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Advises of Availability of Assistance in Event of Emergency Situation.Attachment 3.Attachments 4-11 Re Excerpts of Emergency Procedures Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/08/1980
From: Goodal C
To: Herbein J
Shared Package
ML20062K030 List:
NUDOCS 8011190292
Download: ML20062K035 (41)




// _Em 4) Nttitnt!

,O Oczanis and Atmscpharia Administer.tiin

. \d *f. (.L.-

'$3.!;g*) 'w' eschar Service of fice ]

' '"* Sox 1135 h Harris bur;;, Pa. 17108 1

I 717-782-3927 f

I-September 8, 1980 Mr. John G. Herbein Vice President Metropolitan Edison Ccepany P. O. Box 480 Middletown, PA. 17057

Dear Mr. Herbein:

This is to advise you that, upon notification by you or your designee of an emergency situation existing at the Three Mile Island Station, we will provide assistance as available:

1. All severe weather warnings and information.
2. The NWS will provide backup meteorclogical ,d infor=ation (i.e., wind speed, direction an probability of upper air inversion from several locations in the vicinity of the TMI Nuclear Station as listed below:

- Capital City Airport

- Harrisburg International Airport

- State Turnpike Authority - Harrisburg The NUS will also institute emergency balloon runs to collect data upon request. Air stability decerninations are also provided, with information received from weather stations in Pittsburgh; Washington, D.C.; Singhamton, N.Y.; and Atlantic City, N.J.

Very truly yours, W (




C. E. Goodall Meteorologist in Charge


'8011190 gg

1/ ._F 'Y U.S. CEPARTM3PJT OF COMMERO2 PJEtignal Catanis and Atmecph:ria Ad-ninintratisn



s 'y W

$3.j /.

'Jaccher Service Of fice 4...- 3cx 1135

! Harris burg , Pa. 17108 l 717-782-3927 l-l-

September 8, 1980 Mr. John G. Herbein Vice President Metropolitan Edison Ccepany P. O. Box 480 Middletown, PA. 17057

Dear Mr. Herbein:

This is to advise you that, upon notificacion by you or your designee of an emergency situation existing at the Three Mile Island Station, we will provide assistance as available:

1. All severe weather warnings and info =ation.
2. The NWS will provide backup meteorological ,d infor=ation (i.e., wind speed, direction an probability of upper air inversion from several locations in the vicinity of :he TMI Nuclear Station as listed below:

- Capital City Airport

- Karrisburg International Airport

- State Turnpike Authority - Harrisburg The NUS will also institute emergency balloon runs to collect data upon request. Air stability decerninations are also provided, with information received from weather stations in Pittsburgh; Washington, D.C.; Singhamton, N.Y.; and Atlantic City, N.J.

Very truly yours, c' p /4 ,' /

C. E. Goodall Meteorologist in Charge

/j es t

l l


'8011190 2h .__


i i

. . i I



e . , . . .. ,

', [# 4 .og CqegrMcT, a ness (WM, iq k

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure delineates the stees necessary to ensure the availability and procer operation of ecuicment stor-ed and maintained in kit / Locker form. Tne ;rocedure also outlines locations and minimum ecuioment recuire-ments for ea:h ki / Locker. Acdi:icnaLly :ne procecure outt'1nes ecu1; ment readiness surveillance interva,s. ine Manager Radictogi:st Cen:rols-Uni: 1 Radictegical Assess-ment Coordina:cr and the Environmental Assessmen: C::r-dinator are rescensicle for impt e menting this prc:edure.

c .G r, ,i i- n ri M N.c . e.

2.1 Attachmen

1 -

Minimum Recuirements for ki:s/ lockers 2.2 A: acnmen: 2 - Inven: cry Che:kLis: - Emergency Kit ,

2.3 A::achmen: 3 - Inventory Checklis: -

Instrumen: Ki: -

! 2.4 Attachment 4 - Inven ory Checklis: , Emergency Locker 2.5 A::achmen: 5 - Emergency Instrumen: CaLibra: ice Fec-cedures

v. . C.

ae u.v..-

n . s .r 0 hi .gi.-rb 3.1 Emergency ki:s/teckers shalt nave inven:sey and :al-ibratien che:ks performe: c.uarterly, .i:n the ex:e: -

. tion cf rescira: cry ;rcie::i n ecuienen- whien shaLL be checked nthly.

3.2 Price to rencving an ins:rumen: for reca4-/:atib-ration from any emergency ecuipmen s:crage Lc:stion, an at:ernate ecuiva'en- i n s : r u e. e n : nus; be ;revided.

