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IR 05000321-03-006, IR 05000366-03-006, on 07/07-11/2003 & 07/21-25/2003, E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Triennial Fire Protection
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/01/2003
From: Ogle C
To: Sumner H
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
FOIA/PA-2004-0277 IR-03-006
Download: ML032591209 (72)

See also: IR 05000321/2003006


September 1, 2003

Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

ATTN: Mr. H. L. Sumner, Jr.

Vice President

P. O. Box 1295

Birmingham, AL 35201-1295




Dear Mr. Sumner:

On July 25, 2003, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an inspection at

your Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2. The enclosed inspection report documents the

inspection findings, which were discussed on that date with Mr. R. Dedrickson and other

members of your staff. Following completion of additional review in the Region II office, a final

exit was held by telephone with Mr. S. Tipps and other members of your staff on

September 2, 2003.

The inspection examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to safety and

compliance with the Commissions rules and regulations and with the conditions of your license.

The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed


This report documents two findings that have potential safety significance greater than very

low significance, however, a safety significance determination has not been completed. One

issue involving a procedural inadequacy did present an immediate safety concern, however,

your staff revised the procedure prior to the end of the inspection. The other issue did not

present an immediate safety concern. In addition, the report documents three NRC-identified

findings of very low safety significance (Green), all of which were determined to involve

violations of NRC requirements. However, because of the very low safety significance and

because they are entered into your corrective action program, the NRC is treating these three

findings as non-cited violations (NCVs) consistent with Section VI.A of the NRC Enforcement

Policy. If you contest any NCV in this report, you should provide a response within 30 days of

the date of this inspection report, with the basis for your denial, to the Nuclear Regulatory

Commission, ATTN.: Document Control Desk, Washington DC 20555-0001; with copies to the

Regional Administrator Region II; the Director, Office of Enforcement, United States Nuclear

Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; and the NRC Resident Inspector at the

Hatch Nuclear Power Plant.


In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRCs "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its

enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document

Room or from the Publically Available Records (PARS) component of NRCs document system

(ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Website at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).



Charles R. Ogle, Chief

Engineering Branch 1

Division of Reactor Safety

Docket Nos.: 50-321, 50-366

License Nos.: DPR-57, NPF-5

Enclosure: NRC Triennial Fire Protection Inspection Report 05000321/2003006 and

05000366/2003006 w/Attachment: Supplemental Information

cc w/encl:

J. D. Woodard

Executive Vice President

Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

Electronic Mail Distribution

George R. Frederick

General Manager, Plant Hatch

Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

Electronic Mail Distribution

Raymond D. Baker

Manager Licensing - Hatch

Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

Electronic Mail Distribution

Arthur H. Domby, Esq.

Troutman Sanders

Electronic Mail Distribution

Laurence Bergen

Oglethorpe Power Corporation

Electronic Mail Distribution

(cc w/encl contd - See page 3)


(cc w/encl contd)


Department of Natural Resources

205 Butler Street, SE, Suite 1252

Atlanta, GA 30334

Manager, Radioactive Materials Program

Department of Natural Resources

Electronic Mail Distribution


Appling County Commissioners

County Courthouse

Baxley, GA 31513

Resident Manager

Oglethorpe Power Corporation

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant

Electronic Mail Distribution

Senior Engineer - Power Supply

Municipal Electric Authority

of Georgia

Electronic Mail Distribution

Reece McAlister

Executive Secretary

Georgia Public Service Commission

244 Washington Street, SW

Atlanta, GA 30334

Distribution w/encl:

S. Bloom, NRR

L. Slack, RII EICS






DATE 8/28/2003 8/28/2003 8/28/2003 8/28/2003 8/28/2003






Docket Nos.: 50-321, 50-366

License Nos.: DPR-57, NPF-5

Report No.: 05000321/2003006 and 05000366/2003006

Licensee: Southern Nuclear Operating Company

Facility: E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plant

Location: P. O. Box 2010

Baxley, GA. 31513

Dates: July 7-11, 2003 (Week 1)

July 21-25, 2003 (Week 2)

Inspectors: C. Smith, P. E., Senior Reactor Inspector, (Lead Inspector)

R. Schin, Senior Reactor Inspector

G. Wiseman, Fire Protection Inspector

K. Sullivan, Consultant, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Accompanying S. Belcher, Nuclear Safety Intern, Week 1


Approved by: Charles R. Ogle, Chief

Engineering Branch 1

Division of Reactor Safety




REPORT DETAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

FIRE PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Systems Required to Achieve and Maintain Post-Fire Safe Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Fire Protection of Safe Shutdown Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Alternative Shutdown Capability/Operational Implementation of Alternative Shutdown

Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Emergency Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Cold Shutdown Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Fire Barriers and Fire Area/Zone/Room Penetration Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Fire Protection Systems, Features, and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Compensatory Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

SAFETY SYSTEM DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE CAPABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Design Change Request 91-134, SRV Backup Actuation Using Pressure Transmitter

Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

OTHER ACTIVITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Identification and Resolution of Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Meetings Including Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


IR 05000321/2003-006, 05000366/2003-006; 7/7-11/2003 and 7/21-25/2003; E. I. Hatch

Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Triennial Fire Protection

The report covered an announced two-week period of inspection by three regional inspectors

and a consultant from Brookhaven National Laboratory. Three Green non-cited violations

(NCVs) and two unresolved items with potential safety significance greater than Green were

identified. The significance of most findings is indicated by their color (Green, White, Yellow,

Red) using Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 0609, Significance Determination Process

(SDP). Findings for which the SDP does not apply may be Green or be assigned a severity

level after NRC management review. The NRC's program for overseeing the safe operation of

commercial nuclear power reactors is described in NUREG-1649, Reactor Oversight Process,

Revision 3, dated July 2000.

A. NRC-Identified and Self-Revealing Findings

Cornerstone: Initiating Events, Mitigating Systems, and Barrier Integrity

prevent spurious opening of all eleven safety relief valves (SRVs) during a fire event,

would not be performed in sufficient time to be effective. Also, licensee reliance on this

manual action for hot shutdown during a fire, instead of physically protecting cables from

fire damage, had not been approved by the NRC.

This finding is unresolved pending completion of a significance determination. The

finding is greater than minor because it affects the objective of the mitigating system

cornerstone. Also, the finding has potential safety significance greater than very low

safety significance because failure to prevent spurious operation of the SRVs could

result in them opening during certain fire scenarios, thereby complicating the post-fire

recovery actions. (Section 1R05.04/.05.b.1)

Section III.G.1 and Technical Specification 5.4.1 because a local manual operator action

to operate safe shutdown equipment was too difficult and was also physically unsafe.

The licensee had relied on this action instead of providing physical protection of cables

from fire damage or preplanning cold shutdown repairs. However, the team determined

that some operators would not be able to perform the action.

The finding is greater than minor because it affected the availability and reliability

objectives and the equipment performance attribute of the mitigating systems

cornerstone. This finding is of very low safety significance because the licensee would

have time to develop and implement cold shutdown repairs to facilitate accomplishment

of the action. (Section 1R05.04/.05.b.2)


Section III.G.2 in that the licensee relied on some manual operator actions to operate

safe shutdown equipment, instead of providing the required physical protection of cables

from fire damage without NRC approval.

The finding is greater than minor because it affected the availability and reliability

objectives and the equipment performance attribute of the mitigating systems

cornerstone. Since the actions could reasonably be accomplished by operators in a

timely manner, this finding did not have potential safety significance greater than very

low safety significance. (Section 1R05.04/.05.b.3)

because emergency lighting was not adequate for some manual operator actions that

were needed to support post-fire operation of safe shutdown equipment.

The finding is greater than minor because it affected the reliability objective and the

equipment performance attribute of the mitigating systems cornerstone. Since

operators would be able to accomplish the actions with the use of flashlights, this finding

did not have potential safety significance greater than very low safety significance.

(Section 1R05.07.b)

implementation of Design Change Request 91-134, SRV Backup Actuation via Pressure

Transmitter Signals. The installed plant modification failed to implement the "one-out-of-

two taken twice" logic that was specified as a design input requirement in the design

change package. Additionally, implementation of a "two-out-of-two coincidence taken

twice" logic has introduced a potential common cause failure of all eleven SRVs as a

result of the potential for fire-induced damage to two reactor pressure instrumentation

circuit cables in close proximity to each other.

This finding is unresolved pending completion of a significance determination. This

finding is greater than minor because it impacts the mitigating system cornerstone. This

finding has the potential for defeating manual control of Group A SRVs that are required

for ensuring that the suppression pool temperature will not exceed the heat capacity

temperature limit for the suppression pool and therefore has a potential safety

significance greater than very low safety significance. (Section 1R21.01.b)

B. Licensee-Identified Violations




Cornerstones: Initiating Events, Mitigating Systems and Barrier Integrity

1R05 Fire Protection

The purpose of this inspection was to review the Hatch Nuclear Plant fire protection

program (FPP) for selected risk-significant fire areas. Emphasis was placed on

verification that the post-fire safe shutdown (SSD) capability and the fire protection

features provided for ensuring that at least one redundant train of safe shutdown

systems is maintained free of fire damage. The inspection was performed in

accordance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Reactor Oversight Program

using a risk-informed approach for selecting the fire areas and attributes to be

inspected. The team used the licensees Individual Plant Examination for External

Events and in-plant tours to choose four risk-significant fire areas for detailed inspection

and review. The fire areas chosen for review during this inspection were:

  • Fire Area 2016, West 600 V Switchgear Room, Control Building, Elevation 130


  • Fire Area 2104, East Cableway, Turbine Building, Elevation 130 feet.
  • Fire Area 2404, Switchgear Room 2E, Diesel Generator Building, Elevation 130


  • Fire Area 2408, Switchgear Room 2F, Diesel Generator Building, Elevation 130


The team evaluated the licensees FPP against applicable requirements, including

Operating License Condition 2.C.(3)(a), Fire Protection; Title 10 of the Code of Federal

Regulations, Part 50 (10 CFR 50), Appendix R; 10 CFR 50.48; Appendix A of Branch

Technical Position (BTP) Auxiliary and Power Conversion Systems Branch (APCSB)

9.5-1; related NRC Safety Evaluation Reports (SERs); the Hatch Nuclear Plant Updated

Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR); and plant Technical Specification (TS). The

team evaluated all areas of this inspection, as documented below, against these


Documents reviewed by the team are listed in the attachment.

.01 Systems Required to Achieve and Maintain Post-Fire Safe Shutdown

a. Inspection Scope

The licensees Safe Shutdown Analysis Report (SSAR) was reviewed to determine the

components and systems necessary to achieve and maintain SSD conditions in the

event of fire in each of the selected fire areas. The objectives of this evaluation were as



  • Verify that the licensee's shutdown methodology has correctly identified the

components and systems necessary to achieve and maintain a SSD condition.

  • Confirm the adequacy of the systems selected for reactivity control, reactor

coolant makeup, reactor heat removal, process monitoring and support system


  • Verify that a SSD can be achieved and maintained without off-site power, when it

can be confirmed that a postulated fire in any of the selected fire areas could

cause the loss of off-site power.

protection licensing basis.

b. Findings

The team identified a potential concern in that the licensee used manual actions to

disconnect terminal board sliding links in order to isolate two 4 to 20 milli-amp (ma)

instrumentation loop control circuits in order to prevent the spurious actuation of eleven

safety relief valves (SRVs). This issue is discussed in Section 1R05.03.b of the report.

No other findings of significance were identified.

.02 Fire Protection of Safe Shutdown Capability

a. Inspection Scope

For the selected fire areas, the team evaluated the frequency of fires or the potential for

fires, the combustible fire load characteristics and potential fire severity, the separation

of systems necessary to achieve SSD, and the separation of electrical components and

circuits located within the same fire area to ensure that at least one SSD path was free

of fire damage. The team also inspected the fire protection features to confirm they

were installed in accordance with the codes of record to satisfy the applicable separation

and design requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G, and Appendix A of

BTP APCSB 9.5-1. The team reviewed the following documents, which established the

controls and practices to prevent fires and to control combustible fire loads and ignition

sources, to verify that the objectives established by the NRC-approved FPP were


  • UFSAR Section 9.1-A, Fire Protection Plan
  • Administrative Procedure 42FP-FPX-018-0S, Use, Control, and Storage of

Flammable/Combustible Materials

  • Preventive Maintenance Procedure 52PM-MEL-012-0, Low Voltage Switchgear

Preventive Maintenance

The team toured the selected plant fire areas to observe whether the licensee had

properly evaluated in-situ fire loads and limited transient fire hazards in a manner

consistent with the fire prevention and combustible hazards control procedures. In

addition, the team reviewed the licensees fire safety inspection reports and corrective

action program (CAP) condition reports (CRs) resulting from fire, smoke, sparks, arcing,

and overheating incidents for the years 2000-2002 to assess the effectiveness of the fire


prevention program and to identify any maintenance or material condition problems

related to fire incidents.

The team reviewed fire brigade response, fire brigade qualification training, and drill

program procedures; fire brigade drill critiques; and drill records for the operating shifts

from January 1999 - December 2002. The reviews were performed to determine

whether fire brigade drills had been conducted in high fire risk plant areas and whether

fire brigade personnel qualifications, drill response, and performance met the

requirements of the licensees approved FPP.

The team walked down the fire brigade equipment storage areas and dress-out locker

areas in the fire equipment building and the turbine building to assess the condition of

fire fighting and smoke control equipment. Fire brigade personal protective equipment

located at both of the fire brigade dress-out areas and fire fighting equipment storage

area in the turbine building were reviewed to evaluate equipment accessibility and

functionality. Additionally, the team observed whether emergency exit lighting was

provided for personnel evacuation pathways to the outside exits as identified in the

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101, Life Safety Code, and the

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Part 1910, Occupational Safety

and Health Standards. This review also included examination of whether backup

emergency lighting was provided for access pathways to and within the fire brigade

equipment storage areas and dress-out locker areas in support of fire brigade

operations should power fail during a fire emergency. The fire brigade self-contained

breathing apparatuses (SCBAs) were reviewed for adequacy as well as the availability

of supplemental breathing air tanks and their refill capability.

The team reviewed fire fighting pre-fire plans for the selected areas to determine if

appropriate information was provided to fire brigade members and plant operators to

facilitate suppression of a fire that could impact SSD. Team members also walked

down the selected fire areas to compare the associated pre-fire plans and drawings with

as-built plant conditions. This was done to verify that fire fighting pre-fire plans and

drawings were consistent with the fire protection features and potential fire conditions

described in the Fire Hazards Analysis (FHA).

The team reviewed the adequacy of the design, installation, and operation of the manual

suppression standpipe and fire hose system for the control building. This was

accomplished by reviewing the FHA, pre-fire plans and drawings, engineering

mechanical equipment drawings, design flow and pressure calculations, and NFPA 14

for hose station location, water flow requirements and effective reach capability. Team

members also walked down the selected fire areas in the control building to ensure that

hose stations were not blocked and to verify that the required fire hose lengths to reach

the safe shutdown equipment in each of the selected areas were available. Additionally,

the team observed placement of the fire hoses and extinguishers to assess consistency

with the fire fighting pre-fire plans and drawings.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.


.03 Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Capability

a. Inspection Scope

On a sample basis, the inspectors evaluated whether the systems and equipment

identified in the licensees SSAR as being required to achieve and maintain hot

shutdown conditions would remain free of fire damage in the event of fire in the selected

fire areas. The evaluation included a review of cable routing data depicting the location

of power and control cables associated with SSD Path 1 and Path 2 components of the

reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) and high pressure coolant injection (HPCI)

systems. Additionally, on a sample basis, the team reviewed the licensees analysis of

electrical protective device (e.g., circuit breaker, fuse, relay) coordination. The following

motor operated valves (MOVs) and other components were reviewed:

Component ID Description

2E51-F029 RCIC Pump Suction from Suppression Pool Valve

2E51-F010 RCIC Pump Suction Valve from Condensate Storage Tank (CST)

2P41-C001A Plant Service Water Pump 2A

2E11-F011A Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Heat Exchanger A Drain to

Suppression Pool Valve

2P41-C001B Plant Service Water Pump 2B

2E41-F001 HPCI Turbine Steam Supply Valve

2E41-F002 HPCI Turbine Steam Supply Inboard Containment Isolation Valve

2E41-F006 HPCI Pump Inboard Discharge Valve

2E41-F008 HPCI Pump Discharge Bypass Test Valve to CST

b. Findings

The team identified a potential concern in that the licensee used manual actions to

isolate two 4 to 20 ma instrumentation loop control circuits associated with eleven SRVs

in lieu of providing physical protection. This did not appear to be consistent with the

plants licensing basis nor 10 CFR 50, Appendix R. Spurious action of these SRVs

could impact the licensees fire mitigation strategy. In addition, the licensee provided no

objective evidence that post-fire safe shutdown equipment could mitigate this event.

The SSAR stated that a fire in Fire Area 2104 could cause all eleven SRVs to spuriously

actuate as a result of fire damage to two cables located in close proximity in this area.

The specific circuits that could cause this event were identified by the licensee as

circuits ABE019C08 and ABE019C09. Each circuit separately provides a 4 to 20 ma


instrumentation signal from an SRV high-pressure actuation transmitter 2B21-N127B or

2B21-N127D to its respective master trip unit (2B21-N697B or 2B21-N697D). The

purpose of this circuitry was to provide an electrical backup to the mechanical trip

capability of the individual SRVs. In the event of high reactor pressure, the circuits

would provide a signal to the master trip units which would cause all eleven SRVs to

actuate (open). The pressure signal from each transmitter would be conveyed to its

respective master trip unit through a two-conductor, instrument cable that was routed

through this fire area (two separate cables). Each cable consisted of a single twisted

pair of insulated conductors, an uninsulated drain wire that was wound around the

twisted pair of conductors, and a foil shield. In Fire Area 2104, the two cables were

located in close proximity in the same cable tray. Actuation of the SRV electrical backup

is completely blind to the operators. That is, unlike ADS, it does not provide any pre-

actuation indication (e.g., actuation of the ADS timer) or an inhibit capability (e.g., ADS

inhibit switch). Because the operators typically would not initiate a manual scram until

fire damage significantly interfered with control of the plant, it is possible that all eleven

SRVs could open at 100% power, prior to scramming the reactor. This event could

place the plant in an unanalyzed condition.

Unlike a typical control circuit, a direct short or hot short between conductors of a

4 to 20 ma instrument circuit may not be necessary to initiate an undesired (false high)

signal. For cables that transmit low-level instrument signals, degradation of the

insulation of the individual twisted conductors due to fire damage may be sufficient to

cause leakage current to be generated between the two conductors. Such leakage

current would appear as a false high pressure signal to the master trip units. If both

cables were damaged as a result of fire, false signals generated as a result of leakage

current in each cable, could actuate the SRV electrical backup scheme which would

cause all eleven SRVs to open. The conductor insulation and jacket material of each

cable was cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE). Because both cables were in the same

tray and exposed to the same heating rate, there would be a reasonable likelihood that

both instrumentation cables could suffer insulation damage at the same time and both

circuits could fail high simultaneously.

