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{{#Wiki_filter:TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY DIVISION OF POWER PRODUCTION BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT April 1, 1979-April 30, 1979 DOCKET NUMBERS 50-259, 50-260, AND 50-296 LICENSE NUMBERS DPR-33, DPR-52, AND DPR-68 Submitted By: Plant Superintendent TABLE OF CONTENTS Operations Summary.Refueling Information Significant Operational Events~~5 Average Daily Unit Power Level~~13 Operating Data Reports Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions.
~~16~~19 Plant Maintenance
Plant Superintendent
~~22 Outage Section Monthly Report." 34 0 erations Summar The following summary describes the sign c p ificant o erational activities during the reporting period.Xn support o f this summary a chronological logo s gn f i ificant events is included in this re orted to the NRC during There were three reportable occurrences rep the month of April.Unit 1 d i d ing the month.The unit scramm ed on A ril 2 The unit scramme tw ce ur P ine tri.The turbine trip occurred due to stop valve closure from a turb ne tr a result of a false mo sture s i t e separator high level signal apparently f loose sensing line on C2 moisture separator.
generated by vibration o a oose The unit scrammed on pr A il 29 due to stop valve closure from a turbine trip.e ur Th t bine trip occurred as a result t of a false reactor high ed due to a breaker opening and resultant loss water level signal generate ue to a of power.Unit 2 d i the month.The unit was manually The unit scrammed once ur ng e m scrammed on pr A il 27 to accomodate the scheduled refueling outage.Unic 3 The unit did not scram during the month.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Operations Summary .
Fati ue Usa e Evaluation The cumulative usage factors for the reactor vessel are as follows: Location Usa e Factor Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Shell at water line Feedwater nozzle Closure studs 0.18684 0.17378 0.11861 0.09515 0.10335 0.07339 0.00407'.00270 0.00243 Note: This accumulated monthly information satisfies technical specification section 6.6.A.17.b(3) reporting requirements.
Refueling Information Significant Operational Events               ~ ~   5 Average Daily Unit Power Level               ~ ~   13 Operating Data Reports                       ~ ~  16 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions.       ~ ~   19 Plant Maintenance                           ~ ~   22 Outage Section Monthly Report.                   "
Common S stems Approximately 2.56E+05 gallons of waste liquid were discharge containing 1.55E-Ol curies of activity.Cooling towers 1, 2, 3, and 6 were operational.
Repair work on Tower 4 began on April 10, and is to be completed by May 8.Repair work on Tower 5 was completed on April 30.Installation of new fill material on Tower 5 continues.
Refuelin Information Unit 1 Unit 1 is scheduled for its third refueling beginning on or about December 15, 1979, with a restart date of January 25, 1980.This refueling will load additional 8 x 8 R (retrofit) fuel assemblies into the core, replacing presently loaded 7 x 7 fuel.
0 erations     Summar The following   summary   describes the sign ificant  c     o p erational activities during the reporting period.           Xn   support   o f this   summary   a chronological logo f    i s gn ificant events     is included in this report.
Unit 1 (Continued)
There were three reportable occurrenceses rep        re orted to the     NRC during the month of   April.
There are 764 fuel assemblies in the core.The spent fuel storage pool presently contains 322 spent 7 x 7 fuel assemblies and two 8 x 8 R fuel assemblies.
Unit 1 The  unit                i scramme d tw ce d ur ing     the month.     The unit   scramm ed on AP ril 2 due to stop   valve closure from a turb ine      ne   trip..
Because of modification work to increase spent fuel pool capacity to 3471 assemblies, present capacity is limited to 520 assemblies.
tr     The  turbine    trip occurred as a result of   a false mo isture t e     separator s            high level signal apparently generated by    vibration    o fa  loose oose sensing       line on C2 moisture separator.
: pith present capacity, Unit 1 does not have full core discharge capability in the pool.Unit 2 Unit 2 began its second refueling beginning on April 27, 1979, with a'cheduled restart date of June 7, 1979.Resumption of operation on that date will require a change in technical specifications pertaining to the core thermal limits.Licensing information in support of these changes was submitted to the NRC in February.This refueling will involve replacing some more 7 x 7 fuel assemblies with 8 x 8 R (retrofit) assemblies.
The unit scrammed   on Apr  il 29 due     to stop valve closure from         a turbine trip. Th e tur bine trip   occurred as a resultt of a false reactor high water level signal generateed due     ue to a breaker opening and resultant loss of power.
There are 764 fuel assemblies in the core.At the end of the month there were 132 discharged cycle 1 (7 x 7)fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage pool.There are presently 268 new 8 x 8 fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage pool.The present storage capacity of the spent fuel pool is 1080 assemblies.
Unit 2 The  unit  scrammed  once        i d ur ng  thee month.
Present planning is to increase that capacity to 3471 assemblies.
m        The unit   was manually scrammed   on Apr  il 27 to accomodate the scheduled refueling outage.
With present capacity, the 1979 refueling would be the last refueling that could be discharged to the'pent fuel pool without exceeding tha't capacity and maintaining full core discharge capability in the pool.
Unic 3 The unit did not     scram during the month.
Unit 3 Unit 3 is scheduled for its next refuel outage beginning on September 1, 1979, with a scheduled restart date of November 20, 1979.This refueling will involve loading additional 8 x 8 R (retrofit) assemblies into the core, torus integrity modifications, core spray piping modifications, EECW~.piping changes, feedwater sparger modifications, and LPCI modifications.
Resumption of operation following refueling will require changes in technical specifications pertaining to the core thermal limits.Licensing information in support of these changes will be submitted before the refueling.
Fati ue Usa e Evaluation The cumulative usage factors for the reactor vessel are as follows:
There are 764 fuel assemblies presently in the core.There are 208 fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage pool.The present licensed storage capacity of the spent fuel pool is 1132 assemblies.
Location                                             Usa e Factor Unit 1         Unit 2         Unit 3 Shell at water line                       0.00407'.00270                    0.00243 Feedwater nozzle                           0.18684         0.11861         0.09515 Closure studs                              0.17378          0.10335         0.07339 Note:       This accumulated monthly information satisfies technical specification section 6.6.A.17.b(3) reporting requirements.
Si nificant 0 erational Events Unit 1 Date Time Event 4/1/79 0001 0030 2230 Reactor thermal power at 66%, sequence"B", holding for control rod pattern adjustment Control rod pattern established, commenced PCIOMR from 66%thermal power Reactor thermal power at 97%, rod limited 4/2 1440 1635 1840 2000 2015 Reactor scram no.110 from 97%thermal power due (1)to turbine trip and stop valve closure Commenced rod withdrawal Reactor critical no.126 Rolled T/G Synchronized generator, commenced power ascension in sequence"B" 4/3 0250 4/5'710 4/6 2145 Commenced PCIOMR from 60%thermal power Reactor thermal power at 96%,.rod limited Reduced thermal power from 96%to 70%for turbine C.V.tests and SI's 4/7 0115 0300 Turbine C.V.tests and SI's completed, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 75%thermal power 4/8 2105 Reactor thermal power at 98%,.steady state 4/13 2330 Reduced thermal power from 98%to 85%for turbine C.V.tests and SI's 4/14 0105 0400 0450 Turbine C.V.tests and SI's completed, reduced thermal power further to 75%for removal of"B" condensate booste pump from service for maintenance"B" condensate booster pump maintenance completed, placed pump in service, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 90%thermal power 4/15 1500 Reactor thermal power at 98%, steady state 4/16 0217 0420 0445 1630 Reduced thermal power from 98%to 75%for removal of"A" reactor feedwater pump for maintenance"A" reactor feedwater pump maintenance completed, pump returned to service, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 90%thermal power Reactor thermal power at 98%steady state Si nificant 0 erational Events Unit 1 Date TfRe Event 4/21 1915 2312 Reduced thermal power from 98%to 90%due to"C" string low pressure feedwater heaters isolation (broken air line)Reduced thermal power from 90%to 85%for turbine C.V.tests and SI's 4/22 0100 0120 0700 Turbine C.V.tests and SI's completed, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 90%thermal power Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/25 0805 0810 1200 Reduced thermal power from 99%to 85%due to both recirculation pumps run back during SI (feedwater controls malfunction)
Common S   stems Approximately 2.56E+05       gallons of waste liquid were discharge containing 1.55E-Ol curies of activity.
Commenced power ascension Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/26 4/27 1500 2300 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state.Reduced thermal power from 99%to 75%for turbine C.V.tests and SI's 4/28 4/29 0025 0200 0730 1922 Increased thermal power to 90%, holding for control rod drive exercise Commenced PCIOMR from 90%thermal power Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state Reactor scram no.111 from 99%thermal power on turbine trip and stop valve closure due to loss of 120 volt preferred power ("C" shutdown board)causing feedwater control problems 4/30 0140 0355 0410 1600 1605 2250 2308 2400 Commenced rod withdrawal for startup Reactor critical no.127 Reactor made subcritical, holding for changing out main transformer Resumed rod withdrawal for startup Reactor critical no.128 Rolled T/0 Synchronized generator Reactor thermal power at 20%, with power ascension in progress (1)Equipment malfunction Cause unknown (2)
Cooling towers 1, 2, 3, and       6 were operational. Repair work on Tower 4 began   on   April 10, and   is to be completed by May 8. Repair work on Tower 5 was   completed on   April 30.     Installation of   new fillmaterial    on Tower 5 continues.