3.3 Calibra:icns of energen:y ins:cumenta:icn shall be -

.. <n..-

. .. a. ;n

. ..o

.. a.n.e

. ..... . . . . . . - c.

3.4 Energen:y (c:kers/ kits snatL be visually inspectec fer'leck s e a ', integrity nen:nt/. L: kers er ki:s i-h sus:e:: integrity shall be inven: cried. Emer-

y Lc:ker:/k#: s shaLL be inven:cr+ec a':er ea:r use incluoing use f:r training.

3.5 As dire::ed by the anager Radi:L:;i:st Cen:-c;s.

4 i i

e a

4.0 PRCCEDURE 4.1 Emergency-ecui; ment and racia: instruments shall be located in the following areas in ac:crcance with the TMC Uni 1


Emergency Plan and :c allow protection cf Emergency Personnel and availability of ecui: ment:

4.1.1 Unit i Prc:essing Center 4

4.1.2 Unit 1 Service Buildir.; Audi:crium 4.1.3 Uni 1 Rea::or Building Access Con:r t Fein:f, Unit 1 Hea{th Physics Labora:Ory 4.1. 4 Uni t 1 Cen:rcl Room / Shift Superviscrs Office 4.1.6' Uni: 1 and Uni: 2 Warehouse i

4.1. 4 Near site Emergenc'y C=erations Facility (EOF) 4.1. 7 Atternate Emergency 0;eration Facility (AECF) 4.1.8 Technical Sue;cc: Cer.:er (TSC) a.2 The Manager Radictegical Con:rcts Unit 1,cr his designes,snalL assign personnel :: perfor: inven:Ory che:ks On the er.ergen:y kits and lockers un0er his }uris icticn.

4.2.1 Fersennet re-forming inventcry shall:

j A. C c; tete att inven: cry checklis s for :ha- ki:/lecker-

2. Recta:e att missing items C. Verify calibra:icns,;erforn coerational checks, nc e ciscrecancies On inven Ory :he:'dist, and nctif y :he 15df=Lo3dal Centrols.:: reman /Surerviser cf these dis-re;an:ies and/cr brcken sea'.s.

D.-Emergency instrumentation removec from (c:kers/ kits 4

shall be re;lacec crier te end of workin; stift.

4.3 Inven cries shall only be cens'idered complete wher aLL re uire:

items are re urned : the kit / locker, att ins ruments in :he ,

i ki-/ locker are calieration and att c:eratienst checks en ecuienen:/instrumen:: are cemete:e t.,...

. u-m . . ......

. .s . . . . ,. .w. . . a. r. .<. s. .. .. c s s . .ne:<,

. . . .<.e.....

s::nse :re:k are visual insce::icn for c:vicos Osmage.

1 4.4 All em:rgency ki s anc L0ckers . s".all have ;;;'r sea!! and ca iccs), wnere a: Orc:riate 4.5 Key con:rcl for 3'. e .ergency iits/;c:kers shalL e mair-

ained by ne Rac' legi: 3 '. Centrets Oe;ar me .; wirr du:L':3 cr

i ..

O maintained in the Emergency Con:r:L Center (Centrol Reemt i

Shift Sucervisors Office) 4.6 All ccmeleted inventory :hecklists shal.t. be returnec to the Radiological Controls Foreman /Su:e. visor for a;;revat and f i l. i ng.

5.0- FINAL COND*T:0NS 5.1 All ecuiemen:/intruments have been inven: cried, and inven:Ory che:klists have been accroved by :he Radiclogical Con:rcls Fereman/Sucerviser ahd forwarded :: the Radictc;ical Centrel 4

De:artment Administrative Assistant.

4. 0. (,)Se.d bb[lockars m N'n"A N j r-". suppl r.d and U Uad/ d CF2 C4 d*

1 i

4 e

t t

M j

l i

r.. , - . -

. . 1 1


1004.4 Revision 0 ATTACHMENT I SECTION I I .,u, , . I AL e. C.,u, n. ei INITIALS Ine Ccmm,unicator snail notify ne folioxing agencies anc personnel anc upcate tne Attachment I,Section II cnecklist after eacn notification.

1. Cautnin Coun:v Emeroencv Oceration Cente-(If tnis is a reclassification, go to Item 3, Unaffectec Control Room).
a. Telephone: 9-911 or 1-235-7975 (1) If no contact, activate the Dauphin County Racio System.

'.D C

.M.m .iwec..


