ML17129A319 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Zion File:ZionSolutions icon.png |
Issue date: | 12/12/2011 |
From: | Decker R ZionSolutions |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
Shared Package | |
ML17129A311 | List:
References | |
ZS-2016-0022 | |
Download: ML17129A319 (48) | |
ZIONSOLUTIONSu.c Prepared By: Date: Robert Dec , LTP Engineer, Reviewed By: Date: Approved By: Date: /, Reviewed By: Date: R:CSeellediatiOtiollManager, Approved By: Date: 's Baker ice President, Environmental Health and Safety,
- 1.0 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 2 2.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 2 3.0 Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... 2 4.0 Background ................................................................................................................................... 2 4.1 Limitations ..................................................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Response Factor ............................................................................................................................ 3 5.0 Model for Determination ofNaI Detector Soil MDC ................................................................... 4 6.0 Soil Radionuclide Distribution ...................................................................................................... 4 7.0 MicroShieldŽ Code Runs and Derived MDC Values .................................................................. 4 7.1 Observations and Results .............................................................................................................. 5 7.2 Survey Techniques ........................................................................................................................ 5 8.0 Attachments ................................................................................................................................... 6 8.1 Co-60 and Cs-137 Response Factor Determination Instructions and Results ............................... 6 8.2 MicroShieldŽ Code Runs for Various Distances and Nuclide Fractions .................................... 6 8.3 Scan MDC (PCi/g) for Various Nuclide Fractions ofCo-60 and Cs-137 ..................................... 7 8.4 Scan MDC Fonnula and pCi/g Determination Example ............................................................... 7 9.0 References ..................................................................................................................................... 7
- CeJ'.lW'line PMT -----868.4 --
- 2
- = S cpm.
- Detector Distance** Scan Speed Inches (em) 0.5 mls 2.0 (5.08) 4.7 3.0 (7.62) 5.7 6.0 (15.24) 7.8 cpm. Scan Speed 0.25 mls 3.4 4.0 5.5
- SPA-3 SPA-l
- 1 @ 7.62 3 -V.I ----;',....-------#1 ?.
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- \_. 8/,1/83 Q. -,n. "., *ron ;P .30,,.'009 r.'8 .. c 0 ................. _ Catalog No.: G:-::£,] Source Date: At'U. 1. uCi .J ,,'iAPORATED SALTS ___ _ NO!iE DETE8T!:D 1.173 1.112 1..0 1.0 % % 2. % 2,4 % 990(0 1800 91504 (818) 843*7000
- Evaluation of Eberline SPA-3 and Ludlum 44-10 cpm per)lR/h Response Factors August 19, 2004 RFD The Nal detector s provided by Eberline and Ludlum include cpm per response factors for specific nuclides. The instructions below are used to evaluate the response of both detectors to Cs-13 7. The results of the evaluation are to confirm manufacturer results or modify the response factors accordingly. Equipment: Cs-137 Source: 344 kBq (9.297 /-LCi) on Decay corrected is 337.1 kBq (9.111/-LCi) on MicroShieldŽ runs attached fro point source at 15.24,30.48 and 60.96 cm (6,12 24 inches to centerline of detector active area. esponse ac on or an e ec ors F t £ SPA 3 d D t t Distance (em) Derived IIRIb SP A-3 Estimate SPA-3 Observed 44-10 Estimate 44-10 Observed 15.24 128.1 1.537E+05 1.3642E+05 1.153E+05 1.228E+05 30.48 32.01 3.84IE+04 4.36IE+04 2.88IE+04 4.143E+04 60.96 8.001 9.60IE+03 9.60IE+03 7.20IE+03 1.974E+04 Estimates based on 1200 and 900 cpm for SPA-3 and 44-10, respectively Determination is conducted in an open area with the detector and source elevated 1.0 meter above the surface. Walls and other obstructions should be at least 2 meters form the source and detector. The objective is to minimize scattering effects. Each measurement is conducted in the scalar mode for the instrument and the measurement (count) time is 10.0 minutes. Background is evaluated by performing a 10 minute count prior to the tests and with the source removed from the area. Background cpm value: SPA-3 8525, 44-10 8661 To determine the response to Cs-137 the net counts per minute are divided by the /-LRih provided for the specific distance.