Si nificant 0 erational Events Unit 2 Date Time Event 0700 4/3 1500 4/1/79 0001 Reactor thermal power at 96%, sequence"B", PCIOMR in progress Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/5 0015 0112 0200 0700 Reduced thermal power from 99%to 85X for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 95%thermal power Reactor thermal power at 99%4/6 2155 2345 Reduced thermal power from 99%to 90%for turbine C.V.tests and SI's Turbine C.V.tests and SI's completed, commenced power ascension 4/7 0010 0400 2200 Commenced PCIOMR from 95X thermal power Reactor thermal, power at 99%Reduced thermal power from 99%to 88%for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 4/8 0235 0300 0700 Condensate demineralizer Sackwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 95%thermal power Reactor thermal power at 99%4/12 0125 0230 0700 Reduced thermal power from 99%to 85X for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension Reactor thermal power at 97X, rod limited 4/13 2325 2340 Reduced thermal power from 97%to 85%for turbine C.V.tests and SI's Commenced condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 4/14 0025 0110 0300 0700 Turbine C.V.tests and SI's completed,.holding for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 90%thermal power Reactor thermal power at 96%, rods limited Si nificant 0 erational Events Unit 2 Date Time Event 4/15 0930 1706 1900 Reduced thermal power from 96%to 90%for removal of"A" string high pressure feedwater heaters from service for maintenance (leakage)"A" string high pressure feedwater heaters maintenance completed and placed in service, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOHR from 93%thermal power 4/16 0015 0210 0330 0700 Reduced thermal power from 95%to 85X for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 95%thermal power Reactor thermal power at 96%, rods limited 4/20 0125 0223 0700 Reduced thermal power from 96%to 85%for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension Reactor thermal power at 95%, rods limited.4/21 0440 0545 0815 Reduced thermal power from 95X to 85%for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat Condensate dermineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension Reactor thermal power at 95%, rods limited 4/22 0020 0130 0515 Reduced thermal power from 95X to 85%for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension Reactor thermal power at 94%, rods limited 4/25 0140 0300 0330 Reduced thermal power from 94%to 85%for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension Reactor thermal power at 94%, rods limited 4/26 2200 Reduced thermal power from 94%to 70X for scram timing control rods Si nificant Operational Events Unit 2 Date Time Event 4/27 0250 0345 1954 2213 Control rod scram timing completed, commenced power ascension Reactor thermal power at 93%, rods limited Commenced reducing thermal power for shutdown (scheduled refueling outage, cycle 3)Reactor scram no.76 manual from 35%thermal power 4/30 2400 Reactor at cold shutdown with cycle 3 refueling outage in progress~e t I~~~','D 10 Si nificant Operational Events Unit 3 Date Time 4/1/79 0001 0321 0700 1530 2315 Event Reactor thermal power at 70%, sequence"B", holding for STI 162 (load following)
Refuelin   Information Unit 1 Unit   1 is scheduled   for its third refueling beginning     on or about December 15, 1979,     with   a restart date of January   25, 1980. This refueling will load additional     8 x   8 R (retrofit) fuel   assemblies   into the core, replacing presently loaded       7 x 7 fuel.
Commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 96%thermal power Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state Reduced thermal power from 99X to 68%for maintenance to EHC (leakage)4/2 0400 0700 Maintenance to EHC completed, commenced power ascension Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/6 0243 0542 Reduced thermal power from 99%to 90%for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 4/7'008 0120 0755 0940 1400 1500 2120 Reduced thermal power from 97X to 70%for turbine C.V.'ests and SI's Turbine C.V.tests and SI's completed, reduced thermal power from 70%to 50%for STI 162 (load following test-Phase 2)Commenced power ascension, part of STI 162 Reduced thermal po~er from 90%to 80%for control rod pattern adjustment Control rod pattern adjustment completed, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 95%thermal power.Reduced thermal power from 99%to 50%for STI 162 (load following test)4/8 0428 1155 1800 2303 Commenced power ascension, part of STI 162 Commenced PCIOMR from 90X thermal power'Reduced thermal power from 99%to 50%for STI 162 (load following test)Commenced power ascension, part of STI 162 4/9 0405 0810 1100 1830 Commenced PCIOMR from 90%thermal power Reduced thermal power from 95%to 85%for control rod pattern adjustment Control rod pattern ad)ustment completed, commenced PCIOMR from 85%thermal power Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 11 Si nificant 0 erational Events Unit 3 Date Time Event 4/12 2100 2215 2230 Reduced thermal power from 99%to 72%for control rod pattern ad/ustment Control rod pattern adjustment completed, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 90%thermal power 4/13 1355 1910 2145 2300 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state Reduced thermal power from 99%to 85%for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 88%thermal power 4/14 0140 0355 0700 Reactor thermal power at 90%, holding for turbine C.V.tests and SI's Turbine C.V.tests and SI's completed, resumed PCIOMR Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/20 2200 Reduced thermal power from 99%to 40%for control rod sequence exchange from"g" to"3" 4/21 0330 0700 Control rod sequence exchange from"A" to"B" completed, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 70%4/22 1330 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/24 0152 0500 1500 2155 Reduced thermal power from 99%to 85%for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced PCIOMR from 85%thermal power Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state'educed thermal power from 99%to 65%for control rod pattern adjustment 4/25 0010 1200 Control rod pattern ad)ustment completed, commenced power ascension Commenced PCIOMR from 88%thermal power 4/26 1500 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/28 0048 0230 0400 Reduced thermal power from 99%to 80%for removal of"C" reactor feedwater pump from service for maintenance due to high vibration Commenced turbine C.V.tests and SI's-Turbine C.V.tests and SI's completed, holding at 80%thermal power for"C" reactor feedwater pump maintenance 12 Si nificant Operational Events Unit 3 Date Time Event 4/30 1244 1335 1400 1550 2400"C" reactor feedwater pump maintenance completed and pump placed in service Commenced power ascension from 80%thermal power Commenced PCIOMR from 90%thermal power Reduced thermal power from 91%to 80%for removal of"C" reactor feedwater pump from service due to high vibration Reactor thermal power at 80%, holding for vibration checks on"C" reactor feedwater pump AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO.DATE COMPI ETED 8Y Ted Thorn TELEPHONE 205/729-6846 MONTH DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (M We-Net)I 44 950 1041 1021 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe-Net)17 18 19 20 21 1052 7 10 12 13 14 15~16 855 989 1058 1056 1062 1059 1062 985 1060 1020 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1061 1064 1056 1048 1051 848 INSTRUCTIONS
.On this format, list the average daily unit power level in Mme Net for each day in the reporting ntonth.Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.(t)(77)  
Unit 1 (Continued)
~~0 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO.UNIT Bro~s Ferry 2 DATE'~"'ELEPHONE 205/729-6846 MONTH A ril 1979 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (M We-Net)DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEI.(MWe-Net)03 17 , S'10 12 13 14 IS 16 1076 1077 1077 1067 1069~1057 1067 1058 0 1050 1040 1022 1033 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1033 1027 1019 1015 1013 1013 1009 1001 979 866-15 INSTRUCTIONS
There are 764   fuel assemblies in the core.           The spent   fuel storage pool presently contains 322 spent       7 x 7   fuel assemblies     and two 8 x 8 R fuel assemblies. Because   of modification work to increase spent fuel pool capacity to 3471 assemblies,     present capacity is limited to 520 assemblies.
'n this format, list the average daily unit power level in hIEVe Net for each day in the reporting month.Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.(~)/77)
: pith present capacity, Unit     1 does   not have     full core   discharge capability in the pool.
AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO.Browns Fer 3 DATE 5/2/7 COMPLETED BY TELEPHONE 205/729-6846 MONTH A ril 197 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe-Net)1006 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe-Net)1066 17 6 10 12 13 14 IS 16 992 1065 1067 1073 1028 811 793 946 1057 1064 1033 1060 1067 1069 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 1069 1061 1033 759 1042 1066 1017 917 1006 1088 842 864 866 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe Net for each day in the reporting month.Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
Unit 2 Unit 2 began its second refueling beginning         on April 27,   1979, with a'cheduled restart date of June 7, 1979.             Resumption of operation on       that date will require   a change   in technical specifications pertaining to the core thermal   limits. Licensing information in support of             these changes was submitted to the   NRC in February. This refueling       will involve replacing some more 7   x 7 fuel assemblies with     8   x 8 R (retrofit) assemblies.
16 OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO.5~DATE~9 COMPLETED BY~ZORIL TELEPHONE 2QSLZ~46 OPERATING STATUS 1.Unit Name: Bro~s Ferr 2.Reporting Period: A ril 1979 3.Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 4.Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 5.Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 6.Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 7.Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): Notes 8.If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Report, Give Reasons: 9.Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net ilIWe): 10.Reasons For Restrictions, If Any: This Month-219-12.Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical'4~53 13.Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 14.Hours Generator On-Line 15.Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 16.Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)2~145 926 17.Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)18.Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)19.Unit Service Factor 95.5 20.Unit Availability Factor 21.Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net)22.Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)23.Unit Forced Outage Rate 4.5 24.Shutdowns Scheduled Over iVext 6 iilonths (Type, Date, and Duration Yr:to-Date 2 287.86 167.31 2193.0 6 294 977 2,100,300 2 044 386 76.2 76.2 66.7 66.7 8.8 of Each): Cumulative 22 519.45 4566.44 21885.0" 0 57 067 649 18,918,300 18 356 606 52.6 52.6 41.4 41.4 38.0 25.If Shut Down At End Of Report Period.Estimated Date of Startup: 26.Units ln Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):
There are 764   fuel assemblies in the core.           At the end of the month there were 132 discharged cycle     1 (7   x 7) fuel assemblies       in the spent fuel storage pool.     There are presently 268 new         8 x 8 fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage pool.       The present       storage capacity of the spent fuel pool is   1080 assemblies. Present planning       is to increase that capacity to 3471 assemblies.     With present capacity, the 1979 refueling would be the last refueling that could     be discharged       to the'pent fuel pool without exceeding tha't capacity and maintaining         full core     discharge capability   in the pool.
Forecast Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMM ERCJA L OP ERATION (o/77) 17 OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO.DATE 5 2 79 COMPLETED BY Don Green TELEPHONE~L229-6846 OPERATING STATUS 3293 1152 I.Unit Name: 2.Reporting Period: 3.Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 4.Nameplate Rating (Gross AIWe): 5.Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 6.Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 1065 1098.4 Notes 8.If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Report, Give Reasons: 9.Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe): 10.Reasons For Restrictions.