The licensees SSAR recognized the potential safety significance of this event and

described methods that have been developed to prevent its occurrence and/or to

mitigate its impact on the plants post-fire SSD capability (should it occur). To prevent

this event, the licensee developed procedural guidance which directs operators to open

link BB-10 in panel 2H11-P927 and link BB-10 in panel 2H11-P928. These panels are

located in the main control room. Opening of these links would prevent actuation of the

SRV trip units by removing the 4 to 20 ma signal fed by the pressure transmitters (PT)

to the master trip units. In the event the SRVs were to open prior to the operators

completing this action, the SSAR credits core spray loop A to mitigate the event.

The inspection team had several concerns regarding the licensees approach to this

potential spurious actuation of the SRVs. Specific concerns identified by the team


1. The links may not be opened in time to preclude inadvertent actuation of the



2. The use of links to avoid inadvertent actuation of the SRVs did not appear to be

consistent with the current licensing basis.

3. No objective evidence existed to demonstrate that the post-fire SSD equipment

could adequately mitigate a fire in Fire Area 2104, if the SRVs were to open.

4. The operations staff would be unable to manually control the Group A SRVs,

which are credited for mitigating a fire in Fire Area 2104, should they spuriously

actuate as a result of fire-induced damage.

With regard to the timing of operator actions to prevent fire damage from causing all

SRVs to open, the licensee performed an evaluation during the inspection which

estimated that approximately thirty minutes would pass from the time of fire detection to

the time an operator would implement procedural actions to open the links. The

inspectors independently arrived at a similar time estimate based on their review of the

procedure. In response to inspectors concerns that this interval may be too lengthy to

preclude fire damage to the cables of interest and subsequent actuation of the SRVs,

the licensee agreed to enhance its existing procedures so that the action would be

taken immediately following confirmation of fire in areas where the spurious actuation

could occur. This issue is discussed in Section 1R05.04/.05.b.1 of this report.

The team also determined that the opening of terminal board links was not in

compliance with the plants licensing basis. Current licensing basis documents,

specifically Georgia Power request for exemption dated May 16, 1986, and a

subsequent NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER) dated January 2, 1987, characterized

the opening of links as a repair activity that is not permitted as a means of complying

with 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G. The inspectors concluded that, the opening

of links was considered a repair by both the licensee and the NRC staff in 1987. The

licensee could not provide any evidence to justify why these actions should not be

characterized as a repair activity in its current SSAR.

Additionally, because there is a potential for all SRVs to spuriously actuate as a result of

fire in Fire Area 2104 at a time when RHR is not available, the SSAR credits the use of

core spray loop A to accomplish the reactor coolant makeup function. During the

inspection, the licensee performed a simulator exercise of an event which caused all 11

SRVs to open. During this exercise, simulator RPV level instruments indicated that core

spray would be capable of maintaining level above the top of active fuel. However, the

licensee did not provide any objective evidence (e.g., specific calculation or analysis)

which demonstrated that, assuming worst-case fire damage in Fire Area 2104, the

limited set of equipment available would be capable of mitigating the event in a manner

that satisfied the shutdown performance goals specified in 10 CFR 50, Appendix R,

Section III.L.1.e.

Finally, the logic that was installed by design change request (DCR)91-134 for the

SRVs was a "two-out-of-two coincidence taken twice" logic in addition to a "one-out-of-

two coincidence taken twice" logic. The team determined that the "two-out-of-two"

coincidence logic input from trip unit master relays K310D and K335D represented a

common cause failure for Group A SRVs for a fire in Fire Area 2104. Specifically, cable

ABE019C08 associated with PT 2B21-N127B current loop, and cable ABE019C09

associated with PT 2B21-N127D current loop, were routed in close proximity to each

other in the same cable tray in Fire Area 2104. Both shielded twisted pair instrument


cables were unprotected from the effects of a fire in this fire area. Fire-induced

insulation damage to both cables could result in leakage currents and cause the

instrument loops to fail high. This failure mode would simulate a high nuclear boiler

pressure condition and would initiate SRV backup actuation of all the Group A SRVs.

Whenever a SRV lifted, it would remain open until pressure reduced to about 85% of its

overpressure lift setpoint However, the instrument loops, having failed high, would

ensure that the trip unit master relays and the trip unit slave relays continued to energize

the pilot valve of the individual SRV and keep the SRV open. This issue is discussed in

more detail in Section 1R21.01. Ultimately, this failure mode would prevent the

operators from manually controlling the Group A SRVs as required per the SSAR.

In response, the licensee initiated CR 2003800152, dated July 24, 2003, to evaluate

actions to open links to determine if they are necessary to achieve hot shutdown, and if

an exemption from Appendix R is required. Pending additional review by the NRC, this

issue is identified as Unresolved Item (URI) 50-366/03-06-01, Concerns Associated with

Potential Opening of SRVs.

.04/.05 Alternative Shutdown Capability/Operational Implementation of Alternative Shutdown


a. Inspection Scope

The selected fire areas that were the focus of this inspection all involved reactor

shutdown from the control room. None involved abandoning the control room and

alternative SSD from outside of the control room. Thus, alternative shutdown capability

was not reviewed during this inspection. However, the licensees plans for SSD

following a fire in the selected areas involved many local manual operator actions that

would be performed outside of the control area of the control room. This section of the

inspection focused on those local manual operator actions.

The team reviewed the operational implementation of the SSD capability for a fire in the

selected fire areas to determine if: (1) the procedures were consistent with the SSAR;

(2) the procedures were written so that the operator actions could be correctly

performed within the times that were necessary for the actions to be effective; (3) the

training program for operators included SSD capability; (4) personnel required to

achieve and maintain the plant in hot standby could be provided from the normal onsite

staff, exclusive of the fire brigade; and (5) the licensee periodically performed operability

testing of the SSD equipment.

The team walked down SSD manual operator actions that were to be performed outside

of the control area of the main control room for a fire in the selected fire areas and

discussed them with operators. These actions were documented in Abnormal Operating

Procedure (AOP) 34AB-X43-001-2, Version 10.8, dated May 28, 2003. The team

evaluated whether the local manual operator actions could reasonably be performed,

using the criteria outlined in NRC Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.05, Enclosure 2. The

team also reviewed applicable operator training lesson plans and job performance

measures (JPMs) and discussed them with operators. In addition, the team reviewed

records of actual operator staffing on selected days.


b. Findings

1. Untimely and Unapproved Manual Operator Action for Fire SSD

Introduction: The team found that a local manual operator action to prevent spurious

opening of all eleven SRVs would not be performed in sufficient time to be effective.

Licensee reliance on this manual action for hot shutdown during a fire, instead of

physically protecting cables from fire damage, had not been approved by the NRC.

Description: The team noted that Step of AOP 34AB-X43-001-2, Fire

Procedure, Version 10.8, dated May 28, 2003, stated: To prevent all eleven SRVs from

opening simultaneously, open links BB-10 in Panel 2H11-P927 and BB-10 in Panel

2H11-P928. The team noted that spurious opening of all eleven SRVs should be

considered a large loss of coolant accident (LOCA), and that a LOCA should be

prevented from occurring during a fire event to comply with 10 CFR 50, Appendix R,

Section III.L.Section III.L requires that, during a post-fire shutdown, the reactor coolant

system process variables (e.g., reactor vessel pressure and water level) shall be

maintained within those predicted for a loss of normal alternating current power. Having

all eleven SRVs opened during a fire would challenge this. Additionally, the team

observed that this step was sufficiently far back in the procedure that it may not be

completed in time to prevent potential fire damage to cables from causing all eleven

SRVs to spuriously open.

The licensee had no preplanned estimate of how long it would take operators to

complete this step during a fire event. There was no event time line or operator training

JPM on this step. The team noted that, during a fire, operators could be using many

other procedures concurrent with the Fire Procedure. For example, they could be using

other procedures to communicate with the fire brigade about the fire, respond to a

reactor trip, deal with a loss of offsite power, and provide emergency classifications and

offsite notifications of the fire event. During the inspection, licensee operators estimated

that, during a fire event, it could take about 30 minutes before operators would

accomplish Step The team concurred with that time estimate which the team

had previously determined independently. However, NRC fire models indicated that

fires could potentially cause damage to cables in as short a period as five to ten

minutes. Consequently, the team concluded that during a fire event, the licensees

procedures would not ensure that Step would be accomplished in time to prevent

potential spurious opening of all eleven SRVs.

The team also identified other issues with Step There was no emergency

lighting inside the panels, hence, if the fire caused a loss of normal lighting (e.g., by

causing a loss of offsite power), operators would need to use flashlights to perform the

actions inside the panels. Consequently, the team considered the emergency lighting

for Step to be inadequate (see Section 1R05.07.b). In addition, labeling of the

links inside the panels was so poor that operators stated that they would not fully rely on

the labeling. Also, the tool that operators would use to loosen and slide the links inside

the energized panels was made of steel and was not professionally, electrically

insulated. Further, licensee reliance on this operator action, instead of physically

protecting the cables as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2, had not

been approved by the NRC.


The licensee stated that cable damage to two reactor pressure instrument cables would

be needed to spuriously open all eleven SRVs. Because the licensee stated that the

two cables were in the same cable tray in Fire Area 2104, the team considered that a

fire in that area could potentially cause all eleven SRVs to spuriously open (see Section


In response to this issue, the licensee initiated CR 2003008203 and promptly revised

the Fire Procedure before the end of the inspection, moving the actions of Step

to the beginning of the procedure. The procedure change enabled the actions to be

accomplished much sooner during a fire in the Unit 2 east cableway or in other fire

areas that were vulnerable to the potential for spuriously opening all eleven SRVs. The

team determined that this issue is related to associated circuits. As described in NRC

IP 71111.05, Fire Protection, inspection of associated circuits is temporarily limited.

Consequently, the team did not pursue the cable routing or circuit analysis that would be

necessary to evaluate the possibility, risk, or potential safety significance of Group B

and C SRVs spuriously opening due to fire damage to the instrument cables. The team

did, however, perform a circuit analysis of Group A SRVs for which the licensee takes

credit during a fire in Fire Area 2104 (see Section 1R21.01.b)

Analysis: The team determined that this finding was associated with the protection

against external factors attribute. It affected the objective of the mitigating system

cornerstone to ensure the availability of systems that respond to initiating events and is

therefore greater than minor. The team determined that the finding had potential safety

significance greater than very low safety significance because failure to prevent

spurious operation of the SRVs could result in them opening in certain fire scenarios,

thereby complicating the post-fire recovery actions. However, the finding remains

unresolved pending completion of the SDP.

Enforcement: 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2, requires that where cables or

equipment, including associated non-safety circuits that could prevent operation or

cause mal-operation due to hot shorts, open circuits, or shorts to ground, of redundant

trains of systems necessary to achieve and maintain hot shutdown conditions are

located within the same fire area outside of the primary containment, one of the

following means of ensuring that one or the redundant trains is free of fire damage shall

be provided: 1) a fire barrier with a 3-hour rating; 2) separation of cables by a horizontal

distance of more than 20 feet with no intervening combustibles and with fire detectors

and automatic fire suppression; or 3) a fire barrier with a 1-hour rating with fire detectors

and automatic suppression.

The licensee had not provided physical protection against fire damage for the two

instrument cables by one of the prescribed methods. Instead, the licensee had relied on

local manual operator actions to prevent the spurious opening of all eleven SRVs.

Licensee personnel stated that fire damage to two cables was outside of the Hatch

licensing basis and, consequently, there was no requirement to protect the instrument

cables. However, the licensee could not provide evidence to support that position.

This potential issue will remain unresolved pending the completion of a significance

determination by the NRC. This issue is identified as URI 50-366/03-06-02, Untimely

and Unapproved Manual Operator Action for Post-Fire SSD.


2. Local Manual Operator Action was Too Difficult and Physically Unsafe

Introduction: A finding of very low safety significance was identified in that a local

manual operator action to operate SSD equipment was too difficult and was also

physically unsafe. The team judged that some operators would not be able to perform

the action. This finding involved a violation of NRC requirements.

Description: The team observed that Steps and of the Fire Procedure

relied upon local manual operator actions instead of providing physical protection for

cables or providing a procedure for cold shutdown repairs. Both steps required the

same local manual operator action: Manually OPEN 2E11-F015A, Inboard LPCI

Injection Valve, as required. This action was to be taken in the Unit 2 drywell access,

which was a locked high radiation, contaminated, and hot area with temperatures over

100 degrees F.

Valve 2E11-F015A was a large (24-inch diameter) motor-operated gate valve with a

three-foot diameter handwheel. The main difficulty with manually opening this valve was

lack of an adequate place to stand. An operator showed the team that to perform the

action he would have to climb up to, and stand on a small section of pipe lagging (a

curved area about four inches wide by 12 inches long), and then reach back and to his

right side, to hold the handwheel with his right hand, while reaching forward and to his

right to hold the clutch lever for the motor operator with his left hand. The operator

would not have good balance while performing the action. The foothold, which was

large enough to support only one foot, was well flattened and appeared to have been

used in the past to manually operate this valve. The foothold was about six to seven

feet above a steel grating, and the team observed that the space available for potential

use of a ladder to better access the 2E11-F015A valve handwheel was not good.

Other difficulties with manually opening the valve included the heat; the need to wear

full anti-contamination clothing, a hardhat, and safety glasses; and inadequate

emergency lighting (see Section 1R05.07). Also, there was no note or step in the

procedure to ensure that the RHR pumps were not running before attempting to

manually open the 2E11-F015A valve. If an RHR pump were running, it could create a

differential pressure across the valve which could make manually opening it much more

difficult. If the operator did not have sufficient agility, strength or stamina, he would be

unable to complete the action. Also, the team judged that inability to remove sweat from

his eyes, due to wearing gloves that could be contaminated, would be a limiting factor

for the operator. In addition, if the operator slipped or lost his balance, he could fall and

become injured. Considering all of the difficulties, the team judged that this action was

physically unsafe and that some operators would not be able to perform it.

The licensee had no operator training JPM for performing this action and an operator

stated that he had not performed or received training on this action. One experienced

operator, who appeared to be in much better physical condition that an average nuclear

plant operator, stated that he had manually operated the valve in the past, but that it had

been very difficult for him.


The team judged that, since this action was not required to maintain hot shutdown but

only required for cold shutdown following a fire in one of the four selected fire areas,

licensee personnel could have time to improve the working conditions after a fire. They

could have time to install scaffolding or temporary ventilation, improve the lighting, and

assign multiple operators to manually open the valve. They could have time to perform

a cold shutdown repair. However, the licensee had not preplanned any cold shutdown

repairs for opening this valve.

Analysis: This finding is greater than minor because it affected the availability and

reliability objectives and the equipment performance attribute of the mitigating systems

cornerstone. Because the licensee would have time to develop and implement cold

shutdown repairs to facilitate accomplishment of the action, this finding did not impact

the effectiveness of one or more of the defense in depth elements. Hence, this finding

did not have potential safety significance greater than very low safety significance


Enforcement: 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.1, requires that fire protection

features shall be provided for systems important to safe shutdown and shall be capable

of limiting fire damage so that systems necessary to achieve and maintain cold

shutdown from either the control room or emergency control stations can be repaired

within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. In addition, TS 5.4.1 requires that written procedures shall be

established, implemented, and maintained covering activities including FPP

implementation and including the applicable procedures recommended in Regulatory

Guide 1.33, Revision 2, Appendix A, February 1978. Regulatory Guide 1.33

recommends procedures for combating emergencies including plant fires and

procedures for operation and shutdown of safety-related boiling water reactor systems.

The fire protection program includes the SSAR which requires that valve 2E11-F015A

be opened for SSD following a fire in Fire Area 2104, the Unit 2 east cableway. AOP

34AB-X43-001-2, Fire Procedure, Version 10.8, dated May 28, 2003, implements these

requirements in that it provides information and actions necessary to mitigate the

consequences of fires and to maintain an operable shutdown train following fire damage

to specific fire areas. Also, AOP 34AB-X43-001-2 provides Steps and

for manually opening valve 2E11-F015A following a fire in Fire Area 2104.

Contrary to the above, the licensee had no procedure for repairing any related fire

damage within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. Instead, the licensee relied on local manual operator actions,

as described in Steps and of AOP 34AB-X43-001-2. However, those

procedure steps were inadequate in that some operators would not be able to perform

them because the required actions were too difficult and also were physically unsafe. In

response to this issue, the licensee initiated CR 203008202. Because the identified

inadequate procedure steps are of very low safety significance and the issue has been

entered into the licensees corrective action program, this violation is being treated as an

non-cited violation (NCV), consistent with Section VI.A of the NRCs Enforcement Policy:

NCV 50-366/03-06-03, Inadequate Procedure for Local Manual Operator Action for

Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Equipment.


3. Unapproved Manual Operator Actions for Post-Fire SSD

Introduction: A finding of very low safety significance was identified in that the licensee

relied on some local manual operator actions to operate SSD equipment, instead of

providing the required physical protection of cables from fire damage. This finding

involved a violation of NRC requirements.

Description: The team observed that AOP 34AB-X43-001-2, Fire Procedure, included

some local manual operator actions to achieve and maintain hot shutdown that had not

been approved by the NRC. Examples of steps from the procedure included:

  • Step; ...If a loss of offsite power occurs and emergency busses

energize ..."Place Station Service battery chargers 2R42-S026 (2R42-S029),

2R42-S027 (2R42-S030) AND 2R42-S028 (2R42-S031) in service per 34SO-


  • Step; ...If HPCI fails to automatically trip on high RPV level... "OPEN the

following links to energize 2E41-F124, Trip Solenoid Valve, AND to fail 2E41-

F3025 HPCI Governor Valve, in the CLOSED position:

  • Step; ...If HPCI fails to automatically trip on high RPV level... "OPEN

breaker 25 in panel 2R25-S002 to fail 2E41-F3052, HPCI Governor Valve, in the

CLOSED position."

The team walked down these actions using the guidance contained in IP 71111.05T and

judged that they could reasonably be accomplished by operators in a timely manner.

However, the team determined that these operator actions were being used instead of

physically protecting cables from fire damage that could cause a loss of station service

battery chargers or a HPCI pump runout.

Analysis: The finding is greater than minor because it affected the availability and

reliability objectives as well as the equipment performance attribute of the mitigating

systems cornerstone. Since the actions could reasonably be accomplished by operators

in a timely manner, this finding did not have potential safety significance greater than

very low safety significance.

Enforcement: 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2, requires that where cables or

equipment, including associated non-safety circuits that could prevent operation or

cause maloperation due to hot shorts, open circuits, or shorts to ground, of redundant

trains of systems necessary to achieve and maintain hot shutdown conditions are

located within the same fire area outside of the primary containment, one of the

following means of ensuring that one of the redundant trains is free of fire damage shall

be provided: 1) a fire barrier with a 3-hour rating; 2) separation of cables by a horizontal

distance of more than 20 feet with no intervening combustibles and with fire detectors

and automatic fire suppression; or 3) a fire barrier with a 1-hour rating with fire detectors

and automatic suppression.


