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NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970219,Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Effluent Exceeded Instantaneous NPDES Limit of 3.0 Ml/L.Three Exceedances of Weekly Average Effluent Limit of 1.5 Ml/L Also Reported
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 04/14/1997
From: Gibson G
NUDOCS 9704220066
Download: ML20137X520 (9)



Bfif Jke jlEDISON souintascriironsi$ i An MpOMUWWOW Cenpny April 14,1997 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk l Washington, D. C. 20555 j


Docket No. 50-206  !

Report of NPDES Permit Violation F l San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1


Letter from H. W. Newton (SCE) to John Robertus (California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region), NPDES Monitoring Report Unit 1, March 24,1997 I Section D6.15.2.C of the Permanently Defueled Technical SpecNications to Facility License No. DPR-13 for San Onofre Unit i requires _ violations of the NPDES Permit or State certification, (pursuant to section 401 of the Clean Water Act) to be reported to the NRC by submittal of copies of the reports required by the NPDES Permit or certification.  :

I The above referenced letter reported NPDES Permit violations during the month of l February 1997, to the Califomia Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region.

As discussed in the enclosed report, on February 19,1997, the Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Effluent exceeded the instantaneous NPDES limit of 3.0 ml/l. This also caused three exceedances of the weekly average effluent limit of 1.5 ml/l. A failure to the level float switches that operate the influent pumps to the Unit 1 sewage treatment plant contributed to i the high settleable solids condition. This event was corrected the same day, and no further problems have occurred.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Sincerely, -

Os M

[ GregoryT.Gibson Manager, Compliance Enclosure cc: E. W. Merschoff, Administrator, NRC Region IV A. T. Howell, Ill, Director, Division of Reactor Safety, NRC Region IV K. E. Perkins, Jr., Director, Walnut Creek Field Office, NRC Region IV M. K. Webb, NRC Project Manager, San Onofre Unit i Louis Carson, Regional Proiect inspector, San Onofre Unit 1 q}I J. A. Sloan, NRC Senior Resident inspector, San Onofre Units 2 & 3 S. S. Bajwa, Section Chief, Decommissioning Section hJ 9704220066 970414 PDR ADOCK 05000206 6 PDR P. O. Ekn 123 San Clemente. CA 9267441128 kkh

' SotiHFRs CMHORW EDISON An LDfSO\ /\ fl R' 1110\ il G9tS.un hiarch 24,1997 Mr. John Robertus California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region 9771 Clairemont hiesa Boulevard, Suite B San Diego, California 92124-1331


NPDES Discharge hionitoring Report San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1

Dear hir,


I The NPDES Discharge hionitoring Report (DhiR) for San Onofre Unit I covering the month of.

February is submitted in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 95-02 (NPDES Permit  ;

No. CA0001228). A summary of the generating unit's status and significant analytical results is provided below.

The unit was permanently removed from service in November 1992. All sampled water sources were found to be within permit limits with one exception.

I On 2/19/97 at 0900 a sample obtained on the Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Efiluent indicated a settleable solids value of 4.7 ml/l. This was above the instantaneous limit of 3.0 ml/l. In addition, this resulted in three exceedances of the weekly average efiluent limit of 1.5 ml/1. The settleable solids condition at the plant returned to limits later that day. The cause of the event was determined to be equipment failure which resulted in excessive flow through the plant which contributed to the high settleable solids condition. The problem was found to be in the level float switches that operate the influent pumps to the Unit I sewage treatment plant. The problem with the floats was corrected and no further suspended solids problems have occurred.

Pursuant to Order No. 95-02, Reporting Requirement 14, the following representative has prepared and is authorized to sign the reports required by this order: Robert K. Heckler, Environmental Engineer.

