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Affidavit of Tf Kelly Re 830824 Meeting W/Qc Personnel Concerning Proposed Changes to Protective Coatings Specs & QC Procedures.Record of DD Driskill 831012 Telephone Interview W/J Firtel Encl
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 09/28/1983
From: Kelly T
Shared Package
ML20106G461 List:
NUDOCS 8410310226
Download: ML20106G497 (6)


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1,~Bau o , F, tu. P 4 5 .d .

, hereby make the following '

, . voluntary statement to Mr. D. D. Driskill, who has identified himself t6 me as a'n Investigator with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

I make this statement freely with no threats or promises of reward having been made to me.

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.JEROME FIRTEL AS RECORDED BY NRC INVESTIGATOR D. D. DRISKILL ON OCTOBER 12, 1983 At 1040 on October 12, 1963, Jerece FIRTEL, Corrosion Engineer. Ebasco Services', '

  • ncorscreted, New York, New York, was telephonically interviewed (telephcr.e ror.:be r y hRC Investigator D. D'. DRISKILL. FIRTEL was ir.terviewed concerning his knowledge of circumstances associated with the terminaticr cf William A. DUNHAM, a former coatings OC Inspector employed by Brown & Root, Inc., (B&R), at Comanche Peak Steara Electric Stetion (CPSES).

FIRTEL stated he went to CPSES for only about 4 days r. ear the end of August

.19S3. He stated he s.ent to CPSES to assist in a protective ccatings evaluatien and censulting eff6rt being cceducted by Ebasco at CPSES. FIRTEL stated that o during his visit to CPSES, he an'd Thomas KELLY, another Ebasco Corrosion -

, Engineer from Houston, Texas, werc csked to conduct a question anc ar.swer session with CPSES coatings QC personnel. FIRTEL stated the meeting was held specificcily to answer technical cuesticns the QC personnel might have.

FIRTEL stated that during the reeting, one OC inspector whose name he cic rct knew (but whc was obvicusly CUNHAM), attempted te use the meeting as a forum tc air nis (DUNiiAM's) persenal grievances. FIRTEL describec CLhhAM's attitude as "cisruptive" and characterized the stater.ents and questions asked by CUNMTN hs perscrrel croblems rather than technical problems. When specificc!!y asked whether cor.ments mace by CUNHAM, relating to their (the OC perscnnel) lack of supervisory suppcrt onc inticiaation by supervisors ucre ,rersonnel problens, F!RTEL reiterated bis and KELLY's purpose there was tc answer techr.ical questices.

FIRTEL stated he believed the tcpics breupht up by DUNHAM were i.respersibie cue tc the fact that neither he (FIRTEL) cr KELLY had any control over management-employee relatices. FIRTEL stated that once DtiHMAM began taiking, he (FIRTEL) was disturbed be:ause he was a visiter thcr. and had no control over the matters CUNHAM was ciscussing. FIRTEL stated he cr:1, wantec to discuss technical matters during the meeting.

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x FIRTEL'st6ted he felt DUNHAM had a " poor attitude," was " disruptive," and was ,

"out of .line" in bringing up such matters in front of " guests" ( FIRTEL

.telieveo he ano KELLYLwere).

F:RTEL stated he has no' knowledge regarding any personnel action taken

Cli:HAli as a result of his (DUNHAM's) deneanor during the. meeting. . l l

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-1lher asked whether he (FIRTEL) had-discussec this matter with anyone'since his

' f:ew York, FIR.TEL said he cio ciscuss.the topic with someone but was l

urable to recall whom he talked with or when.




D. D. DRISKILL, Investigator 0I Field 0.~tice, Region IV 2

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