Contrary to the above, the licensee had not provided the required physical protection

against fire damage for power to the station service battery chargers or for HPCI

electrical control cables. Instead, the licensee relied on local manual operator actions,

without NRC approval. In response to this issue, the licensee initiated CR 2003800166.

Because the issue had very low safety significance and has been entered into the

licensees corrective action program, this violation is being treated as an NCV,

consistent with Section VI.A of the NRCs Enforcement Policy: NCV 50-366/03-06-04,

Unapproved Manual Operator Actions for Post-Fire Safe Shutdown.

.06 Communications

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed the plant communications systems that would be relied upon to

support fire brigade and SSD activities. The team walked down portions of the SSD

procedures to verify that adequate communications equipment would be available for

personnel performing local manual operator actions. In addition, the team reviewed the

adequacy of the radio communication system used by the fire brigade to communicate

with the main control room.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.07 Emergency Lighting

a. Inspection Scope

The team inspected the licensees emergency lighting systems to verify that 8-hour

emergency lighting coverage was provided as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix R,

Section III.J, to support local manual operator actions that were needed for post-fire

operation of SSD equipment. During walkdowns of the post-fire SSD operator actions

for fires in the selected fire areas, the team checked if emergency lighting units were

installed and if lamp heads were aimed to adequately illuminate the SSD equipment, the

equipment identification tags, and the access and egress routes thereto, so that

operators would be able to perform the actions without needing to use flashlights.

b. Findings

Inadequate Emergency Lighting for Operation of SSD Equipment

Introduction: A finding with very low safety significance was identified in that emergency

lighting was not adequate for some manual operator actions that were needed to

support post-fire operation of SSD equipment. This finding involved a violation of NRC



Description: The team observed that emergency lighting was not adequate for some

manual operator actions that were needed to support post-fire operation of SSD

equipment. Examples included the following operator actions in procedure 34AB-X43-

001-2, Fire Procedure, Version 10.8, dated May 28, 2003:

  • Step; ...if a loss of offsite power occurs and emergency busses energize

..."Place Station Service battery chargers 2R42-S026 (2R42-S029), 2R42-S027

(2R42-S030) AND 2R42-S028 (2R42-S031) in service per 34SO-R42-001-2."

  • Step; ...If HPCI fails to automatically trip on high RPV level... "OPEN the

following links to energize 2E41-F124, Trip Solenoid Valve, AND to fail 2E41-

F3025 HPCI Governor Valve, in the CLOSED position:

  • Step 4.15.5; "IF 2R25-S065, Instrument Bus 2B, is DE-ENERGIZED perform the

following manual actions to maintain 2C32-R655, Reactor Water Level

Instrument, operable:

  •; At panel 2H11-P612, OPEN links AAA-11 and AAA-12.
  •; At panel 2H11-P601, CLOSE links HH-48 and HH-49."

Injection Valve, as required."

  • Steps and; "Manually CLOSE 2E11-F018A, RHR Pump A

Minimum Flow Isolation Valve, as required."

  • Step; "To prevent all 11 SRVs from opening simultaneously, open links

BB-10 in Panel 2H11-P927 and BB-10 in Panel 2H11-P928."

  • Step 9.3.3; "At Panel 2H11-P627, open links AA-19, AA-20, AA-21, and AA-22,

to prevent spurious actuation of SRVs 2B21-F013D AND 2B21-F013G."

  • Step 9.3.6; "OPEN link TB9-21 in Panel 2H11-P700 to open Drywell Pneumatic

System Inboard Inlet Isolation, 2P70-F005."

  • Step 9.3.7; "OPEN link TB1-12 in Panel 2H11-P700 to open Drywell Pneumatic

System Outboard Inlet Isolation, 2P70-F005."



The team verified that flashlights were readily available and judged that operators would

be able to use the flashlights and accomplish the actions, with two exceptions. One

exception was the action to open terminal board links in two panels to prevent all eleven

SRVs from spuriously opening, which was judged to be untimely (see Section


1R05.04/.05.b.1). The other exception was the action to open 2E11-F015A, which was

judged to be too difficult (see Section 1R05.04/.05.b.2). For both of these actions, the

lack of adequate emergency lighting could make the actions more difficult to complete in

a timely manner and increase the chance of operator error.

Analysis: This finding is greater than minor because it affected the reliability objective

and the equipment performance attribute of the mitigating systems cornerstone. Since

operators would be able to accomplish the actions with the use of flashlights, this finding

did not impact the effectiveness of one or more of the defense in depth elements.

Hence, this finding did not have potential safety significance greater than very low safety

significance (Green).

Enforcement: 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.J, requires that emergency lighting

units with at least an 8-hour battery power supply shall be provided in all areas needed

for operation of safe shutdown equipment, and in access and egress routes thereto.

Contrary to the above, emergency lighting units were not adequately provided in all

areas needed for operation of SSD equipment. In response this issue, the licensee

initiated CRs 2003008237 and 2003008179. Because the identified lack of emergency

lighting is of very low safety significance and has been entered into the licensees

corrective action program, this violation is being treated as an NCV, consistent with

Section VI.A of the NRCs Enforcement Policy: NCV 50-366/03-06-05, Inadequate

Emergency Lighting for Operation of Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Equipment.

.08 Cold Shutdown Repairs

The licensee had identified no needed cold shutdown repairs. Also, with the exception

of the potential need for a cold shutdown repair to open valve 2E11-F015A (see Section

1R05.05.b.2), the team identified no other need for cold shutdown repairs.

Consequently, this section of IP 71111.05 was not performed.

.09 Fire Barriers and Fire Area/Zone/Room Penetration Seals

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed the selected fire areas to evaluate the adequacy of the fire

resistance of fire area barrier enclosure walls, ceilings, floors, fire barrier mechanical

and electrical penetration seals, fire doors, and fire dampers. The team selected

several fire barrier features for detailed evaluation and inspection to verify proper

installation and qualification. This was accomplished by observing the material condition

and configuration of the installed fire barrier features, as well as construction details and

supporting fire endurance tests for the installed fire barrier features, to verify the as-built

configurations were qualified by appropriate fire endurance tests. The team also

reviewed the FHA to verify the fire loading used by the licensee to determine the fire

resistance rating of the fire barrier enclosures. The team also reviewed the installation

instructions for sliding fire doors, the design details for mechanical and electrical

penetrations, the penetration seal database, Generic Letter 86-10 evaluations, and the

fire protection penetration seal deviation analysis for the technical basis of fire barrier

penetration seals to verify that the fire barrier installations met design requirements and


license commitments. In addition, the team reviewed completed surveillance and

maintenance procedures for selected fire barrier features to verify the fire barriers were

being adequately maintained.

The team evaluated the adequacy of the fire resistance of fire barrier electrical raceway

fire barrier system (ERFBS) enclosures for cable protection to satisfy the applicable

separation and design requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2.

Specifically, the team examined the design drawings, construction details, installation

records, and supporting fire endurance tests for the ERFBS enclosures installed in Fire

Area 2104, the Unit 2 East Cableway. Visual inspections of the enclosures were

performed to confirm that the ERFBS installations were consistent with the design

drawings and tested configurations.

The team reviewed abnormal operating fire procedures, selected fire fighting pre-plans,

fire damper location and detail drawings, and heating ventilation and air conditioning

system drawings to verify that access to shutdown equipment and selected operator

manual actions would not be inhibited by smoke migration from one area to adjacent

plant areas used to accomplish SSD.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.10 Fire Protection Systems, Features, and Equipment

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed flow diagrams, cable routing information, and operational valve

lineup procedures associated with the fire pumps and fire protection water supply

system. The review evaluated whether the common fire protection water delivery and

supply components could be damaged or inhibited by fire-induced failures of electrical

power supplies or control circuits. Using operating and test procedures, the team toured

the fire pump house and diesel-driven fire pump fuel storage tanks to observe the

system material condition, consistency of as-built configurations with engineering

drawings, and determine correct system controls and valve lineups. Additionally, the

team reviewed periodic test procedures for the fire pumps to assess whether the

surveillance test program was sufficient to verify proper operation of the fire protection

water supply system in accordance with the program operating requirements specified

in Appendix B of the FHA.

The team reviewed the adequacy of the fire detection systems in the selected plant fire

areas in accordance with the design requirements in Appendix R, III.G.1 and III.G. 2.

The team walked down accessible portions of the fire detection systems in the selected

fire areas to evaluate the engineering design and operation of the installed

configurations. The team also reviewed engineering drawings for fire detector types,

spacing, locations and the licensees technical evaluation of the detector locations for

the detection systems for consistency with the licensees FHA, engineering evaluations

for NFPA code deviations, and NFPA 72E. In addition, the team reviewed surveillance

procedures and the detection system operating requirements specified in Appendix B of


the FHA to determine the adequacy of fire detection component testing and to ensure

that the detection systems could function when needed.

The team performed in-plant walk-downs of the Unit 2 East Cableway automatic wet

pipe sprinkler suppression system to verify the proper type, placement and spacing of

the sprinkler heads as well as the lack of obstructions for effective functioning. The

team examined vendor information, engineering evaluations for NFPA code deviations,

and design calculations to verify that the required suppression system water density for

the protected area was available. Additionally, the team reviewed the physical

configuration of electrical raceways and safe shutdown components in the fire area to

determine whether water from a pipe rupture, actuation of the automatic suppression

system, or manual fire suppression activities in this area could cause damage that could

inhibit the plants ability to SSD.

The team reviewed the adequacy of the design and installation of the manual carbon

dioxide (CO2) hose reel suppression system for the diesel generator building switchgear

rooms 2E and 2F (Fire Areas 2404 and 2408). The team performed in-plant walk-

downs of the diesel generator building CO2 fire suppression system to determine correct

system controls and valve lineups to assure accessibility and functionality of the system,

as well as associated ventilation system fire dampers. The team also reviewed the

licensees actions to address the potential for CO2 migration to ensure that fire

suppression and post-fire SSD actions would not be impacted. This was accomplished

by the review of engineering drawings, schematics, flow diagrams, and evaluations

associated with the diesel generator building floor drain system to determine whether

systems and operator actions required for SSD would be inhibited by CO2 migration

through the floor drain system.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.11 Compensatory Measures

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed Appendix B of the FHA and applicable sections of the FPP

administrative procedure regarding administrative controls to identify the need for and to

implement compensatory measures for out-of-service, degraded, or inoperable fire

protection or post-fire SSD equipment, features, and systems. The team reviewed

licensee reports for the fire protection status of Unit 1, Unit 2, and of shared structures,

systems, and components. The review was performed to verify that the risk associated

with removing fire protection and/or post-fire systems or components, was properly

assessed and implemented in accordance with the FPP. The team also reviewed CAP

CRs generated over the last 18 months for fire protection features that were out of

service for long periods of time. The review was conducted to assess the licensees

effectiveness in returning equipment to service in a reasonable period of time.


b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

1R21 Safety System Design And Performance Capability

.01 Design Change Request 91-134, SRV Backup Actuation Via Pressure Transmitter


a. Inspection Scope

The team performed an independent design review of plant modification DCR 91-134 in

order to evaluate the technical adequacy of the design change package. The scope of

the review and circuit analysis performed by the team was limited to the Group A SRVs

for which the licensee takes credit in mitigating a fire in the fire areas selected for the


b. Findings


An inadequate plant modification, DCR 91-134, failed to implement the design input

requirements of "one-out-of-two taken twice" logic for the SRVs backup actuation using

PT signals.


DCR 91-134 was implemented in response in to concerns raised in General Electric

Report NEDC-3200P, Evaluation of SRV Performance during January-February 1991

Turbine Trip Events for Plant Hatch Units 1 and 2. In order to ensure that individual

SRVs will actuate at or near the appropriate set point and within allowable limits, a

backup mode of operation for the SRVs was implemented by this DCR. The design was

intended to mitigate the effects of corrosion-induced set point drift of the Target Rock


Automatically controlled, two stage SRVs are installed on the main steam lines inside

containment for the purpose of relieving nuclear boiler pressure either by normal

mechanical action or by automatic action of an electro-pneumatic control system. Each

SRV can be manually controlled by use of a two position switch located in the main

control room. When placed in the Open position, the switch energizes the pilot valve

of the individual SRV and causes it to go open. When the switch is placed in the Auto

position, the SRV is opened upon receipt of either an Automatic Depressurization

System (ADS), or Low-Low Set (LLS) control logic signal. Either signal will initiate

opening of the valve. DCR 91-134 provided a backup mode for initiation of electrical trip

of the pilot valve solenoid which was independent of ADS or LLS logic. The backup

mode required no operator action to initiate opening of the SRVs and was considered a

blind control loop to the operators, (i.e., there are no instruments that provide the

operators information concerning the open/close status of the SRVs.)


The scope of the plant modification involved the installation of four Rosemount PTs

(Model No. 1154GP9RJ), 0-3000 psig, in the 2H21-P404 and -P405 instrument racks at

Elevation 158 of the reactor building. Each PT formed part of a 4 to 20 ma current loop

and provided the analog trip signal for SRV actuation within the following set point


SRV Group SRV Identification Tags SRV Set Point

A 2B21-F013B, D, F, and G 1120 psig

B 2B21-F013A, C, K, and M 1130 psig

C 2B21-F013E, H, and L 1140 psig

Pressure transmitters 2B21-N127A and 2B21-N127C were wired to Analog Transmitter

Trip System (ATTS) cabinet 2H11-P927. Pressure transmitter 2B21-N127A instrument

loop components consisted of a trip unit master relay K308C and trip unit slave relays

K321C and K332C. The loop components for PT 2B21-N127C consisted of a trip unit

master relay K335C in addition to trip unit slave relays K336C and K363C. These two

instrument loops constituted a division of pressure monitoring channels and were

intended to provide the "one-out-of-two" logic signal from this division for initiating SRV

backup actuation.

Additionally, PTs 2B21-N127B and 2B21-N127D were wired to ATTS cabinet

2H11-P928. Pressure transmitter 2B21-N127B instrument loop components consisted

of a trip unit master relay K310D and trip unit slave relays KK312D and K332D. The

loop components for PT 2B21-N127D consisted of a trip unit master relay K335D in

addition to trip unit slave relays K336D and K363D. These two instrument loops

constituted a separate division pressure monitoring channels and were intended to

provide the "one-out-of-two" logic signal from this division for initiating SRV backup

actuation. The design objective of having two instrument channels was to assure

compliance with HNP-2-FSAR, Section, Application of Single Failure Criteria.

This criteria requires for anticipated operational occurrences that the protection

sequences within mitigation systems be single component failure proof. A failure of one

instrument channel in a division will therefore not eliminate the protection provided by

either of the instrument channels.

The following table identifies the division, PT loops and the associated trip unit master

and slave relays:

Division PT Loops Trip Unit Master Relays Trip Unit Slave Relays

A 2B21-N127A K308C K321C and K332C

2B21-N127C K335C K336C and K363C

B 2B21-N127B K310D K312D and K332D

2B21-N127D K335D K336D and K363D


The Group A SRVs were provided logic input signals from the trip unit master relays.

The Group B and C SRVs were provided logic input signals from the trip unit slave

relays. The 12 relays described above, (6 in ATTS cabinet 2H11-P927 and 6 in ATTS

cabinet 2H11-P928), were intended to be wired to provide one-out-of-two taken twice"

logic for actuation of the SRVs. The design objective was to assure that a single relay

failure in either division would not cause an inadvertent SRV actuation. Coincident logic

input is required from both division instrument loops in order to initiate a SRV backup

actuation using the PT signals. This occurs when the circuit, used to energize the

individual SRV pilot valve to open the SRV, is enabled by receiving simultaneous logic

inputs from either instrument loop in both divisions.

The team performed a circuit analysis of SRV 2B21-F013F (Path 1) and SRV 2B21-

F013G (Path 2) in order to verify that the design objectives of implementing a "one-out-

of-two taken twice" logic had been achieved. Based on this review the team determined

that the design objective of implementing a "one-out-of-two taken twice" logic had not

been installed for the SRVs. The logic installed for the SRVs was a "two-out-of-two

taken twice" logic in addition to a "one-out-of-two taken twice" logic. The coincident

logic implemented using trip unit master relays K310D and K335D could result in

spurious actuation of Group A SRVs for a fire in Fire Area 2104. In addition, this

spurious actuation defeats the capability to manually control these SRVs. Whenever a

SRV lifts, it will remain open until nuclear boiler pressure is reduced to about 85% of its

overpressure lift setpoint. However, because the instrument loops have failed high, the

trip unit master relays and the trip unit slave relays will continue to energize the pilot

valve of the individual SRV and keep the SRV open. As a result, this failure mode

prevents the operators from manually controlling the Group A SRVs as is required per

the SSAR.

Analysis: This finding is greater than minor because it affected the availability and

reliability objectives and the equipment performance attribute of the mitigating system

cornerstone. The team determined that the finding had potential safety significance

greater than very low safety significance because it prevented the operators from

manually controlling the Group A SRVs which the licensee credited with mitigating a fire

in Fire Area 2104. Manual control of the Group A SRVs is required to ensure that the

suppression pool temperature will not exceed the heat capacity temperature limit

(HCTL) for the suppression pool. Failure to ensure that the suppression pool

temperature will not exceed the HCTL could result in loss of net positive suction head

for the Core Spray pumps which the licensee credits for mitigating this event. However,

the finding remains unresolved pending completion of a significance determination.

Enforcement: 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion III, requires that design control

measures shall provide for verifying or checking the adequacy of design.

DCR 91-134 specified design input requirements for the sensor initiated logic that

electrically activates the SRVs to be a "one-out-of-two taken twice" logic scheme. It also

identified the potential worst case failure mode of this logic modification as a short in the

logic which would result in an inadvertent opening of a SRV. It concluded that the

modification was designed so that the actuation logic would not fail to cause inadvertent

opening of a SRV nor prevent a SRV from lifting upon ADS/LLS activation. Contrary to

the above, the logic implemented by the licensee for DCR 91-134 was different from the


specified design input requirements. The independent design verification performed for

DCR 91-134 failed to identify this error in the logic scheme. Additionally, the

Appendix R Impact Review performed for DCR 91-134 failed to identify the potential

failure mode of all eleven SRVs because of fire-induced damage in Fire Area 2104.

Based on the logic input from trip unit master unit relays K310D, and K335D and their

associated trip unit slave relays, the plant modification installed for DCR 91-134 failed to

correctly implement the "one-out-of-two taken twice" logic that was specified in the SRV

backup actuation via PT signals design change package. This failure has created a

condition where fire-induced failures of two reactor pressure instrument circuit cables,

(within close proximity to each other), could result in spurious actuation of all eleven

SRVs with the eleven SRVs subsequently remaining open. Pending completion of a

significance determination by the NRC, this item is identified as URI 50-366/03-06-06,

Inspector Concerns Associated with Implementation of DCR 91-134.


