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Offsite Dose Calculating Manual
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Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/29/1979
Shared Package
ML17244A540 List:
NUDOCS 7906050360
Download: ML17244A541 (38)


Offsite Dose Calculatin Hanual for Ginna Station IIgemmmmE MI'lm fll.ES-Gb 2M+g@s-z'H9 gq o&Q50'Z5g~p~~q g (Qgf'g 9'IjI Ki;i~~~a)~4~5g

Ž~~Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Revision 0 V 90605 03<~

B'~XiJ%7X";ll N~',rglg'3/fi Ginna Station Offsite Dose Calculatin Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS Radiological Effluent Technical Specification Section Dose Calculation Manual PAGE 8 3.5.3 4.12.1 I.Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints 3.5.3 4,12.2 II.Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoints Liquid Effluent Release Concen-trations 5.5.1 IV.V.Liquid Effluent Dose Liquid Waste Treatment and Operability 10 12 3'.9.2.2 VI.Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate VII.Gaseous Effluent Doses 14 15 5.5.2 5.5.3 VIII.Gaseous Waste Treatment and Operability 17 4.10 IX.Environmental Monitoring Sample Locations 19 X.Preparation of Special Report to Demonstrate Compliance with Environmental Radiation Protection Standards 30 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES~Pa e Table 1 Dose Parameters for Radioiodines and Radioactive Particulate, Gaseous Effluents Table 2 Dose Factors for Noble Gases and Daughters Table 3 Dispersion Parameter (X/Q)for Long Term Releases, Plant Vent 23 Table 4 Dispersion Parameter (D/Q)for Long Term Releases, Plant Vent 24 Table 5 Dispersion Parameter (X/Q)for I,ong Term Releases, Containment 25 Purge Table 6 Dispersion Parameter (D/Q)for Long Term Releases, Containment 26 Purge Table 7 Dispersion Parameter (X/Q)for Long Term Releases, Ground Vent 27 Table 8 Dispersion Parameter (D/Q)for Long Term Releases, Ground Vent 28 Table 9 Pathway Dose Factors Due to Radionuclides Other than Noble Gases 29 Figure 1 Ginna Station Liquid Waste Treatment System 13 Figure 2 Ginna Station Gaseous Waste Treatment and Ventilation Exhaust 18 Systems Figure 3 Location of Onsite Air Monitors and Post Accident TLD's 20 Figure 4 Location of Farms for Milk Samples and Ontario Water District 21 Intake Figure 5 Location of Offsite Air Monitors 22 C

I.Li uid Effluent Honitor Set pints The radiological effluent Technical Specifications require alarm/trip setpoints for radiation monitors on each effluent line.Precautions, limitations and setpoints applicable to the operation of Ginna Station liquid effluent monitors are provided in Procedures P-9 and RD-13.Setpoint values are to be calculated to assure that alarm and trip actions occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10 CFR 20 at the release point to the unrestricted area.The calculated alarm and trip action setpoints for each radioactive liquid effluent line monitor and flow determination must satisfy the following equation: Equation (1): cf F+f Where: C=the effluent concentration limit implementing 10 CFR 20 for unrestricted areas, in pCi/ml.the'etpoint, in pCi/ml, of the radioactivity monitor measuring the radioactivity concentration in the discharge line prior to dilution and subsequent, release;the setpoint, which is proportional to the volumetric flow of the dilution stream plus the effluent stream, represents a value which, if exceeded, would result in concentrations exceeding the limits of 10 CFR 20 in the unrestricted area.f=the flow as measured at the radiation monitor locat'ion, in volume per unit time, in the same units as F below.F=The dilution water flow as determined prior to the release point, in volume per unit time.Iiquid effluent batch releases from Ginna Station are discharged through a liquid waste disposal monitor.The liquid waste stream is diluted in the plant discharge canal prior to entering Lake Ontario.The limiting batch release concentration (c)corresponding to the liquid waste monitor setpoint is calculated from the above expression.

Since the value of (f)is very small in comparison to (F), the expression becomes: Equation (2)c<CF f Where: the maximum permissible concentration of gross beta activity above background in the circulating water 7 discharge at the unrestricted area boundary (l x 10 pCi/ml.)the dilution flow assuming operation of only 1 cir-culating water pump (200,000 gpm).the waste effluent discharge rate based upon pump curves.

The limiting release concentration (c)is then converted to a setpoint count rate by use of the monitor calibration factor determined per procedure RD-13.The expression becomes: Equation (2a)Setpoint (cpm)=c(Ci/ml)Cal.Factor pCi/ml per cpm E~xam le (Liquid Radwaate Realtor R-18): If one assumes, for example, that the effluent discharge rate,(f)is 30 gpm, then the limiting batch release concentration (c)would be determined as follows: c (Ci/ml)<1 x 10 (Ci/ml)~200 000 (m)30 gpm c<6.7 x 10 (pCi/ml)The monitor R-18 alarm/trip setpoint (in cpm)is then determined utilizing the monitor calibration factor calculated in procedure RD-13.Assuming a calibration

-9 factor of 9.5 x 10~(Ci/ml), the alarm/trip aetpoint for monitor R-18 would be: cpm 6.7 x 10 (Ci/ml)7 x 104 c m 9.5 x 10~(Ci/ml)cpm The setpoint values for the Steam Generator Blowdown monitor (R-19), the Retention Tank monitor (R-21), and the All Volatile Treatment waste discharge monitor (R-22)are calculated in a similar manner using Equations (2)and (2a), substituting appropriate values of (f)and the corresponding calibration factor.

