MONTHYEARML20058M0361993-04-12012 April 1993 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Records in App L Which Are Being Withheld Partially for Listed Reasons,(Ref FOIA Exemptions 5) ML20235B4531987-09-22022 September 1987 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Specified Dockets.Documents in App a Already Available in Pdr.Forwards App B Documents.App B Documents Also Available in Pdr. Documents for Listed Dockets Could Not Be Located ML20235B3621987-08-25025 August 1987 FOIA Request for Listed Documents for Specified Dockets ST-HL-AE-1666, Requests Relief from Preservice Insp of Certain Component Supports Per Section XI of ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Attachment 1 Shows Thermal Expansion Testing of Sys Subj to Preservice Exam of Component Supports1986-05-22022 May 1986 Requests Relief from Preservice Insp of Certain Component Supports Per Section XI of ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Attachment 1 Shows Thermal Expansion Testing of Sys Subj to Preservice Exam of Component Supports ML20140F3691986-01-14014 January 1986 Further Response to FOIA Request for Several Categories of Documents Re Pressure Suppression Containment.Fsar & SER for Limerick Only Documentation Re 4x4 Tests.Encl Apps D-G Documents Responsive to Item 4 Also Available in PDR ML20063H0331982-08-27027 August 1982 Advises That Plants Have Been Canceled.Alternative Dispositions of Application to Be Discussed W/Nrc. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20062G8131982-08-11011 August 1982 Forwards NRC to Util Re Slippage of CP Issuance Date,For Distribution to Parties ML20054H7481982-06-19019 June 1982 Forwards Houston Chronicle 820617 Article Re Util Requested Rate Increase.Article Appears Relevant to Ultimate Fate of Plant & Appears to Represent Slight Change from Util Dec 1981 Position on Plant Destiny ML20054H7581982-06-18018 June 1982 Advises That Feasibility of Continuing Plant Const Remains Under Util Consideration,W/Ultimate Determination Depending on Disposition of Request for Rate Relief Pending Before Tx Public Utils Commission ML20052F2301982-05-0505 May 1982 Requests ASLB Consider 820429 Findings of Fact Even Though Findings Late.Due Date Misconstrued.Striking Findings Would Be Significant Penalty for Minor Infraction ML20050H2341982-04-0606 April 1982 Admits Truth of Items 160-163 in 820323 Request for Admissions.Relevance Not Admitted.Related Correspondence ML20050J0231982-04-0606 April 1982 Forwards Applicant Answers to Doherty Second & Third Sets of Interrogatories,Questions 29 & 8,respectively,re Quadrex Rept.Related Correspondence ML20050E2851982-04-0505 April 1982 Forwards Applicant Answers & Objections to J Doherty Sixth & Seventh Sets of Interrogatories Re Quadrex Rept.Related Correspondence ML20050E4131982-04-0505 April 1982 Advises of Typographical Error in Applicant Answers & Objections to Doherty Fifth Set of Interrogatories.Related Correspondence ML20050C4991982-03-26026 March 1982 Forwards Jh Goldberg Testimony on Technical Qualifications, Lj Sas Testimony on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 & Applicant Response to Jf Doherty Request for Documents.Related Correspondence ML20042C6231982-03-25025 March 1982 Explains Problems W/Timing of Filings & Tx Bar Exam ML20042B5051982-03-16016 March 1982 Forwards Bechtel Preliminary Assessment Rept on Quadrex Rept.J Doherty Also Being Served Which Renders 820305 Motion for Bechtel Quadrex Rept Review Moot.W/O Encl. Related Correspondence ML20049J6861982-03-15015 March 1982 Advises That Future of Facility Still Under Review.Aslb Timely Decision Is Important Factor in Evaluation. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20049J6701982-03-10010 March 1982 Forwards Table of Contents & Citations Inadvertently Omitted from Applicant 820305 Brief in Opposition to Appeal of R Alexander ML20041F0881982-03-0909 March 1982 Forwards Attachment 1 to Applicant Answers to Doherty First Set at Interrogatories Re Quadrex Rept ML20041D8591982-03-0202 March 1982 Comments on Generic Ltr 81-40 Re Qualifications of Reactor Operators - License Exams ML20041B0671982-02-18018 February 1982 Responds to NRC 820205 Ltr Re Application of Final Rule on Licensing Requirements for Pending CP & Mfg License Applications.Final Rule Did Not Identify Need for Clarifying Changes to Facility Application.Commitments Acceptable ML20040H3381982-02-12012 February 1982 Forwards Util 820212 News Release Re Feasibility of Plant Licensing & Const,Per 820209 Conversation ML19255A1721982-01-0606 January 1982 Requests Temporary Waiver to 10CFR73.21 (d)(2) Re Storage of Unclassified Safeguards Info.Gsa Approved Containers Have Been Requisitioned W/Earliest Possible Delivery Date of 820315 ML20062M6221981-12-11011 December 1981 Requests Citizens for Fair Util Regulation Respond to Applicant Interrogatories 45-3 Through 83-3,subj of ASLB 810728 Order.Response Necessary So Applicant Can Seek Addl Discovery on Contention 4.Related Correspondence ML20040A8681981-10-0404 October 1981 FOIA Request for NRC Reply to Senator L Bentsen Re Status of Facilities ML20009H2731981-08-0606 August 1981 Forwards Revised Sections & Table of Contents Discussed in NRC 810610 Ltr for ETR-1001,Ebasco Nuclear QA Program Manual.Revisions,Which Are Dtd 810731 Will Be Included in Change 10 to ETR-1001 ML20010A3781981-08-0505 August 1981 Forwards Mod to Util Submittal Addressing Item II.K.2.16 of NUREG-0718,reactor Coolant Pump Seal Damage Following Small Break LOCA W/Loss of Offsite Power.Mod Should Be Inserted on Page 0-8 of App 0 to PSAR ML20010B3621981-08-0303 August 1981 Responds to Telcon Which Reminded of Failure to Encl Notice of Persons Served W/Tx Pirg Supplemental Direct Written Testimony of D Marrack ML20009A8901981-07-0707 July 1981 Commits to Compliance W/Final Resolution of Core Thermocouple Issue to Be Determined by NRC in Near Future ML20009B1991981-07-0707 July 1981 Informs That Doherty 810622 Ltr,Per ASLB 810422 Order,Does Not Provide Any Substantive Rebuttal to Applicant & NRC Pleadings Re Doherty Motion for Reconsideration ML20009A8151981-06-30030 June 1981 Requests That Document Distribution List Be Revised Per Encl List ML20005B6161981-06-26026 June 1981 Submits Clarification of Util Position Re Use of Aci/Asme Std Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels & Containments.Code Provision Re Stress Limit Increase for Test Conditions Is Appropriate.Requests NRC Review W/Asme Code Committee ML20005A8971981-06-25025 June 1981 Forwards List of Contentions & ASLB Questions to Be Addressed in Aug & Sept 1981 ML19346A3371981-06-18018 June 1981 Forwards Amend 59 to PSAR ML20004C7521981-05-28028 May 1981 Forwards marked-up Version of Amend 57 to Psar.Mods Were Made as Result of NRC 810511-27 Review Meeting.Amend Is Available in Central Files Only ML20004E1401981-05-26026 May 1981 Confirms Commitment to Install Jetty Sys to Stabilize Bank of Brazos River in Vicinity of Proposed Plant ML20004C6611981-05-26026 May 1981 Forwards Proposed Order of Presentation of Witnesses for Two Wks of June Hearings.Related Correspondence ML19351A1131981-05-18018 May 1981 Expresses Concern Re Const of Facility ML20126K6671981-05-18018 May 1981 Forwards Admitted Emergency Planning Contention,Schuessler Consolidated Contention 1 ML20126L1321981-05-16016 May 1981 Opposes Facility Licensing ML19347F5791981-05-15015 May 1981 Advises That Ebasco Svcs,Inc Will Benchmark Pipe Stress Computer Program Code,Pipestress 2010,against NUREG CR-1677, in Response to NRC Request.Program Will Be Scheduled for Completion Near End of 1983 ML19347F2611981-05-15015 May 1981 Forwards Amend 58 to Facility PSAR ML19350E9951981-05-0505 May 1981 Forwards Summary of Review of Facility Evacuation Time Estimate Per NUREG-0654,Revision 1.No Permanent Population Data Supplied,Although Used to Make Estimates of Evacuation Vehicles.No Indication of Review by State & Local Officials ML20008G0811981-05-0505 May 1981 Forwards Proposed Schedule for Presentation of Witnesses for 810511-22 Hearings.Other Parties Concur.Related Correspondence ML20008G1851981-05-0101 May 1981 Requests That 810511-22,0601-12 Evidentiary Hearings on Health & Safety Issues Be Rescheduled for 810713-17 & 20-24 Subj to ASLB Availability.Lists of Contentions Will Be Provided by 810518 ML20003G9201981-05-0101 May 1981 Forwards Amend 57 to PSAR ML20003E7801981-04-0909 April 1981 Opposes Speedup Given to Licensing Process for Units ML20126H0631981-03-31031 March 1981 Opposes Hastening Licensing Process at Facilities ML20003E6211981-03-30030 March 1981 Advises That Review of Fes Suppl 2 Now Complete.Document Adequately Responds to Comments Issued on Draft Supplemental EIS 1993-04-12
MONTHYEARML20235B3621987-08-25025 August 1987 FOIA Request for Listed Documents for Specified Dockets ST-HL-AE-1666, Requests Relief from Preservice Insp of Certain Component Supports Per Section XI of ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Attachment 1 Shows Thermal Expansion Testing of Sys Subj to Preservice Exam of Component Supports1986-05-22022 May 1986 Requests Relief from Preservice Insp of Certain Component Supports Per Section XI of ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. Attachment 1 Shows Thermal Expansion Testing of Sys Subj to Preservice Exam of Component Supports ML20063H0331982-08-27027 August 1982 Advises That Plants Have Been Canceled.Alternative Dispositions of Application to Be Discussed W/Nrc. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20054H7481982-06-19019 June 1982 Forwards Houston Chronicle 820617 Article Re Util Requested Rate Increase.Article Appears Relevant to Ultimate Fate of Plant & Appears to Represent Slight Change from Util Dec 1981 Position on Plant Destiny ML20054H7581982-06-18018 June 1982 Advises That Feasibility of Continuing Plant Const Remains Under Util Consideration,W/Ultimate Determination Depending on Disposition of Request for Rate Relief Pending Before Tx Public Utils Commission ML20052F2301982-05-0505 May 1982 Requests ASLB Consider 820429 Findings of Fact Even Though Findings Late.Due Date Misconstrued.Striking Findings Would Be Significant Penalty for Minor Infraction ML20050H2341982-04-0606 April 1982 Admits Truth of Items 160-163 in 820323 Request for Admissions.Relevance Not Admitted.Related Correspondence ML20050J0231982-04-0606 April 1982 Forwards Applicant Answers to Doherty Second & Third Sets of Interrogatories,Questions 29 & 8,respectively,re Quadrex Rept.Related Correspondence ML20050E2851982-04-0505 April 1982 Forwards Applicant Answers & Objections to J Doherty Sixth & Seventh Sets of Interrogatories Re Quadrex Rept.Related Correspondence ML20050E4131982-04-0505 April 1982 Advises of Typographical Error in Applicant Answers & Objections to Doherty Fifth Set of Interrogatories.Related Correspondence ML20050C4991982-03-26026 March 1982 Forwards Jh Goldberg Testimony on Technical Qualifications, Lj Sas Testimony on Tx Pirg Addl Contention 31 & Applicant Response to Jf Doherty Request for Documents.Related Correspondence ML20042C6231982-03-25025 March 1982 Explains Problems W/Timing of Filings & Tx Bar Exam ML20042B5051982-03-16016 March 1982 Forwards Bechtel Preliminary Assessment Rept on Quadrex Rept.J Doherty Also Being Served Which Renders 820305 Motion for Bechtel Quadrex Rept Review Moot.W/O Encl. Related Correspondence ML20049J6861982-03-15015 March 1982 Advises That Future of Facility Still Under Review.Aslb Timely Decision Is Important Factor in Evaluation. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20049J6701982-03-10010 March 1982 Forwards Table of Contents & Citations Inadvertently Omitted from Applicant 820305 Brief in Opposition to Appeal of R Alexander ML20041F0881982-03-0909 March 1982 Forwards Attachment 1 to Applicant Answers to Doherty First Set at Interrogatories Re Quadrex Rept ML20041D8591982-03-0202 March 1982 Comments on Generic Ltr 81-40 Re Qualifications of Reactor Operators - License Exams ML20041B0671982-02-18018 February 1982 Responds to NRC 820205 Ltr Re Application of Final Rule on Licensing Requirements for Pending CP & Mfg License Applications.Final Rule Did Not Identify Need for Clarifying Changes to Facility Application.Commitments Acceptable ML20040H3381982-02-12012 February 1982 Forwards Util 820212 News Release Re Feasibility of Plant Licensing & Const,Per 820209 Conversation ML19255A1721982-01-0606 January 1982 Requests Temporary Waiver to 10CFR73.21 (d)(2) Re Storage of Unclassified Safeguards Info.Gsa Approved Containers Have Been Requisitioned W/Earliest Possible Delivery Date of 820315 ML20062M6221981-12-11011 December 1981 Requests Citizens for Fair Util Regulation Respond to Applicant Interrogatories 45-3 Through 83-3,subj of ASLB 810728 Order.Response Necessary So Applicant Can Seek Addl Discovery on Contention 4.Related Correspondence ML20040A8681981-10-0404 October 1981 FOIA Request for NRC Reply to Senator L Bentsen Re Status of Facilities ML20009H2731981-08-0606 August 1981 Forwards Revised Sections & Table of Contents Discussed in NRC 810610 Ltr for ETR-1001,Ebasco Nuclear QA Program Manual.Revisions,Which Are Dtd 810731 Will Be Included in Change 10 to ETR-1001 ML20010A3781981-08-0505 August 1981 Forwards Mod to Util Submittal Addressing Item II.K.2.16 of NUREG-0718,reactor Coolant Pump Seal Damage Following Small Break LOCA W/Loss of Offsite Power.Mod Should Be Inserted on Page 0-8 of App 0 to PSAR ML20010B3621981-08-0303 August 1981 Responds to Telcon Which Reminded of Failure to Encl Notice of Persons Served W/Tx Pirg Supplemental Direct Written Testimony of D Marrack ML20009A8901981-07-0707 July 1981 Commits to Compliance W/Final Resolution of Core Thermocouple Issue to Be Determined by NRC in Near Future ML20009B1991981-07-0707 July 1981 Informs That Doherty 810622 Ltr,Per ASLB 810422 Order,Does Not Provide Any Substantive Rebuttal to Applicant & NRC Pleadings Re Doherty Motion for Reconsideration ML20009A8151981-06-30030 June 1981 Requests That Document Distribution List Be Revised Per Encl List ML20005B6161981-06-26026 June 1981 Submits Clarification of Util Position Re Use of Aci/Asme Std Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels & Containments.Code Provision Re Stress Limit Increase for Test Conditions Is Appropriate.Requests NRC Review W/Asme Code Committee ML20005A8971981-06-25025 June 1981 Forwards List of Contentions & ASLB Questions to Be Addressed in Aug & Sept 1981 ML19346A3371981-06-18018 June 1981 Forwards Amend 59 to PSAR ML20004C7521981-05-28028 May 1981 Forwards marked-up Version of Amend 57 to Psar.Mods Were Made as Result of NRC 810511-27 Review Meeting.Amend Is Available in Central Files Only ML20004E1401981-05-26026 May 1981 Confirms Commitment to Install Jetty Sys to Stabilize Bank of Brazos River in Vicinity of Proposed Plant ML20004C6611981-05-26026 May 1981 Forwards Proposed Order of Presentation of Witnesses for Two Wks of June Hearings.Related Correspondence ML19351A1131981-05-18018 May 1981 Expresses Concern Re Const of Facility ML20126L1321981-05-16016 May 1981 Opposes Facility Licensing ML19347F5791981-05-15015 May 1981 Advises That Ebasco Svcs,Inc Will Benchmark Pipe Stress Computer Program Code,Pipestress 2010,against NUREG CR-1677, in Response to NRC Request.Program Will Be Scheduled for Completion Near End of 1983 ML19347F2611981-05-15015 May 1981 Forwards Amend 58 to Facility PSAR ML20008G0811981-05-0505 May 1981 Forwards Proposed Schedule for Presentation of Witnesses for 810511-22 Hearings.Other Parties Concur.Related Correspondence ML19350E9951981-05-0505 May 1981 Forwards Summary of Review of Facility Evacuation Time Estimate Per NUREG-0654,Revision 1.No Permanent Population Data Supplied,Although Used to Make Estimates of Evacuation Vehicles.No Indication of Review by State & Local Officials ML20008G1851981-05-0101 May 1981 Requests That 810511-22,0601-12 Evidentiary Hearings on Health & Safety