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Project Rept for Dec 1984.
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1984
Shared Package
ML18037A112 List:
NUDOCS 8501250085
Download: ML18037A113 (80)


4pv', V~1 es f P g;o Hive Mille Point U~B 2 DEC 1984 850i250085 850ii7 PDR ADOGK 05000410 R eOR




A.Project Director 1l The Project this period earned 0.8%to-end 1984 at a cumulative 83.49 percent complete.The earning of 0.8%, for thi s month against a planned percent complete of progress of 1.19%was disappointing.

It should be recognized that this reporting period included Thanksgiving week and even though the Project anticipated some loss of production, the loss was more sever e than expected.Anticipated construction turnovers to Preliminary Test did not materialize, and lack of testing progress contributed to.this month's shortfall.

The Project has established a"War Room" to be used as a focal point for rapid elimination of restraints which are holding up system completion and release.The Project i s estimating that the Integrated Flush/RPV Hydro Milestone is currently 2-3 weeks behind schedule.Due to the close coordination and cooperation between Construction and Startup and Test, required work activities are proceeding at a rate which provides encouragement that the start of the Integrated Systems Flush can still be accom lished on schedule.Johnson Control s producti on impro ved si gni f i cantly during December while L.K.Comstock's positive conduit and conduit support production continued.

In general, SWEC force account work continues to support Project pri ori ties.ITT Grinnel 1 pl armed production fell bel ow expectation.

The shift from bulk construction to that work required to support the Startup and Test schedule intensified this month.The Project awaits the INPO final report to be released in January 1985.The Project will be in position to respond to the INPO audit evaluation in a rapid and positive manner.The NRC completed its Construction Team Inspection (CTI)on December 14th.Initial indications give cause to appraise the inspection as a positive indication of Project improvements since the CAT.The Project is currently awaiting the issuance by the NRC of the final inspection report.Engineering demonstrated good progress in the Equipment gualification, Design Verification and Licensing efforts.Continued engineering schedule adherence is anticipated.

The Project expended$674.7 million of the$675.0 million forecasted for 1984.A reevaluation of the required cash fl ow for 1985 i s underway.In general 1984 was a year of tremendous Project challenges:

the Project moved from bulk construction to near term intensified support of the turnover process;the assignment of a new management team;and the development of corrective actions required by the CAT audit.It is satisfying that the actions taken in the area of quality including establishment of new programs such as the gPMP and equality First Program appear to have been successful.

The Project realizes that the plan of 1985 is achievable but difficult.

The Project Director believes the management team has the capability to drive the Project to this schedule as all Project resources are organized to support and sustain the Startup and Test p'o gram.



B.Mana er Quali Assurance-Projects The review of In-Place safety related items, materials, components, etc., that have been accepted by the contractor's QC organization has been completed.

The results are presently being evaluated by Engineering and QA.The Independent Assessment Team has completed its review of completed CAT Action Plans, NRC deficiencies identified in the SALP Report, and NMPC/Contractor identified deficiencies.

The final Report is expected to be issued in early 1985.The NRC Construction Team Inspection was concluded on December 16, 1984.The Team Leader presented the preliminary finding at the exit meeting.Thirteen open items were identified with two preliminarily classified as violations.

The potential violations relate to storage and maintenance and a welding deficiency in an instrument tube support.The final report is due in January or early February.

PROJECT PERCENT COMPLETE SUNNARY TABLE DEC 84 ATE 16-Der-84 sPERCENT t ITEN sQF TOTALsPERCENT (PROJECT tCONPLETEs CUMN INC s t tACTUAL PERCENT ss CONPLETE I INC I CUMM I PLANNED PERCENTs COMPLETE I 1 ENERGI ZAT ION 4160 V i 2 DIESEL GENXREL.TEST INT.FLUSHXRPV HYDRO 4 T GLINT VAC PULL 5 VENTILATION i 6 INTEGRATED LEAK RATE 7 RADWASTE SYSTEN 8 FUEL RECEIPT t LOSS QF POWER/ECCS 10 FUEL LOAD 11 FUEL LOAD TO C.O.a~0~17.3s 0.l.0~0.49/63/09%50/95/24/34/75/01/50/50/98.73~88.82~74.56~70.58.71~66~0.37/e I 56%t 19/t 41/I 56/s 97/t 29/s 25%t 16/t 68/t 00%t I 2.45%0.46/15.07/2.88/2.95/0.14/0.94/0.44/2.14/1.67/0.OOX 0.00/'0.00/t I 0.12/s t.00/st 0.02/tt 0.00/st 0.01%t s.00/t t 0.01/t s 0.01/I t 0 00/t'~0.15.2~ 45/t 53/t 32/t 89/s 95/t 14%>>93%s 44%t 15/s 64/s 00/.'00/I 0.00/t 0.39%s 0.Oi/t 0.00%'.00/I 0.00/t 0.00/s 0.00%s 0.01%t 0.00/t i SUBTOTAL II.CONSTRUCTION CONM.L 1 PIPING 2 ELECTRICAL I 5 C 4 HVAC 5 CIVIL i SUBTOTAL III.STARTUP u~.TEST COMN.~~V.ENGINEERING t 1 DESIGN VERIFICATION 2 EQUIP.QUAL IF I CAT ION LICENSING 4 SUPPORT OF STARTUP 5 BAL QF ENGINEERING 10~7.0~ I I I I I I 79/s 1 1/t 36/t 68%s 00/t 00/t I I 00%t I I I I I I 54/t 25/t 56%>>38%s 27%t 93.73/t I I 12.00%t I I I I I I 53.33/s 86.80%s 84.11/t 96.39/t 00/t 80.29.14/t I I I I I I 9~BOI t 6.57/t 0.71Xt, 0.75%s 13.10/t 30'3/s I I 0.60/t I I I I I I 0.29/', 0.22%t 0'7/s 0.29/t 17.61/t 0.17%t s I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.11/t t 0.12Xt t 0.05/s t 0.01/s s 0.00/s s 0~29/t s I I I I 0.03/t t I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.03/s t 0.01/s s 0.01/t t.00/t t 0.11/<<29~9~6.0 0.13.44/I I I I I I I 80/t,.59/s 70/s 75'/s 10/s 30.94,%t I I F 00/s I I I I I I 0.33/t 0.23/t 0.48/s 0.31/s 17.83/s 0.41/t I I I I I I 0.10/t 0.14/,t 0.04/t 0.01/t 0.00/', 0.29/t I I 0.17%t I I I I I I 0.03/t 0.01/I 0.01/t 0.01/s 0.12%t SUBTOTAL 21.RECORDS TURNOVER TQ PPF TOTAL 20.00%t I I 5.00/t I I 1.00/t 100.00/t 94.40/,'I 72.28/s I I 33.00/'8.88/3.61/0.33/83.49/s 0.16/t t I I I I 0.13/t t I I I I 0.01/t t I I I I I I I I 0.80%tt I I I I 19.18/t I I 3.41/s I I 0.40/t 84.37/t 0'8/s I I 0.12/t I I 0.02/t 1.19/s 1 00%PROJECT PERCENT COMPLETE N.M.P.$2 98%96%94%hl 92%I-90%0 88%O 86%.84%82%-ACTU 80%78%Aug.84 Dec.84 Apr.85 Aug.85 Dec.85 Apr.86 Aug.86 Dec.86 1984 1985 1986 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT'OV DEC JAN FEB MAR OCT STARTUP TESTING 4 I60 MILESTONE SCHEDULED COMPLETION I I I I I STARTUP TESTING-TURBINE GENERATOR hTJLESTONE I I CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE TURBINE I CONST COMPL DIESEL CREATOR I STARTUPI TESTING-DIESEL GENERATOR MILESTONE I J I STARTUP TESTING-INTEGRATED FLUSH COMPLETE NSSS STARTUP TESTING'l I I I I CONST COMPL FLUSH PATH SYS'IEMS CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE C~TEST NG FCR CRT STARTUP TESTING-FUEL RECEiPT W.ESTONE I STARTUP TESTING-RADWASTE hhILESTON I.I CONST COhTR.RADWASTE SYSTEMS')I I I COMP TESTING I FOR ECCS/'OP 9 6 COLD FUNCTIONAL TESTNG IO POWER ASCENSION TESTING 11 8)FUEL RECEIPT AND TRANSFER 9)LOSS OF POWER/'CCS 10)FUEL LOAD 7 NOV 85 8 NOV 85 24 FEB 86 11)FUFL LOAD TO C.O.1 OCT 86 LEGEND 0 PRELIMINARY TESTING Q CONSTRUCTION CRITICAL PATH 21 AUG 84 1)4160 V ENERGIZA TION 2)DIESEL GENERATORS 6 APR 85 3)INTEGRATED FLUSH/'1 MAR 85 RPV HYDRO 1 APR 85 4)TURBINE GENERATOR 12 SEP 85 VACUUM PULL 5).VENTILATION 14 NOV 85 6)INTEGRATED LEAK 6 DEC 85 RATE TEST 7)RADWASTE SYSTEM 20 OCT 85 CONST COMPL FUEL HANDLING l STARTUP TESTING-VENTILATION MILESTONE I CONST COMPI.HVAC STSTEMS 5 STATUS AS OF DEC 17, 1984 MILESTONE



