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TSD-13-005 Rev. 1, Reactor Building Units 1 & 2 End State Concrete Surface Areas Volumes
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Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 01/29/2016
From: Farr H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17129A311 List: ... further results
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Technical Support Document ZIONSOLUTIONSuc MCllor!D'-~

TSD 13-005 Unit 1 &2 Reactor Building Estimated End State Concrete and Liner Volumes and Surface Areas Revision 1 Originator: -~*"'.//'?A.


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_____Date: 2/1/16 Charles Fuller Page 1 of-f""' ~c ,._.,


TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Summary of Changes in this Revision:

  • Rev. 1 - Corrected error in Tendon Tunnel wall calculated surface areas.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1

1. Introduction................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Background ................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Calculations and Evaluations - Concrete Inside Liner Below 568 Remaining In End State ...... 7 3.1. Interior Concrete Surface Area and Volumes ......................................................................... 7 3.1.1. Incore Instrument Tunnel Area Inside Liner Dimensions ................................................ 7 3.1.2. Incore Area Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes Inside Containment Liner .............. 13 3.1.3. Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes 588 to 568 Inside Containment Liner ............. 16 3.1.4. Summary of Reactor Building Interior Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes .............. 27
4. Calculations and Evaluations - Concrete Inside Liner Removed In End State .......................... 28 4.1. Liner Surface Area and Volumes ......................................................................................... 28 4.1.1. Incore Instrument Tunnel Area Inside Liner Dimensions .............................................. 28 4.1.2. Incore Area Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes Inside Containment Liner .............. 32 4.1.3. Liner Surface Areas and Volumes 588 to 565 Inside Containment Liner ................... 34 4.1.4. Summary of Reactor Building Interior Liner Surface Areas and Volumes.................... 37
5. Exterior Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes .......................................................................... 38
6. Void Spaces and Fill Volumes ................................................................................................... 47
7. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 48
8. References................................................................................................................................... 49
9. Attachments ................................................................................................................................ 50 List of Tables Table 1 - Pixel to Inch Conversion Factors for Figure 2 from Drawing B-787 [5] ................................ 8 Table 2 - Figure 2 Interpolated Dimensions ......................................................................................... 10 Table 3 - Calculated Dimensions for Figure 2...................................................................................... 10 Table 4 - Calculated Dimensions for Incore Tunnel Side View Figure 3 ............................................ 12 Table 5 - Pixel to Inch Conversion Factors for Figure 3. ..................................................................... 12 Table 6 - Interpolated Dimensions for Figure 2. .................................................................................. 13 Table 7 - Calculated Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes for Single Unit Incore Area .................... 14 Table 8 - Summary of Under Vessel Wall (Figure 4, Figure 5 J) Surface Area and Volume Calculations .......................................................................................................................... 15 Table 9 - Reactor Containment Sump Surface Area and Void Space Volume .................................... 18 Table 10 - Recirculation Sump Interior Wall Dimensions Calculated from Figure 9 ............................ 21 Table 11 - Recirculation Sump Floor Area Calculations........................................................................ 22 Table 12 - Recirculation Sump Void Space Volumes ............................................................................ 23 Table 13 - Cavity Flood Sump Calculated Surface Areas and Void Space Volumes ............................ 23 Table 14 - Reactor End State Interior Surfaces Dimensions .................................................................. 26 Table 15 - End State Calculated Potentially Contaminated Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes for Single Unit ...................................................................................................................... 27 Table 16 - Summary of Single Unit Reactor Building Interior Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes . 28 Table 17 - Calculated Dimensions for Figure 15.................................................................................... 30 Table 18 - Calculated Dimensions for Incore Tunnel Side View Figure 3 ............................................ 31 Page 3 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Table 19 - Calculated Liner Surface Areas and Volumes for Single Unit Incore Area ......................... 33 Table 20 - Summary of Under Vessel Liner (Figure 17, Figure 18 J) Surface Area and Volume Calculations .......................................................................................................................... 34 Table 21 - Recirculation Sump Interior Wall Dimensions Calculated from Figure 9 with 568 Floor Removed. .............................................................................................................................. 35 Table 22 - Cavity Flood Sump Calculated Surface Areas and Void Space Volumes with 568 Floor Removed ............................................................................................................................... 35 Table 23- Reactor End State Interior Surfaces Dimensions - Interior Concrete Removed ................... 36 Table 24 - End State Calculated Potentially Contaminated Liner Surface Areas and Volumes for Single Unit ............................................................................................................................ 37 Table 25 - Summary of Single Unit Reactor Building Interior Liner Surface Areas and Volumes ....... 37 Table 26 - Critical Dimensions for Containment Concrete Outside Containment Liner Surface Area and Volume Calculations ............................................................................................. 38 Table 27 - Exterior Concrete Containment Wall Below 588' Surface Area and Overall Volume ........ 39 Table 28 - Summary of Containment Foundation (see Figure 6) Concrete Outer Surface Area and Overall Volume Calculations ......................................................................................... 40 Table 29 - Summary of Incore Foundation Wall (Q) Concrete Outer Surface Area and Overall Volume Calculations ............................................................................................................ 43 Table 30 - Calculated Surface Areas and Volumes for Incore Tunnel Outer Walls (T) ....................... 45 Table 31 - Single Unit Reactor Building Exterior Concrete Calculated Surface Areas and Volumes ... 46 Table 32 - Summary of Total Reactor Building Interior and Exterior Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes ................................................................................................................................ 47 Table 33 - Saturated Zone Void Space Volume with Interior Concrete Present .................................... 47 Table 34 - Saturated Zone Void Space Volume with Interior Concrete Removed ................................ 48 Table 35 - Summary of Total Reactor Building Interior and Exterior Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes ................................................................................................................................ 49 List of Figures Figure 1 - North - South View of Reactor Building End State Based On Drawing B-210 [3] ............... 7 Figure 2 - Incore Area 541'6" Overhead View (B-787, B-234) ............................................................... 9 Figure 3 - Incore Instrument Tunnel and Under Vessel Area East-West Side View (B-277)................ 11 Figure 4 - Top View Incore Concrete Surface Area and Volume Sections ............................................ 13 Figure 5 - Side View Incore Concrete Surface Area and Volume Sections ........................................... 14 Figure 6 - Reactor Building End State (B-210) ...................................................................................... 16 Figure 7 - Reactor Building Basement Floor Plan (B-711) [9](B-666) [10] .......................................... 17 Figure 8 - Reactor Containment Sump Dimensions Detail 4 B-430 [13]............................................... 18 Figure 9 - Recirculating Sump Plan Top View B-278 ........................................................................... 19 Figure 10 - Recirculating Sump Plan Side View B-278 ......................................................................... 20 Figure 11 - Recirculation Sump Floor Area Sections and Estimated Dimensions ................................. 22 Figure 12 - Cavity Flood Sump Top View B-279 .................................................................................. 24 Figure 13 - Cavity Flood Sump Side View B-279 ................................................................................. 25 Figure 14 - Tendon Access Gallery Details (B-210) .............................................................................. 26 Figure 15 - Incore Area 541'6" Without Concrete Overhead View (B-787, B-234) .............................. 29 Figure 16 - Incore Instrument Tunnel and Under Vessel Area East-West Side View (B-277).............. 31 Figure 17 - Top View Incore Concrete Surface Area and Volume Sections .......................................... 32 Figure 18 - Side View Incore Concrete Surface Area and Volume Sections ......................................... 33 Page 4 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 19 - Outer Surface Area and Volume of 9 ft Thick CTMT Foundation ..................................... 39 Figure 20 - Side View Incore Area Interior and Exterior Dimensions (B-234) ..................................... 40 Figure 21 - Overhead View Incore Area Interior and Exterior Dimensions (B-234) ............................. 41 Figure 22 - Incore Tunnel Angle Details ................................................................................................ 42 Figure 23 - Side View of Incore Wall and Floor Sections Outside Containment Foundation (P) and Incore Foundation Wall (Q).................................................................................................. 44 Page 5 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1

1. Introduction This technical support document (TSD) estimates surface areas, material volumes and saturated zone void spaces for the Units 1 and 2 Reactor Buildings. The TSD also estimates the volume and surface area of potentially radioactively contaminated concrete and of the containment liner under two end state scenarios:
1. Floor and Wall Concrete Interior to the Liner Below 568 Foot Elevation Remains
2. All Concrete Interior to the Liner is Removed This information will be used to estimate the surface contamination and embedded concrete source terms for radiological license termination fate and transport modeling and to estimate the total end state concrete remaining on site for environmental site release planning.

The TSD also estimates the surface areas and volumes of the concrete outside the containment liner.

2. Background Item 8.5 under Article VIII of the Exelon and ZionSolutions Asset Sale Agreement [1] states, Tenant shall, at its expense, remove all improvements.... located at the Premises as of the Lease Commencement Date to a minimum of three feet (3') below the expected finished grade following site restoration or as otherwise required by Law, Permits or Environmental Permits and, except as otherwise required by applicable Law, Permits or Environmental Permits, back-fill such areas... Thus concrete structures 3 feet below grade may remain on-site if allowed by applicable laws and permits and as authorized by the NRC for license termination in accordance with 10 CFR 20.1402.

Zion Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 Amended Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report [2] states that, After the systems and components are removed and processed as described above, the remaining contaminated concrete and structural steel components will be decontaminated and/or removed. Contaminated concrete will be packaged and shipped to a low-level waste disposal facility. Remaining concrete will be decontaminated to meet the License Termination Plan (LTP) requirements for release of the site from NRC regulatory control.

The Reactor Building end state with interior concrete remaining is depicted in Figure 1 where all structures are removed to 588 elevation and the interior structures/equipment are removed. If the interior concrete remains in the end state, the interior walls will consist of the 1/4" steel liner along the walls and the floor liner at the 565 foot elevation with some or all of the 3 foot thick floor slab above it and the 9 foot thick foundation slab below it. If interior concrete is removed, the 3 foot thick 568 foot elevation floor will also be removed leaving only the liner underneath it.