Issues Be Rescheduled for 810713-17 & 20-24 Subj to ASLB Availability.Lists of Contentions Will Be Provided by 810518 ML20003G9201981-05-0101 May 1981 Forwards Amend 57 to PSAR ML20003E7801981-04-0909 April 1981 Opposes Speedup Given to Licensing Process for Units ML20126H0631981-03-31031 March 1981 Opposes Hastening Licensing Process at Facilities ML20003E6211981-03-30030 March 1981 Advises That Review of Fes Suppl 2 Now Complete.Document Adequately Responds to Comments Issued on Draft Supplemental EIS ML19345G5351981-03-27027 March 1981 Forwards Ltr Advising of Stretchout in Facility Const Schedule Due to Financial Constraints.Urges That ASLB Maintain Proceeding Schedule Consistent W/Decision Date Not Later than Early 1982.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20003D6781981-03-25025 March 1981 Advises NRC That Inservice Dates of Five Planned Generating Units Will Be Delayed Due to Financing Constraints.Allens Creek Facility Will Be Started Up in Mar 1991.Urges NRC to Continue Timely Licensing Support ML20003D6961981-03-25025 March 1981 Informs That NUREG-0470,final Eis,Meets Requirements for Filing Under Section 1506.9 of Ceq Regulations.Notice of Availability Will Be Included in 810327 Fr.Public Review Period Will End on 810511 ML19345G7941981-03-24024 March 1981 Advises That All Correspondence Formerly Sent to EA Turner Should Be Addressed as Indicated.Related Correspondence ML19350C6251981-03-20020 March 1981 Advises That Amend 56 to PSAR Was Filed in Anticipation of Preparation of Testimony Re Health & Safety Issues to Be Tried in May.Testimony Will Relate to Current Design for Plant.Psar Changes Encl.Related Correspondence 1987-08-25
MONTHYEARML20054H7481982-06-19019 June 1982 Forwards Houston Chronicle 820617 Article Re Util Requested Rate Increase.Article Appears Relevant to Ultimate Fate of Plant & Appears to Represent Slight Change from Util Dec 1981 Position on Plant Destiny ML20052F2301982-05-0505 May 1982 Requests ASLB Consider 820429 Findings of Fact Even Though Findings Late.Due Date Misconstrued.Striking Findings Would Be Significant Penalty for Minor Infraction ML20042C6231982-03-25025 March 1982 Explains Problems W/Timing of Filings & Tx Bar Exam ML20040A8681981-10-0404 October 1981 FOIA Request for NRC Reply to Senator L Bentsen Re Status of Facilities ML20010B3621981-08-0303 August 1981 Responds to Telcon Which Reminded of Failure to Encl Notice of Persons Served W/Tx Pirg Supplemental Direct Written Testimony of D Marrack ML19351A1131981-05-18018 May 1981 Expresses Concern Re Const of Facility ML20126L1321981-05-16016 May 1981 Opposes Facility Licensing ML20003E7801981-04-0909 April 1981 Opposes Speedup Given to Licensing Process for Units ML20126H0631981-03-31031 March 1981 Opposes Hastening Licensing Process at Facilities ML20126L5471981-03-12012 March 1981 Opposes Facility Licensing.Addl Info Encl ML19350B7791981-02-26026 February 1981 Requests Evaluation of NRC Ruling & Location Problem Re Facility Proposed Site ML19350A9101981-02-24024 February 1981 Expresses Concern Re Inadequate Evacuation Routes in Houston,Tx Area.Requests That Issue Be Addressed by Initial Licensing Committee ML20003C8271981-02-24024 February 1981 Urges ASLB to Consider Evacuation Problems ML20148U0341981-02-23023 February 1981 Informs That Matl in Util 810128 & 0210 Filings Should Not Be Included in Decision on Consideration of Contentions. Applicant Should Have Filed Matl in Original Motion for Summary Disposition.W/Encls ML20126E8571981-02-10010 February 1981 Forwards Contentions Re NUREG-0470,Suppl 2, Draft Suppl to Fes Re Const of Allens Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1 ML20049A3791981-01-12012 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement ML20002D2131981-01-0808 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Licensing Hearing ML20062L5511981-01-0707 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20002D2121981-01-0505 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Licensing