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IPEC Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/01/2019
From: Deborah Gray
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19281A864 (115)



IP-EP-3\ D iEV. Iq

  • IP-EP-340 REV. 7 IP-EP-410 REV. 15 OCTOBER 8, 2019
                      • PLEASE NOTE EFFECTIVE DATE***********


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  • ROCKVILLE, MD 20852

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9 IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-410 Revision 15 Enlergy EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 1 of 10 Protective Action Recommendations Prepared by: Dara Gra~ /(')-~ ~111 Pnnt Name ate Approval: Frank J. Mitchell /t' -/ "'/J Pnnt Name Date Effective Date: October 8, 2019 This procedure excluded from further Ll-100 review IP-EP-410 (PAR) R 15.doc

e-= Entergy IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-410 Revision 15 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 6 of 1Q Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................3


................................................................................................................................. 3 3.0 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................................3 5.0 DETAILS ..........................................................................................................................................3 5.1 NUE, ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENCY .......................................................................................3 5.2 GENERAL EMERGENCY ............................................................................................................. 3 6.0 INTERFACES ................................................................................................................................... 4 7.0 RECORDS .......................................................................................................................................4 8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCE ....................................................4 9.0 ATTACHMENTS ..............................................................................................................................4 9.1 FLOWCHART FOR GENERAL EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS ................... 5 9.2 MIDAS STABILITY CATEGORY - DOWNWIND KEYHOLE SECTOR CORRELATION TABLE .................. 7 9.3 EPA PROTECTIVE ACTION GUIDELINES ...................................................................................... 8 9.4 OVERLAY SELECTION FLOW CHART (FOR MANUAL PLUME VISUALIZATION) ................................. 9 9.5 WIND FIELD ORIENTATION - MIDAS vs. PLUME OVERLAYS ......................................... 10


~ Tl/ergy 0 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES , REFERENCE USE Page of 10 PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 1.0 PURPOSE To prescribe the responsibilities and methods for determining recommended protective actions for New York State and County authorities.


EPA Protective Action Guidelines 3.0 DEFINITIONS Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) - Specific recommendations made by the Emergency Director to offsite authorities in accordance with Emergency Plan procedures based on Protection Action Guidelines.

4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The Shift Manager is responsible for evaluating accident conditions, classifying the accident, and recommending protective actions to offsite authorities during the initial phases of the accident. The Emergency Director assumes these responsibilities when he takes control of the emergency response from the Shift Manager. The Radiological Assessment Coordinator will assist the Emergency Director with protective action recommendations .

  • 5.0 4.2 DETAILS 5.1 The decision to initiate any protective actions is solely the responsibility of offsite authorities.

NUE, Alert, Site Area Emergency:

5.1.1 Do not recommend protective actions be taken.

5.2 General Emergency 5.2.1 The initial protective action recommendation should be made within 15 minutes of the GENERAL EMERGENCY declaration.

5.2.2 Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) shall be made in accordance with Attachment 9.1. Downwind Sectors are identified on Attachment 9.2.

The MIDAS dose assessment program uses the logic from Attachment 9.1 and 9.2 to determine PARs and affected downwind sectors. Impacted sectors include both land and water areas out to the distances included in the PAR.

5.2.3 The Acetate Isopleth Overlays may be used with the map table to visualize the plume. If the Isopleth Overlays are used, then use Attachment 9.4 to support isopleth selection and placement on the map table.

5.2.4 The initial PAR shall be made in the first GENERAL EMERGENCY

  • notification to the State/Counties. All subsequent, Part I notifications shall include the latest PAR.

a-==- Entergy IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-410 Revision 15 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page of 10 5.2.5 Re-evaluate the PARs based on the following:

  • Changes in Wind Direction or Speed
  • Dose Calculations
  • Field Team Data
  • Plant Conditions 5.2.6 IF conditions are present that require a revision to the current PAR, THEN the revised PAR must be determined within 15 minutes of those conditions being apparent.

5.2.7 IF a decision to revise the PAR has been made, THEN offsite notification shall be completed within 15 minutes of the revised PAR determination.

5.2.8 As protective action recommendations change, ensure appropriate steps are taken to protect the onsite population.

5.2.9 IF an EPA PAG is exceeded or expected to be exceeded beyond 10 miles THEN consider the need for PARs beyond 10 miles and discuss possible actions with State/Counties. Send Field Teams to confirm projections .

  • 6.0 INTERFACES 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Evacuation Time Estimates IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment State of New York Kl Policy Paper IP-EP-420, Use of Potassium Iodide by Indian Point Personnel during an Emergency 7.0 RECORDS NONE 8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCE NONE 9.0 ATTACHMENTS 9.1 Flowchart for General Emergency Protective Action Recommendations 9.2 MIDAS Stability Category - Downwind Keyhole Sector Correlation Table 9.3 EPA Protective Action Guidelines 9.4 Overlay Selection Flow Chart (For Manual Plume Visualization) 9.5 Wind Field Orientation - MIDAS vs. Plume Overlays



General Emergency Declared

  • Recommend SHELTER-IN-PLACE and implement Kl Plan for 2 Mile Radius and 2-5 mile downwind sectors.
  • See Attachment 9.2
  • Advise remainder of EPZ to monitor EAS.


  • Recommend EVACUATION and implement Kl Plan for 2 Mile Radius and 2*5 mile downwind sectors.
  • Recommend SHELTER-IN-PLACE and
  • Recommend EVACUATION and implement implement Kl Plan for 5-10 mile downwind Kl Plan for 2 Mile Radius and 2-5 mile sectors downwind Sectors.
  • See Attachment 9.2
  • See Attachment 9.2
  • Advise remainder of EPZ to monitor EAS.
  • Advise remainder of EPZ to monitor EAS.

Continue assessment of event. as per Notes 2, 3 and 4 Continue assessment of event, as per Notes 2, 3 and 4 No Change to PAR

  • Recommend EVACUATION and implement Kl Plan for 2 Mile Radius and 2-10 mile downwind sectors.
  • See Attachment 9.2
  • Advise remainder of EPZ to monitor EAS.
  • SeeNoteS Attachment 9.1


  • First PAR after GE declared
  • lE meteorological conditions
  • Add new sectors to new AND, change and result in other PAR.
  • Containment Loss sector(s)/area(s) being
  • DO NOT subtract any sector Conditions (Table F-1) AND impacted after initial PAR, in which actions have been EITHER: expand the initial PAR to previously recommended.

include new sector(s)/area(s)

  • IF an RPSA PAR was
  • Containment Rad Monitors ONLY IF: issued, the Shelter in Place R-25 or R-26 > 68 R/hr portion of the PAR is only OR,
  • Plant conditions are unknown applicable to the initial PAR or continue to be unstable and would not be applied to
  • Conditions for EALs AG1 .1, (mitigating actions not started the sectors added in a PAR AG 1.2 or AG 1.3 have been or not successful) or expansion.

met. degrading OR, NOTE 5: IF PAGs Exceeded

  • EPA PAGs are projected or > 10 Miles:
  • If these criteria cannot be immediately confirmed, measured to be exceeded in assume a RPSA is NOT the new sector(s)/area(s).
  • lE an EPA PAG is exceeded occurring. or expected to be exceeded beyond 10 miles THEN For Wind Shifts: consider the need for PARs beyond 1O miles and discuss
  • Only expand the PAR to possible actions with include the sector(s)/area(s) State/Counties.

NOTE 2: Event Assessment impacted by the in-transit Criteria: wind shift if dose assessment projects the EPA PAGs will

  • Wind Direction/Speed be exceeded in the in-transit sector(s)/area(s).
  • Dose Calculations
  • Field Team Data
  • Plant Conditions

e= E'nlergy IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-410 Revision 15

  • EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES PROCEDURE REFERENCE Use Attachment 9.2 MIDAS STABILITY CATEGORY Page z of 10 DOWNWIND KEYHOLE SECTOR CORRELATION TABLE Sheet 1 of 1 TABLE I- MIDAS Up-Valley Plumes Up-Valley Plumes (wind speed .::: 4 m/sec and wind direction from 102°-209°)

Pasquill Stability Categories Sectors affected


A,B 16, 1,2,3,4 C,D,E,F,G 16, 1,2,3 TABLE II- MIDAS Down-Valley Plumes Down-Valley Plumes (wind speed~ 4 m/sec and wind direction from 349°-101°)

Pasquill Stability Categories Sectors affected A,B 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 C,D,E,F,G 7,8, 9, 10 TABLE Ill - MIDAS Cross-Valley Plumes

  • Cross-Valley (wind speed> 4 m/sec OR wind direction from 210°-348°)

Wind Direction From (deg) 169 -190 191 - 213 1N Center Sector No.

2 NNE Pasquill Stability Categories A & B Sectors affected 15, 16, 1,2,3 16, 1,2,3,4 Pasquill Stability Categories C-G 16, 1, 2 1, 2, 3 Sectors affected 214 - 235 3 NE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2,3,4 236 - 258 4 ENE 2,3,4,5,6 3,4,5 259 - 280 SE 3,4,5,6, 7 4,5,6 281 - 303 6 ESE 4,5,6, 7,8 5, 6, 7 304- 325  ?SE 5,6, 7,8,9 6, 7,8 326 - 348 8SSE 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 7, 8, 9 349 - 010 9S 7,8,9,10,11 8, 9, 10 011 - 033 10SSW 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 9, 10, 11 034- 055 11 SW 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 10,11,12 056 - 078 12WSW 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 11, 12, 13 079 - 100 13W 11 , 12, 13, 14, 15 12, 13, 14 101 - 123 14WNW 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 13, 14, 15 124-145 15 NW 13, 14, 15, 16, 1 14, 15, 16

  • 146 - 168 16 NNW 14, 15, 16, 1, 2 15, 16, 1

e=Entergy IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-410 Revision 15

  • EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page of 10 Attachment 9.3 EPA PROTECTIVE ACTION GUIDELINES Sheet 1 of 1 Recommended protective actions to reduce whole body and thyroid dose from exposure to a gaseous plume.


TO THE POPULATION RECOMMENDED ACTIONS (a) COMMENTS Whole Body (TEDE) <1 No planned actions. (b) Previously recommended State may issue an advisory to protective actions may be Thyroid (COE) seek shelter and await further reconsidered or terminated.


Monitor environmental radiation levels Whole Body (TEDE) Evacuate unless constraints make it If constraints exist, special impractical; then shelter. Monitor consideration should be given environmental radiation levels. for evacuation of children and Thyroid (COE)  ?.5 Control access. pregnant i,,yomen.


Whole Body (TEDE):

10 Protecting valuable property Lower dose not practicable.

25 Lifesaving or protection of large populations Lower dose not practicable.

>25 Lifesaving or protection of large population Only on a voluntary basis to persons fully aware of the risks involved. ,

TEDE- Total Effective Dose Equivalent: Sum of external effective dose equivalent and committed effective dose equivalent to non-pregnant adults from exposure and intake during an emergency situation. Workers performing services during emergencies should limit dose to the lens of the eye to three times the listed va.lue and doses to any organ (including skin and body extremities) to ten times the listed value.

COE- Committed dose equivalent (to the Thyroid).

(a) These actions are recommended for planning purposes. Protective action decisions at the time of the incident must take existing conditions into consideration .

. (b) At the time of the incident, officials may implement low-impact protective actions in keeping with the principle of maintaining radiation exposures as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)


-=- Entergy.,,












(Blue) (Red)


1. Plant Orientation Point:
a. Using down valley overlay (Blue) align horizontal axis on go 0

- 270° line with plume extending south.

b. Using up valley overlay (Yellow) align horizontal axis on go 0

- 270° line with plume extending north .


The wind field orientation differs between MIDAS (Att. 9.2) and the Plume Overlays (Att. 9.4) at certain wind speeds.

Based on the recommendations of consulting meteorologists, the origin of the up and down valley flow for low wind speeds (.$. 4 m/s) was changed to the center of the Hudson River (the plume overlays isopleth's origin was the super heater stack.) This is more representative of the true met expectations.

The origin change results in the down-valley plume range going from 340° - 101 ° to 349° -

101° for MIDAS.

As a result, the cross valley plume goes from 210° - 339° to 210° - 348° for MIDAS .

IPEC IP-EP-340 Revision 7 NON-QUALITY RELATED EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 1 of 84 cor~TROllED Meteorological Information and Dose Assessment System


  • Prepared by: Richard Watts Pnnt Nam_e_ __

Approval: Frank Mitchell //J-/ -I 7' Pnnt Nam=e~-- Date Effective Date: October 8, 2019 This procedure excluded from further Ll-100 review IP-EP-340 R7.doc


=~ Entergy,!! EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page g of 84 Table of Contents 1.0 Purpose .................................................................................................................. 3 2.0 References ............................................................................................................. 3 3.0 Definitions ............................................................................................................... 3 4.0 Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 4 5.0 Details ................................................................................................................... 4 6.0 Interfaces ............................................................................................................... 39 7.0 Records ................................................................................................................. 39 8.0 Requirements & Commitment Cross-References .................................................. 39 9.0 Attachments .......................................................................................................... 40 9.1 Event Trees ................................................................................................. 41 9.2 Flow Charts ................................................................................................. 42 9.3 Plant & Site Specific Parameters .......... ,..................................................... 58 9.4 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation (Plant Vent Quick Dose) ...................... 59 9.5 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation (SIG Tube Rupture Quick Dose) ........... 61 9.6 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation (SIG Tube Rupture) .............................. 63 9.7 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation (EOF -Auto H) ..................................... 67 9.8 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation (Offsite Users - Auto H) ........................ 70 9.9 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation (Manual 8- no automated data) ........... 72 9.10 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation - Multiple Accident (EOF) ..................... 74 9.11 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation - Multiple Accident (CCR) ..................... 77 9.12 Quick Guide for MIDAS Part 1 Form Generator........................................... 80



-=- nlergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page ~ of 84 1.0 PURPOSE To describe the methods of estimating the whole body and thyroid doses to onsite and offsite persons in the event of potential or actual accidental release of radioactivity to the environment


2.1 MIDAS user manual (ABS Consulting) 2.2 IP-EP-510, Meteorological, Radiological & Plant Data Acquisition System 2.3 IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations, 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 MRPDAS - Meteorological, Radiological, and Plant Parameter Data Acquisition System - the system which provides meteorological, Reuter Stokes and certain plant parameter data (VC Temperature, VC Pressure, Plant Vent and VC High Radiation Monitors) 3.2 Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE)- The sum of the Deep Dose Equivalent

  • 3.3 3.4 (DDE) and the Committed Effective Dose Equivalent (CEDE) .

Committed Dose Equivalent Thyroid (CDE Thyroid) - The dose equivalent to the thyroid that will be received from an intake of radioiodine by an individual during the 50-year period following the intake.

CEDE - Committed effective dose equivalent is the sum of the products of the weighting factors applicable to each of the body organs or tissues that are irradiated and the committed dose equivalent to these organs or tissues 3.5 Site Boundary - For Dose Assessment and Protective Action Recommendation purposes the Site Boundary is the closest distance at which members of the public would be exposed to a radioactive release. When the plume is traveling toward the water, the distance to the nearest point on the far shore is used.

3.6 MIDAS - Meteorological Information and Dose Assessment System - computer software for determining source term, atmospheric dispersion, and dose consequences

3. 7 Source term - generic term for curies available for release or actually being released. 'Term' in mathematics is any single factor in an equation. Hence

'source term', 'dispersion term', etc are simply portions of the equation for the calculation 3.8 Ground level release - an effluent release point model that assumes that the release point is at ground level, with no accounting for the additional mixing from

  • other release point factors such as height above the ground, plume temperature, and exit velocity


  • g, Enlergy.~ EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page  ! of 84 3.9 Multiple Accident Run -Allows for dose calculations for accident releases occurring simultaneously from different release locations at one or both units.

4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES Dose Assessment staff in the Control Room (CR) and in the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) are responsible for assessing actual and potential planned and unplanned radioactive releases to the environment. Attachments at the end of the procedure may be used as a reference when stepping through a MIDAS dose assessment calculation.


When a dose assessment is being performed you may proceed directly to the applicable attachment in the procedure for the type of dose assessment being performed.

5.0 DETAILS 5.1 MIDAS is a menu driven computer system - menus are described below throughout Section 5 5.2 Step by step option selection for each menu are shown in the attachments 5.3 MIDAS uses a segmented plume model with terrain and meteorology specific wind fields. Displayed plumes are EXPECTED to have unusual shapes. (See Section 5.12) 5.4 MIDAS also uses an automated plant data collection system 'NDCIP' which runs in the background on the MIDAS computer 5.5 MIDAS Startup 5.5. t PC computer system should be running with the program "NDCIP" active NOTE:

NDCIP provides the automated interface between the plant data sources (e.g. Pl computer) and the MIDAS system for automated plant monitor and meteorological data collection and should not be closed by the user.


If NDCIP is not already active in the computer, it will start when MIDAS is started. In this case, there will not be recent history or current automated data available until a data collection cycle is completed .

  • 5.5.2 Start MIDAS by 'double-clicking' on the 'MIDAS Accident Cales' icon



"=" 11lergy. EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page of 84 5.5.3 After a few second delay with a startup screen showing a photograph of the plant, the accident dose startup menu screen will be displayed as shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 Example: MIDAS Startup I Menu Screen Iii MIDAS* Accident Dose Calculation

  • Sheet #1 MIDAS*NUVersion:

~ ' r. start New Multiple Accident Run ffltift!'M, 1ftBitiUM, I I j tndian Point i

l1 ILr._CCR_ _ _ _ r EDF

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____, I I 1

l Ir. AUTOMATIC r MANUAL r SIMUlATION _J I I ._I------------------------


  • i I

r Recap Multiple Accident Run r.--~=----=,-------=---,-,------_,,----~

j Date/Time Plant Notes Descri lion)

- -- - - - - - ~ I I* I i I l i I


!__ _ _ __ _ Delete Selected Recap l _____ _PurQe Hecap filte_.

s_l_ __ j l~~_ I__________ Exi_

  • _l___ _o_K_._l_e-_J 5.5.4 Ensure "Indian Point' is selected for the Site Selection on the upper left

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page of 84 5.5.5 Select 'Start New Run' for calculations involving an accident at either Unit 2 or Unit 3; or, select "Start Multiple Accident Run for accident releases occurring simultaneously from different release locations at one or both units. (See Section 5.14).

a. 'Recap Previous Run' near the bottom left is the alternate button selection for 'Start New Run'
b. 'Recap Previous Run' allows display of previously saved runs from the list at the bottom of the page
c. 'Recap Previous Run' will generally not be needed in the initial phase of dose evaluation but can be used if hard copy printouts of a previous run are needed 5.5.6 Select the appropriate Unit (2 or 3) on the upper right
a. If more than one location is experiencing a release, a calculation must be completed for each location.
  • (ex. Unit 2, Unit 3, Spent Fuel Pool)
  • 5.5.7 Select your location CCR or EOF 5.5.8 Select Automatic, Manual, or Simulation NOTE:

Automatic should be selected whenever possible unless it is KNOWN that the automated data is wrong , unavailable, or misleading.


