IR 05000282/1999009

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Insp Repts 50-282/99-09 & 50-306/99-09 on 990719-22. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Reactor Safety, Emergency Preparedness & Review of Performance Indicators for Reactor Safety & Emergency Preparedness
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/17/1999
Shared Package
ML20211B269 List:
50-282-99-09, 50-306-99-09, NUDOCS 9908240268
Download: ML20211B295 (9)









Docket Nos:

50-282:50-306 License Nos:

~ DPR-42; DPR-60 Report No:

50-282/99009(DRS); 50-306/99009(DRS)


Northem States Power Company


Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Units 1 & 2 j


1717 Wakonade Dr. East Welch, MN 55089 Dates:

July 19-22,1999 Inspectors:

J. Foster, Senior Emergency Preparedness Analyst D. Funk, Emergency Preparedness Analyst i

Approved by:

G. L. Shear, Chief, Plant Support Branch Division of Reactor Safety l

l l

9908240268 990817 PDR ADOCK 05000282 G




SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2 NRC Inspection Report 50-282/99009(DRS); 50-306/99009(DRS)

This report covers a four-day period of announced inspection by two regional Emergency Preparedness Analysts. This inspection focused on Reactor Safety, Emergency Preparedness and included a review of the Performance indicators for Reactor Safety, Emergency Preparedness.

Intyction findings were assessed according to potential risk significance, and were assigned colors of green, white, yellow or red. Green findings are indicative of issues that, while not necessarily desirable, represent little risk to safety. White findings would indicate issues with some increased risk to safety, and which may require additional NRC inspections. Yellow findings would be indicative of more serious issues with higher potential risk to safe performance and would require the NRC to take additional actions. Red findings represent an unacceptable loss of margin to safety and would result in the NRC taking significant actions that could include ordering the plant shut down. The findings, considered in total with other inspection findings and performance indicators, will be used to determine overall plant performance.

REACTOR SAFETY Cornerstone: Emergency Preparedness During this inspection, no significant findings were identifed.
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Report Details





Comerstone: EmergencyPreparedness

~ 1EP1. Drills. Exercises. and Actual Event Evaluation


' a.-

Inspection Scope The inspectors reviewed emergency plan activation (October 28,1997, and January 5 1999) documentation to assess whether the event classifications were correct, whether notifications were of sufficient detail and timely, and whether the response was

- adequately self-assessed. Shift logs,' facility logs, notification forms, chronologies, event critique records, and corrective actions identified as a result of the events were reviewed. The inspectors compared plant conditions with those in the emergency action-levels to determine if the classifications were correct. Event critique documentation was reviewed, including items requiring corrective ac6on. Resulting corrective action items were reviewed to assure that they were adequately tracked and addressed.

- b.

Observations and Findings The emergency plan was effectively implemented during two events, and appropriate event critiques were conducted. items requiring corrective action were properly identified and tracked.


1EP2 Alert and Notification System Testing a.

Inspection Soone The inspectors discussed the design of the equipment for alert and notification system (sirens) testing with the licenses, reviewed the procedure for system te6ang, and observed a routine periodic test of the system. Reviews were also conducted of siren a

testing and related corrective action documentation. The statistics gathered to determine overall siren reliability were also reviewed.


Observations and Findings The equipment for alert and notification system testing was appropriate and the testing procedure provided an effective test methodology. Siren system testing had been appropriately conducted and timely corrective actions taken when testing identified problems. System reliability was appropriate.

1EP3. Emergency Response Organization Augmentation


Inspecten Scope


The inspectors reviewed the semi-annual augmentation test procedure, augmentation i


call lists, results from augmentation tests, and the licensee's analysis of test results.

Corrective actions related to augmentation testing were reviewed to ensure that they.

' were property tracked and action taken as appropriate.










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t b.

Observations and Findinas The augmentation test procedure was appropriate, and tests had been conducted as procedurally required. An effective analysis of augmentation results had been

' conducted, and related corrective actions were placed in the licensee's corrective action system.


OTHER ACTIVITIES 40A1 identifistion and Resolution of Problems a.