4OA2 Identification and Resolution of Problems

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed a sample of licensee audits, self-assessments, and CRs to verify

that items related to fire protection and to SSD were appropriately entered into the

licensees CAP in accordance with the Hatch quality assurance program and procedural

requirements. The items selected were reviewed for classification and appropriateness

of the corrective actions taken or initiated to resolve the issues. In addition, the team

reviewed the licensees applicability evaluations and corrective actions for selected

industry experience issues related to fire protection. The operating experience reports

were reviewed to verify that the licensees review and actions were appropriate.

The team reviewed licensee audits and self-assessments of fire protection and safe

shutdown to assess the types of findings that were generated and to verify that the

findings were appropriately entered into the licensees corrective action program.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

4OA6 Meetings, Including Exit

The lead inspector presented the inspection results to licensee management and other

members of the licensees staff at the conclusion of the onsite inspection on July 25,

2003. Subsequent to the onsite inspection, the lead inspector and the Team Leader,

Fire Protection, held a follow-up exit by telephone with Mr. S. Tipps and other members

of licensee management on September 2, 2003, to update the licensee on changes to

the preliminary inspection findings. The licensee acknowledged the findings.



Licensee personnel:

M. Beard, Acting Engineering Support Supervisor

V. Coleman, Quality Assurance Supervisor

M. Dean, Nuclear Specialist, Fire Protection

R. Dedrickson, Assistant General Manager for Plant hatch

B. Duval, Chemistry Superintendent

M. Googe, Maintenance Manager

J. Hammonds, Operations Manager

D. Javorka, Administrative Assistant, Senior

R. King, Acting Engineering Support Manager

I. Luker, Senior Engineer, Licensing

T. Metzer, Acting Nuclear safety and Compliance Manager

A. Owens, Senior Engineer, Fire Protection

D. Parker, Senior Engineer, Electrical

J. Payne, Senior Engineer, Corrective Action Program

J. Rathod, Bechtel Engineering Group Supervisor

M. Raybon, Summer Intern

K. Rosanski, Oglethorpe Power Corporation Resident Manager

S. Tipps, Nuclear Safety and Compliance Manager

J. Vance, Senior Engineer, Mechanical & Civil

R. Varnadore, Outages and Modifications Manager

NRC personnel:

N. Garret, Senior Resident Inspector

C. Payne, Fire Protection Team Leader



50-366/03-06-01 URI Concerns Associated with Potential Opening of SRVs (Section


50-366/03-06-02 URI Untimely and Unapproved Manual Operator Action for Post-Fire

SSD (Section 1R.04/05.b.1)

50-366/03-06-06 URI Inspector Concerns Associated with Implementation of

DCR 91-134 (Section 1R21.01.b)

Opened and Closed

50-366/03-06-03 NCV Inadequate Procedure for Local Manual Operator Action for Post-

Fire SSD Equipment (Section 1R.04/05.b.2)



50-366/03-06-04 NCV Unapproved Manual Operator Actions for Post-Fire SSD

(Section 1R.04.05.b.3)

50-366/03-06-05 NCV Inadequate Emergency Lighting for Operation of Post-Fire SSD

Equipment (Section 1R05.07.b)







Administrative Procedure 40AC-ENG-008-0S, Fire Protection Program, Rev. 9.2

Administrative Procedure 42FP-FPX-018-0S, Use, Control, and Storage of

Flammable/Combustible Materials, Rev. 1.0

Department Instruction DI-FPX-02-0693N, Fire Fighting Equipment Inspection, Rev. 5

Fire Protection Procedure 42FP-FPX-005-0S, Drill Planning, Critiques and Drill Documentation

Rev. 1 ED1

Fire Protection Procedure 42FP-FPX-007-0S, Hot Work, Rev. 1.2

Preventive Maintenance Procedure 52PM-MEL-012-0, Low Voltage Switchgear Preventive

Maintenance, Rev. 25.0

Preventive Maintenance Procedure 52PM-MEL-014-0, Transformer Maintenance, Rev. 10.1

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-002-0S, Low Pressure CO2 System Surveillance, Rev. 7.1

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-004-0S, Fire Pump Test, Rev. 8.6

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-006-0S, Fire Damper Surveillance, Rev. 1 ED 1

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-021-OS, Surveillance of Swinging Fire Doors, Rev. 1.6

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-024-OS, Fire Hose Stations 31 Day Surveillance, Rev. 1

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-030-OS, Fire Emergency Self Contained Breathing

Apparatus Inspection and Test, Rev. 1

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-032-0S, Automatic Sliding Fire Door Visual Inspection,

Rev. 3.3

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-036-0S, Annual Fire Pump Capacity Test, Rev. 8.6

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-037-OS, Fire Detection Instrumentation Surveillance,

Rev. 5.1

System Operating Procedure 34SO-X43-001-1, Fire Pumps Operating Procedure, Rev. 4.3

Training Procedure 73TR-TRN-003-0S, Fire Training Program, Rev.4

AOP 34AB-C11-001-2, Loss of CRD System, Version 2.3

AOP 34AB-C71-001-2, Scram Procedure, Version 9.9

AOP 34AB-C71-002-2, Loss of RPS, Version 4.3

AOP 34AB-N61-002-2S, Main Condenser Vacuum Low, Version 0.4

AOP 34AB-P41-001-2, Loss of Plant Service Water, Version 8.1

AOP 34AB-P42-001-2S, Loss of Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water, Version 1.4

AOP 34AB-P51-001-2, Loss of Instrument and Service Air System or Water Intrusion into the

Service Air System, Version 3.0

AOP 34AB-R22-001-2, Loss of DC Busses, Version 2.4

AOP 34AB-R22-002-2, Loss of 4160V Emergency Bus, Version 1.4

AOP 34AB-R22-003-2, Station Blackout, Version 2.3

AOP 34AB-R22-004-02, Loss of 4160V Bus 2A, 2B, 2C, or 2D, Version 1.3

AOP 34AB-R23-001-2S, Loss of 600V Emergency Bus, Version 0.4

AOP 34AB-R24-001-2, Loss of Essential AC Distribution Buses, Version 1.3

AOP 34AB-R25-002-02, Loss of Instrument Buses, Version 5.4

AOP 34AB-T47-001-2, Complete Loss of Drywell Cooling, Version 1.8

AOP 34AB-X43-001-2, Fire Procedure, Version 10.8

AOP 34AB-X43-002-0, Fire Protection System Failures, Version 1.3

SOP 34SO-C71-001-2, 120VAC RPS Supply System, Version 10.2



SOP 34SO-N40-001-2, Main Generator Operation, Version 10.8

SOP 34SO-R42-001-2S, 125V DC and 125/250 VDC System, Version 7.1

SOP 34SO-S22-001-2, 500 KV Substation Switching, Version 5.2

31EO-EOP-010-2S, RC RPV Control (Non-ATWS), Rev. 8, Attachment 1

31EO-EOP-012-2S, PC-1 Primary Containment Control, Rev. 4, Attachment 1

31EO-EOP-013-2S, PC-2 Primary Containment Control, Rev. 4, Attachment 1

31EO-EOP-014-2S, SC - Secondary Containment Control, Rev. 6, Attachment 1

31EO-EOP-016-2S, CP-2 RPV Flooding, Rev. 8, Attachment 1

Procedure 34AB-X43-001-2S, Rev.10ED3, Fire Procedure, dated 5/28/03.

Calibration Procedure 57CP-CAL-097-2, Rosemount 1153 and 1154 transmitters, Revision

No. 19.9.


H-11814, Fire Hazards Analysis, Control Bldg. El. 130-0, Rev. 5

H-11821, Fire Hazards Analysis, Turbine Bldg. El. 130-0, Rev. 0

H-11846, Fire Hazards Analysis, Diesel Generator Bldg., Rev. 2

H-26014, R.H.R. System P&ID Sheet 1, Rev. 49

H-26015, R.H.R. System P&ID Sheet 2, Rev. 46

H-26018, Core Spray System P&ID, Rev. 29

B-10-1326, Rectangular Fire Damper Schedule, Rev. 2

B-10-1329, Rectangular Fire Damper, Rev. 1

H-11033, Fire Protection Pump House Layout, Rev. 47

H-11035, Fire Protection Piping and Instrumentation Diagram, Rev. 22

H-11226, Piping-Diesel Generator Building Drainage, Rev. 6

H-11814, Fire Hazards Analysis Drawing, Control Building, Rev. 5

H-11821, Fire Hazards Analysis Drawing, Turbine Building, Rev. 11

H-11846, Fire Hazards Analysis Drawing, Diesel Generator Building, Rev. 2

H-11894, Fire Detection Equipment Layout-Diesel Generator Building, Rev. 2

H-11915, Fire Detection Equipment Layout-Control Building, Rev. 2

H-13008, Conduit and Grounding, Fire Pump House, Rev. 9

H-13615, Wiring Diagram, Fire Pump House, Rev. 13

H-16054, Control Building HVAC System, Rev. 19

H-41509, Diesel Generator Building CO2 System-P&ID, Rev. 5

H-43757, Penetration Seals-Type, Number, and as-Built Location, Rev. 3

Calculations, Analyses, and Evaluations

E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Safe Shutdown Analysis Report, Rev. 20.

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Fire Hazards Analysis and Fire Protection Program, Rev. 20

Calculation SMFP88-001, Hydraulic Analysis of Sprinkler Systems in Control Building East

Cableway, dated 03/11/1988

Calculation SMNH94-046, FCF-F10B-006, Fire Resistance of Concrete Block at HNP, dated


Calculation SMNH94-048, FCF-F10B-006, Cable Tray Combustible Loading Calculation, dated




Calculation SMNH98-023, HT-98617, Fire Protection Penetration Seal Deviation Analysis,

dated 10/28/1998

Calculation SMNH00-011, HT-00606, Hose Nozzle Pressure Drop Analysis, dated 09/08/2000

Evaluation HT-91722, Fire Protection Code Deviation Resolution, dated 04/22/1992

Hatch Response to NRC IN 1999-005, dated 05/04/1999

Hatch Response to NRC IN 2002-024, dated 09/20/2002

Calculation SENH 98-003, Rev. 0, plot K, protective relay settings 4kV bus 2E

Calculation 85082MP, Plot 29, 600V Switchgear 2C

Calculation SENH 94-004, Attachment A, Sheets 7&8, 600/208 Reactor Building MCC 2C

Calculation SENH 91-011, Attachment P, Sheet 6, Reactor Building DC MCC 2A

Calculation SENH 94-013, Sheets 28 and 29, 600V Reactor Building MCC 2E-B

Calculation SENH 91-011, Attachment P, Sheet 16, Reactor Building 250VDC MCC 2B

Audits and Self-Assessments

Audit No. 01-FP-1, Audit of the Fire Protection Program, dated April 12, 2001

Audit No. 02-FP-1, Audit of the Fire Protection Program, dated February 28, 2002

Audit No. 03-FP-1, Audit of Fire Protection, dated April 21, 2003

1999-001106, Lighting in Fire Equipment Building

2002-000629, Inordinate Number of Buried Piping Leaks

2002-002127, Inadequate Bunker Gear

2002-002129, Health Physics Support and Participation for Fire Brigade

2003-000735, Impact on Cold Weather on Operating Units

Audit Report 01-FP-1, Audit of Fire Protection Program, dated 04/12/2001

Audit Report 02-FP-1, Audit of Fire Protection Program, dated 02/28/2002

Audit Report 03-FP-1, Audit of Fire Protection Program, dated 04/21/2003

CRs Reviewed

CR 2000007119, Fire Procedure 34AB-X43-001-1S Needs to be Enhanced

CR 2001002032, Fire Procedure 34AB-X43-001-2S Needs Actions for Diesel Fuel Oil Pumps

CR 2003004377, Fire Procedure 34AB-X43-001-1 Enhancements

CR 2003004379, Fire Procedure 34AB-X43-001-2 Enhancements

CR 2003004382, SSAR Discrepancies

CRs Generated During this Inspection

CR 2003007129, No Fire Procedure Actions for a Fire in the 2C Switchgear Room

CR 2003007719, Use of Link Wrench

CR 2003007978, Fire Damper Corrective Action

CR 2003008141, Breaker Maintenance Handle

CR 2003008165, SSAR Section 2.100

CR 2003008179, Drywell Access Emergency Lights

CR 2003008181, Link Labeling

CR 2003008202, Manually Opening MOV 2E11-F015A

CR 2003008203, SRV Manual Action Steps in Fire Procedure

CR 2003008237, Emergency Lights and Component Labeling for Manual Actions



CR 2003008238, CO2 Migration Through Floor Drains

CR 2003800132, SSAR Error for Position of 2E11-F004A

CR 2003800151, Instruments for Manual Actions

CR 2003800152, Sliding Links in SSAR

CR 2003800153, Promat Test Report

CR 2003008250, Communications for Post-Fire SSD

CR 2003800166, Review Fire Procedure Step 34AB-X43-001-2 Steps to Verify Compliance

with Appendix R.

Design Criteria and Standards

Design Philosophy for Fire Detectors at E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plants, Rev. 2

Completed Surveillance Procedures and Test Records

42SV-FPX-021-OS, Surveillance of Swinging Fire Doors, Task # 1-3367-1 (completed on


42SV-FPX-024-OS, Fire Hose Stations, Task # 1-3359-1 (completed on 06/27/2003)

42SV-FPX-030-OS, Fire Emergency Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Inspection and Test,

Task # 1-4200-3 (completed on 07/07/2003)

42SV-FPX-032-OS, Automatic Sliding Fire Door Surveillance, Task # 1-3361-2 (completed on


Promatec Technologies Installation Inspection Report for Fire Area 2104, MWO 2-98-00881,

Record 09367-2289, dated 09/03/1998

Technical Manuals/Vendor Information

Dow Corning Fire Endurance Test on Penetration Seal Systems in Precast Concrete F Using

Silicone Elastomers, dated 10/28/1975

Dow Corning 561 Silicone Transformer Fluid Technical Manual,10-453-97, dated 1997

S-80393, Mesker Instructions for Installing d&H Pyromatic Automatic Sliding Fire Door Closer

S-27874B, General Electric Instruction Book GEK-26501, Liquid-Filled Secondary Unit

Substation Transformers, Rev. 2

S-52429A, Bisco, Fire Rated Penetration Seal Qualification Data, dated 08/16/1990

S-52480, Factory Mutual, Fire Rated Penetration Seal Qualification Data-Chemtrol Design

FC-225, dated 08/31/1990

S-54875B, Promatec, Fire Barriers-Unit 2 East Cableway, Rev. 2

Omega Point Laboratories, SR90-005, Three Hour Wall Test, dated 06/06/1990

Promatec Technologies Inc., PSI-001, Issue 1, General Construction Details, dated 07/21/1998

Promatec Technologies Inc., IP-2031, Installation Inspection for Promats Three Hour Solid

Wall/Ceiling Protection System, Issue C, dated 06/16/1998

System Information Document No. SI-LP-01401-03, Main Steam and Low Low Set System,

dated 4/3/2000



Applicable Codes and Standards

ANSI N45.2.11-1974, Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants

NFPA 12, Standard for Carbon Dioxide Systems, 1973 Edition.

NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 1976 Edition.

NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, 1974 Edition.

NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, 1973 Edition.

NFPA 72D, Standard for the Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Proprietary Protection

Signaling Systems, 1975 Edition.

NFPA 72E, Standard on Automatic Fire Detectors, 1974 Edition

NFPA 80, Standard on Fire Doors and Windows, 1975 Edition.

NUREG-1552, Supplement 1, Fire Barrier Penetration Seals in Nuclear Power Plants, dated

January 1999

OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Standards,

Underwriters Laboratory, Fire Resistance Directory, January 1998

Other Documents

Design Change Package 91-009, Retrofill Dielectric Fluid on Unit 2 Transformers, Rev. 1

Fire Protection Inspection Reports for the period 2001-2002

Fire Service Qualification Training, FP-LP-10003, Fire Fighter Safety, dated 01/14/2002

Fire Service Qualification Training, FP-LP-10004, Fire Fighter Personal Protective Equipment,

dated 01/14/2002

Fire Service Qualification Training, FP-LP-10014, Fire Streams, dated 01/22/2002

Fire Service Qualification Training, FP-LP-10018, Fire Fighting Principles and Practices, dated


Hatch Response to NRC Information Notice 1999-05, Inadvertent Discharge of Carbon Dioxide

Fire Protection System and Gas Migration, dated 05/04/1999

Hatch Response to NRC Information Notice 2002-24, Potential Problems with Heat Collectors

on Fire Protection Sprinklers, dated 09/20/2002

10CFR21-001, ELECTRAK Corporation, Software Error within TRAK2000 Cable Management

and Appendix R Analysis System, dated 03/07/2003

U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Invensys Building Systems Announce Recall of

Siebe Actuators in Building Fire/Smoke Dampers, dated 10/02/2002

Pre-fire Plan A-43965, Power-Block Areas Methodology, Rev. 0

Pre-fire Plan A-43966, Fire Area 2404, Diesel Generator Building Switchgear Room 2E, Rev. 2

Pre-fire Plan A-43966, Fire Area 2408, Diesel Generator Building Switchgear Room 2F, Rev. 2

Pre-fire Plan A-43965, Fire Area 2016, W 600V Switchgear Room 2C, Rev. 4

License Basis Documents

Hatch UFSAR Section 3.4, Water Level Flood Design, Rev. 20

Hatch UFSAR Section 9.1-A, Fire Protection Plan, Rev. 18C

Hatch UFSAR Section 17.2, Quality Assurance During the Operations Phase, Rev. 20B

Hatch Fire Hazards Analysis, Appendix B, Fire Protection Equipment Operating and

Surveillance Requirements, Rev. 12B



Hatch Fire Hazards Analysis, Appendix H, Application of National Fire Protection Association

Codes, Rev. 12B

Hatch SER dated April 18, 1994

Safe Shutdown Analysis Report for E.I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2, Rev. 26

Fire Hazards Analysis for E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2, Rev.18C, dated 7/00.

NRC Safety Evaluation Report dated 01/02/1987; Re: Exemption from the requirements of

Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50 for Hatch Units 1 and 2 (response to letter dated

May 16, 1986).

Letter dated 05/16/86, From L. T. Guewa (Georgia Power) to D. Muller, NRC/NRR; Re: Edwin I

Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 10 CFR 50.48 and Appendix R Exemption Requests

Design Change Request Documents

DCR No.91-134, SRV Backup Actuation via PT Signals, Revision 0.