- ___ -x --_._-_ --------#1 2S y 0 0.0
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)05 Data: 17. # By: y #1 Oem Oem Name code Source no. Activity 3% 2 # -461.1sJuc., 03-01-03 ]8110 PoItracld137 J800IBraUIIJchwdi c_ Ttl Sl07 932-1) Fn .... TraceabiliV to %) detected: Cs-134 0.1 150_* AEA
- "?,. ... c .... rt.,.t. 7 Explanations for Certificates (Page 2 of CertifiCates) 'The reported based by. k
- 2, level appruximattty %. leakage and contamln.tion tests Ille and
- the Gamany. the European cg.. .. ... """"'""" ... g. NAMAS, UK). ThIs ptIX!ua com;1les v.ilt: reQUimnanls Ndcml Slamwd "Traceabllity of to NIST and Associated N42.22*1995)-, As
- N42.22*1995 AEA Technology the Measuranonb Assurn::e the Nuclei. Powet htuWy
- tests I". essanliar radiolctlve 'OUreM methods used for radiation sources are rliled water. linIit:200Sq 5 lSO The aource is lmmlrucl In at 50 *C hcln rernoo;ed UIS The source immersed in thl ptNIure the "..e' to 13 (100 mm Hell. No butIbIes mull ob ........ The II'ItemationaI for of radiD8CIive sources based on aafely requirements us. (lIN ISO 2919). This l,slam ptOIIidH I manufacturer sailed ractiDldiI.e IOUrces will I to the NhAY his prodLJds. also assists I us. aueh lealed IOUrceS to IBlect twes which IU!t.1he appncation he hal The testa WhICfi .pecilnllIlOutCll the :s g peak ImpH* .... Special appliCations tut can QIMtf possille errWonmenb to 5O.U'Ce expo&ad.. u.ens conluK 10wceS ir. 'Spedat Form' a last sealed IIOurCU tAEA (IAEA Seli .. No. 6, '985, revised II II wed thl IctiYltiH for c:c:mainers. Quality aasurance The quaIiIy certified Uoyd'I to Issue 1994. Isotnlk m.nts 1OCFR50 dlxB. -
Co-60 count CPMh,R/h # _--=1 ___ --,-=-:,,:-
- _. Instrumei'lI---Y-'SoriaINumbe;-r-Backjlround : . SPA-3---r--' -_ : ___ .... __ ____ 4-.;.-10 211672_--L ... __ 11562L ___ 613988 __ __ 19736.§ C\'lUnl I,.., th.' I :S.=:-; Cllii dUo: tco hi,!.:!) CI'Un( n;h: InSliumCIII OUl 1...5 minUII:$ 1.1 gil in::l minute "/J'In;. ___ ." _. __ I:62.9.11_ .. ' _' .. .. -l. 30.48 em Average ._-. -, 975 : 1003 I __ _____ J ___ .1004"._1 10 -. -" 933 ---,-1022 _" __ ._941 ___ . J MicroShield 8.03 EnergySolutions (8.03-0000) Date 12/2/2011 By R. F. Decker Filename Case1 Case Title Description Geometry Height Radius #1 0.0 em (0 in) ShieldN Run Date December 2, 2011 Project Info Run Time 12:14:20 PM Co-60 100% Source Dimensions Co-60 100% 2.54, 7.62 and 12.7 em 8 -Cylinder Volume -End Shields 15.24 em (6.0 in) 25.0 em (9.8 in) Dose Points y 20.32 em (8.0 in) Shields Dimension z 0.0 em (0 in) Source Air Gap 2.9ge+04 em' Material Sand Air Density 0.00122 Nuclide Co-60 Source Input: Grouping Method -Actual Photon Energies Ci Bq /lCi/cm' 4.7878e-008 1.7715e+003 1.6000e-006 Buildup: The material reference is Source Integration Parameters Radial Circumferential Direction (axial) Results # Checked Duration 00:00:00 Bq/cm' 5.9200e-002 20 10 10 Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate Energy (MeV) Activity (Photons/sec) MeV/cm'/sec MeV/cm'/sec mRlhr mRlhr No BuilliUP . With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 8.2 # 0.6938 2.890e-Ol 1.824e-05 3.278e-05 3.521e-08 6.32ge-08 1.1732 1.771e+03 2.224e-Ol 3,441e-Ol 3.974e-04 6.150e-04 1.3325 1.771e+03 2.623e-Ol 3.92ge-Ol 4.550e-04 6.816e-04 Totals 3.S43e+03 4.847e-Ol 7.370e-Ol 8.S2Se-04 1.297e-03 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (lofS) (20.32 em) 0.6938 2.890e-Ol 1. 824e-05 3.278e-05 3.521e-08 6.32ge-08 1.1732 1.771e+03 2.224e-Ol 3,441e-Ol 3.974e-04 6. 