Project Schedule consisting of all the Project Milestone Schedules, and it will depict their interrelationships.

This will enable the Project to assess more easily a potential impact on the overall project caused by any current deviation from the schedule.A.Energization 4160V The 4160V milestone is essentially complete with the exception of the High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS)related switchgear.

This switchgear is scheduled to be energized the first week in January 1985.Testing of other electrical di stribution i s being prioritized and energized to support the Startup&Test program.B.Diesel Generators Release of the Standby Diesel Generator¹1 and associated systems in the West Bay is well under way.HVAC, fire detection and protection have been released to Startup&Test.The breaker portion and air start systems are in the turnover signoff process.The fuel portion has minimal instrumentation and electrical remaining and is estimated to turnover on 12/26.The Middle Bay (Standby Diesel¹3)has approximately 3 weeks of work remaining.

The completion of the air gap setting restrains Large Bore Pipe and instrumentation completion and has a estimated completion date of 1/2/85.With respect to the High Pressure Core Spray Diesel Generator, the primary emphasis has been placed on Diesel Generators 1&3, where outstanding electrical modifications are being completed.

There are approximately eight weeks of work remaining with an estimated completion date of February 28th.C.Integrated Flush/RPV Hydro Startup&Test is prioritizing work with Construction to expedite the rel ease of systems to support the Integrated Flush/RPV Hydro effort.The work scope of RPV Hydro has been identified to Construction and an integrated Project Plan has been developed and distributed for use.The integrated Flush milestone is 2-3 weeks behind schedule due to late Construction releases although the February 25, 1985, date for the start of the Integrated Systems Flush is still achievable.

Fourteen (14)additional flush paths ("B" releases)were turned over in December.1.001A Main Steam System This flush path currently is showing 8 weeks negative.A work around plan is being studied, source documents are being verified, and a walkdown is being done.

31.001A Residual Heat Removal System Projected completion for the entire flush path is currently 1/20/85;however, the compl eti on of work required for the suppressi on pool fill wi1 1 support the schedule.The completion of this flush path will support integrated flush.Turbine Generator The completion of the General Electric Turbine Generator work has been integrated into the Startup Plan and is being closely monitored by General Electric, Construction, and Startup Test.The Turbine Generator Milestone remains on schedule.All of the 7 releases scheduled to date have been accomplished.

The lube oil flush was completed during December, and restoring the system to enable centerline completion.

III.CONSTRUCTION A.General During December, efforts'focused upon completion of construction work for the suppression pool fill along with work required to release the Emergency Core Cooling Systems for initial testing.'ignificant craft manpower continued to be directed toward near term system releases.In a number of areas, non-manual support became a limiting factor in work completion.

The"War Room" was established to provide a focal point for identification and elimination of restrai nts which are holding up system completion and release.Integration of contractor and SWEC engineering was initiated to provide better support to field'efforts.

90 80 SWEC PLAN VS ACT S EI PIPE 818 7 70 60-ACT 50 Oc<U 40 I-30 20 10 lan ctual MONTH TY UR 3,900 4.95 3,859 6.71 TO DATE TY 64,966 4.95 64,308 5.28 0 26 1984 52 1985 26 14 13'12 SWEC PLAN VS ACT.S 8 PIPE SPTS (4x)(POS)R PLAN 140 5 10 m 0 N~c 8~m Z3 7 Oo-ACT(TO 4x)lan casual MONTH.TY UR 913 40.41 967 46.38 TO DATE TY UR 8,458 40.41 8 378 42 26 1984 52 1985 13 26 10 18 ITT PLAN VS ACT L B PIPE SPTS (4x)(POS)17-ACT(TO 4x)16 gUl 15 0 14 lan tual MONTH TO DATE l-9 268 179.93.16,848 179.93 184 441.6 16,912 226.42 12 13 26 1984 1985 13 26 26 ITT PLAN VS, ACT L B WELDS 25 R PLAN-23-ACT 0)22 gC 00)21 2O 19 MONTH TO DATE TY UR 17 lan ctual 330 25.86 23,475 25.'86 196 53.80 23,275 27.62 16 26 1984 52 1985 13 26 12 17 ITT PLAN VS ACT S EI PIPE SPTS (4x)(POS)16345 16 R PlAN--ACT (TO 4x)14 gC Og 13 12 lan tual MONTH QTY UR 213 53.89 157 58.37 TO DATE TY UR 15,224 53.89 15,098 52.90 10 26 1984 39 52 1985 26 13 950 LKC PLAN VS ACT cowoutT 942230 900 850 800 750 0~~o 700 BCKLG-650 600 lan.'tual MONTH TO DATE 9 26,000 1.10 819,532 1.10 20,889 1.27 812,676 1.07 500 1984 52 TTT]13 1985 26 14 46 LKC PLAN VS ACT CONDUIT SPTS 45640 40-ACT Z~32 gO~o 28 26 BCKLG-22 20 18 16 lan ctua1 MONTH TO DATE 1,400 17.18 36;686 17.18 1,617 18.99 36,901 16.57 13 26 1984 52 1985 26 LKC PLAN VS ACT SCHEDULED CABLE PULLING 7065660 R PLAN--ACT BCKLG-MONTH TY UR TO DATE TY UR lan 172,000 ctual 1 5 120 0.12 5,565,799 0.12 0.1 5 592 679 0.12 26 1984 1985 26 39 16 2.7 2.6 LKC.PLAN VS ACT UNSCHEDULED CABLE PULLlNG 2.5 MONTH TY UR TO DATE TY UR 2473198 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 1.9 o 18 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 lan 100,000 0.07 1,435,220 0.07 ct:tI&l 52 957 0.07 1 404 342-ACT 0.9 26 1984 52 1985.26 39 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 Og z~160<4O 120 100 80 60 LKC PLAN V.S ACT CABLE TERM R PLAN BCKLG-MONTH TY UR 277401 TO DATE 40 20 lan ctual 12,000 0.96 163,895 0.96 9 946 0.96 160 226 1.01 13 26 1984 52 1985 26 18 5.5 JCI PLAN VS ACT SEISMlc SPTS.4.5 R PLA 3.5 I--ACT 2.5 1.5 lhn ctusl MONTH~TY UR 240 67.78 267 69.61 TO DATE TY UR 3,733 67.78 3,750 65.26 13 26 1984 39 1985 26 19 JCI PLAN VS ACT INST.TUBING 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170<o 160 I-m Ov 150 QO

