ML12277A025 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Harris |
Issue date: | 11/02/2012 |
From: | Billoch-Colon A Plant Licensing Branch II |
To: | |
Billoch-Colon, Araceli | |
References | |
TAC ME9475 | |
Download: ML12277A025 (4) | |
Carolina Power &Light Company FACILITY:
Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1
OF OCTOBER 2,2012, MEETING WITH DUKE ENERGY TO DISCUSS NONCONSERVATIVE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST (TAC NO. ME9475) On October 2,2012, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff conducted a public conference call with Carolina Power and light Company (the licensee), doing business as Duke Energy, at NRC Headquarters, 11555 Rockville Pike, One White Flint North, Rockville, Maryland.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss three nonconservative license amendment requests (LARs) for Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, regarding the loss-of-offsite power (LOOP) voltage limits, the degraded grid voltage timing relay setpoint and the emergency diesel generator (EDG) voltage limits. To facilitate discussion, the licensee provided a slide presentation (see Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession No. ML12277A027).
DISCUSSION During the conference call, the licensee and the NRC staff discussed the background and the bases for the three LARs, the licensee's planned approach and the licensee's schedule to submit the LARs to the NRC. The licensee described that the LOOP power voltage set point LAR will require changes to Technical Specification (TS) 3.3.2.b "Engineered Safety Actuation System Instrumentation" Setpoints Table 3.3.-4, Functional Unit 9.a "Loss-of-Offsite Power" trip setpoint from the allowable value of 4830 volts to 5310 volts. The licensee indicated that the basis for the LAR is to account for the 75 percent motor rated voltage and the voltage loss from the bus to the motor terminals.
The proposed submittal date for this LAR is October 31,2012. Regarding the degraded grid voltage timing relay setpoint LAR, the licensee described that the LAR will request changes to TS 3.3.2.b Setpoints Table 3.3.-4, Functional Unit 9.b "Loss-of-Offisite Power" trip setpoint from the allowable value of 18 seconds to approximately 11 seconds. The licensee indicated that the basis for the LAR is to incorporate the guidance in the Regulatory Issue Summary 2011-12 "Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution System Voltages" to support the design basis accident timeline.
The proposed submittal date for this LAR is November 30, 2012. The licensee also indicated that the EDG voltage setpoint LAR will require changes to the allowable TS "Electrical Power Sources" setpoint value of 6900 volts plus or minus 690 volts to an allowable TS value of 6900 volts plus or minus 276 volts. The licensee described that the basis for the LAR is to support safety related equipment performance.
The proposed submittal date for this LAR is February 28, 2013. The NRC staff indicated to the
-licensee that the relationship between the voltage and the frequency of the safety related equipment should be included in the LAR. The licensee indicated that based on the staff comments, the LAR submittal may be delayed from February 28, 2013, to a later date. No commitments or regulatory decisions were made by the NRC staff during the meeting. Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-3302 or at
Sincerely, Araceli T. Billoch Col6n, Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch 11-2 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No.
List of cc w/encl: Distribution via Listserv LIST OF ATTENDEES OCOTBER 2. 2012. MEETING WITH DUKE ENRGY SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 NONCONSERVATIVE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUESTS U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Jessie F. Quichocho James Andersen Araceli T, Billoch Col6n Sergiu Basturescu Roy Matthew Gurcharan Matharu Patrick Lessard Joseph Austin Duke Energy John Caves Marl Grantham Ryan Kruse Brian Mayall Vinod Puri Dean Tibbitts Grer Kilpatrick Alan Morisi Paul Gaffney Jim Deitrick Roger Duval licensee that the relationship between the voltage and the frequency of the safety related equipment should be included in the LAR. The licensee indicated that based on the staff comments, the LAR submittal may be delayed from February 28, 2013, to a later date. No commitments or regulatory decisions were made by the NRC staff during the meeting. Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-3302 or at
Sincerely, IRA! Araceli T. Billoch Col6n, Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch 1/-2 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No.
List of cc w/encl: Distribution via Distribution:
PUBLIC Lp12-2 R/F RidsNrrDorlLpl2-2 RidsNrrPMShearonHarris RidsNrrLABClayton RidsAcrsAcnw_MailCTR RidsOgcRp RidsRgn2MailCenter TWertz. NRR SKennedy.
EDO EGuthrie.
RII JRobinson.
NRR RidsNrrDeEeeb SBasturescu, NRR RMathew. NRR GMatharu.
NRR RidsNrrDssSnpb TRoss. RII HBarrett, NRR PLessard.
RII JAustin. RII ADAMS Accession Nos.: Package ML12277A023 Notice ML12249A170 (Original)
ML12261A099 S ummary ML12277A025 srd I es ML OFFICE LPL2-2/PM LPL2-21LA LPL2-21BC(A)
LPL2-21PM NAME ABiliochCol6n BClayton JQuichocho ABillochCol6n DATE 10/31/12 10/31/12 11/1112 11/2/12 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY