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FOIA Request for Documents Re Safety Aspects of Nuclear Power Plants,Including Fuel Rod Clad Safety,Pressure Suppression Containment Sys,Recirculation Pump Overspeed & ATWS
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 01/02/1980
From: Doherty J
FOIA-80-3 NUDOCS 8003310084
Download: ML19305C563 (3)



                                               - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Director PDR FREEDOM OF INFORMATION office of Administration ACT. REQUEST. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington D. C. 20555 FOl[)-80 _3

Dear Sir or Madam:

M h / c;2-[d Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. E 552, as amended, John F. Doherty, Party-Intervenor in the Construction License Preccedings for the Allens Creek Nuclear Generatina Station, Docket 466, and a private citizen request One following documents concerning several aspects of safety of nuclear power plants, including: a'. Fuel rod clad safety

b. Pressure suppression containment systems
c. Recirculation pump overspeed
d. Anticipated Transient Nithout Scram
e. Steel containment shells
f. Reliability of stand-by emergency generators
g. Emergency sunp pump reliability
h. Adquacy of main steam line radiation monitors
i. Pressure suppr3ssion pool integrity
j. Inadequate rapid fuel failure detection
k. Vanorization rate during ECCS operation
1. Fission product release during various events or accidents
m. Water level indicators
n. Waterhammer induced pipe cracks; which are part of twenty (20) contentions accepted by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for this proceeding.
  .             Is a citizen full party-intervenor, I request a waiver of the copying fee for requested documents. I have participat ed in the proceedings since April, 1979. During that time I                                                       '

have filed ten sets of Interrogatories and the same number of document requests to both the NRC Staff and the utility Applicant. I have filed several procedural motions and testified ten hours at the Special Pre-hearin6 conference in October, ' 979 Mr. Steven Sobinki, Counsel for the Staff may verify these statements for you. He may be re-ached at 492-7268. Further, that I am not a recipient of funds to carry on such work. I have received less than 1500 to carry out research on the status of problem; listed cbove. I am a law student, not currently employed, and with little~ available time for that if I as to participate meaning-fully in these proceedings. Therefore, the documents and other itecs requested below are to be used in preparation for a Commission oroceeding, and I request waiver of the usual copying fee for their duplication. E I

                                                                                                 *      "#9O                      Y y           ,y-w eg.,h m e.e-g e                          **

_- I

  .   . _ .

, ! . USHR0 naport PNL-2494, undocketed, " Data Roport for tha t j f HRC/PHL Halden Assembly IFA 231", C.R. Hann, et al, April,


1978 (number of pages unknown) l ' i ) . Docket 50-266 (Point Beach '!uclear Plant I or IT) Letter, S. 3urnstein (disconsin Electric) to B. Rusche (URC) of 12/3C/75, "LER 50-266/75-13, " Failed Fuel Assembly D-05" (nuaber of pages unknown) .

              .        Letter from Harold Denton (Office of nuclear Reactor Regulation) to G. Sherwood (General Electric Corp.), expressing concerns rersrding aoproach to 1.TdS as set forth in RUREG-0460, Date of letter: August i, 1978.            (length of letter unknown)

Note this may be in Docket pSTN-50-550, GESSAR-BOP,or undocketed)

              .        Letter from 3. 2. Ross (URC to G. Sherwood (General Electric) of Msrch 11, 1975, regarding fuel damage acceptability during ATdS (Tenrth of letter unknown) (Note: this :ty be in STU 50-550, (GESSAR-33P), or undocketed)
               .        7?O6290175 Summary of ACRG Sub-coamittee on ECOS 790116 reeting in Jashington D. C. re: Issues related to ECOS 79/03/07,(20 pages) Undocketed.
                 .       79051u0169 Comaen;s on water reantro saf aty progran. . .understan-din ~ cf fuel failure needed. J. 52nirie , author.              (9pages) Undocketed 1
                 .       7935140392 Fo          arding letter with recort UZDE 21,983P "Submerced             '

structures Model, Main Vent Air Discharges,"Sobon, Gen. Electric (Undocketed, 5 pages)



