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YES FACIL: 50-220 Nine Ni le Point Nuclear Stations Unit ii Niagara Poue AUTH.NA{'{E AUTHOR AFFILIATION NANQAN, C.V.-Niagara Nohawk Power Corp.RECIP.NANE RECIPIENT AFFILIATION ZWOLINBKli J.A.BWR Pro Ject Directorate SUB JECT: Forwards Vals I Zc I I to Rev 4 to updated FBAR for Nine Nile Point Nuclear Station Unit i~incorporating Nods completed ri to 860101'7/g p,g DIBTRIBU DE: A053D C PIES ECEIVED: LTR ENCL SIZE: TITLE: OR Submi ttal: Updated FBAR (50.71)DOCKET 0 05000220 RECIPlENT ID CODE/NANE BWR ADTS BWR EICSB BWR PD1 LQ KELLY.J 0 BWR RSB COPIES LTTR ENCL 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NA{'{E BWR EB BWR FQB BWR PD1 PD BWR PSB COP IES LTTR ENCL 1 0 0 0 0 INTERNAL: REQ FILE 05 02 NRR ROE''l'l.L RQN1 06 EXTERNAL: DNB/DBB LPDR NSIC 1 1 1 1 FRANKLIN NRC PDR 03 1 1 1 TOTAL NUii{BER OF COPIEB REQUIRED: LTTR 20 ENCL 11 I 4)., II I II't~II 4 qM'I 1' NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION/300 ERIE BOULEVARD WEST, SYRACUSE.N.Y.13202/TELEPHONE (315)474 1511 June 23, 1986 NMPl L 0071 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention:
Mr.John A.Zwolinski, Project Director BWR Project Directorate Number 1 Division of BWR Licensing U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Re: Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Docket No.50-220 DPR-63

==Dear Mr.Zwolinski:==
N.Y.13202/TELEPHONE (315)4741511June23,1986NMPlL0071DirectorofNuclearReactorRegulation Attention:
Mr.JohnA.Zwolinski, ProjectDirectorBWRProjectDirectorate Number1DivisionofBWRLicensing U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555Re:NineMilePointUnit1DocketNo.50-220DPR-63