Simulation uses automated DRILL data. Simulation should be selected whenever possible during DRILLS unless it is KNOWN that the automated drill data is wrong, unavailable, or misleading.


Choosing 'Automatic' will force MIDAS to use any of the effluent and radiation monitor data and meteorological data automatically collected from the plant computer system (Pl computers). Manual will cause MIDAS to IGNORE this available data and will REQUIRE the user to obtain and enter this data by hand .

5.5.9 Based on the choices of CCR/EOF and Automatic (Simulator) / Manual the list of available choices in the 'Accident Run Menu Selection' will change .



To the user, Automatic and Simulator processes are the same, only changing the data source for automatic data collection. Automatic and Simulator processes are generally referred to throughout this procedure as 'Automatic'.

5.5.10 The Automatic and Manual lists represent the same processes but using or not using the automatically collected data 5.5.11 With 'CCR' selected, only the automatic (Menu G & Menu J) or manual (Menu A & Menu D) quick dose projection is available as described in Section 5.5.12.

5.5.12 With 'EOF' selected the following menus are available: Automatic

a. Menu G-Auto Quick dose projection Plant Vent- this menu uses automatically loaded data to project doses with minimal user intervention or input required .

Menu H - Auto Enhanced dose projection - this menu uses b.

automatically loaded data but allows the user to select relevant release points and other parameters

c. Menu I - Auto Met Event Tree - uses automatically loaded meteorological data but uses a pull down event tree selection process to determine source term and release rates instead of using plant monitor data
d. Menu J - Auto Quick dose projection Steam Generator Tube Rupture - this menu uses automatically loaded data to project doses with minimal user intervention or input required.
e. Menu K-W - Auto Met Back Calculation - uses manually entered offsite monitoring centerline plume dose rate readings to estimate the release source term based on automatically collected meteorological data. This menu option should generally not be used if plant monitors are available.
f. Menu L - Auto Accum. Dose Last 24 Hr- uses the automated data collected for the last 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to summarize the total dose committed for that period. This menu option would not generally be used during the initial protective action phase of an event
g. Menu N - Auto Met Isotopic Entry- uses automatically collected meteorological data and manually entered isotopic release data to project dose- requires knowledge of release by isotope, e.g. from
  • h.

an isotopic analysis of effluent stack samples .

Menu Y - Auto All Screens - is for re-creation of past events and program testing and should not be used for emergency response


i. Multiple Accident Run - Allows for dose calculations for accidents occurring simultaneously at both units. (See Section 5.14).


If the automatic process identifies missing or bad data MIDAS will prompt the user for manual inputs, even in automatic menu modes.

5.5.13 With 'EOF' selected the following menus are available: Manual

a. Menu A - Quick dose projection - this menu assumes the release is monitored and prompts the user for input of meteorological and radiological data.
b. Menu B - Enhanced dose projection - this menu prompts the user for manual input of release point, meteorological data, isotopic mix, and effluent monitor readings.
c. Menu C -Event Tree - this menu prompts the user for manual input of meteorological data but uses a pull down event tree selection process to determine source term and release rates instead of using plant monitor data .
  • d.


Menu D - Quick dose projection Steam Generator Tube Rupture -

this menu assumes the release is monitored and prompts the user for input of meteorological and radiological data ..

Menu E-W -Back Dose Calculation - uses manually entered offsite monitoring centerline plume dose rate readings and a pull down event tree selection process to determine the isotopic mix to estimate the release source term using manually entered meteorological data. This menu option should generally not be used if plant monitors are available.

f. Menu F - Auto Accum Dose Last 24 Hr - uses the data entered for the last 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to summarize the total dose committed for that period. This menu option would not generally be used during the initial protective action phase of an event
g. Menu M - Isotopic Entry- uses manually entered meteorological data and manually entered isotopic release data to project dose -

requires knowledge of release by isotope, e.g. from an isotopic analysis of effluent stack samples.

h. Menu X-Advanced Cales All Screens- is for re-creation of past events and program testing and should not be used for emergency response
  • i. Multiple Accident Run - Allows for dose calculations for accidents occurring simultaneously at both units. (See Section 5.14).

e-=- Entergy,,, IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page of 84 5.6 MIDAS data input process 5.6.1 Ml DAS accumulates automatically collected data or manually input data into spreadsheets. There are two sets of four primary spreadsheets, one set for manually entered data and one set for automatically collected data.

5.6.2 Meteorological spreadsheet - includes date and time, wind direction, wind speed, delta T (or stability class), and precipitation

a. Make certain that the proper met data is being applied when entering data manually because several sets of meteorological data are available from sensors at different levels on the primary tower and from a backup tower.
b. Because all release points are treated as ground level, the speed and direction values should be from the primary tower 10 meter sensors and the stability should be derived from the 60 - 10 delta T.
c. The meteorological data spreadsheet is shown below in Figure 2
  • Figure 2 Example: MIDAS Meteorological Data Input Sheet RAINl L W.H
  • . Sil.1110: IP

.Uoil lD: U2 M.,.. B

  • ----+-*-*--


  • c;..,c;,.*o;,.;. f.; c.;;; o... co1o...... l ;ctitJ Sava to Excel 1-* Resto"'

I*: From Excel Cancal I .Previous *1

__ Screen . *. Copy I* Pacla I Oear I' -- OK l

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page of 84 5.6.3 Radiation Monitor & Flow spreadsheet- includes date and time, and input fields for the plant effluent monitors, flow rates of release points, and the containment dome monitors as shown in Figure 3. The sheet may contain additional input columns to the right not shown in this screen view dependent on the release points selected as active.

a. The content and columns displayed on this sheet are modified based on the selection of the four release points
b. Columns for effluent monitors, dome monitors, flow instruments are selected based on the applicability of each sensor to the selected release points Figure 3 Example: MIDAS Radiation, Effluent Monitor and Flow Data Input Sheet K Lil.huhun Mumlur & I luw :, pllH11.hhL1 UI Menu:: B n...,.


  • +--~

, I,-.,..----t---+-

9!P!Co10 ..... i ...f.DJ'J'D**Colodian I

  • c.,.,s....,rn....o~~ionJ Save to II Restore r Previous I

!f I t 1

[ **..=J*

- - J .i Excel Fron, Screen II Copy P11ste j .&J,

. Excel ---.- _ _ ____J - -Clear OK 5.6.4 Mix spreadsheet - includes date and time, and input fields for the ratios of isotopes in a known mix in percent as shown below in Figure 4. The sheet contains additional input columns to the right not shown in this

  • screen view. The sheet will adjust the input percentages to total 100, so mixes do not need to be in percent to be input.


~ Entergy., EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 11 of 84 Figure 4 Example: MIDAS Effluent Isotopic Mix Data Input Sheet Mt* ~ Jlfmtd 5b1:1ut t'n-.unl IISv<Ah ltult1.,.

,...,. M,j No _..~:0':'-1..!.,"':,. M*3 I CH I AR4t 1<llGM I""*- I <A*'" <U7 I <A* I <A.ft , .,..,. >Cf-mW ,a; .13:91 I )((*133 ><£*135M ><£-13!1 r111an@mw 5.6.5 Isotopic Data spreadsheet - includes date and time, and input fields for the concentrations or release rates and flow rates in a known mix. The sheet contains additional input columns to the right not shown in this screen view. Before entering data , select if data is available in rate or concentration in the selection menu as shown in Figure 5 .


"=° 11lergy#/1 EMERGENCY NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 12 of 84 Figure 5 Example: MIDAS Effluent Isotopic Sample Data Type Selection Menu Type of Isotopic Values , '

Select Method for Entering the Isotopic Values.

r. [Enter Isotopic Release RateJ

...................... ,_ .. ,, ........ ,---*** ..****-..- ...........t r Enter Isotopic Concentrations and Flow Rate Cancel

a. With release rate selected the input process requires release rate in uCi/sec for each isotope as shown in the input sheet in Figure 6
  • =- Figure 6 Example: MIDAS Effluent Isotopic Sample Data Release Rate Input Sheet linlina Ht>lco~u Poinl 1 S~e 10 : IP UnillD: U2 Mlftll: M c.., I Sava to I Re*ta I From~e .

I Previous ,.I ~ Copy Paste 1~

  • Clear Rel_ea;a I I OK. I .!J

~ Excel Screen _ __...., Point 1 . _ _ _ J


b. With release concentration and flow selected the input process requires release rate in uCi/sec for each isotope as shown in the input sheet in Figure 7 Figure 7 Example: MIDAS Effluent Isotopic Sample Data Concentration and Flow Rate Input Sheet

<Ao:. 1~ ... ,.J -*1 r - - ... _ .. , _


The ISOTOPIC DATA sheets are release point specific. If more than one release point is active you MUST enter data on sheets for each release point by clicking on the Release Point button to the left of the "OK" to toggle between release point sheets 5.6.6 Under many circumstances when release points are changed or calculation menu choices are changed MIDAS will provide a prompt to initialize ('New') or retain the old ('Edit Last') data collection spreadsheets as shown in Figure 8

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE Use Page 14 of 84 Figure 8 Example: MIDAS Spreadsheet Initialization Selection Menu 10/26/09 16: 15

r. New 1 0/30/09 OHlO r Edit Last ISO Start - End Oates c- U:.e Ldst without display 10/26/09 16-h 10/30/09 04:00 r-----**1

! OK

!L-i 5.6.7 The user MUST select 'NEW' when first starting MIDAS, otherwise the

  • spreadsheet dates will be left over from the last time the program was used and WILL cause dose projection errors.

5.6.8 When changing menus or release points, a similar prompt may appear. If the dates of the various sheets shown are not consistent and are not appropriate for the current calculation the user MUST select 'NEW' .

5.6.9 Spreadsheet lines highlighted in the time column with RED are the start time of the release.

5.6.10 Spreadsheet lines highlighted in the time column in LIGHT BLUE are the start time of the dose assessment.

5.6.11 Because, for offsite protective action purposes, dose that has already been incurred is not used for protective action decisions, the start of release and start of dose assessment will not be the same except for initial calculations.

5.6.12 Make CERTAIN that the spreadsheets contain data in the highlighted lines. Meteorological data from previous lines is assumed to 'persist' into the current time. Release data does NOT 'persist' and blank lines are interpreted as NO RELEASE.

5.6.13 Buttons on the spreadsheets allow copying lines of data and pasting to new lines, clearing lines of data, and saving and retrieving sheets to (

from Excel readable spreadsheet files .


  • l!AH NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-340 Revision 7

~ tllergy,lf; EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 15 of 84 5.7 Release Points - There are four release points available in MIDAS 5.7.1 Release Point 1 - Pint Vnt- (Plant Vent) a, represents releases from the normal plant ventilation system

b. R-44 and R-27 (Unit 2)
c. R-14 and R-27 (Unit 3)
d. stack flow rate required for R14 / R44 5.7.2 Release point 2 - CAEJ - (Condenser Air Ejector)
a. represents releases from the condenser air ejectors / vacuum system
b. R-45 (Unit-2)
c. R-15 (Unit 3)
d. offgas flow rate required
  • 5.7.3 Release Point 3- Stm Dmp - (Steam Dump) a.


represents releases from atmospheric steam reliefs and dump valves R-28, R-29, R-30, and R-31 (Unit 2)

c. R-62A, R-62B,R-62C, R-62D (Unit 3)
d. estimates of steam flow through the open valves is required
1. Flow instrumentation may not give valid values for atmospheric releases through open ADVs or Safeties
2. Initial flow rates at high temperature and pressure may greatly overestimate the total release if long durations are assumed 5.7.4 Release Point 4 - Vap Cont- (Vapor Containment)
a. represents releases direct from the containment including damage to containment and containment bypass releases
b. possible unmonitored pathways
c. Containment dome monitors R-25, R-26 (Unit 2)
d. Containment dome monitors R-25, R-26 (Unit 3)
e. Estimate of flow rate required


"=' 11lergy" EMERGENCY NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 16 of 84 5.7.5 All four release points are treated as ground level releases

a. application of ground level release point model to station vent will likely cause underestimate of offsite mixing and overestimate of dose consequences of release
b. application of ground level release point model for the condenser off-gas release is probably the best reasonable model
c. application of a ground level release to the atmospheric steam relief release may significantly underestimate the offsite mixing DURING THE FIRST SEVERAL MINUTES of a release and will overestimate offsite dose consequences. After the steam system is substantially depressurized, the ground level release model is more appropriate
d. application of the ground level release for vapor containment building leakage is likely the most appropriate model given uncertainty in flow, height above the ground, and other relevant
  • 5.8 parameters .

Times and timing in MIDAS 5.8.1 There are several timing concepts important to successful MIDAS dose projections 5.8.2 Meteorological data

a. Always provided in 15 minute average data
b. Averages are CENTERED on the 15 minute clock time e.g. the 1300 average is accumulated from 12:52:30 to 13:07:30
c. Manually entered data COULD be in instantaneous values but may not represent the long term dispersion 5.8.3 Start Date of Exposure -
a. The date and time for the beginning of calculation of dose consequences
b. Because dose already incurred is irrelevant to protective actions, this is typically set to the current time
c. Defaults times will be set to Meteorological times - e.g. HH: 08, HH: 23, HH: 38, HH : 53



a. The date and time of the plant trip or shutdown
b. Used to decay default and other isotopic information to adjust isotopic mixes and monitor response factors based on mix
c. Should be set once at start of event
d. MIDAS will remember this value 5.8.5 Release time
a. The date and time of the start of the release
b. Different from start of exposure because previous releases are kept track of in MIDAS and doses for the activity already in the environment may be included in the dose assessment
c. Should be set to the earliest time of significant releases - should NOT be the current time except for the first calculation.
d. Should be set once at start of event
e. MIDAS will remember this value 5.8.6 Remaining duration
a. Represents the approximate remaining duration of significant releases
b. Used to 'persist' releases into the future
c. Four hours is the typical default.

5.8.7 Exposure time to be calculated

a. Specific times that projections will be provided for
b. Provides basis for plume plots, long term projections
c. At least one value should be 4 in order to provide specific projection at the default duration 5.8.8 Daylight savings time
a. MET data is maintained in Eastern Standard Time (EST)
b. The Pl computer tags data strings with eastern daylight time (EDT) when applicable
c. Conflicting times will cause problems with auto data collection
d. MIDAS contains a data file (DST.txt) that tells MIDAS when to assume EDT.
e. This file MUST be maintained annually due to possible changes in EDT/EST changeover as federally mandated
  • f. MIDAS will subtract 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> from the Pl reported met string during EDT based on the period defined in the DST.txt file.


PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 18 of 84 5.9 Automated Data collection 5.9.1 Automated collection of data is obtained from the EOFPI, U2PI, and U3PI servers.

5.9.2 Short delays are expected between data collection at the source and the availability of the data in the Pl servers.

5.9.3 MIDAS delays acquisition of data for about 75 seconds to ensure data is updated. IF data collection is delayed longer than 75 seconds or there are errors in the time in the computers, automatic data collection will fail.

5.9.4 Because the data collection into the Pl computers is dependent on the time and timing of multiple Pl servers as well as other plant computers and data loggers (met towers) bad or old data may be collected due to delays in the data transfer path before MIDAS tries to acquire the data.

5.10 Event Trees 5.10.1 In some events source term may be developed or enhanced by selection of plant conditions from an 'event tree' 5.10.2 The event tree is based on the event trees in the NRG Response Technical Manual but applies only the default noble gas to iodine mixes of 10000:1 or 100:1 in use at IPEC.

5.10.3 As the name suggests, the event tree is a branching process that asks questions based on previous answers 5.10.4 The event tree may have one or two branches after the initial trunk question as shown in the example in Figure 9 below.

Figure 9 Example: MIDAS Event Tree Menu CONTAINMENT RELEASE lltt*3:l;l~li*ti:i IJ: tk*l!Jj;Jj *I t--Hl~l l~I 'f 5.10.5 Each line is based on a pull-down selection list with the next branch typically dependent on the answer to the previous branch.

  • 5.10.6 There are four accident types, three isotopic mixes, and for steam generator releases, two possible flow rates in event tree. The tree selections are shown in detail in Attachment 9.1
  • t: IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7

= 11iergy* EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 19 of 84 5.10. 7 The event tree selects the isotopic mix and / or the curies available for release by determining core condition, release conditions (flow rates etc) and adjustments for the default Noble Gas to Iodine ratios for each accident type.

5.10.8 For unmonitored releases, the event tree will derive isotopic release rates (mix and magnitude) 5.10.9 For releases with monitor data, the event tree will determine the isotopic mix which is then applied to the total activity applicable for the monitor reading to determine the magnitude of the release 5.10.1 OThe selection of release point does NOT limit the event tree menu choices. Therefore the user must ensure that the release point and the accident type in the event tree are consistent. E.g. do not select release point 1 and a steam generator tube failure event tree (more appropriate for release point 3).

5.11 MIDAS Main input control page

  • NOTE:

Each time the NEXT arrow is selected , MIDAS will inspect the input parameters to test if there is valid complete data for a successful dose projection and will provide warnings if data is incomplete or invalid. Some of these warnings are informational and some are critical. The warnings messages must be reviewed to determine if they are critical or not.

5.11.1 MIDAS uses a main input control page to sequence the user through the input process. At each step, additional panes are shown as required as described below for individual parameter input 5.11.2 The input control page is divided into four sections horizontally 5.11.3 The first section allows selection of release points and plume plot display distance as shown in Figure 10. Default for the initial display radius is 16 miles

e=- Entergy. IPEC Revision 7 NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-340 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 20 of 84 Figure 1O Example: MIDAS Main Input Page, first quarter pane section I


!.ir*t.,i,1t1io,w *11 I f;Giif1rlkttftid 1,1 [1] PLNT VNT Eiul How lo 1:nvuonment (dm) j;-t_,-.._,-,,u-,f- 1-n,-,,J-n_n_', !,H-.

