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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000321/1997006]]
| number = ML20149H665
| issue date = 07/17/1997
| title = Insp Repts 50-321/97-06 & 50-366/97-06 on 970609-13. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Corrective Action Program Including Problem Resolution,Operating Experience Feedback Programs & self-assessment Activities
| author name =
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation =
| docket = 05000321, 05000366
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = 50-321-97-06, 50-321-97-6, 50-366-97-06, 50-366-97-6, NUDOCS 9707250106
| package number = ML20149H644
| page count = 18
See also: [[see also::IR 05000321/1997006]]
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                          U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (NRC)
                                            REGION II
                Docket Nos:          50-321 and 50-366
                License Nos:        DPR-57 and NPF-5
                Report No:          50-321/97-06. 50-366/97-06
                Licensee:            Southern Nuclear Operating Company. Inc. (SNC)
                Facility:            E. I. Hatch Units 1 and 2
                Location:            P. O. Box 439
                                      Baxley. Georgia 31513
                Dates:              June 9 through June 13. 1997
                Inspectors:          C. Ogle. Senior Resident Inspector (Vogtle)
                                      M. Ernstes. Project Engineer
                                      J. Canady. Resident Inspector (Hatch)
                                      J. York. Reactor Inspector
                Approved by:        P. Skinner. Chief. Projects Branch 2
                                      Division of Reactor Projects
                                                                            Enclosure 2
      9707250106 970717
      PDR  ADOCK 05000321
      G                PM
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[                                                      EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.
                                                    Plant Hatch. Units 1 and 2'
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                                        NRC Inspection Report 50-321/97-06. 50 366/97-06                                      :
                        This routine announced inspection examined the lic^ensee's corrective
:                        action 3rogram including problem resolution, operating experience                                      ;
  :                    feedbacc programs, self-assessment activities, and commitment                                          -
                        identification and tracking. Conclusions included the-following:
:                        e      All deficiency cards (DCs) reviewed by the inspectors for. a two-
                                week period were appropriately categorized for resolution (Section
                                -07.1).                                                                                        ,
i.                      e        Event Review Teams (ERTs) effectively determined the root causes
                                of events. Team members were adequately trained in root cause
:                                analysis techniques and effectively..imalemented them' The
                                  corrective actions recommended by the ERT were appropriate for the                            ,
F, .
                                  identified root causes. Actions were generally' completed in a                                <
                                  timely manner to prevent recurrence (Section 07.2)-.
:                        e      The licensee's disposition of NRC Information Notices was                                      j
.                                generally in accordance with procedural requirements (Section
j                        e        The licensee.had an informal process to evaluate events that occur
                                  at other of the licensee's facilities. However, some events were
                                  not captured for review at Hatch'(Section 07.3).
[                        e        The inspectors identified no discrepancies between the licensee's
;)                                implementation of the corrective action program and the                                        4
i                                requirements of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR)                                l
l                                (Section 07.3).
b                        e        The failure to properly implement site management's disposition of
                                  a Service Information Letter (SIL) was identified as a weakness
                                  (Section 07.4).                                                                              l
;                        e        The failure to follow procedure for dispositioning minor findings
                                  found in NRC inspection reports was identified as a weakness
4.                                (Section 07.5).
,                        e        Formal audits of NRC promulgated items, such as non-cited
                                  violations, weaknesses., and negative observations, did not reflect
                                  historical trends (Section 07.6).                                                            ,
.                                                                                                                                ,
h                                                                                                                  Enclosure 2
l    e The Safety Audit and Engineering Review (SAER) audits reviewed by
        the inspectors were appropriate and met licensee program
        requirements. A negative observation regarding SAER auditor
        performance was made for two readily a) parent shortcomings
        identified by the inspectors, but not )y the auditor (Section
      e A violation was identified for inadequate corrective actions which
        failed to prevent recurrence of imprc?erly stored material in the
        control room. This issue was the ub]t a.t of a closed Audit
        Finding Report Item (Section 07.6).
      e The inspectors identified two examples of shortcomings in the
        licensee's tracking of commitments made in response to NRC
        violations (Section 07.7).
      e Three self-assessments reviewed by the inspectors were well done
        and reflected the willingness of the responsible departments to
        identify problems (Section 07.8).
                                                                Enclosure 2
    _ . __. _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ .                                      _ . _ _ _ _
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                                                                            ReDort Details                                -
                                                                            I. Operations
                      07        Quality Assurance'in Operations
                      07.1 Resolution of Problems
                          a. Insoection Scooe (40500)
                                The inspectors assessed the licensee's programs for identifying and                        '
                                correcting problems. Procedure 10AC-MGR-004-0S " Deficiency Control                        i
                                System." Revision 10. described the guidelines for initial disposition of
                                problems via review of Deficiency Cards (DCs) by the dispatcher.        The
                                inspectors reviewed all DCs submitted during a two-week period to
                                evaluate the dispatchers' ability to identify and characterize problems.
                      b.        Observations and Findinas
                                All individuals performing the duties of the dis)atcher had significant
                                experience. Most of them currently or formerly 1 eld a Senior Reactor
                                03erator license. DCs submitted during a two-week period and reviewed by.
                                tie. inspectors indicated that the dispatchers adequately assessed the
                                potential significance of .the deficiency. Significant DCs were forwarded
                                to the Shift Supervisor for review and action such as entering a limiting
                                condition for operation (LCO) or reporting an event. DCs which the
                                dispatchers had evaluated as not significant were forwarded to a
                                Performance Team and entered in the Action Item Tracking (AIT) system.
                                The AIT effectively tracked the status of the deficiencies and their
                                corrective actions. Most items were closed by immediate corrective
                                actions or by transferring the item to be tracked as a Maintenance Work
                                Order (MWO) or Design Change Request (DCR).
                      c.        Conclusions
                                All DCs reviewed by the inspectors for a two-week period were
                                appropriately categorized for resolution.
                      07.2 Corrective Action Proarams
                          a. Insoection Scooe (40500)
                                Procedure AG-MGR-27-0687N. " Root Cause Analysis." Revision 3. described
                                the licensee's methods for determining the root causes of events. The
                                inspectors selected the following nine recent events to analyze, in
                                detail, the licensee's disposition of the. event for significance and root
                                cause analysis:
L                                e          Licensee Event Report.(LER) 50-321/96-04: Inadequate Procedure
                                            Results in Reactor Pressure Increase and Auto Reactor Shutdown,
                                                                                                      Enclosure 2
            _                                                            __  _      __    __ _
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  5 ,
                    e          Event Review Team Report 97-003: Unit 1 Emergency Core Cooling
                                System (ECCS) Room Cooler Control Switches Found Mispositioned on
!                              3/17/97,
                    e          LER 50-321/96-015:    Failed Control Relay Results in an Automatic
                                Primary Containment Isolation System Actuation.
                    e          Two main transformer fan grounds result in trip of feedwater (FW)
;                              . heater drain pump and subsequent power reduction,
l                  -e          Emergency diesel generator (EDG) tripped on reverse power during
                                surveillance testing.
                    e          Failure to verify Unit 1 plant service water pump discharge valve
                                position as required by Technical Specifications-(TS),
                    o          Engineered Safety Features (ESF) actuation during surveillance
                                testing,                                          J
                    e          Reactor feed pump minimum' flow valve failed open and caused a 1A
                                reactor recirculation pump trip,
                    e          Notice of Unusual Event (NOUE) declaration for nitrogen release on              ,
                                Unit 2.
                    The inspectors reviewed the corrective actions associated with events to                    '
                    determine their effectiveness in preventing recurrence. Completion of
                    selected corrective actions was verified by the inspectors.
                b. Observations and Findinas                                                                    1
                    Plant events which were categorized as ''High Level Risk." were evaluated                  j
                    by an Event Review Team (ERT).            ERT members had appropriate training in
                    root cause analysis techniques such as Management Oversight and Risk Tree
                    (MORT) and Kepner Tregoe. Application of these techniques resulted in a
                    thorough root cause analysis of the selected events. The ERT reports
                    contained a broad range'of contributing causes. For example, on March
                    23. 1997. the Unit 1 reactor automatically scrammed due to a pressure
                    increase following shutdown of the main turbine. Control room operators                    i
                    deduced that the Turbine Bypass Valves (TBV)s had improperly o]erated,
                    causing the pressure transient. Through comparison of strip clarts for
                    reactor pressure from this event with strip charts from previous main
                    turbine shutdowns, the ERT concluded that the TBVs had operated properly                    ,
                    and recommended procedure changes to preclude recurrence of the event.
                    The licensee documented events as required,by 10 CFR 50.73. Licensee
