IR 05000293/1987012

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Insp Rept 50-293/87-12 on 870210-13.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Previous Insp Findings,Maint Program Administrative Controls,Maint Planning & Scheduling,Maint Manual & Measuring & Test Equipment
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 03/18/1987
From: Bissett P, Blumberg N, Petrone C
Shared Package
ML20205F093 List:
50-293-87-12, NUDOCS 8703310087
Download: ML20205F100 (12)


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Report N /87-12 Docket No. 50-293 License N DPR-35 Licensee: Boston Edison Company 800 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02199 Facility Name: P_ilgrim Nuclear Power Station Inspection At: Plymouth' Massachusetts Inspection Conducted: February 10-13, 1987 l Inspectors:


. _Md W is(sett, Reactor Engineer 3!/7/77

/ dpte ubvL C. Petrone, Lead Reactor Engineer sli & ,

date Approved by: .M MM/

~N . Blumberg, Acting Chief,70perational

/k date N

Programs Section, OB, DRS Inspection Summary: Routine, unannounced inspection on February 10-13, 1987 (50-247/87-12)

Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection of licensee action on previous inspection findings, maintenance program administrative controls, maintenance planning and scheduling, maintenance manual, measuring and test equipment, main-tenance of station transformers, plant decontamination and cleanup, maintenance staffing, maintenance support, repair activities in progress, and defueling operations. The inspection was performed onsite by two region based inspector Results: No violations were identifie .

8703310087 PDR G 87034 ADOCK 05000d)93 PDR

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1.0 Persons Contacted

  • K. Roberts, Nuclear Operations Manager
  • N. Brosee, Maintenance.Section Manager P. Moraites, Assistant Chief Maintenance Engineer
  • P. Hamilton, Senior Compliance Engineer F. Famulari, Operations Quality Control Group Leader R. Sherry, Chief Maintenance Engineer G. Lafond, Instrumentation & Controls (I&C) Engineer M. Shaw, I&C Supervisor (QUADREX)

R. Altieri, Planning & Scheduling Engineer J. Sabina, Senior Technical Engineer (OSS&PG)

P. Heidke, Electrical Maintenance Supervisor J. Vendor, Mechanical Maintenance Engineer R. McCue, Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor NRC M. McBride, Senior Resident Inspector

*J. Lyash, Resident Inspector


  • S. Pu11ani, Lead Reactor Engineer
  • Denotes those present at the exit meeting.

} 2.0 Licensee action on Previous Inspection Findings i

I (Closed) Violations (85-03-03 and 86-14-03). Licensee to strengthen existing controls or establish new measures which provide added assurance that measuring and test equipment (M&TE) used in activities affecting quality are properly controlle The following licensee actions were reviewed- by the inspectors to verify that appropriate corrective actions had been take *

An individual has been assigned to control the issuance of M&TE from the Instrument and Controls (I&C) Grou *

Limited access to the I&C M&TE storage area is maintaine *

M&TE control guidelines, as delineated in Office Memorandum 86-161, was distributed to and reviewed with I&C personnel during various training session *

The On Site Safety & Performance Group (OSS&PG) maintains controlled access to the M&TE storage chest *

Appropriate training was presented to OSS&PG personnel on the associated requirements of M&TE Procedure No. 1.3.3 .

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Procedure No., Local Leak Rate Testing, was revised to include an entry for M&TE used during the performance of the tes Based upon the inspectors review of the above, these items are close .0 Maintenance Program 3.1 Administrative Controls Administrative controls were reviewed to evaluate the licensee's program for implementing requirements associated with preventive and corrective safety-related maintenance activitie The objectives were to assure that the licensee programs were consistent with the Technical Specifications, Regulatory Guide 1.33, and ANSI N18.7-1976,

" Administrative and Quality Assurance Requirements for the Opera-tional Phase of Nuclear Power Plants." Documents reviewed are listed in Attachment .2 Scope Several inspections of the maintenance program at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) have been conducted within the past several months. During these inspections, several areas of interest and/or concern were noted (re. NRC Inspection Reports 86-06, 86-27 and 86-43). The majority of effort during this inspection was directed towards assessing the progress made within those areas of concern previously identified. Areas selected for review included the status of the site maintenance manual, operation of the Planning and Schedule Section (P&SS), measuring and test equipment controls, preventive maintenance measures applied to the station transformers, ongoing maintenance activities, et .3 Program Review 3. Maintenance Planning & Scheduling The Planning and Scheduling Section (P&SS) was established-in early 1986 to plan and schedule work activities and handle and track associated Maintenance Requests (MR). The P&SS is essentially tasked with 1) maintaining control of work requests; 2) planning and scheduling of work activities, including corrective and preventive maintenance and surveillance testing; and 3) coordinating work activities between the various onsite discipline The P&SS, which is comprised of a Senior Planning Engineer, three discipline (mechanical, electrical, I&C) planning