3OOO 2500 2000 1500 1967~1862 1679 1472 0 1000 500 859 864 7an O A S 0 N 0 J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A S 0 1984't985 1986 ACN STATUS ATTACHMENT 6 8000 7500 7000 CONSTRUCTION WORK ITEMS 6500 6000 5500 5390 5721 CAT I ACNS~-----o AWAITING OC VERIFICATION 5000<4500~4000 E)W 3500 3000 4722 2500 2000 1500 ie>9>949 154O 1384 1000 500 0 A S 0 N 0 J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A.S 0 w 8 m m 1QQP I I I a 1984 MONTHLY STATUS OF 1985 ENGINEERING WORK PLAN 1985 1986 JUN WL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC'AN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR A Noe OO Otstf TSA(c 5155)(04 5 TFSIIK)CS)IC SIC(TT ANALV 5 1\'cvfvl'1'To Tsa~I'1 c I r)LC II'1LLOCD SSCIL XSLVLD CDHVILSIDA IHCI'aSOV (5)DIT DIOS," l(ttokT"(CKS (I)octo 1SSVC DCS IS)TICO 1talvf TD scs l eas lla S)Ital FS)ltlaO XSSVC TCS (S)tcl5~, (Lese'll~laavL Io IV~saa vv plat ea M via 5ÃC(ccucAL To CDN)CSOL TIDOH F)(45)ADDS..L Lalaaa\Lo ov~~aaaaa val~IJ avs LvesvATL Isavv~a I'acvvvLI ~I as sa 14 flat Ial~l\a Iae fess Ct)IVT 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NMP2 CHOC PLANNING DEPT.I s i~CI I I; aw~~~~~ms am~I I~r~~, E~k , Ih<<8 la v~~% 4\tv ma m m&w sa m m m aa.m m m m aa m tc Lt s 5984 MONTHLY STATUS QF 1985 ENGINEERING WORK PLAN 1985 1986 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DTSCR')rl)ON OEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OC NOV DEC JAN FE B MAR AF'sooA w~svss Isa~s~~s~,s so, 4 I~~N r sear Ll Isvws swat Nstv~Lea It av ILL Is~Ia\te~sos 4 rs~sails Trsssrt gsn sti~I II~otclii f'4 evrla~I~oe erosive LNVHL ra 0 A 4(551 CO Sri f1>T LIC rasss DSCITAL RA 5l ATIO sl IAOLATosllu4 4~sisgla Arsltpas wwvv g~stAI~~~v~v~1st\vs er~~wp\~~4~4 ea c I f~s vl 4 VNL oarlvaac 4~vooov's'n I sgs~saic eeoc I'ss sir~'vr (s I 1st f I hst~e ML m gas 4 s I~aisata 0 s oeveaeav'I~Nisacl 1 a~D Livitel~Nos'ls Naos,rh s s i sir as~~~i I tg~et gas aiot I~I st sat rsracvsan tva tevl erat css cngavsa'Hi lvv~I 4 I (al s~t 4t oavna ooo Plot,c\I.gast~ss~I Doeeoa ASNVA<<Svo~W 41 tasvi~svaeovla leis aoo Vol(l 5>>esse({<<svc, ID clatR(rilit scoots)ICA)isic 4 soon\Aoovvonaas1ORLLOIVI ()pcu Dsscsincessasaisi wl ooslti'10 onsf Tsss svsltw, I~I Mat CV ail~0 Lg Ig sr sl1'o luis CONTROL~Auel DLLI'Ve 4 th CONTROL rauci.N(tssf I(AC IONS SIRC DLTC{710eg r AL>CL De 1.'s'V'4 Tile'5 t NILC TCoufluc (ACT IVC'I CATLCL rulL'T)CKCTS (AC'tlVS)f R)so'lo Lou DIAT 5 I cs)sss (s)stv (s)ss'5 (Slits (5)l54 (5's lao DOT (A>I'51{assai cs)5$CAII44 C.illa I AIL I Caa)5(sal) {IVSLS(roD CAaoifcsot> 4 (1)5~(S)5t(S)51 (1'I VS g)s 5~(Sl CS (A151{AI)o (55)(4)'55 ($51 (als1 cst)5 (f)55 (11'IS{014~{1155 (Silo (Slat PL)I P 111 (f)LI (Sltf Ol st (as(SS (~I I)(4 1 to (f)tl (4)l t)I (5 tie)00 s (4'It'I CA))0 (alas (41 5'I Call~I*'I f Ls Clsto CLO so 4)st (as 10 calli ga'I so IV 1 IVS(04(o Iuto,aoo (Sitllpo (S)teoop (4)tlt50 (A),tl+TS 4 (11'll(00 CS)leooo ($)41100 Lasto~Ol Co(ROD{Al (0154 IS)IOstt I Il0~('0 (Dtr.t{O IA)(0 Dos (Ai(0,144{alto 1)~(ARL loo tatsj 555 sls')ST ())IT(v lsltoso (')its)5 ls)l)00 LossooO (1)tos.o (1)tso (1)400 a)s))I Ca>sligo (Al Ioal<Allo)t (41 IIOO CA'I t150{4~ttOO (Ill 0 (1'l I 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CARLING IVI AL'I 4 IS~14 I>>S~St/ia Lis Ntu~eovol f I as ass~st Lvaewv gen av tsNI~4 ail al~t\svaot oat Cal Sli~S 0 1sii Ll.AK DettCT)0 1)Matc ctaiva ovs oo la{les~Ivs ac\p 4 II ovst hs vs r Ctl aiil avaoas{ILSonr-aoassoa Dva~vs~isas e L 4 Vosv N (1)i~1144 I swvaa'IILTou CI)Lgrf'el ia4 I 2 2)0 0 CASLVI aNtc LLL caoi Data eaaa~i (Llaitr{1)SOie (1 saiaa var stavvslavvoH ses (isla n rico ssov Nos vsse~s vvivsvaw evT calais Deva eecaaac Acvsssv'T (1st Nels\silos