l.                  Event Report (LER) system. However one minor technical inaccuracy was
                    identified'to the licensee for resolution. LER 50-321/96-03 reported
                    that there had been no previous similar events in which failure of a CR
                    120 relay had caused an ESF actuation in the last two years when there
f                                                                                            Enclosure 2
l_        -    .                    __
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              b. Observations and Findinos
                  Disposition of the following ins was reviewed by the inspectors:
                  e      IN 96-24      Preconditioning of Molded - Case Circuit. Breakers
                                        Before Surveillance Testing
                  e      IN 96-27      Potential Clogging of High Pressure Safety Injection
                                        Throttle Valves During Recirculation
                  e      IN 96-67      Vulnerability of EDG to Fuel Oil / Lubricating Oil
                  e-      IN 96-68      ~ Incorrect Effective Diaphragm Area Values in Vendor
                                        Manual Result in Potential Failure of Pneumatic
                                        Diaphragm Actuators
                  e      IN 97-09      Inadequate Main Steam Safety Valve Setpoints and
                                        Performance Issues Associated with Long MSSV Inlet              1
                  e      IN 97-12      Potential Armature Binding in General Electric Type
                                        HGA Relays
                  -The inspectors reviewed the licensee's disposition of the above items.
                  The review included memorandum to file that documented reviews for those
                  ins not applicable to Plant Hatch; the tracking of action, items: IN typed
                  response letters: and response completion time (normally within 60 days).            l
                  The requirements of Procedure 10AC-MGR-005-0S were met ~for the six ins-
                  reviewed. The ins)ectors observed, however. that the question "Why this              -
                  is or is not a pro)1em'at' Plant Hatch" was not clearly answered in the
                  response letter for IN 96-24. Further review by the inspectors indicated              +
                  that the licensee appropriately addressed the issues identified in the IN
                  but-licensee actions were not' clearly documented in the IN response
                  letter.                                                                              ,
                  The inspectors also observed that two ins had response letters dated
                . substantially greater than the normal 60 days s)ecified in Procedure
                  10AC-MGR-005-0S. One response was dated 4 montas and the other.was dated
                  6 months after receipt of the IN. The inspectors discussed this                      i
                  observation with the Nuclear Safety and Compliance supervisor responsible
                  for the ins. The inspectors were informed that the 60 days speified in                :
                  the procedure was used as a guideline During refueling outages.
                  personnel responsible for the-IN response letters were assigned various
                  tasks in assisting the refueling activities. This contributed to the
                  delay in developing response letters. One individual was designated to                f
l                  review and prepare responses to the ins on a part-time basis during the
                  refueling outage. However, the supervisor continued-to receive the ins
                  and screen them for urgency.        Those ins deemed urgent were assigned to an
                                                                                      Enclosure 2
    - ,-  ,-                        -          - , - , , -    ,                        s,-  - ---
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l  '
l                                                3
l-          had been a similar event reported in LER 50-366/94-09.    In this instance.
l          the oversight did not impact problem resolution since the corrective
            actions for the CR 120 relays were ongoing.
            The corrective actions were appropriate for the root causes identified by
            the licensee's analysis. Completion of corrective actions was tracked              '
            using the Commitment Identification and Tracking System. Items were
            generally well tracked. In one case, a commitment to analyze all Unit 2
            CR 120 relays for replacement by February 28. 1997 was made in LER 50-
            321/96-15. The Commitment Identification and Tracking System indicated              1
            on March 25. that this had not been completed. The individual assigned
            to perform the evaluation had not ]roperly completed it. However.                  ;
            another individual had completed t1e analysis in preparation for the Unit          ;
            2 cutaga.    In effect., the commitment had been met, however. the                  i
            commitment tracking system did not reflect that it had been completed.
            Inspectors verified, through direct inspection, the completion of
            corrective actions such as procedure revisions, and posting of warning
            signs. Corrective actions were generally completed in a timely manner to
            prevent recurrence of events. However age-related failures of the
            General Electric (GE) CR 120 relays and spurious actuations of Root Mean
            Square RMS-9 trip devices occurred over extended periods. Corrective
            actions, now in place, appear to be sufficient to prevent future
      c.  Conclusions
            Event Review Teams effectively determined the root causes of events.
            Team members were adequately trained in root cause analysis technicues
            and effectively implemented them. The corrective actions recommenced by
            the ERT were appropriate for the identified root causes. Actions were
            generally completed in a timely manner to prevent recurrence.
      07.3 Review of Ooeratina Exoerience Feedback. Information Notices and Other
            Facility Licensee Events
        a. Insoection Scooe (40500)
            The inspectors reviewed six NRC Information Notices (ins) and verified
            their disposition in accordance with Procedure 10AC-MGR-005-0S.
            " Operating Experience Program and Corrective Action Program." Revision
            10.  Selected events at the licensee's other nuclear facilities (Farley
            and Vogtle) were reviewed in accordance with NRC Inspection Manual 40500.
            " Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying. Resolving, and
            Preventing Problems." Additionally, the inspectors reviewed the Updated
            Final Safety Analysis Reports (UFSARs) for Units 1 and 2 associated with
            the licensee's corrective action program.
                                                                              Enclosure 2
                                _ -. _ ._ .._ _ _ _ _                            _ ._ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _
      . -
s ~ ,-
              individual for' a timely review. ins that were not urgent-are deferred
            - until after the outage. The inspectors were informed that this was the
              case for these'two ins.
              NRC Inspection Procedure.40500 states that~ an effective corrective action                            !
              program will ensure that corrective actions applicable at more than one
            >of the licensee's facilities'is considered at all of the licensee's                                    >
              facilities. (This is not a regulatory requirement.) Vogtle and Farley
              fall within the purview of this guideline. The inspectors provided the                                '
              licensee. prior to the start of the corrective action ins)ection, three                                ;
              events that occurred at Vogtle. .The following are the LER number and
              title associated with the Vogtle events:                                                              ;
              e      50-424/96-10-00                . Safety Injection _ Pump Rendered Inoperable Due to
                                                      lack of Motor Cooling
              e      50-424/97-01-00                  Thermal Overload Byp n Jumper Connection
                                                      Renders ECCS Valve inoperable
              e      50-424/97-03-00                  Unlatched Doors on Motor Control Centers Changes
                                                      Seismic Qualifications                                        l
              The licensee was aware of these events and provided information that                                  I
              indicated that at Hatch training had been conducted; procedural
              enhancements had been made: and a policy letter from management had been
              issued as a result of~these events.
              Seven events / issues that occurred at Farley were prov_ided to the licensee
              subsequent to the start of the inspection. The licensee did not have any
              information associated with these events. -The licensee informed the
              inspectors that there was no formal program to address events that
              occurred'at Plants Vogtle and Farley. Through an informal process, the                                i
              licensee stated that some of.the events at Vogtle and Farley were                                      >
              captured and addressed but not all events.
              The inspectors requested the licensee provide documentation for other
              events / issues that occurred at Farley for which Plant Hatch had taken
              some action. The licensee provided the-inspectors with information
              regarding four event:. Three of them were addressed in a response to an                                1
              IN and one was a response to a third party document promulgated to the
              . industry. The inspectors reviewed the documentation associated with
              these events. The licme's responses appropriately addressed the                                      ;
              issues for Hatch.
              The  inspectors
              and section      reviewed
                            17.2.16        of th A!pendix        D, section
                                                      Unit 2 UFSAR.        D.5.5.11
                                                                        These sections  of ofthethe Unit 1 UFSAR
              addressed the licensee's corrective action program. The inspectors                                    i
              identified no discr 2pancies between the licensee's implementation of 'he
              corrective action program and the information contained in the applicable
              sections of the UFSARs.
                                                                                                        Enclosure 2
        c. Conclusions
            The licensee's disposition of ins was generally in accordance with the
            procedural requirements of Procedure 10AC-MGR-005-0S.    The licensee had
            an informal process to evaluate events that occurred at other of the
            licensee's facilities. However, some events were not captured for review
            at Hatch.  The inspectors identified no discrepancies between the
            licensee's implementation of the corrective action program and the
            requirements of the FSAR.
      07.4 Doeratina Exoerience Feedback. Discosition of GE Service Information
            Letters (SIls)
        a. Insoection Scone (40500)
            General Electric (GE) Services Information Letters (SILs) are issued as a    l
            service to GE Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) owners.    The inspectors        )
            reviewed the licensee's resolution and disposition of four SIls to            i
            determine if the corrective actions appeared to be proper and to              l
            determine if the disposition had been accomplished.                          !
        b. Observations and Findinas
            The purpote of the SILs is to promote plant performance improvements and      i
            alert owners to actual or potential occurrences which can degrade plant
            performance. The inspectors reviewed the following SILs:
            *      SIL No.196. Supplement 17- This letter involved two potential
                  problems with Target Rock Safety Relief Valves (SRV). one was main
                  disc spring relaxation and another was tip breakage on the spring:
            *      SIL No. 590- This letter involved two potential problems, one with
                  fasteners coming loose and potentially releasing the top cover on
                  a NUMAC instrument and fabrication dimension problems with square
                  receptors; and
            e      SIL No. 601- This letter involved the potential for loose
                  connections at some of the Reactor Protection System (RPS)
                  terminals if the wrong size wiring was used.    The correct wiring
                  was used at Hatch and this SIL was dispositioned with a memorandum
