IR 05000282/1989019

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Enforcement Conference Insp Repts 50-282/89-19 & 50-306/89-19 on 890608.Major Areas Discussed:Actions Taken to Determine That Commercial Grade Components Discussed on Pages 4-6 of Vendor Branch Insp Rept 50-282/88-200
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/06/1989
From: Phillips M, Wright G
Shared Package
ML20246E390 List:
50-282-89-10, 50-306-89-19, NUDOCS 8907120223
Download: ML20246E393 (5)


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Report Nos: 50-282/89019(DRS);.50-306/89019(DRS)

Docket Nos. 50-282; 50-306 Licenses No. DPR-42; DPR-60 Licensee: Northern States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, fin 55401 Facility Name: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Pl. ant, Units 1 and 2 Meeting Location: Region III Office, Glen Ellyn, IL Meeting Conducted: une 8, 1989 ill'ps, h{

Meeting Attendees:/' Operational Pr gealis Section 7/[o![f Dat'e Approved By: . ht,. Ch 'f h/o Operations Branch Ddte ' '

Meeting Summary Meeting on June 8, 1989 (Report Nos. 50-282/89019(DRS); 50-306/89019(DRS))

Subjects Discussed: Actions taken to determine that the commercial grade tomponents discussed on pages 4-6 of Vendor Branch Inspection Report 50-282/88200; 50-306/88200 were of acceptable quality for use in the safety related application for which they had been installed. In addition, the Justification for Continued Operation (JCOs) for each of the items which were still installed.but were not yet determined to be acceptable were discussed.

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8907120223 890706 I j PDR ADOCK 05000282 Q PDC l l

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Attendees Northern States Power Compan .T. Silverberg, Lead Production Engineer K. M.'Beadell, Superintendent of_ Technical Engineering R. H. Hansen, Procurement Engineer L. J. Templeton, Quality Control Specialist-J. L. Hoffman, Staff' Enginee 'TENERA


S. K. McCloskey U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission W. L. Axelson, Chief, Reactor Projects Branch 2, Region III


M. P. Phillips, Chief, Operational Programs Section U. Potapovs, Chief, Special Projects Inspection Section, Vendor Inspection Branch, NRR R. P. HcIntyre, Team Leader, Vendor Inspection Branch, NRR



B. L. Burgess, Chief, Reactor Projects Section 2A, Region III T. J. O'Connor, Resident Inspector, Prairie Island


V. P. Lougheed, Reactor Inspector J. H. Neisler, Reactor Inspector Areas Discussed The meeting was held to determine the status of the commercial grade material. safety related applications at Prairie Island for l .which the dedication process had been incomplete at the time of the Vendor L Branch Inspection. The specific items were identified on pages 4-6 of the Vendor Branch Inspection Report Nos. 50-282/88200; 50-306/88200. In addition, the status of the Justifications for Continued Operation (JC0s)




for the areas where' operability concerns were identified was also discussed. >

ll For the items specified in the Vendor Branch Inspection report, the l following information was presented:

l 1 I Purchase Order (PO) D29449 - Kunkle relief valves. The dedication i process initiated during the inspection and completed prior to the end of the inspection was acceptable. No further concerns existed, and the material was determined to be acceptable for the application in which it was use P0 D90497 - 30-amp circuit breaker purchased from Westinghouse and installed in the safety injection pump heat trace system. This breaker was no longer installed. The original commercial grade item had been removed as part of corrective maintenance because of failure, then. replaced with a safety-grade component. The replacement had occurred in the 1985-86 time frame. The breaker had been discarded, 2 1

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l l so there was no way to determine the cause of failure, e.g., if the L failure was.due to the fact that the commercial grade item may not have met a required critical characteristic. At the time of original installation, the commercial grade item had received a 200%

overcurrent test only. The final status of this item at the time of use was indeterminan c. P0 D43835 - composite rupture discs installed on the Auxiliary Feedwater Pump turbine exhaust header. At the time of this meeting, the licensee had yet to verify whether this item met the critical characteristics for the application. The licensee planned to complete the verification, which the NRC representatives indicated would most likely be acceptable. Pending completion of that verification, the item was still of indeterminant qualit d. P0 E56979 - Foxboro model 62H relays installed in the flux tilt controllers. The licensee had still not received documentation from Foxboro, nor had they requested same. The licensee felt that the item could be dedicated based on the fact that Foxboro made no distinction between the implementation of their QA program for safety-grade and commercial items other than environmental qualification issues. When asked whether this was true for seismic concerns (e.g., material composition changes, etc.), the licensee could not attest that no process, design, or material changes had been made that could affect the seismic qualification of this ite The licensee was to contact Foxboro and obtain the desired-information, which was as indicated on page 5 of the Vendor Branch Inspection Report. Pending completion of that determination, this item was still indeterminan e. P0 D62665 - Foxboro four-pole positive action switch installed in the main control board as a test switch for T-Hot input. The licensee had received the letter from Foxboro which indicated that the switch conformed with critical characteristics and was i acceptabl t f. P0 E30218 - Square D model 9012 GAW-6 pressure switch for the Diesel Generator starting air compressor. The licensee had evaluated the switch and determined that it was no longer an active component, as its safety-related function was solely to retain pressure. The licensee had not received information from the vendor indicating 1 that its installation would conform to the limited critical '

