations and SSD met the requirements and guidance (analyzed through other programs such as operator training) and were not evaluated as part of this assessment unless a role/function/task from another major response area was assigned as a collateral duty.
- 8. In-plant (manual) safety related operator actions to manipulate components and equipment from locations outside the control room to achieve and maintain safe shutdown was done by a member of the on-shift staff as defined in the unit's Tech Specs.
- 9. Fire brigade (FB) staff performance is analyzed through other station programs (e.g., fire drills) and was not evaluated as part of this assessment unless a role/function/task from another major response area was assigned as a collateral duty.
- 10. Individuals holding the position of RP technician or Chemistry technician are qualified to perform the range of tasks expected of their position.
- 11. Security was not evaluated unless a role or function from another major response area was assigned as a collateral duty.
- 12. Communications, briefings, and peer checks are acceptable collateral duties.
- 13. All on-shift staff positions were evaluated, even if they had no known collateral duties, to ensure they can perform the tasks assigned to them. [Ref NSIR/DPR-ISG-01]
- 14. The Staffing Analysis specified the resources available to perform "Repair and Corrective Actions" and 'Rescue Operations and First Aid" but these may be assigned as collateral duty to a designated on-shift responder.
- 15. For assessment purposes, NRC notifications were treated as a continuous action per 10CFR50.72(c)(3) and 73.71(b)(1). This means once the initial NRC communications are established, the NRC will request an open line be maintained with the NRC Operations Center.
- 16. OBA (postulated accident, Condition IV event, or limiting fault) is considered as "Unanticipated occurrences that are postulated for accident analysis purposes but not expected to occur during the life of the plant. A postulated accident could result in sufficient damage to preclude resumption of plant operation. As a result, a greater number and variety of actions would need to be implemented by plant personnel."
- 17. Unless otherwise specified in NSlR/DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance -
Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants, or by the USAR initial conditions of a DBA analysis, it was assumed that the unit was in Mode 1, Power.
IPEC Page 13
- 18. DBT assumed a hostile force breached the protected area fence but was neutralized with no adverse consequences to plant safety. Damage inflicted on plant systems, structures and components was not sufficient to prevent safe shutdown or cause a radiological release. There was no fire significant enough to warrant firefighting efforts prior to arrival of offsite resources and/or the augmented ERO.
- 19. The Staffing Analysis used DBA analysis assumptions, inputs, timing of events, plant protective response, and specified manual operator actions and their timing, as documented in the USAR.
- 20. In cases where a DBA analysis included a radiological release, and the starting point of the release was not clearly defined, the staffing analysis assumed that the release began 15-minutes after the initiating event.
- 21. Severe Accident Management Guideline (SAMG) - It is sufficient to simply assume that the accident progressed to conditions requiring a severe accident response; it did not include determining specific failures and the accident sequence.
- 22. SAMG - The actions analyzed included those that implement the initial site-specific actions assuming the core is not ex-vessel (i.e., no reactor vessel failure), and there is no actual or imminent challenge to containment integrity.
IPECPae1 Page 14
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT VI. APPENDIX A - ANALYZED EVENTS AND ACCIDENTS NOTE Appendix A is applicable to both Unit 2 and Unit 3. Accidents and FSAR section numbers are the same.
Event: : Event ::Summary Description Plant Reference : ::AnalYsis
": Type :[ :.of Event Mode' DoCument(s): Event ECL Rqurd Land and/or 1 waterborne HOSTILE 1 DT ACTION directed NEI 10-05 Site Area YE against the Protected ISG IV.C Emergency Area by a HOSTILE FORCE.
2 DBA Control Rod Ejection 1 FSAR 14.2.6 Alert NO2 3 DBA Steam Line Rupture 1 FSAR 14.2.5 Evntsa E 4Loss of Coolant I1SR1. Site Area YE DA Accident (LOCA) Emergency ______
5 DBA Sta eeao ue I FSAR 14.2.4 Alert YES
______Rupture 6 DBA Fuel Handling Accident 1 FSAR 14.2.1 Alert YES Accidental Release of 1 7 DBA FSAR 14.2.2 None NO
_____Waste -Liquid 8 ~~~Accidental Release of 1 FAR1.3NoeO DA Waste - Gases Assumed Aircraft Probable 1 for Threat. 10CFR50.54hh(1) Alert YES Analysis RG 1.214
____Purpose Control RoomI AsmdEvacuation and 10CFR50 10 fr Alternate Shutdown Appendix R Alert YES Analysis (fire in main control ISG IV,C Purpose rom Assumed Station Blackout1 for Site Area Analysis IS VC Emergency YE Purpose Assumed LOCA - GeneralI 12 for Emergency with ISG IV.C GE YES Analysis radiological release Purpose and PAR Assumed LOCA with entry into I 13 for severe accidentIGI.CENO 1 Analysis procedures.ISIVCGNO Purpose _________
IPEC Page 15
- Summiary Description :* Plant
ii:=: :.* . Analysisi
...... Type
_ ... :,of EVent , Mode1 Document:s) Event ECL;L Required Assumed Appendix R Fire with 1 14 for Reactor Trip ISG IV.C Alert NO4 Analysis
____ Purpose ___________ _ _ _ ________ _____
1 ln mode per USAR or assumed for analysis purpose 2The CRE accident is bound by the LOCA accident. No further analysis required.
3 1PEC does not meet the NEI 10-05 intent for the analysis of implementing SAMG. NEI 10-05 Section 2.11 states that the analysis of the ability to implement SAMG focuses on the reasonably expected initial mitigation action that would be performed by on-shift personnel other than licensed and non-licensed operators. The actions assessed by NEI 10-05 are those which implement the initial site-specific Candidate High Level Action assuming the core is not ex-vessel (i.e., no reactor vessel failure), and there is no actual or imminent challenge to containment integrity. SAMG is implemented by the TSC. All success paths' actions are performed by on-shift licensed and non-licensed operators.
4 Appendix R Fire is bound by the Control Room Fire and Remote Shutdown.
- 1. Accident Summary
- Steam pipe rupture in a faulted main steam line with loss of offsite power.
- Reactor coolant contaminated with fission products corresponding to continuous operation with a limited amount of defective fuel rods. Leads to contamination of the secondary system due to leakage.
- Main steam stop valves and check valves close and prevent blow-down of the other steam generator. Feedwater isolates and receive safety injection signal.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- None
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- 2-E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation
- 2-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
- 2-ES-i1.1, SI Termination
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room
- 4. Tables Page 17 IPEC Page 17
- =' := ~~~~IPEC:TABLE *I- ON-SHIFT POSITIONS' i '!:i=:;~
On-shift:;,:i::I AugmentatiOn Role in Table # Unanalyzed TMS,.,*.*
U2 T2/L1 T5/L1 USME-Plan Table B-i 6 T5/L3Noo 2 U2 CR5 E-Plan Table B-i 3 U2 CST EN/AanTabTe2-iL2_No__No 4 U2 RST# E-Plan Table B-i 60_U2T2/L3NoN 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N_____A_ U2__T2/L4 No .No 6 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N2T/A7 No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No ii U2Chemstr E-Plan Table B-i 60A N4/A No No 12 U2ChmsrP E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L7 No No 13 Communicator 60/L9No No E-Plan Table B-i T5/L6 14 U3 SM N/ANoN
___________ T5/L14Noo 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A T5/L12 No No
.24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L2 No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 60 T5/L1 5 No No 27 Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ _____
Page 18 IPEC Page 18
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT r~dinmu Oertios re Ncesar t SIplmft AMsanageOr o ifApiclertrTann LiAense Lin #hf eanaeri TileRlenShfrstinaskAayi hit angeoSitro Romanagervio Licensed Operator Training 2___ Unit ________Supervi__sor_____________Program 2 Unt SperisoiCotrochl RomSuevisor Licensed Operator Training 3___ __hi _______Te___hni____al___Ad___i__or___Program 3 SiftTecnialdviorahito T pehialtdior#1Licensed Operator Training 4___ Reactor _________Operator__________#1___Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4Reactor Operator #1 Program 5 OeratoN#2leatrPln Reator Operator #2 NnLicensed Operator Tann 6___ ____ux _____iary____Operator_______#1_ roramnn rga 6 Oprato uxliar #1Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator
____ __uxiliary_______Operator_________2___ Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Lin:e #
- eneric TtleIRole ..... n-Shift.............
. P......ositio...n o~to
........ ,*' ::**'*:,,* askgA*
£~* ** **!:ii ly i:!:*
11 Mlechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 19 IPEC Page 19
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Fire Brigade 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident.
IPCTBE4 AITO POETO N HMSR I In-Plant Survey: ,,, ,
__(survey TB) 2 On-site Survey:
U3 RP (site X X X X X 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe):
N/A )
7 Chemistry Function task#1 (describe) X X X X X X X X X X U2 Chemistr
__(sample all SG's) 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 20 IPEC Page 20
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT IPEC :TABLE 5-EERGENCYPLNMLMETTO Declare the emergency classification level U2SitMngrEmergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) U2SitMaae rogram / EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A NI/A 2Recommendations 3Aprovecontent of State/local notifications U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pprove rogram 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A NI/A Notification and direction to on-shift staff Lcne prtrTann 5 (g.toasmleautec)U2 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning (e~g, evcuae, t assmbl, ec.)raining Program 6ERO notification U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 6 Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A 8 Complete State/local notification form U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training
____________________________ __ ____ ___ __ rogram 9Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
____________________________ __ ____ ___ __ rogram NRC ventnotficaionform U2 SiftManaericensed Operator Training 10 Complete vn oiiainfom U hf aae PRrogram 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) NI/A Offiteraiolgial ssssmntU3 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12echnician Program 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Pmrogram Plnin rann Perform other site-specific event Licensed Operator Training.
14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U3 Shift Manager Program INPO, ANI, etc.) _______ _____________
15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 21 IPEC Page 21
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING AN~ALYIS REPORT B. Design Basis Accident Analysis #4 - Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)
- 4. Accident Summary
- Break (Double Ended Guillotine Cold Leg (DEGGL) break) between the reactor coolant pump and the reactor vessel occurred. Safety Injection initiated.