aat tasVIL ge lan (Lloilr I\)S'1 el 4 1 I%II Lpssv a I~Lc I A I I J NS'5'5 (euott tst A)(t)tis~gassaov 51\Vv ei'll~air 4a1'I oisila 4(eros 1II~i1s vi IAP (Viols~~\ls~Lt IHa Noa~Aa giloiro (DILLIAtslsvs ALL east soot, Lest easoigo ooowcs~LLLT plslisf Iisois~44 Avvl I\I~I~s ratsNLHH Lsasa.1)stir (~'lai~vs~scs s Decisis ploroaaa Ltasosae loe~vasvll Loot~ItaL~Lsa 104, (llsfl (llss')(1)1 55 ISlel,o (S)(O'5 (4)(1)tao (1)l'>S Il')504 CLI SIP (Sl Sff'Dot llfARDussau) Ll AtlN IT ILS ((151 (1)54 lassos (oivl Iia5)cavu (I'1$)(astca I Lit I (51(I (1)tt (5)(ass tv (~I sos rts (11 11 (~>Is)(5)IS (Sl SS h)51 (5)5~(5)5 5 CS)SD 40 45~SWCC rase W g setto RT 5 e E J>tvcces~.CVAllt(LD Dc Atr)R)5 45 (4>V (Ai 1 0)15 calls Ias rl (41 I'I (A)I h)5 (1'll (5'so colls (5)st'sits (s)ls)'co'154 (s)54 h)ss cslso sa t.CS)5 I (AI5 (ia 4 Cal 4 (41 so (As 15 (A)It (A)hits-(s)to 4 fi'lta cssTS'(o)s'7 '(s'115 (5)l 10 S~(S)'54 IS'1545 (SISS'1 CSlttS IS)C'll C)etta cas St (A')50 (41 I~I IS cssaS (AI~IA))~IS)54 g)s)T Df CC~{SVICLI 4 VODATC J ca'I as (41 41 (Al Sara I CAILS (41 os (e,lao ts CS)t'5 (1)ts (O'I Ss Tla(4ussL s 4 utfoRA)avC I)VCNDOII, DOCO PLS)IT 1(LV1%'Ill (altS CSS51>>A)ll CA'Itt CSV I~CAS I~{51504 SLS(a Ia)s'~IS)L1\(SIS 00 2 0 R (4'I S15 LA)554 I~144 lsSVI fio Pie)neogeaaevagevno rvor (4)'Sfl (A154C fal V)t 0)051 (AI~i Siss ig~I I'li~~LOOTL sLOuso TSD~5 oi>I r rsR(T J uS)lr sctNT atl)A lo eel ever uctus Ioo, A(ssvslt Dtsctspssou (s oe via so aapane~aaa lovts~sf J AI H I~ssi/I illais~~hlagt svaN 0 is+astir LI f n n~s~lo ive ge eve~<0 2)ICSCL v CSNCRRSIC I~S Vis gas I~I it 4 I I (LS Vr~CQ r ao,toswos 14'sa LL~I~, lgai lao~~Otssteot~SSSSS rla Dias rNVVSVr S L.etaaag>o saasl Lsvstoal ctvvas D~vrn ss avsseow Assets Ha eaton I pi~(4 4LD'1){Sl 1 gi'I 1~0 agecoost01 Lttasva Live fL)'I~gssot huv s{aS tCaa cvn Acsvsa os Lciaorssa 4 I I cvn Aglvai I Ol 4'1 ts'E.SQRT rf{¹RA)IL(ACT)VITT L'\CES)DT Qs loao D'tfsuslsou Qt CL>A)I(I(atlou Rttw)uo)R)u QS DI4kft Docusstutallou Qa A504>LLIOL(LT)os PLANS Dotuvseul LTLON SHEET NO.3 OF 3 STATUS AS OF 3O NOV'84 NMP2 CHOC PLANNING DEPT.)985 ENG)NEERING WOR>I PLAN 57(fe 5 fg(55)(t UC%5DRC (Dtr(OS(DR cr caor rosa opcoatsova ccvtf~ m m m m m m m m m m w am&m m m w m aw I1 O'-I g g I*I-/)t~I rg WORKFORCE LEVELS The Site Staffing is shown on the following table and presented on a weekly basi s on addi ti onal tabl es.The SWEC non-manual staf f i ng, regardless of location, is also presented. 34 DECEMBER SITE AVERAGE STAFFING (PAYROLL)t 1ANUAL NON-MANUAL TOTAL COST REIMBURSABLE SWEC Walsn LKComstock ITT Grinnell SMS JCI Schneider Painting Subtotal P A 1516 2161 382 129 731 740 949 990 83 0 306.312 150 151 120 0 4237 4483 P A 1020 1053 37 15 100 99 307 439 5 0 110 126 19 19 10 0 1608 1751 P A 2536 3214 419 144 831 839 1256 1429 88 0'416 438 169 170 130 0 5845 6234 Hard Money Al 1 186 46 232 GE/NSSS 72 72 NMPC 633 633 TOTAL 4669 2502 7171 Note: (1)Excludes CHOC paid site assigned personnel. (2)NMPC includes MAC, NYSEG, RG5E and Central Hudson.35 ~e>>r'arAH>> u sr t>>ManuaL Manpaner (rung'Ja roll onB)Mn f cv'r I Po I'a I'ral fr fg O<<NOL1 8'$5%F>$g j,oo 2A 2ooo Lloo So@Ct OO~MOO+L5OO l'fOO 800 7OO QCO 5'OO CYCLO Boo 2CLO$I.CO Pq Lo iL'A I VJl Pl I L'ILL I'I L%o L s I'Lafa o'ILC I L%L Nl.l~ll00 IOOO BOO~~TOO IP55 lo5$BT Loaf IPPP I 25 IPPW IPB4 P2o S2I I" 8H Pol BP3 S 528?45 2%'3$+1+~'L1 300 PCLO E IOO 0 IPO BB PB loo IS IPB I oo llo IIO IPT IPB III log Ill[OIL 0 O 9OO fN Ioo 0 IH A9 t42 C4L gyp~ianna$5)I55 IS~I52 ey I55 I5B I55 I55 I I33 lfl I55 I55 I54 IBX I+2 I@LNo Lg LCP LSI.I4g I42~I E'1 I'5a I'5 ajaoo clP~jIOO 15I XBP A7'244 XN glg zo2 UL saaavnaa>>satanas oa L'Lg L'L1 LaLt, L'L't 47f3 473'5IO 44 4434 44~L