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation hereby submits one (1)signed original and twelve (12)copies of Revision 4 to the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 1 Final Safety Analysis Report (Updated).
This revision supplies information on a replacement page basis, as indicated on Table l.A vertical bar indicates changes.Vertical bars were not placed next to figure changes;figure changes are indicated by revision numbers.In addition, Table 2 (attached) lists modifications made in accordance with lOCFR50.59 since the last submittal of the Final Safety Analysis Report (Updated)on June 27, 1985.Modifications completed prior to January 1, 1986 were reviewed and, if applicable, incorporated into the Final Safety Analysis Report (Updated).
NiagaraMohawkPowerCorporation herebysubmitsone(1)signedoriginalandtwelve(12)copiesofRevision4totheNineMilePointNuclearStationUnit1FinalSafetyAnalysisReport(Updated).
Sincerely, NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION C.V.Manga Senior Vice President DPC:bd Attachments xc: Mr.Jay Dunkleberger Division of Policy Analysis and Planning New York State Energy Office Agency Building 2 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223 8606270268 860b23 PDR ADQCY 05000220 K PDR T~p UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
Thisrevisionsuppliesinformation onareplacement pagebasis,asindicated onTablel.Averticalbarindicates changes.Verticalbarswerenotplacednexttofigurechanges;figurechangesareindicated byrevisionnumbers.Inaddition, Table2(attached) listsmodifications madeinaccordance withlOCFR50.59 sincethelastsubmittal oftheFinalSafetyAnalysisReport(Updated) onJune27,1985.Modifications completed priortoJanuary1,1986werereviewedand,ifapplicable, incorporated intotheFinalSafetyAnalysisReport(Updated).
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)))In the Matter of)Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
Sincerely, NIAGARAMOHAWKPOWERCORPORATION C.V.MangaSeniorVicePresident DPC:bdAttachments xc:Mr.JayDunkleberger DivisionofPolicyAnalysisandPlanningNewYorkStateEnergyOfficeAgencyBuilding2EmpireStatePlazaAlbany,NY122238606270268 860b23PDRADQCY05000220KPDR T~p UNITEDSTATESNUCLEARREGULATORY COMMISSION
)(Nine Mile Point Unit 1)))))Docket No.50-220 AFFIDAVIT'.
V.Mangan,'eing duly sworn,'eposes and says: I am Senior Vice President of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation,'uly authorized to act on the Corporation's behalf;as such, I have read the documents attached hereto and find that the statements made therein are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.C.V.Mangan Senior Vice President Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Subscribed, acknowledged and sworn to before me on this~5 day of June, 1986.Quahn Notary Pu~c gggNNE AUST!N Y&
I tGI.'.~~>:,>j'~84,F)
V.Mangan,'eing dulysworn,'eposes andsays:IamSeniorVicePresident ofNiagaraMohawkPowerCorporation,'uly authorized toactontheCorporation's behalf;assuch,Ihavereadthedocuments attachedheretoandfindthatthestatements madethereinaretruetothebestofmyknowledge, information andbelief.C.V.ManganSeniorVicePresident NiagaraMohawkPowerCorporation Subscribed, acknowledged andsworntobeforemeonthis~5dayofJune,1986.QuahnNotaryPu~cgggNNEAUST!NY&
@a~~<>~4%~3 fj~~(
t t NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION NINE MILE POINT UNIT 1 Table 2-Modifications Implemented Under 10CFR50.59 Not Previously Submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission*
Mod.Number Modification Descri tion 78-04 78-21 80-90 81-27 81-36 82-03 Install nitrogen supply valve in Train 11 of the containment atmosphere dilution system Add welding outlets on elevation 198 of Reactor Buil ding Modify turbine generator sequential trip circuit by adding"motoring" relays to provide overspeed protection by verifying that all steam sources are closed off before opening turbine-generator breakers.Replace breathing air service water compressor