1 50e-04 1.3325 1.771e+03 2.623e-01 3.92ge-Ol 4.550e-04 6.816e-04 Totals 3.S43e+03 4.847e-Ol 7.370e-Ol 8.S2Se-04 1.297e-03 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (2ofS) (22.86 em) 0.6938 2.890e-Ol 1.547e-05 2.720e-05 2.986e-08 5.251e-08 1.1732 1.771e+03 1.873e-01 2.846e-Ol 3.347e-04 5.086e-04 1.3325 1.771e+03 2.205e-Ol 3.247e-Ol 3.826e-04 5.633e-04 Totals 3.S43e+03 4.07ge-Ol 6.093e-Ol 7.174e-04 1.072e-03 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (30fS) (2S.4 em) 0.6938 2.890e-Ol 1.318e-05 2.282e-05 2.544e-08 4,407e-08 1.1732 1.771e+03 1.588e-Ol 2.383e-Ol 2.838e-04 4.25ge-04 1.3325 1.771e+03 1.868e-Ol 2.718e-Ol 3.241e-04 4.715e-04 Totals 3.S43e+03 3.4S6e-Ol S.10Ie-0l 6.07ge-04 8.97Se-04 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (4ofS) (27.94 em) 0.6938 2.890e-01 1.128e-05 1.934e-05 2.17ge-08 3.734e-08 1.1732 1.771e+03 1.356e-Ol 2.017e-Ol 2,422e-04 3.604e-04 1.3325 1.771e+03 1.593e-Ol 2.29ge-Ol 2.764e-04 3.988e-04 Totals 3.S43e+03 2.94ge-Ol 4.316e-Ol S.186e-04 7.S93e-04 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (S ofS) (30.48 em) 0.6938 2.890e-Ol 9.718e-06 1.653e-05 1.876e-08 3.192e-08 1.1732 1.77 1 e+03 1.165e-Ol 1.723e-Ol 2.081e-04 3.07ge-04 1.3325 1.771e+03 1.368e-Ol 1.963e-Ol 2.373e-04 3,406e-04 Totals 3.S43e+03 2.S33e-Ol 3.686e-Ol 4.4SSe-04 6.48Se-04 Sensitivity Analysis Summary -Y Dose Point 1 D P' t # S 'ti 'ty Sensitivity Fluenee Rate Fluenee Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate ose om ensl VI , , DimenSIOn MeV/em'/see MeV/em'/see mRlbr mRlbr
- No Buildup 1 (1of5) (20.32 em) 4.847e-Ol 7.370e-Ol 8.525e-04 1.297e-03 1 (2of5) (22.86 em) 4.07ge-Ol 6.093e-Ol 7.1 74e-04 1.072e-03 1 (30f5) (25.4 em) 3.456e-Ol 5.l01e-Ol 6.07ge-04 8.975e-04 1 (4of5) (27.94 em) 2.94ge-Ol 4.316e-Ol 5.1 86e-04 7.593e-04 1 (5 of 5) (30.48 em) 2.533e-Ol 3.686e-Ol 4.455e-04 6.485e-04 Date Filename Case1 Case Title Description Geometry Height Radius A X #1 0.0 em (0 in) By Robert F. Decker Run Date December 2, 2011 Run Time 12:29:22 PM Project Info Cs-137100% Cs-137 100% 2.54 -12.7 em S -Cylinder Volume -End Shields Source Dimensions 15.24 em (6.0 in) 25.0 cm (9.S in) Dose Points y 20.32 em (S.O in) Shields z 0.0 em (0 in) Shield N Dimension Material Sand Air Density 1.6 0.00122 Source Air Gap Nuclide Ba-137m Cs-137 2.99e+04 cm3 Source Input: Grouping Method -Actual Photon Energies Ci Bq )lCi/cm' 4.5292e-00S 4.7S7Se-00S 1.675Se+003 1.7715e+003 1.5136e-006 1.6000e-006 Buildup: The material reference is Source Integration Parameters Radial Circumferential Direction (axial) Results # Checked Duration 00:00:00 Bq/cm3 5.6003e-002 5.9200e-002 20 10 10
- Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate Energy (MeV) Activity (photons/sec) MeV/cml/sec MeV/cml/sec mRlhr mRlhr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0045 l.740e+Ol 7.481e-08 7.70ge-08 5.l27e-08 5.284e-08 0.0318 3.46ge+Ol 9.338e-06 1.152e-05 7.778e-08 9.59ge-08 0.0322 6.401e+Ol l.797e-05 2.232e-05 1.446e-07 l.797e-07 0.0364 2.329e+Ol l.002e-05 l.33ge-05 5.691e-08 7.606e-08 0.6616 1.508e+03 8.942e-02 l.631e-Ol l.734e-04 3.162e-04 Totals 1.647e+03 8.946e-02 1.632e-01 1.737e-04 3.166e-04 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (1 of 5) (20.32 cm) 0.0045 l.740e+01 7.48Ie-08 7.70ge-08 5.l27e-08 5.284e-08 0.0318 3.46ge+Ol 9.338e-06 1.152e-05 7.778e-08 9.59ge-08 0.0322 6.401e+Ol l.797e-05 2.232e-05 1.446e-07 l.797e-07 0.0364 2.329e+Ol l.002e-05 l.33ge-05 5.691e-08 7.606e-08 