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Final Status Survey Release Record, Wwtf Sludge Drying Bed Area, Survey Unit 12101, Revision 1
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 04/29/2020
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20147A087 List:
Download: ML20147A090 (223)



FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 PREPARED BY / DATE: Robert Yetter III Final Status Survey Specialist REVIEWED BY / DATE: Robert Yetter Director, Radiological Site Closure APPROVED BY / DATE: Sarah Roberts Vice President, Radiological Programs





................................................................................................... 7

2. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 7
3. CLASSIFICATION BASIS .................................................................................................. 8
4. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO) ......................................................................... 10
5. SURVEY DESIGN .............................................................................................................. 14
6. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION........................................................................................ 21
7. SURVEY RESULTS............................................................................................................ 22
8. QUALITY CONTROL ....................................................................................................... 29
9. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS ............................................................................... 29
10. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS..................................................................................... 29
11. CHANGES FROM THE SURVEY PLAN ....................................................................... 29
12. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT (DQA) ........................................................................ 29
13. ANOMALIES....................................................................................................................... 30
14. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 30
15. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 30
16. ATTACHMENTS................................................................................................................ 31 ATTACHMENT 1 - FIGURE AND MAP ................................................................................. 32 ATTACHMENT 2 - SCAN DATA ........................................................................................... 35 ATTACHMENT 3 - CONSULTATION TRIGGERS FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL SOIL CONTAMINATION ............................... 43 ATTACHMENT 4 - SIGN TEST ............................................................................................. 45 ATTACHMENT 5 - QC SAMPLE ASSESSMENT ..................................................................... 47 ATTACHMENT 6 - GRAPHICAL PRESENTATIONS ................................................................. 49 ATTACHMENT 7 - SAMPLE ANALYTICAL REPORTS ............................................................ 56 ATTACHMENT 8 - EBERLINE ANALYTICAL REPORTS ....................................................... 201


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture.......................................................................... 11 Table 2 - Base Case DCGLs for Surface Soils (BcDCGLSS) ................................................................ 12 Table 3 - Base Case DCGLs for Subsurface Soils (BcDCGLSB) .......................................................... 12 Table 4 - Operational DCGLs for Surface Soils (OpDCGL SS) ............................................................. 13 Table 5 - Operational DCGLs for Subsurface Soils (OpDCGL SB) ....................................................... 13 Table 6 - Surrogate Ratios ...................................................................................................................... 14 Table 7 - Investigation Levels ................................................................................................................ 16 Table 8 - Systematic Sample Measurement Locations........................................................................... 18 Table 9 - Synopsis of Survey Design ..................................................................................................... 20 Table 10 - Instruments and Detectors ..................................................................................................... 22 Table 11 - Synopsis of Scan Results....................................................................................................... 22 Table 12 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for Surface Soil Samples Comprising the Statistical Sample Population ............................................................................................... 25 Table 13 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for Subsurface Soil Samples............................ 25 Table 14 - Off-Site Analysis Results ...................................................................................................... 26 Table 15 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for QC Soil Samples........................................ 27 Table 16 - Sum of Fractions for Individual Surface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs (Systematic) ........................................................................................................ 27 Table 17 - Sum of Fractions for Individual Subsurface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs ....................................................................................................................... 28 Table 18 - Sum of Fractions for Individual Surface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs (QC) .................................................................................................................... 28 Table 19 - Basic Statistical Properties of Systematic Sample Population.............................................. 28 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Class 1 and Class 2 Open Land Survey Units from Figure 2-7 of the LTP............................. 8


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable AMCG Average Member of the Critical Group BcDCGL Base Case Soil DCGLs BcSOF Base Case Sum of Fractions C/LT Characterization/License Termination cpm Counts per minute DQA Data Quality Assessment DQO Data Quality Objective DCGL Derived Concentration Guideline Level EMC Elevated Measurement Comparison FSS Final Status Survey GPS Global Positioning System HTD Hard-to-Detect HSA Historical Site Assessment IC Insignificant Contributor LBGR Lower Bound of the Gray Region LTP License Termination Plan MARSSIM Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration MDCR Minimum Detectable Count Rate NAD North American Datum NaI Sodium Iodide OpDCGL Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Level OpSOF Operational Sum of Fractions QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan QC Quality Control RA Radiological Assessment RE Radiological Engineer


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 ROC Radionuclides of Concern SOF Sum of Fractions TEDE Total Effective Dose Equivalent TSD Technical Support Document UBGR Upper Bound of the Gray Region UCL Upper Confidence Level VSP Visual Sample Plan WWTF Waste Water Treatment Facility ZNPS Zion Nuclear Power Station ZSRP Zion Station Restoration Project





This Final Status Survey (FSS) Release Record for Survey Unit 12101, Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF) Sludge Drying Bed Area, has been generated for the Zion Station Restoration Project (ZSRP) in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-005, Final Status Survey Data Reporting (Reference 1) and satisfies the requirements of Section 5.11 of the Zion Station Restoration Project License Termination Plan (LTP) (Reference 2).

An FSS package (L1-12101A-F) was developed in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001,Final Status Survey Package Development (Reference 3), the ZSRP LTP, and guidance from NUREG-1575, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) (Reference 4).

This open land survey unit has a MARSSIM classification of one. A survey plan was designed based upon use of the Sign Test as the nonparametric statistical test for compliance. Both the error rates were set at 0.05. Seventeen (17) systematic surface soil samples were acquired from the survey unit. In addition, surface scanning was performed on 100% of the total surface area in the survey unit. No areas of elevated activity were detected during the scans. The analytical results for all soil samples taken in survey unit 12101 indicate that the Sum of Fractions (SOF) for each sample, when compared to the Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (OpDCGL), was less than 1.0, with a maximum Operational SOF (OpSOF) of 0.200. The mean OpSOF for the systematic samples was 0.055. The mean Base Case SOF (BcSOF), when the analytical results were compared to the Base Case DCGLs (BcDCGL), was 0.014, which results in a dose assigned to the survey unit of 0.355 mrem/year.

Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and survey unit 12101 is acceptable for unrestricted release.

2. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION Survey unit 12101, WWTF Sludge Drying Bed Area, is a Class 1 open land survey unit that is 2,036 m2 in size. It is bounded on the west by survey unit 12201E, the south by survey unit 12102, the east by survey unit 10223, and the north by survey units 10201D and 10202D.

The topography of the survey unit is mainly flat with some small dips and depressions. The soil is mostly loam. There is a fence running along the east side of the survey unit.

The boundary of the survey unit was defined using a Global Positioning System (GPS) based on the Illinois State Plane System North American Datum (NAD) 1983 East. The reference coordinates associated with the sample locations in this survey unit are presented in Table 8.



3. CLASSIFICATION BASIS Survey unit 12101 was classified in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification (Reference 5).

The area encompassing this survey unit was described in the Zion Station Historical Site Assessment (HSA) (Reference 6) as the WWTF Area and was located within survey unit 10101 as identified in Figure 3 of the HSA. Subsequently, in the LTP, the area of survey units 10112 and 10101 that was inside the Security Area fence line was split into three survey units, 12101, 12102, and 12103. Survey unit 12101 was described as the WWTF Sludge Drying Bed Area in Table 2-4 of the LTP. The location of these survey units is represented in Figure 2-7 of the LTP, which is replicated below as Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Class 1 and Class 2 Open Land Survey Units from Figure 2-7 of the LTP A Characterization Survey was performed in September 2012 for survey unit 12101. This characterization survey consisted of gamma walkover scans using a Ludlum Model 2350-1 and a Model 44-10 (2 x 2) sodium iodide (NaI) detector. These scans identified areas with activity above the Minimum Detectable Count Rate (MDCR) of the instrument. Investigations were performed and thirteen (13) of these locations were selected for surface and subsurface sampling.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Characterization samples were taken in June 2013 at the thirteen (13) locations identified from the previous survey. The results were:

Thirteen (13) surface soil samples were taken, two (2) of which had positive activity for Cs-137. The activities for the two samples were 0.16 and 0.21 pCi/g. Co-60 was less than the Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC) for all samples.

Thirteen (13) locations had subsurface samples taken to a depth of three (3) meters, composited in 1-meter intervals. One (1) of the samples had positive Cs-137 activity at 0.08 pCi/g. All of the subsurface samples were < MDC for Co-60.

In August of 2014, a surveillance survey was performed in the three WWTF Drying Beds.

Gamma walkover scans were performed, which identified seven (7) points with activity above the MDCR of the instrument. Nine (9) investigation samples were taken, three (3) in each of the beds. Cs-137 was detected in all nine (9) samples, ranging from 0.21 to 4.72 pCi/g. Co-60 was identified in six (6) samples, ranging from 0.18 to 1.83 pCi/g. The soil in the three WWTF Drying Beds was subsequently removed.

In August of 2015, the security fence was removed at the north Section of survey unit 12101, enabling access to the area between the double fence. A gamma walkover survey was performed of this area of the survey unit. No areas of activity above the MDCR of the instrument were identified.

In April and May of 2017, excavations were performed to remove buried pipe in survey units 12101, 12102, and 12103. Surveys and sampling were performed during this pipe removal on a Radiological Assessment (RA) survey. Gamma scans on the pipe Sections and excavated soil showed no activity above the MDCscan of the instrument, and soil samples showed no activity above MDC for the Radionuclides of Concern (ROC).

In February of 2019, scans and surface/subsurface sampling was performed in the drying bed area to ensure the activity identified in 2014 had been removed. The gamma walkover scans did not identify any areas of activity above MDCR. Four (4) sample locations were marked, at the approximate locations of the 2014 samples. One (1) surface sample had Cs-137 activity above MDC, at 0.06 pCi/g. Two (2) subsurface samples had Cs-137 activity above MDC, at 0.17 pCi/g and 0.18 pCi/g.

A Radiological Engineer (RE) and a Characterization/License Termination (C/LT) Supervisor performed a visual inspection and walk-down of the survey unit on February 21, 2019, prior to performing FSS. The purpose of the walk-down was to assess the physical condition of the survey unit, evaluate access points and travel paths and identify potentially hazardous conditions.

A final classification assessment was performed in accordance with procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification as part of the survey design for FSS. The assessment confirmed that survey unit 12101 was correctly classified as Class 1.



4. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES FSS planning and design hinges on coherence with the Data Quality Objective (DQO) process to ensure, through compliance with explicitly defined inputs and boundaries, that the primary objective of the survey is satisfied. The DQO process, utilized in accordance with MARSSIM, is described in the ZSRP LTP. The appropriate design for a given survey is developed using the DQO process as outlined in Appendix D of MARSSIM.

The DQO process incorporated hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis. Hypothesis testing is a process based on the scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition. The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis. Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection. In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis, was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria. Rejection of the null hypothesis would indicate that residual activity within the survey unit does not exceed the release criteria.

Therefore, the survey unit would satisfy the primary objective of the FSS sample plan.

The primary objective of the FSS sample plan is to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in survey unit 12101 does not exceed the release criteria specified in the LTP and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).

ZionSolutions Technical Support Document (TSD)11-001, Technical Support Document for Potential Radionuclides of Concern During the Decommissioning of the Zion Station (Reference 7), established the basis for an initial suite of potential ROC for the decommissioning of the Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS).

ZionSolutions TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Soil and Basement Fill Model Source Terms (Reference 8), was written to refine the initial selection of ROC for decommissioning at the ZSRP. The list of ROC was evaluated using Containment Building(s) and Auxiliary Building concrete core analysis data to evaluate the dose significance of each radionuclide in the end state model. Section 4.4 of TSD 14-019 evaluated the results of the characterization data of surveys taken of soils. The following conclusion was reached: The results of surface and subsurface soil characterization in the impacted area surrounding Zion indicate that there is minimal residual radioactivity in soil. Essentially all of the soil results were reported as non-detectable.

Other than Cs-137 at very low levels, and Co-60 at a concentration of 0.24 pCi/g in one sample, the results for all radionuclides were less than MDC. Therefore, the direct determination of radionuclide mixture fractions for initial suite radionuclides in soil is not technically feasible due to the MDC biasing issues discussed above. Based on a generalized assumption that the contaminated water that caused concrete contamination would be similar to the source of soil contamination, the ROC and radionuclide mixture derived for the Auxiliary Building concrete was considered to be reasonably representative of soils for FSS planning and implementation.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 The ROC for surface soils are listed in Table 1 below (from Table 5-2 of the LTP):

Table 1 - Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture Auxiliary Building Radionuclide  % of Total Activity (normalized)(1)(2)

Co-60 0.92%

Ni-63 23.71%

Sr-90 0.05%

Cs-134 0.01%

Cs-137 75.32%

(1) Based on maximum percent of total activity from Table 20 of TSD 14-019, normalized to one for the dose significant radionuclides (2) Does not include dose significant radionuclides for activated concrete (H-3, Eu-152, Eu-154).

A fundamental precursor to survey design is to establish a relationship between the release criteria and some measurable quantity. This is done through the development of DCGLs. The DCGLs represent average levels of radioactivity above background levels and are presented in terms of surface or mass activity concentrations. Chapter 6 of the LTP describes in detail the modeling used to develop the DCGLs for soils.

Surface soil is defined as soil residing in the first 0.15 m (6 inches) layer of soil. A subsurface soil category, which is defined as a layer of soil beginning at the surface but extending to a depth of 1 m, is also assessed to allow for flexibility in compliance demonstration if contamination deeper than 0.15 m is encountered. Site-specific DCGLs for soil were calculated for both the 0.15 m and 1 m thicknesses. Based on characterization data and historical information, there are no expectations of encountering a source term geometry that is comprised of a clean surface layer of soil over a contaminated subsurface soil layer. ZionSolutions TSD 14-011, Soil Area Factors (Reference 9) and LTP, Section 6.8 provide the exposure scenarios and modeling parameters that were used to calculate the site-specific DCGLs for soils (referred to as Base Case Soil DCGLs [BcDCGL] in this Release Record).

At ZNPS, compliance is demonstrated through the summation of dose from four distinct source terms (basements, soils, buried pipe and groundwater). for the end-state. Basements are comprised of the summation of four structural source terms (surfaces, embedded pipe, penetrations and fill). When applied to soil, the DCGLs are expressed in units of activity per unit of mass (pCi/g). The unity rule is applied when there is more than one ROC. The measurement results for each singular ROC present in the mixture are compared against their respective DCGL to derive a dose fraction.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 The surface and subsurface soil BcDCGLs for the unrestricted release of open land survey units are listed in Tables 5-5 and 5-6 of the LTP and are provided in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively.

The Insignificant Contributor (IC) dose percentage of 10% was used to adjust the DCGLs in soils to account for the dose from the eliminated IC radionuclides.

Table 2 - Base Case DCGLs for Surface Soils (BcDCGL SS)

Surface Soil DCGL Radionuclide (pCi/g)

Co-60 4.26 Cs-134 6.77 Cs-137 14.18 Ni-63 3,572.10 Sr-90 12.09 Table 3 - Base Case DCGLs for Subsurface Soils (BcDCGL SB)

Subsurface Soil Radionuclide DCGL (pCi/g)

Co-60 3.44 Cs-134 4.44 Cs-137 7.75 Ni-63 763.02 Sr-90 1.66 Each radionuclide-specific BcDCGL is equivalent to the level of residual radioactivity (above background levels) that could, when considered independently, result in a TEDE of 25 mrem/year to an Average Member of the Critical Group (AMCG). To ensure that the summation of dose from each source term is 25 mrem/year or less after all FSS is completed, the BcDCGLs are reduced based on an expected, or a priori, fraction of the 25 mrem/year dose limit from each source term. The reduced DCGLs, or Operational DCGLs, can be related to the BcDCGLs as an expected fraction of dose based on an a priori assessment of what the expected dose should be based on the results of site characterization, process knowledge and the extent of planned remediation. The OpDCGL is then used as the DCGL for the FSS design of the survey unit (calculation of surrogate DCGLs, investigations levels, etc.). Details of the OpDCGLs derived for each dose component and the basis for the applied a priori dose fractions are provided in ZionSolutions TSD 17-004, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Final Status Survey (Reference 10).


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 The OpDCGLs for the FSS of surface and subsurface soils are listed in Tables 5-7 and 5-8 of the LTP and are reproduced below in Table 4 and Table 5, respectively.

Table 4 - Operational DCGLs for Surface Soils (OpDCGL SS)

Surface Soil DCGL Radionuclide (pCi/g)

Co-60 1.091 Cs-134 1.733 Cs-137 3.630 Ni-63 914.458 Sr-90 3.095 Table 5 - Operational DCGLs for Subsurface Soils (OpDCGL SB)

Subsurface Soil Radionuclide DCGL (pCi/g)

Co-60 0.881 Cs-134 1.137 Cs-137 1.984 Ni-63 195.333 Sr-90 0.425 In accordance with NUREG-1757, Appendix G, if the HSA indicates that there is no likelihood of substantial subsurface residual radioactivity, subsurface surveys are not necessary. The HSA, as well as the results of the extensive characterization of subsurface soils in the impacted area surrounding the Zion facility have shown that there is minimal residual radioactivity in subsurface soil. Consequently, the ZSRP performed minimal subsurface sampling during FSS.

Instrument DQOs included a verification of the ability of the survey instrument to detect the radiation(s) of interest at the required scan MDC, which for Class 1 open land survey units, is the a priori elevated measurement comparison DCGL (DCGLEMC). Survey instrument response checks were required prior to issuance and after the instrument had been used. Control and accountability of survey instruments was required to ensure the quality and prevent the loss of data.

As part of the DQOs applied to laboratory processes, analysis results were reported as actual calculated results. The actual recorded value was used as the recorded FSS result for measurement and/or sample values that are less than MDC. Negative values were recorded as zero. For radionuclides less than MDC, the value representing the highest abundance was


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 selected. Results were not reported as less than MDC. Sample report summaries included unique sample identification, analytical method, radionuclide, result, uncertainty, laboratory data qualifiers, units, and the observed MDC.

In accordance with the LTP, for laboratory analysis, MDCs less than 10% of the Operational DCGL were preferable while MDCs up to 50% of the OpDCGL were acceptable. The maximum acceptable MDC for measurements obtained using field instruments was the a priori DCGLEMC, which was calculated using the methodology described in the LTP, Section

5. SURVEY DESIGN The level of effort associated with planning a survey is based on the complexity of the survey and nature of the hazards. Guidance for preparing FSS plans is provided in procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001 Final Status Survey Package Development.

The DQO process determined that Co-60, Ni-63, Sr-90, Cs-134 and Cs-137 would be the ROC in survey unit 12101. During FSS, concentrations for Hard-to-Detect (HTD) ROC Ni-63 and Sr-90 are inferred using a surrogate approach. Cs-137 is the principle surrogate radionuclide for Sr-90 and Co-60 is the principle surrogate radionuclide for Ni-63. The mean, maximum and 95%

Upper Confidence Level (UCL) of the surrogate ratios for concrete core samples taken in the Auxiliary Building basement were calculated in ZionSolutions TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Soil and Basement Fill Model Source Terms and are presented in Table 6. The maximum ratios will be used in the surrogate calculations during FSS unless area specific ratios are determined by continuing characterization.

Table 6 - Surrogate Ratios Auxiliary Building Ratios Mean Max 95%UCL Ni-63/Co-60 44.143 180.450 154.632 Sr-90/Cs-137 0.001 0.002 0.002 For the FSS of survey unit 12101, the surrogate OpDCGLs for Co-60 and Cs-137 were computed based on the maximum ratios from Table 6.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 The equation for calculating a surrogate DCGL is as follows:

Equation 1 1



+ + +

Where: DCGLSur = Surrogate radionuclide DCGL DCGL2,3n = DCGL for radionuclides to be represented by the surrogate Rn = Ratio of concentration (or nuclide mixture fraction) of radionuclide n to surrogate radionuclide Using the OpDCGLs for surface soils presented in Table 4 and the maximum ratios from Table 6, the following surrogate calculations for surface soils were performed:

Equation 2 1

( ) = = 3.622 /

1 0.002


3.630( ) 3.095( )

The surrogate OpDCGL for surface soils that was used for Cs-137 in this survey unit for direct comparison of surface soil sample results to demonstrate compliance is 3.622 pCi/g.

Equation 3 1

( ) = = 0.898 /

1 180.45


1.091( ) 914.458( )

The surrogate OpDCGL for surface soils that was used for Co-60 in this survey unit for direct comparison of surface soil sample results to demonstrate compliance is 0.898 pCi/g.

Using the BcDCGLs presented in Table 2 and the maximum ratios from Table 6, the following surrogate calculations were performed:

Equation 4 1

( ) = = 14.15 /

1 0.002


14.18( ) 12.09( )

The surrogate BcDCGL for surface soils that was used for Cs-137 in this survey unit for calculating the DCGLEMC is 14.15 pCi/g.