II.Gaseous Effluent Monitor Set pints Precautions, limitations and setpoints applicable to the operation of Ginna Station gaseous effluent monitors are provided in Procedures P-9 and RD-13.Setpoints are conservatively established for each ventilation effluent monitor so that dose rates in unrestricted areas corresponding to 10 CFR Part 20 limits will not be exceeded.Conservatism is to be incorporated into the determination of each setpoint to account for: 1.All exposure pathways of significance at the critical receptor location;2.Dose contributions to the critical receptor from multiple release locations 3.Dose contributions from major isotopes expected to be present in effluents.

The general methodology for establishing plant ventilation monitor setpoints is based upon a vent concentration limit (in pCi/cc)derived from site specific meteorology and vent release characteristics.

The vent concentration limit is then converted to cpm or bcpm per unit time depending upon the particular monitor's method of operation, sampling rate and detection efficiency.

A.Containment and Plant Vent Radioiodine Monitors R-10A and R-10B The containment and plant charcoal cartridges which is present.vent radioiodine monitors (R-10A and R-10B)employ fixed will show an increase in count rate when radioiodine The food and ground plane pathway and infant dose are used as the basis for the limiting release rate and vent concentration limit for I-131.The limiting release rate for I-131 is determined for each vent using the equation: Equation (3)Where: Q.(pCi/sec.)

=1500 mrem/r (pi we)the dose parameter for radionuclide i based upon the maximum organ Jose from the food and ground plane pathways, in m.mrem/yr per pCi/sec.Refer to Table l.(D/e)the highest calculated annual average dispersion para-meter for estimating the dose to the critical offsite receptor from vent release point (v), in m eiv the release rate of radionuclide i from vent (v)which results in a dose rate of 1500 mrem/yr to the critical offsite receptor organ, in pCi/sec.

The value of Ql 13 (pCi/sec)determined for the containment and plant vent is used to calculate (he corresponding vent concentration limit by dividing by the respective maximum release flow rate for each vent (in cc/sec.).Finally, the calibration factor (in pCi/cc per b, cpm/hour)that is determined annually for each monitor is then applied to the limiting vent concentration to arrive at a corresponding hcpm/hour value in the following manner.Equation (3a)Setpoint (cpm/hr)=iv (Ci/sec)Flow Rate cc/sec Cal.Factor pCi/cc per hcpm/hr E~xam le (Plant Vent Radioiodine Monitor R-10B):-8-2 Assuming D/Q=3.0 x 10 (m)at the critical receptor location and substituting.v the appropriate dose parameter into equation (3), the calculated release rate limit becomes: 131 (VCi/sec)1500(mrem/

r)1.1 x 10 (m.~mrem/yr per pCi/sec)~3.0 x 10 (m)12 2-8-2 QI-131=0.05 (pCi/sec)With a maximum vent releas~2flow rate of 3.77 x 10 (cc/sec)and a calibration 7 factor equal to 1.72 x 10=(pCi/cc per hcpm/hour), the limiting count rate in-crease is calculated to be: Limiting 0.05(Ci/sec)Count rate increase 3 77 x 10 (cc/sec)'.72 x 10 12 (pCi/cc per gcpm/hr)=770 (cpm/hr)If the plant vent (R-10B)reading's rate-of-change in any 15-minute period exceeds 1/4 the count rate increase limit, the plant computer will initiate an alarm.Also, each radioiodine monitor alarm setpoint is fixed at a (cpm)level which will alarm R-10A following approximately 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of containment venting or R-10B after 2.25 hours2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br /> of auxiliary building venting at the vent concentration limits.

B.Containment and Plant Vent Particulates tfonitors R-ll and R-13 The containment and p'lant vent particulate monitors (R-11 and R-13)are set to alarm while venting at levels at or below concentration limits based upon average.isotope mixtures.The monitors detect particulate activity collected on a moving filter tape.Vent concentration limits may be calculated for radioactive particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days by use of equation (3)and the assumption that Cs-137 will be the controlling isotope.Substituting the appropriate parameters, Equation (3)becomes: QC 137 pCi/sec)=1500 (mrem/r)4.7 x 10 (m.mrem/yr per/sec).D/Q (m)10 2 pCi"2 The resulting release rate limit for Cs-137 is used in the calculation of the plant vent and containment vent concentration limits, taking into account the maximum flow rates from each vent.The corresponding monitor count rate (cpm)is then calculated using the calibration factor determined annually for each vent, following the same method expressed in Equation (3a).

C.Containment Plant Vent and Air E ector Noble Gas Monitors Monitors R-12 R-14 and R-15 Monitor R-12 measures noble gas activity in containment when isolated, or in the containment vent during purge releases.Noble gases being released via the plant vent are detected by R-14.Monitor R-15 on the air ejector normally indicates only background activity, however it serves as one of the first means for detection of primary-to-secondary leakage.The release rate limit for noble gases shall be calculated by the following equa-tion for total body dose: Equation (4)g.(pCi/sec)=500 (mrem/r)iv K.(mrem/yr per pCi/m)X/Q (sec/m)3 3 and by the following equation for skin doses: Equation (5)Q.(pCi/sec)=3000 (mrem/r)(L.+1.1M.)(mrem/yr per pCi/m)~X/g (sec/m)3 3 Where: K.=The total body dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrem/yr per pCi/m from Table 2.L.=The skin dose factor due to beta emissions f~r each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrem/yr per pCi/m from Table 2.M.=The air dose factor due to gamma emissions f~r each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrad/yr per pCi/m from Table 2 (unit conversion constant of 1.1 mrem/mrad converts air dose to skin dose).X/Q=The highest calculated annual average dispersion parameter v for estimating the dose to the critical offsite receptor from vent release point (v), in sec/m.(}.=the release rate of radionuclide i from vent (v)which iv results in a dose rate of 500 mrem/yr to the whole body or 3000 mrem/yr to the skin of the critical receptor, in pCi/sec, X enon-133 is the principal noble gas released from all vents and is appropriate for use as the reference isotope for establishing monitor setpoints.

