IR 05000293/1986042

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Physical Security Insp Rept 50-293/86-42 on 861209-11.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Status of Security Program Improvements & Open Items.Seven of Eight Significant Security Concerns Noted in Unresolved
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 02/03/1987
From: Keimig R, Galen Smith
Shared Package
ML20211A616 List:
50-293-86-42, NUDOCS 8702190216
Download: ML20211A683 (3)



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Report N /86-42 Docket N License N DPR-35 Licensee: Boston Edison Company M/C Nuclear 800 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02199 Facility Name: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Inspection At: Plymouth, Massachusetts

Inspection Conducted: December 9 - 11, 1986 Date of Last Physical Security Inspection: August 4 - 6, 1986 Type of Insp ction: Routine Unannounced Physical Security b

Inspector: A,. /Ms G. C. Smith, Safeguards Specialist 2!2 f7


Approved by: c/ 1 7 R. R. Keimig, Chief, S ,eguards Section date Division of Radiatio Safety and Safeguards Inspection Summary: Unannounced Physical Security Inspection on December 9 - 11,1986 (Report No. 50-293/86-42).

Areas Inspected: Review of the status of security program improvements and open item Results: Seven of the eight significant security concerns identified in an enclosure to a Region I letter dated May 29, 1986 have not been resolve The one item that was identified as being resolved (protected area lighting)

in Inspection Report No. 50-293/86-28 was again found to be degrade DR ADOCK 0500

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DETAILS Key Persons Contacted E. Ziemianski, Nuclear Management Services Manager R. Sherry, Chief Maintenance Engineer C. Higgens, Group Leader T. Nicholson, Security Supervisor M. McBride, Senior Resident Inspector, NRC MC 30703 - Exit Interview The inspector met with the individuals listed in paragraph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection on December 11, 1986, and reviewed the purpose and scope of the inspection and presented the inspection finding Written material was not provided to the licensee by the inspector during the inspectio . Inspector Followup on Previously Identified Violations, Unresolved Items and Inspector Follow Items Closed (85-04-01) Inspector Followup Item - Lighting deficien:ies near temporary structure This item is being administrative 1y closed. The deficiencies continue to exist and are being followed as part of the significant concerns identi-fied during NRC Inspection No. 50-293/86-0 Closed (85-32-02) Violation - Failure to properly search packag This item is being administratively close Corrective action regarding this violation is being followed under item 86-07-05, which also identified j package searches as an ongoing proble Pending NRC evaluation of the long term effectiveness of the licensee's corrective actions with regard


to this matter, Item 86-07-05 will remain ope Closed (86-01-07) Inspector Followup Item - Guard asleep on post.


The licensee implemented several corrective actions to address the proble These actions include regular post visits by supervision and control of security force overtime. The security force overtime controls are being monitored under IFI 86-25-08, which will remain open pending NRC evalua-tion of the long term effectiveness of the control . Inspector Followup on the Status of Previously Identified Security Program Concerns


On May 29, 1986, NRC Region I transmitted to Boston Edison Company (BECo)

( the results of Inspection No. 50-293/86-0 During that inspection,


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significant security program concerns were identified. Those concerns were summarized in an enclosure to the May 29, 1986 letter that transmitted NRC inspection Report No. 50-293/86-08. During meetings in NRC Region I on June 12, 1986, and July 24, 1986, the licensee provided schedules for addressing the concerns. However, completion dates for correcting the problems were not provided because most of the associated work was in the evaluation phase and the full scope of the work had not been determine During an inspection in August 1986, the licensee agreed to provide a schedule to include the completion dates for the engineering evaluation That schedule was provided by the licensee in a telephone conversation in August 1986, and updated se<eral times between that time and this inspec-tion. The NRC agreed to meet with licensee representatives, onsite, on January 13 - 15, 1987, to review the schedule and progress on the security program upgrad It was noted during this inspection that the problem with the protected area lighting that was identified as being corrected in Inspection Report No. 50-293/86-28 has recurred. The licensee compensated for the problem by using compensatory measures that were in effect for other degraded system ,



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