                  to file.
                                                                              Enclosure 2
        The inspectors evaluated the licensee's initial screening
        -(applicable /non-applicable): validated the non-applicable SILs: verified
        the response times, and evaluated corrective action items for the three
      -previous SILs listed above. No problems were identified. A problem was
        identified for the following SIL:
        e      SIL No. 602- This -letter involved Traversing Incore Probe (TIP)
                ballsvalve roll-pin cracking. Roll-pin cracking was noted in 50
                percent of the valves at another site including some of the valves
                in stock. The cracking was longitudinal i.e., parallel to the
                axis of the pin. The alloy 420 martensitic stainless steel pin
                was installed into the valve stem using an interference fit
                thereby creating residual stresses in the pin. These stresses-
                were considered the likely cause for the intergranular stress
                corrosion cracking (IGSCC). Also, contributing was the fact that
                an improper heat treatment for the pin made the pin susceptible to
                the IGSCC. The inspectors independently verified that this was a
                feasible root cause by reviewing appropriate technical information
                (Metals Handbook. Volume 4. Heat Treating. Section on Heat
                Treating of Stainless-Steel and Heat Resisting Alloys: and Volume
                4. Corrosion. Section on Corrosion of Stainless Steels). No
                failure to function had been reported for these valves at the time
                of the SIL.
        -The licensee's decision was to replace all of the pins (only four.
        containment isolation valves involved) with new pins supplied by the        ;
        vendor.    These replacement pins were in the properly heat treated
        condition, which would not make the pins susceptible to 10 SCC. The SIL    q
        only recommended that the pins be inspected and if any were found to be      !
        cracked then to replace only those pins. During a review of the work        i
        done on maintenance work order (MWO) No. 29602291-01 during the most
        recent-Unit 2 outage (mid March through April 1997) the inspectors and
        the licensee noted that the work performed on the four valves was a
        partial disassembly, visual inspection of the pins, and then reassembly.
        The pins.were not replaced because they were not cracked. This failure
        to properly carry out the SIL disposition recommended by site management    !
        (replace all pins whether cracked or not) is identified as a weakness.
    c. Conclusions
        tiost of the SIls were properly dispositioned, but one SIL (No. 602) had a
        disposition that was not properly implemented during a recent outage on
        Unit 2. This failure to properly carry out the site's management
        disposition for the SIL is identified as a weakness.
                                                                        Enclosure 2
1      .
          07.5 Doeratina Exoerience Feedback. Review of Disoosition of Minor NRC
            a. Insoection Scooe (40500)
                The inspectors reviewed the licensee's disposition of five minor,
                unnumbered NRC findings noted in Inspection Reports.    These findings were
                not violations, deviations, unresolved items, or inspector follow up
                items, i.e.    did not have an NRC report number designation.
            b. Observations and Findinas
                The inspectors reviewed the licensee's disposition of the following items
                from recent NRC Inspection Reports (irs):
                e      Negative observation IR 97-01 (Pl.1) - Emergency Preparedness (EP)
                      drill performance where Health Physics (HP) and other support
                      personnel were not notified to respond, the staff was short 3 HP
                      personnel. This item was still being resolved through the use of
                      the Deficiency Card (DC) system.
                e      Negative observation IR 96-11 (02.1) - Special Report required by
                      TS.    Some required sections of the report were not clear. This
                      item was dispositioned through a Significance Occurrence Report
                e      Negative observation IR 96-11 (R4.1) - Poor sampling techniques
                      demonstrated by chemistry technicians. This item was
                      dispositioned through the use of a DC.
                e      Weaknesses IR 97-02 (M1.7) - Inspection personnel climbing on
                      ]iping and poor MT inspection techniques. These items had not
                      Jeen addressed in any manner. The licensee stated that they did
                      not agree with the inspection findings. The licensee agreed that
                      these items should have been addressed in the manner discussed in
                      the following paragraph.
                The inspectors reviewed the procedure for handling unnumbered findings.
                such as weaknesses and negative observations, that appear in NRC reports.
                Procedure 10AC-MGR-005-05, Step stated, "For other NRC items NOT
                discussed in the preceding steps ...(items discussed previously were
                violations, deviations, unresolved items, and inspector followup
                items). . the following actions will be taken: Step Nuclear
                Safety and Compliance (NSC) will forward applicable portions of the NRC
                inspection report to the responsible department. . Step The
                responsible de)artment will take action as necessary to resolve the
                concern and su)mit a response to NSC... ." When asked to provide the
                correspondence / documentation for accompl'shing this part of the
                procedure, the licensee realized that Wey were not implementing this
                part of the procedural requirements.
!                                                                                Enclosure 2
        c. Conclusions
            Review of unnumbered inspection findings from several NRC inspection
            reports revealed that the licensee was not following their procedural
            requirements for addressing these inspection findings. Given that there
            is no regulatory basis far requiring licensee's to respond to unnumbered
            inspection report item. this will not be cited as a violation. However,
            it is identified as a weakness.
      07.6 Self-Assessment Activities
        a. Insoection Scone (40500)
            The inspectors reviewed onsite audits performed by the Safety Assessment
            and Engineering Review (SAER) Group in the corrective action area. The
            following audits were reviewed:
            e      97-CA-1 Corrective Action Program      May 23, 1997
            e      96-CA-2 Corrective Action Program      October 18, 1996
            e      96-CA-1 Corrective Action Program      April 9, 1996
            e      95-CA-3 Corrective Action Program      December 27, 1995
            Additionally, the inspectors interviewed SAER personnel concerning the
            conduct of audits.
        b. Observations and Findinas
            The inspectors verified that these four audits met UFSAR requirements.
            Further, each audit contained the elements specified in the SAER Audit
            Planning Matrix, Schedule, and Status Report provided by the licensee.
            The inspectors noted that in accomplishing Audit Item Number 1, NRC
            Inspection Reports, for Audits 97-CA-1, 96-CA-2, and 96-CA-1, the SAER
            auditor reviewed the licensee's dis]osition of five violations and 1 non-
(          cited violation. However, during t1e 1996-1997 time frame which                l
            encompassed these audits, approximately twenty-eight violations and
l          fourteen non-cited violations (NCVs)were identified. The inspectors
l          expressed concern to the licensee regarding the small number of NCVs
:          audited in these last three audits. The basis of this concern was that          l
l          NCVs typically receive less formal NRC followup and closeout of the            I
i          corrective actions than violations.    Hence, more review of NCVs by the
j          licensee may be warranted.                                                      j
            Additionally, the inspector.s noted that in the last four SAER audits, no      !
            review had been performed of unnumbered NRC inspection report items such        j
            as weaknesses and negative observations. Procedure 10AC-MGR-005-0S              l
            contained actions to be taken for such items. This process had not been
            reviewed in the audits performed by SAER examined by the inspectors.            j
            While there is no regulatory recuirement for a SAER review of this              i
            process, the inspectors did finc problems in the area as outlined in            '
                                                                              Er. closure 2
.____________________________________-_                                                                                __
l                                                                              10
L                                          Section 07.5 of this report. Given the nature of these shortcomings, it
                                          was reasonable to assume that these errors would have been detected if
                                          audited. .The failure of SAER to audit the actions required of Procedure        1
                                          10AC-MGR-005-0S for unnumbered NRC inspection report requirements was
                                          identified as a negative observation.
                                          The inspectors reviewed audits 97-CA-1 and-96-CA-2.    This-included a
                                          selected verification of licensee corrective actions. identified as having
                                          been. reviewed by the auditor. In general, the inspectors observed that
                                          the~ audits were logical, covered a wide range of issues, and for the most
                                          part appeared to be probing. .Two Audit ~ Finding Reports (AFRs) were
                                          identi fied which indicated that the auditor was willing to identify -
                                          issues. However, several deficiencies were identified by the inspectors.        4
                                          First. Audit 96-CA-2. Item 6. presented the auditor's review of Licensee        I
                                          Event Report (LER) 50-321/96-003. Component Failure Results in Unplanned
                                          Engineered Safety Feature System Actuation. The audit item stated that
                                          there were no previous similar events reported in the last two years in
                                          which an unplanned Engineered Safety Feature system actuation occurred
                                          due to a failed relay coil: that this event was considered an isolated          i
                                          failure. However, a similar occurrence within the previous two years was
                                          documented in LER 50-366/94-09. Furthermore, similar relay failures were
                                          the subject of licensee event reports for several years. This was
                                          considered a lack of attention to detail on the part of the auditor.
                                          The second deficiency involved Item Number 1 in the same audit. This
                                          item presented the auditor's review of the licensee's response to
                                          Violation 50-321/96-06-04    During their independent review of this item.
                                          the inspectors determined that the procedure revision identified in the
                                          licensee's response to the violation had not been. entered into the
                                          licensee's Commitments Identification and Tracking System.    However,          j
                                          under Audit Technique for this item, the auditor included " Verify that          '
                                          commitments are in the Cunmitment Identification and Tracking System."
                                          When questioned on this point, both the auditor and his manager
                                          acknowledged that this had indeed not been verified by the auditor.
                                          Further, they also indicated that the results section for the same item
                                          did not state that this attribute had been verified by the auditor. The        ;
                                          inspectors noted that presenting audit techniques which have not been
                                          performed in the final audit plan and checklist was not clear and could
                                          confuse the reader.
                                          Additional followup in the area of commitment tracking was performed by        !
