IR 05000461/1988012

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Insp Rept 50-461/88-12 on 880425-27.No Violations, Deficiencies,Deviations,Exercise Weaknesses or Open Items Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness Exercise of Key Functions & Locations During Exercise
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/18/1988
From: Patterson J, Matthew Smith, Snell W
Shared Package
ML20154Q367 List:
50-461-88-12, NUDOCS 8806070002
Download: ML20154Q370 (16)


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Report No. 50-461/88012(ORSS)'

Docket No. 50-461 License No. NPF-55 Licensee: Illinois Power Company 500 South 27th Street Decatur, IL 62525 Facility Name: Clinton Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 s i

Inspection At: Clinton Site, Clinton, Illinois Inspection Conducted: April 25-27, 1988 Inspectors: Ja 's < 3/sA

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6 M/Y Date

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Approved By:

7M 1aDnell,ChiefM u


/ Emergency Preparedness e/


i Section Inspection Summary i Inspection on April 25-27, 1988 (Report No. 50-461/88012(DRS$)J Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection of the Clintjn Power Station, I emergency preparedness exercise involving observations by th'.ee NRC inspectors i of key functions and locations during the exercise (IP 82301).

,I Results: The licensee demonstrated an adequate response, in terms of  ;

facilities, procedures, and personnel performance, to a hypothetical accident I scenario involving a radioactive release. No violations, deficiencies, I j deviations, Exercise Weaknesses, or Open Items were identifie i



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f 8806070002 880518


PDR ADOCK 05000461 +



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' NRC Observers and Areas' Observed j W. Snell, Control Room and Emergenc/ Operations Facility (EOF)

M. Smith, EOF J. Patterson, Technical Support Center (TSC) and Operational Suppor,.t Center (OSC) '




, Illinois Power Company ,


f W. Gerstner, Senior Vice President i' ,/

D. Hall, Vice President f ,f,9 J. Ferry, Manager Nuclear ,Pr, ogram Coordination /

R. Freeman, Manager-NSED r F. Spangenberg, Manager-Licensing and Safety -

R. Wyatt, Manager-Nuclear Training ' Department _ ', ,



S.' Hall,DJrector-Emergencyfespons gr R.Gardner, Supervisor-Emergencypl,e enning ,

W. *Yarosz, Supervisor-Emergency Exercises T. Camilleri, Assistant Manager-Station Maintenance J. Cook, Manager-NP&S E. Kant, Director-Design Engineering < 9 M. Lyon, Supervisor-License Training W. Man $,anaro, Supervisor-Rad Operations J D. Mo Wis, Director-Outage Maintenance-Programs D. Piilyer, Assistant Manager-Plant Radiation Protection R. Phares, Supervisor-Licensing Operations K. Baker, Supervisor-1&E Interface '(

R. Richey, Technical Advisor-Maintenance <;


D. Schweickert, Supervisor Compliance J. Sipek, Supervisor4 Plant Fire Protection f D. Smith, Assistant Supervisor-Securit .j J. Weaver, Direpoti-Licensing .

R. Morgenstern,iAssistant Manager-Plant Technical ,

T. Roe, Assistant Supervisor-Mechanical ,

C. Hollon, Tech 11 cal Advisor-Technical Assessment '


O. Travis, Nurse r e <

C. Patient, Nurs= 4 ' '

i L. Clark, Supervisor-Liquid Waste \


J. Hunsicker, Supervisor-Computer /C&I Engineering l R. Kerestes, Director-Engineering Projects ,


S. Wotdy, Supervisor-Security .


B. Paulsen, Media Relations Representative' /

R. Weber, Supervisor-Quality Engineering

) D. Holtpcher, Director-Nuclear Safety

\ R.Trgtter,ManagerofEngineering 1 t T. Madsp, Supervisor-Legis7ative Affairs l

\ D. Waddell, Project Manager-Simulator Sepport 2 i ' ' " I All those"cersonnel listed above attended.the exit interview on l

,, April'27,198 / l j '

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i 2. Licensee Actions on Previously Identified Items (Closed) Open Item No. 461/87003-01.- The General Emergency'was not i declared in a timely manner during the 1987 annual exercise. This '

was a repeat of an exercise weakness identified in a previous exercise and resulted in the issuance of a Severity Level IV violation. During the 1988 annual exercise, the General Emergency was promptly declared by Emergency Operations Facility staf Following the upgrading of the emergency classification to a Site ,

Area Emergency, plant conditions that would require escalation to !

tbc General Emergency Classification were predetermined by the l EAL/ Protective Action Evaluator. This preplanning. assured prompt '

recognition of the emergency action level and reclassification to a General Emergency. This item is close ,

j i (Closed) Open Item No. 461/87003-02. Contamination control i practiccs in the E0F Environmental Laboratory were inadequate during i the 1987 annual exercise. This was a repeat of an exercise weakness I identified in a previous exercise and resulted in the issuance of a Severity Level IV violatio During the 1988 annual exercise, the ,

observed methods of contamination control practices were adequat !