Inis is at :ne Three Mile Islanc Nuclear (name title Station Uni: 1 calling. We have ceclare: a General Emergency at hours. (5ase: upon Emergency Director jucgemea. ,

(time) use one of the r. ol . lowing statements,: s

1) We have not nac a racicactive release, newever at nave
ne potential fer a significan: radioactive re', ease 4

u .-s

2) We nave n'ac a ra:icactive siease and effsi;e -adiation levels are excectic to De > 100 mrem per neur (gamma'.  ;

'A i Will De (es;inC the sureau Of-Raci I 9ica'.

Prc:ection inf:r.mec.

m g e

,, -. .-.. -v, -

1004.4 Revision 0 INITIALS (Give a snart non-technical cescription of the emergency and the extent of the radioactive release, and potentially affected pooulations and creas:)

2. Pennsylvania Emeroency Manacement Acency (PEMA)

(If this is a reclassification notification, go to Item 3, Unaffected Control Room. )

N0.ei-: a offsite protec 1ve actions are to ge erecommenoec, the Emergency Director snould refer to the conten:s of Attacnment I Section IV.

a. Teleonone: 9-753-5150 (A diver:er forwarcs this call to a PEMA Duty Officer af te-Working hours.).
1) If no contact, proceed :c S:So E.c.

,. b. MESSAGE: ASK :0R THE DUTY C.:.:ICER This is a: the inree Mile Island Nuclear (name/ title)

Station Uni: I calling. We have ceclarec an Emergency.

uive me tne 0;sra: 1ons ,u:y v utr1:er. , ,a. .nen va:j vr 1cer ansaers): inis is at :ne Tnres t'i',e Islanc (name/ title) 1

.uclear 5:ation Lni: . :alling, ne . ave ce:la-ec a 3enera:

Emergency !! n o u r '. . 'n i recuss: Ina! y00 c ntac: :ns j ( ime)


1004.4 Revision 0

!NITIALS Bureau of Radiation ?rotection. Bureau of Radiation Protection call back should be made on tne Radiological Line or 948-3069, 943-3071, 94a-0339. (Based on Emergency Director's judgement, deliver one cf the folicwing statements):

1) We nave not nad a racicactive release, hcwever, we have the potential for significant radioactive release.


2) We have had a racioactive release and offsite raciation levels are excected to be > 100 mrem / hour (gamma). We will be keeping the Bureau cf Radiation ?rctection informed,
c. Give a short, non-tecnnical descriction cf :ne emergency and tne extent of the racioactive release, anc actentially affected populations and areas: ,
c. If DEXA was unable to be contac:ec, centac: Dau:nin County; l

acvise them that ?EMA cannet be ccntactec anc cirect :nem to

notify ?IMA, SR , anc Lancaster, Ycrk, Lebanen anc

! Cumcerlanc coun:ies, i


e. Message verification:

Ex:ec Eureau cf Racia:i:n Fre:ec:fon (ERP) con:ac: af:er

?EXA notifica:icn. :f nc 3R? ccnfirma icn is receivec


1004.c Revisien 0 INITIALS witnin.30 minutes, notify PEMA of situation. If unaole to contact PEMA (line busy), call Dauphin County anc notify tnem that ERP has not verifiec initial centact. Instruc:

Daupnin County to contact ?EMA anc/cr ER?.

3. Unaffected Control Room
a. Telecnone: Use 3066, 5067 or EC62 cr in:er-centrol Room Hot-Line,

Give a brief description of plant status tc Snift Supervisor

c. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC'; - Estnesda, MD (Communications with NRC will be continucusly maintained following contact.) -
3. Teleonene: NRC Emercency Nctifica:icn System (ENS' i (SED PHONE)

./ o. MESSAGE:

Tnis is at tne Tnree Mile Island (name/ title)

Nuclear Station Uni: I calling. We r.sve ceciarec a General Emergency at neurs. (Easec :n Emergency Direc:cr (time) jucgement, issue one of :ne fciicwing stateren:s):


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4 s- t n P ,.. l} : We have not had a ridioactive release, needvd , wh have '

NL +( 's.

A.ts 1 -

Q' \ ,the potential for,5ignificant radioactiv,h release. t, v s .


. t , s '

4 s.>,. OR v i. ',

, . J , .

s ,

, 4

  • i' =

, 'j

2) .We have had a radt .-

A nctive reis'ase and ofs' site \,raciatien . '

i w r .


O J l levels are'expectec\tc be >100 mrem / hot:r (ga=a). We Q ' ' 6/ ,%' / t, s-

' s *g (.

wiU be '<e'eping tne Sureau of Raciaticn Protection s s<


's s


s .s,

-g ,

I tor:r.e'd. s .,


d. \ , . . .


s.'~ ' c ., Givc a short non-tecnnical tescr1ption ,s of the ettergency,anc ..

s the extent of the radioactive reierse,<and the potentially


affected pcpuiations anc areat. ,I s ,

r ,


3 .'

