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Application for Amend to License DPR-34,revising Tech Specs to Incorporate Requirements for Steam Line Rupture Detection/Isolation Sys.Summary of Proposed Changes Encl. Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1985
From: Walker R
To: Berkow H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20136F171 List:
P-85456, TAC-60421, NUDOCS 8601070279
Download: ML20136F166 (8)




PUBLIC SERVIGE COMPANY OF GOLORADO P. O. BOX 840 + DENVER, COLORADO 80201 R.F. WALKER December 31, 1985 Fort St. Vrain Unit No. 1 P-85456 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attn: Mr. H. H. Berkow, Project Director Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Docket No. 50-267


Proposed Technical Specification Change - Steam Line Rupture Detection / Isolation System


PSC Letter, Walker to Berkow, dated December 27, 1985 (P-85499)

Dear Mr. Berkow:

This letter is to propose changes to the Fort St. Vrain Technical Specifications to incorporate the requirements for the Steam Line Rupture Detection / Isolation System (SLRDIS).

Attachment 1 is a Suninary of Proposed Changes to the existing license. Attachment 2 is the Proposed Changes to the existing license. The format for additions to the existing license reflect the format being incorporated into the Technical Specification Upgrade Program. Attachment 3 contains the Significant Hazards g Consideration for the proposed change. This change does involve an ag o Unreviewed Safety Question in that the probability of a loss of PojiQ1 forced circulation accident (LOFC) is increased, and the margin of g safety in the Technical Specifications relating to prevention of a dg simultaneous two-loop shutdown has been reduced. However, it is deemed to not constitute a significant hazard because a temporary pg5 interruption of forced circulation is a recoverable event that is . E preferred to failure of equipment caused by a harsh environment as a 5 result of a steam leak. That is, the high heat capacity of the High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor and slow response of fuel temperatures i

during an LOFC provide ample time to recover from such events. h 5e r

' Attachment 4 contains the SLRDIS Analysis Value Discussion.  !!jjj  !

Attachment 5 contains the Safety Analysis Report for installation ,, g T g and operation of SLRDIS.

TO $"k!b 8601070279 851231 PDR *'

ADOCK 05000267 P ppg

i In addition to the Instrumentation that is addressed in Attachment 2, SLRDIS actuates various steam and feedwater valves to isolate high energy lins breaks. Existing Technical Specification SR 5.3.4, Safe Shutdown Cooling Valves, presently ensures the operability of all of the valves required for Safe Shutdown Cooling. The surveillance procedures implementing that surveillance requirement will be expanded to include testing of those six auxiliary steam valves whose operability is required to preserve or maintain an environment in which the Safe Shutdown Cooling equipment is qualified. Thus, the existing Technical Specification SR 5.3.4, will not be modified as it is deemed to incorporate the requirements for maintaining Safe Shutdown Cooling capability in the event of a harsh environment.

In accordance with the provisions of 10CFR170, an application fee of

, $150.00 is enclosed.

If you have any questions or comments concerning the enclosed information, please call Mr. M. H. Holmes at (303) 480-6960.

Very truly yours, .

R.x.wadar R. F. Walker President RFW/ REC / paw Attachments cc: Albert J. Hazle Colorado Department of Health



Public Service Company of Colorado ) Docket No. 50-267 Fort St. Vrain Unit No. 1 )

AFFIDAVIT R. F. Walker, being duly sworn, hereby deposes and says that he is President of Public Service Company of Colorado, the Licensee herein; that he has read the foregoing Application for Amendment to Appendix A of Facility Operating License, and knows the contents thereof, and that the statements and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief.

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R. F. Walker tu &

President STATE OF A s / n' y h ) )


COUNTY OF [ nue)' )

Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public on this Anb day of Oftnasut , 1985.

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a g- Notary Pghfic _

My commission expires b/anJ8 AS ,19ff J





i In the Matter of the Facility Operating License)


of ) Docket No. 50-267



Application for Amendment to Appendix A of Facility Operating License License No. DPR-34 0F THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO FOR THE t FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATIN3 STATION This application for Amendment to Appendix A of Facility Operating License, License No. DPR-34, is submitted for NRC review and approval.

Respectfully submitted, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO By R. F. Walker, President KELLY, STANSFIELD & 0'DONNELL Bryant O'Donnell Robert E. Thompson Public Service Company Building Denver, Colorado 80202 Attorneys for Applicant








l 0 Attachmment 1 to P-85456


OF PROPOSED CHANGES SECTIO,j DESCRIPTION LCO 4.4.1 1. TABLE 4.4-2. Deleted line items 1 and 2 as they relate to the Steam Pipe

Rupture Detection System which will be removed. The Steam Line Rupture Detection / Isolation System (SLRDIS) replaces protection provided by Steam Pipe Rupture (under PCRV) and in (pipe cavities) for each loop.
2. TABLE 4.4-3. Added line item nos. 10a.

and 106. in the format of the Technical Specification Upgrade Program for TRIP SETPOINTS for CIRCULATOR TRIP (pg'4.4-6a) and OPERABILITY REQUIREMENTS for ~

CIRCULATOR TRIP (pg 4.4-6b) for the Steam Line Rupture Detection / Isolation System.

The new format has a column labelled

' ACTION' which has requirements when specifications of the OPERABILITY REQUIREMENTS are not met. The applicable ACTION statements are shown on pg 4.4-6c.

3. NOTES FOR TABLES 4.4-1 through 4.4-4 (continued) pg 4.4-8 and 4.4-9. Notes (j) and (s) are deleted as they are related only to the Steam Pipe Rupture Detection Instrumentation which will no longer be OPERABLE or required upon approval of this amendment.

Basis for LCO 4.4.1 1. Page 4.4-12, Two-Loop Trouble. The operation of SLRDIS to effectively override a simultaneous two loop shutdown is described in this basis.

2. Page 4.4-12, High Temperature.

Deleted reference to the Steam Pipe Rupture Detection System.

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3. Loop Shutdown Inputs-Shutdown of Both Circulators is moved from pg 4.4-13 to new page 4.4-12a.
4. Loop Shutdown Inputs-Basis for Steam Pipe Rupture in Reactor Building has been deleted.
5. Circulator Shutdown Inputs-added Steam Leak Detection in the Reactor Building and Steam Leak Detection in the Turbine Building on new pages 4.4-12a and 4.4-12b.
6. Circulator Shutdown Inputs paragraph makes exception for SLRDIS but otherwise does not change content. That paragraph. moved

'to pg 4.4-12a. Page 4.4-13 reformatted to account for deletion of basis for Steam Pipe Rupture Detection System and add paragraph on Steam Leak Detection in the Turbine Building.

SR 5.4.1 1. Basis for SR 5.4.1 expanded to discuss basis for surveillance on SLRDIS.

Inserted on pg 5.4-2.

2. Table 5.4-2. Line item 1 was deleted as it is related to the Steam Pipe Rupture (Pipe Cavity) channel which is no longer required.
3. Table 5.4-2. Line item 2 was deleted as it is related to the Steam Pipe Rupture (Under PCRV) channel which is no longer required.
4. Table 5.4-3. Added line item nos. 8a.

and 8b. in the format of the Technical Specification Upgrade Program for Surveillance Requirements on the Steam Line Rupture Detection / Isolation System which is to be installed as part of this Technical Specification Amendment.

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