>Var>>oatra Jdl/36 Nonrnanual Man Outer Null)JC may jUn8 4/so JU g QLfg, v/sr o 98 ef</v'ace.Ql dec.IO f550 I SOP n50 f200 ll50 IIPO IO50 f000 050 1011 II Ilk'~f4 P/17 g I O/g$C S IICO 7 7+4/o 0/I7 II 55~u 1193 IC3$ICW II5 117 Ifn t~<5(l~l09t 11+1L l50 IOO 50 0 4l 41 It~Ao~40 40 40 4o I Co I'LG'4~W 1 41~A HOP 850 500>50 300 NO 4CI 455 451 45l 450 4'": 45I I-475 444.44I NO I50 IPO 50 IO IOT IOO 5<too IOI toe foi IH IO5 fg IP5 IP5 l07 IPS OP 55 III cf IOO 50 0 5 5 5 5 5 8 s 5 555 59'5 855 44 In O'~Q RO f50 IOO 5P 35 gg OC 4l 5I 94 IPX IOg lol IPI IOI fPI f04 IOX, 17.3 L7C LL)I50 IOO 50 0 17.15 l5 n IG<I 14 11 Ib 2I Al Xl CO a l50 I OP 50 II I IIV IIX II4 117 Ia~to~I II5 IIS kf 43 5500 5000 NOO 5XO f500 IOOO 2ooz gg IAI5 l555 f993 8'I7 l9l9<d37 N W5+5 IO r f595 e I~~nu'4XS'L5$7/C5~1/SO OVI%&hfArlAY A'07 AVAICASCO' +'Pig/jVSt/g 'Fdt I)/CCCIPEu (DAMN'4 7/S/Sg)~N g O CXCCCIPC$BC4 CIIIOC OaCy (sr~zP 6-a Py)37 December 16, 1984 SWEC STAFF I NG REPORT Page 1 of 2 CHOC LOCATED SITE LOCATED TOTAL Department ~Oen F i I I ed Tota I Open Fi I I ed Total Open Filled Total MANAGEMENT 0 15 15 17 17 PROJECT CONTROLS Planning Hanagement Systems Cost 16 10 16 10 56 37 4 15 64 43 4 17 72 47 4 21 80 53 4 CO Pl SITE ENGINEERING 32 485 517 32 485 517 ADVISORY OPERATIONS PGCC Startup 6 Test 34 34 35 35 10 136 2 22 8>>4 146 24 122 170 22 148 181 24 157 PROJECT ENGINEERING 24 464 488 24 464 488 CONSTRUCTION 32 218 250 32 218 250 CCCP Safety System Turnover Construction Groups 0 7 0 10 6 40 26 161 7 10 46 187 0 7 0 10 6 40 26 161 7 10 46 187 December 16, 1984 SWEC STAFFING REPORT Page 2 of 2 CHOC LOCATED SITE LOCATED TOTAL Department Open Filled Total Open Filled Total Open F i I I ed Tota I ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Project Administration Office Services Project Records Admin.Document Control Information Systems Accounting Time Office First Aid Training 55 1 32 21 57 3 32 21 16 252 0 7 2 14 10 153 3 23 0 25 1 15 o 8 0 7 268 7 16 163 26 25 16 8 7 18 307 0 1 0 7 4 15 10 185 3 44 0 25 1 15 o 8 0 7 325 1 7 19 195 47 25 16 8 7 CONTRACTS 8 MATERIALS 6O 63 65 68 Contracts Materials Purchasing Expediting 9 23 12 16 10 23 12 18 9 23 16 17 10 23 16 19 QA/QC QA QC 0 25 282 3 24 22 258 307 27 28O 25 286 3 28 22 258 311 31 28O LABOR RELATIONS/PERSONNEL GRAND TOTAL 27 580 6O7 127 1511 1638 154 2091 2245 SWEC ENGINEERING AND DESIGN PERSONNEL (SEG+CHOC)DECEMBER PLANNED 876 ACTUAL 8/6 VARIANCE 1500 1400 1300+1200 z w 1100~1000 O z 900~800 o 700~600 I-~500+400 300 200 100 JFMAM J JASOND 1984 J F MAM J JASOND 1985 JFMAM J JASO 1986 KEY o---m PLANNED~-0 ACTIIAL C,G, MODEL: NMBFGRPH06 40 SWEC ENGINEERING AND DESIGN MANHOURS (SEG+CHOC)(x1,000,000) DECEMBER CUMULATIVE PLANNED ACTUAL 146,909 146,709 12,507,302 12,493,253 VARIANCE-0-t14,049)14.0 13.8 13.6 13.4 13.2'3.0 4J 12,8 12.6 D 12~4 O 12.2 M 12.0 Q 11.8 11.6 11.4 11.2 11.0 10.8 10'10.4 JFMAMJ JASONO JFMAMJ JASONOJFMAMJ JASO 1984 NOTE: 4 DECEMBER ACTUALS PROJECTED. C.G.MODEL: NMBFGRPH12 1985 KEY o---~PLANNED~-s ACTUAL 1986 i V I.QUALITY ASSURANCE A.QA-Projects Activities Detailed Assessments Actions to be completed by the contractors, as a result of the detailed assessments, are scheduled for completion by the first quarter of 1985.Surveillance The review of In-Place safety related items, materials, components, etc., that had been accepted by the Contractors QC organizations has been completed by NMPC QA Projects.The data collected from this reveiw is summarized by commodity, contractor, and generalization of deficiencies on Attachment 81.Per NMPC direction, SWEC has completed their evaluation of ITT Grinnell installed Large Bore Pipe Supports.The results of SWEC's findings are contained in Attachment t2.The results of the NMPC surveillance and SWEC's evaluation of ITT Large Bore Pipe Supports have been forwarded to Project Engineering to determine if-any reinspection is required and if so, what inspection attributes are applicable. In addition to the above, 100 instrumentation supports previously accepted by JCI Quality Control are to be evaluated by SWEC.Further Actions are pending an Engineering evaluation of the data gathered.Another 112 surveillances were performed by NMPC QA-Projects from November 20 to December 19, 1984, i'nvolvi ng approximately 1200 attributes from approved checklists. From these surveillance activities the following number of deficiencies/discrepancies were identified: SWEC ITT Grinnel 1 JCI RCI HARDWARE SOFTWARE 17 6 2 0 All of the above deficiencies/discrepancies have been properly identified and are being resolved.In addition to the above, Eight Corrective Action Requests (CARs)were issued as follows: SWEC ITT Grinnell JCI RCI HARDWARE SOFTWARE 42 l}uality Trendin Of the two remaining one has been closed, other STIR is still report will be issued Suspected Trend Investigation Reports (STIRS), and no corrective action was required.The being investigated. The next quality trend in January 1985.NRC RELATED ACTIVITIES NMPC 8 SWEC have completed the review of ITT Grinnell's plan for performing the film compari sons to determine the extent of the"Duplication of Radiographs" problem.Comments that were generated have been resolved and ITT Grinnell is to revise the plans and resubmit it for approval.Mr.R.A.Gramm introduced a new Resident Inspector on site-Mr.R.M.Wheeler.Mr.Gramm and Mr.Wheeler are in the process of performing inspection period 84-19.To date, 6 inspector follow-up items have been identified. These 6 items are presently being pursued by NMPC and SWEC for closure, prior to the NRC exit.NRC Resident Inspector held a formal exit meeting on 11/7 for inspection period 84-15.*Results: 5 Unresolved Items 3 Open Items*All results are unofficial. Inspection Report 84-15 has not yet been formally issued.43 NRC Open Items, Unresolved Items and Notices of Violations, that remained open as of September 20, are statused below: Item Open: Unresolved: Violations: Additional Action Required 13 27 12 10 62 15 4 30 TOTAL 108 Final On NRC Review Hold~Reviewin Total 6 2 5 16 1-NRC Open Item,~Unresolved Item, or Notice of Violation 2-Additional action required within NMPC or contractor prior to final review and verification by QA (i.e.more documentation required, additional calculations to be performed, etc.)3-The package for the item is completed and is being reviewed for adequacy and completeness prior to submittal to the NRC.4-Items which parallel or are identical to items presently identified in the CAT inspection and require further resolution prior to submittal. 5-Items which have been completed and have been forwarded to the NRC for review and approval for closure of the item.Audits Special Audit SP-VR-NZ-84009 to comply with the commitment made to the NRC in G.K.Rhode's letter dated June 30, 1983, which was in response to an NRC Notice of Violation. In summary, NMPC committed to assure that only certified QC personnel (ANSI N45.2.6)would be"Final Accepting" items and not personnel in training.The audit revealed that the inspection activities being performed by SWEC and their Contractors (ITT-G, RCI and JCI)are being performed only by Certified Personnel. Audit RG-VR-N2-84010 was performed at SWEC in Boston for activities in support of the NMP-2 Project.The audit specifically addressed the conformance of QA, FQC, PQC, NDT and QACA Divisions for compliance to the SWEC NMP2 QA Program and the commitments in the Regulatory Licensing document (SAR).The audit was conducted during the week of 9 December, 1984, and resulted in the issuance of three (3)AFR for minor deficiencies. Audit RG-VR-N2-84011 presently in process (Dec.17-21, 1984).The Audit Scope includes those activities being performed by ITT Gri nnell and Stone 8 Webster on a pre-selected large bore piping and hanger installation effort (Hardware Audit)to verify that all work effort is in compliance with the applicable requirements and the QA programs. ~eh~1~NO.OF ITEMS PIPE HANGERS/SUPPORTS 50 LOOSE LOCKING DEVICES WELDING NNPC HAS DIRECTED SWEC TO PERFORM A RE INSPECT ION OF 125 ADD I T I ONAL HANGERS/SUPPORTS. INSTRUMENT TUBING SUPPORTS 30 WELDING NNPC HAS DIRECTED THAT A RE-INSPECTION OF 100 SUPPORTS BE PERFORMED BY JCI AND THAT 20 OF THE 100 SUPPORTS BE REINSPECTED BY SWEC.HVAC HANGERS/SUPPORTS CONFIGURATION MELDING NNPC HAS DIRECTED SWEC TO PERFORM A REINSPECTION OF 50 HANGERS/SUPPORTS. FIELD RACENAY HANGERS/SUPPORTS 319 LACK OF HARDENED WASHERS INADEQUATE STOR-AGE 8, NAINTEN-ANCE UNDER EVALUATION. NO, OF ITEMS CABLE TRAY 106-LACK OF IDENT I-F I CAT ION.INADEQUATE STOR-STORAGE 8 MAIN-TENANCE UNDER EVALUATION. CONDUIT 189-DAMAGED IDENTI-FICATION NUMBERS.INADEQUATE STORAGE AND MAINTENANCE UNDER EVALUATION. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 43 DAMAGED 8 MISSING PARTS 8 COMPO-NENTS INADEQUATE IDEN-TIFICATION OF COMPONENTS INADEQUATE TORQUE OF BOlTED HARD-WARE INADEQUATE STOR-AGE 8 MAINTENANCE AS A RESULT OF THE NRC VIO-'LATION, NNPC HAS ALREADY DIRECTED SWEC TO'PERFORM A REINSPECTION. A SAMPLE REINSPECTION IS IN PROCESS.M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M NO.OF ITEMS STRUCTURAL STEEL 80.MEMBERS 120 CONNEC-TIONS MELDING IMPROPER COPES LOOSE BOLTS INADEQUATE IDEN-TIFICATION OF BOI TING HARDWARE UNAPPROVED COAT-ING IN FRICTION CONNECT IONS UNDER EVALUATION. CONCRETE EXPANSION 00 ANCHORS VIOLATION OF DISTANCES FROM C OF ANCHOR TO EDGE OF CONCRETE'IOLATION OF DIS-TANCES FROM C TO C OF ANCHORS.UNDER EVALUATION. /0330Y Attachment 2