( ) = = 3.51 /

1 180.45


4.26( ) 3572.10( )

The surrogate BcDCGL for surface soils that was used for Co-60 in this survey unit for calculating the DCGLEMC is 3.51 pCi/g.

For this Class 1 open land survey unit, the Investigation Levels for area scanning and soil sample measurement results are those levels specified in LTP, Table 5-25, and are reproduced below in Table 7.

Table 7 - Investigation Levels Direct Investigation Classification Scan Investigation Levels Levels

>Operational DCGL or >MDCscan if Class 1 > Operational DCGL MDCscan is greater than Operational DCGL The MDCscan for the 2350-1/44-10 was calculated using the methodology of TSD-11-004, Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity (Reference 11) with the following parameters:

background count rate of 5,000 counts per minute (cpm) scan speed of 0.5 m/sec distance from detector to surface of 2 inches isotopic mix of 95% Cs-137 and 5% Co-60 The calculated MDCscan value was 3.75 pCi/g, which was greater than the calculated Surrogate DCGLs, therefore the scan investigation level was set at the MDC scan of the 2350-1/44-10. The collimator was used during the scan surveys to lower the background count rate.

The Sign Test was selected as the non-parametric statistical test. The use of the Sign Test did not require the selection or use of a background reference area, which simplified survey design and implementation. This approach was conservative since it included background Cs-137 as part of the sample set.

The number of soil samples for FSS was determined in accordance with procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001 Final Status Survey Package Development.

unit data set is defined as shift of the Gray Region (UBGR), or the DCGL (SOF of 1), minus the Lower Bound of the Gray Region (LBGR) (SOF of 0.5), divided b

one and three three.

three, then the value of three will be use conservative estimate of the sample variability of 0.30 was used as the coefficient of variation to


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 The calculated relative shift was 1.67. Both the Type I error, or value and the Type II error, or value was set at 0.05. The sample size from Table 5.5 of MARSSIM that equates to the Type I and Type II error of 0.05 for use with the Sign Test is an N value of seventeen (17).

The computer program Visual Sample Plan (VSP) was used to generate the sample map, in accordance with ZS-LT-300-001-001. The map used was provided by the Survey Mapping/Computer Assisted Design Specialist, with coordinates based on the Illinois State Plane NAD 1983 standard topographical grid coordinate system. The number of samples generated by VSP for a systematic triangular grid was 17. The Prospective Power Curve generated by VSP showed adequate power for the survey design.

In accordance with Section of the LTP, the a priori DCGLEMC values were calculated for the gamma emitting ROC to ensure that the MDC SCAN of the selected instrument was sufficient to detect small areas of elevated activity in the survey unit. The calculations were:

To calculate the area bounded by the systematic samples: = = = 119.8 From the LTP, Table 5-16, the Area Factors for the next larger area (300 m 2) area were used:

o Cs-137 - 1.46 o Cs-134 - 1.30 o Co 1.16 The DCGLEMC is the Surrogate Base Case DCGL times the Area Factor:

o The DCGLEMC for Cs-137 - 1.46 14.15 = 20.66 /

o The DCGLEMC for Cs-134 - 1.30 6.77 = 8.80 /

o The DCGLEMC for Co 1.16 3.51 = 4.07 /

The calculated MDCSCAN, 3.75 pCi/g, is less than the DCGLEMC values calculated above, therefore, the spacing of the statistical systematic sampling and measurement locations was adequate to detect small areas of elevated radioactivity. No adjustment to the sample number was required.

The implementation of quality control measures as referenced by LTP, Section 5.9 and ZionSolutions ZS-LT-01, Quality Assurance Project Plan (for Characterization and FSS)

(QAPP) (Reference 12) includes the collection of a soil sample for split sample analysis on 5% of the soil samples taken in a survey unit with the locations selected at random. One (1) surface soil sample (L1-12101A-FQGS-009-SS) was selected randomly for split sample analysis for the FSS of this survey unit.

In accordance with Section of the LTP, a subsurface soil sample was taken at 10%

of the systematic surface soil sample locations in the survey unit with the location(s) selected at random. Locations L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB and L1-12101A-FSGS-008-SB were selected for this survey unit.

The locations of the seventeen (17) systematic samples are listed in Table 8. Also included


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 are the locations of the two (2) subsurface samples. A map of the systematic sample locations is included in Attachment 1.

Table 8 - Systematic Sample Measurement Locations NORTHING EASTING MEASUREMENT ID (meters) (meters)

L1-12101A-FSGS-001-SS 641860.54 343782.54 L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SS 641860.54 343794.30 L1-12101A-FSGS-003-SS 641860.54 343806.05 L1-12101A-FSGS-004-SS 641860.54 343817.81 L1-12101A-FSGS-005-SS 641870.73 343764.90 L1-12101A-FSGS-006-SS 641870.73 343776.66 L1-12101A-FSGS-007-SS 641870.73 343788.42 L1-12101A-FSGS-008-SS 641870.73 343800.18 L1-12101A-FSGS-009-SS 641870.73 343811.93 L1-12101A-FSGS-010-SS 641880.91 343759.02 L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS 641880.91 343770.78 L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS 641880.91 343782.54 L1-12101A-FSGS-013-SS 641880.91 343794.30 L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS 641891.10 343764.90 L1-12101A-FSGS-015-SS 641891.10 343776.66 L1-12101A-FSGS-016-SS 641891.10 343788.42 L1-12101A-FSGS-017-SS 641901.28 343770.78 L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB 641860.54 343794.30 L1-12101A-FSGS-008-SB 641870.73 343800.18 ZSRP LTP, Section 5.1 states that soil samples will be collected during FSS to confirm the HTD to surrogate radionuclide ratios (provided in Table 6). Ten percent (10%) of the FSS samples collected from open land survey units will be analyzed for HTD ROC. Only HTD radionuclides included as ROC (Ni-63 and Sr-90 for soils) will be analyzed in the FSS confirmatory samples. For soil samples with positive results for both a HTD ROC and the corresponding surrogate radionuclide (Cs-137 or Co-60), the HTD surrogate ratio will be derived and compared against the maximum ratio. The maximum ratios will be used unless specific survey information supports the use of a surrogate ratio that is specific to the area. In these cases, the survey unit-specific radiological data and the derived surrogate ratios will be submitted to the NRC for approval. If approved, then the survey unit-specific ratios used and the survey data serving as the basis for the surrogate ratios will be documented in the release record for the survey unit.

In addition, LTP, Section 5.1 states that if levels of residual gamma radioactivity in an individual soil sample exceed an OpSOF of 0.1, then the sample(s) will be analyzed for HTD ROC. Four (4) samples, L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS, L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS, L1-12101A-


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 FSGS-014-SS and L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB, exceeded an OpSOF of 0.1 during the FSS of survey unit 12101. These soil samples satisfy the requirement that 10% of the samples collected for the FSS of survey unit 12101 be analyzed for HTD ROC. Each sample was sent off-site (Eberline Analytical) for analysis of the HTD ROC as specified in LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.1.

Table 9 provides a synopsis of the survey design for survey unit 12101.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Table 9 - Synopsis of Survey Design FEATURE DESIGN CRITERIA BASIS Survey Unit Area 2,036 m2 GPS measurements of area 0.30 UBGR = SOF of 1 LBGR = SOF of 0.5 Number of Surface 17 (Systematic) Type I error = 0.05 Soil Samples Type II error = 0.05 1.67 (MARSSIM Table 5.5)

Grid Spacing 11.8 m (LTP, Section

Co 1.091 pCi/g Cs-134 - 1.733 pCi/g Operational DCGLs for Surface DCGLs Cs-137 - 3.630 pCi/g Soils, (LTP, Table 5-7)

Ni 914.458 pCi/g Sr 3.095 pCi/g A minimum of two (2) soil samples HTD ROC Analysis (LTP, Section 5.1) selected for HTD ROC analysis Measurement Operational DCGL (LTP, Table 5-25)

Investigation Level Scan Survey Area 100% (LTP, Table 5-24)

Coverage Quality Control One (1) surface soil sample selected (LTP, Section 5.9)

(QC) randomly for split sample analysis Number of Two (2) systematic surface soil sample Subsurface Soil (LTP, Section locations selected, at locations 2 and 8 Samples



6. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION Survey instructions for this FSS were incorporated into and performed in accordance with FSS sample plan L1-12101A-F, which was developed in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001, Final Status Survey Package Development. The FSS unit was inspected and controlled in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-003, Isolation and Control for Final Status Survey (Reference 13).

For survey unit 12101, compliance with the unrestricted release criteria was demonstrated through a combination of surface scanning with a Ludlum Model 44-10 gamma detector and the sampling of surface soil for isotopic analysis. In accordance with the LTP Chapter 5, two (2) subsurface samples were obtained and analyzed. Also, if during the performance of FSS, the analysis of a surface soil sample, or the results of a surface gamma scan indicated the potential presence of residual radioactivity at a concentration of 75% of the subsurface OpDCGL, then a biased subsurface soil sample(s) would have been taken to the appropriate depth within the area of concern as part of the investigation. This threshold was not encountered during the FSS of survey unit 12101.

FSS field activities were conducted under FSS sample plan L1-12101A-F. A Field Log (ZS-LT-300-001-001, Attachment 14) was used to document field activities and other information pertaining to the performance of the FSS.

FSS field activities were projected to take four (4) working days to complete. Daily briefings were conducted to discuss the expectations for job performance and to review safety aspects of the job. The survey required field activities were performed during normal working hours starting on February 25, 2019, and concluding on March 6, 2019.

The seventeen (17) systematic surface soil sample locations were marked with flags based on GPS coordinates provided by VSP.

Gamma scans were performed on 100% of the surface area of the survey unit using a Ludlum 2350-1 paired with a Model 44-10 (2 x 2) NaI detector operated in the rate-meter mode and using audio response. The probe was positioned within 2 inches to the ground and was moved at a scan speed of approximately 0.5 meters per second. No areas of elevated activity were detected on the scans. Daily, prior to and following use, each detector was subjected to an Operational Response Check in accordance with procedure ZS-RP-108-004-011, Operation of the Ludlum Model 2350-1 Data Logger (Reference 14). The daily Operational Response Check compared the background response and the response to check sources ranges established for normal background and detector source response to ensure that the detector was working properly.

The instruments and detectors used for this survey are presented in Table 10. The instruments and detectors were verified to be properly calibrated prior to use.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Table 10 - Instruments and Detectors Instrument/Detector Type Serial # Calibration Due Date Ludlum 2350-1/Ludlum 44-10 216173/PRES0118 12/6/2019 Ludlum 2350-1/Ludlum 44-10 304712/PR372143 12/18/2019 Ludlum 2350-1/Ludlum 44-10 95361/PR372150 12/5/2019 Ludlum 2350-1/Ludlum 44-10 304718/PR363311 12/13/2019 Ludlum 2350-1/Ludlum 44-10 304713/PR311786 12/11/2019 Ludlum 2350-1/Ludlum 44-10 304730/PR375272 1/6/2020 Ludlum 2350-1/Ludlum 44-10 293136/PR316938 1/9/2020 Ludlum 2350-1/Ludlum 44-10 266669/PR311756 12/12/2019 Ludlum 2350-1/Ludlum 44-10 266668/PR363489 12/19/2019 In accordance with the survey design, seventeen (17) surface soil samples were collected at the designated systematic sample points. In addition, two (2) subsurface samples were collected at the randomly selected sample locations.

Four (4) samples (L1-12101A-FSGS-011SS, L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS, L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS, and L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB) were selected for HTD radionuclide analysis.

7. SURVEY RESULTS One hundred percent (100%) of the surface of the survey unit was scanned for elevated radiation levels. Sixty-nine (69) 1-meter wide scan rows, as shown on the map in Attachment 1, were marked in the field and scanned with the 2350-1/44-10 using latching mode. Readings were recorded at approximately 10-meter intervals during the scans. No elevated measurement locations were identified by surface scan. Table 11 provides an overview of the scan results.

Complete scan results are provided in Attachment 2.

Table 11 - Synopsis of Scan Results Highest Logged Scan Action Level(1) # of Scan Reading Investigation Samples Area Alarms (cpm) (cpm)

Row 1 1850 2189 None None Row 2 1885 2189 None None Row 3 1804 2189 None None Row 4 1976 2240 None None Row 5 1841 2189 None None Row 6 1893 2189 None None Row 7 2075 2189 None None Row 8 2056 2189 None None Row 9 2055 2189 None None Row 10 2014 2189 None None


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Table 11 (continued) - Synopsis of Scan Results Scan Highest Logged Action Level(1) # of Scan Reading Investigation Samples Area Alarms (cpm) (cpm)

Row 11 2363 2518 None None Row 12 2273 2518 None None Row 13 2363 2518 None None Row 14 2369 2518 None None Row 15 2315 2518 None None Row 16 2254 2518 None None Row 17 2270 2518 None None Row 18 2220 2518 None None Row 19 2155 2518 None None Row 20 2109 2518 None None Row 21 2157 2276 None None Row 22 2110 2276 None None Row 23 2195 2276 None None Row 24 2153 2276 None None Row 25 2173 2276 None None Row 26 2219 2276 None None Row 27 2212 2276 None None Row 28 2166 2276 None None Row 29 2160 2276 None None Row 30 2217 2276 None None Row 31 2321 2534 None None Row 32 2146 2534 None None Row 33 2149 2534 None None Row 34 2301 2534 None None Row 35 2199 2534 None None Row 36 2345 2534 None None Row 37 2368 2534 None None Row 38 2211 2534 None None Row 39 2280 2534 None None Row 40 2204 2534 None None Row 41 2067 2348 None None Row 42 2222 2348 None None Row 43 2178 2348 None None Row 44 2126 2348 None None Row 45 2170 2468 None None Row 46 2391 2468 None None Row 47 2180 2468 None None Row 48 2221 2468 None None Row 49 2216 2332 None None


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Table 11 (continued) - Synopsis of Scan Results Scan Highest Logged Action Level(1) # of Scan Reading Investigation Samples Area Alarms (cpm) (cpm)

Row 50 2185 2370 None None Row 51 2209 2426 None None Row 52 2250 2332 None None Row 53 2224 2370 None None Row 54 2186 2426 None None Row 55 2108 2372 None None Row 56 2135 2372 None None Row 57 2033 2372 None None Row 58 2246 2372 None None Row 59 2077 2372 None None Row 60 2068 2242 None None Row 61 2053 2242 None None Row 62 2057 2242 None None Row 63 2114 2242 None None Row 64 2070 2242 None None Row 65 2063 2360 None None Row 66 2313 2360 None None Row 67 2144 2360 None None Row 68 2191 2360 None None Row 69 2191 2360 None None (1) The action level is based on the measurement Minimum Detectable Count Rate (MDCR) plus background in accordance with the FSS plan The seventeen (17) soil samples taken for non-parametric statistical testing and the two (2) subsurface soil samples were analyzed using the on-site gamma spectroscopy system.

Summaries of the sample analysis results are provided in Tables 12 and 13, respectively. The basic statistics for the systematic sample population are summarized in Table 19. The gamma spectroscopy results revealed sixteen (16) samples with activity level above MDC for Cs-137, three (3) samples with activity levels above the MDC for Co-60, and no samples with activity levels above the MDC for Cs-134. The concentrations for Ni-63 and Sr-90 were inferred based on the maximum ratios as specified in Table 6. The mean of the gamma spectroscopic analysis results for the sample population indicated that Cs-137 was present at levels lower than the concentrations of Cs-137 expected to be found in off-site soil in the vicinity of the ZNPS as presented in ZionSolutions TSD 13-004, Examination of Cs-137 Global Fallout In Soils At Zion Station (Reference 15). The complete gamma spectroscopy reports are presented in Attachment 7.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Table 12 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for Surface Soil Samples Comprising the Statistical Sample Population Co-60(1) Cs-134(1) Cs-137(1) Ni-63(2) Sr-90(2)

MEASUREMENT ID (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

L1-12101A-FSGS-001-SS 0.00E+00 1.15E-02 6.50E-02 0.00E+00 1.30E-04 L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SS 0.00E+00 5.31E-03 2.40E-02 0.00E+00 4.80E-05 L1-12101A-FSGS-003-SS 0.00E+00 4.78E-03 2.95E-02 0.00E+00 5.90E-05 L1-12101A-FSGS-004-SS 1.82E-02 3.16E-03 3.43E-02 3.28E+00 6.86E-05 L1-12101A-FSGS-005-SS 3.49E-02 2.17E-03 8.68E-02 6.30E+00 1.74E-04 L1-12101A-FSGS-006-SS 1.43E-02 2.74E-02 2.59E-02 2.58E+00 5.18E-05 L1-12101A-FSGS-007-SS 0.00E+00 1.26E-02 3.65E-02 0.00E+00 7.30E-05 L1-12101A-FSGS-008-SS 1.03E-02 0.00E+00 3.65E-02 1.86E+00 7.30E-05 L1-12101A-FSGS-009-SS 1.63E-02 2.48E-02 3.32E-02 2.94E+00 6.64E-05 L1-12101A-FSGS-010-SS 5.00E-03 1.60E-02 2.41E-02 9.02E-01 4.82E-05 L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS 4.29E-02 2.31E-02 1.51E-01 7.74E+00 3.02E-04 L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS 4.13E-02 4.11E-02 1.49E-01 7.45E+00 2.98E-04 L1-12101A-FSGS-013-SS 2.57E-02 7.01E-03 4.35E-02 4.64E+00 8.70E-05 L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS 1.07E-01 5.45E-03 2.83E-01 1.93E+01 5.66E-04 L1-12101A-FSGS-015-SS 3.58E-02 1.23E-03 1.55E-01 6.46E+00 3.10E-04 L1-12101A-FSGS-016-SS 4.27E-02 3.00E-02 8.45E-02 7.71E+00 1.69E-04 L1-12101A-FSGS-017-SS 2.18E-02 0.00E+00 2.47E-02 3.93E+00 4.94E-05 Note: (1) Bold font indicates ROC positively detected at concentration greater than MDC.

(2) Ni-63 and Sr-90 are inferred concentrations using the maximum HTD ratio.

Table 13 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for Subsurface Soil Samples Co-60(1) Cs-134(1) Cs-137(1) Ni-63(2) Sr-90(2)

MEASUREMENT ID (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB 2.57E-02 1.02E-02 1.41E-01 4.64E+00 2.82E-04 L1-12101A-FSGS-008-SB 0.00E+00 1.40E-02 4.21E-02 0.00E+00 8.42E-05 Note: (1) Bold font indicates ROC positively detected at concentration greater than MDC.

(2) Ni-63 and Sr-90 are inferred concentrations using the maximum HTD ratio.

The off-site laboratory, Eberline Analytical, processed the four (4) samples selected for HTD ROC analysis (L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A, L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A, L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A and L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A). Only HTD radionuclides included as ROC (Ni-63 and Sr-90 for soils) were included in the analysis. All analyses met the required MDC. Only Cs-137 and Co-60 were positively detected in the samples at a concentration greater than MDC.

Consequently, comparison of existing ratios versus the maximum ratios from Table 6 was not required. The off-site analysis results are provided in Table 14.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Table 14 - Off-Site Analysis Results Sample # L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 1.84E-01 6.17E-02 1.07E-01 Yes Cs-134 8.39E-04 2.76E-02 9.80E-02 No Cs-137 1.54E-01 8.17E-02 1.26E-01 Yes Ni-63 -1.49E+00 1.87E+00 3.31E+00 No Sr-90 3.09E-01 2.63E-01 5.27E-01 No Sample # L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 1.68E-01 6.73E-02 1.01E-01 Yes Cs-134 0.00E+00 5.20E-02 1.30E-01 No Cs-137 2.23E-01 1.24E-01 1.93E-01 Yes Ni-63 -6.60E-01 2.05E+00 3.56E+00 No Sr-90 -1.05E-01 2.97E-01 6.45E-01 No Sample # L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 2.31E-01 7.18E-02 1.57E-01 Yes Cs-134 -4.36E-03 1.78E-02 8.76E-02 No Cs-137 3.22E-01 7.71E-02 8.71E-02 Yes Ni-63 -6.60E-01 2.04E+00 3.55E+00 No Sr-90 1.59E-02 2.97E-01 6.33E-01 No Sample # L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 8.83E-03 9.52E-02 1.50E-01 No Cs-134 5.69E-03 1.88E-02 1.16E-01 No Cs-137 2.72E-01 8.33E-02 1.04E-01 Yes Ni-63 1.75E+00 2.06E+00 3.47E+00 No (1)

Sr-90 2.51E-02 3.43E-02 8.46E-02 No (1) Sr-90 recounted March 2020 to achieve adequate MDC.