The incore area extends below the containment slab and consists of a cylindrical area directly under the reactor vessel biological shield and a sloped tunnel. The incore area walls are 1 foot 11.5 inches thick (23.5 inches) with a 2 foot 6 inches under vessel area floor. There is also an access tunnel with 15 inch thick walls, floor and roof. Under the scenario where all interior concrete is removed, the 23.5" under vessel concrete walls, and the 30" floor as well as the 15 access tunnel walls will be removed and no concrete interior to the liner will remain.

The Reactor Building interior will be filled with clean fill which means that the material meets the MARSAME requirement for unrestricted release in accordance with NRC guidance. [3] Therefore the fill material will not be a source of licensed radioactivity since materials with positive identification of licensed material cannot be free released from the site under NRC guidance. The radioactive source Page 6 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 term that will require fate and transport modeling is the residual removable contamination on the interior surfaces of the walls and floors; and, if interior concrete remains, any contamination that was absorbed into the concrete due to contact with radioactive liquids that has become embedded. The surface area in contact with groundwater and the depth at which contamination is sorbed into the concrete are therefore the critical parameters for modeling the release of radioactivity to groundwater.

If interior concrete remains, potential end state radioactive source term also consists of concrete with embedded contamination due to neutron activation in the incore area. This activity is caused by neutron flux in the concrete and may extend past the containment liner in the incore area under vessel walls and floor.

The containment liner rests on a 9 foot thick slab with157 foot diameter. The below ground exterior concrete walls are 3.5 feet thick. The asset sale agreement requires removal of structures to 3 feet below ground elevation which is at 591 feet. The exterior concrete walls will remain from the 588 to the 565 liner elevation. The bulk concrete outside the liner also consists of a tendon tunnel that extends 7.5 feet below the 9 foot thick slab along the outer circumference. The tunnel interior is 4.5 feet wide surrounded by 2 thick concrete slabs.

Figure 1 - North - South View of Reactor Building End State Based On Drawing B-210 [4]

This document calculates the surface area and volume of concrete inside and outside the containment liner in the end state configuration depicted in Figure 1.

3. Calculations and Evaluations - Concrete Inside Liner Below 568 Remaining In End State 3.1. Interior Concrete Surface Area and Volumes 3.1.1. Incore Instrument Tunnel Area Inside Liner Dimensions The lowest elevation portion of the Unit 1 and 2 Containment Structures are the Incore Instrument Tunnel and Incore Under Vessel Areas where the incore flux monitoring tubes and associated supports are located. Details of these areas are found in Zion Station drawings B-787 [5], B-276 [6], B-277 [7],

B-234 [8], and M-800 [9]. Information on location relative to the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Reactor Buildings and the surrounding concrete outside the containment liner is found on Zion Station drawing B-210

[4]. Drawing B-787 [5] provides an overhead view of the 5416 elevation of the instrument tunnel and the incore area. This portion of the drawing was used to show relevant dimensions as shown in Figure Page 7 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1

2. Figure 3 provides a side view of the tunnel and under vessel area from B-277 [7]. It should be noted that the Figure 2 overhead view does not include the portion of the incore instrument tunnel that ramps from the Containment 568 elevation to the incore tunnel sump area on the 5416 elevation.

Table 1 - Pixel to Inch Conversion Factors for Figure 2 from Drawing B-787 [5]

Length Start End Total Index Points Inches Pix Pix Pix pix/in Axis Back Sump Wall to Under Vessel Center (B-234)

(j) 369 790 1239 449 1.217 Y Back Sump Wall to Under Vessel ID (k) 266.5 1036 1367 331 1.242 Y Value Used 1.229 Y Relevant portions of the Zion Station engineering drawings were copied into a Microsoft Paint file for use as figures with additional labeling and dimensions noted in the Figures prepared for this TSD. The relative dimensions and proportions were not altered and remained the same as the original image cut from the drawing. Some relevant dimensions for calculating concrete volumes and surface areas were calculated by using known dimensions shown on the drawings to establish a pixel per inch conversion factor using Microsoft Paint. Microsoft Paint displays the X,Y coordinates of the cursor location allowing the X, Y pixels of two point to be used to determine the distance in inches. Using this method an interpolation conversion factor for Figure 2 was determined. As seen in Figure 2, the drawing B-234

[8] shows the distance of line (j) from the back wall at the sump area to the center of the under vessel area to be 30 9(369). This corresponds to a length of 449 pixels from 790 to 1239. The conversion factor derived from this drawing dimension is 1.217 pixels/inch, as shown in Table 1. As shown on drawings B-276 [6] and B-277 [7] the concrete wall thickness inside the containment liner is 111.5 (e.g., 23.5 inches) thick in the under vessel cylindrical area. Line (k) is thus 222.5 (266.5 inches) long spanning from pixel 1036 to 1367. This corresponds to a length of 331 pixels with the conversion factor derived from this drawing dimension at 1.242 pixels/inch, as shown in Table 1. The average pixel per inch value of 1.229 pixels per inch was used to interpolate dimensions for lines (d) and (e2) shown on Figure 2 and Table 2. Dimensions highlighted in yellow were cross checked with the ZionSolutions engineering 3D CAD model of the Reactor Buildings.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 2 - Incore Area 541'6" Overhead View (B-787, B-234)

The interpolated dimensions and data are shown in Table 2. Each calculated or interpolated dimension is labeled alphabetically in the table and on the drawing, (e.g. (e1)) This dimension was confirmed to be 13 feet in the ZionSolutions 3D CAD model of the Reactor Buildings.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Table 2 - Figure 2 Interpolated Dimensions Final Start End Total Length OVERHEAD VIEW 541'6" Axis Pix Pix Pix Inches Feet Length inches Floor Length Centerline Fan To Incore Ext Wall (e1) Y 1044 1240 196 159.426 13.29 13 156 As seen in Figure 2, the walls surrounding the sump floor area are rectangular and then fans at an angle to the opening in the under vessel area. The rectangular length on the Y axis was calculated at 73 (d) as shown on drawing B-234. Drawing B-234 [8] shows the width from the center line to the outside edge of the liner to be 50. As seen in Table 3 this corresponds to an interior width of 76(a) when the 15 inches walls are subtracted from it.

Drawing B-234 [8] also shows the width in the under vessel area from the center line to the outside edge of the liner to be 66 leaving an interior width of 106(f). The floor fans from 76(a) to a 106(f) opening at the under vessel area as shown in Figure 2. The interpolated and 3D CAD verified length on the Y axis from the incore sump area rectangular floor area to the under vessel opening (e1) is 13 feet. This was also validated by the 236 distance from the under vessel center line to the point at which the tunnel walls fan. The 21 foot diameter to the liner equals a 106 radius to the liner. The 66 base of the right triangle and 106 inch hypotenuse lead to an 83 distance to the liner from the center of the under vessel area. The 83 and 73 (e.g., 156 distance subtracted from 309 equals a fan shaped area length of 15 3 (e2) from the fan wall to the interior under vessel opening.

The distance from the opening to the intercept of line (e1) forms the base of a right triangle, line (g) on Figure 2. This is half the difference between the 106 opening (f) and the 76 width of the sump area (a) or 16 as shown in Table 3. The base (g) and the Y axis length (e1) can be used to calculate the length of the actual fanned portion of the wall (h) using the Pythagorean Theorem. The length is only 1 inch longer than the Y dimension length at 131.

Table 3 - Calculated Dimensions for Figure 2 Calculated Value Overhead View Calculated Values inches Length Equation Sump Area Floor Width (B-234) (a) 90 7'6" = 2 (60 15)

Sump Area Back Wall Thickness (B-234) (b) 15 15 Side Wall Thickness (B-234) (c) 15 15 Floor Length Sump Area Back Wall To Fan (B-234) (d) 87 7'3" Center of Under Vessel to Opening At Liner (x) 99 8'3" 8 3" = 10.52 6.52 Floor Length Centerline Fan To Interior Incore = 30 9 83 7 3" Wall (B-234) (e2) 183 15'3" Under Vessel Opening Floor Width (B-234) (f) 126 10'6"


Fan Floor Width Right Triangle Base (g) 18 1'6" 2 Page 10 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Calculated Value Overhead View Calculated Values inches Length Equation

= 2 + 2 Fan Wall Section Length (h) 157 13'1" It can also be seen on Figure 2 that the fanned walls of the tunnel intercept the under vessel cylinder to form an opening. The quadrants of the inner and outer circumferences are shown on drawing B-787 [5]

and Figure 2. The portion of the bioshield encompassed by the incore tunnel opening was estimated by approximately halving a quadrant, with a red line to form a 1/8 th equivalent section of the circumference, each section was continued to be halved until an index showing 1/32nd increments of the of circumference (depicted as red lines on Figure 2) was formed spanning the incore tunnel opening to the under vessel area. It can be visually seen that the 106 wide entrance (f) encompasses approximately 3.3/32 (e.g. 3.3 one thirty seconds increments) circumference quadrants right of the center line of the entrance. This equates to a portion of the overall under vessel circumference that is 6.6/32 wide or 20.6% of the circumference. This dimension was also verified using the ZionSolutions 3D CAD model of the Reactor Buildings. This and the height of the entrance are used to calculate the surface area and concrete volumes that need to be subtracted from the calculated gross surface area and volume of the under vessel cylinder.

As seen in Figure 3 the side view drawing B-277 [7] provides more dimensional information (circled in red) than the overhead view in Figure 2. This information was used to calculate most of the dimensions of interest. Some interpolation was required for information that could not be derived from the drawing such as the height of the sloped portion of the tunnel (q, r, s) and the length of the ceiling on the horizontal portion of the tunnel (p).