- It is assumed core cooling features fail to prevent the core from experiencing significant degradation (i.e. melting) A portion of the activity that is released to the containment is assumed to be released to the environment due to the containment leaking at its design rate.
- 5. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Assume GE conditions are not met until after the emergency response facilities are activated.
- Assumed reactor coolant activity was >300 IpCi/cc 1-131 equivalent~based on FSAR LOCA accident analysis. Initial EAL based on event.
- 6. Procedures for Accident ResPonse
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- IP-EP-1 20, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room
- 2-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
- 2-ES-i1.3, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation
- IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment
- 0-CY-1645, Chemistry Response to Plant Causalities Page 22 IPEC Page 22
- 4. Tables U2 T2/L1 T5/Li I USME-Plan Table B-i16 T5/L3Noo T5/L5 T5/L8
_____ _____ _____ T5/L10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-i 60 U2 T2/L3 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L7 No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/Li T4/L6 No No i3 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L9 No No
_____ _____ __ _ _____ ____ T5/L13 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
E-Plan Table B-i T5/L6 i4 U3 SM N/A No No
___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ T5/L14 i5 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No i6 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 17 U3 RO #i E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No i18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 19 U3 NPO#i E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A T5/L12 No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency60T/1Noo 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1 0T/i oN Page 23 IPEC Page 23
IPEC TABL. 2-UIT2PLN PERAIN AESUDW On nt-OeControl RoomSuevsrLcneOprtrTaig AnlShist#4eLchnclAdvsr Lcne prtrTann Lie3 eneif.TehicalAdisore i PrhitooitonraskAam 1RhftMnaecSito Manaerao #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 ___Reactor_______Operator__________1__Program 2upervior Unit C OntoomSpervisor Licensed Operator Training 5__ReactorOperator__2_Program 3 SiftTecnicl dvior hifTehnclarlan Advistor #1NnLicensed Operator Tann 6 Auxiliary OperatorProgramnn rga 5 Ractoliry Operator #2 RueatrPln Operator #2 NnLicensed Operator Tann
___________Training_ Program 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator
__________________ Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable 11 Mlechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 24 IPEC Page 24
- : :::: * ;IPEC, TABLE 3 *FiREFIGHTING : * *:*:*" : .... ....
Line **i*/ii, : .Perfo~rmed by;!i:' :::: ! Task Analysis Controlling Method :
1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Firefighting activities not included in the analysis.
Page 25 IPEC Page 25
- =: .l**:*;= * ;:i? %***'i NE5- 10- .15-,20-i2'5 3,5-: 40- 4*5-
- 50-: 55-i60-: :65- 7*0- 75-80-*85-1 In-Plant Survey:
U2 RP survey all X X X X SG lines 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A T Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe): U2 RP goes toCR setupX X X X habitability/contaminationX X X X instruments
__N/A )
7 Chemistry Function task
- 1U2 Chemistry X X X X X X X X
__ Samplie allSG __
8 Chemistry Function task
- 2 (describe)
N/A Page 26 IPEC Page 26
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Declare the emergency classification level J2SitMngrEmergency Planning Training 1 ___________ECL)_____ ________Program / EP Drills 2 Approve Offsite Protective Action NI/A N/A 2 Recommendations conentof tat/loal otfictios U Shft anaerEmergency Planning Training 3 Approve cnetoStt/oanoiiain J2SftM agrProgram 4 Approve extension to allowable dose NI/A N/A Notification and direction to on-shift staff Lcne prtrTann 5 sebe vcae t. Uegt 2 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning (e~g, evcuae, t assmbl, ec.)raining Program ERO otiicaionU3 SiftMangerEmergency Planning Training 6 EOntfctoJ3SitMngrProgram 7 ,bbreviated NRC notification for DBT event NI/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2 Shift Manager Program 9Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
___________________________ ___________Program NRC ven notfictionforU2 hif MangerLicensed Operator Training 10 Complete NR vn oiiainfr 2SitMngrProgram 11 ,ctivate ERDS NI/A (runs 24/7) N/A Offiteraiolgicl ssesmetJ3 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12 echnician Program Emergency Planning Training 13 P~erform NRC notifications Communicator Program Perform other site-specific event Lcne prtrTann 14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U3 Shift Manager Program INPO, ANI, etc.)______________
15 Prsonel ccoutabiity3ecuitySecurity Training Program / EP 15 Prsonel ccoutabiitySecuityDrills Page 27 IPEC Page 27
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT, C. Design Basis Accident Analysis #5 - Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR)
- 1. Accident Summary
- Primary to secondary leakage 150 gal/day in all SGs. All noble gases carried over to the secondary side through SG tube leakage is assumed to be immediately released to the atmosphere.
- Operators recognize the tube leak and isolate the affected steam generator.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- EAL is based on event.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.
- 2-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
- 2-E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- EP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-21 0, Central Control Room
- IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment
- 0-CY-1645, Chemistry Response to Plant Causalities Page 28 JPEG IPEC Page 28
- 4. Tables
........ ........ ...TA..LE....-.......SK IFT PO SITIO....
U2 T2/L1 T5/L1 I USM E-Plan Table B-i16 T5/L3Noo 1-5/L5 T5/L8
_____________ ____________ T5/L10 _______
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-i1_ 60 U2 T2/L3 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T-2/L6 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-1 _ N/A N/A No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i1_ 60 1-4/L7 No No 12 U P E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L1 oN 12 ___2___P _________________ T4/L6Noo 13 Communicator E-lnTbeBi60 TL9No No
__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ T5/L13 14 U M E-Plan Table B-i1/ T5/L6Noo 15 U3 CSM EPa al - / N/A No No 16 U3 RST E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 17 U3 RST# E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 19 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 22 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A T5/L12 No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A N/A No No 2 Seuty Security Contingency 60 T5/Li 5 No No 27 __Security Plan I E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 29 IPEC Page 29
... One.* Unit O=ne Control= Roo m : :!
Minimum Operationis= Crew= Necesayt mlmn O* n Oso AG if pplicabl L*:ine # eneic:itOIioe nShiift Position ask Analysis::
Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Nlon-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Nlon-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator UI N]on-Licensed Operator 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line # :' ~enericTitleIRole On-Shift Position: : Task Analysi!s 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 30 IPEC Page 30
~~~~~~~IPEC i~~i !,:
- ='~Analysis #5-*SGTR (U2): '
- i I N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Page 31 IPEC Page 31
- ,
- :: :: :=*Performance TimePeriod After Emergency Declaration (minutes)*:: .,:* :.
N *5-~i10-: 1*5- 20-125-130-~ 35- 40-* 45 50 60- 165 75 5 1 In-Plant Survey:
RP#1 Surveys X X X X X X X X X X X
__S/Gs RCS 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table
__5 6 Other site specific RP#1 (describe): CR Habitability/air s__ampler/contamination 7 Chemistry Function task #1 (describe) X X X X X X X X X X X X
__Sample all S/Gs 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)
__ N/A 4,
Page 32 IPEC Page 3 2
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Lieuncton TaskOn-Sift ositon eTskenalysi CoannigTrolling Declare the emergency classification level aa Em2Sif /Plann erPrgency Trainin 1 (ECL) U hf aae 2 ,pprove Offsite Protective Action NI/A N/A R
- ecommendations 3*,provecontent of State/local notifications U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pproveProgram 4 ,pprove extension to allowable dose NI/A N/A Nlotification and direction to on-shift staff Licensed Operator Training
,5 sebe vcae t. Uegt 2 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning (e~g,evcuae, t assmbl, ec.)raining Program ERG otifcatin U3Shif MangerEmergen~cy Planning Training 6 -OntfatoJ3SitMngrProgram 7 ,bbreviated NRC notification for DBT event NI/A N/A Stat/loal orm otifcaton U2 SiftMangerEmergency Planning Training 8 C3omplete Stt/oa oiiainfr 2SitMngrProgram PeMrform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training g Program NRC ven notfictionforU2 hif MangerLicensed Operator Training 10 Complete NR vn oiiainfr 2SitMngrProgram 11 ,ctivate ERDS NI/A (runs 24/7) N/A Offiteraiolgicl ssesmetJ3 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12 echnician Program 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
__________________ _______Program Perform other site-specific event Lcne prtrTann 14 notifications (e*.g., Duty Plant Manager, U3 Shift Manager Program INPO, ANI, etc.) ____________________
15=ronlAccountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 PeronnelDrills Page 33 IPEC Page 33
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT D. Design Basis Accident Analysis #6 - Fuel Handling Accident
- 1. Accident Summary
- Dropped fuel assembly over the core in the containment building. The activity is discharged to the atmosphere at the ground level. No credit is taken for filtration or isolation of the leak.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Additional SROs, ROs, NPOs, and RP techs are assumed to be on shift as part of the refueling/outage staff to assist the Shift Manager.
- EAL is based on the event.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room 2-AOP-FH-1, Fuel Damage or Loss of SFP/Refuel Cavity Level Page 34 IPEC Page 34
- 4. Tables IPEC TABLE 1-ON-SHIFT POSITIONS AnalysIs #6- PHA (U2)
Linensift Do...ument. *:**e***iAu=gmentation:: Role in T~able .# 'i*Un;anaI~edi T...........MS.......