If Any: This Month Yr.-to-Date 2781.07 12.Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 646 22 13.Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 14.Hours Generator On.Line 15.Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0 16.Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)17.Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)18.Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)669,399 19.Unit Service Factor 89.9 20.Unit Availability Factor 21.Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net)22.Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)87.4 23.Unit Forced Outage Rate 24.Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type.Date.and Duration of 646.22 687,850 25.15.2770.40 0 8 386,684 2,857,580 2,784,696 96.2 96.2 90.8 90.8 Each): Cumulative 365'28 19499.36 11501.86'18838.26"'51,838 472 17,171,368 16,674,860 51.6 51.6 42.9 42.9 41.25.If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: 26.Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):
Unit 3 Unit 3 is scheduled   for its next refuel   outage beginning on September 1, 1979,   with a scheduled   restart date of November 20, 1979.     This refueling will involve   loading additional   8 x 8 R   (retrofit) assemblies   into the core, torus   integrity modifications,   core spray piping modifications,       EECW
Forecast Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY IN ITIA L ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPERATION 18 OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO.DATE COMPLETED BY TELEPHONE 2QQ;~846 OPERATING STATUS Notes 1.Unit Name: Browns Per 3 2.Reporting Period: 3.Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 4.Nameplate Rating (Gross ilIWe): 5.Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 6.Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 1 9 7 Maximum De endable Ca acit Net MWe: p p y()8.If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Report, Give Reasons: 9.Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe): 10.Reasons For Restrictions, If Any: N A This Month Yr:to.Date Cumulative 2 865.15 13.85 2,857.37 0 8,835, 734 410 2 958 630 716 288.'886 590 12.Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 719 13.Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0 14.Hours Generator On-Line 15.Unit Reserve Shutdown floors 0 16.Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)I 7.Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)18.Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)19.Unit Service Factor 20.Unit Availability Factor 21.Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net)'4~1 22.Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)94.1 23.Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.8 24.Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date.and Duration of Each): ta e Se tember 1 1979 15 956.35 1119.26~15, 0'14 726,130 14 291,778 82.1 2.1 70.7 70.7 8.0 25.If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: 26.Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):
~ .piping changes,   feedwater sparger modifications, and LPCI modifications.
Resumption of operation     following refueling   will require changes   in technical specifications pertaining to the core thermal limits. Licensing information in support of these     changes will be submitted before the refueling.
~I UNIT SIIUTDOWNS AND POiUER REDUCTIONS REPORT MONTII DOCKET NO.COMPLETED BY Nir.Date rl o PJ I C CO V 4 m 5cc V C~CA CI Licensee Event Report 0 Q~~m 0 C O O CJ Cause Ec Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence 74 75 76 77 78 79 04 02 79 04 06 79 04 14 79 04 16 79 04 28 79 04 29 F 5.58 26.77 Moisture separator fH level caused sto valve closure Derated for turbine C.V.tests Derated for"B" condensate booster um maintenance Derated for"A" reactor feedwater um maintenance Derated for turbine C.V.tests Turbine sto valve closure F: Forced S: Scheduled Reason: A.Equipment Failure (Explain)B.hlaintenance or Test C-Refueling
There are 764   fuel assemblies presently in the core.       There are 208 fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage pool.         The present   licensed storage capacity of the spent fuel pool       is 1132 assemblies.
-D-Regulatory Restrictiun E-Operator Training&License Examination F-Administrative G-Operalloltal Error (Explain)Il Other (Explain)hiethod: I-hlanual 2-hlanual Scram.3-Automatic Scram.4.Other (Explain)5 Exhibit G-Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER)File (NUREG-OI6I)Exhibit I-Same Source UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS DOCKET NO.UNIT NAhIE DATE COhIPLETED BY'ELEPHONE 50-260 Browns Ferr 2 Don Green No.Date~=5 hK f4~~fY u~C~Ch CI Licensee;Event Report 4 CQ o 0 wG c~~Vl o~E~Q Cause Ec Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence
.~85 79 04 26 Derated for scram timin control rods 86 79 04 27 ,72.78 Refuelin I F: Forced S: Scheduled Reason: A-Equipment Failure (Explain)B.hiaintenancc or Test C.Refueling
Si nificant 0 erational Events Unit 1 Date     Time                           Event 4/1/79   0001 Reactor thermal power at 66%, sequence "B", holding for control rod pattern adjustment 0030 Control rod pattern established, commenced PCIOMR from 66% thermal power 2230 Reactor thermal power at 97%, rod limited 4/2     1440 Reactor scram no. 110 (1) from 97% thermal power due to turbine trip and stop valve closure 1635 Commenced rod withdrawal 1840 Reactor critical no. 126 2000 Rolled T/G 2015 Synchronized generator,   commenced     power ascension in sequence "B" 4/3     0250 Commenced  PCIOMR  from 60%  thermal power 4/5   '710   Reactor thermal power at 96%,. rod limited 4/6      2145 Reduced   thermal power from   96%   to 70% for turbine C.V. tests and   SI's 4/7     0115 Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, commenced power ascension 0300 Commenced PCIOMR from 75% thermal power 4/8     2105 Reactor thermal power at 98%,.steady state 4/13     2330 Reduced thermal power from 98%       to 85% for turbine C.V.
~D Regulatory Restriction
tests and SI's 4/14     0105 Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, reduced thermal power further to 75% for removal of "B" condensate booste pump from service for maintenance 0400 "B" condensate booster pump maintenance completed, placed pump in service, commenced power ascension 0450 Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 4/15     1500 Reactor thermal power at     98%,   steady state 4/16     0217 Reduced thermal power from 98% to 75% for removal of "A" reactor feedwater pump for maintenance 0420 "A" reactor feedwater pump maintenance completed, pump returned to service, commenced power ascension 0445 Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 1630 Reactor thermal power at 98% steady state
.E.Operator Training'iccnsc Examination F-Adminis t ra t ive G.Operat tonal Lrror (Explam)I I Other (Explain)Method: I.hlanual 2.hlanual Scram.3.Automatic Scram.4-Other (Explain)Exhibit G-Instructions for Preparation oi'ata Entry Sheets for l.ic<<nsee Event Report (LER)File INUREG.OI6 I)Exhibit I-Satnc Source VNlT Sl(UTDOlVNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS DOCKET NO 50-296 COMPLETED BY N<i.Date r>P EA u Licensee: Event Report 0 C<0 4J~D~n cn G C~O Q U E~Q Cause&, Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence 86 79 04 01 87 79 04 07 88 79 04 07 89 79 04 08 90 79 04 12 91 79 04 20 92 79 04 24 93 79 04 28 Derated for EHC maintenance (leaks e)Derated for turbine C.V.tests Derated for STI 162 (Load Following Test)Debated for STI 162 (Load Following Test Derated for control rod pattern ad ustment Derated for control rod sequence exchan e from"B" to"A" Derated for control rod pattern ad ustment Derated due to high vibration on"C" Rx feed um F: Furced S: Scheduled Reason: A-Equipmcnt Failure (Explain)B-hlaintenance or Test C-Refueling D.Regulatory Restriction E.Operator Training&Liccnsc Examination F-Administrative G-Operational Error (Explain)'i-Other (Explain)3 Method: I-hlanual.2 hlanual Scram.3.Autotnatic Scram.4 Other (Explain)4 Exlubtt C-lnstructtons for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER)File(NUREG-OI6I)5 Exhibit l~Same Source CSSC E UIPMENT BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT Common MECllANICAL MAINTEKKNCE
Si nificant   0 erational Events Unit 1 Date     TfRe                                 Event 4/21     1915     Reduced   thermal power from 98% to 90% due to "C" string low pressure feedwater heaters isolation (broken air line) 2312      Reduced thermal power from 90% to 85% for turbine C.V. tests and SI's 4/22     0100     Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, commenced power ascension 0120      Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 0700      Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/25     0805     Reduced   thermal power from 99% to 85% due to both recirculation   pumps run back during SI (feedwater controls malfunction) 0810      Commenced   power ascension 1200      Reactor thermal power at   99%,   steady state 4/26     1500     Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state.
4/27      2300      Reduced  thermal power from   99% to 75% for turbine C.V. tests and   SI's 4/28     0025     Increased thermal power to 90%, holding for control rod drive exercise 0200      Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 0730      Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/29      1922      Reactor scram no. 111       from 99% thermal power on turbine trip and stop valve closure due to loss of 120 volt preferred power ("C" shutdown board) causing feedwater control problems 4/30     0140     Commenced rod withdrawal for startup 0355      Reactor critical no. 127 0410      Reactor made subcritical, holding for changing out main transformer 1600      Resumed rod withdrawal for startup 1605      Reactor critical no. 128 2250      Rolled T/0 2308      Synchronized generator 2400      Reactor thermal power at 20%, with power ascension     in progress (1) Equipment malfunction (2) Cause unknown
Si nificant   0 erational Events Unit 2 Date   Time                             Event 4/1/79 0001 Reactor thermal power at 96%, sequence "B",     PCIOMR in progress 0700  Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/3    1500  Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/5   0015 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 85X for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0112  Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced   power ascension 0200  Commenced   PCIOMR from 95% thermal power 0700  Reactor thermal power at 99%
4/6   2155 Reduced   thermal power from 99% to 90% for turbine C.V. tests and SI's 2345  Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, commenced power ascension 4/7   0010 Commenced PCIOMR from 95X thermal power 0400  Reactor thermal, power at 99%
2200  Reduced thermal power from 99% to 88% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 4/8   0235 Condensate   demineralizer Sackwash   and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0300  Commenced PCIOMR from 95%     thermal power 0700  Reactor thermal power at     99%
4/12   0125 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 85X for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0230  Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0700  Reactor thermal power at 97X, rod limited 4/13   2325 Reduced thermal power from 97%     to 85% for turbine C.V.
tests and SI's 2340  Commenced   condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 4/14   0025 Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed,.holding for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0110  Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0300  Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 0700  Reactor thermal power at 96%, rods limited
Si nificant   0 erational Events Unit 2 Date Time                           Event 4/15 0930 Reduced   thermal power from 96% to 90% for   removal of "A" string high pressure feedwater heaters     from service for maintenance (leakage) 1706 "A" string high pressure feedwater heaters     maintenance completed and placed in service, commenced     power ascension 1900 Commenced PCIOHR from 93% thermal power 4/16 0015 Reduced   thermal power from 95% to 85X for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0210 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced   power ascension 0330 Commenced   PCIOMR from 95% thermal power 0700 Reactor thermal power at 96%, rods limited 4/20 0125 Reduced thermal power from 96% to 85% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0223 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0700 Reactor thermal power at 95%, rods limited.