Approximately 1000 field welds and 1250 inspection attributes were in-cluded in 125 supports sampled by SWEC.The following is a summary of the 125 supports inspected and concerns identified:

FOR ATTACHMENT"B" SUPPTS/WELDS SUPPTS AFFECTED TOTAL WELDS INSPECTED WELD CONCERN 125/1000 approx.32~~~FOR ATTACHMENT"C" 383 61 SUP PTS/ATTRI 125/1250 approx.SUPPTS AFFECTED 454 TOTAL ATTRI 565 NO.OF ATTRI.ASSOCIATED WITH HARDWARE CONCERNS 45*Six (6)supports included in total of 45 are also li'sted on Attachment B due"to welding concerns.48 V I I.CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION A.Major Contract Issues 1.GE Spare Parts Excess Inventory Sale-NSSS Every effort is being made to ensure that maximum advantage is taken of a 35-'0K discount.offer on an inventory of start-up, test, and operational spare parts.This proposal from GE remains valid until December 31, 1984.2.PBOOA-GE NSSS Contract-Cost Allocation The research initiated in November to characterize the technical nature of PGCC FDDRs as well as to determine the respective cost responsi bil i ti es was compl eted duri ng December.The i nf ormati on gained from thi s study was used as the foundation for a final settlement meeting with General Electric during the week of December 10, 1984.Deductions from GE's monthly PGCC invoices continue to be made.B.Materials Management l.Valve List Review In conjunction with engineering," materials management is conducting a review of the valve shortage and excess list.The primary objective of this effort is to identify potential substitute materials and thus reduce the need to place additional valve orders.2.Inventory Trackin Data is currently being entered into the computerized inventory tracking/materials management system.A major feature of this system is,its ability to reserve material and identify shortages by BIP or work package.This system is cur rently being used to track spare parts and standard stock items.It is anticipated that the system will be fully operational by January 7, 1985.3.Productivity Im rovement After careful review of its operations, materi als management has'dentified several activities which can be made more productive.

Listed below are the areas of concern in which materials management has initiated constructive change.Combine small bore inventory under SWEC control Realign laydown areas for greater effective control Improve tool control process Improve measurement and test equipment control Improve material control response time and enhance inventory management Materials Management will monitor the effectiveness of these changes.The results of the effort which began during December will be seen and reported in subsequent months.49 C.~ECh 1.BALANCE OF PLANT (BOP): The total number of active CHOC purchase orders for permanent.

plant equipment i s now si xty-nine (69)with del i veri es projected through August 30, 1985.The material on these orders represent a total of 1,845 items which are not delivered (not including hanger material, cable, or equipment procured under P800A/NSSS spare parts)that are required fo'r completion of the plant.50 VI I I.STARTUP AND TEST A.General The procedures which set policy for the Startup 5 Test Program are the Startup Administrative Procedures (SAP).These procedures have been approved by the Joint Test Group (JTG), and their implementation will streamline the program.B.Release for Testin Status Of the 106 subBIP'A'eleases scheduled as of December 17, 1984, 94 have been accepted for Preliminary Testing.There are ll additional subBIP'A'eleases which have been accepted as early releases.There are 12 subBIP'A'eleases overdue per the Project Schedule issued October 15, 1984 with Revision gl.(See Attachments 1 and 2)C.Preliminary Test Status Preliminary testing continues with emphasis on systems supporting Integrated Flush.Other systems in testing at this time are Service Water, Instrument Air, Turbine Building Closed Loop Cooling, Makeup Water, Control Rod Drive Hydraulics, Turbine Generator Lube Oil System, and permanent plant electrical unit heaters.Electrical Systems and the Annunciator 8 Computer testing is being prioritized to support the Star tup schedule.The suppression.

pool is in the process of bei ng filled to support ECCS pump runs and integrated flush.D.Turnover'Status P Project Records Management has the schedul e of system turnovers to support devel opment of a required records li st and inclusion of outstanding documentation on the Installation Completion Report (ICR)to suppor t the turnover process.E.Preop/Acce tance Testin Status Startup and Test is preparing to begin an Acceptance Test for System 15-Makeup Water Treating by January, 1985.The system turnover plan is shown on Attachment 3.F.Major Problems 1.=Materials and S are Parts: An evaluation of the present Matena s an pare arts rogram is in process.The initial problems identified are being addressed and resolutions are in progress (i.e.completing an inventory of the warehouse and feedback is being provided to user organizations).

The Controlling Procedure (PG-35)has been revised to streamline the efforts.2.Release of Systems From Construction:

Startup and Test is wor i ng w~t urnover o accept re eases which are designated priori ty for testing.The releases are behind schedule due to incomplete construction, procedural and programmatic problems.51 3.Systemic Sof tware: Current Permanent Pl ant File contents in icate a nee to increase the emphasi s and activities for software processing to be completed to support system turnover.A major effort remains underway by Records Management to define the records required for turnover.(See Section X).4.Project Schedule Integration:

=An Integrated Startup/Project Plan has been eve oped and i ssued to the Project for information.

