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Restoration Project, Final Status Survey Release Record, Revision 2, Unit 1 East & West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses, Survey Units 06213 & 06214
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/2021
From: Yetter R
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML21067A225 List:
Download: ML21067A216 (407)






11/J /fF I Robert F. Yetter Ill

                                                              ~ Nov 11 2020 11 :04 AM PREPARED BY / DATE:  Robert Yetter III                                           cos13n Final Status Survey Specialist Robert F. Yetter
                                               !Jwl,..e,d :J. ~ Nov 11 2020 12:28 PM REVIEWED BY / DATE:  Robert Yetter                                               cosign Director, Radiological Site Closure Sarah Roberts Sarah Roberts       Nov 1120201:07 PM cosi3n APPROVED BY / DATE:  Sarah Roberts Vice President, Radiological Programs





................................................................................................ 7
2. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... 8
3. CLASSIFICATION BASIS ............................................................................................. 11
4. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO) ...................................................................... 12
5. SURVEY DESIGN ........................................................................................................... 16
6. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................... 20
7. SURVEY RESULTS ........................................................................................................ 21
8. QUALITY CONTROL .................................................................................................... 31
9. INVESTIGATION AND RESULTS .............................................................................. 32
10. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS.................................................................................. 32
11. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN ...................................... 32
12. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT (DQA) ..................................................................... 32
13. ANOMALIES ................................................................................................................... 33
14. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................. 33
15. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 33
16. ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................................. 34 ATTACHMENT 1 FIGURES AND MAPS ........................................................................35 ATTACHMENT 2 ISOCS GEOMETRY............................................................................38 ATTACHMENT 3 SIGN TEST ..........................................................................................45 ATTACHMENT 4 QC MEASUREMENT ASSESSMENTS ............................................48 ATTACHMENT 5 ISOCS ANALYTICAL REPORTS......................................................51 ATTACHMENT 6 EBERLINE REPORTS ......................................................................356


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses ....................................................... 9 Figure 2 - Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House Detail ............................................................ 10 Figure 3 - Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House Detail........................................................... 11 Figure 4 - Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House ISOCS Survey and Sample Map .................. 22 Figure 5 - Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House ISOCS Survey and Sample Map................. 23 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture ................................................................ 13 Table 2 - Base Case DCGLs (BcDCGL B ) from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-3 ................................. 14 Table 3 - Operational DCGLs (OpDCGL B ) from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-4 .............................. 15 Table 4 - Surrogate Ratios ............................................................................................................ 17 Table 5 - Investigation Levels....................................................................................................... 18 Table 6 - Synopsis of the Survey Design ...................................................................................... 19 Table 7 - Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House - ISOCS Results for FSS ............................... 24 Table 8 - Basic Statistical Properties of ISOCS Measurements in the Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House .................................................................................................................................. 25 Table 9 - Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House - ISOCS Results for FSS .............................. 26 Table 10 - Basic Statistical Properties of ISOCS Measurements in the Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House .................................................................................................................................. 27 Table 11 - FSS Concrete Core Samples Taken in Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House ........ 28 Table 12 - FSS Concrete Core Samples Taken in Unit 1 West Main Steam Valve House .......... 29 Table 13 - Eberline Re-Analysis Results for Sample B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV ...................... 30 Table 14 - Summary of ISOCS Replicate Measurements for QC Unit 1 East Valve House ....... 32 Table 15 - Summary of ISOCS Replicate Measurements for QC Unit 1 West Valve House ...... 32 [4]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable AMCG Average Member of the Critical Group BcDCGL Base Case Derived Concentration Guideline Level BcSOF Base Case Sum-of-Fraction BFM Basement Fill Model DQA Data Quality Assessment DQO Data Quality Objective DCGL Derived Concentration Guideline Level EMC Elevated Measurement Comparison FOV Field of View FSS Final Status Survey HTD Hard-to-Detect IC Insignificant Contributor ISOCS In Situ Object Counting System LTP License Termination Plan LBGR Lower Bound of the Gray Region MARSSIM Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration MDCR Minimum Detectable Count Rate OpDCGL Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Level OpSOF Operational Sum of Fractions QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan QC Quality Control [5]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 RE Radiological Engineer ROC Radionuclides of Concern SOF Sum of Fractions TEDE Total Effective Dose Equivalent UBGR Upper Bound of the Gray Region UCL Upper Confidence Level ZNPS Zion Nuclear Power Station ZSRP Zion Station Restoration Project [6]




This Final Status Survey (FSS) Release Record for survey units 06213 and 06214, Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses, was generated for the Zion Station Restoration Project (ZSRP) in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-005, Final Status Survey Data Reporting (Reference 1) and satisfies the requirements of Section 5.11 of the Zion Station Restoration Project License Termination Plan (LTP) (Reference 2). The FSS Sample Plans for survey units 06213 and 06214 were developed in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001, Final Status Survey Package Development (Reference 3), the ZSRP LTP, and with guidance from NUREG-1575, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) (Reference 4). In April of 2016, an FSS was conducted on the Turbine Building basement structure. The sample plan design for the FSS of the Turbine Building did not include the surface area of the Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses. Separate sample plans were written to include fifty-two (52) systematic measurements to represent the surface area of the Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses. The weighted average activity of the systematic measurements of this FSS will be added to the systematic mean of the Turbine Building basement FSS. FSS was performed on the Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses to demonstrate that the concentrations of residual radioactivity were equal to or below site-specific Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGL) corresponding to the dose criterion in 10 CFR 20.1402. In accordance with ZSRP LTP, Section and Table 5-19, the Turbine Building survey unit has a MARSSIM classification of 3. The Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses were re-classified as a Class 1 due to the discovery of radioactive material concentrations in excess of the Operational DCGLs (OpDCGL) from ZionSolutions TSD 17-004, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Final Status Survey (Reference 5) during the performance of the FSS. A Sample Plan was designed based upon use of the Sign Test as the nonparametric statistical test for compliance. Both the Type I () and Type II () decision error rates were set at 0.05. The Canberra In Situ Object Counting System (ISOCS) and was selected as the primary instrument used to perform FSS. To ensure 100% of the surface area was surveyed in accordance with the classification, twenty-six (26) ISOCS measurement locations were selected in each Valve House (for a total of 52 measurements) using several adjusted Field of View (FOV) geometries as specified in ZionSolutions TSD 14-022, Use of In-Situ Gamma Spectroscopy for Final Status Survey of End State Structures (Reference 6). [7]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 The results of the FSS showed that the Operational Sum of Fractions (OpSOF) for 49 of the 52 ISOCS measurements taken was less than one (1) when applying the respective Operational DCGL (OpDCGL) for the Turbine Building basement. Three (3) ISOCS measurements exceed the OpDCGL but were below the Base Case DCGLs (BcDCGL). The mean concentration for each ROC was below the BcDCGL, and the survey unit passed the Sign Test; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses are acceptable for unrestricted release.

2. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION Both the Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses were located on the 570 foot elevation and housed the East and West Main Steam Valves. The Valve houses were adjacent to each of the Containment buildings on the East and West sides of Unit 1, with a mirror image of that footprint for Unit 2. The entrances into the Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses were from each of the Main Steam Tunnels leading to each respective containment structure Valve House at the Turbine Building 570 foot elevation (See Figures 1, 2 and 3). The surface area of each of the Unit 1 Valve House structural survey units is 304 m2.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Figure 1 - Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses Transfer Ca a~ Unit 1 West MS S tF I Pool Unit 2 West MS Valve House Valve House Uni 1 Co tai rnent Au iii uil ,*n Unit 1 East MS Unit 2 East MS Valve House Valve House Turbin Buil di

                                                         ~ ;                  I I

I I I I I I I ir . W t r I I I I I I I Disc arge un el

                                         - , ..1                           1_ 1 Circ.

n [;;iJ North [9]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Figure 2 - Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House Detail 3' Walls 2'6" Floor 4' Ceiling 18' Fl to Ceiling B-256 Sect 7-1

  "" I 2' x 7'6" W2, "3 3' x 9'6" .==i::[::_-1.l.-+.1~'...J-...LJ--O-::,,--:,i~. , .~
                                 / 1- -                    II 2'               34' 4 1/ 4        2'6" B-224 B-256 Sect 7-7               *9iil H              Unit 1 East MS G                                   ~j M-108 F                      Valve House 75 '6" 3' thick M-106 IL,1170-0' te-:-- - - - - -                83' - - - - - - - +~

I . [10]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Figure 3 - Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House Detail Wall Reduces from 2'6 " to 2 ' 8-225~ _ 2' thick D M-108 12' Top 591 ' M-11

                                                  ...I w

4 thick roof 588 to 592' 1


18'*Floor to Ceiling  ::, 2'6 " Thick Floor t- Unit 1 West MS 8-261 Sect 4-4 Valve House 2 ' thick roof 588 to 590' 18' Floor to Ceiling 2 ' Thick Floor M-108 B-261 Sect 8-8 B-235 196'

3. CLASSIFICATION BASIS Survey unit 06100 (Turbine Building) was classified in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification (Reference 7). In accordance with ZSRP LTP, Section and Table 5-19, the Turbine Building survey unit was assigned a MARSSIM classification of 3. In April of 2016, an FSS was conducted on the Turbine Building basement structure. The surface area of the Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses was included with the Turbine Building for the DCGL calculation; however, the surface area was not included in the FSS of the Turbine Building basement.

In addition, the demolition of the Valve Houses occurred two years after the demolition of the Turbine Building basement. Consequently, a separate FSS was required of the Valve Houses prior to backfill. [11]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 The Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses were classified, as the Turbine Building, in accordance with ZSRP LTP, Section as a Class 3 survey unit. A final classification assessment was performed in accordance with procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002 as part of the survey design for FSS. Upon completion of Survey Unit Classification basis for final classification, which included a review of the Zion Station Historical Site Assessment (HSA) (Reference 8), the classification for survey design remained Class 3. During the performance of FSS, it was observed that many survey measurements exceeded 50% of the OpDCGLs and several exceeded an OpSOF of one. Consequently, the Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses, survey units 06213 and 06214, were reclassified from Class 3 to Class 1, and the FSS was redesigned accordingly. The FSS Radiological Engineer (RE) performed a visual inspection and walk-down of the survey units on April 19, 2018, prior to performing FSS. The purpose of the walk-down was to evaluate and assess the physical condition of the survey units, access points, travel paths and identify potentially hazardous conditions.


FSS planning and design hinges on coherence with the Data Quality Objective (DQO) process to ensure, through compliance with explicitly defined inputs and boundaries, that the primary objectives of the survey is satisfied. The DQO process, utilized in accordance with MARSSIM, is described in the ZSRP LTP. The appropriate design for a given survey is developed using the DQO process as outlined in Appendix D of MARSSIM. The DQO process incorporated hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis. Hypothesis testing is a process based on the scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition. The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis. Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection. In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis, was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria. Rejection of the null hypothesis would indicate that residual activity within the survey unit does not exceed the release criteria. Therefore, the survey unit would satisfy the primary objective of the FSS sample plan. The primary objective of the FSS sample plan is to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in survey units 06213 and 06214 did not exceed the release criteria specified in the LTP and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). ZionSolutions TSD 11-001, Technical Support Document for Potential Radionuclides of Concern During the Decommissioning of the Zion Station (Reference 9) established the [12]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 basis for an initial suite of potential ROC for the decommissioning of the Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS). LTP Chapter 2 provides detailed characterization data that described contamination levels in the basements. Concrete core samples, collected during characterization surveys, were obtained at biased locations where there were elevated contact dose rates and/or evidence of leaks/spills. The collected core samples were analyzed for the presence of plant-derived radionuclides. LTP, Section 6.5.2 discusses the process used to derive the ROC for the decommissioning of ZNPS, including the elimination of insignificant dose contributors (IC) from the initial suite. LTP, Section 6.5.2 also states that the Auxiliary Building basement ROC and the IC percentage of 5% for adjusting ROC DCGLs will also be applied to all other Basements including those for the Main Steam Valve Houses unless different values are justified by the results of continuing characterization or FSS Hard-to-Detect (HTD) analysis. Table 1 presents the ROC for the Valve House structural surfaces and the normalized fractions based on the radionuclide mixture. Table 1 - Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture

                                                               % of Total Activity Radionuclide (normalized)(1)

Co-60 0.92% Cs-134 0.01% Cs-137 75.32% Ni-63 23.71% Sr-90 0.05% (1) Based on maximum percent of total activity from Table 20 of TSD 14-019, normalized to one for the dose significant radionuclides. A fundamental precursor to survey design is to establish a relationship between the release criteria and some measurable quantity. This is done through the development of DCGLs. The DCGLs represent average levels of radioactivity above background levels and are presented in terms of surface or mass activity concentrations. Chapter 6 of the LTP describes in detail the modeling used to develop the DCGLs for structures. The end state basements will be comprised of steel and/or concrete structures which will be covered by at least three feet of clean soil and physically altered to a condition which would not realistically allow the remaining structures, if excavated, to be occupied. The exposure pathways in the Basement Fill Model (BFM) are associated with residual radioactivity in floors and walls released through leaching into water contained in the interstitial spaces of the fill material. The BFM assumes that the inventory of residual radioactivity in a given building is released either instantly or over time by diffusion, depending on whether the activity is surficial or volumetric, respectively. The activity [13]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 released into the fill water will adsorb onto the clean fill, as a function of the radionuclide-specific distribution coefficients, resulting in equilibrium concentrations between the fill and the water. Consequently, the only potential exposure pathways after backfilling, assuming the as-left geometry, are associated with the residual radioactivity in the water contained in the fill. The final outputs of the BFM are the basement DCGL, in units of pCi/m2, which are calculated using the BFM Groundwater (GW) and BFM Drilling Spoils Dose Factors (LTP, Tables 6-24 and 6-25). The DCGLs for basement structure surfaces are calculated separately for the GW and Drilling Spoils scenarios and for the summation of both scenarios. The summation DCGL is designated as the BcDCGL and is used during FSS to demonstrate compliance (analogous to the DCGL W as defined in MARSSIM). The BcDCGLs are radionuclide-specific concentrations that represent the 10 CFR 20.1402 dose criterion of 25 mrem/year and are calculated for each ROC and each backfilled Basement. When applied to structures, the DCGLs are expressed in units of activity per unit of area (pCi/m2). The unity rule is applied when there is more than one ROC. The measurement results for each singular ROC present in the mixture are compared against their respective DCGL to derive a dose fraction. The BcDCGLs for the unrestricted release of the Turbine Building (including the Main Steam Valve houses) are provided in Table 2. The Insignificant Contributor (IC) dose percentage of 5% was used to adjust the Turbine Building BcDCGLs to account for the dose from the eliminated IC radionuclides. Table 2 - Base Case DCGLs (BcDCGL B ) from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-3 Turbine Building Radionuclide BcDCGL B (pCi/m2) Co-60 7.03E+07 Ni-63 2.18E+09 Sr-90 7.74E+05 Cs-134 1.59E+07 Cs-137 2.11E+07 Each radionuclide-specific BcDCGL is equivalent to the level of residual radioactivity (above background levels) that could, when considered independently, result in a Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) of 25 mrem/year to an Average Member of the Critical Group (AMCG). To ensure that the summation of dose from each source term is 25 mrem/year or less after all FSS is completed, the BcDCGLs are reduced based on an expected, or a priori, fraction of the 25 mrem/year dose limit from each source term. The [14]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 reduced DCGLs, or Operational DCGLs, can be related to the BcDCGLs as an expected fraction of dose based on an a priori assessment of what the expected dose should be based on the results of site characterization, process knowledge and the extent of planned remediation. The OpDCGL is then used as the DCGL for the FSS design of the survey unit (calculation of surrogate DCGLs, investigations levels, etc.). Details of the OpDCGLs derived for each dose component and the basis for the applied a priori dose fractions are provided in TSD 17-004. The OpDCGL B for FSS of the Unit 1 East and West Valve Houses are provided in Table 3. Table 3 - Operational DCGLs (OpDCGL B ) from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-4 Turbine Building Radionuclide DCGL B (pCi/m2) Co-60 5.98E+06 Ni-63 1.85E+08 Sr-90 6.58E+04 Cs-134 1.35E+06 Cs-137 1.79E+06 Instrument DQOs included a verification of the ability of the survey instrument to detect the radiation(s) of interest relative to the OpDCGL. The Canberra ISOCS was selected as the primary instrument used to perform FSS of basement surfaces. Response checks were required prior to issuance and after each use. Control and accountability of ISOCS units was required to assure data quality. As part of the DQOs applied to laboratory processes, analysis results were reported as actual calculated results. The actual recorded value was used as the recorded FSS result for measurement and/or sample values that are less than Minimum Detectable Concentration (MDC). Negative values were recorded as zero. For radionuclides less than MDC, the value representing the highest abundance was selected. Results were not reported as less than MDC. Sample report summaries included unique sample identification, analytical method, radionuclide, result, uncertainty, laboratory data qualifiers, units, and the observed MDC. In accordance with the LTP, for laboratory analysis, MDCs less than 10% of the OpDCGL were preferable while MDCs up to 50% of the OpDCGL were acceptable. The maximum acceptable MDC for measurements obtained using field instruments was 50% of the applicable OpDCGL. [15]


5. SURVEY DESIGN Guidance for preparing FSS plans was provided in procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001. The Canberra ISOCS was selected as the primary instrument for performing FSS of basement surfaces. The ISOCS was selected as the instrument of choice to perform FSS of basement surfaces due to the fact that an ISOCS measurement will provide results that can be used directly to determine total activity with depth in concrete, and the surface area covered by a single ISOCS measurement is large (a nominal FOV of 10-30 m2), which essentially eliminates the need for a scan surveys. In addition, after an ISOCS measurement is collected, it can be tested against a variety of geometry assumptions to address uncertainty in the source term geometry if necessary.

The source term geometry for ISOCS efficiency calibration (i.e., concentration depth profile and areal distribution of the residual radioactivity in structures) is required to generate efficiency curves (i.e., efficiency as a function of energy) for the ISOCS gamma spectroscopy measurements. The ISOCS efficiency calibration basis chosen for the FSS of the Main Steam Valve Houses concrete are documented in ZionSolutions TSD 14-022. The ISOCS geometry utilized for the Main Steam Valve Houses employed a 28 m2 FOV. A second geometry employing a 2.5 meter stand-off was also used. The selection of this latter geometry was necessitated in situations where there was limited accessibility due to structural constraints. Sample size determination for the FSS of Turbine Building basement is addressed in LTP, Section The surface areas of the Main Steam Valve Houses were not originally included in the Turbine Building basement survey unit. Consequently, the weighted average activity of the ISOCS measurements taken in the Main Steam Valve Houses will be added to the systematic mean of the Turbine Building basement FSS. This is addressed in LTP, Section The total basement area used in the weighted average calculation is the adjusted surface area used to calculate the DCGLs in LTP, Section 6.6.8. The adjusted area for the Turbine Building from LTP, Table 5-23 is 27,135 m2. In accordance with TSD 14-014, End State Surface Areas, Volumes, and Source Terms of Ancillary Buildings, (Reference 10), the total surface area of each of the two Unit 1 Main Steam Valve Houses is 304 m2. The area-weighted SOF is calculated in accordance with LTP, Equation 5-8, which is reproduced as Equation 1. The SOF Bi,B variable in the equation is based on the mean of the judgmental samples. Equation 1

              , =                          ,


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 where: SOF B,B = total surface SOF including all surface survey units in basement (B) SA SUi,B = surface area of survey unit (i) in basement (B) SA Adjust,B = adjusted surface area for DCGL calculation (Table 5-23) for basement (B) SOF Bi,B = SOF B for survey unit (i) in basement (B) This sample plan for each of the Unit 1 East and West Main Steam Valve Houses consisted of twenty-six (26) systematic measurement/sample locations, ensuring 100% areal coverage of the surface area. Figures 4 and 5 in this release record and Attachment 1, Figures and Maps, illustrate the locations of the ISOCS measurements taken. The DQO process determined that Co-60, Ni-63, Sr-90, Cs-134, Cs-137 would be the ROC in survey units 06213 and 06214. During FSS, concentrations of HTD ROC Ni-63, and Sr-90 are inferred using a surrogate approach as specified in LTP, Section 5.2.11. Cs-137 is the principle surrogate radionuclide for Sr-90, and Co-60 is the principle surrogate radionuclide for Ni-63. The mean, maximum and 95% Upper Confidence Level (UCL) of the surrogate ratios were calculated in TSD 14-019 , Radionuclides of Concern for Soil and Basement Fill Model Source Terms (Reference 11) and are presented in LTP, Table 5-15, which is reproduced as Table 4 below. Table 4 - Surrogate Ratios Auxiliary Building Ratios Mean Max 95%UCL Ni-63/Co-60 44.143 180.450 154.632 Sr-90/Cs-137 0.001 0.002 0.002 For the FSS of survey units 06213 and 06214, the surrogate OpDCGLs for Co-60 and Cs-137 are based on the maximum ratios from Table 4. The equation for calculating a surrogate DCGL is as follows: Equation 2 1


1 2 3

                                                    +    +    +

2 3 Where: DCGL Sur = Surrogate radionuclide DCGL DCGL 2,3n = DCGL for radionuclides to be represented by the surrogate Rn = Ratio of concentration (or nuclide mixture fraction) of radionuclide n to surrogate radionuclide [17]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Using the OpDCGLs for the Turbine Building presented in Table 3 and the maximum ratios from Table 4, the following surrogate calculations were performed for FSS units 06213 and 06214 Equation 3 1 (137) = = 1.70 + 06 /2 1 0.002


1.79 + 06(137) 6.58 + 04(90) The surrogate OpDCGL that was used for Cs-137 in FSS units 06213 and 06214 for direct comparison of sample results to demonstrate compliance is 1.70E+06 pCi/m2. Equation 4 1 (60) = = 8.75 + 05 /2 1 180.45


5.98 + 06(60) 1.85 + 08(63) The surrogate OpDCGL that was used for Co-60 in FSS units 06213 and 06214 for direct comparison of sample results to demonstrate compliance is 8.75E+05 pCi/m2. For these Class 1 basement structure survey units, the Investigation Levels for ISOCS measurement results are those levels specified in LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-25, and are reproduced below in Table 5. Table 5 - Investigation Levels Classification Direct Investigation Levels Class 1 >Operational DCGL In compliance with ZS-LT-01, Quality Assurance Project Plan (for Characterization and FSS) (QAPP) (Reference 12), replicate measurements were performed on 5% of the ISOCS measurement locations. Table 6 provides a synopsis of the survey design for survey units 06213 and 06214. [18]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Table 6 - Synopsis of the Survey Design FEATURE DESIGN CRITERIA BASIS Survey Unit Area 304 m2 each Valve House, 608 m2 total LTP, Table 5-23

                                                                              *  = 0.3
  • UBGR = SOF of 1
  • LBGR = SOF of 0.5 Number of 26 (systematic) in each Valve House (52
  • Type I error = 0.05 Measurements measurements total)
  • Type II error = 0.05
                                                                         *  / = 3 (adjusted)

MARSSIM Table 5-5 100% Areal Coverage Measurement Spacing LTP, Section (Planned for 28 m2 FOV)

  • Co 5.98E+06 pCi/m2 Operational DCGLs for Turbine
  • Ni 1.85E+08 pCi/m2 Building Basement OpDCGL B
  • Sr 6.58E+04 pCi/m2 Unit 1 East Main Steam Valve
  • Cs-134 - 1.35E+06 pCi/m2
  • Cs-137 - 1.79E+06 pCi/m2 House, (LTP, Table 5-4) 3 Concrete Core samples in each Valve HTD ROC Analysis House selected for HTD ROC analysis (6 LTP, Section 5.1 samples total)


                                 >Operational DCGL                         LTP, Table 5-25 Investigation Level 304 m2 100% areal scan coverage (each Scan Survey Area                                                      ZS-LT-300-001-001, Valve House); 608 m2 total surface area and Coverage                                                              Attachment 1 scan coverage QC             5% Replicate ISOCS Measurements                   LTP, Section 5.9



6. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION For the systematic measurements performed in survey units 06213 and 06214, compliance with the unrestricted release criteria was demonstrated through a combination of direct measurements using the ISOCS and analysis of concrete core samples obtained from the Main Steam Valve Houses. The concrete core data was used to validate the ratios of gamma emitters to HTD ROC.

A walk down was performed by FSS personnel on April 18, 2018. A turnover survey and groundwater pump out was required to permit acceptance of the Main Steam Valve House survey units for FSS. Characterization data from 2012 and 2013, including 10 concrete core samples did not identify any conditions precluding turnover; however, turnover surveys were utilized to confirm demolition work in the area had not altered conditions. The Main Steam Valve Houses were deemed acceptable for turnover and FSS commenced on April 25, 2018. Field Logs (ZS-LT-300-001-001, Attachment 14) were used to document field activities and other information pertaining to the performance of the FSS. Daily briefings were conducted to discuss the expectations for job performance and to review safety aspects of the job. ZionSolutions TSD 14-022 provides the initial justification for the selection of reasonably conservative geometries and efficiency calibrations for the ISOCS based on the physical conditions of the remediated surface and the anticipated depth and distribution of activity. All ISOCS measurements were acquired using an approved geometry. One source to detector distance was utilized to ensure 100% measurement coverage. The primary ISOCS geometry utilized was 3M90D_CP_2IN, and is described in detail in Attachment 2. The ISOCS detector was positioned horizontally or vertically to the surface at the center-point of each selected measurement location. The exposed face of the detector was positioned at a distance of 3 meters from the surface with the 90-degree collimation shield installed; this orientation corresponded to a nominal FOV of 28 m2 for walls. The measured activity for each gamma-emitting ROC (and any other gamma-emitting radionuclides positively detected by ISOCS) was recorded in units of pCi/m2. Background was not subtracted from any measurement. An OpSOF calculation was performed for each measurement by dividing the reported concentration of each ROC by the OpDCGL for each ROC to derive an individual ROC fraction. The individual ROC fractions were then summed to provide a total OpSOF value for the measurement. Two (2) replicate measurements were taken with the ISOCS in each of the two Unit 1 Valve Houses during FSS. The locations selected for taking replicate measurements were at locations 002 and 020 in the East Valve house, and at locations 007 and 016 in the West Valve House. These locations were randomly selected using the Microsoft Excel [20]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 RANDBETWEEN function. The number of replicate measurements satisfies the 5% requirement in the QAPP.

7. SURVEY RESULTS The SOF or unity rule was applied to the data used for the survey planning, data evaluation and statistical tests for basement surfaces since multiple radionuclide-specific measurements were performed and concentrations inferred based on known relationships.

The application of the unity rule served to normalize the data to allow for an accurate comparison of the various data measurements to the release criteria. When the unity rule was applied, the DCGL W (used for the nonparametric statistical test) becomes one (1). The BcDCGL B is directly analogous to the DCGL W as defined in MARSSIM. The use and application of the unity rule was performed in accordance with section 4.3.3 of MARSSIM. For building surfaces, areas of elevated activity are defined as any area identified by measurement/sample (systematic or judgmental) that exceeded the OpDCGL but was less than the BcDCGL. Any area that exceeded the BcDCGL would have required remediation. ISOCS measurements indicated the OpSOF exceeded one for 2 of the 26 measurements taken in the Unit 1 East Valve House and one of the 26 measurements taken in the Unit 1 West Valve House. The result of all ISOCS measurements taken in both Valve Houses were below the BcDCGLs. The sample population consisted of twenty-six (26) direct measurements for each of the Unit 1 Valve Houses, and measurements were acquired using the ISOCS. The concentrations for Ni-63 and Sr-90 were inferred based on the maximum ratios as specified in LTP, Table 5-15. The complete ISOCS gamma spectroscopy reports are presented in Attachment 5. The ISOCS measured concentration results from the Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House are listed in Table 7. Direct measurement locations were denoted on the concrete surfaces of the Unit 1 East and West Valve Houses by marking an approximate 4 meter by 4 meter grid pattern using a random start point that was overlaid over the exposed surface, providing sufficient overlap between locations to ensure 100% areal coverage. ISOCS measurement locations are shown below in Figures 4 and 5, as well as in Attachment 1. [21]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Figure 4 - Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House ISOCS Survey and Sample Map i /--"-. ~(98t

                                                                        -    ti,<'t//

Facing North / \

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I  ! saa, I (

             \                                                ..___ -  ,>o,
               \                                                                                                 Facing South
                                                                                                 ,.,Jnterio~  II              Column 0              I\              ,-
                                                                                                                  \I       2t7          \


                                                                                                                     \                 I

I 11 /-----"\ -z. ~ I \ 4x4metergnd Z I ON SOLUTIONS L

                   ) (circle indicates 3 meter radius
    '-!          /   ISOCS FOV=28m')

Unit 1 Containment

         ##          Measu rement                        Containment Valve House East 0         Centerpoint                         Wall                                                     06213 Date:        05/02/2018


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Figure 5 - Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House ISOCS Survey and Sample Map

                          ~es\          /,,,-        ~~

I ,,-- Fae* gNorth -~ I /

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                                                                                    -    Fa~g South /   - -

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      /   '-                                                                     z       ~           .

I\ 4 x 4 meter grid "°) Z IO, SOLUTIONS , I \ (circle indicates 3 meter radius

  \            I ISOCS FOV=28m')                                                  Unit 1 Containment I

Valve House West

     ##      Measurement            (+/-) Concrete Core                                         06214 0    Centerpoint                locations Date: 05/02/2018


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Table 7 - Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House - ISOCS Results for FSS Co-60 Ni-63(1) Sr-90(1) Cs-134 Cs-137 Measurement ID OpSOF (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) B1-6213A-FSFC-001-GD 2.42E+04 4.37E+06 3.02E+03 3.88E+04 1.51E+06 0.946 B1-6213A-FSFC-002-GD 3.75E+03 6.77E+05 1.41E+04 6.71E+04 7.06E+06 4.213 B1-6213A-FSFC-003-GD 1.99E+04 3.59E+06 3.16E+03 2.33E+04 1.58E+06 0.971 B1-6213A-FSFC-004-GD 1.98E+04 3.57E+06 1.51E+03 4.66E+04 7.55E+05 0.502 B1-6213A-FSWC-005-GD 3.52E+02 6.35E+04 1.37E+02 5.04E+03 6.85E+04 0.044 B1-6213A-FSWC-006-GD 9.10E+02 1.64E+05 8.14E+01 2.19E+04 4.07E+04 0.041 B1-6213A-FSWC-007-GD 3.40E+04 6.14E+06 5.86E+01 7.80E+04 2.93E+04 0.114 B1-6213A-FSWC-008-GD 3.13E+04 5.65E+06 6.14E+01 5.45E+03 3.07E+04 0.058 B1-6213A-FSWC-009-GD 2.69E+04 4.85E+06 2.26E+02 3.48E+04 1.13E+05 0.123 B1-6213A-FSWC-010-GD 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.00E+02 2.75E+04 4.50E+05 0.285 B1-6213A-FSWC-011-GD 3.34E+04 6.03E+06 4.24E+01 4.33E+04 2.12E+04 0.083 B1-6213A-FSWC-012-GD 4.69E+03 8.46E+05 0.00E+00 8.07E+04 0.00E+00 0.065 B1-6213A-FSWC-013-GD 1.85E+04 3.34E+06 2.90E+02 1.89E+04 1.45E+05 0.121 B1-6213A-FSWC-014-GD 2.98E+04 5.38E+06 6.60E+02 4.40E+04 3.30E+05 0.261 B1-6213A-FSWC-015-GD 1.20E+04 2.17E+06 7.94E+01 5.12E+04 3.97E+04 0.075 B1-6213A-FSWC-016-GD 2.10E+04 3.79E+06 5.44E+01 4.74E+04 2.72E+04 0.075 B1-6213A-FSWC-017-GD 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.04E+03 4.09E+04 2.52E+06 1.515 B1-6213A-FSWC-018-GD 4.26E+04 7.69E+06 1.11E+03 3.69E+03 5.55E+05 0.378 B1-6213A-FSWC-019-GD 2.12E+04 3.83E+06 8.16E+01 6.66E+04 4.08E+04 0.098 B1-6213A-FSWC-020-GD 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.78E+02 2.97E+04 1.89E+05 0.133 B1-6213A-FSWC-021-GD 1.46E+04 2.63E+06 1.94E+03 1.59E+03 9.72E+05 0.590 B1-6213A-FSWC-022-GD 7.08E+03 1.28E+06 7.74E+02 5.28E+04 3.87E+05 0.275 B1-6213A-FSWC-023-GD 5.24E+03 9.46E+05 8.50E+02 6.51E+03 4.25E+05 0.261 B1-6213A-FSWC-024-GD 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.67E+02 3.26E+04 8.36E+04 0.073 B1-6213A-FSWC-025-GD 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.00E+02 4.32E+04 1.50E+05 0.120 B1-6213A-FSWC-026-GD 1.79E+04 3.23E+06 6.12E+02 4.17E+04 3.06E+05 0.232 (1) Concentrations are inferred Twenty-six (26) ISOCS measurements were taken in the Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House. Of the 26 measurements, two measurements exceeded a OpSOF of one. The mean OpSOF was 0.448, and the max OpSOF was 4.213. In order to assess the dose contribution from the Unit 1 East Main Steam Valve House, the concentration of each ROC in each systematic measurement was also compared against the respective BcDCGLs. The calculation of the mean BcSOF for the Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House and the resultant dose is presented in Table 8. [24]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Table 8 - Basic Statistical Properties of ISOCS Measurements in the Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House Individual Measurement Metrics Total Number of Systematic Measurements = 26 Number of Quality Control Measurements = 2 Number of Judgmental/Investigational Measurements = 0 Total Number of Measurements = 28 Mean Systematic Measurement OpSOF = 0.448 Max Individual Systematic Measurement OpSOF = 4.213 Number of Systematic Measurements with OpSOF >1 = 2 Statistical Quantities - Systematic Measurement Population Avg. Avg. Mean Median Max Min Std. Dev. BcDCGL ROC SOF Dose (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) per ROC Per ROC Co-60 1.50E+04 1.63E+04 4.26E+04 0.00E+00 1.30E+04 7.03E+07 0.000 0.005 Ni-63 2.70E+06 2.93E+06 7.69E+06 0.00E+00 2.35E+06 2.18E+09 0.001 0.031 Sr-90 1.37E+03 3.39E+02 1.41E+04 0.00E+00 2.87E+03 7.74E+05 0.002 0.044 Cs-134 3.67E+04 3.99E+04 8.07E+04 1.59E+03 2.23E+04 1.59E+07 0.002 0.058 Cs-137 6.86E+05 1.70E+05 7.06E+06 0.00E+00 1.43E+06 2.11E+07 0.032 0.812 The mean BcSOF from measurements taken on basement structural surfaces in the Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House is 0.038. This is derived by summing the average BcSOF per ROC resulting from the average concentration in Table 8. Using Equation 5-5 from LTP, Section 5.5.4, the adjustment to the mean BcSOF from elevated measurements B1-6213A-FSFC-002-GD and B1-6213A-FSWC-017-GD is 0.013. The adjusted mean BcSOF for the Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House is 0.051, which equates to a dose of 1.285 mrem/year. The ISOCS measured concentration results from the Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House are listed in Table 9. [25]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Table 9 - Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House - ISOCS Results for FSS Co-60 Ni-63(1) Sr-90(1) Cs-134 Cs-137 Measurement ID OpSOF (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) B1-6214A-FSFC-001-GD 2.56E+04 4.62E+06 1.41E+03 0.00E+00 7.04E+05 0.444 B1-6214A-FSFC-002-GD 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.20E+02 5.42E+04 2.60E+05 0.193 B1-6214A-FSFC-003-GD 2.98E+04 5.38E+06 1.72E+03 6.33E+04 8.58E+05 0.586 B1-6214A-FSFC-004-GD 2.84E+04 5.12E+06 6.06E+03 0.00E+00 3.03E+06 1.817 B1-6214A-FSWC-005-GD 2.74E+04 4.94E+06 2.58E+03 7.01E+04 1.29E+06 0.843 B1-6214A-FSWC-006-GD 1.10E+04 1.98E+06 8.86E+01 3.86E+04 4.43E+04 0.067 B1-6214A-FSWC-007-GD 2.98E+04 5.38E+06 5.72E+01 3.79E+04 2.86E+04 0.079 B1-6214A-FSWC-008-GD 2.98E+04 5.38E+06 3.54E+02 6.00E+04 1.77E+05 0.183 B1-6214A-FSWC-009-GD 1.46E+04 2.63E+06 1.01E+02 6.10E+04 5.05E+04 0.092 B1-6214A-FSWC-010-GD 3.91E+03 7.06E+05 6.82E+01 2.02E+04 3.41E+04 0.040 B1-6214A-FSWC-011-GD 7.23E+03 1.30E+06 5.94E+01 1.42E+04 2.97E+04 0.036 B1-6214A-FSWC-012-GD 1.85E+04 3.34E+06 6.48E+01 7.88E+04 3.24E+04 0.099 B1-6214A-FSWC-013-GD 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.30E+01 5.16E+04 3.65E+04 0.060 B1-6214A-FSWC-014-GD 1.01E+03 1.82E+05 8.00E+01 4.05E+04 4.00E+04 0.055 B1-6214A-FSWC-015-GD 6.04E+03 1.09E+06 6.26E+01 2.07E+04 3.13E+04 0.041 B1-6214A-FSWC-016-GD 1.04E+04 1.88E+06 3.58E+02 6.59E+04 1.79E+05 0.166 B1-6214A-FSWC-017-GD 1.12E+04 2.02E+06 2.38E+02 1.81E+04 1.19E+05 0.096 B1-6214A-FSWC-018-GD 1.14E+04 2.06E+06 6.22E+01 5.58E+04 3.11E+04 0.073 B1-6214A-FSWC-019-GD 1.99E+04 3.59E+06 9.32E+01 9.19E+04 4.66E+04 0.118 B1-6214A-FSWC-020-GD 1.56E+04 2.82E+06 3.40E+02 3.72E+04 1.70E+05 0.146 B1-6214A-FSWC-021-GD 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.64E+02 3.22E+04 1.82E+05 0.131 B1-6214A-FSWC-022-GD 2.80E+04 5.05E+06 2.62E+02 6.97E+04 1.31E+05 0.161 B1-6214A-FSWC-023-GD 1.99E+04 3.59E+06 9.52E+01 4.16E+04 4.76E+04 0.082 B1-6214A-FSWC-024-GD 3.41E+04 6.15E+06 4.26E+02 0.00E+00 2.13E+05 0.164 B1-6214A-FSWC-025-GD 2.84E+04 5.12E+06 1.02E+03 3.97E+04 5.09E+05 0.362 B1-6214A-FSWC-026-GD 5.67E+03 1.02E+06 8.02E+01 8.11E+04 4.01E+04 0.090 (1) Concentrations are inferred Twenty-six (26) ISOCS measurements were taken in the Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House. Of the 26 measurements, one measurement exceeded a OpSOF of one when compared to the OpDCGLs. The mean OpSOF was 0.239, and the max OpSOF was 1.817. In order to assess the dose contribution from the Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House, the concentration of each ROC in each systematic measurement was also compared against the respective BcDCGLs. The calculation of the mean BcSOF for the Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House and the resultant dose is presented in Table 10. [26]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Table 10 - Basic Statistical Properties of ISOCS Measurements in the Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House Individual Measurement Metrics Total Number of Systematic Measurements = 26 Number of Quality Control Measurements = 2 Number of Judgmental/Investigational Measurements = 0 Total Number of Measurements = 28 Mean Systematic Measurement OpSOF = 0.239 Max Individual Systematic Measurement OpSOF = 1.817 Number of Systematic Measurements with OpSOF >1 = 1 Statistical Quantities - Systematic Measurement Population Avg. Avg. Mean Median Max Min Std. Dev. BcDCGL ROC SOF Dose (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) per ROC Per ROC Co-60 1.61E+04 1.51E+04 3.41E+04 0.00E+00 1.12E+04 7.07E+07 0.000 0.006 Ni-63 2.90E+06 2.72E+06 6.15E+06 0.00E+00 2.02E+06 2.18E+09 0.001 0.033 Sr-90 6.40E+02 1.70E+02 6.06E+03 5.72E+01 1.26E+03 7.74E+05 0.001 0.021 Cs-134 4.40E+04 4.11E+04 9.19E+04 0.00E+00 2.58E+04 1.59E+07 0.003 0.069 Cs-137 3.20E+05 8.48E+04 3.03E+06 2.86E+04 6.31E+05 2.11E+07 0.015 0.379 The mean BcSOF from measurements taken on basement structural surfaces in the Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House is 0.020. This is derived by summing the average BcSOF per ROC resulting from the average concentration in Table 10. Using Equation 5-5 from LTP, Section 5.5.4, the adjustment to the mean BcSOF from elevated measurement B1-6214A-FSFC-004-GD is 0.012. The adjusted mean BcSOF for the Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House is 0.033, which equates to a dose of 0.816 mrem/year. Six (6) concrete core samples, three for each Valve House, were acquired at 10% of the locations where ISOCS measurements were collected, with the locations selected at random. The first top 1/2-inch puck from each concrete core sample, representing the concrete from the exposed surface to a depth of 1/2 inch, were analyzed on-site and at an off-site laboratory (Eberline) for gamma emitters and HTD radionuclides to confirm the surrogate ROCs. The results of the analysis of concrete core samples taken in the Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House are presented in Table 11 below. [27]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Table 11 - FSS Concrete Core Samples Taken in Unit 1 East Steam Tunnel Valve House B1-06213A-FSFC-002-CV ROC Result Uncertainty MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) Co-60 8.50E-03 5.49E-02 7.82E-02 Ni-63 3.18E+00 1.12E+00 1.80E+00 Sr-90 7.28E-02 2.27E-01 4.77E-01 Cs-134 0.00E+00 6.82E-02 1.10E-01 Cs-137 9.24E+01 9.00E+00 3.04E-01 B1-06213A-FSFC-004-CV ROC Result Uncertainty MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) Co-60 0.00E+00 7.29E-02 9.75E-02 Ni-63 1.00E+00 9.70E-01 1.62E+00 Sr-90 3.63E-01 2.20E-01 4.29E-01 Cs-134 1.45E-03 3.33E-02 1.07E-01 Cs-137 1.07E+00 2.02E-01 2.24-01 B1-06213A-FSWC-009-CV ROC Result Uncertainty MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) Co-60 5.16E-02 1.09E-01 1.83E-01 Ni-63 5.96E-01 1.07E+00 1.82E+00 Sr-90 3.61E-01 2.75E-01 4.98E-01 Cs-134 7.41E-03 6.93E-02 1.91E-01 Cs-137 6.95E-02 1.51E-01 2.31E-01 In sample B1-06213A-FSFC-002-CV, Cs-137 and Ni-63 were positively detected; however, Co-60 was less than MDC. In sample B1-06213A-FSFC-004-CV, Cs-137 was positively detected; however, Sr-90 was less than MDC. No ROC were positively detected in sample B1-06213A-FSFC-009-CV. LTP, Section 5.1 states, For sample(s) analyzed for HTD radionuclides during continuing characterization, if the analysis of the sample indicates positive results (greater than MDC) for both a HTD ROC and the corresponding surrogate radionuclide (Cs-137 or Co-60), then the HTD to surrogate ratio will be derived. As both the HTD ROC and the surrogate ROC were not positively detected in the samples, the assessment of the Eberline sample results against the maximum surrogate ratio in LTP, Table 5-15 was not required. The results of the analysis of concrete core samples taken in the Unit 1 West Steam Tunnel Valve House are presented in Table 12 below. [28]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Table 12 - FSS Concrete Core Samples Taken in Unit 1 West Main Steam Valve House B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV ROC Result (pCi/g) Uncertainty MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) Co-60 6.87E-02 9.05E-02 1.66E-01 Ni-63 6.77E-01 1.08E+00 1.83E+00 Sr-90 8.14E-01 2.35E-01 4.06E-01 Cs-134 0.00E+00 8.90E-02 1.94E-01 Cs-137 1.48E+01 1.84E+00 3.09E-01 B1-06214A-FSFC-004-CV ROC Result (pCi/g) Uncertainty MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) Co-60 0.00E+00 1.03E-01 1.45E-01 Ni-63 2.07E+00 1.10E+00 1.80E+00 Sr-90 4.17E-01 2.46E-01 4.81E-01 Cs-134 2.76E-02 7.97E-02 1.78E-01 Cs-137 4.16E+01 4.13E+00 3.77E-01 B1-06214A-FSWC-005-CV ROC Result (pCi/g) Uncertainty MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) Co-60 4.21E-02 1.42E-01 2.26E-01 Ni-63 2.09E-01 9.98E-01 1.70E+00 Sr-90 2.61E-01 2.33E-01 4.69E-01 Cs-134 0.00E+00 3.60E-01 2.24E-01 Cs-137 1.33E+00 3.29E-01 3.96E-01 In sample B1-06214A-FSFC-004-CV, Ni-63 and Cs-137 were both positively detected; however, both Co-60 and Sr-90 were less than MDC. In sample B1-06214A-FSWC-005-CV, only Cs-137 was positively detected. All other ROC were less than MDC. In sample B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV, both Sr-90 and Cs-137 were both positively indicated; however, based on the absence of detectable Sr-90 in any concrete or soils outside of the Containment Buildings and the results of other concrete cores taken in and around this area, it was assumed that the single positive Sr-90 result was an outlier and was not used. To validate this assumption, concrete core B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV was retrieved from the sample archive and analyzed for the full suite of potential radionuclides from LTP, Table 5-1. The results are provided in Table 13. [29]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Table 13 - Eberline Re-Analysis Results for Sample B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV Nuclides Result Uncert. MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) H-3 3.86E+00 2.40E+00 3.94E+00 C-14 0.00E+00 3.49E-01 6.09E-01 Mn-54 4.62E-01 4.28E-01 8.84E-01 Fe-55 6.56E-02 1.89E-01 3.14E-01 Ni-59 0.00E+00 9.97E-02 1.53E-01 Co-60 0.00E+00 1.85E-01 2.88E-01 Ni-63 2.70E-01 1.37E+00 2.33E+00 Sr-90 4.13E-02 2.90E-02 5.70E-02 Nb-94 2.32E-02 1.21E-01 1.79E-01 Tc-99 1.49E+00 6.88E-01 1.13E+00 Ag-108m 3.17E-02 1.22E-01 1.39E-01 Sb-125 4.16E-01 4.52E-01 7.29E-01 Cs-134 0.00E+00 9.97E-02 3.59E-01 Cs-137 2.89E-03 1.48E-01 2.07E-01 Eu-152 0.00E+00 5.24E-01 3.08E-01 Eu-154 0.00E+00 4.60E-01 1.72E-01 Eu-155 2.44E-01 2.07E-01 3.25E-01 Np-237 2.94E-02 4.98E-02 8.80E-02 Pu-238 0.00E+00 3.23E-02 6.77E-02 Pu-239/240 0.00E+00 4.43E-02 9.58E-02 Pu-241 9.59E-01 3.72E+00 6.33E+00 Am-241 0.00E+00 4.60E-02 1.37E-01 Am-243 4.43E-02 5.81E-02 8.86E-02 Cm-243/244 3.47E-02 6.62E-02 1.22E-01 The reanalysis of concrete core B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV for the full suite of radionuclides indicated no radionuclide concentrations greater than MDC, including Sr-90, consequently supporting the original contention that the Sr-90 result in the initial analysis was a false positive. As Sr-90 was not positively detected, a readjustment of the surrogate ratio is not necessary, and the use of the maximum ratios from LTP, Table 5-15 was appropriate. For the samples submitted for full isotopic analysis, Tc-99 was initially identified as positively detected at concentrations greater than MDC. Upon consultation with the laboratory, false positives for Tc-99 can be caused by noise equivalent for the analytical technique and an absolute value that is less than the MDC is not appropriate for a beta liquid scintillation method when the MDC is +/- 200% of the value. With concurrence of the laboratory, the positively identified Tc-99 initially identified during the full isotopic analysis of samples from this survey unit was changed to a false positive. [30]


8. QUALITY CONTROL The implementation of required QC measures included the collection of two (2) additional ISOCS measurements in each of the Unit 1 East and West Steam Tunnel Valve Houses for replicate measurement analysis. The concentrations for Ni-63 and Sr-90 were inferred based on the maximum ratios as specified in LTP, Table 5-15. The replicate ISOCS measurement results are presented in Table 14 for Unit 1 East Valve House, and Table 15 for Unit 1 West Valve House.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Table 14 - Summary of ISOCS Replicate Measurements for QC Unit 1 East Valve House Co-60 Ni-63(1) Sr-90(1) Cs-134 Cs-137 Measurement ID OpSOF (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) B1-6213A-FQFC-002-GD 2.10E+03 3.79E+05 1.41E+04 0.00E+00 7.04E+06 4.149 B1-6213A-FQWC-020-GD 1.43E+04 2.58E+06 2.44E+02 5.45E+04 1.22E+05 0.129 (1) Concentrations are inferred Table 15 - Summary of ISOCS Replicate Measurements for QC Unit 1 West Valve House Co-60 Ni-63(1) Sr-90(1) Cs-134 Cs-137 Measurement ID OpSOF (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) B1-6214A-FQWC-007-GD 3.41E+04 6.15E+06 5.70E+01 3.19E+03 2.85E+04 0.058 B1-6214A-FQWC-016-GD (1) Concentrations are inferred 1.04E+04 1.88E+06 4.26E+02 I 2.72E+04 I 2.13E+05 I 0.158 I The replicate measurement assessments are presented in Attachment 4. All replicate ISOCS measurements met the required acceptance criteria.

9. INVESTIGATION AND RESULTS No measurements were taken for an investigation during the performance of FSS in this survey unit.
10. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS No remediation was required prior to performance of FSS.
11. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN The survey design for this FSS was revised based on a change in classification. During the performance of the initial survey, FSS results indicated radiological concentrations in excess of 50% of the OpDCGL with several measurements exceeding an OpSOF of one.

Consequently, the survey unit was reclassified as Class 1 and the survey design was revised accordingly. In addition, there were changes to the ISOCS survey plans as noted. Those changes were required due to structural interferences restricting placement of the ISOCS detector that were not obvious when the FSS plan was first written. The changes in ISOCS measurement locations were made to ensure 100% areal coverage of the survey unit.


The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-004, Final Status Survey Data Assessment (Reference 13), for completeness and consistency. Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and the collection of measurements were consistent with the DQOs and were sufficient to ensure that the survey unit was properly designated as Class 1. [32]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu= Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 The preliminary data review consisted of calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation). All data was considered valid and the values reported below the MDC, and values with uncertainties that exceeded two standard deviations. All measurement results were individually reviewed and validated. The FOV for the number of measurements taken was sufficient to meet the requirement of 100% areal coverage of surfaces for a Class 1 survey unit. The instrumentation used to perform the FSS were in calibration, capable of detecting the activity with an adequate MDC and successfully response checked prior to and following use. An adequate number of replicate measurements were taken and the results meet the acceptance criteria as specified in the QAPP. The analytical results for 49 of the 52 ISOCS measurements taken were less than an OpSOF of one. Three ISOCS measurements exceeded the OpDCGL but were less than the BcDCGLs.

13. ANOMALIES No anomalies were observed during the performance or analyses of the survey.
14. CONCLUSION ISOCS measurements indicated the OpSOF exceeded one for 2 of the 26 measurements taken in the Unit 1 East Valve House and one of the 26 measurements taken in the Unit 1 West Valve House. All results for both Valve Houses were below the BcDCGLs. The mean BcSOF for each ROC was less than their respective BcDCGLs. In addition, the measurements results in both Valve Houses passed the Sign Test. The mean BcSOF for survey unit 06213, adjusted for the dose from the two elevated measurements was 0.051, which equates to a dose of 1.285 mrem/year. The mean BcSOF for survey unit 06214, adjusted for the dose from the one elevated measurement was 0.033, which equates to a dose of 0.816 mrem/year.

Survey units 06213 and 06214 are acceptable for unrestricted release.

1. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-005, Final Status Survey Data Reporting
2. Zion Station Restoration Project License Termination Plan
3. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001, Final Status Survey Package Development
4. NUREG-1575, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual



5. ZionSolutions TSD 17-004, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Final Status Survey
6. ZionSolutions TSD 14-022, Use of In-Situ Gamma Spectroscopy for Final Status Survey of End State Structures
7. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification
8. Zion Station Historical Site Assessment
9. ZionSolutions TSD 11-001, Technical Support Document for Potential Radionuclides of Concern During the Decommissioning of the Zion Station
10. ZionSolutions TSD 14-014, End State Surface Areas, Volumes, and Source Terms of Ancillary Buildings
11. ZionSolutions TSD 14-019 , Radionuclides of Concern for Soil and Basement Fill Model Source Terms
12. ZionSolutions ZS-LT-01, Quality Assurance Project Plan (for Characterization and FSS)
13. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-004, Final Status Survey Data Assessment
16. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 - Figures and Maps Attachment 2 - ISOCS Geometry Attachment 3 - Sign Test Attachment 4 - QC Measurement Assessments Attachment 5 - ISOCS Analytical Reports Attachment 6 - Eberline Reports




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                      ##              Measurement               '+'    Concrete Core         Containment Valve House East 0             Centerpoint               \:!:I  Locations             Wall                                                        06213 Date:        05/02/2018



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                ##     Measurement          (+/-) Concrete Core                                                                    06214 0   Centerpoint               location s Date: 05/02/2018





UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONS;:;:;= SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 MfMlvy~~ A Geometry Composer Report CANBERRA Date: Monday, August 06, 201 8 - 07:17:39 Descri IJtion: 3M90D_CP_2in Comment: 3M90D_CP_2in File Name: C:\GENIE2K\GENI E2K 6279\isocs\d ata\GEOI\IETRY\l n-Situ\ CI RCULAR_PLANE\3M90D_CP_2in.geo Software:  ! SOCS Template: CIRCULAR_PLANE, Version : (default) Detector: 6279 Collimator: 50mm-90d new (new! SOCS 50mm side 90deg collimation [ large hole collimator]) Environment: Temperat ure = 22 °C, Pressure = 760 mm Hg, Relative Humidity = 30% Integration : Convergence = 1.00% , MDRPN = 24 (16), CRPN = 2~ (16) Dimensions (m) No. Description d.1 d.2 d.3 d.4 d.5 d.6 Material Density Rel. Cone. 1 Side Walls 0 6 none 2 Laye.- 1 0.0508 concrete 2.3 1.00 3 L.aye.- 2 0 <none> 4 L.aye.- 3 0 <none> 5 Laye.- 4 0 <none> 6 Layel' 5 0 < none> 7 L.aye.- 6 0 <none> 8 L.aye.- 7 0 <none> 9 L.aye.- 8 0 <none> 10 L.aye.- 9 0 <none> 11 Layer 10 0 <none> 12 Absorberl 13 Absorber2 14 Source-Detecto.- 3 0 0 0 0 List of energies for efficiency curve generation 45.0 60 .0 80.0 100 .0 150.0 200.0 300.0 500.0 700.0 1000.0 1400.0 2000.0 [39]



UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONS;:;:;= SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 M fMlvy~~ I CIRCU LAR PL-<" E 1J. 1 A Geometry Composer Report CANBERRA Date: Monda y, August 06, 20 18 - 07: 17:39


3M90D_CP_2in Comment: 3M90D_CP_2in File Name: C:\GENIE2K\GENIE2K 6279\isocs\data\GEOMETRY\ln-Situ\CI RCULAR_PLAN E\3M90D_CP_2in. geo Software: !SOCS Template: CIRCULAR_PLANE, Version: (default) [40]



UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONS;:;:;= SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 MfMlvy~~ ISOCS / LABSOCS RESULTS ISOCS / LabSOCS File : C : \GENIE2K\GENIE2K 6279\isocs\da t a\GEOMETRY\In- Si tu \C IRCULAR_ PLP I SOCS/LabSOCS Time : 02/0 1 / 18 15:39 : 20 Template: CIRCULAR_ PLANE Geom Desc ripti on : 3M90D_ CP_ 2IN Comme nt : I SOCS : 3M90D_ CP_2 I N Detector: 6279 Co llimato r : 5 0MM- 90D_NEW Convergence : 1 . 00 % P.rea [Sq Me ters ] : 2 . 8274e+00 1 (Cl Mass [Grams ] : 3 . 3754e+006 (Cl Length [Meters] : not used (Cl = Val ue calcu l ated by I SOCS (U) = Val ue modif ied by us er Energy E f i c iency %Uncertainty %Convergence Final of Voxels 45.00 l.1459 l e-006 15.0 -0 . 626085 16370 60 . 00 2 . 01464e - 006 10 . 0 - 0 . 484620 16370 80 . 00 2 . 83495e - 006 10 . 0 - 0 . 405412 16370 100 . 00 3 . 183 53e-006 10 . 0 -0 . 38 5577 16370 150 . 00 3 . 29044e- 006 10 . 0 - 0 . 3 47269 16370 200 . 00 3 . 00483e-006 8.0 -0 . 314720 16370 300 . 00 2 .44 3 1 4e-006 8.0 - 0 . 263555 16370 500.00 l.83624e - 006 6.0 - 0 . 207017 16370 700 . 00 l .5 41 87e - 006 6.0 -0 . 182104 16370 1000.00 l . 29 479e - 006 4. 0 - 0 . 164646 16370 1400 . 00 l.09318e-006 4.0 -0 . 1 55 201 16370 2000 . 00 8 . 73162e - 007 4. 0 - 0 . 1474 1 4 16370 [41]



UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONS;:;:;= SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 MfMlvy~~ A Geometry Composer Report CANBERRA Date: Monday, August 06, 2018 - 07: 20: 57


2. 5M90D_CP_2in Comment: 2.SM90D_CP_2in File Name: C:\GENIE2K\GENIE2K 6279\isoc s\data\GEOMETRY\ln-Sit u\CIRCULAR_PLANE\2. 5M90D_CP_2in.geo Software: !SOCS Template: CIRCULAR_PLANE, Version : (defa ult )

Detector: 6279 Collimator: 50mm -90d new (new!SOCS 50mm side 90deg collimation [ large hole coll imator]) En vironment: Temperat ure = 22 °C, Pressure = 760 mm Hg, Re lative Humidity = 30% Integration: Convergence = 1.00%, MDRPN = 24 ( 16), CRPN = 24 (16) Dimensions (111) No. Description d.l d.2 d.3 d.4 d.5 d.6 Material Density Rel. Cone. 1 Side Walls 0 5 none 2 Layer 1 0.0508 concrete 2.3 1.00 3 Layer 2 0 <none> 4 Layer 3 0 <none> 5 Layer 4 0 <none> 6 Layer 5 0 <none> 7 Layer 6 0 <none> 8 Layer 7 0 <none> 9 Layers 0 <none> 10 Layer 9 0 <none> 11 Layer 10 0 <none> 12 Absorberl 13 Absorber2 14 Source-Detector 2.5 0 0 0 0 List of energies for efficiency curve generation 45 .0 60.0 80.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 300.0 500.0 700.0 1000.0 1400.0 ?000.0 [42]



UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONS;:;:;= SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 MfMlvy~~ I CIRCUL.AR PLANE 13.1 A Geometry Composer Report CANBERRA Date: Monday, August 06, 2018 - 07:20:57


2.SM90D_CP_2in Comment: 2.SM90D_CP_2in File Name: C:\GENIE2K\GENIE2 K 6279\isocs\data\GEOMETRY\ln-Situ\CIRCULAR_PLANE\2.SM90D_CP_2in.geo Software: !SOCS Template: CIRCULAR_PLANE, Version : (default ) [43]





FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONS:u= SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Mi£Mray.froMloMCOfnpeny Sign Test - Unit 1 East Main Steam Valve House Survey Area 06000 Description Turbine Building Survey Unit 06213 Description Unit 1 East Main Steam Valve House Classification 1 Type I Error 0.05 # of Measurements 26 SOF

                 #                                   1-W S               Sign (W S )

1 0.946 0.054 +1 2 4.213 (3.213) -1 3 0.971 0.029 +1 4 0.502 0.498 +1 5 0.044 0.956 +1 6 0.041 0.959 +1 7 0.114 0.886 +1 8 0.058 0.942 +1 9 0.123 0.877 +1 10 0.285 0.715 +1 11 0.083 0.917 +1 12 0.065 0.935 +1 13 0.121 0.879 +1 14 0.261 0.739 +1 15 0.075 0.925 +1 16 0.075 0.925 +1 17 1.515 (0.515) -1 18 0.378 0.622 +1 19 0.098 0.902 +1 20 0.133 0.867 +1 21 0.590 0.410 +1 22 0.275 0.725 +1 23 0.261 0.739 +1 24 0.073 0.927 +1 25 0.120 0.880 +1 26 0.232 0.768 +1 Number of Positive Differences (S+) = 24 Critical Value = 17 Survey Unit Meets the Acceptance Criteria [46]

FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONS:u= SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 Mi£Mray.froMloMCOfnpeny Sign Test - Unit 1 West Main Steam Valve House Survey Area 06000 Description Turbine Building Survey Unit 06214 Description Unit 1 West Main Steam Valve House Classification 1 Type I Error 0.05 # of Measurements 26 SOF

                 #                                   1-W S              Sign (W S )

1 0.444 0.556 +1 2 0.193 0.807 +1 3 0.586 0.414 +1 4 1.817 (0.817) -1 5 0.843 0.157 +1 6 0.067 0.933 +1 7 0.079 0.921 +1 8 0.183 0.817 +1 9 0.092 0.908 +1 10 0.040 0.960 +1 11 0.036 0.964 +1 12 0.099 0.901 +1 13 0.060 0.940 +1 14 0.055 0.945 +1 15 0.041 0.959 +1 16 0.166 0.834 +1 17 0.096 0.904 +1 18 0.073 0.927 +1 19 0.118 0.882 +1 20 0.146 0.854 +1 21 0.131 0.869 +1 22 0.161 0.839 +1 23 0.082 0.918 +1 24 0.000 1.000 +1 25 0.362 0.638 +1 26 0.090 0.910 +1 Number of Positive Differences (S+) = 25 Critical Value = 17 Survey Unit Meets the Acceptance Criteria [47]


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONS:zc=. SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 M~~~ Replicate Measurement Assessment Survey Unit # 06000 Survey Unit Name Unit 1 East Main Steam Valve House Sample Plan # B1-06213A-F Sample


Comparison of systematic and QC ISOCS measurements at location #02 and location #20. The standard measurements ID are B1-6213A-FSFC-002-GD and B1-6213A-FSWC-020-GD. The comparison measurements ID are B1-6213A-FQFC-002-GD and B1-6213A-FQWC-020-GD. STANDARD COMPARISON ROC Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Compariso Acceptable I Value I Error I I Range Value I Error I n Ratio I (Y/N) B1-6213A-FSFC-002-GD B1-6213A-FQFC-002-GD Cs-137 I 7.06E+06 I 8.68E+05 I 8 I 0.6-1.66 7.04E+06 I 8.66E+05 I 1.0 I Y B1-6213A-FSWC-020-GD B1-6213A-FQWC-020-GD Cs-137 I 1.89E+05 I 4.15E+04 I 5 I 0.5-2.0 1.22E+05 I 3.05E+04 I 1.5 I Y I I I I I I I Comments/Corrective Actions: There was Table is provided to show acceptance criteria acceptable agreement between the standard used to assess split samples. measurement and the replicate measurement. Based on the professional judgment of the Radiological Resolution Agreement Range Engineer, the same conclusion was reached for each 4-7 0.5 - 2.0 measurement. No further action is necessary. 8 - 15 0.6 - 1. 66 16 - 50 0.75 - 1.33 51 -200 0.80 - 1.25

                                                                      >200          0.85 - 1.18


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONS:zc=. SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 M~~~ Replicate Measurement Assessment Survey Unit # 06000 Survey Unit Name Unit 1 West Main Steam Valve House Sample Plan # B1-06214A-F Sample


Comparison of systematic and QC ISOCS measurements at location #07 and location #16. The standard measurements ID are B1-6214A-FSWC-007-GD and B1-6214AF-SWC-016-GD. The comparison measurements ID are B1-6214A-FQWC-007-GD and B1-6214A-FQWC-016-GD. STANDARD COMPARISON ROC Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Compariso Acceptable I Value I Error I I Range Value I Error I n Ratio I (Y/N) B1-6214A-FSWC-007-GD B1-6214A-FQWC-007-GD Cs-137 I 2.86E+04 I 1.67E+04 I 2 I 0.4-2.5 2.85E+04 I 1.65E+04 I 1.0 I Y B1-6214AF-SWC-016-GD B1-6214A-FQWC-016-GD Cs-137 I 1.79E+05 I 3.84E+04 I 5 I 0.5-2.0 2.13E+05 I 4.28E+04 I 0.8 I Y I I I I I I I Comments/Corrective Actions: There was Table is provided to show acceptance criteria acceptable agreement between the standard used to assess split samples. measurement and the replicate measurement. Based on the professional judgment of the Radiological Resolution Agreement Range Engineer, the same conclusion was reached for each 4-7 0.5 - 2.0 measurement. No further action is necessary. 8 - 15 0.6 - 1. 66 16 - 50 0.75 - 1.33 51 -200 0.80 - 1.25

                                                                      >200          0.85 - 1.18



*****        GAMM A       S P E C T R U M         A N A L Y S I S           *****
******************* ******************* ******************* *******~********

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\00001048.CNF Report Generated On 5 /3/2018 3:4 5 :59 PM Sample Title B106213AFSFC001GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Floor Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 81 92 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 81 92 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 9:09:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 9:09: 3 0 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.6 seconds Dead Time 0 . 11 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN DA~ tl-./rc!eW [74]

Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2 018 3 :45 : 59 PM Page 2

*****                  P E A K       ANALYSIS                  R E P O R T                 *****

Detector Name: 627 9 Sample


Bl06213AFSFC001GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:4 5 :5 9 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 120- 157 128.72 32 .10 0.74 3.03E+002 77.22 2 .08E+002 2 286- 347 300.86 75.18 0.93 3.30E+002 201.50 1.10E+003 3 94 5- 962 953.14 238.41 0.47 1.99E+001 44.54 l.46E+002 4 1316- 1333 1324.74 331.37 0.39 2 .94E+001 28 .10 5.16E+001 5 1399- 1416 1407.36 352.04 0.45 2 . 54E+001 30.00 5.96E+001 6 2037 - 2 0 54 2045.24 511.58 0.80 2.67E+001 18.93 1.93E+001 7 24 2 6 - 2444 2435.54 609.18 1.21 5.20E+001 2 1. 60 1.90E+001 8 2634- 2657 2 645.51 66 1. 67 1. 52 1.28E+003 75.26 3.31E+001 9 3635- 3652 3643.43 911. 10 0.28 2.30E+001 9.59 0.O0E+000 10 5834 - 5853 5843.71 1 460.65 0.73 6.82E+001 18.41 4.75E+000 11 7050 - 7069 7 0 59.99 1 764.19 0.50 1. 2 0E+001 6.93 0.00E+000 M = First peak in a mul tiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [75]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3:45:59 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFSFC001GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 9.57406E+005 2 .71287E+005 Cs-137 1.000 66 1 .66* 85.10 1.51136E+006 2 .02000E+005 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43 . 60 2 .64518E+004 5 .93439E+004 Bi - 214 0.706 609 . 32* 45.49 1.09707E+005 4.74784E+004 112 0 .29 14.92 1764.49* 15.30 l.32107E+005 7.70027E+004 Pb - 214 0.437 2 95.22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 5 . 08785E+004 6.05263E+004 Ac-228 0.539 338.32* 11. 27 1 .79700E+005 1.74027E+005 911.20* 25.80 1.04706E+005 4.48296E+004 968.97 15.80

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
        @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=           0 .30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3:45:59 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPOR T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M"'2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 9.574061E+0 0 5 2.712873E+005 Cs-137 1.000 l .511362E+006 2 . 019996E+0 05 Pb-212 1. 000 2 .645176E+004 5.934392E+004 Bi-214 0.706 l.158774E+005 4.041380E+004 Pb-214 0.437 5.087850E+004 6.052627E+004 Ac-228 0 . 539 l .093724E+005 4.341235E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at   2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 :45:59 PM Page 5

  **********    UN I D E N T I F I E D      P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:45:59 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 819 2 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.10 5 .0485E-001 25.49 2 75.18 5.5071E-001 60.98 6 511.58 4.4520E-002 70.86 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [78]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3 : 45: 59 PM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


Bl06213AFSFC0 01GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CA MFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 )

 +      K-40       1460.82*    10.66     2 .252E+005 2 .25E+005 9.574E+005 9.364E+004 Co-60      1173. 2 3   99.85     3.704E+004 3.11E+004 -5.624E+003         l.671E+004 1332.49     99.98     3.110E+004                 2.415E+004 l.363E+004 Nb-94        70 2 .65  99.81     3.405E+004 3.40E+004 l.158E+004          l.562E+004 871.09    99.89    3.610E+004                 2.110E+004 l.650E+004 Ag-108m      433.90    90.50    6.814E+004 4.19E+004 -l. 916E+004 3.287E+004 614. 3 0  89.80     5.811E+004                5.371E+002 2.760E+004 722 .90   90.80    4.188E+004               -2 . 3 73E+004   l.938E+004 Cs-134       604.72    97.62    5.343E+004 3.84E+004 3 .879E+004 2.539E+004 795.86    85.46    3.838E+004               -5.094E+004 l.745E+004
+       Cs-137       661.66*   85.10    4.789E+004 4. 79 E+004 l.511E+006 2.235E+004 Eu-152       121. 78   28.67    2 .538E+005 l. 52 E+005 -2.640E+004       l.246E+005 344. 2 8  2 6.60   2 .182E+005                9.562E+004 l.055E+005 1408.01     21. 07   l.518E+005               - 3.345E+004 6.652E+004 Eu-154       123.07     40.40    l.809E+005 l.04E+005 5 .743E+004 8.880E+004 723.30     20.06    l.929E+005                 5.665E+003 8.940E+004 1274.43     34.80    l .036E+005                4.957E+004 4.642E+004 Eu-155         86.55   30.70    3 .026E+005 3.03E+005 1. 382E+005 l.489E+005 105.31    21.10    3.663E+005                  3 . 229E+005 l. 800E+005 Tl-208       583.19    85.00    5.148E+ 004 5.15E+004 B.837E+003 2.424E+004 Bi-212       727.33      6.67   5.615E+005 5.62E+005 6.440E+005 2 .594E+005
+      Pb- 2 12     238.63*   43.60    9.899E+004 9.90E+004 2.645E+004 4.770E+00 4
+      Bi -2 14     609.32*   45.49    6.159E+004 2 .98E+004 l.097E+00 5 2.794E+004 1120.29     14.92    2.898E+005                 l.683E+005 l.331E+005 1764.49*    15.30    2.979E+004                 l.321E+005 O.OOOE+OOO
+      Pb-214       295.22    18.4 2   3.188E+00 5 9.84E+004 2.521E+005 l.546E+005 351.93*   35.60    9.844E+004                 5.088E+004 4.651E+004 Ra-226       186.21      3.64   l.749E+006 1.75E+006 l .868E+006 8.555E+005
+      Ac- 2 28     338.32*   11. 27   2.771E+005 l.23E+004 l.797E+005 l.303E+005 911.20*   25.80    l.232E+004                 l.047E+005 O.OOOE+OOO 968.97    15.80    2.286E+005               - 6.512E+004 l.039E+005 Am-241         59.54   35.90    3.169E+005 3.17E+005 - 4.538E+004 l.554E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identificatio n
      *=Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @=Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


~************************************* ***********************************

          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001044.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3 :4 3 :09 PM Sample Title B106213AFSFC002GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Floor Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 8:13:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 8:13:19 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 601.6 seconds Dead Time 0.27 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/ 2 8/2 017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN

                                                             £>,,_,~ Gl!t j~(ft_/
                                                           ) -i-f p--       07 c>)


Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2018 3:43:09 PM Page 2

*****               P E A K        A N A L Y S I S          R E P O R T                 *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSFC002GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3 :43 : 08 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 80 - 1 55 128.78 32.11 1.05 1. 2 5E+003 252.72 1.37E+003 2 282- 355 3 00. 2 1 75.02 1. 07 1. 2 0E+003 324.64 2 .45E+003 3 1397 - 1416 1406.49 3 51. 8 2 1. 77 4.26E+001 55.81 2 .08E+002 4 2426 - 2443 2434 . 80 608.99 1.18 3.35E+001 23 . 33 3 .15E+001 5 2 629- 2658 2643.42 661.15 1.46 5.99E+003 157.5 0 4.44E+001 6 3632- 3649 3640.64 910.40 0. 33 1. 16E+001 8.96 2.38E+000 7 4465- 4484 4474.50 1118.73 0. 2 6 6.62E+000 13.55 1.04E+001 8 5830 - 5849 5839.77 1459.66 1. 31 7.60E+001 17.44 0.00E+000 M First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [81]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3:43 : 09 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



Bl06213AFSFC002GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.998 1460.82* 10.66 1.06572E+006 2 . 61422E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661. 66* 85. 10 7.05701E+006 8.67549E+005 Bi-214 0.735 609.32* 45.49 7.07182E+004 4.99715E+004 1120.29* 14.92 5.76909E+004 1.18241E+005 1764 _*49 15.30 Pb -2 14 0.437 295.22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 8.51389E+004 1 .12370E+005

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum .
       @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :        10.000 kev Nuclide confidence index threshold =          0 .30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


interference Corrected Activity Report 5 / 3 / 2 018 3:43 :0 9 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.998 1.065723E+006 2 .614219E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 7.057013E+006 8.675494E+005 Bi-214 0.735 6.874401E+004 4.602957E+004 Pb-214 0.4 3 7 8.513886E+004 l.123696E+005

       ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at       2 .000 sigma
  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D          P E A K S        **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:4 3 :08 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak

  • Tol.

No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32. 11 2.0753E+000 20.30 2 75.02 1.9955E+0O0 27.11 6 910.40 l.9375E- 0 02 77.11 Ac - 228 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [83]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3:43:09 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSFC002GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40            1460.82*    10.66    3.795E+004 3 .79E+004         l.066E+006   0.O00E+000 Co-60           1173.23     99.85    4.086E+004 2. 47E+004         3.752E+003   l.862E+004 1332.49     99.98    2.474E+004                 - 2 .699E+003   1.045E+004 Nb - 94           702.65    99.81    3.050E+004 3 .0 5 E+004    -7.638E+003     l.385E+004 871. 09   99.89    3.567E+004                    3 .136E+004  l.628E+004 Ag - 108m         433.90    90.50    1. 2 75E+005 3.92E+004       6.528E+004    6. 2 57E+004 614.30    89 . 80  6.940E+004                   5.962E+004    3.32 5E+004 722.90    90.80    3.917E+004                   4.079E+004    l.802E+004 Cs - 134          604.72    97.62    6.551E+004 4.04E+004         6.714E+004    3.143E+004 795.86    85.46    4.037E+004                 -4.502E+003     1.845E+004
 +      Cs-137            661.66*   85.10    5.919E+004 5.92E+004         7.057E+006    2.800E+004 Eu-152            121.78    28.67   4.008E+005 l.35E+005        -9.152E+004     l.981E+005 344.28    26.60    3.675E+005                 - 3.632E+004    l.801E+00S 1408.01     21.07   1. 351E+005                   2 .041E+004  5.817E+004 Eu-154            123.07     40.40   2.848E+005 8.51E+004          l.009E+005   l.407E+005 723.30    20.06   l.792E+005                    3.206E+004   8.251E+004 1274.43     34.80   8.507E+004                    l.995E+004   3.714E+004 Eu-155              86.55    30.70   4.489E+005 4.4 9E+00 5     -3 . 3 07E+004  2.221E+005 105.31     21.10   5.602E+005                 -5 . 815E+005   2.769E+005 r-r,, 'l"' n
       .l...L -  L.VO    583.19     85.00   7.039E+004 7.04E+004          3.342E+004   3.370E+004 Bi-212            727.33      6.67   5.238E+005 5.24E+005          2 .365E+004  2.406E+005 Pb - 212          238.63    43.60    2 .475E+005 2 .48E+005     -2 .051E+005    l.220E+005
+      Bi-214            609.32*   45.49    7.604E+004 7.60E+004          7.072E+004   3.516E+004 1120.29*    14.92    2.034E+005                    5.769E+004   8.990E+004 1764.49     15.30    2.215E+005                    l.541E+005   9.584E+004
+      Pb- 2 14          295.22    18.42    5.349E+005 l.84E+005         6. 23 0E+003  2.627E+005 351.93*   35.60    l.840E+005                   8.514E+004    8.928E+004 Ra- 22 6          186.21      3.64   2.989E+006 2.99E+006         3.946E+005    l.475E+006 Ac- 22 8          338.32    11. 27   8.544E+005 l.38E+005       - 9.910E+004    4.188E+005 911. 20   2 5.80   1. 376E+005                -1. 883E+004    6.266E+004 968.97    15.80    2 .060E+005                  l.393E+005    9.261E+004 Am-241              59.54   35.90    4.545E+005 4.54E+005       -2 .090E+004    2.242E+00S
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMMA S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES \ 00001046.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3:41:42 PM Sample Title B106213AFSFC003GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Floor Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 M"' 2 Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 8:37:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 8:37:19 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.8 seconds Dead Time 0.13 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN [85]

Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2 018 3:41:4 2 PM Page 2

*****              P E A K       A N A L Y S I S        R E P O R T                *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


Bl06213AFSFC003GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2 018 3:4 1 :41 PM Peak Analysis From Channel : 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No. start e nd centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 117- 156 128.48 32.04 0.98 3.61E+002 97.00 3 . 26 E+002 2 279- 347 298.16 74.51 0.90 4.10E+002 250.19 l.54E+00 3 3 945- 962 953. 0 7 238.39 0.43 4.85E+001 43.97 1. 31E+00 2 4 1398 - 1415 1406.76 351.89 0.62 2.90E+001 31.48 6.70E+001 5 2426 - 2443 2434.86 609.01 0 .49 4.99E +001 17.88 9.07E+000 6 2632 - 2657 2644.61 661.44 1. 37 l.34E+00 3 75.56 2 .00E+00l 7 5831 - 5852 5841.67 1460.14 1. 73 8.18E+001 21. 20 8.18E+000 8 7047- 7066 7056.85 1763.41 0.50 l.60E+001 8.00 0.0OE+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted a t 2 .000 sigma [86]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/ 3 / 2 018 3 :41: 4 2 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106213AFSFC003GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  . .. .................        IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES            .............. . . ....

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence {keV) { %) {pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 1460.82* 10.66 1.14764E+006 3.13633E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 1.57833E+006 2.09400E+005 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 6.44709E+004 5.93461E+004 Bi - 214 0.706 609.32* 45.49 1.05408E+005 3.98213E+004 1120. 2 9 14.92 1764.49* 15.30 1.76094E+00 5 8.91695E+004 Pb - 2 14 0.437 295.22 18 .42. 351.93* 35.60 5.79803E+004 6 . 3 5761E+004

         * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
        @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =            0.30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


. Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2 0 18 3:41:42 PM Page 4

 *****     I N T E R F E R E N C E         C O R R E C T E D       R E P O R T  *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0 .999 1.147641E+006 3.136333E+00 5 Cs-137 1. 000 1.578329E+006 2.093996E+00 5 Pb-212 1. 000 6.447090E+004 5.93 4 611E+004 Bi-214 0.706 1.171611E+005 3.636032E+004 Pb-214 0.437 5.798030E+004 6 . 357606E+004

         ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
        @     Nuclide contains energy lines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at       2. 000 sigma
    **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D        PE AK S        **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:41:4 1 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide l 32.04 6.0215E - 001 26.85 2 74.51 6.8362E - 001 61. 00 M = First peak i n a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F - = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [88]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3 :4 1 : 42 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSFC003GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"'2 ) (pCi/M"'2 ) (pCi/M"'2 ) (pCi/M"'2 )

 +      K-40         1460.82*     10.66    2 .931E+005     2.9 3 E+005    1.148E+006       1.276E+005 Co-6 0       1173.23      99.85    4. 2 87E+004    2.86E+004      1.080E+004       1.963E+004 1332.49      99.98    2.857E+004                     1.989E+004       1.236E+004 Nb - 94        702.65     99.81    3.723E+004      3.52E+004    - 2.270E+004       1.721E+004 871. 09    99.89    3.522E+004                     6.582E+003       1.606E+004 Ag - 108m       433 . 9 0  90.50    7.569E+004      4.61E+004    - 2.726E+004       3.665E+004 614.3 0    89.80    5.485E+004                     1.203E+004       2.597E+004 722.9 0    90.80    4.612E+004                     1.420E+004       2.150E+004 Cs - 134       604.72     97.62    5.364E+004      3.89E+004      2.328E+004      2.549E+004 795.86     85.46   3.889E+004                    -9.124E+003       1.770E+004
 +     Cs-137          661. 66*   85.10   3.940E+004       3 .94E+004     1.578E+006      1.811E+004 Eu- 1 52        121. 78    28.67   2.917E+005       1.40E+005      3.842E+005      1.435E+005 344.28     26.60   2.420E+005                      2.863E+004      1.174E+005 1408.01      2 1.07  1.395E+005                      1.982E+004      6.037E+004 Eu- 154         123.07     40.40   2 .039E+005      1.07E+005   -9.404E+004        1.003E+005 723.30     20.06   2.073E+005                      3.922E+003      9.656E+004 1274.43      34.80   1.073E+005                      1.078E+005      4.824E+004 Eu-1 55          86.55     30.70   3.410E+005      3.41E+005      1.106E+005       1. 681E+005 105.31      21.10   4 . 123E+ 00 5               - 1. 500E+005      2.030E+005 m, ,.,, ,..n
       .L.L- ..:: uo  583.19      85.00   5.515E+004      5. 5 2E+004  - 3.185E+004       2 .608E+004 Bi-212          727.33       6.67  6.342E+005      6. 3 4E+005    2.060E+005       2.958E+005
+      Pb-212         238 . 63*   43 . 60 9.475E+004      9 . 48E+004    6.447E+004       4.558E+004
+      Bi- 2 14       609.32*     45.49   4.377E+004      2.98E+004      1 .054E+005      1.903E+004 1120.29      14.92   2 .835E+005                  - 2.181E+004       1.300E+005 1764.49*     15.30   2.978E+004                     1.761E+005       0.0O0E+000
+      Pb-214         295.22      18.42   3.511E+005      1 . 03E+005    6.420E+004       1.708E+005 351. 93*    35.60   1.028E+005                     5.798E+004       4.868E+004 Ra-226         186.21       3.64   1.970E+006      1.97E+006    - 8.782E+005       9.656E+005 Ac-228         338.32     11. 27   5.369E+005      1 .68E+005     1.179E+005       2.601E+005 911.20     25.80    1.680E+005                     l.514E+005       7.783E+004 968.97     15.80    2.376E+005                     1.946E+005       1.084E+005 Am- 2 41         59.54    35.90    3 .459E+005     3 .46E+005     4.297E+005       1.699E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMM A      S P E C T R U M         A N A L Y S I S               *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES \ 00001047.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3 :44: 32 PM Sample Title Bl06213AFSFC004GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Floor Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 M"2 Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 8:53:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 8:53:35 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.6 seconds Dead Time 0 . 09 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN

                                                              *a    c:;~

Vc~ It d~/

                                                                  )-- <{--1 :i-    O Cf 1;r


, Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2018 3:44: 32 PM Page 2

 *****                PE AK       A N A L Y S I S           R E P O R T               *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSFC004GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:44: 32 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 120- 154 128.38 32 .01 0.62 1.14E+002 70.51 2.04E+002 2 284 - 347 297.76 74 .41 1.07 1.77E+002 214 . 24 1. 22E+003 3 418- 433 425.35 10 6.34 0.39 3.56E+001 47.89 1 .78E+002 4 947- 965 955.08 238.89 0.38 3.28E+001 39.24 1. 04E+002 5 1170 - 1187 11 78.51 294.79 0.32 2.80E+001 29.91 6.00E+00l 6 1397 - 1418 14 0 7.11 35i.98 0.29 6.32E+001 30.46 4.28E+001 7 2033 - 2 05 0 2041.91 510.75 0.32 3.65E+001 19.31 1.75E+001 8 2323 - 2340 2331.86 583.25 0.78 1 .65E+001 15.55 1.35E+00 1 9 2427 - 2444 2435.79 609.24 1.07 6.80E+001 1 9.73 9.00E+000 10 2633- 2657 2645.35 661.63 1. 52 6.41E+002 54.20 2.22E+001 11 5835- 5854 5844.09 1 46 0 .74 1. 83 7.13E+001 18.69 4.66E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [91]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 :44: 32 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106213AFSFC004GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  ... .. .... .. ..... .. .. IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES          ................. .. .