ttNIAGARAMOHAWKPOWERCORPORATION NINEMILEPOINTUNIT1Table2-Modifications Implemented Under10CFR50.59 NotPreviously Submitted totheNuclearRegulatory Commission*
'Y'trainers with duplex strainers Install manual (normally locked-open) isolation valve in nitrogen supply line to containment atmospheric dilution system for maintenance.
Mod.NumberModification Descrition78-0478-2180-9081-2781-3682-03InstallnitrogensupplyvalveinTrain11ofthecontainment atmosphere dilutionsystemAddweldingoutletsonelevation 198ofReactorBuildingModifyturbinegenerator sequential tripcircuitbyadding"motoring" relaystoprovideoverspeed protection byverifying thatallsteamsourcesareclosedoffbeforeopeningturbine-generator breakers.
Change detect zones (D-1114 8 DA-1114)H2 seal oil from Class A to Class B.Ref.NRC's SER to Amendment 30.Ir 82-33 Modify turbine thrust bearing wear detectors per GE technical information letter.82-57 82-69-1 82-69-3 Install Reactor Building sprinkler system drain tank level switch column isolation val-ve and testing tee.Provide level switch probe clearance and valve tee assembly for calibration.
Replacebreathing airservicewatercompressor
Upgrade the feedwater low flow control during startup, shutdown and hot standby to resolve NUREG-0619 feedwater nozzle cracking (thermal cycles)concerns.Also modified the motor driven feedwater recirculation system.Install redundant high pressure coolant injection initiation circuits for reliability.
'Y'trainers withduplexstrainers Installmanual(normally locked-open) isolation valveinnitrogensupplylinetocontainment atmospheric dilutionsystemformaintenance.
*While some modifications may have been performed earlier, inclusion indi cates cl oseout of the entire modi f i cati on package.
Changedetectzones(D-11148DA-1114)H2sealoilfromClassAtoClassB.Ref.NRC'sSERtoAmendment 30.Ir82-33Modifyturbinethrustbearingweardetectors perGEtechnical information letter.82-5782-69-182-69-3InstallReactorBuildingsprinkler systemdraintanklevelswitchcolumnisolation val-veandtestingtee.Providelevelswitchprobeclearance andvalveteeassemblyforcalibration.
I I l II Page 2 Mod.Number Modification Descri tion 82-80-5 83-16 83-30 83-30-2 Revise logic on emergency condenser vent isolation valves to include confirmatory logic.Replace waste collector filter recycle pump with pump made by Gould.(Base and piping also modified).
Upgradethefeedwater lowflowcontrolduringstartup,shutdownandhotstandbytoresolveNUREG-0619 feedwater nozzlecracking(thermalcycles)concerns.
Original vendor (Delaval)no longer manufacturers this pump, which was leaking at the casing flange and could not be repaired.Replaced Turbine Building closed loop cooling heat exchangers ll 5 12.Replace closed loop cooling heat exchanger (part of 83-30 above)83-35 83-36 83-46 83-81 84-19 84-29 84-31 84-35 84-50 Addition of roof alarm (23')and camera at northwest wall of security annex.Additional document control (NSR)electrical outlets to support additional office space and equipment for records storage, drawing control room and computer tech shop.Prime computer;power upgrade-add 16 outlets (RM246-1)to accommodate additional computer peripherals and communications equipment.
Alsomodifiedthemotordrivenfeedwater recirculation system.Installredundant highpressurecoolantinjection initiation circuitsforreliability.
Upgrade Reactor Building fire barrier wall (NSR)piping penetration seals to 3 hour IEEE-634.Cut and relocate section of breathing air pipe so that post-LOCA vent line may be installed at Reactor Building El 281'.Accurex Upgrade-To provide reliable use of the fuel zone water level monitoring system hardware/software mod's per GE FDI NTCB.Replace the power cable to the reactor shutdown cooling system return line isolation valve motor-operator and DC valve board (outside the drywell.)with a larger cable to improve performance by minimizing motor burnout.Relocate 3 smoke detectors in digital computer room (auxiliary control room)to avoid discharge from air supply diffuser, per NRC Inpsection 84-06.Modify twelve input risers to Waste Disposal Building Sump 813 to minimize stoppage in floor drains and consequential contamination.