Meetings are being held to coordinate and bring the various Project schedules and contractors into line with the Startup/Project Schedule.The Project is shi fting to a System Completion mode to support plant completion and Startup.Startup has started a Plan of the Meek to coordinate the testing to support the Startup/Project Schedule.G.Fuel Status 1.Enriched uranium has been delivered to G.E.2.G.E.currently fabricating the bundles;scheduled to complete by May, 1985.3.NMPC currently evaluating storage requirements prior to shipment to Site.1 52 Attachment 81 SubBIP'A', Releases Released Scheduled IAW Schedule Early Release Total Releases Accepted , 106 94 105 Late Per Schedule: 12 Flush Path Releases Released Scheduled IAW Scheduled 65 Early Release Total Releases Accepted 60 Late Per Schedule: 12'B'omponent Releases Schedule N/A Early Releases Accepted 234%Completed Testing 85%53


$2,656 million*has been charged on the total Project to date.(See Attachment 1)See Attachment 2 for the cost commitment status report with expended cost through November.As of December 16, approximately

$674.7 million had been expended in 1984 versus$675.0 million forecasted for an underrun of.3 million.Approximately

$48.1 million was expended in December versus$41.6 million planned.B.December Cash Flow Variance Analysis Variance Remarks$3.0 million over SWEC (Manual 8 Non-Manual)

&Walsh (Manual 8 Non-Manual)


Painting Temp.Electric Wal sh Takeover SWEC Labor Forces have taken over the forecasted Painting effort, the remaining Temporary Electric effort (SMS), and a portion of Walsh's effort.The overall effect of this takeover has been an approximate 100,000 MH overrun in Manual Manhours, and an over-run in Non-Manual manhours of approximately 11,000 MH.Grinnel 1 Comstock Johnson Controls$2.4 million over$1.4 million over$.5 million over Non-Manual staffing higher than Plan.Manual overtime higher than forecast by approximately 24,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> (120%over plan).Manual and Non-Manual overtime over the forecast.(Manual overtime being 152%over and Non-Manual overtime being 74%over)Manual and Non-Manual overtime forecast.(Manual overtime being 106%over and Non-Manual overtime being 177%over)56 Other Misc.$2.6 million under+Total Construction

$4.7 million over Headquarter Labor$8.8 million over manpower requirements greater than forecast, and October's Bill paid on schedule.HQ NSSS/PGCC Headquarter P.O.'s$1.6 million under Realization of negotiated credits$2.6 million under*Total Headqrtrs.

$4.6 million over*Client Cost$.6 million over*Contingency

$3.4 million under TOTAL PROJECT$6.5 million over 57 PROJECT FORECAST 3.5 3.2 3.0 z 2.9 0I 2.8 2,7 g 2.6 2.5 p.2.4 Q 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 INC CONT--PLAN LESS CONT 1.8 DEC 83 JUN 84 DEC 84 JUN 85 DEC 85 JUN 86 DEC 86+ACT


Ic IHSUR.I I 4.FIELD P.O.'s 6 UTIL.,8/15/80 EST INATE I---------"--I I/I/83 I OR16IHAL)REFORHATED I ESTIHATE I I I I I I I I$176,261 I$126)732$58)619 5)3)136$9>028 s$284)152 I I s$182,715 I I I$35)650 I I$113)215 I$243)837 s 5240,347 s$152,432 532)051 I$28,357 I 5304>016 I I$292,098 I I 522>511 I$198)468$243,837$252,538 t152,432$32,052$31)982 Q40,898 I$179,915 I I$144,391 e.561,281 I I$14)818 a$9>028 I I 5292)068 I I I I I t203)576)I I I I I$35,650 I I I I I$121>757 s I$237,127 s s$242)136 a a$121>241 I I$21)251 I e t25,788 I 5277,333 s I I I I a 5292)098 I I I I I s$22)511 s I I I$194,254 s$192)455 I 5223)574 I 575)990 I$21,423 I 5f1,041 I Q15,671 I I I 5213,322 I I I t37)612)I I t142s413)t402s571$23,992$238,430 ar I I I I I I I I I I I$6,710 l$10,402 e$31>191 I$10)795.I$6,194 I$63>565 I I I 5110,413 s I I$1,481 s I I$44s 176'$240,832$256>758$147)405 Q6,940$31)543$338,034$395)199 s 529,636)$232,186 a 4/84 I 11/84 I 11/84 l ESTI)fATED I PROJECTED 1 REVISED I CONTRACT a EXPENDED a COST TO I FINAL I I ESTIHATE ICOkNITHEHT a I COHPLETE I COST I I I I I I I I I I I B.I I s i.I I I 2o I I I I I I I I I I I C.I I s D.I SUBTOTAL HEADQUARTERS HQ SERVICES PQA SERVICES CHOC P,O,'S.a.NSSS fs P6CC b.T.G.c.OTHER I$999,508 I I I I I I I$382,891 I I a t25)002 I I I s$145,934 I$36,306 I$230,470 6RAND TOTAL I 52,400,000 I SUBTOTAL$820)603 I I CLIEHT COST (I)s$234>889 I CONTIH6EHCY I QI5)000 I I$1>062)544 I 5 1)233)501 5 I)718)732 I I I I I I I I I I I I~I I$388,231 I$415,184 s t571,305 I I I I I I I'25>002 I$33)361 I Q6)349 I I I I I I I I I I I$145)934 I$120)0f8 s$222)747 I Q6,308 I t36)308 I$36,315 I$235)806 I 5254)650 I$289)054 I I I$831)281 I$859>52f 1$1)155)770 I I I I~I I$234)889 I$222)978 e$2'90)498 I I I I I I I$271)286 a 5334~000 I$205)000 I I I I I I I I I'52>400>000 I$2>650)000 I Q>370>000 stf)514)117 ISI)433)745 a$284)987)Sf)709)133 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I$519)231 I$519)231 s$52)074 I$571)018 a I I I I I I I I I t32>20&a$32>206 s$4)143 e 536>644 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t504)609 I Sf&3)051 I$59)6'96 I$219)147 a I INC ABOVE I$36)308 I$7 I$36)315 s I INC ABOVE I$251)092 I 53)>9K2 I$288,254 I I I I I I I 1 51)056)046 1 51)001)888 I t153)882 151)151)318 I I I I I I I I I I I t180)229 I$180)229 I$110)269 I$290)498 s I I I I I I I I I I 50 I$0 I$205>000 I$218)991 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l52,750,392 l$2,615,862 I$154,138 I t3,370,000 I (I)CLIENT COST IHCLUDES UHIT tf ADHIH B).DS COST fs AFUDC COST($2>58)>49)I>$5,290,799 RESP.)5<NOTE: ALL DOLLARS ARE IH THOUSANDS 55***NOTE: This report is an extraction of various Stone&Webster reports 59 IX.COST (Continued)

C.Common Facilities A proposed plan for allocating tHe costs of common facilities between Units 1 and 2 has been developed.

the plan'as been provided to the Cotenants.

Contin enc Mana ement Pro ram The Project is currently reviewing the cash requirement to complete.As a part of this evaluation, the contingency will be assessed.The results will be provided in this section at the conclusion of this assessment.

60 RECORDS/INFORMATION MANAGEMENT A.Progress made during the last month: 1.The review has been completed on 1850 ITT CAT II Hanger Packages and approximately 1400 have been turned over to the NMP2 Record Acceptance Center.2.Record status activities have been completed per the component lists for the following BIPs'5.001, 14.001, 14.002, 72.001-72.0010, 72.B01-72.B16, 22.801, 22.A01, 10.COl, 4.004 and 4.003.Anticipated will be required as component lists are redefined by and Test.current 15.002, 10B01, changes Startup 3.Program Implementation

-Status 1.Site Document Control-procedures have been reviewed by Records Management and comments are being incorporated.

2.FQC-QAD 17.1 has been approved on site and is currently awaiting approval by SWEC-QA Boston.3.ITT Grinnell-All five (5)Records Management Procedures have been approved and 48 Documentation Turnover Transmittals have been prepared to initiate turnover of backl ogged documentation.

Indexing conventions have been approved to support the review activities.

4;JCI-Procedure QAS 18.01 has been approved and QAS 18.02 and 18.03 are in final review stages, Indexing conventions have been approved to support review activities.

