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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IR 05000335/201000717 November 2010Summary of Public Regulatory Performance Meeting with Florida Power and Light Company to Discuss Corrective Actions Associated with the Yellow Finding That Was Documented in the NRC Inspection Report IR 05000335-10-007Significance Determination Process
Operability Determination
ML01019004716 January 200111/29/00 Summary of License Renewal Meeting Between the NRC and the NEI License Renewal Working Group; ANO-1 SNC for Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 and for FPL for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4
ML02025034017 January 2002Meeting Summary of January 15, 2002 Re Spent Fuel Storage
ML0210705248 April 2002Attachments 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 for April 8, 2002 Meeting with NEI, Florida Power and Light Company (Fpl), Virginia Electric and Power Company (Vepco), Duke Energy Corporation (Duke), Exelon Generation Company (Exelon), & Omaha Public Power DisAging Management
ML02113013022 April 2002Meeting Summary with Nuclear Energy Institute (Nei), Florida Power & Light Company (Fpl), Virginia Electric and Power Company (Vepco), Duke Energy Corporation (Duke), Exelon Generation Company (Exelon), and Omaha Public Power District (OPPDAging Management
ML02136014516 May 2002Training Managers Conference Meeting Summary of 04/25 - 26/02
ML02143056223 May 2002Meeting Summary with Florida Power & Light Co Re 2001 Steam Generator Inspection Activities at St. Lucie, Unit 1
ML02149023324 May 2002Meeting Summary with FPL Regarding St. Lucie, Unit 2 Steam Generator Operational Assessment
ML02172039824 May 2002Summary of Conference Call with Florida Power & Light Co (Fp&L) Re FP&L Response to NRC Bulletin 2001-001 for St.Lucie, Units 1 & 2 & Turkey Point Units 3 & 4Boric Acid
ML0221802205 August 200207/23/2002, Summary of License Renewal Meeting Between NRC Staff, Nuclear Energy Inst. (NEI) & Utilities to Discuss Status of License Renewal ActivitiesAging Management
License Renewal
Power Uprate
ML0227404655 February 2002ARB Meeting Summary
ML02295001922 October 2002Summary of Conference Call with Florida Power & Light Co Re Risk Informed Relief RequestLarge early release frequency
ML03013000213 January 2003Summary of 12/11/02, Meeting with Florida Power & Light to Discuss Spent Fuel Pool Related Submittals for Turkey Point, Units 3 & 4 and St. Lucie, Units 1 & 2
ML0306602194 March 2003Public Meeting Summary - Category 1 Meeting Plant Radiation Program Status Meeting - St. Lucie Nuclear Plant, Docket Nos. 50-335 & 50-389
ML03079015920 March 2003Meeting Summary with Duke Power and Florida Power & Light Co. on Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex for McGuire and Turkey Point
ML03084032421 March 2003Meeting Summary with FPL to Discuss Upcoming St.Lucie Unit 2 Outage Activities
ML03113072622 April 2003Draft Response to Open Items with Attachment 1 St. Lucie, Units 1 & 2 - Enclosure 3 to 03/05/2003 Summary of Meeting Dated 04/22/2003Boric Acid
Non-Destructive Examination
Aging Management
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
Stress corrosion cracking
License Renewal
Fire Protection Program
Dissimilar Metal Weld
ML03120028130 April 2003Summary of Meeting with Florida Power and Light Company to Discuss Relaxation Request for St. Lucie Plant Unit No. 2Nondestructive Examination
ML03174021323 June 2003Summary of Conference Call with Florida Power and Light Co. Regarding the 2003 Steam Generator Inspections (Tac No. MB8134)
ML03240059425 August 2003June 10-11, 1997, Summary of NRC Senior Management Meeting to Review Performance of Operating Nuclear Power Plants and Materials Facilities Licensed by Nrc. Partially Withheld
ML04210026523 July 200407/19-20/2004 Summary of Meeting with Florida Power and Light Co Regarding St. Lucie, Unit 2, Steam Generator Tube Plugging and Reload Methodolgy
ML04232012528 July 2004Summary of Meeting with Florida Power & Light and FPL Energy to Discuss Current Site Performance and Strategic Issues
ML0434300878 December 2004Public Meeting Summary - Category One Engineering Status Meeting - St Lucie Nuclear Plant and Turkey Point Nuclear Plant