                 .       79052E3348        Discusses Liebnitz rule simplification & high heat                 I transfer in     LOCA models. Demonstrates G. E. conservative in peak clad temp. Stro;pe, Gen. Elec. Author, ( Undock eted,11 pages)
                 .       7905230c49 Discus?es rev. of ATUS suo71 UUREG-0460, and that risk estinates cannot be inproved. Buhl, A. R. URC. (Undocketed 2 pages)
                 .       79352a0355 "BdR blowioi*n/ ECO Procran, Monthly Progress Rept.

for Mar. 1979." 3urnette, G. .l . of Gen. Elec. (Undocketed, 6 cages)

                 .       79052t3990 Recue.?t additional info to canalete reveiw of C332 21,321 "B'dR Feedwater Jozzle/ Scarger" Eisenhut (KRO)

(Uni : c'.:s t e ' , 2 cares)

                  .      Noc]53??c, " Orac .: .rrec; ' ethodolo[ y " .;onthly          Procress Rept Ros e- f ell, 3:;I, auth.       (Undocketed, 2 pp)

I mb ! c) a3 p mi i diuu atd(!M! b

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w x ma . i $ , . . , ,

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f, 7 , , !

                                                                                   ..       mw.,,.
         - 7908200385 Undocketed, 79/09/10, 3 pgefInspaction &.Enforsc=fdhtt.'? "'

Circular " Proper Installation of Tar 6ct-Rock Safety-R31ief;Vglvda.l'


7909200004, Undocketed, Rept. June,, 1979. 79/07/31, 68.pages " LOFT Mon'thUy[Progrd'ss ..- l 4 , d ;.!.' ';; 1 4 5. i


s 7909270424, Undocketed, 79/08/25 1 '0 pages,"Applicati'obhf M J,7 Internal Friction Hondestructive Evaluation Techniquerfor W N ^ Detecting Incipient Oracking of Bypass Lines & Pipesin. BWRs.; . 7909270564 Undocketed, "BdR Blowdown / Emergency Core Cooling Program ' Monthly Progress Rept." (R pcges). 7907090244 , buc.; ling criteriafor free-standing containments. (8 pagesUndocke 7907050350, Undocketed, Summary of ACRS meeting on ODYN code (2 pages 79/05/01

                                                                                               ,.: .

7907020465 Su, ary of AORS meeting 79/01/31 with various utilities. and vendors in Washington D. C. re: ATWS for 7.WRS (38 pages)3 7907200512, Undocketed, S. H. Hanauer, TMI-2 Unresolved Safety Issues 79/07/06 Incluice unresolved ACRS questions re BWRs. (12 cares). 7907120686, undocketed, Office of Inspection and Enforcement 79/05/29; IE Info Notice 79-13 " Indication of Low Water Level in 0ytter Creek Reactor. (9 nages).


7907060324, nondocketed, Results of comparisons of two-loop test annaratus and cladiing temperature with models ( 4 pages) 7907250254, nondocketed, Further clarification of information from tw: loop test apparatus 79/07/20 (3 pages)



          ?QO21402a5, Docket 50-498, South Texas Pro.iect. In opposition to intrastate only operation. (2 pages)                                       -


         ?902120200, Docket CD-5R6, Black Fox . "Methodolo                                                     .

re: Multinle Safety Relici '/alve Acutation. " (gy to be used .- 4


3 pages)_ i 70?O10134, non-docketed; Rept. aresented to 6th water reactor safety research meeting titled " Pump Oversjeed Results" (1 page)  ;

________________ f I annreciate your attention and effort in behalf of this recuest. Please return this list if possibl3 to me. If there -j are any cuestions or other needs, Mr. Schinki, may be able to tesist you, as we are in frecuent contact.


Eincerelv i


h v ( 4ohn F. Loherty

                               ,             _ -.  ...



s ,. ,4-a-tor 02fice of Administration FREEDOM OF INFORMATION U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ACI REQUESI ..

            'Jashing:on D. C. 20555                          go7A.Pd-[

Jear Sir or Madam: gg /-[[d Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. E 552, as amended, John F. Doherty, Party-Intervenor ' in the Construction License Preccedings for the Allens - Creek Kuclear Generatina Station, Docket 466, and a private citizen request che following documents concerning several aspects of safety of nuclear power plants, including:

a. Fuel rod clad safety
b. Pressure suppression containment systems
c. Recirculation pump overspeed
d. Anticipated Transient iithout Scram
e. Steel containment shells
f. Reliability of stand-by emergency generators
5. Emergency sump pump reliability
h. Adquacy of main steam line radiation monitors
i. Pressure suppr3ssion pool integrity
                  .j . Inadequate rapid fuel failure detection
                  %. Vacorization rate during ECCS operation
1. Fission product release during various events or accidents
m. 'iater level indicators n te
n. daterhnmmer induced pipe cracks; 7

P'pt f a[gd;d which are part of twenty (20) .ontentions accepted by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for this proceeding. Is a citizen full party-intervenor, I request a waiver of the ccpying fee for requested documents. I have participat ed in the proceedings since April, 1979 During that time I have filed ten sets of Interrogatories and the same number of document requests to both the NRC Staff and the utility


ipplicant. I have filed several procedural motions and testified ten hours at the Special Pre-hearing conference in October, '979 Mr. Steven Schinki, counsel for the Staff may verify these statements for you. He may be re-ached at 492-7265. Further, that I am not a recipient of funds to carry en such work. I have received less than 0500 to carry out research on the status of problems listed cbove. I am a la;; student, not currently employed, and with little available time for that if I am to participate meaning-full ~ in these proceedings. Iherefore, the documents and other items requested below are to be used in preparation for a Commission rroceeding, and I request waiver of the usual copying fee for their duplication.




l \ '1

   % -

7901090086 Raport by J B Murfin on core aeltdown, LVIR fuel rod behavior, etc. Und,a'mena_ (20 pages)

 ,        7901100032 Suanar      of Hon destructive oxamination

/ Review croup neetinC of 1'f19/76. Undoaketaa (7 pages) 7901150005 Undocketed. Discusses state of fire protection Importance o; 'rlame retardant coating on cables. (4 pages) 7901120227 Unenc? meet.. Review of UZD021,052 " Max Discharge of Liquid-Vapor Mixtures from Vessels. Eis hut (NRC) (12 nages) Discussion of the caended apolication for the Allens Creek Hucle'ar Generatine Station, Unit 1 at the 217th ACRS meeting held May See Docket 50 uC6, or ACRS files. 4 - 5,)1978.. (Length unknown Letter from G. G. dherucod (General Electric) to H. C. Mosely (HRC) of Oct. 11, 1977in Docket ST" 50-531, or STU 50-522. (Lenchh unknown) Meno for 3.D. Stolrenberg, (LEO) to Gary L. 5ennett (URC, Of fice of Huclear 2e7ulatory Research) " Safety and Relief Valve Operation". Un'iocketed,(len:th unknown) 7902230052 Do-k,t 52: 50-4h7, GESSAR-238, Forwardin- letter for Gen. Electric *_ocuement: "Interin 2 rect. on Containment Leads for Mar': III Containment" Undoc'teted (2 pages) 7901290330 3uarar of 790012 neetin:; held wi th consultants and L'.!R fuel ve'. dors re nrorress on fuel iacace technical assistance, (26 pa6es) 7932010051 Undecke:ed. Renort at 6th water carety research Itc.

             "Results or the d2 "uclear Tests on the Behavior of Zircaloy Olad Fuel Eads." (43 pa:es) 7902010005. Uni ," tea. "c, ort at 6th waster safety research Mtg.
               "Incer Jurface ~.xidation of Jircalon Oladding in a LOCA (14 pages)

________________ I anoreciate vour attancion aa6 e_Jort in behalf of this recuest. 51 case return this list if possible to me. If there are an~ nestions or other needs, Mr. Schinki, may be aSle to assist au, as te are in frecuent contact. Ji,cere17,

                                                          - m/$
->hn 5. Dcherty
327 '_lconbury Lane 93 Houston, Texas 97021 o - -. -
                                                                *-     4       ..   . JJ
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                        .     .

b-) January 8, 1979 bI

           .    ..