InsDection Scope The inspectors interviewed members of the emergency planning staff and reviewed the licensee's self assessments, audits, corrective action program procedures, and problem identification forms conceming the emergency preparedness program.


Observations and Firdings The inspectors verified that the emergency planning staff was effectively using the corrective action program to identify and correct problems or track emergency preparedness program enhancements.

40A2 Performance Indicator Venfication a.

Inspection Scope The inspectors verified the licensee's system for identifying the data utilized to determine the values for the three performance indicators for emergency preparedness,

comprised of Alert and Notification System, Emergency Response Organization (ERO)

Drill Participation, and Drill and Exercise Performance. The procedure for emergency preparedness performance indicator data gathering was reviewed and discussed with

- the licensee, and documentation relative to the raw data for cach indicator reviewed.

Current and historical records for each performance indicator were reviewed. Simulator training, siren testing, and maintenance, and drill / exercise records were also reviewed.


Observations and Findings The licensee's draft procedure for determining emergency preparedness performance indicators was adequate, and records reviewed supported statistical data which had been reported.

Immediately prior to the inspection period, the performance indicator for ERO Drill Participation entered the White (<80%) response band. Discussion with licensee personnel and a review of records determined that this was due to recent revision of ERO position assignments. Six individuals were involved in these position reassignments, and had not had opportunities to function in the newly-assigned positions in a drill or exercise due to the drill / exercise schedule. Several of the individuals reassigned positions had significant plant experience in other key ERO positions, and licensee personnel indicated that they were well capable of performing in the new positions.




A' Condition Report had been generated to document the performance indicator moving

. Into the White band, and corrective action of significantly revising the method of training ERO members was in process. The revised training program would provide additional drills so that ERO members would have additional participation opportunities.

Before the end of the inspection period, the licensee determined that one ERO individual's exercise participation had been miscalculated. Correction of this data was enough to move the ERO Drill / Exercise Participation performance indicator back into the Green (>80%) band. The error in the performance indicator data did not adversely affect the NRC's ability to assess licensee performance. Pending a final decision on how to resolve errors in performance indicator data, this issue will be tracked as an Unresolved item (URI 50-282/99009-01(DRS); 50-3036/99009-01(DRS)).

Additional NRC response to this performance indicator entering the White band was determined to be unnecessary.

40A4 Other a.

Inspection Scope The inspectors toured the Technical Support Center, Operations Support Center, and Emergency Operations facility.


Observations and Findings There were no findings identified in this inspection.

40A5 Management Meetings

.1 Exit Meeting Summary The inspectors presented the inspection results to Mr. J. Sorensen and other members of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection on July 22,1999. The licensee acknowledged the findings presented and did not identify any information discussed as proprietary.







M. Agen, Emergency Plan Sr. Nuclear Consultant T. Amundson, General Ruperintendent Engineering L. Finholm, Emergency Plan Senior. Technical Instructor A. Johnson, General Superintendent Radiation Protection and Chemistry M. Ladd, Training Process Manager M. Pfeffer, Emergency Plan Technical instructor J. Sorensen, Site General Manager NRQ S. Ray, Senior Resident inspector S. Thomas, Resident inspector ITEMS OPENED, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSED Opened 50-282/306/99009-01(DRS)

URI Error in EP performance indicator data Closed None Discussed None




' CFR Code of Federal Regulations


DPR Demonstration Power Reactor DRP Division of Reactor Projects DRS DMsion of Reactor Safety EP Emergency Preparedness ERO Emergency Response Organization EPIP Emergency Prep redness implementing Procedure ERO Emergency Response Organization MN Minnesota NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR-Nuclear Reactor Regulation NUE Notice of Unusual Event OSC Operations Support Center PANS Public Alert and Notification System POR Public Document Room PINGP.

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant PRR Public Reading Room SRI Senior Resident inspector




l LIST OF DOCUMENTS REVIEWED Assessments and Audits


' '


Generation Quality Services Internal Audit Report AG-1999-S-1, Plant Support, Emergency

Preparedness (10CFR 50.54t), conducted January 1,1999 - March 3,1999, dated May 13, 1999.-

1997 E-Plan Drill Critique - August 6,1997, dated September 22,1997.


. Emergency Plan Exercise Critique Report CcMucted July 22,1998, dated August 26,1998.

