IR 05000293/1986039

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Emergency Preparedness Insp Rept 50-293/86-39 on 861209-11. No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Partial Participation Annual Emergency Exercise Performed on 861210
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 12/23/1986
From: Lazarus W, Thomas W
Shared Package
ML20207G755 List:
50-293-86-39, NUDOCS 8701070396
Download: ML20207G778 (6)






Report No. 50-293/86-39 Docket No. 50-293 License No. DPR-35 Licensee: Boston Edison Company M/C Nuclear 800 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02199 Facility Name: Pilgrim Generating Station Inspection At: Plymouth, Massachusetts Inspection Conducted: December 9-11, 1986 Inspectors: /Aba/Y4 W. Th ai 'T m L'eader,\iPS, EP&RP8 date '

s Approved by: / 3

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P oredne w Section, EP&RPB, DRSS Inspection Summary: Inspection on December 9-11, 1986 (Report No. SG-293/86-39).

Areas Inspected: Routine announced emergency preparedness inspection and observation of the licensee's partial participation annual emergency exercise performed on December 10, 1986. The inspection was performed by a team of ten NRC Region I and contractor personne Results: No violations were identified. Emergency response actions were adequate to provide protective measures for the health and rafety of the publi .



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DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted The following licensee representatives attended the exit meeting held on December 11, 198 L. Oxsen, Vice President Nuclear Operations R. Silva, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator J. Crowder, Drill and Exercise coordinator L. Dooley, Technical Training Supervisor T. Sowden, Radiation Section Manager A. E. Pedersen, Station Manager J. L. Lovering, Deputy Directdr, MCDA C. Fuller, Assistant Emergency Preparedness Coordinator

R. N. Swanson, Nuclear Engineering Manager T. J. Nicholson, Security Supervisor K. P. Roberts, Director Outage Management P. Bachman, Manager Corporate Communications J. A. Seery, Technical Section Manager A. Thompson, Selectman, Plymouth In addition, the inspectors interviewed and observed the actions of numerous licensee emergency response personnel.


2.0 Emergency Exercise The Pilgrim Station partial participation exercise (limited off-site participation) was conducted on December 10, 1986 from 5:00 A.M. until n 12:45 .1 Pre-exercise Activities Prior to the emergency exercise, NRC Region I representatives held meetings and had telephone discussions with licensee representatives to discuss objectives and scope and content of the exercise scenari As a result, changes were made in order to clarify certain objectives, revise certain portions of the scenario and ensure that the scenario provided the opportunity for the licensee to adequately demonstrate 4 their emergency response capability including those areas previously identified by NRC as in need of corrective actio NRC observers attended a licensee briefing on December 9, 1986, and participated in the discussion of emergency response actions expected during the various phases of the scenario. Suggested NRC changes to the scenario were made by the licensee. In addition, portions of the scenario were changed in response to procedural changes. These changes were discussed during the briefing. The licensee stated that controllers would intercede in exercise activities to prevent scenario deviation or disruption of normal plant operation .

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The exercise scenario included the following events:


Contaminated, injured person;


High reactor coolant iodine sample;


Incomplete automatic and manual trip with a delay in manual rod insertion;


HPCI pipe break outside of the primary containment with failure to isolate;


Release of activity to the atmosphere (release path through the Plant Stack);


Declaration of Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area and General Emergency classifications;


Calculation of off-site dose consequences; and


Recommendation of protective actions to State official .2 Activities Observed During the conduct of the licensee's exercise, ten NRC team members made detailed observations of the activation and augmentation of the emergency organization, activation of emergency response facilities, and actions of emergency response personnel during the operation of the emergency response facilities. The following activities were observed: Detection, classification and assessment of scenario events; Direction and coordination of the emergency response; Notification of licensee personnel and off-site agencies of pertinent plant status information; Communications /information flow, and recordkeeping; Assessment and projection of off-site radiological dose and consideration of protective actions; Provisions for in plant radiation protection; Performance of off-site and in plant radiological surveys; Maintenance of site security and access control; Performance of technical support, repair and corrective action teams; 1 Treatment of a contaminated, injured individual; 1 Assembly and accountability of personnel; and 1 Management of Recovery Operation .