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~3 engineers and a Nuclear Maintenance Support Division planner, devoted the majority of their time in 1986.towards dispositioning an extremely large backlog of maintenance requests (MR's).

Only within the past 2-3 months has this group been able to function as originally- intended, that being the completion of all preparatory work (establishment of work package) for any one particular jo This work package includes the identification of applicable procedures, drawings, technical manuals; the procurement and or identification of parts, equipment and tools, the assess-ment of the need for special training, ALARA Planning, radiation work permits, QC requirements, etc., and the iden_tification of any PM related work and post maintenance testing requirement The inspector reviewed several work packages that were ;

awaiting authorization to commence work and determined from this review that work packages were finally being assembled as intende Discussions were also held with various P&SS personnel to review those mechanisms in place which are utilized to effectively schedule and track work activitie Those mechanisms currently in place included the followin *

Computerized maintenance schedule /barchart (QWIKNET)

Prime Information System (P-2), which maintains the status of MRs that are currently being worked

Maintenance Request Priority List

Computerized current work schedule by each discipline

Plan of the Day

Weekly Input and Displays Daily Work-In-Progress Sheets Also, the inspector attended one of the biweekly planning

. meetings, in which the P&SS reviews the current status of scheduled, working, or completed MRs with those groups outside the maintenance group (ie, operations, security, H.P., etc.). The purpose of this meeting is to ensure that Planning & Scheduling maintains .n awareness of the needs of other groups onsite, thus enabling them to schedule the work accordingl _ _ ___ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _

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3. Maintenance Manual With the establishment of the new P&SS Group and Procure-ment Support group, there came a need for applicable procedures / guidelines for these groups. Appropriately, the licensee commenced development of a PNPS Maintenance Manual which includes guidelines for all groups within the Maintenance Section. The inspector reviewed a draft of the P&SS guidelines and determined that the licensee is presently following these guideline In BECO letter #87-039 to the NRC, dated March 1, 1987, the licensee stated that the new maintenance manual was expected to be issued in March 198 (Item 3.A.3,6).

3. Measuring and Test Equipment As a result of previously identified problems pertaining to measuring and test equipment (M&TE), the Instrument and Controls (I&C) section initiated efforts towards developing new controls in which M&TE is maintained and accounted for on site. This new computerized program, currently titled Management Information System, and its associated controls were demonstrated to the inspector. The inspector noted that many control facets of this program are presently in place, but they are manual and not yet computerized. As a result of these manual controls, failure to maintain control of M&TE has been often attributable to a lack of manpower resource Adoption of computerized controls should lessen the strain on present resource I&C personnel informed the inspector that further evaluation and subsequent development of this program, together with management review and approval is needed prior to implementation. Several of the aspects and capabilities of this program currently include:

Instrument specifications of M&TE and installed instrumentation

Calibration data including next calibration due date

M&TE usage reports


Equipment history

Trend Analysis The I&C personnel stated that this system would not neces-sarily include only I&C application Further development could result in its utilization by many groups on site.

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3.4 Findings No violations were identified; however, the inspectors noted the need for continuing efforts in the following areas:

Discussions with both Planning & Scheduling Section (P&SS)

personnel and personnel outside this section,' indicate that this section has started functioning as originally intended within the last couple of months. There is more evidence of increased communication between appropriate groups resulting in better planning, scheduling and tracking of work activitie *

The proposed Management Information System, as demonstrated to t,he inspector, is currently under evaluation by upper managemen The inspector noted that this computerized program paralleled similiar programs already being used successfully at other facilitie .0 Ongoing Maintenance Activities 4.1 Scope The inspectors reviewed the licensees maintenance activities, discussed them with maintenance personnel and witnessed several maintenance activities. Safety related activities were examined to determine if they were being performed in accordance with the Tech-nical Specifications, Regulatory Guide 1.33, and ANSI 18.7-1976. Non safety-related activities were also reviewed to ensure the licensee procedures were followed and that good maintenance practices were employe .2 Maintenance of Station Transformers The inspector reviewed the licensees program for the inspection and maintenance of the large station transformers (non-safety related).