*Whilesomemodifications mayhavebeenperformed earlier,inclusion indicatescloseoutoftheentiremodificationpackage.
P a Page 3 Mod.Number Modification Descri tion 84-51 84-004 85-012 Screen wash pump;replace with mechanical seals.Also changed butterfly valve to plug valve.Replace diesel fire pump governor inlet and discharge and pump bearing oil solenoid valves to provide manual start capability upon loss of power.Relocate supply voltage source for cleanup system isolation valves from powerboard 167 to 1618 8 171B and add thermal overload bypasses to satisfy environmental qualifications.
IIlII Page2Mod.NumberModification Descrition82-80-583-1683-3083-30-2Reviselogiconemergency condenser ventisolation valvestoincludeconfirmatory logic.Replacewastecollector filterrecyclepumpwithpumpmadebyGould.(Baseandpipingalsomodified).
Originalvendor(Delaval) nolongermanufacturers thispump,whichwasleakingatthecasingflangeandcouldnotberepaired.
ReplacedTurbineBuildingclosedloopcoolingheatexchangers ll512.Replaceclosedloopcoolingheatexchanger (partof83-30above)83-3583-3683-4683-8184-1984-2984-3184-3584-50Additionofroofalarm(23')andcameraatnorthwest wallofsecurityannex.Additional documentcontrol(NSR)electrical outletstosupportadditional officespaceandequipment forrecordsstorage,drawingcontrolroomandcomputertechshop.Primecomputer; powerupgrade-add16outlets(RM246-1) toaccommodate additional computerperipherals andcommunications equipment.
UpgradeReactorBuildingfirebarrierwall(NSR)pipingpenetration sealsto3hourIEEE-634.
Cutandrelocatesectionofbreathing airpipesothatpost-LOCA ventlinemaybeinstalled atReactorBuildingEl281'.AccurexUpgrade-Toprovidereliableuseofthefuelzonewaterlevelmonitoring systemhardware/software mod'sperGEFDINTCB.Replacethepowercabletothereactorshutdowncoolingsystemreturnlineisolation valvemotor-operator andDCvalveboard(outsidethedrywell.)
withalargercabletoimproveperformance byminimizing motorburnout.Relocate3smokedetectors indigitalcomputerroom(auxiliary controlroom)toavoiddischarge fromairsupplydiffuser, perNRCInpsection 84-06.ModifytwelveinputriserstoWasteDisposalBuildingSump813tominimizestoppageinfloordrainsandconsequential contamination.
Pa Page3Mod.NumberModification Descrition84-5184-00485-012Screenwashpump;replacewithmechanical seals.Alsochangedbutterfly valvetoplugvalve.Replacedieselfirepumpgovernorinletanddischarge andpumpbearingoilsolenoidvalvestoprovidemanualstartcapability uponlossofpower.Relocatesupplyvoltagesourceforcleanupsystemisolation valvesfrompowerboard 167to16188171Bandaddthermaloverloadbypassestosatisfyenvironmental qualifications.
~0 NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION NINE, MILE POINT UNIT 1 FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (UPDATED)'EVISION 4.(1986)Table 1 Current Pa e Cover sheet,'olume I XXX1 II-25 V-29 V-.30 VI-21 VI-47;Tabl e VI-3A VI-50B, Table VI-3B VII-17 VII-21 VII-23 V I I-62 VIII-4 VIII-15 VI I I-21 VIII-68 X-32;Figure X-6 X-39 X-40, Figure X-7 X-52 X-62 XI I-19 Cover sheet, Volume II XXX1 XV-48 XV-54 XV-159 Re lacement Pa e(s)Cover sheet,'olume I XXX1 II-25 V-29 V-30 V-30A (New page)VI-21 VI-47, Tabl e VI-3A VI-50B, Table VI-3B VII-17 VI I-21 VI I-23 VII-62 VIII-4 VIII-15 VI I I-21 VIII-68 X-32, Figure X-6 X-39 X-40, Figure X-7 X-52 X-62 XII-19 Cover sheet, Volume II XXX1 XIII-9A (New page)XV-48 XV-54 XV-159 F~e I}}
'EVISION4.(1986)Table1CurrentPaeCoversheet,'olume IXXX1II-25V-29V-.30VI-21VI-47;TableVI-3AVI-50B,TableVI-3BVII-17VII-21VII-23VII-62VIII-4VIII-15VIII-21VIII-68X-32;FigureX-6X-39X-40,FigureX-7X-52X-62XII-19Coversheet,VolumeIIXXX1XV-48XV-54XV-159RelacementPae(s)Coversheet,'olume IXXX1II-25V-29V-30V-30A(Newpage)VI-21VI-47,TableVI-3AVI-50B,TableVI-3BVII-17VII-21VII-23VII-62VIII-4VIII-15VIII-21VIII-68X-32,FigureX-6X-39X-40,FigureX-7X-52X-62XII-19Coversheet,VolumeIIXXX1XIII-9A(Newpage)XV-48XV-54XV-159 F~eI}}