- ,.,,j-_-- ,h-c, -i 0 -.::J--,

, w" [2] CAEJ NEXf W [3] STM DMP r [4] VAP CONT 10/28/09 16:59:06 i1 Exit

5. 11.4 CLICK on the NEXT down arrow to continue - the arrow label will change to DONE and will turn green 5.11.5 'Exit' terminates MIDAS and must be clicked lWICE to exit NOTE:

Gray items are not used in the selected menu. Most users will not need these items during emergency response activities 5.11.6 The second quarter pane of the screen inputs exposure start date/time and desired calculation times and is shown in Figure 11 below. At least one of these times should be 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />

8 IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 Entergy~ EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 21 of 84 Figure 11 Example: MIDAS Main Input Page, second quarter pane section

    • 110::z liAtftJikill Exit Flow to Env1ronmenl (cfmJ

\-1_ _ _ ._L_,,._;,_,.;_11i..;.:;,_:._.1

, _ _ _1 ~ [1) PLNT VNT I :,: ,,:i:J.,I ! c,t ,:; ; ,r, , ! , .,,; t,'> t :.J r.;' [2) CAEJ r.;' [3) STM DMP DONE r [() VAP CONT rI 10/28/09 17:01:40 I

Oose C.ilcul.ilmn Mode m;1nne*mmH1Hv1,,

10/28/09 16:38 Exposuie T1mes (his)

  • lo be Calculated 0 Proje1:led Dose [1) 0 Accumulated H1stom:;.;I (Jose [2) !2.00 NEXT O Accumulated L,;st :>4 Hr ll [3)



!24.00 iJ Exit 5.11 .7 CLICK on the NEXT down arrow to continue 5.11.8 DEPENDING on the initial menu selection, the manual input spreadsheets or the event tree will now be displayed 5.11 .9 After completing the spreadsheets or event tree, or if automated data is available, the previous Next down arrow will turn green and be relabeled DONE.

5.11 .1 0 Click boxes are displayed on the right of the third input page section for each spreadsheet used as shown in Figure 12 below.

1. If all boxes are GREEN, MIDAS has determined that the input data is usable for calculations - i.e. there is sufficient valid data for a projection at the current projection time



2. If any box is RED, MIDAS has determined that the data for that input item may not be usable.
3. If any box is RED, click on that box to repeat the input process for that item.

Figure 12 Example: MIDAS Main Input Page, third quarter pane section

~ INMHIIB . liGlfHifflid . . , Ei-nl Flow to l: n\luonment (e lm)

IGfi 111WT!ifIWfl1 6-0

  • '-_ _ _ . ,,_i,_,n_"'-'"~'1'_'_1,_ _~I ~ ]11 PLNT_vNT_J j>.,,,.,.,, ! r,ir** ,,.. -*r**** ,.;c;. ,.,,  ::_] P' (21 CAEJ f;l' (31 STM DMP DONE r (,II VAP CONT , - 10/28/09 17:05:31

' I Oose ldlculdllon M ode mnfil*t)@*iii+t1*1*, Exposure Times {his) 10/28/09 16:38 ' lo be Calculated 0 Prn1ected Dose 111 0.

0 Accumulated Ht:.lorn:dl Dos, 121  ;:;;;12::::;;_o~o===: DONE 0 Accumulated last 14 Hr [ (3) J.(.00 jvr.f Manual Fnby or, eadst ..:J

---- -------------------~--==-=--=-==;-~ .. [.(] !24.00 NEXT iJ Exit 5.11 .11 CLICK on the NEXT down arrow to continue - the arrow label will change to DONE and the arrow will turn green 5.11 .12 The final section of the input page allows changing the Trip and Release Start times, as well as the release duration as shown in Figure 13 below.

  • e Entergy,, IPEC IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 NON-QUALITY RELATED EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 23 of 84 Figure 13 Example: MIDAS Main Input Page, fourth quarter pane section l:.x1t How lo 1:.nvuonmcnl (elm) l!'ISNT!iftiii'f!1G.o I mi 1 W (31 STM DMP DONE r [41 YAP CONT . 10/28/09 17:07:10 I

Dos e l:.ilculdhon MoJe rt1* fflt!ilHiHl'i!,

1 10/28/09 16:38 1

Exposure Times (hi$)

lo be Calculated

() ProtedHd Dorn (11 0.25 0 Accumulated H1slo11cal Oose (21 12.00 DONE 0 P.c1!umulated L.1~1 14 1-11 Do*t* (31 !4.00 (41 124.00 DONE h,

m*fflt!ii:iifiil1DDnM 10/28/09 16:08 jGfl* IIMIIGi¥H 1


~gai@,,om**mama, Remaining Release Duration Exit o **:al Cwrenl Time D Trip Date from Cunenl Time

[~J.,at Start of Release *O .Minutes Since Trip 5.11.13 Click 'Start Cale' to continue and start the offsite dose calculations 5.11 .14 Calculations may take several seconds and are not complete until the text displays are shown on the right side of the screen view.

5.11 .15 MIDAS will complete calculations and show the default results page, a plume plot of the integrated TEDE dose at 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> .


-=- 11iergy4 EMERGENCY NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 24 of 84 5.12 MIDAS Output 5.12.1 MIDAS will display various plume plots depending on user selected options as shown in Figure 14 below.

Figure 14 Example: MIDAS Plume Plot Output Display Page Menu 8 E.J'rulf"Ged Do~e Protechon INDIAN POINT UNI: U2 lido: INTEGRATED TOTAL EFFECTIVE DOSE EQUIVALENT (TEDE) 4

  • DAY Modlt Projoclod_S_

Period: 4.0CIH . . Espaaura 10/28l091113

~ Run Tina: 10/28/0917 10 M.....iE...,c1Meto...

Cuuenl Mei:\IIS (mis~ 2 0 WO (tromt !E' ST D' StatalE41Cue: 10/28/09 17 OIi EndclE_..: 10/28I09 21 OIi S""clR- I0/28I09 16 OIi f' EndclR..._ 10/28I09 21 OIi Marull Enay m Menlo! data C<<.mntRele.neRate(Q/1ect 1.CE-01 1

Tot~Cd:1~*1~.03 1*.~.7£-01 _P:2~:£J1 f'eakTEOE 4Da,(nweml J.SE-01 Di llOt SW Dist (mlest 10 Peak THY COE (netnl 2 IE-01 0.(lol SW O_, (n,leol ~9 POCXRtian Dose (inanernt 4 SE +00

- Contcu -**~**oose Etteeds-PAG LC9"'J1Cl ~ 1 CE+OJrrorn 3.-

1 1 2

4 -

5 1 r-1 IE.00*

1 IE-01 *1 IE.OO 1.IE-02*1.IE-01 llE-Ol*l.lE-02 1.IE-04

  • 1.IE-03

__ EndR... I ~~~E- r.-.,,.;coe

  • M . .,~ .. J.-~o".' I ' .'_"'"' ID_"'"J E-we~J NOTE:

MIDAS uses site-specific variable wind fields so the plume may not be linear.


MIDAS plot screen can be printed by clicking on the printer icon on the lower right 5.12.2 In addition to the plume plot, various input and calculated parameters are displayed on the right side of the output page.

  • 5.12.3 Numerous plume display options are available by selecting the buttons at the bottom of the frame. Clicking on these buttons activates additional features or toggles display options



Most of the plume display option buttons require clicking on the CONFIRM button on the lower right to redraw the display. The CONFIRM button will blink when required .

5.12.4 POI activates a Point of Interest pointer. Selecting POI and clicking on any point on the active plot will cause a point specific value to be shown on the plume plot.


Changing the plume display by selecting a different plume or zooming the display will clear the points of interest. Two points of interest are shown in the plume plot in Figure 14 above 5.12.5 TEDE will display various options for the Total Effective Dose Equivalent calculation based on the yellow buttons below (see Sections 5.12.6 through 5.12.8)

  • 5.12.6 Integrated dose button toggles between integrated dose and dose rate display 5.12. 7 Exposure 4 hr toggles between the four calculation display times previously input in the second section of the input page 5.12.8 Graphic toggles between graphic on tabular display. Generally the graphic display is more useful for emergency response; tabular reports are available elsewhere (see below) 5.12.9 Child Thyroid COE (previously referred to as TODE) will display various options for the thyroid specific organ dose calculation based on the yellow buttons above (see Sections 5.12.6 through 5.12.8) 5.12.10 EDE will display various options for the external photon dose based on the yellow buttons above (see Sections 5.12.6 through 5.12.8) 5.12.11 Field Monitors will display various options for external photon dose rates with overlay projected photon dose and measured dose (or dose rate) at the Reuter Stokes monitors and field monitoring points as shown in Figure 15 below (view zoomed in compared to the view above) 5.12.12 Points with two values are Reuter Stokes locations
a. C - MIDAS calculated value
b. M - Reuter Stokes monitor reported value (in this case M values are zero because the data was not being collected)
c. Calculated values (dose or dose rate) for predefined field monitoring points are shown at the 'circle and plus' crosshairs

.. IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 gE'nlergy. EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 26 of 84 Figure 15 Example: MIDAS Plume Display with Reuter Stokes and Monitoring Location Data

Meou: B £rtianced 0osc P1op!chon SMe: INDIAN POINT Unil: U2 Tido: FIELD MONITOR GAMMA DDS£ RATE Modet l'lojededPbneS-C..aeriT~ 10/2SI091719 Tlar.

Rw, TIMI: 10/28/0917-10 Mll'UIIE""'clMelOal*

, C1.11enl MetWS trrh) 20 \IJD (&ani !IJ* ST 0 End Data al Rale Can,oualm 1Dl2III09 17 23 SlmtclR-.e: 1D121111l91611l EndofRelome: 11l1211/091723

, M.....iE""ofM.....,dalo I ~::rct:~;:~~ \C~:;:~ .Q~ ~~ ~ -03

[~e:;:(nvemhtt 11E-01 I Oillol SW Did-I 10 I

I Ccn:cu G*R'ai; Osd~-*-

l._.,d [nnmlhl (mR,hl 1 t TOE-01 TOE-OT 2 - lOE-02 lOE-02 4,

3. - 1 OE-OJ lOE-04 1 OE-OJ 1 OE-04
  • OoseRale 16MHs 5.12.13 Population Dose will display a plot of integrated population dose 5.12.14 Plume Tracks is a simplified display of the plume. This is useful to highlight the possible meander of the plume. Lateral contours are not shown.

5 .12. 15 Special Reports will generate text reports of input and output parameters which can be printed and will start the Form 1 input process 5.12.16 Dose Summary provides the simplified dose and release summary including affected sector and affected ERPAs in a single page. This is probably the most useful report and is shown in Figure 16 below.


~ * . ,_ . .:z.4;;,- .* - ***#.,_ ,_.....,.. * *"' * -..,;- ~, ..

~ Dose Assessmt'nt and PAR Summary 1 ,1 I jg ~ 1ss% .3 CJ Dose Assessment Summary Indian Point Station Unit 2 Name: Run Time: 08:07 AM Date: 13-Apr-17 Current Meteorological Data Current Active Release Loc11dons Wind Direction (from): 321

  • I 0 Release From Plant Vent D Release From the Air Ejectors Wind Speed (mis): 5.6 D Rele1JSe From the Main Stenm Lines StllbHity Class: A D Release From the Containment Remaining Release Duration (hours): ~
  • Current Release Rates Noble Gases (Cl/sec):

j1 .0E+OJj Particulates (Cl/sec):

j 1.oe.01 Peak V"lu""

j Site Bndry Radloiodines (Cl/sec):

PAG Exceeded 2 Miles j 1.oE.011 5Miles 10 Miles lnteg rated Dose @

4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> (mrem)

TEDE :  ! 1,6E+03 6.9E+01 2.8E+01 II 1.3E+01 Thy COE : I 3.5E+02 1.7E+01 7.1E+OO II JAE+OO Current Dose Rllte TEDE : I 6.6E+02 (mrem/hr)

ThyCDE : I 6.1E+01 2.4E-t-01

  • II
  • 3.0E-t-00
  • II 'It
  • Plume may not have arrived yet or has already passed Dispersion (s ec/n{) X/Q: I 1.4E-06 I 7.0E-08 I 3.2E-08 111.7E-08 I Pag* 1 of 1 , : t J IZ017 a oa *t J AM I

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-340 Revision 7 eE,1lergyfl) EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 28 of 84 5.12.17 Ingestion Summary provides information on the dose and concentrations through the ingestion pathways the longer term response.

5. 12.1 8 Met/Rad Summary provides a summary page of the meteorological conditions used and the readings from any radiation or effluent monitors used for the projection 5.12.19 RMP provides a summary report for the calculated values at offsite radiation monitoring points 5.12.20 Projection Summary provides a summary of the dose compared to PAG and dose broken out by pathway 5.12.21 Plume Arrival provides a tabular estimate of the arrival time of the plume at various distances based on assumption of last meteorological data persists 5.12.22 Ingestion Pathway displays a plume of the ingestion pathway concentrations for based on the isotopes and pathways selected using the yellow buttons below 5.12.23 X/Q (chi over Q) displays various dispersion parameter plots based on
  • the selection from the yellow button below.

5.12.24 XX Miles activates an input box to change the downwind distance limit of the calculation.

a. This actually recalculates the plume, not just resizes the display.
b. This can be useful to improve the display precision for close in to the plant.
c. End Run will exit the current calculation.
d. An exit option menu will appear as shown in Figure 17 below Figure 17 Example: MIDAS Exit Option Menu Entei Aun Hie:

l1P091 0281729 Tine Remaining: 08:01 r Save Run t. E1il r Esit without saving r Save without exiting OK

IPEC S= E11lergy.,,,


Depend ing on the initial men u choice, not all of these four exit menu choices will be available.

e. Ru n Next Time Step will rerun the current calculation with new data for a new 15 minute average. If the next 15 minute interval is not yet available, the choice will be red with a count down timer
f. Save run and exit will save all of the parameters for the current run to the computer hard drive in a file based on the name the user en ters in the box at the top and then terminate MIDAS.


In order for 'RECAP' in the m ain startup screen to redisplay runs, the runs MUST have been saved using this process

  • g.


Ex it without saving will terminate MIDAS and not save a RECAP file Sa ve without exit will save the RECAP file and return to the main startup menu 5.13 Using MIDAS results NOTE:

If more than one location is experiencing a release, select New Multiple Accident Run radial button on the initial MIDAS Startup / Menu Screen (described in Section 5.14) and use the combined , Multi-Accident Dose Summary Report to obtain the combined doses before comparing results. (Use the manual Dose Assessment Worksheet as a backup method if needed).

5.13.1 MIDAS results should be compared to existing limits and protective action guidelines to determine appropriate response.

5.13.2 Use EP-410 to determine protective action recommendations based on MIDAS dose assessment results 5.13.3 Use the PART1 communication system to complete notifications 5.13.4 Release rates calculated by MIDAS that exceed technical specification limits need to be identified in the notifications .


= 111ergy* EMERGENCY NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-340 Revision 7 PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 30 of 84 5.14 Multiple Accident Run (Simultaneous Release Point Dose Projection from CCR or EOF)


If more than one location is experiencing a release, select New Multiple Accident Run radial button on the initial MIDAS Startup/ Menu Screen. This function of MIDAS will allow entry of up to 5 different accident releases occurring simultaneously from Unit 2 and Unit 3.


The Multiple Accident feature of MIDAS can be run from either the CCR or from the EOF in the AUTO or MANUAL mode.


First select either the CCR or the EOF and the AUTO mode. Then select Start New Multiple Accident Run radial button as shown in Figure 18. The instructions which follow are for calculations performed using the AUTO Mode .

e-== E11lergy* IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 31 of 84 Figure 18 Example: MIDAS Startup/Menu Screen Showing Multiple Accident Run selection Automatic Version II MlDAS - Acl:ident Do;, Calculation ** Sheet#l MIDAS-NUVersion:15.16.010714

r. Start New Multiple Accident Run I (.' CCR , EDF I


  • I .I Date/Time I I r- Recap Multiple Accident Run I Pl.ant I Notes(Desc,ivtionl I I

l j Delete Selected Recap Pu,ge Recap hies I



1 l~~~:lts ' ---* ~

_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _::__J a.t i 5.14.1 Select CCR or EOF and then Automatic radial button, then Start NEW Multiple Accident Run radial button. Then press GREEN "OK" button.

5. 14.2 Enter brief run title in GREEN box (22 characters, maximum).
  • 5.14.3 Begin with "Select Accident Run 1" and enter type of calculation to be performed from pull-down selection list and corresponding Unit number.

(The example in Figure 19 is Menu H -Auto Enhanced dose projection).

e=Entergy~ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE Use Page 32 of 84 5.14.4 Proceed to "Select Accident Run 2" and again enter type of calculation from pull-down selection list and corresponding Unit number (see Figure 19) 5.14.5 Enter up to 3 other release locations, type of calculation and corresponding Unit number.

5.14.6 When entries are complete, press the GREEN "OK" button.

Figure 19 Example: MIDAS Multiple Accident Scenario Selection (Automatic Version) a Multiple Accident C1kulations and Report Combining for Site:JNDIAN POINT Aut omatic (RAW Data) Scenarios Select ed. Select Run Menu and Reactor Unit for Each


[i2 PV &. U3 SGTR.

  • i. SalactAc:cident _RUJI l: __ jAuro ENHANCED DOSE PROJECTION !MENU HJ ii Select f~---

... . Ac:cidant

. .. . Run s.1~t~~,m,~~=


* .3 ---------*-- junit 2 i1 1uni13

--- 3

.3 I 5.14.7 If the message in Figure 20 is displayed, press "YES". (Click GREEN Box).

  • I I



= 11/ergy., EMERGENCY NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 33 of 84 Figure 20 Example: MIDAS Multiple Accident - Setting Times for First Release Point (Automatic Version) tl. Time ofTrip Control Form Time of Trip is more than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> old Do You Want to Change the Time of Trip and/or the Start of Release?

1-I 1 -- _YE_s_ _l1 I- -No_

IL_____ _ _ _



  • 5.14.8 Enter the time of reactor trip and start of release for the unit corresponding to Accident Run 1 (Unit 2 or Unit 3) and press "OK". (See Figure 21, which is for the first release point calculation).

Figure 21 Example: MIDAS Multiple Accident - Setting Times (Automatic Version) tl. Start Up Trip and Release Dates r Set Start of Release

-i i


08/28114 07:27 Enter Date:

      • ffltl)*;QltH-

~8/14 07:27 =:=J Or Enter: D Minutes Since Trip Ii I

,E.xit .Q.K

e=Entergy. IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 34 of 84 5.14.9 Enter time for start of exposure (See Figure 22 which assumes the current time).

5.14.10 Press "NEXT" down arrow Figure 22 Example: MIDAS Multiple Accident Scenario Selection (Automatic Version) mMIDAS - Accident Dose Calculation INDiAN POINT Unit 2 Menu: H Sheet #2 Version: Meteorological liA1¥Ui21tl

~ [11 Pt.NT VNT J, I "' fo )*!*, r I*

lmP 1MiftiW1s.o Aulo111alic (raw) r [21CAEJ r [31STM LINE DONE!

r (41 VAP CONT oenem 01:29:oa j_


-l* -*--------------------*-11emtr 1: , ------------------------------:

....J 1 0 Pm1eclt.-d Oose (1 J 0.25

-:I O Aecumulaled lfoto11c;al Dose (2) 12.00 NEXT I i1 i, Q Accumul<>led l.aot 96 Hr Oose (3) [4.00

[41 [24.00 I-- -- ---------- -*-*-** -- --*** ... ----*--*--. --------- --------**-**** .. - ****- ........ ----**** .