                                          the inspectors and is documented in Section 07.7.
                                          Finally, a control room walkdown of AFR 96-SA-8/28. " Unsecured items were
                                          found in areas where safety related equipment is located. These items
                                          may present a safety or reliability hazard during a seismic event." was
                                          performed. This AFR documented unsr 1 red equipment stored in plant areas
                                          adjacent to safety related, seismic Category I equipment. Six control            ,
                                          room areas identified in the AFR as having unsecured stored equipment            !
                                                                                                            Enclosure 2
                                                                .c                                              ...
  . . _ . . . _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ . , . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ - _ . , . . _ . _
                                                                        11                                          't
                            were examined by the inspectors. The inspectors noted that many of the                  ;
                            same item documented in the AFR were still stored immediately adjacent to
                            control room cabinets.
                            The licensee informed.the inspectors that many of the items h'ad been                    <
                            previously analyzed in their observed storage locations. Information-to
                            support this position was provided by the licensee. _However, the
                            . licensee informed the inspectors that approximately seven 1tems
                            identified required remedial actions to prevent potential seismic
;                            interactions with safety related equipment.
                            The inspectors noted.from their review that this AFR. including the
                            planned corrective actions, had been closed by the plant and SAER in
                            October and November 1996, respectively. However, these corrective
                            actions failed to preclude repetition of this condition. During a
                            review of this issue with the licensee, the SAER manager noted that this
                            AFR had been closed by SAER aiproximately seven months before the
                            inspector's observation and t1at a control' room walkdown had not been
l                            performed as part of SAER's closecut of this issue.
                            Several SAER personnel were interviewed regarding audits and their .                      ;
                            performance.      They all described a willingness to identify issues free              i
;                            from undue pressure.
                        c. Conclusions                                                                                !
                            The SAER audits reviewed by the inspectors -were appropriate and met
                            licensee program requirements. A negative observation regarding SAER                      i
i                            auditor performance was made.for two readily identified shortcomings
                            identified by the inspectors, but' not by:the auditor. Additionally the
                            inspectors concluded that formal audits of NRC promulgated items, such as
                            non-cited violations, weaknesses'. and negative observations, did not
                            reflect historical trends.
                            -The failure to prevent recurrene of improperly stored material which had
:                            the potential to impact the seismic performance of equipment in the
                            control room was contrary to the requirements of 10 CFR 50. Appendix B.
                            Criterion XVI. Corrective Actions. This was identified as Violation 50-
                            321, 366/97-06-01. Failure To Prevent Recurrence Of Improper Equipment                    ;
                            Storage In Control Room.
                                                                                                        Enclosure 2
                  . J. ,            - . + . . ,          ,                ,--..; -
  _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _                                                          _._          _
( ~.
                              07;7 Commitment Identification and Trackina System
l                                  a Scooe-(40500)
                                          The inspectors verified that licensee commitment control met the
                                          requirements of Procedure 00AC-REG-002-05, " Commitment -Identification and
l                                        Tracking System " Revision 2.    The inspectors reviewed the licensee's
:                                          handling of commitments made in licensee responses to violations 50-
                                          321/96-06-04: 50-321, 366/96-04-02 (Example 2): 50-321, 366/97-01-01
                                          (Example 1); and AFR 96-SA-8/28.
                                  'b. Observation and Findinas
                                          In each case, the inspectors. observed that the appropriate licensee
                                        . procedure had been changed to reflect the commitments made in response to
                                          the items listed above. However, the inspectors noted that for
                                          violations 50-321/96-06-04 and 50-321, 366/97-01-01 (Example 1), the
                                          appropriate commitments had not been entered into the licensee's
                                          Commitment Identification and Tracking System.
                                          Procedure 00AC-REG-002-0S requires that long-term commitments be entered
                                          into the Commitment Identification and Tracking System. The same
                                          procedure identifies a procedure change made in response to a violation
                                          as a long-term commitment. When questioned on these apparent
                                          discrepancies, the licensee indicated that the failure to enter the
                                          procedure change made in response to violation 50-321, 366/97-01-01
                                          (Example'1) into the Commitment Identification and Tracking system was an
                                          oversight. However, the licensee indicated that the procedure change
                                          made in response to violation 50-321/96-06-04 was intentionally not
                                          entered into the system. As described by the licensee, this decision was
                                          based on the licensee's belief that this procedure change represented an
                                          enhancement to the procedure and du)licated an existing procedural-
                                          requirement which was captured by t1e system.
                                          Subsequent to inspector questions, these items were entered into the
                                          Commitment Identification and Tracking System. The licensee indicated
                                          that they were also considering a review of other violation responses to
                                          ensure commitments were appropriately documented.                                t
                                  c. Conclusions
                                          The inspectors identified two examples of shortcomings in the licensee's
                                          tracking of commitments made in response to NRC violations. These
                                          shortcomings did not' impact implementation of the appropriate
                                                                                                            Enclosure 2
  ..                                  _
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?          ~.
                      Ac the exit. the inspectors acknowledged that there is no regulatory                                                I
                      ME M for a commitment tracking system.                                            However, the licensee's
                      procedure, as reviewed by the. inspectors, did not provide the flexibility
l.                    to not enter procedure changes made in response to violations into their                                          '
I                    commitment identification and tracking system.
              07 8 Deoartmental Self-Assessments
                a    Insoection Scope (40500)
                      The . inspectors reviewed the following licensee self-assessments.
                      e        Contamination Control and Personal Contamination Reports (PCR).
                                Self-Assessment (dated July 16, 1996)
                      e        Radioactive Material Control Assessment (dated November 15, 1996)
                      e        Self-Assessment of E.I. Hatch Operations Department (September
l                                1996)
!                b. Observations and Findinas
!                    .Each of the self-assessments contained a broad range of observations,
                      included strengths and weakness, and identified potential corrective
                      actions. The -inspectors noted many of the weaknesses identified
                      reflected a critical review of licensee performance,
                c. Conclusions
;                      The' three self-assessments listed above were well done and reflected the
l                    willingness of these departments to ident.ify problems.
                                                      V. Manaaement Meetinas Other Areas
              X.2 Review of UFSAR Commitments
                      A recent discovery of a licensee o)erating its facility in a manner
,                    . contrary to the UFSAR description lighlighted the need for a special
                      focused review that compares plant practices, procedures and/or                                                    i
                      parameters to the UFSAR description. While performing the inspections
                      discussed in this report, the inspectors reviewed the applicable portions
                      of the UFSAR that related to the areas inspected. The inspectors
                      verified that the UFSAR wording was consistent with the observed plant
                      practices, procedures, and/or parameters.
                                                                                                                              Enclosure 2
L        -                -
l          .                                                                                              l
<'.;                                                                                                      I
              'X.4    Exit Meeting Summary
                      The inspectors presented the inspection results to members of the                'l
                    . licensee management at the conclusion of the inspection on June 13. 1997.          l
                      .The license acknowledged the findings presented. Some of the                      !
                      departmental-self-assessments discussed in Section 07.8 were 3roprietary            '
                      and returned to the licensee at the end of the inspection. W1en                    l
                      questioned.. no other material was identified by the licensee as.
                    '. proprieta ry.
                                          PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED
,              Anderson, J.D. . Unit Superintendent
l            ' Davis D., Plant Administration Manager
l              Fraser, 0.M., Safety Audit and Engineering Review Supervisor
              Metzler. E.T. Nuclear Safety and Compliance Supervisor
              Moore, C T.. Assistant General Manager - Plant Support
              Roberts, P.A., Outages and Planning Manager
              Tipps..S.B., Nuclear Safety and Compliance Manager
                                              INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED
              IP 40500:      Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying Resolving, and
!                            Preventing Problems                                                        i
                                        ITEMS OPENED, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSED
            ~50-321, 361/97-06-01          VIO        Failure to prevent recurrence of improper-
                                                        equipment storage in control room
                                                                                          Enclosure 2  .
    ..            .                                -      .    ..      --    --        -        ..  -