3.0 Exercise Observations The NRC team noted that the licensee's activation and augmentation of the emergency organization, activation of the emergency response facilities, and use of the facilities were generally consistent with their emergency response plan and implementing procedures. The team also noted the follow-ing actions of the licensee's emergency response organization that were indicative of their ability to cope with abnormal plant conditions:


Good command and control in the ERFs was demonstrated by the ERF managers;


Timely and effective decisions to assess the emergency situation and mitigate the accident consequences were made by the Control Room, TSC and Recovery Center staff;


Notifications to off-site agencies and the NRC were made in a timely manner;


Activation of the ERFs was timely and efficient. Security was promptly established and radiological habitability monitoring was performed throughout the exercise;


Good briefings of emergency workers in the various ERF's was provided by the ERF managers;


Good control was practiced over emergency worker radiation exposures throughout the exercise;


Good briefings were discussed prior to teams being dispatched into the plant. Team debriefings were conducted upon team return to the OS Teams were logged in and out of the OSC and continuous accounta-bility of all teams was maintained;


Good communications between the ERFs were demonstrated throughout the exercise. Communications links were adequate between the em,2rgency facilities, off-site monitoring teams and off-site agencies;


Good communication of technical information to off-site agencies was demonstrated;


Protective action recommendations to the off-site agencies were appropriate, timely and of a conservative natur The NRC team identified the following areas which need to Li evaluated by the licensee for corrective action. These items will be evaluated during a subsequent inspectio The chronology status board in the TSC was not maintained up to date (50-293/86-39-01).

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Although the TSC was staffed in a timely manner, and ready to assume its responsibilities, the Emergency Director did not relieve the control room and activate the TSC in a timely manner (50-293/86-39-02).


The need for additional health physics training, or additional health physics personnel, should be evaluated for licensee support of Jordan


Hospital (50-293/86-39-03).


Additional separation of the TSC/0SC complex should be evaluated (50-293/86-39-04).

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Gaitronics usage procedures were informal (50-293/86-39-05).

4.0 Licensee Actions on Previously Identified Items The following open items were identified during previous inspections (Inspection Reports 50-293/84-35, 85-19, and d5-13). Based upon discussions with licensee representatives, examination of procedures and records, and observations made by the NRC team during the exercise the following Open Items were not repeated and are close (CLOSED) 50-293/84-35-01: Use of EOF is inefficient in fulfilling its functio (CLOSED) 50-293/85-19-04: Improve communications between Control Room, TSC cnd E0 (CLOSED) 50-293/85-19-07: Essential information not displayed or trended in EO (CLOSED) 50-293/86-13-01: Improve accountability controls for the OSC.

, Licensee Critique The NRC team attended the licensee's post-exercise critique on December 11, 1986, during which the key licensee controllers discussed observations of the exercise. The critique appeared adequate in that licensee participants highlighted areas for improvement (which the licensee indicated would be evaluated and appropriate actions taken).

Specific improvement areas which were identified by the licensee related to: (1) late activation of the TSC by the Emergency Director; (2) minor press release inaccuracies; (3) technical differences between fuel damage assessments between the TSC and Recovery Center; and (4) no formal announcements and briefings were conducted in the control roo !


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6. Exit Meeting and NRC Critique Following the licensee's self-critique, the NRC team met with the licensee representatives listed in Section 1 of this report. The team leader summarized the observations made during the exercis The licensee was informed that previously identified items were adequately addressed and no violations were observed. Although there were areas identified for corrective action, the NRC team determined that within the scope and limitations of the scenario, the licensee's performance demons-trated that they cculd implement their Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures in a manner which would adequately provide protec-tive measures for the health and safety of the publi Licensee management acknowledged the findings and indicated that they would evaluate and take appropriate action regarding the At no time during this inspection did the inspectors provide any written information to the licensee.

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