Hearing ML20062L0891981-01-0303 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at 810114 Hearing in Houston,Tx ML20002C1581981-01-0303 January 1981 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at 810114 Hearing in Houston,Tx Re Proposed Facility Operation ML19353A4211981-01-0101 January 1981 Requests Permission to Present Testimony at CP Hearing for Proposed Facility on 810114 at Univ of Houston,Tx ML20002C0561980-12-28028 December 1980 Opposes Facility Operation.No More Pollution Is Needed in Area ML20062K7621980-12-26026 December 1980 Requests to Appear in Afternoon at 810114 Hearing in Houston,Tx ML19340D3831980-12-19019 December 1980 Requests to Make Limited Oral Statement on 810114 or 15 at Univ of Houston,Tx ML20062K7561980-12-19019 December 1980 Requests to Appear for 10 Minutes at NRC 810114 Hearing at Bates College of Law in Houston,Tx ML19343B6901980-12-18018 December 1980 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at Evidentiary Hearings in Houston,Tx ML20002C0591980-12-17017 December 1980 Requests Info Re Public Hearings in Houston,Tx Scheduled for 810114 & 15.Expresses Wish to Make Prepared Statement ML20062K7201980-12-17017 December 1980 Request to Make Limited Appearance Statement at 810114 Hearing in Houston,Tx ML19343B6061980-12-17017 December 1980 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at 810114 Hearings in Houston,Tx ML20062K3211980-12-11011 December 1980 Expresses Desire to Make Limited Appearance Statement During ASLB 810114 Meeting in Houston,Tx ML19343B2651980-12-10010 December 1980 Requests Opportunity to Make Limited Oral Statement on 800114 or 15 at Univ of Houston ML19343B2051980-12-0808 December 1980 Requests Rewording of Applicant & NRC Joint Response to ASLB 801121 Order Re Intervenor Failure to Identify Expert Witnesses.Applicant Has Deposed Many Identified Witnesses ML19345D4561980-12-0808 December 1980 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Statement at CP Hearings at Bates College of Law,Houston,Tx ML19340D3881980-12-0404 December 1980 Requests to Make Limited Appearance Before Commission on 800114 or 15 in Houston,Tx ML19345D4651980-12-0303 December 1980 Opposes Facility Const Because Engineering & Technology Not Equal to Task, & Opposes Owner Company Liability Limits in Event of Major Accident ML19345C2711980-10-29029 October 1980 Requests Info Re Facilities W/Active CPs Pending,License Definitions & Requirements for Floating Nuclear Plants ML19338E6151980-09-25025 September 1980 Requests Notification of Public Hearing on Facility ML20148D9691980-09-0606 September 1980 Comments on Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 51 Re Withdrawal of Proposed Annex to App D of 10CFR50.Commission Has Engaged in Balancing Amount of Delay That Would Be Involved in Adding Review Against Value to Public Safety ML19337A2871980-08-28028 August 1980 Urges ASLBP Not to Consider Applicant 800813 Appeal for Reconsideration of Jan 1981 Hearing Date.Applicant Is Trying to Harass Other Parties & Deny Due Process in Attempt to Rush Hearing ML19281C6301980-08-23023 August 1980 Requests Proposed Wording of 800718 Submittal Be Designated Official Wording of Contentions 6,8,9,14 Which Now Includes 25a & 25b,17,24,27,29,30,32,38b,39 & 42 ML19344D9091980-08-20020 August 1980 Informs of Unanswered Interrogatories Still Under Summary Judgment Attack & Those Unanswered But Not Under Summary Judgment Attack.Related Correspondence ML19344A7221980-08-14014 August 1980 Advises That ASLB 800727 Order Has Not Been Received by Intervenor.Appeal from Order Becomes Untimely ML19331C7091980-08-0101 August 1980 Advises of Desire to Intervene in Proceeding.Urges Consideration of Class 9 Accident ML19330C6601980-07-0909 July 1980 FOIA Request for 64 Documents for Use in Facility Proceeding.Descriptive List Encl ML19321A3711980-06-27027 June 1980 FOIA Request for 20 Documents for Use as Intervenor in Facility Proceeding ML19318A2611980-05-28028 May 1980 FOIA