Emergency Plan Drill Report Conducted on a,ie 10,1998, dated September 3,1998.

. Memorandum, M. Agen, " implementation of E-Plan October 28,1997," dated December 3, 1997.

"E-Plan Activation Evaluation January 5,1999 NUE," (NUE9901. doc), dated January 19,1999.

Observation Reports related to EP, exercise evaluation, EP equipment:

1998074 EOF:

1998165 EP. Communications. Mtg.

1998173 EOF Simulator '

1998179 E-Plan TSC.

1998169 PI E-Plan Exercise EOF 1999027 IN-98-02, Respiratory Protection 1999018 PI Emergency Plan Equipment Checks 1999053 Corporate EP Training 1999058 EP Training, E plans, EPlPS 1999059 EP Plan & Program Review Problem identification Forms Condition Report 19992162, "ERC) Drill Participation Performance Indicator fell into white (<80%) band," dated July 14,1999.


- "PINGP Emergency Plan Performance Indicator Program (EPPIP) " July 18 1999 draft




. Prairie island Nuclear Generating Plant NRC Emergency Plan Performance indicator, May, June, July 1999 EP Participant Status Report printouts generated July 21,1999.

Prairie island Nuclear Generating Plant NRC Emergency Plan Performance Indicator,.

September 1999 EP Participant Status (predicted) Report printout generated July 21,1999.

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant NRC Emergency Plan Performance Indicator, Alert &

Notification System Reliability, May, June, July,1999 Report printouts generated July 19,1999.

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant NRC Emergency Plan Performance Indicator (for


Exercise Performance), May, June, July,1999 Report printouts generated July 19,1999 Memorandum and attachments, Joe Loesch to Dennis Wesphal, "EP Performance," dated April 7,1999.












F Procedures Administrative Work Instruction SAWI 1.10.0, Corrective Action Process, Revision 2, dated


June 4,1999..


Administrative Work Instruction SAWI 1.10.1, Corrective Action Process, Revision 0, dated June 4,1999.


Radiation Protection Implementing Procedure 6052, Revision 3," Monthly Fixed Siren Alert Test," dated December 15,1997.

Surveillance Procedure (SP) SP 1728," Encoder Validation Equipment Weekly Test,"

revision 25, dated March 1,1999.

Radiation Protection implementing Procedure 6020,." Emergency Preparedness Action item Tracking," revision 3, dated December 20,1998.

Simulator Exercse Guide, Evaluation #2, Revision 13, undated Miscellaneous

. Memorandum, M. Agen to Don Schuelke, "1998 Annual PANS Review Report," dated December 22,= 1998.

Memorandum, M. Agen to A. Johnson, Subject:"E-Plan Action items 2"' Quarter Status " dated July 15,1999.

Northem States Power Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Telephone Directory, May-July 1999.

Procedure PINGP 581, Revision 61, " Emergency Organization Call List," undated.

PINGP 948, " Switchboard Operator Call List," Revision 40, undated.

PINGP 580, " Emergency Notification Call List for an Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency,"

Revision 92, undated.


PINGP 1202, "ATS Auto Dial System Weekly Test," Revision 1, undated.

PINGP 579, * Emergency Notification Call List for a Notification of Unusual Event," Revision 84, urufated.

j i


NRC Preliminary Notification PNO-ill-99001, " Station Auxiliary Transformer Explosion and Fire,"



dated January 6,-1999.

I Printout of Siren operability Notes for June,1999.

l Siren Status report May 24,1999, Siren pre-test (for June).

L Siren Status,~ June 2,1999 - Siren Test.

Prairie Island Plant Monthly Siren Verification Test, dated June 2,1999.

PANS Fixed Siren Trend Report dated June 11,1999.

Monthly trend report 1999, failere matrix, test date June 2,1999.

Monthly Trend Report 1999, Sy:, tem Operability, PINGP 1120, Rev. 2, dated June 11,1999.


l Failure Matrix, Public Alert Notifications System, Sirens Form, dated June 9,1999.

Causes of Siren Equipment Failure for 1999, undated.

l Simulator Team Evaluation Forms for 1999.

l l