I certify under penalty oflaw that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supersision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified nersonnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, D

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P.O.Ikn 128

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san aememe. ca 92o:4.oi23 j

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e j . ' Mr. Robertus Page 2 March 24,1997 4

and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

j Sincerely, 3

? '

l ,

j . Newton

[ Manager, Site Suppon Services 7


!- Enclosure

! cc: Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX t

i f

3 i ,

J i W





g i-d i i

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s F

., . Southern California Edison Monthly Raport Pcg31 of 6 Fccility : Sengs Unit 1 Exact Scmpla Point : Intska and

Order No
95-02 Discharge Conduits Report Freq : Monthly Collected By : Songs Envir Grp Report For : February 1997 Analyzed By : S gs nv'r Gr Report Due: Mar 30,1997 Slgned :


a '"* "

Title : Environmenta Engineer

~ ] '

Waste Stream : {obined Discharge  ;

l PARAMETER: Temperature Difference (degrees Fahrenheit) = Temperature at Saltwater Cooling Outlet Minus Temperature at Saltwater Cooling inlet Date and Time Saltwater Cooling Saltwater Cooling Calculated Outlet *F Inlet 'F AT 2/13/97 7:30 am 60.0 58.0 2.0 i

2/13/97 9:30 am 60.0 58.0 2.0 2/13/9711:30 am 60.0 58.0 2.0 2/13/971:30 pm 60.0 58.0 2.0 2/13/97 3:30 pm 60.0 58.0 2.0 Avg 60.0 58.0 2.0


Max 60.0 58.0 2.0 Regt .. .. 5 1

d f

Southnrn Cclifornia Edison Monthly Report Pcgo 2 of 6 Exact Sampla Point : Points cf Facility : Songs Unit 1 Discharge Order No : 95-02 Report Freq : Monthly Collected By : Songs Envir Grp l Report For : February 1997 Analysed By : Songs Envir Grp Report Due : Mar 30,1997 Waste Stream : Combined Discharge Signed :

Low Volume Waste Title : Environmental Engineer  ;

, and Sewage Parameter : Flow Rate Units : Million Gallons per Day (MGD)

Combined Circ Water Total Low Total Sewage l i Date Discharge intake Volume Waste Treatment 1 5.070 5.040 0.010 0.020 2 5.070 5.040 0.010 0.020 3 5.090 5.040 0.010 0.040 4 5.094 5.040 0.010 0.044 5 5.090 5.040 0.010 0.040 6 5.082 5.040 0.010 0.032 7 5.067 5.040 0.010 0.017 8 5.067 5.040 0.010 0.017 9 5.067 5.040 0.010 0.017 10 5.084 5.040 0.010 0.034 11 5.082 5.040 0.010 0.032 12 5.087 5.040 0.010 0.037 13 5.077 5.040 0.010 0.027 14 5.065 5.040 0.010 0.015 15 5.065 5.040 0.010 0.015 16 5.065 5.040 0.010 0.015 17 5.065 5.040 0.010 0.015 18 5.078 5.040 0.010 0.028 19 5.073 5.040 0.010 0.023 20 5.083 5.040 0.010 0.033 21 5.080 5.040 0.010 0.030 22 5.061 5.040 0.010 0.011 23 5.061 5.040 0.010 0.011 24 5.077 5.040 0.010 0.027 25 5.081 5.040 0.010 0.031 26 5.078 5.040 0.010 0.028 27 5.075 5.040 0.010 0.025 28 5.064 5.040 0.010 0.014 Avg 5.075 5.040 0.010 0.025 Regtl 13.76 0.510 0.160

S.outharn Cclifornia Edison Monthly Raport Pago 3 of 6

. ' Facility : Songs Unit 1 Excct Sampls Point : Point of

Order No
95-02 Discharge t Report Freq : Monthly Collected By : Songs Envir Grp l Report For : February 1997 Analyzed By : ongs Envir j Report Due : Mar 30,1997 '

Slgned ; )

Waste Stream : Combined Discharge '

i Title : nvironmenta Engineer Date &

Parameter Sample Req't Req't Result Units Time  !

Type Type Value Value '


" hly i Turbidity NTU GRAB Avg 75 2.4 2/02/9711:15 am NTU GRAB ' IV 100 2.4 2/02/9711:15 am yg 8

NTU GRAB 225 2.4 2/02/9711:15 am 3

I l

pH -- GRAB -- 6-9 8.0 2/02/9711:15 am I ug/l 6 Month 7 Ibs/ day GRAB Median *

. 0.8 Total Da


  • lbs/ day x
  • C ine ug/l I" **
  • I lbs/ day GRAB Max
  • 23 i.