Latest revision as of 17:43, 7 August 2022

Insp Repts 50-321/97-06 & 50-366/97-06 on 970609-13. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Corrective Action Program Including Problem Resolution,Operating Experience Feedback Programs & self-assessment Activities
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/17/1997
Shared Package
ML20149H644 List:
50-321-97-06, 50-321-97-6, 50-366-97-06, 50-366-97-6, NUDOCS 9707250106
Download: ML20149H665 (18)

See also: IR 05000321/1997006



. .



Docket Nos: 50-321 and 50-366

License Nos: DPR-57 and NPF-5

Report No: 50-321/97-06. 50-366/97-06

Licensee: Southern Nuclear Operating Company. Inc. (SNC)

Facility: E. I. Hatch Units 1 and 2

Location: P. O. Box 439

Baxley. Georgia 31513

Dates: June 9 through June 13. 1997

Inspectors: C. Ogle. Senior Resident Inspector (Vogtle)

M. Ernstes. Project Engineer

J. Canady. Resident Inspector (Hatch)

J. York. Reactor Inspector

Approved by: P. Skinner. Chief. Projects Branch 2

Division of Reactor Projects

Enclosure 2

9707250106 970717

PDR ADOCK 05000321



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Plant Hatch. Units 1 and 2'

,. .

NRC Inspection Report 50-321/97-06. 50 366/97-06  :




This routine announced inspection examined the lic^ensee's corrective

action 3rogram including problem resolution, operating experience  ;


feedbacc programs, self-assessment activities, and commitment -

identification and tracking. Conclusions included the-following:

e All deficiency cards (DCs) reviewed by the inspectors for. a two-

week period were appropriately categorized for resolution (Section


-07.1). ,


i. e Event Review Teams (ERTs) effectively determined the root causes

of events. Team members were adequately trained in root cause

analysis techniques and effectively..imalemented them' The

corrective actions recommended by the ERT were appropriate for the ,

F, .

identified root causes. Actions were generally' completed in a <

timely manner to prevent recurrence (Section 07.2)-.

e The licensee's disposition of NRC Information Notices was j

. generally in accordance with procedural requirements (Section



j e The licensee.had an informal process to evaluate events that occur


at other of the licensee's facilities. However, some events were

not captured for review at Hatch'(Section 07.3).


[ e The inspectors identified no discrepancies between the licensee's

) implementation of the corrective action program and the 4

i requirements of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) l

l (Section 07.3).

b e The failure to properly implement site management's disposition of


a Service Information Letter (SIL) was identified as a weakness


(Section 07.4). l


e The failure to follow procedure for dispositioning minor findings

found in NRC inspection reports was identified as a weakness

4. (Section 07.5).



, e Formal audits of NRC promulgated items, such as non-cited

violations, weaknesses., and negative observations, did not reflect


historical trends (Section 07.6). ,


. ,


h Enclosure 2







l e The Safety Audit and Engineering Review (SAER) audits reviewed by


the inspectors were appropriate and met licensee program

requirements. A negative observation regarding SAER auditor

performance was made for two readily a) parent shortcomings

identified by the inspectors, but not )y the auditor (Section


e A violation was identified for inadequate corrective actions which

failed to prevent recurrence of imprc?erly stored material in the

control room. This issue was the ub]t a.t of a closed Audit

Finding Report Item (Section 07.6).

e The inspectors identified two examples of shortcomings in the

licensee's tracking of commitments made in response to NRC

violations (Section 07.7).

e Three self-assessments reviewed by the inspectors were well done

and reflected the willingness of the responsible departments to

identify problems (Section 07.8).



Enclosure 2

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. .


ReDort Details -

I. Operations

07 Quality Assurance'in Operations

07.1 Resolution of Problems

a. Insoection Scooe (40500)

The inspectors assessed the licensee's programs for identifying and '

correcting problems. Procedure 10AC-MGR-004-0S " Deficiency Control i

System." Revision 10. described the guidelines for initial disposition of

problems via review of Deficiency Cards (DCs) by the dispatcher. The

inspectors reviewed all DCs submitted during a two-week period to

evaluate the dispatchers' ability to identify and characterize problems.

b. Observations and Findinas

All individuals performing the duties of the dis)atcher had significant

experience. Most of them currently or formerly 1 eld a Senior Reactor

03erator license. DCs submitted during a two-week period and reviewed by.

tie. inspectors indicated that the dispatchers adequately assessed the

potential significance of .the deficiency. Significant DCs were forwarded

to the Shift Supervisor for review and action such as entering a limiting

condition for operation (LCO) or reporting an event. DCs which the

dispatchers had evaluated as not significant were forwarded to a

Performance Team and entered in the Action Item Tracking (AIT) system.

The AIT effectively tracked the status of the deficiencies and their

corrective actions. Most items were closed by immediate corrective

actions or by transferring the item to be tracked as a Maintenance Work

Order (MWO) or Design Change Request (DCR).

c. Conclusions

All DCs reviewed by the inspectors for a two-week period were

appropriately categorized for resolution.

07.2 Corrective Action Proarams

a. Insoection Scooe (40500)

Procedure AG-MGR-27-0687N. " Root Cause Analysis." Revision 3. described

the licensee's methods for determining the root causes of events. The

inspectors selected the following nine recent events to analyze, in

detail, the licensee's disposition of the. event for significance and root


cause analysis:


L e Licensee Event Report.(LER) 50-321/96-04: Inadequate Procedure

Results in Reactor Pressure Increase and Auto Reactor Shutdown,




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e Event Review Team Report 97-003: Unit 1 Emergency Core Cooling

System (ECCS) Room Cooler Control Switches Found Mispositioned on

! 3/17/97,



e LER 50-321/96-015: Failed Control Relay Results in an Automatic

Primary Containment Isolation System Actuation.



e Two main transformer fan grounds result in trip of feedwater (FW)

. heater drain pump and subsequent power reduction,


l -e Emergency diesel generator (EDG) tripped on reverse power during


surveillance testing.


e Failure to verify Unit 1 plant service water pump discharge valve

position as required by Technical Specifications-(TS),

o Engineered Safety Features (ESF) actuation during surveillance

testing, J

e Reactor feed pump minimum' flow valve failed open and caused a 1A

reactor recirculation pump trip,


e Notice of Unusual Event (NOUE) declaration for nitrogen release on ,

Unit 2.