U2 T2/Li T5/Li USM E-Plan Table B-I16 T5/L3Noo T5/L5 T5/L8
___________ ____________ , T5/L10 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-i 60 U2 T2/L3 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AQ #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A NO No i1 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L7 No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L6 No No 13 Communicator T60L9No No B-i Table 60T5/L13 E-Plan ______
E-Plan Table B-i T5/L6 14 U3 SM N/A TSL4No No i5 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A____ N/A____ No No 16 __U3__TA E-PlanTaleB-1 N/A____ N/A___ No ' No 17_3_O_1_-Panae_-_N/ N/A___ No No 18 __U3__RO #2 _E-PlanTaleB- N/A_____ N/A___ No No 19 _U3_NPO#1 E-_lanTaleB-1 N/A____ N/A___ No No 20 _U3_NPO#2 _-PanTae_-___AN/ No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A_____ N/A____ No_____ No___
22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-I N/AN/_NoN 23 U3 Chemistry E-Planl Table B-i N/A_____ T5/L12___ No_____ No____
24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A___N/A No_____ No____
25 UI NPO E-Plan Table B-I N/A_2_T/_8_oN 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A___N/A _ No_____ No____
2 Seuty Security Contingency 60 T5/L1 5 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i ______________ ______ _____
Page 35 IPEC Page 3 S
!** :i~ipEC TABLE2- UNIT 2One PLNT Unit - neonrolioo& SAFE SHUTDOWN OPERATIONS i :;**!* ,*
LEine #; e;neric TitlelRolei i On-Shift Positionak nlyi 1 SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1___ Shift __________Manager____________ Program 2uprviorControl Uit Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2___ _____n ___t___Supervisor_____________Program 3Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program 4Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1~ Program 5Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program 6 Oprato #1Nuclear uxliar Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6___ ___uxil __aryOperator_____Training Program 7 Oprato uxliar #2Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7___ ___uxiliary __Operator__#2_Training Program 8 uiliry pertor#3luclear Plant Operator U1 Non-Licensed Operator 8 ______ux____iary____Operator________3__Training Program -
9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 36 IPEC IPEC Page 36
- !'::::::..... ,:: i IPEC :TABE E3-*FIREFiGH*TING :::: :::*;* ::
Anayss/#- HA/A2 3 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Firefighting activities are not included in the analysis.
Page 37 IPEC Page 3 7
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT E....... *:,*;*::*.i .::: : 0-5:**1::::015 20.* *25' :3:0 35 .40 45:: 50:: *55: 60: '65: 7:0 *75 *[80 i85! :i90i 1 In-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
_N/A_ _
5 Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table
__5 6 Other site specific UI2 RP:
contaminationx x x x x x mnonitoringq 7 Chemistry Function iask #1 U2 Chem.
Monitor plant X X X X X X X X
/ents for risinq
__ evels 8 Chemistry Function
- ask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 38 IPEC Page 38
....... Task *,::; i ~
Func....tion I:=1 , ; O~n-Shift Position Ts nlsi otoln Declare the emergency classification level UShRMngrEmergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) U2SitMaae rogram I EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2Recommendations 3Aprovecontent of State/local notifications U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pprove rogram 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A Nl/A 5 Notification and direction to on-shift staff (g.toasmleautec)U2 Shift Manager Lcne prtrTann Program / Emergency Planning (e~g,evcuae, t assmbl, ec.)raining Program 6ERO notification U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 6 Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A Shif MangerEmergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2 aae Phf rogram Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
____________________________ ___________ rogram 10Complete NRC event notification form U2 Shift Manager Lienedo peatrTrinn 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) NI/A 12 adilogcalassssmntU3 ffste Chemistry Emergency Planning Training Technician Program 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Pmrogram Plnin rann Perform other site-specific event Lcne prtrTann 14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U3 Shift Manager PrenedOgramrTrinn INP0, ANI, etc.) Program_
15 Prsonel ccoutabiitySecuitySecurity Training Program / EP 15 Prsonel ccoutabiitySecuityDrills Page 39 IPEC Page 39
.. IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT E. Design Basis Accident Analysis #10 - Control Room Evacuation and Alternate Shutdown
- 1. Accident Summary
- Fire in the control room and decision is made by the Shift Manager to evacuate and shutdown from the Alternate Shutdown Panel.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Assume reactor tripped, turbine tripped, feed pumps tripped, reactor coolant pumps tripped and other actions of steps 4.1-4.12 are completed prior to evacuation.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-AOP-SSD-1, Control Room Inaccessibility Safe Shutdown Control
- IP-EP-120, Classifications
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control room Page 40 IPEC Page 40
- 4. Tables
- ~~~~Analysis: #1;0 -ControlRooml Evacuation and Alternate Shutdo0wn (U2);;:,: :,*
SPsiion Bais
, Docuent . . ElapsedTie
. .... n~__ ILn#Tak Rqurd._ _
I: U2:SM E-P:a Table..B-i..60.U2.T......No.No 2 U2 CRM E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L1 No No 3 U2 CST E-Plan Table B-1 N/A6 U2 T2/L2 No No 4 U2 RSTA E-Plan Table B-I 60N/ U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-PRan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan TableB-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2T3/L2 No No 9UAO E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L32oN 10 U2 AO #53 -lnTbe - / 3L No No i U2Cesty E-Plan Table B-i 60A N3/ALN3N 12 U P E-Plan Table B-i 60A T3/L4Noo 13 CmUnicAtOr T55L No No 12 U P E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L43 No___No E-Plan Table B-i T5/L9 13 Comunictor T5NoLN T5/L13 14PlUn3TMlN/A-1T5/L61oN T5/L3 T5/L5O T5/L8 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L9 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L5 No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L1 No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L15 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1 _______ _______ ______ _____
Page 41 I PEG IPEC Page 41
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALY1S REPORT IPECTABL 2-UNIT 2 :PLANT OPERATIONS & SAF E SH UTDOW MaOnaControlgRoo One Unit Anayss 10- onroCRonvaution andm Alternater Shutdonse (UraorTri)n MinimumSOperatinsoCre NeesrPtrmometAg adE~ rSMGifApiam Lie3 eneicTiIehicale Adio n-hitoostinaskAayi Manaerao #1 RehftMnaecSito Licensed Operator Training
____ __eactor ________Operator_________#1__ Program 2upervior Unit ContoomSperat isor Licensed Operator Training 5___ __eactor ________Operator___________2_ Program 3 SiftTecnicl dvior hifTehnclar la Advistor #1NnLicensed Operator Tann 6___ __uxiliary___perator__#Proramnn rga 4 OeratoN#1leatrPat Reator Operator #1 Tann NnLicensed Operator 5 RactoiryOertr #2 Reactor Opraor#aicnsed OPeraorgrainn 6 uiliry pertor#1luclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 8___ Auxiliary _________Operator__________3___ Training Program 7 uxiiary Operatd or #2e htdw Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator
______ ________________________Training Program 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line ;# enricTileIo On-*Shift Position...ask..n....s.s 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Fire Brigade Page 42 IPEC Page 42
, IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Line i::::*i* : i Perfored b~y **** , * *:,**:iask T: Analysis Controlling Methodi : , *
- 1 SRO FBL Fire Protection Training Program 2 U2 NPO#3 Fire Protection Training Program 3 U2 NPO#4 Fire Protection Training Program 4 U2 NPO#5 Fire Protection Training Program 5 U3 NPO#4 Fire Protection Training Program Page 43 IPEC Page 43
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT L* Postin;rfrmngPerform ance ::Time Period AtrEegnyDcaain(iue)
IIn-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage: U2 RP FB SupportX X X X X X X X X X 5 Offsite Rad
- ssessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe):
~N/A )
7 Chemistry Function
- ask #1 (describe)
N/A 8 hemistry Function
- ask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated Page 44 IPEC IPEC Page 44
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Analsis 10-Contro)l RoomEautinadAterniate hton(2 Declare the emergency classification level U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training S(ECL) Manager Program / EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2Recommendations conen Stteloalnotfiaton o U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 poeManager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A on-sift taff U3 Sift Licensed Operator Training Program Notification and direction to EmergencytPlaningUTrainin 5(e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager P mrogram Plnin rann 6ERO notification U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 6Manager Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Stae/ocl ntiictio frm U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 8 omleeManager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________ _________Program U3 Shift 10 Complete NRC event notification form Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________Program Perform other site-specific event notifications UI3 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 15 Pesne~cutblt Persnne Acounabilty ecuity euiy Security Drills Training Program / EP Page 45 IPEC Page 45
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT F. Design Basis Accident Analysis #11 - Station Blackout (SBO) 1.. Accident Summary
- A loss of all AC power occurred on U2..
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Assume the emergency diesel generators are not started for the first 60 minutes and that that the Appendix R SB0 diesel is started and energizes equipment per procedure.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- 0-SOP-ESP-002, Emergency Contingency Plan
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room Page 46 IPEC Page 46
Line n-shift,'Basis Document Augmentationi Role in ,Table #
- U~nanali
- e TM..
U2 T2/Li T5/Li I USME-Plan Table B-i16 T5/L3Noo T5/L5 T5/L8
_____________ _ _____ _____ T5/LiO _ _ _ __0_ _ _ _ _ _
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-1 _ 60 U2 T2/L3 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No ii U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i 60 N/A No No E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/Li 12 U2 RP T4/L6 No No E-Plan Table B-I T5/L9 13 Communicator 60 T5L3No No E-Plan Table B-i T5/L6 14 U3 SM N/ANoo
______ ____ _____ _____ _____ T5/14Noo 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No i6 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A ,No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A "No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L1 5 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______ ______ ___________
Page 47 JPEG IPEC Page 47
- Ainimum. Op*erations,; Crew N*ecessary to Im'plement AOPs aend :EOPs or SAM*Gs if Applicable! :::::*!' ::*
Lin #hfe anaeri ProgrlenShfPstinaskAayi ShftMnaeoSitro Romanagervo Licensed Operator Training 2I ntSprio Program 2 UntSperisoiCotro Roomica Supevisor Licensed Operator Training 3___ __hift ____Technical___ ____Advisor_____ Program 3 SiftTecnial dviorahito T pehialtdior
- 1 Licensed Operator Training 4 #1Program Recto Opeato 4 eato peatr 1Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 5 ___Reactor_______Operator_______#2___Program 5 OeratoN#2leatrPln Reator Operator #2 NnLicensed Operator Tann 6___ __uxiliary________Operator____________ roramnn rga 6 Oprato uxliar #1Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 7___ ____uxiliary_______Operator________#2___Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 *uxiliary Operator #2 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line.....# ene.. . .i. . Titl../Role.n-Shift....sition.ask..An.lysis......
11 Mlechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A
- Fire Brigade Page 48 IPEC Page 48
,:::;: : ;;*:;:I PEC T'ABLE 3=- ;FIREFIGHTING ::: : : :: *: :iii :;
- ii' i!:; !; i~:*'; : ii;= iA~nalysis~i#11 - tation Blackout ({SBO) (U2)I :;i o i *! *,
1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Firefighting activities not included in the analysis.