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 1.00078E+006 2.76174E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 7.54876E+005 1.10883E+005 Tl-208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 l. 822 75E+004 l.73137E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 4.35688E+004 5.26718E+004 Bi-214 0.442 609.32* 45.49 l.43578E+005 4.50884E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1.000 295.22* 18.42 9.800 2 4E+004 l .06025E+005 351.93* 35.60 l.26405E+005 6.38287E+004

       * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used f or Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :          10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =             0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 :44: 32 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1 .000780E+006 2.761740E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 7.548760E+005 1.108828E+005 Tl-208 1. 000 1.822755E+004 1.731371E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 4.356879E+004 5.267182E+004 Bi-214 0.442 l.435776E+005 4.508840E+004 Pb-214 1.000 1.188496E+005 5.468402E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 :44:32 PM Page 5

  **********    U N I D E N T I F I E D     P E A K S    **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3: 44: 32 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.01 1. 8919E-001 62.12 2 74.41 2.9517E-001 120.97 3 106.34 5.9346E-002 134.49 7 510.75 6.0833E - 002 52.92 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [94]

Nuclide MDA Report 5 /3/2018 3: 44: 32 PM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSFC004GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 )

 +       K-40       1460.8 2
  • 10.66 2.223E+005 2.2 2E+005 1.001E+006 9.218E+004 Co-60 1173. 2 3 99.85 3. 1 37E+004 3 .14E+ 00 4 1.132E+004 1.388E+004 1332.49 99 . 98 3.689E+004 1. 982E+004 1.652E+004 Nb-94 7 0 2 .65 99.81 3.291E+004 3.29E+ 0 04 -1.322E+004 1.505E+004 871. 09 99.89 4.170E+004 2.352E+004 1.930E+004 Ag-108m 433.90 90 . 50 5 . 414E+004 4.37E+004 1.372E+002 2.587E+004 614.30 89.80 6.011E+004 9.692E+004 2.860E+004 722.90 90.80 4. 3 70E+004 -1. 822E+004 2.029E+004 Cs-134 6 04 .72 97.62 5 . 5 05E+004 4.23E+004 4.661E+004 2 .620E+004 795 . 86 85.46 4.227E+004 1.311E+004 1.939E+004
 +      Cs-137        661.66*    85.10   4.068E+004       4.07E+004      7.549E+005    1.875E+004 Eu-152        121. 78    28.67   2 .387E+005      1.35E+005      2.204E+005    1 .170E+005 344.28     26.60   2.010E+00 5                   -6.211E+004     9 .691E+004 1408.01      21. 07  1 .35 1E+005                    9.016E+004    5 .817E+004 Eu-1 54       123.07     40. 40  1.691E+005       1.04E+005      1.780E+005    8.292E+004 723 . 30   20.06   1.978E+005                    - 1. 931E+005   9.185E+004 1274.43       34.80   1.036E+005                    - 7.383E+004    4.642E+004 Eu-155         86.55     30.70   2 .997E+005      3.00E+005      9.550E+004    1.475E+005 105.3 1     21.10   3 . 513E+005                  - 2.649E+003    1.725E+005
+       Tl-208       583.19*     85.00   2 .708E+004     2.71E+004       1 .823E+004   1.204E+004 Bi -212      727.33       6.67   5.918E+005      5.92E+005     - 8.955E+004    2.745E+005
+       Pb - 212     238.63*     43.60   8.573E+004      8 . 57E+004     4.357E+004    4.107E+004
+       Bi - 214     609.32*     45.49   4.331E+004      4.33E+004       1.4 3 6E+005  l.880E+004 1120.29       14.92   2 .835E+005                     2.601E+005    1 .300E+005 1764.49       15. 30  2 . 145E+005                  - 1.129E+005    9.235E+004
+       Pb-214       295.22*     18.42   1.708E+005      9.10E+004       9.800E+004    8.068E+004 351.93*     35.60   9.096E+004                      1.264E+005    4.277E+004 Ra-226       186.21       3.64   1.548E+006      1. 55E+006    - 6.922E+005    7.548E+005 Ac-228       338.32      11. 27  4. 32 6E+005    1.64E+005       2 .981E+005   2.079E+00 5 911. 20    25 .80   1.636E+005                      1. 416E+005   7.564E+004 968.97     15.80    2.677E+005                      1.086E+005    1. 23 5E+005 Am-241         59.54    35.90    3.023E+005      3 .02E+005      2.634E+005    1.481E+005
      + =Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
  • Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001025.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3:20: 1 4 PM Sample Title B106213AFSWC005GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3. 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 10:16:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 10:16:53 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0.0 8 % Energy Calibration Used Done *on 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN

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                                                                    .f-- r-16" I   oti ?;o


Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2018 3:20:14 PM Page 2

*****              PE AK         A N A L Y S I S          R E P O R T              *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC005GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:20:14 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 281- 347 300.02 74.97 0.68 3.05E+002 193.98 9.46E+002 2 1173 - 1190 1181.73 295.60 0.74 3.60E+001 26.22 4.l0E+00l 3 1401 - 1418 1409.27 352.52 0.49 6.49E+001 24.52 2.61E+001 4 1601 - 1618 1610.00 402.73 0.34 l .81E+001 16.77 1.59E+001 5 2036- 2053 2044.93 511.50 0.79 3.13E+001 18.15 1.57E+001 6 2327- 2344 2335.06 584.05 1.08 1.50E+001 17.79 1.70E+001 7 2431- 2448 2439.93 610. 2 7 1.10 3.92E+001 19.14 1.58E+001 8 2641 - 2658 2649.40 662.64 1. 24 5.81E+001 18.01 6.91E+00O 9 3639- 3656 3647 . 68 912.16 0.34 l.96E+001 15.14 l.14E+001 10 5842 - 5861 5851 . 53 1462.60 1.13 l.14E+002 22 . 0 5 2.35E+000 M = First peak in a mult iplet region m = Other peak in a mult iplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .ooo

  • sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5 / 3 / 2 018 3 :20: 14 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFSWC005GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.995 1460.8 2

  • 10.66 1.59565E+006 3.39247E+005 Cs-137 0.998 661.66* 85.10 6.84865E+004 2.27712E+004 Tl-208 0.999 583.19* 85.00 1.65391E+004 1. 97651E+004 Bi-214 0.441 609.32* 45.49 8.28318E+004 4.16636E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1.000 2 95. 22
  • 18.42 1.26439E+00S 9.42299E+004 351.93* 35.60 1.30058E+00S S.28247E+004
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =            0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 : 2 0: 14 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.995 1.595648E+006 3.392471E+005 Cs-137 0.998 6.848645E+004 2.277124E+004 Tl-208 0.999 1.653912E+004 1.976508E+004 Bi-214 0.441 8.283177E+004 4.166355E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 1.291925E+005 4.607818E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  2. 000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3:20:14 PM Page 5

  **********    U N I D E N T I F I E D     P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:20:14 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 74.97 5.0783E-001 63.66 4 402.73 3.0196E-002 92.56 5 511.50 5. 2 163E-002 57.99 9 912.16 3.2675E-002 77.2 1 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 s igma [100]

Nucl ide MDA Report 5/ 3 /2018 3: 20: 14 PM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC005GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*   10 .66  1.683E+005     1.68E+005      1.596E+006     6.516E+004 Co-6 0      1173.2 3   99.85   4.923E+004     3.41E+004      3.521E+002    2.281E+004 1332.49    99.98   3 .413E+004                 -1. 776E+003    1 .514E+004 Nb-94        702.65    99.81   3.442E+004     3 .44E+004     2 .464E+003   1.581E+004 871.09    99.89   3.477E+004                    3.878E+003    1.583E+004 Ag- 108m     433.90    90.50   4.377E+004     3 .54E+004     1 .006E+004   2.069E+004 614.30    89.80   5.388E+004                  - 1.369E+004    2.548E+004 722.90    90.80   3.537E+004                  - 6.352E+003    1.612E+004 Cs - 134     604.72    9.7. 62 4.803E+004     4.27E+004      5.042E+003    2 .269E+004 795.86    85.46   4.273E+004                  -4.946E+004     1.962E+004
 +      Cs-137       661.66*   85.10   2.179E+004     2.18E+004      6.849E+004    9.302E+003 Eu - 1 52    121. 78   28.67   2.2 38E+005    l.48E+005      2.561E+004    1.096E+005 344.28    26.60   1 . 851E+005                  6 . 267E+004  8.896E+004 1408.0 1    21. 07  1. 478E+005                 -6.502E+003     6.454E+004 Eu-154       123. 0 7  4 0 .40 1 .581E+005    9.98E+004      6.934E+004    7.742E+004 723.3 0   2 0 .06 1.560E+005                  -9.859E+004     7.094E+004 1274.43     34.80   9.985E+004                    4.242E+004    4.453E+004 Eu- 155       86.55    30.70   2.739E+005     2.74E+005    -3.661E+004     1.346E+005 105 . 31  21.10   3.293E+005                    1. 316E+005   1.614E+005
 +      Tl-208       583.19*   85.00   3.212E+004     3.21E+004      1.654E+004    1.456E+004 Bi-212       727.33      6.67  4.950E+005     4 . 95E+005  -6.433E+004     2.262E+005 Pb-212       238.63    43.60   1.102E+005     1 . 1 0E+005   6.767E+004    5.330E+004
 +      Bi-214       609.32*   45.49   5.606E+004     5 .61E+004     8.283E+004    2.517E+004 1120.29     14.92   2.929E+005                    l.941E+005    1.346E+005 1764.49     15.30   2.859E+005                    1.927E+004    1. 2 81E+005
 +      Pb-214       295.22*   18.42   1.441E+005     6.63E+004      1.264E+005    6.7 3 0E+004 351.93*   35.60   6.631E+004                   1.301E+005     3 .045E+004 Ra-226       186.21     3.64   1.463E+006     1.46E+006      7.444E+005    7.122E+005 Ac-228       338.32    11. 27  3.619E+005    1.84E+005       l.165E+005    1.726E+005 911. 20   25.80   1.844E+005                   1.154E+005     8 . 604E+004 968.97    15.80   2.677E+005                    l.346E+005    1.235E+005 Am-24 1       59.54    35.90   2.869E+005    2 .87E+005     1.335E+005     1.404E+005
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


GAMMA S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS ***** Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001037.CNF Report Generated On 5/3 / 2 018 3 :09:04 PM Sample Title B106213AFSWC006GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 3:07:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 3:07:09 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0.08 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/ 2 017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN

                                                                 ~~ U It d/4 p
                                                                  ~Y-1 f       O'o/ Z-f


Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2018 3:09:04 PM Page 2

*****               PE AK         A N A L Y S I S         REPORT                   *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC006GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2 0 18 3:09:03 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert . Counts 1 283- 308 3 00. 35 75.06 1. 28 2 .55E+002 87 . 37 3.89E+002 2 946- 963 954 . 63 238.78 0.97 1. 56E+001 32.90 7.84E+001 3 1399- 1416 1407.62 352 .10 0.50 5.16E+001 20.84 1.74E+001 4 2035 - 2052 2043.70 511.19 1. 52 1.70E+001 18.04 1.90E+00 1 5 2325 - 2342 2333.85 583.75 0.38 1.88E+001 16.60 1.52E+001 6 2428 - 2445 2436.85 609.50 0.27 3.69E+001 19.07 l.61E+001 7 2638 - 2655 2646.3 1 661. 87 0.43 3.45E+001 14.88 6.48E+000 8 5837- 5857 5846.3 0 1461.29 1. 55 8.07E+001 18.82 2.33E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [103]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3: 09: 04 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B1062 1 3AFSWC006GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES \ Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"'2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1460.82* 10 .66 l.13194E+006 2 .81809E+005 Cs- 1 37 1.000 661.66* 85.10 4.06797E+004 1.82002E+004 Tl- 2 08 0.999 583.19* 85.00 2.07792E+004 1.85196E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 2.07487E+004 4.38815E+004 Bi - 214 0.442 609.32* 45.49 7.79515E+004 4.13510E+004 112 0 .29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 0.437 295.22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 1.03234E+005 4.44698E+004

        *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
        @ = Energy l ine not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =         0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3 /2018 3 :09:04 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 l.1 3 1944E+006 2 .818086E+005 Cs- 1 37 1. 000 4.067970E+004 1.820019E+004 Tl- 2 0 8 0.999 2 .077920E+004 1.851956E+004 Pb- 2 12 1. 000 2 .074870E+004 4.388149E+004 Bi-214 0.442 7.795147E+004 4.135099E+004 Pb-214 0.437 1.032337E+005 4.446976E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @    Nucl ide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at         2. 000 sigma
  **********       U N I D E N T I F I E D          P E AK S      **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3 :09:03 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75.06 4. 2 425E-001 34.32 4 5 11. 19 2.8275E-002 106.34 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors q uoted at 2 .000 sigma [105]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3: 09: 04 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC006GD Nuclide Library Used : C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*   10.66   1.677E+005       1.68E+005      1.132E+00 6   6.486E+004 Co-60       1173. 2 3  99.85   3.92 7E+004      3.34E+004      9.097E+00 2   1.783E+004 1332.49    99.98   3.340E+004                    - 5.391E+004    l.478E+004 Nb-94        702.65    99.81   3 .655E+004      3.6 1 E+004 - 1.279E+004    1.687E+004 8 71. 09  99.89   3 .610E+004                  -1.468E+004     1.650E+004 Ag- 108m      433.90    90 .5 0 3 .899E+004      3.90E+004   - 3 .155E+004   1.830E+004 614.30    89.80   5.556E+004                      6.308E+004   2 .633E+004 72 2 .90  90.80   4. 22 5E+004                 -6.450E+003     1.956E+004 Cs - 134     604.72    97. 62  4.803E+004       4.41E+004      2.193E+004   2 . 2 69E+004 795.86    85.46   4 .407E+004                     2.183E+004   2.030E+004
 +      Cs-137       661.66*   85.10   2 .088E+004      2 .09E+004     4.068E+004   8.845E+003 Eu-152        121. 78   28.67   2 .255E+005      1.70E+005      4.520E+004   1.104E+005 344.28    26.60   1.700E+005                      2.496E+004   8.141E+004 1408.01     21. 07  1.701E+005                     1.526E+005    7.568E+004 Eu-154        123.07    40 . 40 1.593E+005       1.05E+005      2 .905E+004  7.799E+004 723.30    20.06   1.946E+005                      7.060E+004   9.022E+004 1274.43     34.80   1.055E+005                   -6.984E+004     4.734E+004 Eu - 155       86.55    30.70   2.861E+005       2 .86E+005  -4.690E+004     l.407E+005 105.31    21.10   3.469E+005                     3.345E+005    1.703E+005
 +     Tl- 2 08      583.19*   85.00   2.873E+004       2.87E+004     2.078E+004    1.287E+004 Bi-212        727.33     6.67   6. 25 1E+005     6.25E+005     5.016E+005    2 .912E+005
 +     Pb-212        238.63*   43.60   7.347E+004       7.35E+004     2.075E+004    3 .493E+004
 +     Bi-214        609.32*   45.49   5.678E+004       5.68E+004     7.795E+004    2 .553E+004 1120.29     14.92   2.637E+005                   - 1. 671E+O 05  1.201E+005 1764.49     15.30   2.471E+005                     7.952E+004    1.087E+005
+      Pb- 2 14      295.22    18.42   2.242E+005      5.51E+004    -4.069E+004     1.073E+005 351.93*   35.60   5.511E+004                     1.032E+005    2 .485E+004 Ra- 22 6      186.21     3.64   1.564E+006      1.56E+006      1.469E+006    7.627E+005 Ac- 22 8      338.32    11. 27  3.571E+00 5     1.58E+005    -4.323E+005     1.702E+005 911. 20   25.80   1.575E+005                     6.701E+004    7. 2 61E+004 968.97    15.80   2.625E+005                     1.954E+005    1. 2 09E+005 Am- 2 41       59.54    35.90   3.044E+005      3.04E+005      1.960E+005    l.4 92 E+005
      + =Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001030.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3 :16: 2 7 PM Sample Title Bl06213AFSWC007GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 MA2 Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 1:32:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 1:32:39 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN 7>~Jc. //,~/;L4

                                                                 $ --CC-/?    o 7 3-u


Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2018 3:16: 2 7 PM Page 2

*****               P E A K       A N A L Y S I S         R E P O R T                 *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


Bl06213AFSWC007GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2 01 8 3:1 6 :26 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start e nd centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 29 2- 348 299.95 74.96 0.84 - 9.68E+001 187.08 l.09E+003 2 945- 962 953 . 34 238 . 46 0.67 1 .44E+001 32 .44 7.36E+001 3 1398 - 1415 1406 . 16 351.74 0.84 2.69E+001 22 .05 2.91E+001 4 1914 - 1931 1922 . 48 480.88 0.26 1 .59E+001 10.89 4.07E+000 5 2 320 - 2 337 2328.04 582.30 0.28 1 .03E +001 13.96 9.70E+000 6 2426 - 2443 2434.14 6 0 8.82 1.10 3.74E+001 18.15 1. 3 6E+001 7 2634- 2651 264 2 .84 66 1 .00 0.41 2.49E+001 14 . 20 7.08E+O00 8 4941- 4960 495 0. 39 1237.59 1.00 1.l0E+0Ol 6.63 0.00E+O00 9 5317- 5336 5326.80 1331.59 0.78 2.15E+001 11.02 2 .47E+000 10 5830 - 5849 5839.44 1459.58 0.82 6.50E+001 16.12 0.00E+000 11 7045 - 7064 7054.04 1762.70 0.25 1.40E+ 001 7.48 0.00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [108]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3: 16: 2 7 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFSWC007GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  . . . . . . . . . - ... - ...... IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES          - .............. - . . . .

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.998 1460.82* 10.66 9.11441E+ 0 05 2 .39553E+005 Cs- 1 37 0.999 661.66* 85.10 2.93452E+004 l.70911E+004 Tl- 2 0 8 0.999 583.19* 85.00 1.13687E+004 1.54677E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 l.91804E+004 4.32247E+004 Bi -214 0.70 5 609.32* 45.49 7.89027E+004 3.94732E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49* 15.30 1. 54043E+005 8.32590E+004 Pb - 214 0.437 295.22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 5.37 3 08E+004 4.48394E+004

         * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
         @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :              10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =                0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2 0 18 3:16:27 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.998 9 .114414E+005 2 .395530E+005 Cs-137 0.999 2 .934518E+004 l.709 1 15E+004 Tl-208 0.999 1.136873E+004 1.546765E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 1. 918037E+004 4. 322 468E+004 Bi - 214 0.70 5 9.269265E+004 3.566764E+004 Pb-214 0.437 5.373084E+004 4.483939E+004

      ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at   2. 000 sigma


I~terference Corrected Activity Report 5 / 3 / 2 018 3:16: 2 7 PM Page 5

  **********    U N I D E N T I F I E D      P E A K S       **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3 :1 6:26 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 74.96 - 1 . 6134E-001 - 193.25 4 480.88 2.6542E - 00 2 68. 37 Sum 8 1237.59 1 .8333E-002 60. 30 Sum 9 1331.59 3.5885E-002 51.19 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [111]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3 :16: 2 7 PM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC007GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*    10.66    3 .794E+004    3.79E+004     9.114E+00 5    0.000E+000 Co-6 0      1173.23     99 . 85  4.432E+004     4.29E+004    2 .835E+004    2 .035E+004 1332.49     99.98    4. 2 95E+004                 3.397E+004    1 .955E+004 Nb-94        702.65     99.81    3.291E+004     3.29E+004  -2.590E+003      1.505E+004 871.09     99.89    3.567E+004                - l .607E+004    1 .628E+004 Ag-108m      4 33. 90   90.50    3.609E+004     3.54E+004    2 .433E+004    1.685E+004 614.3 0    89.80    5.111E+004                  6.511E+004     2.410E+004 722 . 9 0  90.80   3 . 53 7E+004                2 .127E+004    1.612E+004 Cs-134       604.72     97.62   4.543E+004      3.99E+004     7 . 798E+004  2 .139E+004 795.86     85.46   3.989E+004                 -5.788E+003      1.820E+004
 +      Cs-137       66 1 .66*  85.10   2.275E+004      2.28E+004    2 .935E+004    9.783E+003 Eu-152       121. 78    2 8.67  2 .174E+005     1.21E+005    4.423E+004     1.064E+005 344.28     26.60   1.569E+005                 - 2.800E+004     7.486E+004 1408.01      21.07   1. 2 08E+00 5                6.935E+004     5.102E+004 Eu-154       123.07     40. 40  1.554E+005      8.27E+004    2.096E+005     7.606E+004 723.30     20.06   1 .601E+005                  9.108E+004     7.299E+004 1274.43      34.80   8.271E+004                   2.461E+004     3.596E+004 Eu-155         86.55    30.70   2 .646E+005     2.65E+005    l.182E+004     1.299E+005 10 5 .3 1  21.10   3.163E+005                 - 3 . 915E+005   1.550E+005
 +      Tl -2 08     583.19*    85.00   2.549E+004      2 .55E+004   1.137E+004     1 .125E+004 Bi-212       727.33       6.67  4.829E+005      4.83E+005    7.567E+004     2.201E+005
 +      Pb- 2 12     238.63*    43.60   7. 2 55E+004    7.25E+004    1.918E+004     3.447E+004
 +      Bi- 2 14     609.32*    45.49   5.230E+004      2 .98E+004   7.890E+004     2.329E+004 1120.29      14 . 92 2 .671E+005                  2 . 026E+005   1.218E+005 1 764.49*    15.30   2 .977E+004                  1.540E+005     0.000E+000
 +      Pb-214       295.22     18.42   2 .192E+005     6.95E+004    1.078E+005     1.048E+005 351.93*    35.60   6.946E+004                   5.373E+004     3 .202E+004 Ra-226       1 86.21     3 .64  1. 28 8E+006   1.29E+006     2 . 605E+005   6.245E+005 Ac-228       338.32     11. 27  3 .332E+005    1 .48E+005    1.523E+005     1 .582E+005 911.20     25.80   l.480E+005                   l.067E+005     6.782E+004 968.97     15.80   2 .376E+005                  4.633E+004     1.084E+005 Am-241         59.54    35.90   3 .046E+005    3. 05E+005    4.002E+005     1.493E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      *=Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region , or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @=Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001029.CNF Report Generated On 5/ 3 /2018 3 :17: 22 PM Sample Title Bl06213AFSWC008GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 1 0.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 M"2 Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 1:19:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 1:20:00 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0 . 07 % Energy Calibration Used *none On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN [113]

Peak Analysis Report 5 / 3 / 2 018 3:17: 22 PM Page 2

*****                P E A K       A N A L Y S I S            REPORT                  *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC008GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:17:22 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 819 2 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 283 - 347 299.66 74.88 1. 33 3.63E+002 176.00 7.95E+002 2 1397 - 1414 1405.71 351. 63 0.32 3.31E+001 21.41 2.49E+001 3 2 032 - 2 049 204 0. 38 510.37 0.26 2.58E+001 18.57 l.82E+001 4 2427 - 2444 2435.10 609.06 1. 02 2.73E+001 17.69 1.57E+001 5 2635- 2652 2643.54 661.18 1. 20 2.61E+001 14.0 2 6.90E+000 6 3635- 3652 3643 . 82 911.19 0.44 1. 2 0E+001 12.85 9.00E+000 7 5318 - 5337 5327.86 1331.86 0. 3 1 1.60E+ 001 8.00 0.00E+000 8 5834- 5853 5 843.32 1460.55 1. 77 5.57E +001 15.94 2.33E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [114]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/ 3 / 2 018 3:1 7: 22 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFSWC008GD Nuclide Library Used : C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuc lide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/MA 2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 146 0 .82* 10. 66 7.80975E +0 05 2 .33718E+005 Cs - 137 1. 000 66 1. 66* 85.10 3.07348E+004 1.69167E+004 Bi - 214 0.442 6 0 9.32* 45.49 5.77000E+004 3 .79900E+004 112 0 .29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb -2 14 0 .437 295. 22 18.4 2 351.93* 35.60 6.62389E+004 4. 3 9454E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
        @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=            0.30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


I~terference Corrected Activity Report 5/ 3 / 2 01 8 3:17:22 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 7.809746E+005 2.337175E+005 Cs-137 1.000 3.073484E+004 1.691671E+004 Bi-214 0.442 5.770004E+004 3.798996E+004 Pb-214 0.437 6.623887E+004 4.394543E+004

      ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at     2. 000 sigma
  **********    U N I D E N T I F I E D          P E A K S      **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:17: 22 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Pe~k CPS . Peak Tol. (keV) Counts per Second .% Uncertainty Type Nuclide No. 1 74.88 6.0456E-001 48. 52 3 510.37 4.2955E-002 72.04 6 911.19 2.0000E-002 107.04 Tol. Ac-228 7 1331.86 2 .6667E-002 50.00 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [116]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3 :17: 22 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC008GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*    10.66   1.675E+005     1.68E+005     7.810E+00 5   6.478E+004 Co-6 0      1173.23     99.85   3.873E+004     3.48E+004     1.368E+004    1.756E+004 1332.49     99.98   3.484E+004                   3.125E+004    1.550E+004 Nb-94         702.65    99.81   3.478E+004     3.04E+004   -l.076E+004     1.599E+004 871. 09   99.89   3.040E+004                 - 7.299E+003    1.364E+004 Ag-108m       433.90    90.50   3.990E+004     3.67E+004     1.307E+004    1.875E+004 614.30    89.80   4.979E+004                   5.325E+004    2 .344E+004 72 2 .90  90.80   3.668E+004                -1.481E+004      1.678E+004 Cs - 1 34     604.72    97.62   4.267E+004     3.84E+004  - 7.946E+003     2.001E+004 795.86    85.46   3.838E+004                   5.448E+003    1.745E+004
 +      Cs-137        661.66*   85.10   2.178E+004     2 .18E+004    3 .073E+004   9.297E+003 Eu-152        121. 78   28.67   2.066E+005     1.56E+005  -3 .017E+005     1.010E+005 344. 2 8  26.60   1.559E+005                -1.437E+005      7.436E+004 1408.01     21. 07  1 .768E+005                  l.664E+005    7 . 904E+004 Eu-154        123.07    40.40   1.457E+005     9.59E+004  - 9.490E+004     7.122E+004 723.30    20.06   1.699E+005                   5.111E+004    7.790E+004 1274.43     34.80   9.589E+004                -6.081E+003      4.255E+004 Eu-155         86. 5 5  30.70   2.660E+005     2.66E+005     1.462E+005    1.306E+005 105.31    21.10   2.971E+005                - 6.866E+004     1.453E+005 Tl-208        583.19    85.00   4.041E+004     4.04E+004  -4.158E +004     1.871E+004 Bi-212        727.33     6.67   5.125E+005     5.12E+005  -1.770E+005      2 .349E+005 Pb- 212      238.63     43.60   1. 054E+O 05   1.05E+005    2.593E+004     5.092E+004
 +      Bi-214        609.32*   45.49   5.528E+004     5.53E+004    5.770E+004     2.478E+004 1120.29      14.92   2 .671E+005               -l.163E+004      1.218E+005 1764.49      15.30   2 .282E+005                 5.432E+004     9.920E+004
 +      Pb-214       2 95.22    18.42   2.279E+005     6.48E+004    2 .546E+005    1.092E+005 351. 93*   35.60   6.479E+004                  6.624E+004     2.969E+004 Ra-226       186.21      3.64   1.327E+006    1. 33 E+006 - 9.341E+004     6.444E+005 Ac-228       338.32     11. 27  3.252E+005    1. 56 E+005 - l.232E+005     1.542E+005 911.20     25.80   1. 560E+005                 7.707E+004     7.183E+004 968.97     15 . 80 2.376E+005                  3.329E+004     1.084E+005 Am-241         59.54    35.90   2.999E+005    3.00E+005     3.999E+005     1.469E+005
      +=Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMM A      S P E C T R U M         ANALYSIS                  *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES \ 00001024.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2 018 3:2 1 :10 PM Sample Title Bl06213AFSWC009GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3. 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 10:01:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 10:01:06 AM Live Time 600 . 0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2 01 7 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN [118]

Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2 018 3 : 2 1:10 PM Page 2

*****               PE AK       A N A L Y S I S            REPORT                       *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC0 0 9GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2 01 8 3:2 1:10 PM Peak Analysis From Channel : 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start e nd centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 121- 136 12 8.13 31.95 0.59 5.74E +001 28.32 4.76E+001 2 285- 348 300.84 75 . 18 1.21 2 .62E+002 193 . 75 1.00E+003 3 947 - 964 955.95 239.11 0.93 3 .85E+001 35.61 8.55E+001 4 1175 - 1192 1183.12 295.95 0.26 2 .00E+00l 24.62 3.90E+001 5 1401 - 1418 1409.37 352.54 0.34 4.66E+001 23.02 2 . 64E+001 6 2328 - 2345 2336.12 584.32 0.25 2. 42E+001 16.41 l.28E+001 7 2432- 2451 2440.94 610.52 0.53 4.00E+00l 21. 03 2 .00E+00l 8 2641 - 266 0 2650.34 662.88 1.29 9.60E+001 22.90 1.00E+00l 9 3643 - 366 0 365 1.81 913 .1 9 0.46 1.74E+001 12. 47 6.60E+000 10 5846 - 5865 5855.62 1 463.62 1.21 8 .2 6E+001 19. 0 5 2 . 3 8E+000 11 7066 - 7085 7075.28 1768. 00 0.77 1.30E+001 11. 0 6 5 .00E+000 M = First peak in a mult iplet region m = Other peak in a mult iplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [119]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 :21:10 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106 2 13AFSWC009GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

   . ..... .............-       IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES          ..... ... . ..... .... .. .

Nuc l ide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.988 1460.82* 10.66 l.16054E+006 2.85970E+005 Cs-1 3 7 0.998 661.66* 85.10 l.132 05E+00 5 3.02332E+004 Tl-208 0.998 583.19* 85.00 2 . 67322E+004 1 .84244E+004 Pb- 2 12 1.000 2 3 8.63* 43.60 5 .12393E+004 4.81150E+004 Bi - 214 0.701 609.32* 45.49 8.45501E+004 4.56071E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49* 15.30 1.43311E+00 5 1.22476E+005 Pb - 214 0.999 295 . 22* 18.42 7.02038E+004 8.72182E+004 351.93* 35.60 9.33102E+004 4.81789E+004

        * = Energy l ine found in the spectrum.
        @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :        10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =           0.30 Errors quoted at 2. 000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3 /2018 3 : 21:10 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.988 1.160540E+006 2.859696E+005 Cs-137 0.998 l.132050E+005 3.02 332 4E+004 Tl-208 0.998 2.673221E+004 1.842440E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 5.123932E+004 4.811496E+004 Bi-214 0.701 9.170596E+004 4. 2 74000E+004 Pb-214 0.999 8.790795E+004 4. 2 17239E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3:21:10 PM Page 5

  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D     P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2 018 3:21: 10 PM Peak Locate From Channe l : 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 3 1. 95 9.5659E-002 49.35 2 75.18 4.3597E-001 74.07 9 913.19 2.8993E-002 71. 67 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [122]

Nuclide MDA Report 5 /3/2018 3:21:10 PM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC009GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M,..2 ) (pCi/M,..2 ) (pCi/M,..2 )

 +      K-4 0       1460.82*     1 0 .66  1.698E+005    1.70E+005     l.161E+006     6.588E+004 Co-6 0      1173 . 23    99.85    4.086E+004    3.94E+004     l.901E+004     1.862E+004 1332 . 49    99.98    3.944E+004                  2 .693E+004    1.780E+004 Nb-94         702.65     99.81    3.405E+004    3 .40E+004  -2 .887E+004     1.562E+004 871.09     99.89    3.780E+004                  1. 377E+004    l . 734E+004 Ag- 108m       433.90     90.50    4.438E+004    4.19E+004     2.452E+004     2 .099E+004 614.30     89.80    5.533E+004                  6.025E+004    2 .621E+004 722.90     90.80    4.188E+004                - 2 .530E+004   1.938E+004 Cs - 1 34      604.72     97.62    5.026E+004    4.32E+004     3 .480E+004   2.381E+004 795.86     85 . 46  4.318E+004                - 5.017E+004    1.985E+004
 +     Cs-13 7        661.66*    85.10    2 .618E+004   2.62E+004     1 .132E+OOS   l.149E+004 Eu- 152        12 1. 78   28.67    2.336E+005    1.16E+OOS     2.937E+OOS    1.145E+OOS 344.28     26.60   1 .812E+005               -4.971E+004      8.703E+004 1408.01      21. 07  1.156E+005                   6. 2 42E+004  4 . 840E+004 Eu-154         123.07     40.40   1.636E+005    1.17E+OOS   - 1.102E+005     8.017E+004 723.30     20.06   1.879E+005                - 1. 633E+OOS    8.688E+004 1274.43      34.80   1.175E+005                   8.976E+004    5.333E+004 Eu - 155        86.55     30 . 70 2 .787E+OO S  2 .79E+OOS  - 4.916E+004     l .370E+005 105.31      21.10   3.417E+ 005                  8.613E+004    l. 67 7E+O OS
+      'rl-208       583.19*     85. 00  2.688E+004    2.69E+004     2.673E+004     1.194E+004 Bi-212        727.33       6.67   5.615E+005    5 .62 E+OOS   2 .572E+OOS    2 .594E+00 5
+      Pb-212        238.63*     43.60   7.668E+004    7.67E+004      5.124E+004    3.654E+004
+      Bi - 214      6 0 9.32*  45.49    6.415E+004    6.42E+004      8.455E+004    2 .922E+004 112 0 .29   14.9 2   2.835E+00 5               -2.181E+004      1 .300E+005 1764.49*    15.30    1.819E+005                  1. 433E+OOS    7.605E+004
+      Pb-214        295. 22
  • 18.42 1.421E+005 6.65E+004 7.020E+004 6.628E+004 351.93* 35.60 6.651E+004 9.331E+004 3.054E+004 Ra-226 186.2 1 3 .64 l.452E+006 1. 4 5E+006 1.559E+006 7.068E+OOS Ac-228 338.32 11. 27 3.772E+005 1.71E+005 - 8.398E+004 1.802E+005 9 11. 20 25.80 l.708E+005 1.605E+OOS 7.926E+004 968.97 15.80 2.316E+005 -5 .746E+004 1.054E+OOS Am-241 59.54 35.90 3.012E+005 3. 0lE+OOS 4.241E+005 1. 476E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMM A      S P E C T R U M       ANALYSIS                 *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001023.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3:22 : 03 PM Sample Title B106213AFSWC010GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 9:45:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 9:45:44 AM Live Time 600 . 0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0 .08 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN [124]

, Peak Analysis Report 5/3/ 2 018 3: 22 : 03 PM Page 2

 *****                 P E A K         A N A L Y S I S            RE P ORT                  *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B1 0 6213AFSWC010GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3: 22 :03 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 120 - 137 128.47 32. 04 1. 16 7.05E+001 43.18 1.22E+002 2 282 - 352 2 99.40 74.82 1. 25 5.21E+002 213. 74 1 .10E+003 3 947 - 964 955 . 41 238 . 97 0. 34 2.83E+001 38.09 1.03E+002 4 1173 - 1190 1181.97 295.66 1.27 3.llE+00l 25.81 4.09E+001 5 1400- 1417 1408.63 352.36 1. 21 3.90E+001 24.98 3 . 60E+001 6 2035- 2052 2043 . 97 511.26 1. 23 2.44E+001 18.86 1 .86E+001 7 2327 - 2 3 44 2335.23 584.09 0.29 2.36E+001 15.8 3 1.14E+001 8 243 1 - 2449 24 3 9.51 610.17 0.80 6.41E+001 1 8.67 6.90E+000 9 2636 - 2661 2648.36 662.38 1. 27 3 .82E+002 43.94 2.33E+001 10 3639 - 3656 3647.41 912.09 0.60 1 .88E+001 10.20 2 .18E+000 11 4475- 44 94 4484.69 1121.28 0.35 1.51E+001 11.58 4.93E+00O 12 5839 - 5859 5849.08 1461. 99 0.49 8.l0E+00l 18. 00 0.00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [125]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 : 22: 03 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFSWC010GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB

  ....................         IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES            . .... ........... . . . . .

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (% ) (pCi/M2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.998 1460.82* 1 0 .66 1.1 3 698E+006 2.71267E+005 Cs-137 0.999 661.66* 85.10 4.49993E+00 5 7.48530E+004 Tl-208 0.999 583.19* 85.00 2 .60668E+004 1.77747E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 238.63* 43.60 3.77 0 10E+004 5.10458E+004 Bi - 214 0.734 609.32* 45.49 1 . 35440E+005 4. 2 6757E+004 112 0 .29* 14.92 1. 31570E+005 1.01642E+005 1764 . 49 15.30 Pb - 2 14 1. 000 295.22* 18.42 1 .09172E+005 9.22638E+004 351.93* 35.60 7.80877E+004 5.13619E+004

         * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
        @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =           0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5 / 3 /2018 3:22 : 03 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.998 1 .136977E+006 2 .712 666E+005 Cs-137 0.999 4.499927E+005 7.485 3 00E+004 Tl- 2 08 0.999 2 .606682E+004 1.777473E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 3 . 770099E+004 5.104584E+004 Bi-214 0.734 1.348601E+005 3.934815E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 8.544173E+004 4.487687E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X    Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at   2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3:22: 03 PM Page 5

  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D     P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3: 22: 03 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV} Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuc l ide 1 32 .04 1.1750E- 0 01 6 1. 24 2 74.82 8.6788E-001 41. 05 6 511.26 4 . 0620E-002 77.37 10 912.09 3 .1369E-002 54.18 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [128]

Nuc l ide MDA Report 5 / 3 /2018 3: 22 :03 PM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC010GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 )

 +       K-40       1460 . 82*  1 0.66   3.798E+004    3.80E+004 1.137E+006         O.OOOE+OOO Co-60      1173. 2 3   99.85    3.981E+004    2.77E+004 -2 .713E+004       l.810E+004 1332.49     99.98    2.767E+004                - 2 .989E+004   1.192E+004 Nb- 94       702.65    99.81    3.367E+004    3.37E+004 2 .046E+004       1.543E+004 871. 09   99.89    3.821E+004                  1 .725E+003   1.755E+004 Ag-108m      433.90    90.50    5 .414E+004   3.96E+004 6.063E+004        2 .587E+004 614 . 30  89.80    5.461E+004                  1. 426E+004   2 .585E+004 722 . 90  9 0 .80 3.957E+004                   1.509E+004    1.822E+004 Cs-134       604.7 2   97.62   5.070E+004     3.89E+004 2. 754E+004       2 .402E+004 795.86    85.46   3.889E+004                 -3.505E+004     1.770E+004
 +       Cs-137       661.66*   85.10   4.215E+004     4. 2 1E+004 4.500E+005      1.948E+004 Eu-152       121. 78   28.67   2.449E+005     1.8 5 E+005 5 .173E+004     1.201E+005 344. 2 8  26.60   1.847E+005                   1 .673E+005   8.875E+004 1408.01     21. 07  1 .895E+005                  1.942E+005    8.537E+004 Eu-154       123.07    40.40   1.724E+005     9. 1 7E+004 - 1.223E+005    8.455E+004 723.30    2 0.06  1.827E+ 0 05                 7.811E+004    8.428E+004 1274.43     34.80   9.174E+004                 - 8.859E+004    4.047E+004 Eu-155        86.55    30.70   3.049E+005     3.05E+005 -4.487E+004       1.501E+005 105.31     21.10   3 .601E+005                  1.658E+005    l. 7 69E+005
 +      Tl- 2 0 8     583.19*   85.00   2.572E+004    2.57E+004 2.607E+004         1.136E+004 Bi-212        727.33      6.67  5.510E+005    5.51E+005 4.547E+005         2 .542E+005
+        Pb-212      238.63*    43.60   8.365E+004    8.36E+004 3.770E+004         4.002E+004
+       Bi-214       609.32*    45.49   3.908E+004    3.91E+004 1.354E+005         1.668E+004 1120. 2 9*   14 . 92 1. 470E+005                  1.316E+005    6.170E+004 1764.49      15.30   2.215E+005                   4.542E+004    9.584E+004
+       Pb -2 14     2 95.22*   18.42   1.439E+00 5   7.67E+004 1.092E+005         6.719E+004 3 51.93*   35.60   7.667E+004                   7.809E+004    3.563E+004 Ra-226       186.2 1     3.64   1.620E+006    1.6 2 E+006 3 . 675E+005     7.909E+005 Ac-228       338.32     11. 27  3.984E+005    1.50E+005 8.059E+004         1.908E+005 911. 20    25.80   1.496E+005                  4.862E+004     6.864E+004 968.97    15.80    2 .433E+005                 6.880E+004     1.113E+005 Am- 2 41       59.54   35.90    3.165E+005    3 .1 7E+005 5.363E+005       1.552E+005
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
       @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


 *****         GAMM A      S P E C T R U M        ANALYSIS                 *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001022.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3 : 22 :57 PM Sample Title B106213AFSWC011GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 9:30:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 9:30:06 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07  % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/ 2 017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN

                                                                 '/)ci v~.ft dcfe/
                                                                  >-i-1~       oq~~
                                                              ~              ,u


Peak Analysis Report 5 / 3 / 2 018 3:22 :57 PM Page 2

          • PE AK A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample


B106213AFSWC011GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2 018 3:22:57 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 292- 348 300.79 75.17 0.66 2 .34E+001 186.46 1.06 E+ 00 3 2 947- 964 955.78 239.07 1. 01 4.23E+001 29 . 49 5.38E+001 3 1172- 1 1 89 1180.39 295.26 1. 04 2.40E +001 21.78 2.90E+001 4 1400 - 1417 1408.59 352.35 1. 27 3.03E+001 21.04 2 .47E+001 5 2 430 - 2447 2438 . 12 609.82 1. 03 4.34E +001 16.87 8.62E+000 6 2 639 - 2656 2647.42 662.15 0. 25 1.80E+001 11.19 4.0 2 E+O00 7 3638 - 3655 3646.37 911.83 1.19 1 .35E+001 10 . 87 4.53E+000 8 5839 - 5858 5848.47 1 461.83 0.86 7.26E+001 19. 83 7.39E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [131]

' Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 :22: 57 PM Page 3

 *****     N U C L I D E     I D E N T I F I C A T I O N       REPORT            *****



Bl06213AFSWC011GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\ Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA 2 ) uncertainty K-40 0.998 1460.82* 10.66 l.01913E+006 2 . 92 095E+005 Cs - 137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 2 .11870E+004 1.34 3 66E+004 Pb - 212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 5.62250E+004 4 .02865E+004 Bi-214 0.442 609.32* 45.49 9.16494E+004 3 .73073E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1.000 2 95.22* 18.42 8.40661E+004 7.75785E+004 351.93* 35.60 6.06034E+004 4.30989E+004

          * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
          @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :      10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =        0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3:22:57 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.998 1.019132E+006 2.920946E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 2 .118703E+004 1 .343657E+004 Pb-212 1.000 5.622499E+004 4.028654E+004 Bi -2 14 0.44 2 9.164941E+004 3.730731E+004 Pb-214 1.000 6.613699E+004 3.767525E+004

       ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
       @=Nuc l ide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at      2.000 sigma
  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D         P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:22:57 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75.17 3.9027E-002 796 . 27 7 911.83 2 . 2454E-002 80.65 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region rn = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [133]

'Nucl ide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3 : 22:57 PM Page 5

*****                     N U C L I D E      MD A     R E P O R T                          *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC011GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA 2 )

  +      K-40        1460.82*    10.66   2 . 722E+005   2.72E+005     1.019E+006    1.171E+005 Co-60       1173.23     99.85   3. 2 73E+004   3.03E+004     3.335E+002    1.4 5 6E+004 1332.49     99.98   3.028E+004                 -8.878E+003     1.322E+004 Nb-94         702.65    99.81   3.252E+004     2.38E+004     8.167E+003    1.486E+004 871.09     99.89   2.384E+004                 - 3.048E+004    1 .036E+004 Ag- 108m     433.90     9 0 .50 3.708E+004     3.71E+004     9.830E+003    1.734E+004 614.30     89.80   4.676E+004                   4.754E+004   2.193E+004 722.90     90.80   3.795E+004                 - 1.237E+004   1.741E+004 Cs-134       604.72     97.62   4.395E+004     3 .89E+004    4.331E+004   2.065E+004 795.86     85.46   3.889E+004                   1 .952E+004  1.770E+004
  +      Cs-137       661.66*    85. 1 0 1.736E+004     1 .74E+004    2. 119E+004  7.084E+003 Eu-152       121. 78    28.67   2.235E+005     l.10E+005     7.246E+004   1.094E+005 344. 2 8   26.60   1.672E+005                   7.924E+003   8.000E+004 1408.01      21.07   1.100E+005                -9.883E+004     4.563E+004 Eu-154       123.07     40. 40  1.558E+005     9.59E+004  - 1.571E+004    7.627E+004 723.30     20.06   1. 737E+005               - 4.664E+004    7.977E+004 1274.43      34.80   9.589E+004                - 7.416E+004    4. 2 55E+004 Eu-155         86.55    30.70   2.737E+005     2.74E+005     9.486E+003   1.345E+005 105 . 31   21.10   3.297E+005                   1.995E+004   1.616E+005 Tl- 208      583.19     85.00   4 . 599E+004  4.60E+004   - 5.563E+002    2.150E+004 Bi-212       727.33      6.67   5.238E+005    5.24E+005     1. 302E+005   2 .406E+005
 +       Pb-212       238.63*    43.60   6.155E+004    6.16E+004     5.622E+004    2.898E+004
 +       Bi -2 14     609.32*    45.49   4.235E+004    4.24E+004      9.165E+004   1 .832E+004 1120.29      14.92   2.637E+005                  2 .922E+004   1.201E+005 1764.49      15.30   1.835E+005                -1.569E+005     7.684E+004
 +       Pb-214       2 95.22*   18.42   1. 2 18E+005  6.45E+004     8.407E+004    5.613E+004 351.93*    35.60   6.450E+004                  6.060E+004    2.954E+004 Ra-226       186.21      3.64   1.381E+006    1. 3 8E+006   2.698E+005    6.710E+005 Ac-228       338.32     11. 27  3.702E+005    1. 41E+005  - 2.564E+005    1.767E+005 91 1. 20   25.80   1.412E+005                  l.969E+004    6.442E+004 968.97    15.80    2.517E+005                  8.108E+004    1.155E+005 Am-241          59.54   35.90    3.075E+005    3.07E+005     5.790E+004    1 .507E+005
       +=Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       > = Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
       @     Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001028.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3:18:18 PM Sample Title B106213AFSWC012GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 1:05:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 1 :05: 2 6 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0.08 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN



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                                                         \ j_/c~
  • c::~((c:1_C~
                                                                                  ~,7 s:-~/-tS-


Peak Analysis Report 5/ 3 / 2 018 3: 1 8: 18 PM Page 2

*****               PE AK       A N A L Y S I S             R E P O R T              *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC012GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3 :18:18 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 819 2 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 286 - 347 300.60 75.12 0.86 1.03E+002 2 04.37 1.17E+003 2 736 - 751 743.60 185.98 0.78 3 .49E+001 31.00 6.81E+001 3 1171 - 1188 1179.89 295.14 1 .07 1.03E+001 24.48 4.27E+001 4 1399 - 1416 1407 . 38 352.05 1. 21 3. 20E+001 19.21 1.80E+001 5 2036 - 2053 2044.48 511. 39 0. 3 1 2 .14E+001 18.51 1.96E+001 6 2322- 23 39 2330.97 583.03 0. 3 1 1. 03E+001 14.99 1.37E+001 7 2427- 2445 2436.31 609.37 0.58 5.31E +001 17.46 6.92E+O00 8 5835 - 5854 5844.02 1460.72 0.40 6.90E+001 16.61 0.O0E+O00 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [136]

I~terference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/ 2 018 3 :18:18 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFSWC012GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  . ........ .. ... . . . .. . IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES           * ************  * * ****

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-4 0 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 9.68008E+005 2 .47764E+005 Tl- 2 08 1. 000 583.19* 85.00 1 .14130E+004 l. 66124E+004 Bi -2 14 0.442 609.32* 45.49 1.12095E+005 3. 92484E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1.000 295.22* 18.42 3.62002E+004 8.60587E+004 351.93* 35.60 6.40401E+004 3.96294E+004 Ra-226 1.000 186.21* 3.64 4.95853E+005 4.49177E+005

       * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :            10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =              0.3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 :18:18 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 9.680080E+00 5 2.477637E+005 Tl-208 1. 000 1.141297E+004 l.661237E+004 Bi-214 0.4 42 l.120946E+005 3.924838E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 5 .916942E+004 3.599619E+004 Ra - 226 1. 000 4.958530E+005 4.491775E+005

       ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at         2 .000 sigma
  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D          P E A K S      **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:18:18 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy - . Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75.12 1.7214E-001 197.87 5 511. 39 3.5589E-002 86.69 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 s igma [138]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3:18:18 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFS WC012GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K \CAMFILES \ Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/M"2 )

 +      K-4 0        1460.82*    10.66    3 .796E+004   3 .80E+004     9.680E+00 5   O.OOOE+OOO Co-6 0       1173.23     99.85    4.086E+004    2.94E+004      1.788E+004   1 .862E+004 1332.49     99.98    2.944E+004                   4.688E+003   1.280E+004 Nb -94        702.65    99.81     3.514E+004    3 .04E+004     3.639E+004   1.617E+004 871. 0 9  99.89     3.040E+004                 - 5.065E+003   l.364E+004 Ag - 108m     433.90    90.50     3.708E+004    3.63E+004   - 5.670E+004    1 . 734E+004 614.30    89.80    5.264E+004                    4.669E+004   2.486E+004 722 . 90  90.80    3.625E+004                    3.325E+004   1.656E+004 Cs - 134      604.72    97.6 2   4.982E+004     4.04E+004      8.067E+004   2.359E+004 795.86    85.46    4.037E+004                   3.459E+004    1.845E+004 Cs-137        661. 66   85.10    4.156E+004     4.16E+004   -3.522E+00 3    1.918E+004 Eu-152        121. 78   2 8.67   2 .315E+005    1.21E+005   - 4.259E+002    l.134E+OOS 344. 2 8  2 6.60   l.643E+005                   2.013E+005    7.856E+004 1408.01     21.07    l.208E+005                   6 . 935E+004  5.102E+004 Eu-154        123.07   40 . 40   1.623E+005     8.27E+004   - 1.328E+005    7.951E+004 723.30   2 0 . 06  l.621E+OOS                   8.498E+004   7.400E+004 1274.43    34.80     8. 2 71E+004                 5.986E+004   3.596E+004 Eu-155         86.55   30.70    2 .885E+005    2.89E+005      l.942E+005   1.419E+005 1 05.31   21 . 10   3.387E+OOS                   3.590E+OOS   1.661E+005
+      Tl-208        583.19*   85 .00   2 .759E+004    2 . 76E+004    l.141E+004   1.230E+004 Bi -2 12      727.33      6.67   4.950E+005     4.95E+OOS      1. 083E+OOS  2. 2 62E+005 Pb -2 12      238.63    43.60    1.115E+OOS     1.11E+005      l. 23 7E+005 5.393E+004
+      Bi-214        609.32*   45.49    3 .911E+004    3.91E+004      l.121E+005   1 .670E+004 1120.29    14.92    2 .637E+OOS                - 7.415E+004    1 .201E+005 1764.49    15.30    1.918E+005                   1.lOlE+OOS    8.100E+004
+      Pb-214        295.22*   18.42    1.458E+ 00 5   5.65E+004     3.620E+004    6.815E+004 351 . 93* 35.60    5.654E+004                   6.404E+004    2.556E+004
+      Ra-226        186.21*     3.64   7.092E+005     7.09E+005     4.959E+005    3.353E+005 Ac-228        338.32    11. 27   3.571E+005     1. 3 6E+OOS - 9.958E+004    1.702E+005 91 1. 20  25 .80   l.358E+005                   9.772E+004    6.176E+004 968.97    15.80    2.651E+OOS                 -2.210E+OO S    1.222E+005 Am- 24 1       59.54    35.90    3.295E+005     3. 29E+OOS    1.339E+005    1.617E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identif i cation
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been ca lculated
      @ = Hal f- life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMMA       S P E C T R U M        ANALYSIS                  *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001020.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3: 0 6:57 PM Sample Title B106213AFSWC013GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2 IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+00 1 M... 2 Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 9:00:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 9 :00:29 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN

                                                             *~ t     llr( et~W S,l(~(f


Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2018 3 :06:57 PM Page 2

*****              P E A K      A N A L Y S I S           REPORT                    *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


Bl06213AFSWC013GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:0 6 :57 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 121- 136 128.27 31. 99 0.73 3.03E+001 30.70 6.67E+001 2 283 - 346 3 00. 03 74.98 1. 2 3 3.38E+002 174. 65 7.94E+002 3 1173- 1190 1181. 2 0 295.46 0.79 l.28E+001 2 2 .85 3.53E+001 4 1345 - 1362 1353.38 338.54 0.25 5.21E +000 21. 83 3.28E+00 1 5 1400 - 1417 1408.80 352.40 0.54 l.50E+001 23.65 3.40E+001 6 2324 - 2341 2332.27 583.35 0.89 1.32E+001 16.09 1 .58E+001 7 2427- 2444 2435.89 609.26 1.05 l.72E+001 19.38 2 .08E+001 8 2637- 2657 2646.30 661. 87 1.19 l.23E+002 24.54 7.62E+000 9 5837- 5856 5846.61 1461.37 0.92 8. 2 0E+001 18.11 0.00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [141]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3: 06: 57 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPOR T *****



B1O6213AFSWCO13GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .... -     IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES          ............ . .. . ....

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-4O 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 l.15O71E+OO6 2.73O86E+OO5 Cs-137 1. 000 66 1 .66* 85.10 1.45379E+O05 3.378O3E+OO4 Tl-2O8 1. 000 583. 1 9* 85.00 1.46101E+O04 1.78676E+O04 Bi-214 0.442 609.32* 45.49 3.63119E+OO4 4.11427E+OO4 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15.3 0 Pb-214 1. 000 295 . 22* 18.42 4.47462E+OO4 8.O5177E+OO4 351.93* 35.60 2 .99744E+0O4 4.75634E+OO4

         *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
         @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :                  10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =                     0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5 /3/2018 3 : 06: 57 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 l.150707E+006 2.730862E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 l.453789E+005 3.378027E+004 Tl-208 1. 000 l.461006E+004 l.786757E+004 Bi-214 0.442 3.631194E+004 4.114274E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 3.379565E+004 4.095197E+004

       ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at      2 .000 sigma
  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D         P EAKS         **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:06:57 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy *Peak Size in Peak *cps Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 31. 99 5.0498E-002 101. 32 2 74.98 5.6272E-001 51.73 4 338.54 8.6842E-003 419.05 Tol. Ac-228 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [143]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3: 06:57 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2 IN Sample


Bl06213AFSWC013GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*     10.66 3 .797E+004 3.80E+004          l.151E+00 6   O.OOOE+OOO Co-60       1173.23      99.85 4 . 188E+004 2.77E+004         6.785E+003    l.913E+004 1332.49      99.98 2.767E+004                     l.847E+004    l.192E+004 Nb - 94       702.65     99.81 3.514E+004 3.09E+004          2 . 3 68E+004  l .617E+004 871.09     99.89 3 .0 92E+004                   l.851E+004    l.390E+004 Ag - 108m     433.90     90.50 3.899E+004 3.58E+004          l.089E+004     l.8 3 0E+004 614.30     89.80 5.032E+004                    6.263E+004     2 . 3 71E+004 722.90     90.80 3.581E+004                  - l .633E+004    l.634E+004 Cs - 134      604.72     97.6 2 4.135E+004 3 .94E+004      - 2.127E+003     l.935E+004 79 5 .86   85.46 3.939E+004                    l.890E+004     l.795E+004
 +      Cs-137        66 1 .66*  85.10 2.341E+004 2.34E+004          l.454E+005     l.011E+004 Eu-152        121. 78    28.67 2.151E+00 5 l.16E+005         6.900E+004     l.053E+005 344. 2 8   2 6.60 l.643E+00 5                  l.527E+005     7.856E+004 1408. 01     21.07 l.156E+005                  -3.757E+004     4.840E+004 Eu-154         123 .07    40.40 l.517E+005 8. 2 7E+004        l. 714E+005    7.420E+004 723. 3 0   2 0.06 l.601E+005                 -l. 2 90E+005   7.299E+004 1274.43      34.80 8.271E+004                    4.855E+003    3 .596E+004 Eu-1 55         86.55     30.70 2.693E+005 2 .69E+005       - 4.485E+004    l .323E+005 105.31      21.10 3.034E+005                  - 3.414E+005    l.485E+005
+      Tl-208        583.19*     85.00 2.908E+004 2 .9 1E+0 04       l.461E+004    l.305E+004 Bi-212        727.33       6.67 5.067E+005 5 .07E+005       - 5.835E+004    2 .320E+005 Pb-212        23 8.63    43.60 1.024E+005 1.02E+005           4.644E+004    4.939E+004
+      Bi-214        6 0 9.32*  45.49 6.653E+004 6.65E+004           3.631E+004    3.041E+004 1120.29     14.92 2.496E+005                   -4.885E+005     l.130E+005 1764.49     15.30 l.918E+005                     l.101E+005    8.100E+004
+      Pb-214        295.22*    18.42 l.348E+005 7.90E+004           4.475E+004    6.266E+004 351.93*    35.60 7.902E+004                     2.997E+004    3.680E+004 Ra-226        186.2 1      3.64 l.394E+006 l .3 9E+006        5.053E+005    6.775E+005 Ac- 2 28      338.32     11. 27 3.559E+005 l .58E+005         3.872E+005    l.696E+005 911.20     25.80 l.575E+005                     7.001E+004    7. 2 61E+004 968.97     15.80 2 . 2 24E+00 5                 2 .452E+005   l.008E+005 Am-241          59.54    35.90 2 . 6 55E+005 2.66E+005        6.701E+004    l.297E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMM A      S P E C T R U M         ANA L YSIS               *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\0 0 001034 . CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3 :11:21 PM Sample Title Bl06213AFSWC014GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 . 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 2:28: 00 PM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 2:28:35 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0 .0 9 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN [145]

Peak Analysis Report 5/ 3 / 2 018 3 :11:21 PM Page 2

*****               P E A K        A N A L Y S I S             R E P O R T               *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC014GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:11:21 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts M 1 12 1 - 193 128.89 32.14 0.92 9.28E+000 106.40 9.30E+001 m 2 121- 1 93 185.53 46. 32 0.94 3.97E+000 45.47 1.01E+002 M 3 292 - 353 300 . 35 75.06 0.78 l .63E +002 35.68 2.69E+002 m 4 292 - 353 340.66 85.14 0.79 7.08E+001 27.53 2.09E+002 5 1399 - 1416 1407 . 38 352.04 1. 23 5.35E+001 22.21 2.15E+001 6 2428 - 2445 2436.77 609.48 0.91 2.64E+001 17.56 1.56E+001 7 2635- 2657 2645.64 661.70 1. 63 2.80E+00 2 38.17 2.22E+001 8 3635 - 3652 3643.96 911. 23 0.58 2.09E+001 10.54 2.12E+000 9 5834 - 5854 5843.93 1460.70 1. 59 8.90E+001 1 8 . 87 0.0OE+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [146]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 :11: 22 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106 21 3AFSWC014GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  **********   - ***  ......      IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES          * *  .........   ........ ..

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 1.24858E+006 2 .86042E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 661.66* 85.10 3.29694E+005 5 . 9912 7E+004 Eu-155 0 .33 1 86.55* 30.70 1.25327E+005 5 .48027E+004 105.31 21.10 Bi-214 0.442 609.32* 45.49 5.57259E+004 3.76881E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15. 3 0 Pb- 2 14 0.437 2 95.22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 1.06987E+005 4.72458E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :           10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =               0.30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/ 3 / 2 018 3: 11 : 22 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1 .248578E+006 2 .860425E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 3.296939E+005 5 .991271E+004 Eu-155 0.331 1.253268E+005 5.480268E+004 Bi-214 0.442 5.572595E+004 3 .768805E+004 Pb-214 0.437 1.069868E+005 4.724577E+004

       ?   = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X  = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
       @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at         2. 000 sigma
  **********       U N I D E N T I F I E D            P E A K S       **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:11: 2 1 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 819 2 Peak *Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide M 1 32 . 14 1.5474E-002 1145.98 m 2 46 . 3 2 6 . 6090E - 003 1 146.69 M 3 75. 06 2.7120E - 001 2 1. 93 8 9 11 .23 3.4801E-002 50.47 Tol. Ac-228 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [148]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3: 1 1 : 22 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC014GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/M ... 2 ) (pCi/MA2)

 +      K-40        1460.82*    10 .66   3.796E+004      3.80E+004 1. 2 49E+006       0.000E+000 Co-60       1173.23     99.85    3.761E+004      3.41E+004 - 1.890E+002       1.700E+004 1332.49     99.98    3.413E+004                   2.983E+004      1.514E+004 Nb - 94       702.65    99.81    3.405E+004      2.99E+004 2 .257E+003        1.562E+004 871.09    99.89   2.987E+004                 -1.089E+004        1.338E+004 Ag- 108m       433.90    90. 5 0 5.058E+004       3.71E+004 2 .547E+004        2.409E+004 614.30    89.80   5.032E+004                   1.345E+004       2.371E+004 722.90    90.80   3.711E+004                 -6.552E+004       1.699E+004 Cs-134        604.72    97.62   4.318E+004       4.04E+004 4.403E+004        2 .027E+004 795.86    85.46   4.037E+004                   2. 2 54E+004    1.845E+004
 +     Cs - 137       661.66*   85.10   3.878E+004       3.88E+004 3.297E+005        1.780E+004 Eu-1 52        121. 78   28.67   2.677E+005       1.16E+005 - 4. 1 50E+004    1.315E+005 344.28    26.60   1.723E+005                   1.347E+003      8.256E+004 1408.01     21. 07  1.156E+005                 -1.179E+005       4.840E+004 Eu-154         123.07    40.40   1.887E+005       8.74E+004 - 6.313E+004      9.268E+004 723.30    20.06   1.699E+005                 - 5.857E+004      7.790E+004 1274.43      34.80   8.736E+004                 - 1.896E+004      3.828E+004
+      Eu-155          86.55*   30.70   1. 23 8E+005    1 .24E+005 1.253E+005        5.950E+004 105.31     21.10   3.982E+005                   1.092E+002      1. 959E+005 Tl-208         583.19    85.00   4.599E+004      4.60E+004 -2.174E+003        2.150E+004 Bi-212         727.33     6.67   5.125E+005      5.12E+005 3.193E+005         2.349E+005 Pb-212        238.63     43.60   1.267E+005      1.27E+005 9.209E+004         6 . 155E+004
+      Bi-214        609.32*   45.49    5.520E+004      5.52E+004 5.573E+004         2.474E+004 1120.29     14.92    2.803E+005                   3.490E+005      1.284E+005 1764.49     15.30    2.410E+005                   1.872E+005      1.056E+005
+      Pb- 2 14      295.22    18.42    2.560E+005      6.05E+004 - 1 .459E+005      1.232E+005 351.93*   35.60    6.045E+004                   1 .070E+005     2.752E+004 Ra - 226      186.21      3.64   1.731E+006      1.73E+006 -8.lllE+00S        8.465E+005 Ac- 22 8      338.32    11. 27   3.571E+005      1.56E+005 8.943E+004         1.702E+005 911. 20   25.80    1.560E+005                   1.208E+005      7.183E+004 968.97    15.80    2.286E+005                   2 .862E+004     1.039E+005 Am- 2 41        59.54   35.90    3.341E+005      3.34E+005 3.680E+005         l.640E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMMA S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001033.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3:12:13 PM Sample Title B106213AFSWC015GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 2:15:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 2:15:18 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0 . 07 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN D.~~ l~!t c1dc/ 5: </-/y /tJ/D



Peak Analysis Report 5/ 3 /2018 3: 12: 13 PM Page 2

*****                P E A K       A N A L Y S I S             REPORT                       *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC015GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3 :1 2 :12 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start e nd centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 121- 1 36 128.78 32.12 0.78 3.60E+001 28. 2 7 5.30E+001 2 282- 346 299.81 74.92 0.90 2 .75E+002 191. 23 9.49E+002 3 945 - 962 953.75 238.56 0.64 2.73E+001 3 1. 50 6.77E+001 4 1 172 - 1189 1180 . 08 2 95.18 0.89 2.95E+001 24.39 3.35E+001 5 1342- 1359 135 0 .49 337.8 1 0.39 3.0lE+00l 19.51 1.99E+001 6 1398- 1416 1407.02 351.95 1. 20 4.67E+001 23.84 2 .83E+001 7 2035- 2052 2043.96 511. 26 0.29 3.05E+001 17.29 1.35E+001 8 2323 - 234 0 2331. 29 583.11 1. 04 1.05E+001 17.73 2 .05E+001 9 2428 - 2445 2436 . 21 609.34 0.34 4.28E+001 15.01 4.19E+000 10 2637 - 2654 2645.74 661.73 0.37 3.37E+001 18.31 1.53E+001 11 5833 - 5854 5844.30 1460.79 1. 66 9.27E+001 22.27 8. 2 9E+000 12 7050- 7069 7059.67 1764.11 0.75 1.27E+001 9.16 2 . 3 3E+000 M First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [151]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/ 2 018 3:12:13 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



Bl06213AFSWC015GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  ...... . .. .. .. . .. .. . . IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES           ....................

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1460.82* 10.66 1.30061E+006 3.32259E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 661. 66* 85.10 3.96786E+004 2 .20920E+004 Tl-208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 1.15890E+004 1. 96281E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 4 3 .60 3.63467E+004 4. 22809E+004 Bi - 214 0.706 609.32* 45.49 9.03956E+004 3 . 35070E+004 1120.29 14.92 1 764.49* 15.30 1. 3 9443E+005 1 .01424E+00 5 Pb -2 14 1.000 295. 2 2* 18.4 2 1. 03397E+005 8.71458E+004 351.93* 35.60 9.35 050E+004 4.97182E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
        @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :            10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =                0.30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/ 3 / 2 01 8 3:12:13 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1.300613E+006 3.322586E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 3.967863E+004 2.209197E+004 Tl- 2 08 1.000 1. 158898E+004 1.962813E+004 Pb-212 1.000 3.634666E+004 4.228089E+004 Bi-214 0.706 9.522199E+004 3.181576E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 9.593404E+004 4.318444E+004

      ? = Nucl ide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nucl ide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at   2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3: 12: 13 PM Page 5

  **********    U N I D E N T I F I E D      P E A K S   **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:12:12 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.12 6.0009E-002 78.52 2 74.92 4.5761E - 001 69.65 5 337.81 5.0117E-002 64.89 Tol. Ac-228 7 511.26 5.0890E-002 56.63 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [154]

Nucl ide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3:12:13 PM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC015GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 )

 +      K-4 0       1460.82*    10.66    2.962E+005      2 .96E+005 1.301E+006          1. 2 91E+00S Co-60       1173.23     99.85    3.137E+004      3.14E+004 -1.361E+004          1.388E+004 1332.49     99.98    3.340E+004                      1. 2 02E+0 04  l.478E+004 Nb- 94        702.65    99.81    3.050E+004      3.0SE+004 l.154E+003          1.385E+004 871. 09   99.89   3.143E+004                     -1.553E+004     1.416E+004 Ag-108m       433.9 0   90.50   3.805E+004       3.58E+004 4 . 277E+003        1.783E+004 614.3 0   89.80   5.162E+004                       5.355E+004    2 .436E+004 722.90    90.80   3.581E+004                     - 1.586E+004    1.634E+004 Cs-134        604.72    97.62   4.567E+004       3.89E+004 5.124E+004          2.151E+004 795.86    85.46   3.889E+004                       1.503E+004    1.770E+004
 +      Cs-137        661.66*   85.10   3.063E+004       3 . 06E+ 0 04 3. 968E+004     1.372E+004 Eu-152        121.78    2 8.67  2 . 2 92E+005    1.56E+005 -4.154E+003         1.123E+00S 344. 2 8  26.60   1.727E+005                       8.319E+004    8.279E+004 1408.01     21.07   1.557E+005                     -3 .121E+004    6.845E+004 Eu-154        123.07    40.40   1. 630E+005      9.17E+004 1.315E+005          7.987E+004 723.30    20*. 06 1.661E+005                     -4.968E+004     7.597E+004 1274.43      34.80   9.174E+004                     -1.097E+004     4.047E+004 Eu-155         86.55    30.70   2.780E+005      2.78E+005 -6.314E+004          1.366E+00S 105.3 1    21.10   3 . 313E+ 0 05                 - 2.607E+005    1.625E+00S
 +      Tl -208       583.19*   85.00   3.297E+004      3.30E+004 1.159E+004           1 .499E+004 Bi-212         727.33     6.67   5.238E+005      5.24E+O0S -1.461E+00S          2.406E+00S
 +      Pb-212       238.63*    43.60   6.857E+004      6.86E+004 3.635E+004           3.249E+004
+      Bi-214        609.32*    45.49   3.126E+004      3.13E+004 9.040E+004           1.277E+004 1120.29      14.92   2 .384E+005                      5.452E+004    1.074E+00 S 1764.49*     15.30   1. 3 41E+005                     1 .394E+00S   5.216E+004
+      Pb-214        2 95.22*   18.42   1.355E+005      6 . 97E+004 1.034E+O0S         6.302E+004 351.93*    35.60   6.971E+004                       9.350E+004    3.215E+004 Ra-226        1 86.2 1    3.64   1.346E+006      1.35E+006 4.853E+005           6.537E+00S Ac-228        338.32    11. 27   3.595E+005      l.SlE+00S -8.554E+004          1.714E+00S 9 11. 20  25.80    1.512E+005                       6.829E+003    6.945E+004 968 . 97  15.80    2.517E+00S                       1.924E+00S    1 .lSSE+00S Am-241          59.54   35.90    2.881E+005      2.88E+005 -1. 496E+00S         1.410E+0OS
      +=Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      *=Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMMA        S P E C T R U M       ANALYSIS               *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001021.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3:24:07 PM Sample Title B106213AFSWC016GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3. 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/25/2 018 9:13:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/25/2 018 9:13:06 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Cal-ibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN

                                                                -~ ct-Ir I tJ If


Peak Analysis Report 5/3/20 1 8 3:24:07 PM Page 2

*****                 P E A K       A N A L Y S I S          REPORT                         *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC016GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3 : 24 :0 6 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 121 - 136 128.44 32.03 0.40 4.63E+00O 29.12 6.84E+001 2 284 - 317 300.74 75.15 0.80 2.49E+002 96 . 47 3.95E+002 3 947 - 964 955.35 238.96 0.84 2.30E+001 32.07 7.20E+001 4 1173 - 1190 1181.67 295.58 0. 25 6.51E-001 24.91 4.73E+001 5 1399- 1417 1408.17 352.24 1.06 3 . 71E+001 23.79 3.09E+001 6 2035- 2052 2043.92 511.25 0.44 3. 2 5E+001 17.48 1. 3 5E+001 7 2 325 - 2342 2333.04 583.55 0.82 1.15E+001 14.96 1 . 35E+001 8 2429- 2 4 46 2 437.89 609.76 0.72 3.65E+001 17.93 1. 35E+001 9 264 0 - 2657 2 648.36 662.38 1.47 2.31E+001 17.18 1 . 3 9E+001 10 3637- 3654 3 645.77 911. 68 0.35 1.llE+00l 15.64 1.39E+001 11 5839- 5858 5848.46 1 461.83 0.56 6.54E+001 17.32 2.62E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [157]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3:24:07 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFSWC016GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.998 1460.82* 10.66 9.17694E+005 2 .55777E+005 Cs-137 0.999 661.66* 85.10 2 .72230E+004 2 .05179E+004 Tl-208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 1.27074E+004 1.66013E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 3.06008E+004 4. 2 9474E+004 Bi-214 0.442 609. 32

  • 45.49 7.71019E+004 3.89950E+004 1120. 29 14. 92 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1.000 295.22* 18. 42 2.28530E+00 3 8. 7429 9E+004 351.93* 35 .60 7.42757E+004 4.89107E+004
       *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used f or Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :      10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =         0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2 0 18 3:24:07 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nucl ide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.998 9.176937E+00S 2 .557770E+00S Cs-137 0.999 2.722302E+004 2.051788E+004 Tl- 208 1. 000 l .270739E+004 l.66 01 26E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 3.060075E+004 4.294741E+004 Bi -2 14 0.442 7.7 1 0189E+004 3.899501E+004 Pb -2 14 1. 000 5 .7 1 1594E+004 4.268529E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at   2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2 018 3 :24: 07 PM Page 5

  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D    PE AK S        **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3 : 24:06 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.03 7.7169E-003 628.83 2 75.15 4.1495E-001 38.75 6 511. 25 5.4167E-002 53 . 79 10 911.68 1.8500E-002 140 . 89 Sum M = First peak in a multip let region m = Other peak in a multip let region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [160]

Nucl ide MDA Report 5/3/2 018 3 : 24: 0 7 PM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC016GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL .NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuc l ide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (%} (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 } (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-4 0       1460.82*    10.66    1.809E+005    1 .81E+005     9.177E+00 5      7.146E+004 Co-6 0      1173.23     99.85    3.873E+004    3.69E+004      4.269E+00 4      1.756E+004 1332 . 49   99.98    3.689E+004                   2 .100E+004      1.652E+004 Nb-94         702.65    99.81    3.405E+004    3.40E+004    - 9.313E+003       1.562E+004 871. 09   99.89    3.522E+004                 - 1. 760E+004      1.606E+004 Ag - 108m     433 . 90  90.50    3.899E+004    3 .90E+004   -9.120E+00 3       1.830E+004 614.30    89.80    5.412E+004                   5.451E+004      2.561E+004 72 2 .90  90.80    3.957E+004                   1. 981E+004     1.822E+004 Cs - 134      604.72    97.62    4.687E+004    3.34E+004      4.744E+004      2.211E+004 795.86    85.46    3.341E+004                -3 .208E+004       1.496E+004
 +      Cs-137        661.66*   85.10   3.081E+004     3.08E+004      2 .722E+004     1. 3 81E+004 Eu-152        121. 78   2 8.67  2.135E+005     1. 2 6E+005 - l .171E+005      1.044E+005 344. 2 8  2 6.60  1.657E+005                    9 .133E+004     7.928E+004 1408.01     2 1. 07 1.258E+005                    7.629E+004      5 .351E+004 Eu- 154       123.07    40.40   1.509E+005     7.77E+004      5 .636E+004     7.382E+004 723.3 0   20.06   1. 774E+005                   1 . 830E+004    8.161E+004 1274.43      34.80   7.775E+004                 - 3 .492E+004      3. 347E+004 Eu - 1 55       86 . 55  30.70   2 .614E+005    2 .61E+005     l.916E+005      1.283E+005 105 . 31   21.10   3.138E+005                   2 . 432E+005     l.537E+005
+      Tl-208         583.19*   85.00   2.723E+004    2.72E+004      l.271E+004       1. 2 12E+004 Bi-212         727.33      6.67  5.349E+005     5.35E+005   -2 .720E+005       2.461E+005
+      Pb- 212       238.63*    43.60   7.057E+004     7.06E+004     3 .060E+004      3.348E+004
+      Bi-214        609.32*    45.49   5.175E+004    5.18E+004      7.710E+004       2.302E+004 1120.29      14 .92  2 .671E+005                - 3.554E+005       1 .218E+005 1764.49      15.30   2.410E+005                   1. 872E+005      1.056E+005
+      Pb- 2 14      295.22*   18.42    1.530E+005    7. 2 7E+004    2. 2 85E+003     7 . 176E+004 35 1. 93* 35.60    7.272E+004                   7.428E+004       3.365E+004 Ra- 22 6      186.21      3.64   1 .228E+006   1.23E+006      4.355E+005       5.949E+005 Ac- 22 8      338.32    11.27    3 .472E+005   1.75E+005      1.055E+005       1.652E+005 911.20    25 . 80  1. 75QE+005                  2 . 283E+005     8.135E+004 968.97    15.80    2 .517E+005                  3.218E+005       1 . 155E+005 Arn- 2 41       59.54   35.90    2 .820E+005   2 .82E+005     2.307E+005       1 .380E+005
      + = Nucli de identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\0000103 5 .CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3: 49: 22 PM Sample Title B106213AFSWC017GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 M"' 2 Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 2:41:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 2:41:13 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.9 seconds Dead Time 0 . 16 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN [162]

Peak Analysis Report 5/3/ 2 018 3:49:2 2 PM Page 2

*****              P E A K       A N A L Y S I S          REPORT                   *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC017GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:49:21 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 120- 155 128.67 32.09 1.19 5.67E+002 110.64 4.45E+002 2 285- 347 300.76 75.16 1.00 3.37E+002 294.91 2.38E+003 3 719- 735 727.90 182.05 0.51 9.28E+00O 60.72 2.89E+002 4 1398 - 1415 1406.90 351.92 1. 3 7 3.53E+001 39.09 1.05E+002 5 2428 - 2446 2437.20 609.59 1. 2 9 5.71E+001 19.72 1.19E+001 6 2633 - 2660 2646.52 661.92 1. 35 2.14E+003 94.85 2 .44E+001 7 5836 - 5855 5845.73 1461.15 1.03 5.94E+001 18.58 7.58E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [163]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 :49: 22 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B1062 1 3AFSWC017GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL. NLB

  ....................         IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES           . ... . .......... . - . ..

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 8.33734E+005 2 .70554E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661. 66* 85.10 2 .52121E+006 3.22745E+005 Bi -2 14 0.442 6 0 9.32* 45 . 49 1 .2 0 679E+005 4.41071E+004 112 0 .29 14.92 1764.49 15.3 0 Pb-214 0.437 2 95.22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 7. 06878E+004 7.89287E+004 Ra-226 0.973 186.21* 3.64 l.31030E+005 8.58116E+005

        *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :        10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =             0.30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 :49: 22 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1 . 000 8.337336E+005 2 .705536E+005 Cs-137 1.000 2.521207E+006 3 . 22 7451E+005 Bi -2 14 0.442 1.206788E+ 0 05 4.410706E+004 Pb -2 14 0. 4 37 7.068779E+004 7.892871E+004 Ra -226 0.97 3 1.310302E+005 8.581158E+005

       ?   = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X    = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at          2 .000 sigma
  **********       U N I D E N T I F I E D             P E A K S       **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:49: 2 1 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide l 32 . 09 9 . 4514E-001 19.51 2 75.16 5.6196E-001 87.47 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [165]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2 0 18 3 : 49:22 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


Bl06213AFSWC017GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +       K-40         1460.82*    10.66    2.773E+005      2 .77E+005 8.337E+005          1.197E+005 Co-6 0       1173.23     99 . 85  3.981E+004      3 . 3 4E+004 - 1.409E+004      1.810E+004 1332.49     99.98    3.340E+004                    - 6.144E+003     1.478E+004 Nb- 94          702.65    99.81    2 .877E+004     2 .88E+004 - 4.091E+003        l.298E+004 871. 0 9  99.89    3.738E+004                       3.476E+004    1 .713E+004 Ag- 108m        433.90    90.50    8.914E+004      3.21E+004 5.238E+004           4.337E+004 614.30    89.80    6.204E+004                       1.016E+005    2.957E+004 722.90    90.80    3.206E+004                      3 .349E+004    1.447E+004 Cs-134          604.72    97 . 62  5.718E+004      3.94E+004 4.092E+004           2.727E+004 795.86    85.46   3.939E+004                     -2.053E+004      l .795E+004
 +      Cs- 137         661.66*   85.10   4.372E+004       4 .3 7E+004 2.521E+006         2 .027E+004 Eu-152          121. 78   28 . 67 3 .442E+005      l.40E+005 l.247E+005          l .698E+005 344. 2 8  2 6.60  2 .723E+005                    - l.141E+005    l. 32 6E+005 1408.01     2 1.07  1.395E+005                       3 .133E+00 4  6.037E+004 Eu-154          123.07    40.40   2 .442E+005      9.38E+004 3 .852E+005         l.205E+005 723.3 0   20.06   1.452E+005                       1.517E+005    6 . 551E+004 1274.43     34.80   9.384E+004                       3 .347E+004   4.152E+004 Eu-155           86 . 55  30.70   4.167E + 005    4.17E+005 1 .391E+005          2.060E+005 105 . 31   21.10   5.078E+005                       3 . 201E+004  2 . 507E+ 0 05 Tl- 208        583.19     85.00   5.952E+004      5.95E+004 2.182E+004           2.827E+ 0 04 Bi-212         727.33       6.67  4.239E+005      4.24E+005 -9.141E+004          l .906E+005 Pb-212         238.63     43.60   1.968E+005      l.97E+005 3.355E+004           9.658E+004
+       Bi -2 14       609.32*   45.49    4.972E+004      4.97E+004 1.207E+005           2 . 2 00E+004 1120 . 29   14 . 92 2.738E+005                       3 .315E+005   1. 2 51E+005 1764.49     15.30    2 .347E+005                      l .762E+005   l .025E+00 5
+       Pb-214         2 95.22   18.42    3.971E+005      1 .28E+005 1.863E+005          l.938E+005 351.93*   35.60    l. 2 80E+005                     7.069E+004    6.129E+004
+       Ra-226         186. 2 1*   3.64   1.442E+006      l.44E+006 1.310E+005           7.020E+005 Ac-228         338. 32   11. 27   6.132E+005      l.36E+00 5 4.669E+005          2 .983E+005 911. 2 0  2 5.80   1 .358E+005                     1.202E+004     6.176E+004 968.97    15.80    2.160E+005                    - 1. 749E+005    9.762E+004 Am-241           59.54   35 . 90  4.209E+005      4.21E+005 1.550E+00 5          2.074E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @     Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMMA S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001036.CNF Report Generated On 5 / 3 /2018 3 :09:59 PM Sample Title Bl06213AFSWC018GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 2 :54:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 2 :54:43 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.6 seconds Dead Time 0 .10 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN

                                                                             /l>Z >


Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2018 3:09:59 PM Page 2

*****              P E A K       A N A L Y S I S          REPORT                     *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC018GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2 01 8 3:0 9 :58 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No . start e nd centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 121- 138 12 8.81 32.12 1. 06 1.29E+002 44.91 1.15E+002 2 292 - 347 300.47 75.08 0.71 - 7.99E+001 222.83 1.55E+003 3 946 - 964 955.28 238.94 0.49 -3.09E-001 45.25 1. 48E+002 4 1173 - 1190 1181.64 295.57 0.58 1.27E+001 33.68 8.33E+001 5 1400- 1417 1408. 01 352.20 0 . 32 7.50E +001 28.65 4.00E+O0l 6 2033- 2050 2041 . 63 510.68 0.96 2. 87E+001 22.31 2.93E+001 7 2325- 2342 2333 . 3 0 583.61 0.43 1 .75E+001 15.51 1.15E+001 8 2429- 2446 2437.62 609.69 1. 44 4.18E+001 18.39 1.32E+001 9 2635- 2658 2646.58 661. 94 1.12 4.71E+002 49 . 05 3 . 27E+001 10 3637 - 3654 3645.47 911.61 1. 32 2 . 2 8E+001 14.06 8.24E+O00 11 3868- 3885 3876.48 969.33 0.31 1.69E+001 9.78 2.14E+000 12 5837- 5856 5846.24 1 461. 28 1. 26 7.l0E+O0l 18.82 5.00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [168]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3: 09: 59 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFSWC018GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  ....................         IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES           -. -- .. . . . . . . . . . -. ...