4/21 0440 Reduced thermal power from 95X to 85% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0545 Condensate dermineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0815 Reactor thermal power at   95%, rods limited 4/22 0020 Reduced thermal power from 95X to 85% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0130 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0515 Reactor thermal power at 94%, rods limited 4/25 0140 Reduced thermal power from 94% to 85% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0300 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0330 Reactor thermal power at 94%, rods limited 4/26 2200 Reduced thermal power from   94% to 70X for scram timing control rods
Si nificant Operational Events Unit 2 Date   Time                           Event 4/27   0250 Control rod scram timing completed, commenced power ascension 0345 Reactor thermal power at 93%, rods limited 1954 Commenced reducing thermal power for shutdown (scheduled refueling outage, cycle 3) 2213 Reactor scram no. 76 manual from 35% thermal power 4/30   2400 Reactor at cold shutdown with cycle 3   refueling outage in progress e t I
~      ~ ~
                                                      ~ ','D
10 Si nificant Operational   Events Unit 3 Date   Time                             Event 4/1/79 0001   Reactor thermal power at 70%, sequence "B", holding for STI 162 (load following) 0321  Commenced power ascension 0700  Commenced PCIOMR from 96% thermal power 1530  Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 2315  Reduced thermal power from 99X to 68% for maintenance to EHC (leakage) 4/2   0400   Maintenance to EHC completed, commenced power ascension 0700  Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/6   0243   Reduced   thermal power from 99% to 90% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0542  Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced   power ascension 4/7 '008     Reduced thermal power from 97X to 70% for turbine and SI's C.V.'ests 0120  Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, reduced thermal power from 70% to 50% for STI 162 (load following       test-Phase 2) 0755  Commenced power ascension, part of STI 162 0940  Reduced thermal po~er from 90% to 80% for control rod pattern adjustment 1400  Control rod pattern adjustment completed,     commenced power ascension 1500  Commenced   PCIOMR from 95% thermal power 2120 . Reduced thermal power from 99% to 50% for STI 162 (load following test) 4/8   0428   Commenced   power ascension,   part of STI 162 1155  Commenced   PCIOMR from 90X thermal power 1800  'Reduced thermal power from 99% to 50% for STI 162 (load following test) 2303  Commenced   power ascension,   part of STI 162 4/9   0405   Commenced   PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 0810  Reduced   thermal power from 95% to 85% for control rod pattern adjustment 1100  Control rod pattern ad)ustment completed, commenced PCIOMR from 85% thermal power 1830  Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state
11 Si nificant   0 erational Events Unit   3 Date Time                                 Event 4/12 2100 Reduced   thermal power from       99% to 72% for control rod pattern ad/ustment 2215  Control rod pattern adjustment completed,         commenced power ascension 2230  Commenced   PCIOMR   from   90%   thermal power 4/13 1355 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 1910  Reduced thermal power from 99% to 85% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 2145 Condensate   demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced   power ascension 2300 Commenced   PCIOMR   from   88% thermal power 4/14 0140 Reactor thermal power at 90%, holding         for turbine     C.V.
tests and SI's 0355  Turbine C.V. tests       and SI's completed, resumed       PCIOMR 0700  Reactor thermal power at         99%, steady state 4/20 2200 Reduced   thermal power from 99% to       40% for control rod sequence   exchange from "g" to "3" 4/21 0330 Control rod sequence exchange from "A" to "B" completed, commenced   power ascension 0700  Commenced   PCIOMR from   70%
4/22 1330 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/24 0152 Reduced   thermal power from 99% to 85% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0500  Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced PCIOMR from 85% thermal power 1500  Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 2155            thermal power from 99% to 65% for control rod
                                                              'educed pattern adjustment 4/25 0010 Control rod pattern ad)ustment completed, commenced power ascension 1200  Commenced PCIOMR from 88% thermal power 4/26 1500 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/28 0048 Reduced   thermal power from 99% to 80% for removal of "C" reactor feedwater pump from service for maintenance due to   high vibration 0230  Commenced   turbine C.V. tests and SI's-0400  Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, holding at 80%
thermal power for "C" reactor feedwater pump maintenance
12 Si nificant Operational Events Unit 3 Date Time                         Event 4/30 1244 "C" reactor feedwater pump maintenance completed and pump placed in service 1335 Commenced power ascension from 80% thermal power 1400 Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 1550 Reduced thermal power from 91% to 80% for removal of "C" reactor feedwater pump from service due to high vibration 2400 Reactor thermal power at 80%, holding for vibration checks on "C" reactor feedwater pump
DATE COMPI ETED 8Y         Ted Thorn TELEPHONE         205/729-6846 MONTH DAY         AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL                            DAY      AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL (MWe-Net)                                                   (MWe-Net)
I                  44                                        17 18 19 950                                          20 1041                                            21 1021                                                            1052 855                                                          1061 7                                                             23 989                                                           1064 24 1058                                           25              1056 1056                                                           1048 10                                                              26 1062                                           27 12 1059                                                           1051 28 1062                                                             848 13                                                              29 985 14                                                              30 15            1060                                             31 1020
On this format, list the average daily unit power level in Mme Net for each day in the reporting ntonth. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
~ ~
UNIT   Bro~s Ferry         2 DATE
                                                                                                                  '~"'ELEPHONE 205/729-6846 MONTH             A     ril 1979 DAY         AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL                               DAY      AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEI.
(MWe-Net)                                                     (MWe-Net) 17                03 1076                                            IS               1033 1077                                             19 1027 1077                                                             1019 20 1067                                                             1015 21 1069     ~
22              1013 1057                                             23 1013
      , S                                                                  24               1009
1067                                            25 1001 1058                                                              979 10                                                                26 0                                          27               866 12                1050                                            28
                                                                                              -15 13                                                                29 14                1040                                            30 IS                1022                                            31 16                1033 INSTRUCTIONS
                            'n this format, list the average daily unit power level in hIEVe Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
Browns Fer   3 DATE     5/2/7 COMPLETED BY TELEPHONE         205/729-6846 MONTH           A   ril 197 DAY       AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL                              DAY      AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL (MWe-Net)                                                   (MWe-Net) 1006                                          17              1066 992                                         18 1069 1065                                                           1061 19 1067                                                           1033 20 1073                                           21                759 1028                                                           1042 6                                                              22 811                                                           1066 793                                                           1017 24 946                                                           917 10              1057                                           26              1006 1064                                           27 1088 12                                                              28                842 13              1033                                           29                864 1060                                                             866 14                                                              30 1067 IS                                                              31 16              1069 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
                                                                                                    ~9 COMPLETED BY     ~ZORIL TELEPHONE   2QSLZ~46 OPERATING STATUS Bro~s Ferr                                       Notes Unit Name:
: 2. Reporting Period: A     ril   1979
: 3. Licensed Thermal   Power (MWt):
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe):
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):
: 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):
: 8. IfChanges Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted,   If Any (Net ilIWe):
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:
This Month           Yr:to-Date          Cumulative
: 12. Number   Of Hours Reactor   Was Critical
                                                    '4     ~ 53           2  287.86            22 519.45
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 167.31              4566.44
: 14. Hours Generator On-Line 2193.                21885.0 "
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0                    0
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)               2~ 145 926           6 294 977            57 067 649
: 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                                 2,100,300            18,918,300
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                                   2 044 386            18 356 606