Drawing No. H-26000, Nuclear Boiler System P&ID, Sheet 1, Revision 39

Drawing No. H-27403, Automatic Depressurization System 2B21C Elementary Diagram, Sheet

6 of 6, Revision 2

Drawing No. H-27472, Automatic Depressurization System 2B21C Elementary Diagram, Sheet

3 of 6, Revision 2

Drawing No. H-27473, Automatic Depressurization System 2B21C Elementary Diagram, Sheet

4 of 6, Revision 2

Drawing No. H-24427, Elementary Diagram, ATTS System 2A70 Sheet 27 of 35, Revision 3

Drawing No. H-24428, Elementary Diagram, ATTS System 2A70 Sheet 28 of 35, Revision 3

Drawing No. H-24429, Elementary Diagram, ATTS System 2A70 Sheet 29 of 35, Revision 5

Drawing No. H-24430, Elementary Diagram, ATTS System 2A70 Sheet 30 of 35, Revision 3

Drawing No. H-24431, Elementary Diagram, ATTS System 2A70 Sheet 31 of 35, Revision 3

Drawing No. H-24432, Elementary Diagram, ATTS System 2A70 Sheet 32 of 35, Revision 6



ADS Automatic Depressurization System

AOP Abnormal Operating Procedure

APCSB Auxiliary and Power Conversion System Branch

ATTS Analog Transmitter Trip System

BTP Branch Technical Position

CAP Corrective Action Program

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

CRs Condition Reports

CST Condensate Storage Tank

DCR Design Change Request

ERFBS Electrical Raceway Fire Barrier System

FHA Fire Hazards Analysis

FPP Fire Protection Program

HCTL Heat Capacity Temperature Limit

HPCI High Pressure Coolant Injection

IMC Inspection Manual Chapter

IP Inspection Procedure

JPM Job Performance Measure

LLS Low-Low Set

LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident

ma Milli-amp

MOVs Motor Operated Valves

NCV Non-Cited Violations

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration

PT Pressure Transmitter

RCIC Reactor Core Isolation Cooling

RHR Residual Heat Removal

SCBAs Self-Contained Breathing Apparatuses

SDP Significance Determination Process

SERs Safety Evaluation Reports

SRVs Safety Relief Valves

SSAR Safe Shutdown Analysis Report

SSD Safe Shutdown

TS Technical Specification

UFSAR Updated Final Safety Evaluation Reports

URI Unresolved Item

XLPE Cross-Linked Polyethylene




Docket Nos.: 50-321, 50-366

License Nos.: DPR-57, NPF-5

Report No.: 05000321/2003006 and 05000366/2003006

Licensee: Southern Nuclear Operating Company

Facility: E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plant

Location: P. O. Box 2010

Baxley, GA. 31513

Dates: July 7-11, 2003 (Week 1)

July 21-25, 2003 (Week 2)

Inspectors: C. Smith, P. E., Senior Reactor Inspector, (Lead Inspector)

R. Schin, Senior Reactor Inspector

G. Wiseman, Fire Protection Inspector

K. Sullivan, Consultant, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Accompanying S. Belcher, Nuclear Safety Intern, Week 1


Approved by: Charles R. Ogle, Chief

Engineering Branch 1

Division of Reactor Safety





REPORT DETAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

FIRE PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Systems Required to Achieve and Maintain Post-Fire Safe Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Fire Protection of Safe Shutdown Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Alternative Shutdown Capability/Operational Implementation of Alternative Shutdown

Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Emergency Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Cold Shutdown Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Fire Barriers and Fire Area/Zone/Room Penetration Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Fire Protection Systems, Features, and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Compensatory Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

SAFETY SYSTEM DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE CAPABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Design Change Request 91-134, SRV Backup Actuation Using Pressure Transmitter

Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

OTHER ACTIVITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Identification and Resolution of Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Meetings Including Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21



IR 05000321/2003-006, 05000366/2003-006; 7/7-11/2003 and 7/21-25/2003; E. I. Hatch

Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Triennial Fire Protection

The report covered an announced two-week period of inspection by three regional inspectors

and a consultant from Brookhaven National Laboratory. Three Green non-cited violations

(NCVs) and two unresolved items with potential safety significance greater than Green

were identified. The significance of most findings is indicated by their color (Green, White,

Yellow, Red) using Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 0609, Significance Determination

Process (SDP). Findings for which the SDP does not apply may be Green or be assigned

a severity level after NRC management review. The NRC's program for overseeing the

safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors is described in NUREG-1649,

Reactor Oversight Process, Revision 3, dated July 2000.

A. NRC-Identified and Self-Revealing Findings

Cornerstone: Initiating Events, Mitigating Systems, and Barrier Integrity

prevent spurious opening of all eleven safety relief valves (SRVs) during a fire event, would

not be performed in sufficient time to be effective. Also, licensee reliance on this manual

action for hot shutdown during a fire, instead of physically protecting cables from fire

damage, had not been approved by the NRC.

This finding is unresolved pending completion of a significance determination. The finding

is greater than minor because it affects the objective of the mitigating system cornerstone.

Also, the finding has potential safety significance greater than very low safety significance

because failure to prevent spurious operation of the SRVs could result in them opening

during certain fire scenarios, thereby complicating the post-fire recovery actions. (Section


Section III.G.1 and Technical Specification 5.4.1 because a local manual operator action to

operate safe shutdown equipment was too difficult and was also physically unsafe. The

licensee had relied on this action instead of providing physical protection of cables from fire

damage or preplanning cold shutdown repairs. However, the team determined that some

operators would not be able to perform the action.

The finding is greater than minor because it affected the availability and reliability

objectives and the equipment performance attribute of the mitigating systems cornerstone.

This finding is of very low safety significance because the licensee would have time to

develop and implement cold shutdown repairs to facilitate accomplishment of the action.

(Section 1R05.04/.05.b.2)



Section III.G.2 in that the licensee relied on some manual operator actions to operate safe

shutdown equipment, instead of providing the required physical protection of cables from

fire damage without NRC approval.

The finding is greater than minor because it affected the availability and reliability

objectives and the equipment performance attribute of the mitigating systems cornerstone.

Since the actions could reasonably be accomplished by operators in a timely manner, this

finding did not have potential safety significance greater than very low safety significance.

(Section 1R05.04/.05.b.3)

because emergency lighting was not adequate for some manual operator actions that were

needed to support post-fire operation of safe shutdown equipment.

The finding is greater than minor because it affected the reliability objective and the

equipment performance attribute of the mitigating systems cornerstone. Since operators

would be able to accomplish the actions with the use of flashlights, this finding did not have

potential safety significance greater than very low safety significance. (Section 1R05.07.b)

implementation of Design Change Request 91-134, SRV Backup Actuation via Pressure

Transmitter Signals. The installed plant modification failed to implement the "one-out-of-

two taken twice" logic that was specified as a design input requirement in the design

change package. Additionally, implementation of a "two-out-of-two coincidence taken

twice" logic has introduced a potential common cause failure of all eleven SRVs as a result

of the potential for fire-induced damage to two reactor pressure instrumentation circuit

cables in close proximity to each other.

This finding is unresolved pending completion of a significance determination. This finding

is greater than minor because it impacts the mitigating system cornerstone. This finding

has the potential for defeating manual control of Group A SRVs that are required for

ensuring that the suppression pool temperature will not exceed the heat capacity

temperature limit for the suppression pool and therefore has a potential safety significance

greater than very low safety significance. (Section 1R21.01.b)

B. Licensee-Identified Violations





Cornerstones: Initiating Events, Mitigating Systems and Barrier Integrity

1R05 Fire Protection

The purpose of this inspection was to review the Hatch Nuclear Plant fire protection

program (FPP) for selected risk-significant fire areas. Emphasis was placed on verification

that the post-fire safe shutdown (SSD) capability and the fire protection features provided

for ensuring that at least one redundant train of safe shutdown systems is maintained free

of fire damage. The inspection was performed in accordance with the Nuclear Regulatory

Commission (NRC) Reactor Oversight Program using a risk-informed approach for

selecting the fire areas and attributes to be inspected. The team used the licensees

Individual Plant Examination for External Events and in-plant tours to choose four risk-

significant fire areas for detailed inspection and review. The fire areas chosen for review

during this inspection were:

  • Fire Area 2016, West 600 V Switchgear Room, Control Building, Elevation 130 feet.
  • Fire Area 2104, East Cableway, Turbine Building, Elevation 130 feet.
  • Fire Area 2404, Switchgear Room 2E, Diesel Generator Building, Elevation 130


  • Fire Area 2408, Switchgear Room 2F, Diesel Generator Building, Elevation 130


The team evaluated the licensees FPP against applicable requirements, including

Operating License Condition 2.C.(3)(a), Fire Protection; Title 10 of the Code of Federal

Regulations, Part 50 (10 CFR 50), Appendix R; 10 CFR 50.48; Appendix A of Branch

Technical Position (BTP) Auxiliary and Power Conversion Systems Branch (APCSB) 9.5-1;

related NRC Safety Evaluation Reports (SERs); the Hatch Nuclear Plant Updated Final

Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR); and plant Technical Specification (TS). The team

evaluated all areas of this inspection, as documented below, against these requirements.

Documents reviewed by the team are listed in the attachment.

.01 Systems Required to Achieve and Maintain Post-Fire Safe Shutdown

a. Inspection Scope

The licensees Safe Shutdown Analysis Report (SSAR) was reviewed to determine the

components and systems necessary to achieve and maintain SSD conditions in the event

of fire in each of the selected fire areas. The objectives of this evaluation were as follows:



  • Verify that the licensee's shutdown methodology has correctly identified the

components and systems necessary to achieve and maintain a SSD condition.

  • Confirm the adequacy of the systems selected for reactivity control, reactor coolant

makeup, reactor heat removal, process monitoring and support system functions.

  • Verify that a SSD can be achieved and maintained without off-site power, when it

can be confirmed that a postulated fire in any of the selected fire areas could cause

the loss of off-site power.

protection licensing basis.

b. Findings

The team identified a potential concern in that the licensee used manual actions to

disconnect terminal board sliding links in order to isolate two 4 to 20 milli-amp (ma)

instrumentation loop control circuits in order to prevent the spurious actuation of eleven

safety relief valves (SRVs). This issue is discussed in Section 1R05.03.b of the report. No

other findings of significance were identified.

.02 Fire Protection of Safe Shutdown Capability

a. Inspection Scope

For the selected fire areas, the team evaluated the frequency of fires or the potential for

fires, the combustible fire load characteristics and potential fire severity, the separation of

systems necessary to achieve SSD, and the separation of electrical components and

circuits located within the same fire area to ensure that at least one SSD path was free of

fire damage. The team also inspected the fire protection features to confirm they were

installed in accordance with the codes of record to satisfy the applicable separation and

design requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G, and Appendix A of BTP

APCSB 9.5-1. The team reviewed the following documents, which established the controls

and practices to prevent fires and to control combustible fire loads and ignition sources, to

verify that the objectives established by the NRC-approved FPP were satisfied:

  • UFSAR Section 9.1-A, Fire Protection Plan
  • Administrative Procedure 42FP-FPX-018-0S, Use, Control, and Storage of

Flammable/Combustible Materials

  • Preventive Maintenance Procedure 52PM-MEL-012-0, Low Voltage Switchgear

Preventive Maintenance

The team toured the selected plant fire areas to observe whether the licensee had properly

evaluated in-situ fire loads and limited transient fire hazards in a manner consistent with the

fire prevention and combustible hazards control procedures. In addition, the team

reviewed the licensees fire safety inspection reports and corrective action program (CAP)

condition reports (CRs) resulting from fire, smoke, sparks, arcing, and overheating

incidents for the years 2000-2002 to assess the effectiveness of the fire prevention



program and to identify any maintenance or material condition problems related to fire


The team reviewed fire brigade response, fire brigade qualification training, and drill

program procedures; fire brigade drill critiques; and drill records for the operating shifts

from January 1999 - December 2002. The reviews were performed to determine whether

fire brigade drills had been conducted in high fire risk plant areas and whether fire brigade

personnel qualifications, drill response, and performance met the requirements of the

licensees approved FPP.

The team walked down the fire brigade equipment storage areas and dress-out locker

areas in the fire equipment building and the turbine building to assess the condition of fire

fighting and smoke control equipment. Fire brigade personal protective equipment located

at both of the fire brigade dress-out areas and fire fighting equipment storage area in the

turbine building were reviewed to evaluate equipment accessibility and functionality.

Additionally, the team observed whether emergency exit lighting was provided for

personnel evacuation pathways to the outside exits as identified in the National Fire

Protection Association (NFPA) 101, Life Safety Code, and the Occupational Safety and

Health Administration (OSHA) Part 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Standards. This

review also included examination of whether backup emergency lighting was provided for

access pathways to and within the fire brigade equipment storage areas and dress-out

locker areas in support of fire brigade operations should power fail during a fire emergency.

The fire brigade self-contained breathing apparatuses (SCBAs) were reviewed for

adequacy as well as the availability of supplemental breathing air tanks and their refill


The team reviewed fire fighting pre-fire plans for the selected areas to determine if

appropriate information was provided to fire brigade members and plant operators to

facilitate suppression of a fire that could impact SSD. Team members also walked down

the selected fire areas to compare the associated pre-fire plans and drawings with as-built

plant conditions. This was done to verify that fire fighting pre-fire plans and drawings were

consistent with the fire protection features and potential fire conditions described in the Fire

Hazards Analysis (FHA).

The team reviewed the adequacy of the design, installation, and operation of the manual

suppression standpipe and fire hose system for the control building. This was

accomplished by reviewing the FHA, pre-fire plans and drawings, engineering mechanical

equipment drawings, design flow and pressure calculations, and NFPA 14 for hose station

location, water flow requirements and effective reach capability. Team members also

walked down the selected fire areas in the control building to ensure that hose stations

were not blocked and to verify that the required fire hose lengths to reach the safe

shutdown equipment in each of the selected areas were available. Additionally, the team

observed placement of the fire hoses and extinguishers to assess consistency with the fire

fighting pre-fire plans and drawings.

b. Findings



No findings of significance were identified.

.03 Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Capability

a. Inspection Scope

On a sample basis, the inspectors evaluated whether the systems and equipment identified

in the licensees SSAR as being required to achieve and maintain hot shutdown conditions

would remain free of fire damage in the event of fire in the selected fire areas. The

evaluation included a review of cable routing data depicting the location of power and

control cables associated with SSD Path 1 and Path 2 components of the reactor core

isolation cooling (RCIC) and high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) systems. Additionally,

on a sample basis, the team reviewed the licensees analysis of electrical protective device

(e.g., circuit breaker, fuse, relay) coordination. The following motor operated valves

(MOVs) and other components were reviewed:

Component ID Description

2E51-F029 RCIC Pump Suction from Suppression Pool Valve

2E51-F010 RCIC Pump Suction Valve from Condensate Storage Tank (CST)

2P41-C001A Plant Service Water Pump 2A

2E11-F011A Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Heat Exchanger A Drain to

Suppression Pool Valve

2P41-C001B Plant Service Water Pump 2B

2E41-F001 HPCI Turbine Steam Supply Valve

2E41-F002 HPCI Turbine Steam Supply Inboard Containment Isolation Valve

2E41-F006 HPCI Pump Inboard Discharge Valve

2E41-F008 HPCI Pump Discharge Bypass Test Valve to CST

b. Findings

The team identified a potential concern in that the licensee used manual actions to isolate

two 4 to 20 ma instrumentation loop control circuits associated with eleven SRVs in lieu of

providing physical protection. This did not appear to be consistent with the plants licensing

basis nor 10 CFR 50, Appendix R. Spurious action of these SRVs could impact the

licensees fire mitigation strategy. In addition, the licensee provided no objective evidence

that post-fire safe shutdown equipment could mitigate this event.



The SSAR stated that a fire in Fire Area 2104 could cause all eleven SRVs to spuriously

actuate as a result of fire damage to two cables located in close proximity in this area. The

specific circuits that could cause this event were identified by the licensee as circuits

ABE019C08 and ABE019C09. Each circuit separately provides a 4 to 20 ma

instrumentation signal from an SRV high-pressure actuation transmitter 2B21-N127B or

2B21-N127D to its respective master trip unit (2B21-N697B or 2B21-N697D). The purpose

of this circuitry was to provide an electrical backup to the mechanical trip capability of the

individual SRVs. In the event of high reactor pressure, the circuits would provide a signal

to the master trip units which would cause all eleven SRVs to actuate (open). The

pressure signal from each transmitter would be conveyed to its respective master trip unit

through a two-conductor, instrument cable that was routed through this fire area (two

separate cables). Each cable consisted of a single twisted pair of insulated conductors, an

uninsulated drain wire that was wound around the twisted pair of conductors, and a foil

shield. In Fire Area 2104, the two cables were located in close proximity in the same cable

tray. Actuation of the SRV electrical backup is completely blind to the operators. That is,

unlike ADS, it does not provide any pre-actuation indication (e.g., actuation of the ADS

timer) or an inhibit capability (e.g., ADS inhibit switch). Because the operators typically

would not initiate a manual scram until fire damage significantly interfered with control of

the plant, it is possible that all eleven SRVs could open at 100% power, prior to scramming

the reactor. This event could place the plant in an unanalyzed condition.

Unlike a typical control circuit, a direct short or hot short between conductors of a

4 to 20 ma instrument circuit may not be necessary to initiate an undesired (false high)

signal. For cables that transmit low-level instrument signals, degradation of the insulation

of the individual twisted conductors due to fire damage may be sufficient to cause leakage

current to be generated between the two conductors. Such leakage current would appear

as a false high pressure signal to the master trip units. If both cables were damaged as a

result of fire, false signals generated as a result of leakage current in each cable, could

actuate the SRV electrical backup scheme which would cause all eleven SRVs to open.

The conductor insulation and jacket material of each cable was cross-linked polyethylene

(XLPE). Because both cables were in the same tray and exposed to the same heating

rate, there would be a reasonable likelihood that both instrumentation cables could suffer

insulation damage at the same time and both circuits could fail high simultaneously.

The licensees SSAR recognized the potential safety significance of this event and

described methods that have been developed to prevent its occurrence and/or to mitigate

its impact on the plants post-fire SSD capability (should it occur). To prevent this event,

the licensee developed procedural guidance which directs operators to open link BB-10 in

panel 2H11-P927 and link BB-10 in panel 2H11-P928. These panels are located in the

main control room. Opening of these links would prevent actuation of the SRV trip units by

removing the 4 to 20 ma signal fed by the pressure transmitters (PT) to the master trip

units. In the event the SRVs were to open prior to the operators completing this action, the

SSAR credits core spray loop A to mitigate the event.

The inspection team had several concerns regarding the licensees approach to this

potential spurious actuation of the SRVs. Specific concerns identified by the team include:



1. The links may not be opened in time to preclude inadvertent actuation of the SRVs.

2. The use of links to avoid inadvertent actuation of the SRVs did not appear to be

consistent with the current licensing basis.

3. No objective evidence existed to demonstrate that the post-fire SSD equipment

could adequately mitigate a fire in Fire Area 2104, if the SRVs were to open.

4. The operations staff would be unable to manually control the Group A SRVs, which

are credited for mitigating a fire in Fire Area 2104, should they spuriously actuate as

a result of fire-induced damage.

With regard to the timing of operator actions to prevent fire damage from causing all SRVs

to open, the licensee performed an evaluation during the inspection which estimated that

approximately thirty minutes would pass from the time of fire detection to the time an

operator would implement procedural actions to open the links. The inspectors

independently arrived at a similar time estimate based on their review of the procedure. In

response to inspectors concerns that this interval may be too lengthy to preclude fire

damage to the cables of interest and subsequent actuation of the SRVs, the licensee

agreed to enhance its existing procedures so that the action would be taken immediately

following confirmation of fire in areas where the spurious actuation could occur. This issue

is discussed in Section 1R05.04/.05.b.1 of this report.