The inspector observed the analyziag of air and soil sample )

Instrumentation, swipes and gloves were readily available. Sample bags were tied shut, and the technician used large scissors to open the double bags to obtain samples. Forms were readily available to I record survey results. The technician closely monitored equipment, I smears, samples, and himsel He demonstrated excellent contamination control practices by using proper procedures throughout the entire .

exercise. This item is close !

3. General An exercise of the Clinton Power Plant's Emergency Plan was conducted at the Clinton Station on April 26, 1988. The exercise tested the lie ssee's and offsite emergency support organizations' capabilities


espond to a simulated accident scenario resulting in a major release t! radioactive material to the environment. An attachment to this report ;

includes the scope and objectives of the exercise, initial conditions, and i an exercise time line for key event The exercise was categorized as a partial scale event with limited participation by the State of Illinois and De Witt County. NRC Region III participated in this exercise, activating a base team and site

l tea . General Observations Procedures This exercise was conducted in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E requirements using the Clinton Power Station Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure .. .


s' l Coordin. tion l

The licensee's response was coordinated, orderly, and timely. 'If I the events had been real, the actions taken by the' licensee would i have been sufficient to permit the State and local authorities to !

take appropriate actions to protect the public's health and safety, i Observers l

The licensee's observers monitored and critiqued this exercise along with three NRC observers and a number of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) observer FEMA observations on the response of State and local governments will be provided in a separate repor Exercise Critiques A critique was held with the licensee and NRC representatives on April 27, 1988, the day after the exercis The NRC discussed the observed strengths and weaknesses during.the exit interview. In addition, a public critique was held in Decatur, Illinois on the same day to present the preliminary onsite and offsite findings of the NRC and FEMA exercise observers, respectivel . Specific Observations Control Room (CR)

The CR staff functioned very efficiently and coordinated their efforts as a team to react quickly and correctly to scenario events. After identification of the sabotaged fuel oil in the Division I Diesel Generator (DG) Dsy Tank, the CR staff took prompt corrective actions which included: reviewing both their Emergency Action Levels (EALs) and 10 CFR Part 50.73 (reporting requirements for security events); notifying Security; and asking Chemi:try to verify the contents of the fuel oil in the Division II and III DG Day Tanks to assure that there was no tampering with the fuel oil in those tank From the vantage point of the CR, Securir.y response to the sabotage event was very good. They responded very quickly to the CR's request's for information or to take specified actions. The plant was placed in a Security Alert and guards.t.osted by the Division II and III DG's v. hen the Shift Supervisor (SS) requested that they be guarde The CR continued to aggressively persue the security event for quite some time, even after other significant events had occurred, such as the tornado striking the site. These actions included: ensuring i the De W!tt County Sheriff had been notified of the sabotaged f uel oil in the day Tank; ensuring the responsible individual had been i






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s apprehended; that Security determined his' access level at the p* ant; what all his movements were at the site over the previous 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />; and whether he would admit to other sabotag The SS and Shift Tachnical Advisor (STA) had a good discussion over whether an Unusual Event or Alert should be declared as a result of the sabotage. They determined that the Alert would be appropriate; but the Controller stepped in and required that they limit the classification to the Unusual Event to keep within the scenario timeline. However, their initial decision to declare an Alert was later supported vehen NRC Region III activated their Incident Response Center. The NRC also felt the situation warranted an Aler The CR staff was quick to use plant procedures, emergency procedures and Technical Specifications. Logs were continually maintained and sufficiently detailed. The Load Dispatcher was also kept informed of changing plant conditions. The CR staff promptly responded tc concerns raised by the NRC Senior Resident Inspector, in some


instances taking actions based on these concerns. A dedicated communicator was quickly provided to maintain a continuous phone link with the NRC when requested. Phone communications were well maintained by the CR staff including using the prefacing statement of "this is a drill". The emergency classification was correctly upgraded to an Alert based on a fire in the 1C1 switchgea Notifications to the State via the NARs phone and to the NRC via the ENS phone were made within the required time limits and provided the required information for both the Unusual Event and the Aler Transfer of command and control to the TSC was made smoothly and without problems. The SS then informed all CR staff that this transfer had occurred. Public Address announcements were made to plant personnel following the first two emergency declaration No prompting or coaching was observed in the CR. The use of the simu'.ator to drive actions and responses of the CR staff significantly increased the realism and learning potential of the exercis The overall performance of the CR in responding to the scenario events and in taking appropriate actions was considered to be very good, b. Technical Support Center (TSC)