: 19. Unit Service Factor                               95.5                 76.2                52.6
: 20. Unit Availability Factor                                               76.2                52. 6
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net)                                   66.7                41.4
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)                                   66.7                41.4
: 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate                           4.5                 8.8                  38.0
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over iVext 6 iilonths (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
: 25. IfShut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date      of Startup:
: 26. Units ln Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):                      Forecast            Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY INITIALELECTRICITY COMMERCJA L OP ERATION (o/77)
DATE      5 2 79 COMPLETED BY        Don Green TELEPHONE    ~L229-6846 OPERATING STATUS Notes I. Unit Name:
: 2. Reporting Period:
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):            3293
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross AIWe):          1152
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):
: 8. IfChanges  Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted,  If Any (Net MWe):
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions. If Any:
This Month          Yr.-to-Date          Cumulative 365'28
: 12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical              646 22              2781.07              19499.36
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours                                        25.15 .              11501.86
: 14. Hours Generator On. Line                         646.22              2770.40              '18838.26" '
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours                       0                    0
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)                                   8 386,684            51,838 472
: 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)           687,850              2,857,580            17,171,368
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)             669,399             2,784,696            16,674,860
: 19. Unit Service Factor                               89.9                 96.2                  51.6
: 20. Unit Availability Factor                                               96.2                  51.6
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net)                                   90.8                  42.9
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)             87.4                 90.8                  42.9
: 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate                                                                     41.
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type. Date. and Duration of Each):
: 25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date      of Startup:
: 26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):                       Forecast            Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIALOPERATION
DATE COMPLETED BY TELEPHONE    2QQ;~846 OPERATING STATUS Browns Per          3                              Notes
: 1. Unit Name:
: 2. Reporting Period:
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross ilIWe):
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 1 9 7 Maximum De p endable Ca p acit y(Net MWe: )
: 8. IfChanges Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted,   IfAny (Net MWe):        N A
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:
This Month           Yr:to.Date           Cumulative
: 12. Number   Of Hours Reactor   Was Critical         719                   2 865.15            15 956.35
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours                   0                     13.85                1119.26
: 14. Hours Generator On-Line                                                 2,857.37          ~
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown floors                     0                      0                   0
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)                                   8,835, I 7. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)         734 410                2 958 630          '14 726,130
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)           716 288 . '              886 590          14 291,778
: 19. Unit Service Factor                                                                          82.1
: 20. Unit Availability Factor                                                                       2.1
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net)                                       ~ 1               70.7
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)                                   94.1                 70.7
: 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate                         0                     .8                   8.0
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date. and Duration   of Each):
ta e Se tember 1 1979
: 25. IfShut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date     of Startup:
: 26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):                       Forecast             Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIALELECTRICITY COMMERCIALOPERATION (o/77)
                              ~ I COMPLETED BY REPORT MONTII I
rl     C CO V     Licensee Q~
                                                                                  ~m C                 Cause Ec Corrective o            4                            0 O Nir.        Date                            m  5cc        Event                                        Action to PJ
                                              ~V CA  C    Report  0              O                Prevent Recurrence CJ CI 74     79 04 02     F     5.58                                                         Moisture separator fH level caused sto valve closure 75    79 04 06                                                                          Derated for turbine C.V. tests 76    79 04 14                                                                          Derated for "B" condensate booster um maintenance 77    79 04 16                                                                          Derated for "A" reactor feedwater um maintenance 78    79 04 28                                                                          Derated for turbine C.V. tests 79 04 29            26.77                                                        Turbine sto valve closure OI6I)
F: Forced         Reason:                                          hiethod:                        Exhibit G - Instructions S: Scheduled       A.Equipment Failure (Explain)                     I -hlanual                      for Preparation of Data B.hlaintenance or Test                           2-hlanual Scram.                Entry Sheets for Licensee C-Refueling                                       3-Automatic Scram.              Event Report (LER) File (NUREG-
                  - D-Regulatory Restrictiun                          4.Other (Explain)
E-Operator Training & License Examination F-Administrative                                                               5 G-Operalloltal Error (Explain)                                                     Exhibit I - Same Source Il Other (Explain)
DOCKET NO.                  50-260 UNITSHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS                                              Browns Ferr 2 UNIT NAhIE DATE COhIPLETED BY                   Don Green
                                                                                                                        'ELEPHONE f4 ~                           c ~
                                ~ = 5                    Licensee    oCQ0      o                  Cause Ec Corrective No.          Date                                ~ fY  ; Event                                          Action to hK            u~  C  Report  4  wG          E Q
                                                                                    ~              Prevent Recurrence
                                                ~ Ch CI                                                                                        . ~
85     79 04 26                                                                       Derated for scram     timin control rods 86     79 04 27             ,72. 78                                                   Refuelin I
F: Forced           Reason:                                        Method:                          Exhibit G - Instructions S: Scheduled       A-Equipment Failure (Explain)                   I.hlanual                        for Preparation oi'ata B.hiaintenancc or Test                         2.hlanual Scram.                 Entry Sheets for l.ic<<nsee C.Refueling                                    3.Automatic Scram.                Event Report (LER) File INUREG.
D Regulatory Restriction .                      4-Other (Explain)                OI6 I )
E.Operator Training'iccnsc Examination F-Adminis t ra t ive G.Operat tonal Lrror (Explam)                                                     Exhibit  I - Satnc Source I I Other (Explain)
P                          Licensee      C<4J                          Cause &, Corrective N<i.         Date                     EA
: Event
                                                                                ~0n D
O U Q                       Action to u
Report 0    cn G        E Q
                                                                                              ~                Prevent Recurrence 86     79 04 01                                                                                   Derated for EHC maintenance (leaks e) 87     79 04 07                                                                                   Derated for turbine C.V. tests 88     79 04 07                                                                                   Derated for STI 162 (Load Following Test) 89    79 04 08                                                                                    Debated for STI 162 (Load Following Test 90    79 04 12                                                                                    Derated for control rod pattern ad ustment 91    79 04 20                                                                                    Derated for control rod sequence exchan e from "B" to "A" 92    79 04 24                                                                                    Derated for control rod pattern ad ustment 93    79 04 28                                                                                    Derated due to high vibration on "C" Rx feed um 3                                4 F: Furced         Reason:                                                      Method:                            Exlubtt C - lnstructtons S: Scheduled     A-Equipmcnt Failure (Explain)                               I -hlanual .                      for Preparation of Data B-hlaintenance or Test                                       2 hlanual Scram.                  Entry Sheets for Licensee C-Refueling                                                 3.Autotnatic Scram.                Event Report (LER) File(NUREG-D.Regulatory Restriction                                     4 Other (Explain)                  OI6I )
E.Operator Training & Liccnsc Examination F-Administrative                                                                           5 G-Operational Error                                                                             Exhibit l ~ Same Source (Explain)'i-Other (Explain)