The team also determined that the opening of terminal board links was not in compliance

with the plants licensing basis. Current licensing basis documents, specifically Georgia

Power request for exemption dated May 16, 1986, and a subsequent NRC Safety

Evaluation Report (SER) dated January 2, 1987, characterized the opening of links as a

repair activity that is not permitted as a means of complying with 10 CFR 50, Appendix R,

Section III.G. The inspectors concluded that, the opening of links was considered a repair

by both the licensee and the NRC staff in 1987. The licensee could not provide any

evidence to justify why these actions should not be characterized as a repair activity in its

current SSAR.

Additionally, because there is a potential for all SRVs to spuriously actuate as a result of

fire in Fire Area 2104 at a time when RHR is not available, the SSAR credits the use of

core spray loop A to accomplish the reactor coolant makeup function. During the

inspection, the licensee performed a simulator exercise of an event which caused all 11

SRVs to open. During this exercise, simulator RPV level instruments indicated that core

spray would be capable of maintaining level above the top of active fuel. However, the

licensee did not provide any objective evidence (e.g., specific calculation or analysis) which

demonstrated that, assuming worst-case fire damage in Fire Area 2104, the limited set of

equipment available would be capable of mitigating the event in a manner that satisfied the

shutdown performance goals specified in 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.L.1.e.

Finally, the logic that was installed by design change request (DCR)91-134 for the SRVs

was a "two-out-of-two coincidence taken twice" logic in addition to a "one-out-of-two

coincidence taken twice" logic. The team determined that the "two-out-of-two" coincidence

logic input from trip unit master relays K310D and K335D represented a common cause

failure for Group A SRVs for a fire in Fire Area 2104. Specifically, cable ABE019C08



associated with PT 2B21-N127B current loop, and cable ABE019C09 associated with PT

2B21-N127D current loop, were routed in close proximity to each other in the same cable

tray in Fire Area 2104. Both shielded twisted pair instrument cables were unprotected from

the effects of a fire in this fire area. Fire-induced insulation damage to both cables could

result in leakage currents and cause the instrument loops to fail high. This failure mode

would simulate a high nuclear boiler pressure condition and would initiate SRV backup

actuation of all the Group A SRVs. Whenever a SRV lifted, it would remain open until

pressure reduced to about 85% of its overpressure lift setpoint However, the instrument

loops, having failed high, would ensure that the trip unit master relays and the trip unit

slave relays continued to energize the pilot valve of the individual SRV and keep the SRV

open. This issue is discussed in more detail in Section 1R21.01. Ultimately, this failure

mode would prevent the operators from manually controlling the Group A SRVs as required

per the SSAR.

In response, the licensee initiated CR 2003800152, dated July 24, 2003, to evaluate

actions to open links to determine if they are necessary to achieve hot shutdown, and if an

exemption from Appendix R is required. Pending additional review by the NRC, this issue

is identified as Unresolved Item (URI) 50-366/03-06-01, Concerns Associated with

Potential Opening of SRVs.

.04/.05 Alternative Shutdown Capability/Operational Implementation of Alternative Shutdown


a. Inspection Scope

The selected fire areas that were the focus of this inspection all involved reactor shutdown

from the control room. None involved abandoning the control room and alternative SSD

from outside of the control room. Thus, alternative shutdown capability was not reviewed

during this inspection. However, the licensees plans for SSD following a fire in the

selected areas involved many local manual operator actions that would be performed

outside of the control area of the control room. This section of the inspection focused on

those local manual operator actions.

The team reviewed the operational implementation of the SSD capability for a fire in the

selected fire areas to determine if: (1) the procedures were consistent with the SSAR; (2)

the procedures were written so that the operator actions could be correctly performed

within the times that were necessary for the actions to be effective; (3) the training program

for operators included SSD capability; (4) personnel required to achieve and maintain the

plant in hot standby could be provided from the normal onsite staff, exclusive of the fire

brigade; and (5) the licensee periodically performed operability testing of the SSD


The team walked down SSD manual operator actions that were to be performed outside of

the control area of the main control room for a fire in the selected fire areas and discussed

them with operators. These actions were documented in Abnormal Operating Procedure

(AOP) 34AB-X43-001-2, Version 10.8, dated May 28, 2003. The team evaluated whether

the local manual operator actions could reasonably be performed, using the criteria



outlined in NRC Inspection Procedure (IP) 71111.05, Enclosure 2. The team also reviewed

applicable operator training lesson plans and job performance measures (JPMs) and

discussed them with operators. In addition, the team reviewed records of actual operator

staffing on selected days.

b. Findings

1. Untimely and Unapproved Manual Operator Action for Fire SSD

Introduction: The team found that a local manual operator action to prevent spurious

opening of all eleven SRVs would not be performed in sufficient time to be effective.

Licensee reliance on this manual action for hot shutdown during a fire, instead of physically

protecting cables from fire damage, had not been approved by the NRC.

Description: The team noted that Step of AOP 34AB-X43-001-2, Fire Procedure,

Version 10.8, dated May 28, 2003, stated: To prevent all eleven SRVs from opening

simultaneously, open links BB-10 in Panel 2H11-P927 and BB-10 in Panel 2H11-P928.

The team noted that spurious opening of all eleven SRVs should be considered a large

loss of coolant accident (LOCA), and that a LOCA should be prevented from occurring

during a fire event to comply with 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.L.Section III.L

requires that, during a post-fire shutdown, the reactor coolant system process variables

(e.g., reactor vessel pressure and water level) shall be maintained within those predicted

for a loss of normal alternating current power. Having all eleven SRVs opened during a fire

would challenge this. Additionally, the team observed that this step was sufficiently far

back in the procedure that it may not be completed in time to prevent potential fire damage

to cables from causing all eleven SRVs to spuriously open.

The licensee had no preplanned estimate of how long it would take operators to complete

this step during a fire event. There was no event time line or operator training JPM on this

step. The team noted that, during a fire, operators could be using many other procedures

concurrent with the Fire Procedure. For example, they could be using other procedures to

communicate with the fire brigade about the fire, respond to a reactor trip, deal with a loss

of offsite power, and provide emergency classifications and offsite notifications of the fire

event. During the inspection, licensee operators estimated that, during a fire event, it could

take about 30 minutes before operators would accomplish Step The team

concurred with that time estimate which the team had previously determined independently.

However, NRC fire models indicated that fires could potentially cause damage to cables in

as short a period as five to ten minutes. Consequently, the team concluded that during a

fire event, the licensees procedures would not ensure that Step would be

accomplished in time to prevent potential spurious opening of all eleven SRVs.

The team also identified other issues with Step There was no emergency lighting

inside the panels, hence, if the fire caused a loss of normal lighting (e.g., by causing a loss

of offsite power), operators would need to use flashlights to perform the actions inside the

panels. Consequently, the team considered the emergency lighting for Step to be

inadequate (see Section 1R05.07.b). In addition, labeling of the links inside the panels was

so poor that operators stated that they would not fully rely on the labeling. Also, the tool



that operators would use to loosen and slide the links inside the energized panels was

made of steel and was not professionally, electrically insulated. Further, licensee reliance

on this operator action, instead of physically protecting the cables as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2, had not been approved by the NRC.

The licensee stated that cable damage to two reactor pressure instrument cables would be

needed to spuriously open all eleven SRVs. Because the licensee stated that the two

cables were in the same cable tray in Fire Area 2104, the team considered that a fire in

that area could potentially cause all eleven SRVs to spuriously open (see Section


In response to this issue, the licensee initiated CR 2003008203 and promptly revised the

Fire Procedure before the end of the inspection, moving the actions of Step to the

beginning of the procedure. The procedure change enabled the actions to be

accomplished much sooner during a fire in the Unit 2 east cableway or in other fire areas

that were vulnerable to the potential for spuriously opening all eleven SRVs. The team

determined that this issue is related to associated circuits. As described in NRC IP 71111.05, Fire Protection, inspection of associated circuits is temporarily limited.

Consequently, the team did not pursue the cable routing or circuit analysis that would be

necessary to evaluate the possibility, risk, or potential safety significance of Group B and C

SRVs spuriously opening due to fire damage to the instrument cables. The team did,

however, perform a circuit analysis of Group A SRVs for which the licensee takes credit

during a fire in Fire Area 2104 (see Section 1R21.01.b)

Analysis: The team determined that this finding was associated with the protection against

external factors attribute. It affected the objective of the mitigating system cornerstone to

ensure the availability of systems that respond to initiating events and is therefore greater

than minor. The team determined that the finding had potential safety significance greater

than very low safety significance because failure to prevent spurious operation of the SRVs

could result in them opening in certain fire scenarios, thereby complicating the post-fire

recovery actions. However, the finding remains unresolved pending completion of the


Enforcement: 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2, requires that where cables or

equipment, including associated non-safety circuits that could prevent operation or cause

mal-operation due to hot shorts, open circuits, or shorts to ground, of redundant trains of

systems necessary to achieve and maintain hot shutdown conditions are located within the

same fire area outside of the primary containment, one of the following means of ensuring

that one or the redundant trains is free of fire damage shall be provided: 1) a fire barrier

with a 3-hour rating; 2) separation of cables by a horizontal distance of more than 20 feet

with no intervening combustibles and with fire detectors and automatic fire suppression; or

3) a fire barrier with a 1-hour rating with fire detectors and automatic suppression.

The licensee had not provided physical protection against fire damage for the two

instrument cables by one of the prescribed methods. Instead, the licensee had relied on

local manual operator actions to prevent the spurious opening of all eleven SRVs.

Licensee personnel stated that fire damage to two cables was outside of the Hatch



licensing basis and, consequently, there was no requirement to protect the instrument

cables. However, the licensee could not provide evidence to support that position.

This potential issue will remain unresolved pending the completion of a significance

determination by the NRC. This issue is identified as URI 50-366/03-06-02, Untimely and

Unapproved Manual Operator Action for Post-Fire SSD.

2. Local Manual Operator Action was Too Difficult and Physically Unsafe

Introduction: A finding of very low safety significance was identified in that a local manual

operator action to operate SSD equipment was too difficult and was also physically unsafe.

The team judged that some operators would not be able to perform the action. This finding

involved a violation of NRC requirements.

Description: The team observed that Steps and of the Fire Procedure

relied upon local manual operator actions instead of providing physical protection for cables

or providing a procedure for cold shutdown repairs. Both steps required the same local

manual operator action: Manually OPEN 2E11-F015A, Inboard LPCI Injection Valve, as

required. This action was to be taken in the Unit 2 drywell access, which was a locked

high radiation, contaminated, and hot area with temperatures over 100 degrees F.

Valve 2E11-F015A was a large (24-inch diameter) motor-operated gate valve with a three-

foot diameter handwheel. The main difficulty with manually opening this valve was lack of

an adequate place to stand. An operator showed the team that to perform the action he

would have to climb up to, and stand on a small section of pipe lagging (a curved area

about four inches wide by 12 inches long), and then reach back and to his right side, to

hold the handwheel with his right hand, while reaching forward and to his right to hold the

clutch lever for the motor operator with his left hand. The operator would not have good

balance while performing the action. The foothold, which was large enough to support only

one foot, was well flattened and appeared to have been used in the past to manually

operate this valve. The foothold was about six to seven feet above a steel grating, and the

team observed that the space available for potential use of a ladder to better access the

2E11-F015A valve handwheel was not good.

Other difficulties with manually opening the valve included the heat; the need to wear full

anti-contamination clothing, a hardhat, and safety glasses; and inadequate emergency

lighting (see Section 1R05.07). Also, there was no note or step in the procedure to ensure

that the RHR pumps were not running before attempting to manually open the 2E11-F015A

valve. If an RHR pump were running, it could create a differential pressure across the

valve which could make manually opening it much more difficult. If the operator did not

have sufficient agility, strength or stamina, he would be unable to complete the action.

Also, the team judged that inability to remove sweat from his eyes, due to wearing gloves

that could be contaminated, would be a limiting factor for the operator. In addition, if the

operator slipped or lost his balance, he could fall and become injured. Considering all of

the difficulties, the team judged that this action was physically unsafe and that some

operators would not be able to perform it.



The licensee had no operator training JPM for performing this action and an operator

stated that he had not performed or received training on this action. One experienced

operator, who appeared to be in much better physical condition that an average nuclear

plant operator, stated that he had manually operated the valve in the past, but that it had

been very difficult for him.

The team judged that, since this action was not required to maintain hot shutdown but only

required for cold shutdown following a fire in one of the four selected fire areas, licensee

personnel could have time to improve the working conditions after a fire. They could have

time to install scaffolding or temporary ventilation, improve the lighting, and assign multiple

operators to manually open the valve. They could have time to perform a cold shutdown

repair. However, the licensee had not preplanned any cold shutdown repairs for opening

this valve.

Analysis: This finding is greater than minor because it affected the availability and

reliability objectives and the equipment performance attribute of the mitigating systems

cornerstone. Because the licensee would have time to develop and implement cold

shutdown repairs to facilitate accomplishment of the action, this finding did not impact the

effectiveness of one or more of the defense in depth elements. Hence, this finding did not

have potential safety significance greater than very low safety significance (Green).

Enforcement: 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.1, requires that fire protection features

shall be provided for systems important to safe shutdown and shall be capable of limiting

fire damage so that systems necessary to achieve and maintain cold shutdown from either

the control room or emergency control stations can be repaired within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. In

addition, TS 5.4.1 requires that written procedures shall be established, implemented, and

maintained covering activities including FPP implementation and including the applicable

procedures recommended in Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, Appendix A, February

1978. Regulatory Guide 1.33 recommends procedures for combating emergencies

including plant fires and procedures for operation and shutdown of safety-related boiling

water reactor systems. The fire protection program includes the SSAR which requires that

valve 2E11-F015A be opened for SSD following a fire in Fire Area 2104, the Unit 2 east

cableway. AOP 34AB-X43-001-2, Fire Procedure, Version 10.8, dated May 28, 2003,

implements these requirements in that it provides information and actions necessary to

mitigate the consequences of fires and to maintain an operable shutdown train following

fire damage to specific fire areas. Also, AOP 34AB-X43-001-2 provides Steps

and for manually opening valve 2E11-F015A following a fire in Fire Area 2104.

Contrary to the above, the licensee had no procedure for repairing any related fire damage

within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. Instead, the licensee relied on local manual operator actions, as described

in Steps and of AOP 34AB-X43-001-2. However, those procedure steps

were inadequate in that some operators would not be able to perform them because the

required actions were too difficult and also were physically unsafe. In response to this

issue, the licensee initiated CR 203008202. Because the identified inadequate procedure

steps are of very low safety significance and the issue has been entered into the licensees

corrective action program, this violation is being treated as an non-cited violation (NCV),



consistent with Section VI.A of the NRCs Enforcement Policy: NCV 50-366/03-06-03,

Inadequate Procedure for Local Manual Operator Action for Post-Fire Safe Shutdown


3. Unapproved Manual Operator Actions for Post-Fire SSD

Introduction: A finding of very low safety significance was identified in that the licensee

relied on some local manual operator actions to operate SSD equipment, instead of

providing the required physical protection of cables from fire damage. This finding involved

a violation of NRC requirements.

Description: The team observed that AOP 34AB-X43-001-2, Fire Procedure, included

some local manual operator actions to achieve and maintain hot shutdown that had not

been approved by the NRC. Examples of steps from the procedure included:

  • Step; ...If a loss of offsite power occurs and emergency busses energize

..."Place Station Service battery chargers 2R42-S026 (2R42-S029), 2R42-S027

(2R42-S030) AND 2R42-S028 (2R42-S031) in service per 34SO-R42-001-2."

  • Step; ...If HPCI fails to automatically trip on high RPV level... "OPEN the

following links to energize 2E41-F124, Trip Solenoid Valve, AND to fail 2E41-F3025

HPCI Governor Valve, in the CLOSED position:

  • Step; ...If HPCI fails to automatically trip on high RPV level... "OPEN

breaker 25 in panel 2R25-S002 to fail 2E41-F3052, HPCI Governor Valve, in the

CLOSED position."

The team walked down these actions using the guidance contained in IP 71111.05T and

judged that they could reasonably be accomplished by operators in a timely manner.

However, the team determined that these operator actions were being used instead of

physically protecting cables from fire damage that could cause a loss of station service

battery chargers or a HPCI pump runout.

Analysis: The finding is greater than minor because it affected the availability and reliability

objectives as well as the equipment performance attribute of the mitigating systems

cornerstone. Since the actions could reasonably be accomplished by operators in a timely

manner, this finding did not have potential safety significance greater than very low safety




Enforcement: 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2, requires that where cables or

equipment, including associated non-safety circuits that could prevent operation or cause

maloperation due to hot shorts, open circuits, or shorts to ground, of redundant trains of

systems necessary to achieve and maintain hot shutdown conditions are located within the

same fire area outside of the primary containment, one of the following means of ensuring

that one of the redundant trains is free of fire damage shall be provided: 1) a fire barrier

with a 3-hour rating; 2) separation of cables by a horizontal distance of more than 20 feet

with no intervening combustibles and with fire detectors and automatic fire suppression; or

3) a fire barrier with a 1-hour rating with fire detectors and automatic suppression.

Contrary to the above, the licensee had not provided the required physical protection

against fire damage for power to the station service battery chargers or for HPCI electrical

control cables. Instead, the licensee relied on local manual operator actions, without NRC

approval. In response to this issue, the licensee initiated CR 2003800166. Because the

issue had very low safety significance and has been entered into the licensees corrective

action program, this violation is being treated as an NCV, consistent with Section VI.A of

the NRCs Enforcement Policy: NCV 50-366/03-06-04, Unapproved Manual Operator

Actions for Post-Fire Safe Shutdown.

.06 Communications

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed the plant communications systems that would be relied upon to support

fire brigade and SSD activities. The team walked down portions of the SSD procedures to

verify that adequate communications equipment would be available for personnel

performing local manual operator actions. In addition, the team reviewed the adequacy of

the radio communication system used by the fire brigade to communicate with the main

control room.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.07 Emergency Lighting

a. Inspection Scope

The team inspected the licensees emergency lighting systems to verify that 8-hour

emergency lighting coverage was provided as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section

III.J, to support local manual operator actions that were needed for post-fire operation of

SSD equipment. During walkdowns of the post-fire SSD operator actions for fires in the

selected fire areas, the team checked if emergency lighting units were installed and if lamp

heads were aimed to adequately illuminate the SSD equipment, the equipment

identification tags, and the access and egress routes thereto, so that operators would be

able to perform the actions without needing to use flashlights.



b. Findings

Inadequate Emergency Lighting for Operation of SSD Equipment

Introduction: A finding with very low safety significance was identified in that emergency

lighting was not adequate for some manual operator actions that were needed to support

post-fire operation of SSD equipment. This finding involved a violation of NRC


Description: The team observed that emergency lighting was not adequate for some

manual operator actions that were needed to support post-fire operation of SSD

equipment. Examples included the following operator actions in procedure 34AB-X43-001-

2, Fire Procedure, Version 10.8, dated May 28, 2003:

  • Step; ...if a loss of offsite power occurs and emergency busses energize

..."Place Station Service battery chargers 2R42-S026 (2R42-S029), 2R42-S027

(2R42-S030) AND 2R42-S028 (2R42-S031) in service per 34SO-R42-001-2."

