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Petitions to Halt Licensing of Facility for Reasons of Safety.Requests to Be Added to Mailing List for Meetings
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 08/03/1979
From: Durkin P
NUDOCS 7909290471
Download: ML19208D745 (1)


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4 ( gh o[ Peter J. Durkin

             , 2                         -3'                                    P.O. Box 173 6-                   #    ;                                      Simonton, Texas 77476 4

4 August 3,1979 N e Secretary of the Commission U.S. Regulatory Comission h7?C pgIC Dpc Washington, D.C. 20555 Ig

Dear Sir / Madame:

I am halt the licensing of the Allen's Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Wallis, Texas for the following reasons:

1. I live within 10 miles of the proposed location and feel that it is a hazard to life and property.
2. There are insufficient provisions for elimination of waste materials from nuclear plants.
3. It is too close to one of the largest metropolitan areas, Hooston, Texas. The population in Houston would be exposed to considerable danger if an accident occurred.
4. I am opposed to the growth of nuclear energy when there are other options that deserve consideration.

This letter is my first cetition against this plant. I would like to be placed on the mailing list for all future meetings concerning this project. As a local resident I would ask that these meetings be held closer to the site location. I will look forward to future correspondence concerning this proposed projeet. 0 N y' ', L W65 ,/ f . .

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Peter J. Durkin P.O. Box 173 fr O - Simonton, Texas 77476 f)*h 4 August 3, 1979 N e Secretary of the Comission U.S. Regulatory Comission Washington. 0.C. 20555

Dear Sir / Madame:

I am petitioning to halt the licensing of the Allen's Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Wallis Texas for the following reasons:

1. I live within 10 miles of the prcposed location and feel that it is a hazard to life and property.
2. There are insufficient provisions for elimination of waste materials from nuclear plants.
3. It is too close to one of the largest metropolitan areas, Houston, Texas. The population in Houston would be exposed to considerable danger if an accident occurred.
4. I am opposed to the growth of nuclear energy when there are other options that deserve consideration.

This letter is my first petition against this plant. I would like to be placed on the mailing list for all future meetings concerning this project. As a local resident, I would ask that these meetings be held closer to the site location. I will look forward to future correspondence concerning this proposed project. h

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Wluiam A. Donnelly, Jr. ~$ CQ18Ap

      'g Damariscotta River Farms
        , River Road at McKay                 .
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[ ], Edgecomb, Maine 04556 g C e**

                                                                 * )*'    4
12. August 1979 ,

Dr. Joseph Hendrie Chs.irman , U.S. Nuclear Re6ulatory Co= mission

      ,#ashington, D.C., 20555

Dear Dr. Hendrie:

A front page news ite= in the 9 August 1979 issue of The Lincoln County News quotes portions of a letter to you requesting extended shutdown of the Maine Yankee Ato'nic power plant. The news ites apparently identifies Tom Trowbridge as Director of Civilian E=ergency Preparedness in Edgeco:nb; erroneously indicates that Edgecomb has no emergency evacuation plan; and requests the shutdown of Maine Yankee. The above state =ents are not true. As you know, CEP is not a political agency; and does not advocate causes. Its purpose at the co: unity level is to act as energency planner and coordinator for local elected officials in ti e of disaster of any kind, whether stor=, nuclear, or other can-made. Also, the town of Zdgecc:b has had an e=ergency operations plan and an adequate evacuation plan since 1977. The plans are State approved; and are continuously being updated. Accordingly, we request that you . ignore any reference to the town of Zdgecc b that may be ' contained in the letter to you requesting shutdown of Xaine Yankee Ato:ic. Since" '-

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William A. Donnelly, Jr./ ' Director, Edgecomb Civil Esergency Preparedness Copies to: The Lincoln County News The Scothbay Register r . Edward G. Stritzky, Director

                         .v Lincoln County CIP dWA1                                                   1054 203 T     rF: m 10 0 sub MjJJUh

co sti Im u2ER .. ER00. & UTit, FAC. 50- 309.

                                                                   + @ fin W1utam A. Donneuy, Jr.

I Damariscotta River Farms @ t River Road at McKay , j Edgecomb, Maine 04556 g0 -3 q cQ$ 7/* 4 12 August 1979 , Dr. Joseph Hendrie " Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co= mission Washington, D.C. , 20555

Dear Dr. Hendrie:

A front paSe news ites in the 9 August 1979 issue of The Lincoln County News quotes po"tions of a letter to you requesting extended shutdown of the Maine Ya:nkee Atomic power plant. The news item apparently identifies Toz Trowbridge as Director of Civilian Esergency Preparedness in Edgecomb; erroneously indicates that Edgeco=b has no e=lergency evacuation plan; and requests the shutdown of Maine Yankee. The above state =cnts are not true. As you know, CEP is not a political agency; nnd does not advocate causes. Its purpose at the cc=munity level is to act as e=er6ency planner and coordinator for local elected officials in ti=e of disaster of any kind, whether stor=, nuclear, or other nan-cade. Also, the town of Edgeco=b has had an emer5ency operations plan and an adequate evacuation plan since 1977 The plans are State approved; and are continuously beiD5 updated. Accordingly, we request thst you ignore any 2*eference to s the town of Edgecomb that ay be contained in the letter to you requesting shutdown of Maine Yankee Ato=1c. Since" Q = n LA , William A. Donnelly, Jr./ ' Director, Edgecomb Civil Ehergency Preparedness Copies to: The Lincoln County News The Boothbay Register Mr. Edward G. Stritzky, Director Lincoln County CEP

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                                                 )                 50-490 (Perkins Nuclear Station,                    )

Thits 1, 2 and 3) ) ORDER GRANTING 1HE NRC STAFF A R1RTHER EXTENSION OF TDE RE INIERVENOR'S MarICN 10 DISMISS On August 15, 1979, the NRC Staff moved for an additional 30 days to respond to Intervenor's Motion to Dismiss this proceeding because of the A plicant's announced deferral of the subject facilities. The untien states that the Applicant and the Intervcnor have no objecticn to the gran=ing of additional time. The notion is granted. IT IS SO ORDERED. FOR IEE AIOMIC SAFEIT AND LICENSING BOARD

                                                       ' Y , Y_he d g Eliz# eth S. Bowers, Cbni m Dated at Bethesda, Maryland this 20th day of August 1979.



                                                                              %         dE c'y h.n In the Matter of                            )

Docket Nos. 50-488 g g gg f 50-489


(Perkins Nuclear Staticn, 50-490


thics 1, 2 and 3) ) ORDER GRANTING HE NRC STIE A EURIHER EKIENSION 07 TDE RE ETIER'COR'S MarIQi TO DISMISS On August 15, 1979, the NRC Staff moved for an nekHtional 30 days to respond to Intervencr's Motion to Dis =iss this proceeding becatse of the Applicant's announced deferral of the subject facilities. The notion states that the Applicant and the Intervenor have no objecticn to the granting of additicnal time. The notica is granted. IT IS SO ORuc e J. FOR IHE AICMIC SMEIY AND LICENSHIG EGARD

                                                        'h        Y       eeb4 Elirgoeth S. Bowers , Q'ni-m Dated at Bethesda, Maryland this 2Cth day of August 1979.

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