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Forwards Insp Rept 50-443/97-03 on 970615 & NOV
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/30/1997
From: Conte R
To: Feigenbaum T
Shared Package
ML20196J610 List:
50-443-97-03, 50-443-97-3, NUDOCS 9708050012
Download: ML20196J606 (5)

See also: IR 05000443/1997003






e .

July 30, 1997 -

Mr. T. C. Feigenbaum

Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer

North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation

c/o Mr. Terry L. Harpster

PO Box 300 i

Seabrook, NH 03874




Dear Mr. Feigenbaum:

On June 15,1997, the NRC completed an inspection at Seabrook Station. The enclosed

report presents the results of that inspection.

During the eight week inspection period covered by this report (4/15/97 - 6/15/97), your

conduct of activities was safety-oriented and generally well coordinated. The root cause

analysis (RCA) report and corrective actions regarding the failed fuel rods indicated a

comprehensive assessment and appreciation of safety principles. Your RCA report for the

reactor trip on May 10 was also very thorough, but revealed that several precursors and

opportunities existed for your staff to have prevented the trip. Activities associated with

the reactor cooldown, refueling, other outage related activities were performed well and

generally well supervised. On June 13, with the unit in mode 6 (refueling), during stroke

testing of the feedwater isolation valves, with the steam generators in wet lay up, an

inadvertent drain-down of the 'B' and 'C' Steam Generators occurred due to mispositioned

drain valves and resulted in a reactor trip and emergency feedwater actuation signals. This

drain down event and the circumstances related to the May 10 reactor trip are indicative of

ineffective operator attention in detecting adverse trends and assessing plant conditions

with respect to interlocks and actuation settings.

The inspection of the radiological environmental monitoring program (REMP) incorporated ,

selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with  !

personnel, and observations by the inspector. The REMP at the Seabrook Nuclear Power

Station was considered overall to be well performed and effective.

In the area of radiological controls, we found that you exhibited several positive

performance attributes in regard to control of exposure at the start of the outage. There

were non-cited violations noted involving adherence to Radiation Work Permit (RWP)

requirements and to High Radiatior' Area (HRA) and Radiation Control Area (RCA) access

and control procedures. j



9700050012 970730

PDR ADOCK 05000443

  • '""




_ . _ . - . .-__ .- _-_- .- _.__- . - - - ._ - - _-_-


Mr. Ted C. Feigenbaum 2

The inspection of Seabrook plant inservice inspection (ISI) program found your ten year ISI

program to be comprehensively implemented and on schedule, strategy planning for the

steam generator tube eddy-current inspection was conservatively implemented, and

selected observation of inspection performance and documentation found strict adherence

to the nu-!sar industry inspection codes and regulatory requirements. Preparation and

implementation of the pressurizer upper shell-to-head weld inspection used excellent

technical and personnel resources.

Based on the results of this inspection, the NRC has determined that two violations of NRC

requirements occurred. These violations are in the area of physical security and corrective

actions requirements and are cited in the enclosed Notice of Violation (Notice). They

involve the failure to control licensee designated vehicles properly and the failure to take

adequate corrective actions related to the proper use of pressure tubing. Additional

circumstances surrounding the violations are described in detailin the subject inspection



You are required to respond to this letter and should follow the instructions specified in the

enclosed Notices when preparing your response. The NRC will use your response, in part,

to determine whether further enforcement action is necessary to ensure compliance with

regulatory requirements.


The responses directed by this letter and the enclosed Notice are not subject to the

clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by the

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. No.96-511. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790

of the NRC " Rules of Prectice," a copy of this letter and its enclosures will be placed in the

NRC Public Document Room.


