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Submits Listing of Initial Tasks Re Consulting Efforts Concerning Suspension of Facility Const.Addl Tasks & Recommendations May Be Suggested as Work Develops or New Areas Are Identified
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 03/31/1983
From: Jones G
To: Borgamnn E, Borgmann E
BLC-001, BLC-1, EA-82-129, NUDOCS 8304190191
Download: ML20073J116 (3)


- .

Bechtel Powe'r Cor poration 56 3d 1 777eesie'senac-erre -ev Ann Afbot.Michgan u ,.4eaess P.O. Som 1001 Ann Arbor. Mchgar. 4E1DE.

BLC- 001 March 31, 1953 Cincinnati. Gas 6 Electric Co. +'._I- Z i ._

Ec.H. Zinzer Euclear Power Station - Unit 1 fact. i vcc i. .

ER !1 Box 2023 t.* , c ,

U.S. Et. 52 I r . r. .

6 Ecscow, Ohio 45153 h.. -l Attention: Er. E.A. Eorccann Senior Vice President


Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co.

Vc.E. Zitmer Nuclear lover Station - Unit 1 Eechtel Job 15697-002 EECHTEL CONSULTING AREA


A) CGAE Letter to NEC dated 2/2L/83,


Suspendinc Construction, Docket 1.o.

50-358 E) NEC Letter to CG&E deted 3/10/83, Docket No. 50-355 (EA 82-129)

Iear Mr. bcrgnann:

In eccordnnet with the referenced letterr and our discursione, th( initial taske for Isechtel consulting vill be as fcilowc:

A. Cuelity Arrurance Ircerar crea is included and cenriderec vitel, rec:cririLc it it t us tren in any examination of the Zitzer project. One in:titi effert vi31 te an in-depth exerination of the QA/00 cc 1itrerte rade ly Licenret and the 3rogran and procedures in place or planned to car _7e out therc cen-itcentt.

1. Levelop QA/QC catrix which identified the cornittents and these efforts in place which support these cc rittents.
2. heconnend necessary steps to ensure that a ecc:-ineted procrnt existr vnich, when eccept ed, vill e12 cv ;:tnninc fcr the cualit.- cf ecnrtruction (IV.E(2)(e)) nnd the ter;rchenrive plan fcr tne continuation of constructicn (:Y.E(2)(L)).
1. Generic Irsuer These are technical areer wher( .cr:ficant ct.rrent effort it in ;rocerr which fers the basic budid :e '

'. c c r r fcr 7:: 1. ure ;recrarr t.nd vr:#r cust be ccryletely reso2 red : r: c:  : the c c . t : c ; :.t r.: ef al2 felicw-en yrccru=c.

8304190191 830331 DEGICHATED ORIGIIU.L PDR ADOCK 05000358 y ,pp A } ~} '.gg~)

A PDR Certified E7- D,- dGU b

. . I a

March 31, 1963 ELC-001 Page 2 ,

1. Velding Procedures
2. Velder Qualifications 3 Heat Number Logs
4. Approved Vendors List (AVL)

C. Current Status of Plant These are icsues which need to be statused such that priorities and assets can be ecsigned to support critical programs.

1. Sc=ple walkdown and ar-built procrats
2. System turnover 3 Vork packace develop =ent D. Licencing Co==ittente Efforte toward development of a ringle licensing cotnittents list is recuired in order to properly ascertain the decree to which current
rocrtre are directed at fulfilling the licensing corrittente for Zitrer.
1. Examine and =ake r'econmendations relative to liceneing ccanitsents by Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. (CG&E).
2. Elatine current efforte in this area and develcp, as nececsary, additj ensi ;recrars to intecrate thcce recuirenente into the total yrocrat.

E. T:artinc and Control Arca

'- area it 1;r:ed tc aid in it( deveic;1ent of t 3rclet: locic schedule d e necerrary to tie tocether and prioritice tht vnrirur planninc

_ -tr at the rite.

O trint current ;1anning and schedulinc and nakt n etr:endations rccardinc ;rcraration of an intecrated project schedult. Ultimately thir ;' an rurt centain the lecic vhich identifier all prcject activitier required to be in place to carryout all rutreguent phasce er the pref ect up tc citaininc an operating Id ecnoc. It rust further id(Ltify the cenriraintr between the activitiet.

I I. Itvclo; it;;_ ic r:a:ur wori ir trecrttr a- tr. ;c;nt.

l I

T. Spec;fic Techn:ca: 1rsuer Irc: ;in -tc.-;irt it r ez; ected that crecific technical :rruer will ar:se Scre where thc Fechtti backcrcund and ciperience could be utiliced.

l current arcar are:



- o

, i March 31, 1983 ELC-001

, Page 3

1. N-5 Code Data Reports
2. 3 CRD Syster Eeview
4. " JET" Tens Report - Review and recoteend action plan C. Document Control The primary goal will be to develop the ability to status all outctanding changes and open ite=r against drawing at any point. Secondary activities include:
1. Evaluate current docunent control procedurer to verify ticely incorporation and tracking of chance paper.
2. Arrist in the development of a records turnover progran in c'oncert with the transition from plant construction /startup to plant operetion.

3 Assist in the icplenentation of guideliner and procedurer to reflect a document control operation under CG&E rather than H.J. Kaiser control.

The results of these tasks will take the fort of reconsen6ations for action to the C0&E Fenior Vice President.

Ar thir work develope or new areas arc identified, tasks cay be suggested by lechtel for your approval or ct the direction of CG&E.

Very truly yourc,

/ . ,

is -

C.E. s

/ /

Frc het Kanager


CEJ/cji ec: IMhris t e nscr" (NRC7