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 9.96304E+005 2 .77929E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 5.55384E+005 8.82530E+004 Tl- 2 0 8 1.000 583.19* 85.00 1. 93289E +004 1. 72946E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 -4.11268E+002 6.01950E+004 Bi-214 0.442 609.32* 45.49 8.83116E+004 4.02785E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1.000 295.22* 18.42 4.46541E+004 1.18427E+005 351.93* 35.60 l .50132E+005 6.15963E+004 Ac - 22 8 0.582 338.32 11. 27 911.20* 25.80 1.03633E+00 5 6.47872E+004 968.97* 15.80 1. 2 9156E+005 7.58991E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
        @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =          0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/ 2 018 3 :0 9:59 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nucl ide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 9.963045E+005 2.779288E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 5.553842E+005 8.825300E+004 Tl -208 1.000 1 .9 3 2892E+004 1.729465E+004 Pb-212 1.000 -4. 11 2678E+002 6.019504E+004 Bi - 214 0.442 8.831158E+004 4.027850E+004 Pb - 214 1. 000 1.276730E+005 5.464660E+004 Ac-228 0.582 1.143910E+005 4.927637E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2 018 3:09:59 PM Page 5

  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D     PE AK S          **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3 :0 9 : 58 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8 1 92 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.12 2 .1582E-001 34 . 68 2 75.08 -1.3318E-001 - 278.86 6 510.68 4.7766E-002 77.84 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fit ted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [171]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3 :09: 59 PM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 62 7 9 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC018GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/M ... 2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/M_..2 )

 +      K-40        1460 . 82*   10.66   2.315E+005       2.31E+005       9.963E+005    9.675E+004 Co-6 0      1173. 23     99.85   3.526E+004       3.53E+004      2 . 925E+003  1.583E+004 1332.49      99.98   4.004E+004                      4 . 262E+004  1 .810E+004 Nb -94        702.65     99.8 1  3.920E+004       3. 4 3 E+004   3.756E+004    1.820E+004 871.09      99.89   3.432E+004                     -2.322E+004    1.560E+004 Ag - 1 08m    4 33.90     90.50   5.686E+004       3.75E+004      4.999E+004    2.723E+004 614.30      89 . 80 5.111E+004                      2.714E+00 2   2.410E+004 72 2 .90    90.80   3.753E+004                    -3.680E+004     1.720E+004 Cs - 134     604.72      97.62   4.825E+004       4.04E+004      3 . 685E+003  2.280E+004 795.86      85.46   4.037E+004                      7. 9 72E+003  1.845E+004
 +     Cs-137        661.66*     85.10   4.740E+004       4.74E+004      5 . 5 54E+005 2.211E+004 Eu-152        121. 78     28.67   2.735E+005       l. 4 8E+OOS    2 .758E+004   1 .344E+005 344.28      26.60   2.287E+005                      6.1 1 6E+004  1.108E+005 1408.01       21.07   1. 478E+005                     4.378E+004    6.454E+004 Eu-154        12 3 .07    40. 40  1.934E+005       8.51E+004      l.395E+005    9.503E+004 723.30      20.0 6  1.661E+00 5                   - 2.301E+005    7.597E+004 1274.43       34.80   8.507E+004                      2.500E+004    3.714E+004 Eu-155          86.55     30.70   3. 2 73E+005     3.27E+005      3.277E+005    1.613E+005 105. 31     21.10   3.884E+005                    -2.000E+005     1.910E+005
 +     Tl -2 08      583.19*     85.00   2.673E+004      2.67E+004       l.933E+00 4   l .187E+004 Bi -2 12      727.33       6.67   5.510E+005      5.SlE+OOS     -2.096E+005     2.542E+005
 +     Pb-212        238 . 63*   43.60   1 .027E+005     1 .03E+005    -4 .113E+002    4.953E+004
 +     Bi- 2 14      609.32*     45.49   5.117E+004      5.12E+004       8.831E+004    2.273E+004 1 120 . 29    14 .92  2.803E+005                      2.532E+005    1 .284E+005 1 764.49      15.30   2.410E+005                      7.901E+004    1.056E+005
+      Pb-214        2 95. 22
  • 18.42 1.995E+005 8.06E+004 4.465E+004 9 .502E+004 3 51.93* 35.60 8.058E+004 1.501E+00 5 3 .758E+004 Ra-226 186.21 3.64 1. 661E+006 1.66E+006 - 1.292E+005 8.115E+005
+      Ac-228        338.32      11. 27  4.752E+005      8 . 78E+004   - 5 .651E+OOS   2.292E+005 911.20*     25.80   8.964E+004                      1 .036E+005   3.866E+004 968.97*    15.80    8.776E+004                      1.292E+005    3.351E+004 Am-241          59.54     35.90   3.400E+005      3.40E+005       1.008E+005    1.670E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      > = Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMM A      S P E C T R U M       ANALYSIS                  *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001031.CNF Report Generated On 5 /3/2018 3:14:00 PM Sample Title B106213AFSWC019GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV sample Size Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 1:46:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 1:46: 29 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0.08 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN

                                                               ~ t1~it ol~J-e:_/

5- '-1-! J-- / o s~ c:..___,~,q [173]

Peak Analysis Report 5/3/20 1 8 3:14:00 PM Page 2

*****                P E A K        A N A L Y S I S          REPORT                   *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC019GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:14:00 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start e nd centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 121- 136 128 .0 8 31.94 0.33 2.84E+001 32.72 7 . 86E+001 2 282- 309 299 . 41 74.82 0.97 3.37E+002 90.63 3. 81E+002 3 944 - 96 1 952.15 238.16 0.33 2.55E+001 30.71 6.45E+001 4 1048- 10 65 1056. 22 264.20 0.96 l.55E +001 27.42 5.25E+001 5 1172 - 11 89 1180.68 295.34 0.76 2.90E +001 23.63 3 .00E+00l 6 1 398 - 1415 1406.08 351.72 0.46 5.l0E+00l 20.95 l.80E+001 7 2426- 2443 2434.01 608.79 0.57 3.70E+001 17.05 l.l0E+00l 8 2633 - 2650 2641.53 66 0 .67 1. 24 3.46E+001 17.84 l. 3 4E+001 9 5829 - 5848 5838. 1 9 1459. 2 7 0.63 6.17E+001 16.64 2 .26E+O00 M First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [174]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3: 14: 00 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFSWC019GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.996 1460.82* 10 .66 8.65644E+00 5 2 .45114E+005 Cs-137 0.998 661.66* 85.10 4.07845E+004 2 .15617E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 238.63* 43.60 3.38872E+004 4.11588E+004 Bi-2 14 0.442 609 . 32* 45.49 7.80386E+004 3 .719 3 7E+004 112 0 .29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb- 2 14 1. 000 295.22* 18.42 1.01738E+005 8.44960E+004 351.93* 35.6 0 l.02011E+005 4.46055E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :        10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =          0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3: 14: 00 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.996 8.656440E+005 2 .451143E+005 Cs-137 0.998 4.078447E+004 2.156170E+004 Pb-212 1.000 3 . 3 88724E+004 4.115876E+004 Bi-214 0.442 7.803856E+004 3.719375E+004 Pb -2 14 1. 000 1. 0 19517E+005 3.944642E+004

       ?   = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @      Nuclide contains energy lines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at           2.000 s igma
  **********         U N I D E N T I F I E D           P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3 :14: 00 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak . Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 31.94 4 . 7282E-002 115 .35 2 74 . 82 5.6084E-00 1 26.93 4 264.20 2.5760E-002 177.42 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 s igma [176]

Nuclide MDA Report 5 / 3 / 2 018 3:14:01 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC019GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*    1 0.66  1.641E+005     1.64E+005 8.656E+00 5        6.309E+004 Co-60       1173. 23    99.85   3.526E+004     3 .53E+004 - 1.119E+004      1 .583E+004 1332.49     99.98   3.622E+004                     2 .119E+004 1.619E+004 Nb - 94       702.65    99.81   3.790E+004     3 .14E+004 -3 .152E+003     1.755E+004 871.09    99.89  3.143E+004                    - 7.189E+003   l.416E+004 Ag- 1 08m      4 33 .90  90.50  4. 3 77E+004    3 .49E+004 1.150E+004       2.069E+004 614.30    89.80  5.238E+004                      4.872E+004  2.474E+004 72 2 .90  90.80  3.492E+004                      1.031E+004  1.590E+004 Cs-134        604.72    97.6 2 4.420E+004      4.0 9 E+004 6.661E+004      2.077E+004 795.86    85.46  4.086E+004                    -1.890E+004   1.869E+004
 +     Cs - 137       661.66*   85.10  2 .914E+004     2 .91E+004 4.078E+004       1 .29 8E+004 Eu-152         121. 78   28.67  2 .322E+005     1.62E+005 -3.015E+005       1.138E+005 344.28    26.60  1.619E+005                   -6.341E+004    7.735E+004 1408.01     21.07  1.666E+005                   - 8.975E+004   7.394E+004 Eu-154         123.07    40.40  1.640E+005      8.96E+004 - 1.780E+004      8.037E+004 723.30    20.06  1.601E+005                      5 .048E+004 7.299E+004 1274.43      34.80  8.958E+004                     2 .561E+004  3.939E+004 Eu-155          86 . 55  30.70  2 . 948E+00.5  2.95E+005 l.678E+005         l .450E+005 105 .31    21.10  3.457E+005                     1.706E+005   1 . 696E+005 Tl-208        583.19     85.00  4.313E+004     4.31E+004 4.556E+004         2.007E+004 Bi-212        727.33      6.67  4.890E+005     4.89E+005 2 .824E+005        2.232E+005
+      Pb-212        238.63*    43.60  6.696E+004     6.70E+004 3 .389E+004        3.169E+004
+      Bi-214        609 .,32*  45.49  4.721E+004     4.72E+004 7.804E+004         2.075E+004 1120.29      14.92  2.671E+005                     1.207E+005   1. 2 18E+005 1764.49      15.30  2.145E+005                     1.431E+005   9. 2 35E+004
+      Pb-214        295. 22
  • 18.4 2 1.309E+005 5.59E+004 1.017E+005 6.070E+004 351.93* 35.60 5.585E+004 1.020E+005 2.522E+004 Ra-226 186.21 3.64 1. 429E+006 1 .43E+006 8.034E+005 6.951E+005 Ac-228 338.3 2 11. 2 7 3.332E+005 1.48E+005 -2.300E+005 1.582E+005 911.20 25.80 1.480E+005 -5.252E+004 6.782E+004 968.97 15.80 2.255E+005 - 1.833E+005 1.024E+005 Am- 2 41 59.54 35.90 3.219E+005 3 . 22 E+005 - 3.268E+004 1.579E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      *=Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @=Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMM A       S P E C T R U M         ANALYSIS                *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\00001032.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2018 3: 13:00 PM Sample Title Bl06213AFSWC020GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/25/2018 1:59: 00 PM Acquisition Started 4/25/2018 1:59:48 PM Live Time 600 . 0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0 . 08 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN (D,dr~ Uc~tid~Je~ _S: l/~/f /v Sf [178]

Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2018 3:13: 00 PM Page 2

*****               P E A K      A N A L Y S I S          REPORT                   *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC020GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3 :13:00 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 819 2 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 121- 136 128.92 32.15 0.37 4.89E+001 36.47 9.41E+001 2 292 - 350 300.46 75.08 0.83 4.61E+001 201.08 1.21E+003 3 664 - 679 671.11 167.84 0.62 8.94E+000 35.43 9.81E+001 4 945- 962 953.36 238.46 1.48 4.l0E+00l 30.69 5.90E+001 5 1172 - 1189 1180.67 295.33 0.68 1.32E+001 26.96 5.18E+001 6 1398 - 1415 1406. 25 351.76 1. 71 3.90E+001 22.60 2.70E+001 7 2032- 2049 2040.85 51Q.48 0.59 3.45E+001 17.71 1.35E+001 8 2322- 2339 2330.24 582.85 0.76 2.41E+001 13.70 6.85E+O00 9 2427 - 2444 2435.35 609.13 0.78 4.26E+001 17.91 1 .14E+001 10 2 634- 2654 2643.96 661. 28 1. 51 1.60E+002 29.50 1.58E+001 11 3634- 3651 3642 . 15 910.78 1. 01 1.00E+00l 15.50 l.40E+001 12 5832 - 5851 5841.86 1460.18 1.13 9. 3 6E+oor 20.19 2 .41E+000 13 7047- 7066 7056.35 1763.28 1. 31 1 .70E+001 8.25 0.00E+O00 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [179]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3:13:00 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****

Sample Ti tle: B106213AFSWC020GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  . . . . . . . - - . . ...... - .. IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES          ............... .. ....

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 1460.82* 10.66 1 .312 62E+006 3.05254E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 1.88734E+005 4.14810E+004 Tl-208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 2.66636E+004 1.54596E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 238.63* 43.60 5.44379E+004 4.17324E+004 Bi-214 0.706 609.32* 45.49 8.99330E+004 3.93370E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49* 15.30 1.87091E+005 9.19815E+004 Pb- 2 14 1.000 295.22* 18.4 2 4.63688E+004 9.48851E+004 351.93* 35 .60 7.80139E+004 4.66883E+004

         * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
         @=Energy line not used f or Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :               10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =                 0 .3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 s igma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/ 3 / 2 018 3 : 13: 00 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuc l ide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 1.312621E+006 3.052540E+00 S Cs-137 1.000 1.887338E+005 4.148095E+004 Tl -208 1.000 2 .666355E+004 1.545962E+004 Pb-212 1.000 S.443792E+004 4.173240E+004 Bi-214 0.706 1. 049552E+005 3.616830E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 7.184559E+004 4.189163E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at    2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 :13:00 PM Page 5

  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D     P E A K S    **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:13 :00 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.15 8.1428E-002 74.65 2 75.08 7.6870E-002 435.98 3 1 67.84 1.4907E-002 396. 11 7 5 1 0.48 5.7500E-002 51.34 11 910.78 1.6701E-002 154.71 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [182]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3: 13:01 PM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A REPOR T *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC020GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/M ... 2 ) (pCi/M,..2 ) (pCi/M,..2 ) (pCi/M,..2 )

 +      K-40         1460.82*     10.66   1.710E+005 1.71E+00S           1 .313E+00 6   6.654E+004 Co-6 0       1173 . 23    99.85   3.704E+004 3 .03E+004        - 3.492E+004     1.671E+004 1332.49      99.98   3.028E+004                   -4.794E+003      1.322E+004 Nb-94          702.65     99.81   3.689E+004 2.82E+004         -2 .596E+004     1.704E+004 871. 09    99.89   2.821E+004                   -3 .926E+004     1.255E+004 Ag- 108m       433.90     90.50   4.101E+004 4.00E+004         - 4. 3 97E+004   1.931E+004 614.30     89.80   4.844E+004                     5. 3 77E+004   2 . 2 77E+004 722.90     90.80   3.997E+004                   -5.793E+003     1.842E+004 Cs-134         604.72     97.62   4.420E+004 4.09E+004           2.968E+004     2.077E+004 795.86     85.46   4.086E+004                   - 3.208E+003    1.869E+004
 +      Cs-137         661.66*    85.10  3.251E+004 3.25E+004            1.887E+005     l.466E+004 Eu-152        121.78      28.67  2.362E+005 1.48E+005            8.173E+004    1.158E+005 344.28      26.60  1.750E+005                    - 5.613E+004    8.392E+004 1408.01       21.07  l.478E+005                      1.110E+00 5   6.454E+004 Eu-154         123.07      40.40  1.660E+005 8.03E+004          -2 .037E+004    8.136E+004 723.30      20.06  1.827E+00 5                     1.425E+005    8.428E+004 1274.43       34.80  8.028E+004                    -3.991E+004     3.474E+004 Eu-155           86.55     30.70  2.882E+005 2 .88E+005         -2.742E+004     1.417E+005 1 05.31     21.10  3.48 7E+005                   -6.493E+004     1 .711E+005
+      Tl -2 08       .58 3 .19*  85.00  2.032E+004 2 . 03E+004          2 .666E+004   8.664E+003 Bi-212         727.33       6.67  5.457E+005 5.46E+005            5.592E+005    2.515E+005
+      Pb- 2 12       238.63*    43.60   6.4 5 9E+004 6.46E+004          5.444E+004    3.050E+004
+      Bi-214         609.32*    45.49   4.833E+004 2.98E+004            8.993E+004    2 .131E+004 1 120.29     14.92   2 .898E+005                     2 .881E+005   1.331E+005 1764.49*     15.30   2 .978E+004                    1. 871E+005    0.000E+O00
+      Pb- 2 14       295.22*    18.42   1.593E+005 6.74E+004           4. 63 7E+004   7.492E+004 351.93*    35.60   6.738E+004                      7.801E+004    3 .099E+004 Ra-226         186.21       3.64  1.452E+006 1. 45E+006           5.471E+005    7.068E+005 Ac-228         338.32     11.27   3.795E+005 1.62E+005           3.275E+004     1.814E+005 911. 2 0   25.80   1 . 621E+00 5                  2.800E+004     7.489E+004 968.97      1 5.80  2.599E+005                     1.860E+004     l.196E+005 Am- 24 1         59.54    35.90   3.134E+005 3.13E+005           2.005E+005     1 .537E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide ident i fication
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: 6279 Report Generated On 5/3/2018 10:1 6 :27 AM Sample Sample Title Description B106213AFSWC021GD Ul East Valve House Interior Wal V Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2 .830E+001 M" 2 Sample Taken On 5/3/2018 10:06:00 AM Acquisition Started 5/3/ 2 018 10:06:26 AM Live Time 600 .0 seconds Real Time 600.6 seconds Dead Time 0.10 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 V Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN

                                                           'D~~ v~i 1I ol./W
                                                              ) )3 /1r:P    J) o->


Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2018 10:16: 2 7 AM Page 2

*****               PE AK        A N A L Y S I S           REPORT                   *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC0 2 1GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 10:16:27 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV} Area Uncert. Counts 1 120- 155 129.16 32.21 1.02 1.49E+002 73. 03 2 .10E+002 2 291- 347 300.75 75.16 0.95 2.12E+00 1 198.04 1.19E+00 3 3 1399 - 1417 1407.96 352.19 1.48 5.26E +001 26.77 3.74E+001 4 2 035 - 2052 2043.70 511.19 0.36 2.64E +001 19.00 1.96E+001 5 2 429- 2446 2437.09 609.56 0.62 4.50E+001 20.40 1.80E+001 6 2 635- 2660 2646.77 661. 99 1. 54 8.25E+002 58.79 9.45E+00O 7 3638- 3655 3646.43 911.85 0.27 1.51E+001 11. 57 4.93E+000 8 447 3- 4492 4482.06 1120.62 0.35 5 .77E +000 10.47 5.23E+000 9 5837- 5856 5846.96 1461. 46 0.89 5 .35E+001 15.77 2.46E+00O M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [185]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/ 3 /2018 10:16:27 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFSWC021GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nucl ide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 1460.82* 10.66 7.51296E+005 2.3 0 768E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85. 10 9.71640E +005 1. 35702E+005 Bi -2 14 0.735 6 0 9.32* 45.49 9.50411E+004 4.45827E+004 1120.29* 14.92 5 ~03678E+004 9.14056E+004 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 0.437 295.22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 1 .05290E+005 5.58575E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=             0.30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/201 8 10:16: 2 7 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 7. 5 1 2956E+00 5 / 2 . 307683E+005 / Cs-137 1. 000 9.716405E+005 1.357018E+005 Bi-214 0.735 8.645587E+004 4.007048E+004 Pb-214 0.437 1.052899E+005 5.585747E+004

       ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X      Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at       2 .000 sigma
  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D           P E A K S      **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 10:16:27 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol . No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.21 2.4818E-001 49.04 2 75.16 3.5276E-002 935.64 4 511.19 4.4058E-002 71. 88 7 911.85 2 .5125E-002 76.75 Tol. Ac-22 8 M = First peak in a multiplet region m Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [187]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 10:16:27 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC021GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA 2 )

 +       K-40            1460.82*      10.66    1.739E+005       1.74E+oos; 7.513E+005 6.795E+004 Co-60           117 3 . 23    99.85    4. 23 8E+004     3 .48E+004 -3 .040E+004 /1.938E+004 1332.49       99.98    3 . 484E+004                   1.464E+004" 1.550E+004 Nb - 94           702.65      99.81    3.442E+004       3. 2 4E+004 4.455E+004 1.581E+004 871.09      99.89    3.243E+004                   - 2 .470E+004  l.466E+004 Ag-108m            4 33 .90    90.50    6.062E+004       3 .58E+004 -5.883E+004 2 .911E+004 614.30      89.80    5.363E+004                     5.100E+004 2.536E+004 722 .90     90.80    3.581E+004                     1.909E+004 1.634E+004 Cs-134            604.72      97.62    5.070E+004       4.09E+004 / 1.592E+Oo3/ 2 .402E+004 795.86      85.46   4.086E+004                      8.988E+003 1.869E+004
 +       Cs-137            661.66*     85.10   2 .755E+004       2. 76E+004 / 9.716E+005 1.218E+004 Eu-1 52            121. 78     28.67   2.411E+005        1.31E+005 2.516E+004 1.182E+005 344.28      26.60   2.056E+005                    - 6.150E+004 9.923E+004 1408.0 1      2 1. 07 1.305E+005                      8.322E+004 5.589E+004 Eu-154             1 2 3. 0 7  40.40   1.698E+005        9.79E+004 - 1.127E+005 8. 32 6E+004 723.3 0     20 . 06 1.641E+005                    -8.443E+004 7.499E+004 1274.43        34.80   9.789E+004                      8.780E+004 4.355E+004 Eu-155               86.55     30.70   2 .939E+005      2.94E+005 -4.144E+004      l.446E+005 105.31       21 .1 0 3 . 539E+005                    6.563E+004 1.738E+005
        ,,,7 _ '){'\0
        ........    583.19       85.00   5.490E + 004     5.49E + 004 - 1.300E+002 2.595E+004 Bi- 2 12          727.33         6.67  4.768E+005       4.77E+005 -9.246E+005 2 .170E+005 Pb- 2 12          238 . 63     43 . 60 1 .326E+005      1.33E+005 -2.136E+004 6.451E+004
+       Bi-214            6 0 9.32*    45.49   5.913E+004       5.91E+004 9.504E+004 2.671E+004 1120.29*       14.92   1.571E+005                      5.037E+004 6.672E+004 1764.49        15.30   2.471E+005                     1.982E+005 1.087E+005
+       Pb- 2 14          295 . 22    18.42    2.772E+005       7.95E+004 6. 418E+004 1 . 33 9E+005 351. 93*    35.60    7.951E+004                     1 . 053E+005 3.705E+004 Ra- 22 6          186.21        3.64   1.630E+006       1.63E+006 1. 743E+00 5 7.958E+005 Ac- 22 8          338.32      11. 27   4.501E+005       l.58E+005 -4.048E+00 5 2 .167E+005 9 11. 2 0   25.80    l.575E+00 5                    1 .613E+005 7 . 261E+004 968.97      1 5.80   2 .224E+00 5                   8. 2 36E+004 1 . 008E+005 Am-241              59.54     35.90    3 .158E+00 5     3.16E+005 4.102E+005 1.549E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
  • Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-1,ife too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****         GAMM A      S P E C T R U M        A N A L Y S I S            *****

Filename: 6 2 79 Report Generated On 5/3/2018 10:3 5 :38 AM Sample Sample Title Description B106213AFSWC022GD Ul East Valve House Interior Wal

                                                                      -vV Sample  Identification Sample  Type                        Gamma Direct Sample  Geometry                    3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold                3. 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels )        85 -     8192 Peak Area Range (in channels)           85 -     8192 Identification Energy Tolerance       10.000 keV Sample Size V

Sample Taken On 5/3/2018 10:25:00 AM Acquisition Started 5/3/ 2 018 10:25:36 AM V Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0 .09 % Energy Calibration Used Done On Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 2/1/2018 v Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN 1)~~ l/ ltddJ CZ

                                                                  ) J $--


Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2 018 1 0: 35:38 AM Page 2

*****              P E A K       A N A L Y S I S          R E P O R T               *****

Detector Name: 6 279 Sample


B106213AFSWC022GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2 018 10 :35:37 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 121- 137 129 . 47 32.29 0.84 6.54E+001 37 . 36 9.06E+001 2 283- 309 299 . 85 74 . 93 0.83 2. 44E+002 93.52 4.44E+002 3 945- 962 953.51 238.50 0.48 1.12E+001 32.70 7.88E+001 4 1400- 1417 1408 . 12 352.23 0.36 3.18E+001 26.43 4.32E+001 5 1954- 1971 1962.84 490.97 0.37 - 2.22E +000 15.97 2.02E+001 6 2427 - 2444 2435.58 609.18 0.60 4.l0E +00l 16.82 9.00E+000 7 2634 - 2657 2645.62 661.70 1. 39 3.28E+002 39 . 94 l .78E+001 8 5834- 5853 5843.80 1460.67 1.15 6.74E+001 17.51 2.56E+O00 M First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [190]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 10:35: 3 8 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B1062 1 3AFSWC022GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/M ... 2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.8 2

  • 10.66 9.46090E+005 2 .59033E+005 Cs- 1 37 1. 000 661.66* 85.10 3.86685E+005 6.61136E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238 . 63* 43.60 1.49493E+004 4.35257E+004 Bi- 2 14 0.442 609.32* 45.49 8.65650E+004 3.69991E+004 112 0 .29 14.92 1764 . 49 15.30 Pb- 2 14 0 .437 295.22 18.4 2 351.93* 35.60 6.35 984E+004 5 . 3 7524E+004
        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :        10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold            0 .3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 10:35:38 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPOR T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 9.460899E+005 _,2.590330E+005_ Cs-137 1. 000 3.866853E+005 ~6.611361E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 l.494932E+004 4.352569E+004 Bi -2 14 0.442 8.656503E+004 3.699910E+004 Pb -2 14 0.437 6.359844E+004 5.375240E+004

       ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at         2.000 sigma
  **********       U N I D E N T I F I E D           P E A K S       **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5 /3/2018 10:35:37 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32 . 29 l . 0896E-001 57.14 2 74.93 4.0706E-001 38.29 5 490.97 - 3 .7037E-003 - 718.67 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [192]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 10:35:38 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC0 2 2GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name {keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40       1460.82* 10.66      1.781E+005      1.78E+005 ;9.461E+OO S 7.008E+004 Co-60      11 73 . 23  99.85    3.646E+004     2 .94E+004V-4. 2 73E+004 1.642E+004 1332 . 49   99.98   2.944E+004                    7. 079E+003/ 1. 280E+004 Nb- 94       702.65    99.81   3.329E+004      3 .33E+004 -2 . 2 17E+004 1.525E+004 8 71. 09  99.89   3.821E+004                  -9.422E+003 1.755E+004 Ag- 108m      433.90    90. 5 0 4. 9 51E+004    4.04E+004 1.146E+004 2.356E+004 614.30    89.80   5.085E+004                    6.912E+004 2.397E+004 722.90    90.80   4.036E+004                   p.l47E+004 /1.862E+004 Cs-134       604.72    97 . 62 4.982E+004                  5 177E+004 2. 359E+004 4 .13E+004 L-795.86    85.46   4.133E+004                      .476E+004 1.893E+004
 +      Cs-137       661.66* 85.10     3 .577E+004     3.58E+004 . 3.867E+005 1.629E+004 Eu-152        121. 78   28.67   2 .402E+005     1. 52 E+005 5. 2 17E+003 1.178E+005 344.28    26.60   1.759E+005                    2 .437E+004 8.437E+004 1408. 01    21. 07  1.518E+005                  - 5.038E+004 6.652E+004 Eu-154        123. 0 7  40.40   1.684E+005      9.98E+004 8.050E+004 8 . 253E+004 723.3 0  *20. 06  1.792E+OO-S                   3.541E+004 8.251E+004 1274.43     34.80   9.985E+004                    4.793E+004 4.453E+004 Eu- 1 55       86 . 55  30.70   2.9 1 1E+005    2 .91E+OOS 3.810E+002 1 .432E+005 105 . 3 1  21.10   3 . 515E+005                  l.139E+005 1.725E+005 Tl-208       583.19     85.00   5.202E+004      5.20E+004 5.326E+C04       2 .451E+004 Bi-212       727.33      6.67   5.125E+005      5.12E+005 1.718E+ 0 05 2.349E+005
+      Pb-212       238.63* 43.60      7.357E+004      7.36E+004 1.495E+ 0 04 3.498E+004
+      Bi -2 14     609.32
  • 45.49 4.357E+004 4.36E+004 8.657E+004 1.893E+004 1120.29 14.9 2 2 .929E+005 1. 0 59E+OOS 1.346E+005 1764.49 15.30 2 .471E+005 1.982E+OOS 1.087E+005
+      Pb-214       2 95.22    18.4 2  2 .460E+005    8.41E+004 - 1.537E+005 1.183E+005 351.93* 35.60      8.413E+004                    6. 3 60E+004 3 . 936E+004 Ra-226       1 86.2 1    3.64   1.502E+006     1.50E+006 -2.544E+005 7.320E+005 Ac-228       338.32     11. 27  3 . 737E+005   1.53E+005 - 3.020E+005 1.785E+005 911. 2-0   25.80   1.528E+OOS                   2 . 003E+005 7.025E+004 968.97     15.80   2.517E+005                 -4.191E+005 1.155E+005 Am-241         59.54    35.90   3.127E+005     3.13E+005 -2.168E+005 1. 5 33E+OOS
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      > = Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMM A      S P E C T R U M        A N A L Y S I S              *****

Filename: 6279 Report Generated On 5/3/2018 12:49:39 PM


Sample Sample Title Description B106213AFSWC023GD Ul East Valve House Interior Wal Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2 .830E+001 M"2 Sample Taken On 5/3/2018 12:39:00 PM Acquisition Started 5/3/ 2 018 12:39:38 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.6 seconds Dead Time 0.10 % Energy Calibration Used Done On Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 12/28/ 2 017 2/1/2018 V Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN

                                                                          .   (    f  I   I)
                                                           'J) ~-~ V ,,         t c&--ck, *
                                                              ~/ 3----1 r


Peak Analysis Report 5 /3/ 2 018 12: 49: 39 PM Page 2

*****               P E A K        A N A L Y S I S            R E P O R T                 *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC023GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 12:49:39 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 122 - 137 129.26 32. 23 0.76 5.43E+001 36 . 84 9 .47E+001 2 281- 347 299.90 74.94 1.11 3.87E+002 200.50 1 .02E+003 3 396- 411 403.57 100 .89 0.43 -1.86E+001 54.49 2 . 5 3E+002 4 13 98- 1415 14 0 6 . 82 351. 91 0.56 4.58E+001 23.26 2 .72E+001 5 2426- 2443 2434 . 23 6 0 8.85 0. 2 7 1.15E+001 17.24 1. 85E+001 6 2633- 2 656 2644.98 66 1. 54 1. 35 3 .61E+002 39.84 8.94E+O00 7 5834 - 5853 5843.43 146 0 .58 1. 92 5 .30E+001 16.80 5.00E+O00 8 7051 - 7070 7060.52 1764.32 1.00 1.50E+001 7.7 5 0.O0E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [195]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/ 2 0 18 12:49:39 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B1062 1 3AFSWC023GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (% ) (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1 . 000 1460.82* 10 .66 7.43495E+005 2.44416E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661. 66* 85.10 4.25320E +005 6.93677E+004 Bi -2 14 0.706 609.32* 45.49 2.42383E +004 3.64999E+004 1120. 2 9 14.92 1 764.49* 15.3 0 1 .65142E+005 8.62987E+004 Pb - 214 0 .437 295.22 18.42 3 51.93* 35.60 9.15713E+004 4.8 522 1E+004

        * = Energy line found in t he spectrum.
        @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold           0 .30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 12:49: 3 9 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 7. 434953E+005 ./2. 444164E+005 / Cs-137 1.000 4.253205E+005 6.93 6 768E+004.../ Bi-214 0.706 4.561917E+004 3.361676E+004 Pb-214 0.437 9.157126E+004 4.852206E+004

       ?    Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at      2 .000 sigma
  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D        P E A K S       **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 12: 49: 3 9 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.23 9.0481E - 002 67.87 2 74.94 6.4450E-001 51. 85 3 100 .89 -3.0954E-002 -293.38 Eu-155 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [197]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2 0 18 1 2:49 :39 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


Bl06213AFSWC0 2 3GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*     10.66   2.316E+005      2 . 32 E+005 /7.4 3 5E+00 5     9.680E+004 Co-6 0      1173.23      99.85   3.646E+004     3 .03E+oo4 2 .4 3 3E+004      )...642E+004 1332.49      99.98   3.028E+004                      5 .23 8E+003 V l.322E+004 Nb- 94        702.65    99.81    3. 2 91E+004   3.04E+004        7 . 412E+003    l.505E+004 871. 0 9   99.89    3.040E+004                    - 8.217E+003      1.364E+004 Ag- 108m     433.9 0     90.50   4.969E+004     3.88E+004 -2 .179E+004           2 .365E+004 614.3 0    89.80   4 . 472E+004                     2 .301E+004    2 .091E+004 722 . 9 0  90.80   3.877E+004                     fi.082E+004      l.782E+004 Cs - 134     604.72     97.62   4.318E+004      3.94E+004J6.507E+003 2.027E+004 795.86     85.46   3.939E+004                    -6.414E+003      ,1.795E+004
 +      Cs - 1 3 7   661.66*    85.10   2.639E+004      2 .64E+004J/4.253E+005 1 . 160E+004 Eu- 1 52     121. 78    28.67   2.437E+005      l.16E+005        2.592E+004     l.195E+OOS 344.28     26.60   l.905E+005                    -9.430E+004       9.169E+004 1408.0 1     21.07   l . 156E+005                     6.242E+004     4.840E+004 Eu-154       123.07     40.40   l.733E+00 5     9.59E+004     -2 .348E+004      8.502E+004 723. 3 0   2 0.06  l.755E+005                       l.698E+005     8 . 070E+004 1274.43      34 . 80 9 . 589E+004                     4 . 466E+004   4 . 255E+004 Eu-155         86.55    30.70   2 . 935E+005    2.94E+005        l.088E+005     l .444E+005 105.3 1    21.10   3 . 487E+005                  - 2.268E+005      l.711E+005 Tl-208       583 . 19   85.00   4.953E +004     4.95E+ 004      4.584E+004      2.327E+004 Bi - 2 12    727.33       6.67  4.950E+005     4.95E+005      -2.563E+005       2 . 262E+005 Pb-212       238.63     43.60   1.269E+005      l.27E+OOS       l.092E+005      6 .1 63E+004
 +      Bi-214       609.32
  • 45.49 6.074E+004 2 .98E+004 2.424E+004 2.752E+004 1120.29 14.92 2.867E+005 2.615E+005 l. 3 15E+005 1764.49* 15.3 0 2 .979E+004 l.651E+005 O.OOOE+OOO
 +      Pb-214       2 95.22    18.42   2 .629E+OOS    6.77E+004        l . 3 39E+005   l.267E+005 3 51.93*   35.60   6.770E+004                      9. 1 57E+004   3.114E+004 Ra-226       1 86 . 21    3.64  l.487E+006     l.49E+006      - 9. 5 09E+005    7.244E+005 Ac-228       338.32     11. 27  4 . 24 6E+005  l.26E+005        4.676E+005     2 .039E+005 91 1. 20   2 5.80  1.264E+005                      l.320E+005     5.704E+004 968.97     15.80   2 .778E+005                   - l.871E+004     l.285E+005 Am- 24 1       59.54    35.90   3 .351E+005    3 . 3 5E+OOS     4 .614E+004     l.645E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-li fe too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: 62 79 Report Generated On 5/3/2018 1:0 6 :33 PM v Sample Title B106213AFSWC024GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Interior Wal Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 81 92 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 81 92 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 M" 2 / Sample Taken On 5/3/2018 5/3/2018 12:56:00 PM 12:56:31 PM Acquisition Started Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0.08 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN [199]

Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2018 1:06:33 PM Page 2

*****               P E A K      A N A L Y S I S            RE P ORT                    *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC024GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 1 : 06 : 32 PM Peak Analysis From Channel : 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 284 - 346 299.09 74.74 1.16 3.68E+002 188.09 9.46E+002 2 945- 962 953.4 0 238.47 1. 04 1.07E+001 33.58 8.33E+001 3 1171 - 1188 1179.69 295.09 1. 04 2.56E+001 22.14 2 .94E+001 4 1398- 1415 140 6.59 35 1 .85 0.54 3.26E+001 19.99 1.94E+001 5 2322 - 2339 2330.09 582.81 0.99 3.14E+001 14. 54 6.64E+000 6 2427 - 2444 2435.77 609.23 0.45 4.03E+001 16.73 8 . 73E+000 7 2635 - 2654 2 644.25 661. 36 1. 41 7.l0E+0Ol 25.56 2.40E+001 8 5833 - 5852 5842 . 10 1 460 . 24 0.59 5.72E+001 16.46 2.76E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [200]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 1: 06: 33 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFSWC024GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 1460.82* 10 .66 8.02824E+005 2 .41228E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661. 66* 85.10 8.36123E+004 3 .17395E+004 Tl-208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 3.46318E+004 1.65915E+004 Pb- 2 12 1.000 238.63* 43.60 1.41851E+004 4.46925E+004 Bi-214 0.442 609.32* 45.49 8.50172E+004 3.67828E+ 0 04 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15 . 30 Pb- 2 14 1.000 295.22* 18 . 42 8.97369E+004 7.89689E+004 35 1 .93* 35.60 6.51357E+004 4.11593E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =          0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 1: 06: 33 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0 .99 9 8.028243E+00 5 2.412277E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 8.361232E+004 3 .173949E+004 Tl-208 1.000 3.463179E+004 1.659151E+004 Pb-212 1.000 1. 4 1 8511E+004 4.469251E+004 Bi-214 0.44 2 8.501725E+004 3.678285E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 7.039116E+004 3 . 649915E+004

       ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution x = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at        2 . 000 s igma
  **********     UN I D E N T I F I E D             P E A K S      **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 1:06:32 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 74.74 6.1254E-001 51.18 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [202]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 1 : 0 6:33 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


Bl06213AFSWC024GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40       1460.82*    10.66     l.877E+005       l.88E+005j 8.028E+00 5          7.488E+004 Co-6 0     1173.23     99.85    3.338E+004        3.03E+004 - 2 .735E+004        1.489E+004 1332.49     99.98    3.028E+004         QL~'li ,0 ./ -9 .322E+003     l.322E+004 Nb- 94       702.65    99.81    3.478E+004       3.19E+004 l . 491E+004           1.599E+004 871. 09   99.89    3.193E+004                         9 .836E+003    1.441E+004 Ag- 108m      4 33 .90  90.50    4.035E+004       3.71E+004 - l.427E+00 4          1.898E+004 614.30    89.80    5.111E+004                         6.156E+004     2 .410E+004 722.90    90.80    3. 111E+oo*4                    j3.390E+004       _).,.699E+004 Cs-134       604.72    97.6 2   4.687E+004       4.49E+004 3.259E+004 2.211E+004 795.86    85.46    4.495E+004                         8.361E+003     2 .073E+004
 +     Cs-137        661.66*   85.10   4.043E+004        4.04E+004/ 8.361E+004            l.862E+004 Eu-152        12 1. 78  2 8.67  2 .391E+005       l .35E+005 2.120E+005 l.172E+005 344.28    2 6.60   l.633E+00 5                        4.011E+004     7.808E+004 1408.01     21.07    l .351E+005                        9.016E+004     5 .817E+004 Eu-154        123.07    40.40   l.671E+005        9.5 9E+004 - l. 686E+005 8.190E+004 723.30    20.06   l.680E+005                        - l.020E+004     7.694E+004 1274.43     34.80   9.589E+004                        -5 .136E+004 4.255E+004 Eu-155         86.55    30.70   2 .863E+005      2.86E+005 -2 .927E+004            l. 408E+005 105 . 3 1  21.10   3.401E+005                          l.611E+005 1.669E+005
+      Tl- 208      583.19*    85.00   1 .98 4 E+004    1.98E+ 00 4 3.463E+004 8.427E+00 3 Bi-212       727.33       6.67  4.829E+005       4.8 3 E+005 - 7.736E+005 2 . 201E+00 5
+      Pb-212       238.63*    43.60   7.562E+004       7.56E+004 l.419E+004 3.601E+004
+      Bi -2 14     6 0 9.32*  45.49   4.360E+004       4.36E+004 8.502E+004 1.894E+004 1120.29      14.92   2.959E+005                          1.016E+005 1.361E+005 1764.49      15.30   2.589E+005                          2.202E+005 1.145E+005
+      Pb-214       295.22*   18.42    l .231E+005      5.94E+004 8.974E+004 5 .681E+004 351.93*   35.60    5.942E+004                         6.514E+004 2.700E+004 Ra-226       186.21      3 . 64 l . 397E+006     1.40E+006 - 8.731E+004 6.792E+005 Ac-228       338.32    11. 27   3.607E+005       1.64E+00 5 -1.802E+005 1.720E+005 9 11. 20  25.80    l.636E+005                         8.978E+004      7.564E+004 968.97    15.80    2.376E+005                         1 . 2 07E+005 1.084E+005 Am- 241        59.54   35.90    3.189E+005       3.19E+005 3 .801E+005 1.564E+00 5
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short t o be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMM A      S P E C T R U M       A N A L Y S I S             *****

Filename: 6279 Report Generated On 5/3/2018 1:19:50 PM Sample Title Bl06213AFSWC025GD \/"" Sample Description Ul East Valve House Interior Wal Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 5/3/2018 1:09:00 PM Acquisition Started 5/3/2018 1:09:49 PM Live Time 600 .0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds V Dead Time 0.08 % Energy Calibration Used Done On Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 12/28/20 1 7 2/1/2018 V Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN V~~ if~// k k l 5/J/!Y-- J :5zo



Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2 018 1:19: 5 0 PM Page 2

*****               P E A K       A N A L Y S I S         R E P O R T                 *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample


B106213AFSWC025GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 1 :19:50 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 120- 135 127.45 31.78 0.59 3.44E+001 33 . 95 8.16E+001 2 284- 347 298.85 74.68 1.00 2.48E+002 201. 35 l.08E+003 3 945- 962 953 . 90 238.6 0 0.59 4.87E+001 34.08 7.43E+001 4 1171- 1188 1 179.91 295.14 1.18 2.40E+001 23.65 3 .50E+001 5 1397 - 1414 1405.75 351. 64 0.55 3.82E+001 22.39 2 .68E+001 6 2321- 2338 2329.17 582.58 0.65 7.93E+00O 14.28 1. 3 1E+001 7 24 2 6- 2444 2434 . 27 608.86 1. 36 5.21E+001 18.07 8.92E+000 8 2635 - 2653 2643.75 661.23 1.11 1.28E+002 26.54 l.43E+001 9 5830- 5849 5839.02 1459.47 1. 56 7.90E+001 17.78 O. 00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [205]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 1:19:50 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFSWC025GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  ...................    -     IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES           .............. . ... - .

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.997 1460.82* 10.66 1 .10770E+006 2 . 67168E+005 Cs - 137 1.000 661. 66* 85.10 1 .50451E+005 3 . 60986E+004 Tl- 2 08 0.999 583.19* 85.00 8.75345E +003 1.58033E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 238.63* 43.60 6.47695E + 004 4.64946E+004 Bi- 2 14 0.442 609.32* 45.49 1.09923E+005 4.03717E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1.000 295.22* 18.42 8. 424 06E+004 8.40403E+004 351.93* 35.60 7.64445E+004 4.62095E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum .
        @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =          0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 1: 19: 50 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.997 1.107702E+006 2.671684E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 1.504509E+005 3. 609858E+004 ./ Tl-208 0.999 8.753450E+003 1.580328E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 6.476945E+004 4.649455E+004 Bi-214 0.442 1.099234E+005 4.037172E+004 Pb-214 1.000 7.825437E+004 4.04 92 07E+004

      ?    Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at   2. 000 sigma


Interference Corrected Act i vity Report 5/3 / 2 018 1:19:5 0 PM Page 5

  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D     P E A K S        **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 1:19:50 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 819 2 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 3 1. 78 5.7270E-002 98 . 8 0 2 7 4. 68 4. 1 379E-001 81 . 1 0 M = First peak in a multiplet region m Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [208]

Nuc l ide MDA Report 5/3 /2018 1:19:50 PM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name : 62 79 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC025GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL. NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +       K-40        1460.82*     10.66    3 . 794E+004   3.79E+004,/_1.108E+0 0 6        0.000E+000 Co- 6 0     1173.23      99.85    3.526E+004     2.47E+004- 5.237E+004          1.583E+004 1332.49      99.98   2.474E+004       (-}iO v (; i) -1.158E+004      1.045E+004 Nb - 94       702.65     99.81   3.723E+004      3 .0 9 E+004 -2 .159E+004       1.721E+004 871.09     99.89   3.092E+004                     - 4.066E+004     1.390E+004 Ag-108m      433.90      90.50   4.654E+004      3.88E+004 2 .763E+004           2.207E+004 614.30      89.80   5 . 2 64E+004                    7.644E+004     2.486E+004 722.90      90.80   3.877E+004                       3.940E+004     1.782E+004 Cs-134       604.72      97.62   4.663E+004      4. 32E+004  3. 954E+004       2 .199E+004 795.86      85.46   4. 3 18E+004                   -..2. 324E+004   1.985E+004
 +       Cs - 137     661.66*     85.10   3.011E+004      3 .01E+004Yl.50SE+005           1.346E+004 Eu -152      121.78      28.67   2.301E+005      1. 4 8E+O0S -2 .550E+00 5       1. 127E+00 5 344.28      26.60   1 . 700E+005                     1.109E+00S     8.141E+004 1408.01       21. 07  1.478E+005                       2.817E+004     6.454E+004 Eu-154       123.07      40.40   1.619E+005      7.77E+004 - 7.672E+004          7. 93 1E+004 723.30      20.06   1.737E+00 5                      1.164E+005     7.977E+004 1274.43       34 . 80 7.775E+004                       2.310E+004    3 .347E+004 Eu-155         86.55     30.70   2.937E+ 0 05    2 .94E+00 5 6.874E+004          l.445E+005 1 0 5 . 31  21.10   3.412E+005                     -1. 743E+005    1.674E+005
 +       Tl -2 08     583 .1 9*   85.00   2 .682E+004     2 .68E+004 8 . 753E+003        1.192E+004 Bi-212        727.33       6.67   5.294E+005      5.29E+005 3.772E+005           2 . 434E+005
 +       Pb- 2 12     238.63*     43.60   7.158E+004      7.16E+004 6.477E+00 4          3.399E+004
+       Bi- 2 14      609 . 32*   45.49   4.348E+004     4.35E+004 1 .099E+005           1.889E+004 1120. 2 9     14.92   3.019E+005                     -3 .421E+005    1.391E+005 1764.49       15.30   2 .347E+005                      1.762E+005    1.025E+005
+       Pb- 2 14      2 95.22*    18.42   l.337E+005     6.68E+004 8.424E+004            6.209E+004 351.93*     35.60   6.680E+004                       7.644E+004    3.070E+004 Ra-226        1 86.21      3.64   1.535E+006     1 .53E+006 -8.755E+005          7.482E+005 Ac-228        338.32      11. 27  3.460E+005     1.59E+005 - 3.912E+005          1.646E+005 911.20      25.80   1.591E+005                       7.071E+004    7.338E+004 968 . 97    15.80   2.490E+005                     -2.808E+004     1.141E+005 Am-241          59.54     35.90   3.172E+005     3 .17E+005 3.275E+005           1.556E+005
       + = Nucl ide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
       @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: 62 79 Report Generated On 5/3/2018 1:3 2 :11 PM Sample Title B106213AFSWC026GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Interior Wal V Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CF 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3. 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 1 0.000 keV Sample Size 2 .830E+001 MA2 v-Sample Taken On 5/3/2018 1:22:00 PM ~ - Acquisition Started 5/3/ 2 018 1:22:10 PM Live Time 600 . 0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0 . 08 % V Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN

                                                           '})c~c-k Vwt; ,t_+=)
                                                             > 1Ff/       I 5 5,:;


Peak Analysis Report 5/3 / 2 01 8 1:32:11 PM Page 2

          • PE AK A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFSWC026GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 1 :32 :11 PM Peak Analysis From Channel : 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 122- 137 129.85 32.38 0.74 3.04E+001 38.12 1.08E+002 2 285 - 347 299.74 74.90 1. 46 2 .47E+002 207.90 1.17E+003 3 945 - 962 953.37 2 38.47 0.53 3.07E+001 35.10 8.53E+001 4 1398- 1415 1406.17 351.74 0.38 2.12E+001 24.46 3.58E+001 5 2322 - 2339 2330.23 5 8 2 .84 0.30 1.35E+001 15.17 1.35E+001 6 2427 - 2444 2435.33 609.12 0.77 4.81E+001 16.83 6.86E+O00 7 2635 - 2655 2645.32 661.62 1. 30 2.60E+00 2 36.14 l.84E+001 8 5834- 5854 5843.31 1460.54 1. 28 8.70E+001 18.65 0.00E+O00 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [211]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5 / 3 / 2 01 8 1 :32:11 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106213AFSWC026GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 1 . 22 044E+006 2.82334E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 3.05802E+005 5.62247E+004 Tl - 208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 1.49081E+004 1 .68466E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 238.63* 43.60 4.07941E+004 4.71187E+004 Bi-214 0.442 609. 32

  • 45.49 1.016 3 7E+005 3.75770E+004 1120. 29 14.92 1764.49 15 . 30 Pb- 2 14 0.437 295.22 18.42 351.93* 3 5.60 4 .23 921E+ 0 04 4.93411E+004
        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
        @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :      10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =            0.30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2 01 8 1:32: 11 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1 .2 204 3 8E+006 2.823342E+005

  • Cs-1 3 7 1. 000 3 .058017E+005./5.622470E+004 Tl-2 0 8 1.000 l.490806E+0 0 4 1.684658E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 4.079406E+004 4.711867E+004 Bi-214 0.442 1.016366E+005 3 .757704E+004 Pb-214 0.437 4.239205E+004 4.934113E+004
       ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at       2. 000 sigma
  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D           P E A K S       **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3 /2018 1 : 32: 11 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 81 92 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.38 5.0598E-002 125 . 58 2 74.90 4.1121E-001 84 . 2 6 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [213]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2 0 18 1 :32 :11 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFSWC026GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/M" 2 ) (pCi/M"2 )

 +      K-40       1460.82*       10.66    3.796E+004   3 . 80E+004 .,J.. 2 20E+006 0. 000E+0O0 Co-60      1173. 23       99.85    3.587E+004   3.55E+004  5 . 3 61E+003 ) .613E+004 1332.49        99.98    3.554E+004                 1.788E+004 1/'1 .585E+004 Nb-94        702.65       99.81    3.442E+004   3.29E+004 - 2.041E+004 1.581E+004 87 1. 09    99.89    3.291E+004                - 3.139E+004 l.490E+004 Ag-108m       433.90      90.5 0   4.749E+004    3.80E+004 1.383E+003 2.255E+004 614. 3 0    89.8 0   4.899E+004                  1.302E+003 2.304E+~04 722.90      90.8 0   3 .795E+004                 2 .454E+004 )- .741E+004 Cs-134       604.72      97.62    4.780E+004    3 .57E+004  4.166E+004 V2 .257E+004 795.86      85.46    3.571E+004                -3 .059E+004 1.611E+004
 +     Cs-137        661.66*     85.10    3.490E+004    3 .49E+004 3.058E+005 1.585E+004 Eu-152        12 1. 78    28.67    2.454E+005    1.10E+005 - 5.786E+004 1.204E+005 344. 2 8    2 6.60   1.732E+005                - 4.867E+003    8.302E+004 1408.01       2 1.07   1.100E+005                -1.101E+005 4.563E+004 Eu-154        123.07      40.40    1.721E+005    9.17E+004 1.843E+004 8.440E+004 723.3 0     2 0.06   1~680E+005                - 8.040E+003    7.694E+004 1274.43       34.80    9.174E+004                - 5 .965E+004 4.047E+004 Eu-1.55         86 . 55   30.70    3.024E+005   3.02E+005 -6.2 18E+004 l.488E+005 1 0 5 . 31  21.10    3.613E+ 005                 9 . 898E+004 1.775E+005
+      Tl-208        583.19
  • 85.00 2.709E+004 2.71E+004 1 .491E+004 1.205E+004 Bi-212 727 . 33 6 . 67 5.009E+005 5.01E+005 4 . 697E+005 2 .291E+005
+      Pb-212       2 38.63*     43.60    7.642E+004   7.64E+004 4.079E+004 3.641E+004
+      Bi - 214     609.32*      4 5.49   3.880E+004   3.88E+004 1.016E+005 1.654E+004 1120.29        14. 92   2.705E+005                  1.562E+005 1.234E+005 1764.49        15.30    2.531E+005                  2 .092E+005 1 .116E+005
+      Pb-214       295 . 22     18.42    2.321E+005   8.00E+004 1.798E+005 1.113E+005 35 1 .93*   35.60     7.999E+004                 4.239E+004 3.729E+004 Ra-2 2 6     186.21         3. 64  1.545E+006   1. 5 5E+006 -6.241E+00 5 7.533E+005 Ac-228       338.32      11. 27    3.896E+005   1. 3 0E+005 -2.107E+005 1.864E+005 911.20      25.80     1.303E+005                 3.671E+001 5 .897E+004 968.97      15.80     2.405E+005                 1.267E+005 1.099E+005 Am- 24 1       59 . 54   35.90     3.071E+005   3.07E+005 1.411E+005 1.505E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @=Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMM A      S P E C T R U M          ANALYSIS                  *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES \ 00001045.CNF Report Generated On 5/3/2 018 3 :00: 42 PM Sample Title B106213AFQFC002GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Floor QC v" Sample Identification QC Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 . 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 819 2 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 M,.,.2 Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 8:24:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 8:24:34 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 601.6 seconds Dead Time 0. 27 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN

                                                                *Jc~ ~!~{ dc. i-ec-1 5/ '-I /1 ~ y "=

C [215]

Peak Analysis Report 5/ 3 /2018 3:0 0 :42 PM Page 2

*****              P E A K        A N A L Y S I S           R E P O R T                *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFQFC002GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:00:42 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts M 1 77- 156 88 . 41 22 .01 1. 12 7.20E+001 26.17 1.93E+002 m 2 77- 1 56 128.74 32 .10 1. 13 1.07E+003 71. 57 2.05E+002 3 292- 346 30 0 .21 75.02 0.86 - 2.82E+002 301. 69 2 .92E+003 4 1399 - 1416 1407.07 351.97 0.54 6.42E+001 49. 2 0 1 .66E+002 5 2428 - 2445 2 436.65 609.45 1.02 3.46E+001 23.49 3.14E+001 6 2629 - 2658 2 643.64 661. 2 0 1.49 5.98E+003 157.59 4.83E+001 7 4469 - 4488 4478.08 11 19.63 1.07 1. 2 7E+001 12.35 7.26E+000 8 5832- 5851 5841. 61 1460.12 0.79 6.57E+001 17 .12 2.28E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [216]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3 : 00: 42 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFQFC002GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 1460.8 2

  • 10.66 9.21762E+005 2.53169E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 7.04329E+006 8.65965E+005 Bi -2 14 0.735 609.32* 45.49 7.29860E+004 5.03840E+004 1120.29* 14.92 1.11087E+005 1.08088E+005 1764.49 15.30 Pb- 2 14 0.4 3 7 295.22 18.4 2 351.93* 35.60 l. 2 8552E+005 1.00321E+005
        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :      10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =         0.30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 3:00:42 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M"2) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 9.217619E+005 2 .531692E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 7.043295E+006 8.659645E+005 Bi-214 0 .735 7.978693E+004 4.566639E+004 Pb-214 0.437 1.285518E+005 1.003208E+005

       ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
       @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at     2 .000 sigma
  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D          PE AK S        **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 3:00:42 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide M 1 22.01 1. 2 004E-001 36.34 m 2 32.10 1.7897E+000 6.66 3 75.02 - 4.6979E-001 - 107.03 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [218]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 3 : 00: 42 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *** **

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFQFC002GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40       1460 . 82* 10.66      1.651E+005     1.65E+005     9.218E+005      6.358E+004 Co-60      1173.23      99.85    3.646E+004     2.67E+004     3 . 736E+004    1.642E+004 1332.49      99.98    2.674E+004                   2 .101E+003     1.145E+004 Nb -94       702.65     99.81    3. 1 33E+004   3.13E+004   -1.778E+004       1.426E+004 871.09     99.89    3.143E+004                 - 1.549E+004      1.416E+004 Ag - 108m    433.90     90.50    1.240E+005     3.58E+004   -3 .166E+004      6.079E+004 614.30     89.80    6.996E+004                 -1.827E+004       3.353E+004 722.90     90.80    3.581E+004                   6.017E+003      1.634E+004 Cs - 134     604.72     97.62    6.551E+004     3.79E+004   -1.225E+004       3.143E+004 795.86     85.46    3.786E+004                 - 1. 014E+004     1.719E+004
+       Cs-137       661.66* 85.10       6.168E+004     6.17E+004     7.043E+006      2 . 92 5E+004 Eu-152      121. 78     28 . 67  3.966E+005     1.10E+005   - 7.598E+003      1.960E+005 344.28     26.60    3.630E+005                   1. 391E+005     1.779E+005 1408.01      21.07    1.lOOE+OOS                -9.883E+004        4.563E+004 Eu-154      123.07      40.40   2.811E+005      6.95E+004  - 2.544E+005       1. 3 89E+005 723.30     20.06    1. 62 1E+005               -2 .353E+004       7.400E+004 1274.43     34.80    6.952E+004                 -4.689E+004       2 . 936E+004 Eu-155         86.55    3 0 .70  4.480E+005     4.48E+005      3.834E+005     2.216E+005 105 . 31   2 1. 10  5.597E+005                 - 3.144E+004      2 . 767E+005 Tl- 2 0 8    583 . 19   85.00    7.0 2 0E+004   7.02E+004   -6.938E+004       3.360E+004 Bi-212       727 . 33     6.67   5.009E+005     5.0lE+OOS   - 1 .925E+005     2.291E+005 Pb-212       238 . 63   43.60    2 .456E+00 5   2.46E+005     l.104E+005      1.210E+005
+      Bi-214       609.32* 45.49       7.637E+004     7.64E+004     7.299E+004      3.533E+004 112 0 .29* 14.92      1.682E+005                   1.111E+005      7.231E+004 1764 . 49    15.30    1.747E+005                   8.808E+004      7.245E+004
+      Pb-214       2 95.22    18.42    5.356E+005     1.59E+005     2.684E+005      2. 631E+005 35 1. 93
  • 35.60 1.585E+005 1. 2 86E+OOS 7.656E+004 Ra-226 186.21 3.64 3. 0 04E+006 3.00E+006 1.144E+006 l.483E+006 Ac-228 338.32 11. 27 8 . 283E+005 l. 3 8E+OOS -6.673E+005 4.058E+005 911. 20 25.80 1. 3 76E+005 1.089E+005 6.266E+004 968.97 15.80 2 .490E+005 3.141E+005 1.141E+OOS Am-241 59.54 35.90 4.640E+005 4 .64E+005 3.952E+005 2 .290E+005
      + = Nucli de identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @=Half-lif e too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMMA S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: 62 79 Report Generated On 5/3/2018 1:46:34 PM Sample Title B106213AFQWC020GD Sample Description Ul East Valve House Exterior Wal Sample Identification QC Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 v Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2. 830E+001 MA 2 Sample Taken On 5/3/2018 1:36:00 PM Acquisition Started 5/3/2 0 18 1:36:32 PM Live Time 600 .0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0.08 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 - / Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 V Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN 7).?+=- Ve. II U), 5"-)-l 'i,/ / ))) [220]

Peak Analysis Report 5/3/2 01 8 1 : 46: 34 PM Page 2

*****              PE AK         A N A L Y S I S            R E P O R T                 *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106213AFQWC020GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/3/2018 1 :4 6 :33 PM Peak Analysis From Channel : 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 121- 136 128.40 32.02 0 . 66 3.37E+001 34.59 8.13E+00 1 2 284 - 3 47 300 . 60 75.12 1. 22 1.85E+00 2 206.83 1.13E+00 3 3 1399- 1416 1407. 11 351. 98 0.68 4.l0E+0Ol 21.74 2 . 3 0E+001 4 2323- 2340 2 331.39 5 83 .13 0.60 2 .l0E+0Ol 16.02 1.20E+001 5 2427- 2444 2435 . 58 6 0 9.18 0.69 4.46E+001 16.87 7.36E+0O0 6 2635- 2654 2645.63 66 1 .70 0.93 1.04E+002 22 .71 7.31E+000 7 5834- 5853 5843.43 146 0 .58 1. 35 7.60E+001 17.44 0.0OE+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [221]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5 /3/2018 1 :46: 34 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106213AFQWC020GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/M,..2) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 1.06614E+006 2 .61525E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 1. 2 2159E+005 3.05160E+004 Tl-208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 2.31461E + 004 1.79102E+004 Bi -2 14 0.442 609.32* 45.49 9.42592E+004 3 .73850E+004 1120.29 14.92 1 764.49 15.30 Pb -2 14 0.437 2 95.22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 8.19800E+004 4.51993E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :        10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =           0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/3/2018 1 :46: 34 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D REPORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M"'2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1. 066144E+006 / 2. 615251E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 1. 22 1595E+005 / 3.051605E+004 Tl-208 1. 000 2. 314609E+004 1.791017E+004 Bi-214 0.442 9.425920E+004 3.738498E+004 Pb-214 0.437 8.197998E+004 4.519935E+004

       ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysi s
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at       2 .000 sigma
  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D           P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/3/2018 1 :46:33 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.02 5.6185E-002 102.60 2 75 . 12 3 . 0795E-001 111. 94 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2. 000 sigma [223]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/3/2018 1:46:34 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A REPORT *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106213AFQWC020GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/M"2 )

 +      K-40         1460.82*    10.66    3.796E+004 3.80E+004 l .066E+006 0.000E+000 Co-60        1173.23     99.85    3.526E+004 3.48E+0o4 5.670E+003/1.583E+004 1332.49     99.98    3 . 484E+004              1 . 427E+004 1.550E+004 Nb- 94        7 0 2.65   99.81    3.757E+004 3.43E+004 1 . 240E+003 1.738E+004 87 1. 09   99.89    3.432E+004              -1.929E+004 1.560E+004 Ag- 108m      433.90     90.50    4.557E+004 3.54E+004 3.351E+004 2 .159E+004 614.30     89.80    4.733E+004                3.934E+004 2 . 22 1E+ 0 04 72 2 .90   90.80    3.537E+004              - 1 . 811E+004 1 .612E+004 Cs-134        604.72     97.62    4.369E+004 4.13E+004 / 5 . 453E+004 2.052E+004 795.86     85.46    4.133E+004              p.531E+004 1.893E+004
 +      Cs-137        66 1 .66*  85.10    2.267E+004 2 .27E+0o~v 1 . 22 2E+005 9.743E+003 Eu-152        12 1. 78   2 8.67  2 . 2 71E+005 1.52E+005 1.661E+005 1.112E+005 344. 2 8   2 6.60  1. 750E+005                1.325E+004 8. 3 92E+004 1408.01      21. 07  1.51 8E+005              -8.180E+004 6.652E+004 Eu-154         123.07     40. 40  1.595E+005 1.05E+005 9 . 024E+004 7.809E+004 723.30     2 0.'06 1.581E+005               - 1.445E+005 7.197E+004 1274.43      34.80   1.055E+005                 1.696E+004 4.734E+004 Eu- 155         86 . 55   30.70   2.838E+005 2.84E+005 1 . 799E+005 1.395E+00S 105 . 31  21.10    3.412E+005                 1.241E+005 1.674E+005
+      Tl- 2 0 8      583.19*   85 . 00  2.687E+004 2.69E+004 2.315E+004 1.194E+004 Bi-212         727.33      6.67   4.950E+005 4.95E+005 - 2.256E+005 2.262E+005 Pb-212         238.63    43.60    1.158E+005 1.16E+005 1.318E+005 5.610E+004
+      Bi-214         609.32*   45.49    4.150E+004 4.15E+004 9.426E+004 1.789E+004 112 0 .29   14.92    2.803E+005                 6.788E+004 1.284E+005 1764.49     15.30    2.215E+005                1.541E+005 9.584E+004
+      Pb- 2 14      295 . 22   1 8.42   2.477E+005 6.33E+004 1.394E+005 1.191E+005 351.93*    35.60    6.325E+004                8 . 198E+004 2 .892E+004 Ra-226        1 86.21      3.64   1 .320E+006 1 .32E+006 1.021E+006 6.410E+005 Ac-228        338.32     11. 27   3.737E+005 1.26E+005 3.594E+005 1.785E+005 911. 20    25.80    1.264E+005              - 3.323E+005 5.704E+004 968.97     15.80    2.255E+005                1.612E+005 1.024E+005 Am- 24 1        59.54    35.90    3.0B0E+005 3.0BE+005 5.300E+005 1.510E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >=Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES \ 000010 52. CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 9:57 : 05 AM Sample Title B106214AFSFC001GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Floor Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3. 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 12:38:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 12:38:15 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0.0 9 % Energy Calibration Used Done On Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 2/1/2018 V Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN

                                                           ~ Vt1, ft dCo-lc I t;~ 5--/CJ               I I Lfo


Peak Analysis Report 5/5/2018 9:57:05 AM Page 2

*****                P E A K      A N A L Y S I S          R E P O R T               *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


Bl06214AFSFC001GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:57:04 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 119- 156 128.63 32.08 0.89 1.44E+002 70.09 1. 83E+002 2 291- 310 300.63 75.13 0.76 2 .58E+002 72.46 3.01E+002 3 946- 963 954.33 238.70 0.63 8.42E+000 40.38 1.15E+002 4 1171- 1188 11 79.80 295.11 0.35 2 .87E+001 30. 54 5.93E+001 5 1399- 1416 1407.32 352.03 1. 53 3 .45E+001 28.70 5.05E+001 6 2036- 2053 2044.81 511. 47 0.59 3 .00E+00l 18.83 l.80E+001 7 2324- 2341 233 2 .92 583.5 2 0.42 l.80E+001 18.24 2 .00E+00l 8 2429- 2446 2437.27 609.61 1. 43 5.58E+001 16 . 62 4.15E+000 9 2 63 3 - 2658 2646.59 661. 94 1. 52 5.98E+002 53.78 2.94E+00 1 10 3637- 3654 3645.35 911.58 0.41 1.53E+001 12 .2 1 6.72E+00O 11 5837- 5856 5846.37 1461.31 0.89 7. 3 0E+001 17.09 0.00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [226]

, Interference Corrected Act i vity Report 5 /5/2018 9:57:05 AM Page 3

 *****    N U C L I D E     I D E N T I F I C A T I O N        R E P O R T     *****



B106214AFSFC001GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 1.02438E+006 2 .55758E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 7.04 2 06E+005 1.05679E+005 Tl-208 1. 000 583.19* 85.00 1.98 3 84E+004 2.02974E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 2 38.63* 43.60 l.11 9 74E+004 5.37214E+004 Bi-214 0.442 609.32* 45.49 l . 17961E+005 3. 78559E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1. 000 295. 2 2* 1 8.42 l.00598E+005 l.08318E+005 351. 93* 35.60 6.90179E+004 5.83635E+004

         * = Energy l ine found in the spectrum.
         @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :      10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =         0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:57:05 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1. 024384E+006 2 . 557577E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 7.042056E+005 l.0 56792E+005 Tl- 208 1.000 l.983844E+004 2 .029743E+004 Pb- 2 12 1. 000 l.119737E+004 5.372 1 36E+004 Bi-214 0.442 l.179609E+00 5 3.785593E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 7.612339E+004 5.137980E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nucl ide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at   2 . 000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:57:05 AM Page 5

  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D    P E A K S    **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:57:04 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32 .08 2.3973E-001 48.73 2 75. 1 3 4.3053E-001 2 8.05 6 5 11.47 5.0000E-002 62.77 10 9 11 .58 2.5473E-002 79.92 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [229]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 9:57 :05 AM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2 IN Sample


B106214AFSFC001GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi,/MA2 )

 +      K-4 0       1460.82*     10 .66  3.797E+004       3.80E+004 l.024E+006        0 . 000E+000 Co-60       1173.23      99 . 85 4.188E+004       3.19E+004 -4 .773E+004      l.913E+004 1332.49      99.98   3.189E+004                     2 .557E+004   l.402E+004 Nb- 94        702.65     99.81   3.585E+004       3 .59E+004 l.793E+004       l.653E+004 871. 09    99.89   3.610E+004                      7.794E+003   l.650E+004 Ag-108m       4 33 .90   90.50   6.003E+004       4. 1 9E+004 7.591E+003      2.882E+004 614.30     89.80   5.580E+004                     4.217E+004    2.645E+004 722.90     90.80   4.188E+004                   - 2 .420E+004   l .938E+004 Cs-134        604.72     97.62   5.026E+004       4.36E+004 - 5.422E+003     2.381E+004 79 5 .86   85.4 6  4.363E+004                   - 3.430E+004   2.007E+004
 +      Cs-137        66 1 .66*  85.10   4.661E+004       4.66E+004 7.042E+005       2.171E+004 Eu-152        121. 78    28.67   2.350E+005       l.16E+005 2.573E+005       l.152E+005 344.28     2 6.60  2.048E+005                     l.512E+005   9.884E+004 1408.01      21. 07  l .156E+005                    6.242E+004   4.840E+004 Eu-154        123.07     40. 40  l.636E+005       9.38E+004 - l.339E+005     8.017E+004 723.30     2 0.0 6 l.913E+005                   - 1. 048E+005  8.857E+004 1274.43      34.80   9.384E+004                   - 4.784E+004   4.152E+004 Eu-155          86.55    30.70   2.770E+005       2 . 77E+005 - 7.765E+004   l .361E+005 1 05.31    21.10   3.508E+005                     4.174E+005   l.722E+005
 +      Tl- 208       583.19*    85.00   3. 2 35E+004     3.24E+004 l.984E+004       l .468E+004 Bi-212        727.33       6.67  5.457E+005       5.46E+005 -2.405E+005      2.515E+005
 +      Pb-212        238.63*    43.60   9.100E+004       9.10E+004 l.120E+004       4.370E+004
 +      Bi-214        609.32*    45.49   3.096E+004       3.10E+004 l.180E+005       l.262E+004 112 0 .29     14.92   2.496E+005                   -9.681E+004    l.130E+005 1764.49       15.30   2.145E+005                     l.431E+005   9.235E+004
 +      Pb-214        295.22*    18.42   l.745E+005       9.16E+004 l.006E+005       8.251E+004 351.93*    35.60   9.164E+004                     6.902E+004   4.311E+004 Ra-226        186.2 1      3 .64 l.577E+006       1.58E+006 1. 900E+005      7.692E+005 Ac-228       338.32      11. 2 7 4.405E+005       l.58E+005 l.463E+005       2 . 11 9E+005 911.20     2 5.80  l.575E+005                     7.137E+004   7.261E+004 968 . 97    15.80   2.599E+005                     2 .033E+005  l.196E+005 Am-241         59.54     35.90   3.035E+005       3.04E+005 8.937E+004       l.487E+005
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       > =Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001053.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 9:56:03 AM Sample Title B106214AFSFC002GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Floor Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.0 0 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV V Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 12:52:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 12:52:14 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibra t ion Used Done On Efficiency ID 2/1/2018 3M90D CP 2 IN V [231]

Peak Analysis Report 5/5/2018 9:56: 0 3 AM Page 2

*****                P E A K       A N A L Y S I S           R E P O R T              *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


Bl06214AFSFC002GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:56:02 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts M 1 2 47- 3 09 254.26 63.52 1. 0 2 2.64E+001 22.96 l.69E+002 m 2 2 47- 3 09 300.44 75.08 1. 03 l.22E+00 2 34.12 l.92E+002 3 959- 976 967.26 241.94 0.25 l.79E+001 31.19 6.91E+001 4 1398 - 1417 1407.06 351.96 1. 20 5.28E+00 1 29.60 4.72E+001 5 2034 - 2 051 2042.81 510.97 0.34 3.25E+001 17.48 l.35E+001 6 2324- 23 41 2 332. 42 583.39 0.52 l.29E+001 17.69 l.91E+001 7 2427 - 2446 2436.17 609.33 0.76 6.30E+001 19.8 1 l.O0E+00l 8 2634 - 2656 2645.37 661. 64 1. 34 2.21E+002 33.93 l.73E+001 9 3635 - 3652 3643.23 911.05 0.33 l.99E+001 10.33 2.09E+000 10 4472 - 4491 4481.56 1120.50 0.28 l.77E+001 10.16 2.33E+000 11 5835 - 5854 5844.81 1460 . 92 0.8 1 7. 3 0E+001 19 . 03 5.00E+000 12 7051- 7070 7060.68 1764.36 0.42 2 .l0E+00l 9. 17 0.00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted s*inglet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [232]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5 / 5 /2018 9:56 : 03 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



Bl06214AFSFC002GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

   ....................       IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES              . . . ......... . .......