Figure 3 - Incore Instrument Tunnel and Under Vessel Area East-West Side View (B-277)

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Table 4 shows the calculated values for each dimension noted on Figure 3.

Table 4 - Calculated Dimensions for Incore Tunnel Side View Figure 3 Calculated Overhead View Calculated Values Value inches Length Equation Height of Horizontal Portion of Tunnel (B-277) (i) 123 10'3" Length Back Sump Wall to Under Vessel Center (B-234) (j) 369 30'9" Length Back Sump Wall to Under Vessel Inner

= 73+153" or 309-83 Wall (k) 270 22'6" Length Back Sump Wall to Under Vessel Outer Wall 246.5 20'6.5" X Axis Base Right Triangle of Sloped Tunnel l = (34 9" + 73") 30 9" Floor (l) 135 11'3" m = (568" 24" 5416")

Sloped Tunnel Floor Y Axis Height (m) 290 24'2" Sloped Tunnel Floor Length (n) 320 26'10 3D CAD Result Sloped Tunnel Roof Length (o) 168 14 3D CAD Result Width Floor to Ceiling Sloped Tunnel (s) 94 710' 3D CAD Result Thickness of 541'6" Floor (t) 30 2'6" Under Vessel Wall Thickness (u)(B-276, 210) 23.5 1'11.5" Under Vessel Wall Height (v) 318 26'6" Under Vessel Radius (w) 102.5 86.5 A X,Y pixel per inch index was created to interpolate the lengths of p, q and r. Known X, Y dimensions from Table 4 were used to calculate the pixel per inch conversion factors shown in Table 5.

Table 5 - Pixel to Inch Conversion Factors for Figure 3 Start Total Index Points Inches Pix End Pix Pix pix/in Axis Sloped Tunnel Floor Y Axis Height (m) 290 232 562 330 1.138 Y Length Back Sump Wall to Under Vessel Inner Wall (k) 270 604 905 301 1.115 X Value Used 1.126 Y Page 12 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 The interpolation data and values for the Figure 3 dimensions are provided in Table 6. The dimensions for q and r were used to calculate the width of the horizontal portion of the tunnel (s) in Table 4. The dimensions for n, o, p, q, r and s were verified using the ZionSolutions 3D CAD model of the Reactor Buildings.

Table 6 - Interpolated Dimensions for Figure 2.

Final Start End Total Length SIDE VIEW 541'6" Axis Pix Pix Pix pix/in Inches Feet Length inches Horizontal Tunnel Ceiling Length (p) X 655 876 221 1.115 198.239 16.52 16'4" 196 X Axis Base Tunnel Height Right Triangle (q) X 469 566 97 1.115 87.010 7.25 7'2" 86 Y Axis Side Tunnel Height Right Triangle (r) Y 239 285 46 1.138 40.424 3.37 3'4" 40 3.1.2. Incore Area Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes Inside Containment Liner The concrete surface area and volume sections for the incore tunnel and under vessel areas are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5.

Figure 4 - Top View Incore Concrete Surface Area and Volume Sections Page 13 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 5 - Side View Incore Concrete Surface Area and Volume Sections The surface area calculated for each section corresponds to the interior surface area. This corresponds to the exposed surface area surface area on the interior of the containment liner that may have removable contamination (e.g., dpm/100 cm2) and the surface area that will be in contact with ground water within the remaining containment foot print below 588 elevation. . Floor and ceiling concrete volumes also correspond to the interior surface area foot print. Wall section concrete volumes include the floor, ceiling thicknesses as part of the calculated overall width or height of the concrete mass. As seen in Figure 4 and Figure 5 there is some overlap among segments increasing the conservatism of the calculations. The calculated surface areas and volumes for a single unit are shown in Table 7.

Table 7 - Calculated Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes for Single Unit Incore Area Width or Total Total Length Radius Thickness Dimensio Surface Volume Number Surface Volume Section in in in n IDs Area ft2 ft3 of Items Area ft2 ft3 Sloped Tunnel Floor (A) 320 90 15 n, a, b 200 250 1 200 250 Sloped Tunnel Ceiling (B) 168 90 15 c, a, b 105 131 1 105 131 Sloped Tunnel Walls (C) 319.9 94 15 n, s, b 209 344 2 418 689 Tunnel Ceiling (D) 196 90 15 p, a, b 123 153 1 123 153 Sump Area Floor (E) 87 90 30 d, a, t 70 128 1 70 128 Sump Area Walls (F) 87 123 15 d, i, b 74 127 2 149 254 Fan Shaped Floor(G) 179.5 126 30 e1+u, f, t 157 393 1 157 393 Fan Shaped Walls (H) 157 123 15 h, i,c 134 229 2 268 458 Under Vessel Floor (I) N/A 102.5 30 w, t 229 573 1 229 573 Under Vessel Wall (J) 348 102.5 23.5 v+t,w,u 1443 3150 1 1443 3150 Totals 3162 6178 Meters 294 175 Notes: Dimension IDs correspond to dimension labels in Figure 2 and Figure 3,

  • Width for volume calculation includes 15 inches floor and ceiling thickness (e.g., 126), ** Width for volume calculation includes 30" for floor and 15 for ceiling thicknesses (e.g., 168)

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Rectangular sections used length times width for the calculated surface areas. As noted above rectangular wall sections volumes included the floor and ceiling thicknesses inside the containment liner. As shown in Figure 4, the fan shaped floor area (G)equals 106 (f) times the length to the under vessel opening which is 136 (e) plus the 23.5 width of the vessel wall (u).The calculation of under vessel surface area (I) overlaps the calculated surface area of the fan shaped section slightly (G).

Equation 1 - Circle Surface Area

= 2 The calculated surface area of the under vessel area cylinder wall (J) is calculated using Equation 2 Equation 2 - Cylinder Wall Surface Area

= 2 The surface area of the opening is calculated as 6.6/32ths (see Figure 2) of a 103 high cylinders surface area with a radius equal to the under vessel radius (w). The 6.6/32ths value was also verified with the ZionSolutions engineering 3D CAD model of the Reactor Buildings. The opening surface area is subtracted from the calculated overall under vessel wall (j) surface area to provide the calculated surface area of J in Table 7.

The volume of the 111.5 thick under vessel wall is calculated as the difference between the volume of the outer cylinder minus the volume of the inner cylinder. Cylinder volumes were calculated using Equation 3.

Equation 3 - Volume of Cylinder

= 2 ths Equation 3 is also used along with the 6.6/32 correction factor to calculate the volume of the concrete missing due to the opening into the incore under vessel area. The incore under vessel wall J surface area and volume calculations that account for the under vessel opening are provided in Table 8. The surface area and volume corrected for the opening are included in Table 7.

Table 8 - Summary of Under Vessel Wall (Figure 4, Figure 5 J)

Surface Area and Volume Calculations ft2 ft3 Outer Cyl Vol N/A 10044.46 Inner Cyl Vol N/A -6647.11 Total Cyl No Opening 1556.40 3397.34 Opening -113.46 -247.66 Total w/o Opening 1442.94 3149.68 Page 15 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 3.1.3. Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes 588 to 568 Inside Containment Liner As noted in Figure 3 and Figure 6, a 3 foot thick concrete slab (bb) covers the containment liner at the 565 elevation. Drawing B-210 [4] shows an interior diameter to the containment liner of 140 feet (aa) and a diameter of 21 feet (cc) for the incore liner. These dimensions are depicted in Figure 6 and Table 14.

Figure 6 - Reactor Building End State (B-210)

There are three sumps the reactor containment sump, recirculation sump, and cavity flood sump that create void spaces and additional surface areas from the walls and floors in the 568 Containment slab as seen in drawing B-711 [10] and B-666 [11].

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 7 - Reactor Building Basement Floor Plan (B-711) [10](B-666) [11]

The location of the reactor containment sump is also shown on drawing B-264 [12].The locations of the recirculation sump and cavity flood sump are also shown on drawing B-265 [13]. These drawings refer to other drawings that provide the sump construction and dimension details. Detail 4 of drawing B-430 [14] shows the reactor containment sump to be 5 feet by 5 feet and the bottom to be at elevation 5656 as seen in Figure 8. This provides a depth below the 568 elevation of 26.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 8 - Reactor Containment Sump Dimensions Detail 4 B-430 [14]

The four walls have a surface area of 50 ft2 with a floor of 25 ft2 and a void space of 62.5 ft3 as seen in Table 9.

Table 9 - Reactor Containment Sump Surface Area and Void Space Volume Reactor Containment Volume Sump Dimension inches Area ft2 ft3 Length 2 Walls 5' 60 25 N/A Width 2 Walls 5' 60 25 N/A Depth 2'6" 30 N/A N/A Floor N/A N/A 25 N/A Total 75 62.5 The Recirculation Sump details are provided on drawing B-278 [15]. As seen in Figure 9 the sump has a complicated geometry and as seen in Figure 10 extends below the containment liner at 565 elevation to the 5599 elevation. The sump is 8.25 feet (e.g., 83) deep. This creates a void space in the containment foundation (P) that is 5.25 feet deep.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 9 - Recirculating Sump Plan Top View B-278 Page 19 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 10 - Recirculating Sump Plan Side View B-278 The complicated geometry requires estimation of the interior dimensions using the information in Figure 9. The dimensions available on the drawing can be used with the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the lengths of the interior sump wall segments rs1 through rs6 as shown in Table 10.