The implementation of survey specific QC measures included the collection of one (1) sample (L1-12101A-FQGS-009-SS) for split sample analysis. The on-site laboratory analyzed the designated QC sample using the on-site gamma spectroscopy system. Gamma spectroscopy


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 results (summarized in Table 15) indicate that concentrations for Cs-137, Co-60 and Cs-134 were less than MDC in the sample. The concentrations for Ni-63 and Sr-90 were inferred based on the maximum ratios as specified in Table 6.

Table 15 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for QC Soil Samples Co-60(1) Cs-134(1) Cs-137(1) Ni-63(2) Sr-90(2)

MEASUREMENT ID (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

L1-12101A-FQGS-009-SS 0.00E+00 1.98E-02 3.18E-02 0.00E+00 6.36E-05 Note: (1) Bold font indicates ROC positively detected at concentration greater than MDC.

(2) Ni-63 and Sr-90 are inferred concentrations using the maximum HTD ratio.

The SOF or unity rule is the mathematical test used to evaluate compliance with radiological criteria for license termination when more than one radionuclide has been determined to be potentially present. The equation for the unity rule is:

Equation 6 C1 C2 Cn

............ 1 DCGL1 DCGL 2 DCGL n Where: Cn = concentration of radionuclide n DCGLn = DCGL of radionuclide n.

The results of the unity rule calculations for the ROC in the systematic sample population when compared against the OpDCGLs for surface soils for survey unit 12101 are presented in Table 16.

The results of the unity rule calculations for the ROC for the subsurface samples are presented in Table 17, and the results for the QC sample are presented in Table 18.

Table 16 - Sum of Fractions for Individual Surface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs (Systematic)

Fraction of the OpDCGLs for Surface Soils MEASUREMENT ID OpSOF Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ni-63 Sr-90 L1-12101A-FSGS-001-SS 0.00E+00 6.64E-03 1.79E-02 0.00E+00 4.20E-05 0.025 L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SS 0.00E+00 3.06E-03 6.61E-03 0.00E+00 1.55E-05 0.010 L1-12101A-FSGS-003-SS 0.00E+00 2.76E-03 8.13E-03 0.00E+00 1.91E-05 0.011 L1-12101A-FSGS-004-SS 1.67E-02 1.82E-03 9.45E-03 3.59E-03 2.22E-05 0.032 L1-12101A-FSGS-005-SS 3.20E-02 1.25E-03 2.39E-02 6.89E-03 5.61E-05 0.064 L1-12101A-FSGS-006-SS 1.31E-02 1.58E-02 7.13E-03 2.82E-03 1.67E-05 0.039 L1-12101A-FSGS-007-SS 0.00E+00 7.27E-03 1.01E-02 0.00E+00 2.36E-05 0.017 L1-12101A-FSGS-008-SS 9.44E-03 0.00E+00 1.01E-02 2.03E-03 2.36E-05 0.022 L1-12101A-FSGS-009-SS 1.49E-02 1.43E-02 9.15E-03 3.22E-03 2.15E-05 0.042 L1-12101A-FSGS-010-SS 4.58E-03 9.23E-03 6.64E-03 9.87E-04 1.56E-05 0.021 L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS 3.93E-02 1.33E-02 4.16E-02 8.47E-03 9.76E-05 0.103


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Table 16 (continued) - Sum of Fractions for Individual Surface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs (Systematic)

Fraction of the OpDCGLs for Surface Soils MEASUREMENT ID OpSOF Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ni-63 Sr-90 L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS 3.79E-02 2.37E-02 4.10E-02 8.15E-03 9.63E-05 0.111 L1-12101A-FSGS-013-SS 2.36E-02 4.05E-03 1.20E-02 5.07E-03 2.81E-05 0.045 L1-12101A-FSGS-016-SS 3.91E-02 1.73E-02 2.33E-02 8.43E-03 5.46E-05 0.088 L1-12101A-FSGS-017-SS 2.00E-02 0.00E+00 6.80E-03 4.30E-03 1.60E-05 0.031 Systematic Measurements Number of Systematic Measurements = 17

  1. of Systematic Measurements with OpSOF > 1 = 0
  1. of Systematic Measurements with OpSOF > 0.1 (HTD Assessment) = 3 Max Individual Systematic Measurement OpSOF = 0.200 Mean Systematic Measurement OpSOF = 0.055 Table 17 - Sum of Fractions for Individual Subsurface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs Fraction of the OpDCGLs for Subsurface Soils MEASUREMENT ID OpSOF Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ni-63 Sr-90 L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB 2.92E-02 8.97E-03 7.11E-02 2.37E-02 6.64E-04 0.134 L1-12101A-FSGS-008-SB 0.00E+00 1.23E-02 2.12E-02 0.00E+00 1.98E-04 0.034 Table 18 - Sum of Fractions for Individual Surface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs (QC)

Fraction of the OpDCGLs for Subsurface Soils MEASUREMENT ID OpSOF Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ni-63 Sr-90 L1-12101A-FQGS-009-SS 0.00E+00 1.14E-02 8.76E-03 0.00E+00 2.05E-05 0.020 Table 19 - Basic Statistical Properties of Systematic Sample Population Mean Median Max Min Std. Dev. BcDCGL Avg. SOF Avg. Dose ROC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) per ROC Per ROC Co-60 2.45E-02 1.82E-02 1.07E-01 0.00E+00 0.026 4.26 5.75E-03 1.44E-01 Cs-134 1.27E-02 7.01E-03 4.11E-02 0.00E+00 0.012 6.77 1.87E-03 4.68E-02 Cs-137 7.57E-02 3.65E-02 2.83E-01 2.40E-02 0.071 14.18 5.34E-03 1.33E-01 Ni-63 4.42E+00 3.28E+00 1.93E+01 0.00E+00 4.774 3572.1 1.24E-03 3.09E-02 Sr-90 1.51E-04 7.30E-05 5.66E-04 4.80E-05 0.000 12.09 1.25E-05 3.13E-04 The mean BcSOF for survey unit 12101 is 0.014, which equates to a dose of 0.355 mrem/yr TEDE.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 The mean of all identified isotopes are less than the Consultation Triggers for Residential and Commercial/Industrial Soil Contamination depicted in Table H.1 of NUREG 1757, Vol. 1, (MOU Table 1). The full table is included in Attachment 3 of this Release Record.

8. QUALITY CONTROL The on-site laboratory processed one (1) split sample, L1-12101A-FQGS-009-SS, using gamma spectroscopy analysis. The data was evaluated using acceptance criteria specified in ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-01, Quality Assurance Project Plan (for Characterization and FSS). The standard sample and QC sample did not both have positive results for gamma-emitting ROC; therefore, K-40 was used in the QC comparison. There was acceptable agreement between field split results. Refer to Attachment 5 for data and quality control analysis results.
9. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS No investigations were performed in survey unit 12101.
10. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS No remediation was performed in this survey unit.
11. CHANGES FROM THE SURVEY PLAN There were no addendums to the FSS plan.

The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-004, Final Status Survey Data Assessment (Reference 16) for completeness and consistency. Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and sample collection were consistent with the DQOs. The sampling design had adequate power as indicated by the Retrospective Power Curve. The analytical results of all samples were less than an OpSOF of one when compared to the Operational DCGLs.

Although MARSSIM states that the Sign Test need not be performed in the instance that no measurements surpass the DCGL, the test was conducted to demonstrate coherence to the statistical principles of the DQO process. The Sign Test was performed on the data and compared to the original assumptions of the DQOs. The evaluation of the Sign Test results clearly demonstrates that the survey unit passes the unrestricted release criteria, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. The Sign Test is included in Attachment 4.

The preliminary data review consisted of calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation). All data was considered valid including negative values, zeros, values reported below the MDC, and values with uncertainties greater than two standard deviations. The mean and median values for each ROC were well below the respective


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 OpDCGLs. Also, the retrospective power curve shows that a sufficient number of samples were collected to achieve the desired power. Therefore, the survey unit meets the unrestricted release criteria with adequate power as required by the DQOs.

The data for Co-60 and Cs-137 is represented graphically through a frequency plot and a quantile plot. All graphical representations are provided in Attachment 6.

13. ANOMALIES No anomalies were observed during the performance or analyses of the survey.
14. CONCLUSION Survey unit 12101 has met the DQOs of the FSS plan. The ALARA criteria for soils as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP were achieved. The EMC for soils was not needed for this survey unit and remediation was not required.

All identified ROC were used for statistical testing to determine the adequacy of the survey unit for FSS. Evaluation of the data shows that none of the ROC concentration values exceed the OpDCGL or any investigational levels; therefore, in accordance with the LTP Section 5.10, the survey unit meets the release criterion.

The sample data passed the Sign Test. The null hypothesis was rejected. The Retrospective Power Curve showed that adequate power was achieved.

The mean BCSOF, when the analytical results were compared to the B CDCGLs, was 0.014, which results in a dose contribution from soil in survey unit 12101 of 0.355 mrem/year TEDE, based on the average concentration of the ROC in samples used for non-parametric statistical sampling.

The conclusion of this Release Record is that survey unit 12101 is acceptable for unrestricted release.

1. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-005, Final Status Survey Data Reporting
2. Zion Station Restoration Project License Termination Plan
3. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001, Final Status Survey Package Development
4. NUREG-1575, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual
5. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification
6. Zion Station Historical Site Assessment



7. ZionSolutions TSD 11-001, Technical Support Document for Potential Radionuclides of Concern During the Decommissioning of the Zion Station
8. ZionSolutions TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Soil and Basement Fill Model Source Terms
9. ZionSolutions TSD 14-011, Soil Area Factors
10. ZionSolutions TSD 17-004, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Final Status Survey
11. ZionSolutions TSD 11-004, Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity
12. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-01, Quality Assurance Project Plan (for Characterization and FSS)
13. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-003, Isolation and Control for Final Status Survey
14. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-RP-108-004-011, Operation of the Ludlum Model 2350-1 Data Logger
15. ZionSolutions TSD 13-004, Examination of Cs-137 Global Fallout In Soils At Zion Station
16. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-004, Final Status Survey Data Assessment
1. Attachment 1 - Figure and Map
2. Attachment 2 - Scan Data
3. Attachment 3 - Consultation Triggers for Residential and Commercial/Industrial Soil Contamination
4. Attachment 4 - Sign Test
5. Attachment 5 - QC Sample Assessment
6. Attachment 6 - Graphical Presentations
7. Attachment 7 -Sample Analytical Reports
8. Attachment 8 - Eberline Analytical Reports






SURVEY UNIT 12101 Survey Unit 12101 Final Status Survey Boundaries and Systematic Sample Points

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SURVEY UNIT 12101 Survey Unit 12101 Final Status Survey Scan Rows 10.72m 6

35' 2"

] §8 67 66 65 6453 62

  • * . §1 §0§9 p8 SU12101 61.86m 39.18m 128' 7" 16.91m 55' 6"




FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 ES0118 216173 12101 GS051 2/25/2019 13:52 2209 1787 2426 No 44-10 ES0118 216173 12101 GS051 2/25/2019 13:54 2183 1787 2426 No 44-10 ES0118 216173 12101 GS051 2/25/2019 13:58 2119 1787 2426 No 44-10 ES0118 216173 12101 GS054 2/25/2019 14:08 2167 1787 2426 No 44-10 ES0118 216173 12101 GS054 2/25/2019 14:11 2144 1787 2426 No 44-10 ES0118 216173 12101 GS054 2/25/2019 14:13 2186 1787 2426 No 44-10 ES0118 216173 12101 GS054 2/25/2019 14:16 2062 1787 2426 No 44-10 PR372143 304712 12101 GS049 2/25/2019 13:50 2150 1707 2332 No 44-10 PR372143 304712 12101 GS049 2/25/2019 13:53 2216 1707 2332 No 44-10 PR372143 304712 12101 GS049 2/25/2019 13:57 1970 1707 2332 No 44-10 PR372143 304712 12101 GS049 2/25/2019 14:00 2034 1707 2332 No 44-10 PR372143 304712 12101 GS052 2/25/2019 14:08 2250 1707 2332 No 44-10 PR372143 304712 12101 GS052 2/25/2019 14:10 2142 1707 2332 No 44-10 PR372143 304712 12101 GS052 2/25/2019 14:13 2011 1707 2332 No 44-10 PR372143 304712 12101 GS052 2/25/2019 14:15 1939 1707 2332 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS031 2/25/2019 13:23 2321 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS031 2/25/2019 13:25 1958 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS031 2/25/2019 13:27 1969 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS032 2/25/2019 13:30 2088 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS032 2/25/2019 13:32 2052 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS032 2/25/2019 13:34 2146 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS033 2/25/2019 13:37 2149 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS033 2/25/2019 13:39 2134 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS033 2/25/2019 13:41 2103 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS034 2/25/2019 13:44 2046 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS034 2/25/2019 13:46 2109 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS034 2/25/2019 13:48 2301 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS035 2/25/2019 13:51 2199 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS035 2/25/2019 13:53 2186 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS035 2/25/2019 13:55 2008 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS036 2/25/2019 13:58 1979 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS036 2/25/2019 14:01 2190 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS036 2/25/2019 14:03 2345 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS037 2/25/2019 14:06 2368 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS037 2/25/2019 14:09 2217 1878 2534 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS037 2/25/2019 14:11 1971 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS038 2/25/2019 14:14 2101 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS038 2/25/2019 14:16 2211 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS038 2/25/2019 14:18 2198 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS039 2/25/2019 14:20 2049 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS039 2/25/2019 14:22 2280 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS039 2/25/2019 14:24 1954 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS040 2/25/2019 14:27 2016 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS040 2/25/2019 14:29 2123 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS040 2/25/2019 14:31 2204 1878 2534 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS011 2/25/2019 13:26 2363 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS011 2/25/2019 13:28 2007 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS011 2/25/2019 13:30 2047 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS012 2/25/2019 13:32 2043 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS012 2/25/2019 13:34 2116 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS012 2/25/2019 13:36 2273 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS013 2/25/2019 13:38 2363 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS013 2/25/2019 13:40 1998 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS013 2/25/2019 13:42 1907 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS014 2/25/2019 13:44 1872 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS014 2/25/2019 13:46 2369 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS014 2/25/2019 13:48 2297 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS015 2/25/2019 13:50 2315 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS015 2/25/2019 13:52 2007 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS015 2/25/2019 13:54 2054 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS016 2/25/2019 13:56 1961 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS016 2/25/2019 13:58 2149 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS016 2/25/2019 14:00 2254 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS017 2/25/2019 14:02 2185 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS017 2/25/2019 14:04 2270 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS017 2/25/2019 14:06 2064 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS018 2/25/2019 14:08 2024 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS018 2/25/2019 14:10 2065 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS018 2/25/2019 14:12 2220 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS019 2/25/2019 14:14 2155 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS019 2/25/2019 14:16 2094 1865 2518 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS019 2/25/2019 14:18 2055 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS020 2/25/2019 14:20 2069 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS020 2/25/2019 14:22 2031 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS020 2/25/2019 14:24 2109 1865 2518 No 44-10 PR311786 304713 12101 GS050 2/25/2019 13:51 2089 1740 2370 No 44-10 PR311786 304713 12101 GS050 2/25/2019 13:54 2169 1740 2370 No 44-10 PR311786 304713 12101 GS050 2/25/2019 13:58 1866 1740 2370 No 44-10 PR311786 304713 12101 GS050 2/25/2019 14:05 2185 1740 2370 No 44-10 PR311786 304713 12101 GS053 2/25/2019 14:09 2224 1740 2370 No 44-10 PR311786 304713 12101 GS053 2/25/2019 14:11 2044 1740 2370 No 44-10 PR311786 304713 12101 GS053 2/25/2019 14:13 1979 1740 2370 No 44-10 PR311786 304713 12101 GS053 2/25/2019 14:16 2213 1740 2370 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS021 2/25/2019 13:11 2157 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS021 2/25/2019 13:13 2098 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS021 2/25/2019 13:15 2144 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS022 2/25/2019 13:17 2023 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS022 2/25/2019 13:19 2002 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS022 2/25/2019 13:21 2110 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS023 2/25/2019 13:24 2195 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS023 2/25/2019 13:26 2075 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS023 2/25/2019 13:28 2087 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS024 2/25/2019 13:30 2104 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS024 2/25/2019 13:32 2020 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS024 2/25/2019 13:34 2153 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS025 2/25/2019 13:36 2059 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS025 2/25/2019 13:38 2164 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS025 2/25/2019 13:40 2173 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS026 2/25/2019 13:42 2219 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS026 2/25/2019 13:44 1831 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS026 2/25/2019 13:46 2117 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS027 2/25/2019 13:48 1943 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS027 2/25/2019 13:50 2212 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS027 2/25/2019 13:52 2192 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS028 2/25/2019 13:54 2122 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS028 2/25/2019 13:56 2160 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS028 2/25/2019 13:58 2166 1660 2276 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS029 2/25/2019 14:00 2160 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS029 2/25/2019 14:02 2115 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS029 2/25/2019 14:04 1962 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS030 2/25/2019 14:06 2203 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS030 2/25/2019 14:08 2217 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS030 2/25/2019 14:10 1963 1660 2276 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS041 2/26/2019 9:33 2067 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS041 2/26/2019 9:35 2021 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS041 2/26/2019 9:38 1924 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS041 2/26/2019 9:41 1944 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS042 2/26/2019 9:45 1815 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS042 2/26/2019 9:48 1914 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS042 2/26/2019 9:50 2222 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS042 2/26/2019 9:53 2126 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS043 2/26/2019 9:57 2178 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS043 2/26/2019 9:59 1958 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS043 2/26/2019 10:01 1877 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS043 2/26/2019 10:04 1881 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS044 2/26/2019 10:07 1812 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS044 2/26/2019 10:09 2006 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS044 2/26/2019 10:12 2098 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR316938 293136 12101 GS044 2/26/2019 10:15 2126 1721 2348 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS045 2/26/2019 9:36 2170 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS045 2/26/2019 9:38 2059 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS045 2/26/2019 9:40 1835 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS045 2/26/2019 9:42 1882 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS046 2/26/2019 9:45 1951 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS046 2/26/2019 9:47 2391 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS046 2/26/2019 9:49 2167 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS046 2/26/2019 9:51 2241 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS047 2/26/2019 9:53 2180 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS047 2/26/2019 9:55 1948 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS047 2/26/2019 9:57 2071 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS047 2/26/2019 9:59 1869 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS048 2/26/2019 10:02 1815 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS048 2/26/2019 10:04 1975 1823 2468 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS048 2/26/2019 10:06 2184 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR372150 95361 12101 GS048 2/26/2019 10:08 2221 1823 2468 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS065 2/26/2019 12:49 2063 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS065 2/26/2019 12:51 2035 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS065 2/26/2019 12:53 1934 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS065 2/26/2019 12:55 1858 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS066 2/26/2019 12:57 1791 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS066 2/26/2019 12:59 2222 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS066 2/26/2019 13:01 2313 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS066 2/26/2019 13:03 2018 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS067 2/26/2019 13:05 2144 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS067 2/26/2019 13:07 2113 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS067 2/26/2019 13:09 1970 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS067 2/26/2019 13:11 1840 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS068 2/26/2019 13:13 1834 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS068 2/26/2019 13:15 1939 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS068 2/26/2019 13:17 2191 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS068 2/26/2019 13:19 2159 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS069 2/26/2019 13:21 2191 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS069 2/26/2019 13:23 1878 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS069 2/26/2019 13:25 1815 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR363311 304718 12101 GS069 2/26/2019 13:27 1934 1731 2360 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS001 2/26/2019 9:37 1838 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS001 2/26/2019 9:39 1850 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS002 2/26/2019 9:43 1885 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS002 2/26/2019 9:45 1717 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS003 2/26/2019 9:48 1804 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS003 2/26/2019 9:50 1716 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS005 2/26/2019 10:00 1754 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS005 2/26/2019 10:03 1841 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS006 2/26/2019 10:05 1893 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS006 2/26/2019 10:07 1854 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS007 2/26/2019 10:10 2038 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS007 2/26/2019 10:12 2075 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS008 2/26/2019 10:14 2056 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS008 2/26/2019 10:16 1882 1587 2189 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS009 2/26/2019 12:38 1927 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS009 2/26/2019 12:40 2055 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS010 2/26/2019 12:43 1941 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS010 2/26/2019 12:46 2014 1587 2189 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS055 2/26/2019 9:26 1752 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS055 2/26/2019 9:29 1935 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS055 2/26/2019 9:31 2021 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS055 2/26/2019 9:35 2108 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS056 2/26/2019 9:39 2135 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS056 2/26/2019 9:41 2036 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS056 2/26/2019 9:43 1985 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS056 2/26/2019 9:45 1841 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS057 2/26/2019 9:49 1825 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS057 2/26/2019 9:51 2028 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS057 2/26/2019 9:53 1886 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS057 2/26/2019 9:55 2033 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS058 2/26/2019 9:57 2246 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS058 2/26/2019 9:59 1979 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS058 2/26/2019 10:01 1821 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS058 2/26/2019 10:03 1831 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS059 2/26/2019 10:06 1818 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS059 2/26/2019 10:08 1974 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS059 2/26/2019 10:10 1935 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR363489 266668 12101 GS059 2/26/2019 10:13 2077 1741 2372 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS060 2/26/2019 9:32 2068 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS060 2/26/2019 9:34 1913 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS060 2/26/2019 9:36 1972 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS060 2/26/2019 9:38 1795 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS061 2/26/2019 9:40 1729 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS061 2/26/2019 9:42 1800 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS061 2/26/2019 9:44 1952 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS061 2/26/2019 9:46 2053 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS062 2/26/2019 9:48 2057 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS062 2/26/2019 9:50 1954 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS062 2/26/2019 9:52 1753 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS062 2/26/2019 9:54 1819 1631 2242 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS063 2/26/2019 9:56 1755 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS063 2/26/2019 9:58 1832 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS063 2/26/2019 10:00 1961 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS063 2/26/2019 10:02 2114 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS064 2/26/2019 10:04 2030 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS064 2/26/2019 10:06 2070 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS064 2/26/2019 10:08 1981 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR375272 304730 12101 GS064 2/26/2019 10:10 1916 1631 2242 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS004 2/27/2019 8:38 1820 1630 2240 No 44-10 PR311756 266669 12101 GS004 2/27/2019 8:41 1976 1630 2240 No


















FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 QUANTILE PLOT FOR Co-60 Survey Unit: 12101 Survey Unit Name: WWTF Sludge Drying Bed Area Mean: 2.45E-02 pCi/g Quantile Plot For Co-60 1.20E-01 1.00E-01 8.00E-02 6.00E-02 4.00E-02 2.00E-02 0.00E+00 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%



FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 QUANTILE PLOT FOR Cs-137 Survey Unit: 12101 Survey Unit Name: WWTF Sludge Drying Bed Area Mean: 7.57E-02 pCi/g Quantile Plot For Cs-137 3.00E-01 2.50E-01 2.00E-01 1.50E-01 1.00E-01 5.00E-02 0.00E+00 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%



FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 HISTOGRAM FOR Co-60 Survey Unit: 12101 Survey Unit Name: WWTF Sludge Drying Bed Area Mean: 2.45E-02 pCi/g Median: 1.82E-02 pCi/g ST DEV: 0.026 Skew: 1.954 Frequency Plot For Co-60 10 9 8 8

7 6

5 4 4 4

3 2 1 1 0 0 0

1.78E-02 3.57E-02 5.35E-02 7.13E-02 8.92E-02 1.07E-01 Upper End Value (pCi/g)

Upper Value Observation Observation Frequency  %

1.78E-02 8 47%

3.57E-02 4 24%

5.35E-02 4 24%

7.13E-02 0 0%

8.92E-02 0 0%

1.07E-01 1 6%

TOTAL 17 100%


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 HISTOGRAM FOR Cs-137 Survey Unit: 12101 Survey Unit Name: WWTF Sludge Drying Bed Area Mean: 7.57E-02 pCi/g Median: 3.65E-02 pCi/g ST DEV: 0.071 Skew: 1.836 Frequency Plot For Cs-137 14 12 11 10 8

6 4

2 2 2 1 1 0

0 6.72E-02 1.10E-01 1.54E-01 1.97E-01 2.40E-01 2.83E-01 Upper End Value (pCi/g)

Upper Value Observation Observation Frequency  %

6.72E-02 11 65%

1.10E-01 2 12%

1.54E-01 2 12%

1.97E-01 1 6%

2.40E-01 0 0%

2.83E-01 1 6%

TOTAL 17 100%


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 WWTF SLUDGE DRYING BED AREA SURVEY UNIT 12101 Prospective and Retrospective Power Curves for Survey Unit 12101






EBERLINE ANALYTICAL CORPORATION 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE , TENNESSEE 37830 ANALYTICAL PHONE (865) 481-0683 FAX (865) 483-4621 EBS-OR-46933 March 16, 2020 Gerald Wood Zion Solutions, LLC 2701 Deborah Avenue Zion, IL 60099 CASE NARRATIVE Work Order# 20-03012-0R SAMPLE RECEIPT This work order contains sixteen soil samples received 03/04/2020. Samples were analyzed for Total Strontium.

CLIENT ID LAB ID CLIENT ID LAB ID Ll 12105KFSGS039SB-C 20-03012-04 Ll 12101AFSGS002SB-C 20-03012-12 L 112107KFSGSO 17SB-C 20-03012-05 Ll 12106KFIGS005SB-C 20-03012-13 L 112106KFSGS031 SB-C 20-03012-06 Ll 12106KFIGS006SB-C 20-03012-14 Ll 12105KFSGS025SB-C 20-03012-07 Ll 12106KFIGS007SB-C 20-03012-15 L 112105KFSGS034SB-C 20-03012-08 L 112106KFIGS008SB-C 20-03012-16 L 112106KFSGSO l 9SB-C 20-03012-09 L112106KFIGSO I 6SB-C 20-03012-17 L 112107KFSGS004SB-C 20-03012-10 LI 12106KFIGS017SB-C 20-03012-18 L 112106KFSGS024SB-C 20-03012-11 LI 12105KFSGS038SB-C 20-03012-19 ANALYTICAL METHODS Total Strontium was analyzed using EIChroM Method SRWOl Modified.

Laboratory qualifiers are as follows:

U - Result is less than the MDA.

ANALYTICAL RESULTS Combined Standard Unce1tainty is rep01ted at I-sigma value.

Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) values for data represented in this repo1t are sample-specific. MDA measurements are determined based on factors and conditions including instrument settings, aliquot size and matrix type.

Page I of 2

ANALYTICAL RESULTS CONTINUED TOTAL STRONTIUM Samples were prepared by leaching aliquots as appropriate and adding Strontium recovery carriers to each sample. Chemical separations were conducted using selective extractions. Strontium precipitates were mounted on tared filter media. Chemical recovery was determined by Strontium carrier mass determinations. Samples were counted by gas flow prop01tional counting and corrected for Yttrium-90 ingrowth.

Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Total Strontium analyses. Strontium-90 results are reported from Total Strontium activity assuming secular equilibrium. All results demonstrated slightly high method detection limits. Chemical recovery was acceptable for all samples. The Total Strontium method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Total Strontium duplicate demonstrated an acceptable relative percent difference and normalized difference. Results for the Total Strontium laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery.

CERTIFICATION OF ACCURACY I certify that this data report is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Purchase Order, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the cognizant project manager or his/her designee to be accurate as verified by the following signature.

M.RTMcDougal Laboratory Manager Date: 3/16/2020 Eberline Analytical wants and encourages your feedback regarding our performance providing radioanalytical services. Please visit to provide us with feedback on our services.


Printed: 3/16/2020 1 :47 PM Page 1 of 1 Ree_ort To: Worl< Order Details:

Gerald Wood 20-03012 Eberline Analytical Zion Solutions Purchase Order:


677118 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave ____ ,___Analysis Category: ENVIRONMENTAL Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so I

Lab ID 20-03012-01 I Sample Type LCS J KNOWN _

Client ID Sample Date 03/04/20 00 :00 Receipt Date

3/4/2020 Analysis Date

! 3/10/2020 Batch ID

! 20-03012 J Analyte Strontium-90 Method EIChroM SRW01 Modified II Result 5.05E_ +01 l

I cu 2.f,3E-01 CSU MDA Report Units

--pCi/g I 3/10/2020 ' 20-03012 I Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified I -H-~+00 20-03012-01 l


LCS MBL SPIKE BLANK 20-~~02_2-0~_i_ DUP _J__':.2_1_?105KFS9S039SB-C

= 03/04/20 00:00 03/04/~_9 00 00 07/12/181 ~~~~-

3/4/2020 0/4/20l_~_


_J_ 3/10~~020 :_ 20-~3012 J Strontium-90 _EIChroMSRW01 Modified j -1~92E-02 3/4/2020 i_ 3/10/2020 1. 20-03012 i Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified I 5.25E+01 1.01E-02 I 3.4 9E-02 I 3.86E-02

- - - --.-------+- _ pCi/g 3.88E-02 I 9.77E-02 _J __._

pCi/g pCi/g 20-03012-04  ! DO  ! L 112105KFSGS039SB-C 07/12/18 13:59  ! _3/4/2020 j 3/10/2020  ! 20-03012 I Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified I 8.95E-O~ .J 3.60E-02 3.62E-02 I 9.10E-02 [ .pCi/g __ ,

20-03012-05  ! TRG  ! L112107KFSGS017SB-C 07/25/18 14:12 j 3/4/2020 j 3/10/2020 I 20-03012 / Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified I 7.36E-02 I 3.44E-02 4.29E-02 l_ _!.84E-02 l pCi/g 20-0301_.?_::~6 j TRG  ! L 112106KFSGS031SB-C 07/14/18 09:47  : 3/4/2020 i 3/10/2020 l 20-03012  ! Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified I 7.61E-02 I - -- -

3.84E-02 8.86E-02 ! pCi/g 20-03012~- TRG i L 112105KFSGS025SB-C __ ___ . 07/12/18 13:24_J3W20~  !

3/10/2020 _ 20-03012 i Strontium-90 _EIChroM SRW01 Modified I 5.4~j 3.25E-02 7.61E-02 I pCi/g 20-03012-08  !. TRG i L112105KFSGS034SB-C 07/12/1 813:48 3/4/2020

!. 3/10/2020 j 20-03012 IStrontium -EIChroM - ---

SRW01 Modified l r

3.14E-02 3.35E-02 8.18E-02 J pCi/g 20-03012-09 l TRG I L112106KFSGS019SB-C 07/14/18 09 :43  ; 3/4/2020 I 3/10/2020 i 20-03012 I Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified I 5.34E-02 2.92E-02 pCi/g

-, ------- L 112107KFSGS004SB-C 07/25/18 14:41 i 3/4/2020- ~ 3/10/2020  ! 20-03012 !Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified I 6.69E-02 3.62E-02 j 4.31E-02 i 8.42E-02 I pCi/g L112106KFSGS024SB-C I 07/14/18 10:05 3/4/2020 1 'l1'1n,..,n..,n 3/10/2020 \ "ln n'lf\1") ! c+ ............ +; ....... an 20-03012 Strontium-90 I EIChroM SRW01 Modified II C:lf"hrn."-A C'D\Aln1 ri.A ...... ....iifio.....i '> ,u:i:~_n..,

2.48E-02 3.16E-02 3.27E-02 I 7.77E-02 j pCi/g L112101AFSGS002SB-C 03/06/19 09:20 3/4/2020  ! 3/10/2020 ! 20-03012 ! Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified I 2.51E-02 i 3.43E-02 i 3.54E-02 8.46E-02 I pCi/g I i Strontium-90 EiChroM SRW01 Modified I I I L112106KFIGS005SB-C L112106KFIGS006SB-C L 112106KFIGS007SB-C

_ I I

07/14 07/14/1814:16 07/14/18 14:18 07/17/18 08:04 3/4/2020 3/10/2020 f_

3/4/2020 J~/10l202Cl_j~: 03012 3/4/2020 20-03012 LStrontium-90 I 3/10/2020 i 20-03012 I Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified ~.93E-02 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 5.26E-02 4.68E-02 I 3.46E-02

__ 3.27E-02 3.38E-02 3.91E-02 3.86E-02 3.75E-02 8.18E-02 7.51E-02 7.98E-02 II __ I pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g L 112106KFIGS008SB-C I 07/17/18 09:03 3/4/2020  ! 3/10/2020 i 03012 ! Strontium-SO EIChroM SRW01 Modified 7.53E-02 J 3.78E-02 I 4.60E-02 8.65E-02 j pCi/g_

L112106KFIGS016SB-C I 07/23/18 08:59 3/4/2020 i 3/10/2020 ! 20-03012 I Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 1.16E-02 ij 3.69E-02

-*--- i 3.71E-02 9.35E-02 i pCi/g 20-03012-18 i TRG L 112106KFIGS017SB-C I 07/23/18 09:01 3/4/2020 3/10/2020 i 20-03012 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 6.44E-02 3.26E-02 pCi/g 20-03012-19 TRG L 112105KFSGS038SB-C I 07/12/18 13:57 3/4/2020 3/10/2020 20-03012 Strontium-90 EIC hroM SRW01 Modified 1.94E-02 3.97E-02 pCi/g CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1 -sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample; MBL=Blank; DUP=Duplicate; TRG=Nonnal Sample; DO=Duplicate Original




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Revision 0 Information Use Attachment 1 - Chain-of-Custody Form 0~03012 Continuation sheet for Sample container ()/!;~ Page 2 of A Sample ID Sample Matrix Sample Sample Container Sample Date Sample Time Analysis Preservative Remarks Log Type Type Vol Unit Type Qty Ll 12107KFSGS006SE -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-25-18 13:57 HTD NIA 282.07 g L112105KFSGS022SE -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-12-18 10:18 HTD NIA 314.38 g L112107KFQGS002SI ,-C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli I 7-25-18 14:20 HTD NIA 290.60 g Ll 12105KFSGS035SE -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-12-18 13:50 HTD NIA 252.66 g Ll 12105KFSGS023SE -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-12-18 10:22 HTD NIA 281.22 g L112106KFIGS013SB C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-20-18 08:47 HTD NIA 316.68g Ll 12105KFSGS039SE -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-12-18 13:59 HTD NIA 260.90 g Ll 12107KFSGSO l 7SE -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-25-18 14:12 HTD NIA 269.78 g Ll 12106KFSGS031SE -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-14-18 09:47 HTD NIA 269.36 g Ll 12105KFSGS025SE -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-12-18 13:24 HTD NIA 246.99 g Ll 12105KFSGS034SB -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-12-18 13:48 HTD NIA 253.63 g Ll 12106KFSGS019SE -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-14-18 09:43 HTD NIA 302.35 g

) Ll 12107KFSGS004SE -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli I 7-25-18 14:41 HTD NIA 282.30 g 1 Ll 12106KFSGS024SE -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-14-18 10:05 HTD NIA 339.09 g

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Information Use

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\il,J Attachment 1 - Chain-of-Custody Form Sample container ()O ) Page I of 'l Sample ID Sample Matrix Sample Sample Container Sample Date Sample Analysis Preservative Remarks Log Type Time Type (weight in Vol Unit Type Qty grams)

LI 1210 1AFSGS002SB -C NIA NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 3-6-19 09:20 HTD NIA 269.26 g 500 mL Marinelli 7-14-18 HTD NIA 1

Ll l2l06KFIGS005SB C NIA NIA Soil 1 14: 16 296.56 g


500 mL Marinelli 7-14-18 HTD NIA f Ll l2 l06KFIGS006SB C NIA NIA Soil 1 14: 18 295.92 g Soil 500 mL Marinelli 7-17-18 HTD NIA Ll 12106KFIGS007SB C NIA NIA 1 08:04 313.14 g Soil 500 mL Marinelli 7-17-18 HTD NIA Ll 12106KFIGS008SB C NIA NIA 1 09:03 256.11 g 1

500 mL Marinelli 7-23-18 HTD NIA Ll l2l06KFIGS016SB C NIA NIA Soil I 08:59 281.48 g

/ Lll2 107KFIGS0l7SB c~ NIA

. NIA Soil 500 mL Marinelli 1 7-23-18 09:01 HTD NIA 312.39 g 500 mL Marinelli NIA I L1 l2l05KFSGS038SB,-C NIA NIA Soil 1 7-12-18 13:57 HTD 282.32 g 500 mL Marinelli Ll l2l05KFSGS037SB:-c NIA NIA Soil 1 7-12-18 13:53 HID NIA 276.94 g 500 mL Marinelli NIA L1 l2106KFQGS020Sf ,-C NIA NIA Soil

  • 1 7-14-18 09:38 HTD 277.49 g La~,ratory: .

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. A N A LYTIC A L OAK RIDGE , TENNESSEE 37830 PHONE (865) 481-0683 FAX (865) 483-4621 EBS-OR-45454 May 17, 2019 Patricia Giza Zion Solutions, LLC I 01 Shiloh Blvd Zion, IL 60099 CASE NARRATIVE Work Order# 19-04010-0R SAMPLE RECEIPT This work order contains nine soil samples received 04/02/2019. Samples were analyzed for Total Strontium, Tritium, Nickel-63 and by Gamma Spectroscopy.

CLIENT ID LAB ID CLIENT ID LAB ID Ll-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 19-04010-04 Ll-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A 19-04010-09 Ll-1210lA-FSGS-014-SS-A 19-04010-05 Ll-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 19-04010-10 Ll-1210 lA-FSGS-012-SS-A 19-04010-06 L 1-12103A-FSGS-O 15-SS-A 19-04010-11 L 1-12101 A-FSGS-002-SB-A 19-04010-07 L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 19-04010-12 Ll-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 19-04010-08 ANALYTICAL METHODS Total Strontium was analyzed using EIChroM Method SRWOl Modified. Tritium was performed using Method LANL ER-210 Modified. Nickel-63 was performed using Method ASTM 3500-Ni Modified.

Gamma Spectroscopy was performed using EPA Method 901.1 Modified.

Laboratory qualifiers are as follows:

U - Result is less than the MDA.

ANALYTICAL RESULTS Combined Standard Uncertainty is reported at I-sigma value.

Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) values for data represented in this report are sample-specific.

MDA measurements are determined based on factors and conditions including instrument settings, aliquot size and matrix type.

Page 1 of 3 0014

ANALYTICAL RESULTS CONTINUED TOT AL STRONTIUM Samples were prepared using selective extractions. Strontium precipitates were mounted on tared filter media. Chemical recovery was determined by Strontium carrier mass determinations. Samples were counted by gas flow proportional counting and corrected for Yttrium-90 ingrowth.

Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Total Strontium analyses. Strontium-90 results are reported from Total Strontium. Chemical recovery was acceptable for all samples. The Total Strontium method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Total Strontium duplicate demonstrated an acceptable relative percent difference and normalized difference. Results for the Total Strontium laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery.

TRITIUM A representative aliquot of each sample was equilibrated with Tritium free water. Equilibrates were transferred into round-bottomed distillation flasks and attached to single stage stills. A portion of each middle distillation fraction was transferred to a liquid scintillation vial and cocktail was added. Samples were then counted by beta liquid scintillation.

Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Tritium analyses. The Tritium method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Tritium duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique.

Results for the Tritium laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery.

NICKEL-63 A representative aliquot of each sample was placed into an appropriately sized beaker. Stable elemental Nickel carrier was added to each sample prior to digestion. Samples were digested in concentrated Nitric acid. After digestion, sample pH adjusted and Nickel-63 was precipitated selectively with Dimethylglyoxime. Precipitates were selectively separated, redissolved, and residual acid was effectively neutralized. Sample residuals were placed into scintillation vials, scintillation cocktail was added and Nickel-63 activity was determined by beta liquid scintillation.

Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Nickel-63 analyses. The Nickel-63 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Nickel-63 duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Nickel-63 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery.

GAMMA SPECTROSCOPY Samples for Gamma Spectroscopy analysis were prepared by transferring a known mass of each homogenized sample to a standard geometry container. Samples were counted on a High Purity Germanium (HPGe) gamma ray detector.

Page 2 of 3 0015

ANALYTICAL RESULTS CONTINUED GAMMA SPECTROSCOPY CONTINUED Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all gamma-emitting radionuclides as reported. The method blank demonstrated acceptable results for all radionuclides as reported. Results for the Bismuth-214 and Potassium-40 replicate demonstrated an acceptable relative percent difference and normalized difference.

Results for the Cobalt-60 replicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery.

CERTIFICATION OF ACCURACY I certify that this data report is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Purchase Order, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the cognizant project manager or his/her

~ i g n e e to be accurate as verified by the following signature.

hM.R. Mee Laboratory Manager all Date: 5/17/2019 Eberline Analytical wants and encourages your feedback regarding our performance providing radioanalytical services. Please visit to provide us with feedback on our services.