The TSC assumed command and control of the emergency after a good l exchange of information between the Control Room SS and the Site 1 Emergency Director (SED). It was evident from the TSC's official activation that the SED was receiving good support from the technical groups and the Health Physics (HP) group. With events occurring rapidly, such as lightning striking a transformer causing ,

it to trip arm burst into flames, a tornado destroying other transformers (resulting in a IM s of offsite power), and tornado i

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debris ripping a large hole in the Secondary Gas Control Boundary and RCIC tank, the SED and his emergency response support staff had more than enough crises to handl The Site Area Emergency was declared based on the effects c' the tornado strike after offsite power was lost for over 15 minute The initiation of evacuation / accountability through a public address-announcement followed at once. All non-essential personnel were accounted for in less than 30 minutes, although, for exercise purposes this was only 50 individuals. Notifications were made to the State of Illinois and the NRC within the required time, and the NARS form was completed satisfactorily as reviewed by the inspecto However, it appeared that headsets would have been helpful to the dedicated communicators (the phones are not currently adaptable to head sets).

Briefings by the SED were frequent and highlighted major concerns. However, he could have involved the various support groups more directly by asking each group's team leader to give a brief synopsis of their corrective actions being undertaken to mitigate the emergency. By giving each :,upport group a chance to provide input, or provide a dissenting opinion on a proposed fix, the support groups could have a greater sense of involvement in contributing to the decisionmakin With only a few exceptions, the status boards were well maintaine One posting had two different times for the Alert declaratlon. This was later corrected. The "Major Problerts" ' status board should have '

included several more contributing events which occurred in the plant besides those already listed. Closer coordination between the SED's area and the person responsible for keeping this board current would have helped. The status board for tracking the Operational Support Center inplant teams was particularly effective and well maintained. Communications within the TSC plus those with the E0F ,


were well maintained. The sound level within the TSC was rather i high at times due to the large number of players, controllers, 1 evaluators and three NRC participants, however, it was seldom a !

hindrance and wa* lowered on request from the Director's tabl At 1308 the SED declared his priorities in stabilizing plant l conditions. These priorities were as follows:

(1) Hook up the diesel generator, Division I. to the emergency


reserve auxiliary transforme (2) Repair the remaining auxiliary transformer (3) Establish containment coolin (4) Maintain containment integrit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -

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l (5) Plan for shift relief working through Rad Protection group for personnei acces (6) Prepare Post Accident Sampling System (PASS) to obtain a sample when onsite power is availabl This was a good example of naaagement direction to clarify the main prcblems encountered and establish priorities for mitigating activitie Dose assessment was satisfactorily demonstrated using manual calculations due to the onsite power loss which prevented use of the main frame computer. Containment dose rates as well as the iodine level for the Standby Gas Treatment System were trende Implementing procedures, engineering drawings, and logs were well utilized. The SED had a dedicated log keeper who recorded the entire history of TSC activities in a professional manner. Overall, the TSC personnel performed well, demonstrated good emergency skills, and coordinated their effort to curtail the emergenc c. Operational Support Center (OSC)

The OSC management was well organized, decisive, and continually active in response to the TSC's requests, as well as other demands for emergency responses. Briefings given by the OSC Supervisor were frequent, short, and meaningful. His use of a "bull horn" to get better sound reception allowed the teams awaiting assignments to also be informed of plant conditions and major problems which involved the OSC. The OSC Dispatcher did an outstanding job at a l Very stressful emergency position. He maintained good communications with the teams in the various plant areas, provided good direction, and answered-their question l The inspector accompanied one maintenance team on a task which l involved opening the RHR-C injection valves. A good briefing was given to the team including the travel routes and individual exposure limitations. This team consisted of two maintenance ,

l personnel who had received basic radiation safety training, )

including use of radiation monitoring survey instruments. There was no accompaniment by an HP technicia The OSC Supervisor, af ter consulting with his HP Supervisor, decided when radiation exposure possibilities, including airborne inntamination, would warrant sending an HP technician with the team. HP technicians were available in the OSC if radi< tion conditions warranted their !

services and were used on other assignments. This policy allowed


the OSC to have more maintenance personnel for inplant assignments I without using all their HP technicians on routine, low level radiation assignment .