Dimensions highlighted in yellow in the table were verified using the ZionSolutions 3D CAD model of the Reactor Buildings.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Table 10 - Recirculation Sump Interior Wall Dimensions Calculated from Figure 9 Wall Area Recirculation Sump Dimension inches ft2 Equation

= 568 559.75 Depth (rsd) 8'3" 99 N/A 1 = 5.252 + 12 1.25 Top Right Wall (rs1) 4'1" 49 33.69 2 = 2.9172 + 8.252 1 Top Left Wall (rs2) 7'9" 94 64.63 3 = 10.752 + 2.52 2 Left Wall (rs3) 9'0" 108 74.25 Bottom Left Wall (rs4) 10'1" 10.1 82.57 4 = 102 + 1.0832 5 = 42 + 0.5832 1.25 Bottom Right Wall (rs5) 2'9" 33 22.69 Right Wall (rs6) 11'2" 134 92.13 6 = 12.252 + 32 2 Total 369.26 The distances calculated (e.g., rs1 through rs4) are those shown in Figure 11. The total surface area of the 6 wall segments rs1 through rs6 is 369.26 ft2 as calculated by the length times the sump depth (rsd).

The surface area of the floor requires it to be broken up into geometries AA through EE. The calculated segment surface areas are shown in Table 11.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 11 - Recirculation Sump Floor Area Sections and Estimated Dimensions Table 11 - Recirculation Sump Floor Area Calculations Recirculation Sump Floor Surface Area Segments Dimension inches2 Area ft2 Equation AA 9' X 7'9" 10044.5 69.75 BB 2'9" X 11'2" 4422 30.71 CC opp 3' 36 estimated CC adj 8'7" 103 = 10.0832 32 CC 1/2 X 8'7" X 3' 1854 12.88 DD Length 7'7" 91 10'7" - 3' DD Width 9" 3'6" - 2'9" DD 7'7" X 9" 819 5.69 EEOpp 2'1" 25 = 4.0832 + 3.52 EE Adj 3'6" 42 2'9" + 9" EE 1/2 X 2'1" X 3'6" 525 3.65 Recirculation Sump Floor Surface Area 122.67 Total Surface Area Floor + Walls 491.93 Page 22 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 The void spaces created in the reactor interior floor (K) and the Reactor Building foundation (P) are the 122.67 ft2 floor surface area times the interior floor depth of 3 feet and the remaining sump depth of 53 as seen in Table 12.

Table 12 - Recirculation Sump Void Space Volumes Volume Recirculation Sump Void Space Volumes Equation ft3 Sump Void Space Containment Floor K 122.67 ft2 X 3 ft 368 Sump Void Space Containment Foundation P 122.67 ft2 X 5 ft 3" 644 Total 1012 The Cavity Flood Sump Details are provided in drawing B-279 [16]. As seen in Figure 12 the sump has interior wall lengths of 86 and 66 and as seen in Figure 13 has a floor at 5599 making it 83 deep as is the recirculation sump.

Table 13 - Cavity Flood Sump Calculated Surface Areas and Void Space Volumes Area Volume Cavity Flood Sump Dimension inches ft2 ft3 Depth 8'3" 99 N/A N/A Length and 2 Walls Surface Area 6'6" 78 107.25 N/A Width and 2 Walls Surface Area 8'6" 102 140.25 N/A Floor Surface Area N/A 7956 55.25 N/A Sump Void Space Containment Floor K 55.25 ft2 X 3 ft N/A N/A 165.75 Sump Void Space Containment Foundation P 55.25 ft2 X 5 ft 3" N/A N/A 290.06 Total 302.75 455.81 Page 23 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 12 - Cavity Flood Sump Top View B-279 Page 24 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 13 - Cavity Flood Sump Side View B-279 The 568 floor (K) and the reactor 568 elevation sumps are the only interior concrete structures planned to remain in the end state condition depicted in Figure 1and Figure 6. In addition, the removable contamination on the interior surface of the containment liner from 588 to 568 (L) may contribute to the total removable contamination in the end state although it will not contribute to the interior concrete surface area inventory. The tendon access tunnel galleries also contains a sump that has trace levels of contamination in sump water and sludge samples as well as trace levels of removable contamination. Therefore the concrete from the walls and floors of the tendon access tunnel galleries was included in the interior concrete inventory. The detailed dimensions from drawing B-210 are provided in Figure 14. The dimensions shown in Figure 6 and Figure 14 are summarized in Table 14.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 14 - Tendon Access Gallery Details (B-210)

Table 14 - Reactor End State Interior Surfaces Dimensions Calculated Value Overhead View Calculated Values inches Length Containment EL 568' Floor (B-210) Diameter (aa) 1680 140' Containment EL 568' Floor (B-210) Thickness (bb) 36 3' Incore Area Diameter (cc) 252 21' Tendon Access Gallery Floor Width (dd) 54 4'6" Tendon Access Gallery Wall Height (ee) 90 7'6" Inner Radius Tendon Floor to Reactor Center (ff) 798 66'6" Outside Radius Tendon Floor to Reactor Center (gg) = ff + dd 852 71' Tendon Gallery Access Wall Thickness (hh) 24 2' Containment Liner Height 588' to 568' (ii) 240 20' The surface areas and concrete volumes for the sections K through O depicted in Figure 6 and Figure 14 were calculated using the information in Table 14. The surface area was calculated as the difference between the 140 (aa) foot diameter surface area and the 21 foot diameter surface area (cc) using Equation 1. The concrete volume was calculated as the 568 floor volume minus the incore area volume using Equation 3. The sump corrected 568 floor surface area included the surface area of the sump walls extending into the foundation (P). The sump floor areas are already included in the overall floor surface area calculation. The 568 floor concrete volume was calculated as the surface area without the sump walls times the thickness (bb). The sump corrected volume was the overall volume minus the sump void spaces through the 568 3 foot thick slab.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 The containment liner wall surface area (L) was calculated using the 568 diameter (aa) and the height (ii) in Equation 2. The tendon tunnel access gallery floor surface area (M) was calculated as the surface area difference between outer radius circle (ff+dd=gg) and the inner radius circle (ff) using Equation 1.

The volume of the concrete floor was calculated by multiplying the surface area times the floor thickness (hh). The inner (N) and outer (O) tendon gallery wall surface areas were calculated using the inner wall radius (ff) and the outer wall radius (gg) along with the height (ee) in Equation 2. The inner wall concrete volume (N) was calculated using the inner edge radius (ff-hh) and the distance to the outer edge radius (ff). The access gallery inner and outer wall heights for the concrete volume calculations included the floor thickness (ee+hh). The concrete volume was calculated as the difference between the outer and inner cylinder volumes using Equation 3. In the case of the outer tendon gallery wall (O) the volume calculation used an inner radius of the outer surface of gg +hh and an inner cylinder radius of gg.

Table 15 - End State Calculated Potentially Contaminated Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes for Single Unit Width or Concrete Length Radius Thicknes Dimension Surface Volume Section in in s in IDs Area ft2 ft3 568' EL Floor (K) with Incore 21' Dia Cylinder Subtracted N/A 840 36 aa, bb, cc 15047 45142 568' EL Floor (K) with Sump Wall Area and Void Space N/A 840 36 aa, bb, cc 15702 44551 Containment Liner 588' to 568' (L)

Not Concrete Related 240 840 N/A aa, ii 8796 N/A Tendon Access Gallery Floor (M)

(852-798) N/A 798 24 ee, ff,gg, hh 1944 3888 Tendon Access Gallery Inner Wall (N) 90 798 24 ee, ff, hh 3134 8058 Tendon Access Gallery Outer Wall (O) 90 852 24 ee, gg, hh 3346 8595 Tendon Tunnel Total 8423 20541 3.1.4. Summary of Reactor Building Interior Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes The incore area calculated interior surface areas and volumes are provided in Table 7 for elevations from 540 to 565. The remaining Reactor Building interior surface areas and volumes for elevations 565 to 588 are provided in Table 15. The results for all interior concrete calculations and overall totals in square and cubic feet and in square and cubic meters are provided in Table 16.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Table 16 - Summary of Single Unit Reactor Building Interior Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes Total Surface Concrete Number Total Surface Concrete Section Area ft2 Volume ft3 of Items Area ft2 Volume ft3 Sloped Tunnel Floor (A) 199.9 249.9 1 199.9 249.9 Sloped Tunnel Ceiling (B) 105.0 131.3 1 105.0 131.3 Sloped Tunnel Walls (C) 208.8 344.3 2 417.6 688.6 Tunnel Ceiling (D) 122.5 153.1 1 122.5 153.1 Sump Area Floor (E) 70.4 127.9 1 70.4 127.9 Sump Area Walls (F) 74.3 126.9 2 148.6 253.8 Fan Shaped Floor(G) 157.1 392.7 1 157.1 392.7 Fan Shaped Walls (H) 134.1 229.0 2 268.3 458.0 Under Vessel Floor (I) 229.2 573.0 1 229.2 573.0 Under Vessel Wall (J) 1442.9 3149.7 1 1442.9 3149.7 568' EL Floor (K) Sump Corrected 15714.2 44546.1 1 15714.2 44546.1 Containment Liner 588' to 568' (L) Not Concrete Related 8796.5 N/A 1 8796.5 N/A Tendon Access Gallery Floor/Ceiling (M) 1943.9 3887.7 2 3887.7 7775.4 Tendon Access Gallery Inner Wall (N) 1566.9 8058.2 1 3133.7 8058.2 Tendon Access Gallery Outer Wall (O) 1672.9 8595.4 1 3345.8 8595.4 Totals feet 38,039.4 75,153.1 Totals meters 3,534.0 2,128.1 Concrete Only meters 2,716.8 2,128.1 For concrete related end state calculations and environmental impact assessments it is important to disregard the interior liner surface area (L) and use the concrete only surface area provided at the bottom of the table.

4. Calculations and Evaluations - Concrete Inside Liner Removed In End State Current plans are to remove all concrete inside the liner due to hazardous materials in the paint. This would remove the 36 inch thick concrete floor on the 568 elevation to the liner at the 565 elevation. It will also remove the incore under vessel area and access tunnel concrete. Removal of the 30 inch concrete floor in the under vessel area and horizontal portion of the access tunnel will lower the elevation from 541 foot 6 inch to 539 foot. Removal of the 1 foot 11 1/2 inch under vessel walls will open the diameter to 21 feet. In addition, the access tunnel 1 foot 3 inch walls, ceiling and sloping floor will be removed.