Page 3 of 3 0016

Printed: 5/17/20191:29 PM Page 1 of 13 ReEJrtTo: Work Order Details:

Patricia Giza I 19-04010 Eberline Analytical Zion Solutions I Purchase Order:


677118 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave I Analysis Category: ' ENVIRONMENTAL Lab ID I

i Sample Type Client ID I

Zion, IL 60099 Sample Date Receipt Date Analysis Date Batch ID l Analyte -c-*I Sample Matrix: i Method I!

so Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Report Units 119-04010-01 I LCS KNOWN I 04/02/19 00:00 4/2/2019-( 4/23/2019 1

19-04010j___ Tlitium LANL ER-210 Modified 2.13E+02  ! 7.65E+OO pCi/g 19--04010-01 LCS i S PIKE 04/02/1900:00 4/212019 I 4/23/2019 19-04010 Tlitium LANL ER-210 Modified 2.21E+02 j 8.54E+OO 1.51E+01 7.47E+OO  ; pCi/g 19--04010-02 j MBL BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 4/212019 i 4/23/2019 i 19-04010 j Tlitium LANL E'.'.<-210 Modified I 5.84E+OO 4.75E+OO 4.76E+OO 7.90E+OO U pCi/g p9-04010-03 I DUP L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 4/212019 I 4/23/2019  ! 19-04010 J Tlitium LANL ER-210 Modified I 1.30E+01 4.71E+OO 4.76E+OO 7.SOE+OO pCi/g 19-04010-04 , DO L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/1912:30 4/2/2019 ; 4/23/2019  ! 19-04010 I Tlitium LANL ER-210 Modified I 7.59E+OO 4.53E+OO 4.55E+OO 7.45E+OO pCi/g 19-04010-05 I TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/19 09:13 4/2/2019  ! 4/23/2019 19-04010 Tlitium LANL ER-210 Modified i 5.27E+OO i 4.60E+OO 4.61E+OO 7.67E+OO U pCi/g 19-04010-06 I TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 4/2/2019 I 4/23/2019 19-04010 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified i 4.68E+OO i 4.40E+OO 4.41E+OO 7.35E+OO U pCi/g I 19-04010-07 I TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/19 09:20 4/212019  ! 4/23/2019 19-04010 Tlitium LANL ER-210 Modifie_d _J 7.08E+OO j 4.44E+OO 4.46E+OO 7.31E+OO U pCi/g 19-04010-08 TRG L1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/1912:41 l 4/212019  ! 4/23/2019 f 19--04010 I - Tlitium - LANL ER-210 M~ifi~d - [ 7.24E+OO -] 4.54E+OO 4.56E+OO 7.48E+OO U pCi/g 19--04010-09 TRG L1 -12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A 02/25/19 09:10 I 4/2/2019 I 4/23/2019 ' 19-04010 i Tlitium LANL ER-210 Modified I 4.21E+OO I 4.48E+OO 4.48E+OO 7.51E+OO U pCi/g I 19-04010-10 TRG L1 -12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08 i 4/2/2019 f 4/23/2019  ! 19-04010 I Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified I 3.88E+OO l 4.54E+OO 4.54E+OO 7.62E+OO U pCi~

19-04010-11 TRG  ! L1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02/07/19 09:14 I 4/2/2019 i 4/23/2019 : 19-04010 I Tlitium LANL ER-210 Modified I 4.58E+OO [ 4.48E+OO 4.48E+OO 7.49E+OO U pCi/g 19--04010-12 TRG L1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/19 12:28 j_ 4/~~~ 4/23/2019_[ 19-04010- i _2:ritium LANL ER-210 Modified I 4.78E+OO  ! 4.49E+OO 4.50E+OO 7.SOE+OO U pCi/g I J 19-04010-01 ~ WN 04/02/19 00:00 4/212019 i 5/1/2019 19-04010 Nicke~63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified I 1.47E+03 4.4 1E+01 i  ! pCi/g 19-04010-01 i LCS i SPIKE 04/02/19 00:00 4/2/2019 5/1/2019 19-04010 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.18E+03 1.19E+01 7.05E+01 3.43E+OO pCi/g I 19-04010-02 I MBL BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 '. 4/2/2019 1-5/1/2019 19-04-010 1 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified I -9.00E-02 I 1.97E+OO  ! 1.97E+OO 3.39E+OO U pCi/g 19-04010-03 j DUP L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/1912:30 j 4/2/2019 i 5/1/2019 19-04010 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified  ! -1.23E+OO I 2.04E+OO 2.04E+OO 3.58E+OO U pCi/g 19-04010-04 , DO L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/1912:30  ! 4/2/2019 i 5/212019 19-04010 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified j -3.64E-01 j 1.98E+OO L9~~+00  : 3.44E+OO U pCi/g 19--04010-05  ! TRG I L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A I 02125/19 09:13 l 4/212019 J 5/212019 19-04010 Nicke~ I ASTM 3500-Ni Modified j -6.60E-01 [ 2.04E+OO j 2.04E+OO 3.55E+OO I U pCi/g 19-04010-06 TRG  ! L1-1210 1A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 4/2/2019 I 5/212019 19-04010'-Ni~k~~SJ - ASTM 3500-Ni Modified -6.60E-01 2.05E+OO 2.05E+OO 3.56E+OO U pCi/g 19-04010-07 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/19 09:20 I 4/2/2019 5/2/2019 19-04010 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.75E+OO 2.06E+OO 2.07E+OO 3.47E+OO U pCi/g 19-04010-08 1 TRG L1-1 2102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/1912:41 J 4/2/2019 5/2/2019 19-04010 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified [ -1.69E+OO 2.12E+OO  ! 2.13E+OO 3.75E+OO U pCi/g 19-04010-09 I TRG L1-1 2101A-FSGS-011-SS-A I 02/25/19 09:10 i 4/2/2019 5/2/2019 19-04010 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni -1.49E+OO I 1.87E+OO j 1.88E+OO ' 3.31E+OO U pCi/g 19-04010-10 L mG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A I 02101119 09:08 I 4/212019 J 5/212019 19--04010 I Nickel-63 I ASTM 3500-Ni Modified I -4 .81 E-01 I 2.09E+OO 2.09E+OO 3.63E+OO u pCi/g 19-04010-11 l _ TRG L1-12103A-~SG~15-SS-A ~ - L 02107/19 09:14 ! 4/212019 J 5/212019 19--04010 I Nicke~ I ASTM 3500-Ni Modified I -9.71E-02 i 2.12E+OO 2. 12E+OO i 3.66E+OO U pCi/g 19-04010-12 [ TRG j L1-12203AFQGS-012-SS-A J 01/11/1912:28 I 4/212019_  ! 5/2/2019 19:04010--I Nickel-63 -, ASTM3500-Ni Modified I -1.32E+OO \ 2.03E+OO  ! 2.03E+OO 3.56E+OO i U pCi/g 0018 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma};MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect


Printed: 5/17/2019 1 :29 PM Page 2 of 13 Report To: Worl< Order Details:

Patricia Giza 19-04010 Eberline Analytical *-------*

Zion Solutions SDG: i Purchase Order:

i 677118 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave Analysis Category: 1 ENVIRONMENTAL Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: i so Lab I Sample Client Sample  ! Receipt I Analysis Batch  !

Analyte Method I Result i

cu CSU MDA Qualifier Report ID I Type ID Date Date Date ID I  !  ! Units 19-04010-01 I LCS KNOWN 04/02/19 00:00 i 4/2/2019 4/29/2019 19-04010 j Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified j 5.10E+01 I' 2.85E-01 '  ; pCi/g 19-04010-01 I LCS SPIKE 04/02119 00,00 I 41212019 4/29/2019 19-04010 I Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified i 4.37E+01  ! 2.44E+OO 1.54E+01 ' 9.87E-01 ' pCi/g 19-04010-02 j MBL BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 I 41212019 412912019 19-04010 i Strontium-90 EICh'.oM SRW01 Modified i 3.68E-01 I

I 3.53E-01 3.76E-01

- 7.14E-01 u ' pCilg 19-04010-03 I DUP L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 i 4/2/2019  ! 4/29/2019 19-04010 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified i 2.27E-01 I 3.68E-01 3.76E-01 7.61E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-04 DO L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02101119 12,30 I 412,2019 4/29/2019 19-04010 j Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified i 2.73E-01 I 3.45E-01 3.58E-01 7.08E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-05 I TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/19 09:13  ! 4/2/2019 i 4/29/2019 19-04010 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified i 1.59E-02 i 2.97E-01 2.97E-01 6.33E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-06 i*-*--TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 I 41212019 I 412912019 19-04010 ' Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified ; -1.05E-01 I 2.97E-01 2.99E-01 6.45E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-01 i TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS--002-SB-A 03/06/19 09:20 i 41212019 I 412912019 19-04010 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified I -8.17E-02  ! 3.10E-01 3.11E-01 6.73E-01 u i pCi/g 19-04010-08 TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 4/2/2019 4/29/2019 19-04010 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified  ! 3.SBE-01 i 3.04E-01 3.28E-01 6.09E-01 u ' pCi/g 19-04010-09 1 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A 02/25/19 09:10 41212019 I 412912019 19-04010 i Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified I 3.09E-01 i 2.63E-01 2.84E-01

' 5.27E-01 u pCiig 19-04010-10 I TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08 4/2/2019 4/29/2019 19-04010 i Strontium-90 . El~hroM SRW01 Modified i 3.36E-01 i 2.74E-01 2.98E-01 5.44E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010- 11 TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02/07/19 09:14 4/2/2019 i 4/29/2019 19-04010 i Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified  ! 5.39E-01 I

I 3.40E-01 3.88E-01 6.69E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-12  ! TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/1912:28 41212019 I 412912019 19-04010 j Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified J 1.31E-01 J 2.76E-01 2.BOE-01 5.77E-01 u pCi/g i I I i i  !

19-04010-01 LCS KNOWN 04/02/19 00:00 41212019 I 41a12019 19-04010 / Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified I 1.31E+02 I 5.1 0E+OO pCilg i

19-04010-01 LCS KNOWN 04/02/19 00:00 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 Cesium-137 EPA 901.1 Modified I 8.26E+01 I 3.39E+OO pCilg 19-04010-01 LCS SPIKE 04/02/19 00:00 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 Cobalt-60 EPA901.1 Modified  ! 1.45E+02  ! 9.35E+OO 1.20E+01 1.29E+OO pCilg I

19-04010-01 I LCS SPIKE 04/02/19 00:00 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 Cesium-137 EPA 901.1 Modified I 9.15E+01 I 1.00E+01 1.11E+01 1.91E+OO pCilg 0019 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect

( ~


Printed: 5/17/2019 1:29 PM Page 3 of 13 Report To: Work Order Details:

Patricia Giza 19-04010 Eberline Analytical Zion Solutions * * --

SDG: '

Purchase Order: ! 677118 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave Analysis Category: i ENVIRONMENTAL Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: t so Lab I Sample Client Sample Receipt \ Analysis Batch Ii I

i Report ID I Type ID Date I' Date i Date ID Analyte Method I Result I

cu CSU MDA  : Qualifier ,

Units 19-04010-02 MBL ' BLANK 04/02/19 00:00  ! 4/2/2019 f 4/8/2019 19--04010 I Acfinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified I 2.44E-02  ! 8.00E-02 8.00E-02 1.38E-01 i u pCi/g 19--04010::02 I MBL II BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 i 4/2/2019 i i

4/8/2019 19--04010 i i

Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified I 9.11E-03 j 2.10E-02 l 2.10E-02 ' 2.40E-02 u pCi/g 19-04010-02 ; MBL BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 j 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 Americium-241 EPA901 .1 Modified I 4.34E-02 I 3.89E-02 I 3.89E-02 i 6.05E-02 u pCUg 19-04010-02  ! MBL I BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 41212019 I 41812019 19-04010 Barium-133 EPA 901.1 Modified I -7.17E-04 I 2.28E-02 I

I 2.28E-02 . 3.04E-02 u  ! pCUg 19-04010-02 MBL BLANK

- 04/02/19 00:00 i 41212019 i 41812019 19-04010 i Bismuth-214 EPA 901.1 Modified I 3.87E-02 4.17E-02 4.18E-02  : 7.55E-02 u pCi/g 19-04010-02 MBL BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 j 4/2/2019 I 4/8/2019 19-04010 i Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified I 1.03E-02 ' 2.11E-02 'I 2.11E-02 3.04E-02 u pCi/g

- i I I i! I 19-04010-02 MBL  ! BLANK 04102119 00:00 41212019 4/812019 , 19--04010 Cesium-134 EPA901.1 Modified -2.06E-03 1.62E-02  ! 1.62E-02 2.77E-02 u i pCi/g 19--04010-02 MBL I

! BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 41212019 I 4/812019 19-04010  ! Cesium-137 EPA901 .1 Modified I

! 1.45E-03  ! 8.65E-03 8.65E-03 3.69E-02 u  ! pCi/g 19-04010-02 I MBL iI BLANK

- 04/02/19 00:00 41212019  ! 4/812019 19-04010  ! Europium-152 EPA 901.1 Modified i I -1.40E-02 I 9.04E-02 9.04E-02  ; 8.21E-02 u pCUg 19.04010-02 I MBL

'i BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 i 41212019 I 4/812019 : 19.04010 Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified [ 1.76E-02i 3.58E-02 3.58E-02 4.16E-02 u  : pCi/g 19-04010-02 MBL BLANK 04102,19 00:00 I 412,2019 1 4/812019 19-04010  ! Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified I -----1

-6.55E-03 [ 3.78E-02 3.78E-02 4.91E-02 u i pCi/g 19-04010-02 MBL BLANK

- 04102119 00:00 i 41212019 i 41812019 19-040 10 I- Holmium-166m EPA901.1 Modified i -6.37E-03 I 3.85E-02 3.85E-02  : 3.28E-02 u  : pCi/g 19-04010-02 i MBL ' BLANK 04102119 00:00  ! 41212019 1 41812019 19-04010 i lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified I 9.85E-02 i 1.13E+OO  : 1.13E+OO 9.82E-01 u  : pCi/g 19-04010-02  !

MBL l BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 i 412/2019 j 4/812019 19--04010 I Potassium-40 EPA901 .1 Modified !I 4.09E-02 'i 1.97E-01 ' 1.97E-01  : 3.29E-01 u pCUg 19-04010-02 i MBL i; BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 j 4/2/2019 i 4/812019 19-04010 I Manganese-54 EPA901.1 Modified i -4.51E-03 I 1.76E-02  !' 1.76E-02 2.73E-02 u t pCUg 19-04010-02 i MBL BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 i 4/2/2019 l 4/8/2019 19-04010 Molybdenum-93 EPA901.1 Modified I -5.09E-04 i 1.63E-02 ' 1.63E-02 1.87E-02 u  : pCUg i 4/2/2019 j 4/8/2019 i 19-04010  ! u l

19-04010-02 MBL BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.32E-02 1.74E-02 1.74E-02 3.42E-02 pCi/g

~=04010-02 MBL i BLAN K 04/02/19 00:00 i 41212019 I 4/8/201 9 19-04010 I Lead-210 EPA901.1 Modified I 7.75E-01 I 5.18E-01 i 5.20E-01 9.56E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-02 MBL

' BLANK 04/02/19 00:00  ! 4/212019 j 4/8/2019 19-04010 Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified I 1.64E-02 I 4.08E-02 l 4.08E-02 5.73E-02 u pCi/g

19. 04010-02 I MBL I BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 I 41212019  ! 41812019 19--04010 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified  ! 5.66E-02 II 5.63E-02  ! 5.63E-02 9.25E-02 u pCUg 19-04010-02 t MBL i BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 1 41212019 I 4/812019 19-04010 Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified  ! 5.71 E-02 I 1.79E-01 j 1.79E-01 2.88E-01 u ' pCi/g 19-04010-02 MBL l BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 41212019 t 41812019 19-04010 i Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified I 3.87E-02 f 4.17E-02 4.18E-02 7.55E-02 u ' pCUg 19--04010-02 MBL BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 41212019 I 41812019 19-04010 I Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified II 1.72E-02 I 4.25E-02 4.26E-02 7.76E-02 u  : pCi/g 19-04010-02 MBL BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 41212019 I 4/812019 19-04010 Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified i 6.84E-02 [ 3.75E-0 1 3.75E-01 5.13E-01 u pCi/g 19--04010-02  ! MBL BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 41212019 I 41812019 19-04010  ! Thallium-208 EPA901.1 Modified I 2.00E-02 I 4 .32E-02 i 4 .33E-02 8.32E-02 u  ! pCi/g 19--04010-02 i MBL  ! BLANK 04/02/19 00:00 4/2/2019 i 4/8/2019 , 19-04010 Uranium-235 EPA 901 .1 Modified  ! 1.66E-02 i 1.29E-01 i 1.29E-01 1.77E-01 u pCUg 0020 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonnal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect


Printed: 5/17/20191:29 PM Page 4 of 13 Report To: Worl< Order Details:

Patricia Giza 19-04010 Eberline Analytical Zion Solutions __ Purchase Order: i SDG: I

- - -*----*--- ---*- - - - *--'----**-- *----------0,*M>-----*--*~*----,-*,- **-**-***--******-********--*----*-, - - -- -- - --***- **--*-***-**** ----**--***--**----*--- - - - - -

677118 _

Final Report of Analysis

- 2701 Deborah Ave Zion, IL 60099 Analysis Category: !

Sample Matrix: i so ENVIRONMENTAL Lab \ Sample I Client Sample j Receipt Analysis Batch l cu i

! I! Report ID i Type \ ID Date I Date Date ID I Analyte Method I Result I

I l


Qualifier Units 19-04010-03 / DUP i L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 j 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 ; Actinium-228 EPA 901 .1 Modified I 1.23E+OO j 3.99E-01 i 4.04E-01 7 .16E-01  !

pCUg 1S-04010-03  ! DUP I L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12
30  ! 4/212019 4/8/2019 1S-04010  ! Silver-108m EPA 901 .1 Modified 1.S~E-02 i 5.05E-02 j 5.0SE-02 9.10E-02 I
u i pCUg 19.04010.03 I DUP  ! L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 ' 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 j Americium-~41 EPA901 .1 Modified -3.44E-03 I 1.89E-01i 1 .89E-01 2.42E-01 u I


pCi/g 19-04010-03 j DUP I L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02101119 12:30 I 41212019 4/8/2019 19-04010 j Barium-133 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.61E-03 I 6.43E-02 I 6.43E-02 1.27E-01  !'

u I' pCi/g 19-04010-03 i DUP  ! L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30  ! 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 I Bismuth-214 EPA 901 .1 Modified 1.65E+OO l 2.48E-01 I I 2.62E-0 1 2.65E-0 1 [  ! pCUg 1S-04010-03 i DUP  ! L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 I 41212019 4/8/20 19 1s.04010 I Cobalt-60 EPA 901 .1 Modified 6.34E-02 \ 9.78E-02 I

I 9.78E-02 [ 1.26E-01  ! u I pCUg 19-04010-03 i DUP

.J.! L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07 /19 12:30 i 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010  ! Cesium-134 EPA901 .1 Modified 3.74E-03 I 2.81E-02 i 2.81E-02  ; 9.12E-02 u I pCi/g 1S-04010-03 I DUP L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 I 41212019 4/8/2019 19.04010 I Cesium-137 EPA 901 .1 Modified -1.21E-01 I 8.62E-02 j 8.64E-02 i 1.07E-01 i u i pCi/g 1S-04Q1Q.03 I DUP  ! L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 i 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 i Europium-152 EPA 901 .1 Modified -2.03E-01  ! 2.70E-01 l 2.70E-01 2.86E-01 i u l pCUg 19-04010-03 i DUP I L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30  ! 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 1S-04010 I Europium-154 EPA 901 .1 Modified I 5.75E-02 I 2.59E-01 I I 2.59E-01 1.49E-01 u i pCUg 1s.04010-03 1 DUP l L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 j 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010. j Europium-155 EPA901 .1 Modified 1.37E-01 II 9.59E-02 i 9.61E-02 2.60E-01 u i pCi/g 19-04010-03 j DUP I L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 j 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 i Holmium-166m EPA 901 .1 Modified 7.74E-03  ! 5.02E-02 j 5.02E-02  : 1.27E-01 i u I pCUg 1S-04010-03 i DUP j L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 i 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 1S-04010 I lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified I I 3.30E+OO I 1.40E+01 I 1.40E+01 , 3.73E+OO 'i u i pCUg 1s.04010-03 I DUP i L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 i 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 1S-04010 i Potassium-40 EPA 901. 1 Modified 3.60E+01 I 4.38E+OO  ! 4.75E+OO [ 1.52E+OO I pCUg 19-04010-03 j DUP I L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 I 41212019 4/8/2019 19-0401 O I Manganese-54 EPA 901 .1 Modified -9.04E-02 j 8.28E-02  ! 8.29E-02 j 1.07E-01 u pCi/g 1S-04010-03  ! DUP i L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30  ! 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 1S-04010 I Molybdenum-93 EPA 901. 1 Modified -3.99E-03  ! 5.11E-02 I

! 5.11E-02 ' 7.84E-02 u pCUg 1s.04010-03 I DUP L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30  ! 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 1s.04010 I Niobium-94 EPA901 .1 Modified - 1.73E-02 I 7.01E-02 j 7.01E-02

  • 9.75E-02 I u pCUg I'

1S-04010-03 i DUP L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30  ! 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010  ! Lead-210 EPA 901 .1 Modified I 2.91E+OO I 2.81E+OO i 2.82E+OO 4.62E+OO u pCi/g 1s.04010-03 I DUP i L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:~2/2019 4/8/2019 19.04010 I Lead-212 EPA 901 .1 Modified 1.35E+OO I 2.16E-01  ! 2.27E-01  : 3.00E-01 pCi/g 1S-04010-03 i DUP i I L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19.04010 I Lead-214 EPA901 .1 Modified 1.77E+OO I 2.44E-01 l 2.60E-01

3.15E-01 pCUg 19-04010-03 1 DUP II L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12
30  ! 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 1S-04010 i Promethium-145 EPA 901 .1 Modified 2.69E-01 j 6.70E-01  ! 6.70E-01 I

1.02E+OO u pCUg 1S-04010-03 I DUP I L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 j Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.65E+OO I 2.48E-01 I 2.62E-01 i 2.65E-01 I pCi/g

! I I

- I u

1S-04010-03 DUP I L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 I 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 Antimony-125 EPA 901 .1 Modified 3.37E-02 1.56E-01 ' 1.56E-01  ! 2.65E-01 pCUg 1s.04010-03 I DUP i L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19.04010 I Thorium-234 EPA901 .1 Modified I 4.31E+OO i 2.35E+OO I 2.36E+OO 3.80E+OO I pCUg 1s.04010-03 I DUP l L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 1S-04010 j Thallium-208 EPA 901 .1 Modified 7.99E-01 I 1.60E-01 'I 1.65E-01 1.36E-01 i i pCi/g 19.04010-03 I DUP I L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19.04010 I Uranium-235 EPA 901 .1 Modified I -1.51E-01 I I 5.0SE-01 I 5.09E-01 6.43E-01  ! u I pCi/g 0021 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonmal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-<letect


Printed: 5/17/2019 1:29 PM Page 5 of 13 Report To: Wolk Order Details:

Patricia Giza 19-04010 Eberline Analytical -------- - - - - -------------¥*- **-*-*--~-*~*---

Zion Solutions SDG:

Purchase Order: 677118 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave Analysis Category: ENVIRONMENTAL Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Lab  ! Sample Client Sample  !