ML05110000319 April 2005Summary of Category One Public Management Meeting to Discuss Results of Florida Power and Light'S Evaluation of Plant Challenges, Secondary Equipment Maintenance Issues and Performance Improvement Initiatives Relating to Cross-Cutting Aspe
ML05146056710 June 2005Summary of with St Lucie, Unit 2, Proposed Increase in Steam Generator Tube Plugging Limit
ML0517405167 July 2005Summary of Public Meeting with FPL Regarding Alternate Source Term Amendment Requests
ML05214059815 August 2005Meeting with Florida Power and Light Company Regarding Proposed St. Lucie, Unit 2 Steam Generator Tube Plugging Limit
ML05293003928 October 2005Meeting with Florida Power and Light, Proposed Amendment for Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex Remedy (TAC Mc 8424 and TAC Mc 8425)
ML0530504322 November 2005Meeting with FPL Re St. Lucie Unit 2 Sgtp Limit Increase by TS 3.2.5 Change
ML06047003923 February 2006Summary of Public Meeting with Florida Power and Light Company Regarding Proposed Submittal to Adopt a Common Quality Assurance Topical Report Format
ML06125026011 May 2006Summary of Public Meeting with Florida Power and Light St Lucie, Unit 2 Steam Generator Tube Inspection for the Cycle 16 Refueling Outage
ML06144056723 May 2006Public Meeting Summary - Category One Annual Assessment Meeting
ML0620602553 August 2006Letter SG Inspection Conference CallStress corrosion cracking
ML0621305671 August 2006Summary of 07/19 - 07/20/2006 Meeting - 2006 Initial Exam Development WorkshopJob Performance Measure
ML06296040823 October 2006Public Meeting Summary - Category One Regulatory Conference Meeting for Turkey Point Nuclear Plant
ML0701201198 January 2007Summary of Meeting with Florida Power and Light Co., on Adoption of Alternate Source Term for the St. Lucie Nuclear Plant
ML07043023712 February 2007Summary of Category One Public Management Meeting Regarding Status of the Licensee'S Corrective Actions on the Turkey Point Substantive Cross-Cutting Issue
ML07124009713 June 200704/17-18/2007 Summary of Meeting Regarding Formal Consultation Under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act Regarding Operation of the St. Lucie Nuclear Power PlantBiofouling
ML07253061421 September 2007Public Meeting Summary on the Reactor Oversight ProcessTime of Discovery
Enforcement Discretion
Significance Determination Process
Power change
ML07299005825 October 2007Meeting Summary - Category One Management Meeting to Discuss the Status of Corrective Program Improvements on the Turkey Point Substantive Cross-cutting Issue
ML07340005623 April 200704/17-18/2007 Draft Summary of Meeting Regarding Formal Consultation Under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act Regarding Operation of St. LucieBiofouling
ML0832502332 December 2008Summary of Public Meeting with Operators of Vogtle Units 1 & 2, San Onofre Units 2 & 3, St. Lucie Unit 1, Turkey Point Unit 3, Indian Point Units 2 & 3, Nuclear Energy Institute, and Alion Science and Technology
ML09124037727 May 2009Summary of April 24, 2009 - Category 1 Meeting with Florida Power & Light, Turkey Point, to Discuss Proposed Alternative Source Term License Amendment RequestPower Uprate
ML09132011112 May 2009Meeting Summary, Category 3 Open House Annual Assessment Meeting - Turkey Point Nuclear PlantOpen House
ML09132014112 May 2009Summary of Category 3 Open House Meeting with Florida Power & Light Co., to Discuss Annual Assessment of St. Lucie Nuclear PlantOpen House
ML09238039226 August 200908/11-12/2009-Summary of Meeting Re 2009 Us NRC Initial Exam Development Workshop
ML0924300384 September 2009Summary of Meeting with Florida Power & Light Company on Upcoming Extended Power Uprate SubmittalEnvironmental Justice
ML09244047911 September 2009Summary of Conference Call with Florida Power & Light, to Discuss Generic Letter 2004-02, Potential Impact of Debris Blackage on Emergency Recirculation During Design Basis Accidents at Pressurized-Water Reactor, Responses
ML0930902705 November 2009Summary of Public Meeting with Florida Power and Light Company to Discuss Processes for Addressing Employee Concerns
ML0930902745 November 2009Summary of Public Meeting with Florida Power and Light Company to Discuss Processes for Addressing Employee Concerns. Slides (Enclosure 2)