\ \ r c

} s =



  • h , s i

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3 s.


i. r.5 .

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t. ,

. 5. Parent m.E. eour atfectedCoun 1%s. p /

,. , s ', \,

s i  ! g, i l 4


.*. },'..s s ) s f


a. Telephone each county 'aeparatelv\nc celiver the messace , -s,

- . ./ .

1. Dauphin - 911 or 9-235-797~., N's 'n ,

s s s s

2. Ycrk 1-343-51L*; .

i s f

3. Lancaster 1-299-8373 s.

'i x

,e:ancn w ,a.- -e. -- ..

-cu...: w .
s. i

-:-c.3 .-....s

. Cumoerianc 3

.c '

I 1 -

4 t

. Mn- . S ,.o,. -:: .

,4 Inis is at th In re e F.i 't i ISlanC luclear

' n a.Ts / t i t i e l r


\ .r


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,l 9 o -+ ,-

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l 4

1004.2 Revision C 4

INITIALS Station Unit 1 calling. We nave declared a General Emercency e.. s s at hours. (Give a brief description of tne (time.a s

er.ergency. ) -.

l a

i NOTE: Eacn county must be notified indecencently and One message transmitted.


o. Institute of Nuclear Power Ocerations (Co not r.ctify if this is a reciassifica:icn notification'.

i a. Telephone : 4C4-953-C904 i b. MESSAGE:

i - at tne Tnree Mile Islanc Nuclear 1 1 -

(nade/ title)

Statian Unit 1 callinc. We have declare: a 3enera; Emergency l at hours. (Give a brief descriction (time) of tne of tne em.ergency.)

1 h

7. ~

ternsvivania State ?c'. ice 3-23' 4051 ea e

-l 1004.4 xeviston 0


This is at the Three Mile Islanc Nuclear (name/ title)

Statien Unit 1 calling. We nave declare: a General Eme gency at release. We have/have not he a radica:tive ,

(time) release. We require inmediate traffic centrol assistance in :ne 4

vicinity cf the (Nortn/Soutn) gate.

8. Conrail Railroad 9-255-1414


.. C..C.n" G. 7_ .

l This is at tne Three Mile Islanc feuclear (name/ title)

Station Unit I calling. We have declared a General Emergency

_ hcurs. We require ime.eciate restriction sf at (time) .

. railway traffic at tne Station

9. Radiation Management Cor craticn 7a .2 y:.: , :-c --c.

nv 4

73-1-215-2:3-2990 Emergen:y Numser

. -.c e.%.

v.:. - .: .


'D e .

  • ed 8 4 b .

Station Unit : : ailing. We :e:'acec a General E erger.:/ at

.ime hOu"S. ($iVi a Orii # Oe!Ori*.! icd C f th e i~.i"3eCy. '


100a .4 Revision 0 l INITIALS 1

We had a radioactive release. We (have/have not) (dcldo,not) recuire assistance at inis time. (Describe the assistance recuired ifany.)


10. -merican Nuclear Insurers ., ..,

/ -- -c s:-o - ;C:-

/ / -/

M:...n c e u-:.

This is at tne Three Mile Island Nuclear (name/ title)

Station Unit I calling. We have declared a General Emergency at hours. (Give a brief description of the (time) emergency.) We nad aradica::ive release.

(have/ nave not) l

11. Eacccc'< and Wilcox 74-1-304-35'-2a12 MESSAGE: l inis is at the Three Mile Island haclear (name/ title)

Station Unit i calling. he nave ce:iarec a General Emergency at hours. (Have a cre;arec Atta nment !! availa:le (time) fcr reference wnile giving a Orief cescri::icn of :ne emergency).

NOTE: Fecm 0900 to 1700 tne 5 an: W trunk of the C:erati:ns Line maj ce use:. (See "cmmunica:icns .:ian)

12. If me:ical assistance is -ecuirec, no:ify :na fcilexin; agency:

1004.4 Revisien 0

a. Hershey Medical Center 9-534-8333 Notification to be performec in ac:ordance with procecure 1004.16.

P l


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4 ' ' ' '

1004.a .

Revision 0 ATTACHMENT I SECTION III SECONDARY CONTACT INITIALS The Communicator shall notify the following agencies and perscnnel and update the Attachment I,Section II checklist after eacn notification.