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After several attempts, including another team dispatched with a

"cheater" bar and wrench, the Controller advised the team that they could not open the valves successfully. However, the team did demonstrate knowledge of the RHR valve system and how to repair it if conditions would allow. The team was suited in full anticontamination clothes and wore-proper dosimetry. They asked the Controller periodically for radiation levels en route and at the plant area destinatio As observec, the OSC operations were dynamic, well coordinated, and those involved demonstrated a positive attitude in e-- cibuting their capabilities to mitigate the acciden Emergency Operation Facility (EOF)

The EOF was activated in a timely manner. Sufficient procedures and equipment were available for personnel. The EOF staff was well tr.Gned, knowledgeable of their auties and responsibilities, and utilized their procedures effectively. . Illinois Power personnel coot dinated efforts with the NRC, Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety and Emergency Services Disaster Agency personnel, who were also located in the EOF. They were responsive to those agency's concerns and questions, but did not compromise their own duties and responsibilitie Status boards, with minor exceptions, were adequately maintained throughout the exercise and provided pertinent information. Management briefings in the E0F were excellent. NRC and State personnel were active participants in these briefings. The briefings were conducted quickly, focused on key issues, and enabled the Emergency Manager to effectively coordinate staff activitie The EOF engineering staff maintained adequate communication with the TSC and were kept informed of all changes in key plant conditions in a timely manner. The engineering staff adequately trended plant conditions, particularly uncovering of the cor The General Emergency was promptly and properly declared based on a prolonged loss of cooling capability which could lead to the core being uncovered. The subsequent notification to the State was completed within 15 minutes, as require The position of the Vice President in the Clinton E0F is unique among the sites in NRC Region II This position is that of observer of overall operations of the E0F, to identify and prevent any problems in the decision-making process of the EOF staff. It appeared to work effectively. An example of the effectiveness of this position occurred when Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) discussions were becoming muddled during the initial notification of the General Emergency to the State of Illinois, and the Vice President quickly stepped in and advised the staff that the initial notification should be transmitted immediately with the minimum protective action recommendations. An expanded recommendation, if necessary, could follow. This observation enabled the staff to get back on track and I notify the State within the required time fram l l

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Considerable attention was given to forecast meteorology in the formulation of protective actions throughout the exercise. In all observed cases, the discussions were effective, thorough, and supported the final recommendation. Due to the simulated iuss of the SR computer in the EOF, dose assessment calculations were carried out manually using Procedure RA-01, "Manual Radiological Dose Assessment." Although it appeared that the individual implementing this procedure was well trained and completed the calculations within the required 15 minutes, it would be prudent to consider placing this methodology on a small personal computer (PC). This would significantly speed up the turnaround time.for completing the assessment, reduce the potential for error, and enable the assessor to devote time to other important task Actions were taken to provide relief personnel. These personnel were assembled at the Backup EOF located in Decatur before coming to the site due to concerns over potential plume exposures and/or contaminatio Offsite radiological monitoring teams followed their procedures, adequately inventoried their supplies, checked monitoring equipment, and issued dosimeters. The teams were promptly and effectively deployed and coordinated with the state's monitring teams. The E0F Environmental Laboratory had a locatior off for field teams to drop off samples to be analyze . area was covered with yellow plastic and adequately supplied with monitoring equipment, gloves, and swipes and cloths. Samples were double bagged and relatively free of contamination. The technician adequately surveyed sample bags, the samples themselves, work areas, and himself throughout the analyzing process. The technician demonstrated excellent radiological control practices throughout the exercis The technician was able to determine the type of contamination in each sample but could not determine a quantitative amount due to the loss of the SR computer. A small programmed personal computer (PC) is recommended as a backup means to obtain quantitative values and thus verify the projected dose:.