I Receipt i Analysis i I

Batch II Analyte Method Result !i cu  : CSU MDA j Qualifier Report ID i Type ID Date I Date [ Date ID I Units 19.04010-04 I DO L1-12102A-FSGS--006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 1 41212019  ! 41812019 19-04010 i Actinium-228 EPA901.1 Modified 1.25E+OO i 3.27E-01 3.33E-01 5.82E-01  : pCi/g 19--04010-04  ! DO L 1-12102A-FSGS--006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 I 41212019  ! 41812019 19--04010  ! Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified 1.78E-02 i 5 .04E-02 'i 5.04E--02 8.59E-02 u pCi/g 19--04010-04  ! DO L1-12102A-FSGS--006--SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 i 412/2019  ! 4/8/2019 19--04010  ! Americium-241 EPA901 .1 Modified I 2.48E-02 I 1.94E-01 I 1.94E-01 2.SOE-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-04 i DO  ; L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02101119 12:30 I 41212019  ! 4/812019 19-04010 I Barium--133 EPA 901.1 Modified I -3.01E-01 1.44E-01 1.45E-01 1.28E-01 u pCi/g 19--04010-04 [ DO  ! L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 i 41212019 I 41812019 19-04010 I Bismuth-214 EPA 901.1 Modified  ! 1.60E+OO I 2.43E-01 2.57E-01 3.03E-01 pCi/g 19--04010-04 DO L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 I 41212019 I 4/812019 19-04010 Cobalt-60 EPA901.1 Modified i 1.76E-03

-,i 9.62E-02 9.62E-02 9.95E-02 u pCi/g 19-04010-04 DO  ! L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 ( 4/2/2019  ! 4/8/2019 19--04010 Cesium-134 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.81E--02 l 3.65E-02 3.65E-02 9.12E-02 u pCi/g 19--04010-04 i DO L 1-12102A-FSGS--006-SS--A 02/07/19 12:30 l 4/2/2019  ! 4/8/2019 19--04010  ! Cesium-137 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.24E--02 i 8.58E--02 i 8.58E-02 1.19E--01 u  ; pCi/g 19--04010-04 j DO L 1-12102A-FSGS--006-SS--A 02/01119 12:30 I 4121201s I 4/812019 19--04010 Europium--152 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.03E-03 i 2.49E-01 l

! 2.49E--01 3.02E-01 u I pCi/g 19--04010-04 / DO L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 I 41212019 i 4/812019 19--04010 Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified I -9.08E-02 1 2.SSE-01  ! 2.SSE-01 1.57E-01 u _P~

19--04010-04 DO L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 I 41212019 I 4/812019 19--04010 I Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified  ! 3.89E-01


2.04E-01 2.0SE-01 2.58E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-04 I DO L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 I 41212019 I 4/812019 19-04010 Holmium-166m EPA 901.1 Modified  ! 4.43E-02 I 1.17E-01 1.17E-01 1.30E-01 u pCiig 19--04010-04 t DO L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/ 19 12:30 j 4/2/2019  ! 4/8/2019 19--04010 j lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified  ! 4.36E+OO i 1.82E+01 i 1.82E+01 3.95E+OO u i pCi/g 19--04010-04 DO L 1-12102A-FSGS..Q06-SS--A 02/07/19 12:30 , 41212019 I 4/812019 19--04010 Potassium-40 EPA 901.1 Modified l 3.26E+01 i 4.10E+OO

' 4.43E+OO 1.89E+OO i pCilg

~10-04 19--04010-04 19-04010:ci4-



I DO DO DO L 1-12102A-FSGS--006-SS-A L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 02101119 12:30 02/07/19 12:30 1 41212019 I

i 41212019 41212019 I


4/8120 19 41812019 41812019 19-04010 19-04010 19-04010 I Manganese--54 I Molybdenum-93 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified EPA 901.1 Modified EPA 901.1 Modified I



-1.63E-02 i'

-4.6?_~ 6 . 5 6E-02 5.31 E-02 6.45E-02 _J

' 5.31E-02 6.46E-02 6.56E-02 1.24E-01 9.49E-02 8.95E-02 u

u u

I' pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g 19-04010-04 DO L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/1912:30 I 41212019 I 41812019 19-04010 1 Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified 3.45E+OO 2.1SE+OO  ! 2.16E+OO 3.52E+OO u pCi/g 19--04010-04

..j DO L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 i 41212019 I 4/812019 19--04010 Lead-212 EPA901.1 Modified I 1.27E+OO i 2.10E-01

2.20E--01 3.41E-01  : pCi/g 19--04010-04 DO L 1- 12102A-FSGS--006-SS--A 02/07/19 12:30 1 41212019 i 41812019 19--04010 i Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified i 1.73E+OO I 2.16E--01 ' 2.33E--01 4.32E-01  ! pCi/g 19--04010-04 DO L 1-12102A-FSGS-006--SS-A 02101119 12:30 1 41212019 I 41812019 19--04010 Promethium--145 EPA 901.1 Modified iI 2.83E--01 I 4.94E-01 'i 4.94E-01 9.56E-01 u pCi/g 19--04010-04 DO L 1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02101119 12:30 i 41212019 I 4181201 9 19-04010 Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified i I 1.60E+OO I 2.43E-01 2.57E-01 3.03E-01 pCi/g 19-04010-04 DO L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02101119 12:30 I 41212019 I 41812019 19-04010 Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified  ! -3.41E-02 I 1.54E-01 I 1.54E-01 2.53E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-04 I DO L1-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 02/07/19 12:30 I 412/2019 [ 4/8/2019 19-04010 I Thorium-234 EPA901.1 Modified I 3.80E+OO I 2.35E+OO  ! 2.36E+OO 3.84E+OO u pCi/g 19-04010-04 DO L 1-12102A-FSGS--006-SS-A 02/0111912:30  : 41212019 I 4/8/2019 19--04010 , Thallium-208 EPA901.1 Modified 8.14E--01 i 1.69E-01 I 1.74E-01 1.36E--01 pCilg 19--04010-04 t DO L 1- 12102A-FSGS--006--SS-A 02/07119 12:30 j 412/2019  ! 4/812019 19-04010 I Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified I 3.12E-01  ! 4.83E--01 i 4.83E-01 6.SSE--01 u pCi/g 0022 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1 -sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonmal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect

( ~


Printed: 5/17/20191:29 PM Page 6 of 13 Report To: Worl< Order Details:

! 19-04010 Eberline Analytical Patricia Giza Zion Solutions SDG:

Purchase OrderT 677118

  • Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave -- - -- Analysis Category: i ENVIRONMEN~ A

_L_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ ___,

Zion, IL 60099 i SO Lab ID Sample j Type L Client ID 1~ple Date I

I Receipt Date Analysis Date Batch ID I Anal te y

I Samp_le Matrix:

Method i Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Report Units 19-04010-05 i TRG i l1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A ] 02/25/19 09: ~- ~! 212019 j 4/8/2019_1_19-04010 j Actinium-228 I EPA 901.1 Modified . i 2.55E-01 J 1:?.B_E:.<J.1 _ I 1.78E-01 3.84E-01 i U  ; pCi/g 19-04010-05 ' TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 4/2/2019 I. 4/8/20 19 19-04010 I Silver-108m EPA901.1 Modified j 3.64E-03  ! 1.61E-02 -! 1.61E-02 6.48E-02 U pCi/g 1-- --+ -

19-04010-05 i TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 4/2/2019 I 4/8/2019 19-04010 I Americium-241 EPA901 .1 Modified -2.25E-02 i 7.46E-02 I 7.47E-02 1.07E-01 U pCi/g 19-04010-05 i TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 4/2/2019 I 4/8/2019 19-04010 I Barium-133 EPA901 .1 Modified -1.02E-02 I 2.54E-02  ! 2.54

~ 1.07E-01 U pCi/g

, 19-04010-05 i TRG i l1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 4/2/2019 j 4/8/2019 19-04010 I Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 Modified  ! 3.60E-01 I 1.33E-01  ! 1.34E-01 2.10E-01 pCi/g I

~10-05 i TRG i L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/19 09 :13 4/2/2019 I 4/8/2019 19-04010 I Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified I 2.31E-01 i 7.18E-02 i 7.28E 1.57E-01 pCi/g 19-04010-05 i! TRG  !

I L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 4/2/2019 I 4/8/2019 19-04010 i Cesium-134 EPA901.1 Modified -4.36E-03 I l

1.78E-02 -+: 1.78E-02 8.76E-02 U pCi/g 19-04010-05 i TRG ! L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 i 4/2/2019  ! 4/8/2019 19-04010 I Cesium-137 EPA901 .1 Modified 3.22E-01  ! 7.71E-02 j 7.88E-02 8.71E-02 pCi/g I 19-04010-05 -I ______

TRG i ,_

l1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 -i 4/2/2019 i 4/8/2019 I 19-04010 i Europium-152 EPA901.1 Modified 6.92E-02 I 1.10E-01  ! 1.10E-01 1.55E-01 U pCi/g 19-04010-05 I TRG J L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 I 4/2/2019 ] 4/8/2019 I 19-04010 Europium-154 EPA901 .1 Modified 1 -1.03E-01 I 1.98E-01 1.98E-01 8.3 1E-02 U pCi/g 19-04010-05 TRG

  • L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/19 09:13 i 4/2/2019 I 4/8/2019 I 19-04010 Europium-155 EPA901 .1 Modified i 5.44E-02 i 7.41E-02 7.42E-02 1.12E-01 U pCi/g 19-04010-05 TRG l L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/19 09:13 I 4/2/~0~ ~/8/2_019 L19-04010 l Holmium-166m EPA 901 .1 Modified j 5.61E-02 j 7.79E-02 7.79E-02 6.34E-02 U pCi/g 19-04010-05 i TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/19 09:13 4/2/2019 4/8/201 9 19-04010 lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.84E-01 i 1.84E-01 2.60E-01 pCi/g 19-04010-05 I TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/19 09:13 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 Potassium-40 2.84E+OO 2.94E+OO 8.25E-01 pCi/g 19-04010-05 j TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/19 09:1 3 U!2/2019 i ~/8/~~~ ~-IJ.4()10~ ng~~e;:::54 L EPA901!_rvlodified j _L29E:oz j 5.29E-02 l 5.29E-02 8.91E-02 U pCi/g 19-04010-05 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 i 4/2/2019 i 4/8/2019 I 19-04010 I Molybdenum-93 EPA901 .1 Modified j -1 .39E-03 I 4.30E-02 I 4.30E-02 6.94E-02 U pCi/g 19-04010-05 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/19 09:13 4/2/2019 J 4/8/2019 I 19-04010 Niobium-94 EPA 901 .1 Modified I -1 .39E-02 i 5.43E-02  ! 5.43E-02 7.56E-02 i U pCi/g 19-04010-05 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 4/2/2019  ! 4/8/2019 I 19-04010 Lead-210 EPA901.1 Modified [ 6.05E-01 [ 6.80E-01 I 6.80E-01 1.13E+OO ' U pCi/g 19-04010-05 *-TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 4/2/2019 I 4/8/2019 [ 19-04010 Lead-212 EPA901 .1 Modified I 3.43E-01 I 1.41E-01  ! 1:42E-01 2.20E-01 , pCi/g 19-04010-05 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 4/2/2019 I 4/8/2019 J 19-04010 Lead-214 EPA901.1 Modified J 2.84E-01 [ 1.26E-01 1 1.26E-01 2.27E-01 i pCi/g 19-04010-05 TRG u-12 101A-FsGs-014-sS-A 1 02125119 09,13 l 41212019 1 4/8/2019 1 19--04010 1l'r<l;,;~thi~m-14s] EPA 901.1 Modified 1jjE:01 T i :20E:oi  : 120.i=-01.::.~=._ 1~:i~:~,_J ~ u I pcug 19-04010-05 i TRG  ! L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A I 02/25/19 09:13 j 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 Radium-226 EPA 901 .1 Modified 3.60E-01  ! pCi/g 19-04010-05 TRG  ; L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/1909:13 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified -9.79E-02 1.59E-01 [ 1.59E-01 2.03E-01 U pCi/g 19-04010-05 i--TRG! L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/19 09:13 l_- ~ ~ 4/8/2019 1!J:::040~ orium-234 EPA 901 .1 Modified 1.11E+OO 9.78E-01 9.79E-0 1 1.62E+OO U pCi/g 19-04010-05 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A 02/25/19 09:13 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 j 19-04010 T Thallium-208 I EPA 901.1 Modified I 4.40E-01 I 1.87E-01 1.88E-01 2.75E-01 i I pCi/g 19-04010-05 L _TRG l L1-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A ____l__ ()2/25/19 09:13 I 4/2/2019 ] 4/8/2019 [ 19-0401_Qj_ Uranium-235 2.29E-01 ] 2.29E-01 3.37E-01 U pCi/g 0023 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Norrnal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect


Printed: 511712019 1 :29 PM Page 7 of 13 Report To: Work Order Details:

Patricia Giza 19-04010 Eberline Analytical Zion Solutions --


Purchase Order: 677118 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave Analysis Category: ENVIRONMENTAL Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Lab l Sample Client Sample  : Receipt Analysis Batch  !

cu i Report ID I Type ID Date  ! Date Date ID Analyte Method Result '\' i CSU MDA Qualifier: Units 19-04010-06 TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02125119 09:11 I 41212019 4/8/2019 19-04010 Actinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified 6.73E-01  ! 2.66E-01 2.69E-01 4.16E-01 l pCi/g 19-04010-06 TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/1909: 11 i 4/2/2019 ; 4/8/2019 19-04010 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified 6.19E-02 i 7.SOE-02 7.51E-02 9.35E-02 't u  : pCiig 19-04010-06 TRG  : L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09: 11 i 4/2/2019 I 4/8/2019 19-04010 Americium-241 EPA901.1 Modified -2.38E-02 i

! 1.01E-01 1.01E-01 1.46E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-06 TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11  ! 41212019 I 41812019 19-04010 Barium-133 EPA901.1 Modified I -1.23E-03  ! 4.81E-02 4.81E-02 1.64E-01 i u  : pCi/g 1~ :-:: : ()$ TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 j 4/2/2019 : 4/8/2019 19-04010 Bismuth-214 EPA 901.1 Modified i 4.36E-01 I 1.79E-01 1.80E-01 3.33E-01 ] pCi/g 19-04010-06 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 i 4/2/2019 i 4/8/2019 19-04010 Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified I 1.68E-01 II 6.73E-02 6.78E-02 1.01E-01 pCi/g 19-04010-06 TRG i L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 / 4/2/2019 l 4/8/2019 19-04010 Cesium-134 EPA 901.1 Modified ~+00 i 5.20E-02 5.20E-02 1.30E-01 I u pCi/g 19-04010-06 I TRG  ; L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11  ! 4/2/2019 j 4/8/2019 19-04010 j Cesium-137 EPA901.1 Modified  ! 2.23E-01 j 1.24E-01  ! 1.25E-01 1.93E-01  ! pCi/g 19-04010-06 I TRG i L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09: 11 i 41212019 t 41812019 19-04010 Europium-152 EPA 901.1 Modified i -7.74E-03 J 2.35E-01

' 2.35E-01 2.30E-01 i u pCi/g 19-04010-os I TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 I 412120m 4/8/2019 19-04010 I Europium-154 EPA901.1 Modified  ! -2.44E-02 I 2.22E-01 2.22E-01 1.17E-01  ; u pCi/g 19-04010-06 I TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02125119 09:11 I 41212019 4/8/2019 19-04010 Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.10E-01 *-!

--I-1.02E-01 1.03E-01 1.70E-01  ! u pCi/g 19-04010-06 TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 I 41212019 : 41812019 19-04010 Holmium-166m EPA 901.1 Modified I I 8.69E-02 t 1.35E-01 1.35E-01 8.68E-02 [ u pCi/g 19-04010-06 I TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 i 4/2/2019 ! 4/8/2019 19-04010 lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified I -6.75E-04 i 7.35E-02 7.35E-02 1.09E-01 ' u pCi/g j

19-04010-06  ! TRG i L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02125119 09:11 I 41212019 , 4/812019 19-04010 i Potassium-40 EPA 901.1 Modified I 1.05E+01 i 2.03E+OO j 2.10E+OO 1.73E+OO  ! pCi/g 19-04010-06 TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02125119 09:11 I 41212019 i 4/812019 19-04010  ! Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified -2.36E-02 l 7.52E-02 l 7.52E-02 1.17E-01 I u pCi/g 19-04010-06 TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 I 41212019  ! 4/812019 19-04010 I Molybdenum-93 EPA 901.1 Modified i -3.06E-02 7.93E-02 7.94E-02 1.00E-01 i u pCi/g 19-04010-06 1 TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11  ! 41212019 I 4/812019 19-04010 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified  ! -1.53E-03 [ 7.01E-02  ! 7.01E-02 1.13E-01 i u pCi/g 19-04010-06 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 i 4/2/2019 I 4/8/2019 19-04010 I Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified i 9.94E-01 [ 8.62E-01 8.63E-01 1.42E+OO  ! u pCi/g 19-04010-06 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11  ! 4/2/2019 I 4/8/2019 19-04010 Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.56E-01 i 1.38E-01 1.39E-01 2.21E-01  ! pCi/g 19-04010-06 I TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02125119 09:11  ! 41212019  : 4/812019 19-04010 i Lead-214 EPA901.1 Modified I 3.71E-01 j 1.44E-01 i 1.45E-01 2.54E-01 I I pCi/g i i '  !