Revision as of 00:35, 8 July 2018

Forwards Vols I & Ii to Rev 4 to Updated FSAR for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 1,incorporating Mods Completed Prior to 860101
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/23/1986
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17055B914 List:
NMP1L-0071, NMP1L-71, NUDOCS 8606270268
Download: ML17055B913 (14)



YES FACIL: 50-220 Nine Ni le Point Nuclear Stations Unit ii Niagara Poue AUTH.NA{'{E AUTHOR AFFILIATION NANQAN, C.V.-Niagara Nohawk Power Corp.RECIP.NANE RECIPIENT AFFILIATION ZWOLINBKli J.A.BWR Pro Ject Directorate SUB JECT: Forwards Vals I Zc I I to Rev 4 to updated FBAR for Nine Nile Point Nuclear Station Unit i~incorporating Nods completed ri to 860101'7/g p,g DIBTRIBU DE: A053D C PIES ECEIVED: LTR ENCL SIZE: TITLE: OR Submi ttal: Updated FBAR (50.71)DOCKET 0 05000220 RECIPlENT ID CODE/NANE BWR ADTS BWR EICSB BWR PD1 LQ KELLY.J 0 BWR RSB COPIES LTTR ENCL 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NA{'{E BWR EB BWR FQB BWR PD1 PD BWR PSB COP IES LTTR ENCL 1 0 0 0 0 INTERNAL: REQ FILE 05 02 NRR ROEl'l.L RQN1 06 EXTERNAL: DNB/DBB LPDR NSIC 1 1 1 1 FRANKLIN NRC PDR 03 1 1 1 TOTAL NUii{BER OF COPIEB REQUIRED: LTTR 20 ENCL 11 I 4)., II I II't~II 4 qM'I 1' NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION/300 ERIE BOULEVARD WEST, SYRACUSE.N.Y.13202/TELEPHONE (315)474 1511 June 23, 1986 NMPl L 0071 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention:

Mr.John A.Zwolinski, Project Director BWR Project Directorate Number 1 Division of BWR Licensing U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Re: Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Docket No.50-220 DPR-63

Dear Mr.Zwolinski:

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation hereby submits one (1)signed original and twelve (12)copies of Revision 4 to the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 1 Final Safety Analysis Report (Updated).

This revision supplies information on a replacement page basis, as indicated on Table l.A vertical bar indicates changes.Vertical bars were not placed next to figure changes;figure changes are indicated by revision numbers.In addition, Table 2 (attached) lists modifications made in accordance with lOCFR50.59 since the last submittal of the Final Safety Analysis Report (Updated)on June 27, 1985.Modifications completed prior to January 1, 1986 were reviewed and, if applicable, incorporated into the Final Safety Analysis Report (Updated).

Sincerely, NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION C.V.Manga Senior Vice President DPC:bd Attachments xc: Mr.Jay Dunkleberger Division of Policy Analysis and Planning New York State Energy Office Agency Building 2 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223 8606270268 860b23 PDR ADQCY 05000220 K PDR T~p UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)))In the Matter of)Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation

)(Nine Mile Point Unit 1)))))Docket No.50-220 AFFIDAVIT'.

V.Mangan,'eing duly sworn,'eposes and says: I am Senior Vice President of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation,'uly authorized to act on the Corporation's behalf;as such, I have read the documents attached hereto and find that the statements made therein are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.C.V.Mangan Senior Vice President Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Subscribed, acknowledged and sworn to before me on this~5 day of June, 1986.Quahn Notary Pu~c gggNNE AUST!N Y&

I tGI.'.~~>:,>j'~84,F)

@a~~<>~4%~3 fj~~(

t t NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION NINE MILE POINT UNIT 1 Table 2-Modifications Implemented Under 10CFR50.59 Not Previously Submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission*

Mod.Number Modification Descri tion 78-04 78-21 80-90 81-27 81-36 82-03 Install nitrogen supply valve in Train 11 of the containment atmosphere dilution system Add welding outlets on elevation 198 of Reactor Buil ding Modify turbine generator sequential trip circuit by adding"motoring" relays to provide overspeed protection by verifying that all steam sources are closed off before opening turbine-generator breakers.Replace breathing air service water compressor

'Y'trainers with duplex strainers Install manual (normally locked-open) isolation valve in nitrogen supply line to containment atmospheric dilution system for maintenance.