The whole body dose will be the most limiting and the Xe-133 release rate limit is calculated by substituting the appropriate values in Equation (4).After the release rate limit for Xe-133 is determined for each vent, the corresponding vent concentration limits are calculated based on maximum vent flow rates.Annually-derived monitor calibration factors (pCi/cc per cpm)convert limiting vent concentrations to count rate following the same method expressed in Equation (3a).


lio-.lide P.Inhalation Pathway (mrem/r er Ci/m) 8 Ground Pathways (m mrem/r er Ci/sec)Radio-nuclide P.Inhalation Pathway (mrem/r er Ci/m)P.Food S Ground Pathways (m~mrem/r er Ci/sec)-51-54-59-58-60-65-86-89-90 91-95.-95~-99~-103-106 ,-110m 6.5E+02 3.6E+02 2.5E+04 2.4E+04 1.1E+04 3.2E+04 6.3E+04 1.9E+05 4.0E+05 4'E+07 7.0E+04 2.2E+04 1.3E+04 2.6E+02 1.6E+04 1.6E+05 3.3E+04 2.4E+03 1.1K+07 1.1E+09 7.0E+08 5.7E+08 4.6E+09 1.7E+10 1.6E+10 1 AL OE+10 9.5E+10 1.9E+09 3.5E+08 3.6E+08 3.3E+08 3.4E+10 4.4E+ll 1.5E+10 Cd-115m Sn-126 Sb-125 Te-127m Te-129m Te-132 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Ba-140 Ce-141 Ce-144 Np-239 I-131 I-133 Unidentified 7.0E+04 1.2E+06 1.5E+04 3.8E+04 3.2E+04 1.0E+03 7.0E+05 1.3E+05 6.1E+05 5.6E+04 2.2E+04 1.5E+05 2.5E+04 1.5E+07 3.6E+06 4.1K+07 4.8E+07 1.1E+09 1.1E+09 7.4E+10 1.3E+09 7.2E+07 5.3E+10 5.4E+09 4.7E+10 2.4E+08 8.7E+07 6.5E+08 2.5E+06 1.1E+12 9.6E+09 9.5E+10 ,he listed dose parameters are for radionuclides that may be detected in gaseous effluents.

Additional dose parameters or isotopes not included in Table 1 may be calculated using the methodology described in NUREG-0133.


.-83m:-85m--85=-87-88--89-"-90-131m 133m-133 135m 135-137-138<<-41 Total Body Dose Factor K.3.(mrem/r er Ci/m)7.56E-02'<1.17K+03 1.61E+Ol 5.92E+03 1.47E+04 1.66E+04 1.56E+04 9.15E+01 2.51E+02 2.94E+02 3.12E+03 1.81E+03 1.42E+03 8.83E+03 8.84E+03 Skin Dose Factor L.3 (mrem/r er Ci/m)1.46E+03 1.34E+03 9.73E+03 2.37E+03 1.01E+04 7.29E+03 4.76E+02 9.94E+02 3.06E+02 7.11E+02 1.86E+03 1.22E+04 4.13E+03 2.69E+03 Gamma Air Dose Factor M.i (mrad/r er Ci/m)1.93E+01 1.23E+03 1.72E+01 6.17E+03 1.52E+04 1.73E+04 1.63E+04 1.56E+02 3.27E+02 3.53E+02 3.36E+03 1.92E+03 1.51E+03 9.21E+03 9.30E+03 Beta Air Dose Factor N.(mrad/r er Ci/m)2.88E+02 1.97E+03 1.95E+03 1.03E+04 2.93E+03 1.06E+04 7.83E+03 1.11E+03 1.48E+03 1.05E+03 7.39E+02 2.46K+03 1.27E+04 4.75E+03 3.28E+03"She listed dose factors are for radionuclides that may be detected in gaseous effluents.

"7.56E-02=7.56 x 10 III.Li uid Effluent Release Concentrations Liquid batch releases are controlled individually and each batch release is authorized based upon sample analysis and the existing dilution flow in the discharge canal.Plant procedures RD-7 and RD-8 establish the methods for sampling and analysis of each batch prior to release.A release rate limit, derived from Equation (1), is calculated for each batch based upon sample analysis, dilution flow and all procedural conditions being met before it is authorized for release.The waste effluent stream entering the discharge canal is monitored and will auto-matically terminate the release if the pre-selected monitor setpoint is exceeded.(See Section I.)If gross beta analysis is performed for each batch release in lieu of gamma isotopic analysis, then a weekly composite for principal gamma emitters and I-131 is performed.

Additional monthly and quarterly composite analyses are to be performed as specified in Table 4.12-1 of the Ginna Technical Specifications.

IV, Li uid Effluent Dose The dose contribution received by the maximally exposed individual from the ingestion of Iake Ontario fish and drinking water is determined using the follow-ing methodology.

These calculations will assume a near field dilution factor of 1.0 in evaluating the fish pathway dose, and a dilution factor of 20 between the plant discharge and the Ontario Water District drinking water intake location (Figure 4).Dose contributions from shoreline recreation, boating and swimming have been shown to be negligible in the Appendix I dose analysis (June, 1976)and do not need to be routinely evaluated.