't i



South 3rn Cclifornia Edison Monthly Raport Pega 4 of 6

' Facility : songs Unit 1 Exact Sampla Point : Point of .

Order No : 95-02 Discharge i Repo'rt Freq : Monthly Collected By : Songs Envir Grp Report For : February 1997 Analyzed By : Son s Envir rp l Report Due : Mar 30,1997 3 Signed :

Waste Stream : Plant Drains Title : Environmental Engineer (Low Volume Waste) <

Sample Date &

Parameter Units Reg't Req't Result Type Time Type Value Value Collected mg/l Monthly 30 2.5 2/2/97 lbs/ day GRAB Avg 130 0.21 11:00 am Total mg/l 2/2/97 Daily 100 2.5 Suspended Ibs/ day GRAB Max Solids 430 0.2 11:00 am mg/ Inst 100 2.5 2/2/97 lbs/ day GRAB Max 430 0.2 11:00 am mg/l Monthly 15 < 2.2 2/2/97 lbs/ day GRAB Avg 64 < 0.18 11:00 am Grease and mg/l DaHy 20 < 22 2/2/97 Oil Ibs/ day GRAB Avg 85 < 0.2 11:00 am m g/l Inst 20 < 2.2 M 97 lbs/ day GRAB Max 85 < 0.2 11:00 am j


Southarn California Edison Monthly R3 port Pags 5 of 6 Facility : Songs Unit 1 Exact Sample Point : Point of 1

, Orde,r No : 95 02 Discharge

' Report Freq : Monthly Collected By : Songs Envir Grp Report For : February 1997 Analyzed By : Son s Envir Gr l Report Due : Mar 30,1997 Waste Stream : Rad Waste System Signed : k Title : Environmental Engineer (Low Volume Waste)

Sample Date &

Parameter Units Req't Req't Result Type Time Type Value Value Collected I mg/l Monthly 30 lbs/ day GRAB Avg *

  • 130 Total mg/l Daily 100 Suspended Ibs/ day GRAB Max 430 *
  • Solids mg/ Inst 100 lbs/ day GRAB Max
  • 430
  • mg/l Monthly 15 lbs/ day GRAB Avg
  • 64
  • Grease and mg/l DaHy M Oil Ibs/ day GRAB Av9 85 *
  • m g/l '"*

lbs/ day GRAB Max 85 * *

  • NO Flow IN FEBRUARY 1997

South::;rn California Edison Monthly Report Page 6 of 6

.. Facility : Songs Unit 1 Exact Samplo Point : Point cf Order No : 95 02 Discharge

~ Rep' ort Freq : Monthly Collected By : Songs Envir Grp Report For : February 1997 Analyzed By : Songs Che ist Report Due : Mar 30,1997 Signed : j4,p 0 ggf) /

Waste Stream : Sewage Treatment Title : Environmenta Engineer Daily Max Monthly Ava Sample Date/ Time Sample Req't Sample Req Units Type of Sample Value Value Value Value Sewaae - - Unit i Inf mg/l 09:56 1294.0 --

1294.0 -

T.S.S lbs/ day GRAB 2/19/97 474.8 --

269.8 -

EFF m g/l 13:25 < 2.2 75 < 2.2 25 G&O lbs/ day GRAB 2/21/97 < 0.8 < 0.5 63 21 EFF mg/ 08:55 15.6 323.5 15.6 323.5 T.S.S lbs/ day GRAB 2/26/97 5.7 118.7 3.3 67.4 8' ml/l GRAB 4.7 3.0 0.5 1.0 gg 09:00 pH Units GRAB 7.5 6.0 - 9.0 7.5 6.0 - 9. 0 12:20 Turbidity NTU GRAB 8 225 8 75

.2/21/97 Sewaae - - Mesa Inf mg/l -- -.

T.S.S lbs/ day GRAB ,

EFF mg/l 75 25 G&O lbs/ day GRAB , ,

EFF mg/l T.S.S lbs/ day GRAB , ,

Sett. *

  • Solids ml/l GRAB 3.0 1.0 pH Units GRAB
  • 6.0 - 9.0 6.0 - 9.0 Turbidity NTU GRAB
  • 225 75 I
  • Mesa Sewage Treated at Unit 1 Sewage Treatment Plant