For the Month of APril 19 79 4/5 SYSTEM Ventilatio COMPONENT Board and Spreading Room Supply Fans NATURE OF MAINTENANCE Dirty Filter EFFECT ON SAFE OPERATION OF THE REACTOR None CAUSE OF MALFUNCTION Operation RESULTS OF MALFUNCTION None ACTION TAKEN TO PRECLUDE RECURRENCE Replaced filters 4/17 Rx.Bldg.Closed Cooling Water Discharge check valve from equip.drain sump pump Valves in backward None Unknown None Turned valves and replaced 4/27 RllRSW A-1 RHRSW pump Packing leak None Operation None Tightened packing 4/27 RllRSW C-3 RHRSW pump Packing leak None Operation None Tightened packing 4/27 RHRSW D-3 RHRSW pump Packing leak None Operation None Tightened packing CSSC E UIPMENT BRONNB FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 1 MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE SUGARY 19 79 SYSTEM COMPONENT EFFECT ON SAFE NATURE OF OPERATION OF MAINTENANCE THE REACTOR CAUSE OF IfALFUNCTION RESULTS OF MALFUNCTION ACTION TAKEN TO PRECLUDE RECURRENCE 4/1 HPCI FCV.73-35 Shaf t bent an bearings bad None Operation None Replaced shifter shaf and bearings 4/1 1-PCV-25-2 Valve dirty and regulator not set pro-perly Non'e Normal wear None Disassembled an cleaned valve, set regulator 4/9 CRD 85-50-19 Valve leaking through None Operation None Lengthened stem and stopped leak CSSC E UIPMENT BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PIANT UNIT 2 MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE
For the Month of     APril   19 79 EFFECT ON SAFE                                          ACTION TAKEN SYSTEM     COMPONENT     NATURE OF     OPERATION OF         CAUSE OF             RESULTS OF   TO PRECLUDE MAINTENANCE  THE REACTOR        MALFUNCTION          MALFUNCTION  RECURRENCE 4/5  Ventilatio    Board and    Dirty Filter        None        Operation            None          Replaced filters Spreading Room Supply Fans 4/17 Rx. Bldg. Discharge   Valves in         None         Unknown             None         Turned valves and Closed        check valve  backward                                                            replaced Cooling        from equip.
Water        drain  sump pump 4/27 RllRSW       A-1 RHRSW   Packing leak       None         Operation           None         Tightened packing pump 4/27 RllRSW       C-3 RHRSW   Packing leak       None         Operation           None         Tightened packing pump 4/27 RHRSW         D-3 RHRSW   Packing leak       None         Operation           None           Tightened packing pump
BRONNB FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT   1 CSSC E UIPMENT                            MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE SUGARY 19 79 EFFECT ON SAFE                                         ACTION TAKEN SYSTEM      COMPONENT  NATURE OF     OPERATION OF         CAUSE OF           RESULTS OF   TO PRECLUDE MAINTENANCE    THE REACTOR      IfALFUNCTION        MALFUNCTION    RECURRENCE 4/1 HPCI       FCV.73-35   Shaf t bent an bearings bad         None       Operation           None           Replaced shifter shaf and bearings 4/1             1-PCV-25-2 Valve dirty         Non'e     Normal wear         None           Disassembled an and  regulator                                                      cleaned valve, set not set pro-                                                        regulator perly 4/9 CRD         85-50-19   Valve leaking         None       Operation           None           Lengthened stem and through                                                            stopped leak

EFFECT ON SAFE                                    ACTION TAKEN DATE SYSTElf     COMPONENT     NATURE OF     OPERATION OF       CAUSE OF       RESULTS OF   TO PRECLUDE MAINTENANCE  THE REACTOR      MALFUNCTION      MALFUNCTION  RECURRENCE 4/3   Ventila-   '2A. Reactor Loose belts         None       Operation       None         Tightened belts tion        bldg. exhaust fans 4/10   HPCI       U-2 HPCI     Leaking Unto       None       Operation       None         Tightened union Booster  Pump

SYSTEM COMPONENT NATURE OF MAINTENANCE EFFECT ON SAFE OPERATION OF THE REACTOR CAUSE OF MALFUNCTION RESULTS OF MALFUNCTION ACTION TAKEN TO PRECLUDE RECURRENCE 4/l"A" CRD discharge filter Dirty Filter None Operation None Changed filter 4/4 RHR-SM pump D-3'Pac4ng leak.None Operation None Ad)usted packin 4/4 RHR-SM Pump C-3 Packing Leak None Operation None Ad5usted packing CSSC E UIBfENT BROlPilS PERRY BUCLEAP, PL62IT M)ZT ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE SDBfARY For the tfonth of Page 1 of 3 System 3>>30-79 HPCI Component HPCI drain level switches LS 73-5 Nature of Maintenance Scheduled maintenance E ect on a e Operation of The Reactor N/A Cause of Malfunction.
LS73-5 corroded Results of Malfunction Level not control-ling properly Action Taken To Preclude Recurrence Replaced switches.Checked OK.TR 112088 4-3-79 Fire pro-tection Class"A" supervised detector alarm cir-cuits and circuits from panel to con-trol room Scheduled maintenance N/A (1).Panel 9-2, A spreader rm.(R-3, R-6 zone A heat)would (2)Above would not light from pnl 25-323 Alarm would not come in Replaced relay in panel 25-323 to light annunciator in panel 9-2.Tested OK.LER 259/797 TR 130004 4-12-79 tandby iesel gen-erator sys.uD'(diesel generator-time delay relay (SFD2)Relay operat-e ting spurious-ly N/A Bad relay Improper operation (discovered while performing EMI 3)Replaced relay and times in accordance with EfI 15 and SZ 4.9.A.l.d.
EFFECT ON SAFE                                      ACTION TAKEN SYSTEM     COMPONENT   NATURE OF     OPERATION OF       CAUSE OF         RESULTS OF   TO PRECLUDE MAINTENANCE  THE REACTOR      MALFUNCTION      MALFUNCTION    RECURRENCE 4/l             "A" CRD     Dirty Filter discharge None       Operation       None           Changed filter filter 4/4             RHR - SM 'Pac4ng leak.       None       Operation       None           Ad)usted packin pump D-3 4/4             RHR SM   Packing Leak       None       Operation         None           Ad5usted packing Pump C-3
Tested OK.TR 13 6 4-17-79 ir con-itioning"B" control bay chiller Chiller trip-ping on low oil pressure N/A Dirty oil filter Chiller not operat-ing properly Replaced oil filter, checked oil pressure normal.Tested OK.TR 129544 ERONNE PERRY'NUCLEAR PLANT UUZT 1 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE SV11MARY Page 2 of 3 Date System Component Nature of Maintenance E ect on a e Operation of The Reactor Cause of Malfunction Results of Malfunction Action Taken To Preclude Recurrence 4-18-79 entilation Diesel genera tor building exhaust fans dampers (1)A and{2)B (1)IIAII exhaust fan damper in"A" room will not close (2)IIBI I exhaust fan damper in"C" room will not close N/A (1)"A" exhaust fan damper motor defective (2)"C" room damper had faulty auxil-iary contact (1)and (2)dampers locked in open posi-(1)Replaced motor.(2)Replaced acx iary contact.Tested OK.TR 117926 4-22-79 Emergency equipment cooling water"D" EECW pump discharge strainer motor-cir-cuit breaker Circuit break-er faulty N/A Faulty circuit breaker Strainer motor will not run Replaced circuit.Breaker tested OK.TR 128083 4-24-79 Battery boards U-1 250-V mai battery SI 4.9.A.2.C N/A Biannual surveil-Found humming in lance ACl relay due to metal shaving.Removed metal shaving from ACl relay.SI completed.
TR ll 4-26-79 Air condi-1-B, control tioning bay chiller Tripping on low oil pressure N/A Reservoir and oil p'ump jet dirty Chiller tripping on low oil pressure Cleaned reservoir and oil pump)et, changed oil'ilter and freon filter.Tested OK.TR 127109  
BROlPilS PERRY BUCLEAP, PL62IT M)ZT CSSC E  UIBfENT                                  ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE SDBfARY For the tfonth of                             Page 1 of 3 E  ect on  a e                                                  Action Taken System      Component          Nature of      Operation of        Cause  of          Results of            To Preclude Maintenance    The Reactor        Malfunction.        Malfunction            Recurrence 3>>30-79 HPCI         HPCI drain       Scheduled      N/A               LS73-5 corroded   Level not control-   Replaced switches.
~'~~~I~~~~~i I i~~~~~~~~~~I~~I~I~I~~I~~~~~I~~'~~0~0 I~~~~)0'I~~I I~~I~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~''~~~~  
level            maintenance                                          ling properly        Checked OK.
~g~~I'~~~I~~~I~~~~I I~~~~~~'~~I II I~~~~~~~I~I'i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~I~~~I~~~I'I~~I~~~I~~~~~$~~~'~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~
switches                                                                                    TR 112088 LS 73-5 4-3-79 Fire pro-   Class "A"         Scheduled      N/A               (1). Panel 9-2,   Alarm would not      Replaced  relay in tection      supervised        maintenance                        A spreader rm. come  in            panel 25-323 to detector                                            (R-3, R-6 zone                         light annunciator in alarm  cir-                                          A heat) would                           panel 9-2. Tested cuits  and                                          (2) Above would                         OK. LER 259/797 circuits  from                                      not light from                          TR 130004 panel to con-                                        pnl 25-323 trol  room 4-12-79 tandby     uD'( diesel       Relay operat-   N/A               Bad relay         Improper operation   Replaced relay and iesel gen- generator-      e ting spurious-                                        (discovered while    times in accordance erator sys. time delay        ly                                                    performing EMI 3)    with EfI   15 and relay  (SFD2)                                                                              SZ 4.9.A.l.d.
CSSC E UIPMENT ERONNS PERRY NUCLEAR PLRNY UNYY 2 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE SALARY Page 2 of 2~5 Date System Component Nature of Maintenance ect on a e Operation of The Reactor Cause of Malfunction Results of Malfunction Action Taken To Preclude Recurrence 4-23-79 Ventilat-ing U-'2, 250-V battery room supply fan 2A motor Motor trips out N/A Overload set at 100%Tripping out at full load Reset overload to 115(..Tested OK.'R 126913 4-29-79 Neutron monitor-ing"E" IRMP cable Defective.:=.cable N/A Bad.cable IRM will not operat Installed new cable and connector per EMI 5.Checked OK.TR's 115425 and 105406 t~~~~II I~I.~~~I'~~~~I'~~I~.~~'~~~I~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~I I~~~~~I~~~~I~~~0~I~~~~~'I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II~~~~'~/~
Tested OK. TR 13   6 4-17-79 ir con-     "B" control       Chiller trip-   N/A               Dirty oil   filter Chiller not operat- Replaced   oil filter, itioning    bay  chiller      ping on low                                          ing properly        checked   oil pressure oil pressure                                                              normal. Tested OK.
EROVRE FERRY RUCLEAR PLARY URLY ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE S CHARY For the Month of April.19 79 Page 2 of 2 Date 4-20-79 System Air condi tioning Component 4160-V shut-down chiller Nature of Maintenance"Air condition er abnormal" alarm E ect on a e Operation of The Reactor N/A~Cause of Malfunction Freon charge low Results of Malfunction Alarm will not clear Action Taken To Preclude Recurrence Added freon.Operation tested'ormal.
TR 129544
TR 128846 (alarm clear)4-24-79 Raw ser-vice water 3A raw ser-.".vice water pump motor Motor trip-ping out N/A Motor leads burned Motor trip Replaced leads, meggered motor.Checked OK.TR 128830 CSSC Equipment BRONNR PRRRY NUCLEAR PLRNT UNIT I&3 INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE SUQfARY For the Month of April 19 79 Date System Component Nature of Maintenance ect on Sa e Operation of The Reactor Cause of Malfunction Results of Malfunction Action Taken To Preclude Recurrence Unit I Primary Contain-'ent PdT-64-138 Calibration None Zero drift Redundant indicators do not agree New design trans-mitters to be installed Unit 3 4-23 Radwaste Fq-77-16 Calibrate Nqne Zero drift Indi:cated"'%low with pump off None 4-23 Contain-ent nerting H2H-76-38 Replace None Sensor failure Indicated 5%H2, lab sample was aero New system to be installed 34 OUTAGE SECTION MONTHLY REPORT Much of April was spent toward planning and work preparations for the Unit 2, Cycle 3 outage which began with shutdown at 2213 hours on April 27, 1979.The outage is scheduled for 42 days.Since no significant invessel work or ma)or modifications requiring critical path time are scheduled for the Unit 2, Cycle 3 outage, it should be the shortest scheduled refueling outage to date.Training in preparation for the refueling outage and all the mandatory prefab work was completed in April for gobs scheduled,:during the outage.Some major efforts were expended on non-outage work such as security and cooling tower modifications.
In conjunction with the Unit 2 effort, the planning and prefabrication work for the upcoming outages such as the torus and LPCI modifications were underway.To date, the Unit 2, Cycle 3 outage is progressing very well, and at this time it is slightly ahead of schedule.}}
ERONNE PERRY 'NUCLEAR PLANT UUZT   1 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE SV11MARY Page 2 of 3 E  ect on  a e                                                  Action Taken Date    System    Component       Nature of       Operation of       Cause of           Results of             To Preclude Maintenance      The Reactor        Malfunction        Malfunction              Recurrence 4-18-79 entilation Diesel genera (1 ) IIAII        N/A              (1) "A" exhaust   (1) and (2) dampers  (1) Replaced motor.
tor building  exhaust fan                        fan damper motor  locked in open posi-exhaust fans  damper   in "A"                   defective dampers        room will not (1) A and      close
{2)  B        (2) IIBII                          (2) "C" room                             (2) Replaced    acx exhaust fan                        damper had                               iary contact.
damper in "C"                      faulty auxil-                           Tested  OK. TR 117926 room  will not                      iary contact close 4-22-79 Emergency "D" EECW pump Circuit break-   N/A               Faulty circuit     Strainer motor will Replaced   circuit.
equipment  discharge      er faulty                          breaker            not run              Breaker tested   OK.
cooling    strainer                                                                                    TR 128083 water      motor -  cir-cuit breaker 4-24-79 Battery   U-1 250-V mai SI 4.9.A.2.C     N/A               Biannual surveil- Found humming in       Removed  metal shaving boards    battery                                            lance             ACl relay due to     from ACl relay. SI metal shaving .      completed. TR     ll 4-26-79 Air condi- 1-B, control   Tripping on       N/A               Reservoir and     Chiller tripping on Cleaned  reservoir  and tioning    bay  chiller  low  oil                            oil p'ump jet      low oil pressure     oil pump )et, pressure                            dirty                                    changed   oil'ilter and freon   filter.
Tested OK. TR 127109
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                                                                                                                                  ~ 5 Page 2 of   2 ect on a e                                                    Action Taken Date     System     Component       Nature of     Operation of       Cause of           Results of               To Preclude Maintenance    The Reactor        Malfunction        Malfunction              Recurrence 4-23-79 Ventilat- U-'2, 250-V   Motor trips     N/A             Overload set at   Tripping out at       Reset overload to ing        battery room  out                              100%              full load              115(.. Tested   OK.'R supply fan 2A                                                                              126913 motor 4-29-79 Neutron   "E" IRMP     Defective .:=. N/A             Bad.cable         IRM will not operat   Installed new cable monitor-  cable        cable                                                                      and connector per ing                                                                                                EMI 5. Checked OK.
TR's 115425 and 105406
                                                                    ~ ~
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II ~ ~               ~   ~ '
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EROVRE FERRY RUCLEAR PLARY URLY ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE S CHARY For the Month of       April . 19 79         Page 2 of 2 E  ect on  a e                                                  Action Taken Date     System    Component          Nature of    Operation of    ~  Cause of            Results of            To Preclude Maintenance    The Reactor        Malfunction          Malfunction            Recurrence 4-20-79 Air condi 4160-V shut-     "Air condition  N/A               Freon charge low Alarm    will not     Added freon.
tioning  down bd.          er abnormal"                                          clear              Operation room chiller      alarm                                                                                tested'ormal.
TR 128846 (alarm clear) 4-24-79 Raw ser- 3A raw ser- .". Motor trip-   N/A               Motor leads         Motor trip         Replaced leads, vice      vice water        ping out                        burned                                  meggered motor.
water    pump motor                                                                                  Checked OK.
TR 128830
BRONNR PRRRY NUCLEAR PLRNT UNIT I & 3 INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE SUQfARY For the Month of   April     19 79 CSSC        Equipment ect on Sa e                                                   Action Taken Date          System        Component    Nature of  Operation of       Cause of             Results of             To Preclude Maintenance  The Reactor      Malfunction          Malfunction              Recurrence Unit I Primary             PdT-64-138 Calibration   None             Zero drift       Redundant indicators New design trans-Contain-'ent                                                                      do  not agree          mitters to be installed Unit 3 4-23   Radwaste           Fq-77-16   Calibrate     Nqne             Zero drift         Indi:cated"'%low with None pump off 4-23   Contain-           H2H-76-38   Replace       None             Sensor failure   Indicated   5% H2, lab New system to be ent                                                                              sample was aero        installed nerting
34 OUTAGE SECTION MONTHLY REPORT Much of April was spent toward planning       and work preparations for the Unit 2, Cycle   3 outage which began with shutdown at     2213 hours on April 27, 1979. The outage   is scheduled   for 42 days.
Since no significant invessel work or ma)or modifications requiring critical path time are scheduled for the Unit 2, Cycle 3 outage, it should be the shortest scheduled refueling outage to date.
Training in preparation for the refueling outage         and all the mandatory prefab work was completed       in April for gobs scheduled,:during the outage.
Some major efforts   were expended on non-outage work such as       security and cooling tower modifications.
In conjunction with the Unit       2 effort, the planning   and prefabrication work for the upcoming outages     such as the torus and LPCI modifications were underway.
To date, the Unit 2, Cycle     3 outage is progressing very well,     and at this time it is   slightly ahead   of schedule.}}