In addition to the main transformer, Pilgrim Station has a unit auxiliary transformer, startup transformer, and a shutdown transforme The inspector examined the name plate data on the transformers, compared it to the data contained in the design specifications (listed in attachment 1), and verified it to be correc Each transformer is equipped with a water deluge fire protection system. The licensee's representative stated that each deluge system is tested prior to startup from each refueling outag This test includes full actuation of the system and spraying of the trans-former . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _





At the time of the inspection, the reactor was shutdown and core defueling was underwa Power was being provided from offsite via the startup transformer which is used to stepdown the 345kv grid voltage to 4ky for use onsit The shutdown transformer was in standby readiness as an alternate offsite suppl The main transformer and the unit auxiliary transformer were deenergized and undergoing maintenanc The inspector examined each transformer and verified that the oil temperature, winding (copper) temperature (s), and oil level gages were reading normally. The cooling fans on the energized trans-formers were operating satisfactoril The' inspector noted some oil stains on the main transformer indicating a small oil leak. The licensee had already identified the source of the' leak (an oil cooler) and had issued instructions to


repair the leak during the present outag .The inspector also used an infrared heat gun, supplied by the

. licensee, to. scan the startup transformer cooler coil There was a 12'C heat drop across the cooler indicating the oil was flowing satisfactorily though the coole The inspector interviewed the Electrical Maintenance Engineer regarding any preventive maintenance performed on the 4 transformers previously mentione He stated that preventive maintenancs! is performed during each refueling outage. Reviews of the records of these maintenance activities verified that adequate maintenance was being performed. They included megger checks, operational testing of oil temperature and oil level alarms, checkout of the deluge system, Doble test, and other Some of the procedures for these tests were handwritten by the Electrical Maintenance Engineer, who stated that these procedures were being typed and, when approved, would become permanent plant procedure The inspector also reviewed the documents listed in Attachment These included surveillance procedures for the main, unit auxiliary, startup and shutdown transformers. These surveillances are performed weekly by operations personnel and include verification of oil level and temperature, nitrogen blanket pressure, alarms, oil pump flow, winding temperature, and other checks. In addition, oil samples are taken monthly and analyzed for dielectric performance and evidence of dissolved gase .

Based on these reviews, discussions and visual examinations the inspector concluded that the licensee's transformers are well j maintained.

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4.3 Plant Decontamination and Cleanup The licensee has established a program to cleanup and decontaminate the plant. As part of this program, the plant was divided up and

" area owners" assigned responsibility for the cleanup of such area Goals were established to reduce the percentage of contaminated areas and training was provided to the area owner The inspector reviewed the inspection modules for the area owners and noted they addressed: radioactive contamination and contamination control; observation techniques; observation guidelines; and, practical exercises. These modules were well prepared, detailed, and contained very useful checklists for performing these inspection The inspector reviewed the licensees' Controlled Area Contamination Status and noted that progress is being made in reducing the percentage of contaminated area From July 1986 to the present, they have reduced this percentage from 80% to 56%. Their goal is to reduce it to below 15%.

The maintenance manager also stated that they have arranged the lease of a decontamination facility to be used to cleanup the excessive number of contaminated tools now stored in the plan The inspector toured the reactor building and noted that housekeeping had improved in the last year. Housekeeping on the refueling floor was significantly improved. Major portions of the refueling floor had been decontaminated; as had many of the long handle refueling tools. Equipment and supplies were neatly stored. The refueling cavity water was clear and free of tras Continual effort is needed to reduce the amount of waste material stored in other areas of the reactor building, however the trend is clearly improvin .4 Maintenance Staffing and Support In an effort to improve maintenance effectiveness, and reduce the backlog of maintenance work requests, the licensee is planning to make or has made the following changes:


The maintenance department was reorganized;


Input from all groups (security, operations, and health physics)

is used to prioritize maintenance requests (MR's);


Twenty two additional persons will be added to the station services department;




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Nuclear Engineering Department support personnel have been moved onsite to facilitate resolution of technical problems;


Maintenance personnel will attend training every sixth week and this training will not be suspended during outages as was the practice in the past; and,


