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Forwards App a of Bechtel Corp 821108 Proposal Outlining Scope of Survey Activities in Preparation of Independent Mgt Review of Project
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 04/13/1983
From: Dickhoner W
To: Neylan A
NUDOCS 8304190423
Download: ML20073J828 (5)





  • "'2$*"f"" l . RA P.k NRQ_bMp;5 April 13, 1983 ;0PRP f I DR:'A l __ l'_ f f_ f 6:0

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'L ?O J Mr. A. J. Neylan Torrey Pines Technology P. O. Box 85608 San Diego, California 92138

Dear Mr. Neylan:


Enclosed is Appendix "A" of the Bechtel Power W- Corporation's proposal of November 8, 1982. This Appendix outlines their scope of survey activities in preparation for their proposed independent management review of the Zimmer project. This is the material that was requested in your telex dated April 12, 1983.

It is our understanding that Region III has approved your request for this material.

In your telex you also requested the transcript of the public meeting which was held in Cincinnati on March 28, 1983. This was forwarded to Mr. Wessman on Tuesday, April 12, 1983.

Sincerely, hd h:;=.4 e W. H. Dickhoner WHD:vm Enclosure cc: Mr. J. G. Keppler, NRC Region III, w/ enclosure /

I)ESIGITATED ORIGI'IAE Certified $E7 O B304190423 830413 PDR ADOCK 05000358 +


A PDR PR 15 G83



Based on our experience in previding project completion assistance on similar projects we recommend the following sequence and scope of survey activities. in preparation for the overall management of the W.H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station.

s A. Management review of project organization and status of job - Has been completed for the purpose of selecting the review team.


B. Assemble survey team - Complete, on standby, and immediately available for Zimmer.

Combined team will be backad up by senior management support and will provide proven capability in the following areas:

Project Management / Construction Management experience Recent nuclear expertise Project controls Current Quality Control programs

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Managerial capability

  1. C. Survey Tasks
1. Review Project Controls

, i a. Overall integration of project schedules:


1. Milestone Summary Schedule
2. Engineering, Procurement, Construction & System Turnover Schedule
3. On going QC inspection planning
4. QCP inspection /re-work schedule
5. Detailed work plans for designers, craf tsmen
b. System Completion & Turnover Process
c. Design change control (Use of design " Freeze" and Design Change Package approach)
d. Field change control
e. System & Facility configuration control
f. Cost control
g. Administrative control


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2. Quality Control
s. Review program for compatibility of representative specification, drawings, quality control instructions and construction work plans

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b. Revicw cdsqurcy cf crgsnisnties, prtgrac, cod ctcffing.
c. Quality Control for remaining work
1. Review of vendor and contractor certification and documentation
2. Action plan for closeout of NCRs

, d. Quality Confirmation Program

1. Completeness and adequacy
2. Action plan for closeout of NCRs
e. Review interfaces between QA, QC, craft supervision, field engineering and resident engineering
f. Review program for training and certification of QC inspectors
3. Review Construction Organization 3 . a. Responsibilities and reporting relationships of field engineers. How do they interface with resident engineers, yt. superintendents - systems or area basis?
b. Who assembles quality documentation for field work.
c. Cost and Schedule controls; who develops and maintains?
d. Craf t training and indoctrination for nuclear work.

l e. Procurement and Warehousing controls

4. Review Nuclear Regulatory Commission Interfaces and Communication
a. Does official contact point exist at appropriate level of CG&E organization for:
1. Licensing
2. Region III i
b. Is staffing level and authority adequate to provide timely response of best information with minimum impact on project

, operation?

c. Are appropriate people involved in NRC communication process?

(e.g. Exit Interviews)

d. Who is responsible for managing timely resolution of 50.55 (e) open issues, Title 21 issues?

7 e. How are impacts of open issues recognized or reflected in c project schedule?


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5. Revicw St:tus cf Enginecring fers

/ a. Outstanding design issues not yet issued for construction, if

\ any.

b. Dispositioning of NCRs from QCP.
c. Open issues with NRC licensing group (NRR).
d. Status of Operating License SSER, ACRS Letter, and Public

, Hearing.

D. Survey Process

1. Interview key people regarding:
a. Scope of responsibility
b. Scope of authority
c. Background and experience
d. Problem areas Z
2. Obtain and review project procedures and reports for:
a. Monthly progress reports for Engineering, Procurement,

, Construction and Start-up

b. Schedule and Cost forecast
c. Project Procedure Manuals for CCSE and Kaiser
d. QA & QC Manuals (CG&E and Kaiser)

E. Key People to be interviewed Cincinnati Gas & Elaetric

& Pic.h%egl E.A. Borgaann -

Senior Vice-President & Project Manager B.R. Sylvia -

Vice-President , Startup & Nuclear Operations H.R. Sager -

Quality Assurance Manager J.F. Shaffer -

Quality Confirmation Program Manager B.K. Culver -

Construction Manager


H.C. Brinkmann -

Nuclear Engineering Manager J.R. Schott -

Nuclear Production Manager J.D. Flynn -

Nuclear Licensing Manager K.K. Chitkara -

Nuclear Service Manager H.J. Kaiser M. Albet * ,a -

Project Manager W. Bedzik -

Site QA Manager g C. Stanfield -

Construction Manager B. Scott -

Estimating & Cost Control Manager D. Davis -

QC Manager H. Vitale -

Quality Engineer Manager G. Power -

Records Manager


Resident Inspector SARGENT & LUNDY Resident Project Engineer HARTFORD INSURANCE Authorized Inspe.ctor a .




. Boiler & Pressure Vessel Licensing Agency

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