The inspectors reviewed the corrective actions associated with events to '

determine their effectiveness in preventing recurrence. Completion of

selected corrective actions was verified by the inspectors.

b. Observations and Findinas 1

Plant events which were categorized as High Level Risk." were evaluated j

by an Event Review Team (ERT). ERT members had appropriate training in

root cause analysis techniques such as Management Oversight and Risk Tree

(MORT) and Kepner Tregoe. Application of these techniques resulted in a

thorough root cause analysis of the selected events. The ERT reports

contained a broad range'of contributing causes. For example, on March

23. 1997. the Unit 1 reactor automatically scrammed due to a pressure

increase following shutdown of the main turbine. Control room operators i

deduced that the Turbine Bypass Valves (TBV)s had improperly o]erated,

causing the pressure transient. Through comparison of strip clarts for

reactor pressure from this event with strip charts from previous main



turbine shutdowns, the ERT concluded that the TBVs had operated properly ,


and recommended procedure changes to preclude recurrence of the event.


The licensee documented events as required,by 10 CFR 50.73. Licensee

l. Event Report (LER) system. However one minor technical inaccuracy was

identified'to the licensee for resolution. LER 50-321/96-03 reported

that there had been no previous similar events in which failure of a CR

120 relay had caused an ESF actuation in the last two years when there

f Enclosure 2


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b. Observations and Findinos

Disposition of the following ins was reviewed by the inspectors:

e IN 96-24 Preconditioning of Molded - Case Circuit. Breakers

Before Surveillance Testing

e IN 96-27 Potential Clogging of High Pressure Safety Injection

Throttle Valves During Recirculation

e IN 96-67 Vulnerability of EDG to Fuel Oil / Lubricating Oil


e- IN 96-68 ~ Incorrect Effective Diaphragm Area Values in Vendor

Manual Result in Potential Failure of Pneumatic

Diaphragm Actuators

e IN 97-09 Inadequate Main Steam Safety Valve Setpoints and

Performance Issues Associated with Long MSSV Inlet 1


e IN 97-12 Potential Armature Binding in General Electric Type

HGA Relays

-The inspectors reviewed the licensee's disposition of the above items.

The review included memorandum to file that documented reviews for those

ins not applicable to Plant Hatch; the tracking of action, items: IN typed

response letters: and response completion time (normally within 60 days). l


The requirements of Procedure 10AC-MGR-005-0S were met ~for the six ins-

reviewed. The ins)ectors observed, however. that the question "Why this -

is or is not a pro)1em'at' Plant Hatch" was not clearly answered in the

response letter for IN 96-24. Further review by the inspectors indicated +

that the licensee appropriately addressed the issues identified in the IN

but-licensee actions were not' clearly documented in the IN response

letter. ,

The inspectors also observed that two ins had response letters dated

. substantially greater than the normal 60 days s)ecified in Procedure

10AC-MGR-005-0S. One response was dated 4 montas and the other.was dated

6 months after receipt of the IN. The inspectors discussed this i


observation with the Nuclear Safety and Compliance supervisor responsible


for the ins. The inspectors were informed that the 60 days speified in  :


the procedure was used as a guideline During refueling outages.

personnel responsible for the-IN response letters were assigned various

tasks in assisting the refueling activities. This contributed to the


delay in developing response letters. One individual was designated to f

l review and prepare responses to the ins on a part-time basis during the


refueling outage. However, the supervisor continued-to receive the ins

and screen them for urgency. Those ins deemed urgent were assigned to an

Enclosure 2



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l 3


l- had been a similar event reported in LER 50-366/94-09. In this instance.

l the oversight did not impact problem resolution since the corrective


actions for the CR 120 relays were ongoing.


The corrective actions were appropriate for the root causes identified by

the licensee's analysis. Completion of corrective actions was tracked '

using the Commitment Identification and Tracking System. Items were

generally well tracked. In one case, a commitment to analyze all Unit 2

CR 120 relays for replacement by February 28. 1997 was made in LER 50-

321/96-15. The Commitment Identification and Tracking System indicated 1

on March 25. that this had not been completed. The individual assigned

to perform the evaluation had not ]roperly completed it. However.  ;

another individual had completed t1e analysis in preparation for the Unit  ;

2 cutaga. In effect., the commitment had been met, however. the i

commitment tracking system did not reflect that it had been completed.


Inspectors verified, through direct inspection, the completion of

corrective actions such as procedure revisions, and posting of warning

signs. Corrective actions were generally completed in a timely manner to

prevent recurrence of events. However age-related failures of the

General Electric (GE) CR 120 relays and spurious actuations of Root Mean

Square RMS-9 trip devices occurred over extended periods. Corrective

actions, now in place, appear to be sufficient to prevent future



c. Conclusions

Event Review Teams effectively determined the root causes of events.

Team members were adequately trained in root cause analysis technicues

and effectively implemented them. The corrective actions recommenced by

the ERT were appropriate for the identified root causes. Actions were

generally completed in a timely manner to prevent recurrence.

07.3 Review of Ooeratina Exoerience Feedback. Information Notices and Other

Facility Licensee Events

a. Insoection Scooe (40500)

The inspectors reviewed six NRC Information Notices (ins) and verified

their disposition in accordance with Procedure 10AC-MGR-005-0S.

" Operating Experience Program and Corrective Action Program." Revision

10. Selected events at the licensee's other nuclear facilities (Farley

and Vogtle) were reviewed in accordance with NRC Inspection Manual 40500.

" Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying. Resolving, and

Preventing Problems." Additionally, the inspectors reviewed the Updated

Final Safety Analysis Reports (UFSARs) for Units 1 and 2 associated with

the licensee's corrective action program.



Enclosure 2

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individual for' a timely review. ins that were not urgent-are deferred

- until after the outage. The inspectors were informed that this was the

case for these'two ins.

NRC Inspection Procedure.40500 states that~ an effective corrective action  !

program will ensure that corrective actions applicable at more than one

>of the licensee's facilities'is considered at all of the licensee's >

facilities. (This is not a regulatory requirement.) Vogtle and Farley

fall within the purview of this guideline. The inspectors provided the '

licensee. prior to the start of the corrective action ins)ection, three  ;

events that occurred at Vogtle. .The following are the LER number and

title associated with the Vogtle events:  ;

e 50-424/96-10-00 . Safety Injection _ Pump Rendered Inoperable Due to

lack of Motor Cooling

e 50-424/97-01-00 Thermal Overload Byp n Jumper Connection

Renders ECCS Valve inoperable


e 50-424/97-03-00 Unlatched Doors on Motor Control Centers Changes

Seismic Qualifications l

The licensee was aware of these events and provided information that I

indicated that at Hatch training had been conducted; procedural

enhancements had been made: and a policy letter from management had been

issued as a result of~these events.

Seven events / issues that occurred at Farley were prov_ided to the licensee

subsequent to the start of the inspection. The licensee did not have any

information associated with these events. -The licensee informed the

inspectors that there was no formal program to address events that

occurred'at Plants Vogtle and Farley. Through an informal process, the i

licensee stated that some of.the events at Vogtle and Farley were >

captured and addressed but not all events.


The inspectors requested the licensee provide documentation for other

events / issues that occurred at Farley for which Plant Hatch had taken

some action. The licensee provided the-inspectors with information

regarding four event:. Three of them were addressed in a response to an 1

IN and one was a response to a third party document promulgated to the

. industry. The inspectors reviewed the documentation associated with

these events. The licme's responses appropriately addressed the  ;

issues for Hatch.

The inspectors

and section reviewed

17.2.16 of th A!pendix D, section

Unit 2 UFSAR. D.5.5.11

These sections of ofthethe Unit 1 UFSAR


addressed the licensee's corrective action program. The inspectors i

identified no discr 2pancies between the licensee's implementation of 'he

corrective action program and the information contained in the applicable

sections of the UFSARs.

Enclosure 2





c. Conclusions

The licensee's disposition of ins was generally in accordance with the

procedural requirements of Procedure 10AC-MGR-005-0S. The licensee had

an informal process to evaluate events that occurred at other of the

licensee's facilities. However, some events were not captured for review

at Hatch. The inspectors identified no discrepancies between the

licensee's implementation of the corrective action program and the

requirements of the FSAR.

