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Advises of Results of Negotiations for Test of Plant Notification Sirens,Per .Util & Seacoast Anti- Pollution League Agreed That Test Under Alert Notification for Plant Emergency in Siren Procedures Proper Test
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/11/1987
From: Reis E
To: Edles G, Rosenthal A, Wilber H
CON-#387-4382 OL, NUDOCS 8709160013
Download: ML20238F175 (3)


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.; n September 11, 1987 .

E Alan S. Rosenthal, Esq., Chairman Gary J. Edles, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 Howard A. Wilber Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 In the Matter of PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, ET AL.

(Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2)

Docket Nos. 50-443, 50-444 Off-Site Emergency Planning -8b Dede Members of the Appeal Board:

By Letter of August 18, 1987, I stated that I would further advise you of the results of negotiations for the test of Seabrook ' emergency notification sirens that you indicated should be conducted in paragraph 2 on pages 4-5 of your Order of July 30, 1987. As I had stated I transmitted the " Siren Activation Procedure -

East Kingston" to the attorney for the Seacoast Anti-Pollution League (SAPL), and asked if the procedures were satisfactory and if he could suggest a date for a test of the sirens. I communicated his comments to the counsel for the Applicant and arranged for a conference call (which was held on September 8,1987) to discuss the subject, test.

As a result of these discussions it was agreed that a* test under the Alert Notification for a Seabrook Station Radiological Emergency in Attachment I (p. Al.1 ) to the subject Procedure would provide a proper basis for the test, subject to the conditions and resolution of the issues listed below. A copy of the Procedure is enclosed for your convenience.

8709160013 G70911 d ADOCK 050 3 gDR

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t-I The additional conditions agreed to are:

l' L 1. Any modification made by the test director to the test under paragraph 1.2 (p.1) of the Procedure shall be fully documented in writing l setting . forth the modifications and the reason why the modification were made. If a modification is made to the Alert Notification Procedure, SAPL or the Staff may maintain that the test did not fulfill the requirements of' the Appeal Board Order.

2. Paragraph 3.1 of the Procedure is interpreted not to allow a full pretest of the sirens, but only a maintenar,ce c. heck to see that the sirens are in working order.
3. SAPL has the right to- have observers at any place they may be

. lawfully located to observe and !! sten to the test.

The areas of disagreement are:

1. SAPL maintains that the Appeal Board Order calls for a test of all strens in the EPZ. The Applicant maintains the Order only requires a test of the sirens in East Kingston, NH. The Staff interprets paragraph 2 of the Order to apply only to the East Kingston sirens.
2. The Applicant does not think the public address function of the sirent need be tested. SAPL maintains that if the sirens giving warning to beach populations are to be tested under the Order, the public address function of the sirens should be tested. The Eest Kingston sirens do not give warnings to beach populations, and the Staff believes a resolution of this issue depends upon the resolution of the issue concerning the scope of the test.

, 3. The subject Appeal Board Order provides for agreement for a test

. under " appropriate climatic conditions. " The Applicant would like to designate a Saturday in the last half of January 1988 for the test. It states that it must give advance public notice of the test and must make advance arrangements with the East Kingston volunteer fire department for the conduct.and observation of the test. SAPL would like- the date for the test to be set the Monday before a winter Saturday when the weather forecast calls for inclement weather on that Saturday. Should there not be such a day before February 13, 1988, SAPL would agree to e test on that day.

SAPL maintains that this will more likely lead to having the test conducted in adverse weather, and would also provide time to notify the public and the volunteer fire department of the test. Applicant disputes that a four or five day notice would be sufficient, as it claims this would not allow mff!cient time to publish a notice in the weekly local newspaper and to mobilize the fire department for the test. The Staff believes the test should be set for January 30, 1988, the Saturday nearest the anniversary of the 1987 test of ,

the East Kingston sirens. '

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3-The Staff has suggested to SAPL and the ~ Applicant that'in the event the Staff mischaracterized or inadequately stated their positions, they should inform the Appeal Board .within seven days.

The Staff believes this letter fulfills its reporting obilgations under the Appeal Board Order of ' July 30, 1987.

l Sincerely , . i YM i.

Edwin J. els' -l Deputy ssistant General Counsel .

cc: Service List l


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