0.6616 1.508e+03 8.942e-02 l.631e-Ol 1.734e-04 3.162e-04 Totals 1.647e+03 8.946e-02 1.632e-01 1.737e-04 3.166e-04 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (2 of 5) (22.86 cm) 0.0045 1.740e+Ol 6.603e-08 6.801e-08 4.526e-08 4.662e-08 0.0318 3.46ge+Ol 8.221e-06 1.014e-05 6.848e-OS S.44Se-08 0.0322 6.401e+Ol 1.582e-05 1.964e-05 1.273e-07 l.581e-07 0.0364 2.329e+Ol 8.S00e-06 1.175e-05 5.000e-08 6.675e-08 0.6616 1.50Se+03 7.588e-02 l.354e-Ol 1.471e-04 2.625e-04 Totals 1.647e+03 7.592e-02 1.354e-01 1.474e-04 2.628e-04 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (3 of 5) (25.4 cm) 0.0045 1.740e+Ol 5.793e-08 5.966e-08 3.971e-08 4.0Sge-08 0.031S 3.469e+Ol 7.200e-06 S.SSOe-06 5.997e-OS 7.397e-08 0.0322 6.401e+Ol l.385e-05 1.71ge-05 1.115e-07 l.3S4e-07 0.0364 2.329e+Ol 7.697e-06 1.027e-05 4.373e-OS 5.S35e-08 0.6616 1.508e+03 6.468e-02 1.136e-Ol 1.254e-04 2.203e-04 Totals 1.647e+03 6.470e-02 1.137e-01 1.256e-04 2.206e-04 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (4 of 5) (27.94 cm) 0.0045 l.740e+Ol 5.066e-08 5.216e-08 3.472e-OS 3.575e-08
- 0.0318 3.46ge+01 6.290e-06 7.7S7e-06 S.240e-08 6.46Ie-08 0.0322 6.40Ie+01 1.210e-OS l.S0Ie-OS 9.738e-08 1.208e-07 0.0364 2.32ge+01 6.71ge-06 8.961e-06 3.818e-08 S.092e-08 0.6616 I.S08e+03 S.S40e-02 9.62ge-02 1.074e-04 1.867e-04 Totals 1.647e+03 5.542e-02 9.632e-02 1.076e-04 1.86ge-04 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (5 of 5) (30.48 em) 0.004S 1.740e+Ol 4.423e-08 4.SS4e-08 3.032e-08 3.122e-08 0.0318 3.46ge+Ol S.493e-06 6.773e-06 4.576e-08 S.642e-08 0.0322 6.401e+Ol 1.0S7e-OS 1.311e-OS 8.504e-08 1.0SSe-07 0.0364 2.32ge+Ol S.86Se-06 7.81ge-06 3.332e-08 4.442e-08 0.6616 1.508e+03 4.771e-02 8.233e-02 9.2S0e-OS I.S96e-04 Totals 1.647e+03 4.774e-02 8.236e-02 9.26ge-05 1.598e-04 Sensitivity Analysis Summary -Y Dose Point 1 S *ti*ty Fluenee Rate Fluenee Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate Dose Point # Sensitivity 1 MeV/em'/see MeV/em'/see mRlhr mRlhr unenslOn No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 1 (1ofS) (20.32 em) 8.946e-02 1.632e-Ol 1.737e-04 3.166e-04 I (20fS) (22.86 em) 7.S92e-02 1.3S4e-Ol 1.474e-04 2.628e-04 I (30fS) (2S.4 em) 6.470e-02 1.137e-Ol 1.2S6e-04 2.206e-04 I (40fS) (27.94 em) S.S42e-02 9.632e-02 1.076e-04 1.86ge-04 I (S ofS) (30.48 em) 4.774e-02 8.236e-02 9.26ge-OS l.S98e-04 Date Filename Case 1 Case Title Description Geometry Height Radius #1 0.0 cm (0 in) MicroShield 8.03 EnergySolutions (8.03-0000) By Robert F. Decker Run Date December 2, 2011 Project Info Run Time 12:50:29 PM 95% Cs-137 5% Co-60 2.54 -12.7 cm 8 -Cylinder Volume -End Shields Source Dimensions 15.24 cm (6.0 25.0 em (9.8 Dose Points 20.32 em (S.O Shields z 0.0 em (0 Shield N Source Gap Dimension Material Sand Air Density 1.6 0.00122 Nuclide Ba-137m Co-60 Cs-137 2.9ge+04 em' Source Input: Grouping Method -Actual Photon Energies Ci Bq "Cilcm' 4.3028e-00S 2.393ge-009 4.5484e-008 1.5920e+003 S.S574e+001 1.6S29e+003 1.437ge-006 S.OOOOe-OOS 1.5200e-006 Buildup: The material reference is Source Integration Parameters Radial Circumferential Y Direction (axial) Results # Revision Page Checked Duration 00:00:00 Bq/cm' 5.3203e-002 2.9600e-003 5.6240e-002 20 10 10