5.14.11 Verify that current live met data is being displayed on the Meteorological spreadsheet and press "OK" (see Figure 23).

Figure 23 Example: MIDAS Meteorological Data spreadsheet (Automatic Version) ffl S119IO:P U..IO*UJ


=Enlergy& EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 35 of 84 5.14.12 On Radiation Monitor & Flow spreadsheet, verify appropriate monitor reading is displayed . Enter flow rate data if required. (In this case R-27 release rate is from the release point of interest - see Figure 24).

Figure 24 Example: MIDAS Rad Monitor & Flow Data spreadsheet (Automatic Version)

>SMID; IP' MIW@M5N@ftif'IINtlift§@dM.. *unillD: U2 t--+------ - ---------,,H;- = :;- ----*--1---~- -~

I'Ff***Sl*tlC1i1119'"' T- ---t- O : CID * °:'"'!""':_ *-_ *-t-........ --=-- - ~

    • c , c:.1 0~ J i :~.1!*.,.,;{.:;*l;*I"" f I~-*\, ....~.: ,.,,1;,: .,. r).,:*)l:*:*...;.,..;, t. **

s~~ 1-F:'.e;~_, C'Aocal j ";:::~* 1~ . *1~_:J ~ Pooto NOTE:EnlGlr II btuk (apace bar) ia ~lnOYa a Vent MOl!bf tra1n this Aita. 0~* HI tlflfly ta*Aow 1M11Mot.

5.14.13 On the release mix spreadsheet, select "EVENT TREE", followed by selection of Accident Type and Core Condition from pull-down selection lists.

5.14.14 Press "OK" (see Figure 25).

Figure 25 Example: MIDAS Mix spreadsheet (Automatic Version)

M1*!,p1t*nd :..M>,-t SiteNJ:IP UllillD: UZ

  • - H



-=- Eniergy~ EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 36 of 84 5.14.15 Press "NEXT" down arrow (see Figure 26)

Figure 26 MIDAS Entry Status Display (Automatic Version)

  • Accident Dose C1lcui.tion INDIAN POINT Unit 2 Menu: H Sheet #2 Version:1.5l6.D10714 rl 11mmmt1 IPPIM 1'MlfPU1s.o I"" I 1:

j Meleorol<>g;t:al P' (1 J PL.NT VNT '. e Aulomalic (raw) r [2JCAEJ i, I r [31 STN LINE DONE:,:*-

l r [41 VAP CONT 08/28/1~ 07:33:25 1>-

I  :...


0 Pto1ec!ed Duse (11 0.25 O Accumulaled lhstot1cal Do*e (21 (2.00 DONEi-*'

0 Accunmlalcd la,t % th flo,e (31 (4.00 ,__

[41 (24.00 1*-

-[ j- -- -- - - - - - - - - -----------------*---------------- --------------=---====~=--*" -- - - - - ---! - ---( -*

  • j !Auto Dala CoNeclion

,l 3  !IRI  ;/.

i ~~

j NEXri'

[II lj ______________ - - - - . . . . * . . .

J .. __

Exit I-5.14.16 If all boxes are green, then select GREEN "Start Calculation" button .

MIDAS will then compute the doses for Accident Run 1 5.14.17 MIDAS will then display a message as shown in Figure 27 Figure 27 Example: Multiple Accident calculation status message Multiple Accident Calculation Run 1 is Complete, Start Run 2 (Be sure to clear data used in a previous run if it is not appropriate for the next run)


e= Entergy,, IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE Use Page 37 of 84 5.14.18 After pressing "OK", then MIDAS will prompt for release and mix input for Accident Run 2 as was done for the previous Accident Run.

5.14.19 Enter appropriate rad monitor/flow and nuclide mix inputs.

5.14.20 Enter the appropriate time of shutdown and start of release for the affected unit if different for the previous Accident Run.

5.14.21 If all boxes are green, then select GREEN "Start Calculation" button .

MIDAS will then compute the doses for Accident Run 2 5.14.22 MIDAS will then generate a combined plume map for the multiple releases as shown in Figure 28 Figure 28 Example: Multiple Accident Combined Plume Map

~iiZ N ""'"..:..r 41.. :A, W'itW;:'l'liif W . l l * - ~ilt.t).'"'.-J

,. .,,...... ,,,,,o..._ '9M t...-...*, ,.. *1* .,_.

- c........o~

.. ~ o I

"" lll.a.1

...., "'-,..._.a.'4'!1.-. J. -


.':' ........ ~;:"

._ 1"'ioo'\IU'w0 .... ltr\lt

~:.~'lol~Mol ~~,_,,, ~,an


.... r_ ~**u

,.... __ ....,,.,c:...\f 111',Wllll . .


.......... ~----

'--._."-.C..... *.s ..

..."' ...... ,11, .. ,,....

-.. ..,..,rn,,..,...,..

....  ::i.. ..... It

    • ~

"-" nnra-....O..._. H***


........"-...... **4

- " *' --l~


  • =

. -~ ,~~:;::: ,....


~:::~::: ]:

(_.. ....



r.:ll!IJ~- ~r- ,.,., *- .....

!~ ~~:,*~:: :

, * ..,~ ;.:-. - - ,J.

"' H ;..- . - - - ~~ ":; _ I 1---~-----1-----,--~ - - - " -~ ---.--------'------'--* _._;-

  • I "" I ..,_ l *

,_.._ ! ,,.-- I .. ,_ I - I .__ Ion 5.14.23 To obtain the combined NYS Part 2 Form and Dose Summary Report, select "Special Reports", "Dose Summary" and then press "Confirm".

The combined Dose Summary Report is shown in Figure 29 .


=- r,tergy~ EMERGENCY NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 38 of 84 Figure 29 Example: Multiple Accident Combined Dose Summary Report (Unit 2 Plant Vent and Unit 3 SGTR)


  • Accident Dos* MMHfflMlt Summary Indian Point Station

..... Run Thn: ot:01 PM D**: 2*-Aug.14 C1man1 Meteorological D** C11rrantActlMR*INI* Loc:adon1 Wind OlrecO** liom~ ~ [I] RelNHfromPlanlVent Wfod S~d (m.11~ Q!J [!]0 Rel***FromtllleAlrEjeclon RelHH From 11111 Ulln Steem Unea SU1H~Cle11: ~ D R..._* Fl'Offl *** Conmln*en1 Remalnklg Releue Duradon(ho1n,,: ~

Current R***A*t..

lnt91r*ed DoHe


Cun1n1 OOH A**


  • 5.14.24 5.14.25 Results of the combined Dose Summary Report can be manually transferred to a blank NYS RECS Part 2 report, if required .

To review computed doses from individual release points, press the ORANGE "Review Multi Accident" button and select each release location (Accident Run) of interest. A plume map will be generated , and a separate Dose Summary Report may be selected for display. (See Figures 30 and 31).

Figure 30 Example: Multiple Accident Combined Map (Unit 2 Plant Vent and Unit 3 SGTR)

* s~-::.:-::.-**;~i 1


... "'-u~- ;-. ...

~--I'* --*

t.wc,a111 . . ,, ..... : * *



: ** ~,:a.;_

~- t~ li1iii . .-




-=- 11/ergy~ EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 39 of 84 Figure 31 Example: Multiple Accident Combined Map (Unit 2 Plant Vent and Unit 3 SGTR)

Sel.ct an lndhridual t.Ullple Accidenl Roo Report or Relum to Combk,*d Report r ~u112Menu:H UrutlOUl

  • NOTE:

The computed TEDE and Child Thyroid COE results from individual accident release points from Unit 2 and Unit 3 will be differ slightly from combined results since the release points are physically separated. This difference becomes smaller at longer distances from the site.

6.0 INTERFACES 6.1 IP-EP-310, Dose Assessment 6.2 IP-EP-240, Security 6.3 IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations 7.0 RECORDS All logs, completed forms, and other records generated during an actual emergency SHALL be considered quality records and maintained for the life of the plant.


IPEC Revision 7 NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 40 of 84 9.0 ATTACHMENTS 9.1 Event trees 9.2 Flow charts 9.3 Plant and Site Specific Parameters 9.4 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation -Auto G: Plant Vent Quick Dose (CCR) 9.5 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation -Auto J: SGTR Quick Dose (CCR) 9.6 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation - Auto H: Enhanced Dose Projection SGTR (EOF) 9.7 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation - Auto H: Enhanced Dose Projection (EOF) 9.8 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation -Auto H: Enhanced Dose Projection (offsite) 9.9 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation - Manual B: Enhanced Dose Projection (EOF) 9.10 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation - Multiple Accident (EOF)

  • 9.11 9.12 Quick Guide for MIDAS Operation - Multiple Accident (CCR)

Quick Guide for MIDAS Part 1 Form Generator

A IPEC IP-EP-340 Revision 7 NON-QUALITY RELATED gEi1lergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 41 of 84 Attachment 9.1 Event Trees Page 1 of 1 1.0 Accident type -four choices 1.1 Containment.release 1.2 Steam Generator Tube Rupture 1.3 Containment Bypass 1.4 Spent Fuel Pool release 2.0 Core Condition - six choices in two sets of three - one set applies to operating core accidents, one set to spent fuel 2.1 For containment, containment bypass, and Steam Generator releases:

2.1.1 Gap release 15-30 min - represents 5 % core activity release from gap activity with some core damage 2.1.2 In-vessel severe core damage uncover >30 minutes - represents core melt in vessel 2.1.3 Normal coolant with 1OOx spike - normal coolant activity with iodines and particulates multiplied by 100 to represent worst case normal trip 2.2 For spent fuel pool releases:

2.2.1 Zircaloy Fire in one three month batch 2.2.2 Gap release from one three month batch 2.2.3 Gap release from a full pool 3.0 Tube Leak Rate - two choices - used for the steam generator tube rupture to identify the RCS to steam side transfer rate 3.1 1 tube at high pressure - initial condition of a single full tube failure 3.2 Charging pump flow - lower pressure condition assuming equilibrium with one


"@§' Ei1tergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 42 of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Page 1 of 16 START Select "MIDAS Accident Cale" ICON From 'RESET to NEW Run or Recap Recap GOTO Page Prev Screen' previous Recap New Select "Indian From FINISH Point

Select Unit 2 or Unit3 Select "CCR" or CCR Menu G Quick GOTO Page G "EOF" Projection EOF Select "Manual" or "Automatic (or Automatic Simul tion)" Manual Menu G Quick Menu A Quick GOTO Page G GOTO Page A Projection Projection Menu H Enhanced Menu B Enhanced GOTO Page H GOTO Page B Projection Projection Menu I Event Tree GOTO Page I Menu C Event Tree GOTO Page C Menu K-W Field Menu E-W Field GOTO Page K-W GOTO Page E-W Result Back Cale Result Back Cale Menu F 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />  ?

Menu L 24 hour . GOTO Page F GOTO Page L Accumulated Dose Accumulated Dose Menu N Isotopic Menu M Isotopic GOTO Page N GOTO Page M Data Entry Data Entry

  • Menu Y All Screens Not Used Menu X Advanced Cales All Screens Not Used



= ntergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 43 of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Menu A Page 2 of 16 First MIDAS Yes Select 'New' on FROM 'STAR1' run for event >-------1-.preadsheet contro page or sheet dates to initialize input Inconsistent? sheets No Select 'Edit last' on Input valid met spreadsheet contra t-------- data on MET to reuse input s readsheet sheets Input valid Monitor data on spreadsheet

~ - - - - - - - - , Click 'NEXT down _ _ _ _ _ _Y_e_s-<

arrow No MIDAS computes dose projection GOTO Page EVAL



- Tllergy" EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 44 of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Menu B Pa e3of16 Enter radius for Set start date of FROM 'STAR1' Select Release Click 'NEXr down calculation (16 Exposure ( current page Points arrow default) MET time default)

Select 'New' on Set Calculation

~--_.spreadsheet contro times (0.25, 2, 4, to Initialize input 24 default) sheets Select 'Edit last' on

,__ __,.preadsheet c o n t r o - - - - - - - - '

to reuse Input sheets Input met data on f---- Input Monitor data Input isotopic MIX MET spreadsheet on spreadsheet

  • Input new Remaining Duration time Yes MIDAS terminates Click 'EXIT twice ~-----N'"'o-<

Yes GOm Page EVAL MIDAS computes 14----l Click 'Start Cale' dose projection

e~Entergy IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 45 of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Menu C Page 4 of 16 Set Calculation FROM 'START page

- - - . i Click 'NEXT down arrow t----- times24 (0.25, 2, 4, ----.i default)

Click 'NEXT down arrow No Select 'Edit last' on First MIDAS run spreadsheet contra---< for event or to reuse input sheet dates Select event sheets inconsistent?

Input met data on through event tree MET spreadsheet menu Select 'New' on spreadsheet controlt<t-_ _ _ _ Y_es_~

No No to initialize input sheets

  • Input new Release _____N_o_, Is TRIP/

SHUTDOWN Start time*

Finish No'

,_....____ Click 'EXIT twice 1----.i MIDAS terminates Calculation?

Yes Click 'Start Cale' - - - MIDAS computes - - - GOTO Page EVAL dose projection




Pa e 5 of 16 Set Calculation Enter back FROM 'STAR1' Click 'NEXT down times (0.25, 2, 4, 1-----.i t----- calculation page 24 default) arrow parameters Set start date of Click 'NEXT down 1------~ Exposure (current arrow MET time default)

Select 'New' on First MIDAS run Select event spreadsheet control _ _ _ _ _Y_es_--< for event or through event tree _ ___.

to initialize input sheet dates menu sheets No Input met data on spreadsheet control Event Tree MET spreadsheet to reuse input Button Yes sheets Green?

  • Input new Yes Is Remaining Is Release Click 'NEXT down arrow Is TRIP/

No Duration Start time Yes SHUT Remaining DOWN time Duration time time valid? valid?


Yes No No Input new Release Input new TRIP /

Start time SHUTDOWN time Finish No Calculation?

> - - - - - - - - - - . i CIiek 'EXIT twice 1----- MIDAS terminates Yes Click 'Start Cale' t---- MIDAS computes ,___ _

GOTO Page EVAL dose projection


'53 Entergy., EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 47 of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Menu F Page 6 of 16 FROM 'STARr Select Release Click 'NEXr down Cilek 'NEXr down page Points arrow arrow Select 'Edit last' on No First MIDAS spreadsheet controli+------< run for event to reuse input or sheet dates sheets inconsistent?

Select 'New' on Yes Input Monitor data Input met data on spreadsheet control Input isotopic MIX on spreadsheet MET spreadsheet to initialize input sheets No No No

  • Click 'NEXr down arrow lRIP/

SHUlDOWN time valid? Default current time Input new Release Yes Input new TRIP / ---'-'-No=

Start time SHUTDOWN time No

>-------- Click 'EXIT twice ,___ _ MIDAS terminates Yes Click 'Start Cale' 1---- MIDAS computes 1----+1 GOTO Page EVAL dose projection


§§!' Enletgy.

t, I!,


  • Page 7 of 16 FROM 'START' No Acknowledge Bad

>----+1 Met data page Yes Acknowledge Bad _ _N_o--< Effluent Monitor Data data messages Input valid Monitor data on s readsheet

  • No Yes Was Met or RM/F data manually entered for run?

ls Remaining Duration time valid? Yes No No Input new Remaining MIDAS terminates Duration time MIDAS computes Click 'Start Cale' dose projection

  • GOTO Page EVAL



- E ergy.'9 Tl t EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 49 of 84 Attachment 9.2 FROM 'START' page Select Release Points Flow Charts Menu H Page 8 of 1~6----~

Enter radius for ,__

calculation ( 16

___ Click 'NEXT' down arrow default)

Acknowledge Bad Set Calculation Set start date of No >+-----t times (0.25, 2, 4, Exposure (current Met data 14------t messages 24 default) MET time default)

Input valid met >-N_o_ _ _ Acknowledge Bad 1---------,

data on MET data messages s readsheet Input valid Monitor Acknowledge data data on messages if any spreadsheet No Input isotopic MIX 1-------~

Input new TRIP / Input new Release Input new SHUTDOWN time Start time Remaining Duration time Yes Yes Yes

  • GOTO Page EVAL J<t----t MIDAS computes dose projection

t Click 'Start Cale'

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-340 Revision 7 tffAb11lergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 50 of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Menu I Page 9 of 16 Set Calculation Set start date of FROM 'START' 1-------,~ Click 'NEXr down ,__ _ _ times (0.25, 2, 4, 1------ Exposure (current page arrow 24 default) MET time default)

Acknowledge Bad No Click 'NEXr down Met data >+-----1 arrow messa es Input valid met Select event data on MET 1----- through event tree spreadsheet menu No

  • Click 'NEXr down i+---Y_es-<

arrow Yes

~ = - - - - - . i Input new Release Start time Yes time valid? valid?

Finish MIDAS terminates ------1 Click 'EXIT' twice i + - - - - - - - - - < Calculation?

No Yes GOTO Page EVAL 1+-----i MIDAS computes ------1 Click 'Start Cale' dose projection


~Enlergyl!; EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 51 of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Menu K - W Page 10 of 16 Set start date of Set Calculation FROM 'START' Click 'NEXT' down Exposure ( current times (0.25, 2, 4, page arrow MIT time default) 24 default)

Select event Enter back Click 'NEXT' down through event tree calculation arrow menu parameters No Acknowledge Bad

>----~ Met data messages Yes Input valid met data on MIT s readsheet Yes .-------1~ Input new Release Start time Click 'NEXT' down Is TRIP/ Yes 1----+< SHUTDOWN arrow time valid?