19-04010-06 TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02125119 09:11 41212019 4/812019 19-04010 Promethium-145 EPA901 .1 Modified I -1.38E-02 \ 9.21E-02 9.21E-02 1.35E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-06 1 TRG L 1-1 2101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 i 41212019 I 41812019 19-04010 Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified 4.36E-01 1.79E-01 1.80E-01 3.33E-01 I pCi/g 19-04010-06 TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 I 41212019 I 41812019 19-04010 I Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified i i 1.90E-01 1.88E-01 1.89E-01 3.01E-01 I u '

i pCiig 19-04010-06 TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09: 11  ! 4/2/2019 4/8/2019 19-04010 Thorium-234 EPA901.1 Modified I 3.54E-01 9.62E-01 9.62E-01 1.44E+OO I

! u pCi/g 19-04010-06  ! TRG L1 -12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 i 41212019 I 4/812019 19-04010 Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 3.02E-01 1.48E-01 1.49E-01 4.23E-01 I u pCi/g 19-04010-06 j TRG L 1-12101A-FSGS-012-SS-A 02/25/19 09:11 j 4/2/2019 , 4/8/2019 19-04010 I Uranium-235 EPA901 .1 Modified i 2.36E-01 3.09E-01 3.09E-01 4.82E-01  ! u pCi/g 0024 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect


Printed: 5/17/2019 1 :29 PM Page 8 of 13 Report To: Worl< Order Details:

Eberline Analytical --*--- --~atricia _Gi~a - ---- -*--- ---- --- - --- -------

Zion Solutions SDG: I Purchase Order: i 19-04010 677118 Final Report of Analysis ~ - - 2701 Deborah Ave - Ana/ysisCategory: J ENVIR=O=N=M=E=N=

TA=L= ===--*--- -- - -- -- ---1 Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: i SO Lab i, Sample /

Type :

Client ID Sample Dat e II Receipt Dat e I Analysis D t Batch ID


, Analyte M

ethod I Result

! CU CSU MDA Qualifier

! Report ID , I ae I I I 1 1 1

1 Units 1~010-07 J TRG i L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/19 09:20 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 j Actinium-228 EPA 901 .1 Modified ' 5.83E-01  ! 2.36E-01 J 2.37E-01 , 5.03E-01  ! pCi/g 19-04010-07 i TRG i L1-1210 1A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20 I 4/2/2019 l 4/9/2019 19-04010 i Silver-108m EPA 901 .1 Modified -3.37E-02  ! 6.35E-02 i 6.35E-02 ' 8.36E-02 U J pCi/g 19-04010-07 . 1 ** TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20  ! 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Arnericium-241 EPA901 .1 Modified -2.50E-02 II 9.60E-02 I 9.60E-02 1.35E-01 U pCi/g 19-04010-07  ! TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Barium-133 EPA901 .1 Modified j 1.10E-02 i 4.40E-02 j 4.40E-02 1.24E-01 U  ! pCi/g 1~010-07 i TRG  ! l1-12101A-FSGS--002-SB-A 03/06/19 09:20 J 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Bismuth-214 EPA 901 .1 Modified , 4.88E--01 i 1.94E--01  ! 1.95E-01 3.45E--01 j pCi/g 19-04010-07 I TRG  ! L1-12101A-FSGS-002-S8-A 03/06/1909:20 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Cobalt-60 EPA901 .1 Modified I 8.83E-03 / 9.52E-02  ! 9.52E-02 1.50E-01 U i pCi/g 19-04010-07 I TRG  !

j L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20 I 4/2/2019

- - - + --

I 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Cesium-134 EPA901 .1 Modified 5.69E-03 I 1.BBE-02 i 1.BBE-02 1.16E-01 U I. pCi/g 19-04010-07  ! TRG I L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20 I 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010 Cesi~m-137 EPA901 .1 Modified 2.72E--01 l 8.33E-02 I 8.44E-02 1.04E--01 I pCi/g 1~010-07 I TRG  ! L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/19 09:20 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 1 19-04010 i Europium-152 EPA 901 .1 Modified i -2.43E--01 I 2.32E--01 i 2.32E-01 1.87E-01 U  : pCi/g 19-04010-07 i TRG i L1-12101A-FSGS-002-S8-A 03/06/1909:20 I 4/2/2019 i 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Europium-154 EPA901.1 Modified -1.81E-02 I 2.31E-01  : 2.31E-01 9.60E-02 U i pCi/g 19-04010-07 I TRG I L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20  ! 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Europium-155 EPA901.1 Modified 8.29E-02 i 9.61E-02  ! 9.62E-02 1.44E-01 U I pCi/g 19-04010-07 I TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20  ! 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010  ! Holmium-166m EPA901 .1 Modified -6.40E-03  ! 7.60E-02  ! 7.60E-02 8.24E-02 U  ! pCi/g 19-04010-07 I TRG j l1-12101A-FSGS--002-SB-A 03/06/19 09:20 j 4/2/2019 i 4/9/2019 19-04010 i lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified 7.16E--02 i 2.41E-01 I 2.41E--01 3.58E--01 U  ! pCi/g 19-04010-07 I TRG 1 L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/19 09:20 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Potassium-40 EPA 901 .1 Modified 1.78E+01 i 3.57E+OO j 3.68E+OO 1.42E+OO pCi/g

_ 19-04010-07 'I TRG i L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Manganese-54 EPA901.1 Modified 9.16E-03 i 7.07E-02 i 7.07E-02 1.15E-01 U I pCi/g 19-04010-07 TRG I L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20 i 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Molybdenum-93 EPA901 .1 Modified -1.13E-02 I 5.23E-02 j 5.23E-02 8.27E--02 U I pCi/g 19-04010-07 ! TRG I L1-12101A-FSGS--002-SB-A 03/06/19 09:20 i 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010 Niobium-94 EPA 901 .1 Modified j 4.33E--03 I 5.28E-02 I 5.28E-02 8.10E--02 U j pCi/g 19-04010-07  ! TRG f L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20 l 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Lead-210 EPA901.1 Modified 8.74E-01  ! 9.55E-01 i 9.56E-01 1.45E+OO U  ! pCi/g 19-04010-07 i TRG I L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/19 09:20 i 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Lead-212 EPA 901 .1 Modified 4.94E-01 i 1.66E-01 I 1.68E-01 2.49E-01 pCi/g 19-04010-07 J TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20- I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010  ! Lead-214 EPA901.1 Modified 4.62E-01 I 1.16E-01 I 1.19E--01 1.95E-01 pCi/g 19-04010-07 i TRG  ! L1- 12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20 / 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 1~010 Promethium-145 EPA901 .1 Modified 4.95E-03 I 1.53E--01 I 1.53E--01 2.26E-01 U pCi/g 19-04010-07 i TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20 I 4/2/2019 i 4/9/2019 19-04010 Radium-226 EPA901 .1 Modified 4.88E-01 f 1.94E-01 I 1.95E-01 3.45E-01 pCi/g 1~010-07 j TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20  ! 4/2/2019 i 4/9/2019 19-04010 Antimony-125 EPA901 .1 Modified 4.45E-02 i 1.98E-01 [ 1.98E-01 2.82E-01 U [ pCi/g 19-04010-07  ! TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/19 09:20 i 4/2/2019 l 4/9/2019 19-04010 Thorium-234 EPA 901 .1 Modified 1.47E+OO I 1.33E+OO j 1.33E+OO 2.21E+OO U pCi/g 19-04010-07 I TRG L1-12101A-FSGS--002-S8-A 03/06/19 09:20 I 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010 Thallium-208 EPA 901 .1 Modified 1 4.22E-01 I 2.18E-01 j 2.19E--01 3.37E--01 I pCi/g 19-04010-07 i TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A 03/06/1909:20 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Uranium-235 EPA901 .1 Modified I 7.19E-02  ! 2.79E-01 I 2.79E-01 4.21E-01 U i pCi/g 0025 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample ;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect

( ~


Printed: 5/17/20191:29 PM Page 9 of 13 Report To: Worl< Otr:Jer Details:

Patricia Giza 19-04010 Eberline Analytical -- --..**--- -*-*-----*-*----.."-- -

Zion Solutions SDG: '

-- -- --**-- **-*--*--***--*-**--*-*--****---**---*----.. ---****-r-- -.. *------------*--**-*-*--****-*----**-----*---------- *-**-----------*-- ---**--"*-

Purchase Order: i 677118 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave Analysis Category: i ENVIRONMENTAL Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: ; so Lab ID i

Sample Type


Client ID Sample Date I

Receipt Date l Analysis Date [

I Batch ID I

I Analyte Method iI I

Result I

I cu CSU

  • MDA I Qualifier Report Units I

19--0401 ()..08  ! TRG I L1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 j 4/212019 ! 4/9/2019 j 19-04010 Actinium-228 EPA 901 .1 Modified  ! 2.90E-01 I 3.0SE-01 3.08E--01

  • 5.49E-01 'I u pCi/g 19-0401()..os  ! TRG I L 1-12102A-FSGS--017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41  ! 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 I 19-04010 Silver-108m EPA 901 .1 Modified

-- I -3.5 1E-02  ! 8.41E-02 8.41E-02 ' 8.73E-02  ;

u pCi/g 19-0401()..08 '


-i L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/1912:41 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 i 19-04010 I Americium-241 EPA 901 .1 Modified

- I 8.61E-02 1.02E-01 1.02E-01 1.55E-01 I u pCi/g 19-04010-08 i TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/1912:41 I 41212019 i 41912019 I 19-04010 Barium-133 EPA 901 .1 Modified I 1.22E-02  ! 4.39E-02 4.39E-02 1.73E-01 I

I u pCi/g 19--0401 ()..08 I TRG / L 1-12102A-FSGS--017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41  ! 41212019 i 41912019 I 19.04010 Bismuth-214 EPA 901.1 Modified i 5.20E-01 I 1.81E--01 1.83E-01 1.18E--01 '

! pCi/g 19--0401()..oa I TRG  ! L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/191 2:41 j 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 i 19-04010 Cobalt-60 EPA 901 .1 Modified

- I 1.34E-01 I 9.42E-02 9.44E-02 1.SOE-01  : u pCi/g 19-0401 ()..08 ! TRG I' L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/1912:4 1  ! 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 ! 19-04010 I Cesium-134 EPA901.1 Modified I -1.25E-03 i 3.83E--02 3.83E-02  : 1.34E-01  ! u pCi/g 19-0401()..08 i TRG I L1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 i 19-04010 Cesium-137 EPA901 .1 Modified I 2.32E-01 I 7.98E-02 8.07E-02 ' 9.66E-02 j pCi/g 19-0401()..08 j TRG I L1-12102A-FSGS--017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 i 4/2/2019 j 4/9/2019 i 19-04010 j Europium-152 EPA 901 .1 Modified I 2.54E-02 I 2.24E-01 2.24E-01 2.37E-01 u pCi/g 19-0401()..08 i TRG I f L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 I 4/21201 9  ! 4/9/2019 i 19-04010 i Europium-154 EPA 901 .1 Modified l. -1.60E-01 i 2.69E-01 2.69E-01 i 1.25E-01 u pCi/g 19.04010-os I TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/1912:41 I 4/2/2019 i 4/9/2019 i 19-04010 I Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified I 1.72E-01 I

I 1.09E-01 1.10E-01 1.90E-01 u pCi/g 19--0401 ()..08 TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41  ! 4/2/2019 i 4/9/2019 19-04010 ' Holmium-166m EPA901 .1 Modified I -9.78E-02 I 1.66E-01 1.66E-01 8.57E-02 u pCi/g 19-0401()..08 TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS--017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41  ! 4/212019  ! 4/9/2019  ! 19-04010 lodine-129 EPA 901 .1 Modified I 3.35E-03 I' 7.71E--02 7.71E-02 1.14E-01 u pCi/g 19-0401()..08 TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 I 41212019 I 41912019 I 19-04010 Potassium-40 EPA 901 .1 Modified

.l 1.44E+01  !

i 2.32E+OO 2.43E+OO ' 1.41E+OO pCi/g 19-04010-08 I TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 i 412,201s I 41912019 I 19.04010 Manganese-54 EPA901 .1 Modified I 6.85E-02 I 8.39E-02 8.40E-02 1.SOE-01 u pCi/g 19-0401()..08  ! TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 i 41212019 I 41912019 , 19-04010 Molybdenum-93

  • EPA 901.1 Modified I -1.71E-02 i 7.77E-02 7.77E-02 8.58E-02 u pCi/g 19-0401()..08 1 TRG L1-12102A-FSGS--017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 j 4/212019  ! 4/9/2019 j 19-04010 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified I 1.92E--02 j 6.91E-02 6.91E-02 1.06E-01 u pCi/g 19-0401()..0a I TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/1912:41 i 41212019 I 41912019 i 19--04010 Lead-210 EPA 901 .1 Modified I 1.09E+OO I 9.24E-01 9.26E-01 1.53E+OO u pCi/g 19.04010-08 I TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS--017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 I 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 Lead-212 EPA901 .1 Modified I 6.13E-01 I 1.64E-01 1.67E-01 2.45E-01 pCi/g 19.0401()..Qa I TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 i 4/2/2019 i 4/9/2019 j 19--04010 Lead-214 EPA 901 .1 Modified I 5.12E-01 I 1.42E--01 1.44E-01 2.57E-01 pCi/g 19-0401 ()..08 J TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS--017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 I 41212019 i 41912019 19-04010 I Promethium-145 EPA901 .1 Modified I -5.94E-02  ! 9.75E-02 9.75E-02 1.38E-01 u pCi/g 19-0401()..08 TRG L1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/1912:41 j 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 i Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified I 5.20E-01

,I 1.81E-01 1.83E-01 1.18E-01 pCi/g 19-0401()..08 I TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41  ! 4/2/2019 j 4/9/2019 19-04010 , Antimony-125 EPA 901 .1 Modified I

I 7.50E-02 i 2.09E-01 2.09E-01 3.01E-01 u pCi/g 19-0401()..08  ! TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 i 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 Thorium-234 EPA 901 .1 Modified I -2.28E-01 ) 1.04E+OO 1.04E+OO 1.49E+OO u pCi/g 19-0401 Q..08 TRG L 1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 l 41212019 i 41912019 I 19-04010 Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified  !

'I 4.73E--01 i 1.69E-01 1.71E-01 3.12E-01 pCi/g 19-0401 ()..OS I TRG L1-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A 02/07/19 12:41 j 4/2/2019 j 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified I -3.02E-02 i 3.56E-01 3.56E-01 5.19E-01 u pCi/g 0026 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonnal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect

( ~


Printed: 5117120191:29 PM Page 10 of 13 Report To: Worl< Order Details:

Patricia Giza 19-04010 Eberline Analytical __ _ ,,____ Purchase Order: .


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t---*--*- Zion Solutions 677118-- - ----

Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave Analysis Category: i ENVIRONMENTAL Zion, IL 60099 I Sample Matrix: l SO Lab Sample : Client j Sample--r 1 A ,

Method Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Report ID Type_[_ ID _ Dat_e_ _ [ \ na yte Units 19-04010-09 TRG f L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A I 02/25/19 09:10 4/2/2019 i 4/9/2019  ! 19--04010 Actinium-228 EPA 901 .1 Modified I 3.11E-01 1.96E-01 1.96E-01 3.76E-01 U pCi/g 19-04010-09 TRG I L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A I 02/25/1909:10 4/2/2019 i 4/9/2019 i 19--04010 Silver-108m EPA901 .1 Modified I 1.69E-02 5_17E-02 5.17E-02 7_18E-02 U pCi/g 19-04010-09 TRG i L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A I 02/25/19 09:10 I 4/2/2019 L 4/9/2019  ! 19:04010 _ Americium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified I -9.92E-02 8.06E-02 8.0SE-02 1.0SE-01 U pCi/g 19-04010-09 TRG  ! L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A I 02/25/1909:10  ! 4/2/2019 J 4/9/201 9 i 19--04010 Barium-133 I EPA901 .1 Modified I 1.82E-02 2.37E-02  ! 2.38E-02 1.11E-01 U pCi/g 19--04010-09 j TRG [ L1-12101A-FSGS-011 -SS-A 02/25/1909:10 j 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 I 19--04010 I Bismuth-214 EPA901 .1 Modified I 4.11E-01 1.54E-01 i 1.56E-01 2.44E-01 pCi/g 19--04010-09 I TRG I L1-12101A-FSGS-011 -SS-A 02/25/19 09:10 i 4/2/2019 i 4/9/2019  ! 19--04010  ! Cobalt-60 EPA 90 1.1 Modified I 1_84E-01 6.17E-02  ! 6_25E-02 1_07E-01 pCi/g --i 19--04010-09 *:

1---- .

TRG  ! L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A - -

02/25/1909:10  ! 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 i 19-04010 [ Cesium-134 EPA901 .1 Modified I 8.39E-04 2.76E-02 I 2.76E-02 9.SOE-02 U pCi/g 19-04010-09 i TF_<_§._ i _ L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A 02/25/1909:10 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 I 19-04010 I Cesium-137 EPA901 .1 Modified I 1.54E-01 8.17E-02 I

! 8.20E-02 1.26E-01 pCi/g 19--04010-09 TRG L1-12101A-FS§_S-011-SS-A I 02/25/ 1909:10 i 4/2/2019 j 4/9/2019J ___1_!l:D4010_j Europium-152 I EPA 901 .1 Modified I -7.31E-02 r- 7.81E-02 [ 7.82E-02  ! 1.67E-01  ! U pCi/g 19--04010-09 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A==t 02/25/1909:10 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19--04010 I Europium-154 EPA901 .1 Modified i -1.54E-01 1.87E-01  ! 1.87E-01 8.61E-02 U pCi/g 19--04010-09  ! TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A ~ 25/1909:10 4/2/2019 4/9/2019 19-04010 ; Europium-155 EPA901.1 Modified  ! 7.41E-02 1 7.77E-02 7.78E-02 1.18E-01 U pCi/g 19--04010-09 i TRG L1:12101A:~SGS-011:SS~A- -- ~ 02/25/1909:10 4/2/2019 4/9/2019 19-04010 i Holmium-166m EPA901 .1 Modified 1- 6.47E-02i ~ a 2 I 8.31E-02 6.43E-02 U pCi/g

- -~ - - - - - ..c1?1?n1e:i, AJO J?n1a 10 nAn1n

!019 j __1_9:D401~J __

lodinEl::1~- EP_A901 .1 Modified [ -1.30E-01 1.92E-01 i 1.92E-01 2.65E-01  ! U pCi/g 19-04010-09 i TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A 02/25/1909:10 J 4/2/20 19 L 4/9/201~J _ 1_9--04010J ~assiu_rr>4_o_l_ EPA901 .1 Modified i 1.46E+01 I 2.88E+OO j 2.97E+OO 8.10E-01 I pCi/g 19--04010-09 TRG  ! L1-12101A-FSGS-011 -SS-A I -- 02/25/1909:10 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Manganese-54 EPA901.1 Modified I 5.75E-03 4_83E-02 4.83E-02 8.91E-02 U pCi/g 19-04010-09 TRG j L1-12101A-FSGS-011 -SS-A 02/25/1909:10 4/2/2019 4/9/2019 ~ 1_9-0401()__L_ Molybdenu~~ __ EPA901 .1 MocJifi_:<l__J__:2.45E-02 , 4.SOE-02 [ 4.SOE-02 7_24E-02 U pCi/g 19--04010-09 TRG l L1-12101A-FSGS-011 -SS-A 02/25/19 09:10 I 4/2/2019 4/9/2019 \ 19--04010  ! Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified  ! :1:50E~3:8_3E-02 j 3.83E-02 7.62E-02 U pCi/g 02/25/1909:10  ! 4/2/2019 4/9/2019 I 19-04010 Lead-210 EPA901.1 Modified I 1_10E+OO  ! 1.18E+OO I 1.18E+OO 1.98E+OO U pCi/g 19--04010-09 19--04010-09 TRG TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A 02/25/19 09:10 02/25/1909:10 I

i 4/2/2019 4/2/2019 j 4/9/2019 4/9/2019 19-04010 19-04010 i Lead-212 Lead-214 EPA 901 .1 Modified EPA901.1 Modified 4.12E-01 4.16E-01 I