- No Buildup 0.004S 1.6S3e+Ol 7.107e-OS 7.323e-OS 4.S71e-OS S.020e-OS 0.031S 3.296e+Ol S.S71e-06 1.09Se-OS 7.3Sge-OS 9.11ge-OS 0.0322 6.0S1e+Ol 1.707e-OS 2.121e-OS 1.374e-07 1.707e-07 0.0364 2.213e+Ol 9.516e-06 1.272e-OS S.407e-OS 7.226e-OS 0.6616 1.433e+03 S.49Se-02 l.SS0e-01 1.647e-04 3.004e-04 0.693S 1.44Se-02 9.120e-07 1.63ge-06 1.761e-09 3.16Se-09 1.1732 S.SS7e+Ol 1.112e-02 1.721e-02 1.9S7e-OS 3.07Se-OS 1.332S S.SS7e+Ol 1.311e-02 1.964e-02 2.27Se-OS 3.40Se-OS (I of 5) 0.004S 1.6S3e+Ol 7. 1 07e-OS 7.323e-OS 4.S71e-OS S.020e-OS 0.031S 3.296e+Ol S.S71e-06 1.09Se-OS 7.3Sge-OS 9.11ge-OS 0.0322 6.0S1e+Ol 1.707e-OS 2.121e-05 1.374e-07 1.707e-07 0.0364 2.213e+Ol 9.S16e-06 1.272e-OS S.407e-OS 7.226e-OS 0.6616 1.433e+03 S.49Se-02 l.SS0e-01 1.647e-04 3.004e-04 0.693S 1.44Se-02 9.120e-07 1.63ge-06 1.761e-09 3.16Se-09 1.1732 S.SS7e+Ol 1.112e-02 1.721e-02 1.9S7e-OS 3.07Se-OS 1.332S S.SS7e+Ol 1.311e-02 1.964e-02 2.27Se-OS 3.40Se-OS (2 of 5) 0.004S 1.6S3e+Ol 6.273e-OS 6.461e-OS 4.300e-OS 4.42ge-OS 0.031S 3.296e+Ol 7.SlOe-06 9.63Se-06 6.S0Se-OS S.026e-OS 0.0322 6.0S1e+Ol l.503e-OS l.S66e-OS 1.20ge-07 l.502e-07 0.0364 2.213e+Ol S.360e-06 1.116e-OS 4.750e-OS 6.341e-OS 0.6616 1.433e+03 7.20ge-02 1.2S6e-Ol 1.39Se-04 2.493e-04 0.693S 1.44Se-02 7.734e-07 1.360e-06 1.493e-09 2.626e-09 1.1732 S.SS7e+Ol 9.36Se-03 1.423e-02 1.673e-OS 2.S43e-OS 1.3325 S.SS7e+Ol 1.103e-02 1.623e-02 1.913e-OS 2.S17e-OS
- Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (3 of 5) (25.4 cm) 0.0045 1.653e+Ol 5.504e-OS 5.66Se-OS 3.773e-OS 3.SS5e-OS 0.031S 3.296e+Ol 6.S40e-06 S.436e-06 5.697e-OS 7.027e-OS 0.0322 6.0S1e+Ol 1.316e-05 1.633e-05 1.05ge-07 1.314e-07 0.0364 2.213e+Ol 7.312e-06 9.757e-06 4.l55e-OS 5.543e-OS 0.6616 1.433e+03 6.144e-02 1.07ge-01 1.191e-04 2.093e-04 0.693S 1.445e-02 6.5Sge-07 1.141e-06 1.272e-09 2.203e-09 1.1732 S.S57e+Ol 7.941e-03 1.192e-02 1.41ge-05 2.l30e-05 1.3325 S.S57e+Ol 9.340e-03 1.35ge-02 1.620e-05 2.357e-05 Totals 1.742e+03 7.875e-02 1.335e-Ol 1.498e-04 2.544e-04 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (4 of 5) (27.94 cm) 0.0045 1.653e+Ol 4.S12e-OS 4.955e-OS 3.29ge-OS 3.396e-OS 0.031S 3.296e+Ol 5.976e-06 7.36ge-06 4.97Se-OS 6.13Se-OS 0.0322 6.0S1e+Ol 1.14ge-05 1.426e-05 9.251e-OS 1.14Se-07 0.0364 2.2 13 e+O1 6.3S3e-06 S.513e-06 3.627e-OS 4.S37e-OS 0.6616 1.433e+03 5.263e-02 9.1 47e-02 1.020e-04 1.773e-04 0.693S 1.445e-02 5.642e-07 9.66ge-07 1.0Sge-09 l.S67e-09 1.1732 S.S57e+Ol 6.77Se-03 1.00Se-02 1.211e-05 I.S02e-05 1.3325 S.S57e+Ol 7.965e-03 1.14ge-02 1.3S2e-05 1.994e-05 Totals 1.742e+03 6.739e-02 1.131e-Ol 1.282e-04 2.156e-04 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (50f5) (30.48 cm) 0.0045 1.653e+Ol 4.202e-OS 4.326e-OS 2.SS0e-OS 2.966e-OS 0.031S 3.296e+Ol 5.21ge-06 6.434e-06 4.347e-OS 5.360e-OS 0.0322 6.0S1e+Ol 1.004e-05 1.245e-05 S.07Se-OS 1.002e-07 0.0364 2.213e+Ol 5.571e-06 7.42Se-06 3.165e-OS 4.220e-OS 0.6616 1.433e+03 4.533e-02 7.S21e-02 S.7S7e-05 1.516e-04 0.693S 1.445e-02 4.S5ge-07 S.267e-07 9.3S1e-l0 1.596e-09 1.1732 S.S57e+Ol 5.S24e-03 S.614e-03 1.041e-05 1.53ge-05 1.3325 S.S57e+Ol 6.S40e-03 9.S16e-03 1.1S7e-05 l.703e-05 Totals 1.742e+03 5.801e-02 9.667e-02 1.103e-04 1.843e-04 Sensitivity Analysis Summary -Y Dose Point 1 Dose Point # Sensitivity Sensitivity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate
- 0148 MeV/cm'/sec MeV/cm'/sec (1 of 5) (20.32 em) 1.092e-Ol 1.91ge-Ol 2.076e-04 3.656e-04 1 (2 of 5) (22.86 em) 9.251e-02 l.591e-Ol l.75ge-04 3.033e-04 1 (30f5) (25.4 em) 7.875e-02 l.335e-Ol 1.498e-04 2.544e-04 1 (40f5) (27.94 em) 6.73ge-02 1.131e-Ol 1.282e-04 2.156e-04 (5 of 5) (30.48 em) 5.801e-02 9.667e-02 1.103e-04 1.843e-04 Date Filename Case 1 Case Title Description Geometry Height Radius #1 0.0 em (0 in) Shield N 8.2 MicroShield 8.03 EnergySolutions (8.03-0000) By Robert Decker Run Date December 2, 2011 Project Info Run Time 12:58:06 PM 90% Cs-13 7 10% Co-6 2.54 -12.7 em 8 -Cylinder Volume -End Shields Source Dimensions 15.24 em (6.0 in) 25.0 em (9.S in) Dose Points z 20.32 em (S.O in) Shields 0.0 em (0 in) Dimension Source 2.99e+04 em' Material Sand Air Density 1.6 0.00122 Air Gap Nuclide Ba-137m Co-60 Cs-137 Source Input: Grouping Method -Actual Photon Energies Ci Bq "Cilcm' 4.0763e-00S 4.7S7Se-009 4.3090e-00S 1.50S2e+003 1.7715e+002 1.5943e+003 1.3 622e-006 1.6000e-007 1.4400e-006 Buildup: The material reference is Source Integration Parameters Radial Circumferential Direction (axial) Results # Checked Duration 00:00:00 Bq/cm' 5.0403e-002 5.9200e-003 5.32S0e-002 20 10 10
- Fluence Rate F1uence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate Energy (MeV) Activity (Photons/sec) MeV/cm'/sec MeV/cm'/sec mRlhr mRlhr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0045 1.5600+01 6.733e-OS 6.93Se-OS 4.615e-OS 4.756e-OS 0.0318 3.123e+Ol 8.404e-06 1.037e-05 7.000e-08 8.63ge-08 0.0322 5.761e+Ol 1.617e-05 2.00ge-05 1.302e-07 1.617e-07 0.0364 2.096e+Ol 9.015e-06 1.205e-05 5.122e-08 6.846e-08 0.6616 1.357e+03 8.048e-02 1.468e-Ol 1.560e-04 2.846e-04 0.6938 2.S90e-02 1. 824e-06 3.278e-06 3.521e-09 6.32ge-09 1.1732 1.771e+02 2.224e-02 3.441e-02 3.974e-05 6.l50e-05 1.3325 1.771e+02 2.623e-02 3.92ge-02 4.550e-05 6.S16e-05 Totals 1.837e+03 1.290e-Ol 2.206e-Ol 2.416e-04 4.146e-04 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (lof5) (20.32 cm) 0.0045 1.566e+Ol 6.733e-08 6.938e-08 4.615e-08 4.756e-08 0.0318 3.123e+Ol 8.404e-06 1.037e-05 7.000e-OS 8.63ge-OS 0.0322 5.761e+Ol 1.617e-05 2.00ge-05 1.302e-07 1.617e-07 0.0364 2.0900+01 9.015e-06 1.205e-05 5.l22e-08 6.S4OO-OS 0.6616 1.357e+03 8.048e-02 1.468e-Ol 1.560e-04 2.S4OO-04 0.6938 2.89Oc-02 l.824e-06 3.278e-06 3.521e-09 6.32ge-09 1.1732 1.771e+02 2.224e-02 3.441e-02 3.974e-05 6.150e-05 1.3325 1.771e+02 2.623e-02 3.92ge-02 4.550e-05 6.S16e-05 Totals 1.837e+03 1.290e-Ol 2.206e-0l 2.416e-04 4.146e-04 Sensitivity Variable Y Dose Point 1 (20f5) (22.86 cm) 0.0045 1.566e+Ol 5.943e-08 6.121e-08 4.073e-08 4.1 96e-08 0.0318 3.123e+Ol 7.39ge-06 9.128e-06 6.163e-08 7.603e-08 0.0322 5.761e+Ol 1.424e-05 1.768e-05 1.146e-07 1.423e-07 0.0364 2.096e+Ol 7.920e-06 1.057e-05 4.500e-08 6.007e-08 0.6616 1.357e+03 6.830e-02 1.218e-Ol 1.324e-04 2.362e-04 0.6938 2.S9OC-02 1.547e-06 2.720e-06 2.986e-09 5.251e-09 1.1732 1.771e+02 l.S73e-02 2.846e-02 3.347e-05 5.0S6e-05 1.3325 1.771e+02 2.205e-02 3.247e-02 3.S26e-05 5.633e-05 Totals 1.837e+03 1.091e-Ol 1.828e-Ol 2.044e-04 3.437e-04
- 0.0045 l.566e+Ol 5.214e-08 5.36ge-08 3.574e-08 3.680e-08 0.0318 3.123e+Ol 6.480e-06 7.992e-06 5.398e-08 6.657e-08 0.0322 5.761e+Ol l.247e-05 l.547e-05 l.003e-07 l.245e-07 0.0364 2.096e+Ol 6.928e-06 9.243e-06 3.936e-08 5.252e-08 0.5616 1.357e+03 5.821e-02 l.023e-01 1.128e-04 l.982e-04 0.6938 2.890e-02 1.318e-06 2.282e-06 2.544e-09 4.407e-09 1.1732 l.771e+02 l.588e-02 2.383e-02 2.838e-05 4.25ge-05 1.3325 l.771e+02 l.868e-02 2.718e-02 3.241e-05 4.715e-05 0.0045 l.566e+Ol 4.55ge-08 4.694e-08 3.l25e-08 3.218e-08 0.0318 3.123e+Ol 5.661e-06 6.981e-06 4.716e-08 5.815e-08 0.0322 5.761e+Ol l.08ge-05 1.351e-05 8.764e-08 l.088e-07 0.0364 2.096e+Ol 6.047e-06 8.065e-06 3.436e-08 4.582e-08 0.6616 1.357e+03 4.986e-02 8.666e-02 9.666e-05 1.680e-04 0.6938 2.890e-02 1.128e-06 1.934e-06 2.17ge-09 3.734e-09 1.1732 l.771e+02 1.356e-02 2.0 17e-02 2.422e-05 3.604e-05 