- i Anailysis #*1 - Station Blackout :(S:BO) :(U2)ii:
L oition.. Performing*,::::: l: : : Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes)**
N* 52-710- :15 25- 30-: 3i5- 0 5 0 5 60-:165-70 -: 75- 085-
- E: 0-5i;10 15:20;*25:30 354: 04;5 50: 55160* 657017580 8590go 1 !In-Plant Survey:
U2 RP X X X X X X X 2 O)n-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel M~onitoring:
N/A TJob Coverage:
N/A 5 Offsite Rad
(Included in Table
__5 6 Other site specific RP U2 RP Control RoomX X X Hlabitability 7 Chemistry Function
- ask #1 (describe)
N/A 8 Chemistry Function
- ask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated Page 49 IPEC Page 49
- : ::/:
Line Function I Taski*: On-Sif Task Anal!ysis ContrOlini*g :Method Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1(ECL) Manager Program / EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2Recommendations conen ofSttelocl otfictinsU2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 poeManager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Notification and5/ direction to on-shift staff U2 Shift Lcne EmergencyprtrTann Planning Trainingrga (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program 6ERO notification U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 6Manager Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Stae/ocl ntiictio frm U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 8 omleeManager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
__________Program U2 Shift 10 Complete NRC event notification form Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A NI/A 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
____________________________ _________ Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U3 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program Security Training Program / EP 15 Personnel Accountability Security Drills Page 50 IPEC Page 50
G. Design Basis Accident Analysis #12 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR
- 1. Accident Summary (Assumed for Staffing Analysis Purpose)
- The unit is in a Site Area Emergency AS1 when the Shift Manager is given a dose projection update and site boundary survey data that supports >1 Rem TEDE dose at the site boundary.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- All actions for SAE are complete.
- No transients other than LOCA are considered.
- The ERO would be activated at an Alert or SAE. For Staffing Analysis purpose, the T=O clock is used for the emergency plan actions to evaluate the capability to implement the GE classification, PAR and notification functions before the ERO arrives.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-410, PARs
- IP_EP-310, Dose Assessment
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP--21 0, Central Control Room Page 51 IPEC Page 51
- *::=*::=
- =*i =::: *, *2:? IPEC TABLEI - ON-;SHIFT POSITIONS := :: : =' ,
Line n-shift:: ' : :: ": .. AugmentatiOn= Role in Table # .. :
- ostin mi*Task Requir~ed?;;
U2 T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L2 E-Plan Table B-I T5/L3 I U2 SM 60 T5/L4 No No T5/L5 T5/L8 T5/L1 0 2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-I 60 U2 T2/L3 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i 60 N/A No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i 60 T4/L2 No No 13 Communicator 60/L9No No E-Plan B-I Table 60T5/L13 ______
E-Plan Table B-i T5/L6 14 U3 SM N/ANoo
___________ T5/L14Noo 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A T5/L12 No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L15 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 52 IPEC IPEC Page 5 2
- ,*:/**
- ,i,*IPIEC TABLE :2-* UNIT 2 PLA NT OPERATION !Q & SAFE SHUTOW Minimum* Operatioans Crew Necessary to Imlmie menit AO*:s and :EOPS or SAMGs if Applica bile:*:**:.:: !:
SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1I hf aae Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor !Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program OpertorNuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 uxiliary Oprtr#1 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator UI Nlon-Licensed Operator 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown "N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable 111 Mechanic- N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 53 IPEC Page 5 3
- =: ,Analysis #12 - LOCA/Generai Emerencywit Release and PAR (U2)::'
Line :#: Perormd b Task Analysis ContrOlling Method :: ..
I N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A k
IjO TnreTIgniing acuviules incIuuecu in mre analysis.
- ' ...... iiAnalyis #1 OA~nrEmergency with Release and PAR (U2)i ... /:::::
I: Function /er Task :: :: ~ii:performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (rninu:tes)* ::!:i,:i
,N:,**::: : I 5- 1t0 20 30-' 35 ,45 55- 60-: 65- ;70- 75-, 80 E": .... - 10 15 20 2530 35 40 45,5055 60.65:7075,8,085 90 1 In-Plant Survey:
NI/A 2 n-site Survey:
U2 RP site X X X X X 3Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 !Job'Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad
(Included in Table
__5 6Other site specific RP (describe):
7Chemistry Function task #1 (describe)
N/A 8Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 54 IPEC Page 54
- i::
- i:: :=:=
- =
Analyss LOC~ienerIEmergency
- 12 wt ees n PlaRnn Tranin Declare the emergency classification level EmSitaa erPrgency/Plann Training Approve Offsite Protective Action U2SitMngrEmergency Planning Training 2 Recommendations U2ogShift EManager 3Aprovecontent of State/local notifications U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pproveProgram U2 SiftMangerEmergency Planning Training 4 pprove extension to allowable dose U2SitMngrProgram / EP Drills Notification and direction to on-shift staff U2SitMngrLicensed Operator Training to assembleSeacuatenetc.)Program / Emergency Planning (e.g., tasebeevcaeec.Training Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U3 Shift Manager Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8 Cmpet Stteloalnotification form U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training Complte Sate/ocalProgram 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Pmrogram Plnin rann formU2 hiftMangerLicensed Operator Training 10 Complete NRC event notification fr U2SitMngrProgram 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A Offiteraiolgial ssssmntU3 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12echnician Program 13Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training 13 Program Perform other site-specific event Licensed Operator Training 1i4 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U3 Shift Manager Program INPO, AN!, etc.) ____________________
15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 55 IPEC Page 5 5
- 1. Accident Summary
- Steam pipe rupture in a faulted main steam line downstream of MSIVs with loss of offsite power.
- Release until MSIVs close. Puff release to turbine building and to environment.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- EAL based on Shift Manager's discretion
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 3-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- 3-E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation
- 3-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
- 3-ES-1.1 SI Termination
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room
- 4. Tables Page 56 IPEC Page 5 6
-ONSHFTPOITON III Lin nUsif AumentatonRoleli TableN/AUNanoye No 2 Postio U EPaiDcmnTaEapedTie B- / LioeNo N/
I U2 SMA E-Plan Table B-I N/A N5/A1 No No 2 U2 CRS# E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No 'No 3 U2 STA# E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 80 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 11 U2Chems#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L2 No No 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L9 No No
_________________T5/L13 _ _ _ _ _
E-Plan Table B-I U3 T2/L1 T5/L1 U3 Shift T5/L3 i4 Manager 60T5/L5Noo T5/L8 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No i9 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L7 No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L1 No No 25 Ui NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L1 5 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-I1______________ ______ _____
Page 57 IPEC Page 57
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT PAt SPhTAL2ifNI OPEaTIONS ensHUdOWN LiSA ao Tann On nt-OeControl RoomSuevsrLcneOprtrTaig Analyist#Superteamsine upturgram Vlimm pertinsCrw Ncesay t ShimeftO Tecndca Advisor Licenseif OpplclertrTang Lie3 Sneift TehitaleAdisore nPhitoostinaskAayi Manaerao #1 RehftMnaecSito Licensed Operator Training 4___ __eactor ________Operator__________#1___Program 2 Unit upeaior COntoomSpervisor# Licensed Operator Training 5___ __eactor ___Operator____#2Program 3ShftNTchniarlan Advistor #1NnLicensed Operator Tann Reuilactry Operator #1 Proramnn rga RueatrPan Operator #2 NnLicensed OperatorTann 5 Reactoiry Operator #2 Proramnn rga OpertorNuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 8 uxlliary Oprtr#1 Training Program 9 :Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 :Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs ifApplicable 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 58 IPEC Page 58
- ,:j*: *% ;!,,:/ :
- IP ECtTABLE 3- FIREFIGHTiN 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident.
______________ o,:Ana!ysis # 3- Stea'm Line Rupture :(U3)i*!i! ::i*ii 1 In-Plant Survey:
__ survey TB) 2 On-site Survey:
U3 RP (site X X X X X 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad
(Includedin Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe):
N/A )
7 Chemistry Function lask #1 (describe) X X X X X X X X X X U3 Chemistry
___sample all SG's) 8 Chemistry Function iask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 59 IPEC Page 59
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Li lae heemugnctio classiiato Oee U3Shift Tmskgencly PlannigTraining~Mto Approv ProectiveActio Offsie Decareth emrgncyclasiicaio leel U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3Apoecontent of State/local notifications U hf mrec lnigTann 3 poeManager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program Notification and direction to on-shift staff U3 ShiftEmrecPlnigTaig 5(e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Pmrogram Plnin rann 6EOnotification U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 6EOManager Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8Complete State/local notification form U hf mrec lnigTann 8Manager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________ _________Program UI3 Shift 10 Complete NRC event notification form Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13ntifcatins Prfom NC ommnictorEmergency Planning Training 13ntifcatins Prfom NC ommnictorProgram Perform other site-specific event notifications UI2 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Mlanager Licensed Operator Training Program 15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 60 IPEC Page 60
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Design Basis Accident Analysis #4 - Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)
- 1. Accident Summary
- Break (Double Ended Guillotine Cold Leg (DEGGL) break) between the reactor coolant pump and the reactor vessel occurred. Safety Injection initiated.
- It is assumed core cooling features fail to prevent the core from experiencing significant degradation (i.e. melting) A portion of the activity that is released to the containment is assumed to be released to the environment due to the containment leaking at its design rate.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Worse 2 hr. EAB dose occurs at 0.6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> to 2.6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. Assume GE condition not met until after the emergency response facilities are activated.