4.1. Liner Surface Area and Volumes 4.1.1. Incore Instrument Tunnel Area Inside Liner Dimensions As noted in Section 3.1.1 details of incore under vessel area and access tunnel are found in Zion Station drawings B-787 [5], B-276 [6], B-277 [7], B-234 [8], and M-800 [9]. Drawing B-787 [5]

provides an overhead view of the 5416 elevation of the access tunnel and the under vessel area. This portion of the drawing was used to show relevant dimensions with the interior concrete removed in Page 28 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 15. Figure 16 provides a side view of the incore access tunnel and under vessel area from drawing B-277 [7]. It should be noted that the Figure 15 overhead view does not include the portion of the access tunnel that ramps from the Containment 565 liner elevation to the incore tunnel sump area liner on the 539 elevation (concrete floors removed).

Figure 15 - Incore Area 541'6" Without Concrete Overhead View (B-787, B-234)

As seen in Figure 15, the walls surrounding the sump floor area are rectangular and then fan at an angle to the opening in the under vessel area. The rectangular length on the Y axis remains at 73 as shown on drawing B-234 since the distance to the bend line is the same for the 5416 concrete floor and the 539 liner. Drawing B-234 [8] shows the width from the center line to the outside edge of the liner to be 50 for a 10 width without the interior concrete walls.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Drawing B-234 [8] also shows the width in the under vessel area from the center line to the outside edge of the liner to be 6 6 and the radius of the under vessel area to be 10 6. The floor fans from 10 to a 13 opening at the under vessel area as shown in Figure 15.

Table 17 - Calculated Dimensions for Figure 15 Calculated Value Overhead View Calculated Values inches Length Equation Sump Area Floor Width (B-234) 120 10' Floor Length Sump Area Back Wall To Fan (B-234) 87 7' 3" Under Vessel Radius (B-234) 126 10' 6" Opening to Center of Under Vessel

10.52 6.52 Area 99 8' 3" Floor Length Centerline Fan To = 30 9" 83" - 7'3" Interior Incore Wall (B-234) (e) 183 15' 3" Under Vessel Opening Floor Width (B-234) (f) 156 13' Fan Floor Width Right Triangle

Base (g) 18 1'6" 2 Fan Wall Section Length (h) 184 15'4" = 2 + 2 It can also be seen on Figure 15 that the fanned walls of the tunnel intercept the under vessel cylinder to form an opening. The quadrants of the inner and outer circumferences are shown on drawing B-787

[5] and Figure 15. The portion of the bioshield encompassed by the incore tunnel opening was estimated by approximately halving a quadrant, the with a red line to form a 1/8 th equivalent section of the circumference, these each created section was continued to be halved until an index showing 1/32nd increments of the of circumference (depicted as red lines on Figure 2) was formed spanning the incore tunnel opening to the under vessel area. It can be visually seen that the 13' wide entrance (f) encompasses approximately 3.3 1/32nd circumference quadrants right of the center line of the entrance.

This equates to a portion of the overall under vessel circumference that is 6.6 32nds wide or 20.6% of the circumference. This dimension was also verified using the ZionSolutions 3D CAD model of the Reactor Buildings. This and the height of the entrance are used to calculate the surface area and concrete volumes that need to be subtracted from the calculated gross surface area and volume of the under vessel cylinder.

As seen in Figure 16 the side view drawing B-277 [7] provides more dimensional information (circled in red) than the overhead view in Figure 15. This information was used to calculate most of the dimensions of interest. Some interpolation was required for information that could not be derived from the drawing such as the height of the sloped portion of the tunnel (q, r, s) (Figure 3) and the length of the ceiling on the horizontal portion of the tunnel (p).

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 16 - Incore Instrument Tunnel and Under Vessel Area East-West Side View (B-277)

Table 4 shows the calculated values for each dimension noted on Figure 3.

Table 18 - Calculated Dimensions for Incore Tunnel Side View Figure 3 Calculated Value Overhead View Calculated Values inches Length Equation Height of Horizontal Portion of Tunnel (B-277) (i) 168 14' Length Back Sump Wall to Under Vessel Center (B-234) (j) 369 30'9" Length Back Sump Wall to Under Vessel Outer Wall (k) 243 20'3" X Axis Base Right Triangle of Sloped l = 32 + 113" 30 9" Tunnel Floor (l) 150 12'6" v = (565 539)

Sloped Tunnel Floor Y Axis Height (v) 312 26' Sloped Tunnel Floor Length (n) 346.18 28' 10" = 2 + 2

= 1442 + 692 Sloped Tunnel Roof Length (o) 168 14' 3D CAD Result Page 31 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Calculated Value Overhead View Calculated Values inches Length Equation

= 7'10"+15+15 Width Floor to Ceiling Sloped Tunnel (s) 124.00 10'4" Thickness of 539 Floor (t) 0.021 0.25" Under Vessel Liner Thickness (u) (B-276, 210) 0.021 0.25" Under Vessel Wall Height (v) 539 to 565' 312 26' Under Vessel Radius (w) 126 10'6" 4.1.2. Incore Area Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes Inside Containment Liner The concrete surface area and volume sections for the incore tunnel and under vessel areas are shown in Figure 17and Figure 18.

Figure 17 - Top View Incore Concrete Surface Area and Volume Sections Page 32 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 18 - Side View Incore Concrete Surface Area and Volume Sections The surface area calculated for each section corresponds to the interior surface area. This corresponds to the exposed surface area on the interior of the containment liner that may have removable contamination (e.g., dpm/100 cm2) and the surface area that will be in contact with ground water within the remaining containment footprint below 588 elevation. . Floor and ceiling liner volumes also correspond to the interior surface area footprint. Wall section liner volumes include the floor, ceiling thicknesses as part of the calculated overall width or height of the steel mass. As seen in Figure 17and Figure 18 there is some overlap among segments increasing the conservatism of the calculations. The calculated surface areas and volumes for a single unit are shown in Table 7.

Table 19 - Calculated Liner Surface Areas and Volumes for Single Unit Incore Area Width Total or Surface Total Length Radius Thickness Dimension Surface Volume Number Area Volume Section in in in IDs Area ft2 ft3 of Items ft2 ft3 Sloped Tunnel Floor (A) 346.2 120 0.25 n, a, b 288 6 1 288 6 Sloped Tunnel Ceiling (B) 168 120 0.25 c, a, b 140 3 1 140 3 Sloped Tunnel Walls (C) 346.2 183 0.25 n, s, b 440 9 2 880 18 Tunnel Ceiling (D) 124 120 0.25 p, a, b 103 2 1 103 2 Sump Area Floor (E) 87 120 0.25 d, a, t 73 2 1 73 2 Sump Area Walls (F) 87 168 0.25 d, i, b 102 8 2 203 17 Fan Shaped Floor(G) 138 183 0.25 e1+u, f, t 175 4 1 175 4 Fan Shaped Walls (H) 276 124 0.25 h, i,c 238 5 2 475 10 Under Vessel Floor (I) N/A 126 0.25 w, t 346 7 1 346 7 Under Vessel Wall (J) 312.25 126 0.25 v+t,w,u 1526 32 1 1526 32 Totals 4210 101 Meters 391 3 Notes: Dimension IDs correspond to dimension labels in Figure 15 and Figure 16,

  • Width for volume calculation includes 15 inches floor and ceiling thickness (e.g., 126), ** Width for volume calculation includes 30" for floor and 15 for ceiling thicknesses (e.g., 168)

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Rectangular sections used length times width for the calculated surface areas. As noted above rectangular wall sections volumes included the floor and ceiling thicknesses of the containment liner.

As shown in Figure 17, the fan shaped floor area (G) equals 116 (f) times the length to the under vessel opening which is 153 (e).The calculation of under vessel surface area (I) overlaps the calculated surface area of the fan shaped section slightly (G).

The calculated surface area of the under vessel area cylinder wall (J) is calculated using Equation 2.

The surface area of the opening is calculated as 6.6/32ths (see Figure 15 of a 14 high cylinders surface area with a radius equal to the under vessel radius (w). The 6.6/32ths value was also verified with the ZionSolutions engineering 3D CAD model of the Reactor Buildings. The opening surface area is subtracted from the calculated overall under vessel wall (j) surface area to provide the calculated surface area of J in Table 19.

The volume of the 0.25 thick under vessel liner wall is calculated as the difference between the volume of the outer cylinder minus the volume of the inner cylinder. Cylinder volumes were calculated using Equation 3. Note that the incore sump bottom elevation in Figure 2 is 5396 and therefore is above the liner and would be completely removed with the interior concrete.

Equation 3 is also used along with the 6.6/32ths correction factor to calculate the volume of the liner missing due to the opening into the incore under vessel area. The incore under vessel wall J surface area and volume calculations that account for the under vessel opening are provided in Table 19. The surface area and volume corrected for the opening are included in Table 7.

Table 20 - Summary of Under Vessel Liner (Figure 17, Figure 18 J) Surface Area and Volume Calculations ft2 ft3 Outer Cyl Vol N/A 9048.39 Inner Cyl Vol N/A -9012.59 Total Cyl No Opening 1716.68 35.80 Opening -190.50 -3.97 Total w/o Opening 1526.19 31.83 4.1.3. Liner Surface Areas and Volumes 588 to 565 Inside Containment Liner As noted in Figure 3, a 3 foot thick concrete slab (bb) covers the containment liner at the 565 elevation. Drawing B-210 [4] shows an interior diameter to the containment liner of 140 feet (aa) and a diameter of 21 feet (c) for the incore liner. These dimensions are depicted in Figure 6 and Table 14.

The three sumps would be three feet shallower than described in 3.1.3 once the 568 floor is removed.