Input new TRIP /

SHUTDOWN time Yes Input new MIDAS terminates Click 'EXIT' twice i+-------'N'-"ou Remaining Duration time Yes MIDAS computes GOTO Page EVAL Click 'Start Cale' dose projection


,g.o Entergy,IS, EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 52 of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Menu L Page 11 of 16 Click 'NEXT' down No Acknowledge Bad FROM 'START' Met data page arrow Click 'NEXT' down arrow Acknowledge Input valid met Yes Input isotopic MIX data messages if data on MET an spreadsheet Input valid Monitor data on .__ _ __, Acknowledge Bad data messages No Yes Yes Input new Release----

. Start time Is TRIP/


>+-----l Click 'NEXT' down arrow Finish Calculation? Click 'EXIT' twice 1---- MIDAS terminates Yes Click 'Start Cale' 1---- MIDAS computes 1---...i GOTO Page EVAL dose projection


~*Entergy<!, EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 53 of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Menu M Page 12 of 16 FROM 'STAR"T' page First MIDAS run Select 'New' on Click 'NEXr down for event or preadsheet control Select Release arrow sheet dates to initialize input Points inconsistent? sheets Set Calculation Enter radius for times (0.25, 2, 4, calculation ( 16 No 24 default) default) Select 'Edit last' on spreadsheet control --.i Input met data on Set start date of Click 'NEXT' down to reuse input MET spreadsheet Exposure ( current arrow sheets MET time default)

Select Isotopic Sample Data units Input Release Input Release Input Release Point 3 Isotopic Point 2 Isotopic Point 1 Isotopic Sample data Sample data Sample data Input Release Yes Point 4 Isotopic Sample data

  • Click 'NEXr down Input new Remaining Duration time time valid?

'>-------..i Click 'EXIT twice 1--- MIDAS terminates

  • Click 'Start Cale' MIDAS computes - - -

dose projection GOTO Page EVAL


-=- nlergy EMERGENCY NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-340 Revision 7 PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 54 of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Menu N Page 13 of 16 FROM 'START Set start date of page Exposure (current MET time default) Acknowledge Bad Input valid met Met data data on MET Select Release messa es spreadsheet Points Set Calculation times (0.25, 2, 4, Enter radius for 24 default) No calculation (16 default)

Click 'NEXT down arrow Click 'NEXT down arrow --->( Yes Select Isotopic Sample Data units Input Relei:lse Point 3 Isotopic Sam le data

  • No Input Release Point 4 Isotopic Sam le data Input new TRIP / Click 'NEXT down SHUTDOWN time arrow time valid? time valid?


>-'-'N"'- - - - - - - - . i Click 'EXIT twice - - - MIDAS terminates Yes Click 'Start Cale' - - - MIDAS computes 1----- GOTO Page EVAL dose rejection

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Recap Page 14 of 16 FROM 'START' page Select 'Recap Previous Run' Highlight saved run to review

  • Click OK Saved run is displayed GOTO Page EVAL

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Eval Page 15 of 16 FROM any menu page Review printed Dose Summary Report for results that exceed PAGs and affected PAAs Select appropriate Notify ED that Are any effluent plume displays effluent release release rates > Tech YES using nav buttons rates exceed the TS Spec Limits?

at bottom of screen limits NO Are any results Use MIDAS to >1000 mrem TEDE or GOTO FINISH NO develop notifications 5000 mrem Thyroid COE?

YES Notify ED that offsite 14-------.

Review PAR logic in projections exceed the EP410 values necessary to declare a GE

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page of 84 Attachment 9.2 Flow Charts Finish Page 16 of 16 Click End Run FROM EVAL Button GOTO EVAL No New Recap Yes

>--..-i MIDAS terminates

  • Select Exit choice r-1 Step Run Next TI me Save Run and Exit Exit without saving Save without Exitting Enter New name for Save file or MIDAS terminates GOTO START accept default Yes MIDAS saves file Wait for coutdown and terminates clock and label to turn green GOTO previous Menu Page


!YE? Entergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE Use Page 58 of 84 Attachment 9.3 Plant and Site Specific Parameters Page 1 of 1 Radiation monitors, flow data, and conversion factors Unit 2 Monitor Units Conversion Range Range Flow Flow Flow hi low hi units lo R-44G uCi/cc 1 1.00E-06 1 CFM 0 200000 R-27 uCi/sec 1 1 1.00E+13 CFM 0 200000 R-45 uCi/cc 1 1.00E-07 1 CFM 0 100 R-25 R/hr 0 1.00E+01 1.00E+07 CFM 0 2000 R-26 R/hr 0 1.00E+01 1.00E+07 CFM 0 2000 R-28 Cpm 2.70E-D3 1.00E+OO 5.00E+06 MLB/HR 50 1.00E+06 R-29 Cpm 2.?0E-03 1.00E+OO 5.00E+D6 MLB/HR 50 1.0DE+06 R-30 Cpm 2.?0E-03 1.00E+OO 5.00E+06 MLB/HR 50 1.00E+06 R-31 Cpm 2.?0E-03 1.00E+OO 5.00E+06 MLB/HR 50 1.DOE+D6

  • Unit3 Monitor R-14G R-27 Units uCi/cc uCi/sec Conversion 1

1 Range low 1.00E-06 1.10E+01 Range hi 0.1 1.00E+13 Flow units CFM CFM Flow lo 0

0 Flow hi 150000 150000 R-15 uCi/cc 1 1.00E-06 1.00E+OO CFM 0 100 R-25 R/hr 0 1.00E+01 1.00E+OB CFM 0 2000 R-26 R/hr 0 1.00E+D1 1.00E+OB CFM 0 2000 R62A uCi/cc 1 1.00E-03 1.0DE+03 MLB/HR 50 5.00E+06 R62B uCi/cc 1 1.00E-03 1.00E+03 MLB/HR 50 5.00E+06 R62C uCi/cc 1 1.00E-03 1.00E+03 MLB/HR 50 5.00E+06 R62D uCi/cc 1 1.00E-03 1.00E+03 MLB/HR 50 5.0DE+06 Met data Data Release Speed Direction Stability precipitation oint class SPD10 D1R10 DT 60-10 Rain1 Release Points - both units Point T e 1 - station vent Ground Ground Ground Ground


~Entergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 61 of 84 Attachment 9.5 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 1 of 2 CCR-Auto J (Used for Steam GeneratorTube Rupture Quick Dose)

1) Start MIDAS by double clicking on the "MIDAS Accident Cales" ICON
2) MIDAS Accident Dose Calculation menu will display after a few seconds
3) Select/verify the correct UNIT, upper right
4) Select CCR
5) Select Automatic
6) In the 'Accident Run Menu Selection' select: "AUTO QUICK DOSE SGTR (MENU J)"
7) Click green OK button, bottom right NOTE:

A warning message may be displayed that there is at least one 9009 monitor, but NO data is

  • available for a release point, this is because there is data missing for EITHER the station vent or condenser offgas. !E this message is displayed, THEN select OK to continue.
8) MIDAS will display a 'Meteorological Edit' Spreadsheet. DATA should be automatically populated. IF data is NOT present, THEN type in current displayed data from met tower display or other source.
9) Click on green OK button.
10) IF data was changed, THEN click green YES on 'data collection values control form'.
11) MIDAS will display a 'Rad Monitor & Flow Data Edit' sheet. DATA should be automatically populated. IF radiation monitor (steam line) data is NOT present, THEN type in current displayed data from control room indications, MRPDAS or other data source.
12) Click on the flow box for corresponding (steam line) radiation monitor.


Safeties and Relief valves must be entered in whole numbers.

13) Click on the dropdown menu to receive a pop-up to determine steam flow.
a. Enter the appropriate number of safeties AND relief valves that are lifting.
b. Select whether the steam driven Aux Feed Pump is "ON" or "OFF" by clicking the OFF/ON toggle button.
c. Click OK
14) Ensure a steam release flow value is entered for the current time corresponding to the radiation monitor of interest.


~ Entergy,p, EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 62 of 84 Attachment 9.5 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 2 of 2 CCR-Auto J (Used for Steam Generator Tube Rupture Quick Dose)


A warning message will be displayed if a steam flow value is not entered for the current time.

IF this message is displayed, enter the appropriate steam flow inputs on the dropdown menu.

15) ,Click OK on the Rad Monitor & Flow Data Edit Spreadsheet
16) A map of a plume plot will be displayed. There are many possible combinations of information that could be displayed. IF a different display is needed/ desired, THEN use the toggle buttons at the bottom of the map to get the desired configuration AND click the purple CONFIRM button bottom to bring up the appropriate display.
17) Click GRAY "SPECIAL REPORTS" button. It will turn green and the button below it will turn yellow.
  • 18) The default label for the yellow button is "Dose Summary". IF the button reads something different from Dose Summary, THEN click the yellow button below SPECIAL REPORTS until it reads "Dose Summary"
19) Click the purple CONFIRM button.
20) Select "Part 2 Form Only" radio button.


Selecting "Yes, Emergency Director has Approved this report" indicates the Part 2 form will be approved by the Emergency Director. This allows population of the Part 2 form with the Emergency Director's name to allow for electronic distribution.

21) A Part 2 input form will be displayed. Fill in appropriate areas of the form. Yellow highlighted areas are REQUIRED. Ensure time of trip matches the NYS Part 1 Form.
22) Click OK to generate a PDF for Emergency Director approval.
23) Obtain the Emergency Director's approval of the Part 2. The form can be printed if required.
24) The Part 2 can be faxed and/or emailed to locations by clicking the "Fax NYS Form" and "Email NYS Form" buttons at the top of the page as directed by the Emergency Director.
25) Click on the window "X", upper right, the MIDAS dose summary will be shown. Click on the window "X" to close the summary .
  • 26) On the MIDAS plume display page, click "END RUN" bottom left, to terminate this run.

This will allow closing MIDAS or running another calculation.

~ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 E11lergy

.E!;;:i.i? EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 63 of 84 Attachment 9.6 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 1 of 4 EOF-Auto H (For Steam Generator Tube Rupture)

1) Start MIDAS by double clicking on the "MIDAS Accident Cales" ICON
2) MIDAS Accident Dose Calculation menu will display after a few seconds
3) Select/verify the correct UNIT, upper right
4) Select EOF
5) Select Automatic
6) In the 'Accident Run Menu Selection' select: "AUTO ENHANCED DOSE PROJECTION (MENU H)"
7) Click green OK button, bottom right
8) IF a popup appears asking "Do You Want to Change the Time of Trip and/or the Start of Release", THEN:
  • 9) a.




select "YES" .

Click on the date and time in the 'Date, Time of Trip/Shutdown' box Set time of Trip. Click OK Click OK on the 'Start Up Trip and Release Dates" menu.

Un check Release Points 1 (Plant Vent) and 2 (CAEJ). STM Line should be the only release point selected

10) Click the gray "NEXT" button
11) Click the gray "NEXT" button NOTE:

During the initial MIDAS Run, a warning message may be displayed stating "Warning - Mix Scenario File Must Be Initialized, Current Time Plus 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> dates are not in the file, Proceed with Initialization?" select "Yes" fo continue.


A warning message may be displayed that there is at least one good monitor, but NO data is available for a release point, this is because there is data missing for EITHER the station vent or condenser offgas. Click OK to continue.

12) MIDAS will display a 'Meteorological Edit' Spreadsheet. Data should be automatically populated. IF data is NOT present, THEN type in current displayed data from met tower display or other source. Click on green OK button.


~Entergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 64 of 84 Attachment 9.6 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 2 of 4 EOF-Auto H (For Steam Generator Tube Rupture)

13) IF data was changed, THEN click green YES on 'data collection values control form'.
14) MIDAS will display a 'Rad Monitor & Flow Data Edit' sheet. DATA should be automatically populated. IF radiation monitor data is NOT present, THEN type in current displayed data from control room indications, MRPDAS or other data source.
15) Click on the flow box for corresponding radiation monitor.


Safeties and Relief valves must be entered in whole numbers.

16) Click on the dropdown menu to receive a pop-up to determine steam flow.
a. Enter the appropriate number of Safeties and relief valves that are lifting.
  • b.


Select whether the Aux Feed Pump is "ON" or "OFF" by clicking the OFF/ON toggle button.

Click OK

17) IF Release Start (Red Highlighted Time) is prior to Current Time (Blue Highlighted Time), THEN repeat step 16 until steam flow is populated for all times from release start to current time.
18) Click OK on the Rad Monitor & Flow Data Edit Spreadsheet
19) IF radiation monitor data was changed THEN click the green YES on 'data collection values control form'
20) 'Spreadsheet Control' pop-up will appear.
a. IF it is the first MIDAS calculation for the event, THEN select "New"
b. IF it is a subsequent run, THEN select "Edit Last"
c. Click OK ,
d. IF "New" was selected, THEN a popup will appear saying "You are about to Destroy Previously Entered Data!" Select OK
21) MIDAS will display a 'Mix Edit' spreadsheet. The data will NOT be automatically populated.
a. Select the pink event tree button to display a pop-up.
b. From the Accident Type dropdown menu, select "Steam Generator Tube Rupture"
c. From the Core Condition drop down menu select a core condition.
  • d. Click OK


~Entergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 65 of 84 Attachment 9.6 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 3 of 4 EOF-Auto H (For Steam Generator Tube Rupture)

22) IF Release Start (Red Highlighted Time) is prior to Current Time (Blue Highlighted Time), THEN use the Copy and Paste buttons to populate the Mix in all rows from release start to current time.
23) Select OK on the 'Mix Edit' spreadsheet
24) Click the gray "NEXT" button.
25) Verify the Date and Time of Shutdown and Start Date of Release are correct
a. IF the time of Release Start is incorrect, THEN: ,
i. Click on the date in the 'Start Date of Release box' ii. Set to correct Date and Time iii. Click OK iv. A popup will appear saying "You have changed the Start of Release. You MUST ensure that applicable data exist for all time steps beginning with the new Start of Release by reviewing Met Status, RM/F Status, Mix Status,

. Time of Trip." Clic~ OK.

b. IF the time of Shutdown is incorrect, THEN:
i. Click on the Date in the 'Date, Time of Trip/Shutdown' box ii. Set the correct Date and Time iii. Select OK
26) Select the "Start Cale" button.


IF data was collected since the start of the MIDAS run, THEN a popup will appear asking if you would like to continue with Current Data (Preferred Selection) or Restart with new data. Make a selection to continue.

27) A map of a plume plot will be displayed. There are many possible combinations of information that could be displayed. IF a different display is needed / desired, THEN use the toggle buttons at the bottom of the map to bring up the appropriate display and click the purple CONFIRM button bottom.
28) Click gray "SPECIAL REPORTS" button. It will turn green and the button below it will turn yellow. *
29) The default label for the yellow button is "Dose Summary". IF the button reads ,

something different from Dose Summary, THEN click the yellow button below SPECIAL REPORTS until it reads* "Dose Summary".

  • 30) Click purple CONFIRM button .
31) To complete ONLY a Part 2, select "Part 2 O,nly".


~Entergy~ EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 66 of 84 Attachment 9.6 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 4 of 4 EOF-Auto H (For Steam Generator Tube Rupture)


Selecting "Yes, Emergency Director has Approved this report" indicates the Part 2 form will be approved by the Emergency Director. This allows population of the Part 2 form with the Emergency Director's name.

32) A Part 2 input form will be displayed. Fill in appropriate areas of the form. Yellow highlighted areas are REQUIRED.
33) Click OK to generate a PDF for Emergency Director approval.
34) Obtain the Emergency Director's approval of the Part 2. The form can be printed if required.
35) The Part 2 can be emailed and/or faxed to locations, as directed by the Emergency Director, by clicking the "Fax NYS Form" and "Email NYS Form" buttons at the top of the page.
36) Click on the window "X", upper right, the MIDAS dose summary will be shown. Click on the window "X" to close the summary.
37) On the MIDAS plume display page, click "END RUN" bottom left, to terminate this run.

This will allow closing MIDAS or running another calculation .


'.;§'E11lergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 67 of 84 Attachment 9. 7 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 1 of 3 EOF-Auto H

1) Start MIDAS by clicking on the "MIDAS Accident Cales" ICON
2) MIDAS Accident Dose Calculation menu will display after a few seconds
3) Select/verify the correct UNIT, upper right
4) Select EOF
5) Select Automatic
6) Using the 'Accident Run Menu Selection' section Select: "AUTO ENHANCED DOSE PROJECTION (MENU H)"
7) Click green OK button, bottom right
8) IF the time of reactor trip is greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, THEN MIDAS will prompt the user to set the time of trip and time of release start. This is usually encountered on the initial run during an event.
9) MIDAS will begin to step through a four-part input panel, beginning with a release point prompt. Turn on or off release points by clicking in the check boxes.
10) Click the gray NEXT down arrow button. It will turn green.
11) The next section of the input panel will display the current met time as the start of exposure, and four time periods for displaying results. Unless there is a particular reason to change them, leave these values as MIDAS assigns them. Click the GRAY DOWN ARROW to continue. It will turn green.
12) The FIRST time a calculation is run for the event, there may be several 'initialization' prompts. Select YES to initialize the data collection sheets if prompted.
13) MIDAS will display a 'Meteorological Edit' Spreadsheet. DATA should be automatically populated. Click on green OK button.
14) IF data is NOT present, THEN type in current displayed data from met tower display.

IF data was changed, THEN click green YES on 'data collection values control form'

15) If a warning message is displayed that there is at least one good monitor, but NO data is available for release a point, this is because there is data missing for EITHER the station vent or condenser offgas. Select OK to continue.
16) MIDAS will display a 'Rad Monitor & Flow Data Edit' sheet. DATA should be automatically populated. In Unit 2 enter station vent flow rate. This value is not automated. Click the green OK button .

&a IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-340 Revision 7 ea.a Entergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 68 of 84 Attachment 9. 7 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 2 of 3 EOF-Auto H

17) IF data is NOT present, THEN type in current displayed data from control room indications, MRPDAS or other data source. IF data was changed, THEN click green
  • YES on 'data collection values control form' *
18) MIDAS will display a 'Mix Edit' sheet. DATA in the mix sheet is not automatically populated.
19) Type in current available mix data or use the EVENT TREE button to define the mix.

Click the green OK button

20) The third section of the input panel will display.
21) IF the 'MET STATUS', 'RM/F STATUS', and 'MIX STATUS' buttons are green, MIDAS has accepted all input as valid. Click on the gray NEXT arrow. It will turn green.
22) IF any of the 'MET STATUS', 'RM/F STATUS', and 'MIX STATUS' buttons are red,
  • MIDAS has determined that there is incomplete or invalid data for that input: Click on the red button to review or modify the input. MIDAS will NOT proceed to dose calculation of any of these buttons are still red.
23) The fourth part of the input panel will display. Date Time of trip is normally set once at the beginning of the event to the actual trip time. Start date of release should be set to the time when actual plant release began. Remaining duration should default to 4, or should be changed if there is good information on the expected duration until termination of the release.
24) Click the green START CALC button.
25) A map of a plume plot will be displayed. There are many possible combinations of information that could be displayed. Check the YELLOW boxes at the bottom to verify

~hat information is being displayed and click these buttons to change the display.