- Assumed reactor coolant activity was >300 pCi/cc 1-131 equivalent based on FSAR LOCA accident analysis.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-21 0, Central Control Room
- 2-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
- 2-ES-I1.3, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation
- IP-EP-31 0, Dose Assessment
- 0-CY-1645 Chemistry Response to Plant Causalities Page 61 IPEC Page 61
- 4. Tables
- i*::,i~ii: :: IPii:!EC TABLE 1- Oi0N-SHIFT: POS!ITION S ,i **: j **: *: .:
T5/L6 I U2 SM E-Plan Table B-i N/A T5L4No No 2 U2 E-Pan CSTale B- N/A5/ALN1N 3 U2 RST E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 4 U2 RST# E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 6 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 8 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9UAO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/ANoo 1 U2A#5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/ANoo i U2Cesty E-Plan Table B-i N/A N5/Ai oN 12 U P E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L1 oN 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L9 No No
_________________T5/L13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
U3 T2/LI T5/L1 U3 ShiftT5/L3 14 U3Sit E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L5 No No Manager T5/L8 T5/L1 0 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-I N/A T4/L7 No No E-Plan Table B-I T4/L4 24 U3 RP N/ANoo T4/L6Noo 25 Ul NPO E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 2 Seuty Security Contingency 60 T5/L1 5 No No 27 __Seurity Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______ ______ ______ _____
Page 62 IPEC Page 62
.... IPECiTABLE 2- UNIT 2 PLANT OPERATIONS&SAEHUDW On nt-OeControl RoomSuevsrLeneOprtrTain Vilimm pertinsCrw Ncesay t ShifmetATechndca Advisor ApplclertrTang Licenseid Lie3 eneiftTehitaleAdisore n-hitoogtinaskAayi Manaerao #1 RehftMnaecSito Licensed Operator Training 4 _____eactor______Operator_________1__Program 2upervior Unit COntoomSpervisor# Licensed Operator Training 5___ __eactor _______Operator___________2_ Program 3 SiftTecnicl dvior hifTehnclarlan Advistor #1NnLicensed Operator Tann 6___ ____uxiliary_______Operator__________ roramnn rga 4NuReatrPln Operator #1 Tann onLicensed Operator Reuilactry Operator #2 Program raiin Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 *uxiliary Operator #2 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line #* enri Ttl:lenSh~ift: Position: :*: ::ask Analysis 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 63 IPEC Page 63
. IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Fire Brigade AnayNs/A -LN/AU3 3 N/A N/A 2 N/A -N/A 5 N/A N/A Firefighting activities not included in the analysis.
Page 64 IPEC IPEC Page 64
N/A 3 P~ersonnel Monitoring:
N/A T Job Coverage: U3 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP
(,describe): U3 RP goes io CR setupX X X X habitability/contamination instruments N/A )
7 Chemistry Function task IlU2 Chemistry X X X XX X XX Sampole all SG _
8 Chemistry Function task
- 2 (describe)
N/A Page 65 IPEC Page 65
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Li uncton 1TaskOn-Sift sito meTskenalysi Pl onnigTrolning.
Declare the emergency classification level U3 Shift Manager Emrogency /Plann Training 2 Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2 Recommendations 3 Approve content of State/local notifications U3 Shift Manager Emergency Program Planning Training 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Notiicaion irecionto o-shft nd saffLicensed Operator Training Notfiatonanddiecio t onshftstff U3 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Training Program U2 SiftMangerEmergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2SitMngrProgram 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A 8Complete State/local notification form U3 Shift Manager EmrogenyPlninarann 9Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________Program CompeteNRCevet ntifcatin frm 3 SiftMangerLicensed Operator Training 10 ometNRevnnoiiaonfr U3SitMngrProgram 11 Activate EROS N/A (runs 24/7) NI/A U2 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessmentecniaPrgm 13Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training 13 Program Perform other site-specific event Lcne prtrTann 14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, UI2 Shift Manager PrenedOgramrTrinn INPO, ANI, etc.) Program___
15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 66 IPEC Page 66
. IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT C. Design Basis Accident Analysis #5 - Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR)
- 1. Accident Summary
- Primary to secondary ieakage 150 gal/day in all SGs. All noble gases carried over to the secondary side through SG tube leakage are assumed to be immediately released to the atmosphere.
- Operators recognize the tube leak and isolate the affected steam generator.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- EAL is based on event.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- 2-E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
- 2-E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- EP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room
- IP-EP-31 0, Dose Assessment
- 0-CY-1645 Chemistry Response to Plant Causalities Page 67 IPEC IPEC Page 67
- 4. Tables
,IPEC TABLEI: 1- ON-SHIFT POSITIONSl Lin n-sif AugmentationbleRoleinTabLe4 UNaoe TNo 2 Position-PaisDumnTaEapedTie.B-N/ LNeA #....ak Reuieo 3l U2 SMA E-Plan Table B-I N/A N5/A No No 5 U2 CRO# E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 3 U2 TAO# E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 5 2R 2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/ANoo 6 U2 AO #13 -lnTbe - / / No No 7 2A 2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/ANoo 8 U2 AO #34 -lnTbe - / / No No 9UAO E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/ANoo 10 U2 AO #5 E-lnTbeBiNANANo No E-Plan Table B-I N/A T5/L12 12 U2 RP No No 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-I 60 T5/L9 No No
___________ ___________ T5/L13 _ _ _ _ _ _
E-Plan Table B-i U3 T2/L1 T5/L1 U3 Shift T5/L3 14 60 T5/L5 No No Manager T5/L8 T5/L10 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No NO 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-I N/A T4/L7 No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-I N/A T4/L4 No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L15 No, No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 68 IPEC Page 68
!One Unit-tOnelControl Room 1 SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1___ ___hi _________Manager_____________ rogram Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 U~nit Supervisor P)rogram IShift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program IReactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2. Program OpertorNuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 ,uxiliary Oprtr#1 [raining Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Nlon-Licensed Operator 7 *uxiliary Operator #2 [raining Program 8 Oprato uxliar #3Nuclear Plant Operator #3 Non-Licensed Operator 8___ ____uxiliary________Operator_________3____raining Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line:!# Generic TitielRole>:, *:' *:::,: ::On-Shift POsition * ::; ask Analysis:
- . :;___________________i:;
.... : ControllingM to 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 69 IPEC Page 69
A~nalysis,#5- -ISG:T.R ;(u3).....
- ='i= ===
1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Page 70 IPEC Page 70
IPEC ON-SHIFT-STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT L* Position Performig ,ormance Time* Perio*d After Emerge:ncy Decliaration (minutes)
1 In-Plant Survey:
U2 RP X X X X X 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
U3 RP____ X X 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe):
N/A ) - - - - - - - - -
7 Chemistry Function task #1U3 Chem X X X X X X X
__sample SGs 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 71 IPEC JPEG Page 71
..... ........ TA..E. 5-.EMERGEN....PLAN......EME NTATION Declare the emergency classification level U3 Shift Manae Emergency Planning Training S (ECL) .... . .. .. . . ... . ... ... . r Program /IEP Drills-.
ag... .. . . .
2Approve Offsite Protective ActionNAN/
2RecommendationsN/NA 3Aprovecontent of State/local notifications U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pprove rogram 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A NI/A Notification and direction to on-shift staff Licensed Operator Training 5 (g.toasmleaute.)U3 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning (e~g, evcuae, t assmbl, ec.)raining Program 6ERO notification U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 6 Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A 8 omleeState/local notification form U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 8 Comlete rogram 9Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
___________________________ __________ rogram 10Complete NRC event notification form U3 Shift Manager Lienedo peatrTrinn 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A U2 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessmentecniaPrgm 13Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training 13 Program Perform other site-specific event Lcne prtrTann 14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U2 Shift Manager PrenedOgramrTrinn INPO, ANI, etc.) Program_
15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 72 IPEC Page 72
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT D. Design Basis Accident Analysis #6 - Fuel Handling Accident
- 1. Accident Summary
- Dropped fuel assembly over the core in the containment building. The activity is discharged to the atmosphere at the ground level. No credit is taken for filtration or isolation of the leak.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Additional SROs, ROs, NPOs, and RP techs are assumed to be on shift as part of the refueling/outage staff to assist the Shift Manager.
- EAL is based on the event.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room
- 3-AOP-FH-1 Fuel Damage or Loss of SFP/Refuel Cavity Level Page 73 IPEC Page 73
- 4. Tables i'* !" ::*:':* : IpEC TABLE 1 :- ON-SHIFT POSITIONS i := :**:: ~*::ii: !!:
- ine= 0n-sh~ifti i! : ,:; *: :!AugmentationI Role :in Table # ..... .... ...... :..
- Poitin (in) Tak? equaired?
T5/L6 1 U2 SM E-Plan Table B-I N/A T5L4No No 2 U2E-PanCSTale B- N/A5/ALN1N 3 U2 OST E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 4 U2 ROT# E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 6 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9UAO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/ANoo 1U2A#5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/ANoo 9i U2 Chmitr E-lnTbl#-4/AT/ No No E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A 12 U2 RP No. No 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L9 No No
________ ____ ____ __ __ ____ ____ T5/L13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
E-Plan Table B-i U3 T2/L1 T5/L1 U3 Shift T5/L3 14 60 T5/L5 No No Manager T5/L8 T5/L10 15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L7 No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L6 No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L15 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 74 IPEC Page 74
IPEC.ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT ruinim:um Op~ertions ,Crew Necebssaryto Implement AO~s and *EOPs or SAMGs :ifAp plicable , :
- Line # eei ilIoenSif oiinakAayi I SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training
_______hift_______Mana________er____Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program 3 Sif Tchica AviorShift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 __Shift __Te _hni __alAdvisor__Program 4 eato peatr 1Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 ___Reactor________Operator________#____Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program 6 Oprato uxliar #1Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 ___Auxiliary_______Operator_______#1___ Training Program 7 Oprato uxliar #2Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 ___Auxiliary_______Operator_______#2___ Training Program 8 uiliry pertor#3Nuclear Plant Operator #3 Non-Licensed Operator 8___ Auxiliary _________Operator________#___ _ Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A -N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs ifApplicable 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 75 IPEC Page 75
- ~~~~~~IPEC TAB LE 3- IFIREFIGHTING * *i:i:i!*7**i :::
Line ............
Tas Analysi
.. Meth :od 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Firefighting activities are not included in the analysis.
Page 76 IPEC IPEC Page 76
Performing:*::. ;:e~rformance.Tim~e P P:eriod After Emergency Declaration (mninutes)*:: :-
TIn-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A T Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific U3 RP:
contaminationx x x x x x monitoringq 7 Chemistry Function Iask #1 U3Chem.