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pci/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1 . 000 1460.82* 10.66 l .02421E+006 2 .81415E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 2.60035E +00 5 5.07273E+004 Tl- 208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 l.42334E+004 1.96154E+004 Pb-212 0.983 2 38.63* 43.60 2.39733E+004 4.19362E+004 Bi-214 1.000 6 0 9.32* 45 . 49 1. 33 031E+005 4.47859E+004 1120.29* 14.92 l.54208E+005 8.94826E+004 1764.49* 15.30 2 .31 2 02E+005 1.02590E+005 Pb-214 0.437 2 95.22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 1 .056 33E+005 6.12955E+004 Am-241 0.975 59.54* 35.90 5.42134E+004 4.84626E+004

       *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =             0 .3 0 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:56: 0 3 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1 .024212E+006 2 .814145E+005 Cs-137 1.000 2 .6 00 346E+005 5 .072734E+004 Tl -2 08 1. 000 l .423343E+004 1 .961539E+004 Pb -2 12 0.983 2 .397329E+004 4.193617E+004 Bi -2 14 1. 000 1 . 496951E+005 3.730763E+004 Pb-214 0.437 1 . 0 56326E+005 6.129548E+004 Am-241 0.975 5.4 2 1337E+004 4.846257E+004

       ?    Nuc l ide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
       @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at      2 .000 sigma
  **********       U N I D E N T I F I E D         P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:56:02 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide m 2 75.08 2.0386E-001 27.9 0 5 510.97 5.4167E-002 53.79 9 911.05 3.3182E-002 51.87 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [234]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 9:56:03 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFSFC002GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2)

 +      K-40        1460.82*    10.66  2.312E+005      2.31E+005 1.024E+00 6        9.664E+004 Co-60       1173. 23    99.85  3.465E+004      3.34E+004 - l. 211E+004      1.552E+004 1332.49     99.98  3.340E+004                   - 1.516E+004   1.478E+004 Nb- 94        702.65    99.81  3.442E+004      3.43E+004 -9.880E+00 2      1.581E+004 871.09    99.89  3.432E+004                   -2.138E+004    1.560E+004 Ag-108m        4 33 .90  90.50  4.787E+004      3.71E+004 1.109E+004        2.2 74E+004 614 . 30  89.80  5.509E+004                      5 .927E+004 2 .609E+004 722.90    90.80  3.711E+004                   -2 .867E+004   1.699E+004 Cs- 1 34      604.72    97.62  5.177E+004      3 .8 9 E+004 5.415E+004     2 .456E+004 795.86    85.46  3.889E+004                   -3.505E+004    1.770E+004
 +     Cs-137         661.66*   85.10  3.495E+004      3 .49E+004 2.600E+005       1.588E+004 Eu-152         121. 78   28.67  2 .167E+005     1.44E+005 -5.344E+004       1.060E+005 344.28    26.60  1.942E+005                   - 2.645E+003   9.353E+004 1408.01     21.07  1. 437E+005                    1.549E+004   6.249E+004 Eu-154         123.07    40.40  1 .* 534E+005   8.51E+004 2.962E+004        7 . 506E+004 723.30    20.06  1.699E+005                   -1.187E+005    7.790E+004 1274.43     34.80  8.507E+004                   -1.593E+005    3.714E+004 Eu-1 55         86.55    30.70  2.689E+005      2.69E+005 -4.216E+004       1.321E+OOS 105.31    21.10  3.246E+005                   -6 .675E+ 004  1.591E+OOS
 +     Tl-208         583.19*   85.00  3.237E+004      3.24E+004 1.423E+004        1.469E+004 Bi-212         727.33     6.67  5.349E+005      5.35E+005 3.348E+005        2.461E+005
 +     Pb-212        2 38.63*   43.60  6.974E+004      6.97E+004 2.397E+004        3.306E+004
 +     Bi - 214       609.32*   45.49  4 . 689E+004   2.98E+004 l.330E+005         2.059E+004 1120.29*     14.92  1.054E+005                    1. 542E+005   4.090E+004 1764.49*     15.30  2.979E+004                     2 .312E+005  O.OOOE+OOO
+      Pb-214        295. 22    18.42  2.420E+005     9.03E+004 - l .658E+OOS      1.163E+OOS 351.93*    35.60  9.028E+004                     l .056E+005  4.243E+004 Ra- 22 6      186.21      3.64  1.344E+006     1.34E+006 - 1 . 725E+OOS     6.528E+OOS Ac- 22 8      338.32     11. 27 3.918E+005     1. 65E+OOS - 1.044E+004      1. 875E+005 911. 20    25 .80 1.651E+005                    1. 892E+OOS   7.637E+004 968.97     15.80  2.753E+005                    2 . 2 79E+OOS 1.273E+005
+      Am-241          59.54*   35.90  1.299E+005     1. 3 0E+005 5 .421E+004      6 .217E+004
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Fi l ename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001065.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 9:42:54 AM Sample Title B106214AFSFC003GD Sample Description Unit 1 West Valve House Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range {in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range {in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 10:21:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 1 0:21:41 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.6 seconds Dead Time 0.10 % Energy Calibration Used Done on 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN 7>~ Vc>1!rct:d-el S:- )"..- I 3'/ I I lf. r 4; [236]

Peak Analysis Report 5/5/2018 9:42:54 AM Page 2

*****                PE AK        A N A L Y S I S            R E P O R T               *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


Bl06214AFSFC003GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:42:54 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 118- 136 128.74 32 .10 1. 03 1.23E+002 43.24 1.02E+002 2 2 82 - 347 299.97 74.96 0.83 1.98E+002 218.40 1.26E+003 3 946- 963 954.51 238.75 0.95 2.03E+001 39.32 1 .11E+002 4 1172 - 1190 1181.23 295.47 0.98 6.53E+001 2 8.65 4.07E+001 5 1398- 14 1 6 1406.65 351. 86 0.94 6.05E+001 28.56 4.25E+001 6 1937 - 1954 1945.04 486.52 0.63 1.05E+001 19.7 0 2.65E+001 7 2428 - 2445 2436 . 28 6 0 9.36 0.35 4.41E+001 19.06 1.39E+001 8 2635 - 2659 2646.30 661.87 1. 35 7. 2 8E+002 56.50 1 .76E+001 9 5836- 5857 5845.71 1 461.14 1. 8 1 1.14E+002 22 . 12 2 .50E+000 10 7052- 7071 7061.84 1764.65 0.38 1.60E+001 8.00 0.O0E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [237]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2 0 18 9:42:54 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSFC003GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib - BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10 .66 1 .59259E+006 3.39808E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66

  • 85.10 8.58290E+005 1.22704E+00 5 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 2.70084E+004 5.24710E+004 Bi-214 0.706 609.32* 45.49 9.31313E+004 4.17825E+004 1120.29 14. 92 1764.49* 15.30 1. 76172E+005 "8. 92 092E+004 Pb- 2 14 1. 0 00 295.22* 18.4 2 2.29073E+005 1.07026E+005 351.93* 35.60 1.20992E+005 5.99449E+004
        *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :      10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =        0.30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/ 2 018 9:42:54 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1.592592E+006 3.398077E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 8.582900E+00S 1 .227035E+005 Pb-212 1. 000 2.700843E+004 5.247100E+004 Bi-214 0.706 1.080705E+005 3.783793E+004 Pb- 2 14 1. 000 l.468010E+005 5.230021E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  2. 000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2 0 18 9:42:54 AM Page 5

  **********    U N I D E N T I F I E D    P E AK S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:42:54 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.10 2.0493E-001 35.17 2 74.96 3.2969E-001 110.41 6 486.52 1. 7432E-002 188.37 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [240]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 9:42:54 AM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: Sample


B106214AFSFC003GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Leve l Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA 2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*    10 .66  1 .752E+005    1. 75 E+005 1.593E+006     6.860E+004 Co- 60      1173.23     99.85   3.817E+004     3 .41E+004 -2.963E+004     1 .728E+004 1332.49     99.98   3.413E+004                   2.983E+00 4  1.514E+004 Nb- 94       702.65     99.81   3.655E+004     3.43E+004 7.015E+003       1 .687E+004 871. 09    99.89   3.432E+004                 -l.7 3 6E+004  1.560E+004 Ag-1 08m      433.90     90.50   6.076E+004     3.92E+004 -4.045E+00 4     2.918E+004 614.30     89.80   5.509E+004                   8.425E+004   2.609E+004 722.90     9 0 .80 3.917E+004                 - 2.083E+004   1.802E+004 Cs-134       604.72     97.62   5 . 343E+004   3.94E+004 6.332E+004       2 . 539E+004 795.86     85.46   3.939E+004                   9.272E+003   1.795E+004
 +      Cs-137       661.66*    85.10   3.554E+004     3.55E+004 8.583E+005       1. 6 17E+004 Eu-152       12 1. 78   28.67   2.491E+005     1.63E+005 - 1 .893E+005    1.222E+005 344.28     26.60   2.094E+005                 -6.910E+004    1.011E+005 1408.01      21.07   1.631E+005                   l .387E+005  7.215E+004 Eu-154        123.07     40.40   1.769E+005     9.59E+004 - 8.088E+004     8.679E+004 723 . 30   20.06   1 .810E+005                  8.403E+004   8.340E+004 1274.43      34.80   9.589E+004                -7.411E+003     4.255E+004 Eu-155          86.55    30.70   3.006E+005     3.01E+005 - 8.610E+004     1.479E+005 105 .31    21.10   3.697E+005                - l.973E+005    1.816E+005 Tl-208        583 . 19   85. 0 0 5.148E+004     5.15E+004 5 .357E+004      2.424E+001 Bi-212        727.33      6.67   5. 2 94E+005   5.29E+005 1 .657E+005      2.434E+005
 +     Pb- 212       238 . 63*  43.60   8.732E+004     8.73E+004 2. 701E+004      4.186E+004
 +     Bi - 214      609.32*    45.49   5.321E+004     2 .98E+004 9.313E+004      2.375E+004 112 0 .29    14.92   2.898E+005                - 1. 609E+005   1 .331E+00 5 1764.49*     15.30   2.980E+004                  1.762E+005    O.OOOE+OOO
+      Pb - 2 14     295.22*    18.42   1.461E+005     8.43E+004 2.291E+005       6.829E+004 351.93*    35.60   8.426E+004                  1.210E+005    3.942E+004 Ra-226        186.2 1     3.64   1.708E+006     1.71E+006 l.670E+006       8.348E+005 Ac-228        338.32     11. 27  4.520E+005    1.62E+005 - 5.773E+004      2.177E+005 9 11. 2 0 25 . 80  1.621E+005                  1. 42BE+005   7.489E+004 968.97    15.80    2.651E+005                -4.597E+004     1. 22 2E+005 Am- 241         59.54   35.90    3.167E+005    3.17E+005 2.269E+005        1. 5 53E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short t o be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001064.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 9:44:28 AM Sample Sample Title Description B106214AFSFC004GD Unit 1 West Valve House v Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 V Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 10:07:00 AM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 10:07:26 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.9 seconds Dead Time 0 .15 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2 01 7 - / Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 V Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN

                                                           ~-Is f/4,lt£1c/

5>>-rY--/115 ° [242]

Peak Analysis Report 5/5/2 018 9 :44:28 AM Page 2

*****               P E A K      A N A L Y S I S            R E P O R T             *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSFC004GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:44:28 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 119 - 1 55 128.62 32. 0 7 1.14 5.17E+002 106. 22 3 .96E+002 2 282- 348 2 99.04 74 . 7 3 1. 09 3.56E+002 271.38 1.89E+003 3 522- 542 534.32 133.6 1 0 .59 4.28E+001 75.54 3. 81E+002 4 82 0 - 835 827.76 207.04 0.48 6.82E+00O 49.81 2 .04E+00 2 5 1172- 11 89 1180.17 295.21 0.77 2.23E+001 42.08 1.29E+00 2 6 1397- 1415 1406.20 351.75 0.37 2 .77E+001 39.84 1.09E+002 7 2426- 2443 2434.92 609.02 0.95 1.71E+001 22.24 3.19E+001 8 2632- 2658 2645.30 661.62 1. 37 2 .57E+003 103.46 2.38E+001 9 3634- 3651 3642.21 910.79 0.72 1. 6 8E+001 14.25 1.02E+001 10 5834- 5853 5843.11 1460.5 0 0.72 7. 3 0E+001 17.09 0.0OE+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2. 000 sigma [243]

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          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B1062 1 4AFSFC004GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 1.02402E+006 2.55668E+00S Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 3 .02899E+006 3.83635E+005 Bi-214 0.44 2 609.32* 45.49 3.61678E+004 4 . 71455E+004 112 0 .29 14.92 1 764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1.000 295.22* 18.42 7.82434E+004 1.48149E+005 351.93* 35.60 5.54175E+004 8.01321E+004

       * = Energy l ine found in the spectrum .
       @ = Energy l ine not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =          0.30 Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5 /5/ 2 01 8 9:44: 2 8 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M,....2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1.024024E+006 2.556678E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 3.028994E+006 3.836348E+005 Bi-214 0.442 3. 616782E+004 4.714555E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 6.058400E+004 7.048246E+004

       ? =  Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuc l ide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at      2.000 sigma
  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D             P E A K S        **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:44:28 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak *. Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second !1-0 Uncertainty Type Nuc l ide 1 32.07 8.6209E-001 20.53 2 74.73 5.9341E-001 76 . 22 3 133.61 7 .1360E-002 176.42 4 207.04 1.1359E-002 730.90 9 910.79 2 .7963E-002 84.90 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [245]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 9:44:28 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: Sample


B106214AFSFC004GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 )

 +      K-40         1460.82*     1 0 .66 3.796E+004      3.80E+004 1. 024E+006      O.OOOE+OOO Co-60        1173.23      99.85   3.817E+004      3.34E+004 -7.575E+003     1.728E+004 1332.49      99.98   3.340E+004                    2.841E+004  1 .478E+004 Nb-94         702.65      99.81   3.689E+004      3.34E+004 2.022E+004      1.704E+004 871. 09     99.89   3.339E+004                  - 2.274E+004  1.514E+004 Ag-108 m      433.90      90.50   9.146E+004      4 . 19E+004 2.375E+004    4 . 453E+004 614.30      89.80   5.766E+004                  -2 .593E+004  2.738E+004 722.9 0     90.80   4.188E+004                  -2 .427E+004  1.938E+004 Cs-134        604.7 2     97.62   5 . 564E+004    4.49E+004 -3.867E+004     2 .649E+004 795.86      85.46   4.495E+004                  -4.683E+00 3  2 .073E+004
 +      Cs-137        661 . 66*   85.10   4. 2 89E+004    4.29E+004 3.029E+006      1.985E+004 Eu - 152      121. 78     28.67   3 . 2 02E+005   1.63E+005 6 . 243E+004    1.578E+OOS 344.28      26.60   2 .867E+005                   1.773E+005  1.398E+005 1408.01       21.07   1.631E+005                    1.387E+005  7.215E+004 Eu- 154       123.07      40.4 0  2 .256E+OOS     8.96E+004 2 .479E+004     1.112E+OOS 723.30      2 0.06  1 .929E+005                 - 9.456E+004  8.940E+004 1274 . 43     34.80   8.958E+004                  -l.018E+OOS   3.939E+004 Eu- 155         86.55     30.70   3 . 661E+005    3.66E+005 -8 . 972E+004   l .807E+OOS 1 05.31     21.10   4.527E+005                  -8.376E+004   2.232E+005 Tl- 2 0 8     583.19      85.00   6.159E+ 0 04    6.16E+004 l .039E+004     2.930E+004 Bi-212        727.33       6.67   5.966E+OOS      5.97E+005 -4.lOOE+OOS     2.770E+OOS Pb-212        238.63      43.60   1.802E+OOS      1.80E+OOS -2 .509E+004    8.830E+004
 +      Bi- 2 14      609 . 32
  • 45.49 7.739E+004 7.74E+004 3.617E+004 3.584E+004 112 0 .29 14.92 2.771E+OOS 6.655E+004 1.267E+OOS 1764.49 15.30 2 .701E+OOS 1. 041E+005 1.201E+005
 +      Pb - 214      295.22*     18.4 2  2 .461E+OOS     1.32E+OOS 7.824E+004      1.183E+005 351.93*     35.60   1 .319E+005                   5 .542E+004 6.323E+004 Ra-226        186 . 21     3 .64  2.218E+006      2.22E+006 3.574E+OOS      1.090E+006 Ac-228        338 . 32    11. 27  6.593E+OOS      1.72E+005 3.851E+005      3. 2 13E+005 911. 20    25.80    1.722E+OOS                 -l.4SOE+004    7.996E+004 968 . 97   15.80    2.405E+OOS                   1. 283E+005  1.099E+005 Am- 241        59.54     35.90    3.868E+OOS     3 .87E+005 -4.588E+OOS     1 .904E+OOS
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       > =Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\0 0 001055.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 9:53:39 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC005GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wal l Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3. 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 819 2 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2. 830E+001 MA 2 Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 1:22:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 1:22:41 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.6 seconds Dead Time 0.11 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN 5- S I I S->

                                                                          '\. 4/7

(.______,) ,/Y [247]

Peak Analys i s Report 5/5/ 2 018 9:53:39 AM Page 2

*****               P E A K       A N A L Y S I S          R E P O R T            *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


Bl06214AFSWC005GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:53:39 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start e nd centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 119- 1 55 128.97 32 .16 0.91 2.23E+002 85.32 2.83E+00 2 2 219- 2 34 2 26.55 56.59 0.33 l .84E+0 01 52.28 2.21E+002 3 293 - 348 300.6 1 75.12 1. 14 - 2.42E+002 240.61 l.84E+003 4 1398 - 1416 1407.48 352.07 0. 2 6 4.86E+001 31.07 5.64E+001 5 2034 - 205 1 2042.13 510.80 0.73 l.71E+001 26.57 4.79E+001 6 2428 - 2445 2436.27 609.36 0.57 3.05E+001 19.90 2.05E+001 7 2633- 2 659 2645.78 661.74 1.42 l.10E+003 67.50 9.96E+0O0 8 3635 - 3652 3643.61 911.14 0.25 9.60E+OO0 13.77 l.14E+001 9 4472 - 4491 4481. 24 1120.42 0.79 l.89E+001 10.17 2.llE+000 10 5835 - 5854 5844.11 1460.74 1. 21 7.05E+001 18.48 4.47E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [248]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/ 2 01 8 9:53:39 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC005GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 9.89528E+005 2 . 73191E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 66 1 .66* 85 .10 1.29132E+006 1. 74281E+005 Bi-214 0.735 609. 32

  • 45.49 6.4 3 123E+004 4. 2 7368E+004 112 0 .29* 14 .92 1 .64828E+005 8.97302E+004 1764.49 15.3 0 Pb- 2 14 0.437 2 95. 22 18.42 3 51 . 93* 35.6 0 9.72266E+004 6.38592E+004 Am- 24 1 0 .986 59 . 54* 35 . 9 0 4.54183E+004 1.29467E+005
        * = Energy l ine found in the spectrum.
       @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :        10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =             0 .3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/ 2 0 18 9:53:39 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 9.895284E+005 2 .731907E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 l. 29 1321E+006 l.742807E+005 Bi-214 0.735 8 . 289759E+004 3.858401E+004 Pb-214 0.437 9.722664E+004 6.385919E+004 Am- 2 41 0.986 4.541830E+004 l.294672E+005

      ? = Nuclide i s part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at   2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:53:39 AM Page 5

  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D      PE AK S      **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:53:39 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.16 3.7168E - 001 38.26 3 75 . 12 - 4.0353E-001 -99.38 5 510.80 2.8429E - 00 2 155.76 8 911.14 l.5992E-00 2 143.55 Tol. Ac-228 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [251]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/ 2 018 9:53:39 AM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A REPORT *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


Bl06214AFSWC005GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/M" 2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 )

 +      K-40         1460.82*     10.66   2.161E+005     2 .16E+005    9.895E+005   8.904E+004 Co-60        1173. 23     99.85   3.873E+004     2.67E+004     2 .735E+004  1.756E+004 1332.49      99.98   2.674E+004                 - 2 .699E+004  1.145E+004 Nb-94         702.65      99.8 1  3.405E+004     2.99E+004     1.354E+004   1.562E+004 8 71. 09    99.89   2.987E+004                 - 1.867E+004   1.338E+004 Ag- 108m      433.90      90.50   6 . 497E+004   3 .88E+004    4.712E+004   3 .129E+004 614.30      89.80   5.533E+004                   4.028E+004   2 .621E+004 722.90      90.80   3.877E+004                   1. 425E+0 04 l.782E+004 Cs-134        604.72      97.6 2  5.091E+004     4.23E+004     7.008E+004   2.413E+004 795 . 86    85.46   4.227E+004                   4.288E+002   1.939E+004
 +      Cs - 1 37     661.66*     85.10   2 .863E+004    2.86E+004     1. 291E+006  1.272E+004 Eu-152        121.78      28.67   2 .925E+005   1.52E+00 5  -9.186E+004     1.439E+005 344.28      26.60   2.221E+005                -1.115E+004     1.075E+005 1408.01       21. 07  1.518E+005                   1.179E+005   6.652E+004 Eu-154        123.07      40.40   2 .058E+005    9.59E+004  - 8.432E+004    1.012E+005 723.30      20.0 6  1.755E+005                   6.997E+004   8.070E+004 1274.43       34 . 80 9. 5 89E+004                 4.295E+004   4. 2 55E+004 Eu-155          86.55     30.70   3.457E+005    3 .46E+00 S    1.605E+005   1.705E+005 1 05 . 3 1  21.10   4.063E+005                - 1. 645E+0 05  2.000E+005 Tl-208        583.19      85.00   5.439E+004    5.44E+004      5.444E+004   2.570E+004 Bi-212        727.33        6.67  5.294E+005    5.29E+005   - 8.414E+004    2.434E+005 Pb-212        238.63      43.60   1.510E+005    1.51E+005      3.716E+004   7.371E+004
 +      Bi - 214      609.32*     45.49   6.325E+004    6.33E+004     6.431E+004    2.877E+004 1120.29*      14.92   9.944E+004                  1.648E+005    3.792E+004 1764.49       15.30   2.347E+005                  1. 762E+005   1.025E+005
 +      Pb-214        295.22      18.4 2  3.293E+0OS    9.68E+004     1.266E+005    1.599E+005 351. 93*    35.60   9.683E+004                  9.723E+004    4.571E+004 Ra-226        186.21        3.64  i.919E+006    1.92E+006     9.689E+005    9.403E+005 Ac-228        338.32      11.27   5.007E+005    1.59E+005   -1.628E+005     2.420E+005 911.20      25.80   1.591E+005                  1.098E+005    7.338E+004 968.97      15.80   2.286E+005                - 5.273E+004    1.039E+005
 +      Am- 2 41       59.54*     3 5.90  2 .161E+005   2.16E+005     4.542E+004    1.047E+00 5
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       > =Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region , or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\000010 85 .CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 10:10:03 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC006GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2 .830E+001 M,..2 v Sample Taken On 5/1/2018 8:26:00 AM Acquisition Started 5/1/2018 8:26:11 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.06 % ~ Energy Calibration Used Done On 12 /28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/ 1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN l".,.--k Vc-A:JJJ



                                                                         , ~


Peak Analys i s Report 5/5/2 018 10:10:03 AM Page 2

          • P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC006GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 10:10:03 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 285 - 346 300.30 75.04 1.18 7.77E+001 193.96 1.04E+003 2 946 - 963 954.01 238.62 0.40 1.12E+001 3 1 .91 7.28E+001 3 14 00 - 1417 1408.48 352.32 0.54 4.56E+001 2 1. 22 2.04E+001 4 2323 - 2340 2 331.75 583.22 0.91 2 .00E+00l 14.06 9.00E+000 5 2428- 2445 2 436.97 609.53 1.18 4.40E+001 17.12 9.00E+000 6 2637- 26 5 4 2645.44 661.65 0 .69 3.76E+001 13 . 55 2.39E+000 7 5835- 5854 5844.83 1460.92 0 .57 6.46E+001 17. 0 8 2.42E+000 M First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [254]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10:10:03 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC006GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/M ... 2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 9.06055E+005 2.52288E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 4.43035E+004 1 .68244E+004 Tl-208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 2. 2 0935E+004 1 .57618E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 238.63* 43.60 1.48778E+004 4.24984E+004 Bi -2 14 0.442 609.32* 45.49 9.29265E+004 3.78388E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb-2 1 4 0.437 295.22 18.4 2 351.93* 35.60 9.12939E+004 4.46216E+004

        * = Energy l ine found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =          0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10:10:03 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 9.060553E+005 2 . 522 882E+005 Cs-137 1.000 4.430345E+004 1.682436E+004 Tl-208 1. 000 2.209347E+004 1.576179E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 1.487784E+004 4. 2 49842E+004 Bi-214 0.44 2 9. 2 92655E+004 3.783882E+004 Pb-214 0.437 9 . 129389E+004 4.462159E+004

       ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X   = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @   = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at        2.000 sigma
  **********      UN I D E N T I F I E D           P E A K S       **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 10:10:03 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Si.ze in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75 . 04 1.2946E-001 249.70 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 s igma [256]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 10:10:03 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFSWC006GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2) (pCi/MA2 )

 +       K-40        1460.82*    10.66    1.717E+005      1 .72E+005 9 .061E+005     6.687E+004 Co-60        1173.23     99.85    3.402E+004      3.40E+004 -2 .196E+004    1.521E+004 1332.49     99.98    4.004E+004                   1.101E+004   1.810E+004 Nb-94         702.65     99.81    3.585E+004      3.34E+004 2 .720E+004     1.653E+004 871. 09    99.89    3.339E+004                   1.384E+003   1 .514E+004 Ag-108m       433.90     90.50    3.781E+004      3.78E+004 1.463E+004      1.771E+004 614.30     89.80    5.111E+004                   7.387E+004   2 . 410E+004 722.90     90.80    3.917E+004                   8. 489E+003  1.802E+004 Cs-134        604.72     97.6 2   4. 3 95E+004    3.89E+004 3 .863E+004     2 .065E+004 795.86     85.46    3 .889E+004                -9 . 629E+003  1.770E+004
 +      Cs-137        661.66*    85.10    1.434E+004      1.43E+004 4.430E+004      5.577E+003 Eu-152        121. 78    2 8 . 67 2 .118E+005     1.40E+005 2.244E+005      l . 036E+005 344.28     2 6.60   1.657E+005                   6. 52 9E+004 7. 92 8E+004 1408.01      2 1. 07  l. 3 95E+00 5                9.709E+004   6.037E+004 Eu-154        123.07     40.40    1.479E+005      1.02E+005 -2 .499E+004    7.228E+004 723.30     20.06    1 .792E+005                  8.859E+004   8.251E+004 1274.43      34.80    1.018E+005                   9.578E+004   4.548E+004 Eu- 1 55       86.55     30.70    2.640E+005      2.64E+005 S.518E+004      1.296E+005 105.3 1    21.10    3.040E+005                 - 3 . 767E+004 1.488E+005
 +      Tl - 208      583. 1 9*  85.00    2.271E+004      2.27E+004 2.209E+004      9.862E+003 Bi- 2 12      727.33       6.67   5.615E+005      5.62E+005 4.463E+OOS      2 .594E+005
 +      Pb-212        238.63*    43.60    7.184E+004      7.18E+004 1.488E+004      3 .412E+004
 +      Bi-214        609.32*    45.49    4.330E+004      4.33E+004 9.293E+004      1.879E+004 1120.29      14.92    3.048E+005                   4.187E+OOS   l.406E+005 1764.49      15.30    2 .282E+005                  1.652E+005   9.920E+004
 +      Pb-214        295.22     18.42    2.303E+005      5.93E+004 7.193E+004      1 .104E+OOS 351.93*    35.60    5.931E+004                   9.129E+004   2.695E+004 Ra-226        186.21      3.64    1 .245E+006     1.24E+006 - 2.934E+OOS    6.031E+005 Ac-228        338.32     11. 27   3.447E+OOS      1.SlE+OOS -8.718E+004     l. 640E+OOS 911. 20    25.80    1.512E+OOS                   1.958E+005   6.945E+004 968.97     15.80    2.433E+00 5                  6.694E+004   1.113E+005 Am-241         59.54     35.90    3.013E+005      3 .0lE+OOS 7.284E+004     l.476E+OO S
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide ident i fication
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ : Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMMA S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001071.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 10:06:51 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC007GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/30/2018 12:37:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/30/2018 12: 37: 44 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.7 seconds Dead Time 0 .12 % Energy Calibration Used Done On Efficiency Calibration Used Done On Ef ficiency ID 12/28/2017 2;1;2018 3M90D CP 2IN v / [258]

Peak Analysis Report 5/5/2018 10:06: 52 AM Page 2

*****               P E A K      A N A L Y S I S         R E P O R T               *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC007GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 10:06:51 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 293- 347 300.60 75.12 0. 43 - 1.22E+00 2 18 1. 16 1.06E+003 2 946- 963 954.72 238.80 0. 94 l.14E+001 30.19 6.56E+001 3 1399- 1416 1407.62 352.10 1. 27 4.69E+001 23.3 0 2 .71E+001 4 2035- 2052 2043.76 511. 21 0 .58 3 .l0E+O0l 15.21 8.00E+O00 5 2323- 2340 2331.87 583. 2 5 0 .59 1.18E+001 13.89 l.12E+001 6 2428- 2445 2436 . 65 609.45 0 .44 3.19E+001 14.4 0 6.06E+000 7 2639 - 2656 2647.50 662. 1 7 0. 2 9 2.43E+001 13.83 6.75E+00O 8 4473- 4492 4482.46 1120.72 1.11 l.63E+001 12.85 6.72E+000 9 5837- 5856 5846.25 1461. 28 0.34 5.63E+001 18.96 9.66E+000 M First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [259]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/ 2 018 10:06: 52 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC007GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  -. ...........   ---. . . -     IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES             . . - . .... . .... - . ..... .

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1460.82* 10.66 7.90602E+005 2 .74790E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 2.85802E+004 1.66575E+004 Tl-208 1. 000 583.19* 85.00 1.30763E+004 1.54229E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 1.52261E+004 4.02330E+004 Bi -2 14 0.735 609.32* 45.49 6.74533E+004 3.14732E+004 1120. 2 9* 14.92 1.42074E+005 1. 12 717E+005 1764.49 15.30 Pb- 2 14 0.4 3 7 295. 22 18.42 351 . 93* 35.60 9 .37836E+004 4.87072E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :           10.0 0 0 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =                0 .3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10:06:52 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 7.906021E+005 2 .747904E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 2 .858016E+004 1.665754E+004 Tl-208 1.000 1. 3 07633E+004 1.542 2 87E+004 Pb- 212 1. 000 1.522613E+004 4.023296E+004 Bi-214 0.735 7.285041E+004 3.031366E+004 Pb-214 0.437 9.378363E+004 4.870721E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10 : 06:52 AM Page 5

  **********    U N I D E N T I F I E D      P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5 /5/2018 10:06:51 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75.12 - 2 .0264E - 001 -149.00 4 511.21 5 .1667E - 002 49.06 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [262]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 10:06: 52 AM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


Bl06214AFSWC007GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*   10.66    3.054E+005       3 .05E+005    7.906E+005  1.337E+005 Co-60       1173.23    99.85    3.465E+004       3 .41E+004    1.642E+004  1.552E+004 1332.49    99.98    3.413E+004                     2 .983E+004 1.514E+004 Nb-94        70 2 .65  99.81    3.585E+004       3.09E+004     3 .694E+004 1.653E+004 871. 09   99.89    3.092E+004                    -4.196E+003  1.390E+004 Ag-108m      43 3 .90  90.50    3.265E+004       3.2 6E+004   -6.235E+003  1.513E+004 614.30    89.80    4.412E+004                     3.404E+004  2 .061E+004 722.90    90.80   4.405E+004                    -3.813E+003   2 .046E+004 Cs-134       604.7 2   97.62    4.293E+004      3 . 22 E+004   3.786E+004  2 .014E+004 795.86    85.46    3.218E+004                   -2.378E+004   1.435E+004
 +      Cs-137       661.66*   85.10    2.201E+004      2.20E+004      2.858E+004  9.412E+003 Eu-152       121.78    28.67   -2.027E+005      1.44E+005    - 1 .319E+005 9.901E+004 344.28    26.60   1.681E+005                      7.791E+004  8.047E+004 1408.01     21. 07  1.437E+005                    - 2 .046E+005 6.249E+004 Eu-154       123.07    40.40   1 .436E+005      8.74E+004      1 .513E+004 7.014E+004 723.30    2 0.06  2.026E+005                    -1.177E+004   9 .423E+004 1274.43     34.80   8.736E+004                      1. 966E+004 3 .828E+004 Eu-155        86.55    30.70   2.632E+005       2.63E+OOS      6.168E+004  1.292E+005 105.31    21.10   3.036E+005                      1.770E+005  1.486E+OOS
 +      Tl- 2 08     583.19*   85.00   2 .491E-:-004    2 .4 9E+004    1.308E+004  1.096E+004 Bi-212       727.33      6.67  5.868E+005       5 .87E+OOS     3.813E+005  2.721E+005
 +      Pb-212       238.63*   43.60   6.798E+004       6.80E+004      1.523E+004  3.219E+004
 +      Bi-214       609.32*   45.49   3.671E+004       3.67E+004      6.745E+004  1.550E+004 1120.29*    14.9 2  1.672E+005                      1.421E+005  7 . 178E+004 1764.49     15.30   2.282E+005                      1.523E+004  9.920E+004
 +      Pb-214       295.22    18.42   2. 2 85E+005     6 .75E+004     1.247E+005  1.095E+005 351.93*   35.60   6.751E+004                      9.378E+004  3 .105E+004 Ra -22 6     186.21      3.64  1.234E+006       l . 2 3E+006 - 1 .749E+005 5.976E+005 Ac- 22 8     338.32    11. 27  3.383E+005       1.30E+005      3.356E+004  1.608E+OOS 911.20    2 5.80  1.303E+005                      8.958E+003  5 .897E+004 968.97    1 5 .80 2 .094E+005                   -1.796E+005   9 . 431E+004 Am-241        59.54    35.90   3 .144E+005      3.14E+005      5.781E+005  1.542E+005
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001056.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 9:52:43 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC008GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 1:36:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 1:36:13 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0.08 % Energy Calibration Used Done On *12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN [264]

Peak Analysis Report 5/5/2 01 8 9:52 :4 3 AM Page 2

*****                PE AK         A N A L Y S I S             R E P O R T               *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


Bl06214AFSWC008GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/20 1 8 9:52 : 43 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 121 - 136 128 . 12 31. 95 0.51 3.74E+001 35.68 9.26E+001 2 284- 347 300.39 75. 07 0.85 3.65E+00 2 183.52 8.76E+002 3 945- 962 953. 01 238.38 0. 3 6 7.47E+000 35 . 41 9.15E+001 4 1 172 - 1189 1 180.65 295.33 0.56 3. 2 5E+001 25.67 4.05E+001 5 1398- 1415 1406.67 351 . 87 0.90 3.33E+001 23.45 3.17E+001 6 2428- 2 445 2436.92 609.52 0.71 4.09E+001 16.89 9.12E+O00 7 2635 - 2656 2645.85 661.75 1.47 l .50E+002 31.18 2.47E+001 8 3636 - 3653 3644.98 91 1. 49 0.40 l. 87E+001 11. 53 4.28E+O00 9 3866 - 3883 3874.85 968.92 0.41 l.57E+001 9.68 2.26E+000 10 5835 - 58 5 5 5844.97 1460.96 1.04 9.42E+001 2 0.50 2.82E+000 11 7 0 51- 70 7 0 7060.52 1 764 . 32 0.25 l.20E+00 1 6.93 0.O0E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [265]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:52:43 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC008GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib - BNL . NLB

   * * * *  * * *  * ..   * * *  * * * *

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1460.82* 10.66 1.32133E+006 3 .09675E+005 Cs-13 7 1.000 661.66* 85.10 1. 77023E+005 4.24471E+004 Pb- 212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 9.92574E+003 4.70825E+004 Bi - 2 14 0.706 609.32* 45.49 8.63363E+004 3 .71401E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49* 15.30 1.32114E+00 5 7.70063E+004 Pb -2 14 1.000 295. 22

  • 18.4 2 1.14032E+00 5 9.18815E+004 351.93* 35.60 6.65614E+004 4.79631E+004 Ac-228 0 . 58 2 338.32 11.27 911.20* 25. 80 8.52272E+004 5.31500E+004 968.97* 15.80 1.20556E+00S 7.50145E+004
           * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
           @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :                        10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =                          0 .3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:52:43 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1.321329E+006 3.096750E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 1.770234E+005 4. 2 44713E+004 Pb-212 1.000 9.925742E+003 4.708252E+004 Bi-214 0.706 9.497513E+004 3 .345256E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 7.672686E+004 4.251865E+004 Ac -2 28 0.582 9.703497E+004 4.336767E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:52:43 AM Page 5

  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D     PE AK S       **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:52:43 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 31. 95 6.2282E-002 95.49 2 75.07 6.0849E-001 50. 2 6 M First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [268]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2 018 9 : 52 :4 3 AM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFSWC008GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/M,..2 ) (pCi/M,..2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/M ... 2 )

 +      K-40         1460.82*    10.66     l.903E+005      l.90E+005     l. 32 1E+00 6   7.618E+004 Co-60        1173.23     99.85    3.873E+004      3 .41E+004    1. 39 0E+004    l.756E+004 1332.49     99.98     3.413E+004                   2 .983E+004     l.514E+004 Nb- 94        702.65     99.81    3.291E+004      3.29E+004   - 2.590E+003      l.505E+004 871.09     99.89    3.780E+004                  - 3.393E+004      l.734E+004 Ag- 108m      433.90     90.50    4.861E+004      3.49E+004   -8.743E+003       2.311E+004 614.30     89.80    5.085E+004                    3.357E+004      2.397E+004 722.90     90.80    3.492E+004                    3.985E+003      l.590E+004 Cs - 134      604.72     97.62    4.825E+004      4.18E+004     5.995E+004      2.280E+004 795.86     85.46    4.180E+004                  -3.409E+004       l.916E+004
 +      Cs-137        661.66*    85.10    4.054E+004      4.05E+004     1.770E+005      l.868E+004 Eu-152        121.78     2 8.67   2.272E+005      l.35E+005     4 .29 6E+004    l.113E+005 344.28     2 6.60   l.838E+005                    1. 37 5E+005    8.832E+004 1408.0 1     21.07    l.351E+005                    9.016E+004      5.817E+004 Eu-154        123.07     40.40    1. 609E+005     l.13E+005   - 2 .059E+004     7.881E+004 723. 3 0   2 0 . 06 l.581E+00 5                   6.484E+004      7 .19 7E+004 1274.43      34.80    l.125E+005                    6 . 522E+004    5. 0 8 5E+004 Eu-155          86.55    30.70    2 .805E+005     2 .81E+005    1.709E+005      l. 3 79E+005 105.31     21.10    3 .367E+005                   2.407E+005      l.651E+005 Tl-208        583.19     85.00    4.378E+004      4.38E+004     3.693E+004      2.040E+004 Bi-212        727.33       6.67   4.446E+005      4.45E+005   - 2.628E+003      2.009E+005
 +      Pb - 212      2 38.63*   43.60    8 . 007E+004    8.01E+004     9.926E+003      3.824E+004
 +      Bi-214        609.32*    45.49    4.402E+004      2.98E+004     8.634E+004      l.915E+004 1120.29      14.92    2 .898E+005                   1. 731E+005     l.331E+005 1764.49*     15.30    2 .979E+004                   l.321E+005      O.OOOE+OOO
 +      Pb-214        295. 2 2*  18.42    l.422E+005      7.26E+004     1. 140E+005     6.636E+004 351.93*    35.60    7.261E+004                    6 .656E+004     3.360E+004 Ra-226        186.2 1     3.64    l.457E+006      l.46E+006     l.663E+005      7.091E+005
+       Ac-228        338.32     11. 27   4.132E+005      6.94E+004     3.484E+005      l.983E+005 911.20*    25.80    6.941E+004                    8.523E+004      2.854E+004 968.97*    15.80    9.070E+004                    l.206E+005      3.498E+004 Am-241          59.54    35.90    3.008E+005      3 .01E+005    3.850E+005      l.474E+005
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       *=Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @=Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001057.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 9:49 :55 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC009GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 1:49:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 1:49:44 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0.08 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN

                                                                  '>--->*-IS-   /°& I 0


Peak Analysis Report 5/5/ 2 018 9:49:55 AM Page 2

          • P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC009GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:49:54 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 292 - 308 299.96 74.96 0.8 2 8.04E+001 65.60 3 .18E+002 2 1172 - 11 89 1180.47 295.28 0.59 1.73E+001 25.51 4.47E+001 3 1399- 1416 1407.92 352.18 0.64 4.58E+001 23.72 2.92E+001 4 2324 - 234 1 2332.69 583.46 0.29 1.76E+001 18.04 1.84E+001 5 2428- 2446 2437.05 609.55 1. 24 4.98E+001 17.25 7.20E+000 6 2638 - 2655 2646.37 661. 89 0.49 4.29E+001 14 . 97 4.llE+000 7 5836 - 5855 5845.28 1461. 04 0.87 9 . 47E+001 21. 38 5.28E+O00 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [271]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/20 1 8 9 :49:55 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC009GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 1.32902E+006 3.21377E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 661.66* 85.10 5 .05417E+004 l.86495E+004 Tl -2 08 1.000 583.19* 85.00 1 . 939 72E+004 2 .00658E+004 Bi -2 14 0.44 2 609.32* 45.49 1.05174E+005 3.85702E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764 . 49 15.3 0 Pb- 2 14 1.000 295.22* 18.42 6.08311E+004 9 .00 3 45E+004 351.93* 35.60 9.17305E+004 4 . 94179E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :        10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold             0 .3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:49:55 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1.329017E+006 3 . 2 13774E+005 Cs-137 1.000 5.054170E+004 1.864 9 45E+004 Tl-208 1. 000 1.939723E+004 2 .006579E+004 Bi-214 0.442 1.051741E+00S 3.857018E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 8.457677E+004 4.3321 2 8E+004

       ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at      2 .000 sigma
  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D        P E A K S       **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 9 :49: 54 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 74.96 1.3407E-001 81. 54 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [273]

Nucl ide MDA Report 5/5/ 2 018 9:49:55 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2 IN Sample


B106214AFSWC009GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*     10 .66    2.419E+005    2.42E+005 1.329E+006       1.020E+005 Co-60       1173.23      99.85     4.384E+004    3.41E+004 -2 .001E+003     2.012E+004 1332.49      99.98    3.413E+004                  1.463E+004    1.514E+004 Nb- 94        702.65     99.81    3.514E+004     3 .51E+004 1.417E+004     1.617E+004 871. 0 9   99.89    3.522E+004                  7.0 2 1E+003 1.606E+004 Ag - 108m     43 3 .90   9 0 . 50 4.167E+004     3.84E+004 - 1.5 2 3E+004  1.964E+004 614.30     89.80    5.289E+004                  2 . 499E+004 2.499E+004 722.90     9 0 .80  3 .836E+004                 1.392E+004   1.762E+004 Cs - 134      604.72     97.62    4.710E+004     4.36 E+004   6.098E+004   2 .222E+004 795.86     85.46    4.363E+004                 -9.883E+003   2 .007E+004
 +      Cs - 137      661.66*    85.10    1.722E+004     1.72E+004 5.054E+004      7.015E+003 Eu- 152       121.78     2 8.67   2.23 3E+005    l.40E+005 1 .811E+005     1 .093E+005 344.28     26.60    1. 709E+005               -3.648E+004    8.187E+004 1408. 0 1    21. 0 7  1.395E+005                 -5.623E+004   6.037E+004 Eu- 154       123 . 0 7  4 0 .40  1.571E+005     9.79E+004 - 1.247E+004    7.690E+004 723 . 3 0  2 0 .06  1 .699E+005               - 5 .590E+004  7.790E+004 1274.43       34.80    9.789E+004                  9.977E+002   4.355E+004 Eu- 155         86. 55   30.70    2 .712E+005    2 .71E+005 - 2.939E+004   1.332E+005 1 05 . 31  21.10    3.138E+005                -1.532E+005    1.537E+005
 +      Tl- 208       583.19*    85.00    3.202E+004     3.20E+004 1.940E+004      1.452E+004 Bi-212        727.33       6.67   5.182E+005     5.18E+005 3 .351E+005     2 .378E+005 Pb -2 12     238 . 63    43.60    1 .149E+005    1 .15E+005 2 .501E+004    5. 567E+004
 +      Bi- 2 14     609.32*     45. 4 9  4.019E+004    4.02E+004 1 .052E+005      1.724E+004 1120.29       14.92    2.8 0 3E+005              - 2.268E+004   1.284E+005 1764.49       15 . 30  2.282E+005                  5.982E+004   9 .920E+004
+       Pb-214       295.22*     18. 42   1. 487E+005   6.95E+004     6.083E+004   6.959E+004 351.93*     35.60    6.954E+004                  9.173E+004   3.206E+004 Ra-226        186.2 1      3.64    1. 432E+006   1.43E+006 l.971E+005       6.967E+005 Ac-228        338.32      11. 2 7  3.595E+005    1.64E+005 2 .894E+005      1.714E+005 911. 20     25.80    1 .636E+005                 1. 3 77E+005 7.564E+004 968.97      15.80    2.572E+005                - 7.753E+004   1 . 1 82E+005 Am-24 1         59.54     35.90    2.817E+005    2.82E+005 4.665E+003       1.378E+005
      +=Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      *=Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @=Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • G AMMA S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001086.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 10:11:17 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC010GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 81 92 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 81 92 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 5/1/2018 8:39:00 AM Acquisition Started 5/1/2018 8:39:05 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07  % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN [275]

Peak Analysis Report 5/5/ 2 018 10:11: 1 8 AM Page 2

          • PE AK A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample


B106214AFSWC010GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 10:11:17 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start e nd centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 293- 309 300.60 75.12 0 . 79 6.41E+001 69.63 3.61E+002 2 947- 964 955.79 239.07 0.98 3.97E+001 32.77 6.93E+001 3 1173 - 1190 1 181.07 295.43 0.31 9.34E+000 24.34 4.27E+001 4 1399 - 1416 1407.48 352.07 0.91 3.33E+001 20 . 44 2.17E+001 5 2033- 2 0 50 2041.40 510.62 0.50 2.33E+001 16.61 1.37E+001 6 2428 - 2445 2436.45 609.40 0.40 3 . 2 3E+001 15.59 8.74E+000 7 2639- 2656 2647.0 1 662.05 0.80 2 .89E+001 17.23 1. 2 1E+001 8 3635- 3652 3643.86 911. 20 0.27 1 .25E+001 10. 42 4.50E+0O0 9 5836 - 5855 5845 . 33 1461.05 0.65 6.50E+001 16 . 12 0.OOE+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [276]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10:11:18 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC010GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuc lide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 9.12020E+005 2 .3 9705E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 661.66* 8 5 .10 3.40529E+004 2 .07156E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 5.27823E+004 4.44378E+004 Bi-214 0.44 2 609.32* 45.49 6.81163E+004 3 . 392 77E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb- 2 14 1. 000 295.22* 18.42 3.27817E+004 8.5 5611E+004 351.93* 35 .60 6.66078E+004 4. 2 0959E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :      10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=          0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10:11:18 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 9.1 2 0198E+005 2 .397050E+ 0 05 Cs-137 1. 000 3.405290E+004 2.071559E+ 0 04 Pb-212 1. 000 5. 2 78230E+004 4.443779E+004 Bi-214 0.442 6.811626E+004 3.392771E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 6.001554E+004 3.777183E+004

       ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuciide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at       2 .000 sigma
  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D          P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 10 :1 1 :17 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75.12 1 . 0677E -001 108.68 5 510.62 3.8851E- 0 02 71.24 8 911.20 2 .0833E- 0 02 83.34 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [278]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 10:11:18 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A REPORT *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


Bl06214AFSWC010GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/M ... 2 ) (pCi/M ... 2 ) (pCi/M ... 2 ) (pCi/M ... 2 )

 +      K-40         146 0 .82*  10.66   3.797E+004       3.80E+004        9.120E+005      0.000E+000 Co-6 0       1173.23     99.85   3.981E+004       3.69E+004        2.064E+00 4     1.810E+004 1332.49     99.98   3.689E+004                        3.906E+003      1.652E+004 Nb- 94        702.65     99.81   3.655E+004       3.29E+004      - 1 . 373E+004    1.687E+004 871. 09    99.89   3.291E+004                      - 3 .594E+004     1.490E+004 Ag- 108m      433 . 90   90.50   3.945E+004       3.94E+004        1 .924E+004     1 .853E+004 614.30     89.80   4.532E+004                        4.721E+004      2.120E+004 722.90     9 0 .80 4.074E+004                        3.263E+004      1.881E+004 Cs - 134      604 . 72   97.62   4.081E+004       4. 0 8E+004      2.017E+004      1.908E+004 795.86     85.46   4. 22 7E+004                   -2 .605E+004       1.939E+004
 +      Cs - 1 37     661.66*    85.10   2.930E+004       2.93E+004        3.405E+004      1.305E+004 Eu-152        12 1. 78   28 . 67 2.205E+005       8.33E+004        1.334E+005      1.079E+005 344.28     26.60   l.662E+005                        5.522E+004      7.952E+004 1408.01      21. 07  8.330E+004                     - 1 . 344E+005     3 .227E+004 Eu-154        123.07     40.40   1.527E+005       9.79E+004     - 1.301E+005       7.468E+004 723.30     20.06   1.845E+005                        8.925E+004      8.516E+004 1274.43      3 4.80  9 . 789E+004                      4 . 267E+004    4.355E+004 Eu-155         86.55     3 0.70  2 .723E+005      2.72E+00S        8.352E+004      1.338E+005 105.31     21.10   3 . 183E+005                   - 2.702E+C05       1.559E+005 Tl- 2 08      583.19     85.00   4.346E+004       4.35E+004        2.375E+004      2.023E+004 Bi-212        727.33       6.67  5. 2 94E+0OS     5.29E+00S        5.468E+005      2.434E+005
 +      Pb-212        238.63*    43.60   6.983E+004       6.98E+004        5.278E+004      3.311E+004
 +      Bi -2 14      609 . 32*  45.49   4.282E+004       4.28E+004        6.812E+004      1 .855E+004 1120 . 29    14.92   2.568E+005                     -1 .919E+005       1.166E+005 1764.49      15.30   2.215E+005                       1 .541E+005      9.584E+004
 +      Pb-214        295.22*    18.42   1.455E+00S       6. 0 9E+004     3 . 2 78E+004    6.799E+004 35 1 .93*  35.60   6.095E+004                       6.661E+004       2.776E+004 Ra-226        186.21       3.64  1 .339E+006     1.34E+006        7.430E+00S       6.503E+005 Ac-228        338.32     11. 2 7 3 .396E+00S      l.32E+00S       1 .677E+005      1.615E+00S 911.20     25.80   1.321E+005                       6.011E+003       5.991E+004 968.97     15.80   2 . 192E+005                     1.897E+004       9.923E+004 Arn- 2 41      59 . 54   35.90   3 .232E+005     3 .23E+005     - 1.492E+005       1.586E+005
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region , or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Hal f- life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001076.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 10:03:39 AM Sample Title Bl06214AFSWC011GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/30/2018 1: 2 4:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/30/2018 1: 2 4:15 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Ef ficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN 12-15 [280]

Peak Analysis Report 5/5/ 2 018 10:03:39 AM Page 2

          • PE AK A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC011GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 10:03 : 38 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts M 1 282 - 354 298.37 74.56 3.48 2.76E+002 53.96 5.10E+002 m 2 282 - 354 340.99 85. 23 3.49 1.28E+002 44.15 4.92E+002 3 1399 - 1416 1407.35 352.04 0.77 3.29E+001 20.46 2.21E+001 4 2035 - 2 052 2 043.32 511.10 0.93 2.02E+001 19.04 2.08E+001 5 2429 - 2446 2437.75 609.73 0.98 3.03E+001 14.43 6.69E+000 6 2639 - 2656 2647.23 662.10 0.52 2.52E+001 13.83 6.84E+000 7 3637 - 3654 3645. 10 911.51 1.41 1.29E+001 15.08 1. 21E+001 8 4474 - 4493 4483.49 1120.98 0.52 9.00E+000 10.30 5.00E+000 9 5837 - 5856 5846.06 1461.23 0.41 4.13E+001 16.05 6.67E+00O 10 7052- 7071 7061.65 1764 . 6 0 0.29 1 .20E+001 6.93 0.00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [281]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/ 2 018 1 0:03:39 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B106214AFSWC011GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 5. 79924E+005 2.30799E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 2 .96559E+004 l.66779E+004 Eu-155 0.33 1 86.55* 30.70 2 . 26839E+005 9.03471E+004 105.31 21.10 Bi -2 14 1. 0 00 609.32* 45.49 6.40261E+004 3.14455E+004 1120.29* 14.92 7.85388E+004 9.00921E+004 1764.49* 15.30 l.32127E+005 7.70141E+004 Pb- 214 0.437 295. 22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 6 . 59313E-t004 4. 21 081E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum .
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.0 0 0 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =            0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10:03:39 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R .E PORT *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 5.7 9 9236E+005 2 .307990E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 2 .965588E+004 l.667790E+004 Eu-155 0. 33 1 2.268388E+005 9.034714E+004 Bi-2 14 1.000 7.420929E+004 2.770188E+004 Pb-2 14 0.437 6.593128E+004 4. 210811E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at   2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/ 2 018 10:03:39 AM Page 5

  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D      P E A K S    **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 10:03:38 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide M 1 74.56 4.5921E - 001 19.58 4 511. 10 3 .3699E - 002 94.18 7 911.51 2 .1567E-002 116.52 Tol. Ac-228 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [284]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 10:03:39 AM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFSWC011GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2) (pCi/MA2) (pCi/MA2 ) {pCi/MA2)

 +      K-4 0      14 60.82*     1 0.66   2.598E+005    2.60E+005     5 . 799E+00 5  1.109E+005 Co-60      11 73.23      99.85    3.402E+004    3.40E+004     7.227E+003     1. 52 1E+004 133 2 .49     99.98    3.413E+004                  l.136E+004     1.514E+004 Nb-94        702.65      99.8 1   4.107E+004    3.29E+004     4. 3 78E+004   l.913E+004 871. 09     99.89    3.291E+004                -8.110E+004      l.490E+004 Ag-108 m     433.90      90.50    3.733E+004    3.63E+004   -2 . 3 75E+00 4 1.747E+004 614.30      89.80   4.442E+004                  3 .061E+004     2 .076E+004 722.90      90.80   3.625E+004                -2.840E+004       l.656E+004 Cs-134       604.72      97 . 62 3.885E+004     3.88E+004    1.418E+004     1.810E+004 795.86      85.46   4.180E+004                  9.647E+002     l.916E+004
 +      Cs-137       661 . 66
  • 85.10 2 .163E+004 2.16E+004 2.966E+004 9.220E+003 Eu-1 52 121.78 28.67 2. 1 12E+005 1.52E+005 2.253E+005 l.033E+005 344.28 26.60 l .609E+005 -6.298E+004 7.686E+004 1408 .01 21. 07 l.518E+005 l .179E+005 6.652E+004 Eu-154 123.07 40.40 l.480E+OOS 8.51E+004 -5.779E+004 7.234E+004 723.30 20.06 l.601E+005 - l.953E+005 7.299E+004 1274.43 34.80 8.507E+004 3.037E+004 3.714E+004
 +     Eu - 155       86.55*     30.70   l.875E+005     1 .87E+OOS   2.268E+005     9.13SE+004 105.31      21. 1 0 3.208E+005                  3.172E+005     l .572E+005 Tl-208        583.19      85.00   4.750E+004     4.75E+004  - 7 . 073E+003   2 . 2 26E+004 Bi-212        727.33       6.67   5.009E+005     5.0lE+OOS    1 .278E+005    2.291E+005 Pb-212        238.63      43.60   l.098E+005     l .lOE+OOS   9.826E+004     S . 312E+004
 +     Bi -2 14      609.32*     45.49   3.814E+004     2 .98E+004   6.403E+004     l.621E+004 112 0 .29*     14.92   l.438E+005                  7.854E+004     6.008E+004 1764.49*       15.30   2. 979E+004                 l.321E+005     O.OOOE+OOO
+      Pb-214       295.22       18.4 2  2 .134E+005    6 .12E+004   4.078E+004     l.019E+005 351.93*      35.60   6.115E+004                  6.593E+004     2 .787E+004 Ra-226       186.21        3.64   l.339E+006    1.34E+006     6 . 8 3 7E+005 6.503E+00 5 Ac-228       338.32       11.27   3.383E+005    1.69E+OOS     2.708E+00 3    l.608E+00 5 911.20       25 . 80 1.694E+005                - 4.002E+004     7.85SE+004 968.97       15 . 80 l.720E+005                -l.877E+005      7.562E+004 Am- 241        59.54      35.90   3.251E+005    3. 25 E+005   2 .058E+005    1. 5 95E+005
      += Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMMA        S P E C T R U M       A N A L Y S I S           *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\00001058.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 9:48:52 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC012GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 2 :07:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 2 : 07: 33 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN [286]

Peak Analysis Report 5/5/2018 9:48:52 AM Page 2

*****               P E A K       A N A L Y S I S         R E P O R T               *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC012GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2 0 18 9:48:52 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 292 - 309 300.45 75.08 0.82 9.66E+001 65.68 3.01E+00 2 2 946 - 963 954.56 238.76 0.55 1.27E+001 33.38 8.13E+001 3 1173 - 1190 1181.83 295.62 0.34 3.91E+001 22.5 0 2.69E+001 4 1398 - 1415 1406.97 351.94 0.63 3. 2 9E +001 22 . 54 2.81E+001 5 2321 - 2338 2329.89 582.76 0.92 2 .59E +001 1 5.04 9.1 3 E+000 6 2429- 2446 2437.02 609.54 0.96 5.60E+001 19.80 l.30E+001 7 2 637 - 2654 2645.51 661.67 0.95 2.75E+001 13.00 4.50E+O00 8 4472 - 4491 4481.68 1120.53 0.47 1. 2 0E+001 10.87 5.00E+000 9 5836- 5855 5845.29 1461.04 0.91 8.97E+001 19.75 2.34E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [287]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/ 2 018 9:48:52 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC012GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nucl ide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1460.82* 10.66 l.25806E+006 2.97909E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 3 . 23978E+004 1 .57967E+004 Tl-208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 2.85677E+004 l .69548E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 l .68997E+004 4.44802E+004 Bi- 2 14 0.735 609.32* 45.49 l.18 1 95E+005 4.41638E+004 1120.29* 14.92 l.04697E+00 5 9.51897E+004 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1.000 295 . 22* 18.42 l . 37333E+00 5 8.20003E+00 4 351.93* 35.60 6 . 58829E+004 4.61758E+004

       * = Energy line found in the spectrum .
       @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =          0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2. 00 0 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:48:52 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1.258064E+006 2 . 979087E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 3.239785E+004 1.579667E+004 Tl-208 1. 000 2 . 856765E+004 1.695484E+004 Pb-212 1.000 1.689967E+004 4.448016E+004 Bi -2 14 0.735 1.158040E+005 4.006201E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 8.308511E+004 4.023510E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/ 2 0 18 9:48:52 AM Page 5

  **********    U N I D E N T I F I E D     P E A K S   **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2 0 18 9:48:52 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75.08 1. 6100E-001 67.99 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [290]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 9:48:52 AM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2 IN Sample


B106214AFSWC012GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) . ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40         1460.82*    1 0 .66 1.676E+005       1.68E+005       1. 2 58E+006 6.480E+004 Co-60        1173.23     99.85   4.432E+004       2 .77E+004      1. 3 71E+004 2.035E+004 133 2 .49   99.98   2 .767E+004                      1.847E+004   1.192E+004 Nb-94         702.65     99.81   3 .442E+004      3 . 24 E+004    1 .560E+003  1.581E+004 871.09     99.89   3 .243E+004                    - 9.681E+003   1. 466E+004 Ag-108m       433.90     90.50   4. 2 94E+004     3.80E+004       1.591E+004   2 .027E+004 614.30     89.80   5.604E+004                       6.970E+004   2 .656E+004 722.90     90.80   3 .795E+004                    - 9.817E+003   1 .741E+004 Cs-134        604.72     97.62   5 .198E+004      4.09E+004       7.875E+004   2 .466E+004 795 . 86   85.46   4.086E+004                    - 3 .137E+004   1 . 869E+004
 +      Cs - 137      661.66*    85.10   1.806E+004       1.81E+004       3 .240E+004  7.436E+003 Eu- 1 52      1 2 1. 78  28.67   2 .035E+005      1. 2 1E+005  -1.873E+005     9.941E+004 344. 2 8   26.60   1.799E+005                       6.084E+004   8.637E+004 1408.01      21.07   1.208E+005                    - 8.496E+004    5.102E+004 Eu-154        123.07     40.40   1.436E+005       1. 1 7E+005  -l.2 83E+005    7.014E+004 72 3 .30   2 0.06  1. 737E+005                      l .481E+004  7.977E+004 1274.43      34.80   l.175E+005                       3.568E+003   5 .333E+004 Eu-155          86.55    30.70   2.534E+005       2.53E+005    -2 .772E+005    1.243E+00 5 105.31     21.10   3.028E+005                       4.196E+004   1.482E+005
 +      Tl - 208      583.19*    85.00   2.310E+004       2.31E+004      2.857E+004    1.006E+004 Bi- 212       727.33       6.67  5.125E+005       5.12E+005    -4.625E+004     2.349E+005
 +      Pb -2 12      2 38.63*   43.60   7.495E+004       7.49E+004      l.690E+004    3.567E+004
 +      Bi -2 14      609.32*    45.49   5.077E+004       5.08E+004      l.182E+005    2.253E+004 1120.29*     14.92   1.438E+005                      1.047E+005    6.009E+004 1764.49      15.30   2 .410E+005                     1.872E+005    1.056E+005
 +      Pb- 2 14      29 5 .22*  18.42   1.175E+005       6.93E+004      1.373E+005    5 .401E+004 35 1 .93*  35.60   6.929E+004                      6.588E+004    3. 1 94E+004 Ra-226        186.2 1     3 .64  1.320E+006       1.32E+006    - 3.635E+005    6.410E+005 Ac-228        338.32     11. 2 7 3.907E+005       1.54E+005      3.905E+005    1.870E+005 911.20     25.80   1.544E+005                    -6.880E+003     7.105E+004 968.97     15.80   2 .462E+005                   - l.915E+004    1 . 127E+005 Am- 2 41        59.54    35.90   2 .649E+005     2 .65E+005      2.496E+005    1. 294E+00 5
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001059.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 9:47:46 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC013GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 M" 2 Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 2 : 22: 00 PM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 2 : 23: 00 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done on 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN [292]

Peak Analysis Report 5/5/ 2 01 8 9:47:46 AM Page 2

*****                 P E A K        A N A L Y S I S            R E P O R T              *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC013GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:47:45 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 292 - 309 300. 1 7 75.01 0.63 5.20E+001 69.83 3.57E+002 2 444 - 460 452 . 53 113.14 0.32 1.19E+001 47.44 1.76E+002 3 737 - 752 744.32 186.16 0.46 1.98E+001 3 0.03 6.82E+001 4 945- 962 953.92 238.60 1. 03 1.68E+001 32.85 7.62E+001 5 1172 - 11 89 1 180.35 295.25 1. 68 3.60E+001 22.26 2.70E+001 6 1399 - 1416 1407.3 0 352.03 0.41 5.77E+001 21. 36 1.73E+001 7 1843- 1860 1851. 27 463.07 0.40 1.58E+001 13.71 9.16E+000 8 2 033- 2 0 50 204 1 .65 5 10 .68 0.77 2.48E+001 15. 2 1 9.18E+000 9 2324 - 234 1 2332.93 583.52 1. 3 1 2.36E+001 15.78 1 .14E+001 10 2428- 2445 2436.49 609.41 0.41 4.23E+001 17.55 1.07E+001 11 2638- 2655 2646.40 66 1 .89 0.78 3.l0E+00l 15.53 9.00E+00O 12 5836 - 5855 5845.59 1461.11 0.88 8.30E+001 18. 22 O.00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [293]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2 01 8 9 :47 : 46 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC013GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib - BNL.NLB

  . ~ ............ . . ...  . IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES            ... . ..... . ....... . . ...

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 1.16461E+006 2.74940E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85. 10 3.65276E+004 1.88148E+004 Eu-152 0.615 121.78* 2 8.67 2 .04695E+004 8 . 20003E+004 344.28* 26.60 1 .54484E+005 6.19694E+004 1408.01 2 1. 07 Tl -2 0 8 1.000 583.19* 85.00 2.61245E+004 1.77223E+004 Pb- 2 12 1.000 238.63* 43.60 2.22933E+004 4.38266E+004 Bi-214 0. 442 609.32* 45.49 8.93909E+004 3.85888E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1. 000 295.22* 18.42 1. 2 6296E+005 8.06700E+004 351.93* 35.60 1.15429E+005 4.61014E+004 Ra-226 1. 000 186.21* 3.64 2 .81626E+005 4. 2993 5E+005

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum .
        @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :          10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =              0 . 30 Err o r s quoted at 2 . 0 00 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:47:46 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1.164612E+006 2 .749404E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 3.652757E+004 1.881480E+004 Eu-1 52 0. 6 15 9.858073E+003 6.845552E+004 Tl-208 1.000 2. 6124.5 2E+004 1.772229E+004 Pb-212 1.000 2.229329E+004 4.382655E+004 Bi-214 0.44 2 8.939091E+004 3.858884E+004 Pb - 214 1. 000 1.125514E+005 5.557562E+004 Ra - 226 1. 000 2.816263E+005 4.299352E+005

      ? =   Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at     2 .000 sigma


Interf erence Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9 :47:46 AM Page 5

  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D     P E A K S   **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:47:45 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75.01 8.6646E-002 134.31 7 4 6 3.07 2.6400E-002 86.52 Sum 8 5 1 0.68 4.1373E-002 61.25 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [296]

Nucl ide MDA Report 5/5/2018 9:47:46 AM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2 IN Sample


B1 0 6214AFSWC013GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (% ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*     10.66    3.797E+004     3.80E+004 l. 1 65E+006         O.OOOE+OOO Co-60       1173.23      99.85    4.188E+004     2.86E+004 -3.636E+004          l.913E+004 1332.49      99 . 98  2.857E+004                   -l .618E+004     l.236E+004 Nb- 94       702.65      99.81    3.920E+004     3.09E+004 2.756E+004           l.820E+004 871. 09     99.89    3.092E+004                  -2.029E+004       l.390E+004 Ag-108m      433.9 0     9 0 .50  4.123E+004     3.88E+004 -l.480E+004          l.942E+004 614.3 0     89.80    4.789E+004                    2.913E+004     2.249E+004 72 2 .9 0   90.80    3 .877E+004                   2.685E+004     1.782E+004 Cs-134       604.72      97 . 62  4 . 567E+004   4.09E+004 5 . 164E+004        2 .151E+004 795.86      85.46    4.086E+004                  - 4.410E+004     l .869E+004
 +      Cs-137       661.66*     85.10    2 .416E+004    2.42E+004      3.653E+004     l.049E+004
 +      Eu-152       121.78*     28.67    l.380E+005     7.34E+004 2 .047E+004         6.665E+004 344.28*     26.60    7.340E+004                    1. 545E+00 5   3.308E+004 1408.01       21. 07   1.833E+005                    9.756E+004     8.227E+004 Eu-154       1 23.07     40.40    1.485E+005     8.27E+004 3.511E+004          7.261E+004 723.3 0     20.0 6   1. 755E+005                   7.101E+004     8.070E+004 1274.43       34.80    8. 2 71E+004                - 3 .326E+004    3 . 596E+004 Eu - 155       86 . 55   30.70    2.650E+005     2.65E+005 l.016E+005          l.3 0 1E+005 1 0 5 . 31  21.10    3.210E+005                    l . 417E+005   1 . 573E+005
 +      Tl- 2 08     583.19*     85.00    2 .559E+004    2.56E+004 2.612E+004          l .130E+004 Bi- 2 12     727.33       6.67    5 .349E+005    5.35E+005 2.067E+005          2 . 46 1.E+OOS
 +      Pb-212       238.63*     43.60    7.318E+004     7.32E+004 2.229E+004          3 .479E+004
 +      Bi-214       609.32*     45.49    4.663E+004     4.66E+004      8.939E+004     2.046E+004 1120.29       14.9 2   2.771E+005                    2.331E+005     l. 2 67E+005 1 764.49      15.30    2 .073E+005                 - 7.982E+004     8.873E+004
 +      Pb-214       295. 22*    18.42    1.177E+005     5.48E+004      l . 2 63E+005  5.410E+004 351.93*     35.60    5.485E+004                    l.154E+005     2.472E+004
 +      Ra-226       1 86.21*     3.64    7.096E+005     7 .1 0E+005 2.816E+005        3.356E+005 Ac-2 2 8     338.3 2     11. 2 7  3 .447E+005    1.56E+005 3.097E+004          l.640E+00 5 9 11. 2 0   25.80    l. 560E+005                   2.049E+004     7 . 183E+004 968.97      15.80    2.224E+005                    5.088E+003     l.008E+005 Am-241         59.54     35.90    2.838E+005     2.84E+005 4.491E+004          1.389E+005
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
       @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


                                                                                                                  • W***************
          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANA L YSIS *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001077.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 10:0 1 : 33 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC014GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2 IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 1 0 . 000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/30/2 018 1 : 37: 00 PM Acquisition Started 4/30/2 018 1 : 37: 3 4 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0 . 06 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2 017 Ef ficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN

                                                                           *~ft- fl/ r-ctw
                                                                             )-S:-/r /2Y<;


Peak Analysis Report 5/5/2018 10:01: 33 AM Page 2

*****              P E A K      A N A L Y S I S         R E P O R T                *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC014GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 10:01: 32 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 285- 308 300.39 75.07 0.85 1.12E+002 85.43 4.28E+002 2 946 - 963 954.90 238.85 0.88 9.02E - 001 32 . 61 8.llE+00l 3 1399 - 1416 1407.37 352.04 0.56 2.23E+001 21. 56 2 .77E+001 4 2036- 2053 2044.79 511.47 0.59 2 .29E+001 15.35 1.llE+00l 5 2429 - 2446 2437.00 609.54 1.24 3.02E+001 14.48 6.76E+000 6 4473 - 4492 4482.77 1120.80 0.75 1.60E+001 14.32 l.00E+00l 7 5838 - 5857 5847.61 1461.6 2 0.96 6.40E+001 16.00 0.00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [299]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10:01: 33 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC014GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 1460.82* 10.66 8.98209E+005 2.37713E+00 5 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 1.20037E+003 4.33710E+004 Bi - 2 14 0.735 6 0 9.32* 45 . 49 6.38589E+004 3.15260E+004 112 0 .29* 14.92 1.39613E+005 1.25411E+005 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 0.437 295.22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 4.46678E+004 4.36645E+004

         * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
        @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=            0 . 30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10:01:33 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 8.982095E+005 2.377126E+005 Pb-212 1. 000 1. 2 00371E+003 4.337100E+004 Bi-214 0.735 6.836146E+004 3.057471E+004 Pb-214 0.437 4.466783E+004 4.366451E+004

       ?    Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @     Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at      2 .000 sigma
  **********     UN I D E N T I F I E D           P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 10:0 1 : 32 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS :t>eak Tol. No. (keV) Counts pe r Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75.07 1 .8644E-001 76.37 4 511.47 3 .8199E - 002 66.96 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [301]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/20 1 8 10 : 01 : 33 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2 IN Sample


B106214AFSWC014GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40         1460.82*     10.66   3.798E+004      3.80E+004 8.982E+005        O. OOOE+OOO Co-6 0      1173. 23      99 . 85 3.873E+004      2 .67E+004 - 5.524E+002     1 . 756E+004 1332 . 49     99.98   2.674E+004                    1. 006E+003   1.145E+004 Nb -94        702 . 65    99.81   3.367E+004      3.29E+004 2.098E+004        1.543E+004 871.09      99.89   3.291E+004                  - 4.653E+004    1.490.E+004 Ag - 1 08m    4 33.90     90.50   3.708E+004      3.71E+004 - 6.340E+003      1.734E+004 614.30      89.80   4.412E+004                  -1. 716E+004    2 .061E+004 722.90      9 0 .80 3 . 711E+004                  9.861E+003    1 . 699E+004 Cs-134        604.72      97.62   4.081E+004      4 . 08E+004 4.047E+004      1.908E+004 795.86      85.46   4.495E+004                    2.307E+004    2. 0 73E+004 Cs-137        661.66      85.10   4.805E+004      4.81E+004 3.999E+004        2 . 24 3E+004 Eu-152        12 1. 78    2 8.67  2.059E+005      1 .56 E+005 - 9 . 739E+004  1. 006E+005 344.28      26.60   1.564E+005                    1.578E+004    7.461E+004 1408.01       21.07   1.631E+005                    5.080E+004    7.215E+004 Eu-154        123.07      40.40   1.458E+005      9.79E+004 - 6.017E+004      7.128E+004 723.30      20.0 6  1.661E+005                    4. 0*63E+004  7.597E+004 1274.43       34.80   9.789E+004                    5.007E+004    4 .355E+004 Eu - 155        86.55     30 . 70 2 .717E+005     2 .72E+005 1 . 2 75E+004    1 . 335E+005 105 . 31    21.10   3.136E+OOS                  - l.569E+005    1 . 536E+00 5 Tl-208        583.19      85.00   4.213E+004      4 . 21E+004 5.308E+004      1 .957E+004 Bi-212        727.33        6.67  4 . 768E+OOS    4.77E+005 -2.558E+OOS       2.170E+005
 +      Pb-212        238.63*     4 3 .60 7.482E+004      7.48E+004 1. 2 00E+003      3.561E+004
 +      Bi-214        609.32*     4 5 .49 3 . 843E+004    3.84E+004 6.386E+004        1.636E+004 112 0 . 2 9*  14.92   1.940E+OOS                    1.396E+005    8.520E+004 1764 . 49     15.30   2.215E+OOS                    1. 541E+O 05  9.584E+004
 +      Pb-214        295.22      18.42   2.198E+005      6.92E+004 - 6.042E+004      1 .051E+005 351.93*     35.60   6.922E+004                    4.467E+004    3 .190E+004 Ra-226        186.21        3.64  1.193E+006      1.19E+006 -7.591E+005       5.771E+005 Ac-228        338.32      11. 27  3.383E+005      1.36E+005 5.873E+004        1 . 608E+005 91 1. 20    25.80   1 .358E+OOS                   6.032E+004    6.176E+004 968.97      15.80   2.346E+OOS                    2.758E+005    1.069E+005 Arn-24 1       59 . 54    35.90   3 . 184E+OOS    3.18E+005 -5 . 883E+004     1.562E+005
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
       @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001078.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 10:00: 3 6 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC015GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2 IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 . 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 819 2 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/ 3 0/2018 1 :53 :00 PM Acquisition Started 4/ 3 0/2018 1 :53 :47 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.0 7 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2 017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN

                                                                       *--~ Vc/\llit-M
                                                                           ~~>-(er/? ;o


Peak Analysis Report 5/5/2018 10:00: 3 6 AM Page 2

*****             P E A K       ANALYSIS                   R E P O R T            *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample


B106214AFSWC015GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 10:00:36 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start e nd centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 283- 347 298.75 74.66 0.93 1.74E+00 2 185.39 9.14E+002 2 945- 962 953.54 238.51 0.30 -3.44E+000 34.15 8.84E+001 3 1401- 1418 1409.21 352.50 0.74 2.58E+001 19.81 2.22 E+001 4 2325- 2342 2333.42 58 3 .64 0.44 l .41E+001 16.31 l.59E+001 5 2430- 2447 2438.67 609.96 0.98 2.0 3 E+001 16.89 l.57E+001 6 3641- 3658 3649.38 912.58 1. 06 2 . 3 0E+001 9.59 0.00E+000 7 5841- 5860 5850.02 1462.22 1. 24 7.44E+001 18.97 4.59E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [304]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5 /5/ 2 018 10:00: 36 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N REPORT *****



B1062 1 4AFSWC015GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES \ Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  - ....... - - - .. - ... - ..      IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES            . .............. - .. ..

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-4 0 0.997 1460.82* 10.66 1.04451E+006 2.81320E+005 Tl-208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 l.55817E+004 1.811B0E+004 Pb- 2 12 1.000 2 38.63* 43.60 - 4.57003E+003 4.53912E+0 0 4 Bi -2 14 0.441 6 0 9.32* 45.49 4. 2 9589E+004 3.60460E+004 1120. 2 9 14.92 1764.49 15.3 0 Pb-214 0 .436 295.22 18. 42 351.93* 35.60 5.15905E+004 4.04239E+004

        * = Energy l ine found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy l ine not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :              10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =                  0 . 30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5 /5/ 2 018 10:00:36 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.997 1.044510E+006 2.813200E+005 Tl-208 1.000 1.558168E+004 1.811801E+004 Pb-212 1.000 -4.570029E+003 4.539119E+004 Bi-214 0.441 4.295887E+004 3.604596E+004 Pb-214 0.436 5.159054E+004 4.042387E+004

       ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @     Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at     2.000 sigma
  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D          P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 10:00:36 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 74.66 2 .9026E - 001 106.45 6 912.58 3.8333E-002 41.70 Tol. Ac-228 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [306]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 10:00:36 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFSWC015GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40       1460.82*    10.66    2 . 2 01E+005   2.20E+005 l.045E+00 6        9. 1 08E+004 Co-6 0     1173.23     99.85    4.086E+004      2.94E+004 -3.799E+00 4       1.862E+004 133 2 .49   99.98    2 .944E+004                    6.037E+003    l.280E+004 Nb-94        702.65    99.81    3 .329E+004     3.33E+004 -l.282E+004        1.525E+004 871. 0 9  99.89    3 .477E+004                   2 .925E+004    1.583E+004 Ag-108m       433.9 0   90.50    3 .684E+004     3.68E+004 l.808E+004        1.722E+0D4 614.3 0   89.80    4.619E+004                    6. 22 0E+003  2.164E+004 722.9 0   90.80    3.8 3 6E+004                  3 .8 3 4E+004 1.762E+004 Cs-134       604 . 72  97.6 2   4. 1 88E+004    4.04E+004 2 .0 6 8E+004     1.961E+004 795.86    85.46   4.037E+004                   -4 .502E+003    l.845E+004 Cs-137        661.66    85.10   4.529E+004       4.53E+004 3.12 7E+004       2 .105E+004 Eu- 152       121. 78   2 8.67  2.084E+005       l.2 1 E+005 2. 482E+005     1.019E+005 344.28    2 6.60  1 .564E+005                    4.761E+004    7.461E+004 1408.01     21. 07  1. 2 08E+005                 -l.288E+005     5.102E+004 Eu -154       123.07    4 0. 40 1.463E+005       9. 5 9E+004 8.792E+004      7.150E+004 723 . 30  2 0.06  1. 737E+bo5                    l .164E+005   7.977E+004 1274 . 43   34.80   9.589E+004                     4 .779E+004   4.255E+004 Eu-155         86.55    30.70   2.576E+005       2. 58E+005 4.033E+004       1.264E+005 105 . 31  21.10   3 .004E+005                  - 3.292E+ 005   1.470E+005
 +     Tl-208        583.19*   85.00   2 .930E+004      2.93E+004 1.558E+004        l.316E+004 Bi- 2 12      727.33      6.67  5 .182E+005      5.18E+005 1. 819E+005       2.378E+005
 +     Pb -2 12     238.63*    43.60   7 . 869E+004     7.87E+004 - 4 . 570E+003    3.755E+004
 +     Bi -2 14      609.32*   45.49   5.533E+004       5.53E+004 4. 29 6E+004      2.481E+004 112 0 .29    14.92   2.671E+005                     2.109E+005    1 .218E+005 1764.49      15.30   2.282E+005                     l.652E+005    9.920E+004
+      Pb-214       295.22     18.42   2.236E+005      6.15E+004 1.621E+005         1.070E+005 351.93*    35.60   6.148E+004                     5.159E+004    2.803E+004 Ra-226       186.21      3.64   l .257E+006     1.26E+006 1.494E+005         6.094E+00 5 Ac-228       338.3 2    11. 27  3.472E+005      l.36E+005 1.586E+005         1.652E+005 911. 2 0   25.80   1. 358E+005                    1. 040E+005   6.176E+004 968.97     15.80   2.3 1 6E+005                 - 2 .945E+005   l.054E+005 Am-241         59.54    35.90   2 .905E+005     2.91E+005 7.523E+004         1.4 2 2E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMM A      S P E C T R U M          A N A L Y S I S            *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\0 0 001061.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 9 :45:45 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC016GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 1 0 .000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 2:52 : 00 PM Acquisition Started 4/26/ 2 018 2:52 : 32 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done On* 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN

                                                                       ~J. MlJkl
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Peak Analysis Report 5/5/2018 9:45:45 AM Page 2

*****                 P E A K       A N A L Y S I S             R E P O R T              *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC016GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5 /5/2018 9:45:45 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 286- 346 299.94 74.95 0.85 2 .18E+002 176.78 8.73E+00 2 2 946 - 963 954.66 238.79 1. 28 3.74E+001 34.65 7.96E+001 3 1172- 1189 1180.24 295.22 0 .79 3.20E+001 24 .47 3.60E+001 4 1399- 14 1 6 1407.84 352.16 1. 20 4.98E+001 23 . 5 7 2.72E+001 5 2429 - 2446 2437.60 6 0 9.69 1. 36 3.87E+001 20 .49 2.03E+001 6 2 571 - 2588 2579.57 645. 1 9 0.74 1.28E+001 10.46 4.21E+00O 7 2636- 2657 2646.38 661.89 1.14 1.52E+002 26.98 8.lOE+000 8 4473 - 4492 4482.64 1120.77 0.34 8.54E+0O0 14.48 1.25E+001 9 5836- 5856 5846.35 1461.3 1 0.78 8.40E+001 18.33 0.00E+OO0 10 7055- 7074 7064.79 1 765.39 0.50 1.70E+001 8. 2 5 0.O0E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F Fitted singlet Errors

  • quoted at 2 . 000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/ 2 01 8 9:45:45 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC016GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES \ Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 1.17874E+006 2.76840E+00 5 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 1.78988E+005 3.83750E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 4.97916E+004 4.67796E+004 Bi-2 14 1. 000 609.32* 45.49 8.17154E+004 4.43858E+004 1120.29* 14 . 92 7.44801E+004 1.26485E+005 1764.49* 15.30 1 .87232E+005 9.20507E+004 Pb-214 1.000 295. 22

  • 18. 42 1.12258E+005 8.77114E+004 351.93* 35.60 9.97169E+004 4.94893E+004
       * = Energy l ine found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :      10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =         0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:45 : 45 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1.178741E+006 2 . 768399E+00 5 Cs-137 1.000 1.789881E+005 3.837503E+00 4 Pb-212 1. 000 4.979155E+004 4.677960E+004 Bi-214 1. 000 9.915522E+004 3.812152E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 1.0 2 7453E+005 4 . 3 10180E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2 018 9:45:4 5 AM Page 5

  **********    U N I D E N T I F I E D     P E AK S      **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 9 :45:45 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 81 92 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 74.95 3 . 6377E-001 81. 00 6 645.19 2.1324E-002 81. 73 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [312]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 9:45:45 AM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2 IN Sample


B106214AFSWC016GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (% ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*    10.66   3.797E+004     3.80E+004 1.179E+006      0.000E+00O Co-60      1173.23      99.85   3.526E+004     3.34E+004 - 2.335E+004    1.583E+004 1332.49      99.98   3.340E+004                   1.041E+004  1. 478E+004 Nb-94        702.65     99.81   3.823E+004     3.48E+004 2.504E+003      1.771E+004 871. 09    99.89   3.477E+004                 -2.150E+004   1 .583E+004 Ag-108m      433.9 0    90.50   4.273E+004     4.15E+004 6.300E+003      2 .017E+004 614.3 0    89.80   5.509E+004                   5.705E+004  2 .609E+004 722 . 9 0  90.80   4.150E+004                 -4.021E+004   1.919E+004 Cs - 134     604.72     97.62   4.871E+004     3 .84E+004 6.586E+004     2.303E+004 795.86     85.46   3.838E+004                 -9 .647E+003  1 .745E+004
 +      Cs- 1 37     661 . 66*  85.10   2.445E+004     2 . 44E+004 1.790E+005    1.063E+004 Eu-1 52      121.78     28.67   2.150E+005     1.16E+005 - 1 .380E+005   1 .052E+005 344.28     2 6.60  1.690E+005                   5.950E+004  8.094E+004 1408.01      2 1. 07 1.156E+005                 -2.061E+004   4.840E+004 Eu-154       123.07     40.40   1.516E+005     1.02E+005 2.678E+004      7.414E+004 723.30     2 0.06  1. 862E+005                - 2.221E+005  8. 602E+O04 1274.43      34.80   l.018E+005                   4.839E+004  4.548E+004 Eu-155        86.55     30.70   2 .670E+005    2 .67E+005 - 7.656E+004   1.311E+005 105 . 31   21. 1 0 3 . 134E+005                 l.428E+004  l. 535E+005 Tl-208       583 .1 9   85.00   4.720E+004     4.72E+004 4.744E+004      2.211E+004 Bi-212       727.33       6.67  5.615E+005     5.62E+005 4.613E+005      2.594E+005
 +      Pb-212       238.63*    43.60   7.452E+004     7.45E+004 4.979E+004      3.546E+004
 +      Bi-214       609.32*    45.49   6.230E+004     2.98E+004 8.172E+004      2.829E+004 1120.29*     14.92   2.138E+005                   7.448E+004  9.508E+004 1764.49*     15.30   2.980E+004                   1.872E+005  0.000E+00O
 +      Pb- 2 14     295.22*    18.42   1. 347E+005    6.76E+004 1 .123E+005     6. 2 61E+004 351.93*    35 . 60 6.758E+004                   9.972E+004  3.108E+004 Ra-226       186.21      3.64   1. 371E+006    1.37E+006 -1.249E+006     6.661E+005 Ac-228       338.32     11. 2 7 3 .472E+005    1.67E+005 6.570E+004      1.652E+005 911.20     25.80   1. 665E+005                  1.940E+005  7.711E+004 968.97     15.80   2 .192E+005                  7.470E+004  9.923E+004 Am- 2 41      59.54     35.90   2 .797E+005    2 .80E+005 9.200E+004     1.368E+00 5
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       > =Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANALY S IS *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001060.CNF Report Generated On 5 /5/2018 9:46:47 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC017GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wal l Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2 .830E+001 M" 2 Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 2 : 3 7:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 2 : 3 7:05 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.06 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN

                                                                       >>A~ ftJ,"c-WJ
                                                                       )-5-_( Y   /5~0


Peak Analysis Report 5 /5/ 2 018 9:46:47 AM Page 2

*****                P E A K       A N A L Y S I S             R E P O R T               *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


Bl06214AFSWC017GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:46:46 AM Peak Analysis From Channel : 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 120- 135 127.47 31. 79 0.68 2 .64E+001 3 0 .28 6.66E+001 2 291- 350 299.88 74.94 1.06 6.36E+001 169.12 8.38E+002 3 946- 963 954.56 238.76 0.56 l.79E+001 29.70 6.21E+001 4 1399- 1416 1407.09 351.97 0.74 5.23E+001 20.94 l.77E+001 5 2037 - 2 0 54 2045.60 511.67 0.35 2 .20E+001 16.03 l. 3 0E+001 6 2429 - 2446 243 7.14 609.58 1. 52 3.65E+001 17.98 l.35E+001 7 2637 - 2656 2646.30 661.87 1. 34 l.01E+002 23.78 l .06E+001 8 3637 - 3654 3645 . 30 911.57 0.67 l.22E+001 11 .77 6.78E+000 9 5837 - 5856 5846 . 67 1461. 3 9 1.50 6.60E+001 1 6.25 0.00E+000 10 7053- 7072 7062.56 1764.8 3 0.44 1. 30E+001 7. 2 1 0.O0E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [315]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:46:47 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC017GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

                         ~        IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES          .... . ... . ... . . .. ... .