26) IF a different display is needed/ desired, click purple CONFIRM button bottom right after changing yellow button selections
27) Click GRAY "SPECIAL REPORTS" button. It will turn green and the button below it will turn yellow.
28) Click the yellow button below SPECIAL REPORTS unless/until it reads "Dose Summary". Click purple CONFIRM button.
29) A Part 2 input form will be displayed. Fill in ALL yellow areas of the form and click OK.
30) Obtain the Emergency Director's approval of the Part 2 .
31) The Part 2 can be emailed and/or faxed to locations by clicking the "Fax NYS Form" and "Email NYS Form" buttons at the top of the page. The forms can also be printed.

~ IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 g E11lergy0

  • EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 69 of 84 Attachment 9. 7 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 3 of 3 EOF-Auto H
32) Click on the window "X", upper right, the MIDAS dose summary will be shown. Click on the window "X" to close the summary.
33) On the MIDAS plume display page, click "END RUN" bottom left, to terminate this run.

This will allow closing MIDAS or running another calculation .

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 70 of 84 Attachment 9.8 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 1 of 2 Offsite users -Auto H

1) Log into the Entergy Citrix Server process and connect to the MIDAS server.
2) Start MIDAS by clicl<ing on the "MIDAS Accident Cales" ICON
3) MIDAS Accident Dose Calculation menu will display after a few seconds
4) Select/verify the correct UNIT, upper right*
5) Select EOF
6) Select Automatic
7) Using the 'Accident Run Menu Selection' section Select: "AUTO ENHANCED DOSE PROJECTION (MENU H)"
8) Click green OK button, bottom right
9) MIDAS will begin to step through a four-part input panel, beginning with a release point prompt. Turn on or off release points by clicking in the check boxes.
10) Click the NEXT down arrow button. It will turn green.
11) The next section of the input panel will display the current met time as the start of exposure, and for time periods for displaying results. Unless there is a particular reason to, leave these values as MIDAS assigns them. Click the GRAY DOWN ARROW to continue. It will turn green.
12) The FIRST time a calculation is run for the event, there may be several 'initialization' prompts. Select YES to initialize the data collection sheets if prompted.
13) MIDAS will display a 'Meteorological Edit' Spreadsheet. DATA should be automatically populated. Click on green OK button.
14) If data is NOT present, type in current displayed data from met tower display. IF data was changed click green YES on 'data collection values control form'
15) MIDAS will display a 'Rad Monitor & Flow Data Edit' sheet. DATA should be automatically populated. In Unit 2 enter station vent flow rate. This value is not automated. Click on green OK button.
16) If data is NOT present, type in current displayed data from control room indications, MRPDAS or other data source. IF data was changed click green YES on 'data collection values control form'
17) IF a warning message is displayed that there is only good data for one release point,
  • this is because there is data missing for at least ONE of the release points selected earlier. Select YES to continue, NO to review rad monitor and flow data.

ta. . IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7

  • £..=? Entergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 71 of 84 Attachment 9.8 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 2 of 2 Offsite users -Auto H
18) MIDAS will display a 'Mix Edit' sheet. DATA in the mix sheet is not automatically populated.
19) Type in current available mix data or use the EVENT TREE button to define the mix.

Press the green OK buttori

20) The third section of the input panel will display.
21) IF the 'MET STATUS', 'RM/F STATUS', and 'MIX STATUS' buttons are green, MIDAS has accepted all input as valid. Click on the gray NEXT arrow.
22) IF any of the 'MET STATUS', 'RM/F STATUS', and 'MIX STATUS' buttons are red, MIDAS has determined that there is incomplete or invalid data for that input. Click on the red button to review or modify the input. MIDAS will not proceed to dose projection if any of these buttons are red.
  • 23) The fourth part of the input panel will display. Date Time of trip is normally set once at the beginning of the event to the actual trip time. Start date of release should be set to the time when actual plant release began. Remaining duratiojn should default to 4, or should be changed if there is good information on the expected duration until termination of the release.
24) Click the green START CALC button.
25) A map of a plume plot will be displayed. There are many possible combinations of information that could be displayed. Check the YELLOW boxes at the bottom to verify what information is being displayed and click these buttons to change the display.
26) IF a different display is needed / desired, click purple CONFIRM button bottom right after changing yellow button selections
27) Click GRAY "SPECIAL REPORTS" button. It will turn green and the button below it will

. turn yellow.

28) Click the yellow button below SPECIAL REPORTS unless/until it reads "Dose Summary". Click purple CONFIRM button.
29) The MIDAS dose summary will be shown. Click on the window "X" to close the summary.
30) On the MIDAS plume display page, click "END RUN" bottom left, to terminate this run.

This will allow closing MIDAS or running another calculation .

e= Enlergy IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED Revision 7 IP-EP- 340 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 72 of 84 Attachment 9.9 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 1 of 2 MANUAL B- no automated data

1) IF connecting from Offsite, Log into the Entergy Citrix Server process and connect to the MIDAS server.
2) Start MIDAS by clicking on the "MIDAS Accident Cales" ICON
3) MIDAS Accident Dose Calculation menu will display after a few seconds
4) Select/verify the correct UNIT, upper right
5) Select EOF
6) Select MANUAL
7) Using the 'Accident Run Menu Selection' section Select: "MANUAL ENHANCED DOSE PROJECTION (MENU B)"
8) Click green OK button, bottom right
  • 9) MIDAS will begin to step through a four-part input panel, beginning with a release point prompt. Turn on or off release points by clicking in the check boxes.
10) Click the NEXT down arrow button
11) The next section of the input panel will display the current met time as the start of exposure, and for time periods for displaying results. Unless there is a particular reason to, leave these values as MIDAS assigns them. Click the GRAY DOWN ARROW to continue.
12) The FIRST time a calculation is run for the event, there may be several 'initialization' prompts. Select YES to initialize the data collection sheets if prompted.
13) MIDAS will display a 'Meteorological Edit' Spreadsheet. DATA WILL NOT be automatically populated. Enter met data and click on the green OK button.
14) MIDAS will display a 'Rad Monitor & Flow Data Edit' sheet. DATA WILL NOT be automatically populated.
15) Type in current displayed data from control room indications, MRPDAS or other data source and click on the green OK button
16) IF a warning message is displayed that there is only good data for one release point, this is because there is data missing for at least ONE of the release points selected earlier. Select YES to continue, NO to review rad monitor and flow data.
17) MIDAS will display a 'Mix Edit' sheet. DATA in the mix sheet is not automatically populated .
18) Type in current available mix data or use the EVENT TREE button to define the mix.

Press the green OK button

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 73 of 84 Attachment 9.9 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 2 of 2 Manual B - no automated data

19) The third section of the input panel will display.
20) IF the 'MET STATUS', 'RM/F STATUS', and 'MIX STATUS' buttons are green, MIDAS has accepted all input as valid. Click on the gray NEXT arrow.
21) IF any of the 'MET STATUS', 'RM/F STATUS', and 'MIX STATUS' buttons are red, MIDAS has determined that there is incomplete or invalid data for that input. Click on the red button to review or modify the input. MIDAS will not proceed to dose projection if any of these buttons are red.
22) The fourth part of the input panel will display. Date Time of trip is normally set once at the beginning of the event to the actual trip time. Start date of release should be set to the time when actual plant release began. Remaining duration should default to 4, or should be changed if there is good information on the expected duration until termination of the release .
23) Click the green START CALC button.
24) A map of a plume plot will be displayed. There are many possible combinations of information that could be displayed. Check the YELLOW boxes at the bottom to verify what information is being displayed and click these buttons to change the display.
25) IF a different display is needed/ desired, click purple CONFIRM button bottom right after changing yellow button selections
26) Click GRAY "SPECIAL REPORTS" button. It will turn green and the button below it will turn yellow.
27) Click the yellow button below SPECIAL REPORTS unless/until it reads "Dose Summary". Click purple CONFIRM button.
28) IF connected to a MIDAS Server from OFFSITE, The MIDAS dose summary will be shown.* Click on the window "X" to close the summary.
29) IF using an ENTERGY MIDAS computer, A Part 1 input from will be displayed. Fill In ALL yellow areas of the form and click OK
30) A part1 and part 2 form will be displayed. Click on the arrow buttons top left to toggle between the part 1 and part 2
31) The part1 and part 2 can be printed or faxed.
32) Click on the window "X", upper right, the MIDAS dose summary will be shown. Click
  • on the window "X" to close the summary .
33) On the MIDAS plume display page, click "END RUN" bottom left, to terminate this run.

This will allow closing MIDAS or running another calculation.


~'Entergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 74 of 84 Attachment 9.10 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation~

Page 1 of 3 EOF Multiple-Accident - AUTO NOTE:

If more than one location is experiencing a release, select New Multiple Accident Run radial button on the initial MIDAS Startup I Menu Screen. This function of MIDAS will allow entry of up to 5 different accident releases occurring simultaneously from Unit 2 and Unit 3.


This Multiple Accident feature of MIDAS can be run from either the CCR or from the EOF in the AUTO or MANUAL mode. The instructions which follow are for calculations performed using the AUTO Mode.

1) Select EOF
2) Select "AUTOMATIC" radial button.
3) Select "Start New Multiple Accident Run" radial button. (The Unit No. does not need to be selected at this point). Then press GREEN "OK" button. **
4) When scenario selection screen is displayed, enter brief run title in GREEN box (22 characters, maximum).
5) Begin with "Select Accident Run 1" and enter type of calculation to be performed from pull-down selection list and corresponding Unit number. (e.g., Use Menu H -Auto Enhanced dose projection). The table below can be used to track the different runs.
6) Proceed to "Select Accident Run 2" and again enter type of calculation from pull-down selection list and corresponding Unit number.
7) Enter up to 3 other release locations, type of calculation and corresponding Unit number.

Type of Release Unit Accident Run 1 Accident Run 2 Accident Run 3 Accident Run 4 Accident Run 5

8) When entries are complete, press the GREEN "OK" button .
9) If message prompt for changing the time of trip and/or release is displayed, press "YES". (Click GREEN Box).


.g E11lergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 75 of 84 Attachment 9.10 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 2 of 3 EOF Multiple-Accident - AUTO

10) . Enter the time of reactor trip and start of release for the unit corresponding to Accident Run 1 (Unit 2 or Unit 3) and press "OK".
11) Press the "NEXT" down arrow.
12) Press the "NEXT" down arrow.
13) Verify that current live met data is being displayed on the Meteorological spreadsheet and press "OK".
14) On Radiation Monitor & Flow spreadsheet, verify appropriate monitor reading is displayed. Enter flow rate data if required. Press "OK"
15) IF this is the first run for this unit, THEN select "New" on the Spreadsheet Control popup.
16) IF this is a subsequent for the accident run, THEN select "Edit Last" on the Spreadsheet Control popup. *
17) On Mix Edit spreadsheet, select "EVENT TREE", followed by selection of Accident Type AND Core Condition from pull-down selection lists.
18) Press "OK".
19) Press "NEXT" down arrow.
20) If all required boxes are green, then select GREEN "Start Cale" button. MIDAS will then compute the doses for Accident Run 1.
21) MIDAS will then display a message that the first run is complete, Start Run 2. Press "OK".


For runs 2-5, within the initial assessment, the Spreadsheet Control popup that appears is for that specific run and new should be selected because this is the first run for the accident on the specific unit.

22) After pressing "OK", then MIDAS will prompt for release and mix input for Accident Run 2 as was done for the previous Accident Run.
23) Enter appropriate rad monitor/flow and nuclide mix inputs.

-=- Entergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 76 of 84 Attachment 9.10 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 3 of 3 EOF Multiple-Accident - AUTO

24) Press "NEXT" down arrow.
25) IF the time of trip and start of release for this run is.different from the previous run, THEN enter the appropriate time of shutdown and start of release for the affected unit
26) IF all boxes are green, THEN select GREEN "Start Cale" button. MIDAS will then compute the doses for Accident Run 2 27)MIDAS will then generate a combined plume map for the multiple releases.
28) Click gray "SPECIAL REPORTS" button. It will turn green and the button below it will turn yellow.
29) The default label for the yellow button is "Dose Summary". II: the button reads something different from Dose Summary, THEN click the yellow button below SPECIAL REPORTS until it reads "Dose Summary". Click purple CONFIRM button.
30) Select NYS RECS Part 2 report radial button, complete yellow areas and press "OK".
31) Check* contents of generated Part 2 report, print out, have report approved and then send by fax and e-mail.
32) Press top "X" button in upper right-hand portion of screen to display combined Dose Summary Report.
33) Results of the combined Dose Summary Report should be manually transferred to a blank NYS RECS Part 2 report, if required.


The computed TEDE and Child Thyroid COE results from individual accident release points from Unit 2 and Unit 3 will differ slightly from combined results since the release points are physically separated. This difference becomes I smaller at longer distances from the site.

34) To review computed doses from individual release points, press the ORANGE "Review Multi Accident" button and select each release location (Accident Run) of interest. A plume map will be generated, and a separate Dose Summary Report may be selected for display.
  • 35) To terminate Multiple Accident Run, press top "X" button in upper right-hand portion of screen and select 'Terminate Multiple Accident Run". The run will be automatically saved.



-=- nlergy EMERGE NCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCED URES REFERENCE USE Page 77 of Attachment 9.11 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 1 of 3 CCR Multiple-Accident - AUTO NOTE:

If more than one location is experiencing a release, Multiple Accident will allow entry of up to 5 different accident rele ases occurring simultaneously from Unit 2 and Unit 3.


The Multiple Accident feat ure of MIDAS can be run from either the CCR or from the EOF in the AUTO or MANUAL mode. The instructions which follow are for calculations performed using the AUT 0 Mode.

1) Open the MIDAS Software with the MIDAS Accident Cales Icon.
2) Select CCR
3) Select "AUTOMAT IC" radial button.
4) Select "Start New Multiple Accident Run" radial button. (The Unit No. does not need to be selected at th is point).
5) Press GREEN "OK"button.*
6) When the scenario selection screen(Multiple Accident Calculation Selections) is displayed, enter a brief run title in the GREEN box on the right (22 characters, maximum).
7) Begin with "Select Accident Run 1" and enter type of calculation to be performed from pull-down selectio n list and corresponding Unit number. (e.g., Use Menu G -Auto Quick Dose Plant Vent). *
8) Proceed to "Select Accident Run 2" and again enter type of calculation from pull-down selection list and c orresponding Unit number. Repeat this process for up to 3 other release locations. Use the table below to track calculations for each accident run:

T e of Release Unit Accident Run 1 Accident Run 2 Accident Run 3 Accident Run 4 Accident Run 5

  • 9) When entries are complete, press the GREEN "OK" button .



~ 11lergyilr) EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE Use Page 78 of 84 Attachment 9.11 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 2 of 3 CCR Multiple-Accident - AUTO NOTE:

If you enter or change data in a spreadsheet, then a popup may appear asking if you would like to keep the changes that were made. Click the Green YES button to keep the data to be used in future calculations.

10) Verify that current live met data is being displayed on the Meteorological Edit spreadsheet OR IF data is not present THEN, enter current met data.
11) Press "OK".


A warning message may be displayed that there is at least one good monitor, but NO data is available for a release point, this is because there is data missing for EITHER the station vent or condenser offgas. IF this message is displayed, THEN select OK to continue .

12) On Radiation Monitor & Flow spreadsheet, verify appropriate monitor reading is displayed. Enter flow rate data if required. Press "OK"
13) A popup stating that the run is complete will appear. Click the green OK button to start the next accident run.
14) On Radiation Monitor & Flow spreadsheet, verify appropriate radiation monitor reading is displayed. Enter flow rate data if required. Press "OK"
15) Press the Gray "NEXT" button on the MIDAS screen.
16) Repeat steps 11-13 for Accident runs 3-5 as required. Once all data has been entered for all runs, MIDAS will then generate a combined plume map for the multiple releases.
17) Click GRAY "SPECIAL REPORTS" button. It will turn green and the button below it will turn yellow.
18) The default label for the yellow button is "Dose Summary". IF the button reads something different from Dose Summary, THEN click the yellow button below SPECIAL REPORTS until it reads "Dose Summary". Click purple CONFIRM button.
19) Select "Part 2 Form Only" report radio button
20) A Part 2 input form will be displayed. Fill in appropriate areas of the form. Yellow highlighted areas are REQUIRED .

a-=- E"nlergy IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 79 of 84 Attachment 9.11 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 3 of 3 CCR Multiple-Accident - AUTO

21) Click OK to generate a PDF for Emergency Director approval.
22) The Part 2 can be faxed and .or emailed to locations by clicking the "Fax NYS Form" and "Email NYS Form" buttons at the top of the pages as directed by the Emergency Director.
23) Press top "X" button in upper right-hand portion of screen to display combined Dose Summary Report. Press the "X" on the Dose Summary Report to return to the map.


The computed TEDE and Child Thyroid COE results from individual accident release points from Unit 2 and Unit 3 will differ slightly from combined results since the release points are physically separated. This difference becomes smaller at longer distances from the site .

24) To review computed doses from individual release points, press the ORANGE "Review Multi Accident" button and select each release location (Accident Run) of interest. A plume map will be generated, and a separate Dose Summary Report may be selected for display.
25) To terminate Multiple Accident Run, press top "X" button in upper right-hand portion of screen and select "Terminate Multiple Accident Run". The run will be automatically saved.

'g;Enlergy~ EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 80 of 84 Attachment 9.12 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 1 of 5 Part 1 Generator Guidance NOTE:

This guide is intended to be used as needed when generating a NYS Part 1 Form. It does not need to be followed step by step, but referenced as needed to gain understanding of the operation of the part 1 form generator.

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IPEC IP-EP- 340 Revision 7 NON-QUALITY RELATED EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 81 of 84 Attachment 9.12 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 2 of 5 Part 1 Generator Guidance NOTE:

To the extent possible, the Part 1 form is intended to be filled out from top to bottom and left to right. Once the initial Part 1 form is generated, the form generator may be left open to complete subsequent Part 1 forms without filling out the entire form again. If the user has any questions in correctly revising an open Part 1 form, it is recommended that the user exit from the Part 1 form generator and begin a new form.

1. Block #1 Guidance:
a. Enter whether the event is an:
i. Actual Emergency ii. Exercise iii. Emergency Termination
1. Selection of Emergency Termination will generate a popup with wording that will be added to the EAL description field of the form.

This wording can be edited based on the event

b. Enter the location that is affected by the event C. Enter the status of Unit 2 and Unit 3.
i. If a unit is shutdown, enter the time of shutdown.
1. This time will not change throughout the event.
2. IF the Unit is shut down, THEN Inform the Dose Assessor of the time of shut down.
d. Enter a number for the Notification #. The initial notification will be #1 and each follow-up notification will be a sequential whole number (1, 2, 3, etc.).
2. Block #2 Guidance:
a. Enter the EAL number exactly as written on the EAL Chart.
i. The Emergency Classification will automatically populate based on the EAL.

ii. The Brief Event Description will populate with a generic pre-determined non-technical description for that EAL.

b. Enter the Declaration Time.
  • i. This time will not change on follow-up notifications.