3. Sureau of Radiation Protection
a. Telephone: Radiological Line

This is at the Three Mile Island Nuclear (name/ title)

Station Unit I calling. We have clesed out tne General Emergency at hours and initiatec recovery ocerations.


Please notify PEMA, Dauchin, Lancaster, Ycrk. Le:anen and I Cumberland counties.

E. Unaffected Control Roce

a. ie leonene:

ne.. eCo..e, cece, e0c.,c

c. Message:

Notify Shif t Supervisor of close cut of tne Genera'. Emergency.

3. Nuclear Rac"Ia".crv C0mmission Office- Estnisda. ic.
a. Isleoncne: EmergeriCy Nctification Syste- (E"$)


~ : n ;..w u.nn.: ', ,

6 e f

i l

l t

1004.4 Revisien 0 INITIALS


This is at :ne Tnree Mile Island t'uclear (na.Tel:i .le)

Station Uni: i calling. We nave :icsed-cut the General 5mergency at hours anc initiatec re::very (time) operations.

4 If applicable, notify the followine persens and/or acencies of the close-out of the General Emergen:y:

a. Hershey Medical Center: 9-534-3333 s
b. "ennsylvania State P0 lice: 9-234 4051
c. Radiation Manacemen; C0rocration (R.Y.01


< .- t -2 3. o. -

n, , 9. e. o. .s e r -.< : .,-

3. . 3 .c . - c - : 9_
d. American TJuclear Insure s: 7a-i-203-577-7305
e. Babcock and Wilcox: 7a-1-304-350-3 13
f. Cenrail: 9-255-141
g. Othe-s: As direc ec Oy :ne Eme gency Director ss.- -.,,.w......-..,:s w.- . ,. u - w .. ,. ; :. s :s.


6 1004.a  !


1. Consiceration snall be given to sheltering if:
a. Release time is expected to be short'(Puff release, <2 nours)
b. Evacuation could not be well underway prior to expected plume arrival due to short warning time, hich winc speecs, and/or foui weather, l


2. Consideration shall be given to evacuation if:


a. A release is excected to occur with projected coses approacning or i


1 Rem Whole Eody and/0r E Rem Child Tnyroid D. Release time is ex ected to be long (>2 hours)

c. Evacuation can be weil uncerway prior c plume arrival for a:ove release, based uoon wind speed and travel concitiens.

l L

- e og 88

l. '

! .9 -




1. Description cf Emergency:
2. Has the Reactor tripped Yes / No
3. Did the Emergency Safeguard Systems actuate Yes / No 4,

7i 50, wnich ones

1. Hign Pressure Injection Yes / Ne
b. Low Pressure Injection Yes / No
c. Core Ficcc Yes / N:
d. 4 NC. Reac!Or 3uilding Is0lation Yes / N

?. What is the status of the Diant

a. At power
b. Hot stancay
c. Hot
d. Cocling C0wr.
e. Rea:ter Fressure :sig
f. ReaCIOr Tem e atJre *R l

1 j


  • 1= "

l l

. _ _ _ _ __ ..= _ _ . _ . _ . __ _ . . . . _ .._ ..

1004.4 Revisien O

5. Is offsite power availacle Yes / No


6. Are coth diesel genera: Ors Operable Yes / No
7. Have any persennel injuries oc:Urre1 Yes / No If 50, is the injurec persen(5,' con amina:e'. Yes / fiO What are One accroximate raciation and/or con:amina: ion levels mR/nr i

OPM/100 cm2


S. Are :nere excessive radiation levels anc/cr ::ntamination 4

Levels Yes / No i

4 If so, list below:

a) Radiation levels: (Whole tocy) b) Contamination levels OPM/100 :=2 At location:


L a; , . . .

I . *;;

y w Vi'.7 g ; ;g ;.

i I


- 1; -

1004.4 nevision 0 a -n e e, n i me .a. ,:. .s

  • II e..v..e.:~e..v

. r v.e Y .e, t,d n i >. c R :. O r.


. . r. C,."s r. I t

Fill out if a release has (is) occurring. Provice ERP all availa:ie informatten for verification ca..

i : .

1. L'nat is the approximate radioactive source term cischarge rate fra.T the plant (As determinec by tne Projected Oese Rate Calculation precedure 1004.7). -

i a) Noble gases Ci/ set b) Iodine Ci/sec

2. k' hat is the approximate meteorelegy 4

a) L'inc sDeed moh b} b'ind direction c) Stasility class - Staole/iseutral/Unstacle

3. 'u a is the projectec wncle bcdy cosa ra:e gr.c :ne icdine 4 concentration at the nearest effsite co.Inwinc cin O


. ee b) u:i/cc Iodine

} f t.cca: ion }

S. Estimated ouratico cf tne relegge

3) If the release is ter-inatec:

.e . .. 6 j -..-c.- ,,..- . .j...s.