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 1460.82* 10.66 9 . 26185E+005 2 .41780E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85. 10 1 .19428E+005 3.14816E+004 Pb- 2 12 1.000 238.63* 43.6 0 2.37886E+004 3 .96810E+004 Bi- 2 14 0.706 609.32* 45.49 7.70897E+004 3.90834E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49* 15.30 1.43149E+005 8.02284E+004 Pb-214 0 .437 295. 22 18.4 2 351.93* 35.60 1.04668E+005 4.47426E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
        @ = Energy l ine not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :          10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=               0 .30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:46:47 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 9. 2 61850E+005 2.417796E+005 Cs-137 1.000 1.194277E+005 3.148159E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 2.378860E+004 3.968100E+004 Bi-214 0.706 8.975986E+004 3.513599E+004 Pb-214 0.437 1.046678E+005 4.474260E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:46:47 AM Page 5

  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D     P E A K S   **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:46:46 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 31.79 4.3992E-002 114.73 2 74.94 1 .0596E-001 2 66.02 5 511.67 3.6714E-002 72.75 8 911. 57 2 .0373E-002 96.26 Tol. Ac-228 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [318]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 9:46:47 AM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 627 9 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2 IN Sample


B106214AFSWC017GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*   10.66    3.797E+004     3.80E+004     9. 2 62E+005  0.000E+000 Co-6 0      1173.23    99.8 5   4.034E+004     3.34E+004     3.774E+003   1.836E+004 1332.49    99.98    3.340E+004                   l.120E+004   1 . 478E+004 Nb-94        702.65    99.81    3.790E+004     3.04E+004     2.146E+004   1.755E+004 871. 09   99.89    3.040E+004                  -2 .681E+004  1 .364E+004 Ag-108m      433.90    90.50    3.875E+004     3. 49E+004  - l.190E+004   1.818E+004 614.30    89.80    5.032E+004                   4.456E+004   2 . 3 71E+004 722.90    90.80    3.492E+004                 -5.182E+004    1 .590E+004 Cs-134       604.72    97.62    4.615E+004     4.62E+004     1.807E+004   2. 175E+004 795.86    85.46    4.787E+004                   4.184E+004   2. 219E+004
 +      Cs - 137     661.66*   85.10    2 .773E+004    2 . 77E+004   l.194E+005   1. 22 7E+004 Eu- 1 52     121. 78   2 8.67   2.004E+005     1.63E+005   -l.260E+005    9.787E+004 344.28    26.60    1. 709E+005                - 2 .850E+004  8.187E+004 1408.01     21. 07   1. 631E+005                  l.387E+005   7.215E+004 Eu - 154     123.07    40.40    1.412E+005     6.65E+004   - 6.729E+003   6.893E+004 723.30    20.06    1.641E+005                 -1. 510E+005   7.499E+004 1274.43     34.80    6.650E+004                 - 8.480E+004   2.785E+004 Eu-155        86 . 55  30.70    2 .422E+005    2 .42E+005  - 5.434E+003   1.187E+005 105.31    21.10    2 . 901E+005                 2.596E+004   l .4 1 9E+005 Tl-208       583.19    85.00    4.568E+004     4.57E+004     3.380E+004   2 .135E+004 Bi-212       727.33      6 . 67 5.294E+005     5.29E+005     3.183E+005   2 .434E+005
 +      Pb-212       238.63*   43.60    6.588E+004     6.59E+004     2.379E+004   3 .114E+004
 +      Bi -2 14     609.32*   45.49    5.196E+004     2.98E+004     7.709E+004   2 .312E+004 1120.29     14.92    2.603E+005                 -9.122E+004    1.183E+005 1764.49*    15.30    2.980E+004                   1.431E+005   0.O00E+000
 +      Pb- 2 14     295. 22   18.42    2.172E+005     5.53E+004     1 .996E+005  1.039E+005 351.93*   35.60    5.528E+004                   l.047E+005   2.493E+004 Ra-226       186.21     3.64    1.252E+006     1.25E+006   - 5.391E+005   6.067E+00 5 Ac-228       338.32    11. 27   3.725E+005     1.54E+005     3.457E+005   1.779E+005 911. 20   25.80    1 .544E+00 5                 6 . 169E+004 7.105E+004 968.97    15.80    2.160E+005                   7.112E+004   9.762E+004 Am- 2 41      59.54    35.90    2.544E+005     2.54E+005   -2. 910E+005   1 .242E+005
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @=Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMMA S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\00001079.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 10:29:44 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC018GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 81 92 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 81 92 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2 .8 3 0E+001 M... 2 Sample Taken On 4/30/2018 2 :06:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/30/2018 2 :06: 32 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN Q,,,~, 1),,.,/;J.:w

                                                                       >-----5-( ?J' I}' 1 o

(______/ ~ [320]

Peak Analysis Report 5/5/ 2 018 10:29:44 AM Page 2

          • PE AK A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC018GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 10: 2 9:44 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 294- 310 3 01. 23 75.28 0.91 6.40E+001 60.04 2.63E+002 2 344- 359 351.44 87.84 0.75 2 .81E+001 49.71 1.95E+002 3 945 - 962 953.81 238.58 0.32 2.15E+001 32.69 7.45E+001 4 1173- 1191 1181.79 295.61 0 . 66 5.29E+001 24.81 2.91E+001 5 1400- 1418 1408.69 352.37 1. 02 4.74E+001 22.18 2.1 6 E+001 6 2037 - 2 0 54 2045.18 511.56 1. 25 3.l0E+00l 21.54 2.60E+001 7 243 1 - 2 448 2439.46 610.16 0.68 5.73E+001 17.13 4.68E+000 8 3640 - 3 657 3648.03 912. 2 5 0 . 42 2.40E+001 9.8 0 O.0OE+000 9 4477 - 4496 4486.65 1121.77 0.3 0 l .60E+001 11.6 1 5.00E+000 10 5842- 5861 5851.33 1462.55 0.7 2 7.87E+001 18 . 61 2.33E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [321]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10: 29 : 44 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC018GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.995 1460.82* 10.66 l.10449E+006 2 .78273E+005 Eu-155 0.331 86.55* 3 0.70 4.89328E+004 8.71462E+004 105.31 2 1.10 Pb-212 1. 000 238.63* 43.60 2 .85988E+004 4.36992E+004 Bi -2 14 0.734 609.32* 45.4 9 1.21128E+005 3 .90091E+004 1120.29* 14.9 2 1.39674E+005 1 .01979E+005 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1 .000 295. 22

  • 18.42 1. 8583 7E+0 05 9.20487E+004 351.93* 35 .60 9.49275E+004 4.66240E+004
        *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =         0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Act i vity Report 5/5/2018 10:29:44 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.995 1. 104491E+006 2.782731E+005 Eu-155 0.331 4.893283E+004 8.714617E+004 Pb-212 1.000 2.859882E+004 4.369923E+004 Bi-214 0.734 1.234950E+005 3.643452E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 1.134889E+005 4.159283E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10:29:44 AM Page 5

  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D     P E AK S       **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2 018 10 :29:44 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75.28 1. 0675E-001 93.73 6 511.56 5.1608E-002 69.57 8 912.25 4.0000E-002 4 0. 82 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [324]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 10: 2 9:44 AM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFSWC018GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV} (%) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 } (pCi/M"2) (pCi/MA2 )

 +        K-40            1460.82*               10.66    1 .676E+005    1.68E+005 1 . 104E+00 6      6.481E+004 Co-60           1173.23                99.85    3.817E+004     3. 1 9E+004 - 1.668E+004     1.728E+004 1332 . 49              99 . 98  3 .189E+004                  1.144E+004    1.402E+004 Nb-94              702.65               99.81    3.442E+004     3.29E+004 2.439E+004        1.581E+004 871. 09              99.89    3 .291E+004                - 1. 855E+00 2  1.490E+004 Ag- 108m            433.90               90.50    3 .609E+004    3 .61E+004 2 .329E+004      1.685E+004 614.3 0              89.80    5 .188E+004                  5 .654E+004   2.449E+004 722.9 0              90.80    4.334E+004                   1.671E+004    2.011E+004 Cs-134             604.72               97.6 2   5.156E+004     3.99E+004 5 . 575E+004      2.445E+004 795 . 86              85.46    3 .989E+004                  3 . 414E+004  1 . 820E+004 Cs-137            661. 66               85.10    4 . 457E+004   4.46E+004 3.110E+004        2 .069E+004 Eu-152             121. 78               28.67    1.968E+005     1.48E+005 1.005E+00 5       9.607E+004 344.28                26.60    1 . 672E+005                 8.918E+003    8.000E+004 1408.01                 21. 0 7  1.478E+005                   3 . 3 16E+004 6.454E+004 Eu-154             123.07                40. 40   1.393E+005     8.27E+004 4.512E+004        6.800E+004 723.3 0               20.06    1.962E+005                   1. 3 18E+005  9.104E+004 1274.43                 34 . 80  8 . 271E+004                 1. 43 7E+004  3. 596E+004
 +      Eu-155                  86.55*           30.70    1.439E+005     1.44E+005 4.893E+004        6.959E+004 105. 31               2 1.1 0  2.906E+005                 - 3.956E+005    1.421E+005
        .,..1_ '1nO
         .1....1. ~vu t:O".l        10
                           . . J U - I * ..&..J  8 5 .00  4.750E+001     4.75E+004 4 .978E+004       2 .226E+004 Bi-212             727.33                  6.67   5.563E+005     5.56E+005 9.816E+003        2 .568E+005
 +      Pb-212             238.63*               43.60    7. 2 14E+004   7.2 1 E+004 2 .860E+004     3.427E+004
 +      Bi-214             609.32*               45.49    3.353E+004     3.35E+004 l.211E+005        1.391E+004 112 0 .29*              14. 92   1 .445E+005                  1. 3 97E+005  6.043E+004 1764.49                 15.30    2.471E+005                   8.059E+004    1.087E+005
 +      Pb-214             295.22*               18.4 2   1.256E+005     6.27E+004 1.858E+005        5.804E+004 351.93*               35 .60   6.268E+004                   9.493E+004    2 . 863E+004 Ra-226             186.21                  3 . 64 1.230E+006     1.23E+006 -2.377E+005       5.958E+005 Ac - 228           338.32                11. 2 7  3.422E+005     1 .53E+005 -1.443E+005      1.627E+005 91 1. 20              25.80    1.528E+005                   5.924E+004    7.025E+004 968.97                15.80    2.376E+005                   1.135E+005    1 .084E+005 Am- 24 1               5 9.54            35.90    2.600E+005     2.60E+005 - 2.000E+OOS      1. 2 70E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >=Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001074.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 10:04:43 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC019GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3. 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/30/2018 1:05:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/30/2018 1:05:14 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0.08 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN [326]

Peak Analysis Report 5/5/2018 10:04:43 AM Page 2

          • P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC019GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 10 :04:43 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 287- 347 3 00. 44 75.08 0.79 4.18E+001 185.07 9.68E+002 2 946- 963 954.53 238.75 0.96 4.42E+001 32 .60 6.78E+001 3 1173 - 1190 1181.39 295.51 0.95 4.32E+001 20 . 76 l.98E+001 4 1400 - 1417 1408.52 352 . 33 0.85 5.53E+001 21.84 l.97E+001 5 2430- 2447 2438.82 610.00 0.86 4.77E+001 19. 0 8 1.33E+001 6 2640 - 2657 2648.07 662.31 0 . 55 3.95E+001 14.73 4 . 50E+000 7 5839- 58 5 8 5848.94 1461.95 1. 36 8.20E+001 18.11 0.00E+000 8 7057- 7076 7066.44 1765.80 0.25 1.50E+001 7.75 0.0OE+000 M = First peak in a mult iplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2. 000 sigma [327]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/ 2 018 10:04:43 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC019GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0 .998 1460.82* 10 .66 1.15100E+006 2.73 1 55E+005 Cs-137 0.999 661 . 66* 85.10 4.65585E+004 1.824 05E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 5.88354E+004 4.439 1 0E+004 Bi- 2 14 0. 7 05 609. 32

  • 45.49 1.00722E+005 4. 2 0974E+004 1120 .29 14.92 1764.49* 15.30 1.65229E+005 8.63442E+004 Pb-2 14 1. 0 00 295.22* 18.4 2 1.51506E+005 7.67983E+004 351.93* 35.60 l .10659E+005 4.67594E+004
        *=Energy l ine found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold=            0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10:04:43 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.998 1 .150996E+006 2.731548E+005 Cs-137 0.999 4.655847E+004 1 .824046E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 5 .883537E+004 4.439098E+004 Bi-214 0.705 1 . 131107E+005 3.783956E+004 Pb-214 1.000 1.217062E+005 3.993891E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at        2.000 sigma
  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D           P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 10:04:43 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75.08 6.9694E-002 442.58 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [329]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 10:04:43 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *** **

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2 IN Sample


B106214AFSWC0 1 9GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pci/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +       K-4 0        146 0 .82*   10 .66  3.798E+004     3.80E+004      1.151E+00 6   O.OOOE+OOO Co-60        1173.23      99.85   3.981E+004     2 . 86E+004    6.180E+002   1.810E+004 1332.49      99.98   2.857E+004                    l.989E+004   1. 23 6E+004 Nb-94           702.65     99.81   3.367E+004     3.37E+004     -4.689E+004   1.543E+004 871.09     99.89   3.522E+004                    3.185E+004   1.606E+004 Ag-108m         433 . 90   90.50   3.852E+004     3.84E+004     -3.629E+004   1.806E+004 614.30     89 . 80 5.264E+004                    4.650E+004   2.486E+004 722.90     90.80   3.836E+004                    2.570E+004   1.762E+004 Cs-134          604.72     97.62   5 .134E+004    4. 2 7E+004    9.189E+004   2 .435E+004 795.86     85.46   4. 2 73E+004                -l.375E+004    1.962E+004
 +      Cs-137          661.66*    85.10   1 .808E+004    1 .81E+004     4.656E+004   7.445E+003 Eu-152          121. 78    28.67   2.107E+005     1.52E+005    -1.781E+005    1. 030E+005 344.28     26.60   1.704E+005                  -6.261E+004    8.164E+004 1408.01      2 1. 07 1.518E+005                    2 . 958E+004 6.652E+004 Eu-154          123.07     40.40   1. 482E+005    1.11E+005    - 1.579E+005   7.245E+004 723.30     20.06   1. 737E+005                 -6.634E+004    7.977E+004 1274.43      34.80   1.108E+005                    1.157E+005   5 .000E+004 Eu-155            86.55    30.70   2 .621E+005    2.62E+005      1 .442E+005  1 .287E+005 105.31     21.10   3.171E+005                  -6.865E+004    1.554E+005 m,   ""'/"\rt
        .1.1.-~vo       583.19     85.00   4.280E+004     4.28E+004      4.391E+004   1.991E+004 Bi-212          727.33       6.67  5.294E+005     5.29E+005      3.695E+005   2 .434E+005
 +      Pb-212          2 38.63*   43.60   6.872E+004     6.87E+004      5.884E+004   3 . 2 56E+004
 +      Bi-214          609.32*    45.49   5.149E+004     2 . 98E+004    l . 007E+005 2 . 2 89E+004 1120.29      14.92   2.637E+005                    3.303E+004   1. 201E+005 1764.49*     15.30   2.981E+004                    1 .652E+005  O.OOOE+OOO
 +      Pb-214          295.22*    18.4 2  1.023E+005     5.81E+004      1.515E+005   4.640E+004 35 1 .93*  35.60   5.811E+004                    1 .107E+005  2 .635E+004 Ra-226         186.21        3.64  1.320E+006     1.32E+006    - 8.727E+005   6.410E+005 Ac - 228        338.32     11. 2 7 3.607E+005     1 .39E+ 0 05   2.505E+005   1.720E+005 911.20     25.80   1.394E+005                  -2.504E+004    6.355E+004 968.97      15.80   l.841E+005                  -1. 647E+005   8.168E+004 Am-24 1           59.54    35.90   2 .819E+005    2 .82E+00 5    2.752E+005   1. 3 79E+005
       + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       *=Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @=Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\00001054.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 9:54:45 AM Sample Title Bl06214AFSWC020GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall Sample Identification Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size Sample Taken On 4/26/2018 1:07:00 PM Acquisition Started 4/26/2018 1:07:58 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Ef ficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN Oc:ioi tic,,l,id-J S_,,5-1 ~ I JY* 0 [331] (~z;fl/}

                                                                  ~           .

Peak Analysis Report 5/5/2018 9:54:45 AM Page 2

*****                 PE AK        A N A L Y S I S          R E P O R T             *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC020GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 9:54:44 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 819 2 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start e nd centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 121 - 136 128.06 31.93 0.53 1.19E+001 32.12 7.81E+001 2 293 - 347 300.23 75 .0 3 0.51 - 3.93E+00 2 204.44 1 .37E+003 3 946 - 963 954.27 238.69 0.58 9.93E+000 32.42 7.41E+001 4 1171 - 1 188 1179.10 294.94 0.48 1.27E+001 23.03 3.63E+001 5 1399 - 1416 1407.2 1 352.00 0.69 4.46E+001 20.05 1.64E+001 6 2427- 2444 24 35.61 609.19 0.62 2. 33E+001 15.67 1.07E+00 1 7 2636- 2657 2645.66 661.71 0.94 1. 44E+002 25.91 5.93E+O00 8 5835 - 5854 5844.29 1 460.79 0 . 88 6.66E+001 17.30 2 .38E+000 9 7053- 7 0 72 7062.34 1764.78 0.41 1. 2 8E+001 9.08 2 .25E+000 M First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [332]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9:54:45 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC020GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/MA2 ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10 .66 9.34589E+005 2.55873E+00 5 Cs-137 1 .000 661.66* 85. 10 l. 69735E+005 3.67061E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 1.32020E+004 4.31597E+004 Bi -2 14 0.706 609 . 32* 45.49 4.91978E+004 3.36186E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49* 15.3 0 l.40394E+005 1.00615E+005 Pb- 2 14 1 . 000 2 95 . 22* 18.4 2 4.43657E+004 8.10551E+004 351.93* 35.6 0 8.93202E+004 4.22860E+004

        *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :        10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =           0 .3 0 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 9: 54:4 5 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M"2) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 9.345891E+00 5 2.558730E+005 Cs-13 7 1.000 1.697346E+005 3.670608E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 1.320200E+004 4.315965E+004 Bi-214 0.706 5.835666E+004 3.188572E+004 Pb- 2 14 1. 000 7.970276E+004 3.749083E+004

      ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution x    Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at        2 .000 sigma
  **********      U N I D E N T I F I E D          P E A K S    **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2018 9 :54: 4 4 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 3 1. 9 3 1. 9907E-002 268.87 2 75.03 - 6.5449E-001 -52.06 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [334]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2018 9 :54:45 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFSWC020GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuc li de MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 ) (pCi/M"2 )

 +      K-40           1460.82*   10.66    1 .699E+005    1.70E+005 9.346E+005        6.599E+004 Co-60          1173.23    99.85    3.761E+004     2 .58E+004 -4.136E+003     1.700E+004 1332.49    99.98    2.576E+004                   1. 563E+004   1.096E+004 Nb- 94          702.65    99.81    3.478E+004     2 .88E+004 - 1.335E+004    1.599E+004 871.09    99.89    2 .878E+004                - 2 .182E+004  1.283E+004 Ag-108m         433.90    90.50    4.145E+004     4.04E+004 -l.609E+004      1.953E+004 614.30    89.80    4 . 561E+004                 1.316E+004   2.135E+004 722.90    90.80    4.036E+004                 - 1.145E+004   1.862E+004 Cs-134          604.72    97.62    4.081E+004     3.89E+004 3.719E+004       1.908E+004 795.86    85.46    3.889E+004                 -6.663E+004    1. 770E+004
 +      Cs-137          661.66*   85.10    2.208E+004     2.21E+004 1.697E+005       9.448E+003 Eu-152          121. 78   28.67    2.274E+005     1. 4 0E+005 - l.087E+005   1.114E+005 344. 2 8  26.60    1.643E+005                   1.058E+005   7.856E+004 1408.01     21.07    1 .395E+005                  3.220E+003   6.037E+004 Eu-154          123.07    40.40    1.614E+005     8.27E+004 l.666E+005       7. 9 06E+004 723.30    20.06    1.774E+005                 - 2 .963E+005  8.161E+004 1274.43     34.80    8.271E+004                   5.986E+004   3.596E+004 Eu-155            86.55   30.70    2.664E+005     2 .66E+005 -6.797E+004     1.308E+005 105.31    2 1. 10  3 . 283E+005                 3.092E+005   1.610E+005 oc    nn m,     """
        .1...1.-.Gvo    583.19    u-1.vv   4.179E+004     4.18E+004 -l. 667E+004     l. 940E+ 0 04 Bi-212          727 . 33    6.67   4.950E+005     4.95E+005 - 5.519E+004     2 .262E+ 0 05
 +      Pb-212          2 38.63*  43.60    7.316E+004     7.32E+004 1 . 3 20E+004    3.478E+004
 +      Bi-214          609.32*   45.49    4.860E+004     4.86E+004 4. 9 20E+004     2.144E+004 1120.29     14.92    2.989E+005                   3.011E+005   1.376E+005 1764.49*    15.30    1.314E+005                   1.404E+005   5.079E+004
 +      Pb-214          295.22*   18.42    1.358E+005     5.46E+004 4.437E+004       6.316E+004 351.93*   35.60    5.461E+004                   8.932E+004   2.460E+004 Ra-226          186.21      3.64   1.405E+006     1 .40E+006 7.385E+005      6.832E+005 Ac-228          338.32    11. 27   3.534E+005     1.36E+005 2 .519E+005      1 .684E+005 911.20    25.80    1. 358E+005                -7.917E+004    6.176E+004 968.97    15.80    2.517E+005                  1 .516E+005   1.155E+005 Am-241           59.54    35.90    2 .863E+005    2 .86E+005 2 .135E+005     1.401E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       > = Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: 6279 Report Generated On 5/4/2018 10:16:59 AM f\/ Sample Title B106214AFSWC021GD Sample Description Ul WEST VALVE HOUSE Sample Identification 021 Sample Type GAMMA DIRECT Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3. 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 Sample Taken On 5/4/2018 10:05:00 AM Acquisition Started 5/4/2018 10:06:57 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.7 seconds Dead Time 0.11 % v' Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 ~* Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2 01 8 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN [336]

. Peak Analysis Report 5/4/2018 10: 16:59 AM Page 2

 *****              P E A K        A N A L Y S I S         R E P O R T             *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample


B106214AFSWC021GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/4/2018 10 :16:58 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 29 1- 346 30 0 .28 75.04 0.54 2.32E+002 160.06 7.66E+002 2 945- 962 953. 14 238.41 0.49 - 2.21E+001 33.37 9.21E+001 3 1399- 1416 1407.35 352.04 1. 04 3.l0E+00l 2 0.25 2. 20E+001 4 2322 - 2339 2330.83 582.99 0.66 2.33E+001 13.42 6.66E+000 5 2427 - 2444 2435.47 609. 1 6 0.39 3.65E+001 15.15 6.49E+000 6 2635- 2655 2644.97 661.53 1.40 1.54E+002 29 .08 1.58E+001 7 5833 - 5852 5842.67 1460.39 0.57 6.92E+001 18.55 4.82E+000 8 7050 - 7069 7059. 2 9 1764. 01 0.33 l.30E+001 7.21 0.00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [337]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/ 2 01 8 10:16:59 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC021GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-40 1 . 000 1460.82* 10 .66 9.70332E+00S 2. 73 517E+005 Cs-137 1 .000 661.66* 85.10 1. 81703E+005 4.0 6198E+004 Tl-208 1. 000 583.19* 85.00 2.57796E+004 l.51387E+004 Pb-212 1.000 2 38.63* 43.60 -2.93068E+004 4.45946E+004 Bi-214 0.706 609.32* 45.49 7.70867E+004 3.33002E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49* 15.30 l.43107E+005 8.02050E+004 Pb-214 0.437 295.22 18.42 351. 93* 35.60 6. 2 0 570E+004 4.15727E+004

       * : Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ : Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :      10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold :          0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/2018 10:16:59 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 9.703315E+005 2 .735167E+005 ,,,,,- Cs-137 1.000 1. 817032E+005 "V"""4 .061978E+004 V Tl- 2 08 1.000 2.577963E+004 1 .51 3 869E+004 Pb-212 1.000 -2.930679E+004 4.459465E+004 Bi-214 0.706 8.679408E+004 3.075478E+004 Pb-214 0.437 6.205700E+004 4.157270E+004

      ?  = Nuc lide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at     2.000 sigma
  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D          P E A K S        **********

Peak Locate Performe_d on: 5 /4/2018 10:16:58 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts pe r Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75.04 3.8735E-001 68.87 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [339]

Nuclide MDA Report 5 /4/2018 10: 1 6:59 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFSWC021GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ )

 +      K-40        1460.82*     10. 6 6  2.274E+005     2.27E+005 9.703E+005 9.474E+004 Co-60       1173. 23     99.85    3.402E+004     2.77E+004\t'.'2 .443E+004 1.521E+004 1332.49      99.98   2.767E+004        ~ ,c,c /$c:> .,...--_l. 314E+00 4   1.192E+004 Nb-94         702.65     99.81    3.478E+004     3.39E+004 3.612E+00 4 1.599E+004 871. 09    99.89   3.386E+004                          -1.712E+004       1 . 537E+004 Ag - 1 08m     433.90     90.50   4.336E+004      3.92E+004 2.212E+002 2 .048E+004 614.30     89.80   4.761E+004                            1.674E+004 2.2 35E+004 72 2 .90   90.80   3.917E+004                          -~.813E+004      1 . 802E+004 Cs - 134      604.72     97.6 2  4.445E+004      3 .16E+004 V3. 2 18E+004 2. 090E+004 795.86     85.4 6  3 .155E+004                         7'2.321E+004     l .404E+004
 +      Cs - 137      661.66*    85. 10  3.251E+004      3.25E+004Vl.817E+005 1.466E+004 Eu - 152       121. 78    28.67   2.090E+005      1 .31E+005 1. 2 53E+005 1.022E+005 344.28     26.60   1.599E+005                          - 7.885E+004     7.637E+004 1408.01      21. 07  1. 305E+005                         - 6.213E+003     5.589E+004 Eu-154         123.07     40. 40  l.463E+005      8.27E+004 1.161E+004                 7.150E+004 723.30     20.0 6  1.774E+005                          - 3 . 2 07E+004  8.161E+004 1274.43      34.80   8. 2 71E+004                          7.583E+003 3. 596E+004 Eu-155          86.55     30.70   2 .621E+005     2.62E+005 2 .496E+004 1. 2 87E+005 105.31     21.10   3.204E+005                            1.318E+005 l. 570E+005
 +     Tl-208         583.19*    85.00   l.990E+004      1. 99E+004 2 .578E+004               8. 4 56E+003 Bi-212         727.33      6.67   5 .349E+005     5.35E+005 3.824E+005 2.461E+005
 +     Pb-212         238 . 63*  43.60   7.937E+004      7.94E+004 -2.931E+004 3.789E+004
 +     Bi-214         609.32*    45.49   3.744E+004      2.98E+004             7.709E+004 1.586E+004 1120.29      14.92   2 .568E+005                           7.666E+003 1.166E+OOS 1764.49*     15.30   2.979E+004                            1.431E+00 5    O.OOOE+OOO
+      Pb-214        295.22      18.42   2.153E+005      6.11E+004 5.766E+004 1.029E+OOS 351. 93*    35.60   6.109E+004                            6.206E+004 2.784E+004 Ra-2 2 6      186.21       3.64   1.349E+006      l.35E+006 6.438E+005 6.553E+OOS Ac-228        338.32      11. 27  3.497E+005     1.53E+005 1.295E+005 l.665E+OOS 911.20      25.80   1.528E+005                           1.524E+005 7.025E+004 968.97      15.80   2.346E+005                         -4.980E+004       1 .069E+OOS Am- 24 1        59.54     35.90   2 .951E+005    2 .95E+005 -1 . 715E+OOS 1.445E+OOS
      + =Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: 6279 Report Generated On 5/4/2018 10:46:31 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC022GD Sample Description Ul WEST VALVE HOUSE Sample Identification 022 Sample Type GAMMA DIRECT Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 3.00 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Ene~gy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2. 830E+001 Sample Taken On 5/4/2018 10:22:00 AM Acquisition Started 5/4/2018 10:36:29 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % V Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On Efficiency ID 2/1/2018 3M90D CP 2 IN [341]

Peak Analysis Report 5/4/ 2 018 10 : 4 6 : 3 1 AM Page 2

*****              PE AK         A N A L Y S I S         R E P O R T                     *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC022GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/4/2018 10:46:31 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 2 93- 347 300 . 84 75.18 0.95 -2.83E+002 198.68 1. 2 8E+003 2 945- 962 953.37 238.46 0.45 1.05E+001 32.45 7.65E+001 3 1397- 1414 1405.81 351. 65 0.62 1.77E+001 24.27 3.83E+001 4 2427- 2444 2435.58 609.18 0.43 4.00E+00l 16.64 9.00E+000 5 2634 - 2654 2644.93 661. 52 0.74 1.12E+002 24.46 1.04E+001 6 3637 - 3654 3645. 2 3 911.55 0.47 8.00E+0O0 12 . 2 9 9.00E+000 7 5834 - 5853 5843.67 1460.64 1. 27 7.20E+001 16.97 0.00E+000 8 7051- 7070 7060.61 1764.34 0.50 1.30E+001 7.21 0.0OE+O00 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [342]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/2 01 8 10:46:31 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106 2 14AFSWC022GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES \ Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  . . . . . . . . . . - .. . ......      IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES             ........ . ... - . ..... .

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-4 0 1.000 1460.82* 1 0.66 1 .01006E +006 2.53715E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 661.66* 85 .10 1.31406E+005 3.28479E+004 Pb-212 1.000 2 38.63* 43 . 6 0 1.39551E+004 4.31877E+004 Bi-214 0.706 6 0 9.32* 45.49 8.44537E+004 3.65772E+004 1120.29 14.92 1764.49* 15.30 1 .43124E+005 8.02144E+004 Pb - 214 0.437 2 95. 22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 3.53750E+004 4.88357E+004

         * = Energy l ine found in the spectrum.
         @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :                10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =                     0.30 Errors quoted at 2 .00 0 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/ 2 018 10:46: 3 1 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1 .010057E+006 2.537155E+005 Cs-137 1.000 1. 314063E+005 V3. 284790E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 1.395506E+004 4.318773E+004 Bi-214 0.706 9.455305E+004 3.328048E+004 Pb-214 0.437 3.537504E+004 4.883568E+004

      ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at     2.000 sigma
  **********    U N I D E N T I F I E D           P E A K S      **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/4/2018 10:46: 3 1 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 75.18 -4 . 7244E-001 -70 . 09 6 911.55 1.3333E - 002 153.69 Tol. Ac- 22 8 M First peak in a mult iplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [344]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/4/2 0 18 10:46: 3 1 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A REPORT *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry : 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFSWC022GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES \ Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Leve l Name (keV) (%) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ )

 +      K-40        1460.82*    10 .66  3.796E+004       3 .80E+004 ~ .010E+006            0.000E+000 Co-6 0      1173. 23    99.85   3.206E+004       3 .19E+004 V 2.802E+004/i.4 2 2E+004 1332 . 49   99.98   3.189E+004                      - 3.630E+003      1.402E+004 Nb-94         702.65    99.81   3.550E+004       3.55E+004         7 . 8 3 9E+003 1.635E+004 871. 0 9  99.89   3.653E+004                      -1. 2 81E+004     1.671E+004 Ag-108m        433.90    90.50   4 . 013E+004     3 .96E+004       8.016E+003      1.887E+004 614.30    89.80   4.952E+ 0 04                      6.445E+003      2 .331E+004 722.90    90.80   3.957E+004                        }. .665E+004 J..822E+004 Cs - 134      604.72    97.62   4.780E+004       4.09E+004 V6 .974E+004 2.257E+004 795.86    85.4 6  4.086E+004                      -4 .519E+004 J_.869E+004
 +     Cs - 137       661.66*   85.10   2.7 0 7E+004     2.71E+004 J l . 3 14E+005 1.194E+004 Eu-152         121. 78   28.67   2.150E+005       1.44E+005 1.018E+005 1.052E+005 344.28    26.60   1.523E+005                        6 . 9 02E+004   7. 2 55E+004 1408.01     21.07   1.437E+005                        4. 5 31E+004    6.249E+004 Eu-154         123.07    40.40   1.509E+005       9.79E+004        4. 2 17E+004    7.382E+004 723.30    20.06   1.792E+005                        7.148E+004      8.251E+004 1274.43     34.80   9.789E+004.                       3.769E+004      4.355E+004 Eu- 155         86.55    30 . 70 2.755E+005       2.76E+005 2.149E+005             l .354E+005 105.31    21 . 10 3 . 206E+005                    - 7.948E+004      1.571E+005 Tl-208         583.19    85.00   LL.111R.,_nnLL  LL.11R.,_nnLL     l.602E+004      l.906E+004 Bi-212         727.33     6.67   5.238E+005      5.24E+005 3.831E+005 2 . 4 06E+005
+      Pb-212        238 . 63*  43.60   7.311E+004       7.31E+004        1.396E+004 3. 476E+004
+      Bi- 2 14       609.32*   45.49   4.328E+004      2 .98E+004        8.445E+004 1.878E+004 1120.29     14.92   2.738E+005                     - 1.477E+005 l.251E+005 1764.49*    15.30   2.979E+004                        1 .431E+00 5    0.000E+00O
+      Pb-214        2 95.22    18.42   2.242E+005      8.03E+004         9.908E+004      1.073E+005 351. 93*   35.60   8.032E+004                       3.538E+004       3 . 746E+004 Ra-226        186.21      3.64   1.339E+006      1.34E+006 7.158E+005 6.503E+005 Ac-228        338.32     11. 2 7 3.252E+005      l.46E+005 2.219E+005 1.542E+005 91 1. 20   25.80   1. 463E+005                    - 4.726E+004       6.699E+004 968.97     15.80   2.3 1 6E+005                   -3.508E+004 1.054E+005 Am- 241         59.54    35.90   3.061E+005      3 .06E+005       l.425E+005 1.500E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: 6279 Report Generated On 5/4/2018 10:59:50 AM Sample Title B106214AFSWC023GD Sample Description Ul WEST VALVE HOUSE Sample Identification 023 Sample Type GAMMA DIRECT Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels ) 85 - 819 2 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 Sample Taken On 5/4/2018 10:47:00 AM Acquisition Started 5/4/2018 10:49:49 AM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done On Efficiency Calibration Used Done On Efficiency ID 12/2'8/2017 2/1/2018 3M90D CP 2IN V

                                                                 'I);,.-}__ ~CdcAeJ S'-- 5_,(~   t)~ zo


Peak Analysis Report 5/4/ 2 018 10: 5 9:50 AM Page 2

*****                 PE AK         A N A L Y S I S             R E P O R T             *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC023GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/4/2018 10:59:50 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts M 1 139- 196 146.23 36.48 0.94 1.80E+001 13.18 3 .71E+001 m 2 139 - 1 96 187.55 46.82 0 . 95 2 .60E+001 17.34 7.06E+001 3 292 - 346 299.74 74.90 0.93 1.34E+002 167.45 8.74E+00 2 4 946- 963 954.21 238.68 0.81 2.60E+001 32.33 7.l0E+00l 5 1171 - 1188 11 79.67 295.08 0 .36 2.29E+001 20.16 2.41E+001 6 1398 - 14 1 5 1406.98 351.95 1. 01 4.68E+001 20.76 1.82E+001 7 2034 - 2051 2042.09 510.79 1. 01 2.06E+001 1 8.29 1 .84E+001 8 2323 - 2340 2331.65 583.20 1.16 1.66E+00 1 14.72 l.14E+001 9 2 428 - 2445 2436 .01 609.29 0.66 3 .85E+001 17.03 1 .05E+001 10 2637 - 2654 2645.16 661. 5 8 0.52 4.04E+001 15.69 6.56E+O0O 11 5833 - 5852 5842.80 1460.42 0.78 5.94E+001 16.59 2 .59E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [347]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/ 2 018 10:59:50 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC023GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 8 .333 78E+00 5 2 .43726E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 4 . 76410E+004 1.93530E+004 Tl-208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 1.83648E+004 1.64105E+004 Pb- 212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 3.45471E+004 4.33429E+004 Bi-214 0.44 2 609.32* 45.49 8.12942E+004 3.72654E+004 1120.29 14 .. 92 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1.000 295.22* 18.42 8.02735E+004 7.18580E+004 351.93* 35.60 9.36437E+004 4.38404E+004

       * = Energy line found in t he spectrum.
       @=Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :     10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =          0.30 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/ 2 018 10:59:50 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 8.333778E+005 2.437256E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 4. 764101E+004 J 1. 935295E+004 Tl -2 08 1. 000 1.836480E+004 1 .641053E+004 Pb-21 2 1. 000 3.454706E+004 4.334286E+004 Bi- 2 14 0.442 8.1 2 9416E+004 3.726541E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 9.001697E+004 3.742505E+004

      ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at  2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/2018 10:59:50 AM Page 5

  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D       P E A K S      **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/4/2018 10:59:5 0 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide M 1 36 . 48 3. 0 004E - 00 2 73.22 m 2 46.82 4.3344E - 00 2 66.68 3 74.90 2.2271E-001 125 . 3 1 7 510.79 3 . 4402E-002 88.63 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [350]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/4 /2 018 10: 5 9:50 AM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry : 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFSWC023GD Nuclide Library Used : C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ )

 +      K-40        1460.82*     10.66    1.795E+005      1 . 80E+005 8.334E+005 7.078E+004 Co-60       1173.23      99.85    3.927E+004      2 .86E+004v--1.617E+003 1.783E+004 1332.49      99.98    2. 857E+004                    1.989E+004 \A..236E+004 Nb - 94       702.65     99.81    3. 550E+004     3.55E+004 -6.087E+003 1.635E+004 871.09     99.89    3 .567E+004                  - 1 .832E+004 1.628E+004 Ag - 108m     433.90      90.50   4. 2 94E+004     4.26E+004 - 3.077E+004 2.027E+004 6 14 .30    89.80   4.926E+004                      5.773E+004 2.317E+004 72 2 .90    90.80   4. 2 61E+004                    1. 208E+O 04 1.974E+004 Cs - 134     604.72      97.62   4.215E+004       3. 68E+004 4 .156E+004 VJ..975E+004 79 5 .86    85.46   3.680E+004                   -1.178E+005 1.666E+004
 +      Cs - 137     661.66*     85.10   2.101E+004       2 . 10E+004 4. 764E+004    8.909E+003 Eu - 1 52     121. 78     28.67   2.070E+005       1 .16E+005 1.845E+005 1.012E+005 344.28      26.60   1.628E+005                      5. 726E+004 7.784E+004 1408.01       21.07   1.156E+005                      6.242E+004 4.840E+004 Eu- 154       123.07      40. 40  1 .449E+005      1. 02E+005 - l.241E+005 7.083E+004 7 23 . 3 0  20.0 6  1.913E+005                      8.855E+003   8.857E+004 1274.4 3      34.80   1. 018E+005                     3 .991E+003 4.548E+004 Eu-155          86.55     30.70   2 .683E+005      2.68E+005 1.579E+005 l.318E+005 105.31      21.10   3.104E+005                   - J .006E+004 1 .520E+005
 +     Tl -2 08      583.19*     85.00   2.526E+004       2.53E+004 1.836E+004 1.114E+004 Bi-212        727.33        6.67  5.819E+005       5.82E+005 3.358E+004 2.696E+ 005
+      Pb-212        23 8.63*    43.60   7.069E+004       7.07E+004 3.455E+004 3.355E+004
+      Bi- 2 14      609 . 32*   45.49   4.623E+004      4.62E+004 8.129E+004 2.026E+004 1120.29       14.92   2.637E+005                     3.053E+005 l.201E+005 1764.49       15.30   2 .347E+005                    2 .821E+004 1.025E+005
+      Pb- 2 14      295.22*     1 8.42  1 .119E+005     5 .68E+004 8.027E+004 5.118E+004 351. 93*    35.60   5.681E+004                     9. 364E+004 2 .570E+004 Ra-226        1 86.2 1      3.64  1 .349E+006     1.35E+006 1.183E+005 6.553E+005 Ac-228        338.32      11. 27  3.571E+005      1.32E+005 5.085E+005 1.702E+005 911.20      25.80   1 . 32 1E+005                  4. 2 18E+004 5.991E+004 968.97      15.80   2.316E+005                     4.110E+004 1.054E+005 Am- 241         59.54     35.90   2 .951E+005     2.95E+005 2 .630E+005 l .445E+005
      += Nucl ide identified during the nuclide identification
      *=Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @=Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: 6279 Report Generated On 5/4/2018 1:0 1:13 PM Sample Title B106214AFSWC024GD Sample Description Ul WEST VALVE HOUSE Sample Identification 024 Sample Type GAMMA DIRECT Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3. 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 Sample Taken On 5/4/2018 12:49:00 PM Acquisition Started 5/4/2018 12:51:11 PM V Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.6 seconds V Dead Time 0 . 10 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Effic i ency ID 3M90D CP 2IN (])_~ V0v!)d,e/ c,q15' [352]

Peak Analysis Report 5/4/2018 1 : 01 :13 PM Page 2

          • P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC024GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/4/2018 1:01:13 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No . start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 291 - 348 299.56 74.86 0.67 2.27E+002 157.57 7.21E+002 2 945 - 962 953.50 238.50 0 .32 5.71E+000 34.33 8.63E+001 3 1399- 1416 1407.56 352.09 0.59 2.46E+001 21. 09 2 .64E+001 4 2427- 2444 2435.78 609.23 0.48 2.78E+001 16.83 1 .32E+001 5 2634- 2655 2644.79 661.49 0.44 1.81E+00 2 29.78 1.09E+001 6 4471- 4490 4480. 2 6 1120. 1 7 0.68 1.74E+001 13.39 7.64E+000 7 5832- 5852 5842.61 1460.37 0.56 7.84E+001 18.73 2.57E+000 M = First peak in a mul tiplet region m = Other peak in a mul tiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [353]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/2018 1:01:13 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



Bl06214AFSWC024GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuc lide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1460.82* 1 0.66 l.10016E+006 2 .79538E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 661.66* 85. 10 2.13357E+005 4.34422E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 238.63* 43.6 0 7. 592 06E+003 4.56499E+004 Bi-214 0.735 609.32

  • 45.49 5.86823E+004 3.62270E+004 1120.29* 14.92 l.51438E+005 l.17422E+00 5 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 0 .437 295.22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 4.93285E+004 4. 2 8442E+004
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :      10.000 keV Nuclide  confidence  index  threshold =       0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/ 2 018 1:01:13 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1.100165E+006 J,. 795384E+005 Cs-137 1.000 2.133571E+005 4.344220E+004 Pb-212 1.000 7.592057E+003 4.564995E+004 Bi-214 0.735 6.674380E+004 3.461694E+004 Pb-214 0.437 4.932848E+004 4.284417E+004

      ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at     2. 000 sigma
  **********    U N I D E N T I F I E D            P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/4/2018 1:01:13 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy* Peak* Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts pe r Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 74.86 3.7790E-001 69.49 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [355]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/4/2018 1:01:1 3 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 62 79 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN sample


Bl06214AFSWC024GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES \ Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity De c . Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pci/ ) (pCi/ )

 +      K-40         1460.82*     10.66    l.784E+005      l.78E+005 l.100E+006 7 . 021E+004 Co-60        1173. 23     99.85    3.338E+004      3.34E+004 -'2 .735E+004 l .489E+004 1332.49      99.98   3.622E+004                          3 . 409E+004 Vl .619E+004 Nb- 94         702.65     99.81   2 . 877E+004     2.88E+004 - 4.689E+003 l. 2 98E+004 871. 0 9   99.89   3.477E+004                          5.973E+003 l . 583E+004 Ag-108m        433 . 9 0  90.50   4.478E+004       3 .40E+004 - 6 . 448E+002 2 .119E+004 614.3 0    89.80   4.648E+004                        -5 .511E+004 2 . 1 79E+004 722.9 0    90.80   3.400E+004                        - 9.817E+003 l.544E+004 Cs-134         604 . 72   97.6 2  4.615E+004       3 . 94 E+004V:.l.795E+004 2 . 175E+004 795.86     85.46   3.939E+004        (J I-:, Fi,.o  V-7. 002E+004 1. 795E+004
 +      Cs-137         661 . 66*  85.10   2.789E+004       2. 79E+004 /2 .134E+005 1. 235E+004 Eu-152         121. 78    28.67   l.954E+005       l.67E+005 -6.814E+004 9 .540E+004 344.28     26.60   l .672E+005                         7.630E+004 8 .000E+004 1408.01      2 1. 07 l.864E+005                          l .167E+005 8. 3 84E+004 Eu-154         123.07     40.40   l .3 77E+005     9.79E+004 - 3.921E+004 6.723E+004 723.3 0    20.06   l.560E+005                          l.915E+004 7.094E+004 1274.43      34.80   9.789E+004                          8.780E+004 4.355E+004 Eu- 1 55        86.55     30.70   2.5 0 9E+005     2 .51E+005 - l.592E+004 1.231E+005 105.3 1    21.10   2 . 985E+005                      - 9.123E+004 l.461E+005 Tl- 2 0 8      583 . 19   85. 0 0 4.599E+004       4.60E+004 3 . 259E+004 2.150E+004 Bi-212         727 . 33     6.67  4.829E+005       4.83E+005 4.071E+005 2.201E+005
 +      Pb-212         238.63*    43 . 60 7.793E+004       7.79E+004 7.592E+00 3 3.717E+004
 +      Bi-214         609.32*    45.49   5.127E+004       5.13E+004 5.868E+004 2.278E+004 1 120.29*     14.92   l.740E+005                          l.514E+005 7.519E+004 1764.49       15.30   2.410E+005                          7.901E+004 l.056E+005
 +      Pb-214         295.22     18 . 42 2.345E+005       6.67E+004 3 .289E+005 1.125E+005 351.93*     35.60   6.666E+004                          4.933E+004 3.062E+004 Ra - 226      186.21       3.64   1. 291E+006     1.29E+006 5.365E+005 6.263E+005 Ac - 228       338.32     11. 27  3 .643E+005     1.38E+005 -5.001E+004 1.738E+005 911. 20     25.80   l.376E+005                          l.792E+004 6. 26 6E+004 968.97      15.80   l.990E+005                          1 .025E+005 8.912E+004 Am- 24 1        59.54     35.90   2.771E+005      2 .77E+005 2 .203E+00 5 l. 355E+00 5
       + = Nucl ide identified during the nuclide identification
       * = Energy line found in the spectrum
       >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region , or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
       @ = Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M A N A L Y S I S *****

Filename: 6 2 79 Report Generated On 5/4/2018 1:17:16 PM Sample Title B106214AFSWC025GD Sample Description Ul WEST VALVE HOUSE Sample Identification 025 Sample Type GAMMA DIRECT Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 Sample Taken On 5/4/2018 1:06:00 PM Acquisition Started 5/4/2018 1:07:15 PM V Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0.08  % Energy Calibration Used Done on: 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On Efficiency ID 2/1/2018 3M90D CP 2IN V

                                                                ~-S-t&---)    O)ZD
                                                                           '\ 1!/


Peak Analysis Report 5/4/ 2 018 1:17:16 PM Page 2

*****                P E A K        A N A L Y S I S              R E P O R T               *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC025GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/4/2018 1:17:16 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 121- 136 128.75 32.11 0 .81 4.17E+001 32.31 7.23E+00 1 2 284- 313 30 0 .14 75.00 0 .69 2 .57E+002 96 . 03 4.31E+002 3 1170- 1187 1178.74 294.85 0 .33 4.00E+00l 24.65 3.40E+001 4 1396 - 14 1 4 1405 . 04 351. 46 0 .51 4.51E+001 25.31 3.19E+001 5 2 032 - 2049 2 040.66 510.43 0 .35 2 .19E+001 16.98 1.41E+001 6 2426- 2443 2434.66 608. 9 6 0 .76 2 .87E+001 16.98 1. 33 E+001 7 2633 - 2657 2645.01 66 1.5 5 1. 34 4.32E+002 44.38 1.50E+001 8 4472 - 4491 4481.39 112 0 .45 0 .74 1.40E+001 12.67 7.04E+000 9 5833 - 5852 5842.21 146 0 .27 1. 4 1 6.97E+001 17.58 2.27E+000 10 7050 - 7069 7059.96 1764. 18 0 . 75 1 .30E+001 7.21 0.00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [358]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/2018 1 : 17 :16 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC025GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1460.82* 10 .66 9.78047E+005 2.60808E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.1 0 5.08917E+005 8.04300E+004 Bi-2 14 1.000 609.32* 45.49 6.05887E+004 3.65829E+004 1120.29* 14.92 1.21831E+005 1 .10937E+005 1764.49* 15.30 1.43116E+005 8.02098E+004 Pb-2 14 1. 000 295. 22

  • 18.42 1.40219E+005 8.92877E+004 351.93* 35 .60 9.01088E+004 5.23665E+0 04
       *=Energy l ine found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :      10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold          0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/ 2 018 1:17: 1 6 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 9.780472E+005 .,,-2.608081E+005 / Cs-137 1. 000 5. 0 89172E+005 V 8.042996E+004V Bi-214 1. 000 7.868376E+004 3.188045E+004 Pb-214 1. 000 1.029339E+005 4.517083E+004

       ?  = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at                  2 .000 sigma
  **********              U N I D E N T I F I E D              P E A K S            **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/4/2018 1 :17:16 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No . (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 32.11 6.9430E-002 77.56 2 75.00 4 . 2803E-001 37 . 39 5 C: '"I f"\ II -,

               -1..L V * ":I: ..J        3.6481:E-002                ~...,

I I [:'0

                                                                           * ....JU M      First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at                 2 . 000 sigma


Nuclide MDA Report 5/4/2018 1 :17:16 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFSWC025GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL . NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Leve l Name (keV) (%) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ )

 +      K-40        1460.82*     10. 66  1 . 647E+005    1.65E+005 9,-.780E+005 6.336E+004 Co-60       1173.23      99.85   3 .704E+004     3 . 3 4E+004 vl.003E+004 _). .671E+004 1332.49      99.98   3 .340E+004                    2 .841E+004 Vl .478E+004 Nb-94         702.65     99.81   3.252E+004      2 .76E+004 1.886E+004 1 . 486E+004 871.09     99.89   2. 764E+004                    1 . 165E+004 1. 22 6E+004 Ag - 108m      433.90     90.50   5.496E+004      4 .22 E+004 2.190E+004 2 . 628E+001 614.30     89.80  4.979E+004                      2.040E+004 2 .344E+004 7 22 .90   90.80  4. 2 25E+004                    ~ . 453E+004~.956E+004 Cs - 134      604.72     97.62  4. 3 69E+004     4.09E+004V3.969E+004 2.052E+004 795 . 86   85.4 6 4.086E+004                    -_,5.639E+004 1.869E+004
 +      Cs - 137      661.66*    85.10  3.333E+004       3.33E+004  5.089E+005       1.507E+004 Eu-152         121. 78    2 8.67 2.216E+005       1.56E+005 1.854E+003 1. 085E+005 344.28     26.60  1.799E+005                    - 7.122E+004 8.637E+004 1408.01      21. 07 1.557E+005                    - 6 . 107E+004 6.845E+004 Eu-154         123 . 07   40.40  1.570E+005       8.51E+004 4.015E+004         7.685E+004 723.30     20.0 6 1 . 913E+005                    1.701E+005 8.857E+004 1274.43       34.80  8.507E+004                      6.385E+004 3.714E+004 Eu-155          86.55     30.70  2.770E+00 5      2.77E+005 3.347E+005 1.361E+005 105.31     21.10  3.106E+005                    -2.441E+005 l.521E+005 Tl -2 08       583. 1 9   85.00  4.280E+004       4.28E+004 -2.403E+004 1.991E+004 Bi-212         727.33      6.67  5.615E+005       5.6 2 E+005 1.900E+005 2 .594E+005 Pb-212         238.63     43.60  1. 216E+005      1.22E+005 1.070E+004 5,901E+004
+      Bi- 2 14       609. 32
  • 45.49 5.147E+004 2 .98E+004 6.059E+004 2 .288E+004 1120.29* 14.92 1.704E+005 1 .218E+005 7.338E+004 1764.49* 15.30 2.979E+004 1.431E+005 O.OOOE+OOO
+      Pb-214        2 95. 2 2*  18.42  1 .315E+005     7.60E+004 1.402E+005 6.101E+004 351.93*     35.60  7.596E+004                      9 .011E+004 3.528E+004 Ra-226        186.21       3.64  l.426E+006      l.43E+006 - 1.331E+005 6.935E+005 Ac-228        338.32      11. 27 3.885E+005      l.43E+005 6.706E+005 1.859E+005 91 1. 20    25.80  l.429E+005                     3.058E+004 6.529E+004 968.97      15.80  2 .316E+005                    3.628E+004 1.054E+005 Am-241          59.54     35.90  3 .082E+005     3 .08E+00 5 1.914E+005 1.511E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      *=Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @=Half - life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        G AMM A       S P E C T R U M        A N A L Y S I S             *****

Filename: 6279 Report Generated On 5/4/2018 1:33:00 PM Sample Title B106214AFSWC026GD Sample Description Ul WEST VALVE HOUSE Sample Identification 026 Sample Type GAMMA DIRECT Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3. 00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+00 1 Sample Taken On 5/4/2018 1: 2 0: 00 PM Acquisition Started 5/4/2018 1: 22 :59 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds V Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done O:h Efficiency Calibration Used Done On Effic i ency ID 12/28/2017 21112018 3M90D CP 2 IN v / [362]

Peak Analysis Report 5/4/2018 1 :33: 00 PM Page 2

*****                 P E A K       A N A L Y S I S          R E P O R T               *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFSWC026GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/4/20 1 8 1:32:59 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Continuum No. start end centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 287- 31 0 298.71 74.65 1.00 2.2 1E+002 75.40 3.00E+002 2 946- 963 954.45 238.74 0.82 1.48E+001 31. 31 7.02E+001 3 1399- 1417 14 07. 74 352 . 14 1. 34 4.78E+001 21. 84 2.12E+001 4 2324- 2341 2332.54 583.42 0.30 1.20E+001 12.85 9.00E+000 5 2427 - 2444 2435.59 609.19 0.54 4.66E+001 18.34 l.14E+001 6 2636 - 2653 2644.87 661.51 1. 46 3.41E+001 15 . 94 8.94E+00O 7 5835 - 5854 5844.16 1460.76 0.46 6.30E+001 15.87 0.00E+000 8 7 0 51 - 7070 7060.73 1764.37 0.94 1.30E+001 7. 2 1 0.00E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [363]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/ 2 018 1: 33 : 00 PM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFSWC026GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

  ....................        IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES           .. ..  .......... ......

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-40 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 8 . 83847E+005 2.35562E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 4.01190E+004 1.9 3 822E+004 Tl-208 1.000 583.19* 85.00 1.32584E+004 l .42862E+004 Pb-212 1.000 238.63* 43.60 1.97284E+004 4.17575E+004 Bi-214 0.706 609.32* 45.49 9.84417E+004 4.048 3 7E+004 112 0 .29 14.9 2 1764.49* 15 .30 l.43126E+005 8.02153E+004 Pb-214 O*. 437 295. 22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 9.57619E+004 4.60050E+004

       *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
       @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =          0.30 Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/2 0 18 1 : 33: 00 PM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 8 . 838467E+005 .,,2.355622E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 4. 011900E+004V 1. 938223E+004 Tl-208 1. 000 1 .325842E+004 1.428625E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 1. 972838E+004 4.175748E+004 Bi-214 0.706 1.075127E+005 3 .614166E+004 Pb-214 0.437 9.576194E+004 4.600496E+004

       ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at      2.000 sigma
  **********     UN I D E N T I F I E D            P E A K S      **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/4/2018 1:32:59 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second 9, 0 Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 74.65 3.6875E-001 34 .0 8 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma [365]

Nuclide MDA Report 5 /4/ 2 018 1 : 33 : 00 PM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFSWC0 2 6GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (% ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ )

 +      K-40        1460.82*    10 .66   3.796E+004       3.8 0E+004 ~.838E+005 ~.OOOE+OOO Co-60       1173.23     99.85    3.526E+004       2 .47E+oo4.../5_670E+oo3Vl.583E+00 4 133 2 .49   99.98    2.474E+004                     - 2 . 735E+003 1.045E+00 4 Nb- 94        702.65    99.81    3.655E+004       3.57E+004 -1.334E+004 1.687E+004 871.09    99.89    3.567E+004                       1.710E+003 1 .628E+00 4 Ag-108m        433.90    90.50    4.035E+004       3.96E+004 3.095E+004 1 . 898E+0 0 4 614 . 30  89 . 80  5.213E+004                       6.069E+004 2 .461E+004 722.90    90.80    3.957E+004                     - 2.297E+004 l.822E+004 Cs - 134      604.72    97.6 2   4.982E+004       4.54E+004  8.108E+004/2.359E+004 795.86    85.4 6   4.537E+004                       3.634E+004 ;2.095E+004
 +      Cs - 137      661.66*   85.10    2 .4 22 E+004    2. 42E+004 4. 012E+004  1. 051E+004 Eu - 152       121.78    2 8.67   2 .060E+005      1. 59E+005 1.773E+004 1.007E+005 344.28    26.60   1.652E+005                        5.489E+004 7.905E+004 1408.01     21. 07  1.594E+005                      -1.000E+005 7.033E+004 Eu-154         123.07    40.40   1.440E+005        9.79E+004 - 3.349E+004 7.037E+004 723.30    2 0.0 6 1.792E+005                     -4 . 047E+004 8.251E+004 1274.43     34.80   9.789E+004                     -4 . 3 67E+004 4.355E+004 Eu-155          86.55    30 . 70 2.577E+00 5      2.58E+005 -3 .663E+005 l.265E+005 1 0 5.3 1  2 1.1 0 3 . 096E+005                      2, 1 77E+005 1 . 516E+005
+      Tl- 2 0 8     583.19*    85.00   2.266E+004       2.27E+004 1 . 326E+004 9.834E+003 Bi-212        727.33       6.67  5.294E+005       5.29E+005 3.172E+004 2 .434E+005
+      Pb-212        238.63*    43.60   6.998E+004       7.00E+004 1.973E+004 3 .319E+004
+      Bi- 2 14      609.32*    45.49   4.821E+004       2.98E+004 9.844E+004 2 .125E+004 112 0 .29    14.92   2.803E+005                       2.623E+005 1.284E+005 1764.49*    15.30    2.979E+004                       1.431E+005 O.OOOE+OOO
+      Pb-214        295.22    18.42    2 .019E+005      6.11E+004 - 1 . 805E+005 9.622E+004 351.93*   35.60    6.107E+004                       9.576E+004 2 .783E+004 Ra-226        186.21      3.64   l. 3 00E+006     1. 3 0E+006 8.544E+005 6.306E+005 Ac-228        338.32    11.27    3.252E+005       1.45E+005 -2 .430E+005 1 .542E+005 911.20    25 . 80  l.446E+005                     - 1.760E+004 6.614E+004 968.97    15.80    2 .405E+005                      1 .283E+005 1.099E+005 Am-24 1         59.54   35.90    2 .783E+005      2.78E+005 -4.442E+004 1. 3 61E+005
      + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


          • GAMM A S P E C T R U M ANALYSIS *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\00001073.CNF Report Generated On 5/5/2018 10:05:42 AM \,.;""" Sample Title B106214AFQWC007GD Sample Description Ul West Valve House Wall QC Sample Identification QC Sample Type Gamma Direct Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2 IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2.830E+001 MA2 Sample Taken On 4/30/2018 12: 49: 00 PM Acquisition Started 4/30/ 2 018 12:49: 23 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.4 seconds Dead Time 0.07 % Energy Calibration Used Done On 12/28/2017 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2 IN DvLV~/;kleJ

                                                             )/)/(&- - Io Y"


Peak Analysi s Report 5/5/2 018 10: 0 5:42 AM Page 2

          • P E A K A N A L Y S I S R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B106214AFQWC007GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/5/2018 10:0 5 :42 AM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No. start e nd centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 179 - 194 186.62 46.59 0.68 1.62E+001 38.12 1.11E+002 2 293 - 308 300. 2 1 75. 0 2 0.94 3.18E+001 65.36 3.40E+002 3 946 - 964 955.24 238 . 93 0.27 4. 2 9E+001 28.22 4.41E+001 4 1 399- 1416 1407.71 352.1 3 0.67 4.03E+001 17.97 1.17E+001 5 2036- 2053 2044.75 511.46 0 .32 4.08E+001 13.82 2.15E+000 6 243 0 - 2447 2438 . 09 609.81 0 . 67 3 .06E+001 15.86 9.40E+000 7 2639 - 2656 2647.52 662.17 0.73 2 .42E+001 13.68 6.83E+00O 8 5838- 5857 5847.25 1 461. 53 1.08 6.40E+001 18.06 5.00E+00O M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2. 000 sigma [368]

Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2 01 8 1 0 :05:42 AM Page 3

          • N U C L I D E I D E N T I F I C A T I O N R E P O R T *****



B106214AFQWC007GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 1460 . 82* 10.66 8.98175E+005 2 .65240E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 2.84852E+004 l.64781E+004 Pb -2 12 1.000 2 38.63* 43.60 5.70460E+004 3.86558E+004 Bi - 214 0.442 609 . 32* 45.49 6.46416E+004 3.43896E+004 11 2 0 .29 14.92 1764.49 15.3 0 Pb-214 0.437 295.22 18.42 351.93* 35.60 8.06091E+004 3.79268E+004

        * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
        @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :        10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =          0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/5/2018 10:05:42 AM Page 4

          • I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/M"2 ) Uncertainty K-40 0.999 8.98174 7E+00 5 2.652398E+005 Cs-137 1. 000 2.848523E+ 00 4 1.647807E+ 0 04 Pb-212 1. 000 5.704599E+004 3.865582E+004 Bi-214 0.442 6.464161E+004 3.438957E+004 Pb-214 0.437 8.060908E+004 3.792685E+004

       ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
      @=Nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at      2.000 sigma
  **********     U N I D E N T I F I E D                 P E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/5/2 018 10:05:42 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 46.59 2.7060E-002 234.75 2 75.02 .:; _ ?qe:;q,:;, _ nn? 205.66 5 511.46 6.8081E-002 33.84 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [370]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/5/2 018 10:0 5 : 42 AM Page 5

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


Bl06214AFQWC007GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB Nucl ide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec . Level Name (keV) ( %) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 ) (pCi/MA2 )

 +      K-40        1460.82*    10.66    2.316E+005     2.32E+005      8.982E+00 5   9 . 6 79E+004 Co-60       117 3.23    99 . 85  3.273E+004     3.27E+004      3.335E+00 2   l.456E+004 1332.49     99.98    3.622E+004                    3.409E+004    l.619E+004 Nb- 94       702.65     99.81    3.757E+004     3.09E+004      3.238E+004    l.738E+004 871.09     99.89    3 . 092E+004               - 3.845E+003     l.390E+004 Ag- 108m      433.90     90.50   4. 2 73E+004    3.35E+004   - l.447E+003     2.017E+004 614.30     89.80   4.532E+004                    5 .067E+004    2.120E+004 722.90     90.80   3.352E+004                  -2 .322E+004     l.520E+004 Cs-134       604.72     97.62   3.913E+004      3.91E+004     3. 185E+003    l.824E+004 795.86     85.46   4. 0 86E+004                  2. 553E+004    l.869E+004
 +      Cs-137       661. 66*   85.10   2 .162E+004     2 .16E+004    2.849E+004     9.216E+003 Eu-152        121.78     28.67   2 .062E+005     l.04E+005   -3.003E+003     l.008E+005 344.28     2 6.60  l .475E+005                 -7.030E+004     7.016E+004 1408.01      21.07   l.041E+005                  - 2.923E+004    4.269E+004 Eu-154        123.07     40.40   l.455E+005      8.74E+004     6.137E+004    7.111E+004 723.30     20.06   l .496E+005                 - l .088E+005   6.77 3 E+004 1274.43      34.80   8.736E+004                    2 .412E+004   3 . 82 8E+004 Eu-155          86.55    30.70   2.636E+005      2 .64E+005    2 .165E+005   l.294E+005 105.31     21.10   3.014E+005                 - 4 .201E+005    l.475E+005 Tl -2 08      583 .19    85.00   4.041E+004      4.04E+004     2.287E+003    l.871E+004 Bi-212        727.33      6.67   4.512E+005     4.51E+005      9. 53 8E+003  2 .043E+005
+      Pb-212        2 38.63*   43.60   5.830E+004      5.83E+004     5.705E+004    2 .735E+004
+      Bi-214        609 . 32*  45.49   4.520E+004     4.52E+004      6.464E+004    l.974E+004 1120.29      14.92   2.637E+005                    3.053E+005    l.201E+005 1764.49      15.30   2.347E+005                    3.423E+004    l .025E+005
+      Pb-214        295.22     18.42   2.127E+005     4.73E+004      3.835E+004    l.016E+005 351.93*    35.60   4.728E+004                    8.061E+004    2 .093E+004 Ra-2 2 6      186.21      3.64   l.248E+006     l.25E+006   - 8.335E+005     6.049E+005 Ac-228        338.32     11. 27  3.292E+005     l.48E+005      l.536E+005    l.562E+005 911.20    25.80    l.480E+005                   1. 429E+005    6.782E+004 968.97    15.80    2.255E+005                   l.1 32 E+004   l.024E+005 Am- 24 1       59.54    35.90    2.986E+005     2.99E+005   - l.007E+00 5    l.463E+005
      + = Nucl i de identified during the nuclide identification
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


*****        GAMM A       S P E C T R U M        ANALYSIS                *****

Filename: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\00001144.CNF Report Generated On 5/4/2018 3:57:55 PM Sample Title B106214AFQWC016GD ~ Sample Description Ul WEST VALVE HOUSE Sample Identification 016QC Sample Type GAMMA DIRECT Sample Geometry 3M90D CP 2IN Peak Locate Threshold 3 .00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Peak Area Range (in channels) 85 - 8192 Identification Energy Tolerance 10.000 keV Sample Size 2 .830E+00 1 Sample Taken On 5/4/2018 1:35:00 PM Acquisition Started 5/4/2018 1:37:04 PM Live Time 600.0 seconds Real Time 600.5 seconds Dead Time 0. 08 % Energy Calibration Used Done 6n 12/28/2017 I / Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 2/1/2018 V Efficiency ID 3M90D CP 2IN

                                                         ?).~        VJ1~/

5 I y / 10 D" [372]

Peak .Analysis Report 5/4/ 2 018 3 :57: 55 PM Page 2

*****               P E A K         A N A L Y S I S             REPORT                       *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample


B1 0 6214AFQWC016GD Peak Analysis Performed on: 5/4/2018 3 :57: 5 5 PM Peak Analysis From Channel: 85 Peak Analysis To Channel: 8192 Peak ROI ROI Peak Energy FWHM Net Peak Net Area Cont inuum No . start e nd centroid (keV) (keV) Area Uncert. Counts 1 119 - 1 36 127.55 31.81 0.4 5 4.24E+001 30.96 6.06E+001 M 2 285- 352 298.60 74.62 2 . 93 1 . 71E+002 47.78 4.48E+00 2 m 3 285 - 352 342.61 85.63 2 .94 9.26E+001 39.48 3.80E+00 2 4 946 - 963 954 . 18 238.67 0.67 7.50E+000 3 2 . 23 7.65E+001 5 1171- 11 88 1179.89 295.14 0.30 4.73E+001 22.58 2.47E+001 6 1398 - 1415 1406.62 351.86 0.86 3 .74E+001 2 1. 67 2.46E+001 7 2428 - 2445 2436. 10 609.32 1.44 4.45E+001 16.18 6.52E+000 8 2635- 2656 2645.12 661.57 1.17 1.81E+002 29.20 8.47E+000 9 3634- 3651 3642.08 910.76 0. 3 8 1.85E+001 12.56 6.46E+000 10 5834 - 5853 5843.80 1460 . 67 0.60 9.02E+001 20.67 4.80E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2 . 000 sigma [373]

. Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/ 2 018 3:57:55 PM Page 3

 *****     N U C L I D E        I D E N T I F I C A T I O N           R E P O R T       *****



B106214AFQWC016GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILE S\Zion Lib-BNL.NLB

    ........ . ..... .. .....       IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES          . .. .. ........ ... .....

Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) ( %) (pci/ ) Uncertainty K-4 0 1.000 1460.82* 10.66 1. 26539E+O 06 3 .10121E+005 Cs-137 1.000 661.66* 85.10 2.12663E+005 4 . 2 8396E+004 Eu- 155 0. 332 86.55* 30.70 l.63553E+005 7 . 69828E+004 10 5 . 31 2 1.10 Pb-212 1.000 23 8.63* 43.60 9.97225E+003 4.28798E+004 Bi -2 14 0.442 609.32* 45.49 9.39135E+004 3.59844E+004 112 0 .29 14.9 2 1764.49 15.30 Pb-214 1. 000 295.22* 18.42 1.66023E+005 8.35415E+ 0 04 35 1 .93* 35 . 60 7.47823E+004 4.47746E+004

         *=Energy line found in the spectrum.
         @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :          10.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold =             0. 3 0 Errors quoted at 2 .00 0 sigma


. Interference Corrected Activity Report 5/4/2018 3:57:55 PM Page 4

 *****   I N T E R F E R E N C E     C O R R E C T E D        REPORT       *****

Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (pCi/ ) Uncertainty K-40 1. 000 1 .265394E+0 0 6 ).101206E+00S _ / Cs-137 1. 000 2.126627E+00S V4.283962E+004 V Eu-155 0.332 1. 635526E+00S 7.698284E+004 Pb-212 1. 000 9.972252E+003 4. 2 87982E+004 Bi-214 0.442 9.39134SE+004 3.598444E-i-004 Pb-214 1. 000 9.514257E+004 3.946394E+004

        ? = Nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = Nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
        @ = Nuclide contains energy lines not used i n Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at   2.000 sigma


Interference Corrected Activity Report 5 /4/2018 3:57:55 PM Page s

  **********    U N I D E N T I F I E D    P   E A K S     **********

Peak Locate Performed on: 5/4/2018 3 : 57:55 PM Peak Locate From Channel: 85 Peak Locate To Channel: 8192 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS Peak Tol. No. (keV) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty Type Nuclide 1 31. 81 7.0607E-002 73 . 07 M 2 74. 62 2 . 8564E-001 2 7.88 9 910.76 3.0900E-002 67.7 3 Sum M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma [376]

Nuclide MDA Report 5/4/2018 3 :57:55 PM Page 6

          • N U C L I D E MD A R E P O R T *****

Detector Name: 6279 Sample Geometry: 3M90D CP 2IN Sample


B106214AFQ WC016GD Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K \CAMFILES \Zion Lib- BNL .NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Dec. Level Name (keV) (% ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ ) (pCi/ )

 +      K-40        1460.82*     10 .66    2.2 62E+005     2.26E+005 ,7..265E+00 6 9.411E+004 Co-60       1173.23      99.85     3.338E+0 0 4    3.19E+004V 3.069E+004 l.489E+004 1332.49      99 . 98  3.189E+004                      1 . 042E+004 ./1 . 402E+004 Nb-94         702.65     99 . 81   3.723E+004      3.14E+004 -l.166E+00 4 l.721E+004 871.09     99.89    3.143E+004                    -3.469E+00 4 l.416E+004 Ag - 108m     433.90     9 0 .50  4. 123 E+004     3.96E+004 -4.275E+00 4 1.942E+004 614.30     89.80    5.162E+004                      6.325E+004 2 .436E+004 722.90     90.80    3.957E+004                    ;3.003E+00 4 j l .822E+004 Cs-134        604.72     97.62    4.757E+004      4.36E+004.. .,/2.720E+0 04 2 .246E+004 795.86     85.46    4.363E+004                    fi .547E+004 2.007E+004
 +      Cs-137       661.66*     85.10    2 .531E+004     2 .53E+004 V 2 .127E+OOS 1.106E+004 Eu-152       121.78      28.67    2.179E+005      l .60E+00S l.516E+00S 1.066E+00S 344.28      26 . 60  l.604E+005                     3.364E+004 7.661E+004 14 0 8 . 01   21. 0 7  1.631E+005                      6.389E+004     7.215E+004 Eu-154       123 . 07   40. 40    l.518E+005      9.17E+004 - 1.351E+005 7.425E+004 723.30     20.0 6    1. 755E+0-05                 -3.898E+00 4 8 . 070E+004 1274.43      34.80     9.174E+004                   -5.976E+00 4 4.047E+004
+       Eu-155         86.55*   30.70    l .650E+005      l . 65E+00S l.636E+00S 8.010E+004 105.31     21.10    3.194E+005                      8.44SE+004 l.565E+00S Tl- 2 0 8     583.19     85.00    4.568E+004      4.57E+004 2 .1 58E+004 2.135E+004 Bi-212        727.33       6.67   5.349E+005      5 . 35E+005 5.519E+004 2 .461E+00S
+      Pb-212        238.63*    43.60    7.306E+004       7.31E+004 9.972E+003 3 .473E+004
+      Bi -2 14      609.32*    45.49    3.754E+004      3 .75E+004 9.391E+004 l.591E+004 1 1 2 0 .29  14.92    2.771E+005                     2.338E+005 l.267E+00S 1764.49      15.30    2 .282E+005                     l.872E+004 9.920E+004
+      Pb-214        295.22*    18.42    l.128E+005      6.43E+004 l.660E+00S S.165E+004 351.93*    35.60    6.429E+004                     7.478E+004 2 .944E+004 Ra-226       186.2 1       3.64   l.389E+006      l.39E+006 - l.082E+006 6.751E+00S Ac- 22 8     338.32      11. 27   3 .292E+005     l . 56E+00S 2.612E+00S l.562E+00S 911. 20     25.80    l.560E+005                     6.431E+004 7.183E+004 968.97      15.80    2.2 55E+005                    l .622E+00S l.024E+00 S Am- 2 41       59.54     35 . 90  2 .785E+00S     2 .79E+005 6.023E+004 1.362E+005
      + =Nuclide identified during the nuclide identifica tion
      * = Energy line found in the spectrum
      >= Calculated MDA is zero due to zero counts in the region, or the region is outside the spectrum, or MDA has not been calculated
      @ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 2 ~ UNIT 1 EAST & WEST STEAM TUNNEL VALVE HOUSES = ZIONSOLUTIONSZu=Nt~~~ SURVEY UNITS 06213 & 06214 ATTACHMENT 6 EBERLINE REPORTS (Note - Samples B3-06213A-FIWC-011-CV, B3-06213A-FIFC-015-CV, B3-06214A-FIFC-001-CV and B3-06214A-FIWC-009-CV were taken as part of the initial survey design. The results for these samples are included in the report from Eberline however, they were not used to demonstrate compliance and are included for information only) [356]

EBERLINE ANALYTICAL CORPOF<ATION 601 SCM<BOfW f'.;/OAD BERLI NE 0At< RIDGE. TENNf:SSEE y7e:50 E:FxVICES PHONE (865) 481 -0683 FAX (865) 483-l+621 EBS-OR-43799 June 5, 2018 Patricia Giza Zion Solutions, LLC 101 Shiloh Blvd Zion, IL 60099 CASE NARRATIVE Work Order# 18-05068-OR SAMPLE RECEIPT This work order contains fomteen solid samples received 05/15/2018. Samples were analyzed for Total Strontium, Tritium, Nickel-63 and by Gamma Spectroscopy. CLIENT ID LAB ID CLIENT ID LAB ID B3-06213AFIWC-0 l 1CV 18-05068-04 B3-062 l 6-AFSFC-002CV 18-05068-11 B3-06213-AFIFC-015CV 18-05068-05 B l-062 l 4-AFSWC-005CV 18-05068-12 B3-062 l 4-AFIFC-00 1CV 18-05068-06 B l-06214-AFSFC-00 4CV 18-05068-13 B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV 18-05068-07 B 1-06214-AFSFC-00 1CV 18-05068-14 B3-062 l 5-AFSWC-0 13CV 18-05068-08 B l-06213-AFSWC-0 09CV 18-05068-15 B3-06215-AFSFC-003CV 18-05068-09 B l-062 l 3-AFSFC-004CV 18-05068-16 B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV 18-05068-10 B l-06213-AFSFC-00 2CV 18-05068-17 ANALYTICAL METHODS Total Strontium was analyzed using EIChroM Method SRW01 Modified. Tritium was performed using Method LANL ER-210 Modified. Nickel-63 was performed using Method ASTM 3500-Ni Modified. Gamma Spectroscopy was performed using EPA Method 901.1 Modified. Laboratory qualifiers are as follows: U - Result is less than the MDA. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Combined Standard Uncertainty is reported at I-sigma value. Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) values for data represented in this report are sample-specific. MDA measurements are determined based on factors and conditions including instrument settings, aliquot size and matrix type. Page 1 of 3 [49]

ANALYTICAL RESULTS CONTINUED TOT AL STRONTIUM Samples were prepared by aliquoting as appropriate and leaching in acids followed by adding Strontium recovery carriers to each sample. Chemical separations were conducted using selective extractions. Strontium precipitate was mounted on tared filter media. Chemical recovery was determined by Strontium carrier mass determinations. Samples were counted by gas flow proportional counting and corrected for Yttrium-90 ingrowth. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Total Strontium analyses. Strontium-90 results are reported from Total Strontium due to secular equilibrium. Chemical recovery was acceptable for all samples. The Total Strontium method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Total Strontium duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Total Strontium laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. TRITIUM A representative aliquot of each sample was equilibrated with Tritium free water. Equilibrates were diluted and transferred into round-bottomed distillation flasks and attached to single stage stills. A portion of each middle distillation fraction was transferred to a liquid scintillation vial and cocktail was added. Samples were then counted by beta liquid scintillation. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Tritium analyses. The Tritium method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Tritium duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Tritium laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. NICKEL-63 A representative aliquot of each sample was placed into an appropriately sized beaker. Stable elemental Nickel carrier was added to each sample prior to digestion. Samples were digested in concentrated Nitric acid. After digestion, samples pH was adjusted and Nickel-63 was precipitated selectively with Dimethylglyoxime. Precipitates were selectively separated, redissolved, and residual acid was effectively neutralized. Sample residuals were placed into scintillation vials, scintillation cocktail was added and Nickel-63 activity was determined by beta liquid scintillation. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Nickel-63 analyses. The Nickel-63 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Nickel-63 duplicate demonstrated an acceptable relative percent difference and normalized difference. Results for the Nickel-63 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. GAMMA SPECTROSCOPY Samples for Gamma Spectroscopy analysis was prepared by transferring a known mass/aliquot of each homogenized sample to a standard geometry container. Samples were counted on a High Purity Germanium (HPGe) gamma ray detector. Page 2 of 3 [50]

ANALYTICAL RES UL TS CONTINUED GAMMA SPECTROSCOPY CONTINUED Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all gamma-emitting radionuclides as reported. Some Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137 results demonstrated slightly high method detection limits. Some samples demonstrated results that are greater than the method detection limit. These results are reported from the Canberra Gamma Apex "Nuclide MDA Report" and are not positive. These results are qualified as non-detect (U). The method blank demonstrated acceptable results for all radionuclides as reported. Results for the Actinium-228 replicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Cesium-13 7 and Potassium-40 replicate demonstrated an acceptable relative percent difference and normalized difference. Results for the Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. CERTIFICATION OF ACCURACY I certify that this data repm1 is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Purchase Order, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the cognizant project manager or his/her designee to be accurate as verified by the following signature. ~. rvt.R, McDougal Laboratory Manager Date: 6/5/2018 Eberline Analytical wants and encourages your feedback regarding our performance providing radioanalytical services. Please visit to provide us with feedback on our services. Page 3 of 3 [51]

Page 1 of 19 Printed: 6/5/2018 2:25 PM Report To: Work Order Details: Patricia Giza SDG: 18-05068 Eberlin e Analyti cal . ~*--***~*-**~*** --

                                                                             ~--~~ ......?'.ion Solutiol'!~~ LLC
                                                                                                                                                                                    ....... "" --~     -*----**as Purchase Order:

677118 Final Report of Analysis 101 Shiloh Blvd ___ Analysis Category: ENVIRONMENTAL __,,.,,.,,~-----* --- Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Analysis Batch Report Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Analyte Method Units ID Date Date Date ID ID  : Type  : 18-05068-01 LCS KNOWN 05/15/18 00:00 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified  ; 2.24E+02 8.08E+00 pCilg

=---~~--                                                                           05/15/18 00:00              5/15/2018   5/18/2018                18-05068               Tritium              LANL ER-210 Modified          2.02E+02                 5.40E+00                        1.25E+01                3.70E+00                           pCi/g 18-05068-01        LCS     SPIKE                                                                                                                                 ~>--*-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       "':                                                                                                            u           pCilg 18-05068-02   :    MBL     BLANK                                                 05/15/18 00:00              5/15/2018   5/18/2018                18-05068   ___  ,      Tritium              LANL ER-210 Modified     ;     1.51E+00                2.18E+00                        2.19E+00                3.69E+00
                                                *-------*-* --*-----*                                          5/15/2018   5/18/2018                18-05068               Tritium              LANL ER-210 Modified           3.25E+00                2.25E+00                        2.26E+00                3.72E+00               u           pCi/g B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV                                  05/02/18 09:00 18-05068-03        DUP 05/02118 09:00              5/15/2018   5/18/2018 18-05068               Tritium              LANL ER-210 Modified           1.15E+00                2.21E+00                        2.21E+00                3.75E+00

u pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO 83-06213AFIWC-011CV

                                                                             --*--                                                                               *~-*---~------                                                                                                                                        ----*--**

05/02/18 08:45 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified 1.88E-01 2.14E+00 2.14E+00 3.67E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-05 TRG 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV


05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified 3.61E-01 2.05E+00 2.05E+00 3.52E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV l 05/03/1815:30 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified 5.68E-01 2.16E+00 2.16E+00 3.69E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-07 TRG 83-06214-AFIWC-009C V *.. 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified I -9.63E-01 2.15E+00 2.15E+00 3.75E+00 u pCilg 18-05068-08 '. TRG 83-06215-AFSWC-013C V 04/26118 13:40 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified 5.37E-01 2.04E+00 2.04E+00 3.49E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-09 TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003C V l

                .-                                                                 04/30/18 08:35              5/15/2018   5/18/2018                 18-05068               Tritium             LANL ER-210 Modified            5.47E-01               2.08E+00                        2.08E+00                3.55E+00               u           pCilg 18-05068-10        TRG      83-06216-AFSWC-006C V 04/26/18 15:20              5/15/2018   5/19/2018                 18-05068               Tritium             LANL ER-210 Modified           2.65E+00                2.21E+00                        2.22E+00                3.69E+00               u           pCilg 18-05068-11        TRG   :  83-06216-AFSFC-002C V 18-05068-12    l   TRG      81-06214-AFSWC-005C V
                                                                          -*       05/05/18 14:35              5/15/2018   5/19/2018                 18-05068               Tritium              LANL ER-210 Modified           2.15E+00               2.08E+00                        2.09E+00                3.48E+00               u           pCi/g

~* 2.04E+00 2.04E+00 3.48E+00 u  : pCi/g 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 ; 5/19/2018 18-05068 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified 7.14E-01 18-05068-13 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-004C V  : --* pCi/g 18-05068-14 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-001C V 05/05/1815:15 5/15/2018 i 5/19/2018 18-05068 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified 2.71E+02 5.98E+00 1.63E+01 3.54E+00 .._.. LANL ER-210 Modified 0.00E+00 2.05E+00 2.05E+00 3.54E+00 u pCi/g TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009C V 05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018 5/19/2018 18-05068 Tritium 18-05068-15 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 5/19/2018 18-05068 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified -7.61E-01 2.13E+00 2.13E+00 3.71E+00 u pCiig 18-05068-16

                 'i   TRG     81-06213-AFSFC-004C V 5/15/2018   5/19/2018                 18-05068 Tritium              LANL ER-210 Modified l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -5.66E-01 r

2.12E+00 2.12E+00 3.67E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-17 TRG 81-06213-AFSFC-002C V 05/05/18 13:00 l Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control ( ~ EBER LINE ANALYTICAL 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/483-4621 [52]

Page 2 of 19 Printed: 6/5/2018 2:25 PM Report To: Work Order Details: Patricia Giza SDG: 18-05068 Eberlin e Analyti cal ,.. ** *

                                                                      ** ~*-,m-*v*** ****~'" ,_,

Zion Solutions, LLC

                                                                                                     *-*~n*             ********- ***- -**-                                               " --~-- -****-*
                                                                                                                                                * "'-W'"W"~,_,,,_,, _ _ _ - * * - - - - - - . "

Purchase Order: 677118 Final Report of Analysis 101 Shiloh Blvd ,_Analysis. Category: ENVIRONMENTAL *-~* ---w =*----- *---*---

                                                                     --------------                                                   """--~-~------                    ..~---*--*-*-
                                                           **n-Zion, IL 60099                                                                                                                            Sample Matrix:                                   so Batch                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Report Lab         Sample                 Client                         Sample                              Receipt     Analysis                                                                                                                                    Result                 cu                          CSU                           MDA            Qualifier Analyte                                            Method                                                                                                                                                  Units ID            Type                  ID                              Date                                Date        Date                   ID                                                                                                      !

18-05068 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.53E+03 l 4.58E+01 pCi/g 18-05068-01 LCS KNOWN 05/15/18 00:00 5/15/2018 5/17/2018 --*-*----*--- T ----*- -----*-- *---*- 9.03E+00 8.81E+01 2.05E+00 pCi/g 05/15/18 00:00 5/15/2018 5/17/2018 18-05068 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.49E+03 18-05068-01 LCS SPIKE 05/15/18 00:00

                                                                                                 "'i 5/15/2018    5/17/2018             18-05068                 Nickel-63                           ASTM 3500-Ni Modified                                  1.36E+00           1.24E+00                      1.24E+00                     2.07E+00               u            pCi/g 18-05068-02
                                            -*---                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -----~--                                               ----*-*

18-05068 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.04E+02 2.43E+00 6.58E+00 1.76E+00 pCi/g 18-05068-03 DUP _, __ 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 5/17/2018

                                                                                                                                                 *---*                                                                                                         1.02E+02           2.41E+00                     6.45E+00                       1.77E+00                           pCi/g 18-05068                 Nickel-63                           ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 18-05068-04          DO    83-06213AFIWC-011 CV                 05/02/18 09:00                           5/15/2018    5/17/2018 Nickel-63                           ASTM 3500-Ni Modified                                   1.92E+01          1.38E+00                      1.79E+00                      1.74E+00                           pCi/g 18-05068-05 :      TRG     83-06213-AFIFC-015CV                 05/02/18 08:45                      i 5/15/2018       5/17/2018             18-05068 Nickel-63                           ASTM 3500-Ni Modified                                  5.86E+01           1.95E+00                      3.96E+00                      1.77E+00                           pCi/g 18-05068-06         TRG    83-06214-AFIFC-001CV                 05/03/18 13:30                       ' 5/15/2018      5/17/2018             18-05068 18-05068                 Nickel-63                           ASTM 3500-Ni Modified                                  3.51E+01           1.45E+00                      2.53E+00                      1.48E+00                           pCi/g 18-05068-07        TRG     83-06214-AFIWC-009C V                05/03/18 15:30                       : 5/15/2018      5/17/2018 04/26/18 13:00                           5/15/2018 '. 5/17/2018             18-05068                 Nickel-63                           ASTM 3500-Ni Modified                                   1.03E+00          1.00E+00                      1.00E+00                      1.68E+00              u            pCi/g 18-05068-08        TRG     83-06215-AFSWC-013C V                                                                                                           w-~~~,-~---
                          *-                                   04/26/18 13:40                           5/15/2018    5/18/2018             18-05068 m,M~

Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.35E+00 l 1.10E+00 1.10E+00 1.83E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-09 TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003C V 04/30/18 08:35  : 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.06E+00 1.11E+00 1.11E+00 1.85E+00 u pCi/g


18-05068-10 TRG : 83-06216-AFSWC-006C V 04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 4.16E-01 9.95E-01 9.95E-01 1.69E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-11 TRG 83-06216-AFSFC-002C V 05/05/18 14:35 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 2.09E-01 9.98E-01 9.98E-01 1.70E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-12 TRG 81-06214-AFSWC-005C V Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 2.07E+00 1.10E+00 1.10E+00 1.80E+00 pCi/g 18-05068-13 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-004C V 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 , 18-05068 - 05/05/1815:15 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 6.77E-01 1.08E+00 ' 1.09E+00 1.83E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-14 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-001C V 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 5.96E-01 1.07E+00 1.07E+00 1.82E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-15 TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009C V 05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018

  • 5/18/2018 18-05068 Nickel-63
                                                                                                                                                                                             --          ASTM 3500-Ni Modified                                  1.00E+00           9.70E-01                      9.72E-01                     1.62E+00               u           pCi/g 18-05068-16         TRG     81-06213-AFSFC-004C V               05/05/18 10:25 Nickel-63                           ASTM 3500-Ni Modified                                  3.18E+00           1.12E+00                      1.14E+00                     1.80E+00                            pCi/g 18-05068-17         TRG     81-06213-AFSFC-002C V               05/05/18 13:00                           5/15/2018 . 5/18/2018               18-05068 Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Com bined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control


Page 3 of 19 Printed: 6/5/2018 2:25 PM Report To: Work Order Details: Patricia Giza SDG: 18-05068 Eberlin e Analyti cal -*--- ****--.-,. ---**-*-*** <<*-- -*****-*m*" Zion Solutions, LLC Purchase Order:

                                                                                                                                                                             =-='"---"'-"' ,----~""-*



Final Report of Analysis 101 ________ f-,----~-----,,--_,, Shiloh ,,__, Blvd

                                                                                                                       *--------------*- ----~-------------------*-*-****---

_ . AnatysisCategory:_ ENVIRONMENTAL ------~--, Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Receipt Analysis Batch Report Lab Sample Client Sample Analyte Method Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Date Date ID Units ID Type ID Date 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 . Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 4.98E+01 2.79E-01 pCi/g 18-05068-01 LCS KNOWN 05/15/18 00:00 ..