characteristics. The licensee was in the process of obtaining that informatio Pending the receipt of the required documentation, this item was still indeterminan g. P0 D92147 - Foxboro mounting kit for pressure transmitter installed on the pressurizer. Foxboro had indicated to the licensee that they could provide documentation that the mounting kit was manufactured under a quality assurance program commensurate with the nuclear grade material; however, the licensee had not received this documentation as of the date of this meeting. Pending the receipt i of the required documentation, this item was still indeterminan I

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' P0 D09391l-~ Solid State Controls 5400 microfared capacitor installed




-in the No. 21 inverter.- At the time'of the original exit.:this capacitor had been replaced-with a safety-grade capacitor. 'The commercial grade capacitor was replaced as part of the maintenance program. Replacement had been indicated for all of these capacitors based on the results of testing, which determined that the capacitors would not meet critical characteristics or function properly based on an extended shelf life. At the time'the capacitor was replaced, it had not experienced any failure. . The final status of this. item at the time of use was indeterminan . P0 D69649MQ WESCo 2-pole 100-amp circu'it breaker installed in the No. 12 inverter. This circuit breaker was being addressed as part


of the licensee's response to NRC Bulletin 88-10. The licensee was expecting to replace.the breaker prior to the next outage, Traceability of the breaker to the original manufacturer could still j not be established. The breaker was still installed, and a Justification for Continued Operations (JCO) had been written. This was the only breaker from this purchase order which was installe PO QE35428 - Sixteen General Electric type THEF136050 molded case circuit breakers delivered from Bud Ferguson's Industrial Control and Supply Company. Of the sixteen breakers ordered, only seven were installed in' safety-related applications as follows: four breakers were installed in station battery' chargers- 11, 12, 21, and 22; two breakers were installed as supply breakers to the motor control centers for the B-train motor-operated feedwater isolation valves; and the remaining breaker was installed ~ as supply breaker to AC distribution panel 136, one load of which is for the safety-related diesel cooling water pump. These breakers, upon receipt, had been subjected to a 300% current test of the thermal overload function. With one exception, they were in boxes


with labels that were photocopies of a GE label. The exception was a box with an original GE label. The licensee had not included these breakers in their original response to Bulletin 88-10 based on guidance received from the NRR Project Manager. As a result of the counterfit labels, the licensee had sent a sample of these breakers to GE for testing. GE only performed one test, and of the two breakers tested, one breaker did not meet all acceptance criteria. NRC personnel were concerned that this limited testing, which did not include the magnetic trip function, would not provide assurance that these breakers were acceptable and that all safety functions could be me The licensee had received the appropriate time response curves from GE and determined that the critical characteristic for breaker coordination was not met by the installed breakers in the feedwater isolation valve power supply. The breakers were part of Appendix R associated load circuits. An additional JC0 had been written as a result, and the licensee was in the process of writing an LER. This JC0 called for a continuous fire watch to be established. For the remaining installations, breaker coordination was acceptable. For a short term fix, the licensee indicated that they would perform the complete set of tests described in Bulletin 68-10 for these breakers,

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and then place a breaker which passed those tests in the' installed


' circuit.' However,Lthis would not be feasable for the feedwater

' isolation valve power supply breakers as a unit shutdown would be'

-required. For an intermediate fix, the. licensee would-replace these breakers during a shutdown ~ window of opportunity with. identical, type breakers. purchased from a known-supplier where traceability to the original manufacturer could be established. The long term corrective


. action was to replace these breakers'with ones which GE. determined to a 'be acceptable for-this application which were still being'manufac :-

tured:as safety-grad .n Based on.the above, the breakers installed in the batter 3 chargers


and panel 136 power supply were indeterminant. The broi.ers' installed-in the motor-control center power supply.for the B-trait feedwate isolation valves were defective in that the critical characteristic lof breaker coordination was not me l I


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