Director .. . . FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Office of Administration L. c. u.nclear Regulatory Oommission ACT REQUEST Washington D. C. 20555 FOTA-f0-/1

Dear Sir or Madam:

480 d /-//-fd


Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. E 552, as amended, John F. Doherty, Party-Intervenor in the Construction License Preccedines for the Allens Creek Nuclear Generatinc Station, DocEet 466, and' a private citizen request the following documents concerning several aspects of safety of nuclear power plants, including:

a. Fuel rod clad safety
b. Pressure suppression containment systems
c. Recirculation pump overspeed
d. Anticipated Transient 'iithout Scram NOTE: THE REQUESTED
e. Steel containment shells DOCUMEUTS ARE CH
f. Reliability of stand-by emergency generators THE SECOUD
g. Emergency sump pump reliability PAGE.
h. Adquacy of main steam line radiation monitors
i. Pressure suppr3ssion pool integrity
j. Inadequate rapid fuel failure detection
k. Vacorization rate during ECOS operation
1. Fission product release during various events or accidents
c. Water level indicators
n. daterhanmer induced pipe cracks; which are part of twenty (20) contentions accepted by the Atocic Safety and Licensing Board for this proceeding.

Is a citizen full party-intervenor, I request a waiver of the copying fee for requested documents. I have participat ed

                    ~in the proceedings since April, 1979. During that time I have filed ten sets of Interrogatories and the same number of dccument requests to both the HRC Staff and. the utility 1;plicant. I have filed several procedural motions and testified ten hours at the Special Pre-hearing conference in Oc:cber, '979     Mr. steven Schinki, counsel for the Staff may verify these statements for you. He may be re-Eched at.a92-7268.

t l Further, that I am not a recipient of funds to carry l on such work. I have received 1 ss than 5500 to carry out research on the status of problems listed cbove. I am a law student, not currently employed, and with little available time for that if I as to participate meaning-ful17 in these proceedings. Therefore, the documents and other items requested below are to be used in preparation for a Commission croceeding, and I request waiver of the usual copying fee for their duplication. h


rwess! l

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gr ' FOIA

           '            79052$0053 Undocketed. "BWR Blowdown / Emergency Control Ctr."
      /                      Frocran Hansa_y rrog. Rept. 4/79

(29 Pages.) l

/                       7?O5210027 Undocketed. Notif. of 6/22/79 meeting Fuel Behavior Hesearca uranan or URO and JAZRI for info on codes and claddin- (5 pages) 7?05040178 Undocketed. Reply by General Electri'c to recommendations fror TM1 inc1:euc. (17 pages) 7905130309 "Chan es to Return Line to Reactor Vessel Control Eod Driveline".      Undockened. (8 pages) 7905240227 Docket 50 166 Allens Creek. Response to recuest to suspend fccility CP.          (13 pages) 7905:20328 Un' o ar ed Discuccion of LOCA evc1 model of General Electric, s' news peak clad temo will be less (11 pages) 7905030340,?1-4-< a"aa Jescribe              Mark _ III test of pressur sunpes-ion test facilit t-3Eries 6002 & 6003 (17 pages)
                          ~905110116     Letter from Gen. Electic re: ODYK code evaluation Undocketed. (5 Pages) 905140274 l'niocketed. General Electirc letter supplying additional infor ation on the two loop test anparatus requested by the .RO. ( 2 paces) 79320'0085      Undocketed. R2 cort at 5th water safety research Mtg.
                              "Ziraaloy Jiastic- Zabrittlement, Recomoended Oriteria" (20 pages) 7902140059 Undocketed.          " Water 2eactor Safety Research Heat 2ransfer -ii7.ti" hts". Monthl" Frt:ress Rept.              (14 pages) 7932250376 Un' o c ': s t ed . 3uanary of purce systens for. . .BWRs

currenti- unter review. (3 pages) _________ 1 aopreciate your attention and effort in behalf of this r3tuest. Please retura thin list if possible to ce. If th3re are an- uestionn er othar needs, .:r. 3chinki, may

e able to assist au, as we are in fracuent contact.