= nlergy~ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 82 of 84 Attachment 9.12 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 3 of 5 Part 1 Generator Guidance NOTE:

The Part 1 generator initially defaults to an assumed atmospheric release. If there is "No Release to Atmosphere" selected in Block 3, then the following selections for release duration do not apply and will not be displayed.

c. IF a General Emergency EAL has been entered, and IF a release to the atmosphere is occurring, THEN select whether the release is:
i. Anticipated Release duration <1 hour.
1. This selection should only be made if it is known that the release will be stopped within an hour of the release start time (e.g.,

controlled short-term VC purge related to or required by the event, or the source of the release is known and release termination is imminent).

2. This selection will ONLY enable a Shelter-in-Place Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) to be generated.

ii. Release duration >1 hour.

1. This selection should be made if the release duration is unknown.
2. This selection will enable evacuation PARs to be generated.


In Block 3, IF a General Emergency is declared AND IF no release is selected, THEN the Part 1 generator will not prompt for a selection of any of the choices below.

3. Block #3 Guidance:
a. Select whether or not there is a release to atmosphere due to the classified event.
i. IF a release has been selected THEN the following options will be available:
1. Release ABOVE federally approved operating Limits
  • 2. Release BELOW federally approved operating Limits
3. Unmonitored release requiring further evaluation


-=- Enlergy EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 83 of 84 Attachment 9.12 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 4 of 5 Part 1 Generator Guidance

b. Select whether or not there is a release to water due to the classified event.
i. IF a release has been selected THEN the following options will be available:

1 . Release ABOVE federally approved operating Limits

2. Release BELOW federally approved operating Limits
3. Unmonitored release requiring further evaluation
4. Block #4 Guidance:
a. Answer whether this is an INITIAL PAR
i. An initial PAR is the first PAR of the event.

ii. This option is the only time that a Rapidly Progressing Severe Accident (RPSA) selection is available.

  • b.


IF it is an INITIAL PAR, THEN answer whether the criteria for a RPSA have been met.

i. RPSA criteria are defined in IP-EP-410, Attachment 9.1.

If this is not the first PAR, select whether the PAR has changed since the last report.

i. If the PAR has not changed, it will not allow additional sectors to be added based on new metrological data.

ii. If the PAR has changed, it will automatically add new additional sectors based on new metrological data and the user will input previously affected sectors under Block 6.

5. Block #5 Guidance:
a. Select the PAR based on IP-EP-410. Some selections will not be available based on the selections that were previously made.
b. Sectors are automatically selected based on the Wind Speed, Direction, and Stability Class.
c. The Selection "Do Not Expand PAR for current conditions" does not update the PAR selection with the new Met Conditions. Use only if met conditions have changed but new downwind sectors are not affected by PARs.
6. Block #6 Guidance:
  • a. For notifications that are not the first PAR of the event, select the sectors that previously had a protective action associated with them.

IPEC Revision 7 NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-340 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 84 of 84 Attachment 9.12 Quick Guides for MIDAS Operation Page 5 of 5 Part 1 Generator Guidance

7. Block #7 Guidance:
a. Enter Meteorological Data (i.e., Direction, Speed, Stability Class).
8. Block #8 Guidance:
b. "Reported By" is the Communicator
c. The telephone number is a number that Offsite Response Organizations (ORO) can call.
d. "Yes, Emergency Director has Approved this report" must be selected to fax and email the Part 1 form to OROs.
e. Enter the Emergency Director's (ED) name
f. Select OK to generate a PDF of the Part 1 form
  • NOTE:

CAREFULLY CHECK the PDF printout to make sure that all times, event status, release status, new and previous PARs and affected sectors/distances and meteorological data are correct for current conditions. IF they are not, THEN exit from the Part 1 generator and begin a new Part 1 form.

9. Once approved by the ED, the form can be faxed and emailed to OROs by selecting the Fax and Email buttons .



' Page 1 of 22 C NTROllED Dose Assessment .

  • Prepared by: Dara Gray 10-l-!Cf Pnnt Name Date Approval: Frank J. Mitchell ;cJ--;i-i7 Pnnt Name , Date Effective Date: October 8, 2019 This procedure excluded frorn turthei- Li-100 revievv IP-EP-310 (Dose) R19.doc

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-310 Revision 19 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page g of 22 Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................3


............................................................................................................................3 3.0 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................. 3 4.0 . RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................................4 5.0 DETAILS ......................................................................................................................................4 6.0 INTERFACES ............................................................................................................................10 7.0 RECORDS .................................................................................................................................10 8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCE .............................................. 10 9.0 ATIACHMENTS .......................................................................................................................10 2

9.1 SITE BOUNDARY Xµ/Q (m- ) BY PASQUILL STABILITY CATEGORY ..................... 11 2

9.2 Xµ/Q VALUES FOR OTHER DISTANCES (m- ) ......................................................... 13 9.3 REUTER-STOKES LOCATION Xµ/Q VALUES (m'2 ) .................................................. 14 9.4 ACCIDENT MONITORING OF NOBLE GAS CONCENTRATION IN THE PLANT VENT

...................................................................................................................................... 15 9.5 DETERMINATION OF NOBLE GAS RELEASE RATE - DISCUSSION ...................... 17 9.6 DETERMINATION OF NOBLE GAS TO IODINE CONCENTRATION AND DOSE RATE RATIOS FROM FIELD MONITORING DATA ............................................................. 19 9.7 USE OF CHEMISTRY SAMPLE TO DETERMINE RADIOIODINE RELEASE RATE

& THYROID DOSE CONVERSION FACTOR ............................................................21



, 1.0 PURPOSE To describe the methods of estimating the whole body and thyroid dose to the offsite population in the event of an accidental release of radioactivity to the environment. A manual method of calculation is provided in case the computer method is unavailable.


2.1 IP-EP-330, Airborne Sample Analysis 2.2 IP-EP-340, Meteorological Information and Dose Assessment System (MIDAS) 2.3 IP-EP-510, Meteorological, Radiological & Plant Data Acquisition System 2.4 IP-2 Manual Determination of Release Rate (Form EP-17) 2.5 IP-3 Manual Determination of Release Rate (Form EP-18) 2.6 Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet (Form EP-13) 2.7 IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet/Back-Calculating Release Rate from Field Data (Form EP-19) 2.8 IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet/Estimating Containment Activity via R-25 / 26 (Form EP-11) 2.9 Determination of Radioactive Airborne Concentrations (Form EP-32) 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Meteorological Information and Data Acquisition System (MIDAS) - the computer system that collects radiation monitor data, meteorological data, and calculates/displays offsite radiation doses.

3.2 Meteorological, Radiological, and Plant Data Acquisition System (MRP-DAS) - the system which provides meteorological, Reuter Stokes and certain plant parameter data (VC Temperature, VC Pressure, Plant Vent and VC High Radiation Monitors) 3.3 Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) - The sum of the Deep Dose Equivalent (ODE) and the Committed Effective Dose Equivalent (CEDE).

3.4 Committed Effective Dose Equivalent - The sum of the products of the weighting factors applicable to each of the body organs or tissues that are irradiated and the committed dose equivalent to these organs or tissues.

  • 3.5 Committed Dose Equivalent-Thyroid (COE-Thy) - The committed dose from an intake of radioactive material to a body organ (i.e., thyroid).



.4 3.6 Site Boundary - For Dose Assessment and Protective Action Recommendation purposes, the Site Boundary is the closest distance at which members of the public would be exposed to a radioactive release.

When the plume is traveling toward the water, the distance to the nearest point on the opposite side of Hudson River will be considered as the Site Boundary.

3.7 Release - as it is used at IPEC for Emergency Planning is defined as "A release of radioactive materials due to the classified event" (per NYS Radiological Emergency Data Form, Part 1 ).

In accordance with the Part 1 form, "Release" is classified as one of the 4 following descriptions:

A. NO Release B. Release BELOW Federal Limits C. Release ABOVE Federal Limits D. Unmonitored Release Requiring Evaluation 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES

  • 5.0 Dose Assessment staff in the Control Room (CR) and in the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) are responsible for assessing actual and potential radioactive releases to the environment in an emergency.

DETAILS NOTE All forms s ecified in Section 5.0 are rovided in IP-EP-115.

5.1 Determine if there is a plant release above Federal Limits based on the following table:

Release Point Unit Rad Monitor Reading that is

>TS U2 or Plant Vent R-27 1.3 E+5 uCi/sec U3 Plant Vent U2 R-44 5.7 E-3 uCi/cc Plant Vent U3 R-14 4.0 E-3 uCi/cc Main Steam R-28, R-29, U2 Line- SGTR R-30, R-31 SGTR is Main Steam R-62A, R- considered a

  • Line- SGTR Hole in Containmenrt U3 U2 or U3 628, R-62C, R-62D R-25, R-26 release> TS 1 A/hr above backqround


-=- Entergy EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page § of 22 5.2 Upon activation of the IPEC ERO and as the IPEC Plant Conditions require, perform dose assessment. When performing the Dose Assessment function, use MIDAS (IP-EP-340) as the primary method. If there is no access to a dose assessment software program, dose assessment is to be completed using Hand Calculations (Section 5.4).

5.3 Necessary information to perform Dose Assessment is available using MAP-DAS (IP-EP-510).

5.4 Hand calculations for dose assessment are to be performed if the necessary dose assessment software is not available. Perform hand calculations as follows:


IF a General Emergency has been declared, THEN use IP-EP-410 "Protective Action Recommendations" to determine what protective action recommendations should be conveyed to the ED/RAC. Ensure the EPM in the TSC is made aware of any Protective Action Recommendations.

5.4.1 Obtain the proper release rate calculation form (Form EP-17 for Unit 2 and Form EP-18 for Unit 3).

  • 5.4.2 Determine radioactive release concentration or rate (µCi/cc,

µCi/sec, OR CPM) and enter onto the appropriate Release Rate calculation form (Form EP-17 for Unit 2 or Form EP-18 for Unit 3).

Values determined from installed radiation monitors OR via a Chemistry sample may be entered directly into the Release Rate calculation form: *

a. IF a Chemistry sample is available, THEN use Attachment 9. 7 to calculate the radioiodine release rate.
b. IF the plant vent survey is to be used, THEN:
1. Follow guidance provided in Attachment 9.4, Accident Monitoring of Noble Gas Concentration in the Plant Vent.
2. Convert contact field reading on the plant vent to µCi/cc using conversion factor for appropriate time after shutdown, obtained from the appropriate Release Rate calculation form (Form EP-17 for Unit 2 and Form EP-18 for Unit 3).
c. IF back-calculating the Noble Gas release rate (NGRR) from field readings, THEN use Form EP-19.
d. IF using R-25 or R-26 to calculate the Noble Gas release rate (NGRR), THEN use Form EP-11.
e. IF back-calculating the release rate from airborne samples, THEN refer to IP-EP-330, Airborne Sample Analysis, and Attachment 9.5.

-~--- ----------

-=- Entergy IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-310 Revision 19 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page §. of 22 5.4.3 If Noble Gas concentrations (µCi/cc) are entered in the Release Rate calculation form (Form EP-17 for Unit 2 or EP-18 for Unit 3),

use the proper equation(s) on the appropriate section of the Release Rate calculation form to calculate the Noble Gas Release Rate (NGRR).

5.4.4 Calculate the radioiodine release rate (Ci/sec) using the default equation (with the assumed NG/I ratio for the release point) on the appropriate Release Rate calculation form (Form EP-17 for Unit 2 and EP-18 for Unit 3).

IF a chemistry sample is available, THEN use Attachment 9.7 to:

a. Calculate the radioiodine release rate, and
b. Determine the sample-specific thyroid dose conversion factor.

5.4.5 Obtain the appropriate Xµ/Qs from Attachment 9.1 or 9.2. Record these values on the Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet (Form EP-13).

5.4.6 Obtain meteorological data in accordance with IP-EP-510 .

  • 5.4.7 5.4.8 Enter the release rates (RR), wind speed (WS) AND appropriate constants on the Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet (Form EP-13).

Determine the TEDE (Whole Body) AND COE-Thy dose rates at the site boundary, 2, 5, AND 10 mile distances. (Form EP-13)

NOTE Use four (4) hours as the default release duration, unless information exists that clearly supports a different release duration.

5.4.9 Determine exposure rates if desired, at other distances utilizing the Xµ/Q values from Attachment 9.2.

5.4.10 Determine required Protective Action Recommendations (Procedure IP-EP-410, Attachment 9.1 ), IF the projected or actual doses at any offsite location exceed the following:

a. 1 Rem Integrated Dose TEDE, or
b. 5 Rem Integrated Dose COE-Thy THEN:
  • If in the CR, inform the Shift Manager (SM)/Emergency Director (ED) .

-=- Entergy,,

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-310 Revision 19 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page z of 22 5.4.11 IF there is a radioactive* release, THEN contact Chemistry/

Environmental Personnel as time permits to determine if it is above the Reportable Quantities set forth in 40 CFR302, Appendix B. If so, ensure the reportability requirements specified in IP-SMM-Ll-108 are met within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

5.4.12 lE there is a radioactive release to the environment above Federal limits (using the table in step 5.1 ), THEN complete Parts I & II of New York State Radiological Data Form (Forms EP-1 and EP-2)

These forms can be filled in by hand orrefer to procedure IP-EP-340, "Meteorological Information and Dose Assessment System" to have MIDAS automatically print out these forms.

5.4.13 "New York State Radiological Emergency Data Form - Part II" (Form EP-2) SHALL be completed and transmitted:

a. As soon as possible after it has been determined that a release above Federal Limits exists.
b. If there is a significant change in the radioactive release .
  • c. With updates approximately every 30 minutes; time interval may be lengthened with concurrence of offsite agencies.

5.4.14 IF electronic emailing and faxing using MIDAS is not operational, THEN process the NYS Radiological Em'ergency Data Form Parts I & II (Forms EP-1 and EP-2) as follows:

a. Receive form(s) from the Offsite Communicator, verifying that the form(s) are signed by the Emergency Director (ED).
b. Telecopy form(s) to NYS, Counties and JIC.
c. Maintain Fax Report (printed from the fax machine) as record.
d. Make and distribute copies of the form to NRC, FEMA, State and County representatives in the EOF.
e. Return original form and 2 copies to the Offsite Communicator.

5.4.15 To help visualize plume location, MIDAS plume data can be displayed directly from the MIDAS program or a MIDAS shape file can be exported to a Geographical Information System mapping software program in the EOF for display. Use IP-EP-410, Attachment 9.4 or the overlay book cover for manual plume visualization on the overlay table.

  • 5.5 In the EOF only:



EMERGENCY PLAN --. PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page of 22 5.5.1 Calculate projected doses using MIDAS, or manual methods.

5.5.2 If available, verify projected doses with actual field radiological data.

5.5.3 At the earliest time when offsite radioiodine concentration is available, calculate the ratios of noble gas to iodine concentrations and corresponding dose rates using Attachment 9.6. Report the concentration ratio to the stakeholders on the Part II Form, Field Measurement Section.

a. Obtain a closed window gamma reading in the plume (mrem/hr).
b. Obtain iodine concentration in the plume (uCi/cc).

C. Convert gamma dose rate to noble gas concentration.

d. Calculate the ratio of noble gas concentration to iodine concentration.

e . Calculate the ratio of whole body dose rate to thyroid dose rate.

  • 1. IF the dose rate ratio is about 0.2 or higher, THEN noble gas (whole body/TEDE) dose rates will be more limiting than iodine (CDE-Thy) dose rates. Evaluate protective actions for possible changes. -
2. IF the dose rate ratio is less than about 0.2, THEN ioqine (CDE-Thy) dose rates will be more limiting than noble gas (whole body/TEDE) dose rates. Evaluate protective actions for possible changes.

5.5.4 IF offsite gamma dose rates are available, THEN verify release rates determined from plant data using the "IPEC Manual Dose Assessment Worksheet/Back-Calculating Release Rate from Field Data" (Form EP-19).

5.5.5 Review Site Perimeter surveys.

5.5.6 Review Field Surveys.

5.5.7 Review current and historical Reuter Stokes data, to determine if a release has occurred or is occurring. Attachment 9.3, "Reuter-Stokes Location Xµ/Q Values" provides Xµ/Q values for comparison purposes.

  • 5.5.8 Exchange offsite monitoring and projected data with State and Counties.


5.5.9 If required, estimate release rates utilizing High Range Vapor Containment radiation monitors R-25/26 (Form EP-11).

5.5.10 If Core Damage Assessment results are available from the TSC, compare the results with the current dose assessment.


-=- Entergy EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 10 of 22 6.0 INTERFACES 6.1 IP-EP-410, Protective Action Recommendations 6.2 IP-EP-340, Meteorological Information and Dose Assessment System (MIDAS) 6.3 IP-EP-510, Meteorological, Radiological & Plant Data Acquisition System 6.4 Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Orange County Radiological Emergency Response Plans 6.5 2-CY-3940, Plant Vent Sampling During Accident Conditions 6.6 3-CY-3920, Sampling Containment Atmosphere and Plant Vent During Accident Conditions 6.7 IP-SMM-Ll-108, Event Notification and Reporting 7.0 RECORDS

  • 8.0 Forms and reports completed during an actual emergency are permanent records.

REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCE IPEC Emergency Plan 9.0 ATTACHMENTS 9.1 Site Boundary Xµ/Q (m-2) by Pasquill Stability Category 9.2 Xµ/Q (m-2) Values for Other Distances 9.3 Reuter-Stokes Location Xµ/Q (m-2) Values 9.4 Accident Monitoring of NolJle Gas Concentration in the Plant Vent 9.5 Determination of Noble Gas Release Rate - Discussion 9.6 Determination of Noble Gas to Iodine Concentration and Dose Rate Ratios from Field Monitoring Data 9.7 Use of Chemistry Sample to Determine Radioiodine Release Rate and Thyroid Dose Conversion Factor



-- n ergy~.