The four walls of the shallower reactor containment sump is only 26 deep and will not be present with interior concrete removed. The Recirculation Sump details are provided on drawing B-278 [15].

As seen in Figure 9, the sump has a complicated geometry and as seen in Figure 10 extends below the containment liner at 565 elevation to the 5599 elevation. The sump is 5.25 feet (e.g., 53) deep with the 568 floor removed. This creates a void space in the containment foundation (P) that is 5.25 feet deep. The surface areas and volumes without the 568 floor are provided in Table 21.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Table 21 - Recirculation Sump Interior Wall Dimensions Calculated from Figure 9 with 568 Floor Removed.

Void Space Volume Dimension Dimension Wall to 565' Recirculation Sump ft inches Area ft2 EL ft3 Depth 5' 3" 63 N/A Walls Length 43.8 526.0048 230.1 N/A Floor Irregular Shape 122.67 N/A Total 352.8 644.02 The Cavity Flood Sump Details are provided in drawing B-279 [16]. As seen in Figure 12 the sump has interior wall lengths of 86 and 66 and as seen in Figure 13 has a floor at 5599 making it 53 deep as is the recirculation sump.

Table 22 - Cavity Flood Sump Calculated Surface Areas and Void Space Volumes with 568 Floor Removed Void Space Volume to 565' Cavity Flood Sump Dimension inches Area ft2 EL ft3 Depth 5'3" 63 N/A N/A Length and 2 Walls Surface Area 6'6" 78 34.13 N/A Width and 2 Walls Surface Area 8'6" 102 44.63 N/A Floor Surface Area N/A 7956 55.25 N/A Total 134 290 The 565 floor (K) and the reactor 565 elevation sumps are the only interior concrete structures planned to remain in the end state condition depicted in Figure 15 and Figure 16. In addition the removable contamination on the interior surface of the containment liner from 588 to 565 (L) may contribute to the total removable contamination in the end state although it will not contribute to the interior concrete surface area inventory. The tendon access tunnel galleries calculations are affected by removal of concrete inside the liner.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Table 23- Reactor End State Interior Surfaces Dimensions - Interior Concrete Removed Calculated Value Calculated Overhead View Calculated Values inches Value Feet Containment EL 568' Floor (B-210) Diameter (aa) 1680 140' Containment EL 568' Floor (B-210) Thickness (bb) 0.25 0.0208 Incore Area Diameter (cc) 252 21' Tendon Access Gallery Floor Width (dd) 54 4'6" Tendon Access Gallery Wall Height (ee) 90 7'6" Inner Radius Tendon Floor to Reactor Center (ff) 798 66'6" Outside Radius Tendon Floor to Reactor Center (gg) 852 71' Tendon Gallery Access Wall Thickness (hh) 24 2' Containment Liner Height 588' to 565' (ii) 276 23' The surface areas and concrete volumes for the sections K through O depicted in Figure 6 and Figure 14 were calculated using the information in Table 14. The surface area was calculated as the difference between the 140 (aa) foot diameter surface area and the 21 foot incore under vessel diameter surface area using Equation 1. The liner volume was calculated as the 565 floor volume minus the incore area volume using Equation 3. The sump corrected 565 floor surface area included the surface area of the sump walls extending into the foundation (P). The sump floor areas are already included in the overall floor surface area calculation. The 568 floor concrete volume was calculated as the surface area without the sump walls times the thickness (bb). The sump corrected volume was the overall volume minus the sump void spaces through the 568 3 foot thick slab.

The containment liner wall surface area (L) was calculated using the 568 diameter (aa) and the height (ii) in Equation 2. The tendon tunnel access gallery floor surface area (M) was calculated as the surface area difference between outer radius circle (ff+dd=gg) and the inner radius circle (ff) using Equation 1.

The volume of the concrete floor was calculated by multiplying the surface area times the floor thickness (hh). The inner (N) and outer (O) tendon gallery wall surface areas were calculated using the inner wall radius (ff) and the outer wall radius (gg) along with the height (ee) in Equation 2. The inner wall concrete volume (N) was calculated using the inner edge radius (ff-hh) and the distance to the outer edge radius (ff). The access gallery inner and outer wall heights for the concrete volume calculations included the floor thickness (ee+hh). The concrete volume was calculated as the difference between the outer and inner cylinder volumes using Equation 3. In the case of the outer tendon gallery wall (O) the volume calculation used an inner radius of the outer surface of gg +hh and an inner cylinder radius of gg.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Table 24 - End State Calculated Potentially Contaminated Liner Surface Areas and Volumes for Single Unit Void Liner Space to Depth Radius Thickness Surface Volume Water Section in in in Area ft2 ft3 Table ft3 Containment Liner Wall 565' to 588' 276 840 0.25 10116 211 N/A Containment Liner 565' Floor & Sump Floors without Incore Under Vessel Area N/A 840 0.25 15047 313 2.11E+05 Containment Liner 565' with Sump Walls Included N/A 840 0.25 15356 320 N/A 4.1.4. Summary of Reactor Building Interior Liner Surface Areas and Volumes The incore area calculated interior surface areas and volumes are summarized in Table 20 for elevations from 539 to 565. The remaining Reactor Building interior surface areas and volumes for elevations 565 to 588 are provided in Table 24. The results for all interior liner calculations and overall totals in square and cubic feet and in square and cubic meters are provided in Table 25. The tendon tunnel does not have a liner so the surface areas and volumes are not included in Table 25.

Table 25 - Summary of Single Unit Reactor Building Interior Liner Surface Areas and Volumes Total Total Liner Surface Volume Number Surface Volume Section Area ft2 ft3 of Items Area ft2 ft3 Sloped Tunnel Floor (A) 288 6 1 288 6 Sloped Tunnel Ceiling (B) 140 3 1 140 3 Sloped Tunnel Walls (C) 440 9 2 880 18 Tunnel Ceiling (D) 103 2 1 103 2 Sump Area Floor (E) 73 2 1 73 2 Sump Area Walls (F) 102 8 2 203 17 Fan Shaped Floor(G) 175 4 1 175 4 Fan Shaped Walls (H) 238 5 2 475 10 Under Vessel Floor (I) 346 7 1 346 7 Under Vessel Wall (J) 1526 32 1 1526 32 565' EL Floor (K) Sump Corrected 15361.2 320 1 15361 320 Containment Liner Wall 565' to 588' 10116 211 1 10116 101 Totals feet 29,687.6 521.2 Totals meters 2,758.1 14.8 Page 37 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1

5. Exterior Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes As noted in Section 0, the Tendon Access Gallery surface areas and concrete volumes (M, N, O) were included in the interior concrete calculations even though they are located outside the containment liner. Most of the material outside the liner will not impact the contaminated concrete volumes and are more applicable to the environmental evaluation of end state concrete surface areas and volumes. The exception is the potential radioactive source term extending past the containment liner due to neutron activation in the under vessel incore area.

The critical dimensions for the external concrete surface area and volume calculations are provided in Table 26. The dimension designations are shown in the Figures referred to in this section. The highlighted dimensions in the table were verified using the ZionSolutions engineering 3D CAD model of the Reactor Buildings.

Table 26 - Critical Dimensions for Containment Concrete Outside Containment Liner Surface Area and Volume Calculations Calculated Value Outside Liner Concrete Dimensions inches Length Containment 568' Inner Radius (aa)/2 840 70' Containment Outer Wall Height Below 588' (ii+bb) 276 23' Containment Outer Wall Thickness (aa1) 42 3'6" Containment EL 568' Foundation (B-210) Radius (jj) 942 78'6" Containment EL 568' Foundation (B-210) Thickness (kk) 108 9' Incore Area Outer Foundation Diameter (ll) 318 26'6" Incore Area Void Diameter (cc) 252 21' Incore Tunnel Height (s+2c) (mm) 126 10'6" Incore Tunnel Length (160"/144")*108" = o/144*kk (nn) 120 10' Incore Tunnel Width (B-234) (a+2c) (pp) 120 10' Incore Area Outer Foundation Height (qq) 204 17' Under Vessel Opening Floor Outer Width (B-234) (f+2c) (rr) 156 13' Incore Tunnel Void Space Height (ss) 168 14' Incore Tunnel Fanned Area Length (tt) 156 13' Length of Floor Beyond (ll) Diameter (uu) 51 4'3" Floor Length Tunnel Void Space Outside Fan (vv) 36 3' Incore Foundation Thickness (ww) 108 9' Incore Tunnel Outside Floor Thickness (xx) 36 3' Sloped Incore Tunnel Inside Floor (U) Length (yy) 227 18'11" Sloped Incore Tunnel Outside Floor (U) Length (zz) 267 22'3" Approx Incore Tunnel Length Outside Foundation (zz1) 201 16'9" The exterior concrete walls (L) below 588 will remain in place as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 6. The exterior walls are 36 (aa1) thick as shown on drawing B-210 [4] and Figure 6. They will extend from 588 to 565 or 23(ii+bb) in the end state . The inside radius of the containment walls is 70 feet (aa/2).

The outer radius is 736 to the outside edge of the wall. The outer surface area of the wall that will remain below 588 is calculated using the exterior radius 736 and height 23 with Equation 2. The Page 38 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 surface area of the top of the wall is calculated as the difference between the 736 inch outer radius circle and the 70 inner radius circle using Equation 1. The volume of the 36 wall is calculated based upon the difference between the outer and inner cylinder volumes using Equation 3. The results these calculations are provided in Table 27.

Table 27 - Exterior Concrete Containment Wall Below 588' Surface Area and Overall Volume Location ft2 ft3 CTMT Outer Wall 10621.7 36290.9 Top of Wall Surface Area 1577.9 N/A Total 12199.6 36290.9 As seen in Figure 1 and Figure 6, the containment rests on a 9 foot thick (kk) concrete foundation (P) outside the 1/4 inch containment steel liner from the 565 to 556 elevation. As seen in Figure 6 and Figure 20, the 9 foot thick slab contains void spaces for the incore under vessel area and the incore access tunnel. Additional concrete (Sections Q through T) are also located outside the liner. These are below the containment foundation surrounding the incore under vessel area and portions of the access tunnel as shown in Figure 6, Figure 19, Figure 20, and Figure 21.