  • Step; ...If HPCI fails to automatically trip on high RPV level... "OPEN the

following links to energize 2E41-F124, Trip Solenoid Valve, AND to fail 2E41-F3025

HPCI Governor Valve, in the CLOSED position:

  • Step 4.15.5; "IF 2R25-S065, Instrument Bus 2B, is DE-ENERGIZED perform the

following manual actions to maintain 2C32-R655, Reactor Water Level Instrument,


  •; At panel 2H11-P612, OPEN links AAA-11 and AAA-12.
  •; At panel 2H11-P601, CLOSE links HH-48 and HH-49."
  • Steps and; "Manually OPEN 2E11-F015A, Inboard LPCI Injection

Valve, as required."

  • Steps and; "Manually CLOSE 2E11-F018A, RHR Pump A

Minimum Flow Isolation Valve, as required."

  • Step; "To prevent all 11 SRVs from opening simultaneously, open links BB-

10 in Panel 2H11-P927 and BB-10 in Panel 2H11-P928."

  • Step 9.3.3; "At Panel 2H11-P627, open links AA-19, AA-20, AA-21, and AA-22, to

prevent spurious actuation of SRVs 2B21-F013D AND 2B21-F013G."

  • Step 9.3.6; "OPEN link TB9-21 in Panel 2H11-P700 to open Drywell Pneumatic

System Inboard Inlet Isolation, 2P70-F005."



  • Step 9.3.7; "OPEN link TB1-12 in Panel 2H11-P700 to open Drywell Pneumatic

System Outboard Inlet Isolation, 2P70-F005."



The team verified that flashlights were readily available and judged that operators would be

able to use the flashlights and accomplish the actions, with two exceptions. One exception

was the action to open terminal board links in two panels to prevent all eleven SRVs from

spuriously opening, which was judged to be untimely (see Section 1R05.04/.05.b.1). The

other exception was the action to open 2E11-F015A, which was judged to be too difficult

(see Section 1R05.04/.05.b.2). For both of these actions, the lack of adequate emergency

lighting could make the actions more difficult to complete in a timely manner and increase

the chance of operator error.

Analysis: This finding is greater than minor because it affected the reliability objective and

the equipment performance attribute of the mitigating systems cornerstone. Since

operators would be able to accomplish the actions with the use of flashlights, this finding

did not impact the effectiveness of one or more of the defense in depth elements. Hence,

this finding did not have potential safety significance greater than very low safety

significance (Green).

Enforcement: 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.J, requires that emergency lighting units

with at least an 8-hour battery power supply shall be provided in all areas needed for

operation of safe shutdown equipment, and in access and egress routes thereto.

Contrary to the above, emergency lighting units were not adequately provided in all areas

needed for operation of SSD equipment. In response this issue, the licensee initiated CRs

2003008237 and 2003008179. Because the identified lack of emergency lighting is of very

low safety significance and has been entered into the licensees corrective action program,

this violation is being treated as an NCV, consistent with Section VI.A of the NRCs

Enforcement Policy: NCV 50-366/03-06-05, Inadequate Emergency Lighting for Operation

of Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Equipment.

.08 Cold Shutdown Repairs

The licensee had identified no needed cold shutdown repairs. Also, with the exception of

the potential need for a cold shutdown repair to open valve 2E11-F015A (see Section

1R05.05.b.2), the team identified no other need for cold shutdown repairs. Consequently,

this section of IP 71111.05 was not performed.

.09 Fire Barriers and Fire Area/Zone/Room Penetration Seals

a. Inspection Scope



The team reviewed the selected fire areas to evaluate the adequacy of the fire resistance

of fire area barrier enclosure walls, ceilings, floors, fire barrier mechanical and electrical

penetration seals, fire doors, and fire dampers. The team selected several fire barrier

features for detailed evaluation and inspection to verify proper installation and qualification.

This was accomplished by observing the material condition and configuration of the

installed fire barrier features, as well as construction details and supporting fire endurance

tests for the installed fire barrier features, to verify the as-built configurations were qualified

by appropriate fire endurance tests. The team also reviewed the FHA to verify the fire

loading used by the licensee to determine the fire resistance rating of the fire barrier

enclosures. The team also reviewed the installation instructions for sliding fire doors, the

design details for mechanical and electrical penetrations, the penetration seal database,

Generic Letter 86-10 evaluations, and the fire protection penetration seal deviation analysis

for the technical basis of fire barrier penetration seals to verify that the fire barrier

installations met design requirements and license commitments. In addition, the team

reviewed completed surveillance and maintenance procedures for selected fire barrier

features to verify the fire barriers were being adequately maintained.

The team evaluated the adequacy of the fire resistance of fire barrier electrical raceway fire

barrier system (ERFBS) enclosures for cable protection to satisfy the applicable separation

and design requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2. Specifically, the team

examined the design drawings, construction details, installation records, and supporting fire

endurance tests for the ERFBS enclosures installed in Fire Area 2104, the Unit 2 East

Cableway. Visual inspections of the enclosures were performed to confirm that the ERFBS

installations were consistent with the design drawings and tested configurations.

The team reviewed abnormal operating fire procedures, selected fire fighting pre-plans, fire

damper location and detail drawings, and heating ventilation and air conditioning system

drawings to verify that access to shutdown equipment and selected operator manual

actions would not be inhibited by smoke migration from one area to adjacent plant areas

used to accomplish SSD.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.10 Fire Protection Systems, Features, and Equipment

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed flow diagrams, cable routing information, and operational valve lineup

procedures associated with the fire pumps and fire protection water supply system. The

review evaluated whether the common fire protection water delivery and supply

components could be damaged or inhibited by fire-induced failures of electrical power

supplies or control circuits. Using operating and test procedures, the team toured the fire

pump house and diesel-driven fire pump fuel storage tanks to observe the system material

condition, consistency of as-built configurations with engineering drawings, and determine



correct system controls and valve lineups. Additionally, the team reviewed periodic test

procedures for the fire pumps to assess whether the surveillance test program was

sufficient to verify proper operation of the fire protection water supply system in accordance

with the program operating requirements specified in Appendix B of the FHA.

The team reviewed the adequacy of the fire detection systems in the selected plant fire

areas in accordance with the design requirements in Appendix R, III.G.1 and III.G. 2. The

team walked down accessible portions of the fire detection systems in the selected fire

areas to evaluate the engineering design and operation of the installed configurations. The

team also reviewed engineering drawings for fire detector types, spacing, locations and the

licensees technical evaluation of the detector locations for the detection systems for

consistency with the licensees FHA, engineering evaluations for NFPA code deviations,

and NFPA 72E. In addition, the team reviewed surveillance procedures and the detection

system operating requirements specified in Appendix B of the FHA to determine the

adequacy of fire detection component testing and to ensure that the detection systems

could function when needed.

The team performed in-plant walk-downs of the Unit 2 East Cableway automatic wet pipe

sprinkler suppression system to verify the proper type, placement and spacing of the

sprinkler heads as well as the lack of obstructions for effective functioning. The team

examined vendor information, engineering evaluations for NFPA code deviations, and

design calculations to verify that the required suppression system water density for the

protected area was available. Additionally, the team reviewed the physical configuration of

electrical raceways and safe shutdown components in the fire area to determine whether

water from a pipe rupture, actuation of the automatic suppression system, or manual fire

suppression activities in this area could cause damage that could inhibit the plants ability to


The team reviewed the adequacy of the design and installation of the manual carbon

dioxide (CO2) hose reel suppression system for the diesel generator building switchgear

rooms 2E and 2F (Fire Areas 2404 and 2408). The team performed in-plant walk-downs of

the diesel generator building CO2 fire suppression system to determine correct system

controls and valve lineups to assure accessibility and functionality of the system, as well as

associated ventilation system fire dampers. The team also reviewed the licensees actions

to address the potential for CO2 migration to ensure that fire suppression and post-fire SSD

actions would not be impacted. This was accomplished by the review of engineering

drawings, schematics, flow diagrams, and evaluations associated with the diesel generator

building floor drain system to determine whether systems and operator actions required for

SSD would be inhibited by CO2 migration through the floor drain system.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

.11 Compensatory Measures

a. Inspection Scope



The team reviewed Appendix B of the FHA and applicable sections of the FPP

administrative procedure regarding administrative controls to identify the need for and to

implement compensatory measures for out-of-service, degraded, or inoperable fire

protection or post-fire SSD equipment, features, and systems. The team reviewed licensee

reports for the fire protection status of Unit 1, Unit 2, and of shared structures, systems,

and components. The review was performed to verify that the risk associated with

removing fire protection and/or post-fire systems or components, was properly assessed

and implemented in accordance with the FPP. The team also reviewed CAP CRs

generated over the last 18 months for fire protection features that were out of service for

long periods of time. The review was conducted to assess the licensees effectiveness in

returning equipment to service in a reasonable period of time.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

1R21 Safety System Design And Performance Capability

.01 Design Change Request 91-134, SRV Backup Actuation Via Pressure Transmitter Signals

a. Inspection Scope

The team performed an independent design review of plant modification DCR 91-134 in

order to evaluate the technical adequacy of the design change package. The scope of the

review and circuit analysis performed by the team was limited to the Group A SRVs for

which the licensee takes credit in mitigating a fire in the fire areas selected for the


b. Findings


An inadequate plant modification, DCR 91-134, failed to implement the design input

requirements of "one-out-of-two taken twice" logic for the SRVs backup actuation using PT



DCR 91-134 was implemented in response in to concerns raised in General Electric Report

NEDC-3200P, Evaluation of SRV Performance during January-February 1991 Turbine Trip

Events for Plant Hatch Units 1 and 2. In order to ensure that individual SRVs will actuate at

or near the appropriate set point and within allowable limits, a backup mode of operation for

the SRVs was implemented by this DCR. The design was intended to mitigate the effects

of corrosion-induced set point drift of the Target Rock SRVs.



Automatically controlled, two stage SRVs are installed on the main steam lines inside

containment for the purpose of relieving nuclear boiler pressure either by normal

mechanical action or by automatic action of an electro-pneumatic control system. Each

SRV can be manually controlled by use of a two position switch located in the main control

room. When placed in the Open position, the switch energizes the pilot valve of the

individual SRV and causes it to go open. When the switch is placed in the Auto position,

the SRV is opened upon receipt of either an Automatic Depressurization System (ADS), or

Low-Low Set (LLS) control logic signal. Either signal will initiate opening of the valve. DCR

91-134 provided a backup mode for initiation of electrical trip of the pilot valve solenoid

which was independent of ADS or LLS logic. The backup mode required no operator

action to initiate opening of the SRVs and was considered a blind control loop to the

operators, (i.e., there are no instruments that provide the operators information concerning

the open/close status of the SRVs.)

The scope of the plant modification involved the installation of four Rosemount PTs (Model

No. 1154GP9RJ), 0-3000 psig, in the 2H21-P404 and -P405 instrument racks at Elevation

158 of the reactor building. Each PT formed part of a 4 to 20 ma current loop and provided

the analog trip signal for SRV actuation within the following set point groups:

SRV Group SRV Identification Tags SRV Set Point

A 2B21-F013B, D, F, and G 1120 psig

B 2B21-F013A, C, K, and M 1130 psig

C 2B21-F013E, H, and L 1140 psig

Pressure transmitters 2B21-N127A and 2B21-N127C were wired to Analog Transmitter

Trip System (ATTS) cabinet 2H11-P927. Pressure transmitter 2B21-N127A instrument

loop components consisted of a trip unit master relay K308C and trip unit slave relays

K321C and K332C. The loop components for PT 2B21-N127C consisted of a trip unit

master relay K335C in addition to trip unit slave relays K336C and K363C. These two

instrument loops constituted a division of pressure monitoring channels and were

intended to provide the "one-out-of-two" logic signal from this division for initiating SRV

backup actuation.

Additionally, PTs 2B21-N127B and 2B21-N127D were wired to ATTS cabinet

2H11-P928. Pressure transmitter 2B21-N127B instrument loop components consisted of a

trip unit master relay K310D and trip unit slave relays KK312D and K332D. The loop

components for PT 2B21-N127D consisted of a trip unit master relay K335D in addition to

trip unit slave relays K336D and K363D. These two instrument loops constituted a

separate division pressure monitoring channels and were intended to provide the "one-

out-of-two" logic signal from this division for initiating SRV backup actuation. The design

objective of having two instrument channels was to assure compliance with HNP-2-FSAR,

Section, Application of Single Failure Criteria. This criteria requires for anticipated

operational occurrences that the protection sequences within mitigation systems be single



component failure proof. A failure of one instrument channel in a division will therefore not

eliminate the protection provided by either of the instrument channels.

The following table identifies the division, PT loops and the associated trip unit master and

slave relays:

Division PT Loops Trip Unit Master Relays Trip Unit Slave Relays

A 2B21-N127A K308C K321C and K332C

2B21-N127C K335C K336C and K363C

B 2B21-N127B K310D K312D and K332D

2B21-N127D K335D K336D and K363D

The Group A SRVs were provided logic input signals from the trip unit master relays. The

Group B and C SRVs were provided logic input signals from the trip unit slave relays. The

12 relays described above, (6 in ATTS cabinet 2H11-P927 and 6 in ATTS cabinet 2H11-

P928), were intended to be wired to provide one-out-of-two taken twice" logic for actuation

of the SRVs. The design objective was to assure that a single relay failure in either division

would not cause an inadvertent SRV actuation. Coincident logic input is required from both

division instrument loops in order to initiate a SRV backup actuation using the PT signals.

This occurs when the circuit, used to energize the individual SRV pilot valve to open the

SRV, is enabled by receiving simultaneous logic inputs from either instrument loop in both


The team performed a circuit analysis of SRV 2B21-F013F (Path 1) and SRV 2B21-F013G

(Path 2) in order to verify that the design objectives of implementing a "one-out-of-two

taken twice" logic had been achieved. Based on this review the team determined that the

design objective of implementing a "one-out-of-two taken twice" logic had not been

installed for the SRVs. The logic installed for the SRVs was a "two-out-of-two taken twice"

logic in addition to a "one-out-of-two taken twice" logic. The coincident logic implemented

using trip unit master relays K310D and K335D could result in spurious actuation of Group

A SRVs for a fire in Fire Area 2104. In addition, this spurious actuation defeats the

capability to manually control these SRVs. Whenever a SRV lifts, it will remain open until

nuclear boiler pressure is reduced to about 85% of its overpressure lift setpoint. However,

because the instrument loops have failed high, the trip unit master relays and the trip unit

slave relays will continue to energize the pilot valve of the individual SRV and keep the

SRV open. As a result, this failure mode prevents the operators from manually controlling

the Group A SRVs as is required per the SSAR.

Analysis: This finding is greater than minor because it affected the availability and

reliability objectives and the equipment performance attribute of the mitigating system

cornerstone. The team determined that the finding had potential safety significance

greater than very low safety significance because it prevented the operators from manually

controlling the Group A SRVs which the licensee credited with mitigating a fire in Fire Area

2104. Manual control of the Group A SRVs is required to ensure that the suppression pool

temperature will not exceed the heat capacity temperature limit (HCTL) for the suppression



pool. Failure to ensure that the suppression pool temperature will not exceed the HCTL

could result in loss of net positive suction head for the Core Spray pumps which the

licensee credits for mitigating this event. However, the finding remains unresolved pending

completion of a significance determination.

Enforcement: 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion III, requires that design control measures

shall provide for verifying or checking the adequacy of design.

DCR 91-134 specified design input requirements for the sensor initiated logic that

electrically activates the SRVs to be a "one-out-of-two taken twice" logic scheme. It also

identified the potential worst case failure mode of this logic modification as a short in the

logic which would result in an inadvertent opening of a SRV. It concluded that the

modification was designed so that the actuation logic would not fail to cause inadvertent

opening of a SRV nor prevent a SRV from lifting upon ADS/LLS activation. Contrary to the

above, the logic implemented by the licensee for DCR 91-134 was different from the

specified design input requirements. The independent design verification performed for

DCR 91-134 failed to identify this error in the logic scheme. Additionally, the

Appendix R Impact Review performed for DCR 91-134 failed to identify the potential failure

mode of all eleven SRVs because of fire-induced damage in Fire Area 2104.

Based on the logic input from trip unit master unit relays K310D, and K335D and their

associated trip unit slave relays, the plant modification installed for DCR 91-134 failed to

correctly implement the "one-out-of-two taken twice" logic that was specified in the SRV

backup actuation via PT signals design change package. This failure has created a

condition where fire-induced failures of two reactor pressure instrument circuit cables,

(within close proximity to each other), could result in spurious actuation of all eleven SRVs

with the eleven SRVs subsequently remaining open. Pending completion of a significance

determination by the NRC, this item is identified as URI 50-366/03-06-06, Inspector

Concerns Associated with Implementation of DCR 91-134.


4OA2 Identification and Resolution of Problems

a. Inspection Scope

The team reviewed a sample of licensee audits, self-assessments, and CRs to verify that

items related to fire protection and to SSD were appropriately entered into the licensees

CAP in accordance with the Hatch quality assurance program and procedural

requirements. The items selected were reviewed for classification and appropriateness of

the corrective actions taken or initiated to resolve the issues. In addition, the team

reviewed the licensees applicability evaluations and corrective actions for selected industry

experience issues related to fire protection. The operating experience reports were

reviewed to verify that the licensees review and actions were appropriate.



The team reviewed licensee audits and self-assessments of fire protection and safe

shutdown to assess the types of findings that were generated and to verify that the findings

were appropriately entered into the licensees corrective action program.

b. Findings

No findings of significance were identified.

4OA6 Meetings, Including Exit

The lead inspector presented the inspection results to licensee management and other

members of the licensees staff at the conclusion of the onsite inspection on July 25, 2003.

Subsequent to the onsite inspection, the lead inspector and the Team Leader, Fire

Protection, held a follow-up exit by telephone with Mr. S. Tipps and other members of

licensee management on September 2, 2003, to update the licensee on changes to the

preliminary inspection findings. The licensee acknowledged the findings.