. s. ~, 3. .. i. . ,..

-e m

.. ~_ -- - - .=- - - _

1004.4 Revisten 0 4

5) If the release is still in progress:

Start time Estimated curation (hrs / min /sec)

5. a) Eased on rojectec cose ra es, iodine concen ration and curation or estimated curation (if still in ::rogress) of the release, xiil
the lower limits of E?A Protective Action Guices ce exceecec (i.e., 1 Rem,whcle body, 5 Rem Cnild Thyroid) Yes / tio b) If yes, estimate time to exceeding PAG
hcurs i

i f

i N

en 4


i. CA--~


. .a.v.= . ....-: : - - v.: . :- =.~. . :v.

l i

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,- - -- --,-r -, r. - , m, v ,, - y,- ,y, .- o . , . , r--


I JUL 151980 i

Dellof Ponnsylvania Edmard A. Battisfore S U A *UC"'t 60' U'C N

Cenera; t.'anager.Coerat.ons Harrisbur;:. ?t c:. ?..ivama 17:0*

Pnene (717) ?'.5 4141 July 10, 1980 copies to: S. l'o l un

' G. Giangi E. Responso File Originsi : L. W. ila rd ing

  • Mr. J. G. lierbein, Vice President Metropoli:an Edison Company i Post Office Box 480 Middierown, Pennsylvania 17037'

Dear Mr. lierbein:

f In reply to your letter da:ed June 30, i.980 requesting informa: inn un how

he Telephone Company powers your Ener>;ency No:ifica:1on System, this con-fir =s the phone conversa:1on between our Messrs. W. R. McNeel and P. Komet:

and your Mr. D. E. Barry.

Circuit C1' 01460 i TMI Er'ninraen: Room:

The circui: is working on dir.i al c.o r i .  : 1.a: is powered by a Tc:e; hone Corapany provided bat:cryless power ;*ian, which is subject to the con.inuance of A.C. that is prnvided by your ....,i..nv l

Middletown Cen:ral Office:

The Middic:ovr. Cen:ral Office is a v;o ni,1y powered cen:ral of fice havinr.

en E:::cr;;cacy En;;ine Aitczna:or and fwl: . .dioard f eeding A.C. service. .Lerc ,

is an automatically con: rolled b.: ery reserve :ype Telephone power p;nn:

l iceding :he carrier direct on thron:.h redundant conver:ers. See :he attached ske:ch for a one (1) line diagrne o:' t iii s a r ra n.teme n t.

If you should require any additienni informa::en concer nng the powurin; arrangeren:, please advise.

Sincerely, f ' ,a f gr.A -

Ccacral Manat:cr-C' rations

- A TACi! MEN'": One (1) line di.;r...

cc: Mr. ?. Kame::

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a 4.1.35 Not used.

w c

4.1.36 ?lume Excesure ?athwav - The means by which a radioactive plume can

, expose the population-at-risk and/or onsite personnel to radiation.

The time of potential exposure could range from hours to days. The principal exposure sources from this pathway are*. (1) whole body external exposure to gamma radiation from the radioactive plume and from deposited material, and (2) inhalation exposure from the passing radioactive plume.

4.1.37 Peculation-At-Risk - Those persons for whom protective actions are being or would be taken.

4.1 38 Populatten Canter Distance - The distance from the reactor to the nearest boundary of a density populated center, containing more than about 25,000 residents. .

4.1.39 Proieeted Dese - A calculated or estimated dose wnich the population-i

, at risk may potentially receive as a result of a radiological emergency.

! 4.1.40 Protected Area - As defined in 10 CFR 73.2, an area enccmpassed by physical barriers acd to which access is controlled. The TMI Nuclear Station Protected Area includes all areas within the security f ence that immediately surrouoC the major Station structures (i.e. Reactor, w

Auxiliary, Turbine, Set 91ce, Fuel Handling , and Control Buildings) .

4.1.41 Protective Actions - Those actions taken during or af ter au emergency situation that are intended to mini =1:e or eliminate the hazard to the health and safety of the general public and/or onsite personnel.

4.1.42 Protective Action Guides - ?rojected radiologal dose or dose commitment

. valuesg t,o individuals in the general populationAihENNN*nfyrotective -

action ::*_?:%Na release of radioactive material. Protective actions would be warranted provided the reduction in individual dose expected

, to be achieved by carrying out the protective action is not offset by excessive risks to individual safety in taking the protective action.

