IR 05000461/1985059

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Insp Rept 50-461/85-59 on 851112-15.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Action on Previous Insp Findings,Preoperational Test Records & Surveillance Testing & Calibr Control
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/03/1985
From: Hawkins F, Westberg R
Shared Package
ML20137U040 List:
50-461-85-59, NUDOCS 8512090194
Download: ML20137U065 (6)


7 e





Report No. 50-461/85059(DRS)

. Docket No. 50-461 License No. CPPR-137


Licensee: Illinois Power Company 500 South 27th Street Decatur, IL 62525 Facility Name: ~ Clinton Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 Inspection At: Clinton Site, Clinton, IL Inspection Conducted: November 12 through 15, 1985 Inspector:



Ob R. A. Westberg





2.)$ /B [ C. awkins, Chief Quality Assurance. Programs Section Dater '

Inspection Suninary Inspection on November 12 through 15, 1985 (Report No. 50-461/85059(DRS))

Areas Inspected: . Routine,- unannounced inspection by one regional inspector of licensee action on previous inspection findings; preoperational. test records; and surveillance testing and calibration control. The inspection involved a '

total of 26 inspector-hours onsit .Results: Of the four areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified. Of the six previous findings reviewed, three were closed.

G512090194 051204 PDR 0 ADOCK 05000461 PDR


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~ Persons-Contacted i


3 p JI111nois Power ~ Company

  • .

P. Hall, Vice Presiden y


.*J. W. Wilson'," Plant Manager J. F.'Palchak. Supervisor, Support Services

  • F. A.-Spangenberg, Manager, Licensing and Safety:



J. H. Greene, Manager..Startup .


  • E. J. Corrigan . Director, Quality Engineering ,

. 3 -and. Verification


f Di" R..F. Campbell, Director, Quality Systems

'and Audits

> *K. A. Baker, Acting Supervisor, I&E Interface . [



> . *F.: L. . Chevalier, Supervisor, Operations Support

  • W.. Connor, Manager, Quality Assurance

.*Js.S. Perry, Manager, Nuclear Program Coordination '

t*J.; Greenwood, renager, Power Supply, Soyland/WIPCo f *J. Miller, Director, Startup Programs


,W *H. E. Daniels Jr.,-. Project Manager

  • D. C. :Shelton, Manager, Nuclear Safety and Engineering Analysis USNRC


..p . ,

  • T.tP.-Gwynn, Chief,. Reactor l Projects _Section'IB



' *P. Hiland, Resident Inspector "

r o* '


  • Denotes those attending,the exit interview on November 15, 198 Other personnel were' contacted as a matter of.-routine during thS'

m inspectio i e

6 = . .;'

'hy LAction'on-Previous: Inspection Findings *h w li (' Closed)0penItem(461/85016-01):. Master Equipment st'(MEL) - '


review by NRC for_ inclusion of safety-related items.' The inspector- .

b -reviewed Procedure N.0.,_" Master Equipment List", Revisi_on-0,'that was issued for_'use' on Augus_t .13,1985.: .This' procedure describes-


the MEL' and the basic steps for data entry. As of October 15,1985,

. . .1y the.MEL program was' sixty percent. complete.with 57,500 out of 6p,000


> - entries completed.- The Power Plant' Maintenance Planning System



-(PPMPS) which uses the MEL is now operational, since' each of :the 3 ,


. data entries filled in at least the 12 specific fields needed to


-declare'a record active.1 The filling in of the remaining fields


~ constitutes the. forty percent remaining to be completed. The

-  : inspector was satisfied'that the licensee had made sufficient


. progress to warrant closing this ite " t W L :La ' .

2 '

,  ?


.. .

, ,



l l


I t

' (Closed)UnresolvedItem(461/84002-02): Travelers No. E30-1003- '

4 02A-H16 and No. E28-1000-03A-H14 were found to have insufficient justification for material traceability of angle iron The licensee

. !

documented this loss of material traceability for electrical supports

, .

! .

l l

on Corrective Action Request (CAR) No. 073, Nonconformance Report (NCR) No. 23422, and 10 CFR 50.55(e) Report No. '84-02. A sampling l program was developed and implemented which utilized MIL-STD-414 ;

L and a population of electrical hangers with traceability problem ,

A total of 169 samples were tested and the results of the tests i provided assurance that the materials-used in the electrical installations were capable of meeting the design requirements and t could be used as is. The inspector agreed with this determination and had no further concern (0 pen) Unresolved Item (461/84002-04): Generic Resolutions (GRs) t No. 7, Revision 1, and No. 22, Revision 0, were not adequately



supported by documented justifications. The inspector reviewed the .

documentation supporting GR No. 7, GR No.11 (which superseded GR N ), CAR No. 073, NCR No. 23422, and the third party review of GRs by ;

Dennis Millican and Associates Inc.- Pending review of the resolution !