No prompting or coaching was observed in the EOF or the E0F Environmental Laboratory. Controllers adequately kept the exercise on track and promptly resolved issues as they occurre . Scenario This scenario was challenging; including a sabotage event which enabled security to become actively involved, a fire which required response by the fire brigade, an injury with potential contamination, and numerous additional inplant maintenance teams. The dose assessment / PAR portion of this scenario was also challenging based on a large fission product

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inventory in containment, requiring significant offsite protective actions, even though the actual release was ralatively low. This was accompanied by an ongoing wind shift that tested staff capabilities to recommend proper protective action However, the original scenario submitted to the NRC should have been more complete at the time of submitta Reactor data was missing, and the summary and timeline did not contain adequate information, such as specifying expected classifications and their bases, and providing a clearer explanation of the release pathway and expected offsite PAR . Exit Interview The inspectors held an exit interview the day after the exercise on April 27, 1988, with the licensee representatives denoted in Section The NRC Team Leader discussed the scope and findings of the inspectio The licensee indicated that none of the information discussed during this meeting was proprietar Attachments:

1. Exercise Scope and Objectives 2. Summary of Events and Exercise Ttne Line l


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The Clinton Power Station Emergency Exercise will be conducted during normal working hours to demonstrate the integrated capability of Illinois Power Company to respond to a simulated emergency at Clinton Power Station (CPS).

The State of Illinois will participate on a limited basis only and local governments will also participate. The


Exercise is designed to test as much of the Clinton Power Station Emergency Plan as is reasonably achievable and on a limited scale, the Illinois Plan for Radiological Accident ,


Illinois Power Company (IPC) will participate in the l CPS Exercise by activating the Emergency Response '

Organization and Emergency Response Facilities as appropriate, subject to limitations that may become necessary to provide for safe operations of the Plan In lieu of using the Main Control Room, the CPS l Simulator Control Room will be used during the Exercis {

Hereinafter, any reference to the Main Control Room implies j the Simulator. An off-duty Main Control Room shift crew will be pre-positioned in the Simulator to receive Exercise !

Message !

i Illinois Power Company has established specific objectives and ground rules for the Exercis These !

objectives and ground rules may be found later in this j sectio IPC has also limited its participation in some l area The areas which will not be demonstrated during the '

Exercise are, but not necessarily limited to, the following: Evacuation of non-essential personnel will not be necessary, and accountability will be limited to approximately fifty (50) Illinois Power Company personne . This scenario has a perceived fire internal to the plant creating a lot of smoke. The plant fire brigade will respond. However, no fire will be visually detected and assistance from the local voluni.eer Fire Department will not be require . -- - - - . _ _ _ - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _


" Revision 0 02/01/88 l


1988 EXERCISE OBJECTIVES Primary Objective:

Demonstrate the capability to implement the Clinton Power Station (CPS) Emergency Plan in cooperation with the Illinois Flan for Radiological Accidents (IPRA) to protect public health  !

and safety, and plant personne Supporting Objectives: 1 i Demonstrate the capability to quickly and accurately 1 identify and classify accident conditions consistent  !


with implementing procedure . Once the emergency is classified or re-classified, demonstrate timely notification of the Illinois j Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (IESDA), the ,

Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety (IDNS) and the '

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) within the time required by implementing procedure i Demonstrate the capability to properly notify IPC Emergency Response Organization personnel in accordance with implementing procedure . Demonstrate the capability to activate the Technical ,


Support Center (TSC) , Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) , Operations Support Center (OSC), Headquarters  ;


Support Center (HSC) and Joint Public Information Center (JPIC) in accordance with im'lementing p procedure . Demonstrate the clear transfer of Command Authority l from the Shift Supervisor, to the Station Emergency i Director, to the Emergency Manager in accordance with  !

l implementing procedure . Demonstrate the capability to assess accident  ;

conditions by performing reactor core damage  ;

estimations and by performing offsite dose assessment l Demonstrate the capability to dispatch and control Field Monitoring Teams.- Demonstrate the capability of Field Monitoring Teams to conduct field radiological surveys, including the collection and analysis of air samples for radioiodine, and to collect, as needed, additional liquid, vegetation and soil sample _

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Revision 0 l 02/01/88 I

l Demonstrate the ' capability of emergency workers to i receive, analyze, and store field samples in the EOF Environmental Laboratory while following approved procedures and acceptable radiological control . Demonstrate the capability of the Operations Support Center to control emergency teams including emergency maintenance activitie . Demonstrate implementation of effective health physics controls by the emergency teams, 12. Demonstrate the capability to provide dosimetry an conitor radiation exposures to onsite emergency workers and Field Monitoring Team . Demonstrate the capability to effectively communicate i reports, information and assessments of the situation among participating principal command'and control centers, personnel and emergency team . Demonstrate the capability to make appropriate, timely public protective action recommendations to offsite '

authorities in accordance with implementing procedure ,

15. Demonstrate timely, effective information flow from the i Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) to the Joint Public !