1.3325 l.771e+02 l.593e-02 2.29ge-02 2.764e-05 3.988e-05 (5 of 5) 0.0045 l.566e+Ol 3.981e-08 4.09ge-08 2.72ge-08 2.80ge-08 0.0318 3.123e+Ol 4.944e-06 6.096e-06 4.118e-08 5.078e-08 0.0322 5.761e+Ol 9.51Oe-06 1.180e-05 7.653e-08 9.496e-08 0.0364 2.096e+Ol 5.278e-06 7.037e-06 2.99ge-08 3.998e-08 0.6616 1.357e+03 4.294e-02 7.4lOe-02 8.325e-05 l.436e-04 0.6938 2.890e-02 9.718e-07 l.653e-06 l.876e-09 3.192e-09 1.1732 l.771e+02 1.165e-02 1.723e-02 2.081e-05 3.07ge-05 1.3325 l.771e+02 1.368e-02 1.963e-02 2.373e-05 3.406e-05
- 0148 MeV/cm'/sec MeV/cm'/sec (I of 5) (20.32 em) 1.290e-01 2.206e-01 2.416e-04 4. 1 46e-04 (20f5) (22.86 em) 1.091e-Ol 1.828e-01 2.044e-04 3.437e-04 1 (30f5) (25.4 em) 9.280e-02 1.533e-01 l.73ge-04 2.883e-04 1 (40f5) (27.94 em) 7.937e-02 1.298e-Ol 1.487e-04 2.442e-04 (5 of 5) (30.48 em) 6.82ge-02 1.l10e-Ol 1.280e-04 2.087e-04
- 35 Q.
11_' _I. ..
@ @ per 430 940
3.50 4.29 4.63 5.26 5.54 3.43 8,3 # 37 48 5011 -----------32.0 30.0 28.0 26.0 24.0 22.0 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 !7' pO" ---r=-.... .-0_ -r-....... '2' --= .. = L
- 1 -frO.I eJ" 1-= 1='
- = =
- 24.0 22.0 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0
8,3 # Detector 34.0 32.0 30.0 28.0 26.0 24.0 22.0 20.0 -a Q, 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 6.0 2.0 ** -'---. -c --'" = . J I-=,=-, ,, ___
- ___ o"o*o __ ._
- 42 0148 Detector per 940 pR/h 8.3 0.5 # 2.0" (7.82 28.0 ;'0" 26.0 24.0 22.0 20.0 :. -=-f=' :-..; .. 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 .= ."--'--0-.. '== :..:..:. '" =-= --". =--'--'-.,-____ ._. _______ ....J 8.3 # @l -> @l Rate Rate per
- 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 -a 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 Rate C$o137 90% Co-60 10% Scan Speed 0.2S pCi/g) t----_J pCUg 1.66 Soli Scan MDC For Ludlum Nal Detector Co-137, Co-60 pCl/g d' 1.38 Scan Speed # Detector end-<:ap above Soli Surface @ Detector Centerline cm) Detectable Detectable !1RfhIpCilg Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable Microshleld cpm/uRlh per 430 940 Exp. Rate MDC Co-60 Co-137 cpm MDCR MDCR.....,.. @10.16em pCilg 1.00E+03 8.33E+OO 2.39E+02 3.38E+02 7.65E-02 3.24E-Ol 4.02E-Ol 0.2883 1.4 2.00E+03 1.67E+Ol 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 1.11 E-Ol 4.58E-Ol S.69E-01 0.2883 1.97 4.00E+03 3.33E+Ol 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 I.S7E-Ol 6.47E-Ol 8.0SE-Ol 0.2883 2.79 8.00E+03 6.67E+Ol 6.76E+02 9.S6E+02 2.22E-Ol 9.1SE-Ol 1.14E+00 0.2883 3.9S 1.00E+04 8.33E+Ol 7.58E+02 1.07E+03 2.49E-Ol 1.02E+OO 1.27E+00 0.28B3 4.41 1.20E+04 1.0oE+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 2.72E-Ol 1.12E+00 1.39E+Oo 0.2883 4.83 1.40E+04 1.17E+02 8.94E+02 1.26E+03 2.94E-Ol 1.21E+00 I.S1E+00 0.2883 S.22 1.80E+04 1.50E+02 l.oIE+03 1.43E+03 3.34E-Ol 1.37E+OO 1.71E+OO 0.2883 S.92 2.00E+04 1.67E+02 l.o7E+03 I.SIE+03 3.S2E-Ol 1.4SE+00 I.BOE+oO 0.2883 6.24 4.0oE+04 3.33E+02 I.SI E+03 2.14E+03 4.97E-ol 2.0SE+00 2.S4E+00 0.2883 8.B2 6.00E+04 S.00E+02 1.8SE+03 2.62E+03 6.09E-Ol 2.S1E+00 3.12E+Oo 0.28B3 10.81 8.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 7.03E-Ol 2.89E+00 3.60E+OO 0.2883 12.48 1.00E+OS 8.33E+02 2.39E+03 3.38E+03 7.65E-Ol 3.24E+OO 4.o2E+OO 0.2883 13.9S Soli Scan MDC For Ludlum Nal Detector Cs-137, C0-60 pCl/g d'