Monitor lant X X X X X X X X
- ents for risinq
__levels 8 Chemistry Function Iask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 77 IPEC Page 77
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT TABEN-SH IPEC EMERGENCY PANAIMLY EMENTAT iii......... i:nc¢tion Fu,* 1Task::? On-Shift Positfio~n Task*An~aiysis Contoling.ii, Declare the emergency classification level U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 1 ______(______CL)_____________ rogram / EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A NI/A 2Recommendations 3Aprovecontent of State/local notifications U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pprove rogram 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A NI/A Notification and direction to on-shift staff Licensed Operator Training 5 (g.toasmleautec)U3 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning (e~g, evcuae, t assmbl, ec.)raining Program 6 ERO notification U2 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training
___ ____ ___ __ _ ___ ____ __ rogram 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A Emergency Planning Training
- 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Pmrogram Plnin rann 10Complete NRC event notification form U3 Shift Manager Lienedo peatrTrinn 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A U2 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessmentecncn Prga 13Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training 13 Program Perform other site-specific event Lcne prtrTann 14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U2 Shift Manager PrenedOgramrTrinn INPO, AN!, etc.) Program___
15 Prsonel ccoutabiitySecuitySecurity Training Program / EP 15 Prsonel ccoutabiitySecuityDrills Page 78 IPEC Page 78
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT E. Design Basis Accident Analysis #10 - Control Room Evacuation and Alternate Shutdown
- 1. Accident Summary
- Fire in the control room and decision is made by the Shift Manager to evacuate and shutdown from the Alternate Shutdown Panel.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Assume reactor tripped, turbine tripped, feed pumps tripped, reactor coolant pumps tripped and other actions of steps 4.1-4.12 are completed prior to evacuation.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 3-AOP-SSD-1, Control Room Inaccessibility Safe Shutdown Control
- IP-EP-120, Classifications
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control room Page 79 IPEC Page 79
- 4. Tables
!;*::::: :: ::*:::!,::;*IPEC: TABLE I - ON-SHIFT POSITIONS ;:: :?:*i* : !**: ::*
Line: n-hf AUgmentation': Role in Table # Uaaye T5/LI T5/L3 T5/L5 1 . U2 SM E-Pian Table B-I N/A T5/L6 No No T5/L8 T5/L10
____________ T5/L14 ___ ____ ______
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L3 No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L4 No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L5 No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L9 No No
___________ T5/L13 __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
14 U3 Shift E-Plan Table B-i16 U3 T2/L1 oN Manager__________________
15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#i E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L2 No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No *No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A T3/L1 No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/Li5 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 80 IPEC Page 80
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT IPEC TABLE 2- UNIT 3 PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN One Unit One Control Room Analysis #10 Control Room Evacuation and Alternate Shutdown (U3)
~Ainimum Ooerations Crew Necessarvto ImolementAOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if ADDlicable
_______________________ _____________________ ,ontrolling *Method :;
- 1 SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1___ ___hi _____t____Manager___________ Program 2uprviorControl Uit Room SuPervisor Licensed Operator Training 2___ L__nt__Superv__sorProgram 3Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program 5 Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2Program Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 *uxiliary Operator #1 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 &uxiliary Operator #2 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #3 Non-Licensed Operator 8 &uxiliary Operator #3 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line #:, *en~eric TitleIRole ..: on-sh~ift Position: . s Aayss.
i11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 81 IPEC Page 81
- :.... ... 'IPEC Control Room Anlss#10"- TABLE 3--FIREFIGHTING .. .
EvacuationanAleatShdon(3 Line , Performed by .. . Task Analysis Controlling Method 1 SRO.FBL Fir Prtcin riig rga 2SURNO#FB Fire Protection Training Program 3U2 NPO#3 Fire Protection Training Program 4U2 NPO#5 Fire Protection Training Program 5U3 NPO#5 Fire Protection Training Program Page 82 IPEC IPEC Page 82
='*'*::*: Anlalys #10 - ..Control Room Evacu~ation
.... and Alternate Shutdown (u3)":: :..., : *i L Position Performing *: '.Performance Tirie Period After Emergency Declaratio~n (minutes)* ;i
' ::Function;/Task :
N' :S 5-?)i1015- 20-*
- 25 35- 40-:45-: :655- 60 70- 75-, 80 50-:
E __.....__ ,~ 10'5 25 35"40-45 50 55-'60 ,6570 750 8 5 9-05 1 In-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4Job Coverage: U2 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe):
N/A )
7 Chemistry Function task #1 (describe)
N/A 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated Page 83 IPEC IPEC Page 83
- i:.:::iAnalysis #10 - Control Room Evacuation and Alternate ShiUtdown (U3)= '*..
Line........:::: : Function i Task*: ::: , On-Shift: : Task Analysis Controlling Method
, ..... .. ... . . .. . . ... ..... . .. .... Pos ition : , * = : *. * : : .. .
Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) Manager Program / EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2Recommendations of tae/ocl ntiictins U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 prvecotetManager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A 5 Notification and direction to on-shift staff (g.toasmleautec)Mngr U2 Shift Lcne
!Emergency prtrTann Planning Trainingrga (e~g,eacuae, t assmbl, tc.)Manger Program 6ERO notification U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 6Manager Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A Stteloalnoifcaio frm U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 8 omleeManager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
__________ rogram U2 Shift 10 Complete NRC event notification form Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) NI/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A NI/A 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
__________ rogram Perform other site-specific event notifications U2 Shift 14 ,(e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program Persnne Accuntbilty Scurty 3ecurity Training Program / EP 15 *esne~cutblt euiy Drills Page 84 IPEC Page 84
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT F. Design Basis Accident Analysis #11 - Station Blackout (SBO)
- 1. Accident Summary
- A loss of all AC power occurred on U3..
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- Assume the emergency diesel generators are not started for the first 60 minutes and that that the Appendix R SBO diesel is started and energizes equipment per procedure.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 2-ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power
- 2-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- 0-SOP-ESP-002, Emergency Contingency Plan
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-210, Central Control Room Page 85 IPEC Page 85
- 4. Tables
- A;*,*
- !* "i;/:: i *i:IPEC TA LEI- ON-SHIFT POSITiONS:: ;*, * " i::,: ....
.. :+'" Analysis #11 -Stato Blackoutu* (U3). ......
Line 3n-shift ::;'*' .... Augmentation Role in Table # Unanlyze TM..S
- Positi . ,Basis Document Ela*pse ie ILn # Tak Required T5/L6 I U2 SM E-Plan Table B-I N/A T5L4No No 2 U2 EP~anTabl RS B-IN/AS/A No4N 3 U2 RST E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 4 U2 RST# E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 6 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No-10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No i0 U2Chemstr E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 12 U2ChmsrP E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L9 No No T5/L13 E-Plan Table B-I U3 T2/LI T5/Li U3 Shift T5/L3 14 Manager 60 T5/L5 No No T5/L8 T5/L10 _____
15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-I N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO, #l E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 Ul NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/Li15 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-I1______________ ______ _____
Page 86 IPEC Page 86
- ::: : ** i ** , *'One Unit
- ...... -One Control Room ,' :i i! i J * **
- ......... :=**:* * ' :Analysis #11 - Station
........... .. ..Blackout
. . (SBOi~jU3)
Minimurn Operations crew Necessary/to Implement AoPs and EOPs or SAMGS if Applicable * :....
Line #
.... enteric Title/Role On-Shift Position= ask Analysis- ;.*
1 SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1___ ___hift_________Manager______________ rogram 2uprviorControl Uit Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training
'Unit_ Supervisor __________ _______________ rogram 3 Sif Tchica AviorShift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3___ Shift ______Technical___ ___Advisor_______ rogram 4 eato peatr 1Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4___ Reactor _________Operator________________ rogram 5 eato peatr 2Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5___ Reactor _________Operator____________2___ rogram 6 uiliry pertor#1Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Nlon-Licensed Operator 6 ___Auxiliary_______Operator_________1__ 1"_raining Program 7 uiliry pertor#2Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Nlon-Licensed Operator 7___ Auxiliary _________Operator_________2____ -raining Program 8 uiliry pertor#3Nuclear Plant Operator #3 Nlon-Licensed Operator 8___ Auxiliary _________Operator_________3__ 1"_raining Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs ifApplicable Line #? Generic TitlelRole : . :: : .. * *On-Shift Position *i::' ask AnalySis,;:*i*! .... :"'
______:i!*i __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ ntrolling Methlodi ii,*
11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 87 IPEC Page 87
... ..... ... IPEC TABLE 3- FIREFIGHTING :
- ,
- "Analysis #11 - Station Blackout (SBO) (U3)
- Line # :;::*.. :Performed by * " ,Task Analysis' Controlling Method 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Firefighting activities not included in the analysis.
- ;:'i:*
/ : *,i* ::,IPEC
______________: ;: TABLE 4- RADIATION Analysis PROTECTION
- 11 - Station AND :CHEMISTRY:
Blackout (sBo) (U3): :i:: .. '.....*: ::
LPosition PerformingI :::::
Performance.Tim Period Afte Emergency.: ion (minutes)* ;
Declarat i lunct ')Y~s:==. 5 15 25 35-: 40 50 60 70 80 E 0....-5::
- 10 1520 2530 35 404550:55 606570 75 8085 90 1 In-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP N/A 7 Chemistry Function Lask #1 (describe)
N/A 8 Chemist'ry Function
[ask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated Page 88 IPEC IPEC Page 88
- ' ,i :,":
- Analysis #11 Station Blacko~ut (SBo) (u3) i
- : i. :: *:
Lin ....... *
- Function
..... F..... I Task nction/Positio'n-a ...... O.....
n-Shiftl Task Analysis Cotrolling C n Method Declare the emergency classification level U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) Manager Program / EP Drills 2Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2Recommendations of tae/lca noifcaton U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 prvecotetManager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Notification and 5 direction to on-shift staff U3 Shift Lcne EmergencyprtrTann Planning Trainingrga (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) M~anager Program 6EOnotification U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 6EOManager Program 7 &bbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Stae/ocl ntiictio frm U3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 8 omleeManager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________ _________Program U3 Shift 10 Complete NRC event notification form Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 11 *ctivate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________ _________Program i4 Perform other site-specific event notifications UI2 Shift 14 e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program ccoutabiitySecuity 15 Prsonel Security Training Program / EP 15 Prsonel ccoutabiitySecuity Drills Page 89 IPEC Page89
.. IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT G. Design Basis Accident Analysis #12 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR
- 1. Accident'Summary (Assumed for Staffing Analysis Purpose)
- The unit is in a Site Area Emergency AS1 when the Shift Manager is given a dose projection update and site boundary survey data that supports >1 Rem TEDE dose at the site boundary.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- All actions for SAE are complete.