-------- -~------- 5/18/2018 18-05068 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 4.85E+01 2.73E+00 1.71E+01 1.17E+00 pCi/g 18-05068-01 LCS SPIKE 05/15/18 00:00 5/15/2018 I 05/15/18 00:00 __ ..,_I 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 __

18-05068 ____________________,_,, Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 4.81E-01 2.86E-01 3.31E-01 5.53E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-02 MBL BLANK ----------- ----- 5/18/2018 18-05068 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 6.25E-01 2.64E-01 3.42E-01 4.98E-01 pCi/g 18-05068-03 DUP 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 ..,,~------- --------- 18-05068-04 DO B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018__ ,, 5/18/2018 18-05068 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 4.07E-01 2.46E-01 2.84E-01 4.80E-01 u pCi/g 1

- 1.60E-01 2.35E-01 2.42E-01 4.86E-01 u pCi/g 83-06213-AF IFC-015CV 05/02/18 08:45 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 18-05068-05 TRG ---------

5/18/2018 18-05068 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 8.96E-01 2.63E-01 4.08E-01 4.72E-01 pCi/g 18-05068-06 I TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 I I 5/18/2018 18-05068 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 6.26E-01 2.34E-01 3.19E-01 4.35E-01 i pCi/g 18-05068-07 TRG 83-06214-AFIWC-009CV 05/03/18 15:30 5/15/2018

---~-----"'-~----- ---- EIChroM SRW01 Modified 3.47E-01 I 2.20E-01 2.51E-01 4.32E-01 u pCi/g I

04/26/18 13100  : 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Strontium-90 18-05068-08 TRG 83-06215-AFSWC-013CV 18-05068-09 I TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003CV 04/26/18 13:40  : 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 2.43E-01 2.64E-01 2.77E-01 5.38E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-10 i TRG 83-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 ,,, ___ ,, ____ 18-05068 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 4.58E-01 i 2.51E-01 2.97E-01 2.84E-01 4.86E-01 5.19E-01 u u pCiig pCi/g 04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 3.35E-01 2.59E-01 18-05068-11 i TRG 83-06216-AFSFC-002CV I 18-05068-12 i TRG B 1-06214-AFSWC-005CV 05/05/18 14 :35 , 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 , Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 2.61E-01  : 2.33E-01 2.50E-01 4.69E-01 u  : pCi/g 81-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 5/18/2018 18-05068 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 4.17E-01 i 2.46E-01 2.86E-01 4.81E-01 u pCUg 18-05068-13 TRG I

                                                                                                                                                                                                              -                                      3.68E-01       4.06E-01 i

pCiig 5/18/2018 18-05068 ' Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 8.14E-01 2.35E-01 18-05068-14  ! TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-001 CV 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 2.51E-01 2.81E-01

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -      4.98E-01         u           pCUg 5/15/2018        5/18/2018             18-05068 '   Strontium-90      EIChroM SRW01 Modified            3.61E-01 18-05068-15    j   TRG      81-06213-AFSWC-009CV                05/05/18 09:05 18-05068-16       TRG       81-06213-AFSFC-004CV                05/05/18 10:25                       5/15/2018        5/18/2018             18-05068     Strontium-90      EIChroM SRW01 Modified            3.63E-01        2.20E-01            2.53E-01       4.29E-01         u           pCi/g 5/15/2018        5/18/2018             18-05068   ! Strontium-90      EIChroM SRW01 Modified            7.28E-02        2.27E-01            2.29E-01       4.77E-01         u      i    pCiig 18-05068-17        TRG
                             '  81-06213-AFSFC-002CV                05/05/18 13:00 Sample;MBL=Blank;DU P=Duplicate;TRG=Non mal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Com bined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minima l Detected Activity;LCS=Laborato ry Control

( ~ EBER LINE ANALYT!CAL 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/483-4621 [54]

Printed: 6/5/2018 2:25 PM Page 4 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Patricia Giza SDG: 18-05068 Eberline Analytica l ....,.


Zion Soluti<?!l_~L~LC _ _ _ _ ,_,_, _ _ M _ - '

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                                                                                                                                                                           *-*---*-*- .. ... ..~---.--,... .

Purchase Order: 677118

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ---- *----*- '"'"~-----------

Final Report of Analysis 101 Shiloh Blvd *~*---- ,,, Analysis Category: ENVIRONMENTAL -=~--- Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Sample Receipt Analysis Batch Report Lab Sample Client Analyte Method Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .                                      Units ID           Type                  ID                          Date           . Date          Date         ID 05/15/18 00:00          5/15/2018     5/16/2018    18-05068          1 Cobalt-60                   EPA901.1 Modified                      2.71E+02                     1.06E+01                                                                pCi/g 18-05068-01       LCS     KNOWN
                                                                                  --                                                                                                                                                            *--* ---------~                                             --------~-

18-05068-01 KNOWN 05/15/18 00:00 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Cesium-137 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.69E+02 6.75E+00 _,,pCi/g,,....,_, LCS ---~-~-* mm**-*m--~-~

                                                                   ------                                                                                              EPA 901.1 Modified                     2.72E+02                     1.55E+01               2.09E+01     2.17E+00                            pCi/g 18-05068-01        LCS    SPIKE                               05/15/18 00:00          5/15/2018     5/16/2018    18-05068                   Cobalt-60
                                                                          **-*------,,,_.---*--*                                         Cesium-137                    EPA 901.1 Modified                     1.91E+02                     2.29E+01               2.49E+01     2.52E+00                            pCi/g 18-05068-01        LCS    SPIKE                               05/15/18 00:00          5/15/2018     5/16/2018    18-05068                                                                                ,,,_,                   ,,,
                                                                                                                                                  -----~---"" -                                                                             *-                                                                            ----

18-05068-02 MBL BLANK 05/15/18 00:00 5/15/2018 5115/2018 18-05068 Actinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified 8.29E-02 1.12E-01 1.12E-01 1.99E-01 u pCi/g MBL BLANK 05/15118 00:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified -2.22E-03 3.36E-02 3.36E-02 4.25E-02 i u pCi/g 18-05068-02 ' 18-05068-02 MBL BLANK 05/15/18 00:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Americium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.76E-02 1.71E-02 1.71E-02 6.76E-02 u pCi/g

                                                                                        --                                                Barium-133                   EPA 901.1 Modified              i       3.89E-02                     4.48E-02              4.48E-02     5.66E-02   !     u                  pCi/g 18-05068-02        MBL     BLANK                              05115/18 00:00          5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018      18-05068 05/15118 00:00          5/15/2018     5/15/2018    18-05068                 Bismuth-214                   EPA 901.1 Modified               :      9.97E-02                     7.68E-02              7.69E-02      1.24E-01  . u                  pCi/g 18-05068-02        MBL     BLANK 18-05068-02        MBL     BLANK                              05/15/18 00:00          5/15/2018     5/15/2018    18-05068                   Cobalt-60                   EPA901.1 Modified                      -4.88E-02
  • 3.78E-02 3.79E-02 4.86E-02 u pCilg
                                                                                                                                   ---*                                                                                                                                                   . u 18-05068-02   i    MBL  . BLANK                              05/15/18 00:00          5/15/2018     5/15/2018    18-05068 i               Cesium-134                    EPA 901.1 Modified              i      -1.00E-01                     5.38E-02              5.40E-02     4.98E-02                            pCi/g Cesium-137                    EPA 901.1 Modified                       1.37E-02                    3.45E-02              3.45E-02      5.27E-02        u                  pCi/g 18-05068-02 :      MBL     BLANK                               05/15/18 00:00      i 5/15/2018 , 5/15/2018       18-05068 '

18-05068-02 ' MBL BLANK 05/15118 00:00  ! 5/15/2018 , 5/15/2018 18-05068 : Europium-152 EPA901.1 Modified -9.88E-03 1.03E-01 1.03E-01 8.54E-02 u pCi/g

Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.11E-02  : 8.58E-02 8.58E-02 4.35E-02 u pCi/g 18-05068-02 : MBL BLANK 05/15/18 00:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 ' 18-05068 4.45E-02
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            . 6.14E-02        u                   pCi/g 18-05068-02 l      MBL     BLANK                               05/15/18 00:00       i 5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018      18-05068                Europium-155                   EPA 901.1 Modified                     -3.47E-02                     4.45E-02 18-05068-02 :      MBL     BLANK                               05/15/18 00:00         5/15/2018     5/15/2018    18-05068 : Holmium-166m                                EPA 901.1 Modified                      -2.19E-02                     6.12E-02              6.13E-02     3.34E-02        u                   pCi/g 2.42E-03          i          1.57E-02          . 1.57E-02     2.34E-02        u                   pCi/g 18-05068-02   i    MBL     BLANK                               05/15/18 00:00         5/15/2018     5/15/2018    18-05068                   lodine-129                  EPA 901.1 Modified                                                                                                  :

18-05068-02 ! MBL BLANK 05/15/18 00:00  : 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 i Potassium-40 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.07E-01 5.95E-01 5.95E-01 9.92E-01 u . pCi/g BLANK 05/15/18 00:00  ! 5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018 18-05068 Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified -5.28E-03  : 3.07E-02 3.07E-02 4.72E-02 u pCi/g 18-05068-02 ' MBL 18-05068-02 i MBL BLANK 05/15/18 00:00 5/15/2018 ' 5/15/2018 18-05068 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified 7.19E-03 3.07E-02 i 3.07E-02 4.87E-02 I u pCi/g MBL BLANK 05/15/18 00:00  ! 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified 3.46E-01 2.73E-01 2.74E-01  : 4.34E-01  : u pCi/g 18-05068-02 BLANK 05/15/18 00:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.68E-02 4.16E-02 4.17E-02 6.65E-02 u pCi/g 18-05068-02 ! MBL 05/15/18 00:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.12E-02  : 6.21E-02  : 6.21E-02 9.75E-02  : u pCi/g 18-05068-02 MBL BLANK 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 : Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified 7.39E-03 2.75E-02 2.75E-02 4.14E-02 u pCi/g 18-05068-02 i MBL BLANK 05/15/18 00:00 ' EPA 901.1 Modified 9.97E-02 7.68E-02  ! 7.69E-02 1.24E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-02 i MBL BLANK 05/15/18 00:00 i 5/15/2018 ' 5/15/2018 18-05068

  • Radium-226 BLANK 05/15/18 00:00 I 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 i Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.50E-02 9.31E-02 9.32E-02 1.23E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-02 MBL u pCi/g 18-05068-02  : MBL BLANK 05/15/18 00:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068  ! Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified 6.76E-01 3.39E-01 3.41E-01 5.49E-01 1a-05068-02 I MBL BLANK 05/15/18 00:00 . 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 , 18-05068  ! Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.56E-01 1.12E-01 1.12E-01 , 1.80E-01 u pCi/g 5/15/2018 / 18-05068 Uranium-235 EPA901.1 Modified -4.57E-03 3.33E-01 i 3.33E-01 1.82E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-02 i MBL BLANK 05/15/18 00:00  : 5/15/2018 i Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Dup licate;TRG=Normal


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                                                                                                                                                                         -------~ ~----



Final Report of Analysis 101 Shiloh Blvd ., ____ Analysis Category: *,'"*~------ENVIRONMENTAL ...

                                                             ~-------*                                        --*-- --------------~-~~*----

Sample Matrix: so Zion, IL 60099 Report Lab ID i Sample Type Client ID Sample Date Receipt Date Analysis Date Batch ID Analyte Method Result cu 6.12E-01 CSU 6.12E-01 MDA 9.41E-01 Qualifier u Units pCi/g 5/15/2018 18-05068 Actinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.51E-01 18-05068--03 DUP B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018

                                                                                     ** ------~-~w------ *--*-ssm                                                                                                                -*-**~**--                  . --       --
                              --**-  ""'"~*-

5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 S Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified 4.59E-02 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 3.35E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-03 DUP 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 ..

                                                                                                                                                                                       -6.46E-01     1.48E+OO       1.48E+OO    1.85E+OO            u             pCi/g 18-05068-03 ;   _- DUP  '   83-06213AFIWC-011 CV                    05/02/18 09:00 05/02/18 09:00
                                                                                       , 5/15/2018        5/15/2018 5/15/2018 , 5/15/2018 18-05068 18--05068 Americium-241 Barium-133 EPA 901.1 Modified EPA 901.1 Modified            1.03E+OO     1.38E+OO       1.38E+OO    1.83E+OO            u             pCi/g 18-05068-03        DUP      83-06213AFIWC-011 CV                                                                                                                                                                                      --~---~--*-

' 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 ; 5/15/2018 18-05068 Bismuth-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.14E+OO 4.88E-01 4.91E-01 1.42E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068-03 DUP 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified -5.14E-02 1.27E-01 1.27E-01 1.31E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068--03 DUP 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV

                              ~*-*-*                                                        5/15/2018     5/15/2018   18-05068        Cesium-134          EPA 901.1 Modified           -1.71E-01   i 5.51E-01       5.51E-01    3.32E-01            u    i        pCi/g 18-05068-03        DUP      83-06213AFIWC-011 CV                    05/02/18 09:00
                                                                                   .                                                                                                                                                                              pCi/g 5/15/2018     5/15/2018   18-05068        Cesium-137          EPA 901.1 Modified           2.83E+03      2.95E+02       3.29E+02    3.74E+OO 18-05068--03       DUP      B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV                    05/02/18 09:00 05/02/18 09:00          5/15/2018     5/15/2018   18-05068       Europium-152         EPA 901.1 Modified            4.12E+OO     5.44E+OO       5.44E+OO    8.86E-01            u             pCi/g 18-05068-03        DUP      83-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00          5/15/2018     5/15/2018   18-05068 ,     Europium-154         EPA901.1 Modified        i   -7.33E-02     3.16E-01       3.16E-01    4.73E-01            u             pCi/g 18-05068-03        DUP      83-06213AFIWC-011CV                                                                                                                                                                 i 05/02/18 09:00          5/15/2018     5/15/2018   18-05068       Europium-155         EPA 901.1 Modified            1.96E+OO   : 1.42E+OO       1.43E+OO    2.37E+OO            u             pCi/g 18-05068-03         DUP     B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 18-05068--03        DUP 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV                    05/02/18 09:00      '   5/15/2018     5/15/2018   18-05068      Holmium-166m          EPA 901.1 Modified            --4.51E-02   4.01E-01       4.01E-01    5.88E-01            u             pCi/g i

18-05068 , lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.93E+01 3.19E+OO 3.34E+OO 3.27E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068--03 DUP 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 --- 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Potassium--40 EPA 901.1 Modified i 7.97E+OO 1.68E+OO 1.73E+OO 3.36E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068-03 DUP B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 . 5/15/2018 ; 18-05068 , Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified -6.07E-02 1.85E-01 1.85E-01 2.67E-01 u i pCi/g 18-05068-03 DUP B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV i 05/02/18 09:00 i 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified 9.92E-02 1.70E-01 i i 1.70E-01 2.62E-01 u pCi/g 18--05068-03 DUP B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 511512018 ; 5/15/2018 18--05068 Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.67E+01 1.42E+01  ; 1.42E+01 1.76E+01 u pCi/g 18-05068-03 DUP 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 i Lead-212 EPA901.1 Modified -7.03E-02 1.36E+OO 1.36E+OO 2.14E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068--03 DUP B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 , 5/15/2018 18-05068 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.82E+OO 2.16E+OO 2.17E+OO 3.60E+OO u pCi/g 18--05068--03 DUP i 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 , 5/15/2018 18-05068 , Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.08E+02 9.57E+OO 1.11E+01 3.55E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068-03 DUP B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 i 5/15/2018 18-05068 i Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified 1.14E+OO 4.88E-01 4.91E-01 1.42E+OO u

  • pCi/g 18--05068--03 DUP B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV
05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 '. 5/15/2018 18-05068 Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.88E+OO 4.98E+OO  : 4.98E+OO 5.63E+OO u i pCi/g 18-05068--03 DUP 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV i 05/02/18 09:00 i 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 i Thorium-234 EPA 901 .1 Modified 3.47E+OO 1.36E+01 i 1.36E+01 1.72E+01 u pCi/g 18--05068-03 DUP B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00  : 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.03E+OO 2.41E+OO i 2.41E+OO 9.25E-01 u pCi/g 18--05068-03 DUP B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV i  : u i pCi/g 18--05068-03 DUP B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 i 5/15/2018 ! 5/15/2018 18-05068 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified 7.33E+OO 1.25E+01 1.25E+01 6.22E+OO Sample;MBL=Blank;DU P=Duplicate;TRG=Non mal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Com bined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minima l Detected Activity;LCS=Laborato ry Control


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -*-- ..... *****-*-~* *--*-***

Final Report of Analysis 101 Shiloh Blvd -----~-- ---*---* -*---- Analysis Category:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -             ENVIRONMENT

AL ---~------~*-*---,,*-

                                                               ~-~-*m Zion, IL 60099                                                                                                   Sample Matrix:                      so Batch                                                                                                                                                                                        Report Lab             Sample                  Client                         Sample           l     Receipt        Analysis                                                                                                         Result           cu                 CSU                     MDA                 Qualifier Analyte                                Method                                                                                                                        Units ID               Type                   ID                                 Date                Date    :       Date               ID
5.28E-01 3.79E-01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           . 3.80E-01                  7.02E-01                   u          pCi/g 5/15/2018       18-05068                Actinium-228                        EPA 901.1 Modified 18-05068-04            DO 06213AFIWC-011CV 05/02/18 09:00               5/15/2018                                                                                                                                  :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              - 2.30E-01                     *--*~,o~--------..---*---                   ,,,~

18-05068-04 DO B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068

                                                                                                                              ---**--- ---~* --------*-

Silver-108m EPA901.1 Modified -6.39E-02 2.30E-01 3.30E-01 u pCi/g 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Americium-241 EPA901.1 Modified -1.28E+00 1.48E+00 1.49E+00 1.84E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV ~*--*-***~--* ----~*-~-**mm-

                                                                                      -----                     5/15/2018       18-05068 Barium-133                         EPA 901.1 Modified                8.41E-01         1.81E+00         1.81E+00                  1.83E+00                   u          pCi/g 18-05068-04            DO       B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV                05/02/18 09:00               5/15/2018 18-05068-04            DO

83-06213AFIWC-011 CV ______ 05/02/18 09:00,,, 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 Modified -2.69E-01

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -1.76E-02 1.47E+00 1.22E-01 1.47E+00 1.22E-01 1.34E+00 1.10E-01 u

u pCi/g pCi/g B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 , 5/15/2018 18-05068 Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified 18-05068-04 DO --*-------- 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 , Cesium-134 EPA 901.1 Modified  : 3.12E-01 7.14E-01 . 7.14E-01 3.28E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO B3-06213AFIWC-011CV ,,,,,,,. 18-05068 Cesium-137 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.82E+03 2.95E+02 3.28E+02 2.86E+00 pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 *-*--- 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 ' 5/15/2018 18-05068 Europium-152 EPA 901.1 Modified 3.15E+00 5.43E+00 5.44E+00 8.66E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -2.90E-01        3.29E-01          3.29E-01                 4.38E-01                   u           pCi/g 18-05068-04 :          DO       B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV                05/02/18 09:00           : 5/15/2018 ' 5/15/2018 5/15/2018       5/15/2018 18-05068 ,

18-05068 ' Europium-154 Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified EPA 901.1 Modified 5.22E-01 1.24E+00 1.24E+00 1.95E+00 u . pCi/g 18-05068-04 18-05068-04 DO DO B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 05/02/18 09:00

5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 : Holmium-166m EPA 901.1 Modified -3.17E-01 4.01E-01 4.01E-01 5.59E-01 u pCi/g 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 ' 5/15/2018 18-05068 lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.09E+00 2.65E+00 2.66E+00 3.34E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV ...

Potassium-40 EPA 901.1 Modified  : 7.70E+00  : 1.69E+00 1.74E+00 1.54E+00 pCi/g DO B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 18-05068-04 : . 5/15/2018 l 5/15/2018 18-05068 Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.31E-01 1.83E-01 1.83E-01 2.85E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 i ,_ 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 ' 5/15/2018 18-05068 Niobium-94 EPA901.1 Modified I 7.69E-03 i 1.66E-01 1.66E-01 2.40E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO B3-06213AFIWC-011CV  : 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 , 5/15/2018 18-05068 Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified I -1.34E+01 1.42E+01 1.42E+01 1.76E+01 u pCi/g 18-05068-04

  • DO I B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 1.39E+00 2.16E+00 u pCi/g 5/15/2018 18-05068 , Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.49E+00 1.39E+00 '

18-05068-04 ; DO B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 i 5/15/2018 18-05068 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified -2.72E+00 2.90E+00  : 2.90E+00 4.07E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO B3-06213AFIWC-011CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 , 5/15/2018

Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.05E+02 9.29E+00 1.07E+01 3.53E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018 18-05068 '

05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified -2.69E-01 1.47E+00 1.47E+00 1.34E+00 u  : pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 5/15/2018 , 5/15/2018 18-05068 Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified -7.82E-01 4.96E+00 4.96E+00 5.61E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV 05/02/18 09:00 i 5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018 18-05068 Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.20E+00 1.36E+01 1.36E+01 1.71E+01 u pCi/g 18-05068-04 DO 83-06213AFIWC-011 CV

                 '                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2.39E+00         2.40E+00                  9.00E-01                  u     :     pCi/g 05/02/18 09:00               5/15/2018    i  5/15/2018 , 18-05068                    Thallium-208                        EPA 901.1 Modified                2.95E+00 18-05068-04            DO      B3-06213AFIWC-011 CV EPA 901.1 Modified               -5.38E+00         1.25E+01          1.25E+01                 6.19E+00            :     u            pCi/g 18-05068-04      :      DO       83-06213AFIWC-011 CV                05/02/18 09:00            !  5/15/2018 , 5/15/2018           18-05068                Uranium-235                                                                                                                                                        '

Sample;MBL=Blank;DU P=Duplicate;TRG=Non mal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Com bined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minima l Detected Activity;LCS=Laborato ry Control EBER LINE

            ~                                  ANALYTiCAL                           601         SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE,                                     TN 37830                             865/481-0683                        FAX     865/483-4621                                                           [57]

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Purchase Order:



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ----~-~,_,,,_,,,,           *---.-*
                                                                 -~------                                         *'-*"'**m" Final Report of Analysis                                                      101 Shiloh Blvd
                                                                                                         ----                                              ,,,,,,,,,,, _____,,,_                  Analysis Category:
                                                                                                                                                                                     -~-**- '*-*---**-----~-~-----**-

ENVIRONMENTAL ,,,,,, Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Receipt Analysis Batch Report Lab Sample

  • Client Sample Analyte Method Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Date Date ID Units ID  : Type ID Date '

________ 511512018 18-05068 Actinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified 6.88E-01 4.42E-01 4.43E-01 7.70E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-05 i TRG ______,,, 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV 05102118 08 :45 5/1512018

                                                                                                       --**-*--,,,--*-*-**--                                                                                                                      '                                             2.14E-01            u         pCi/g 05/02/18 08:45     : 5/15/2018       5/15/2018         18-05068                Silver-108m                                    EPA 901.1 Modified                   1.94E-02    1.37E-01                 1.37E-01 18-05068-05   I     TRG      83-06213-AFIF C-015CV 05/02/18 08:45        5/15/2018      5/15/2018         18-05068              Americium-241                                    EPA 901.1 Modified                 -1.29E+00     1.23E+00                1.23E+00           1.83E+00            u         pCi/g 18-05068-05         TRG      83-06213-AFIFC-015CV
                                      ------~-~-*-----*-~ -*----                                                                                                             ----                                    ----,,~----.--~---*                             --

511512018 18-05068 Barium-133 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.79E-01 2.13E+00 2.13E+00 1.84E+00 u pCilg 18-05068-05 TRG 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV 05/02/18 08:45 5/1512018 ' -~-- 05102/18 08:45 5/1512018 511512018 18-05068 , Bismuth-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.24E+00 1.66E+00 1.66E+00 1.15E+00 u pCilg 18-05068-05 i TRG 83-06213-AF IFC-015CV 05102118 08:45 5/15/2018 5/1512018 18-05068 : Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified 3.73E-02 1.08E-01 1.08E-01 1.42E-01 u pCilg 18-05068-05 TRG . 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV .,,,,,,,,,, **-- 05/02118 08:45 5115/2018 5/1512018 18-05068 Cesium-134 EPA 901.1 Modified 9.00E-02 7.98E-01 7.98E-01 1.99E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-05  : TRG 83-06213-AFI F C-015CV 5/1512018 511512018 18-05068 , Cesium-137 EPA901.1 Modified 1.19E+03 1.22E+02 1.37E+02 3.17E+00 pCi/g 18-05068-05 TRG 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV 05102/18 08:45 --- 05/02118 08:45 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Europium-152 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.32E+00 6.44E+00 6.44E+00 8.97E-01 u pCilg 18-05068-05 I TRG 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV TRG 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV

                                                   --                  05/02/18 08:45       5115/2018 , 511512018            18-05068               Europium-154                                    EPA 901.1 Modified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -1.11E-01    3.29E-01                 3.29E-01          4.75E-01            u         pCi/g 18-05068-05 83-06213-AF IFC-015CV                      05102/18 08:45    : 5/1512018       5/1512018         18-05068               Europium-155                                    EPA 901.1 Modified                   2.86E-01    1.32E+00                 1.32E+00          1.99E+00            u         pCi/g 18-05068-05          TRG                                                                                                                                                                                 ...

05102118 08:45 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 : Holmium-166m EPA 901.1 Modified 1.62E-01 2.28E-01 2.29E-01 3.66E-01 u pCilg 18-05068-05 TRG 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV 05/02118 08:45 I 5115/2018 5/1512018 18-05068 i lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.58E+02 1.89E+02 1.90E+02 1.07E+01 u pCi/g 18-05068-05 TRG 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV 1.61E+00 1.38E+00 pCi/g 18-05068-05 ' TRG 83-06213-AFI FC-015CV 05102/18 08:45 5/1512018 5/1512018 18-05068 ' Potassium-40 EPA 901.1 Modified 7.48E+00 1.56E+00 5/15/2018 5115/2018 18-05068 i Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.62E-02 1.13E-01 1.13E-01 1.85E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-05 ' TRG ' 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV 05102118 08:45  ! . ' Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified -5.32E-02 1.06E-01 1.06E-01 1.56E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-05 i TRG 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV 05/02118 08:45 5115/2018

  • 5115/2018 18-05068 --*--*

05102/18 08:45 , 5/1512018 5/1512018 18-05068 Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified -2.15E+02 2.44E+01 2.68E+01 2.51E+01 u pCi/g 18-05068-05 : TRG 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV

              !             83-06213-AFIFC-015CV                       05102/18 08:45       5/1512018      5/15/2018         18-05068 :                Lead-212                                     EPA 901.1 Modified                   9.83E-01    1.41E+00                 1.41E+00          3.18E+00            u         pCilg 18-05068-05          TRG
                          '                                   -                             5115/2018       511512018        18-05068            i     Lead-214                                     EPA 901.1 Modified                   1.98E+00    3.40E+00                 3.41E+00          4.89E+00            u         pCi/g 18-05068-05          TRG     83-06213-AFIFC-015CV                       05/02/18 08:45 5115/2018 ; 5/1512018 **18-05068                     I Promethium-145                                   EPA 901.1 Modified                  -1.36E+01    2.56E+00                 2.66E+00          6.22E+00            u          pCi/g 18-05068-05          TRG     83-06213-AFIFC-015CV                       05102/18 08:45                                                                                                                                                                                     '

05/02/18 08:45 5/1512018 5/1512018 18-05068 j Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.24E+00 1.66E+00 1.66E+00 1.15E+00 u pCilg 18-05068-05 TRG 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV

              '                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -6.17E+00     5.98E+00                5.98E+00          6.61E+00            u          pCilg 83-06213-AFI FC-015CV                      05/02118 08:45        5/1512018      5/1512018         18-05068 :            Antimony-125                                    EPA 901.1 Modified 18-05068-05 i        TRG 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV                      05/02118 08:45        5115/2018 . 511512018            18-05068 :             Thorium-234                                    EPA 901.1 Modified                  -7.58E+00     1.11E+01                1.11E+01          1.66E+01            u          pCi/g 18-05068-05       TRG 1.37E+00     2.70E+00                2.70E+00           4.58E-01           u          pCilg 83-06213-AFIFC-015CV                      05102118 08:45        5/1512018      5/15/2018         18-05068               Thallium-208                                   EPA 901.1 Modified 18-05068-05 I       TRG 05/02118 08:45        5/1512018      5/1512018         18-05068 ;             Uranium-235                                     EPA 901.1 Modified                 -1.42E+01     1.91E+01                 1.91E+01         8.33E+00            u          pCi/g 18-05068-05          TRG     83-06213-AFIFC-015CV Sample;MBL=Blank;DU P=Duplicate;TRG=Nor mal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Com bined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minima l Detected Activity;LCS=Laborato ry Control


Printed: 6/5/2018 2:25 PM Page 8 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Patricia Giza SDG: 18-05068 Eberline Analytica l ... Zion Solutions, LLC

                                                                                                                                          ..... ***,* _. __ **v Purchase Order:          677118
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -~-----*- ---~-~--*-

Final Report of Analysis 101 Shiloh Blvd

                                                        ---~-------*---**-*                                                                  ---*-Analysis Category:                   ENVIRONMENTAL      ,,,~,-

Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch Report Lab Sample Analyte Method Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Type ID Date Date Date ID Units ID  : 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Actinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.18E-01 5.51E-01 5.51E-01 8.55E-01 u pCi/g

5/15/2018 18-05068 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified -2.00E-01 2.23E-01 2.23E-01 3.07E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFI F C-001 CV

05/03/18 13:30 : 5/15/2018 -------.-* 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFI F C-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Amelicium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified -9.06E-02 1.41E+00 1.41E+00 1.77E+00 u pCi/g 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Balium-133 EPA 901.1 Modified -9.20E-01 1.66E+00 1.66E+00 1.72E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-06  : TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 18-05068-06 TRG B3-06214-AFIFC-001CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Bismuth-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.60E-01 1.43E+00 1.43E+00 1.22E+00 u pCi/g 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Cobalt-60 EPA901.1 Modified 1.84E-01 8.58E-02 8.63E-02 1.67E-01 pCi/g 18-05068-06 i TRG 83-06214-AFI F C-001 CV

                                                                        -                                                                                EPA 901.1 Modified       -6.47E-02        5.23E-01                 5.23E-01             2.88E-01          u                  pCi/g 5/15/2018  18-05068            Cesium-134 18-05068-06   i  TRG       83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV              05/03/18 13:30    5/15/2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         --2.80E+02 05/03/18 13:30    5/15/2018   5/15/2018  18-05068            Cesium-137                     EPA 901.1 Modified       2.55E+03         2.47E+02                                      1.68E+00                             pCi/g 18-05068-06      TRG       83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV 18-05068-06   :  TRG       83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV              05/03/18 13:30 : 5/15/2018    5/15/2018  18-05068           Europium-152                    EPA 901.1 Modified        3.36E+00        4.99E+00           ,     4.99E+00             8.64E-01          u                  pCi/~--

18-05068-06 i TRG 83-06214-AFI F C-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.26E-01 3.23E-01 3.23E-01 4.18E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-06  ! TRG 83-06214-AF IF C-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.03E+00 1.47E+00 1.47E+00 1.86E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018 18-05068 Holmium-166m EPA 901.1 Modified -2.83E-01 3.71E-01 3.71E-01 5.19E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001CV 05/03/18 13:30 I _5/15/2018 . 5/15/2018 18-05068 : lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.33E+02 1.23E+01 1.41E+01 1.43E+00 u pCi/g 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Potassium-40 EPA 901.1 Modified 6.59E+00  : 1.67E+00 1.70E+00 1.90E+00 pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001CV 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001CV 05/03/18 13:30 ! 5/15/2018 , 5/15/2018 18-05068 Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified -8.49E-02 , 1.71E-01 1.71E-01 2.46E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified -8.04E-02 1.66E-01 1.66E-01 2.36E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFI F C-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018 18-05068 Lead-210 EPA901.1 Modified 9.08E+00 8.99E+00 9.01E+00 1.32E+01 u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-00 1CV 05/03/18 13:30  : 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 ' Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified 8.56E-01 1.60E+00 1.60E+00 2.02E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001CV 05/03/18 13:30  : 5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018 18-05068 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.34E+00 2.63E+00 2.63E+00 3.31E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 : Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified 6.12E+01  ! 5.57E+00 6.40E+00  : 2.60E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001CV 05/03/18 13:30  : 5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018 18-05068 Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.60E-01 1.43E+00 1.43E+00 1.22E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 ; 5/15/2018 18-05068 : Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.60E+00 3.60E+00 , 3.61E+00 4.58E+00  : u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Tholium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified -4.60E+00  : 1.30E+01 1.30E+01 1.63E+01  : u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 ; 5/15/2018 18-05068 Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.70E+00 1.82E+00 1.82E+00 5.55E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-06 TRG 83-06214-AFIFC-001 CV 05/03/18 13:30 5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018 18-05068 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified l 3.12E+00 1.42E+01 1.42E+01 5.89E+00 u  : pCi/g Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonmal ( __@ EBERL INE ANALYTICAL EBERLINE 601 SCARBORO ROAD CAL CORPORATIOl'l OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/ 483-4621 [59]

Page 9 of 19 Printed: 6/5/2018 2:25 PM Report To: Work Order Details: Patricia Giza *******-*-~-**-**--*-- SOG: 18-05068 Eberlin e Analyti cal *---**~**---*---***** Zion Solutions, LLC --.--- . **~* ----~*-*"'*-* *-*-*--------~*--*-*-

                                                                                                                                                                              ,.,,._ *-*---- **--- .. .... ******- ***---.-*- *****--**- **--*****~----**---**-*--- ******-----*--*-*-***---

Purchase Order:.. 677118 ___ .,,,,,,,,,,., Final Report of Analysis 101 Shiloh Blvd -----**-*-**~------ -------***~---- Analysis Category.* ENVIRONMENTAL - ..


Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Analysis Batch

Report Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Method Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Analyte Units ID  : Type ID Date Date Date ID  :

83-06214-AFIWC-009CV 05/03/18 15:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Actinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.76E-01 5.07E-01 5.07E-01 8.61E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-07 TRG_________ _,..

                                                                                                             ---~*-*--                                                                                                                                                                                       -*-*

18-05068-07 TRG ________ B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV

                                          ,,,,,,                            05/03/18 15:30        : 5/15/2018        5/15/2018          18-05068            Silver-108m Americium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified EPA 901.1 Modified 1.20E-01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -1.71E+OO 1.68E-01 1.72E+OO 1.68E-01 1.72E+OO 2.75E-01 2.78E+OO u

u pCi/g pCi/g 18-05068-07 TRG 83-06214-AFIWC-009CV 05/03/18 15:30  : 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068

                                                                                                                                                                              *-                                                                                                                                     :    u          pCi/g 05/03/18 15:30           5/15/2018       5/15/2018          18-05068             Barium-133                      EPA 901.1 Modified                         -2.95E+OO                     3.35E+OO                   3.36E+OO  2.78E+OO 18-05068-07   !  TRG                 B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV
                                                                                                                              ------~-"                                                                                                  1.11E+OO                     2.56E+OO                   2.56E+OO  1.36E+OO       u          pCi/g 05/03/18 15:30        : 5/15/2018        5/15/2018          18-05068            Bismuth-214                      EPA 901.1 Modified 18-05068-07      TRG                 B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV 05/03/18 15:30           5/15/2018       5/15/2018          18-05068
                                                                                                                                                        ---   Cobalt-60                      EPA 901.1 Modified                    i      1.26E-02                     6.67E-02                  6.67E-02  2.50E-01       u          pCi/g 18-05068-07      TRG                 B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV 83-06214-AFIWC-009CV                    05/03/18 15:30           5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018              18-05068             Cesium-134                      EPA 901.1 Modified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   !     -1.61E-01                    1.23E+OO                   1.23E+OO  2.63E-01       u          pCi/g 18-05068-07      TRG                                                                               :

18-05068 Cesium-137 EPA 901.1 Modified ' 2.35E+03 2.40E+02 2.69E+02 3.78E+OO  : pCi/g 18-05068-07 : TRG B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV 05/03/18 15:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV 05/03/18 15:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Europium-152 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.07E+OO 9.86E+OO 9.86E+OO 1.01E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068-07 : TRG ... *--  : 3.35E-01 3.35E-01 5.16E-01 : u pCi/g 05/03/18 15:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.09E-02 18-05068-07 : TRG 83-06214-AFIWC-009CV

                                                                 -                                   5/15/2018        5/15/2018         18-05068            Europium-155                     EPA 901.1 Modified                           5.94E-01                     1.54E+OO 1.54E+OO  3.01E+OO       u          pCi/g 18-05068-07      TRG                 B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV                     05/03/18 15:30 05/03/18 15:30        : 5/15/2018        5/15/2018         18-05068           Holmium-166m                      EPA 901.1 Modified                          -3.59E-01                     3.15E-01              :    3.15E-01 4.25E-01       u          pCi/g 18-05068-07      TRG                 B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV 05/03/18 15:30          5/15/2018        5/15/2018 : 18-05068                    lodine-129                     EPA 901.1 Modified                     i'    1.05E+03                    4.33E+02                   4.36E+02  1.73E+01       u          pCi/g 18-05068-07      TRG                 B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV Potassium-40                     EPA 901.1 Modified                           7.99E+OO                     1.94E+OO                  1.98E+OO  1.84E+OO                  pCi/g 18-05068-07      TRG                 B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV                     05/03/18 15:30        : 5/15/2018        5/15/2018         18-05068 :

5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified ' 1.56E-02 1.40E-01  : 1.40E-01 2.21E-01 u  : pCi/g 18-05068-07 TRG B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV 05/03/18 15:30

                                                                 **-                                                                                          Niobium-94                     EPA 901.1 Modified                           -6.95E-02                     1.05E-01                  1.05E-01  2.09E-01      u          pCi/g 18-05068-07       TRG                B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV                     05/03/18 15:30          5/15/2018 ' 5/15/2018              18-05068 05/03/18 15:30        : 5/15/2018        5/15/2018         18-05068               Lead-210                      EPA 901.1 Modified                          -4.37E+02                    4.70E+01                   5.21E+01  3.90E+01       u      :   pCi/g 18-05068-07       TRG                83-06214-AFIWC-009CV 05/03/18 15:30          5/15/2018        5/15/2018          18-05068              Lead-212                      EPA 901.1 Modified                           -3.23E-01                    1.22E+OO                   1.22E+OO 4.81E+OO       u          pCi/g 18-05068-07      TRG                B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV                                                                                                                                                                             '

05/03/18 15:30 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.51E+OO 5.19E+OO 5.19E+OO 7.50E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068-07 TRG 83-06214-AFIWC-009CV 05/03/18 15:30 5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018 18-05068 Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified -2.79E+01 5.03E+OO 5.23E+OO 1.00E+01 u  ; pCi/g 18-05068-07 TRG B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 . 18-05068 Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.11E+OO 2.56E+OO 2.56E+OO 1.36E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068-07 TRG 83-06214-AFIWC-009C V 05/03/18 15:30 ': 1.02E+01 u pCi/g 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 , 18-05068 Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified -9.73E-01 4.04E+OO 4.04E+OO TRG B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV 05/03/18 15:30 18-05068-07 18-05068-07 TRG

                                 '   B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV                    05/03/18 15:30           5/15/2018       5/15/2018          18-05068            Thorium-234                     EPA 901.1 Modified                       l  -8.85E+OO !                   1.30E+01               ;   1.30E+01 2.52E+01       u       :   pCi/g u           pCi/g 18-05068-07      TRG                 B3-06214-AFIWC-009CV                    05/03/18 15:30           5/15/2018       5/15/2018          18-05068        i   Thallium-208                    EPA 901.1 Modified l    5.02E-01                    4.08E+OO                   4.08E+OO 2.94E+01 7.59E-01 1.25E+01      u pCi/g 05/03/18 15:30           5/15/2018        5/15/2018 : 18-05068 j                Uranium-235                      EPA901.1 Modified                           -4.21E+01              i     2.93E+01 18-05068-07      TRG                 83-06214-AFIWC-009CV Sample;MBL=Blank;OU P=Duplicate;TRG=Nor mal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Com bined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minima l Detected Activity;LCS=Laborato ry Control

( ~ EBER LINE ANA.LYTiCAL 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 CAL CORPORATION 865/481-0683 FAX 865/ 483-4621 [60]

Printed: 6/5/2018 2:25 PM Page 10 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Patricia Giza SDG: 18-05068 Eberline Analytica l *******.--~v~~--****************~ _____ZionSolutions, LLC

                                                                                                                     ~ -** * **
                                                                                                                                                            . ~* ~

Purchase Order: 677118

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     **~ "*~~--->>~as-****

Final Report of Analysis *--,--*--- 101 Shiloh Blvd -*---* --**~----- **<--*--------- -* Analysis Category: ENVIRONMENTAL ------~ Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so i  : Sample Receipt Analysis Batch Report Lab Sample Client Analyte Method Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Date Date Date ID  : Units ID Type ID EPA 901.1 Modified 5.16E-01 2.03E-01 2.05E-01 3.76E-01 pCi/g 18-05068-08 =---~*- TRG B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068



                                                                                                                                                   -----*-----*-**--       ~    -



4.59E-02 4.59E-02 8.53E-02 u pCi/g 18-05068-08 TRG B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified

              *-**--------                                                                    ~*r--*                                  *-*--*~                                                                                 -----

18-05068-08 TRG B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Americium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.79E-02 1.26E-01 1.26E-01 1.68E-01 u pCi/g

                                                                        ---~--*                                                                                                   EPA 901.1 Modified      -1.85E-01         1.16E-01         1.17E-01              1.09E-01           u                 pCi/g 18-05068-08       TRG        B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV            04/26/18 13:00                        5/15/2018     5/15/2018      18-05068            Barium-133 18-05068-08 TRG        B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV         _____     ____ 13:00 04/26/18
                                                                  ,          ,,, _____              5/15/2018    5/15/2018      18-05068            Bismuth-214                   EPA 901.1 Modified       6.52E-01         2.19E-01         2.22E-01              3.49E-01 pCi/g 04/26/18 13:00                         5/15/2018    5/15/2018      18-05068              Cobalt-60                   EPA 901.1 Modified       1.98E-01         7.80E-02         7.86E-02               1.67E-01                            pCi/g 18-05068-08       TRG        83-06215-AFSWC-013CV 5/15/2018      18-05068
                                                                                                                                              *-    Cesium-134                    EPA 901.1 Modified      -3.17E-03         2.86E-02         2.86E-02              9.06E-02           u                 pCi/g 18-05068-08       TRG        83-06215-AFSWC-013CV            04/26/18 13:00                         5/15/2018 04/26/18 13:00                         5/15/2018 , 5/15/2018       18-05068            Cesium-137                    EPA901.1 Modified        3.51E-01         1.27E-01         1.29E-01               1.83E-01                            pCi/g 18-05068-08       TRG        B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV 18-05068-08       TRG        B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV            04/26/18 13:00                         5/15/2018    5/15/2018      18-05068           Europium-152                   EPA 901.1 Modified   i   1.70E-02         2.39E-01         2.39E-01               2.30E-01          u                 pCi/g B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV           04/26/18 13:00                          5/15/2018   5/15/2018      18-05068           Europium-154                   EPA 901.1 Modified   :   3.98E-02         2.17E-01         2.17E-01               1.16E-01          u                 pCi/g 18-05068-08       TRG 83-06215-AFSWC-013CV            04/26/18 13:00                         5/15/2018    5/15/2018      18-05068 :         Europium-155                   EPA 901.1 Modified       3.34E-01         1.36E-01 1.37E-01              2.08E-01           u                 pCi/g 18-05068-08       TRG 83-06215-AFSWC-013CV           04/26/18 13:00                     :    5/15/2018   5/15/2018      18-05068          Holmium-166m                    EPA 901.1 Modified       5.22E-02         1.01E-01         1.01E-01               9.66E-02          u                 pCi/g 18-05068-08       TRG 5/15/2018      18-05068 :            lodine-129                  EPA 901.1 Modified      -6.01E-03         8.27E-02         8.27E-02               1.07E-01          u                 pCi/g 18-05068-08       TRG TRG B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV 83-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018   5/15/2018      18-05068
  • Potassium-40 EPA901.1 Modified i 5.75E+OO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . 1.27E+OO         1.30E+OO               1.48E+OO                            pCi/g 18-05068-08
5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified i 7.66E-02 6.92E-02  :

6.93E-02 1.24E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-08 TRG 83-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 *- B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018

  • 5/15/2018 18-05068 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified  : 3.81E-02 6.22E-02 6.23E-02 1.06E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-08 i TRG
  • 18-05068-08 : B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.17E+OO 8.92E-01 8.94E-01 1.50E+OO u pCi/g TRG 18-05068-08 TRG 83-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 i Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified  : 3.95E-01 1.45E-01 1.47E-01 2.18E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-08 ' TRG 83-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018 ' 5/15/2018 18-05068 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 6.51E-01  : 1.64E-01 1.68E-01 3.30E-01 pCi/g 83-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068
  • Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified i 5.53E-02  : 8.78E-02  ! 8.78E-02 1.43E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-08 TRG 5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018 18-05068 Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified 6.52E-01 2.19E-01 2.22E-01 3.49E-01 pCi/g 18-05068-08 TRG B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 B3-06215-AFSWC-O 13CV 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018 : 5/15/2018 18-05068
  • Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified l 9.92E-03 1.63E-01 1.63E-01 2.74E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-08 TRG 5/15/2018 18-05068 Thonum-234 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.13E+OO  : 1.28E+OO 1.28E+OO 1.86E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068-08 : TRG 83-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018 83-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018
  • 5/15/2018 18-05068 Thallium-208 EPA901.1 Modified 4.43E-01  ! 2.22E-01 i 2.23E-01 4.80E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-08 : TRG 18-05068-08 TRG B3-06215-AFSWC-013CV 04/26/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 18-05068 : Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.26E-01  : 8.94E-01 8.95E-01 5.20E-01 u pCi/g Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal EBERL INE EBERUNE CAL CORPORATION
           ~                                 ANALYT!CAL                             601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830                                                             865/481-0683              FAX       865/483-4621                                               [61]

Page 11 of 19 Printed: 6/512018 2:25 PM Report To* Work Order Details: Patricia Giza SDG: 18-05068 Eberlin e Analyti cal ,...*.... Zion Solutions, LLC ____.., Purchase Order: 677118

                                                                                                                                                                               **-----*-""""*--*--- **--'-*--~---
                                                                    ------                                               ~,

Final Report of Analysis ENVIRONMENTAL

                                                                   --              101 Shiloh Blvd Zion, IL 60099 m""    ~,w _ _,,__
                                                                                                                                             ,-,-~-----_,                 ---

Analysis Category: Sample Matrix: so Report Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch cu CSU MDA Qualifier Analyte Method Result Units ID Type ID Date Date Date ID 04126118 13:40 5/1512018 5/1612018 18-05068 Actinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified  : 6.29E-01 3.52E-01 3.53E-01 6.48E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-09 TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003CV

~-- mm 04126/18 13:40 5115/2018 5/1612018 18-05068 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified 6.92E-03 6.66E-02 6.66E-02 1.56E-01 u pCilg 18-05068-09 TRG  ! 83-06215-AFSFC-003CV --~-------*~---* ,,-~----*-~-

04126/18 13:40 5115/2018 5/1612018 18-05068 Americium-241 EPA901.1 Modified -6.46E-01 3.34E-01 3.36E-01 3.72E-01 u pCilg TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003CV 18-05068-09 83-06215-AFSFC-003CV

                                                                --          04/26118 13:40         5115/2018      5/1612018            18-05068            Barium-133         EPA 901.1 Modified           3.71E-02          2.06E-01      2.06E-01         3.85E-01       u          pCilg 18-05068-09
                ~---- TRG
                                                                                                               -*------*-*-*-                                                                              7.91E-01          3.44E-01      3.46E-01         6.06E-01                  pCilg 04126118 13:40         5/15/2018      5/1612018            18-05068           Bismuth-214         EPA 901.1 Modified 18-05068-09         TRG      83-06215-AFSFC-003CV                                                                                                   ;--*-*-*-


                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ---                                 1.51E-01      u          pCi/g 5115/2018      5/16/2018            18-05068             Cobalt-60         EPA901.1 Modified           -4.94E-03          9.77E-02      9.77E-02 18-05068-09         TRG      83-06215-AFSFC-003CV                         04/26118 13:40

04/26118 13:40 i 5115/2018 5/1612018 18-05068 Cesium-134 EPA 901.1 Modified -5.00E-03  : 8.07E-02 8.07E-02 1.73E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-09  : TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003C V 04126/18 13:40 5115/2018 5/1612018

                                                                                                                            -~-----18-05068                Cesium-137         EPA901.1 Modified            7.00E+01          7.39E+OO      8.21E+OO         7.81E-01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .               pCilg 18-05068-09         TRG      83-06215-AFSFC-003CV 04126118 13:40

(--- 5/1512018 5/16/2018 18-05068 i Europium-152 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.59E-01 9.44E-01 9.44E-01 6.04E-01 u pCilg 18-05068-09 TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003C V 04126/18 13:40  : 5115/2018 5116/2018 18-05068 Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.70E-01 2.04E-01 2.04E-01 3.03E-01 u i pCilg 18-05068-09 TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003CV 04/26118 13:40 5115/2018 5116/2018 18-05068 Europium-155 EPA901.1 Modified -4.20E-02 i 2.63E-01 2.63E-01 4.15E-01 u pCilg 18-05068-09 : TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003CV 04/26118 13:40 , 5115/2018 5/1612018 18-05068 Holmium-166m EPA 901.1 Modified 2.84E-02 1.39E-01 1.39E-01 2.24E-01 u pCilg 18-05068-09 TRG B3-06215-AFSFC-003C V 04126118 13:40 5/1512018 5/1612018 18-05068 lodine-129 EPA901.1 Modified -1.49E-02 4.44E-01 4.44E-01 5.62E-01 u pCilg 18-05068-09 TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003CV i

                 '                                                           04/26118 13:40         5/1512018     511612018            18-05068           Potassium-40        EPA 901.1 Modified           7.13E+OO          1.78E+OO       1.82E+OO        1.94E+OO                  pCilg 18-05068-09          TRG     83-06215-AFSFC-003CV 5/1512018     5116/2018

18-05068 Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified -2.74E-02  : 9.97E-02  : 9.97E-02 1.48E-01 u pCilg 18-05068-09 ! TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003CV 04/26/18 13:40 i 5/1512018 5116/2018 18-05068 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified 6.82E-02 7.61E-02 7.62E-02 1.36E-01 u  : pCilg 18-05068-09 : TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003C V 04126/18 13:40

5/1512018 5/1612018 18-05068 ! Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.18E-01 3.01E+OO 3.01E+OO 3.82E+OO u pCilg 18-05068-09 TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003CV 04126118 13:40 5115/2018 5116/2018 18-05068 Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.10E-01 ' 2.71E-01 2.71E-01 4.37E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-09 ' TRG  : 83-06215-AFSFC-003CV 04126118 13:40 4.39E-01 8.28E-01 u pCilg 18-05068-09 TRG B3-06215-AFSFC-003C V 04126118 13:40 5115/2018 5/1612018 18-05068 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 7.31E-01  ! 4.37E-01 u I 18-05068-09 TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003CV 04126/18 13:40 i 5115/2018 5/1612018 18-05068 : Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.35E+OO i 4.57E-01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        '   4.72E-01         6.21E-01                  pCilg
                                                                                                                                                       !   Radium-226          EPA 901.1 Modified           7.91E-01   !      3.44E-01      3.46E-01         6.06E-01                  pCilg TRG      83-06215-AFSFC-003C V                        04126/18 13:40      ! 5/1512018 : 5/1612018                18-05068 18-05068-09 1.72E-01          8.48E-01       8.48E-01        1.24E+OO      u       :   pCilg 04126/18 13:40      : 5115/2018 : 5/1612018                18-05068          Antimony-125         EPA 901.1 Modified 18-05068-09          TRG      83-06215-AFSFC-003C V i                 5/1612018            18-05068           Thorium-234         EPA 901.1 Modified           6.65E+OO   !      2.88E+OO      2.90E+OO         4.01E+OO      u           pCilg 18-05068-09          TRG      83-06215-AFSFC-003CV                         04126/18 13:40         5115/2018
5115/2018 , 5116/2018 18-05068 : Thallium-208 EPA901.1 Modified 2.65E-01 4.73E-01 4.73E-01 7.31E-01 u pCilg 18-05068-09 TRG 83-06215-AFSFC-003C V 04126/18 13:40 i 5/16/2018 18-05068 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified 9.74E-01 2.31E+OO  : 2.31E+OO 1.18E+OO u pCilg 18-05068-09 TRG ' 83-06215-AFSF C-003CV 04/26118 13:40 5115/2018 Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control

( X ~ EBER LINE A NAi r,._ y,irA'L

                                                           ',._.,rs,.                    601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 CAL CORPORATIOt>J 865/481-0683                 FAX    865/483-4621                                       [62]

Printed: 6/5/2018 2:25 PM Page 12 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Patricia Giza SDG: 18-05068 Eberline Analytica l ,. .*..

                                                                   ---~-Zion Solutions, LLC
                                                                                                                    ***-***                          ....... *****N**-*--*-*-s**-***-*-

Purchase Order:

                                                                                                                                                                                        . ...... *-~-~----- -* **- .... ""*-*--*~*~ s.***--- ***-----**- ******-****-**~

677118 Final Report of Analysis - ---- 101 Shiloh Blvd -*-**-~ ------*-----*-------- Analysis Category: ENVIRONMENTAL --*-----~-~--* Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Sample Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch Report Lab Analyte Method Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Type ID Date Date Date ID Units ID 83-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Actinium-228 EPA901.1 Modified 5.87E-01 2.73E-01 2.75E-01 5.12E-01 pCi/g 18-05068-10 TRG *~-~---,-*m *----~~-*- ----*- ----,,**--*~*------ 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified -1.64E-02 7.63E-02 7.63E-02 7.76E-02  : u pCi/g 18-05068-10 TRG 83-06216-AFSWC-006CV 18-05068-10 TRG 83-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Arnericium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified -5.89E-02 8.79E-02 8.80E-02 1.64E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-10 TRG 83-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Barium-133 EPA901.1 Modified -7.20E-02 1.05E-01 1.05E-01 1.20E-01 u pCi/g 83-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 , 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Bismuth-214 EPA 901.1 Modified l 7.37E-01 1.91E-01 1.94E-01 3.05E-01 pCi/g 18-05068-10 TRG 18-05068-10 TRG 83-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018

  • 5/16/2018 18-05068 ; Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified 7.92E-02 5.37E-02 5.39E-02 1.09E-01 u pCi/g
                                                        *-                                                                                                                                                                                                        9.07E-02                  9.11E-02         u         pCi/g 18-05068-10       TRG      B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV                      04/30/18 08:35     5/15/2018 ' 5/16/2018      18-05068             Cesium-134                   EPA 901.1 Modified                        -1.56E-01              9.04E-02
                                                                               ---                                18-05068 :            Cesium-137                  EPA901.1 Modified
                                                                                                                                                                                                          '    2.58E-01         l 1.08E-01                     1.09E-01                   1.57E-01 pCi/g 18-05068-10       TRG      B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV                      04/30/18 08:35     5/15/2018    5/16/2018                                                                                             :
                                                                                                                  **---*              Europium-152                  EPA 901.1 Modified                    :    1.92E-01              1.85E-01                      1.85E-01                  2.33E-01        u         pCi/g 18-05068-10       TRG      B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV                      04/30/18 08:35      5/15/2018   5/16/2018     18-05068
                                                                                                      **-**---*--                                                                                                                                                  1.81E-01                  1.18E-01        u          pCi/g TRG       83-06216-AFSWC-006CV                     04/30/18 08:35      5/15/2018   5/16/2018     18-05068            Europium-154                  EPA 901.1 Modified                         9.59E-02              1.81E-01 18-05068-10 i'

18-05068-10 TRG 83-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified 7.63E-02 i 1.46E-01 1.46E-01 1.95E-01 u pCi/g

                                                                                    '                                                Holmium-166m                   EPA 901.1 Modified                         5.61E-02              1.18E-01                     1.18E-01                   9.87E-02        u          pCi/g B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV                     04/30/18 08:35      5/15/2018   5/16/2018     18-05068 18-05068-10       TRG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -

18-05068-10 TRG B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 I 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified 8.67E-02 7.39E-02 7.40E-02 1.13E-01 u pCi/g 04/30/18 08:35

                                                                                      - 5/15/2018   5/16/2018     18-05068             Potassium-40                 EPA 901.1 Modified                        4.81E+OO               1.15E+OO                     1.17E+OO                  1.08E+OO                    pCi/g 18-05068-10       TRG       B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV 18-05068-10       TRG       B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV                     04/30/18 08:35      5/15/2018   5/16/2018     18-05068 ' Manganese-54                           EPA 901.1 Modified                         2.11E-02         :    6.37E-02                      6.37E-02                  1.03E-01        u          pCi/g 18-05068-10       TRG       B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV                     04/30/18 08:35      5/15/2018 : 5/16/2018     18-05068               Niobium-94                 EPA901.1 Modified                          3.35E-02          '   6.53E-02                      6.53E-02                  1.09E-01   :    u          pCi/g 18-05068-10       TRG       B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV                     04/30/18 08:35      5/15/2018   5/16/2018     18-05068                 Lead-210                 EPA 901.1 Modified                         1.17E+OO              8.86E-01                      8.89E-01                  1.49E+OO        u          pCi/g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 '                                                           2.84E-01                   pCi/g 18-05068-10       TRG       83-06216-AFSWC-006CV                     04/30/18 08:35   ' 5/15/2018    5/16/2018     18-05068                 Lead-212                 EPA 901.1 Modified                          3.95E-01         l   1.82E-01                      1.83E-01                                         :

18-05068-10 TRG B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 , 18-05068 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 8.38E-01 2.81E-01 2.85E-01 3.81E-01  : pCi/g 18-05068-10 TRG  : B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 i 5/16/2018 18-05068 : Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.99E-02 8.75E-02 8.75E-02 1.31E-01 u pCi/g 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 : 5/16/2018 18-05068 Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified 7.37E-01  : 1.91E-01 1.94E-01 3.05E-01 i ' pCi/g 18-05068-10 TRG B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV ' 18-05068-1 0 TRG  : B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 ' 18-05068 ! Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.37E-01  : 1.59E-01 1.59E-01 2.80E-01 u pCi/g 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 , 18-05068 Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.01E+OO  : 1.44E+OO 1.44E+OO 2.36E+OO u  : pCi/g 18-05068-10 TRG  : B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV 18-05068-10 TRG 83-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 : Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.90E-01 1.92E-01  : 1.93E-01 4.00E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-10 TRG B3-06216-AFSWC-006CV 04/30/18 08:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 i 18-05068 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified -4.12E-01 1.01E+OO 1.01E+OO 5.11E-01 u pCi/g Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Dup licate;TRG=Norrnal ( ~ EBERL INE ANALYT!CAL EBERLINE CAL CORPORATION 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/483-4621 [63]

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Purchase Order:

                                                                                                                                                                                                           *. ~.

677118 Final Report of Analysis 101 Shiloh Blvd **-* Analysis Category:_ ENVIRONMENTAL---*~*m- " ____ ,,,,, Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so . Report Sample Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Lab Analyte Method Units ID Type ID Date Date Date ID  ; 18-05068-11 TRG B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV


04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Actinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified EPA 901.1 Modified vss, ----- 7.17E-01 7.43E-02

5.60E-01 1.63E-01 5.62E-01 1.63E-01 9.88E-01 2.67E-01 u

u pCi/g


pCi/g 5/16/2018 18-05068 Silver-108m 18-05068-11 TRG B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV 04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018 *----*-------- -----~---* u pCi/g 18-05068 ' Americium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified -5.16E-01 3.33E-01 3.34E-01 5.04E-01 18-05068-11 TRG B3--06216-AFSFC-002CV 04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 **--*--

                                       -----~~-                                                                                     ---,'----~---                                          **-

5/16/2018 18-05068 Barium-133 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.24E-02 1.65E-01 1.65E-01 5.34E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-11 TRG B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV 04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018

                                                                                                                                      --------                                                                                    4.94E-01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              --  4.96E-01   8.22E-01         u           pCi/g Bismuth-214             EPA 901.1 Modified                        9.55E-01 18-05068-11      TRG        83-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV

04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 ,,_, ___ ~---------

                                                                                               , 5/15/2018         5/16/2018    18-05068          Cobalt-60             EPA 901.1 Modified                        5.31E-02        1.42E-01        1.42E-01   2.48E-01         u           pCi/g 18-05068-11      TRG        B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV                            04/26/18 15:20
                                                      *--~----                                                                                                          EPA 901.1 Modified                        4.96E-01        2.40E-01        2.41E-01   2.77E-01         u           pCi/g 18-05068-11      TRG        B3-06216-AFSFC- 002CV 04/26/18 15:20 04/26/18 15:20
                                                                                              .: 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 18-05068 Cesium-134 Cesium-137             EPA 901.1 Modified                        2.03E+01   '    2.20E+00        2.43E+00   5.26E-01                     pCi/g 18-05068-11      TRG        B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV
                                                   --                                                              *---*-                                                                                         3.44E-01        8.06E-01        8.06E-01   8.34E-01         u           pCi/g 04/26/18 15:20        5/15/2018        5/16/2018    18-05068        Europium-152            EPA 901.1 Modified 18-05068-11      TRG        B3-06216-AFSFC- 002CV                                                                                                                                                  --                                              4.13E-01   4.24E-01         u           pCi/g 5/15/2018         5/16/2018   18-05068        Europium-154            EPA 901.1 Modified                       -1.23E-01        4.12E-01    ;

18-05068-11 TRG B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV 04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.37E-01 2.79E-01 2.80E-01 5.88E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-11 TRG 83-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV 04/26/18 15:20

                                                                                           --                                                  Holmium-166m             EPA 901.1 Modified                       -1.29E-01        2.79E-01        2.79E-01   3.47E-01         u           pCi/g TRG        B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV                            04/26/18 15:20        5/15/2018         5/16/2018   18-05068 18-05068-11 5/16/2018   18-05068          lodine-129            EPA 901.1 Modified                       -7.75E+00   i 3.72E+00        3.74E+00   2.41E+00         u       :   pCi/g 18-05068-11      TRG    ;   B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV                            04/26/18 15:20        5/15/2018 EPA 901.1 Modified                        8.04E+00        2.43E+00    :   2.46E+00   2.97E+00                 :   pCi/g 04/26/18 15:20        5/15/2018         5/16/2018   18-05068        Potassium-40                                                                                                                          .

18-05068-11 TRG B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV 5/16/2018 18-05068 Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified 9.11E-02  : 1.45E-01 i 1.45E-01 2.46E-01 i u pCi/g 18-05068-11 TRG 83--06216-AFSFC-002CV 04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018  ; 5/16/2018 18-05068 Niobium-94 EPA901.1 Modified -8.88E-02 1.53E-01 1.53E-01 2.16E-01 u  : pCi/g 18-05068-11 TRG B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV 04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018 04/26/18 15:20 i 5/15/2018 5/16/2018

  • 18-05068  : Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified -9.76E+00 i 3.71E+00 3.74E+00 6.20E+00 u . pCi/g 18-05068-11 TRG I B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV 7.10E-01 u i pCi/g 18-05068 Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified -9.72E-03 9.45E-02 9.45E-02 18-05068-11 TRG B3--06216-AFSFC-002CV 04/26/18 15:20 ' 5/15/2018 ' 5/16/2018 EPA901.1 Modified 1.64E+00 8.52E-01 8.56E-01 1.23E+00 pCi/g 18-05068-11 TRG  : B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV 04/26/1815:20 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Lead-214 i 5/16/2018 18-05068 Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.51E-02  : 3.86E-01 3.86E-01 1.29E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-11 TRG  ; B3-06216-AFSFC- 002CV 04/26/18 15:20  : 5/15/2018 i

5/16/2018 18-05068 Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified 9.55E-01 i 4.94E-01  : 4.96E-01 8.22E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-11 TRG B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV 04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified -6.83E-01  ! 1.07E+00 1.07E+00 1.52E+00  : u pCi/g 18-05068-11 TRG i B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV 04/26/18 15:20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -1.55E+00       2.52E+00        2.52E+00   4.67E+00          u       i   pCi/g 18-05068-11      TRG     ;  83-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV                            04/26/18 15:20     !  5/15/2018        5/16/2018    18-05068        Thorium-234             EPA 901.1 Modified
  • B3-06216-AFSFC-0 02CV 04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 7.01E-01 ' 2.91E-01  : 2.94E-01 1.20E-01  : pCi/g 18-05068-11 TRG 5/16/2018 18-05068 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.58E-01 i 3.80E+00 3.80E+00 1.87E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-11 TRG 83--06216-AFS FC-002CV 04/26/18 15:20 5/15/2018 tect ratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-de CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU= Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Labo EBE RLIN E EBERLINE CAL CORPORATION
             ~                                ANALYTICA L                                601 SCARBORO                   ROAD OAK RIDGE,              TN 37830                   865/481-06 83                          FAX       865/483-46 21                                [64]

Page 14 of 19 Printed: 6/5/2018 2:25 PM Report To: Work Order Details: Patricia Giza SDG: 18-05068 Eberlin e Analyti cal , .*... , ...... Zion Solutions, LLC

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Purchase Order: 677118---------*-- __ ,,,,_,,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ---**-*      ,.m~*~*~

Final Report of Analysis ____ 101 Shiloh _______ _, Blvd . Analysis Category: ENVIRONMENT **-*-**~-*- AL -~~---~--- *--- ---**-*-----*-- Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Batch ' Report Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Analysis Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Analyte Method Units i Date ID ID Type ID Date Date 05/05/18 14:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Actinium-228 EPA901.1 Modified 6.46E-01 5.15E-01 5.16E-01 9.17E-01 u... pCi/g 18-05068--12 TRG

             ' *----      B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV
                                              "'"""_w _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                                                                                               -~,,._,..,..,..-----~------~ -*~-,-,------*-*- -*--- -*-*-                                                                                             *w~w-     ,_,_.

05/05/18 14:35  ! 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified 4.20E-03 1.50E-01 1.50E-01 1.74E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-12 TRG B 1-06214-AFSWC-005C V -*-*-------~----- **----*--* """"'~---,-- 5/16/2018 18-05068 Americium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.84E-01 1.71E-01 1.71E-01 2.33E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-12 TRG B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV 05/05/18 14:35 5/15/2018

                                                                                                                                                       *-*-----*- -**---- ------**                                                        -~-*------*--*-                                     ---------                        nm 5/15/2018 . 5/16/2018             18-05068             Barium-133                     EPA901.1 Modified          5.49E-02          9.73E-02           9.73E-02     2.69E-01        u                 ... YC.~~--

18-05068-12 TRG B 1-06214-AFSWC-005C V 05/05/18 14:35 --*-~--*-

                                                                                                                                                           !                                            901.1 Modified    6.66E-01          3.27E-01           3.29E-01     5.46E-01             ______ ,           pCi/g 18-05068-12   '    TRG     B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV                           05/05/18 14:35             , 5/15/2018     5/16/2018             18-05068            Bismuth-214
                                                                                                                                                                                          ... EPA i                                     18-05068               Cobalt-60                    EPA 901.1 Modified         4.21E-02          1.42E-01           1.42E-01     2.26E-01        u                       pCi/g 18-05068-12        TRG     B 1-06214-AFSWC-005C V                          05/05/18 14:35                 5/15/2018   5/16/2018                                                                                                                                                                              -----"'~------

05/05/18 14:35 5/15/2018 . 5/16/2018 18-05068 Cesium-134 EPA 901.1 Modified -9.90E-01 3.60E-01 3.63E-01 2.24E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068--12 : TRG B 1-06214-AFSWC-005C V

                                                                     ----                                                                                       Cesium-137                     EPA 901.1 Modified         1.33E+OO          3.29E-01           3.36E-01     3.96E-01              ____ ,_           pCi/g 18-05068-12        TRG     B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV                           05/05/18 14:35                 5/15/2018   5/16/2018             18-05068 18-05068-12        TRG     B 1-06214-AFSWC-005C V                          05/05/1814:35                  5/15/2018    _, __

5/16/2018 18-05068 Europium-152 EPA 901.1 Modified -2.40E-01 4.67E-01 4.67E-01 3.67E-01 3.70E-01 1.84E-01 u u pCi/g


pCi/g 05/05/18 14:35 5/15/2018 , 5/16/2018 18-05068 i Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.50E-01 3.66E-01 18-05068--12 TRG B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV 05/05/18 14:35  : 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068

  • Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.44E-02 1.95E-01 1.95E-01 2.88E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-12 TRG B 1-06214-AFSWC-005C V 05/05/18 14:35 l 511512018 5/16/2018. 18-05068 Holmium-166m EPA 901.1 Modified -5.73E-02 2.70E-01 2.70E-01 1.46E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068--12 TRG B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV 05/05/18 14:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.31E-04 2.86E-02 2.86E-02 1.05E-01 u .**.~Ci/g __

18-05068-12 TRG B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV 3.76E+OO pCi/g TRG B 1-06214-AFSWC-005C V 05/05/18 14:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 l Potassium-40 EPA901.1 Modified 5.38E+OO 2.56E+OO 2.57E+OO . 18-05068-12  : 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 ' Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified -8.35E-02 1.43E-01 1.43E-01 2.11E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-12 TRG B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV 05/05/18 14:35 i 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified 9.26E-02  : 1.22E-01 1.22E-01 2.09E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-12 / TRG B 1-06214-AFSWC-005C V 05/05/18 14:35 5/16/2018 18-05068 Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.95E+OO 1.29E+OO 1.29E+OO 2.04E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068-12 I TRG B 1-06214-AFSWC-005C V 05/05/18 14:35 5/15/2018 ' 18--05068-12

               . TRG     B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV                            05/05/18 14:35            ! 5/15/2018     5/16/2018             18-05068               Lead-212                     EPA 901.1 Modified         3.08E-01     . 1.92E-01           1.93E-01     3.07E-01  . u                       pCi/g 05/05/18 14:35            i 5/15/2018     5/16/2018             18-05068 ;             Lead-214                     EPA 901.1 Modified         3.75E-01     i    3.19E-01           3.20E-01  i  5.13E-01       u                        pCi/g 18-05068--12        TRG     B 1-06214-AFSWC-005C V I 511512018     5/16/2018             18-05068 ; Promethium-145                           EPA 901.1 Modified        -1.47E-01     i    1.33E-01        i  1.33E-01     1.82E-01       u                        pCi/g 18--05068-12        TRG     B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV 05/05/18 14:35 05/05/18 14:35            i 5/15/2018     5/16/2018             18-05068        i    Radium-226                     EPA901.1 Modified           6.66E-01    . 3.27E-01           3.29E-01     5.46E-01                                pCi/g 18-05068-12         TRG 05/05/18 14:35             i 5/15/2018    5/16/2018              18-05068           Antimony-125                    EPA 901.1 Modified         -2.80E-01         4.19E-01           4.20E-01 . 5.31E-01       u                        pCi/g 18-05068--12        TRG     B 1-06214-AFSWC-005C V
Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.29E+OO 1.53E+OO 1.53E+OO 2.39E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068-12 TRG B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV 05/05/18 14:35 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 *-

5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18--05068 Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.87E-01 4.79E-01 4.80E-01 7.60E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-12 TRG B 1-06214-AFSWC-005C V 05/05/18 14:35 18-05068 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified -8.81E-01 1.48E+OO 1.48E+OO 7.97E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068--12 TRG B1-06214-AFSWC-005 CV 05/05/18 14:35 i 5/15/2018

  • 5/16/2018 Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Com bined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control EBER LINE EBERLINE LYTICAL CORPORATION
            ~                               ANALYTICAL                                         601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830                                                                    865/481-0683            FAX       865/483-4621                                     [65]

Printed: 6/5/2018 2:25 PM Page 15 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Patricia Giza SDG: 18-05068 Eberline Analytica l ... Zion Solutions, LLC

                                                                                                                                      --** ..... -****~                 -

Purchase Order:




Final Report of Analysis ~-* 101 Shiloh Blvd -***---" Analysis Category: ENVIRONMENTAL Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Analysis Batch Report Lab ID

              !    Sample Type Client ID Sample Date Receipt Date         Date            ID Analyte                      Method                      Result          cu           CSU                   MDA            Qualifier Units 18-05068-13 .              B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV              05/05/18 14:55  : 5/15/2018     5/16/2018      18-05068        Actinium-228               EPA 901.1 Modified            4.42E-01       3.91E-01      3.91E-01             6.97E-01              u         pCi/g TRG                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ---*---*= **--*

18-05068-13 TRG B 1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified -1.91E-03 ' 7.95E-02 7.95E-02 1.57E-01 u pCi/g -- 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Americium-241 EPA901.1 Modified 1.10E-01 2.54E-01 2.54E-01 3.38E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-13 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 18-05068-13 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 , 5/16/2018 18-05068 Barium-133 EPA 901.1 Modified I 3.79E-02 1.76E-01 1.76E-01 3.37E-01 u pCi/g 05/05/1814:55 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 Modified 1.04E+OO 3.00E-01 3.05E-01 5.83E-01 pCi/g 18-05068-13 TRG B 1-06214-AFSFC-004CV .. 18-05068-13 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 14:55 i 5/15/2018

  • 5/16/2018 18-05068 Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified -2.45E-02 1.03E-01  : 1.03E-01 1.45E-01 u pCi/g
                                           ----               05/05/18 14:55     5/15/2018    5/16/2018      18-05068         Cesium-134                EPA 901.1 Modified             2.76E-02      7.97E-02      7.97E-02             1.78E-01              u         pCi/g 18-05068-13   :    TRG     B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV I

5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Cesium-137 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.16E+01 4.13E+OO 4.65E+OO 3.77E-01 pCi/g 18-05068-13  : TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 14:55 I

                  -                                           05/05/18 14:55     5/15/2018    5/16/2018      18-05068 :      Europium-152               EPA 901.1 Modified             3.06E-01      7.54E-01      7.54E-01             5.40E-01              u         pCi/g 18-05068-13        TRG     B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV              05/05/18 14:55     5/15/2018
  • 5/16/2018 18-05068 Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.45E-01 2.59E-01 2.59E-01 2.77E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-13 I TRG TRG B 1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.39E-01 2.78E-01 2.79E-01 3.88E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-13 I B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 14:55  ; 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Holmium-166m EPA901.1 Modified 1.51E-02 8.18E-02 8.18E-02 2.09E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-13 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/1814:55 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.55E+OO 3.70E-01  : 3.79E-01 2.48E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-13 i TRG  :

5/16/2018 18-05068 : Potassium-40 EPA901.1 Modified 6.79E+OO  : 2.05E+OO 2.08E+OO 2.64E+OO pCi/g 18-05068-13 : TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/1814:55 5/15/2018 B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 ; 5/16/2018 18-05068 i Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.16E-01 9.41E-02 9.43E-02 1.73E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-13 TRG 18-05068-13 I TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 : 5/16/2018 : 18-05068 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.47E-02  : 8.85E-02 8.85E-02 1.35E-01 u pCi/g B 1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/1814:55 5/15/2018 ' 5/16/2018 18-05068 Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified 3.23E+OO 1.72E+OO 1.73E+OO 2.89E+OO , u pCi/g 18-05068-13 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/1814:55 5/15/2018 ' 5/16/2018 18-05068 : Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.64E-01 2.52E-01 2.54E-01 7.69E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-13 TRG 18-05068-13 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified  : 8.85E-01 I 5.79E-01 i 5.81E-01 9.29E-01 u pCi/g 81-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 : Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified 7.29E-01  : 2.40E-01 i 2.43E-01 3.97E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-13 ! TRG 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 : Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.04E+OO I 3.00E-01 I 3.05E-01 5.83E-01  : pCi/g 18-05068-13 TRG  : B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 1 18-05068-13 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 14:55 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 ' 18-05068 Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.85E-01  : 5.64E-01  : 5.64E-01 8.76E-01 u pCi/g 05/05/1814:55 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 , Thorium-234 EPA901.1 Modified 2.01E+OO  : 2.60E+OO  : 2.61E+OO 3.51E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068-13 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 4.14E-01 4.14E-01 7.02E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-13 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/1814:55 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 ' 18-05068 Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.65E-01

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ' 2.39E+OO              1.13E+OO             u           pCi/g 05/05/18 14:55     5/15/2018    5116/2018      18-05068        Uranium-235                EPA 901.1 Modified             1.55E+OO   !  2.39E+OO 18-05068-13 !      TRG    B1-06214-AFSFC-004CV Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal EBERL INE                                         EBERLINE                                                                     ON
                ~                             ANALYTICAL                  601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830                                             865/481-0683                    FAX 865/ 483-4621                                                [66]

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                                                          --*             Zion Solutions, LLC ------------*

ENVIRONMENTAL Final Report of Analysis 101 Shiloh Blvd ---------- Analysis Category: Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so I Report Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch Method Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Lab Sample Analyte ID I Type ID Date Date Date ID  : Units 5/16/2018 18-05068 f Actinium-228 EPA901.1 Modified 6.95E-01 4.52E-01 4.54E-01 7.82E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-14 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-001 CV 05/05/18 15:15 f 5/15/2018 5/1612018 18-05068 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified i 4.11E-03 1.10E-01 U0E-01 1.76E-01 u pCi/g B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 05/05/1815:15 ' 5115/2018 . 18-05068-14 TRG ------- -1.14E-01 1.62E-01 1.62E-01 2.25E-01 u pCi/g 05/05/1815:15 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Americium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified 18-05068-14 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-001 CV 18-05068 Barium-133 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.06E-02 I 9.48E-02 9.48E-02 2.60E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-14 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 05/05/1815:15 j 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 I i EPA 901.1 Modified 8.03E-01 2.96E-01 2.99E-01 4.89E-01 pCi/g 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 I Bismuth-214 18-05068-14 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-001 CV I 9.05E-02 9.05E-02 1.66E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-14 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-001 CV 05/05/18 15:15 5/1512018 5/16/2018 18-05068

                                                                                                                              .. Cobalt-60 Cesium-134 EPA 901.1 Modified EPA 901.1 Modified
                                                                                                                                                                           -4.36E-02         8.90E-02       8.90E-02      1.94E-01   I      u                     pCi/g 81-06214-AFSFC-001 CV                   05/05/18 15:15    : 5/15/2018      5/16/2018    18-05068 18-05068-14      TRG 1.84E+00       1.99E+00       3.09E-01                               pCi/g 05/05/18 15:15      5/15/2018      5/16/2018    18-05068         Cesium-137    EPA901.1 Modified   I     1.48E+01 18-05068-14      TRG        B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 5/16/2018    18-05068        Europium-152   EPA 901.1 Modified  I     3.75E-02         4.30E-01       4.30E-01      3.62E-01          u                     pCi/g 18-05068-14      TRG        B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV                    05105/18 15:15      5/15/2018
                                                                                                *-*---*            18-05068        Europium-154   EPA901.1 Modified          1.34E-01        2.55E-01       2.55E-01       1.84E-01         u                     pCi/g TRG        B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV                    05/05/18 15:15      5/15/2018      5/16/2018 18-05068-14 :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      pCi/g Europium-155   EPA 901.1 Modified        4.72E-01         2.28E-01       2.29E-01       3.55E-01 05/05/1815:15       5/15/2018      5/16/2018    18-05068 18-05068-14      TRG        B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV I

18-05068 Holmium-166m EPA 901.1 Modified I 2.08E-01 2.06E-01 2.06E-01 1.52E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-14 TRG  : B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 . 5/16/2018 f 18-05068 i Jodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified i 3.54E-01 8.68E-02 8.87E-02 1.39E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-14 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 : 5/16/2018

  • pCi/g TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 I Potassium-40 EPA 901.1 Modified I 7.23E+00 I 1.94E+00 1.98E+00 2.25E+00 18-05068-14 18-05068 I Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified -4.05E-02 1.17E-01 1.17E-01 1.74E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-14 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-001 CV 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 , 5/16/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Niobium-94 EPA901.1 Modified i 1.21E-01 I 1.10E-01 1.10E-01 1.60E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-14 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 05/05118 15:15 5/15/2018 I

EPA 901.1 Modified 1.47E+00 I 1.30E+00 1.31E+00 1.98E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-14 TRG  : B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 I 5/16/2018 18-05068 \ Lead-210 7.32E-01 3.39E-01 3.41E-01 5.34E-01 pCi/g 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified I 18-05068-14 TRG 81-06214-AFSFC-001 CV I 6.95E-01 pCi/g i Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 8.67E-01 4.57E-01 4.59E-01 18-05068-14 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 05/05/18 15:15 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 18-05068 1 Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified -5.72E-01 I I 1.93E-01 1.95E-01 2.12E-01 ' I u pCi/g 18-05068-14 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 8.03E-01 2.96E-01 2.99E-01 4.89E-01 pCi/g 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 ' 5/16/2018 18-05068 I Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified f 18-05068-14 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 18-05068 ; Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified -2.58E-01 I 6.19E-01 6.19E-01 8.10E-01 u I pCi/g 81-06214-AFSFC-001 CV 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068-14 TRG

  • 18-05068 I Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.98E+00 1.48E+00 1.48E+00 2.25E+00 u pCi/g TRG I B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068-14 pCi/g Thallium-208 EPA901.1 Modified 7.99E-01 3.88E-01 3.90E-01 6.67E-01 I 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 18-05068-14 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV '

5/16/2018 18-05068 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified I -4.56E-01 1.66E+00 . 1.66E+00 7.90E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-14 TRG B1-06214-AFSFC-001CV 05/05/18 15:15 5/15/2018 I mal Sample;DO=Du plicate Original;U=Non -detect Detected Activity;LCS=L aboratory Control Sample;MBL=B lank;DUP=Dupl icate;TRG=Nor CU=Counting Uncertainty;CS U=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA =Minimal ( ~ EBE RLI NE ANALYTIC AL EBERLINE 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 ON 865/481-0 683 FAX 865/483-4 621 [67]

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                                                                                                                                                                  +****--***.                                                                     ****-*--*-**

_____ Zion Solutions, LLC _____ Purchase Order: 677118

                                                                                                                                          --*A*--*~----**-  -----

ENTAL Final Report of Analysis 101 Shiloh Blvd ------ Analysis Category: ENVIRONM


Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Report Sample Receipt Analysis Batch cu MDA Qualifier Lab i Sample Client Date Date Date ID Analyte Method Result CSU Units ID Type ID Actinium-228 EPA 901-1 Modified 3.41E-01 4.07E-01 4.07E-01 7.00E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-15 TRG B1-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068


5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Silver-108m EPA90U Modified 4.07E-02 1.10E-01 1.10E-01 1.81E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-15 TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05 --- -~-*-----------* Americium-241 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.68E-01 9.15E-02 9.19E-02 2.88E-01 u pCi/g 05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018 5/16/2018

  • 18-05068 18-05068-15 TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV
                                           -~---                                                              5/16/2018    18-05068 :
                                                                                                                                         ----        Barium-133           EPA 901.1 Modified                 -1.31E-02            8.15E-02        8.15E-02     3.26E-01        u                     pCi/g 18-05068-15 ,       TRG        81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05        5/15/2018
                                                                                                                                                                    -----                                     8.12E-01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ----3.50E-01      3.52E-01     5.04E-01                              pCi/g 05/05/18 09:05 ._. 5/15/2018                 5/16/2018    18-05068                 Bismuth-214           EPA 901.1 Modified 18-05068-15         TRG        B1-06213-AFSWC-009CV 5.16E-02 i

1.09E-01 1.09E-01 1.83E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-15  : TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05 ____5/15/2018

                                                                                          ,,,,,, ______ ,. 5/16/2018    18-05068                    Cobalt-60           EPA 901.1 Modified i  5/16/2018    18-05068                  Cesium-134            EPA 901.1 Modified                 7.41E-03            6.93E-02        6.93E-02     1.91E-01        u                     pCi/g 18-05068-15         TRG        81-06213-AFSWC-009CV           05/05/18 09:05        5/15/2018 18-05068                  Cesium-137            EPA 901.1 Modified                 6.95E-02            1.51E-01        1.51E-01     2.31E-01        u                     pCi/g 18-05068-15 :       TRG   i    81-06213-AFSWC-009CV           05/05/18 09:05        5/15/2018 . 5/16/2018                                 i EPA 901.1 Modified                -5.74E-03            3.91E-01        3.91E-01     4.56E-01        u                     pCi/g 18-0506a-15   I     TRG   :

81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Europium-152 --*-------- 5/16/2018 18-05068 i Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.07E-01 3.22E-01 3.22E-01 2.31E-01 u pCi/g TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018 18-05068-15 f 5/16/2018 18-05068 Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified 3.52E-01 2.65E-01 . 2.66E-01 4.29E-01 u pCi/g TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018 18-05068-15 EPA901.1 Modified 8.18E-02 1.94E-01 1.94E-01 1.80E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-15 TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018 5)16/2018 18-05068 Holmium-166m i 5/16/2018 18-05068 lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.21E+OO  ! 1.60E+OO 1.61E+OO 1.15E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068-15 TRG B1-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018 18-05068 Potassium-40 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.95E+OO i 1.53E+OO 1.55E+OO 3.21E+OO u pCi/g 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018 , 5/16/2018 18-05068-15  ! TRG  : i EPA 901.1 Modified 2.87E-02 1.01E-01 1.01E-01 1.66E-01 u i pCi/g 05/05/18 09:05  : 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Manganese-54 18-05068-15 TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV i i 5/16/2018 18-05068 Niobium-94 EPA 901.1 Modified -5.07E-02 1.19E-01 1.19E-01 1.74E-01 u pCi/g TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05  : 5/15/2018 18-05068-15 u pCi/g 5/15/2018 i 5/16/2018 18-05068 Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.86E+OO i* 2.27E+OO 2.27E+OO 3.37E+OO 05/05/18 09:05 18-05068-15 i TRG i B1-06213-AFSWC-009CV EPA 901.1 Modified 6.66E-01 2.83E-01 2.85E-01 4.15E-01 pCi/g 05/05/18 09:05 i 5/15/2018 : 5/16/2018 18-05068 Lead-212

  • 18-05068-15 i TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 5.50E-01 3.55E-01 3.56E-01 5.35E-01 pCi/g
05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 18-05068-15 TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV i

i Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified -9.94E-01 4.91E-01  : 4.94E-01 6.30E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-15 I TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05  ; 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 : 18-05068

5/16/2018 ' 18-05068 5.04E-01 i pCi/g 18-05068-15 j TRG ' 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05  : 5/15/2018 Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified 8.12E-01 i 3.50E-01 3.52E-01 i 5/15/2018 Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified -2.43E-01 4.00E-01 4.00E-01 5.66E-01 u . pCi/g
05/05/18 09:05 5/16/2018 18-05068 i '*

18-05068-15  ! TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 5.34E-01 5.35E-01 2.67E+OO u pCi/g 5/16/2018 18-05068 i Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified -5.86E-01 TRG 81-06213-AFSWC-009CV 05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018 ' 18-05068-15  : 5.88E-01 pCi/g EPA901.1 Modified 1.11E+OO 6.05E-01 6.08E-01 18-05068-15 TRG  : 81-06213-AFSW C-009CV 05/05/18 09:05 5/15/2018 , 5/16/2018 18-05068

  • Thal\ium-208 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified I 7.19E-01 1.87E+OO 1.87E+OO 1.03E+OO u '

pCi/g 5/15/2018 , 5/16/2018

  • 18-05068 18-05068-15 TRG i 81-06213-AFSW C-009CV 05/05/18 09:05 mal Sample;DO=Du plicate Original;U=Non -detect Detected Activity;LCS=L aboratory Control Sample;MBL=B lank;DUP=Dupl icate;TRG=Nor CU=Counting Uncertainty;CS U=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA =Minimal EBE RLI NE EBERLINE CAL CORPORATION
                   ~                                A.NALYTI CAL              601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830                                                                  865/481-0 683                   FAX 865/ 483-4621


Page 18 of 19 Printed: 6/5/2018 2:25 PM Report To: Wolk Order Details: Patricia Giza SDG: 18-05068-*,>- Eberlin e Analyti cal *- Zion Solutions, LLC ----~-~v,* Purchase Order: 677118

                                                                                                                                                                                                       -,--------------.~-,,,.                   -

A~-*- ***---n-m,

  • Final Report of Analysis 101 Shiloh Blvd ,,,.,,. , ___ Analysis Category: _____ ENVIRONMENTAL --------~

Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Batch Report Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Analysis Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Analyte Method Units ID Type ID Date Date Date ID i 1 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Actinium-228 EPA901.1 Modified i 2.71E-01 2.63E-01 2.64E-01 4.48E-01 u pCi/g TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-004CV 18-05068-16 18-05068-16 TRG B 1-06213-AFSF C-004CV 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified  :

                                                                                                                                                                                                         -4.64E-02                  7.64E-02        '.65E-02 8.78E-02              u  ___    , ,,_,,, ____


                                                                      --------                                                            ----~*-                                                                                                  1.64E-01  1.66E-01              u                    pCi/g 05/05/18 10:25       , 5/15/2018     5/16/2018       18-05068              Americium-241       EPA901.1 Modified              -3.24E-01                  1.64E-01 18-05068-16   i     TRG       B1-06213-AFSFC-004CV
                     *-----*                                                05/05/18 10:25         5/15/2018    5/16/2018       18-05068                  Barium-133      EPA901.1 Modified        :      4.21E-02                  5.65E-02       5.65E-02  1.48E-01              u   ____, __         pCi/g 18-05068-16         TRG       B1-06213-AFSFC-004C V 18-05068 Bismuth-214     EPA901.1 Modified               5.87E-01                  2.07E-01       2.09E-01  2.89E-01                                   pCi/g     ;

18-05068-16 TRG 81-06213-AFSFC-004C V 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 : 5/16/2018


Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.44E-02 i 7.29E-02 7.29E-02 9.75E-02 u pCi/g 18-05068-16 TRG B 1-06213-AFSF C-004CV _____ ,,,,,_,,, 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068


05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 : 5/16/2018 18-05068 Cesium-134 EPA901.1 Modified 1.45E-03 3.33E-02 3.33E-02 1.07E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-16 TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-004C V

                                                                                   ----                                                  ---~~----                                                    -----~----                                             2.24E-01                                   pCi/g Cesium-137      EPA901.1 Modified               1.07E+OO                  2.02E-01       2.09E-01 18-05068-16         TRG       81-06213-AFSFC-004C V                          05/05/18 10:25         5/15/2018 : 5/16/2018        18-05068
                                                                                                                                            ---*--*                                                                                                                        ----~---

5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Europium-152 EPA901.1 Modified -9.15E-02 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 2.17E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-16 TRG 81-06213-AFSFC-004C V 05/05/18 10:25 -*---~* ---*---* 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 ; 5/16/2018 18-05068 Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.68E-02 1.76E-01 1.76E-01 1.12E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-16 ; TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-004CV i 5/16/2018 18-05068 Europium-155 EPA901.1 Modified -2.09E-02 1.19E-01 1.19E-01 1.91E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-16 i TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-004C V 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 *-------------

               !                                                                                   5/15/2018    5/16/2018        18-05068              Holmium-166m       EPA 901.1 Modified              -1.41E-02                 1.16E-01       1.16E-01  9.99E-02              u                    pCi/g 18-05068-16         TRG       B 1-06213-AFSF C-004CV                         05/05/18 10:25
5/15/2018 i 5/16/2018 18-05068 lodine-129 EPA901.1 Modified  : 4.29E-02 i 4.69E-02 4.69E-02 1.25E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-16 TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 10:25
           -:                                                               05/05/18 10:25         5/15/2018 , 5/16/2018         18-05068 i             Potassium-40      EPA 901.1 Modified         :    6.36E+OO                  1.21E+OO   i   1.25E+OO  1.01E+OO                                   pCi/g 18-05068-16          TRG      B1-06213-AFSFC-004C V 5/15/2018 i 5/16/2018                               Manganese-54        EPA 901.1 Modified             -6.77E-03                 5.96E-02       5.96E-02  9.13E-02              u                    pCi/g 18-05068-16          TRG      81-06213-AFSFC-004C V                          05/05/18 10:25       '                               18-05068 9.15E-02
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            --     u                     pCi/g 5/15/2018 , 5/16/2018         18-05068                  Niobium-94      EPA 901.1 Modified              8.75E-03                  5.96E-02  i   5.96E-02 18-05068-16          TRG      81-06213-AFSFC-004C V                          05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 i 5/16/2018         18-05068                   Lead-210       EPA901.1 Modified         i     1.29E+OO                 1.19E+OO i

1.19E+OO 1.64E+OO u pCi/g 18-05068-16 TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-004C V 05/05/18 10:25 i Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified i 4.56E-01 i 1.27E-01 1.30E-01 2.37E-01 pCi/g TRG 81-06213-AFSFC-004C V 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018

  • 5/16/2018 18-05068 :

18-05068-16 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.99E-01 1.72E-01 i 1.75E-01 2.59E-01 pCi/g 18-05068-16 TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-004C V 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 . 5/16/2018 18-05068  ! -

5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 ' Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.93E-02 1.26E-01 1.26E-01 1.69E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-16 TRG 81-06213-AFSFC-004C V 05/05/18 10:25 Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.87E-01 i 2.07E-01 2.09E-01 2.89E-01 pCi/g 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 i 5/16/2018 18-05068 I 18-05068-16 i TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-004CV EPA901.1 Modified 3.82E-02 1.83E-01 i 1.83E-01 2.81E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-16  : TRG B 1-06213-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 , 5/16/2018 18-05068 18-05068  :

Antimony-125 Thorium-234 EPA901.1 Modified 2.23E+OO 1AOE+OO 1AOE+OO 1.94E+OO u i pCi/g 18-05068-16 i TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 5/16/2018

2.06E-01 4.78E-01 u pCi/g 05/05/18 10:25 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 ' 18-05068 l Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.50E-01 2.04E-01 18-05068-16  ! TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-004C V 5/15/2018 i 5/16/2018 18-05068 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified 3.09E-01 7.21E-01  : 7.21E-01 4.80E-01 i u pCi/g 18-05068-16 i TRG B 1-06213-AFSFC-004CV 05/05/18 10:25 Sample;MBL=Blank;DU P=Duplicate;TRG=Nor mal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control


Page 19 of 19 Printed: 6/5/2018 2:25 PM Report To: Work Order Details: Patricia Giza SOG: 18-05068 Eberlin e Analyti cal **---***._**-.,*-*-****-----*--*~*W**-***--* Zion Solutions, LLC ____ Purchase Order:



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ----- -----~--------


                                                                                                                                                             *-                   ----* ~--*--.---*---*"-*

Final Report of Analysis 101 Shiloh Blvd _Jyyalysis Cate.qory: ENVIRONMENTAL

                                                                   ~--------                                                                            -*

Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so

Report Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch [ Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier Analyte Method Units ID Type ID Date Date Date ID '

05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Actinium-228 EPA901.1 Modified i 3.22E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 4.15E-01 u pCi/g __ 18-05068-17 i TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV .-,.--~*.--*m 18-05068-17 TRG _______ __________ B1-06213-AFSFC-002C V 05/05/18 13:00  ! 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068

  • Silver-108m EPA901.1 Modified EPA 901.1 Modified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -9.65E-02 7.14E-02 8.09E-02 2.44E-01 8.11E-02 2.44E-01 9.11E-02 3.15E-01 u

u pCi/g pCi/g B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/18 13:00 i 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Americium-241 18-05068-17 ' TRG - u 18-05068-17 [ TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/18 13:00 i 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Barium-133 ____ EPA 901.1 Modified,,,,, ' 8.52E-02 1.81E-01 1.81E-01 3.09E-01 pCi/g Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 Modified 3.10E-01 3.24E-01 3.24E-01 5.37E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-17

  • TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -                                                              ----=

18-05068-17 f------ TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068

                                                                                                                                                           ,           Cobalt-60             EPA 901.1 Modified                  8.50E-03        5.49E-02 6.82E-02 5.49E-02 6.82E-02 7.82E-02 1.10E-01 i

u u pCi/g PG_~g___ 05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 ,, Cesium-134 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.36E-02 , 18-05068-17 TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV

                                                            *-*                                      I 5/15/2018                                                                             EPA 901.1 Modified                 9.24E+01        9.00E+00        1.02E+01     3.04E-01                         pCi/g B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV                      05/05/18 13:00                                        5/16/2018              18-05068          Cesium-137                                            i                                                            '

18-05068-17 : TRG ' 8.39E-01 5.05E-01 u pCi/g 05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Europium-152 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.28E-01 8.39E-01 18-05068-17 i TRG B 1-06213-AFSF C-002CV i 05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Europium-154 EPA901.1 Modified 3.14E-02 1.58E-01 i 1.58E-01 2.54E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-17 i TRG B 1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018 ' 5/16/2018 18-05068 ; Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.48E-01 i 2.59E-01 2.59E-01 3.39E-01 u ' pCi/g 18-05068-17 : TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV f-**---* 05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 : Holmium-166m EPA901.1 Modified 6.82E-02 1.05E-01 1.05E-01 1.73E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-17 TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/1813:00 5/15/2018 ' 5/16/2018 18-05068 ; lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified -3.65E+00 5.19E-01 5.51E-01 2.44E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-17 ) TRG i B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV EPA 901.1 Modified 4.94E+00 I 1.25E+00 1.27E+00 1.47E+00 pCi/g B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/18 13:00 i 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Potassium-40 18-05068-17 I TRG

                          '                                                                              5/15/2018 ' 5/16/2018                      18-05068 ~ganese-54                      EPA901.1 Modified               ! -6.50E-02          6.21E-02      6.22E-02     7.54E-02           u             pCi/g 18-05068-17   i     TRG    B 1-06213-AFSFC-002CV                     05/05/18 13:00 05/05/18 13:00                    5/15/2018            5/16/2018             18-05068          Niobium-94             EPA 901.1 Modified              !    9.42E-03        4.99E-02 i

4.99E-02 7.83E-02 u i pCi/g 18-05068-17 TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 5/15/2018 ' 5/16/2018 18-05068 Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified l 5.46E-01 1.58E+00 1.58E+00 2.39E+00 u pCi/g 18-05068-17 TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/18 13:00 i 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 i Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.32E-02 2.78E-01 2.78E-01 3.58E-01 i u pCi/g 18-05068-17 ' TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/18 13:00

  • 05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018 , 5/16/2018 18-05068 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.11E-01 i 4.62E-01 4.62E-01 7.67E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-17 / TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV i 5/15/2018 : 5/16/2018 18-05068 j Promethium-145 EPA901.1 Modified 1.74E+00 i 2.66E-01 i 2.80E-01 3.94E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-17 i TRG i B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/18 13:00 05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018  ! 5/16/2018 18-05068 : Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified 3.10E-01 i 3.24E-01 3.24E-01 5.37E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-17 i TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 5/15/2018 . 5/16/2018 18-05068 : Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.35E-02 6.04E-01 6.04E-01 8.89E-01 u pCi/g 18-05068-17 i TRG B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.05E+00 2.30E+00 i 2.31E+00 2.98E+00 u  : pCi/g 18-05068-17 TRG I B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/18 13:00 05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018 5/16/2018 18-05068 , Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified i 4.96E-01 i 3.36E-01  : 3.36E-01 5.01E-01 u I pCi/g 18-05068-17 TRG B 1-06213-AFSFC-00ZCV 18-05068-17 TRG ' B1-06213-AFSFC-002CV 05/05/18 13:00 5/15/2018 : 5/16/2018 , 18-05068  ! Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified i 1.24E-01  : 1.24E+00 1.24E+00 1.06E+00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           '     u             pCi/g Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control 0


                ~                              .AN.A,LYTICAL                               601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830                                                                   865/481-0683                        FAX    865/ 483-4621                                      [70]
                                   ~                                                                                                                                        ZS-WM-131 Revision 0 ZIONSOLUTIONSiic       An Ene *gySo/utions Company Information Use Attaclunent 1 - Chain-of-Custody Form 1 e- oso sa                      REC'D MAY 1 5 2018 Sample ID                Sample          Matr  Sample           Sample Container        Sample Date  Sample Time  Analysis Type Preservative      Remarks Log          ix    Type Vol    Unit     Type      Qty 0.0-0.5" J      B3-06213AFIWC-0l 1CV                  NA          NA   Concrete  57.94  Cm 3     Puck      I     05-02-2018      0900       5ROC/HTD         NA       93.79g 0.0-0.5"
 /    B3-062 I 3-AFIFC-0 l 5CV              NA          NA            57.94  Cm 3      Puck       I    05-02-2018      0845       5ROC/HTD         NA       121.03g
',                                                           Concrete 0.0-0.5" Cm 3                                                                           105.79g l9     B3-06214-AFIFC-00I CV                NA          NA   Concrete 57.94            Puck      I     05-03-2018      1330       5ROC/HTD         NA 0.0-0.5" 57.94  Cm3       Puck      I     05-03-2018                 5ROC/HTD         NA       97.96g 1      B3-062 l 4-AFIWC-009CV                NA          NA   Concrete                                                  1530 0.0-0.5" Cm3       Puck       I                               5ROC/HTD         NA       128.37g 6     B3-062l5-AFSWC-013CV                  NA          NA   Concrete 57.94                             04-26-2018     1300 0.0-0.5" (7\    B3-062 l 5-AFSFC-003CV                 NA         NA   Concrete 57.94  Cm3       Puck       I     04-26-2018     1340       5ROC/HTD         NA       86.71g 0.0-0S' B3-062 I 6-AFS WC-006CV               NA          NA            57.94  Cm 3      Puck       I                               5ROC/HTD         NA       124.13g

\0 Concrete 04-30-2018 0835 0.0-0.5 Cm 3 Puck I 5ROC/HTD NA 85.09g

\\    B3-06216 AFSFC-002CV                   NA         NA   Concrete 57.94                             04-26-2018     1520 0.0-0.5" Cm3                                                                            104.84g
 \1   B l-062 I 4-AFSWC-005CV               NA          NA   Concrete 57.94            Puck       I     05-05-2018     1435       5ROC/HTD         NA 0.0-0.5" Cm 3                 I                               5ROC/HTD         NA       90.02g
\1    B 1-06214-AFS FC-004CV                 NA         NA   Concrete 57.94            Puck             05-05-2018     1455 0.0-0.5" B 1-06214-AFS FC-00 I CV              NA         NA            57.94  Cm 3      Puck       I                               SROC/HTD         NA       142.60g

\~ Concrete 05-05-2018 1515 0.0-0.5" Cm 3

\'?   B l-062 I 3-AFSWC-009CV                NA         NA   Concrete 57.94            Puck       I     05-05-2018     0905       5ROC/HTD         NA       108.80g 0.0-0.5" Cm 3

\\J 1 Bl-06213-AFSFC-004CV NA NA Concrete 57.94 Puck I 05-05-2018 1025 5ROC/HTD NA 123.56g

,~     B 1-06213-AFS FC-002CV                NA          NA  Concrete 57.94  Cm 3      Puck       I     05-05-2018     1300     /5ROC/HTD          NA 0.0-0.5 144.65g" Rt~    *i~         5- ,s- \~/ f)'15o


ZS-WM-131 Revision 0 ZIONSOLUTIONSLLC An EnergySolurions Company 1e-ososa REC'D MAY 15 2018 Information Use Laborato1y: Date Submitted To Lab: Ship Container No.: Cooler Temperatur Airbill Number: e: (£Dt'i h}efovernt *f Eberline Labs NIA t107 Ob45 657 Relinquished by: Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Time: Received by: Date: (mm/dd/yyyy): Time: Reed R. Smith 05-14-2018 0819

                                                                           ~ithord f ,

Relinquished by: Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Time: Received by: Time:

                                                                                                                                                 !b:30 Relinguished by:                                                                                                                                 Time:

Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Time: Time: Comments PO# 677118. 7 Day turnaround. 5-ROC/HTD. [72]


  • - EBER LINE OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE 37830 PHONE (865) 481--0683
.~                       ANALYTICAL FAX (865) 483-1+621 EBS-OR-47182 May 8, 2020 Gerald Wood Zion Solutions, LLC 2701 Deborah Avenue Zion, IL 60099 CASE NARRATIVE Work Order # 20-04072-OR SAMPLE RECEIPT This work order contains nine solid samples received 04/25/2020. Samples were analyzed for Isotopic Plutonium, Plutonium-241, Neptunium-237, Americium~241/243, Curium-243/244, Total Strontium, Technetium-99, Tritium, Carbon-14, Promethium-147, Nickel-59/63, Iron-55 and by Gamma Spectroscopy.

CLIENT ID LABID CLIENT ID LAB ID B 1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 20-04072-04 B2-08201-CJWC-A0 18-CV 0 5-1 0 20-04072-09 B l-06214A-FSFC-00 1-CV 20-04072-05 L2- l 02 l 4C-RJGS-00 1-SM-A 20-04072-10 B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 0-0 5 20-04072-06 Ll-12109L-CJGS-0 01-SB-A 20-04072-11 B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 5-1 0 20-04072-07 Ll-12106L-CJGS-0 0 1-SB-A 20-04072-12 B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 0-0 5 20-04072-08 ANALYTICAL METHODS Isotopic Plutonium and Plutonium-241 were analyzed using Method EML Pu-02 Modified. Neptunium-237 was analyzed using EIChroM Method ACW08 Modified. Americium and Curium were analyzed using Method EML Am-01 Modified. Total Strontium was analyzed using EIChroM Method SRW0l Modified. Technetium-99 was analyzed using EIChroM Method TCS0l Modified. Tritium was performed using Method LANL ER-210 Modified. Carbon-14 was perfonned using EPA Method 520.0 Modified. Promethium-147 was performed using Method EML Pm-01 Modified. Nickel-59/63 was performed using Method ASTM 3500-Ni Modified. Iron-55 was performed using EML Method Fe-01-01 Modified. Gamma Spectroscopy was performed using EPA Method 901.1 Modified. Laboratory qualifiers are as follows: U - Result is less than the MDA. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Combined Standard Uncertainty is reported at 1-sigma value. Page 1 of 6

ANALYTICAL RESULTS CONTINUED Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) values for data represented in this report are sample-specific. MDA measurements are determined based on factors and conditions including instrument settings, aliquot size and matrix type. ISOTOPIC PLUTONIUM Samples were prepared by removing representative aliquots followed by mixed acid digestions as appropriate. Plutonium was selectively extracted by ion exchange. Plutonium was eluted, micro-precipitated and mounted on micro-porous filter media. Sample activities were determined by alpha spectroscopy using energy specific regions of interest for Plutonium-238 and Plutonium-239. Chemical recovery was determined using a Plutonium-242 tracer. Activity of the Plutonium-242 tracer was determined by alpha spectroscopy using an energy specific region of interest. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Plutonium analyses Chemical recovery was acceptable for all samples. The Plutonium-238 and Plutonium-239/240 method blank demonstrated acceptable results. Results for the Plutonium-238 and Plutonium-239/240 duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Plutonium-238 and Plutonium-239 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. PLUTONIUM-241 Following sample analysis for Isotopic Plutonium, filter media used was dissolved. Dissolved samples were placed into scintillation vials, scintillation cocktail was added and Plutonium-241 was detennined by liquid scintillation counting. Analytical tracer recovery was determined by yields from the Isotopic Plutonium tracer. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Plutonium-241 analyses. All sample results demonstrated slightly high method detection limits. Chemical recovery was acceptable for all samples. The Plutonium-241 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Plutonium-241 duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Plutonium-241 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. NEPTUNIUM-23 7 Samples were prepared by removing representative aliquots followed by mixed acid digestions as appropriate. Sample residues were dissolved in dilute acid and Neptunium was selectively separated using EIChroM stabilized selective resins. Neptunium was eluted, micro-precipitated and mounted on micro-porous filter media. Sample activities were determined by alpha spectroscopy using an energy specific region of interest for Neptunium-237 activity. A Neptunium-239 tracer was used for chemical yields, which was determined by beta proportional counting. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Neptunium-237 analyses. Chemical recovery was acceptable for all samples. The Neptunium-237 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Neptunium-237 duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, nonnalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Neptunium-237 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. Page 2 of 6

ANALYTICAL RESULTS CONTINUED AMERICIUM-241 Samples were prepared by removing representative aliquots followed by mixed acid digestions as appropriate. Samples were co-precipitated with Calcium Phosphate. Precipitates were nitrate converted using Nitric acid and Aluminum Nitrate. The Americium fractions were separated from other elements using the EIChroM, TRU and UTEVA resins. The separated Americium fractions were mounted on a membrane filter by micro-precipitation and counted on the alpha spectroscopy system. Analytical tracer recovery was determined using an Americium-243 standard and subsequent activity determination by alpha spectroscopy. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Americium-241 analyses. Chemical recovery was acceptable for all samples. The Americium-241 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Americium-241 duplicate demonstrated an acceptable relative percent difference and normalized difference. Results for the Americium-241 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. AMERICIUM-243 Samples were prepared by removing representative aliquots followed by mixed acid digestions as appropriate. Samples were co-precipitated with Calcium Phosphate. Precipitates were nitrate converted using Nitric acid and Aluminum Nitrate. The Americium fractions were separated from other elements using the EIChroM, TRU and UTEV A resins. The separated Americium fractions were mounted on a membrane filter by micro-precipitation and counted on the alpha spectroscopy system. Analytical tracer recovery was determined using a Curium-244 standard and subsequent activity determination by alpha spectroscopy. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Americium-243 analyses. Chemical recovery was low for laboratory fraction -06 (Client ID: B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5). Chemical recovery was acceptable for all other samples. The Americium-243 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Americium-243 duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Americium-243 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. CURIUM-243/244 Samples were prepared by removing representative aliquots followed by mixed acid digestions as appropriate. Samples were co-precipitated with Calcium Phosphate. Precipitates were nitrate converted using Nitric acid and Aluminum Nitrate. The Curium fractions were separated from other elements using the EIChroM, TRU and UTEV A resins. The separated Curium fractions were mounted on a membrane filter by micro-precipitation and counted on the alpha spectroscopy system. Analytical tracer recovery was determined using an Americium-243 standard and subsequent activity determination by alpha spectroscopy. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Curium-243/244 analyses. Chemical recovery was acceptable for all samples. The Curium-243/244 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Curium-243/244 duplicate demonstrated an acceptable relative percent difference and normalized difference. Results for the Curium-244 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. Page 3 of 6

ANALYTICAL RESULTS CONTINUED TOTAL STRONTIUM Samples were prepared by acid digestion as appropriate for the matrix. Digested samples were acidified and selectively extracted and precipitated. Precipitates were then mounted on 47mm filters. Filters were reweighed to detennine aliquot size. Sample activities were determined by gas flow proportional counting. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Total Strontium analyses. Strontium-90 is reported from Total Strontium assuming secular equilibrium. Chemical recovery was acceptable for all samples. The Total Strontium method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Total Strontium duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, nonnalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Total Strontium laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. TECHNETIUM-99 A representative aliquot was removed from each sample followed by leaching in acids. Samples were prepared by oxidative reactions with Nitric acid and Hydrogen Peroxide. After complete oxidization, Technetium was selectively extracted using EIChroM stabilized resins. Special cleanup chemistry was conducted for complete removal of interferences associated with Uranium. Processed resins were transferred to liquid scintillation vials, scintillation cocktail was added, and samples were counted by beta liquid scintillation. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Technetium-99 analyses. The Technetium-99 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Technetium-99 duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Technetium-99 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. TRITIUM A representative aliquot of each sample was equilibrated with Tritium free water. Equilibrates were transferred into round-bottomed distillation flasks and attached to single stage stills. A portion of each middle distillation fraction was transferred to a liquid scintillation vial and cocktail was added. Samples were counted by beta liquid scintillation. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Tritium analyses. The Tritium method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Tritium duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Tritium laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. CARBON-14 A representative aliquot of each sample was placed into a I-liter reaction vessel. A carbonate solution was added. Samples were oxidized using Potassium Permanganate. Carbon Dioxide was evolved and Carbon-14 was captured into Harvey brand, Carb-Sorb cocktail. Carbon-14 beta emissions were then determined by beta liquid scintillation using an energy selective region. Page 4 of 6

ANALYTICAL RESULTS CONTINUED CARBON-14 CONTINUED Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Carbon-14 analyses. The Carbon-14 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Carbon-14 duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Carbon-14 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. PROMETHIUM-147 Samples were prepared by leaching in HNO3. Aliquots were taken to near dryness. Sample residues were dissolved in deionized water. The pH of each sample was adjusted with HNO3. Samples were extracted with scintillation extractant. Organic phase of each sample was transferred to scintillation vials. Promethium-14 7 was determined by liquid scintillation counting. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Promethium-147 analyses. The Promethium-147 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Promethium-14 7 duplicate demonstrated an acceptable relative percent difference and normalized difference. Results for the Promethium-147 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. NICKEL-63 A representative aliquot of each sample was prepared by leaching in acids. Aliquots were placed into appropriately sized beakers. Stable elemental Nickel carrier was added to each sample prior to digestion. Samples were digested in concentrated Nitric acid. After digestion, each sample pH was adjusted and Nickel-63 was precipitated selectively with Dimethylglyoxime. Precipitates were selectively separated, redissolved, and residual acid was effectively neutralized. Sample residuals were placed into scintillation vials, scintillation cocktail was added, and Nickel-63 activity was determined by beta liquid scintillation. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Nickel-63 analyses. The Nickel-63 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Nickel-63 duplicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Nickel-63 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. NICKEL-59 Representative aliquots were removed from samples and placed into Petri geometry containers. Samples were counted by low-energy photon spectroscopy. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Nickel-59 analyses. The Nickel-59 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Nickel-59 replicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the lron-55 laborato1y control sample demonstrated a statistically acceptable percent recovery. Page 5 of 6

ANALYTICAL RESULTS CONTINUED IRON-55 Representative aliquots were removed from samples and placed into Petri geometry containers. Samples were counted by low-energy photon spectroscopy. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all Iron-55 analyses. The Iron-55 method blank demonstrated an acceptable result. Results for the Iron-55 replicate demonstrated a high relative percent difference; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Iron-55 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. GAMMA SPECTROSCOPY Samples for Gamma Spectroscopy analysis were prepared by transferring a known mass of each homogenized sample to a standard geometry container. Samples were counted on High Purity Germanium (HPGe) gamma ray detectors. Samples demonstrated acceptable results for all gamma-emitting radionuclides as reported. Cobalt-60 results for laboratory fraction -08 (Client ID: B2-08201-CJWC-A0 18-CV 0 0-0 5) demonstrated a slightly high method detection limit. The method blank demonstrated acceptable results for all radionuclides as reported. Results for the Bismuth-214 and Potassium-40 replicate demonstrated an acceptable relative percent difference and normalized difference. Results for the Thorium-234 replicate demonstrated a high relative percent; however, normalized difference is within acceptable limits for the analytical technique. Results for the Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137 laboratory control sample demonstrated an acceptable percent recovery. CERTIFICATION OF ACCURACY I certify that this data report is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Purchase Order, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the cognizant project manager or his/her ( _ ** ~ac te as verified by the following signature. M.R. McDougall Laboratory Manager Date: 11/13/2019 Eberline Analytical wants and encourages your feedback regarding our performance providing radioanalytical services. Please visit to provide us with feedback on our services. Page 6 of 6

Printed: 5/7/2020 9:24 PM Page 1 of 19 ReE_orf To: Work Order Details: Gerald Wood SOG* 20-04072 Eberline Analytica l I Zion Solutions-~-"-~ Purchase Order: 677116 -- ------1 Final Report of Analysis


2701 Deborah Ave _-_---_--------------1-,_A_n_;,,L,Y~i.'i_c;t~g;ry;*-****EN~~~ONMENTAL Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: SO Lab ID Sample Type Client ID I Sample Date Receipt Date Analysis Date Batch ID Analyte Method Result CU CSU MDA Qualifier Report Units 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Americium-241 EML Am-01 Modified 5.55E+OO 1.66E-01 , pCi/g 20-04072-01 , LCS KNOWN 04/25/2000:00 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Americium-241 EMLAm-01 Modified 5.47E+OO _ 1.01E+OO ---1.10E+OO - 1.40E-01 pCi/g 20-04072-01 ' LCS  : SPIKE 20-04072-02 MBL BLANK 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Americium-241--

  • EML Am-01 Modified** - - --6.96E~02 **
  • 7.57E-02  : 7.59E-02 i 9.09E-02 u*-- - -- pCj/g. *
                                    *--s,:06202A-FSWC-040-CV             06/18/1810:30    '4/25/2020       4/30/2020   20-04072         ;;;;;;;cium-241               EMLAm-01 Modified        __ 7.52E-02***-*a:00E~2 _____ 8.02E-02                            1.11E   ___ u          pCi/g      ----1
          ~:03 - - __D_lJ~ -

06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 : Americium-241 EMLAm-01 Modified 6.44E-02 8.10E-02 8.12E-02 1.29E-01 U pCi/g 072-04 DO B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV -*--**-*-~,.** --**-**"-' *-- ~ 4.60E-02 1.37E-01 U pCi/g TRG 81-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/18 15:15 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Americium-241 EML Am-01 Modified -4.34E-04 4.60E-02 20-04072-05 . 20-0407i:o6* TRG ' 82-08101A:SJFC-007-CVOO:o5*--- 05/09/12 14:22  : 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 ' Americium-241 EML Am-01 Modified 4.23E-02 5'.'-iiic:02 5.14E-02 ---6.24E-02 u ' pCi/g 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Americium-241 EML Am-01 Modified 2.06E-02  : 5.15E-02 5.16E-02 1.07E-01 U pCi/g

  *20:04072-07         TRG             B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 5-1 0 1.27E-01         U          pCi/g 2~04072=08 7

TRG-, 82-08201-CJWC-A018-CV00- 05 05/10/1212:56 , 4/25/2020 4/30/2020. 2():04072. -A~ericium-241 ** iML,,;,;:;;~01M;;-dtfi;d -1.29E-02-: 4.50E-02 4.50E-02 I '- 1.73E-02 i 5.61E-02 5.61E-02 1.16E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG 82-08201-CJWC-A018-CVO 5-1 0 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Americium-241 EMLAm-01 Modified 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A___ 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 4/30/202Ci" 20-04072 ,,;,;:;;;;,;~;~;;;:241 EML Am-01 Modified I 3.36E-02 , 5.17E-02**+-*;;;:;-~:02 8.85E-02 i U pCi/g r**u ' ' pCi/g 20-04072-1*;-*'*

 , 20-04072-12
                      -TRG             L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A TRG---- *-L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/19 10:25       4/25/2020 ' 4/30/2020 08/14/1913:30-, 4/25/2020' 4/30/2020 20-04072          Americium-241 20-04072**;;:;;;;;;;cium-241 EML l\;;;=01 Modified EMLAm-01 Modified 6.61 E-02. .           6:iiii:02 . " *-;,-:79E:02 4.47E-02""6-:-86E:o:1*~~- 6.87E-02 9.05E-oi"

____rn2E-01 u ---i pCi/g I

                  *r            ,                                                          :                                                                                                                                                                                .

04/25/20 00:00  : 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Americium-243 EML Am-01 Modified 6.05E+OO , 1.82E-01  : pCi/g 20-04072-01 i LCS KNOWN 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Americium-243 EML*;;;;:a,*M~dified 5.41E+OO  : 7.46E-01 1.10E+OO 9.62E-02 pCi/g 20-04072-01 LCS -----SPIKE 20-04072-02 : ,,, -MBL BLANK 04/25/20 00:00  : 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 ' 20-04072 : Americium-243 EML Am-01 Modified 5.60E-02 6~78E=ai'""" 6.83E-02 8.26E-02 u pCi/g 20-04072-03 DUP _ 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 f 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072

  • Americium-243 EML Am-01 Modified 7.10E-02 i 7.33E-02 7.40E-02 7.74E-02 U pCi/g 06/18/1810:30
  • 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Americium-243 EML Am-01 Modified 2.85E-02 ' 6.17E-02 6.18E-02 1.22E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-04 DCl~06202A-FSWC-04 0-CV 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 : *:;;;;;ericium-243 EMLAm-01 Modified 4.43E-02 5.81E-02 5.84E-02 8.86E-02 U pCi/g ---

~04072-05 TRG

  • 81-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 05/09/1214:22 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 . Americium-243 EML Am-01 Modified 2.02E-01 3.46E-01 3.47E-01 6.07E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-06 TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CVO 0-0 5 05/09/1214:22 4/25/2020 i 4/30/2020 20-04072 Americium-243 EMLAm-01 Modified 5.82E-02 7.03E-02 7.09E-02 8.58E-02 U ' pCi/g 20-04072-07 TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV05-1 0 20-04072-08 7 - TRG___ 82-08201-CJWC-A018-CV00- 05 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020, 4/30/2020 20-04072 ' __ Americium-243- -~ EMLAm-01 Modified 1.14E~ 1.16E-01 1.17E-01  : 1.56E-01 U pCi/g 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 . Americium-243 EMLAm-01 Modified 6.77E-02  ! 7.96E-02 8.03E-02 1.17E-01 U pC_i~ig_ _,

, 20-04072-09 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05- 10 05/10/1212:56 05/07/19 07:45 _ 4/25/2020 4/30/2020- 20-~?_2~*---'--- Americium-243 EMLAm-01 Modified 1.41E-02 3.38E-02 3.39E-02--~,- 7.10E-02 U pCi/~-- 20-04072-10 TRG_____ L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 08/21/1910:25 4/25/2020, 4/30/2020 20-04072: Americium-243 EMLAm-01 Modified -1.41E-02 3.49E-02 3.50E-02 9.95E-02 U pCi/g 20-04072-11 TRG  ; L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 i Americium-243 EMLAm-01 Modified -2.63E-02 4.75E-02 4.77E-02 1.46E-01 U pCi/g 20:04072-12 TRG ,,___ L1=12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal ( ~ EBERL INE ANALYTICAL EBERLINE ANALYTICAL CORPORATION 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/483-4621

Printed: 5/7/2020 9:23 PM Page 2 of 19 Rep_ort To: Work Order Details: SDG.* 20-04072

                                                                                                                                                                                               *l-Gerald Wood Eberline Analytica l Final Report of Analysis Lab         Sample                      Client                          I


                                                                                                           ~   ' :    ~


  • A ve Analysis Batch
                                                                                                                                                        .   .      .       . A naIyte I
a;::EZ M h d et o R

677116 ENVIRONMENTAL so esu It CU CSU M DA Q . uahfier :

  • Report Units ID Type ID Date Date Date ID 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Curium-243/244 EML Am-01 Modified 5.99E+00 1.08E-01 pCilg 20-04072*01 ! LCS KNOWN 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020 4/30/2020
  • 20-::-04072 Curium-243/244 EML Am-01 Modified .* 5.83E+00  : 1.07E+00 1.28E+00 1.07E-01 pCilg l-~0_:?~?.72-01 i LCS ' SPIKE 4/30/2020 20-04072 , Curium-243/244 EMLAm-01 Modified 1.14E-01
  • 9.99E-02 1.01E-01 1.14E-01 pCi/g f 20-04072-02 . MBL  : BLANK 0412512000:00 , 4125/2020
  • 4.96E-02  : 9.78E-02 i U pCi/g --

I 20-04072-03 ' DUP B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/18 10:30 4125/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Curium-243/244 EML Am-01 Modified 2.29E-o£*** 4.96E-02 06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/30/2020

  • 20-04072 Curium-243/244 EML Am-01 Modified 2.12E-02 4.60E-02  : 4.60E-02 9.08E-02 ' U pCi/g 20-04072-04 ' DO B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV -**
                                                            -*** *************-.**~"*"'

05/05/1815:15 i 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Curium-243/244 EMLAm-01 Modified 3.47E-02 6.62E-02 6.63E-02 1.22E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV


I 05/09112_:_4;~~' 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Curium-243/244 EML Am-01 Modified 1.24E-02 2.98E-02 *-* 2.98E-02 6.24E-02 / U po~04072-06 TRG

  • B2-08101A-BJFC-007-C_':I_ 0 0-0 5
  ~0-04072-07        TRG           B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV05:.! 0                      05/0~/1_~~4:22              4/25/202~*-**'.'1:30/2020 ..._20-04072                 Curium:~~3/~~. ,.                     EMLAm-01 Modified_ ..                  1      8.35E-02          7.99E-02         8.06E-02             8.57E-02                       U                      pCi/g 05/10/1212:56           : 4/25/2020           4/30/2020    20-04072               Curium-243/244                        EMLAm-01 Modified                      ;      4.05E-02          6.63E-02         6.64E-02       i     1.16E-01                       U                      pCi/g 20-04072-08       TRG           B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV00-05 20-04072-09 :     TRG      **-B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 05-10                          0511011212:56           ' 4/2512020           4130/2020    20-04072               Curium-243/244                        EMLAm-01 Modified                  ~:02..                   ***:;::-25E-02-***-*7~30E-02              1.05E-01                       U                      pCi/g*-

20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001=SM-A .... ?5!?7119 07:45 .4/25/2020 4/30/2020 ' 20-04072 Curium-243/244 EML A;;;-:O1.Modi~ld~--' ~-1~3I:aI* *-4~ijf021... ;;:;*iiE=o2 8.65E-02 u pCi/g 08/2111910:25  : 4/25/2020 4130/2020 20-04072 . Curium-2431244 EMLAm-01 Modified 2.31E-02 4.97E-02 4.98E-02 9.66E-02 U pCilg 20-04072-11 TRG  : L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A ,,,~---~---~ __ ,_,,_*.,,~ ' """ f-----------* *-*---- TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 0811411913:_3?*...

  • 412512020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Curium-243/~.~-* EMLArn:?:.!'1odified .....*. ___ '.::_5_.9_1=,~02 7.04E:?,.~ ..*.*. 7.06.§:02 1.05E-01 i U pCi/g 20-04072-12 I . .~.. . KNOWN 04/25/20 00:00 4125/2020 4127/2020 20-04072 Carbon-14 EPA520.0 Modified 1.32E+03 3.70E+01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .1 pCilg 20-04072-01       LCS l  20-04072-01       LCS           SPIKE                 **-                          04125120 00:00             4125/2020.. 4/27/2020 . 20-04072                           c_~,:t:?n-14
  • EPA 520.0 Modified EPA 520.0 Modified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -3.73E-01 9.67E+00 4.65E-01 1.81 E+02 4.68E-01 I 4.08E+00 7.99E-01                       U pCi/g pCi/g 20-04072-02       MBL           BLANK                                              04/25/20 00:00             4/25/2020          4/27/2020    20-04072                    Carbon-14 U                      pCi/g 20-04072-03 ,

20-04072-04 . DUP B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV DO **:****;:;J~~202A-FSWC-040-C V 06/18/1810:30 06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 ' 20-04072 ' Carbon-14 Carbon-14 EPA520.0 Modified EPA~~?:.~_1".lodified

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        . -5.57E-01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          . 3.64E-01 3.70§:01 3.72E-01 3.75E-01 6.32E-01 6.39E-01 --:**               ***u*-*                  pCi/g                 I 20-04072-05       TRG
  • B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020 4/28/2020 20-04072 Carbon-14 EPA520.0 Modified -6.32E-01 3.49E-01 3.60E-01 6.09E-01 i U pCi/g 20-04072-06 TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV00-05 05/09/1214:22 4/25/2020' 4/28/2020. 20-04072 : Carbon-14 EPA520.0 Modified -456E=o1***:* 3.63E-01 3.69E-01--~* 6.28E-01 i U pCi/g 1---*- .... . ..

05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/28/2020 20-04072 Carbon-14 EPA 520.0 Modified -2.87E-01 4.0~§:_01 4.04E-01 6.91 E-01 U pCilg 20-04072-07 TRG '. B2-08101A-BJFC-00~:_<:_V 0 5-1 0 05/10/12 12:56 4/25/2020 4/28/2020 20-04072 Carbon-14 EPA 520.0 Modified -6.71 E-01 3.91 E-01 4.02E-01 , 6.81 E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-08 TRG , B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 0-0 5 pCi/g I 20-04072-09 TRG  ! B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-10 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/28/2020 20-04072 Carbon-14 ***-EPA520.0Modified -5.32E-O~9E:01 3.77E-01 6.41E-01 U  ! 20-04072-10

  • TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 4/28/2020 : 20-04072 : Carbon-14 EPA520.0 Modified -4.72E-01 3.76E-01 3.81E-01 6.50E-01 i U i pCVg 08/21/1910:25 4/25/2020 4/28/2020 20-04072
  • Carbon-14 *- . EPA520.0 Modifi;d -4.92E~o1**-* 3.91E-01 3.97E-01 6.77E-01 U  : pCi/g 20-04072-11 j TRG , l1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 20-04072-12 i TRG ' L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30 4/25/2020 4/28/2020 20-04072j Carbon-14 . ~520.0 Modified -3.28E-01 3.68E-01 3.71E-01 i 6.33E-01 j U pCi/g Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal


Printed: 5/7/2020 9:23 PM Page 3 of 19 ReE_ort To: Work Order Details: Gerald Wood SOG: 20-04072 Eberline Analytical 1,,,______ Zion ,,,,,, Solutions _ _ _ ,,,,,,,,,,, Purchase Order 677116 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave Analysis

                                                                                                                                                                                        , ,,,,,,,_t_,,_,,,_



Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: SO Lab ID Sample Date Receipt Date Analysis Date Batch ID Analyte I Method Result CU CSU MDA Qualifier Report Units 20-04072-01  : 04/25/20 00:00 4125/202 lron-55 EML Fe-01-01 Modified 4,08E+03 3,50E+02 04/25120 00:00 4/, lron-55 EML Fe-01-01 Modified 3A1E+03 2,32E+02 6,33E+02 2,51E+02 pCi/g ___04125120 00:00

                                                                                       -,,;::_c~=-..:,:,:=__;___:::==_:___;_==-=---=:._c,     __:::::,c,,,,,,_,,,, ___;_l_ro,__;_n_-5_5 _ _ ,I- EML Fe-01-01 Modified                                  5,18E+00       1,92E+01      1,92E+01            3,01E+01                        u U        pCilg 1 --~-----

DUP 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 06/18/18 10:3C ,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,,,, lron-55 EML Fe-01-01 Modified 3,19E-02 U1E-01 U1E-01 2,15E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-04 DO 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18118 10:30 20-04072 lron-55 EML Fe-01-01 Modified -3,00E-02 1A1E-01 1A1E-01 2,23E-01 u 81-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05105/1815:15 20-04072 lron-55 EML Fe-01-01 Modified 6,56E-02 L89E-01 1,89E-01 3,14E-01 u U 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 20-04072 lron-55 EML Fe-01-01 Modified 7,56E-01 2,76E+00 2,76E+00 4A6E+00 u U pCi/g 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 5-1 0 I 05/09112 14:22 05/0! 4/2912020_,,, 20-04072_ lron-55 EML Fe-01-01 Modified -U6E+00 2,08E+00 2,10E+00 3,04E+00 u U pCilg u ___,_,_~---- 82-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 0-0 5 82-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 5-1 0 I 05/10/1212:56 05/1( 05110/12 12:56 4125/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 4129/2020 , 20-04072 lron-55 lron-55 EML Fe-01-01 Modified EML Fe-01-01 Modified

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -U9E-01 L34E+00 3,22E+00 2,55E+00 3,22E+00 2,56E+00 5,12E+00 4,30E+0C U

u pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG 20-04072-10 , TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05107/19 07:45 4/2912020 20-04072 lron-55 EML Fe-01-01 Modified 5,91E-02 6,71E-02 6,79E-02 U5E-01 u 20-04072-11 TRG  ; L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/19 10:25 4/2912020 20-04072 lron-55 EML Fe-01-01 Modified  ! -1,82E-02 3,86E-01 3,86E-01 6,15E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-12 TRG

                          ----L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A                                  08114119 13:30          4/25/2020      4129/2020     20-04072                    lron-55                        EML Fe-01-01 Modified
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~------                                        I   L85E-01 ,      2,37E-01
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,  2,39E-01

_____ ,,_/ ____,,,,, - - - - -U 4,04E-01 , pCilg --~,,


LCS KNOWN 1 04/25/20 00:00 4/2512020 4130/2020 20-04072 Tritium LANL ER:210M~difi~d 1i61E:;,02

  • U0E+01 * '"--~

pCi/g 20-04072 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified ' 3,69E+02 6,96E+00 2,18E+01 3,62E+00 pCi/g


LCS SPIKE 04125/20 00:00 4/25/2020 4/3012020 =*c* -- 04125/20 00:00 4125/2020

  • 4/3012020 20-04072 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified i-2-,0-5_E_+_OO_ _ _ 2,16E+00 _ _ __

_ ___,_2,16E+00 3.62E+00 u MBL BLANK , ___ ,_,.,,,,_,_." DUP  : B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV I 06/18/1810:30 4125/2020, 4130/2020 20-04072 Tritium ,,,_ LANL ER-210 Modified -i,--,1,85E+OO 2,36E+00 2.37E+00 3,98E+00 u DO

  • B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CVI I_ -~18/1810:30 06/18/18 10:30 4/25/2020 4/30/202(

4/30/2020 20-04072 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified 3,70E+00 2A2E+00 2.42E+00 3,98E+00 u  !:.~_ii~-- TRG B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV I 05/05118 15:15 4/25/2020 511/2020 20-04072 Tritium f LANL ER-210 Modified 3,86E+00 2A0E+00 2A1E+00 3,94E+00 u pCilg T u II B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 0-0 5 05/09/1214:22 05/09112 14:22  : 4/25/2020 , 5/1/2020 20-04072 Tritium LANL ER-210 Modified_,____4,-9-7E_+_o_o~1-----, 3A3E+00 3A4E+00 5,67E+00 pCilg TRG TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 5-1 0 05/09/12 14:22 4/2512020 5/1/2020 20-04072 Tritium _LA_N_L_ER_-_2_10_M_o_difi_1e_d__+-j_6_,3_5_E+_0_0--i-------<-- 5.68E+00 5,69E+00 9A8E+00

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ---~-------'----~----'--'----I u         pCi/g TRG        B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 0-0              5               05110/12 12:56          4/25/2020      511/2020     20-04072                     Tritium                        LANL ER-210 Modified i 4,02E+00                               3,34E+00      3,35E+00              5-56E+00                      u        pCi/g I 05/10/12 12:56 : 4125/2020 , 5/11202                                               Tritium                   I    LANL ER-210 Modified                        J   6A1E+00     1 3A6E+00       3.47E+00              5.64E+00                               pCi/g
                                                           ----- -- II TRG        B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 5-1 0                                                                   5/112020     20-04072
                                                           -----*=                      05/07/19 07:45          4125/2020      5/1/2020     20-04072- *.                 Tritium                        LANL ER-210 Modified                            2,74E+00       2-28E+00     2.28E+00              3,79E+00                      u         pCi/g TRG        L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A TRG        L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A                              I   08121/1910:25           4125/2020      511/2020     20-04072          ---        Tritium                        LANL ER-210 Modified                            8-51E+00       2,36E+00      2.41E+00             3,67E+00 pCi/g 172-12     TRG        L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A                              I   08/1411913:30           4/2512020      51112020      20-04072                    Tritium                   I    LANL ER-210 Modified                            1.50E+00       2,16E+00      2,16E+00             3.64E+00                      u         pCilg CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonmal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect


Printed: 5/7/2020 9:23 PM Page 4 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Gerald Wood SDG. 20-04072 Eberline Analytical -sw**-~w~~ Zion Solutions ~,, _ , , ________


Purchase Order:



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,,,nmv*,--,*-*---*                                        _,,,                                 *- ---*-

Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave ,, .,,.,_,, ., Analysis Category: _ ENVIRONMENTAL ""*-**-**-*~-m '""" so

                                                                                                                       *-**,_,,,_,,,,,,   mo*>m~"                                  --*** - * ' " " * - - - _ _ _,__,

Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Date Analysis Date Batch ID Analyte Method I! Result cu CSU MDA

  • Qualifier Report Units ID Type . ID Date  :

~ 20-04072-01

  • LCS
                                ,,  ,.,,,     KNOWN 04/25/20 00:00                     4/25/2020       4/28/2020                 20-04072 20-04072
  • lron-55 lron-55 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 4.08E+03 3.05E+03 3.50E+02 2.42E+02 3.20E+02 2.94E+02

pCi/g pCi/g 20-04072-01 LCS SPIKE 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020 4128/2020 .... ************-*** .......*..... ) 20-04072-02 MBL BLANK 04/25/20,,,,.,,_,,, ________ 00:00,,,, i 4/25/2020 4/2812020 20-04072 Nickel-59 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified ___-2.65E+00 1.49E+01 1.49E+01 2.28E+01 u pCi/g

                                                                    -   ,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, _____ ,,,,,_,,                                                               *m,,-,****--                                            ,,,.,,,.,,,,.

20-04072-03 DUP B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/18 10:30 4/25/2020 4/28/2020 20-04072 Nickel-59 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified -2.89E-02 ,,,,,,, __ 7.41E-02

  • 7.41E-02 1.11E-01 u pCi/g
                                                                                                                                                                                                            -*-*                                             -~*

20-04072-04 DO B 1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/18 10:30  : 4/25/2020 4/2812020 20-04072 Nickel-59 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.46E-02 7.26E-02 7.27E-02 1.15E-01 u ---****- pCi/g

                                                                        .,,, .,, _,_,    ...          "  --- ~-**--                                                                                    . ***----                                              ..., ...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -4.18E-03                        9.97E-02           9.97E-02                 . 1.53E-01 U               .        pCi/g 20-04072-05               TRG            B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV                                                          05105/18 15:15                  ' 4125/2020        4128/2020                  20-04072                  Nickel-59                              ASTM 3500-Ni Modified
                                                                                    """----***-------*-*-                                                                                                                                                                                                        --------                                                                                           _,_,,__,_,_,_~,N~-,-m                  ,_,_,._*-,-~-,-.*~

20-04072-06 TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/2512020 4/2812020 20-04072 Nickel-59 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.10E-02 2.98E-01 2.98E-01 4.67E-01 u pCi/g B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 5-1 0 05109/12 14:22

  • 4/2512020 4/29/2020 20-04072 j Nickel-59 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 7.38E-02 1.97E-01 1.97E-01 3.17E-01 u  : pCilg 20-04072-07

---**---*--s***** TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 0-0 5 05/10/12 12:56 4125/2020 4129/2020 20-04072 i Nickel-59 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.08E-01 3.31E-01 3.31E-01 ' 5.28E-01 u pCi/g 20-04072-08 TRG

                                                                                                                    --                                                                                                                                                                                                    *-- .                                        2.76E-01          2.76E-01                       4.38E-01                          u                        pCilg 20-04072-09               TRG            B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV                                        0 5-1 0            05/10112 12:56                    4/2512020       4/2912020                  20-04072                  Nickel-59                               ASTM 3500-Ni Modified                                    3.79E-02
                                                                                                                                                                                                            -*----                                       ,._,m                                                                               *-                                        -------*-**

pCilg 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05107119 07:45 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 Nickel-59 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified -6.28E-03 4.68E-02 4.68E-02

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ---~*~~*--*--<-*~ ***-'*U 7.12E-02
  • Y****-*m * * ************ *~*~~*

L 1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/19 10:25 i 412512020 4129/2020 20-04072 Nickel-59 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.80E-01 2.62E-01 2.63E-01 4.32E-01 U pCilg 20-04072-11 TRG -****--**-

                                          *     --------~-*--*-*---------*------**-                                                                                              4/2912020                 20-04072                  Nickel-59                               ASTM 3500-Ni Modified                                   -1.36E-01                         1.78E-01           1.78E-01                      2.52E-01                           u                       pCi/g 20-04072-12
  • TRG j L 1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14119 13:30 4125/2020 j

i ... ,._ .. ***- ......... ****-*** 04125/20 00:00 4/25/2020 4130/2020 20-04072 : Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.46E+03 4.39E+01 i pCilg 20-04072-01 LCS KNOWN

                                          .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ASTM 3500-Ni Modified                                    1.48E+03                         9.06E+00          8.76E+01                       2.19E+00                                                   pCi/g 20-04072-01
  • LCS SPIKE 04/25/20 00:00  : 4125/2020 4130/2020 20-04072 Nickel-63 1.28E+00 2.22E+00 u
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -pCilg 20-04072-02                MBL           BLANK                                                                           04/25/20 00:00                  i 4/2512020
  • 4/30/2020 20-04072 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified -8.58E-01 1.28E+00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        **----**-,n,.,.,.. .,,_,,.,

i 20-04072-03 DUP B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06118118 10:30 i 4/25/20~?~*.~/3012020 20-04072 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 9.36E-01 1.30E+00 1.31E+00 2.20E+00 u pCi/g 20-04072-04 DO . B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/18 10:30 4/2512020 4/3012020 20-04072 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 1.45E+00 1.32E+00 1.32E+00 2.20E+00 u pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/18 15:15 4125/2020 4130/2020

  • 20-04072 ' Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 2.70E-01 1.37E+00 1.37E+00 2.33E+00 u pCi/g
                                           *                                                                                                                                                                                                                      *-     -                                                                                                                                                                    I 20-04072-06
  • TRG  ! B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 0-0 5 05109112 14:22 4/25/2020 4130/2020 20-04072 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 4.56E-01 1.39E+00 1.39E+00 l 2.36E+00 u pCi/g 20-04072-07
  • TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV0 5-1 0 05/09/12 14:22 I 412512020
  • 413012020 20-04072 j Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 7.46E-01 1.42E+00 i 1.42E+00 2.41E+00 u pCilg 20-04072-08 ; TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 0-0 5

05/10/12 12:56 l 412512020 4130/2020 20-04072 j Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -6.62E-01                        1.41E+00          1.41E+00                       2.44E+00                           u                        pCi/g 20-04072-09               TRG            B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 5-1 0                                                   05/10112 12:56                   4/2512020        4/3012020                  20-04072 i               Nickel-63                               ASTM 3500-Ni Modified                                     5.54E-01                        1.41E+00           1.41E+00                      2.38E+00                           u                        pCilg 20-04072-10 :             TRG            L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A                                                         05107119 07 :45                   4/25/2020 : 4/30/2020                      20-04072               ! Nickel-63                               ASTM 3500-Ni Modified                                    -1.73E-01                        1.30E+00           1.30E+00                      2.24E+00

u pCilg 20-04072-11 TRG L 1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08121/19 10:25 4/2512020 4130/2020 20-04072 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified 7.13E-01 1.36E+00 1.36E+00 I 2.30E+00 u pCi/g 20-04072-12 TRG L 1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/19 13:30 4125/2020 4/3012020 20-04072 Nickel-63 ASTM 3500-Ni Modified I -1.09E+00 1.24E+00 1.24E+00 2.16E+00  ! u pCi/g CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=No rmal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect ( ~ EBERLINE ANALYTICAL EBERLINE ANALYTICAL CORPORATION 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/483-4621

Printed: 5/7/2020 9:23 PM Page 5 of 19 ReE_ort To: Work Order Details: Gerald Wood SDG: 20-04072 Eberline Analytical I Zion Solutions Purchase Order:: 677116 i---------"--*--~--~-~- --1--A~~ly~;~_Category* :_____ ENVIRON_MENTAC _____ - -*- -----*-*-**-*- Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave Zion, IL 60099 Samp/e Matrix: ' SO Lab ID Sample Type Client ID I Sample Date Receipt Date Analysis Date Batch ID A lyt na e I M hO d et I R I

                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~t CU CSU MDA           Q    rn 1

ua ,er Report Units 20-04072-01 LCS KNOWN 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 Neptunium-237 EIChroM ACW08 Mod i 1.02E+01 3.67E-01 pCilg 20-04-072-01 LCS SPIKE . ****-- 04/25/20 00:00 ' 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-0407:i Neptuniu,;;--237 EIChroM ACW08 Mod 1.17E+01 _____ 9.71 E-01 1.67E+OO  : 1.19E-01 pCi/g *-- 20-04072-02 MBL BLANK ...... 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020-- 4/29/2020 20~04072 Nept~~ium:237 .. ** -* E1Ch;~M-ACW08 Mod 5.84E-02 8.35E-02  : 8.37E-02 1.37E-01 , U pCi/g 20-04072-03 DUP B1:06202A-FSWC-040-CV --* 06/18/18 10:30 4/25/2020 4/29/2020***-20:04072 --* Neptunium-237 EIChroM ACW08 Mod -2.75E-03 3.22E-02 3.22E-02 1 6.75E-02 ' U pCi/g 20-04072-04 DO B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/18 10:30 ' 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 Neptunium-237 EIChroM ACW08 Mod 4.76E-02 5.74E-02 i 5.76E-02 7.02E-02 U pCi/g 2.94E-02  ; 4:98E=02-- - 4.99E-02 8.80E=o2* u - pCVg 20-04072-05 ; __ 20-04072-06 TRG TRG I B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV00-05 05/05/18 15:15

                                                                                        -*** 05/09/1214:22
                                                                                                                . 4/25/2020 i 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 ; .. Neptunium-2:37 20-04~7_2._     Neptunium-237 EIChroM ACW08 Mod EIChroMACW08Mod         7.53E-02        7.65E-02         7.70E-02       1.03E-01            U          pCi/g         I 20-04072-07                 TRG      B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 5-1 0                       05/09/12 14:22      ._4__12.~l~02CJ __4!29/2020     20-Cl4__Cl!2_
  • Neptunium-23! EIChroM ACW08 Mod 4.84E-02 _, __5-.93E-02 6.95E-02  : 1.14E-01 U pCi(Q__ _

20-04072-08 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV00-05

                                           ""'                             ---------         05/10/1212:56       . 4/25/2020       4/29/2020
  • 20-04072 Neptunium-237
                                                                                                                                                                                    ----  EIChroMACW08Mod         4.18E-02 4.72E-02 5.04E-02 7.22E-02 5.07E-02 7.24E-02 6.17E-02

_ 1.23E-01 U U pCi/g pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG  : B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CVO 5-1 0 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 . Neptunium-237 EIChroM ACW08 Mod 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 4/29/2020*---*20:04012** Neptunium-237 EIChroM-ACW08 Mod 7.03E-02 . 6.64E-02 --6.69E=o2*-.----8.17E-02 ' U pCi/g

  • 20-04072-11 :

20-04072-12 . TRG TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/19 10:25 4/25/2020 08/14/1913:30 ______ 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 20-04072 Neptunium-237

  • Neptunium-237
                                                                                                                                                                                        - EIChr~MACW08 Mod EIChroM ACW08 Mod 4.14E-02 1.52E-02 4:99E-02 5.68E-02 5.01 E-02 5.68E-02 6.1 OE-02 1.23E-01 U

pCi/g pCi/g I 20-04072-01 LCS KNOWN 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 , Promethium-147 EML Pm-01 Modified 5.99E+01 1.62E+OO I ' i pCi/g

    *20-04072-01                 LCS      SPIKE                                              04/25/20 00:00         4/25/2020      4/29/2020     20-04072        Promethium-147**** -E-ML Pm-01 Modified          5.89E+01        1.77E+OO     ,   9.02E+OO    :  1.51E+OO      :                 pCi/g
    ~0:_04()72-02                MBL      BLANK                     ____ ..*.                04/25/20 00:00         4/25/2020      4/29/2020  i  20-04072        Promethium-147            EML Pm-01 Modified     5.01E-01        8.91E-01    .....~:~4__1c:01    1.51E+OO            U           pCi/g 20-04072-03                  DUP      B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV                              06/18/1810:30          4/25/2020 ' 4/29/2020        20-04072        Promethium-147            EML Pm-01 Modified     1.47E+OO        1.41E+OO     :   1.43E+OO    I  2.36E+OO            U           pCi/g 20-04072-04                   DO      B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV                              06/18/1810:30          4/25/2020: 4/29/2020         20-04072 , Promethium-147                 EML Pm-01 Modified     1.63E+OO      . 1.46E+OO     I   1.48E+OO       2.44E+OO             U          pCiig**-

t20-04072-05 TRG __ B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:1_5_ 4/25/2()20 4/30/2020 _2CJ:~_Cl!2.. Promethium-147 EML Pm-01 Modified 1.38E+_CJCJ__ . 1.52E+OO .,.. 1.53E+OO 2.55E+OO U pCi/g 20-04072-06 TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O_ 0-0 5__ ___()5109/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Prom_ethium-147 EML Pm-01 Modified 1.34E+01 ___ 7.541c+OO 7.80E+OO _J 1.24E+01 pCi/g 20-04072-07 TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CVO 5-1 0 05/09/1214:22 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Promethium-147 EML Pm-01 Modified 1.17E+01 7.08E+OO 7.30E+OO 1.17E+01 U pCi/g

---~CJ::_()_4()?_2_:CJ_~---      TRG      B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV00-05                         05/10/1212:56          4/25/2020. 4/30/2020         20-04072        Promethium-147       ... EMLPm-01 Modified      7.99E+OO        7.19E+OO         7.29E+OO     ) 1.20E+01             U          pCi/g _____ _
~--04072-09 .                    TRG      B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV O 5-1 0                      05/10/12 12:56         4/25/2020 . 4/30/2020 ' 20-04072             Promethium-147            EML Pm-01 Modified     1.1 OE+01       7 .27E+OO        7.46E+OO       1.20E+01             U          pCi/g 20-04072-10                 TRG      L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A                            05/07/19 07:45         4/25/2020      4/30/2020      20-04072       Promethium-147            EML Pm-01 Modified     9.09E-01        1.18E+OO     ,   1.19E+OO       1.99E+OO             U          pCi/g 20-04072-11            1 TRG      L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A                            08/21/1910:25          4/25/2020       4/30/2020     20-04072       Promethium-147            EML Pm-01 Modified     1.66E+OO      : 1.14E+OO     i   1.17E+OO       1.90E+OO             U          pCi/_g_

20-04072-12 TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A I 08/14/1913:30 i 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Promethium-147 ] EML Pm-01 Modified I 7.42E-02 1.04E+OO  ! 1.04E+OO i 1.78E+OO U pCi/g CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=No nnal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect ( ~ EBERLINE ANALYTICAL EBERLINE ANALYTICAL CORPORATION 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/483-4621

Printed: 5/7/2020 9:23 PM Page 6 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Eberline Analytical - G_eraldWo_od Zion Solutions Purchase Order: Sl)(;- -~Q~Q4_0_7_2_ __ 677116 Final Re ort of Anal sis -- 2701 Deborah Ave ------------ Analysis Categ;;;;---E-N_V_I_RO_N_M_E_N_T_A_L________.__**-****-----*--*****--- p y ----- - ---- ...-*--***--**-------..-** * *---** *--*-* ..... . * * - - - - - - - - - - -..*- -*** ................... ,........................ Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: SO Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch Anal te Method Result CU CSU MDA Qualifier . Report ID Type ID Date Date Date ID y  : , Units 20-04072-01 j LCS , KNOWN 04/25/20 00:00  : 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-238 EML Pu-02 Modified 7.13E+OO 1.50E-01  :

  • pCi/g 20-04072-01 LCS
  • SPIKE 04/25/20 00:00 : 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-238 EML Pu-02 Modified 5.64E+OO 7.02E-01 ' 8.87E-01  : 1.36E-01 pCi/g I 20-0-4-07-2--0-2~, .... MBL-. - BLANK -- ---- ... ---+-0..4.. 0-i..4-/-25***1*2*0**2**0****.. ****4***,*3*****0***1**2****0****2**-o* . ******2**0**_**04*****0*1****2*****-****** Plutonium::,iis
                                                                                                    /2*5**-12**0*****0**0--:0..                                                                                                                                              ..            2..M_o_d-ified u--0..

EML_P.. -1.22E-02  ; 5.21 E-02 5.21 E-02 1.45E-01 U pCi/g 20--04072-03 DUP 81-::06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 i 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072-- Plutonium-238-- EML Pu-02 Modified 7.21E-02 i 9.43E-02 , 9.45E-02 1.52E-01  : U pCi/g 20-04072-04 , DO *- 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 . 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-238 EML Pu-02 Modified -- 5.50E-02  ! 7.41E-02 7.42E-02 1.16E-01 U i pCi/g 20-04072-05 __,_ TRG ' 06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-238 EML Pu-02 Modified -2.76E-03 i 3.23E-02 3.23E-02 6.77E-02 U  ! pCi/g 20-04072-06 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22  ! 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-238 EML Pu-02 Modified -8.11E-03 4.81 E-02 4.81 E-02 1.14E-01 U , pCi/g 20-04072-07 TRG ****- B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 5-1 0 05/09/12 14:22  : 4/25/2020 ' 4/30/2020 , 20-04072 ' Plutonium-238 EML Pu-02 Modified -1.77E-02 4.37E-02 4.37E-02 1.25E-01 - ...... U - - pCi/g --- 20-04072-08 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A01B=cv*oo~o-s

  • 05/10/1212:56  ; 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 ' Plutonium-238 EML Pu-02 Modified -2.84E-02 j 5.91E-02 5.92E-02 1~75E=01 - - *u. -- pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG 82-08201-CJWC-A018-CVO 5-1 0 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-238 EML Pu-02 M*~dified -2.21E-02 , 6.72E-02 ' 6.72E-02  : 1.83E-01*-* U pCi/g 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020. 4/30/2020 04072 Pi~t;~;;;;;;-_238 EML Pu-02 Modified 3.03E-02 8.41E-02 8.42E-02 ' 1.82E-01 U . pCi/g 20-04072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-S8-A 08/21/1910:25  ! 4/25/2020. 4/30/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-238 EML Pu-02 Modified 1.84E-02 i 6.63E-02 6.63E-02 . 1.50E~01 . U pCi/g I 20-04072-12 ' TRG i L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30 4/25/2020. 4/30/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-238 EML Pu-02 Modified -2.11E-02  : 3.38E-02 3.38E-02 1.06E-01 :l.J pCi/g I 20-04072-01 LCS KNOWN ------ 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/202:-:::::~-0~:*-*::~04072 Plutonium-239/2:: EML Pu-02 Modified 5.63E+OO  : 1.80E-01 i i pCi/g 20-04072-01 : LCS SPIKE 04/25/20 00:00 i 4/25/2020 i 4/30/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-239/240 EML Pu-02 Modified 5.93E+OO , 7.24E-01 9.21E-01 8.31E-02  ! pCi/g 20-04072-02 ' MBL BLANK 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020 . 4/30/2020 20-04072 [ Plutonium-239/240 EML Pu-02 Modified -1.47E-02 3.81 E-02 3.82E-02_ ... 1.28E-01 ' U . pCi/g 20-04072-03 DUP B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/18 10:30 4/25/2020 4/30/2020 i 20-04072 : Plutonium-239/240 EML Pu-02 Modified -3.56E-03 i 4.03E-02 4.03E-02 i 1.23E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-04 i DO 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 i 4/25/2020 i 4/30/2020 i 20-04072 ' Plutonium-239/240 EML Pu-02 Modified 3.60E-02 6.36E-02 6.37E-02 1.15E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG 81-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/18 15:15 ' 4/25/2020 , 4/30/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-239/240 EML Pu-02 Modified O.OOE+OO 4.43E-02 4.43E-02 9.58E-02 ' U pCi/g
~~?_7_2-_o.. 6---,-_T..R   __;__
                            ..G          s..2-.o...8.. A..

10..1.. 1-_c..v..0_0-.0_5_+-_0_5

                                                            -B_J..F_c..                  .           10_9..
                                                                                                    ..      11_2_1_4_:2..           ..i.2_5_1_20_2_0--,--_4/_3_01_2_02_0__2_0_-0_4_0..