Figure 19 - Outer Surface Area and Volume of 9 ft Thick CTMT Foundation As seen in Figure 20, the 9 foot thick foundation (kk) has a 157 foot outside diameter (e.g., 78.5 foot radius (jj)). The surface area of the foundation exposed to groundwater is the outer wall area and portions of the exposed bottom surface areas such as the portion outside the under vessel radius and not covered by the incore tunnel. The outside wall surface area is calculated using the 78.5 foot radius (jj) and 9 foot height (kk) using Equation 2. The bottom surface area of the foundation is the surface area of a circle calculated using the radius in Equation 1. The bottom surface area covered by the Incore Under vessel area is the difference between the outer circle surface area (gg+hh) and the inner circle surface area (ff-hh) using Equation 1. The radius of the incore under vessel foundation is 266 radius (ll) as shown in Figure 21. This area must be subtracted from the bottom surface area of the 786 circle (jj) to obtain the total exposed surface area. As seen in Figure 20 the tunnel entrance on the 568 elevation is 433 (e.g., 113 + 32) from the center line of the reactor. The tunnel area beyond 266 from the reactor covers part of the bottom surface area of the foundation (P). This equals a length of approximately 169 (zz1). As seen in Figure 21 the incore tunnel walls and floor area are 16 feet wide. This equals a surface area of 268 ft2. The surface area calculations for the containment foundation (P) are summarized in Table 28.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Table 28 - Summary of Containment Foundation (see Figure 6) Concrete Outer Surface Area and Overall Volume Calculations ft2 ft3 Outer Cyl Vol Foundation (P) 4439.1 174233.5 Outer Cyl Bottom Surface Area (P) 19359.3 N/A Tendon Gallery Surface Area (M,N) -3671.7 N/A Under Vessel Foundation Surface Area (Q,R) -2206.2 N/A Under Vessel Cyl Void Vol N/A -3117.2 Incore Tunnel Void Vol -268.0 -1050.0 Totals 17652.4 170066.3 The volume of the containment foundation concrete (P) outside the liner is the volume of the 9 foot (kk) thick 786 (jj) radius cylinder minus the void spaces created by the incore under vessel area and the sloped portion of the incore access tunnel that traverses the foundation as seen in Figure 20 and Figure 21.

Figure 20 - Side View Incore Area Interior and Exterior Dimensions (B-234)

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Figure 21 - Overhead View Incore Area Interior and Exterior Dimensions (B-234)

The gross volume of the foundation (P) is calculated using the 9 foot (kk) height and the 786 (jj) radius in Equation 3. As seen in Figure 20, the under vessel area creates a void space in the gross volume of the foundation (P) that is 21 feet in diameter (cc) and 9 feet (kk) thick. This void space volume is calculated using Equation 3 and shown in Table 28. As seen in Figure 20, the sloped portion of the incore tunnel also creates a void space in the volume of the foundation (P). As noted in Figure Page 41 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 20, the height of the tunnel is 106 (mm). As seen in Figure 21, the tunnel width is 10 feet (pp). The length of the tunnel (pp) through the 9 feet of the foundation is required to calculate the void volume.

This length can be calculated as a function of the angle of the tunnel. As seen in Figure 3 and Figure 22 below, the angle of the tunnel ceiling forms a right triangle with a 12 (144 inch) adjacent segment, a 69 inch opposite segment, and a 160 inch hypotenuse (o) relative to the angle . The ratio of the hypotenuse length to the adjacent side length is constant for the angle .The ratio of the ceiling hypotenuse divided by the 12 foot adjacent length (1.11111 Hyp/Adj) multiplied times the 9 foot foundation thickness (e.g., 160/144 X 9) yields a 10 foot tunnel length (nn) through the 9 foot thick foundation (P). This creates a void space of 10 (pp) X 10(nn) X 10.5(mm) as seen in Table 28.

Figure 22 - Incore Tunnel Angle Details The total containment foundation concrete volume (P) in Table 28 is that of the outer cylinder minus the void spaces of the under vessel cylinder and 10 foot length of tunnel transiting it.

As seen in Figure 20 and Figure 21 the incore under vessel area is surrounded by a cylinder of concrete (Q) that has a 266 radius (ll) and is 17 feet high (qq). This rests on a 9 foot thick (ww) foundation (R) under the incore under vessel area of the same radius. It can also be seen in Figure 20 that the Incore Tunnel creates a void space through Q. As seen in Figure 2 the fanned floor area creates a 106 (f) opening to the under vessel area with 15 inches (c) interior walls. This forms a 13 (rr) outer diameter opening. The outer tunnel width prior to the fan is 10 feet (pp). Similar to the interior floor surface area calculation shown as G in Figure 4, the fan shape, including the interior walls, is equivalent to a rectangular width of 116 for the fan shaped area void space. The horizontal portion of the incore tunnel has a 26 thick floor (t) and a 15 ceiling creating a tunnel void space height of 14 (ss) as seen in Figure 20. The length of the tunnel to the liner is 1411.5 (e2) minus the 111.5 under vessel wall thickness (u) as seen in Figure 2. This yields a tunnel length from the fan to the under vessel outer wall opening of 13 (tt). The incore tunnel fan shaped area void space through Q is thus 11.5 X 13(tt)

X 14(ss).

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 As seen in Figure 20 and Figure 21 a portion of the incore tunnel prior to the start of the fan shape also creates a void space in the incore foundation wall (Q). As seen in Figure 20 the horizontal floor of the tunnel is 309 from the under vessel center line. This is 43 (uu) beyond the 266 (ll) radius. As seen in Figure 2 and Figure 21, the floor from the fan shape to the sloped tunnel intersection is 73 (d) long. This creates a 3 (vv) floor length that is in the under vessel foundation (Q). This is also confirmed by 236 center line to fan dimension shown in Figure 21, which is 3 feet shorter than the radius (ll). The approximate void space beyond the fan shaped tunnel portion is thus 3 (vv) X 10 (pp)

X 14(ss). The calculated values of the incore foundation wall (Q) outer surface area and concrete volume are provided in Table 29.

Table 29 - Summary of Incore Foundation Wall (Q) Concrete Outer Surface Area and Overall Volume Calculations ft2 ft3 Volume Equation 2 3 V = 2 h =( x 318 x 204)/12 Outer Cyl Vol Foundation 2830.6 37505.1 2 3 Under Vessel Cyl Void Vol N/A -5888.1 V = 2 h =( x (252/2) x 204)/12 Tunnel Void Vol Fan Area N/A -1319.5 V =((120+18)/2) x 168 x 156 Tunnel Void Vol Outside Fan Area N/A -420.0 V =36 x 120 x 168 Overall Surface Area and Volume 2831 30297 As seen in Figure 1, Figure 6, Figure 20, Figure 21 the incore foundation wall (Q) and the incore under vessel area rest on a 9 (ww) thick foundation with a 266 radius (ll). The surface area is calculated for the outer wall using Equation 2. The surface area of the base is calculated using Equation 1. The volume contains no void spaces and is calculated using Equation 3. A portion of the outer wall surface area is obstructed by the 3 foot thick interface with the incore tunnel foundation (S) that is outside the radius of the base. As seen in Figure 20, this would have a 3 height and as seen in Figure 21 a 16 width but the surface covered is negligible and was not subtracted from the outside wall area of the foundation (R).

As seen in Figure 20 and Figure 21, part of the portion of the incore tunnel is outside the containment foundation P and the incore wall foundation Q. The outer surface area and concrete volumes for the portions of the incore tunnel outside the containment foundation (P) and the incore wall (Q) were performed as follows. The incore tunnel floor (S, U) and wall (T) sections are shown in Figure 20 and Figure 21. As seen in Figure 21 the floor (S, U) inside the outer walls (T) is 10 feet wide (pp). As shown in Figure 20 the horizontal portion of the tunnel floor (S) outside Q is 43 long (uu). This equals a bottom surface area of 43(uu) X 10(pp) or 42.5 ft2. The incore tunnel floor thickness outside the tunnel is 3 feet thick(xx) yielding a volume of 127 ft3.

The angled floor (U) length can be calculated based upon 1.1111 hypotenuse to adjacent ratio for the tunnel angle seen in Figure 22 and Figure 23. The length calculated by multiplying the 17 height (qq) times the 160/144 ratio is 1810.5 or approximately 1811(yy). The length of the section through the 3 foot horizontal floor is 34 forming an outside floor length of 223.(zz).

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 The bottom surface area of the angled portion of the tunnel floor is 223 (pp) times 10 (pp) or 222.5 ft2. As seen in Figure 20 and Figure 23 the floor is 3 feet thick (xx) yielding an angled tunnel floor volume of 667.5 ft3.

Figure 23 - Side View of Incore Wall and Floor Sections Outside Containment Foundation (P) and Incore Foundation Wall (Q)

The side and bottom surface area of the walls (T) is calculated as shown in Figure 23. The portion above (uu) T1 is 20 feet high (qq+xx) by 4.25 (uu) feet wide by 3 feet thick as seen in Figure 21. The edge of T1 to the floor forms a wall section T2. The ratio of the base 69 inches to the adjacent 144 inches in Figure 22 can be used to calculate the width of the base of the wall section formed next to the section above (uu). This is 69/144 times 17 feet which is 8 feet 1.75 inches. The surface area of T2 is 1/2 17 feet times 8 feet 1.75 inches or 69.24 ft3. There is no bottom surface area for this wall section since it rests on T3. T3 is a beam that is 223 long (zz) by 3 feet wide and 3 feet thick (xx). The bottom and side surface areas are 223 times 3 feet or 66.75 ft2 each. The volume of T3 is 200.25 cf.