A new apprentice program is being established to supply qualified maintenance personnel for the futur The inspector concluded that the licensees maintenance department is taking positive steps to strengthen the maintenance department and improve the quality of maintenance at Pilgrim Station. The efforts of these and other changes will be evaluated during future inspection .5 Maintenance Repairs I

The inspector witnessed portions of the replacement of the mechanical seals on the "C" Reactor Feed Pump and the overhaul of a SMB-000 Type Limitorque Valve operator. The inspector verified that:


Prerequisites had been signed off;


Operations department approval had been obtained;


Workers were trained and qualified;


Appropriate hand tools were being used;


Torque wrenches were calibrated;


Written procedures were being followed;


Radiation controls were being adhered to; and


Good housekeeping was maintaine No violations or deviations were identified. Workers were knowledge-able in the performance of their tasks. The inspector noted that the licensee had removed insulation in preparation for ultrasonic examination of the reactor feed pump piping. This is to detect any reduction in pipe wall thickness caused by water erosion and prevent a pipe wall rupture accident similar to that which occurred at the Surry Virginia, Nuclear Generating Statio .6 Defueling Operations The inspector witnessed dayshift defueling operations on the refueling floor and verified:

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Prerequisites had been signed off;


Fuel movement status board was maintained up to date;


Procedure was being followed;


Good housekeeping was maintained;


Refueling pool water clarity was excellent;


Radiation Controls were being followed; and,


Workers were knowledgeabl As noted in paragraph 4.3 of this report, housekeeping on the refueling floor has improved . significantly since previous outage The inspector noted that the licensee still has some control rod blade guides equipped with the old type cast aluminum lifting bail In the past these old type blade guides have been known to break of The licensee's representatives stated that they are aware of the problem and are presently replacing the old type with with the newer, stronger type made of stainless steel. This satisfied the inspectors Concer .0 Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) Interface The inspectors held a discussion with the Operations Quality Control Group leader to ascertain their organizational structure and involvement with site activities. It was noted that audits, surveillances and inspections are conducted on a routine basis. Plant management is taking action on correcting QA/QC findings, which had not been the case in past year The inspectors stated that a more indepth review of QA/QCs role would be performed during future NRC inspections, and had no further questions at this tim .0 Independent Measurements Unit station transformers were scanned using an infrared gu These measurements were conducted to provide an indication of any hot spots due to restricted oil flow, low oil levels, et Refer to paragraph 4.2 for further detail .0 Management Meetings Licensee management was informed of the scope and purpose of the inspect-ion at an entrance interview conducted on February 10, 1987. The findings of the inspection were periodically discussed with licensee representa-tives during the course of the inspectio An exit interview was

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conducted on February 13,1987 (see Paragraph 1 for attendees) at which .

time the findings of the inspection were presente '

At no time during t.hi s inspection was written material concerning inspection findings provided to the licensee by the inspecto :




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Attachment 1 Documents Reviewed Plant' Procedures No. 3.M.4-10, Valve Maintenance, Rev. 5, 2/6/85 l

No. 3.M.3-24.5, Limitorgue Type SB/SMB Electrical Checkout and Adjustment, Rev. 3, 1/28/87 No. 8.Q.3-8, Limitroque Type SB/SMB Valve Operator EQ Maintenance, Re , 1/15/87 No. 3.M.3-24.2, Limitorque Type SMB-000/00 Motor Operator Overhaul, Rev. 2, 1/15/87 No. 1.5.3, Maintenance Requests


No. 1.8.2, PM Tracking Program No. 3.M.1-1 Preventive Maintenance PNPS Maintenance Planning & Scheduling Function (Draft)

No. 3M.1-11, Routine Maintenance MR 86-5-53, Flushing 011 Coolers, Rev. 3, 12/12/84 No. 3M.4-14, Rotating Equipment Inspection, Assembly & Disassembly MR 85-6-70, Seal Leakage MR 86-1-10, Overhaul of Limitorque SMB-000 Motor Operator No. 3M3-24-4, Removal and Overhaul of Limitoque Value Operators B. Design Specifications 1) SPEC. No. 6498-E-1, Rev. 3, Main Transformer, 12-30-7 ) SPEC. No. 6498-E-33, Rev. 1, Shutdown Transformer, 4-28-6 ) SPEC. No. 6498-E-2, Rev. 3, Unit Auxiliary Transformer,1-4-7 ) SPEC. No. 6498-E-3, Rev. 3, Start-Up Auxiliary Transformer,1-17-7 .