5.RCI-Procedures QAI 17.1 and 17.2 are in final approval cycle and are scheduled for issue on 12/21/84.6.NMPC-QA Projects-Program has been assessed and procedure revisions are bei ng drafted.7.Startup and Test-Procedure SAP 104A and 104B have been approved.SAP 104E has been drafted and is scheduled for review by Records Management and Star tup,and Test.4.Project Procedures PP 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, and 112 covering Records Management activities were issued on ll/20/84.5.Records Management Personnel have been relocated to the Record Acceptance Center (RCA).The RAC is currently set up to process Category II 8 III documentation.

Category I p'rocessing will commence when construction activities are complete.6.The Preliminary Required Records List has been completed and di stributed for revi ew by Engi neer i ng, Licensi ng, Qual ity Assurance and Startup and Test.61 7.The NMP2 Records Management Organi zation has successful ly completed the activities in support of the 400,000 records milestone on the NMP2 Records Database.B.Major Acti vities in Progress: 1.Methodology being developed for statusing procurement documentation in support of Startup and Test.Statusing in support of initial system turnovers began on 12/12/84.2.'a~b.C.d.e.Completion of the Record equipment which include: Roof on Vault fire Protection Key Card Access Vault Doors HVAC Acceptance Center and related These activities are scheduled for completion by 1/18/85.3.Review activities by the NMP2 Record Users Group in support of the issuance of the NMP2 Required Records List by 1/15/85.C.Record Turnover The following are estimated percents complete of SWEC turnover of documentation to the NMPC Permanent Plant file.*Total Turnover of CHOC Documents+Total Turnover of SWEC Site Documents Total Turnover of ALL SWEC Documents 88%Complete 14%Complete 26%Complete The f oil owi ng are estimated percents compl ete o f NMPC Syracuse Turnover of documentation to the Permanent Plant file.Total Turnover of NMPC Syracuse Documents 87%Complete The total estimated percent complete of turnover documentation to the.PPF 33%Complete.'Estimates adjusted for CHOC and Site due to reallocation of record's source from Site to CHOC.62 NMP2 PERMANENT PLANT FILE COMPUTER INDEXED ENTRIES PLANNED VS.ACTUAL (IN TNoooANoos Note 1-Fuel Load Note 2-Commercial Operation yv Note 1 Note 2 OPO 0 Anticipated X-Recovery Program c.g g c os z c.C NS g z z q 0 g z 1984 g'g t~os z c SN as~s ts e: 1985 K g c.os Z c m CS c 1986 The following tables summarize the production levels of record receipt, preparation, filming and indexing into the Permanent Plant File.December November Total to Date Percent~Com lete~Ac t i v i t Record Receipt and Preparation (Includes Aperture Cards Records Microfilming And Verification (Includes Aperture Cards)Computer Indexed Entries Records Indexing and Document Entry 68,824 Pages 59,835 Pages 23,283 Entries'7, 714 Documents 152, 458 Pages 2,665,405 Pages 136 953 Pages 2, 271, 614 Pages 10,530 409,523 Entries Entries 10,872 623,872 Documents Documents 33%28$63$26$Percent complete is based on an estimated 2,400,000 documents comprising 8,000,000 pages and 650,000 computer index entries required for Permanent Plant File entry by fuel load.63 NMP2 PERMANENT PLANT FILE DOCUMENTS INDEXED PLANNED VS.ACTUAL UN TNOUSANOSI ACTUAL Note 1-Fuel Load Note 2-Commercial Operation T~00 T 000 SCOO 0 0 0000 C 0000 II I coo N Ieoo S I COO Note 1 Note 2 I TOO I IOOO 0~oo X~oo 0 F 00 Too X p@pQ Anticipated X-Recovery Program r r c~g x~r r C III O<<co x I c m p<<C r r c UI Z c r r c-CO Z C m O%Te TN C m<<1983 1984 1985 1986 NMP2 PERMANENT PLANT FILE PAGES ENTERED PLANNED VS.ACTUAL CIN TNOUSANOSI ACTUAL P~000~000 Note 1 Note 2 TOOO A 0 oooo S oooo N T sooo 8 S TOOO 1000 X II pp pQ p pp Anticipated X-Recovery Program r r~0 C m x sT<<r p 1983 g c r'r L co 2 c r O TA)y,~C III O z g<<r p<<g~1984 r c co x c C III O r p 1985 r r c co'x c m<<1986 64 XI.LICENSING A.FSAR Status A total of 850 questions relative to the FSAR and ER-OLS have been received from the NRC.For'his period, 840 responses are complete, and the remaining ten open questions are confirmatory.

Amendment 15 was sent to the NRC November 21, 1984.B.Safety Evaluation Report (SER)Status There are 233 SER open items and an additional 80 Power Systems SER items for a total of 313.Me believe that 305 SER items are NHPC action complete.C.50.55(e)Reports Twelve 50.55(e)Reports were sent to the NRC;l.Velan Valves-PWHT (55(e)-84-22), Final Report.2.Cable Separation in Free Air (55(e)-84-48), Interim Report.3.Defective Wiring (55(e)-84-31), Final Report.4.RCIC Turbine Steam Admission Line (55(e)-84-33), Final Report.5.Hin.Wall Violation-ITT Grinnell (55(e)-84-49), Interim Report.6.Hin.Mall Violation-JCI-Tubing (55(e)-84-50), Interim Report.7.Rosemont Master Trip Units (55(e)-84-34), Final Report.8.Non-blunt Stencils (55(e)-84-51), Interim Report.9.Topaz inverters-(55(e)-84-52), Interim Report 10.Traceabi lity of Spare Parts, (55(e)-84-53), Interim Report.ll.()A Witness Cable Terminations, (55(e)-84-45), Final Report.12.Voltage Profile on Diesel Generator (55(e)-84-54), Interim Report.D.50.55(e)'s Identified Two items were reported to the NRC as potential deficiencies under 10CFR50.55e.l.Diesel Generator Voltage Profile (55(e)-84-54) 2.Undersized Melds on Hul ti function Support System (55(e)-84-55)

'5 E.Ins ection Re orts No Responses were required since no violations have been identified.

F.Advisory Committee on Reactor Safety (ACRS)-(Meeting Preparation)

The first ACRS mock meeting was held November 5 and 6.The second mock meeting originally scheduled for November 28 and 29 has been cancelled due to a conflict with the Hope Creek ACRS subcommittee meeting.Several of the NMP2 presenters will be requested to attend the Hope Creek meeting.Another mock meeting will be scheduled at a later date..66 G.STATUS OF RESPONSES TO BRANCH TECHNICAL QUESTIONS I NUMBER OF RESPONSES SCHEDULE FOR RESPONSE COMPLETION Technical Question Areas Questions Received Completed Outstanding 1985 INSTRUMENT AND CONTROLS*421 5 DISCREPANCIES RADIOLOGIC 470, 471 EFFLUENT 460, 451, 810 PIPING 210 STRUCTURE/220 SEISMIC-230 GEOLOGY-231 HYDROLOGY-240 GEOTECH-241 STRUCTURAL AUDIT EQUIPMENT QUAL.270 271 QA 260 FIRE PROTECTION 280 POWER SYSTEM 430 CONTAINMENT REACTOR PHYSICS CORE PERFORM 480, 491, 492 REACTOR SYSTEM 440 AUXILIARY SYSTEM 410 85 62 168 13 51 33 118 67 51 85 59 166 10 51 33 117 67 51 67 STATUS OF RESPONSES TO BRANCH TECHNICAL QUESTIONS Technical Question Areas STARTUP 5 TEST 640 NUMBER OF RESPONSES Questions~C1~di 41 40 SCHEDULE FOR RESPONSE COMPLETION 1985 OTHER 100, 250, 251 252, 281, 311 450, 620, 630 730 61 60 TOTALS 850 840 10 10 68 I I I