Original Signed by:

Eben L. Conner for

Richard J. Conte, Chief

Reactor Projects Branch No. 8

Division of Reactor Projects

Docket No. 50-443

License No: NPF-86

Enclosure: 1. Notice of Violation

2. NRC Inspection Report No. 50-443/97-03


__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ._ _____ _ _ _



Mr. Ted C. Feigenbaum 3

cc w/ encl:

B. D. Kenyon, President - Nuclear Group

D. M. Goebel, Vice President - Nuclear Oversight i

F. C. Rothen, Vice President - Work Services

J. K. Thayer, Vice President - Recovery Officer, Nuciaar Engineering & Support Officer

H. F. Haynes, Director - Nuclear Training

B. L. Drawbridge, Executive Director - Services & Senior Site Officer

A. M. Callendrello, Licensing Manager - Seabrook Station

W. A. DiProfio, Nuclear Unit Director - Seabrook Station

R. E. Hickok, Nuclear Training Manager - Seabrook Station

L. M. Cuoco, Senior Nuclear Counsel

W. D. Meinert, Nuclear Engineer

D. McEthinney, RAC Chairman, FEMA RI, Boston, Mass

R. Backus, Esquire, Jackus, Meyer and Solomon, New Hampshire

D. P. Forbes, Director, Nuclear Safety, Massachusetts Emergency

Management Agency

F. W. Getman, Jr., Vice President and General Counsel - Great Bay Power Corporation

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, SLO Designee

R. Hallisey, Director, Dept. of Public Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts )

Seacoast Anti-Pollution League l


State of New Hampshire, SLO

D. Tefft, Administrator, Bureau of Radiological Health, State of New Hampshire i

S. Comley, Executive Director, We the People of the United States )




_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ .



Mr. Ted C. Feigenbaum 4

Distribution w/ encl:

H. Miller, RA

W. Axelson, DRA

Region i Docket Room (with concurrences)


Nuclear Safety information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident inspector

R. Conte, DRP

E. Conner, DRP

C. O'Daniell, DRP

Distribution w/enci (VIA E-MAIL):

W. Dean, OEDO

P. Milano, PD l-3, NRR

A. DeAgazio, PD l-3, NRR

R. Correia, NRR (RPC)

F. Talbot, NRR

inspection Program Branch, NRR (IPAS)


DOCUMENT NAME: g:\ branch 8\ SEA 9703.lNS

  • Ste previous concurrence

To reedve a copy of thie document, indcate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment / enclosure 'N' = No copy



DATE 07/ /97 07/ /97 07/ /97 07/ /97 07/ /97







Mr. Ted C. Feigenbaum 3 i

A. M. Callendrello, Licensing Manager - Seabrook Station

W. A. DiProfio, Nuclear Unit Director - Seabrook Station

R. E. Hickok, Nuclear Training Manager - Seabrook Station

L. M. Cuoco, Senior Nuclear Counsel )


W. D. Meinert, Nuclear Engineer

D. McElhinney, RAC Chairman, FEMA RI, Boston, Mass

R. Backus, Esquire, Backus, Meyer and Solomon, New Hampshire

D. P. Forbes, Director, Nuclear Safety, Massachusetts Emergency l

Management Agency  ;

F. W. Getman, Jr., Vice President and General Counsel - Great Bay Power Corporation

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, SLO Designee i

R. Hallisey, Director, Dept. of Public Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Seacoast Anti-Pollution League l

State of New Hampshire, SLO

D. Tefft, Administratc Bureau of Radiological Health, State of New Hampshire

S. Comley, Executive Director, We the People of the United States

Distribution w/ encl:

Region l Docket Room (with concurrences) l


Nuclear Safety information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident inspector

R. Conte, DRP

E. Conner, DRP

C. O'Daniell, DRP

W. Axelson, DRA

Distribution w/enci (VIA E-MAIL):

W. Dean, OEDO

P. Milano, PD l-3, NRR

A. DeAgazio, PD l-3, NRR

R. Correia, NRR (RPC)

F. Talbot, NRR

D. Screnci, PAO, ORA

Inspection Program Branch, NRR (IPAS)


DOCUMENT NAME: g:\ branch 8\ sea 9703. ins

To r;ceive a copy of this document, Indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment / enclosure "N* = No copy

OFFICE Rl/DRP g l l Rl/DRP l /

NAME RConte y9 V

DATE OJ4 6f99 y fg T) 07/ /97 07/ /97 07/ /97 07/ /97