Information Center (JPIC) . l l

16. Demonstrate the capability to provide accurate, timely 1 information to the news media from the JPIC in I cooperation with governmental agencie . Demonstrate the ability, through discussion, to implement appropriate measures for controlled recovery


and re-entr l 18. Demonstrate the capability of the First Aid Team and !

Radiation Protection personnel to properly respond to i an accident involving contaminated and/or injured l personnel and to transport injured personnel to an l offsite medical facilit . Demonstrate the capability to critique objectively the emergency response and identify deficiencies. This will require an evaluation of items such as (1) the operation of the Emergency Response Facilities, (2) suitability of individuals in fulfilling emergency assignments and (3) the adequacy of emergency procedures and equipment availabl ,, 20. Demonstrate coordination between the IPC Emergency Response Organization and the NRC Expanded Activation Site Team.


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INITIAL CONDITIONS The plant is presently operating at 100% power, at normal temperature and pressure, in Operating Condition '

DeWitt County and the surrounding area is under e severe thunderstorm warning and tornado watch until 5:00 p.m. toda Several funnel clouds have been spotted in Macon County. A severe thunderstorm is currently traveling through DeWitt Count During a routine surveillance run of the Division I diesel l generator, the diesel attained 900 RPM for two minutes and then j quit running. Troubleshooting is in progress and preparations -

are underway to run Divisions II and III per technical j specification SUMMARY OF EVENTS l The operability test on Division II diesel generator produces satisfactory results. Further investigations on Division I- ;

Diesel by mechanical maintenance produces a thick translucent '

substance in the fuel lines and filter. Some material has hardened and some appears to be a thick epoxy-like substanc j Fuel oil tanks show no contamination but each day tank drain appears to be clogged with the same substance. A security guard ,

also reports workmen have found an obscene threatening note l written on the bottom of Division I diesel day tan l l

A lightning strike on the Emergency Reserve Auxiliary Transformer I


(ERAT) causes it to burst into flames and trip. The deluge system quickly extinguishes the fire but the ERAT is damaged beyond repair. Also as a result of the lightening strike, the Reserve Breakers on the Division III 4160 volt bus fuses causing a fire in the 1Cl switchgear. An injury occurs requiring j transport to an offsite facilit '

A funnel cloud is reported sighted over the city of Clinton l'

traveling north. A tornado touches down on site and impacts the Unit Auxiliary Transformer / Reserve Auxiliary Transformer area, destroying the transformers causing a loss of offsite powe Flying debris impacts the secondary gas control boundary ripping a 2 ft X 10 ft long hole before penetrating the side of the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) . tan Water begins to pour from the RCIC tank at approximately 3000 GPM. The Reactor scrams due to the loss of powe Division II diesel generator trips. Reactor water levels begin to decrease. The core becomes uncovered and a release occurs through the failed open ventilation damper Division I diesel generator is restored to servic Recovery actions begin.


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.. 't EXERCISE TIME LINE DRILL TIME ACTUAL TIME EVENTS T= -5 hrs 0300 Division I diesel generator fail T= -1 hr 0700 Severe thunderstorms passing through DeWitt Count T=0 :0800 Sabotaged fuel oil discovered in Division I diese Notification of Unusual!

t (Event declare T= +0:45 608'45 Lightning strike on ERA Fuses bus work on Division III bu Fire occurs in the IC1 Switchgea Injury occurs requiring transport offsit ,Alertfdeclare T= +1:15 .0915' Tornado impacts sit UAT/ RAT destroye . RT6, RT4, ET4 Buses destroye Hole in Secondary Gas Control Boundar Hole in RCIC Storage Tan (Site Area Emergency declare Suppression pool temp increasing 2 degrees /h T= +2:05 1005 RCIC suction shifts to' suppression pool on low water leve RCIC room temp increases to isolation temp (225 degrees).

RCIC isolate Boil off rate 400 gpm (2"/ min).

T= +2:30 1030 Division II diesel bus frequency drops to 57 hz and slowly decreasin T= +2:45 1045 Division II diesel stop Suppression pool temp increasing 20 degrees /h T= +3:00 1100 VO vent dampers discovered failed in the open position giving a release pat General Emergencyfdeclare I T= +3:05 1105 An SRV sticks open causing a 15"/ min water level dro T= +3:12 1112 Top of Active Fuel reache Water Level dropping 4"/ mi T= +4:00 1200 Bottom of Active Fuel reache ,

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.T- +5:00 1300 Division I diesel returned to service T= +6:00 1400 Terminate drill Begin critique i l-l l

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