Licensee personnel:

M. Beard, Acting Engineering Support Supervisor

V. Coleman, Quality Assurance Supervisor

M. Dean, Nuclear Specialist, Fire Protection

R. Dedrickson, Assistant General Manager for Plant hatch

B. Duval, Chemistry Superintendent

M. Googe, Maintenance Manager

J. Hammonds, Operations Manager

D. Javorka, Administrative Assistant, Senior

R. King, Acting Engineering Support Manager

I. Luker, Senior Engineer, Licensing

T. Metzer, Acting Nuclear safety and Compliance Manager

A. Owens, Senior Engineer, Fire Protection

D. Parker, Senior Engineer, Electrical

J. Payne, Senior Engineer, Corrective Action Program

J. Rathod, Bechtel Engineering Group Supervisor

M. Raybon, Summer Intern

K. Rosanski, Oglethorpe Power Corporation Resident Manager

S. Tipps, Nuclear Safety and Compliance Manager

J. Vance, Senior Engineer, Mechanical & Civil

R. Varnadore, Outages and Modifications Manager

NRC personnel:

N. Garret, Senior Resident Inspector

C. Payne, Fire Protection Team Leader



50-366/03-06-01 URI Concerns Associated with Potential Opening of SRVs (Section


50-366/03-06-02 URI Untimely and Unapproved Manual Operator Action for Post-Fire SSD

(Section 1R.04/05.b.1)

50-366/03-06-06 URI Inspector Concerns Associated with Implementation of

DCR 91-134 (Section 1R21.01.b)

Opened and Closed

50-366/03-06-03 NCV Inadequate Procedure for Local Manual Operator Action for Post-

Fire SSD Equipment (Section 1R.04/05.b.2)



50-366/03-06-04 NCV Unapproved Manual Operator Actions for Post-Fire SSD

(Section 1R.04.05.b.3)

50-366/03-06-05 NCV Inadequate Emergency Lighting for Operation of Post-Fire SSD

Equipment (Section 1R05.07.b)







Administrative Procedure 40AC-ENG-008-0S, Fire Protection Program, Rev. 9.2

Administrative Procedure 42FP-FPX-018-0S, Use, Control, and Storage of

Flammable/Combustible Materials, Rev. 1.0

Department Instruction DI-FPX-02-0693N, Fire Fighting Equipment Inspection, Rev. 5

Fire Protection Procedure 42FP-FPX-005-0S, Drill Planning, Critiques and Drill Documentation

Rev. 1 ED1

Fire Protection Procedure 42FP-FPX-007-0S, Hot Work, Rev. 1.2

Preventive Maintenance Procedure 52PM-MEL-012-0, Low Voltage Switchgear Preventive

Maintenance, Rev. 25.0

Preventive Maintenance Procedure 52PM-MEL-014-0, Transformer Maintenance, Rev. 10.1

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-002-0S, Low Pressure CO2 System Surveillance, Rev. 7.1

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-004-0S, Fire Pump Test, Rev. 8.6

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-006-0S, Fire Damper Surveillance, Rev. 1 ED 1

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-021-OS, Surveillance of Swinging Fire Doors, Rev. 1.6

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-024-OS, Fire Hose Stations 31 Day Surveillance, Rev. 1

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-030-OS, Fire Emergency Self Contained Breathing

Apparatus Inspection and Test, Rev. 1

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-032-0S, Automatic Sliding Fire Door Visual Inspection,

Rev. 3.3

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-036-0S, Annual Fire Pump Capacity Test, Rev. 8.6

Surveillance Procedure 42SV-FPX-037-OS, Fire Detection Instrumentation Surveillance,

Rev. 5.1

System Operating Procedure 34SO-X43-001-1, Fire Pumps Operating Procedure, Rev. 4.3

Training Procedure 73TR-TRN-003-0S, Fire Training Program, Rev.4

AOP 34AB-C11-001-2, Loss of CRD System, Version 2.3

AOP 34AB-C71-001-2, Scram Procedure, Version 9.9

AOP 34AB-C71-002-2, Loss of RPS, Version 4.3

AOP 34AB-N61-002-2S, Main Condenser Vacuum Low, Version 0.4

AOP 34AB-P41-001-2, Loss of Plant Service Water, Version 8.1

AOP 34AB-P42-001-2S, Loss of Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water, Version 1.4

AOP 34AB-P51-001-2, Loss of Instrument and Service Air System or Water Intrusion into the

Service Air System, Version 3.0

AOP 34AB-R22-001-2, Loss of DC Busses, Version 2.4

AOP 34AB-R22-002-2, Loss of 4160V Emergency Bus, Version 1.4

AOP 34AB-R22-003-2, Station Blackout, Version 2.3

AOP 34AB-R22-004-02, Loss of 4160V Bus 2A, 2B, 2C, or 2D, Version 1.3

AOP 34AB-R23-001-2S, Loss of 600V Emergency Bus, Version 0.4

AOP 34AB-R24-001-2, Loss of Essential AC Distribution Buses, Version 1.3

AOP 34AB-R25-002-02, Loss of Instrument Buses, Version 5.4

AOP 34AB-T47-001-2, Complete Loss of Drywell Cooling, Version 1.8

AOP 34AB-X43-001-2, Fire Procedure, Version 10.8

AOP 34AB-X43-002-0, Fire Protection System Failures, Version 1.3

SOP 34SO-C71-001-2, 120VAC RPS Supply System, Version 10.2



SOP 34SO-N40-001-2, Main Generator Operation, Version 10.8

SOP 34SO-R42-001-2S, 125V DC and 125/250 VDC System, Version 7.1

SOP 34SO-S22-001-2, 500 KV Substation Switching, Version 5.2

31EO-EOP-010-2S, RC RPV Control (Non-ATWS), Rev. 8, Attachment 1

31EO-EOP-012-2S, PC-1 Primary Containment Control, Rev. 4, Attachment 1

31EO-EOP-013-2S, PC-2 Primary Containment Control, Rev. 4, Attachment 1

31EO-EOP-014-2S, SC - Secondary Containment Control, Rev. 6, Attachment 1

31EO-EOP-016-2S, CP-2 RPV Flooding, Rev. 8, Attachment 1

Procedure 34AB-X43-001-2S, Rev.10ED3, Fire Procedure, dated 5/28/03.

Calibration Procedure 57CP-CAL-097-2, Rosemount 1153 and 1154 transmitters, Revision

No. 19.9.


H-11814, Fire Hazards Analysis, Control Bldg. El. 130-0, Rev. 5

H-11821, Fire Hazards Analysis, Turbine Bldg. El. 130-0, Rev. 0

H-11846, Fire Hazards Analysis, Diesel Generator Bldg., Rev. 2

H-26014, R.H.R. System P&ID Sheet 1, Rev. 49

H-26015, R.H.R. System P&ID Sheet 2, Rev. 46

H-26018, Core Spray System P&ID, Rev. 29

B-10-1326, Rectangular Fire Damper Schedule, Rev. 2

B-10-1329, Rectangular Fire Damper, Rev. 1

H-11033, Fire Protection Pump House Layout, Rev. 47

H-11035, Fire Protection Piping and Instrumentation Diagram, Rev. 22

H-11226, Piping-Diesel Generator Building Drainage, Rev. 6

H-11814, Fire Hazards Analysis Drawing, Control Building, Rev. 5

H-11821, Fire Hazards Analysis Drawing, Turbine Building, Rev. 11

H-11846, Fire Hazards Analysis Drawing, Diesel Generator Building, Rev. 2

H-11894, Fire Detection Equipment Layout-Diesel Generator Building, Rev. 2

H-11915, Fire Detection Equipment Layout-Control Building, Rev. 2

H-13008, Conduit and Grounding, Fire Pump House, Rev. 9

H-13615, Wiring Diagram, Fire Pump House, Rev. 13

H-16054, Control Building HVAC System, Rev. 19

H-41509, Diesel Generator Building CO2 System-P&ID, Rev. 5

H-43757, Penetration Seals-Type, Number, and as-Built Location, Rev. 3

Calculations, Analyses, and Evaluations

E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Safe Shutdown Analysis Report, Rev. 20.

Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Fire Hazards Analysis and Fire Protection Program, Rev. 20

Calculation SMFP88-001, Hydraulic Analysis of Sprinkler Systems in Control Building East

Cableway, dated 03/11/1988

Calculation SMNH94-046, FCF-F10B-006, Fire Resistance of Concrete Block at HNP, dated


Calculation SMNH94-048, FCF-F10B-006, Cable Tray Combustible Loading Calculation, dated




Calculation SMNH98-023, HT-98617, Fire Protection Penetration Seal Deviation Analysis,

dated 10/28/1998

Calculation SMNH00-011, HT-00606, Hose Nozzle Pressure Drop Analysis, dated 09/08/2000

Evaluation HT-91722, Fire Protection Code Deviation Resolution, dated 04/22/1992

Hatch Response to NRC IN 1999-005, dated 05/04/1999

Hatch Response to NRC IN 2002-024, dated 09/20/2002

Calculation SENH 98-003, Rev. 0, plot K, protective relay settings 4kV bus 2E

Calculation 85082MP, Plot 29, 600V Switchgear 2C

Calculation SENH 94-004, Attachment A, Sheets 7&8, 600/208 Reactor Building MCC 2C

Calculation SENH 91-011, Attachment P, Sheet 6, Reactor Building DC MCC 2A

Calculation SENH 94-013, Sheets 28 and 29, 600V Reactor Building MCC 2E-B

Calculation SENH 91-011, Attachment P, Sheet 16, Reactor Building 250VDC MCC 2B

Audits and Self-Assessments

Audit No. 01-FP-1, Audit of the Fire Protection Program, dated April 12, 2001

Audit No. 02-FP-1, Audit of the Fire Protection Program, dated February 28, 2002

Audit No. 03-FP-1, Audit of Fire Protection, dated April 21, 2003

1999-001106, Lighting in Fire Equipment Building

2002-000629, Inordinate Number of Buried Piping Leaks

2002-002127, Inadequate Bunker Gear

2002-002129, Health Physics Support and Participation for Fire Brigade

2003-000735, Impact on Cold Weather on Operating Units

Audit Report 01-FP-1, Audit of Fire Protection Program, dated 04/12/2001

Audit Report 02-FP-1, Audit of Fire Protection Program, dated 02/28/2002

Audit Report 03-FP-1, Audit of Fire Protection Program, dated 04/21/2003

CRs Reviewed

CR 2000007119, Fire Procedure 34AB-X43-001-1S Needs to be Enhanced

CR 2001002032, Fire Procedure 34AB-X43-001-2S Needs Actions for Diesel Fuel Oil Pumps

CR 2003004377, Fire Procedure 34AB-X43-001-1 Enhancements

CR 2003004379, Fire Procedure 34AB-X43-001-2 Enhancements

CR 2003004382, SSAR Discrepancies

CRs Generated During this Inspection

CR 2003007129, No Fire Procedure Actions for a Fire in the 2C Switchgear Room

CR 2003007719, Use of Link Wrench

CR 2003007978, Fire Damper Corrective Action

CR 2003008141, Breaker Maintenance Handle

CR 2003008165, SSAR Section 2.100

CR 2003008179, Drywell Access Emergency Lights

CR 2003008181, Link Labeling

CR 2003008202, Manually Opening MOV 2E11-F015A

CR 2003008203, SRV Manual Action Steps in Fire Procedure

CR 2003008237, Emergency Lights and Component Labeling for Manual Actions



CR 2003008238, CO2 Migration Through Floor Drains

CR 2003800132, SSAR Error for Position of 2E11-F004A

CR 2003800151, Instruments for Manual Actions

CR 2003800152, Sliding Links in SSAR

CR 2003800153, Promat Test Report

CR 2003008250, Communications for Post-Fire SSD

CR 2003800166, Review Fire Procedure Step 34AB-X43-001-2 Steps to Verify Compliance

with Appendix R.

Design Criteria and Standards

Design Philosophy for Fire Detectors at E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plants, Rev. 2

Completed Surveillance Procedures and Test Records

42SV-FPX-021-OS, Surveillance of Swinging Fire Doors, Task # 1-3367-1 (completed on


42SV-FPX-024-OS, Fire Hose Stations, Task # 1-3359-1 (completed on 06/27/2003)

42SV-FPX-030-OS, Fire Emergency Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Inspection and Test,

Task # 1-4200-3 (completed on 07/07/2003)

42SV-FPX-032-OS, Automatic Sliding Fire Door Surveillance, Task # 1-3361-2 (completed on


Promatec Technologies Installation Inspection Report for Fire Area 2104, MWO 2-98-00881,

Record 09367-2289, dated 09/03/1998

Technical Manuals/Vendor Information

Dow Corning Fire Endurance Test on Penetration Seal Systems in Precast Concrete F Using

Silicone Elastomers, dated 10/28/1975

Dow Corning 561 Silicone Transformer Fluid Technical Manual,10-453-97, dated 1997

S-80393, Mesker Instructions for Installing d&H Pyromatic Automatic Sliding Fire Door Closer

S-27874B, General Electric Instruction Book GEK-26501, Liquid-Filled Secondary Unit

Substation Transformers, Rev. 2

S-52429A, Bisco, Fire Rated Penetration Seal Qualification Data, dated 08/16/1990

S-52480, Factory Mutual, Fire Rated Penetration Seal Qualification Data-Chemtrol Design

FC-225, dated 08/31/1990

S-54875B, Promatec, Fire Barriers-Unit 2 East Cableway, Rev. 2

Omega Point Laboratories, SR90-005, Three Hour Wall Test, dated 06/06/1990

Promatec Technologies Inc., PSI-001, Issue 1, General Construction Details, dated 07/21/1998

Promatec Technologies Inc., IP-2031, Installation Inspection for Promats Three Hour Solid

Wall/Ceiling Protection System, Issue C, dated 06/16/1998

System Information Document No. SI-LP-01401-03, Main Steam and Low Low Set System,

dated 4/3/2000



Applicable Codes and Standards

ANSI N45.2.11-1974, Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants

NFPA 12, Standard for Carbon Dioxide Systems, 1973 Edition.

NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 1976 Edition.

NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, 1974 Edition.

NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, 1973 Edition.

NFPA 72D, Standard for the Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Proprietary Protection

Signaling Systems, 1975 Edition.

NFPA 72E, Standard on Automatic Fire Detectors, 1974 Edition

NFPA 80, Standard on Fire Doors and Windows, 1975 Edition.

NUREG-1552, Supplement 1, Fire Barrier Penetration Seals in Nuclear Power Plants, dated

January 1999

OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Standards,

Underwriters Laboratory, Fire Resistance Directory, January 1998

Other Documents

Design Change Package 91-009, Retrofill Dielectric Fluid on Unit 2 Transformers, Rev. 1

Fire Protection Inspection Reports for the period 2001-2002

Fire Service Qualification Training, FP-LP-10003, Fire Fighter Safety, dated 01/14/2002

Fire Service Qualification Training, FP-LP-10004, Fire Fighter Personal Protective Equipment,

dated 01/14/2002

Fire Service Qualification Training, FP-LP-10014, Fire Streams, dated 01/22/2002

Fire Service Qualification Training, FP-LP-10018, Fire Fighting Principles and Practices, dated


Hatch Response to NRC Information Notice 1999-05, Inadvertent Discharge of Carbon Dioxide

Fire Protection System and Gas Migration, dated 05/04/1999

Hatch Response to NRC Information Notice 2002-24, Potential Problems with Heat Collectors

on Fire Protection Sprinklers, dated 09/20/2002

10CFR21-001, ELECTRAK Corporation, Software Error within TRAK2000 Cable Management

and Appendix R Analysis System, dated 03/07/2003

U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Invensys Building Systems Announce Recall of

Siebe Actuators in Building Fire/Smoke Dampers, dated 10/02/2002

Pre-fire Plan A-43965, Power-Block Areas Methodology, Rev. 0

Pre-fire Plan A-43966, Fire Area 2404, Diesel Generator Building Switchgear Room 2E, Rev. 2

Pre-fire Plan A-43966, Fire Area 2408, Diesel Generator Building Switchgear Room 2F, Rev. 2

Pre-fire Plan A-43965, Fire Area 2016, W 600V Switchgear Room 2C, Rev. 4

License Basis Documents

Hatch UFSAR Section 3.4, Water Level Flood Design, Rev. 20

Hatch UFSAR Section 9.1-A, Fire Protection Plan, Rev. 18C

Hatch UFSAR Section 17.2, Quality Assurance During the Operations Phase, Rev. 20B

Hatch Fire Hazards Analysis, Appendix B, Fire Protection Equipment Operating and

Surveillance Requirements, Rev. 12B



Hatch Fire Hazards Analysis, Appendix H, Application of National Fire Protection Association

Codes, Rev. 12B

Hatch SER dated April 18, 1994

Safe Shutdown Analysis Report for E.I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2, Rev. 26

Fire Hazards Analysis for E. I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2, Rev.18C, dated 7/00.

NRC Safety Evaluation Report dated 01/02/1987; Re: Exemption from the requirements of

Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50 for Hatch Units 1 and 2 (response to letter dated

May 16, 1986).

Letter dated 05/16/86, From L. T. Guewa (Georgia Power) to D. Muller, NRC/NRR; Re: Edwin I

Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 10 CFR 50.48 and Appendix R Exemption Requests

Design Change Request Documents

DCR No.91-134, SRV Backup Actuation via PT Signals, Revision 0.

Drawing No. H-26000, Nuclear Boiler System P&ID, Sheet 1, Revision 39

Drawing No. H-27403, Automatic Depressurization System 2B21C Elementary Diagram, Sheet

6 of 6, Revision 2

Drawing No. H-27472, Automatic Depressurization System 2B21C Elementary Diagram, Sheet

3 of 6, Revision 2

Drawing No. H-27473, Automatic Depressurization System 2B21C Elementary Diagram, Sheet

4 of 6, Revision 2

Drawing No. H-24427, Elementary Diagram, ATTS System 2A70 Sheet 27 of 35, Revision 3

Drawing No. H-24428, Elementary Diagram, ATTS System 2A70 Sheet 28 of 35, Revision 3

Drawing No. H-24429, Elementary Diagram, ATTS System 2A70 Sheet 29 of 35, Revision 5

Drawing No. H-24430, Elementary Diagram, ATTS System 2A70 Sheet 30 of 35, Revision 3

Drawing No. H-24431, Elementary Diagram, ATTS System 2A70 Sheet 31 of 35, Revision 3

Drawing No. H-24432, Elementary Diagram, ATTS System 2A70 Sheet 32 of 35, Revision 6



ADS Automatic Depressurization System

AOP Abnormal Operating Procedure

APCSB Auxiliary and Power Conversion System Branch

ATTS Analog Transmitter Trip System

BTP Branch Technical Position

CAP Corrective Action Program

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

CRs Condition Reports

CST Condensate Storage Tank

DCR Design Change Request

ERFBS Electrical Raceway Fire Barrier System

FHA Fire Hazards Analysis

FPP Fire Protection Program

HCTL Heat Capacity Temperature Limit

HPCI High Pressure Coolant Injection

IMC Inspection Manual Chapter

IP Inspection Procedure

JPM Job Performance Measure

LLS Low-Low Set

LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident

ma Milli-amp

MOVs Motor Operated Valves

NCV Non-Cited Violations

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration

PT Pressure Transmitter

RCIC Reactor Core Isolation Cooling

RHR Residual Heat Removal

SCBAs Self-Contained Breathing Apparatuses

SDP Significance Determination Process

SERs Safety Evaluation Reports

SRVs Safety Relief Valves

SSAR Safe Shutdown Analysis Report

SSD Safe Shutdown

TS Technical Specification

UFSAR Updated Final Safety Evaluation Reports

URI Unresolved Item

XLPE Cross-Linked Polyethylene