I 1.32E-01 1.53E-01 I

1.34E-01 1.54E-01 1.96E-01 2_91E-01 pCi/g pCi/g 1

19-04010-09 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A 19--04010-09 j TRG j L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A 02/25/19 09:10 EPA 901.1 Modified I 5.42E-02 1.25E-01 1.25E-01 1.88E-01 I U i pCi/g 19--04010-09 I TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A 02/25/1909:10  ! 4/2/2019 T 4/9/2019T -i s:6.ioio-r* Radium-226 EPA901 .1 Modified 4.11E-01 r 1.54E-01 I 1.56E-01 2.44E-01 pCi/g 19-04010-09 TRG L1-12101A-FSGS-011 -SS-A 02/25/1909:10 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Antimony-125 EPA901 .1 Modified 1.71E-02 1.56E-01 I 1.56E-01 2_21E-01 U pCi/g 19--04010-09 I TRG  ! L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A I 02/25/19 09:10 i 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 ! 19-()4010 ] _1*horiurn:23_4_ L ~P/\_9011 MC>difiEl(j__j_7:36E-01 I 7.07E-01  ! 7.0SE-01 l 1.0SE+OO  ! u pCi/g I 19--04010-09 TRG  ! L1-12101A-FSGS-011-SS-A 02/25/1909:10 4/2/2019 4/9/2019  ! 19--04010 Thallium-208 EPA901.1 Modified I 3_90E-01 ] 2.15E-01 2.16E-01 i 3.44E-01 I pCi/g 19-04010-09 TRG  ! L1-12101A-FSGS-011 -SS-A 02/25/1909:10 I 4/2/2019 4/9/2019 i 19-04010 Uranium-235 EPA901 .1 Modified I 6.41E-02 I 2.34E-01 2.34E-01 i 3.50E-01 I U  ! pCi/g 0027 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonnal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect

( ~


Printed: 5117120191:29 PM Page 11 of 13 Report To: Woll< Order Details:

Eberline Analytical ---- P~tricia Gi~a __________ ___ __________ _______ - - -- --- ---- SDG: : 19-04010 - - --*-* *-----*---- -*--*- - ------ _

Zion Solutions Purchase Order: : 677118 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave Analysis Category: i ENVIRONMENTAL - - -- - - - - -- - --

Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: I SO Lab ID Sample Type Client ID Sample Date i

Receipt Date i I

Analysis Date  :

i Batch ID Analyte Method lI Result



! Qualifier Rep_ort Units 19-04010-10 TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08  ! 4/2/2019 i 4/9/2019 : 19-04010 Actinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified I 7.71E-01 1 3.28E-01 3.30E-01 8.10E-01  : U pCi/g 19-04010-10 TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08 j 4/2/2019 j 4/9/2019 19-04010 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified  ! 1.64E-02 8.27E-02 8.27E-02 1.07E-01  ! U  : pCi/g 19-04010-10 , TRG  ! L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08 i 4/2/2019 : 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Americium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified I -2.01E-02 1.20E-01 1.20E-01 , 1.72E-01 U pCi/g 19-04010-10 l TRG I L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08 i 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010 Barium-133 EPA901.1 Modified I -1.22E-02 6.45E-02 6.45E-02 ' 1.94E-01 U pCi/g i

19-04010-10 TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08 i 4/2/2019 : 4/9/2019 19-04010 i Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 Modified  ! 5.38E-01 2.10E-01 2.12E-01  : 3.18E-01 f  : pCi/g

~ ~-- i TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08  ! 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Cobalt-60 EPA901.1 Modified i 5.16E-02 1.04E-01 1.04E-01 1.36E-01 [ U  : pCi/g 19-04010-10 ! TRG  ; L1 -12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019- 19-04010  ! Cesium-134 - EPA901.1 Modified I 1.73E-02 l 4.13E-02 4.13E-02 , 1.41E-01 , U pCi/g 19-04010-10 J TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08  ; 4/2/2019 ;* 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Cesium-137 EPA901.1 Modified I 1.71E-01 1.10E-01 1.11E-01  ! 1.72E-01 U i pCi/g 19-04010-10 i TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08  ! 4/2/2019 j 4/9/2019 19-04010 J Europium-152 EPA901.1 Modified  ! 5.05E-02 1.03E-01 1.03E-01 2.52E-01 i U pCi/g

_ _19-04010-10  ! TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08  ! 4/2/2019 / 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Europium-154 EPA901.1 Modified i -8.15E-02 2.37E-01 2.37E-01  : 1.29E-01 i U pCi/g 19-04010-10 [ TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08 i 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Europium-155 EPA90_!:_1 Modified -~ E - 0 1 1.50E-01 1.51E-01 _ 2.55E-01 ]  ! pCi/g 19-04010-10 I TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08  ! 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Holmium-166m EPA901.1 Modified  ! 3.44E-02 I 1.32E-01 1.32E-01 1.00E L - U pCi/g 19-04010-10 1 TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08 i 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 .19-04010 I lodine-129 EPA901.1 Modified I -3.79E-02  ! 8.54E-02 8.54E-02 1.23E-01

  • U pCi/g 19-04010-10 j TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08 I 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010  ! Potassium-40 EPA 901.1 Modified I 1.67E+01 I 2.67E+OO 2.81E+OO 1.76E+OO ,  ! pCi/g 19-04010-10 i TRG L1 -12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08 i 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 1 Manganese-54 EPA901.1 Modified i -7.69E-03 I 9.09E-02 9.09E-02  ; 1.46E-01 U  ; pCi/g 19-04010-10 TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08  ! 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010 i Molybdenum-93 EPA901.1 Modified I 3.38E-03 I 5.93E-02 5.93E-02 , 9.55E-02 ' U I pCi/g 19-04010-10 i TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08 i 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 J Niobium-94 EPA901.1 Modified j 3.79E-02 i 6.98E-02 6.98E-02 1.22E-01 i U pCi/g 19-04010-10 -TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08  ! 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010 f Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified , 1.63E-01 I 9.50E-01 9.50E-01 1.40E+OO  ! U  ! pCi/g 19-04010-10  ! TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08 I 4/2/2019 J 4/9/2019 19-04010 Lead-212 EPA901.1 Modified i 5.63E-01  ! 1.25E-01 1.29E-01 2.29E-01  ! pCi/g 19-04010-10 j TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Lead-214 EPA901 .1 Modified I 7.61E-01 i 1.83E-01 1.87E-01 2.68E-01 i pCi/g 19-04010-10 i TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08 I 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 j Promethium-145 EPA901.1 Modified 3.12E-03 i 1.03E-01 1.03E-01 1.52E-01 i U pCi/g 19-04010-10 l TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08 I 4/2/2019 j 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified 5.38E-01 2.10E-01 2.12E-01 3.18E-01  ! pCi/g

__19-04010-10 TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08  ! 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified -5.73E-02 I 2.42E-01 2.42E-01 3.28E-01 I U pCi/g 19-04010-10 TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/1909:08 I 4/2/2019 4/9/2019 19-04010 Thorium-234 EPA901.1 Modified 1.13E+OO I 1.28E+OO 1.28E+OO 2.14E+OO , U pCi/g 19-04010-10 ! TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08 I 4/2/2019 4/9/2019 19-04010 Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 6.33E-01 I 2.07E-01 2.10E-01 3.79E-01  ! pCi/g 19-04010-10  ! TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-009-SS-A 02/07/19 09:08 i 4/2/2019 4/9/2019 19-04010 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.80E-02 I 3.79E-01 3.79E-01 5.54E-01 i U pCi/g 0028 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigmal;MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Ouplicate Original;U=Non-detect



Printed: 5/17/2019 1 :29 PM Page 12 of 13 Report To: Worl< Order Details:

Patricia Giza 19-04010 Eberline Analytical -------*-**----**- * ---**-----*-*--*--*-*--

Zion Solutions -

SDG: i Purchase Order: : 677118 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave Analysis Category: i ENVIRONMENTAL Zion, IL 60099 - Sample Matrix: i so Lab i Sample Client Sample  ! Receipt I Analysis ' Batch  : Report ID i Type ID Date I Date i Date i I i ID !I Analyte Method I

I Result I cu i

CSU MDA Qualifier i

Units 19.04010-11 1 TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02101119 09,14 I 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 Actinium-228 EPA901.1 Modified  ! 3.16E-01 2.46E-01 j 2.47E-01 i 5.91E-01  ! u pCi/g i  ! '

19-04010-11 J TRG L 1-1 2103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14 J 4/212019 4/9/2019 ; 19-04010 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified  ! 1.0SE-02 3.SOE-02 3.SOE-02  : 7.86E-02 u i pCi/g 19-04010-11 TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02/07/19 09:14 i 4/212019 I 4/9/2019 ' 19-04010 i Americium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified  ! -1.98E-02 8.74E-02 8.74E-02 ' 1.26E-01 '

! u i pCi/g 19-04010-11 TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14 i 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 Barium-133 EPA 901.1 Modified I -6.65E-02 i 1.16E-01 1.16E-01 1.23E-01  ! u pCi/g 19-04010-11 TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02/07/19 09:14  ! 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 Bismuth-214 EPA 901.1 Modified

! 3.63E-01 -~- 1.33E-01 1.35E-01 i 3.17E-01 i pCi/g

' I  ! i 19-04010-11 TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02101119 09:14 41212019 41912019 19-04010 , Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified i 8.39E-02 7 .82E-02 7.83E-02 1.49E-01  ! u pCi/g 19-04010-11 I TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02/07/19 09:14 I 4/2/2019  ! 4/912019 19-04010 I Cesium-134 EPA901.1 Modified  ! -7.63E-02 ( 9.23E-02 9.24E-02 1.15E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-11 TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02/07/19 09:14 i 4/212019  ! 4/9/2019 j 19-04010 Cesium-137 EPA 901.1 Modified i 1.50E-01  ; 9.47E-02 9.SOE-02  : 1.50E-01  ;' l pCi/g 19-04010-11 J TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14 i 4/2/2019 i 4/9/20 19 i 19-04010 Europium-152 EPA 901 .1 Modified II -2.27E-01 2.06E-01 2.0SE-01 1.SOE-01 I u i pCi/g 19-04010-11 1 TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/ 19 09:14 I 41212019 l 41912019 19.04010 I Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified I -7.07E-02 i 2.16E-01 1 2.16E-01 9.32E-02 i u pCi/g 19-04010-11 I TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14 i 412,2019 I 41912019 19-04010 Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified I 3.06E-02 i 9.26E-02 9.26E-02 1.38E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-1 1 j TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02/07/19 09:14 I 4/212019 ; 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Holmium-166m EPA 901.1 Modified I -6.56E-03 I 9 .SOE-02 9.SOE-02 7.63E-02 u pCi/g 19-04010-11 I TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:1 4 I 41212019 I 41912019 i 19-04010 I lodine-129 EPA901 .1 Modified I 1.BOE-01  ! 2.04E-01  ; 2.04E-01 I 3.31E-01 j u pCi/g 19-04010-11 j TRG L 1- 12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02101119 00:14 I 4/2/2019 I 41912019 i 19-04010 I Potassium-40 EPA901 .1 Modified !i 1.71E+01 j 3.40E+OO 3.51E+OO 1.07E+OO  ! 1 i pCi/g 19-04010-11 TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14 j 4/212019 j 4/9/2019 ' 19-04010 Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified  ! -2.60E-02 i 7 .02E-02  ! 7.03E-02 i 1.0SE-01 I

u ' pCi/g 19-04010-11 TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02101119 09:14 i 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 Molybdenum-93 EPA 901.1 Modified I 2.87E-03 I I 5.15E-02 5.15E-02  : 8.25E-02 r u pCi/g 19-04010-11 TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02101119 09:14 I 41212019 l 41912019 19-04010 Niobium-94 EPA901.1 Modified  ! -3.11E-03 I I 5.26E-02 l 5.26E-02  : 8.43E-02 i; u pCi/g 19-04010-11 , TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14 I 4/212019 I 4/9/2019 i 19-04010 I Lead-210 EPA901.1 Modified I 5.70E-01 9.29E-01 9.30E-01 1.40E+OO u pCi/g j

- I '

19-04010-11 j TRG L1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14 I 4/212019 j 4/9/2019 ; 19-04010 Lead-212 EPA901 .1 Modified I 5.63E-01  ! 1.67E-01 l 1.70E-01 2.45E-01  ! pCi/g 19-04010-11 I TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14 I 41212019 i 4/912019 19-04010 ! Lead-214 EPA901.1 Modified I 3.70E-01 i 1.51E-01  :

1.52E-01  ! 2.86E-01 I pCi/g 19-04010-11 TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14 I 4/212019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified I I 6.74E-02 I 1.32E-01 1.32E-01  : 2.21E-01 u pCi/g 19-04010-11

--19-04010-11 TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14  : 4/212019 t 4/9/2019 19-04010 Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified I 3.63E-01 r 1.33E-01 1.35E-01 3.17E-01 pCi/g i TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14 I 4/2/2019 j 4/9/2019 19-04010 i Anlimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified i 6.70E-02 I 1.71E-01 1.71E-01 2.53E-01 u pCi/g

_ 19-04010-11 1 TRG L 1-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14 I 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 Thorium-234 EPA901.1 Modified I 6.52E-01 7.86E-01 7.87E-01 1.20E+OO u pCi/g 19-04010-11 i TRG L 1- 12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02107/19 09:14 I 41212019  ! 41912019 i 19.04010 Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified I 4.90E-01 l 1.75E-01 1.77E-01 2.39E-01 pCi/g 19-04010-11 i TRG L 1- 12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A 02101119 00:14 i 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified I 3.04E-01 j 2.60E-01 l 2.61E-01 4.14E-01 i u I pCi/g 0029 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original; U=Non-detect


Printed: 511712019 1 :29 PM Page 13 of 13 Report To: Worl< Order Details:

Patricia Giza SDG: (' 19-04010 Eberline Analytical -----------*------- - ----*------------*--*-----*

Zion Solutions Purchase Order: 677118 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave Analysis Category: ! ENVIRONMENTAL Zion, IL 60099 I

Sample Matrix: ! so Lab I Sample Client Sample I Receipt i Analysis Batch I I

Analyte Method Result  ! cu CSU MDA Qualifier ' Report ID i Type ID Date i

! Date I I

Date ID I I i  : Units 19-04010-12 . TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/19 12:28,_ I 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Actinium-228 EPA901.1 Modified 8.34E-01 I 3.22E-01 3.25E-01 7.17E-01 pCi/g 19-04010-12  ! TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/1912:28  ! 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010 i Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified 8.91E-03  ! 1.01E-01  ! 1.01E-01 1.02E-01 u  : pCi/g 19-04010-12 1 TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/19 12:28  ! 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 Americium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified i 2.17E-02 / 5.00E-02 5.00E-02 1.95E-01 u ' pCi/g 19-04010-12 TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/1912 :28  ! 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010 Barium-133 EPA 901.1 Modified -2.55E-02 7 .02E-02 7.02E-02 [ 2.31E-01 u  : pCi/g 19-04010-12 TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/19 12:28 I 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010 Bismulh-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 8.80E-01 2.08E-01 2.12E-01 I 4.55E-01  : pCi/g 19-04010-12 TRG f L1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/1912:28 I 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 I Cobalt-60 EPA901.1 Modified 2.26E-01 9.25E-02  : 9.32E-02 1.63E-01  ! pCi/g 19-04010-12 TRG L1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/19 12:28  ! 4/2/2019 \ 4/9/2019 19-040 10 Cesium-134 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.57E-03 4.20E-02 ' 4.20E-02 1.72E-01 u  : pCi/g 19-04010-12 TRG  ! L1-1 2203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01111119 12:2s I 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 Cesium-137 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.12E-01 I I 1.16E-01 '

1.18E-01 2.94E-01 I' j pCi/g 19-04010-12 I TRG i L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 0111111912:28 I 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 Europium-152 EPA 901.1 Modified I

! -8.96E-02 / 1.36E-01  ! 1.36E-01 I

2.82E-01 I u l pCi/g 19-04010-12  ! TRG  ! L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01111119 12:28 l 41212019 1 41912019 19-04010 Europium-154 EPA901.1 Modified 8.57E-02 2.29E-01 2.29E-01

- ' 1.47E-01  ! u  : pCi/g 19-04010-12 19-04010-12

-* TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11119 12:28 01111119 12:28 1 4/2/2019 I 41212019 i

i 4/9/2019 41912019 19-04010 19-04010 i Europium-155 Holmium-166m EPA901.1 Modified EPA 901.1 Modified 1.46E-01

-8.79E-02 II 1.30E-01 2.02E-01 1.30E-01 2.02E-01 ,

2.54E-01 1.14E-01 u

u  !

pCi/g pCi/g I

19-04010-12 TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/19 12:28 1 4/2/2019  ! 419/2019 19-04010 lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified I 2.34E-02 I 9.89E-02 \ 9.89E-02 t 1.47E-01 u  ! pCi/g 19-04010-12 TRG  ! L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/19 12:28 j 4/2/2019 i 4/9/2019 19-04010  ! Potassium-40 EPA 901.1 Modified I 1.81E+01 I 3.00E+OO i 3. 14E+OO 2.34E+OO I pCi/g 19-04010-12 I TRG 'i L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11119 12:28 i 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 1 Manganese-54 EPA901.1 Modified  ! 1.74E-03 1.10E-01 i 1.10E-01 i 1.77E-01 u  : pCi/g 19-04010-12 I TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11119 12:28 I 412/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 Molybdenum-93 EPA901.1 Modified  !' 3.15E-02 I 8.95E-02 8.95E-02 1.11E-01 u i pCi/g I - I I u i 19-04010-12 TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/1912:28 41212019 41912019 19-04010 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified I 2.71E-03 9.63E-02 9.63E-02 1.40E-01 pCi/g i u  !

19-04010-12 , TRG L1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01111/19 12:28 4/2/2019 [ 4/9/2019 19-04010 Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified i 2.02E-01 1 1.12E+OO 1.12E+OO 1.65E+OO pCi/g 19-04010-12 i TRG l L1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01111/19 12:28 41212019 I 4191201 9 19-04010 I Lead-212 EPA 901 .1 Modified i 6.75E-01 I 1.62E-01 1.66E-01 i 3.09E-01

' pCi/g 19-04010-12 i TRG J L 1- 12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/19 12:28 412/2019 j 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified i 1.01E+OO J 2.29E-01 I 2.34E-01 / 4.02E-01 i pCi/g 19-04010-12 j TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01 /11/19 12:28 412/2019 l 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Promelhium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified I I

-2.30E-02 j 1.24E-01 'i 1.24E-01 , 1.80E-01 u I pCi/g 19-04010-12 i TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/19 12:28 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 I Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified i 8.80E-01 2.08E-01 I 2.12E-01 i 4.SSE-01  : pCilg 19-04010-12 I TRG L 1-1 2203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11119 12:28 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified -5.90E-02 I 2.71E-01 2.71E-01 i 3.62E-01 u I pCi/g 19-04010-12 TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/1912:28 4/2/2019  ! 4/9/2019 19-04010 Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified  ! 1.10E+OO 1.33E+OO 1.33E+OO 2.22E+OO u pCi/g 19-04010-12 I TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11/19 12:28 4/2/2019 I 4/9/2019 19-04010 I Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 6.25E-01 I 2.49E-01 2.51E-01 4.75E-01 i pCi/g 19-04010-12 I TRG L 1-12203A FQGS-012-SS-A 01/11119 12:28 41212019 I 41912019 19-04010 \ Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified i -1.10E-01 i 4.35E-01 I 4.35E-01 6.29E-01 u i pCi/g 0030 CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonnal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect



ZS-WM-131 Revision 0 ZJONSOLUT/ONSLu REC'D APR O2 2019 Information Use ,.v' '6'*\.,ll.

An EnergySo/UOO!ls Company

  • .11 Attachment 1 - Chain-of-Custody Form 1 :9 ~ 0 4 0 1 0 ~,~v Sample ID Sample Matrix Sample Sample Container Sample Sample Time Analysis Type Preservative Remarks Log Type Date Vol Unit Type Qty NA NA SOIL 500 ml MARINELLI I Ll-12102A-FSGS-006-SS-A 2/7/2019 1230 5ROC HTD NA 594.19g 5 Ll-12101A-FSGS-014-SS-A NA NA SOIL 500 ml MARINELLI I 2/25/2019 0913 5ROC HTD NA 825.26g Ll-12101 A-FSGS-012-SS-A NA NA SOIL 500 ml MARINELLI I 2/25/2019 5 ROC HTD NA 0911 750.94g Ll-12101A-FSGS-002-SB-A NA NA SOIL 500 ml MARINELLI I 3/6/2019 5ROC HTD NA 0920 645.05g Ll-12102A-FSGS-017-SS-A NA NA SOIL 500 ml MARINELLI I 2/7/2019 5ROC HTD NA 1241 766.94g Ll-1210 IA-FSGS-011 -SS-A NA NA SOIL 500 ml MARINELLI I 2/25/2019 5ROC HTD NA 0910 841.00g ro LI-I 2103A-FSGS-009-SS-A NA NA SOIL 500 ml MARI NELLI I 2/7/2019 0908 5ROC HTD NA 726.90g Ll-12103A-FSGS-015-SS-A NA NA SOIL 500 ml MARINELLI I 2/7/2019 5 ROC HTD NA

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