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NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 880424,circulating Water Delta Temp Exceeded Daily Average by 1 Degree.Caused by Heat Treatment on Unit 2 Saltwater Cooling Discharge Which Was Lined Up to Unit 3 Intake.Procedures Changed
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 06/02/1988
From: Morgan H
NUDOCS 8806100069
Download: ML20155A446 (4)



_f%(Wri#W Southem Califomia Edison Company SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR GENERATING ST AT60N P. O BOX 128


.,4,,o..... m u u....i June 2, 1988 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 29555


Docket No. 50-362 Report of NPDES Permit Violation San Onofre Nuclear Generatire Station, Unit 3 Pursuant to Section 3.2 of Appendix B, Envirorinental Protection Plan, Operating License No. NPF-15 for San Onofre Unit 3, enclosed is a copy of the April 1988 monthly NPDES report samary which includes a description of a violation of the San Onofre Unit 3 NPDES Permit.

If you require any additional information, please so advise.

Sincerely, b

Enclosure cc: F. R. Huey (USNIC Senior Resident Inspection, Units 1, 2, ard 3)

J. B. Martin (Regional Adninistrator, USNRC Region V)

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8806100069 880602 PDR ADOCK 05000362 s DCD

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i Southern California Edison Company P O Hot 128 SAN CL E Mf NTE C AllFCNNI A 926 72

.Y.[**cI'. May 2/, 1988 ,,','J'ES ld' ,

OPf ma fioms A ND M a'N T E NANC E. SyPPORY Mr. Ladin Delaney, Executive Officer California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region 9771 Clairanont Mesa Boulevard, Suite B San Diego, California 92124-1331

Dear Mr. Delaney:



'orino ne port S an Ot. 4ucles Generating Statio , Unit 3 The SONGS monitoring report coverinj the month of April is subnitted in accordance with the requirements of CRWQCB Order 85-13 (NPDES Permit No.

CA0108181) . A smmary of the generating unit's status aM significant analytical results is provided below.

The unit was in operation during April. All sampled water sources were fouM to be within permit limits. On April 24, 1988, the circulating watar delta tanperature exceeded the daily average allowed by one degree.

This occurred due to a series of unusual coMitions. A heat treat:nent was in progreso on Unit 2 incitxling the Unit 2 saltwater coolia) discharge

" line, which was lined up to discharge to the Unit 3 intake. '!his lineup caused the delta temperature to increase. Although prompt action was taken to reduce power, limits on th.. Late of power reduction were such that it was not possfble to inmediately reduce the averaga temperature rise to less than 23 F without shutting the unit down. To avoid this problem in the future, we have initiated operating procedure changes.

Pursuant to Order No. 85-33, Reporting Requirement 12, your letter dated June 25, 1985, authorizes the following tepresentative(s) to sign aM certify all reports required by this order: Arthur Kneisel, Environwntal Engineer.

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Mr.'Ladin Delaney' May 27, 1988 I. certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined aM am familiar with the information subnitted in the attached doctanent, and '

based on my inquiry of those individuals innediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the subnitted information is true, accurate, aM complete.. I am aware that there are significant penalties for subnitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.

Sincerely, M

+ Enclosure cc
Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX p.

1 l

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cp&L Caroll.1a P0wer & Light Company rrrmesammerme merrm m Brunswick Steam Electric Plant P. O. Box 10429 Southport, NC 28461-0429 June 3, 1988 FILE: B09-13510C SERIAL: BSEP/88-0594 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attn: Document Control Desk BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 DOCKET NOS. 50-325 AND 50-324 LICENSE NOS DPR-71 AND DPR-62 MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT

Dear Mr. Scroggins:

In accordance with Technical Specificatien for the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2, Carolina Power & Light Company herewith submits the report of operating statistics and shutdown experience for the month of May 1988.

Very truly yours, b ~., k h C. R. Dietz, Ge eral Manager Brunswick Steam Electric Plant MW/srg MSC/85-0014 Enclosures cc: Mr. M. R. Beebe Mr. T. C. Dell Dr. J. N. Grace t

Ms. F. E. Harrison l Mr. M. D. Hill Mr. P. W. Howe Mr. L. S. Mull Mr. R. G. Oehl Mr. W. H. Ruland Mr. R. M. Scrogi, ins l Ms. H. M. Shaver Ms. D. J. Vicks INPO }#p' 1

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