- 1.38 Detector end-<:ap above Soil Surface @ Detector Centerline (15.24 em) Scan Speed mls Detectable Detectable I1RfhIpCilg Exp. Rate Exp. Rate Detectable cpmluRlh Scan per 430 940 Exp. Rate Results MDC Co-6O C.-137 cpm second MDCR MDCR.w,.,.. fLRIh @15.24em pCl/g 1.00E+03 8.33E+00 2.39E+02 3.38E+02 7.65E-02 3.24E-Ol 4.02E-Ol 0.2087 1.9 2.00E+03 1.67E+Ol 3.38E+02 4.78E+02 1.11E-Ol 4.S8E-Ol S.69E-Ol 0.2087 2.73 4.00E+03 3.33E+Ol 4.78E+02 6.76E+02 I.S7E-Ol 6.47E-Ol 8.0SE-Ol 0.2087 3.85 8.00E+03 6.67E+Ol 6.76E+02 9.S6E+02 2.22E-ol 9.1SE-ol 1.14E+00 0.2087 S.4S 1.00E+04 8.33E+Ol 7.58E+02 1.07E+03 2.49E-Ol l.o2E+00 1.27E+00 0.2087 6.10 1.20E+04 1.00E+02 8.28E+02 1.17E+03 2.72E-Ol 1.12E+OO 1.39E+OO 0.2087 6.68 1.40E+04 1.17E+02 8.94E+02 1.26E+03 2.94E-Ol 1.21E+OO I.SIE+OO 0.2087 7.21 1.80E+04 I.S0E+02 l.oIE+03 1.43E+03 3.34E-Ol 1.37E+OO 1.71E+00 0.2087 8.18 2.00E+04 1.67E+02 1.07E+03 I.SIE+03 3.S2E-Ol 1.4SE+00 1.80E+00 0.2087 8.62 4.00E+04 3.33E+02 I.SIE+03 2.14E+03 4.97E-Ol 2.0SE+00 2.54E+00 0.20B7 12.19 6.0oE+04 S.00E+02 1.B5E+03 2.62E+03 6.09E-Ol 2.S1E+00 3.12E+00 0.20B7 14.93 8.00E+04 6.67E+02 2.14E+03 3.02E+03 7.03E-Ol 2.89E+OO 3.60E+OO 0.2087 17.24 1.00E+OS B.33E+02 2.39E+03 3.3BE+03 7.65E-Ol 3.24E+OO 4.02E+OO 0.2087 19.27
- The NaI scan MDC utilizes the same formulas and approach as that found in NUREG -1507, Section 6.8.2 and NUREG-1575, Section 6.7 for open land areas. The following formula parameters are provided: Scan speed: 0.25 and 0.5 Area of Interest: 50 cm diameter (0.196 m2) results in a scan width of 0.5 m Soil Depth: 6.0 inches (15.24 cm) Soil Density: 1.6 g/cm3 Soil Composition: Sand (Si(h Si =46.74%, 0 53.26%) Background Count Rate: 6.0E+03 cpm Surveyor Efficiency: 0.5 Detector Response (Co-60): 430 cpmliJ.RIh (See Table 1.0 and Attachment 8.1) Detector Response (Cs-137): 940 (See Table 1.0 and Attachment 8.1) Index of Sensitivity (d'): 1.38 MDCR: Minimum Detectable Count Rate (cpm) MicroShield J.1RIhIpCi/g: For varying distances and radionuclide mix (See Table below) Icro Ie J.LI aues M' Sh' IdŽ RIhI Ci/ V I To determine the MDC the MDCR must be calculated by determining the minimum detectable number of net source counts in the interval as given by Si. SI The value of is selected from Table 6.5 ofNUREG-1575 based on the required true positive and false positive rates and is the number of background counts in the interval. For a background count rate of 6.0E+03 cpm and a scan area of interest 50 cm diameter, a scan rate of 0.5 (resulting in a detector residence time of 1 second) then (MDCR) is 8.28E+02 cpm as determined below: O.S ( ) 1 03 100 -. ---" O.S S m 1.38-YlOO = 13.8 = 828 = =
- The MDCR is adjusted using the surveyor efficiency (MDCR.urveyor) using the following formula: Where, is the surveyor efficiency (0.5). 8Z8cpm 1,171 vO.5 The result is divided by the detector response factor for the radionuclide(s) in order to obtain TIlls illustration assumes 100% Cs-137 and the detector response factor is 940 03 MicroShicldŽ runs were performed using the physical and survey parameters provided in this attaclunent to derive the conversion factors relative to nuclide mixture and detector end cap distance from the soil surface. The Table in this attaclunent lists the conversion factors for a mixture of 100% Cs-137 at different soil to detector distances. For a soil surface distance of 5 inches to the detector end cap the conversion factor is 0.1598. Based on the above derived value of 1.246 the MDC for a detector background of 6,000 cpm is 7.8 1.246¥ Attaclunent 8.3 illustrates the Ludlum Model 44-10 MDC (in for different background values and mixtures ofCo-60 and Cs-137.