- No transients other than LOCA are considered.
- The ERO would be activated at an Alert or SAE. For Staffing Analysis purpose, the T=0 clock is used for the emergency plan actions to evaluate the capability to implement the GE classification, PAR and notification functions before the ERO arrives.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-410, PARs
- IP_EP-310, Dose Assessment
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP--21 0, Central Control Room Page 90 IPEC IPEC Page 90
- 4. Tables Tables 4.
Analysis. : #12:
Emeraencv with Release and...PAR ... (U3)
Line n. :shift::: Augmentation. Role in Table # UaayeM T5/L6 1 U2 SM E-Plan Table B-i N/A T5L4No No 2 U2 E-Pan CSTale B- N/A5/ALN1N 3 U2 CST E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 4 U2 ROT# E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 6 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i .N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A T5/L12 No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 13 Communicator E-Plan Table B-i 60 T5/L13N N E-Plan Table B-i U3 T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L2 U3 Shift T5/L3 14 Manager 60 T5/L4 No No T5/L5 T5/L8
___________ T5/L10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _____
15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A T4/L2 No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/Li15 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 91 IPEC Page 91
- ,::-: i::::: :?One unit One Control Room <! <:*
Anlsi 12-LCAGnea Eegnc it elaeand PAR (U3)::'::* :
Vlnimum Operationis Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable :;. ...
Line # Generic Title/Role : : n-Shiift Position Task AnalySis ,,..
___....._..... __________.... ___ __...... ______" _ . ............. _- Controlling M ethod .
Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program 3 Sif Tchica AviorShift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training Shif Tecnica AdvsorProgram Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #3 Non-Licensed Operator 8 *uxiliary Operator #3 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line # *eneric Title/Role, O:,..
n-Shift Position .Task AnalYsis
_ _ ___ _.......__ __.....__ Controlling Method 11 Mlechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 92 IPEC Page 92
'i.,i =: ** ** : .: IPEC TABLE 3:- FIREFIGHTING !-:.=::
Analysis 12 LOC/GeneralEmerglency with Release and PAR (U3) zLine #* Perfored by,iii=,:,il*,**:i**i Task Analysis COntrolling Method*?:***:
1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in the analysis.
/iAna sis#12 -LOCAGeneral Emergencywith :Release and PAR (u3) "
L/Poitin Prfomin Performance Time Period After EegnyDeclarto.mits)
N..........5-;:: ... :1:0 20- 25 35 45- 50-'
"5=5- 60-65-"70 80- 85-9 1 In-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
U3 RP(site X X X X X 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A 4 Job Coverage:
N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:
(Includedin Table
__5 6Other site specific RP (describe):
7Chemistry Function Iask #1 (describe) 8 Chemistry Function Iask #2 (describe)
- Times are estimated.
Page 93 IPEC Page 93
- Anlyi #12 C ... eeral Emergency with Relea~se and PAR (U3) i Line ,=:... FunctionlITask On-,Shift Position ? Task Analysis Controlling Line :... :' : ... / * ': M ethod Declre he mergncyclasifiatin lvelEmergency Planning Training (ecl)r h mrec lasfcto ee U3 Shift Manager !Program / EP Drills pproe OfsiteProectie AcionEmergency Planning Training 2 Recommendations U hf aae 3Aprovecontent of State/local notifications U3 Shift Manager Emergency Planning Training 3 pprove rogram 4 Approve extension to allowable dose U3 Shift Manager Emergency Program / EPPlanning Drills Training Notification and direction to on-shift staff Lcne prtrTann (e.g., to 5assemble, evacuate, etc.) U3 Shift Manager Program / Emergency Planning Iraining Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2 Shift Manager Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A NI/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U3 Shift Manager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Pmrogram Plnin rann Licensed Operator Training 10 Complete NRC event notification form U3 Shift Manager Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) NI/A U2 Chemistry Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessmentecncaPrgm 13Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training 13 Program Perform other site-specific event Licensed Operator Training 14 notifications (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, U2 Shift Manager Program INPO, AN!, etc.) _______
15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 94 IPEC Page 94
NOTE Threat based event is single procedure and both units affected. Unit 2 takes lead on EP actions.
- 1. Accident Summary
- Land and/or waterborne HOSTILE ACTION directed against the Protected Area by a HOSTILE FORCE. Assume adversary characteristics defined by the Design Basis Threat.
- Security Code Red condition
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- This event assumes the threat is neutralized immediately when inside the protected area fence, no significant damage to equipment or systems that require corrective actions before the ERO is staffed, no radiological release, and no fire that requires firefighting response before the ERO is staffed.
- Assume at power in Mode 1
- Assume Security notifies the Shift Manager of condition Security Code RED.
- Assume all non-security staff is located inside the protected area at their normal work station when the event occurs.
- Assume all systems function and the core remains covered. No fuel damage and no release.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 0-AOP-SEC-1, Response to Security Compromise
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- 2/3-E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-21 0, Central Control Room Page 95 JPEG IPEC Page 95
- 4. Tables
- .. Analysi
...... #,I.:: Threat ,,. ..... ., :, ;= *!* : ,
Lie -sif* "! *::: IAugmentation Tme Role in Table I* ILine # #'* Unantalyzed
... *: ..
- .Psiio Basis Document: *IElapsed Task?..*, Required?. ** ,
U2 T2/Li T5/LI T5/L3 I U2 SM E-Plan Table B-i N/A T/5No No T5/L5
_________________T5/L10 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-I N/A U2 T2/L2 No No E-Plan Table B-i U2 T2/L3 3 U2 STA N/A T5L7 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-I1_ N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i1_ N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 7 - U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-I1_ N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 9 U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 12 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 13 Communicator 60T5/L13 No No E-Plan Table B-I U3 T2/Li 14 U3 Shift 60 T5/L6 No No Manager T5/L14 _____
15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No 16 U3 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L3 No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 -U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/L1 5 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 96 IPEC Page 96
"'*' *"*::' " ............. . O ne UJnit'
..... O ne Control Room *::". ......
. .:. *'i
- i! .... * ::*:,,Analysis # I DBT security Threat : :}*:.:!
MinmumO~ratonsCrw Necessary to Imolement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Appia
- Line # ebneici Title/Role : On-S.hift *Position* ::*'::* ask Analysis:
____ _________________________________ ContrOlling Methobd*: *,.
1 SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 ____hi __t__Manager_____Program 2uprviorControl Uit Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training UnitSuprvisr .Program 3 Sif Tchica AviorShift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training Shift__TechnicalAdvisor Program 4 eatopeatr 1Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4__ReactorOperator___1_Program 5 eatopeatr 2Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5___ Reactor___Operator___2Program 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator
__________________Training Program 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator
_____ __________________Training Program 8 uiliry pertor#3Nuclear Plant Operator U1 Non-Licensed Operator 8___ Auxi_____iary_____Operator________#3___Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A
- .;*',i!:;
- i
- ::*.,*:*. ii i i : O: ne Unit - One C ontrol Room ::* : *° i-:: -
Minimum :Oper~ations Crew Necessary to: Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs: if Applicable : i* :! o!
'Line # Generic Title/Role: :: ,,: On-Shift Position; ,: : :,ask Analysis :
I SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training
____ Shift __________Manager_____________Program 2uprviorControl Uit Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 ____Unit______Supervisor____________Program Shift Technical Advisor
- Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program 4 eatopeatr 1Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4___ Reactor _________Operator_________#1___Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program uxllaryOpeato #1Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6___ Auxiliary _________Operator_________1__Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #3 Non-Licensed Operator 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 Training Program Page 97 IPEC IPEC Page 97
9 lOther needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line # -::,Generic Title/Role::..." On-Shift Position CotaskAnlysisMeho 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 98 IPEC IPEC Page 98
.... , ::iAnalysis # i DBT Security Threat*i~
Line'* !Performed bY*!!: ,":i : *-Task AnalysiS COntrolling Methobd*:* ,*
N/A N/A N/2/
N/A N/A Note: This accident does not include the need for firefighting, first aid or search & rescue.
~~~~Analysis#1 DB Security Threat='i ... :: *.....
T: Position Performin Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minu~tes)
- N io50-;::: 5- 10-;15-;20. 25-,3o035 45-50-55 65- 70-:75 85-1 In-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A T Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
__N/A 6 Other site specific RP (describe):
__N/A 7 Chemistry Function task #1 (describe)
__N/A 8 Chemistry Function
- ask #2 (describe)
__N/A Note: No chemistry or RP job function tasks for the conditions described in the DBT assumptions. RP and Chemistry take cover as directed.
IPEC Page.99
i: :* : * ' Analy.siesif# 1 DBT Secuirity.Threat' i :: * " :: ".. ............ i: *= ::
L*inJ : ** ::::: Fun~ction I/.Task~i !: :': On-Shift T
]ask Analysis Controlling Method Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1(ECL) Manager Program / EP Drills 2 Approve Offsite Protective Action N/A NI/A 2Recommendations 3 Aprveconen o Stteloalnotifications U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training pprveconen ofStte/ocllanager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose 'N/A NI/A Notification and 5 direction to ori-shift staff U2 Shift LiesdOraoTanngPgar Emergency Planning Training (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program 6 EO otfictiU 3 Shift. Emergency Planning Training 6 EO otfictin anager Program Licensed Operator Training Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event U2 STA Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________ rogram U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification formMage Prrm 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
_____________________________ rogram U2 Shift 10 Complete NRC event notification form Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) NI/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A NI/A 13 Perform NRC notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
______________________________ __________ rogram Perform other site-specific event notifications U3 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 15 ccoutabiitySecuity Prsonel Security Training Program / EP 15 ccoutabiitySecuity Prsonel Drills Page 100 IPEC Page 100
- IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Accident Analysis #9 - Aircraft Probable Threat NOTE Threat based event is single procedure and both units affected. Unit 2 takes lead on EP actions.
- 1. Accident Summary
- The analysis includes all emergency response actions taken prior to an aircraft impact in accordance with RG 1.214 for an aircraft threat that is greater than 5 minutes, but less than 30 minutes from the site, and considers the dispersal of the site fire brigade away from target areas for firefighting.