The following expression is used to calculate ingestion pathway dose contributions m for the total release period<g ht from all radionuclides identified in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas: Equation (6)m D=X[Ai Z dt~Ci~F~]i 2=1 Where: D the cumulative dose commitment to the total body or any organ, t, from the liquid effluents for the total time period in mrem.m Z ht~)R=1 the length of the 2th time period over which C.<and F<are averaged for all liquid releases, in hours.the average concentration of radionuclide, i, in undiluted liquid effluent during time period bt>from any liquid release, in pCi/ml.A.1'E the site-related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or any organ t for each identified principal gamma and beta emitter in mrem/hr per pCi/ml.See Equation (7).the discharge canal dilution factor for C.during any liquid effluent release.Defined as the ratio ok the maximum undiluted liquid waste flow during release to the average flow from the site discharge structure to unrestricted receiving waters.The dilution factor will depend on the number of circulation pumps operating and during icing conditions the percentage opening of the recirculating gate.10 Where: Equation (7)A.=k (U/D+UFBF.)DF.A.=the site-related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or to any organ, x, for each identified principal gamma and beta emitter, in mrem/hr per pCi/ml.k=units conversion factor, 1.14 x 10=10 pCi/pCi x 10 ml/kg-.5 6..3 8760 hr/yr.U=a receptor person's water consumption by age group from table E"5 of Regulatory Guide 1.109.D=Dilution factor from the near field area of the release point w to potable water intake.The site specific dilution factor is 20, taken from Appendix B, Ginna Station Environmental Report (August 1972).This factor is assumed to be 1.0'for the fish ingestion pathway.UF=a receptor person's fish consumption by age group from table E-5 of Regulatory Guide 1,109.BF.=Bioaccumulation factor for nuclide, i, in fish pCi/kg per PCi/2, from Table A-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109.DF=Dose conversion factor for nuclide, i, for a receptor person 1 in pre-selected organ, t, in mrem/pCi, from Tables E-ll, E-12, E-13, E-14 of Regulatory Guide 1.109.The projected monthly dose contribution from releases for which radionuclide con-centrations are determined by periodic composite sample analysis may be approxi-mated by assuming an average monthly concentration based on the previous monthly or quarterly composite analyses.However, for reporting purposes, the calculated dose contributions from these radionuclides shall be based on the actual composite analyses.11 V.Li uid Waste Treatment and 0 erabilit The dose contribution to the maximally exposed individual from liquid effluent releases is projected once each month for the subsequent 31-day period to deter-mine the necessity for operating the liquid radwaste treatment system.The dose projection is to be based upon an estimate of the number of tank releases and level of untreated liquid waste activity which could be discharged over the en-suing 31 days.The number of releases is estimated from an historical average number of Iaundry Tank and Waste Condensate Tank releases for comparable reactor operating periods.Average tank radioactivity concentrations are similarly deter-mined by historical averaging.

The maximum individual total body and organ dose commitments are then calculated using Equation (6).When the 31-day projected dose commitment for predicted releases exceeds 0.06 mrem to the total body or 0.2 mrem to any organ, appropriate equipment in the liquid radwaste system shall be used to reduce the quantities of radioactive material in liquid effluents to be released.Liquid radioactive wastes are generally treated by the liquid radwaste system as defined in section 5.5.1 of the Ginna Technical Specifications, the requirement for liquid radwaste treatment will be satisfied by routine plant practices.

These systems are shown in Figure 1.If, during the 31-day period, greater operational flexibility would be achieved by suspending treatment of a given waste batch prior to release, a dose evaluation must be per-formed to demonstrate compliance with Technical Specification requirement

The dose evaluation must show that the calculated dose.contribution from the untreated batch, when added to the cumulative dose from earlier releases during the month, does not exceed 0.06 mrem to the total body or 0.2 mrem to any organ.If this and all other procedural requirements are met, the batch may be authorized for release without treatment.

12 4 FIGURE GINNA STATION LIQUID WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM LIQUID WASTE WASTE HOLDUP TANK WASTE EVAPORATOR MIXED BED DEMINERAL-IZER TO WASTE CONDENSATE TANKS RO UNIT DETERGENT WASTES VI.Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate Gaseous effluent monitor setpoints as described in Section II of this manual are established at concentrations which permit some'argin for corrective action to be taken before exceeding offsite dose rates corresponding to 10 CFR Part 20 limitations.

Plant procedures RD-l.l, RD-1.2, RD-1.3, RD-2;RD-3, RD-5 and RD-12 establish the methods for sampling and analysis for continuous ventilation releases and for containment purge releases.Plant procedure RD-6 establishes the methods for sampling and analysis prior to gas decay tank releases.The dose rate in un-restricted areas due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents may be averaged over a 24-hour period and shall be determined using the following expressions:

Equation (8)D=X[K (X/Q)Q.)(to total body)Equation (9)D=Z[(Li+1.1>1i)(X/Q)Qi](to the skin)3.Equation (10)D=Z[P.V Q.)i (critical organ)K.=The total body dose factor due to gamma emissions for e~ch 3.identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrem/yr per pCi/m from Table 2.The skin dose factor due to beta emissions f~r each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrem/yr per pCi/m from Table 2.The air dose factor due to gamma emissions f~r each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrad/yr per pCi/m from Table 2 (unit conversion constant of 1.1 mrem/mrad converts air dose to skin dose).P.The dose parameter for radionuclides other than noble gases for the inhalation/pathway, in mrem/yr per pCi/m and for food and ground plane pathways, in m~mrem/yr per pCi/sec from Table 1.The dose factors are based on the critical individual organ and most restrictive age group.(X/Q)v The highest calculated annual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary, in sec/m.The highest annual average dispersion parameter for estimating the dose to the critical receptor;in sec/m for the inhalation pathway, and in m for the food and ground pathways.Qiv ,the release rate of radionuclide i from vent (v), in pCi/sec.14 VII.Gaseous Effluent Doses The air dose in unrestricted areas due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents from the site shall be determined using the following expressions:

During any desired time period, for gamma radiation:

Equation (11)D=3.17 x 10 Z[v.(X/Q), Qi,], and-8 During any desired time period, for beta radiation:

Equation (12)Dp=3.17.10'[N.(X/Q)v Qiv]-d Where: The-air dose factor due to gamma emissions f~r each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrad/yr per pCi/m from Table 2.N.The air dose factor due to beta emissions fog each identified noble gas radionuclide, in mrad/yr per pCi/m from Table 2, (x/Q)For vent releases.The highest calculated annual average relative concentration for any areg at or beyond the un-restricted area boundary, in sec/m.The total gamma air dose from gaseous effluents, in mrad, for the desired time period.The total beta air dose from gaseous effluents, in mrad, for the desired time period.Q.=The release of noble gas radionuclides, i, in gaseous effluents from all vents, in pCi.Releases shall be cumulative over the desired time period.3.17 x 10=The inverse of the number of seconds in a year.-8 15 The dose to an individual from radioiodines and radioactive materials in par-ticulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents released from the site to unrestricted areas shall be determined using the following.expression:

During any desired time period: Equation (13)DI 3.17 x 10 X R.~W Q-8 Where:~iv=The release of radioiodines, and radioactive materials in particulate form in gaseous effluents, i, with half-lives greater than 8 days, in pCi.Releases shall be cumulative over the desired time period as appropriate.

DI The total dose from radioiodines and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents, in mrem, for the desired time period.W v The annual average dispersion parameter for estimating the dgse to an individual at the critical logation;in sec/m for the inhalation pathway, and in m for the food and ground pathways.R.=T)e dose factor for each identified radionucljde, i, in m~mrem/yr per pCi/sec or mrem/yr per pCi/m from Table 9.16 VIII.Gaseous Waste Treatment and 0 erabilit Normal plant procedures and practices call for treatment of gaseous effluents prior to release, using the appropriate waste treatment systems described in Section 5.5 of Ginna Technical Specifications.


Respective sample locations are specified below.Also indicated on Figure 3 is the onsite vegetable garden, as well as the placement of post-accident TLD's (locations 13-24).The onsite garden is located in the sector having the highest D/(}value near the site boundary.Figure 4 gives the location of the only milk herds within 5 miles of the plant.On this map is also included the Ontario Water District intake pumping station where lake water is sampled prior to treatment.

Figure 5 shows the offsite control sample locations for airborne particulates, radioiodine and direct radiation.

Sample stations 9 and 11 are situated near population centers (Webster and Williamson) located approximately 7 miles from the Ginna site.Ke to Fi ures 3 and 5: T~e Radioiodine:


3 indicator 1 control 5 indicator 2 control Location g3, 4and7 k)9 jI3, 4, 5, 6 and 7$/8 and 12 Direct Radiation:

6 indicator 2 control, g2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 jj8 and 12 Note: Map locations not specified above may serve as'additional sampling locations if required.19 FIGURE 3 LAKE ONTARIO-j j (1.c o g l 05/6-'-=-"g s;"xsswsrrg gamy I l r~(5.r.g 2 Onsite Garden ru 1 ,r'QP l'22 ONSITE AIR MONITOR O POST"ACCIDENT TLD r-,JX/~-/($~-~~03,-)i VTr-'

fOuA MIL E TwO TffAEE Mll E MfLE ff~J fl If II oeff ONE Mll.E L nKE PIG 4 GINNn SI TF LAKE ONTARIO Ontario Water District PuTNnM gffEPffEAO A0 O c OOS TON AOn0 O 0 Vl BRICK CHuACH A0 ftOn0 GEELEY AO 4)C)cn la)0 O O ((OCAG ROn0 aJ.Vl LILJ T Y K 0 Z KENYON Y LI 0 Gl 0: 4J X LJ z AOnL f): 4J Z I/1 4.0 N l 0 n Cb Cb IJ STriTi I fffGHNAv Aou E l0 MILK SAIIPLE STATION WATER SAMPLE STATION LnNE I l)O N I OFFSET)2 AII(hfONITOR 2 Isrn()OI)I sf r~~C(NNA S(rE I Nl A)I I (rs ail(ncsvN(r(NN I J N)r(N(NII I's Crrlr(N(s Prsrrrs sMsr rrrrlH z'(Sarssasryis)

J/~~~(a LV)4 t>'(ffs I lj 1:i 0'I (ss ,.I'.~j (lia (sir(I ()O>>scil: iQ>>l~.I rs Iso(siss((/I;.I I i)I ffrsi)Psl s I I~I Ar Qrsr rrsrrrr ISIISN(vl (.CIISNI srsf Oslislas Vl/'0 s(roll)["I-Nfl CIIO'Ers s Paisls I~0%s~s Psiir(SOS(O tls zioi, ASSI to-I'I'r(Nisi(M A (I'(r~l irsi Csisns Qss)AH'o(ls'r I.1 silh v WJ(v~((j)i Saisnsl si Vss WN(sslissosi