07.4 Doeratina Exoerience Feedback. Discosition of GE Service Information

Letters (SIls)

a. Insoection Scone (40500)


General Electric (GE) Services Information Letters (SILs) are issued as a l

service to GE Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) owners. The inspectors )

reviewed the licensee's resolution and disposition of four SIls to i

determine if the corrective actions appeared to be proper and to l

determine if the disposition had been accomplished.  !

b. Observations and Findinas


The purpote of the SILs is to promote plant performance improvements and i

alert owners to actual or potential occurrences which can degrade plant

performance. The inspectors reviewed the following SILs:

  • SIL No.196. Supplement 17- This letter involved two potential

problems with Target Rock Safety Relief Valves (SRV). one was main

disc spring relaxation and another was tip breakage on the spring:

  • SIL No. 590- This letter involved two potential problems, one with

fasteners coming loose and potentially releasing the top cover on

a NUMAC instrument and fabrication dimension problems with square

receptors; and

e SIL No. 601- This letter involved the potential for loose

connections at some of the Reactor Protection System (RPS)

terminals if the wrong size wiring was used. The correct wiring

was used at Hatch and this SIL was dispositioned with a memorandum

to file.

Enclosure 2




The inspectors evaluated the licensee's initial screening

-(applicable /non-applicable): validated the non-applicable SILs: verified

the response times, and evaluated corrective action items for the three

-previous SILs listed above. No problems were identified. A problem was

identified for the following SIL:

e SIL No. 602- This -letter involved Traversing Incore Probe (TIP)

ballsvalve roll-pin cracking. Roll-pin cracking was noted in 50

percent of the valves at another site including some of the valves

in stock. The cracking was longitudinal i.e., parallel to the

axis of the pin. The alloy 420 martensitic stainless steel pin

was installed into the valve stem using an interference fit

thereby creating residual stresses in the pin. These stresses-

were considered the likely cause for the intergranular stress

corrosion cracking (IGSCC). Also, contributing was the fact that

an improper heat treatment for the pin made the pin susceptible to

the IGSCC. The inspectors independently verified that this was a

feasible root cause by reviewing appropriate technical information

(Metals Handbook. Volume 4. Heat Treating. Section on Heat

Treating of Stainless-Steel and Heat Resisting Alloys: and Volume

4. Corrosion. Section on Corrosion of Stainless Steels). No

failure to function had been reported for these valves at the time

of the SIL.

-The licensee's decision was to replace all of the pins (only four.

containment isolation valves involved) with new pins supplied by the  ;

vendor. These replacement pins were in the properly heat treated

condition, which would not make the pins susceptible to 10 SCC. The SIL q

only recommended that the pins be inspected and if any were found to be  !

cracked then to replace only those pins. During a review of the work i

done on maintenance work order (MWO) No. 29602291-01 during the most

recent-Unit 2 outage (mid March through April 1997) the inspectors and

the licensee noted that the work performed on the four valves was a

partial disassembly, visual inspection of the pins, and then reassembly.

The pins.were not replaced because they were not cracked. This failure

to properly carry out the SIL disposition recommended by site management  !

(replace all pins whether cracked or not) is identified as a weakness.

c. Conclusions

tiost of the SIls were properly dispositioned, but one SIL (No. 602) had a

disposition that was not properly implemented during a recent outage on

Unit 2. This failure to properly carry out the site's management

disposition for the SIL is identified as a weakness.

Enclosure 2




1 .




07.5 Doeratina Exoerience Feedback. Review of Disoosition of Minor NRC


a. Insoection Scooe (40500)

The inspectors reviewed the licensee's disposition of five minor,

unnumbered NRC findings noted in Inspection Reports. These findings were

not violations, deviations, unresolved items, or inspector follow up

items, i.e. did not have an NRC report number designation.

b. Observations and Findinas

The inspectors reviewed the licensee's disposition of the following items

from recent NRC Inspection Reports (irs):

e Negative observation IR 97-01 (Pl.1) - Emergency Preparedness (EP)

drill performance where Health Physics (HP) and other support

personnel were not notified to respond, the staff was short 3 HP

personnel. This item was still being resolved through the use of

the Deficiency Card (DC) system.

e Negative observation IR 96-11 (02.1) - Special Report required by

TS. Some required sections of the report were not clear. This

item was dispositioned through a Significance Occurrence Report


e Negative observation IR 96-11 (R4.1) - Poor sampling techniques

demonstrated by chemistry technicians. This item was

dispositioned through the use of a DC.

e Weaknesses IR 97-02 (M1.7) - Inspection personnel climbing on

]iping and poor MT inspection techniques. These items had not

Jeen addressed in any manner. The licensee stated that they did

not agree with the inspection findings. The licensee agreed that

these items should have been addressed in the manner discussed in

the following paragraph.

The inspectors reviewed the procedure for handling unnumbered findings.

such as weaknesses and negative observations, that appear in NRC reports.

Procedure 10AC-MGR-005-05, Step stated, "For other NRC items NOT

discussed in the preceding steps ...(items discussed previously were

violations, deviations, unresolved items, and inspector followup

items). . the following actions will be taken: Step Nuclear

Safety and Compliance (NSC) will forward applicable portions of the NRC

inspection report to the responsible department. . Step The

responsible de)artment will take action as necessary to resolve the

concern and su)mit a response to NSC... ." When asked to provide the

correspondence / documentation for accompl'shing this part of the

procedure, the licensee realized that Wey were not implementing this

part of the procedural requirements.


! Enclosure 2




c. Conclusions

Review of unnumbered inspection findings from several NRC inspection

reports revealed that the licensee was not following their procedural

requirements for addressing these inspection findings. Given that there

is no regulatory basis far requiring licensee's to respond to unnumbered

inspection report item. this will not be cited as a violation. However,

it is identified as a weakness.

07.6 Self-Assessment Activities

a. Insoection Scone (40500)

The inspectors reviewed onsite audits performed by the Safety Assessment

and Engineering Review (SAER) Group in the corrective action area. The

following audits were reviewed:

e 97-CA-1 Corrective Action Program May 23, 1997

e 96-CA-2 Corrective Action Program October 18, 1996

e 96-CA-1 Corrective Action Program April 9, 1996

e 95-CA-3 Corrective Action Program December 27, 1995

Additionally, the inspectors interviewed SAER personnel concerning the

conduct of audits.

b. Observations and Findinas



The inspectors verified that these four audits met UFSAR requirements.

Further, each audit contained the elements specified in the SAER Audit

Planning Matrix, Schedule, and Status Report provided by the licensee.

The inspectors noted that in accomplishing Audit Item Number 1, NRC

Inspection Reports, for Audits 97-CA-1, 96-CA-2, and 96-CA-1, the SAER

auditor reviewed the licensee's dis]osition of five violations and 1 non-

( cited violation. However, during t1e 1996-1997 time frame which l

encompassed these audits, approximately twenty-eight violations and

l fourteen non-cited violations (NCVs)were identified. The inspectors

l expressed concern to the licensee regarding the small number of NCVs

audited in these last three audits. The basis of this concern was that l

l NCVs typically receive less formal NRC followup and closeout of the I

i corrective actions than violations. Hence, more review of NCVs by the

j licensee may be warranted. j


Additionally, the inspector.s noted that in the last four SAER audits, no  !

review had been performed of unnumbered NRC inspection report items such j

as weaknesses and negative observations. Procedure 10AC-MGR-005-0S l

contained actions to be taken for such items. This process had not been

reviewed in the audits performed by SAER examined by the inspectors. j

While there is no regulatory recuirement for a SAER review of this i

process, the inspectors did finc problems in the area as outlined in '

Er. closure 2

.____________________________________-_ __






l 10


L Section 07.5 of this report. Given the nature of these shortcomings, it

was reasonable to assume that these errors would have been detected if

audited. .The failure of SAER to audit the actions required of Procedure 1

10AC-MGR-005-0S for unnumbered NRC inspection report requirements was

identified as a negative observation.