Request for 18 Documents Specifically Identified by Accession Number,Docket Numbers & Brief Description to Aid in Facility Proceeding ML19323G8271980-05-20020 May 1980 Express Concerns Re Exemption of Plants from Environ Impact Consideration on Catastrophic Events ML19316A8091980-05-13013 May 1980 Expresses Concern That Facility Is Not Being Scrutinized for Possible Class 9 Event.Applauds NRC Decision to Consider Class 9 Possibilities Before Licensing New Plants.Same Practice Should Be Applied to Plants W/Pending Applications ML19323E4691980-05-13013 May 1980 Advises That Impact of Class 9 Accident on Houston Area Should Be Considered & Possibility Should Be Disclosed to Public 1982-06-19
[Table view] |
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( gh o[ Peter J. Durkin
, 2 -3' P.O. Box 173 6- # ; Simonton, Texas 77476 4
4 August 3,1979 N e Secretary of the Commission U.S. Regulatory Comission h7?C pgIC Dpc Washington, D.C. 20555 Ig
Dear Sir / Madame:
I am petitioning.to halt the licensing of the Allen's Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Wallis, Texas for the following reasons:
- 1. I live within 10 miles of the proposed location and feel that it is a hazard to life and property.
- 2. There are insufficient provisions for elimination of waste materials from nuclear plants.
- 3. It is too close to one of the largest metropolitan areas, Hooston, Texas. The population in Houston would be exposed to considerable danger if an accident occurred.
- 4. I am opposed to the growth of nuclear energy when there are other options that deserve consideration.
This letter is my first cetition against this plant. I would like to be placed on the mailing list for all future meetings concerning this project. As a local resident I would ask that these meetings be held closer to the site location.
I will look forward to future correspondence concerning this proposed projeet.
0 N y' ',
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105420j 7909298hI7/
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Peter J. Durkin P.O. Box 173 fr O -
Simonton, Texas 77476 f)*h 4 August 3, 1979 N e Secretary of the Comission U.S. Regulatory Comission Washington. 0.C. 20555
Dear Sir / Madame:
I am petitioning to halt the licensing of the Allen's Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Wallis Texas for the following reasons:
- 1. I live within 10 miles of the prcposed location and feel that it is a hazard to life and property.
- 2. There are insufficient provisions for elimination of waste materials from nuclear plants.
- 3. It is too close to one of the largest metropolitan areas, Houston, Texas. The population in Houston would be exposed to considerable danger if an accident occurred.
- 4. I am opposed to the growth of nuclear energy when there are other options that deserve consideration.
This letter is my first petition against this plant. I would like to be placed on the mailing list for all future meetings concerning this project. As a local resident, I would ask that these meetings be held closer to the site location.
I will look forward to future correspondence concerning this proposed project.
]dkI[bLR D Sincer ,
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DCli li'J'sMG - ..
& UTIL. FAc. D 301 g%alic +
Wluiam A. Donnelly, Jr. ~$
'g Damariscotta River Farms
, River Road at McKay .
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Edgecomb, Maine 04556 g C e**
* )*' 4
- 12. August 1979 ,
Dr. Joseph Hendrie Chs.irman , U.S. Nuclear Re6ulatory Co= mission
,#ashington, D.C., 20555
Dear Dr. Hendrie:
A front page news ite= in the 9 August 1979 issue of The Lincoln County News quotes portions of a letter to you requesting extended shutdown of the Maine Yankee Ato'nic power plant.
The news ites apparently identifies Tom Trowbridge as Director of Civilian E=ergency Preparedness in Edgeco:nb; erroneously indicates that Edgecomb has no emergency evacuation plan; and requests the shutdown of Maine Yankee.
The above state =ents are not true.
As you know, CEP is not a political agency; and does not advocate causes. Its purpose at the co: unity level is to act as energency planner and coordinator for local elected officials in ti e of disaster of any kind, whether stor=, nuclear, or other can-made.
Also, the town of Zdgecc:b has had an e=ergency operations plan and an adequate evacuation plan since 1977. The plans are State approved; and are continuously being updated.
Accordingly, we request that you . ignore any reference to the town of Zdgecc b that may be ' contained in the letter to you requesting shutdown of Xaine Yankee Ato:ic.
Since" '-
% = n L ,
William A. Donnelly, Jr./ '
Director, Edgecomb Civil Esergency Preparedness Copies to: The Lincoln County News The Scothbay Register r . Edward G. Stritzky, Director
.v Lincoln County CIP dWA1 1054 203 T rF: m 10 0 sub MjJJUh
co sti Im u2ER ..
ER00. & UTit, FAC. 50- 309.
+ @ fin W1utam A. Donneuy, Jr.
I Damariscotta River Farms @
t River Road at McKay ,
j Edgecomb, Maine 04556 g0 -3 q cQ$ 7/* 4 12 August 1979 ,
Dr. Joseph Hendrie "
Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co= mission Washington, D.C. , 20555
Dear Dr. Hendrie:
A front paSe news ites in the 9 August 1979 issue of The Lincoln County News quotes po"tions of a letter to you requesting extended shutdown of the Maine Ya:nkee Atomic power plant.
The news item apparently identifies Toz Trowbridge as Director of Civilian Esergency Preparedness in Edgecomb; erroneously indicates that Edgeco=b has no e=lergency evacuation plan; and requests the shutdown of Maine Yankee.
The above state =cnts are not true.
As you know, CEP is not a political agency; nnd does not advocate causes. Its purpose at the cc=munity level is to act as e=er6ency planner and coordinator for local elected officials in ti=e of disaster of any kind, whether stor=, nuclear, or other nan-cade.
Also, the town of Edgeco=b has had an emer5ency operations plan and an adequate evacuation plan since 1977 The plans are State approved; and are continuously beiD5 updated.
Accordingly, we request thst you ignore any 2*eference to s
the town of Edgecomb that ay be contained in the letter to you requesting shutdown of Maine Yankee Ato=1c.
Since" Q = n LA ,
William A. Donnelly, Jr./ '
Director, Edgecomb Civil Ehergency Preparedness Copies to: The Lincoln County News The Boothbay Register Mr. Edward G. Stritzky, Director Lincoln County CEP
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In the Yatter of )
Docket Nos. 50-488 g g gjg f 50-489
) 50-490 (Perkins Nuclear Station, )
Thits 1, 2 and 3) )
ORDER GRANTING 1HE NRC STAFF A R1RTHER EXTENSION OF TDE RE INIERVENOR'S MarICN 10 DISMISS On August 15, 1979, the NRC Staff moved for an additional 30 days to respond to Intervenor's Motion to Dismiss this proceeding because of the A plicant's announced deferral of the subject facilities. The untien states that the Applicant and the Intervcnor have no objecticn to the gran=ing of additional time.
The notion is granted.
' Y , Y_he d g Eliz# eth S. Bowers, Cbni m Dated at Bethesda, Maryland this 20th day of August 1979.
[ .t Y "'
% dE c'y h.n In the Matter of )
Docket Nos. 50-488 g g gg f 50-489
(Perkins Nuclear Staticn, 50-490
thics 1, 2 and 3) )
ORDER GRANTING HE NRC STIE A EURIHER EKIENSION 07 TDE RE ETIER'COR'S MarIQi TO DISMISS On August 15, 1979, the NRC Staff moved for an nekHtional 30 days to respond to Intervencr's Motion to Dis =iss this proceeding becatse of the Applicant's announced deferral of the subject facilities. The notion states that the Applicant and the Intervenor have no objecticn to the granting of additicnal time.
The notica is granted.
IT IS SO ORuc e J.
'h Y eeb4 Elirgoeth S. Bowers , Q'ni-m Dated at Bethesda, Maryland this 2Cth day of August 1979.
1054 20%}}