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TABL DISPERSION PARAMETER (D Q)FOR LONG TERM RELEASES>500 HR YR OR>125 HR QTR Plant Vent Distance to the control location, in miles Sector" 0-0.5 0.5-1..0 1.0.-1.5 1 , 5.-.2..0.2..0-2..5.2.5-3..0 3,.0-3..5 3.5-4.0 4.0-4.5 4.5-5.0 KAME NE ENE SSE'SN ASH EWE MR<8.3 E-8 l.7 E-8 4.5 E-S 1.0 E-8 6.5 E-8 1.5 E-8 8.3 E-S 1.8 E-8 1.4 E-7 2.9 E-8 1.4 E-7 3.0 E-8 1.3 E-7 2.7 E-8 5.8 E-8 1.4 E-8 2.8 E-8 8.6 E-9 3.1 E-8 7.8 E-9 4.5 E-8 1.0 E-8 5.6 E-8 1.3 E-8 4.2 E-8 1.0 E-8'.2 E-8 5.9 E-9 1.5 E-8 4.1 E-9 4.0 Z-S 9.2 E-9 6.1 E-9 3.7 E-9 5.4 E-9 6.4 E-9 1.0 E-8 1.1 E-8 9.3 E-9 4.7 E-9 3.1 E-9 3.1 E-9 3.6 E-9 4.6 E-9 3.9'E-9 2.4 E-9 1.7 E-9 3.5 E-9 2.5 E-.9 1.2 E-.9 1.5 E-9 7.0 E-.10 2.2 E-9 1.0 E-9 2.6 E-9 1.2 E-.9 4.2 E-9 1.9 E=9 4.3 E-9 1.9 E-9 3.7 E-9 X.7 E-9 1.9 E-9" 8.9 E-10 1.3 E-9 5.8 E-10 1.3 E-9 5.9 E-10 1.5 E-9 6.8 E-10 1.8 E-9 8.4 E-10 1.6 E-9 7.4 E-10 1.0 E-9 4.7 E-10 7.0 E-10 3.3 E-10 1.4 E-9 6.6 E lo 7.3 E-.lo 4.4 g-10 6 5;E-10 7.5 E-10 1.2 E-9 1.2 E-9 1.0 E-9 5.6 E-10 3.8 E-10 3.7 E-10 4.4 E-lo 5.3 E-10 4.7 E-10 3.0 E-10 2.1 E-10 4.2 E-lo 5.1 E=lo 4-1 E-.lo 2.9 E-.lo 3,1 E lo 2.4 E-.lo 1.8 E-10 4.5 E-lo 3.6 E-10 2.6 E-10 5.3 E-10 4.1 E-10 3.1 E-10 8.6 E-10 6.7 E-10 4.8 E-lo 8.7 E-10 6.7 E-lo 5.2 E-lo 7.7 E-10 6.1 E-10 4.6 E-10 4.1 E-lo 3.-5 E-10 2.7 E-10 2.9 E-10 2.4 E-10 1.8 E-lo 2.7 E-10 2.2 E-10 1.8 E-10 3.1 E-10 2.5 E-10 1.9 E-10 3.7 E-10 2.9 E-10 2.1 E-10 3.3 E-10 2.6 E-10 1.9 E-10 2.1 E-10 1.7 E-10 1.3 E-10 1.5 E-10 1.2 E-10 8.8 E-ll 2.9 E-10 2.3 E-10 1.7 E-10 2.5 E-10 1.5 E-10 2.2 E-10 2.6 E-10 4.1 E-10 4.5 E-10 4.0 E-10 2.3 E-10 l.6 E-10 1.5 E-10 1.6 E-10 1.8 Z-10 1.6 E-10 1.0 E-10 7.4 E-11 1.4 E-10 TABL 5 DISPERSION PARAMETER (X/Q)FOR LONG TERM RELEASES>500 HR/YR OR>125 HR/QTR c'ontainment Pur e Distance to the control location, in miles Sector" 0-0.5 0.5-1.0 l..0;.1,5 1.5.-2..0.2..0-2..5.2.5-3..0 3..0.>>3..5 3.5-4.0 4.0-4.5 4.5-5.0 NNE glE SE SSE SSPJ SN NSN 3.7 E-6 1.2 E-6 7.2 E-7 3.1 E-6 1.0 E-6 6.6 E-7 4.1 E-6 1.4 E-6 9.0 E-7 3.9 E-6 1.3 E-6 7.7 E-7 4.9 E-6 1.6 E-6 8.8 E-7 4.3 E-6 1.5 E-6 4.2 E-6 1.2 E-6 9.1 E-7 6.1 E-7 2.3 E-6 9.7 E-7 4.6 E-7 1.3 E-6 7.7 E-7 4.1 E-7 1.2 E-6 4.5 E-7 3.3 E-7 1.3 E-6 4.1 E-7 2.7 E-7 1.7 E-6 5.3 E-7 3.2 E-7 1.7 E-6 7.2 E-7 4.4 E-7 1.2 E-6 6.0 E-7 3.9 E-7 8.5 E-7 4.4 E-7 3.0 E-7 1.8 E-6 7.0 E-7 4.4 E-7 3.6 E-7 3.5 E-7 4.7 E-7 3.9 E-7 4.1 E-7 3.9 E-7 2.8 E-7 2.2 E-7 1.9 E-7 1.7 E-7 1.3 E-7 1.5 E-7 2.1 E-7 2.0 E-7 1.6 E-7 2.2 E-7 2.0 E-7 1.4 E-7 1.1 E-7 2.0 E-7 2.7 E-7 1.5 2.0~E-7 1.2 E-7 E-7 1.6 E-7 2.1 E-7 1.5 E-7 1.2 E-7 2.2 E-7 1.5.E-7 1.2 E-7 2.0 E-7 1.4 E-7 1.4 9.9 E-7 1.1, E-7 E-8 8.0 E-8 1.2 E-7 8.1 E-8 6.1 E-8 l.0 E-7 7.4 E-8 S.8 E-8 9.5 E-8 6.7 E-8 5.3 E-8 7.3 E-8 5.2 E-8 4.1 E-8 8.6 E-8 6.0 E-8 4.5 E-8 1.2 E-7 8.6 E-8 6.6 E-8 1.1 E-7 8.2 E-8 6.3 E-8 8.9 Z-8 6.5 E-8 5.1 E-8 1.2 E-7 9.0 E-8 7.1 E-8 9.6 E-8 8.1 E-8 7.1 E-8 1.0 E-7 8.9 E-8 7.9 E-8 1.3 E-7 1.1 E-7 1.0 E-7 1.0 E-7 8.5 E-8 7.5 E-8 1.0 E-7 8.3 E-8 7.3 E-8 8.6 E-8 7.4 E-8 6.4 E-8 6.5 E-8 5.4 E-8 4.6 E-8 5.0 E-8 4.0 E<<8 3.4 E-8 4.7 E-8 3.8 E-8 3.2 E-8 4.5 E-8 3.7 E-8 3.2 E-8 3.4 E-8 2.7 E-8 2.3 E-8 3.8 E-8 3.2 E-8 2.8 E-8 5.5 E-8 4.6 E-8 4.0 E-8 5.3 E-8 4.5 E-8 3.9 E-8 4.3 E-8 3.5 E-8 3.2 E-8 6.0 E-8 5.0 E-8 4.4 E-8*Qw vor+w hv[71 hR 41 h'T>Ts 1'Ato 0~s~~a a~a~~~~e 0~0~Q~~~I~I~I I~~I~~g~I~I~~I I~~~I~~