J' cerely,

                                                                       /+    ', ' Ski  ,

eohn F. Doherty 4327 '.lconbur r Lane T.'3 4 Houston, Texas 7702" L


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f] t/ y - J . _


January 21, 1980 4327 Alconbury Lane #3 Houston, Texas 77021 Director ( FREEDOM OF INFORMATION office of Administration ACI REQUESI U. S. Nuclear Re platory Commission ilashington, D. C. 20555 ggg , Dear Sir or Madam /2gg /g /-g.g Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U. S. C. s 552, as amended, John F. Doherty, Party-Intervenor in the Construction '.icense Proceedin::s for the Allens Creek


Nuclear Generatine Etation, Docket 50-466, and a private citizen requests the documents listed on the following naces. The documents concern several aspects,of safety of nuclear power plants which he has raised in those proceedings, and have been accepted by the Atomic Safety and Licensin5 Board. As a citicen, full party-inte nenor, I request a waiver of the copyinc fee for requested documents. I have participated in the proceedings cince April,1979 During that time I have filed ten sets of Interrogatories and the same number of document request to both the HRC staff and the utility, Applicant. I have filed several procedural motionsand testified ten h)urs at the special cre-hearing conference in October, 1979 Mr. Steven M. 3ohini:i, Counsel for :GC Staff may verify these state-ments for you. He may be reached at 492-7268.. Further, I am not a recinient of funds to carry on such wor':. I have recieved less than 900 to carry out research on the ststus of nroblems listei above. I an a law student, not currently employed, and with little available time for that if I am to participate meaning-fulle i" these proceedings. Iherefore, the .locuments and other items rec.uested b elo .- are to be used in orecaration for a Commission "receedinr, and I re uest uaiver of the usual copying


fee for their duplication.. y% 6 Sh o D

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7903060570 Undocketed.. On steam generatoiwater: ha..mmer...s

                                                                                                   .::r.;;;;(2?pages)1',,c, /.E'..                           ,
                                                           ; ,: i .
                                                                                   ..:   .       ?;W.yw                            .a:te: w 3 7903070261 Undoeketed. Meeting) on 'Hatcht-II, inlet safe ends. ( 4 pas:es                                -                  ,*              recii'culati~on?


                                                                                                                         - "-                 -

D'* -

                                                                                                   .:              ,-        M              ,

7903130255 Undocketed. " Structural Integirt Pressure Soundary Conconents" (12 pages)y of Water' Reactor-  !



                                                                                                      .                     .

7903'305'!6 asse=blyUndocketed. response during Memorandum LOCA. (12onpages meeting) on mechanical fuel. 7903'40630 Undocketed. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation memo on core celt forcasts and the Lewis Rept (HUREG-0400 (17 pagesD 7903150032 3'JR 31owdown/ Eco Program, prorress report (11 pages) Undockete

   '790300029'7 Undocketed. Resoonse to AWS sub comm. re: reactor ris'    :stimates (otthor: R. Mattson, NRC) (21 pages) 7903?0059: Un:l o cket ed. Coabustion Engeneering Co. response on nump overspeeds.                (4 paces)

KRC Inspection andEnforcecont Bulletin 78-03 of 2/8-78, titled:

       " Potential Exulosive Gas Mixture Accumulation Associated with 3 TR Offgas System Onerations, Do 9:et Unknown, Length Unknown.

URC .{e=orandum from E. D. itolzenberg (URC) to Gary. L. Bennatt, (ERC Office of Euclear Regulatory Research) titled: " Safe.ty and Relief Valves", Len.~th Unknown. Docket unknown. May, 1979 Docket g 40-466, t.llen S Creek, Letter from Houston Lighting & Power to URO furnishin~ information about modifications to the reactor overpreesure protectio.n. .. . system, April 9,1975 I amr 'iote Tour attention and effort in behalf of thic request. Please return this list if oossible to ca. If there are anv uencica or other need, Mr. Sohinki, may be able to assist you, as we are in fre uent contact. Sincerely, b ! John F. Doherty 4327 Alcoubury Lane #3 Houston, Texas 77021 Ahl


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