2___,_4 12_,.__P_lu_to_n_iu_m..-_2.. o_,._6_.2_1_E..-0_2~*-6-.2-1_E_-0_2_


39..12 1.34E-01 u  ! pCi/g 20-04072-07 TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 5-1 0 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 . 4/30/2020 : 20-04072 Plutonium-239/240 EML Pu-02 Modified -3.32E-03 3.89E-02 3.89E-02 J 8.16E-02 U pCi/g

  .2?_-:_Cl~~n-08         TRG     i B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CVO 0-0 5                                  05/10/1212:56                     4/25/2020 : 4/30/2020                                                      20-~_ll,7-~. Plutonium-239~2~~..                                 EML Pu-02 Modified               1.72E-02 J 5.27E-02               5.27E-02 ,        1.25E-01    _         _lJ  __      pCi/g 20-04072-09            TRG            82-08201-CJWC-A018-CVO 5-1 0                             05/10/1212:56                     4/25/2020 . 4/30/2020 . 20-04072                                                                            Plutonium-239/240               EML Pu-02 Modified              4.02E-02        8.70E-02           8.71E-02           1.72E-01              U            pCi/g 20-04072-10            TRG            L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A                                  05/07/19 07:45                    4/25/2020                       4/30/2020                                  20-04072                         Plutonium-239/240               EML Pu-02 Modified              -5.12E-03       5.98E-02           5.98E-02           1.26E-01              U            pCi/g 20-04072-11            TRG            L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A                                  08/21/1910:25                     4/25/2020                       4/30/2020 i 20-04072                                                        Plutonium-239/240               EML Pu-02 Modified               1.88E-02       4.51E-02           4.51E-02          9.45E-02               U            pCi/g 20-04072-12            TRG            L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A                                  08/14/1!)13:30                    4/25/2020                       4/30/2020                                  20-04072                         Plutonium-239/240                EML Pu-02 Modified          i   1.02E-02       3.11E-02       .*. 3.11E-02          7.38E-02~              U            pCi/g CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonmal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect


Printed: 517/2020 9:23 PM Page 7 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Gerald Wood SDG. 20-04072 Eberline Analytical _______ ,,,,,,,,,,, Zion Solutions ----,,,. ,,,,_ ,, ,,,,,,,,,_, -** --"-* Purchase Order:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~     ..   ~


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ---                          ----~----"'                                           w*---*---

Final Report of Analysis ~------**- 2701 Deborah Ave *--*- __1'.nalysis Category: : ENVIRONMENTAL so

                                                                                                                                 ""*--w-wv,                     ",,,,,,,~*-**        **--*    --***

Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: Lab Sample Client Sample

                                                                                                                     . Receipt          Analysis                          Batch                                                                                                                                                                                                                    i   Report Analyte                          Method                                       Result                   cu                       CSU                              MDA            Qualifier Units ID                 Type                      ID                                                     Date           Date                 Date                            ID 20-04072-01              LCS      KNOWN                                                      04/25/20 00:00           4/25/2020
  • 5/1/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-241 EML Pu-02 Modified 2.83E+02 1.30E+01  : pCi/g LCS SPIKE 04/25/20 00:00  : 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-241 EML Pu-02 Modified 3.08E+02 8.37E+00 2.64E+01 7.08E+00 pCi/Q 20-04072-01
             '--'**-*-*a                                              ***********--**-**

20-04072-02 MBL BLANK 04/25/20 00:00  : 4/25/2020 5/112020 20-04072 Plutonium-241 EML Pu-02 Modified -1.57E+00 : 4.81E+00  : 4.81E+00

  • 8.28E+00 u pCi/g 20-04072-03 DUP B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV os118t18 10:30 I 412512020 5/1/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-241 EML Pu-02 Modified -1.14E+00 5.83E+00 5.84E+00 1.00E+01 u pCi/g w,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,, ,,,,..,,,, *--*- ,

20-04072-04 : DO B 1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/18 10:30 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-241 EML Pu-02 Modified 1.51E+00 5.85E+00 5.85E+00 9.95E+00  : u pCi/g

                                    **--**--*-*---                                                                                                                                                                              EML Pu-02 Modified                                 9.59E-01              3.72E+00
  • 3.72E+00  : 6.33E+00 u pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG 81-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/18 15:15  : 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072
  • Plutonium-241  :

20-04072-06 : TRG  : B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 i 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 : Plutonium-241 EML Pu-02 Modified -1.47E+00 7.51E+00

  • 7.52E+00 1.29E+01 u pCi/g
                                                                                                                     !                                                                                                           EML Pu-02 Modified                                2.44E+00               7.59E+00                 7.59E+00                          1.29E+01                 u           pCi/g 20-04072-07 20-04072-08 TRG TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV0 5-1 0 82-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 05110112 12:56 4/25/2020 I 412512020 5/1/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 20-04072
  • Plutonium-241 Plutonium-241 EML Pu-02 Modified 7.81E+00 9.44E+00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,~,-*---,-*-o-~,--,     ,,_         9.46E+00 1.01E+01 1.59E+01 1.76E+01

u u pCi/g pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG 82-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 5-1 0 05/10/12 12:56  : 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-241 EML Pu-02 Modified -8.68E+O0 1.01E+01 1.38E+01 u pCi/g 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 Plutonium-241 EML Pu-02 Modified -1.04E+00 8.03E+00 8.03E+00

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~-~m* ,,,,,,, _ _, *. ,_ """'

20-04072-11 , TRG  ! L 1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/19 10:25 i 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 : Plutonium-241 EML Pu-02 Modified -7.34E-01 5.65E+00 5.65E+00 9.68E+00 u pCilg 20-04072-12 TRG L 1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/19 13:30  ! 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 .,,,,_, Plutonium-241 EML Pu-02 Modified -4.80E+00 4.25E+00 4.27E+00 7.44E+00 u

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ':  pCi/g

~---*------** 20-04072-01 '. LCS KNOWN 04/25/20 00:00 ' 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072

  • Technetium-99 EIChroM TCS01 Modified 1.01E+03  : 2.22E+01 . pCi/g 20-04072-01 LCS SPIKE 04/25/20 00:00 I 412512020 5/1/2020 20-04072 T echnetium-99 EIChroM TCS01 Modified 1.04E+03 5.96E+00 1.04E+02 1.42E+00 pCi/g 20-04072-02 MBL  : BLANK 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 Technetium-99 EIChroM TCS01 Modified 2.58E-01 8.27E-01 8.28E-01 1.41E+00 u pCi/g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               *----*-*--.                                                   ~**-~***-***

20-04072-03 DUP 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/18 10:30 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 Technetium-99 EIChroM TCS01 Modified 1.00E+00 6.85E-01 6.92E-01

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ---                 :      1.14E+00                 u           pCi/g 20-04072-04                DO
81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/18 10:30 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 T echnetium-99 EIChroM TCS01 Modified 1.79E+00 7.12E-01 7.34E-01 1.16E+00 pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 T echnetium-99 EIChroM TCS01 Modified 1.49E+00 6.88E-01 7.04E-01 1.13E+00  : pCi/g
                                                                                                                                                                           *******-*~*~*****--                                                                                                                                                                                       ;
                                  ;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1.13E+00                            pCi/g 20-04072-06 :             TRG     B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 0-0 5                               05/09/12 14 :22         4/25/2020            5/1/2020                     20-04072                  Technetium-99             EIChroM TCS01 Modified                                2.07E+00               6.99E-01                  7.28E-01 20-04072-07 i             TRG      82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 5-1 0                              05/09/12 14:22          4/25/2020            5/1/2020                     20-04072                  T echnetium-99            EIChroM TCS01 Modified                                1.29E+00               7.36E-01                  7.47E-01                  :      1.21E+00       :                     pCi/g 20-04072                  T echnetium-99           EIChroM TCS01 Modified                                 9.57E-01              5.63E-01                   5.71E-01                         9.30E-01                            pCi/g 20-04072-08 :             TRG     82-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 0-0 5                               05/10/12 12:56          4/25/2020            5/1/2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                '

20-04072-09 TRG  ! B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 5-1 0 05110/12 12:56 4/25/2020 : 5/1/2020 20-04072 T echnetium-99 EIChroM TCS01 Modified 1.71E+00 6.65E-01 6.87E-01 1.08E+00 P~..i'.~- 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 Technetium-99 EIChroM TCS01 Modified 1.46E+00 6.40E-01 6.56E-01 1.04E+00 i pCi/g i

L 1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/19 10:25 4/25/2020
  • 5/1/2020 20-04072 : Technetium-99 EIChroM TCS01 Modified 1.73E+00 7.60E-01 7.80E-01 1.24E+00 pCi/g 20-04072-11 TRG 20-04072-12 i TRG  : L 1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30 4/25/2020 5/1/2020 20-04072 : T echnetium-99 EIChroM TCS01 Modified 1.17E+00 5.13E-01 5.26E-01 8.38E-01  ! pCi/g CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect


Printed: 517/2020 9:23 PM Page 8 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Gerald Wood SDG: 20-04072 Eberline Analytical ___ Zion Solutions Purchase Order: 677116 -------------------1 r** ,. --------*--1*-* "" -----------------***---*-*--------- Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave -----1---A_na/ysis Category: ENVIRONMENTAL w,wc-~------------------ 1 Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: so Lab ID Sample Type Client ID I Sample Date Receipt Date Analysis Date Batch ID Analyte I Method Result CU CSU MDA Qualifier Ri:i~rt 2,0,:_!l:'.1_()72,:0,1 LCS _KNOWN 04/25/20 0000_ ---~/2~_20,20,_., -~2~/2_()2,0, __ 2,0,:0,4072 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 1, 5.02E+01 ...2-~.8.-~E.:0,.~ **-*-----*-********-* ___ pCi/g --< 20-04072-01 LCS SPIKE 04/25/2000:00 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified! 5.18E+01 1.42E+OO 1_81E+01 6_90E-01 pCi/g 20-04072-02 MBL 1 BLANK

  • 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 - Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 M~difi~d l 1 _96E-02 . 2.87E-02 2.95E-02 - *s_93E:_:-02 * -- -*u- ... pCi/g -

r-zo=o4012:03--- DUP-~-~- B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 i 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072*--st;~~tium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified i -5.2i~~~3*=-3,~58.~~- ~~-~~~~:.:-~=-----7.73E-02 u pCi/g --1 4/29/2020 20-04072 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified I 9_38E-03 3_70E-02 3_72E-02 7_85E-02 U pCi/g 20-04072-04 DO B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/18 10:30 05/05/1815:15

                                                                                           ' 4/25/2020
                                                                                           . 4/25/2020. 4/29/2020              20--04072        Strontium-90                 EIChroM SRW01 Modified L.~*!~§-0,2, ___ - *2.90E:()2                              -_.3:2:iE:.:-02
  • 5_70E-02 - u ---- --- pCi/g ---1 I_2,_()-040,?2-05 :- TRG ----" s1:06214A:l'._~_C-001-CV 20-04072-06 TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 , 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 , Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 2.48E-02 3_32E:_02 3.43E-02 6.82E-02  : U pCi/g 20-04072-07 TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 5-1 0 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified -8_90E-04 3_25E-02 3_25E-02 6_96E-02 _ U _ pCi/g 20-04072-08 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV O 0-0 5 05/10/12 12:56 i 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified -2_77E:02 2.69E-02 2.86E-02 ' 6:12E:.:-02* -* *** *u - ~

TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV O 5--1 0 05/10/12 12:56 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 : Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified 3.48E-03 2_83E-02 2.83E-02 6_04E-02 U pCi/g 20-04072-09 v wn~ =*-*-*-- 20-04072, 10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072 Strontium-90 EIChroM SRW01 Modified -9.40E-03 3.41E-02 3.42E-02 7_39E-02 U pCi/g

--~-11 ___ ---TRG                       L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A            08/21/1910:25    i 4/25/2020         4/29/2020      20-04072 :        Strontium-90                EIChroM SRW01 Modified                      -2_56E -*-----3_76E +              3.86E-02          8_28E-02        ,    U            pCi/g---t Strontium-90                EIChroM SRW01 Modified                       2.42E-02           3.09E-02                3.20E-02          6.34E-02             U            pCi/g I

20-04072-12 _ __ TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/19 13:30 4/25/2020 4/29/2020 20-04072

                                                                                                   ,,,.,~,---           ---*-"                                                                                        --------                 ----- '"""""~...:-------,---       :                                     ------------

I---  ; __2,?:_!l::1_072,.::£.1...___~~8. KNOWN __ 04/25/2000:00 l 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 ___________Cobalt-60 EPA901.1 Modified ~~i,~_2

  • 1.02E+01 i --- ___ pCi/g ba.~~.072-01 LCS KNOWN 04/25/20 00:00
  • 4/2512,?2,9____ 4/27/2020 20-04072 Cesium-137 EPA901.1 Modified 1.94E+0,2,__ 7.96E+OO _________ pCi/g _

1 1.45E+01 . 1.89E+01 2.39E+00 1 pCi/g 20-04072-01 LCS SPIKE 04/25/20 00:00 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.37E+02 ----t 20-04072-01 LCS SPIKE 04/25/2000:00  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20--04072 Cesium-137 -*--*iPA901_1 Modified 1.56E+02 1_37E+01 *r-1.59E+01 1.57E+OO pCi/g CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=*Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect ( ~ EBERLINE ANALYTICAL EBERLINE ANALYTICAL CORPORATION 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/483-4621

Printed: 517/2020 9:23 PM Page 9 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Eberline Analytical I G_eraldW~_?d_ +************************** SDG: _20-04072 ------ 677116 Zion Solutions ........ .................... Purchase Order:* Final Re port of Anal ysis .. 1~,,,,,, 2701 Deborah Ave

                                                                       ,_,,--,,,~-,mo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_,-, *---**----""""m-,-----+---~ --
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MENTAL_.,._,,,_,,,,_,,_~,M'- __ ,_,, ,,,,, _ __,,,,,,,__,~,,,_--,,,"'"""""---------I Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix. , SO Lab Sample ' Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch Analyte Method Result CU CSU MDA Qualifier ' Report ID Type ID Date Date Date ID . . Units 20*04072*02 MBL BLANK 04/25/2000:00 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072, Actinium*228 EPA901.1 Modified******* _ _:_1~'.'§.:~2*** 7.02E*02 *. 7.02E*02 1.12E*01 U pC~~ .. _ 20*04072*02 i MBL ' BLANK *---- 04/25/2000:00  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Silver*108m EPA901.1 Modified *1.07E*02 3.23E*02 3.23E*02 3.11E*02 U pCi/g , .*20*04072*02 ' MBL BLANK .. 04/25/2000:00 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Barium*133 EPA901.1 Modified *1.49E*02 3.36E*02 3.36E*02 3.93E*02 U pCi/g 20.04072.02 MBL  ! s°LANK ***** **. 04/25/200()'.oo 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Bismuth*214 EPA 901.1 Modified *1.14E*02 6.22E*02 6.22E*02 9.39E*02 u pCi/g 20*04072*02 MBL BLANK 04/25/2000:00 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Cobalt*60 EPA901.1 Modified 5.05E*03 2.55E*02 2.55E*02  ! 4.40E*02 U pCi/g 20.04072.02 : MBL BLANK 04/25/2000:00  ! 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 ; Cesium*134 EPA901.1 Modified 2:i2E:03* 2.89E:02* 2.89E*02 ' 3.62E*02 U pCi/g *** 20*04072*02 MBL BLANK 04/25/2000:00 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 i Cesium.137 EPA901.1 Modified 1.42E*02 2.86E*02 2.87E*02 5.01E*02 U ' pCi/g 1 U pCi/g

.**20*04072*02        MBL         BLANK                           04/25/2000:00            4/25/2020    4/27/2020   20*04072     Europium*152             EPA901.1 Modified             7.98E*02            7.05E*02                 7.06E*02                  9.37E*02 20*04072*02      MBL         BLANK                           04/25/2000:00            4/25/2020, 4/27/2020     20*04072     Europium*154             EPA901.1 Modified             1.97E*02      ,     6.70E*02                 6.70E*02               i 4.51E*02         U           pCi/g
*-20-0!072:02         MBL     *** BLANK      *...*.*.***.*.       04/25/2000~0()           4/25/2020    4/27/2020   20*04072     Europium*155             EPA901.1 Modified             9.34E*03      .*... 4.73E*02                 4.73E*02                ' 6.30E*02        U       I   pCi/g 20*04072*02      MBL         BLANK                           04/25/2000:00         , .4/25/2020    4/27/2020   20*04072    Holmium*166m              EPA901.1 Modified ..*..       3.65E*02            4.29E*02         '       4.29E*02                ' 3.72E*02        U       ,   pCi/g
  ***20:()4072*02     MBL   :     BLANK                           04/2512.9 00:00       , 4/25/2020     4/27/2020   2CJ:04072      lodine.129      .* EPA 901.1 Modified               *2.51E-03            5.23E*02         i       5.23E*02                  7.37E-02        U           pCi/g 20*04072-02 !    MBL         BLANK                           04/25/20 00:00           4/25/2020    4/27/2020   20*04072     Potassium-40             EPA 901.1 Modified            3.19E-01            2.51 E-01                2.52E*01                  5.75E*01   :    U           pCi/g 20-04072*02 :    MBL         BLANK                           04/25/2000:00            4/25/2020    4/27/2020   20-04072    Manganese-54              EPA901.1 Modified             7.72E*03      . 2.13E*02                 2.13E*02                  3.63E-02        U           pCi/g I*    20:04072-02 :    MBL    !    BLANK                           04/25/20 00:00         : 4/25/2020 *. 4/27/2020 : 20*04072    Molybdenum-93             EPA 901.1 Modified         . *6.89E-03         . 2.12E*02                  2.12E*02                ! 3.08E*02        U        ,  pCi/g 20*04072*02      MBL    I    BLANK                           04/25/20 00:00         , 4/25/2020    4/27/2020   20*04072 1     Niobium*94             EPA 901.1 Modified             1.50E*02           2.37E*02                  2.37E*02               ! 3.65E*02   ,    U           pCi/g 20-04072*02      MBL         BLANK                           04/25/20 00:00           4/25/2020    4/27/2020   20*04072 :      Lead*210              EPA901.1 Modified              3.17E*01           4.58E*01                 4.58E*01                ! 6.69E*01        U        (  pCi/g 20-04072*02  !   MBL    ,    BLANK                           04/25/2000:00          i 4/25/2020    4/27/2020, 20*04072   i     Lead*212              EPA901.1 Modified ...          2.73E*02     1     4.45E*02                 4.45E*02                ! 6.52E*02        U       i   pCi/g 20-04072*02        !   MBL         BLANK                           04/25/20 00:00         , 4/25/2020    4/27/2020   20*04072 '      Lead*214              EPA 901.1 Modified             2.00E*02      j    5.02E*02                  5.02E*02               i 7.53E*02        U        I  pCi/g 20*04072*02      MBL         BLANK                           04/25/2000:00            4/25/2020    4/27/2020   20*04072    Promethium*145            EPA901.1 Modified              3.32E*02           6.87E*02                  6.87E*02                 9.40E*02        U        j  pCi/g 20.04072.02      MBL     :   BLANK                           04/25/2000:00            4/25/2020    4/27/2020   20-04072 :    Radium*226              EPA901.1 Modified             *1.14E*02           6.22E*02                  6.22E*02                 9.39E*02        U           pCi/g t-----~-******---',-------------+--*-------'"'"""""'-------                                                                    -----*--+---------                                             ---'------~--------~--- +---'--*~,,,,,_

20*04072*02 ; MBL  ! BLANK 04/25/2000:00 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Antimony*125 EPA901.1 Modified j 1.99E*02 4.96E*02 4.96E*02 9.23E*02 U J pCi/g 20*04072*02 ! MBL BLANK 04/25/2000:00 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072., Thorium*234 EPA901.1 Modified  ! 7.38E*01*********4~4E-:_01 4.15E*01 6.72E.01 U pCi/g 20*04072*02 , MBL  ! BLANK 04/25/2000:00 ,-4/25/2020 ** 4/27/2020 20*04072 i Thallium*208 EPA901.1 Modified  ; 8.23E*02 6.42E*02 6.44E*02 1.28E*01 U  : pCi/g 20-04072*02 MBL  : BLANK 04/25/2000:00  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Uranium*235 EPA901.1 Modified I 8.75E*02 1.50E*01 1.50E*01 2.15E.01 U pCi/g CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1*sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=*Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonmal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect ( ~ EBERLINE ANALYTICAL EBERLINE ANALYTICAL CORPORATION 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/483-4621

Printed: 517/2020 9:23 PM Page 10 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Eberline Analytica l _ G_eraldWo_od _ ************* SOG 20-04072 -- --- ***************** Final Re ort of Anal sis p y

                                                                                       -----*f~~~          ~:~!*~~ 1
                                                                                       ------ *****-****-~*-*-**-*---** *********

5 Ave *------ - * ******* A:a:;::a~:1~;1;;*---~~J-,~-o_N_M-ENTAL*-- **-***

                                                                                                                                                                     - - * - - - - 1 * * * -* ... **~---=-~********** ***-----**--*

7 6 Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix. SO Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch A lyt M h d R I CU CSU  ! MDA  : Q rfi Report Date Date Date ID na e et O esu t  :  : ua 1 ,er : Units ID Type

  • ID 20*04072*03 i DUP B1*06202A*FSWC*040-CV 06/18/18 10:30 4/25/20~()_._ 4/27/2020 20*04072
  • Actinium*228 -*** EPA 901.1 Modified .... 3.56E*01 2.24E*01 2.24E-01  : 5.24E*01 i U pCi/g 06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Silver*108m EPA 901.1 Modified 1.25E*02 4.64E*02 4.64E*02  : 7.07E-02 U pCi/g 20*04072*03
  • DUP B1*06202A*FSWC*040-CV 06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072
  • BarilJm.133 EPA901.1 Modified 1.50E*03 2.56E*02 2.57E*02 1.41E*01 U pCi/g 20*04072*03 DUP i B1*06202A-FSWC*040.CV 20-04072*03 i DUP  : 81*06202A*FSWC-040.CV ~~ 06/18/1810:30  : 4/25/2020**-~~~.~~()_20 20*04072 Bismu!h*214___ EPA901.1 Modified 3.97E*01-
  • 1.88E*01 1.89E*01 i 2.74E*01 pCi/g 06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Cobalt.60 EPA 901.1 Modified 3.90E*02 8.20E*02 8.21E*02 1.20E*01 U pCi/g 20*04072-03 DUP B1*06202A-FSWC*040-CV **-**--"~*-*- ...... - - - - - - * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - " - - - I
  • ---~-- *-*-- ***/**- *********---***--- -*-** *-**- ***--*--*-*--*

06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Cesium*134 EPA901.1 Modified *2.78E*01 1.81E*01 1.82E*01 1.76E*01 U pCi/g 20*04072*03 DUP B1*06202A*FSWC*040-CV

 **2.Cl_:()4072-03      DUP        B1*06202A*FSWC*                                  06/18/1810:30             4/25/2020-- 4/27/2020. 20.04072                                           Cesium*137 ...                  EPA901.1 Modified               *3.81E*03_      *--523E*02           5.23E*02       8.14E-02                      u      i          pCi/g 06!1.~/1~~~-3?            4/25/2020                 4/27/2020            ~Cl_:()_~()_72            Europium*15~-**                  EPA901.1 Modified               *2.06E*01           2.83E*01         2.83E-01       2.37E-01                      U                 pCi/g
  .2~_()_72*03          DUP        B1-06202A*FSWC*040.C\/*-**                 ......

06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020. 20*04072 Europium*154 EPA901.1 Modified 1.01E*01 1.56E*01 1.56E-01 1.24E*01 U pCi/g 20*04072*03 DUP B1*06202A*FSWC*040-CV 20-04072*03 DUP  : B1*06202A*FSWC*040*CV 06/18/1810:30  : 4/25/2020 ___4/27/2020

  • 20*04072 Europium*155 EPA 901.1 Modified  ! 1.92E*01 --9~66E=o2* 9.71E-02 2.57E-01 U pCi/g 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Holmium*166m EPA901.1 Modified*- ********-7.09E:o2 4.66E-02*****:-**:;:i;7E-02 9.07E-02 U pCi/g *--

20*04072*03 : DUP  : B1*06202A*FSWC*040-CV *--*---**********--** ... 06/18/1810:30

                                                                                            - - - - * ----*--*-*--*---* __________"_____ --+--*- - - - - -                                                                                                    *--. __.,_____,_____________ ___________

06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 lodine*129 EPA901.1 Modified -9.48E-02 1.40E-01 1.40E-01 2.12E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-03 DUP B1*06202A-FSWC-040-CV J------,-----:-----*-*-***-***-**-------------,.-------'----------+-

                                                                                                                                                                                  **--- *******--****                  - -*-*-***------+-- ----'------------ ---:------i------ --'--=---1                                                                          pCi/g 06/18/1810:30             4/25/2020                 4/27/2020            20-04072                  Potassium-40                     EPA901.1   Modified              5.33E+OO           1.33E+OO         1.36E+OO       1.17E+OO :

20-04072-03 DUP B1*06202A-FSWC-040*CV ,__, '----'"'°""- ------~-- *~*- --~- - 06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Manganese-54 EPA901.1 Modified -1.27E*01 2.81E-01 2.81E*01 4.02E-01 U pCi/g 20*04072*03 DUP 81-06202A-FSWC*040-CV

                                                                                        * ()6/18/1810:30     .. 4/25/2020                 4/27/2020            20*04072                Molybdenum-93                 ** - EPA901.1   M~difi;d     -        4.05E-03       ** _4.95E-02         4.95E-02        8.09E-02                     U                  pCilg -**

20-04072-03 DUP 81-06202A~FSW.C-040-CV * ************ 06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020

  • 20*04072 Niobium*94 EPA 901.1 Modified 3.53E*02 . 3.29E-02 3.30E-02 7.25E-02 U pCi/g 20-04_~_72_-0_3_, __ D_U_P___s_1_-0_6_2_02_A_-_Fs_w_c_-0_4_o_.c_v_.

06/18/1810:30 *-~/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 : Lead-210 EPA901.1 Modified. 7.39E-01 J 1.03E+OO 1.03E+OO 1.73E+OO  : U pCi/g .. -~?:?~72.03 ' DUP B1-06202A*FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Lead*212 EPA901.1 Modified 3.69E-01 1.43E-01 1.44E-01 2.13E*01 pCi/g 20-04072-03 DUP B1*06202A-FSWC-040-CV i 06/18/1810:30 4/25/2020

  • 4/27/2020 20-04072 Lead-214 EPA901.1 Modified 4.16E-01
  • 1.57E*01 1.59E*01 2.60E-01 : pCi/g 20*04072-03 : DUP 81-06202A-FSWC*040*CV 06/18/1810:30 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Promethium.145 EPA901.1 Modified 2.20E-02 i 1.30E-01 1.30E*01 2.16E-01 i U pCi/g 20.04072.03 i DUP 81-06202A*FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 i 4/25/2020
  • 4/27/2020 20*04072 Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified 3.97E-01 1 1.88E-01 1.89E-01 2.74E-01 pCilg 20-04072-03 ' DUP 81-06202A*FSWC-040*CV 20*04072-03 DUP 81-06202A-FSWC*040-CV 06/18/1810:30 I 4/2512020 4127/2020 20-04072 Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.79E-02 7.68E-02 7.68E-02 3.30E-01 U pCi/g 06/18/1810:30  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Thorium*234 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.06E+OO 9.35E-01 9.41E-01 1.65E+OO U pCi/g 20.04072.03 DUP 81-06202A*FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1.il10:30 i 4/25/2020: 4/27/2020 20*04072 Thallium*208 ** EPA901.1 Modffi~d 2.57E-01 1.41E-01 1.42E-01 2.77E-01 U pCi/g
  - 20:04072.03          DUP       B1*06202A-FSWC-040-CV                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,~,-m~---+------ i-------'-----~---- --.c.__;c__,                                                                   ...

1------'----~-- --------------- -+---------1 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified j 9.50E-02 2.66E-01 2.66E-01 4.10E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-03 DUP 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06118/1810:30 4/25/2020

  • 4/27/2020 20-04072 Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1*sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal


Printed: 5/7/2020 9:23 PM Page 11 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Eberline Analytical , G_eraldWo~d -- SOG. 20-04072 ************-************ _ -- . . . . .. Final Re ort of Anal sis p y

                                                                      *{WR      ~:~! ~~~Ave -****-***--*-** * * * * * * * *-* * --** -,-*-* A~;;~:~~:t~;:;;"""* * *- ~-~-

1 1 71 v*-1-:-o-N_M_E-NTAL--** ***** .................................-.-- *-** ..... Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix.** SO Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch A lyt M hO d R I CU CSU MDA Q i*r, Report ID Type ' ID Date Date Date ID na e et esu t ua 1 ,er , Units 20-04072-04 DO ' 81-06202A-FSWC-0_4?-CV 06/18118 10:30 412512020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Actinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.58E-01 1.84E-01 1.86E-01_._ 5.56E-01 U pCilg

 ..20-04072-04      DO        B1-06202A-FSV\l~:040-CV            06118/1810:30          4!~5!?.~20  4/27/2020    20-0~072.                Silver-108m ..........      EPA901.1 Modified          9.84E-03          3.48E-02      ,    3.48E-02                 6.21E-02         U                   ..........

20-04072-04 DO 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/1811810:30 4/2512020 412712020 20-04072 Barium-133 EPA901.1 Modified -1.08E-01 1.24E-01 1.25E-01 1.25E-01 U pCilg

                                                               ------                                                -*** '""'"_,_______ ,,,_~*-~----                                             ---

20-04072-04 DO 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 412512020 412712020 20-04072 Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 Modified 3.95E-01 1.24E-01 1.26E-01 2.81E-01 pCi/g c***-***-----.----'-------. .--...- - - - * - - - - - - ! , *- - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . C - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - + - -1.48E-o~. --------'------;---------*~-"--'---1

.?~:_G4072-04       DO        B1-06202A-FSWC-04~~~-              06/18/1810:3_G__ i 412512020 4/2712020          20-04072                   c~~alt:60     ,,,,,,,, EPA901.1 Modified                               5.691=_~~2 < .5-:~~E-0_2,., ,,, 1_,08E:01                    U           pCi/g_

20-04072-04 DO 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 I 4125/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Cesium-134 EPA901.1 Modified 4.12E-02 6.30E-02 6.31E-02 1.57E-01 U pCi/g t-----~--------*w,_m,~ *-------+-------i----~--- ---*-----~-**--~ ,,_,_,, ,.__,_,,, -----II*****"'" ' --'""" , " - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - - - * : * *--**------ 20-04072*04 DO 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 I 4125/2020 412712020 20-04072 Cesium-137 EPA901.1 Modified 1.37E-01 8.16E-02 8.19E-02 1.23E-01 pCi/g 20-04072-04 DO  ; B 1-06202A-FSWC-040_:-CV . -*- 06118118 10:30  ! 412512020 4/27/2020 20-04072 E~ropium-152 EPA 901.1 Modified *-*-:;;: 18E-01 2.79E-01 2.80E-01 2.32E-01 *0**-----pCilg*- 20-04072-04 DO  : 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 0611811810:30 4/2512020 4127/2020 20-04072:,_. Europium-154 _ EPA901.1 M~difi~d -3.08E-02 1.08E-0_~ 1.08E~O1 1.23E-01 U pCilg

~_D4072-04          DO        B1-06202A-FSWC-040-C.~             06/18/1810:30       i  412512020   412712020    20-04072               Europium-155                  EPA901.1 Modified           1.47E-01      :   1.48E-01          1.48E-01                 2.41E-01    __   U           pCilg 20-04072-04 :    DO        81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV . ---*       06118/1810:30          412512020   4/2712020    20-04072              Holmium-166m                   EPA901.1 Modified          2.05E-02          9.15E-02           9.15E-02                 8.70E-02         U           pCi/g 20-04072-04      DO        81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV              06118/1810:30          412512020   4/27/2020    20-04072                   lodine-129                EPA901.1 Modified         -1.46E-02           1.39E-01          1.39E-01               , 2.25E-01         U           pCi/g 20-04072-04 :    DO        81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV          ---06/18/1810:30        [ 4125/2020    4/27/2020 ' 20-04072                 Potassium-40                 EPA901.1 Modified          5.71E+00          1.33E+00           1.36E+00                 1.03E+00                     pCilg 20-04072-04      DO     '  81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV              06/18118 10:30      1 412512020 ' 412712020     20-04072-** Manganese-54                             EPA 901.1 Modified        -3.94E-02           2.94E-01          2.94E-01                 3.94E-01         U           pCilg ----
                                                                         - ..   .... ,' .       - + - - - - - - - - . . L . - - ' - - - - - f... ,..                                                                             '*---.. *---*--... --.-*<-*

20-04072-04 DO 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 412512020

  • 412712020 20-04072 , Molybdenum-93 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.65E-02 5.15E-02 5.15E-02 8.71E-02  ! U pCi/g 20-04072-04 DO 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 0611811810:30 -4:;25/2020 4/27/2020 --20-04072-, Niobium-94 EPA901.1 Modified -6.70E-03 5.79E-02 5.79E-02 7.05E-02 U pClig--

20-04072-04 DO ' 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 412512020 412712020 20-04072 Lead-210 *-* EPA901.1 Modified 1.52E+00 1.36E+00 1.36E+00 2.25E+00 U pCilg 20-04072-04 ' DO I 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/1811810:30 I 412512020 412712020 20-04072 Lead-212 ... iPA901.1 Modified*-

  • 3.09E-01  : 1.09E-01 U0E-01 2.26E-01 pCilg t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - t - - - - - - - + - - - - - ; - - - - , - - - - ~ - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - +1.26E-01 ------;---------,-~---"-**---

20-04072.04 : DO  ! 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06118/1810:30 412512020 4/2712020 20-04072 Lead-214 EPA901.1 Modified 4.22E-01  : 1.28E-01 3.22E-01

  • pCilg 20-04072-04 DO  : B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06118/1810:30 4/2512020 4127/2020 20-04072 Promethium-145 EPA901.1 Modified 5.31E-02 1.32E-01 1.33E-01  ! 2.22E-01 i U , pCi/g 20-04072-04 DO i 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 4125/2020 4127/2020 : 20-04072 i Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified 3.95E-01 1.24E-01 1.26E-01 i 2.81E-01 . 1 pCilg 20-04072-04 DO B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 4125/2020. 412712020 20-04072--, Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified 1.54E-01 i 1.81E-01 1.81E-01 3.19E-01 -----U-~- pCi/g 20-04072-04 DO 81-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06118/1810:30 4125/2020 4/2712020 20-~-~!~.. Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.20E+00 1.43E+00 .._1~4~E+00 2.40E+00 U ' pCilg 20-04072-04 DO B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06118/1810:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 1 Thallium-208 EPA901.1 Modified 3.67E-01 1.71E-01 1.72E-01 2.42E-01 I pCi/g 20::04072-04 DO B1-06202A-FSWC-040-CV 06/18/1810:30 412512020 412712020 20-04072 ! Uranium-235 -- EPA901.1 Modified J 8.27E-02  : 2.71E-01 2.71E-01 4.15E-01 U , pCj/g-CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonmal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect (1§) EBERLINE ANALYTICAL EBERLINE ANALYTICAL CORPORATION 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/483-4621

Printed: 517/2020 9:23 PM Page 12 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Eberline Analytical G_erald wo_od Zion Solutions

                                                                                                                                                                          '                    SOG Purchase Order*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ?Q~Q-~072 677116 Final Re port of Anal ysis                                 -----           2701 Deborah Ave . -                              ....      ---     ----    --- ,... Analysis Category:                     _E_N_V-IR_O_N_M-ENTAL                  __,__,__________

f,-,, _ _,,-,, ***------------"-"-~-~---*-*--- ,,_,_,__,_,_,,, ---+---~----*-- * ,M_, _ _,,_ ___ _,,_,,_ _ _ _ __, Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: SO Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch A I M h R I CU  : CSU MDA

  • Q rfi Report ID Type ID Date Date Date ID na yte et od esu t , , ua 1 ,er Units 20-04072--05 TRG B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15
  • 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Actinium-228 EPA901.1 Modified -127E-01 1A9E-01 1A9E-01 8A9E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG 81-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Silver-108m EPA90U Modified 3.17E-02 1.22E-01 L22E-01 U9E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/18 15:15 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Barium-133 EPA 901,1 Modified i . 1~07E:02 6.60E-02 6.60E-02 2.75E **u * *. - pCi/g

,.20-04072-05 °TRG-:-131:-06214A-FSFC-001~CV 05/05/18 15:15 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 I Bismuth-214 ---EPA901 11~1~dified I 7 JJ3E:a;* i 2.65E-01 - 2.67E-01 2.56E-01  : pCi/g 20-04072-05 1 TRG _ ~1~0_6214A-FSFC-001-CV 05,1()_5/18_ 15:15, _ ~/25!~?20 4/27/2020 20-04072 : Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified i :5:4_1E-02 ' 1.85E-01 1.85E-01 2.88~:0,1_ __ ,, U pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG  : B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV .,, 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020 4/_2_7/~~~o,,__ _2-9*04072 Cesium-134 EPA901.1 Modified -4.09E-02 " 9.97E-02 9.97E-02 3.59E-01 U pG_~!l_ __ 20-04072-05 I TRG  : B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Cesium-137 EPA901.1 Modified 2.89E-03 1A8E-01 1A8E-01 2.07E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG I B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/202? ___4l27!~020: 20-04072 J Europium-152___ EPA901.1 Modified ~3.Ei9E:01__ ,_ 5.24E-01 5.25E-01 3.08E::!_1_ _ LJ __ pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG [ 81-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 . Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified -3*'.:!-E::_0_1___.. __ 4.60E:?.1......*. 4.60E-01 1.72E-01 U f:.~~9-20-04072-05 : TRG  ! 81-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/18 15:15  ! 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 ' 20-04072 Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified 2A4E-01 _2.07E-01 ___ 2.08E-01 3.25E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Holmium-166m EPA901.1 Modified -3A8E-02 1.83E-01 1.83E-01 1.39E--01 U pCi/g

**********-'"'~****-*---                                            *-                                                                                                                                  '  ***-' ..-. ***-**-*-***-*                             . -*              *-**---~*-~*

20-04072-05 TRG --~1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020: 4/27/2020 20-04072 lodine-129 EPA901.1 Modified i 2.86E-02 2AOE-01 2AOE-01 3.60E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG  : B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 ' 4/25/2020

                                                                                                       ----*---*---     4/27/2020        20-04072        Potassium-40           EPA901.1 Modified               6A5E+OO 4.62E-01 1.84E+OO 4.28E-01 1.87E+OO 4.28E-01 8.62E-01 8.84E-01                    U

__,,__ ____ pCi/g pCi/g


20-04072-05 TRG 81-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Manganese-54 EPA901.1 Modified 20-04072-05 TRG i B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 (4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Molybdenum-93 EPA901.1 Modified 3.42E-02 i 1.02E-01 ****1:o:i"E-01 1.37E-01 *u . . . pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG i 81--06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-0407:i°* Niobium-94 EPA901.1 Modified 2.32E-02 1.21E-01 1.21E-01 1.79E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG  : B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 i Lead-210 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.38E+OO 1.56E+OO 1.56E+OO 2.45E+OO U j pCi/g 20-04072-05

  • TRG ' B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020 . . 4/27/2020--20-04072 Lead-212 EPA901.1 Modified 7.02E-01 ***2:39E=01_,,_ 2.42E-01 3.38E-01 ' pCi/g 20-04072-05 j TRG 81-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Lead-214 EPA901.1 Modified 5.56E-01 2.39E-01  : 2.41E-01 4.17E-01 i pCi/g 20-04072-05 J TRG i B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 i Promethium-145... EPA901.1 Modifi~d...... -2.11E-01 2.3:iii=-01--
  • 2.32E-01 3.16E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 i 4/25/2020. 4/27/2020. 20-04072 ; Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified 7~03E=01 2.65E-01 2.67E-01 2.56E-01 pCi/g 20-04072-05 i TRG
  • B1-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 i 4/25/2020: 4/27/2020 20-04072 Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified 4.16E-01 4.52E-01 4.52E-01 7.29E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-05 : TRG i 81-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 J 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 1 Thorium-234 EPA901.1 Modified i 2.43E+OO 1.33E+OO 1.33E+OO 2.19E+OO U .. '. . pCi/g 20-04072-05 ' TRG  : 81-06214A-FSFC-001-CV 05/05/1815:15 j 4/25/2020 4127/2020 i 20-04072 j Thallium-208 EPA901.1 Modified i 4.50E-01 2.41E--01 2.42E-01 4.10E-01 . pCi/g 20-04072-05 TRG 81-06214A-FSFC--001-CV 05/05/18 15:15 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 : Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified  ! 5.84E-01 4.01E-01____ 4.02E-01 6.81E-01 U
  • pCi/g CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonmal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect


Printed: 5/7/2020 9:23 PM Page 13 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Eberline Analytical t Gerald Wood

                                                                            ~-_ ........ Zion Solutions__ .....                                                      *--~---*                                   ***-** ____ ...                                Purchase Order:

SDG. 20-04072 677116

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    . .... .,,.. -* ""~-*<S~******-***---*~-*- ........ ~*.

Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave ~ ~ Analysis Category: ENVIRONMENTAL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -*----*---**-*     --*------                                                 -------------~                      *-**=*m**~~~--~

Zion, IL 60099 m-*~**~*~w*~- Sample Matrix: so Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch Report Lab Sample Analyte Method Result cu CSU MDA Qualifier. Units ID Type . ID Date Date Date ID I 20.04012-06 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14 :22 ____ 4/25/2020

                                                                                                                                ,,,,,_,            4/27/2020                 20-04072
                                                                                                                                                               ----.------,,,,             ____ .,,,,_,,,,,,,,,Actinium-228            ---

EPA 901.1 Modified 7.82E-01 8.24E-01  : 8.25E-01 i 1.38E+OO u oCi/q 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified -7.38E-02 2.77E-01 2.77E-01  : 2.37E-01 u l 20-04072-06 TRG i B2-08101 A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 ...,,,.., Barium-133

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .., *..... f********

EPA 901.1 Modified 2.93E-01 5.75E-01

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  . 5.76E-01             i       7.52E-01                    u
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .      pCi/g___

20-04072-06 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09112 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 ,,,, ,~

                                                                            ---**~*-*                                  I-*-                                                       .,.                                                                                                                -*-- ~---*----*

B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Bismuth-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.34E+OO 4.57E-01 4.62E-01 3.37E-01 pCi/g 20-04072-06

  • TRG
  *--*                                                                                                                                                       _,_,_.....,    *-----------**                                                                                                                                                                                                         7.34E-01                    u              pCi/g EPA 901.1 Modified                                             -5.83E-01                  5.59E-01           5.60E-01 20-04072-06



B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22


05/09/12 14:22 l 4/25/2020 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 20-04072 Cobalt-60 Cesium-134

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ---*       ,,. ,,,,*..* *-'**-*~*-

EPA 901.1 Modified 4.82E-01 1.88E+OO 1.88E+OO 3.99E+OO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . u              pCi/g 20-04072-06              TRG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -
                                                                                                                     -*---*~~~~~*                                                       *~-*"-                                                                                                                                                                                                                           :

20-04072-06 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14 :22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Cesium-137 EPA901.1 Modified 1.15E-01 2.37E-01 2.37E-01 3.78E-01 u pCi/g

                                                                                                                              ---------                                                                                                       ------*                                                                                                                                                                    I 20-04072-06              TRG            B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5         05/09/12 14:22                          4/25/2020               4/27/2020                 20-04072 :

Europium-152 EPA 901.1 Modified

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .       2.89E-01                 8.81E-01           8.81E-01                      9.93E-01 I

u pCi/g 20-04072-06 TRG  : 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Europium-154 EPA 901.1 Modified 4.41E-01 9.70E-01 9.70E-01 6.53E-01 u pCi/g v~~-------*~-'owo*~-*- 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 . Europium-155 EPA901.1 Modified____ 6.54E-02 1.28E+OO 1.28E+OO 1.85E+OO  : u pCi/g 20-04072-06 I t------------ -** TRG ,_,.,.._ .. ____ ,~_, __ ,,

                                                                                                                                                                                 --*---*--*-*-, -------*----~- ~---*~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,,_,_,,_,.,,,v=-------~--~~~ rn*, -*~~**-=*--------                                                                            ---~-----

20-04072-06 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Holmium-166m EPA901.1 Modified 3.81E-01 2.78E-01 2.79E-01 3.12E-01 l u pCi/g

                                                                                              -"~*~***                                                                                                                                           ********-*****--s- ***----*- ,.,,. __ ,,.,..,._..,,.,._..                ""**-

20-04072-06 , TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 lodine-129 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.64E-01 6.11E-01 6.11E-01 9.18E-01 u pCi/g

                                                                                                                        !                                                                                                                                EPA901.1 Modified                                         I      8.56E+OO                 3.05E+OO           3.08E+OO                     3.60E+OO               :                    pCi/g 20-04072-06
  • TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Potassium-40 1 zo-04072-06
  • TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072
  • Manganese-54 EPA 901.1 Modified-** _! _-1.66E+01_  : _ 1.31E+02 1.31E+02 1.78E+02 u pCi/g
                                                                                                ,.,.,*-.w*"S""""-*****                                                         --,*-*********~'"'****' ,.,,.. ,.

20-04072-06 I TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14 :22 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Molybdenum-93 EPA 901.1 Modified i... 6.50E-02 3.10E-01 3.10E-01 4.58E-01 I u pCi/g 20-04072-06 I TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Niobium-94 ____ __ EPA 901.1,,,Modified ,,,.,, .. ,. ,.,,,..,,,_. 1.74E-02 1.98E-01 1.98E-01 2.70E-01 u pCi/g


20-04072-06 : TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Lead-210 EPA 901.1 ~o_di~E>d .. L 4~33E+OO 4.51E+OO


4.51E+OO 7.13E+OO u pCi/g


B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified l 1.07E+OO 4.84E-01 4.88E-01 7.40E-01 pCi/g ~'._D_4.072-06 I TRG ----- TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072

  • Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified I

1.33E+OO 4.24E-01 4.30E-01 1.24E+OO pCi/g 20-04072-06 I i 20-04072-06 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Promethium-145 EPA901.1 Modified l 3.88E-01 6.81E-01 6.81E-01 1.06E+OO u pCi/g B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 j Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.34E+OO 4.57E-01 4.62E-01 3.37E-01 pCi/g 20-04072-06 : TRG I 20-04012-06 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Antimony-125 EPA 901.1 Modified -1.51E+OO 3.40E+OO 3.40E+OO 4.75E+OO u pCi/g ......,....__,_,_ TRG 20-04072-06 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified 7.69E+OO 3.52E+OO 3.54E+OO 5.86E+OO u pCi/g 20-04072-06 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 3.SOE-01 6.33E-01 6.33E-01 9.84E-01 u pCi/g I 20-04072-06 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV O 0-0 5 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 I 20-04072 Uranium-235 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.58E-01 1.08E+OO 1.08E+OO 1.65E+OO u pCi/g CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=,Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonmal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect ( ~ EBERLINE ANALYTICAL EBERLINE ANALYTICAL CORPORATION 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/483-4621

Printed: 517/2020 9:23 PM Page 14 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Eberline Analytica l G_eraldWo_od Zion Solutions _____

                                                                                                                                                ******************                          SOG.

Purchase Order: 20-04072 6771_1_6_ _ _ _ __ Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave** '""'"""w '" , , , Analysis C~t~g;ry, .....

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,0 ENVIRONMENTAL *---*
                                                                                                                                                                                                       *, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ , , , , _ _ _ _ , _ _          ~=-*" ,wm",mw,m _ _ _ _ ,_",___ ~ o - * *
  • Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: SO Sample Receipt Analysis Batch A R CU CS .. Report Lab Sample Client ID Type ID Date Date Date ID na Iyte Method esu It U MDA Qualifier Units 05/09/12 14:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Actinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.48E+00 ' 6.73E-01 6.77E-01 1.21E+00 pCi/g 20-04072-07 -*" TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 5-1 0 05/09/1214:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Silver*108m EPA901.1 Modified *1.03E-01 1.41E-01 1.41E-01 2.06E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-07 TRG
  • B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV05-10 ........

05/09/12 14:22 . 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 _________ Barium-133 ....... ,... EPA_901.1 Modified ____ ..... 8.29E-02 __ 1.69E*01 ... _____ 1.69E-01 4.70E*01 ...... U --*--*--****pCi/g __ 20-04072-07 TRG  ! B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 5-1 0 05/09/1214:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Bismuth*214 *. EPA901::. Modified __.1_:2.2.~.;00 6.96E-01 6.98E-01 1.08E+00 . pCi/g 2,0-04072-07 TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV05-10

                                                                                   ' 4/25/2020         4/27/2020    20-04072            Coba\t.60                            EPA 901.1 Modified                 1.19E-01    . 4.80E-01          4.80E-01          7.55E-01            U                      pCi/g ___ .,

20*04072*0_~. *i . TRG  : B2*08101A*BJFC-007-CV 0 5.1 0 05/09/12 14:22 ,... 20-04072-07 : TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 5-1 0 05/09/12 14:22 -*-~!~512,_°.2..°. 4/27/2020 20-04072 , Cesium:_1.3-4 EPA 901.1 Modified -*** _ O.OOE+OO

  • r 1.27E~??... 1.27E+00 .3.23E+OO _ U ____...,.. pCi/g 20-04072-07 i TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007*CV05-1 0 05/09/1214:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020. 20*04072 Cesium*137 EPA901.1 Modified I *1.22E-01 2.28E-01  : 2.28E-01 3.10E-01 U . pCi/g 05/09/1214:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Europium-152 EPA901.1 Modified -2.32E*01 8.27E-01 8.27E-01 , 9.63E*01 U pCi/g 20-04072-07 : TRG  ! 82-08101A*BJFC-007-CV05-1 0 05/09/1214:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Europium*154 EPA901.1 Modified :1.58E-01 8.76E-01 --8.76E-01 .*.. **6.04E*01 U .......*. --pCi/g 20-04072-07 : TRG  ! 82-08101A-BJFC*007-CV0 5-1 0 20~04072.07 TRG  : B2*08101A-BJFC-007-CV05-1 0 05/09/1214:22*--**--4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072
  • Europium-155 EPA901.1 Modified *;--_69E:-oo - *1*:aaE+OO  ! 1.0SE+00 1.65E+00 U- , --p~

20-04072-07 TRG 82-08101A*BJFC-007_:--CV*0--5-1 0 05/09/1214:22 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 : Holmium-166m EPA901.1 Modified  ! 8.14E-02 ' 3.02E-01 3.02E-01 2.88E-01 U T' pCi/g

 .,, 20-04072-07        TRG   j B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 5-1 0     05/09/12 14:22    , 4/25/2020        4/27/2020    20-04072            lodine-129                           EPA 901.1 Modified                 3.45E-01          3.43E-01 _,., ~-   3.43E-01         5.53E-01            IJ ..  *s-*M--** *** **-pci;g 05/09/12 14:22    : 4/25/2020         4/27/2020   20-04072         Potassium-40                            EPA 901.1 Modified              ...~.:,5-~+01   !    3.01E+00           3.0?.1§:+00      1.92E+00                                   pCi/g 20-04072-07         TRG  : 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV °._5-:,2__0 05/09/12 14:22       4/25/2020        4/27/2020    20-04072        Manganese-54                            EPA 901.1 Modified                -1.12E+02          1.23E+02           1.23E+02         1.52E+02            U                      pCi/g 20-04072-07         TRG    82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 5-1 0 05/09/1214:22    : 4/25/2020          4/27/2020   20-04072        Mo\ybdenum-93                            EPA901.1 Modified                  3.27E-02 __ ,, 2.06E-01____          2.06E-01     ,    3.48E-01           U                      pC~-
    -~0=~~?2-07          TRG  ; 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV0 5-1 0 05/09/1214:22        4/25/2020        4/27/2020   20-04072           Niobium-94                            EPA901.1 Modified                  1.51E-01          1.20E-01           1.21E-01          2.46E-01           U                      pCi/g 20-04072-07         TRG    82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV05-1 0 20-04072-07         TRG    82-08101:;;_:-BJFC~007-CV 0 5-1 0 05/09/12 14:22       4/25/2020        4/27/2020   20-04072   i         Lead-210                            EPA 901.1 Modified                 3.ssii:oo     '   4.40E+00           4.40E+00         7.34E+00     j      u .. ,,,,              pCi/g -
     ~0-04072-07         TRG    82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV05-1 0       05/09/1214:22     '4/25/2020          412ii2oio    20-0407~            L~~d:212'""'                        EPA901.1Modified,_                 7.44E-01         -~~5-§-01           2.88E-01          7.47&01*--         u                      pCi/g 05/09/1214:22         4/25/2020       4/27/2020    20-04072            Lead-214                            EPA901.1 Modified                  9.94E-01          4.58E-01           4.61E-01          7.75E-01                       ,          pCi/g 20-04072-07         TRG    82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV05-1 0 20-04072-07         TRG    82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV05-1 0       05/09/1214:22         4/25/2020       4/27/2020    20-04072  i    Promethium-145                           EPA901.1 Modified                  2.32E-01      ,   5.73E-01       :   5.73E-01          7.98E-01           u *---o~

05/09/1214:22 ' 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 __ 20-04072 _, Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified 1.22E+00  : 6.96E-0~--- 6.98E-01 j 1.08E+00 pCi/g ---*** 20-04072-07 i TRG B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV0 5-1 0 05/09/1214:22  ; 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified 1.05E+00  : 2.55E+00 , 2.55E+00 4.60E+00 U pCi/g 20-04072-07 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV05-1 0 05/09/1214:22 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Thorium-234 EPA901.1 Modified 3.08E+00 3.34E+00 3.35E+00 4.83E+00 U pCi/g 20-04072-07 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV05-1 0 05/09/12 14:22  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modifi~cl ---- 3.96E-01 6.22E-01 6.22E-01 1.04E+00 U .... ,..,., pCi/g 20-04072-07 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0 5-1 0 20-04072-07 TRG 82-08101A-BJFC-007-CV05-1 0 05/09/1214:22  ; 4/25/2020: 4/27/2020 20-04072 Uranium-235**-* *-*EPA901.1 Modified ... I 1.48E-01 9.48E-01 9.48E-01 1.30E+00 U pCi/g Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal ( ~ EBERL INE ANALYTICAL EBERLINE ANALYTICAL CORPORATION 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/483-4621

Printed: 5/7/2020 9:23 PM Page 15 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Gerald Wood SDG. 20-04072 Eberline Analytical I Zion Solutions Purchase Order.* 677116 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave . + _'-'.!7§.'t.~i.s,.ga!EifL().'Y:..* __ ENVIRONMENTAL _ _ _ ......... *******~=J Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: SO Lab ID Sample Type Client ID I Sample Date Receipt Date Analysis Date Batch ID Analyte I Method I Result CU CSU MDA Qualifier Ri~i~rt 20*04072-08 TRG B2*08201*CJWC-A018*CV00-05 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Actinium-228 EPA901.1 Modified 1.89E+OO 1.33E+OO 1.34E+OO  : 2.70E+OO U pCi/g 20-04072*08 TRG ..** B2-08201-CJWC*A018~Cv*o*o:o5 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020: 20*04072 Silver*108m EPA901.1 Modified *1.60E-01  : 3.91E-01 3.91E*01 4.55E*01 U pCi/g t~04072*08 TRG B2*08201-C.JWC:Ao1icvoo~o5 05/10/1212:56  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Barium*133 EPA901.1 Modified 1.34E*01

  • 2.59E*01  : 2.59E*01  : 9.98E-01 u pCi/g j_ici:()4072*0~**-**:.~. s2.6s20*,:cJWC-"2?!!l:CV_(l_?:05 05/10/1212:56  ! 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Bismuth*214_._,_ EPA901.1 Modified 1.31E+OO  ; 6.33E*01  : 6.36E*01 9.56E*01 pCi/g 20.04072.os TRG B2-08201*CJWC*A018.CV00*0*5*****05/10/1 212:56 4/25/2020, 4/27/2020 20*04072 Cobalt*60 EPA901.1 Modified ******* *8.17E*01 1.52E+OO .*. 1.52E+OO 1.60E+OO *****************************P.~ii.g 20*04072*08 TRG  : B2*08201*CJWC*A018*CVO O*O 5 05/10/1212:56 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Cesium*134 EPA901.1 Modified *5.14E+OO 6.77E+OO 6.77E+OO 7.60E+OO . U pCi/g 20~04072*08 TRG .- B2*08201*CJWC*A018*CV O O*O 5 05/10/12 12:56 ' 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Cesium* 137 EPA 901'.1Mod-ifi~d ,* 8.97E*02 4.50E*01 4.50E*01 6.93E*01.. U
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ** pCiig*-**

20*04072*08 TRG ., ... B2*08201*CJWC*A018*CV00-05 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 ,-* Europium*152 EPA901.1 Modified *1.78E+OO ' 2.31E+OO 2.31E+OO 1.19E+OO -**** U pCi/g 20-04072*08 TRG B2*08201*CJWC*A018.CV00-05 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020' 20*04072 Europium*154 EPA901.1 Modified *2.01E*01 ' 1.86E+OO 1.86E+OO 8.00E*01 U . pCi/g ~ 20.0407~* TRG 1

B2*08201*CJWC*-"2_~1.8:E.? O*O 5 05/10/12 .'..~~~ __;__4/25/~020 4/27/2020 20*04072
  • E~*;~;;;;;-,;,. 1.55 *
  • EPA 901.1 Modified -- ==*4.58E*01 1.26E+OO 1.26E+OO 1.94E+OO U -~=y~ii_g_==~=

20*04072*08 TRG B2*08201-CJWC*A018*CV00-05 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020. 20*04072 Holmium*166m EPA901.1 Modified 3.42E-01 , 5.13E-01 5.13E*01 3.33E*01 U 20*04072*08 ' TRG  : B2*08201*CJWC-A018.CV O O*O 5 05/10/12_1_2:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 * . .....l"dine*129 EPA 901:.1 ..Modified *1.99E*02 7.20E*01 7.20E*01 1.0SE+OO *******~*-**** pCi/g 20*04072*08 TRG

  • B2*08201*CJWC*A018.CV00-05 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Potassium-40 EPA901.1 Modified 6.63E+OO 4.17E+OO 4.18E+OO 5.44E+OO pCi/g 20.04072.08 TRG ' B2*08201*CJWC*A018*CV00-05 05/10/1212:56  : 4/25/2020: 4/27/2020
  • 20*04072' Manganese.54 EPA901.1 Modified  ! -2.99E+01  : 2.03E+02 ' 2.03E+02 3.28E+02 U pCl/g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       **------ - - ~ * - - -

_., ___,_ -~*.,**----*--*-----*-*-~--*.,*****- *-************--*******. ******~*-* 20.04072.08 TRG B2*08201*CJWC*A018-CV00*05 05/10/1212:56  ; 4/25/2020

  • 4/27/2020 20*04072 Molybdenum.93 EPA901.1 Modified -2.37E*01  ! 5.55E*01 5.55E-01 7.95E*01 U pCi/g 1----***** ' . *********-*-******--****- .*** .-**

20*04072*08 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018*CV00-05 05/10/1212:56 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20*04072 Niobium-94 EPA901.1 Modified 2.62E*01 3.39E-01 3.39E*01 5.03E-01 U pCi/g 20.04072.08 TRG B2-08201-CJWC*A018-CV O 0-0 5 05/10/12 12:56 4/25/2020 4/27/202C020-04072 T*******c;~d*210~-- -** EPA 901.1 Modified 6.20E+OO 4.99E+OO 5.00E+OO 8.26E+OO . u *-* ****;;cilg**-* L.2-?:?.4072-08 TRG B2-08201*CJWC-A018-CVO 0-0 5 -*05/10/1212:56*-1 4/25/2020 4/27/2020

  • 20-0407:i°*t Lead-212 *..... _ EPA901.1_Modified 8.14E-01 . 3.71E-01 3.73E-01 1.02E+OO - lJ - pCi/g 20-04072-08 TRG B2*08201-CJWC-A018-CV O 0-0 5 05/10/12 12:56 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 L:.1'_~:2-.1.~*-**** EPA 901.1 Modified 1.25E+OO i 7.13E-01 7.16E-01 1.26E+OO -*~---*, pCi/g 20-04072*08 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018*CV00-05 05/10/1212:56  ! 4/25/2020. 4/27/2020, 20-04072 Promethium-145 EPA901.1 Modified -2.10E-01 7.80E-01 7.80E*01 1.14E+OO , U pCi/g t-******

20-04072-08 TRG B2*08201*CJWC*A018-CV00-05 05/10/1212:56  ; 4/25/2020. 4/27/2020 20*04072 Radium*226 EPA901.1 Modified 1.31E+OO 6.33E-01 ' 6.36E-01 9.56E-01 ... pCii;;. --** I 20-04072-08 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV00-05 **-*05/10/1212:56 i 4/25/2020' 4/27/2020' 20-04072 Antimony*125-**** EPA901.1 Modified -2.89E-01 6.44E+OO 6.44E+OO 9.17E+OO U pCi/g

'L~C!:-~?.?2*08       TRG         B2-08201-CJWC*A018-CV O 0-0 5            05/10/12 12:56     I 4/25/2020     4/27/2020
  • 20-04072 .721()~.ufTl:~3'.\-***. _ EPA.9~~~1 ~.o~i~E>d. J 7.28E+OO 4.18E+OO ' 4.20E+OO 6.66E+OO pCi/g I
  -~*0*04072*08       TRG         B2-08201*CJWC*A018-CV00*05               05/10/1212:56      ; 4/25/2020     4/27/2020' 20*04072                           Thallium-208                              EPA901.1 Modified           !    5.36E*01      9.57E-01         9.58E-01     1.57E+OO              U                 pCi/g 20-04072-08      TRG         B2-08201*CJWC-A018-CV00-05               05/10/1212:56      i  4/25/2020    4/27/2020      20*04072                        Uranium-235                              EPA901.1 Modified           i    7.87E-01      1.10E+OO    ,    1.10E+OO     1.81E+OO              U                 pCi/g CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1*sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect


Printed: 5/7/2020 9:23 PM Page 16 of 19 Report To: Work Order Details: Eberline Analytical . G_erald wo_od ...... SOG. ~Q-04072 . . . . . ..... .. . . . .. Final Re port of Anal ysis  !~~~ ~:~!~~~Ave--*** ******- * ******-*-*-**-*"* *;};1;;;fj~:{!i1! :* 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * ************-******** .................................................. ... .......... .

                                                                                                                                                                                                           . _ . . : . . . _ _ c _ . __ _ _ ...............-

Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix. SO Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch Analyte Method Result CU CSU MDA Qualifier , ID Type ID Date Date Date ID Units 20*04072-09 ....... !RG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 5-1 0 ---~5,l_~0/12 12:56 4/251202,~--~13!~03_°- .* 20-04072 Actinium-228 EPA 901.1 Modified -2.94E-01 8.38E-01 8.38E-01 1.11 E+00 U pCi/g 20-04072-09_ .. TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-10 05/10/1212:56 . 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Silver-108m EPA901.1 Modified 1.31~:01 1.19E-01 1.19E-01 2.29E-01 U .........* pCi/g ..... 20-04072-09 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-10 05/10/1212:56  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Barium-133 EPA901.1 Modified -5.55E-02 1.21E-01 1.21E-01 6.16E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG , 82-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-1 0 05/10/1212:56  ! 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 Modified 9.88E-01

  • 4.95E-01 ' 4.98E-01 8.46E-01 pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 5-1 0 05/10/12 12:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified 6.65E-02 1.81 E-01 1.81 E-01  : 8.74E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 5-1 0 05/10/12 12:56 : 4/25/2020
  • 4/27/2020 ** 20-04072 Cesium-134 EPA 901.1 Modified 0.00E+00 ... 1.33E+00 **-1.33E+OO **;;:46E.;OO U*
  • pCi/g 20-04072-09 ***--;:izG* . B2-08201*CJWC~ci'is:cv*o*5-10 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Cesium-137 EPA901.1 Modified 2.52E-01 2.28E:01 2.28E-01 4.02E-01 u *.... pCi/g 1------~---...;-----------* ***--********* ***--**-------------*-:-****..*******-*---*----------+ ----*------+-----~---- ----------------~--**** *----*- 8.30E-02 6.27E-01 6.27E-01 1.02E+00 U pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-10 05/10/1212:56  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072
  • Europium*152 EPA901.1 Modified 1 4.39E-01  : 8.07E-01 8.07E-01 6.61E-Oi
  • U pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG B2-08201-CJWC:A018-CV05-10 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 r* E~;~piu~'.:;54 EPA901.1 Modified
  • 20:04072-09 _ ... TRG***** B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 5.1 0 05/10/12 12:56 4/25/2020 4/27 iio20-20~04072 . Europium-155 EPA 901.1 Modified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -8.71 E-02   1.16E+00         1.16E+00              1.69E+00                .. u* . . . . **~----
     ---------****-*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         t      3.43E-01              2.93E-01                   U                  pCi/g 20-04072-09           TRG       B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-10        05/10/1212:56       4/25/2020   4/27/2020       20-04072                    Holmium-166m                                EPA901.1 Modified                         2.90E-02    3.43E-01 20-04072-09 ...       TRG       B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-10        05/10/1212:56   !   4/25/2020. 4/27/2020         20-04072:                       lodj~e:129                -*           EPA901.1 Modified                        -3.76E-01  i 5.87E-01  i      5.87E-01              8.14E-01                   U        .      --pCl/g*-*****

20-04072-09 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-10 05/10/1212:56  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Potassium-40 .... EPA901.1 Modified 8.11E+00 3.11E+00 , 3.14E+00 3.93E+00 pCi/g -*20-04072-09 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-1 0 05/10/1212:56 i 4/25/2020

  • 4/27/2020 20-04072 Manga~;;e-54 EPA901.1 Modified -5.06E+01 1.56E+02  : 1.56E+02 1.90E+02 U . pCi/g
*-20:04072-09             TRG      B2-08201:CJWC-A018-CV 0 5-1 0     05/10112 12:56   i  4/25/2020   4/27/2020        20-04072
  • Molybdenum-93 EPA 901.1 Modified -8.88E-02 3.31 E-01 3.31E-01 4.46E-01 u* . **. -****pCi/g****

20-04072-09-* TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-10 05/10/1212:56  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020, 20-04072 Niobium-94 EPA901.1 Modified -7.09E-02 2.12E-01 2.12E-01  ; 2.82E-01..... U pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG , B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-10 05/10/1212:56 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 , Lead-210 EPA901.1 Modified 4.42E+00 3.86E+00 3.87E+00 6.32E+00 U pCi/g

        • 20~04072-09 TRG .. ! B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-10 05/10/1212:56 i 4/25/2020
  • 4/27/2020**:**20:04072 Lead-212 EPA901.1 Modified 3.96E-01 3.85E-01 3.86E-01 i 6.35E-01 U pCi/g ...


  • TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-10 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072
  • Lead-214 EPA901.1 Modified 9.67E-01 4.55E-01 4.57E-01 9.06E-01 i pCi/g 20-04072-09 i TRG  ; B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-10 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Promethium-145 EPA901.1 Modified 9.01E-02 6.14E-01 6.14E-01 I 9.28E-01  : U , pCi/g 20-04072-09 : TRG  : B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-1 0 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 . Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified 9.88E-01 4.95E-01 4.98E-01 8.46E-01 ' i pCi/g 20-04072-09
  • TRG  : B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-1 0 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072. Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified -1.17E+00 3.21E+00 3.21E+00 4.56E+00 U pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG j B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0 5-1 0 05/10/12 12:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.06E+00 3.29E+00 .... 3.30E+00 5.36E+00 _!.. _ _U ...... , ....... pCi/g ..... .

20-04072-09 TRG i 82-08201-CJWC-A018-CV05-1 0 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Thallium-208 EPA901.1 Modified 7.44E-01 5.68E-01 5.69E-01 9.58E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-09 TRG B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV0 5-1 0 05/10/1212:56 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Uranium-235 EPA901.1 Modified 1.69E-01 9.78E-01 9.78E-01 1.49E+00 i U pCi/g CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Nonmal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect ( ~ EBERLINE ANALYTICAL EBERLINE ANALYTICAL CORPORATION 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/ 483-4621

Page 17 of 19 Printed: 5/7/2020 9:23 PM Report To: Work Order Details: Eberline Analytica l G_eraldWo_od Zion Solutions Purchase Order.* SOG. 20-04072 677116 Final Re port of Anal ysis 2701 Deborah Ave -****-* Analysis Categ~;::***- ENVIRONMENTAL -*--*--- *- . *-*

                                                                              - *****-----*-*-** ***-***-** *-*                                                           -*-- **-* . -~--****-*****- --******-******* ********-------- -**-

Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix.* SO Lab Sample

  • Client Sample Receipt Analysis Batch ID A I na yte M hO d et R I esu 1 CU CSU MDA *. Q rfi
ua 1 ,er i Report Units ID Type ID Date
  • Date Date 05/07/1907:45  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Actinium-228 EPA901.1 Modified 2.05E-01 8.86E-02 8.92E-02
  • 1.84E-01
  • pCi/g 20-04072-10 : TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 20-04072*10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Silver-108m EPA 901.1 Modified 2.26E-02 . 1.67E-02 1.67E-02 3.00E-02 U i pCi/g 05/07/1907:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Barium-133 ...* EPA901.1 Modified 4.61E-03 3.41E-02 3.41E-02
  • 4.72E-02 ' U pCi/g 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A
                                                                               . 05/07/19 07:45     4/25/2020
  • 4/27/2020 20-04072 : Bismuth-214 *--***EPA 901.1 Modified 1.82E-01 4.48E-02 4.58E-02 1.49E-01  :  ; pCi/g

--20:04072-10 TRG -****L2=1*0214c.RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Cobalt-60 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.65E-01 3.39E-02 3.65E-02 4.51 E-02  : pCi/g 20-04072-10 : TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001.SM*A 20-04072-10 I TRG  ! L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A . -*05/07/1907:45 . 4/25/2020 - 4/27/2020 20:04072.. Cesium-134 EPA901.1 Modified -1.57E-01 4.61E-02 4.68E-02 3.57E-02 U pCi/g 05/07/19 07:45  : 4!25!2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Cesium-137 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.18E+OO 2.50E-01 2.74E-01 5.19E-02  ;

  • pCi/g 20-04072-10 TRG ' L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/1907:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Europium-152 EPA901.1 Modified 1.33E-02 6.46E-02 6.46E-02 7.87E-02 U pCi/g 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A ---,t----------t****
      • -**" -------------------t--------i *~*****--*,s ***-**---- '***- -ss-*,s***- *-*--*-----

Europium-154 EPA901.1 Modified 4.61E-02 5.72E-02 5.72E-02 4.12E-02 U  ! pCi/g 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 05/07/19 07:45  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020_.__2?:°.~0,~~.--_E_;'.':?Eium-155 EPA901.1 Modified -8.47E-03 4.60E-02  : ...~~°.E_~~--* 6.57E-02

  • U pCi/g

.2°.:~_()72-10 TRG-* ** L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 , 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Holmium-166m EPA 901.1 Modified .. 5.:7_9§~03_ 2.77E-02 2.77E-02 2.78E-02 U pCi/g *-

 .2..0:0,4?:2.: 10      TRG          L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45     4/25/2020     4/27/2020         20-04072         lodine-129                      EPA901.1 Modified                   9.89E-03        2.49E-02        2.49E-02       7.80E-02         U             pCi/g 20-04072-10          TRG   ,      L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/1907:45      4/25/2020     4/27/2020' 20-04072             Potassium-40                       EPA901.1 Modified                   5.09E+OO        6.51E-01
  • 7.02E-01 4.74E-01 pCi/g 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A
                                                                                                                   - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - l - - - - - ~ ' - - - - -3.94E-02                                      -------------~--*-----

05/07/1907:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Manganese-54 EPA901.1 Modified 7.01E-03 3.94E-02 5.91E-02 U pCi/g 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A -*- . **-****-***-****--**--


05/07/1907:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Molybdenum-93 EPA901.1 Modified -1.32E-02 1.69E-02 1.69E-02 2.01E-02 U pCi/g **- 20-04072-10 TRG .c L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/1907:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020

  • 20-04072 Niobium-94 EPA901.1 Modified 2.40E-02 1.67E-02 1.68E-02 2.53E-02 U pCi/g 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 : 20-04072 Lead-210 EPA901.1 Modified 4.98E-01 . 4.11E-01 4.12E-01 6.82E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-10 , TRG  : L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 20-04072-10 i TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020- 20-04072 Lead-212 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.12E-01 i 5:56E-02 5.66E-02 7.94E-02 pCi/g r-** -----t-----,---- ---------+----- -----******------ ---***-******---* ---****"-*----+- ---------+----- ~------

20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 , 4/27/2020 20-04072 Lead-214 EPA 901.1 Modified 2.10E-01 5.98E-02 6.07E-02 1.09E-01 i pCi/g 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 ! Promethium-145 EPA 901.1 Modified -4.66E-02 4.65E-02 4.66E-02 c--7.14E-02 i U pCi/g 20-04072-10 i TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/1907:45 4/25/2020

  • 4/27/2020 20-04072 Radium-226 EPA901.1 Modified 1.82E-01 4.48E-02 4.58E-02 1.49E-01 ' pCi/g 20-04072-10 i TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/1907:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020
  • 20-04072 i Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified 3.SOE-02  : 7.98E-02 7.99E-02 i 1.18E-01 U pCi/g 05/07/19 07:45 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Thorium-234 EPA 901.1 Modified 8.17E-01  ; 2.93E-01 2.96E-01 i 4.86E-01 U pCUg 20-04072-10 TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/1907:45 4/25/2020. 4/27/2020 20-04072 Thallium-208 EPA901.1 Modified 1.SOE-01 i 5.83E-02 5.91E-02
  • 9.63E-02 ' pCi/g 20-04072-10 i TRG L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 4/25/2020' 4/27/2020 20-04072 Uranium-235 EPA901.1 Modified 1.17E-01 1.05E-01 1.05E-01 1.57E-01 i U pCi/g 20-04072-10 i TRG i L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A 05/07/1907:45 Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal


Printed: 5/7/2020 9:23 PM Page 18 of 19 Rep_ort To: Work Order Details: Gerald Wood SDG: 20-04072 Eberline Analytica l I Zion Solutions __ ,____ ,,,,,,,,,,,,_, .._,,, __ _

                                                                                                                                                                                      . **.f--,*
                                                                                                                                                                                       ,,4,,_,,,,,,,,     Purchase              Order:
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_____         677116            ,,,,,,,,, _ _ _ _ __                          ------**m*_,,,, _ _ ,,,WAW Final Report of Analysis                                                  2701 Deborah Ave
                                                                                 ---------                                             ,,,-,,,,,,,,_,, __,,,,,,,,,            .. ,,,,,,,,1 Analysis Category:.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, __,,_.,,__ _ENVIRONMENTAL

_ - - - - ------ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,___,, - - - - - - - 1 Zion, IL 60099 Sample Matrix: SO Lab ID Sample Type Client ID I Sample Date Receipt Date Analysis Date Batch ID A na Iyte I M hO d et I R esu It CU CSU MDA Q rfi ua 1 ,er ' Report Units 08/21/1910:25 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Actinium-228 EPA901.1 Modified 1.11E+00 2.50E-01 2.57E-01 4.54E-01 pCi/g 20-04072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 20-04072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/191°-~2--5__ 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072; Silver-108m EPA901.1 Modified 'is1E:03 - 4.71E-02 __4,?1~:o~:~--:T~C.E:°-2____ U pCi/g 08/21/1910:25  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Barium-133 EPA901.1 Modified 8.15E-03 2.98E-02 2.98E-02 . 1.50E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A ,,,,,,,,, ,=--**""""'"'"'""'""'w'~*-""""""""-*--~-e*: *--*- ,,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_'"""' *--~=*---*w ...-,---~"'",,, "*"

                 *=~~_, _ _,,

08/21/1910:25 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Bismuth-214 EPA901.1 Modified 1.24E+00 1.90E-01 2.00E-01 2.55E-01 pCi/g 20-04072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 ,------C~b;l;:60 EPA901.1 Modified ...... _9.43E-02 7:75E_:P~ ... ; ... -7:7-6~:°-~-*- 1.1i:~=a.1__ _ U - P.~i!9.. -- 20-04072-11 : TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/1910:25 08/21/1910:25 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Cesium-134 EPA901.1 Modified 4.83E-02 5.80E-02 5.81E-02 1.47E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-11 , TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A '"20:0407~:.1.2,____ 1:1'~-- L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/1910:25 4/25/2020 __4,1271202-0 20-04072 Cesium-137 EPA901.1 Modified - I -1~47E:o;-***r---8.15E-°-~-- 8.18E-02 1.31E-01 ,,_pCi/g*-~ 08/21/1910:25 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Europium-152 EPA901.1 Modified  : -2.05E-03 1.31E-01 1.31E-01 2.52E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-11

  • TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Europium-154 EPA901.1 Modified -1.19E-01 2.01E-01 , __2.01E:,°-1 , 1.31E-01 U pCi/g __

20-04072-11  ! TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/1910:25 08/21/1910:25 4/25/2020. 4/27/2020 20-04072 Europium-155 EPA901.1 Modified 1.01E+00 1.84E-01 1.91E-01 2.67E-01 . pCi/g 20-04072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A "" --~*m*-*-*----,,_, -- ,~~-*, ,,,.-~,~*...-,,~--*~~,, ~ =~~';"=" 08/21/1910:25  : 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Holmium-166m EPA901.1 Modified 2.38E-01 8.51E-02 8.60E-02 1.38E-01 , pCi/g 20-04072-11 TRG . L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A


  • TRG ___ L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/1910:25 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 1

lodine-129 EPA901.1 Modified -1.11E-01 __, ___ 216E:01-T 2.17E-01 3.07E-01 U --. ---pCi/g --1, 20-04072-11 TRG , L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08121_1.!_~ 10:25 ° 4/25/2020 ----~'-2~/~020 20-04072 :__ Potassium-40 EPA901.1 Modified 2.59E+01 2-:~~~+.00 2.96E+00 1:93E+OO pCi/g I, 20-04072-11 i TRG____ L1:12_109L-CJGS-001-SB-A___ __ 08/21/1910:25 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 __ Manganese-54 _____ -~_F'A901.1 Modified _ __1~3E:01 _ , 1.23E-01 1.23E-01 1.76E-01 , _U pCi/g 08/21/1910:25 , 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Molybdenum-93 EPA901.1 Modified 1.49E-02 6.62E-02 6.62E-02 9.11E-02 U pCi/g 20-04072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A

                                                                 -* 08/21_/1910:25--;*4i25/2020
  • 4/27/2020 20-04072 Niobium-94 EPA901.1 Modified ___ 2.92E-02 6.45E-02 6.45E-02 9.12E-02  : U - pCi/g L~.°-4,072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/1910:25 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Lead-210 EPA901.1 Modified 2.40E+00 1.43E+00 1.43E+00 2.34E+00 pCi/g 20-04072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A
1.89E-01 1.98E-01 2.88E-01  : pCi/g 20-04072-11 *

' 20-04072-11 TRG TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A


08/21/1910:25 08/21/1910:25

                                                                                                 . 4/25/2020
                                                                                                 , 4/25/2020 4/27/2020_, 20-04072 4/27/2020      20-04072 Lead-212 Lead-214 EPA901.1 Modified EPA901.1 Modified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - 1:1ii:oo 1.35E+00                     2.32E-01                     2.42E-01           3.27E-01        1                      pCi/g L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A                  08/21/1910:25          i    4/25/2020                   4/27/2020      20-04072         Promethium-145                      EPA901.1 Modified                        4.47E-02____                 1.81E-01                     1.81E-01           2.63E-01        j_---*  U              pCi/g

,20-04072-11 TRG 08/21/19 10:25 4,(~~!~~~..---4'.~/}020 I 20-04072 Radium-226 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.24E+00 i 1.90E-01 2.00E-01 i 2.55E-01 i pCi/g 8 20-04072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/1910:25 , 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Antimony-125 EPA901.1 Modified -1.85E-01 , 1.95E-01 1.96E-01 2.67E-01 . U pCi/g 20-04072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 20-04072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/1910:25 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Thorium-234 EPA901.1 Modified --6:9:iE:;:;;-a--* 1.33E+00 1.37E+00  ; 1.97E+00 f"------U-- pCi/g

                                                                                         -.s,--~~1                                                                                                                                                                    ******~**                                                              '

pCi/g 08/21/1910:25 4/25/2020" 4/27/2020 20-04072 Thallium-208 EPA901.1 Modified 9.01E-01 1.88E-01 1.93E-01 3.50E-01 20-04072-11 TRG L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 20-04072-11 TRG I L1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/21/1910:25 1 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Uranium-235 EPA901.1 Modified 5.96E-01 ' 3.59E-01 3.60E-01 , 5.40E-01 U I pCi/g Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laboratory Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DUP=Duplicate;TRG=Normal ( ~ EBERL INE ANALYTICAL EBERUNE ANALYTICAL CORPORATION 601 SCARBORO ROAD OAK RIDGE, TN 37830 865/481-0683 FAX 865/483-4621

Page 19 of 19 Printed: 5/7/2020 9:23 PM Ref)_ort To: Work Order Details: Gerald Wood SOG* 20-04072 Eberlin e Analyti cal Zion Solutions _______ _____ ___ f Purchase Order:: 677116 Final Report of Analysis 2701 Deborah Ave ,,J__ ~'!afJS.iS.,C:!3!'!gory-

  • Sample Matrix:
  • ENVIRgNryi~T::,JII:\~_ _

SO ______ _ -~---- _ Zion, IL 60099 Batch Report Lab Sample Client Sample Receipt Analysis Units Date ID Analyte Method Result CU CSU MDA Qualifier ID Type ID Date Date 20-04072 Actinium-228 EPA90U Modified 5,36E-01 1.52E-01 1.54E-01 i 3_38E-01 pCi/g 20-04072-12 TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 Silver-108m EPA 901 _1 Modified 4.17E-03 2,76E-02 2,76E-02 , 4,45E-02 U pCi/g 20-04072-12 TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/19 13:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 : 20-04072 20-04072-12 i TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30*-, 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Barium-133 EPA90U Modified -3_19E-01 1.03E-01 1.05E-01 6,63E-02 U *;c;/~ 08/14/19 13:30  ! 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 Bismuth-214 EPA 901-1 Modified 6.70E-01 1,24E-01 1,29E-01 i 1,96E-01  : , pCi/Q 20-04072-12 TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A Cobalt-60 EPA90U Modified 2,89E-02  : 5,38E-02 5.38E-02  : 7-28E-02  : U 20-04072-12 TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-::A 08/14/1913:30 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 ,, 20-04072 Cesium-134 EPA90U Modified 1,56E-02 3,25E-02 3_25E-02 7A8E-02 U pCi/g 20-04072-12 : TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/1411913:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-04072 ,,,,,,C;;i~--- EPA90UModified 1,92E-01 6A3E-02 6,50E-02 9,63E-02 __,,_,,,_ pCi/g_,,,.,, 20-04072-12 i TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A --08/14/1913:30 4/25/2020. 4/27/2020 Europium-152 EPA901.1 Modified 1.34E-01 ______1'.31E-01 1.31E-01 _ 1.51E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-12 TRG  ; L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30 4/25/2020, 4/27/2020---20:04072 - TRG  : L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A ___ ?_~/14/1913:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20:04072

  • Europi~;:;;:154- -EP/\9011 M~ctifi~ct ,, 1.57E:?~ ____ 1.25E-01 1~25E=o~i-- - -7~86E~c12--,,~~~-u *---* pCi/g 20-04072-12
  • 20-04072 Europium-155 EPA901.1 Modified 6.02E-02 6.89E-02 6.90E-02 U5E-01 U pCi/g 20-04072-12 TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08114/1913:30 4/25/2020
  • 4/27/2020 Hol;:;;ium-1-66;:;;--* EPA901.1 Modified - 6.21E-02 6.76E-02 6.77E-02 9.36E U ,--- pCi/g==

20-04072-12 ' TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30 4/25/2020, 4/27/2020. 20-04072 9.17E-02 ,--8.74E:02 ___ 8.76E-02 - 1'.23&01

  • U pCi/g 20-04072-12 TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001:SB:A - 08/14/191330  ! 4/2512020 4/27/2020 20-04072 lodin~:129* --
  • EPA901.1M;dified 20-04072-12 TRG  : L 1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30  : 4/25/2020 : 4/27/2020 20-04072 : Potassium-40 EPA 901.1 Modified 1.95E+01----2~02E+OO 2.25E+OO U4E+OO *;;c~

1--20-04072-12 TRG L1-121-06L-CJGS-001-SB-A ---,--08/14/1913:30 4/25/2020 4127/2020 20-04072 Manganese-54 EPA901.1 Modified 3.61E-02  : 7.05E-02  : 7.05E-02 i 1.09E-01 i U  : pCi/g i EPA901.1 Modified 1.21E-02  : 2.17E-02 2.17E-02  : 5.50E-02 i U , pCi/g 1--20:04072-12 i TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30  ! 4/25/2020, 4/27/2020 20-04072 Molybdenum-93 20-04072-* Niobium-94 EPA901.1 Modified -3.10E-03 4.05E-02 4.05E-02 5.95E-02  : U pCi/g 20-04072-12 : TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 o8i14/1913:30 i 4/25/2020 4/27/2020 20-?4?7.~- -L~ad-210_ __ E_Pll9?11fv1~difi<e~ __ 1A1E+oo , 1.05E+OO _ 1.06E+oo 1.75E+oo _ LJ ..... p~ii~ ___ ,. 20~04072-12 : TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A Lead-212 EPA901.1 Modified 4.37E-01 9.77E-02 1.00E-01 1.33E-01 pCi/g 20-04072-12 TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30 _ 4/25/2020 4/27/2020' 20-04072 . 20-04072 ; Lead-214 EPA901.1 Modified 6.06E-01 1.21E-01 1.25E-01 i 2.08E-01 ,c.,,,, pCi/g ,,,20-04072-12 TRG L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A *--- ,,,.08/14/1913:30 o-4/25/2020 4/27/2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          !                1.25E-01         1A5E-01           U                 pCi/g 20-04072-12___    TRG       L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A               08/14/1913:30            i   4/25/2020              4/27/2020. 20-04072 ; Promethium-145                 EPA901.1 Modified              -2.10E-01        1-25E-01 Radium-226                EPA901.1 Modified          -----6.70E-01        1.24E-01     1.29E-01         1.96E-01             --- -----*     pCi/g 20:04072-12       TRG       L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A      ----     08/14/1913:30            [ 4/25/2020                4/27/2020 i 20-04072 20-04072-12       TRG-- ;   L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A                08/14/1913:30           j   4/25/2020 _ 4/27/2020                20-04072 :  Antimony-125                EPA901.1 Modifi_ed             3-25E-02     j  1.02E-01      1.03E-01    i   1.69E-01          U                 pCilg 20-04072-12       TRG 1

L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A 08/14/1913:30 I 4/25/2020, 4/27/2020 20-04072 Thorium-234 EPA901.1 Modified 1.10E+OO i 7.84E-01 7.86E-01 1.30E+OO U pCi/g 20-04072 Thallium-208 EPA 901.1 Modified 5.15E-01 1.24E-01 1.26E-01*T-i10E-01 pCi/g

*-20:04072-12        TRG       L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A  --    --      08/14/1913:30            , 4/25/2020 : 4/27/2020 3.09E-01           U                pCi/g 20-04072-12       TRG       L1-12106L-CJGS-001-SB-A                08/14/1913:30            i  4/25/2020              4/27/2020     20-04072     Uranium-235                EPA901.1 Modified        J    -1.06E-01        2.46E-01      2A6E-01 P=Duplicate;TRG=Normal Sample;DO=Duplicate Original;U=Non-detect CU=Counting Uncertainty;CSU=Combined Standard Uncertainty (1-sigma);MDA=Minimal Detected Activity;LCS=Laborato ry Control Sample;MBL=Blank;DU




Revision 0 20 . . 04 07 2 Information Use ZIONSOLUTIONSru An EnergySo/u6ons Company REC'D APR 2 5 2020 Attachment _l :-- _Cbain-_of-C_ufitody_F--91111 Analysis Type Preser Remarks Sample Date Sample Sampl Matrix Sample Sample Container vative Sample ID Time eLog Type Type Qty Vol Unit FULL SUITE and 5 ROC NA NA gm Plastic bag 1 11 2012 1045 NA NA Concr ete 120.18 B2-06207C-JFCCV-002- 0.0-0.5

                            -                                                                                                                     FULL SUITE and 5 ROC 129.04                                                                                         NA          NA gm     Plastic bag   1       11 2012        1045 B2-06207C-JFCCV-002- 0.5-1.0                 NA    NA    Concr ete FULL SUITE and 5 ROC    NA          NA 115.89            Plastic bag   1        11 2012       1008 NA    Concr ete                 gm B2-06104C-JFCCV-003- 0.5-1.0                NA FULL SUITE and 5 ROC     NA         NA gm    Plastic bag    1       11 2012       1008 NA    Concr ete      118.77 B2-06104C-JFCCV-003- 1.0-1.5                 NA FULL SUITE and 5 ROC     NA         NA gm    Plastic bag    1       06 2018       1130 NA   NA     Concr ete     298.87 B 1-0620 lA-FSFC-009-CV FULL SUITE and 5 ROC     NA         NA gm     Plastic bag   1       06 2018       0900 NA  NA     Concr ete      231.42 B l-0620tA-FSWC-041-CV FULL SUITE and 5 ROC    NA          NA gm     Plastic bag   1       06 2018        1300 NA    Concr ete      259.58 B 1-06201A-FSWC-050-CV                          NA FULL SUITE and 5 ROC    NA          NA gm    Plastic bag    1       06 2018       1450 NA   NA    Concr ete      244.20 B l-06202A-FSFC-028-CV FULL SUITE and 5 ROC     NA         NA gm    Plastic bag    1       06 2018       1344 NA   NA    Concr ete      274.50 B 1-06202A-FSWC-033CV FULL SUITE and 5 ROC                 NA u, B l-06202A-FS WC-040-CV                          NA   NA    Concr ete      389.08       gm   Plastic bag    1       06 2018       1030                                 NA
 ,,.                                                                                                                                                 FULL SUITE and 5 ROC    NA          NA
~ }Bl-06214A-FSFC-001-CV                                                                        Plastic bag    1      05 2018       1515 NA   NA     Concr ete      298.3       gm Laboratory:

1.1. Eberline Labs Date Submitted To Lab:

                                                                         #A Ship Container No.:

NA Cooler Temperature: NA frll211~n~ rl-w Time: 1Zr~r:rl r Kitkt1 Date:


Rcti, 5hed b)U M,1 *~~*

  • Date:

04/24/2020 Time: lt'-15 ()4/Ji/J?Dm N t{ 5 I hCQ rt;rt-tfl,ori-1 owN, Wate: 6¥;7-i I 7-6 JO .

  • V Time:

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                                                               'I    - I                                                           (J FULL SUITE and 5 ROC                     EXPEDITE
         ~                                                                                                                                                                             ZS-WM-131 Revision 0 ZIONSOLUTIONSrrc      An EnergySo/utions Company                                                                                        20"'"04072                                  Information Use REC'D APR 2 5 2020 Attachment 1 - Chain-of-Custody Fonn Sample ID                         Sam Matrix     Sample                 Sample Container              Sample Date       Sample           Analysis Type    Preserv     Remarks pie             Type                                                                   Time                               ative Log                         Vol          Unit     Type     Qty
y FULL SUITE and 5 ROC NA NA B2-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0.0-0.5 NA NA Concrete 120.18 gms Plastic 1 05-09-2012 1422
  • ~ '

j32-08101A-BJFC-007-CV 0.5-1.0 B2-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0.0-0.5

~-08201-CJWC-A018-CV 0.5-1.0 tO NA NA NA NA NA NA Concrete Concrete Concrete 175.02 123,37 132.37 gms
                                                                                         !mlS gms Plastic Plastic Plastic I

1 1 05-09-2012 05-10-2012 05-10-2012 1422 1256 1256 FULL SUITE and 5 ROC FULL SUITE and 5 ROC FULL SUITE and 5 ROC NA NA NA NA NA NA L2-10214C-RJGS-001-SM-A NA NA Sediment 561.53 gms Marinelli 1 05-07-2019 0745 FULL SUITE and 5 ROC NA NA

 \\                                                                                                                                                FULL SUITE and 5 ROC L 1-12109L-CJGS-001-SB-A                       NA   NA         Soil        145.65       gms     Marinelli   1       08-21-2019        1025                               NA          NA l?-

L 1-12106L-CJGS-OO I-SB-A NA NA Soil 174.32 gms Marinelli 1 08-14-2019 1330 FULL SUITE and 5 ROC NA NA Laboratory: Date Submitted To Lab: Ship Container No.: Cooler Temperature: rffc~Number: 1.1. Eberline Labs NA NA NA 1 olf1( OiJe111'&i1 9iJ3?-. OXJ.-'f OD 0 Rj~by~ Date: 04/24/2020 Time: 11 '-/-S' byi ~ I 1 1(11-(; - IC.

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                                                                                                                                                                                       '41 q      .

Time: , 1V,11,n tt-l~~l>n Timq,;//)a Comments J FULL SUITE and 5 ROC EXPEDITE}}