The inspectors reviewed audits 97-CA-1 and-96-CA-2. This-included a

selected verification of licensee corrective actions. identified as having

been. reviewed by the auditor. In general, the inspectors observed that

the~ audits were logical, covered a wide range of issues, and for the most

part appeared to be probing. .Two Audit ~ Finding Reports (AFRs) were

identi fied which indicated that the auditor was willing to identify -

issues. However, several deficiencies were identified by the inspectors. 4

First. Audit 96-CA-2. Item 6. presented the auditor's review of Licensee I

Event Report (LER) 50-321/96-003. Component Failure Results in Unplanned

Engineered Safety Feature System Actuation. The audit item stated that

there were no previous similar events reported in the last two years in

which an unplanned Engineered Safety Feature system actuation occurred

due to a failed relay coil: that this event was considered an isolated i

failure. However, a similar occurrence within the previous two years was

documented in LER 50-366/94-09. Furthermore, similar relay failures were

the subject of licensee event reports for several years. This was

considered a lack of attention to detail on the part of the auditor.

The second deficiency involved Item Number 1 in the same audit. This

item presented the auditor's review of the licensee's response to

Violation 50-321/96-06-04 During their independent review of this item.

the inspectors determined that the procedure revision identified in the

licensee's response to the violation had not been. entered into the

licensee's Commitments Identification and Tracking System. However, j

under Audit Technique for this item, the auditor included " Verify that '

commitments are in the Cunmitment Identification and Tracking System."

When questioned on this point, both the auditor and his manager

acknowledged that this had indeed not been verified by the auditor.

Further, they also indicated that the results section for the same item

did not state that this attribute had been verified by the auditor. The  ;

inspectors noted that presenting audit techniques which have not been

performed in the final audit plan and checklist was not clear and could

confuse the reader.

Additional followup in the area of commitment tracking was performed by  !

the inspectors and is documented in Section 07.7.


Finally, a control room walkdown of AFR 96-SA-8/28. " Unsecured items were

found in areas where safety related equipment is located. These items

may present a safety or reliability hazard during a seismic event." was

performed. This AFR documented unsr 1 red equipment stored in plant areas

adjacent to safety related, seismic Category I equipment. Six control ,

room areas identified in the AFR as having unsecured stored equipment  !

Enclosure 2


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11 't

were examined by the inspectors. The inspectors noted that many of the  ;

same item documented in the AFR were still stored immediately adjacent to

control room cabinets.

The licensee informed.the inspectors that many of the items h'ad been <


previously analyzed in their observed storage locations. Information-to

support this position was provided by the licensee. _However, the

. licensee informed the inspectors that approximately seven 1tems

identified required remedial actions to prevent potential seismic

interactions with safety related equipment.


The inspectors noted.from their review that this AFR. including the

planned corrective actions, had been closed by the plant and SAER in

October and November 1996, respectively. However, these corrective

actions failed to preclude repetition of this condition. During a

review of this issue with the licensee, the SAER manager noted that this


AFR had been closed by SAER aiproximately seven months before the


inspector's observation and t1at a control' room walkdown had not been

l performed as part of SAER's closecut of this issue.


Several SAER personnel were interviewed regarding audits and their .  ;

performance. They all described a willingness to identify issues free i

from undue pressure.

c. Conclusions  !


The SAER audits reviewed by the inspectors -were appropriate and met

licensee program requirements. A negative observation regarding SAER i

i auditor performance was made.for two readily identified shortcomings

identified by the inspectors, but' not by:the auditor. Additionally the

inspectors concluded that formal audits of NRC promulgated items, such as

non-cited violations, weaknesses'. and negative observations, did not


reflect historical trends.

-The failure to prevent recurrene of improperly stored material which had

the potential to impact the seismic performance of equipment in the

control room was contrary to the requirements of 10 CFR 50. Appendix B.


Criterion XVI. Corrective Actions. This was identified as Violation 50-

321, 366/97-06-01. Failure To Prevent Recurrence Of Improper Equipment  ;

Storage In Control Room.








Enclosure 2


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07;7 Commitment Identification and Trackina System

l a Scooe-(40500)


The inspectors verified that licensee commitment control met the

requirements of Procedure 00AC-REG-002-05, " Commitment -Identification and

l Tracking System " Revision 2. The inspectors reviewed the licensee's

handling of commitments made in licensee responses to violations 50-

321/96-06-04: 50-321, 366/96-04-02 (Example 2): 50-321, 366/97-01-01

(Example 1); and AFR 96-SA-8/28.

'b. Observation and Findinas

In each case, the inspectors. observed that the appropriate licensee

. procedure had been changed to reflect the commitments made in response to

the items listed above. However, the inspectors noted that for

violations 50-321/96-06-04 and 50-321, 366/97-01-01 (Example 1), the

appropriate commitments had not been entered into the licensee's

Commitment Identification and Tracking System.

Procedure 00AC-REG-002-0S requires that long-term commitments be entered

into the Commitment Identification and Tracking System. The same

procedure identifies a procedure change made in response to a violation

as a long-term commitment. When questioned on these apparent

discrepancies, the licensee indicated that the failure to enter the

procedure change made in response to violation 50-321, 366/97-01-01

(Example'1) into the Commitment Identification and Tracking system was an

oversight. However, the licensee indicated that the procedure change

made in response to violation 50-321/96-06-04 was intentionally not

entered into the system. As described by the licensee, this decision was

based on the licensee's belief that this procedure change represented an

enhancement to the procedure and du)licated an existing procedural-

requirement which was captured by t1e system.

Subsequent to inspector questions, these items were entered into the

Commitment Identification and Tracking System. The licensee indicated

that they were also considering a review of other violation responses to

ensure commitments were appropriately documented. t

c. Conclusions

The inspectors identified two examples of shortcomings in the licensee's

tracking of commitments made in response to NRC violations. These

shortcomings did not' impact implementation of the appropriate




Enclosure 2

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Ac the exit. the inspectors acknowledged that there is no regulatory I

ME M for a commitment tracking system. However, the licensee's

procedure, as reviewed by the. inspectors, did not provide the flexibility

l. to not enter procedure changes made in response to violations into their '

I commitment identification and tracking system.

07 8 Deoartmental Self-Assessments

a Insoection Scope (40500)


The . inspectors reviewed the following licensee self-assessments.

e Contamination Control and Personal Contamination Reports (PCR).

Self-Assessment (dated July 16, 1996)

e Radioactive Material Control Assessment (dated November 15, 1996)

e Self-Assessment of E.I. Hatch Operations Department (September

l 1996)


! b. Observations and Findinas

! .Each of the self-assessments contained a broad range of observations,

included strengths and weakness, and identified potential corrective

actions. The -inspectors noted many of the weaknesses identified

reflected a critical review of licensee performance,

c. Conclusions

The' three self-assessments listed above were well done and reflected the

l willingness of these departments to ident.ify problems.


V. Manaaement Meetinas Other Areas

X.2 Review of UFSAR Commitments

A recent discovery of a licensee o)erating its facility in a manner

, . contrary to the UFSAR description lighlighted the need for a special

focused review that compares plant practices, procedures and/or i

parameters to the UFSAR description. While performing the inspections

discussed in this report, the inspectors reviewed the applicable portions

of the UFSAR that related to the areas inspected. The inspectors

verified that the UFSAR wording was consistent with the observed plant

practices, procedures, and/or parameters.





Enclosure 2

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l . l

<'.; I



'X.4 Exit Meeting Summary


The inspectors presented the inspection results to members of the 'l


. licensee management at the conclusion of the inspection on June 13. 1997. l

.The license acknowledged the findings presented. Some of the  !

departmental-self-assessments discussed in Section 07.8 were 3roprietary '

and returned to the licensee at the end of the inspection. W1en l

questioned.. no other material was identified by the licensee as.

'. proprieta ry.




, Anderson, J.D. . Unit Superintendent

l ' Davis D., Plant Administration Manager

l Fraser, 0.M., Safety Audit and Engineering Review Supervisor

Metzler. E.T. Nuclear Safety and Compliance Supervisor


Moore, C T.. Assistant General Manager - Plant Support

Roberts, P.A., Outages and Planning Manager

Tipps..S.B., Nuclear Safety and Compliance Manager





IP 40500: Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying Resolving, and


! Preventing Problems i





~50-321, 361/97-06-01 VIO Failure to prevent recurrence of improper-

equipment storage in control room




Enclosure 2 .

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