TABL DISPERSION PARAMETER (X/Q)FOR LONG TEBH RELEASES>500 HR/YR OR>125 HR/QTR Ground Vent, Distance to the control location, in miles Sector*0-0.5 0.5-3..0 1..0.-.1 ,.5 1 , 5.-.2..0.2.0-2...5.2.,5-3..0 3..0-3..5 3.5-4.0 4.0-4.5 4.5-5.0 ENE ESE S" SS Sh'.4 E-5 S.5 E-5 6.5 E-5 4.4 E-5 3.7 E-5 2.6 E>>5 1.7 E-5 1.3 E-5 1.2 E-5 1.2 E-5 9.7 E-6 1.4 E-5 2.5 E-5 2.4 E-5 2.1 E-5 2.9 E-5 8.2 E-6 1.0 E-5 1.2 E-5 8.3 E-6 7.1 E-6 4.8 E-6 3.1 E-6 2.4 E-6 2.2 E-6 2.1 E-6 1.7 E-6 2.4 E-6 4.5 E-6 4.6 E-6 4.0 E-6 5.4 E-6 3.4 E-6 1.4 E-6 6-9 E-7 4.2 E-6 1.8 E-6 8.7 E-7 5.1 E-6 2.1 E-6 1.0 E-6 3.5 E-6 1.4 E-6 6.9 E-7 2.9 E-6 1.2 E-6 S.7 E-7 2.0 E-6 7.8 E-7 3.8 E-7 1.3 E-6 5.0 E-7 2;4 E-7 9.5 E-7 3.7 E-7 1.8 E-7 9.0 E-7 3.5 E-7 1.7 E-7 8.7 E-7 3.5 E-7 1.7 E-7 6.8 E-7 2.7 E-7 1.3 E-7 9.9 E-7 4.0 E-7 1.9 E-7 1.8 E-6 7.5 E-7 3.6 E-7 1.9 E-6 7.7 E-7 3.7 E>>7 1.6 E-6 6.7 E-7 3.3 E-7 2.2 E-6 9.2 E-7 4.5 E.-.7 4.7 E-.7 5.9 E-7 6.9,E-7 4.8 E-7 3.7 E-7 2.5 E-7 1.6 E-7 1.2 E-7 1.1 E-7 1.1 E-7 8.7 E-8 1.3 E-7 2.4 E-7 2.5 E-7 2.2 E-7 3.0 E-7 3.4 g.7 4.3 E-7 2.7 E-.'7, 3.5 E-7 2.2 E-7 2.9 E-7 S.l E-7 4.1 E-7 3.4 E-7 3.4 E-7 2.8 E-7 2.8 E-7 2.2 E-7 2.2 E-7 1.8 E-7 1.6 E-7 2.2 E-7 1.3 E-7 1.1 E-7 1.8 E-7 1.5 E-7 1.8 E-7 1.5 E-7 1.1 E-7 1.1 E-7 9.3 E-8 7.6 E-8 8.6 E-8 7 0 E-8 5.7 E-8 8.4 E-8 6.7 E-8 5.4 E-8 8.3 E-8 6.6 E-8 5.4 E-8 6.3 E-8 5.1 E-8 4.1 E-8 9.3 E-8 7.6 E-8 6.3 E-8 1.8 E-7 1.4 E-7 1.1 E-7 1.8 E-7 1.5 E-7 1.2 E-7 l.9 E-7 2.4 E-7 2.8 E-7 1.9 E-7 1.5 E-7 9.9'-8 6.3 E-8 4.6 E-8 4.5 E-8 4.5 E-8 3.4 E-8 5.2 E-8 9.8 E-8 9.7 E-8 8.8 E-8 1.2 E-7*Direction wind blows into TABL 8 4 DXSPERSXON PARAMETER (D Q)FOR LONG TERN RELEASES>500 HR/YR OR>125 HR/QTR Ground Vent Distance to the control location, in miles Sector 0-0.5 0.5-1.0 l..0.-1, 5 1, 5.-2..0.2.0-2...5.2.5-3..0 3.0-3.5 3.5-4.0 4.0-4.5 4.5-5.0 ONE NE SSE SSN hSN hW<2.0 E-7 1.8 E-7 2.5 E-7 2.1 E-7 2.5 E-7 2.2 E-7 1.8 E-7 9.8 E-8 6.8 E-8 6.7 E-8 7.6 E-8 9.9 E-8 1.1 E-7 8.9 E-8 7.0 E-8 1.2 E-7 3.7 E-8 3.4 E-8 4.5 E-8 3.9 E-8 4.6 E-8 4.1 E-8 3.7 E-8 1.8 E-8 1.3 E-8 1.2 E-8 1.4 E-8 1.8 E-8 2.0 E-8 1.6 E-8 1.3 E-8 1.2 E-8 1.2 E-8 1.1 E-8 1.5 E-8 1.3 E-8 1.5 E-8 1.3 E-8 1 1 E-8 6.0 E-9 4.2 E-9 4.1 E-9 4.7 E-9 6.1 E-9 6.7 E-9 5.4 E-9 4.3 E-9 7.1 E-9 5.0 E-9 2.3 E-9 1.4 E-9 4.5 E-9 2.1 E-9 6.1 E-9 2.8 E-9 1.3 E-9 l.7'E-9 5.3 E-9 2.4 E-9 1.5 E-9 6.2 E-9 2.8 E-9 5.5 E-9 2.5 E-9 4.5 E-9 2.1 E-9 2.4 E-9 1.1 E-9 1.7 E-9 7.7 E-10 1.7 1 6 1.:3..6;8 4.8 1.7 E-9 1.9 E-9 7.6 E-10 4.7 8.6 E-10-5.5 E-9 E-9 E-9'-10 E-10 E-10 E-10 1.5 E-9 1.1 E-9'6.9 E-10 2.7 E-9 1.2 E-9 7.5 E-10 2.2 E-9 1.0 E-9 6.3 E-10 1.7 E-9 7.9 E-10 4.9 E-10 1.9 E-9 1.3 E>>9 8.3.E-10 9.7 E-10 9.0 E-10 1.1 E-9 1.0 E-9 1.2 E-9.1.1 E-9'.0 E-10 4.8 E-10 3.3 E-10 3.3 E-10 3.8 E-10 4.9 E-10 5.4 E-10 4.3 E-10 3.4 E-10 5.7 E-10 3.3 E-10 2.6 E-10 2.5 E-10 2.0 E-10 4.4 E-10 3.2 E-10 2.1 E-10 1.6 E-10 2.7 E-10 7.6 E-10 5.5 E-10 4.7 E-10 6.9 E-10 5.0 E-10 4.3 E-10 9.2 E-10 6.9 E-10 5.8 E-10 8.0 E-10 6.0 E-10 5.0 E-10 9.4 E-10 7.0 E-10 5.8 E-10 8.4 E-10 6.3 E-10 5.2 E-10 6.9 E-10 5.1 E-10 4.3 