The calculated volumes and surface areas for the Incore Tunnel walls outside the containment foundation (P) and incore foundation wall (Q) are provided in Table 30.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Table 30 - Calculated Surface Areas and Volumes for Incore Tunnel Outer Walls (T)

Item ft2 ft3 Equation No. Items ft2 ft3 Horizontal Floor ft2 = uu x (qq+xx) 85.0 255.0 2 170.0 510.0 Portion Side T1 ft3 = uu x (qq+xx) x xx ft2 = qq x 8'1.75" Triangle T2 69.2 207.7 1 69.2 207.7 ft3 = qq x 8'1.75' x xx Beam U T3 66.8 200.3 ft2 = zz x xx 2 133.5 400.5 ft3 = xx x xx x vv Total 221.0 663.0 372.7 1118.2 The calculated exposed surface area in contact with ground water and volumes for containment concrete structures outside the containment liner are summarized in Table 31. This does not include the tendon tunnel exterior walls.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Table 31 - Single Unit Reactor Building Exterior Concrete Calculated Surface Areas and Volumes Width Total or Exposed Exposed Total Length Radius Thickness Surface Volume Number Surface Volume Section in in in Dimension IDs Area ft2 ft3 of Items Area ft2 ft3 Containment Exterior Wall Below 588 EL (L) 276 840 42 aa/2, ii+bb, aa1 12199.6 36290.9 1.0 12199.6 36290.9 Containment Foundation (P) Sump Void Space Corrected N/A 942 108 jj,kk,cc 17652.4 169132.2 1.0 17652.4 169132.2 Incore Under Vessel Foundation Wall (Q) N/A 318 204 ll,qq,cc 2830.6 30297.5 1.0 2830.6 30297.5 Incore Under Vessel Foundation (R) N/A 318 108 ll, ww 3704.7 19855.7 1.0 3704.7 19855.7 Horizontal Tunnel Floor (S) 51 120 36 uu,ww,xx 42.5 127.5 1.0 42.5 127.5 Sloped Tunnel Floor (U) 267 120 36 zz,pp,xx 222.5 667.5 1.0 222.5 667.5 Tunnel Wall (T) 267 148.75 15 zz, xx,cc 221.0 663.0 2.0 442.0 1325.9 Totals 24,895 221,406 Totals meters 2,313 6,270 Page 46 of 50

TSD 13-005 Revision 1 The overall concrete surface areas and volumes associated with the Reactor Building end state with the interior concrete intact are provided in Table 32. The surface area total does not include the 8796.46 ft2 (e.g., 817.2 m2) per Reactor Building of the steel containment liner interior. The wall surface area from 588 to 565 is included in Table 16.

Table 32 - Summary of Total Reactor Building Interior and Exterior Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes Single Unit 1/2 Both Units Total Total End State Reactor Building Surface Volume Surface Volume Concrete Area m2 m3 Area m2 m3 Interior 2,727 2,128 5,434 4,256 Exterior 2,313 6,270 4,626 12,539.05 Totals 9,457 16,795

6. Void Spaces and Fill Volumes The DUST MS model will assume radioactivity remaining in the end state is mixed in the saturated zone to the mean elevation of the water table at the 579 foot elevation. Assuming the 568 elevation was continuous, Equation 1 can be used to calculate the surface area of the 70 foot radius at 15,939.8 square feet. At a distance of 11 feet to the water table this equals a void space of 180,112.3 ft3.

Table 33 - Saturated Zone Void Space Volume with Interior Concrete Present Void Void Space Space Below Below Water Water Floor Area Floor Area Item Table ft3 Table m3 Radius ft Height ft ft2 m2 568' EL Floor 169331.8 4794.9 70 11 15393.8 1430.1 Cavity Flood Sump 455.8 12.9 8.25 55.3 5.1 Recirculation Sump 1012.0 28.7 8.25 122.7 11.4 Reactor Containment Sump 62.5 1.8 2.5 25.0 2.3 Incore Under Vessel Area 6074.1 172.0 8.54 26.5 229.2 21.3 Incore Area Fan Shaped Access 1609.9 45.6 10.25 157 14.6 Sloped Tunnel 1566.1 44.3 7.83 200 18.6 Totals 180112.3 5100.2 16182.9 1503.4 Abstracted Model 16373.84 1521.2 The void space to the saturated zone with the interior concrete removed is provided in Table 34. This does not include the tendon tunnel void space.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 Table 34 - Saturated Zone Void Space Volume with Interior Concrete Removed Void Void Space Space Below Below Water Floor Water Table Radius Height Floor Area Area Item Table ft3 m3 ft ft ft2 m2 565' EL Floor 215513.26 6102.7 70 14 15393.8 1430.1 Cavity Flood Sump 290.1 8.2 5.25 55.3 5.1 Recirculation Sump 644.0 18.2 5.25 122.7 11.4 Reactor Containment Sump 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 Incore Under Vessel Area 9005.4 255.0 10.50 26 346.4 32.2 Incore Area Fan Shaped Access 2455.3 69.5 14 175 16.3 Sloped Tunnel 2981.0 84.4 10.33 288 26.8 Totals 230889 6538.0 16381.9 1521.9

7. Conclusion The potentially contaminated end state interior concrete volumes and surface areas are provided in Table 16 - Summary of Single Unit Reactor Building Interior Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes.

Because the tendon tunnels are potentially contaminated with very low levels of radioactive contamination, they were included as part of the interior concrete inventory. The surface area of the steel containment liner walls from the 588 foot to 568 foot elevation were also included in the interior concrete inventory for the purposes of calculating the surface contamination source term, although they are not actually concrete. The inventory also includes the surface areas of the 568 elevation sumps and incore sump, even though it remains to be determined whether or not the steel liners will be removed.

Due to the water table elevation which is at approximately the 581 foot elevation across the site, removal or damage of the containment or sump steel liners entails a risk of large volumes of groundwater intrusion. Such intrusions were encountered at Connecticut Yankee and required the treatment and release of large volumes of low quality contaminated water. It is therefore likely that the steel sump and containment liners will remain intact in the end state configuration. Including the sump liner surface areas in the concrete surface area calculations is conservative and will increase the estimated embedded concrete source term.

The potential contaminated steel liner surface areas and volumes with the interior concrete removed are provided in Table 25 - Summary of Single Unit Reactor Building Interior Liner Surface Areas and Volumes.

The surface areas and volumes of non-contaminated concrete outside the containment liner are summarized in Table 31 - Single Unit Reactor Building Exterior Concrete Calculated Surface Areas and Volumes. This calculation accounts for the void spaces created by the incore area and sumps which extend into the 9 foot thick containment slab. They also account for the under vessel incore area and incore access tunnel that are exterior to the containment liner. It does not include the tendon tendon tunnel walls.

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1 The saturated zone void spaces associated with either end state are provided in Table 33 - Saturated Zone Void Space Volume with Interior Concrete Present and Table 34 - Saturated Zone Void Space Volume with Interior Concrete Removed.

The overall concrete surface areas and volumes associated with the Reactor Building end state are provided in Table 32 (repeated in this section as Table 35). The surface area total in Table 32 does not include the 8796.46 ft2 (e.g., 817.2 m2) per Reactor Building of the steel containment liner walls that are included in Table 16.

Table 35 - Summary of Total Reactor Building Interior and Exterior Concrete Surface Areas and Volumes Single Unit 1/2 Both Units Total Total End State Reactor Building Surface Volume Surface Volume Concrete Area m2 m3 Area m2 m3 Interior 2,717 2,128 5,434 4,256 Exterior 2,313 6,270 4,626 12,539.05 Totals 9,457 16,795

8. References

[1] "Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 And 2 Asset Sale Agreement, December 11, 2007".

[2] "Zion Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 Amended Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report March 17, 2008".

[3] "NUREG-1575, Supplement 1 MARSAME, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Assessment of Materials and Equipment Manual (MARSAME) (Revision 1),

{EPA 402-R-09-001}, 2009".

[4] "B-210 Rev. Q, Unit 1 & 2 Reactor Building Containment Structural Arrangement, Jan 19, 1971".

[5] "B-787 Rev. C, Incore Instrument Tunnel Embedments, April 9, 1971".

[6] "B-276 Rev. M, Reactor Building Framing Section A-A Zion Station Unit 1 & 2, Jan 25, 1973".

[7] "B-277, Rev. S, Reactor Building Framing Section B-B Zion Station Units 1 & 2, March 27, 1972".

[8] "B-234, Rev. K, Reactor Building Foundation Sectional Plan EL 539' Zion Station Units 1 & 2, June 2, 1967".

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TSD 13-005 Revision 1

[9] "M-800 Rev. A, Incore Instrument (Botom Mounted) General Arrangement &

Details Unit 2, Feb 26, 1972".

[10] "B-711, Rev. A Reactor Building Field Finish Coating and Paint System Zion Station Unit 1, August 20, 1971".

[11] "B-666, Rev. D, Reactor Building Basement Floor Plan EL. 568'0" Unit 1, March 16 1978".

[12] "B-264, Rev. Y, Reactor Building Framing Plan EL 568'0" West Area Zion Station Unit 1, April 29, 1980".

[13] "B-265, Rev. T, Reactor Building Framing Plan EL 568'0" East Area Zion Station Unit 1, March 27, 1972".

[14] "B-430, Rev. M, Reactor Building Miscellaneous Sections and Details Sheet 1 Zion Station Units 1 & 2, August 26, 1974".

[15] "B-278, Rev. H, Zion Station Unit 1 Reactor Building Framing Recirculation Sump Plans, Sections and Details, February 27, 1978".

[16] "B-279, Rev. L, Reactor Building Framing Cavity Sump Sections & Details Zion Station Units 1 & 2, May 30, 1986".

9. Attachments None Page 50 of 50