Site Boundary Xµ/Q {m" ) by Pasquill Stability Category Cross Valley (Wind Direction from 210° - 348° or Wind Speed > 4 m/s)

Sheet 1 of 2 Sector Wind Distance Pasguill Categories From {Meters}

A 8 C D E F G 1* 168.7° to 191.2° 2977 5.5 E-7 9.0 E-7 5.7 E-6 2.1 E-5 4.3 E-5 1.1 E-4 2.0 E-4 2* 191.2° to 213.7° 3234 5.2 E-7 1.0 E-6 5.0 E-6 1.9 E-5 3.9 E-5 9.6 E-5 1.8 E-4 3 213. 7° to 236.2° 716 3.6 E-6 2.0 E-5 5.3 E-5 1.5 E-4 2.7 E-4 4.9 E-4 7.1 E-4 4 236.2° to 258. 7° 701 3.7 E-6 2.0 E-5 5.4 E-5 1.6 E-4 2.7 E-4 5.0 E-4 7.2 E-4 5 258.7° to 281.2° 762 3.2 E-6 1.8 E-5 4.8 E-5 1.4 E-4 2.5 E-4 4.7 E-4 6.8 E-4 6 281 .2° to 303. 7° 625 4.7 E-6 2.5 E-5 6.4 E-5 1.8 E-4 3.1 E-4 5.5 E-4 7.9 E-4 7 303. 7° to 326.2° 610 4.9 E-6 2.6 E-5 6.6 E-5 1.9 E-4 3.2 E-4 5.6 E-4 8.0 E-4 8 326.2° to 348. 7° 701 3.7 E-6 2.0 E-5 5.4 E-5 1.6 E-4 2.7 E-4 5.0 E-4 7.2 E-5 9 348.7° to 11.2° 1006 2.1 E-6 1.0 E-5 3.2 E-5 9.9 E-5 1.8 E-4 3.6 E-4 5.4 E-4 10 11.2° to 33.7° 1006 2.1 E-6 1.0 E-5 3.2 E-5 9.9 E-5 1.8 E-4 3.6 E-4 5.4 E-4 11 33. 7° to 56.2° 488 7.7 E-6 3.6 E-5 8.8 E-5 2.5 E-4 4.0 E-4 6.7 E-4 9.2 E-4 12* 56.2° to 78.7° 2349 6.6 E-7 1.5 E-6 8.3 E-6 3.0 E-5 2.6 E-4 6.0 E-5 1.4 E-4 13* 78.7° to 101.2° 1802 8.1 E-7 3.2 E-6 1.3 E-5 4.3 E-5 8.5 E-5 1.9 E-4 3.3 E-4 14* 101 .2° to 123.7° 1689 9.0 E-7 3.7 E-6 1.4 E-5 4.8 E-5 9.2 E-5 2.0 E-4 3.5 E-4 15* 123.7° to 146.2° 1432 1.2 E-6 5.1 E-6 1.9 E-5 6.1 E-5 1.2 E-4 2.4 E-4 4.0 E-4 16* 146.2° to 168. 7° 1416 1.2 E-6 5.2 E-6 1.9 E-5 6.2 E-5 1.2 E-4 2.5 E-4 4.0 E-4

  • Plume for these sectors goes over the water before it touches public or private land. Site boundary in these cases is taken to be the landfall point at the sector center.

IPEC EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING NON-QUALITY RELATED PROCEDURE IP-EP-310 Revision 18 PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 12 of 22 Attachment 9.1 Sheet 2 of 2 Site Boundary Xµ/Q (m"2} by Pasquill Stability Category Up Valley Plumes (wind speed ~4 mis) Wind Direction from 102° - 209° (1)

Pasguill Categories A B C D E F G 5.2 E-7 1.0 E-6 5.0 E-6 1.9 E-5 3.9 E-5 9.6 E-5 1.8 E-4 Site Boundary Xµ/Q (m"2) by Pasquill Stability Category Down Valley Plumes (wind speed !::4 mis) Wind Direction from 349° -101° (2)

Pasquill Categories A B C D E F G 3.7 E-6 1.0 E-5

  • 3.2 E-5 9.9 E-5 1.8 E-4 3.6 E-4 5.4 E-4 (1) Plume centerline will always cross the site boundary at Sector 2. Therefore, the Sector 2 Xµ/Q values are used.

(2) Plume centerline will cross the site boundary at either Sector 8 (Pasquill Category A) or Sector 10 (for Pasquill Category B - G)

~ Entergy.:.,


Attachment 9.2 Xµ/Q Values for other Distances (m-2)

Sheet 1 of 1 Miles Distance Pasguill Categories (Meters)

A B C D E F G 1.0 1608 9.5 E-7 4.0 E-6 1.5 E-5 5.0 E-5 9.0 E-5 2.1 E-4 3.4 E-4 1.5 2412 6.3 E-7 2.1 E-6 1.1 E-5 2.0 E-5 .5.4 E-5 1.3 E-4 2.2 E-4 2.0 3216 5.2 E-7 8.3 E-7 5.0 E-6 1.9 E-5 3.9 E-5 9.6 E-5 1.8 E-4 2.5 4020 4.4 E-7 5.8 E-7 3.5 E-6 1.4 E-5 3.7 E-5 7.0 E-5 1.7 E-4 3.0 4824 3.6 E-7 5.0 E-7 2.8 E-6 1.0 E-5 2.2 E-5 5.7 E-5 1.3 E-4

  • 1 3.5 5628 3.2 E-7 4.2 E-7 2.0 E-6 8.1 E-6 1.8 E-5 4.7 E-5 1.1 E-4 4.0 6432 2.8 E-7 3.7 E-7 1.6 E-6 6.8 E-6 1.5 E-5 4.0 E-5 9.4 E-5 4.5 7236 2.6 E-7 3.5 E-7 1.4 E-6 5.8 E-6 1.3 E-5 3.5 E-5 7.3 E-5 5.0 8040 2.4 E-7 3.2 E-7 1.2 E-6 5.1 E-6 1.1 E-5 3.1 E-5 6.7 E-5 5.5 8844 2.1 E-7 3.1 E-7 9.9 E-7 4.4 E-6 1.0 E-5 2.8 E-5 5.9 E-5 6.0 9648 2.0 E-7 2.7 E-7 8.3 E-7 3.8 E-6 9.1 E-6 2.5 E-5 5.4 E-5 6.5 10452 1.9 E-7 2.5 E-7 7.5 E-7 3.5 E-6 8.2 E-6 2.3 E-5 5.0 E-5 7.0 11256 1.8 E-7 2.4 E-7 6.7 E-7 3.2 E-6 7.5 E-6 2.1 E-5 4.7 E-5 7.5 12060 1.7 E-7 2.3 E-7 6.1 E-7 3.0 E-6 6.9 E-6 1.9 E-6 4.3 E-5 8.0 12864 1.6 E-7 2.2 E-7 5.5 E-7 2.7 E-6 6.3 E-6 1.8 E-5 4.1 E-5 8.5 13668 1.5 E-7 2.1 E-7 5.0 E-7 2.5 E-6 5.8 E-6 1.7 E-5 3.8 E-5 9.0 14472 1.5 E-7 2.0 E-7 4.6 E-7 2.3 E-6 5.5 E-6 1.6 E-5 3.6 E-5 9.5 15276 1.4 E-7 1.9 E-7 4.2 E-7 2.1 E-6 5.4 E-6 1.5 E-5 3.4 E-5 10.0 16080 1.4 E-7 1.8 E-7 4.0 E-7 2.1 E-6 5.3 E-6 1.5 E-5 3.4 E-5


-=- Entergy_~


PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 14 Of 22 Attachment 9.3 Reuter-Stokes Location Xµ/Q Values (m-2)

Sheet 1 of 1 Stability Class Sector Monitor A B C D E F G Distance (m) 1 3226 5.3E-7 8.4E-7 5.lE-6 l.9E-5 4.0E-5 9.8E-5 1.8E-4 2 3379 5.2E-7 8.3E-7 5.0E-6 1.8E-5 3.9E-5 9.7E-5 l.7E-4

_3 2574 6.3E-7 l.2E-6 7.3E-6 2.6E-5 5.3E-5 1.2E-4 2.4E-4 4 1448 l.2E-6 4.6E-6 l.8E-5 6.lE-5 l.IE-4 2.4E-4 3.9E-4 5 1287 1.4E-6 6.4E-6 2.3E-5 7.3E-5 l.4E-4 2.8E-4 4.4E-4 6 643 4.3E-6 2.2E-5 6.0E-5 l.8E-4 3.0E-4 5.5E-4 7.7E-4 7 643 4.3E-6 2.2E-5 6.0E-5 l.8E-4 3.0E-4 5.5E-4 7.7E-4 8 804 2.9E-6 l.7E-5 4.5E-5 l.3E-4 2.4E-4 4.5E-4 6.6E-4 9 1126 l.8E-6 8.5E-6 2.6E-5 8.lE-5 l.5E-4 3.2E-4 4.9E-4 10 1287 1.4E-6 6.4E-6 2.3E-5 7.3E-5 l.4E-4 2.8E-4 4.4E-4 11 ' 1287 l.4E-6 6.4E-6 2.3E-5 7.3E-5 1.4E-4 2.8E-4 4.4E-4 12 2494 6.4E-7 l.3E-6 7.5E-6 2.7E-5 5.6E-5 l.2E-4 2.4E-4 13 1870 8.0E-7 2.7E-6 1.2E-5 4.2E-5 8.lE-5 l.8E-4 3.2E-4 14 1870 8.0E-7 2.7E-6 l.2E-5 4.2E-5 8.lE-5 l.8E-4 3.2E-4 15 1648 9.4E-7 3.9E-6 l.5E-5 5.0E-5 9.7E-5 2. lE-4 3.6E-4 16 1770 8.4E-7 3.3E-6 l.3E-5 4.5E-5 8.8E~5 l.9E-4 3.4E-4


EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Of 22 Page 15 Attachment 9.4 Accident Monitoring of Noble Gas Concentrations in the Plant Vent Sheet 1 of 2 NOTE

1. The Operations Support Center (OSC) Rad/Chem Coordinator will determine which reading to obtain first; plant vent or back-up plant vent monitoring. ,
2. Locations and equipment may be different from Unit 2 or Unit 3 Radiation readings may be obtained on the plant vent by the following:
a. Follow the provisions used by the OSC to plan and track team assignments.
b. Use a telescoping radiation monitoring instrument (e.g. teletector or equivalent) to perform this function.
c. As requested by OSC Rad/Chem Coordinator or Control Room (CR),

REPORT radiation levels .

d. Proceed to the Containment Airlock area.
e. Using the fan-building wall for shielding, obtain radiation readings by Vapor Containment purge and exhaust ducts.
f. CAUTION The door leading out to the plant vent area may lock when closed. To prevent being trapped in the plant vent area, BLOCK OPEN THE DOOR prior to going to the plant vent area.
g. Proceed through the door to the plant vent area.
h. Obtain radiation readings at the following locations:
i. 6 feet from the plant vent 10 feet above the floor.
j. Contact with the plant vent 10 feet above the floor.
k. Notify the OSC or CR that radiation readings have been obtained and follow instructions as directed .





REFERENCE USE Page 16 Of 22 Attachment 9.4 Accident Monitoring of Noble Gas Concentr~tions in the Plant Vent Sheet 2 of 2 Backup plant vent monitoring readings may be obtained by the following:

a. Request a team be dispatched to obtain and analyze Plant Vent Sample.
b. IF a sample from the plant vent is required from Unit 2 THEN follow chemistry procedure 2-CY-3940 "Plant Vent Sampling During Accident Conditions"
c. IF a sample from the plant vent is required from Unit 3 THEN follow Chemistry procedure 3-CY-3920 "Sampling Containment Atmosphere and Plant Vent During Accident Conditions"
d. Report the results to the OSC or CR and FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS as directed .

-= Entergy., IPECSITE NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-310 Revision 18 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 17 Of 22 Attachment 9.5 Determination of Noble Gas Release Rate - Discussion Sheet 1 of 2 The following instrumentation/methodology can be used to determine the noble gas release rate.

  • Plant vent monitor-low range (Direct Readout)
  • Plant vent monitor-high range (Direct Readout)
  • Plant vent survey-hand held instrument or remote readout
  • Isotopic analysis of sample taken from release point
  • Condenser air ejector monitor (Direct Readout).
  • Back-calculating a release rate based on actual field radiological data.
  • Containment radiation monitors R-25 and R-26 to measure the source term within containment and to estimate potential releases from containment.
  • Potential exposure to the population if a future release of the existing containment source term occurs, utilizing the following information:
1. Containment pressure relief line contains three isolation valves (one in containment and two outside).
2. Containment purge system contains two isolation valves on the Inlet Duct (one in containment and one outside).
3. Containment purge system contains two isolation valves on the Exhaust Duct (one in containment and one outside).
4. Weld Channel (WC) and Isolation Valve Seal Water System (IVSWS) are pressurized to ensure that during accident conditions, a pressure build up to AT LEAST 50 psi in containment would NOT cause a leak of radioactive material to the environment as long as the isolation valves remained in the closed position .




IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 18 Of 22 Attachment 9.5 Determination of Noble Gas Release Rate - Discussion Sheet 2 of 2

5. WITHOUT WC AND IVSWS, BUT with isolation valves closed, the containment leak rate is expected to be LESS THAN 0.1 % of the containment volume :per day (Tech Spec) WITH a pressure buildup to 50 psi inside containment. At lower pressures the leak rate would be smaller, approaching zero as the pressure differential approaches zero.
6. Containment Volume= 2.6 x 106 ft3 = 7.4 x 1010 cc
7. For Post-Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) cool-down using blow-down situations, the determination of the gaseous release rate from the blowdown flash tank SHALL be accomplished by determining the noble gas concentration in the faulted SG blowdown (Chem sample µCi/cc) AND the blowdown rate (GPM).
8. Complete Form EP-32, Determination of Radioactive Airborne Concentrations by using the following general formula when applying Airborne Sample Data to determine concentration or release rate. This is for a 10 cubic foot sample.
a. NG Release Concentration, µCi/cc =

mR/hr in field DCF, mR/hr per µCi/cc

b. NG Release Rate, Ci/sec =

3 Concentration(Ci/m )

  • Wind Speed (m/sec)

Xµ/Q (m- 2) 3 Note That µCi/cc = Ci/m


  • Entergy EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 19 Of 22 Attachment 9.6 Determination of Noble Gas to Iodine Concentration and Dose Rate Ratios from Field Monitoring Data Sheet 1 of 2
  • Part 1 - Flow Chart - Gamma Dose Rates, and NG and Iodine Air Sample Concentrations Obtain Gamma Reading at a mremlhr location in the (G) (Time after Shutdown, Hrs) plume (mrem/hr)

NGDCF' Determine Noble = (G) mremlhr I DCF (mremlhr per ucilcc)

Gas Activity

  • = I (uCi/cc) uCi/cc (NG Cone.)

l Obtain Iodine Sample at same location as = [ .____I_ __,, -1 ~_ __.I J I 4.6 E-9 II j 10 cu ft X

gamma reading the plume

= [ I (cpm) - 8kg (cpm) J x 4.6 E-9 I Sample Vol (ff) *

= uCi/cc (I Cone.)

  • Equation based on frisker efficiency (of about 0.0034 cpmldpm) and the conversions of dpm to uCi and cu. ft. to cc.

NOBLE GAS DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS K1 Whole Body at Time After Shutdown for Noble Gas Dose Time after shutdown Noble Gas OCF Time after shutdown Noble Gas DCF (hours) (mRemihr per µCi/cc) (hours) mRemihr per µCi/cc) o::..tsHours 4:7E+5 45-6.s Hoors 1.7E+5 1.5-2.5 Hours 2.SE+S 6.5--12.5 Hours 1.2E+5 2.5-3.5 Hours 2.3+5  :~ *125 Hours 5.8E+4 3.5-4.5 Hourn 2.0E+S

'l IPECSITE NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-310 Revision 18 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 20 Of Attachment 9.6 Determination of Noble Gas to Iodine Concentration and Dose Rate Ratios from Field Monitoring Data Sheet 2 of 2 Part 2 - Flow Chart - Ratio Determinations Concentration Dose Conversion Dose Rate (uCi/cc) Factor (mrem/hr (mrem/hour) er uCi/cc Noble Gas (Whole Body)

Iodines* 8.0 E+B (COE-Thy)

Ratio NG/ Iodine N/A (Whole Body/ COE-Thy) 1 2

  • Note: if time is> 24 hr, then use an iodine dose conversion factor of 2.6 E+9.

(1) NG/ Iodine Concentration Ratio:

Use NG/I concentration ratio for future release rates for dose projection calculations.

(2) Dose Rate Ratio:

  • IF the dose rate ratio is about 0.2 or higher, THEN noble gas (whole body/TEOE) dose rates will be more limiting than iodine (COE-Thy) dose rates. (i.e., Whole Body/TEOE will reach PAG limit before iodine/ COE-Thy).
  • IF the dose rate ratio is less than about 0.2, THEN iodine (COE-Thy) dose rates will be more limiting than noble gas (whole body/TEOE) dose rates. (i.e., COE-Thy dose will reach PAG limit before Whole Body/TEDE).

Note: The above calculation is for one location at one time a few hours after plant shutdown. If practical, 3 or more such determinations of NG/I ratios from multiple locations should be performed.

IPECSITE NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-310 Revision 18 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 21 Of 22 Attachment 9.7 Use of Chemistry Sample to Determine Radioiodine Release Rate and Thyroid Dose Conversion Factor Sheet 1 of 2 Part 1 - Determine Radioiodine Release Rate Based on'Chem. Sample Multiply [iodine uCi/cc] x [volume or mass release rate] x [constant]= iodine Ci/sec For plant vent or air ejector:

uCi/cc iodine Cfm Constant 1 Iodine Ci/sec 4.?0E-04 For main steam line release uCi/cc iodine lbm/hr Constant 2 Iodine Ci/sec


3.2 E-6 For steam generator blow down release uCi/cc iodine Gpm Constant 3 Iodine Ci/sec


6.30E-05 (1) constant converts uCi/cc x cfm to Ci/sec, using Ci/uCi, cc/cu ft, and min/sec (2) constant converts uCi/cc x lbm/hr to Ci/sec, using Ci/uCi, expected steam density, and hr/sec (3) constant converts uCi/cc x gpm to Ci/sec, using Ci/uCi, cc/gal, and min/sec

e-=- Entergy" IPECSITE

~ON-~~~~;~R~LATED IP-EP-310 Revision 18 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 22 Of 22 Attachment 9. 7 Use of Chemistry Sample to Determine Radioiodine Release Rate and Thyroid Dose Conversion Factor Sheet 2 of 2 Determination of Iodine Dose Factor Based on Chem. Sample Sample Date Sample Time Sample Description and Unit of Measurement (e.g.,


  • Col.1 Iodine lsoto es Col.2 Col.3 Concentration of Iodine lsoto es Col. 4 = Col 2 x 3 Weighted Conversion Factor 1-131 2.60E+09 1-132 1.50E+07 1-133 4.40E+08 1-134 2.60E+06 1-135 7.60E+07 Total N/A Wtd, K2 = sum of K2 = mrad/hr per uCi/cc Iodine (mrad Col. 4 divided by COE-Thy per hour breathed) sum of Col. 3