E-10 3.7 E-10 2.7 E-10 2.3 E-10 2.6 E-10 1.9 E-10 1.6 E-10 2.5 E-10 1.8 E-10 1.5 E-10 2.9 E-10 2.1 E-10 1.7 E-10 3.7 E-10 2.8 E-10 2.3 E-10 4.1 E-10 3.0 E-10 2.5 E-10 TABLE 9 PATHWAY DOSE FACTORS DUE TO RADIONUCLIDES OTHER THAN NOBLE GASES"-Radio-nuclide H-3 CR-51 HN-54 FE-59 CO-58 CO-60 ZN-65 SR-89 SR-90 ZR-95 I-131 I-133 CS-134 CS-136 CS-137 BA-140 CE-141 Inhalation Pathway i (mrem/yr er Ci/m)1.12E 03 1.70E 04 1.57E 06 1.27E 06 1.10E 06 7.06E 06 9.94E 05 2.15E 06 1.01E 08 2.23E 06 1.62E 07 3.84E 06 1.01E 06 1.71E 05 9'5E 05 1.74E 06 5.43E 05 Heat Pathway l.(51 mrem/yr er Ci/sec)2.33E 02 4.98E 05 7.60E 06 6.49E 08 9.49E 07 3.61E 08 1.05E 09 4.89E 08 1.01E 10 6.09E 08 2.60E 09 6.45E 01 1.42E 09 5.06E 07 1.27E 09 5.00E 07 1.45E 07 Ground Plane Pat/way i (m.mrem/yr er Ci/sec)0.5.31E 06 1.56E 09 3.09E 08 4.27E 08 2.44E 10 8.28E 08 2.42E 04 0.2.73E 08 1.01E 07 1.43E 06 7.70E 09 1.64E 03 1.15E 10 2.26E 07 1.48E 07 Cow-1iilk-Infant Pathway i (m.mrem/yr/'**)2.38E 03 5.75E 06 3.70E 07 4.01E 08 7.01E 07 2.25E 08 1.99E 10 1.28E 10 1.19E 10 8.76E 05 4.95E 11 4.62E 09 6.37E 10 6.61E 09 5.75E 10 2.75E 08 1.43E 07 Leafy Vegetables Pat/way 2 (m mrem/yr)/2.47E 02 1.63E 06 5.38E 07 1.10E 08 4.55E 07 1.54E 08 2.24E 08 5.39E 09 9.85E 10 1.13E 08 2.08E 10 3.88E 08 1.96E 09 1.60E 08 1.80E 09 2.03E 08 8.99E 07-Additional dose factors for isotopes not included in.Table 9 may be calculated using the methodology described in NUREG-0133.

h~1 t C IX.Pre aration of S ecial Re ort to Demonstrate Com liance with Environmental Radiation Protection Standards Ginna Technical Specification requires the preparation and submittal of a Special Report to the Commission when calculated effluent release doses exceed twice the limits of Specifications, or

In addition, subsequent releases are to be limited such that the dose or dose commitment to a real individual from all uranium fuel cycle sources is limited to<25 mrem to the total body or any organ (except the thyroid, which is limited to<75 mrem)over 12 consecutive months.This includes the dose contributions from the the calendar quarter in which the limits were exceeded and the subsequent 3 calendar quarters.The following general guidelines are presented for preparation of the Special Report: 1)The maximally exposed real member of the public will generally be the same individual considered in the Technical Specification; 2)Dose contributions to the maximally exposed individual need only be considered to be those resulting from the Ginna plant itself.All other uranium fuel cycle facilities or operations are of sufficient distance to contribute a negligible portion of the individual's dose.3)For determining the total dose to the maximally exposed individual from the major gaseous and liquid effluent pathways and from direct radiation, dose evaluation techniques used in preparing the Special Report may be those described in this manual or other applicable methods where appropriate.

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