Change detect zones (D-1114 8 DA-1114)H2 seal oil from Class A to Class B.Ref.NRC's SER to Amendment 30.Ir 82-33 Modify turbine thrust bearing wear detectors per GE technical information letter.82-57 82-69-1 82-69-3 Install Reactor Building sprinkler system drain tank level switch column isolation val-ve and testing tee.Provide level switch probe clearance and valve tee assembly for calibration.

Upgrade the feedwater low flow control during startup, shutdown and hot standby to resolve NUREG-0619 feedwater nozzle cracking (thermal cycles)concerns.Also modified the motor driven feedwater recirculation system.Install redundant high pressure coolant injection initiation circuits for reliability.

  • While some modifications may have been performed earlier, inclusion indi cates cl oseout of the entire modi f i cati on package.

I I l II Page 2 Mod.Number Modification Descri tion 82-80-5 83-16 83-30 83-30-2 Revise logic on emergency condenser vent isolation valves to include confirmatory logic.Replace waste collector filter recycle pump with pump made by Gould.(Base and piping also modified).

Original vendor (Delaval)no longer manufacturers this pump, which was leaking at the casing flange and could not be repaired.Replaced Turbine Building closed loop cooling heat exchangers ll 5 12.Replace closed loop cooling heat exchanger (part of 83-30 above)83-35 83-36 83-46 83-81 84-19 84-29 84-31 84-35 84-50 Addition of roof alarm (23')and camera at northwest wall of security annex.Additional document control (NSR)electrical outlets to support additional office space and equipment for records storage, drawing control room and computer tech shop.Prime computer;power upgrade-add 16 outlets (RM246-1)to accommodate additional computer peripherals and communications equipment.

Upgrade Reactor Building fire barrier wall (NSR)piping penetration seals to 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> IEEE-634.Cut and relocate section of breathing air pipe so that post-LOCA vent line may be installed at Reactor Building El 281'.Accurex Upgrade-To provide reliable use of the fuel zone water level monitoring system hardware/software mod's per GE FDI NTCB.Replace the power cable to the reactor shutdown cooling system return line isolation valve motor-operator and DC valve board (outside the drywell.)with a larger cable to improve performance by minimizing motor burnout.Relocate 3 smoke detectors in digital computer room (auxiliary control room)to avoid discharge from air supply diffuser, per NRC Inpsection 84-06.Modify twelve input risers to Waste Disposal Building Sump 813 to minimize stoppage in floor drains and consequential contamination.

P a Page 3 Mod.Number Modification Descri tion 84-51 84-004 85-012 Screen wash pump;replace with mechanical seals.Also changed butterfly valve to plug valve.Replace diesel fire pump governor inlet and discharge and pump bearing oil solenoid valves to provide manual start capability upon loss of power.Relocate supply voltage source for cleanup system isolation valves from powerboard 167 to 1618 8 171B and add thermal overload bypasses to satisfy environmental qualifications.


~0 NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION NINE, MILE POINT UNIT 1 FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (UPDATED)'EVISION 4.(1986)Table 1 Current Pa e Cover sheet,'olume I XXX1 II-25 V-29 V-.30 VI-21 VI-47;Tabl e VI-3A VI-50B, Table VI-3B VII-17 VII-21 VII-23 V I I-62 VIII-4 VIII-15 VI I I-21 VIII-68 X-32;Figure X-6 X-39 X-40, Figure X-7 X-52 X-62 XI I-19 Cover sheet, Volume II XXX1 XV-48 XV-54 XV-159 Re lacement Pa e(s)Cover sheet,'olume I XXX1 II-25 V-29 V-30 V-30A (New page)VI-21 VI-47, Tabl e VI-3A VI-50B, Table VI-3B VII-17 VI I-21 VI I-23 VII-62 VIII-4 VIII-15 VI I I-21 VIII-68 X-32, Figure X-6 X-39 X-40, Figure X-7 X-52 X-62 XII-19 Cover sheet, Volume II XXX1 XIII-9A (New page)XV-48 XV-54 XV-159 F~e I