The protective action guide does not include the dose that has unavoid-ably occurred prior to the assessment.

4.1.43 geoverv Actiens - Those actions taken af ter the emergency to restore the plant as nearly as possible to its pre-emergency condition.

4.1.44 Restricted Area - As defined in 10 CFR 20 3, any area access to which is controlled by the licensee for purposes of protection of individuals frem exposure to radiation and radioactive =aterials. A restricted area shall not incluce any areas used as residential quarters, although a separate roca or roons in a residentici building nay be set apart as a restricted area.

Revision 2 1-4 June 1980


< , j 1



i l


Tho Group Leader-Chemistry Support and his staff vill ba responsible for all aspects of chemistry support for ths onsite emergency organization. Such support may include, but is not limited to:

n. Determination of in-plant sempling requirements based on plant conditions.
b. Coordination of the use of laboratory instrumentation, sample analysis, sample storage, and the interpre-tation and dissemination of analysis results.
c. Identification and coordination of required equipment and manpower resources.

2 The Group Leader-Administrative Support and his staff vill be responsible for administrative and logistics functions required to support the entire offsite and onsito emergency organizations. The types of support sarvices that might be required include, but are not usccccarily limited to: -

a. Generst Administration (1) *Jord processing (2) Typing pool - *

(3) Reproduction

b. Transportation (1) Helicopter services (2) Vans, busses, automobiles, shuttle service c.

Parsonnel Administration and Accommodations (1) Personnel processing (a) Registration (b) Indoctrination and training (c) TLD issuance -

(d) Security badging i (2) Lodging , food

d. Outside Plant Support (1) Trailer set-up (2) Janitorial service (3) Telephoses
e. Com=issa ry (1) Tempora::y facilities and meal delivery
f. Snfery (1) Industrial safety (2) First Aid (3) Training
g. Human Resources (1) Manpowe r (2) Labor relations (3) Payroll (4) Clerical Support A %tv % ... p M ech*y.mebin,

. Tere Recoverv Orzani:stion i

hose cases where pos t-accident conditions indicate that vary oporations will be either templicated or will nd over a relatively long period of eine, GPU-Nuclear will i

5-15 June 1980

Insert as After the E=ergency Director authorizes transfer from the Radio-logical Assessment Coordinator and his staff to the Environmental Assessment Coordinator and his staff, the following will be assumed by the latter group on a long tern basis:

a. environmental monitoring
b. offsite radiological monitoring
c. offsite dose projections
d. recccmendations to the Emergency Director with respect to suggested offsite protective action.


a. State plans (ref erence 4 10.22 and 4.10.23)
b. County plans (reference 4.10.24 through 4.10.28)
c. THI Security Plan
d. GPU-Nuclear Emerge.- Public Information Plan
2. Ensuring that the information, data, and procedures detailed in the Emergency Plan Implementing Document are consistent with the guidance provided in the TMI Emergency Plan.
3. Ensuring that the Emergency Plan Laplenenting Procedures are coordinated and interf ace properly vich other procedures (e.g., Administrative Procedures, Security Procedures, Health Physics Procedures, and Training Procedures, etc.) .
4. Assisting the Manager-Training IMI-1 in coordinating and/or providing emergency planning related specialty training.
5. Coordinating emergency planning related drills and exet -* des as described in subsection 4.8 1 2 above.
6. Coordinating the review and updating of the TMI Emergency Plan and Implementing Document as described in Section 4.8.2 below.
7. Ensuring the maintenance and inventory of emergency equipment and supplies as described in Section 4.8.3 belev.
8. Maintaining himself current with respect to changes in federal regulations and guidance that Snpact
  • emergency planning activities.

tnd Updating of the E=errenev ?la*. and Imolementinz Document Em2rgency Plan, including appended letters of agreemen:

a of of f site organi:ations and agencies, vill be reviewed and on at least an annual basis.

ity Assurance Department th e p:ri:2 e4 is resSonsible u, f or auditing , at least ' A,. tsw aonanned er : :c , a. m the "MI y Plen and implementing Docu=ent to verify compliance with the nal Quality Assurance Plan, the Fire Protection P cg sm Plan, rules end procedures. federal regula:1ons, and operating

, provisions. This audi will be conducted pursuant to the

ss and methods set forth in
he Operational Quality Assurance l

Eddition, :he Emergency Planning Coordinator vill by virtue of iv ement 01:h :he TMI E=ergency Planning ?:ogram, previde an revisv. Personnel perf or=ing reviews or audi:s of the TMI

,/ ?lan and/or Implemen:ing Docu=ent shall take in:o accoun:

! a policy, State policy and plans, county plans, and the various

s and understanding vich f ederal, State, county, and local ]

i tgencias and organt:ntions. i S-9 June 1980 t




~ o

. Dauphin County Th3 Dauphin County Action and Response Plan for Emergency Psrsonnel and Citizens was prepared by the Dauphin County Office of Emergency Preparedness. This plan is attached  ;

ts Appendix E.