- The analysis does not include a scenario or response actions taken during or after a crash.
- 2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
- The Shift Manager receives the call from the NRC of probable aircraft threat.
- All non-security on-shift personnel are inside the protected area fence at their normal workstation.
- 3. Procedures for Accident Response
- 0-AOP-SEC-2, Aircraft Threat
- IP-EP-120, Classification
- IP-EP-115, Forms
- IP-EP-21 0, Central Control Room (for both units)
Page 101 IPEC Page 101
- 4. Tables
- :; *'!***i
'i.* :*:: * *:, IPEC TABLE I -ON-SHIFT POSITIONS :::i .. :,*':*~~ ~.....*
Lin n-shift : Augmentation;* Role in Table # ,u!*n-al *e d,/ *' TMSi*,::
- Lie Position: asis:**
... ocument......
.... . El apEfi #... .:~ T...
sed Time i I Line......
............. ask? : Req,'Uired?::
__________.......... ..__ __ __ __ __ _ :(mini)*,: __________ ___________ ____k?__
U2 T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 1 U2 SM E-Plan Table B-I N/A T15No No T5/L5
_____________ ___________ T5/L8O ____________
2 U2 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 3 U2 STA E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L3 No No 4 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 5 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 6 -U2 AO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 7 U2 AO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L7 No No 8 U2 AO #3 E-Plan Table B-I N/A N/A No No 9 -U2 AO #4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 10 U2 AO #5 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 11 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 12 .U2 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 1 Comnctr E-Plan Table B-i16 T5/L9Noo E-Plan Table B-i U3 T2/L1 14 Managert 60 T5/L6 No No Manager____ T5/L14 _____
15 U3 CRS E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L2 No No E-Plan Table B-i U3 T2/L3 i6 U3 STA N/A No No 17 U3 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L4 No No 18 U3 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L5 No No 19 U3 NPO#1 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L6 No No 20 U3 NPO#2 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L7 No No 21 U3 NPO#3 E-Plan Table B-i N/A U3 T2/L8 No No 22 U3 NPO#4 E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 23 U3 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 24 U3 RP E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 25 U1 NPO E-Plan Table B-i N/A U2 T2/L8 No No 26 SRO FBL E-Plan Table B-i N/A N/A No No 2 Seuiy Security Contingency 60 T5/Li15 No No 27 __Security Plan / E-Plan Table B-i1______________ ______ _____
Page 102 IPEC Page 102
i ::::" : :iii:i :
- i:Analysis # 9 Aircraft Probable Threati* !:: i* i Minimum: Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs o'rSAMGs if Applicable.*: *,
Linte*#, Generic TitlelRole n-SiftPoitin ak nalsi Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager P~rogram 2uprviorControl Uit Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 ___Unit______Supervisor_____________ rogram
.Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor P~rogram 4 eato peatr 1Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 __Reactor ___Operator____1__ rogram 5 eato peatr 2Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 __Reactor ___Operator____2__ rogram 6 uilirypertor#1Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 __Auxiliary __Operator___#1_Training Program 7 AxilaryOpeato #2Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 #2raining uxliar Oprato Program Nuclear Plant Operator U1 Non-Licensed Operator 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 Training Program 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A
-: . : :: ii.:i~i*::: One Unit - One C ntro.R.o Mlinimum operations:(*" Cr........
,ew. Necessary to........... I:mplement AOPs andl EO* orSAMs i Aplicbl Line# itle~olen-Shift enric Position akAayi I SitMngrShift Manager Licensed Operator Training
_______hift________Manager___________Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed OPerator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program" Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program 4 RacorOpraor#1Reactor Operator #1. Licensed Operator Training 4___ __eactor ________Operator_____________Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Nuclear Plant Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 ,uxiliary Operator #1 Training Program Nuclear Plant Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 *uxiliary Operator #2 Training Program IPEC Page 103
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line #: : Gefl!iC *Title/Role :~ " ::: * * , ,:: n-Sh,***'ift Position: ii: *u . Analysis
, y,,.,u:ask i*::
________________________________ __ _ ........... ot.llig'M eho 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 I&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A Page 104 IPEC Page 104
" ..... ' , ::IPEC TABLE 3- FIREFIGHTING . .. :
- * : ~~Analvs'is #9.-Aircraft Probable Threat,... :
Line' : Performed by Task Analysis Co'ntrolling Method:.
1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A FB stages in the In-Processing Building, no firefighting activities during the 30 minutes included in the analysis.
Page 105 IPEC Page 105
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT IPEC TABLE 4 :- RADIATION PROTECTION AND CHEMISTRY SL PoSitiOn Performing : ::,, Performance Time Period After Emergency DeClarato (mintes)*
I Function /Taisk - - - -...-.... ... . ...
1 In-Plant Survey:
N/A 2 On-site Survey:
N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring:
N/A T Job Coverage:
N/A 50Offsite Rad Assessment:
.(Included in Table 5
6 Other site specific RP (describe):
N/A )
7 Chemistry Function task #1 (describe)
N/A 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)
N/A Note: No chemistry or RP job function tasks for the conditions described in the Aircraft Threat assumptions.
Page 106 IPEC Page 106
=.. .........
- i:= .. =
. ... ~~~~~Analysis # 9 Aircraft Probable Threat}* *? ** ;:i 'i Lin. Fucio Ts On-Shift ' Task Analysis Controlling Method
..... . . .. . . .. .. ~~~~Position := . .. -;:
Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 CL Manager Program / EP Drills 2 ,pprove Offsite Protective Action N/A N/A 2Recommendations conen ofSttelocl otfictinsU2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 poeManager Program 4 *pprove extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Notification and 5 direction to on-shift staff U2 Shift Lcne EmergencyprtrTann Planning Trainingrga (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program 6 -R ntiictinU3 Shift Emergency Planning Training 6 EO otfiatonManager program 7 ,bbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A tae/lca ntiicaio frm Comlee U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 8Manager Program 9 Perform State/local notifications Communicator Emergency Planning Training
__________Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form Managert Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A (runs 24/7) N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13ntifcatins Prfom NC ommnictorEmergency Planning Training 13ntifcatins Prfom NC ommnictorProgram Perform other site-specific event notifications U3 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 15Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program / EP 15 Drills Page 107 IPEC Page 107
Perform a Time Motion Study to evaluate whether assigning the performance of ERO notification using Everbridge to the Shift Manager or STA can be justified as an acceptable overlap to the Shift Manager's primary emergency plan function of direction and control.
NOTE The Time Motion Study may be completed during simulator training/evaluation or during EP drills LOCATION:
Simulator (to use the "TRAINING' event code to avoid inadvertent ERO activation for an EMERGENCY event.)
Codes are site specific.
A. Individual performing the procedure actions must be logged on to the computer being used.
B. PC with Internet 7.0 and internet access.
C. Instructions/codes for activating Everbridge in the TRAINING mode. [Staged Instruction sheet for activating Everbridge may be used in lieu of EN-EP-31 0, Emergency Response Organization Notification System)]
Page 109 IPEC Page 109
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Function / Responsibility (Task) Analysis Template Event: All Site: __IPEC Position: Shift Manaqier Line #: 1 Function [Responsibility (Task) Action Step JDuration I .Notification 1.1 Initiate notification to the ERO via the 1.1.1 ERON Program Retrieve the Everbridge instruction that contains the
[TRAINING] Access code and Pass code. 22 sec.
1 (On the PC)
Open ERO Notification System by clicking: 17 sec.
Start -*Nuclear Corporate Apps (ESM) -* Nuclear Emergency Response (ESM) -* ERON 2
Enter Access code (XXXXX) and Pass code (XXXXX) 11 sec.
and click the SUBMIT button 3
Select the appropriate classification by clicking on it.
8 sec.
(Select ALERT) 4 Answer "Yes" or "No" to Security EAL question, "Was 8 sec.
the event declared on a Security EAL?" [ Click on "YES"]
5 Select proper response action by clicking on it.
10 sec.
[Select "Security Event"}
6 Review the message that was generated in the User 12 sec.
Message box at the bottom of the screen. Ensure the message contains the information to communicate to
~2 'JO
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT the ERO. Additional information can be added to the message by clicking in the User Message box and typing.
7 Once satisfied with the message content, click send 7 sec.
notification button. [Click "Send Notification"]
8 Answer "YES" to send verification question, 'Are you 5 sec.
CERTAIN you want to send this message?" [Click "YES"]
9 If message was successfully sent, you will see a dialog 5 sec.
[Click "Return"]
- END OF iNITIATE :NOTIFICATION TO ERO TASK 2.Emergency Direction and 2.1 Maintain emergency direction and control 1 Control of the event response. Oversight of the emergency response.
NA 21 Initiate any emergency actions. NA Comments:
The task of ERO notification/activation via ERON for the Non-ED Unit Shift Manager does not negate or interfere with the SM's ability to continue oversight of control room activities or to initiate additional emergency actions.
4 I.
,TASK ,,
Page 111 IPEC Page 111
IPEC ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Task Performer: _Donald Dewey________ Position: __Shift Manager/AOM______ Date: 4/9/13 Name Job Title Evaluator: Anthony Ambrose_____ Position: __Sr. Emergency Planner_____ Date: 4/9/13 Name Job Title Evaluator: .Brian McCarthy._______ Position: Shift Manager/AOM_______ Date: 4/9/13 Page 112 IPEC IPEC Page 112
- NEI 10-05, Rev 0, Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities
- NSIR DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance - Emergency Planning for NuclearPower Plants
- NUREG-0654, Criteria for Preparationand Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparednessin Support of Nuclear Power Plants.
- Indian Point No. 1 Safety Analysis Report
- Decommissioning Plan for Indian Point Unit 1, October 1980 XllI. STAFFING ANALYIS TEAM
- Myra Jones, Contractor CMCG
- Charles Hock, IPEC Operations Shift Manager
- Brian Sullivan, Training Superintendent
- Brent Magurno, Chemistry Specialist
- Steve Sandike, Chemistry Specialist
- Scott Stevens, Radiation Protection Supervisor
- Mary Ann Wilson, Emergency Preparedness Manager