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Agreement Re Availability of Medical Treatment During Emergencies.Attachment 1
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/1980
From: Fulginiti S, Herbein J
Shared Package
ML20062K030 List:
NUDOCS 8011190285
Download: ML20062K031 (6)



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AGREEMENT THIS AGREE:ENT made this 12:h day of Auguse ,

1980, by and between THE MILTON S. HERSHEY !EDICAL CENTER of THE l

PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY, 500 University Drive, Hershey, Penn-sylvania (hereinafter referred to as " Medical Center"),


Reading, Pennsylvania (hereinafter referred to as " Met-Ed").


A. Met-EdisrecuiredbytheUniteY$5atesNuclearl 1 Regulatory Commission to obtain an agreement providing for the  ;

availability of medical treatment in the event of an emergency. l t

B. Medical Center is engaged in providing health services at its facilities located at the above address and has of

[ adopted a program designated as " Decontamination and Treatment I

the Radioactively Contaminated Patient at The Milton S. Hershey

.i Medical Center,_ Hershey, PA," Revision No. 3 , dated

, .ucuse

l. 12' , 1980.


C. . Met-Ed is an owner and operator of a nuclear 3

3 station located at Three Mile Island.


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' D. Met-Ed desires to have available the services of the~ Medical Center and Medical Center is agreeable to rendering services to Mec-Ed.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises set forth herein, and with the intent to be legally bound, it . is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows :

1. Medical Center agrees to accept,as patients persons granted access to the Three Mile Island nuclear station who may have sustained radiation injuries or who may have been exposed to or contaminated with radioactive material while at Three Mile Island nuclear station.
2. Medical Center will accept as many patients as possible pursuant to its obligations under this agreement, subject to the conditions or circumstances existing at the time such  ;

patients are presented for admission. The determination of the i

number of patients who will be accepted is within the sole dis- Ie 1 cretion of Medical Cente-  !

3. All potentially contaminated patients will be j transported to Med.ical Center in equipment provided by or on behalfofMet-Edandwillbeaccompaniedbyappropriatelyecuicoed!

Met-Ed personnel. Met-Ed will take all appropriate precautionary !  :

measures designed to minimize the possibility of spread of radio-lactivematerials, and will advise the' Medical Center by telephone in advance of a patient's arrival, of the patient's status and iradiationhazard. Upon arrival at the Medical Center, Met-Ed will, l

, gnot permit anyone to disembark from the transporting vehicle until n

Ogiven directions to do so by Medical Center personnel.

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4. Admission of patients will be in accordance with Medical Center procedures and Met-Ed specifically agrees to comply with all requirements of Medical Center's " Decontamination and Treatment of the Radioactively Contaminated Patient at The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA," Revision No. B , dated August 12 , 1980, a copy of which is in the possession of the parties hereto and made a part hereof.
5. Met-Ed hereby agrees to compensate Medical Center for the use of facilities and medical services rendered, at the charges and rates then existing at the time such facilities are used or services rendered. In addition, Met-Ed agrees to reim-i burse Medical Center for all materials and equipment consumed or which destroyed or replaced due to radiation exposure.
6. Met-Ed shall be responsible for decontaminating i  !

I Medical Center's equipment and property and disposing of materials contaminated as a result of services rendered to Met-Ed employees  ;

pursuant to this agreement. g

7. Met-Ed agrees that it will notify Medical Cenced i

in tb event of any incident or occurrence at Three Mila Island i nue station which cav. result in exo.osure to radiation or radia-c4 .tjuries to persons at Three Mile Island nuclear station. j cose of this notice requirement is to provide Medical Center itional time to prepare its in the event such


I exposurt or injury subsequently occurs.

8. Met-Ed agrees to notify : edical Center prior to l

l preser* ',g patients for admission to Medical Center pursuant to this ag 2ement. Such notice shall include the number of patients 1;-

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e. . j to be presented for admission, the estimated time of arrival at Medical Center and the general nature of the injuries or exposure which has occurred.
9. If an evacuacion of a geographical area which includes the Medical Center is ordered by the appropriate govern-mental authorities, the Medical Center shall have no obligation to admit or provide care for patients pursuant to this agreement during the period such evacuation order is in effect. Following a period of evacuation, it is expressly understood that the Medical Center's responsibility to admit patients shall be subj ect to staff availability, inasmuch as it is recogniced that staff may not return to the area or their jobs in a timely fashion. The fore-going is not intended to limit the provisions of Paragraph 2 hereinabove wherein the Medical Center is invested with the sole  :

discretion to determine the number of patients to be admitted for !

j treatment.

10. Met-Ed agrees to indemnify and hold Medical  ;

Centar bccmless from any and all claims of third parties arising out of radiation exposure not resulting from Medical Center's i



11. Met-Ed hereby releases and forever discharges ;

Medical Center, its officers, agents and employees, frca any and I

  • all claims it may hereafter have against Medical Center, its .

jofficers, agents and employees, arising out of the actions or I

cerformance of Medical Center pursuant to the terms of this

. fagreement.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.


k S. A. FulgI ici, Deputy Controller METR DOLITAN EDISON COMPANY

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By: /

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. G. Herbein, Vice President p'


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[f Qt~g Midd!etown. Pennsylonia 17C57 L * * " * * * ,

717 044 4041 w-ner s Oi.-ect Ja! %.Toer June 30, 1980 TLL 234 Division of Operating Reactors Attn: R. '.J. Reid. Chief

. Operating Reactors 3 ranch No. 4 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Conmission k'ashington, D.C. 20535

Dear Sir:

  • Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit I (EfI-1)

Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Emergency Plans for TMI-I .

Attached please find the letter of agreement between Radiation Management Corporation (RMC) and Metropolitan Edison Company dated June 1,1979. This letter should be inserted in Appendix C of the ntI Emergency Plan (Enclosure 1) dated June 10, 1960.

Sincerely, s


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. J. G. Herbein Vice President D!I-I JGH:DGM:l=a Enclosure cc: J. T. Collins B..H. Grier H. Silver B. J Snyder-J. Roe.

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June 19, 1980 tii

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J. G. Herbein r

.V.P. , Gr.eration tree Mile Island Nuclear Statica P.O. Box 480 Middletcwn, Pa. 17057 9

SCEJECT: D:ergency F.vW 2 1 Assistance Program (ESP)

Cear Mr. Earbein:

Tnis confir=s an agreement bet seen Radiation nr.agerent Cor;craticn PRESIDENT (D1C) and Fatropolitan Edison Ca:pany, wherein DC agrees to furnish certain services to nuclear generation stations operated by Fetro-politan Edisca Cer:pany. These services conprise a prcgram that is identified by RT as an Emergercy Fedical Assistance Program

-(DSP). With regard to Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, the E!AP contains the follcwing provisions:

1. Semi-annual review of plant procedures, equipment and supplies and hespital procedures; one of these audits
will be in conjunction with (7.) belcw; i 2. Teenty-fcur-hcur-per-day availability of expert censul-

! tation en ranagement of radiacien accidents;

3. Availability of Bicassay Iaboratory for evaluation of
  • ?  ; radiation accidents; I

4.' Teentv-four-hour-cer-dav access to a Fadiation Emercency



""' h f' ' (-[' Medical Team cons'isting'of a physician, certified health

.. ' .chysicist, and technicians with cortable-instrt=entation

'g -to location of accident victim;

5. : Availability and access to a radical center ec.uic..ted for i

the definitive evaluatica and treat ent of radiation

' ws.uiry city injuries;

< :::tuct cinrEn

- 6. Annual training for the plant, achulance and hospital perscenel who ray be directly or indirectly involved 5: u4ust nassi in the execution of the radiation radical emergency pro-FOUI .


. s) :n:no' PA 19104

7. Preparation of an " accid 2nt" scenario for use as a training i aid in a radiatien redical e.r gency drill)
8. Coordinatica of a radiatica medical crergancy drill based '

en the'scanario; t=pired, video tapad and critiqued by R'C;


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Fatrepolitan Edison C:.~gany -

./ t Tnroe Mile Island Page T.c

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ep' Subrissicn of to Drill Evaluation .:aports; cne relating to 9.

'qj the cbservaticas rade at the station, and anothar relating

'f to cbservations rade at the hospital; and

10. Participation in an annual cne-day serinar in Philadelphia on the ranagerenc of radiatica accidents for physicians.

Each plant ray send one physician, and each utility ccm-pany may sand cne physician.

ACCICD?r RESFQ:SE Censultatica and laboratory services by Fyc parscnnel at no charge, costs associated with censultative activities, such as travel, lodging and other related expenses. .

??J ;TICN F .ma*DT" C _oATICN CL9 pm qe JE. Lil..i. ann, M.D.

ecesi. dent i

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1. Ensure that accurate exposure records are maintained.
j. Review and evaluate updated information and data. j
k. Relay significant informatics and data to onsite and offsite organizations, agencies, and response

- teams.

1. Determine the necessity for onsite evacuation.

Emergency Director responsibilities that may not be delegated include:

a. Decision to notif y of fsite emergency management agencies.
b. Making protective action recommendations as necessary to of f-site emergency management agencies.
c. Classification of Emergency Event.
d. Determining the necessity for on-si:e evacuation.
e. Authorization for emergency workers to exceed normal radiation exposure limits.

To ensure that proper offsite authorities are kept fully taformed of the emergency status and actions in progress, the Emergency Director will ensure that follow-up messages containing the following inf ormation, if it is known and appropriate, are transmitted in a timely manner: ,

a. location of inciden: and name and telephone number (or communications channel identifications) of caller
b. date/ time of incident
c. class of emergency

-- d. type of actual or projected release

e. estimate of quantity of radioactive material released or being released and height of release
f. che=ical and physical form of released material, including esti=ates of the relative quantities and concentration of noble gases, iodines and particulates
g. prevailing weather (wind velocity, direc: ion, temper-ature, atmospheric stability data, form of precipita-tion, if any)
h. actual or projected dose rates and integrated dcse at exclusion area beundary and at about 2('and 10 miles, including sectors af f ected
1. estimate of any surf ace radioactive contamination
j. emergency response actions caderway
k. recemmended emergency actions, including protective measures
1. reque st for any needed onsite support by of f si:e organi:a: ions
m. prognosis for worsening or ter=ination of event based on plant infor=ation F
2. plant Staff E=er2enev Assien=ents
a. Co==unicater I The Cc==unicator will report to the Energency l

l Revision 2 5-7 June 1980 l

l l




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