' of the discrepancies. identified by the Millican report, this item ;

will remain ope ! (Closed) Open Item (461/85023-04): NRC to review provisions and (

implementation of four levels of storage and provisions for special ;

receipt inspection and testing. The inspector verified that the ;


licensee had implemented B, C, and D storage levels as defined by l ANSI N45.2.2. No Level A storage had been implemented because no i materials requiring Level A storage had been procured. When Level A i

storageLi s required, Procedure No. 1513.01, Paragraph and '

Procedure No.- CPS 1013.01S, Paragraph 8.2.1 provide the require-ments in accordance with the ANSI standard. Further, the licensee has prepared a plan for upgrading an existing Level B storage area to r Level A storage, if required. The inspector reviewed this plan and ;

was satisfied that this item had been adequately addresse .


' To date, one item (Swagelok tube fittings)'has required a special -l receipt inspection and supplemental testing in order to dedicate the :

i item for safety-related use. The inspector reviewed the plan for procurement and acceptance of Swagelok tube fittings and had no j concern (0 pen)OpenItem(461/85035-01): Nuclear Review and Audit Group {

(NRAG) not meeting its charter with respect to audits. Discussions s with the NRAG secretary indicated that the NRAG had reviewed 15 out i of the 35 audits performed in 1985. Pending further progress, this .

item will remain ope j[ (0 pen) Open Item (461/85035-02): Program for control of tests and experiments is cumbersome. The inspector's review indicated t that the program was still in revision. Pending further progress, i this item will remain ope !

. ,

... . Preoperational Test Records

- The inspector verified that the licensee's controls for records generated during the preoperational test program had been adequately implemente ' Documents Reviewed (1) SAI-4, " Document and Records Control", Revision 1 .

(2) SAP-5, " Test Procedure Results Review and Approval",

Revision' (3) SAP-11, "Canduct of Tests", Revision : (4) " Master Procedure Index",' October 31, 198 (5) "Startup Subsystem Phase II Dates", November 6, 198 (6) Clinton FSAR, Table 14.2-5, " Acceptance Tests", Amendment 2 Inspection Results The inspector reviewed the Record Class Code List'(RCCL) and verified


that file locations and retention periods had been established fo .the records generated during preoperational testin (1) The Startup Document Center '(SDC) was inspected and-the following were observed::

(a) Working copies of preoperational test procedures were stored in locked file cabinet ~

(b) The file cabinets had one hour fire ratings per the Clinton -


FSAR, Section 1.8 commitment to Regulatory Guide 1.8 (c) Access control required visitors to be escorte .

(d) Personnel authorized to enter the SDC were documented on an access list that was posted at the entrance to the SD .(2) The. central records file was inspected and the.following were observed:

(a) Preoperational testing records were stored in the records vaul (b) The following records were requested and found to be compleife and readily retrievable.

g h Acceptance Test No. ATP-TW-01, " Filtered Water".




" u ~ __. - . , . . .,


, , .

. Preoperational Test No. PTP-HC-02, " Fuel Handling Building Crane".

3 Preoperational Test No. PTP-FW-02, "Feedwater".

. Preoperational Test No. PTP-DC-01, "D.C. Power-Distribution - Battery Charger IA".

1 Preoperational Test No. PTP-LP-01, ~ " Low Pressure-Core Spray".

L Qualification packages for three startup. personne (c) Access control required visitors to sign in and out.

L Visitor badges were issue (d) Authorized personnel were documented on an access lis .

No violations or' deviations were identifie . Surveillance Testing and Calibration Control During the July 25,-1985, exit meeting for Inspection N /85035(DRS), the inspector asked Illinois Power Company to provide a commitment date for completion of the surveillance testing control procedure revision and-issuance of the surveillance. testing schedul Illinois' Power responded in writing in an August 14, 1985,_ letter to the-Region III Administrator giving October 1, 1985, as the completion dat .

On November 13, 1985, the inspector was informed that there had been-personnel changes and that the surveillance testing procedures and the schedule were still in the process of major revisions. Three of the four administrative control procedures'were presented as_ drafts and the inspector reviewed them for general content; however, an assessment of the adequacy of the program was not possible because the procedures _were neither approved nor implemented.-

The inspector was concerned that the licensee had missed their commitment date. At the exit meeting on November 15, 1985, the inspector expressed his concerns regarding.the surveillance' testing program and'the need to implement'it 90 days prior to fuel load. Based on the licensee's comments during the meeting, it was apparent that there may be a misunderstanding regarding the operational quality assurance program and when it is required to be implemente The Clinton FSAR, Section 17.2 states that the operational quality

, assurance program shall be implemented 90 days prior to fuel loa Although activities such as design changes, tests and experiments, safety _

review committee. and surveillance testing are.not required until after fuel load, the administrative control procedures for these activities




, . .- .

J are part of the operational quality assurance program. To assess the status and adequacy of'the operations quality assurance program and its implementation to support readiness for issuance of an operating license, the required procedures must be approved and implemente Pending NRC

' review of the administrative control procedures for surveillance testing and the surveillance schedule, this matter is considered open (461/85059-01). Open Items Open11tems are matters which have been discussed with the licensee, which will be reviewed further by the inspector, and which involve some action on the part of the NRC or licensee or both. Open items disclosed during the inspection are discussed in Section . -Exit Interview The_ inspector met with licensee representatives.(denoted in the Persons Contacted paragraph) at Clinton on November 15, 1985. The inspector

.sunmarized the scope and findings of the inspection. The probable-contents of the report were discussed with licensee personnel and~no proprietary information was identifie ,