' To provide adequate response capability, the County

margency Operations Center is the location of the County

' disp tcher for polite, fire, and rescue services and is mann d by a dispatcher 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day, 7 days per weck.

'. York Coun v Tho York County Protective Action Plan for the Three Mile 1situd Nuclear Power Plant, attached to this Plan as Appendix 7, was prepared under direction of the County Commissioners and the County Emergency Management Coordin-stor.

The York County E=ergency Operations Center is the loca-tion of the County dispatcher for police, fire, and rescue sorvices acd is manned by a dispa:cher on a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day , 7 cay per week basis.

s. Lancaster County The Lancaster County Emergency Evacua: ion Plan was prepared by the County Emergency Manage =ent Agency under the dircetion of the Lancaster County Com=issioners. This plcn is attached Oc this docu=ent as Appendix C.

Ih t!.4nesb Coun4u Ememe.g Coed $m Canb

  • N lacebog 4 b coug dhpdOerb polce ,9dt. e4 escue wvim and h manned

% dhpkhw en a 36 nove se doe ,7 dag pe wesw. hsh.

.. Cu=berland County The Cumberland County Three Mile island E=ergency Response Plan was prepared under the direction of the Cu=berland County Co==1ssioners and Director of E=ergency Preparedness.

A copy of :his plan is attached as Appendix H.


.The Cu=berland County E=ergency Operations Center is the location of the County dispatcher for police, fire, and

sscue services and is manned by a dispatcher on a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> par day, 7 day per week basis.


5. Lebanen Coun:v The Lebanon Coun:y E=erge cy Operations Plan, Radiation
ncidents - Three Mile island Suclea: Power ?lant, a copy I

5-:: June 19S0

. r t?



for '




Part I Emergency Plan Abstract' Part II Concept of Operations ,

f' Part III Communications Pline

. 1 Part IV Emergency Plan I m p l e.n e'n': i n g Procedures 1

1004.1 Unusual Even:

.2 Aler: , ,

s  ;

.3 Site Emergency

  • I

.4 General Emergency '

.5 ccmmunica:icny V. Rece'rdxee ing ,

i <

.6 Additientl' Assis:ance and Nctification

.7 offsite ocse Projections '


.8 Callect of Onsite anc Cffsi:e Duty Res:er :ersonnel

.9 In-Plan: Racielogical Centrols DJring 5.nergencies

.10 onsite Radiclogical Monitoring

.11 Of f si t e Radiologi cal Moni tering'

.12 Environmental Monitoring

.13 Conver:ed :: an Ac.tinistra: 4 ve P.ocedure

.14 Monitering/Centeelling Licuid Disharges

.15 Pes:-Ac:iden: In-Plant Sampling

.16 Cen:amina:ec Injuries anc Raciatien Overexcesure i

Revision 2 June 1930

s t .


.18 Search and Rescue

.19 Energency Dosimetry / Security Eadge Issuance

.20 Personnet/venicle Moni:cring e

.21 Emergency R e p a i r / O p e r a :'i c n s

.22 Tornado /High Winds

.23 Comcinec with #9.

.24 Recovery Operations i .25 Conver:ed :c an Administrative Pec:ecure 4

.26 Converted tc an Adminis:ca:ive .orceedure

.27 Activation of Nearsi;e Emergency 0 era ions Facili :

.25 Activa:icn of :ne Tecnnical Supccc: Cen:er

.29 A::ivation of the 0;ers:icns Succert Center

.30 A::ivation of tn+ Environnen:at Assessmen:


. Command Center

.31 Air'orne c Radicactivity Sameline and Analysis

.32 Activation of the AL:ernate Nearsite Emergen:y i

0:erations Fa: 1Li:y (Crawfced 5:ation) a l .33 Hancling High A: ivity Rea::or Ccclan S a m e '. e s -

Eeron, Cnlcride anc Ganca S;ec: rum Analysis-Accicen: Cencitions 3

.34 A::ivation of :ne Parsicca.y Techr.ical Succcc:

Center t.

l Revision 2 June '930 s

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