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Final Response to FOIA Request for Investigation Rept 3-90-009
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/14/1992
From: Grimsley D
To: Manne K
Shared Package
ML20126M811 List:
FOIA-92-322 NUDOCS 9301110108
Download: ML20126M808 (2)


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5 FOlA 322

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JUL 111932

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Venneth C. tbnne PART 17 AGE NCY HECORDS HELE A5LD OR NOT LOCAT LD I5ee chm eJ tienes/

No ernc y retorda Ltoect to the vmuest hs.e been lasted No viditiona' agen( y ret orJs s.AN.t to the teamt have tieen loc atad RequestW records are a.a :stie throep another pubhc dutribut+on p'oyaw Lee Comments vciion.

Agent y tw.ords svtyect to tn e request that a<e iden* In Apperu m tc0 are already ava4ble for pubbc mSpec tion and copying at the NHC Pubhc Documert Room 2120 L St eet, N.W, Washir gton. DC.

Arney rn ords subs 1 to the request that are identif ed in Appenta ke A ,, ne,ng ,n,de a,,a,bi, ,0, puun m,peci,an one c opy,g y

at the NHC Pubhc Dmument Room 2120 L Street. N W., WasNngton, DC. *n a fo' der unJer this F Of A number, The honoropnewy veu on of the oropodlO that yoJ apet d to xtr pt m a te'ephone con erution v eth a member of my staf f is noA be,ng made avadable for pubht mspecnon and copyq at ite NHC Pub'.r Daument Room 2120 L Stree. N W, Washmgton, DC. m a folder onder th s I o! A number, -

Atrncy nwds sate t to t% inuest tnt are identified in Append'oed - may be mspected and (opeed at the NRC Locat Pubhc Document Hoom identif +d in the Comments section.

Ihtlused is miurmation on how you may obtsin at(*m to and the charrs for copymg records located at the NHC Public Document huom,2120 L Street, NW Oshnyon, DC y Agent y rm atds sab,et t io the rewest 1 r emlosed (Appendix A)*

Hnoids subes t to tte rr a mt Nee ton referred to a%ther F edera3 armybe:) f or renew and thic(t respese to you X . - _ _

You mH he bJ cd t., tte N RC foi hes totehng s _ _.iOS e 30_

y You w W f rn ec e a retend hom the N R C m the amount of $ _ __

v in ocw of NHC's reu.onu tu tha req sest, no fu ther r action is be ng taken on apu al !ctter dated . No _

PART H, A-lNF ORMATION WiTHHLLD f HOM PUBLIC Dir.CLOSURL Cutain int:,rr'atron in the rewested rer.ovds is being mthheld f rom pub 5c disclass r epursuant to the exemptions described en and for it e teoions st6ted in Part 11. H, C, and D Any rdeased portions of the documents for WNch only part of the record is being withheld are being made s.Matde for pubhc 6 tape: tion and c0pviq r the NHC Pubhc Document Room 2120 L S'reet, N W , Washinyon, DC in a folder under this FOI A n umber,



'This confirms your telephone conversai. ion with Ms. Mary Jean Pool of my staff on July 7.1992, in which you agreed to accept a releasable version of the report.

The fees for processing your request are as follows:

20 minutes professional search 9 $0.43 per minute = $9.60 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> professional review 0 $29.10 per hour =

$87.30 Duplication of 42 pages 0 $0.20 per page =

$8.40 TOTAL = $105.30 A

sie ' a mt. Dmt clu Du is6MRt E DOV Or IV ORV AllON AND PUfRIC tlON$$P UCES bW t < LLsg.h 9301110108 920714 PDR FOIA MANNE92-322 PDR w toncasaipm on m

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  • I


i FOIA-92-322 APPENDIX A (RECORD RELEASED) 1.* 3/27/92 Releasable version of Report of Investigtion, rermi 2 Power Plant Alleged Employment Discrimination, Case No. 3-90-009 ( 4 2: pages) i 4

  • Personal privacy information:and information which is outside the scope of the request have been deleted I




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