Revision as of 03:01, 22 October 2019

Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1979
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1979
From: Dewease J
Shared Package
ML18024A799 List:
MOR-790430, NUDOCS 7905150352
Download: ML18024A800 (36)



Plant Superintendent

TABLE OF CONTENTS Operations Summary .

Refueling Information Significant Operational Events ~ ~ 5 Average Daily Unit Power Level ~ ~ 13 Operating Data Reports ~ ~ 16 Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions. ~ ~ 19 Plant Maintenance ~ ~ 22 Outage Section Monthly Report. "


0 erations Summar The following summary describes the sign ificant c o p erational activities during the reporting period. Xn support o f this summary a chronological logo f i s gn ificant events is included in this report.

There were three reportable occurrenceses rep re orted to the NRC during the month of April.

Unit 1 The unit i scramme d tw ce d ur ing the month. The unit scramm ed on AP ril 2 due to stop valve closure from a turb ine ne trip..

tr The turbine trip occurred as a result of a false mo isture t e separator s high level signal apparently generated by vibration o fa loose oose sensing line on C2 moisture separator.

The unit scrammed on Apr il 29 due to stop valve closure from a turbine trip. Th e tur bine trip occurred as a resultt of a false reactor high water level signal generateed due ue to a breaker opening and resultant loss of power.

Unit 2 The unit scrammed once i d ur ng thee month.

m The unit was manually scrammed on Apr il 27 to accomodate the scheduled refueling outage.

Unic 3 The unit did not scram during the month.

Fati ue Usa e Evaluation The cumulative usage factors for the reactor vessel are as follows:

Location Usa e Factor Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Shell at water line 0.00407'.00270 0.00243 Feedwater nozzle 0.18684 0.11861 0.09515 Closure studs 0.17378 0.10335 0.07339 Note: This accumulated monthly information satisfies technical specification section 6.6.A.17.b(3) reporting requirements.

Common S stems Approximately 2.56E+05 gallons of waste liquid were discharge containing 1.55E-Ol curies of activity.

Cooling towers 1, 2, 3, and 6 were operational. Repair work on Tower 4 began on April 10, and is to be completed by May 8. Repair work on Tower 5 was completed on April 30. Installation of new fillmaterial on Tower 5 continues.

Refuelin Information Unit 1 Unit 1 is scheduled for its third refueling beginning on or about December 15, 1979, with a restart date of January 25, 1980. This refueling will load additional 8 x 8 R (retrofit) fuel assemblies into the core, replacing presently loaded 7 x 7 fuel.

Unit 1 (Continued)

There are 764 fuel assemblies in the core. The spent fuel storage pool presently contains 322 spent 7 x 7 fuel assemblies and two 8 x 8 R fuel assemblies. Because of modification work to increase spent fuel pool capacity to 3471 assemblies, present capacity is limited to 520 assemblies.

pith present capacity, Unit 1 does not have full core discharge capability in the pool.

Unit 2 Unit 2 began its second refueling beginning on April 27, 1979, with a'cheduled restart date of June 7, 1979. Resumption of operation on that date will require a change in technical specifications pertaining to the core thermal limits. Licensing information in support of these changes was submitted to the NRC in February. This refueling will involve replacing some more 7 x 7 fuel assemblies with 8 x 8 R (retrofit) assemblies.

There are 764 fuel assemblies in the core. At the end of the month there were 132 discharged cycle 1 (7 x 7) fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage pool. There are presently 268 new 8 x 8 fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage pool. The present storage capacity of the spent fuel pool is 1080 assemblies. Present planning is to increase that capacity to 3471 assemblies. With present capacity, the 1979 refueling would be the last refueling that could be discharged to the'pent fuel pool without exceeding tha't capacity and maintaining full core discharge capability in the pool.

Unit 3 Unit 3 is scheduled for its next refuel outage beginning on September 1, 1979, with a scheduled restart date of November 20, 1979. This refueling will involve loading additional 8 x 8 R (retrofit) assemblies into the core, torus integrity modifications, core spray piping modifications, EECW

~ .piping changes, feedwater sparger modifications, and LPCI modifications.

Resumption of operation following refueling will require changes in technical specifications pertaining to the core thermal limits. Licensing information in support of these changes will be submitted before the refueling.

There are 764 fuel assemblies presently in the core. There are 208 fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage pool. The present licensed storage capacity of the spent fuel pool is 1132 assemblies.

Si nificant 0 erational Events Unit 1 Date Time Event 4/1/79 0001 Reactor thermal power at 66%, sequence "B", holding for control rod pattern adjustment 0030 Control rod pattern established, commenced PCIOMR from 66% thermal power 2230 Reactor thermal power at 97%, rod limited 4/2 1440 Reactor scram no. 110 (1) from 97% thermal power due to turbine trip and stop valve closure 1635 Commenced rod withdrawal 1840 Reactor critical no. 126 2000 Rolled T/G 2015 Synchronized generator, commenced power ascension in sequence "B" 4/3 0250 Commenced PCIOMR from 60% thermal power 4/5 '710 Reactor thermal power at 96%,. rod limited 4/6 2145 Reduced thermal power from 96% to 70% for turbine C.V. tests and SI's 4/7 0115 Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, commenced power ascension 0300 Commenced PCIOMR from 75% thermal power 4/8 2105 Reactor thermal power at 98%,.steady state 4/13 2330 Reduced thermal power from 98% to 85% for turbine C.V.

tests and SI's 4/14 0105 Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, reduced thermal power further to 75% for removal of "B" condensate booste pump from service for maintenance 0400 "B" condensate booster pump maintenance completed, placed pump in service, commenced power ascension 0450 Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 4/15 1500 Reactor thermal power at 98%, steady state 4/16 0217 Reduced thermal power from 98% to 75% for removal of "A" reactor feedwater pump for maintenance 0420 "A" reactor feedwater pump maintenance completed, pump returned to service, commenced power ascension 0445 Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 1630 Reactor thermal power at 98% steady state

Si nificant 0 erational Events Unit 1 Date TfRe Event 4/21 1915 Reduced thermal power from 98% to 90% due to "C" string low pressure feedwater heaters isolation (broken air line) 2312 Reduced thermal power from 90% to 85% for turbine C.V. tests and SI's 4/22 0100 Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, commenced power ascension 0120 Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 0700 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/25 0805 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 85% due to both recirculation pumps run back during SI (feedwater controls malfunction) 0810 Commenced power ascension 1200 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/26 1500 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state.

4/27 2300 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 75% for turbine C.V. tests and SI's 4/28 0025 Increased thermal power to 90%, holding for control rod drive exercise 0200 Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 0730 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/29 1922 Reactor scram no. 111 from 99% thermal power on turbine trip and stop valve closure due to loss of 120 volt preferred power ("C" shutdown board) causing feedwater control problems 4/30 0140 Commenced rod withdrawal for startup 0355 Reactor critical no. 127 0410 Reactor made subcritical, holding for changing out main transformer 1600 Resumed rod withdrawal for startup 1605 Reactor critical no. 128 2250 Rolled T/0 2308 Synchronized generator 2400 Reactor thermal power at 20%, with power ascension in progress (1) Equipment malfunction (2) Cause unknown

Si nificant 0 erational Events Unit 2 Date Time Event 4/1/79 0001 Reactor thermal power at 96%, sequence "B", PCIOMR in progress 0700 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/3 1500 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/5 0015 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 85X for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0112 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0200 Commenced PCIOMR from 95% thermal power 0700 Reactor thermal power at 99%

4/6 2155 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 90% for turbine C.V. tests and SI's 2345 Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, commenced power ascension 4/7 0010 Commenced PCIOMR from 95X thermal power 0400 Reactor thermal, power at 99%

2200 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 88% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 4/8 0235 Condensate demineralizer Sackwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0300 Commenced PCIOMR from 95% thermal power 0700 Reactor thermal power at 99%

4/12 0125 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 85X for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0230 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0700 Reactor thermal power at 97X, rod limited 4/13 2325 Reduced thermal power from 97% to 85% for turbine C.V.

tests and SI's 2340 Commenced condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 4/14 0025 Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed,.holding for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0110 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0300 Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 0700 Reactor thermal power at 96%, rods limited

Si nificant 0 erational Events Unit 2 Date Time Event 4/15 0930 Reduced thermal power from 96% to 90% for removal of "A" string high pressure feedwater heaters from service for maintenance (leakage) 1706 "A" string high pressure feedwater heaters maintenance completed and placed in service, commenced power ascension 1900 Commenced PCIOHR from 93% thermal power 4/16 0015 Reduced thermal power from 95% to 85X for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0210 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0330 Commenced PCIOMR from 95% thermal power 0700 Reactor thermal power at 96%, rods limited 4/20 0125 Reduced thermal power from 96% to 85% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0223 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0700 Reactor thermal power at 95%, rods limited.

4/21 0440 Reduced thermal power from 95X to 85% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0545 Condensate dermineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0815 Reactor thermal power at 95%, rods limited 4/22 0020 Reduced thermal power from 95X to 85% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0130 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0515 Reactor thermal power at 94%, rods limited 4/25 0140 Reduced thermal power from 94% to 85% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0300 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 0330 Reactor thermal power at 94%, rods limited 4/26 2200 Reduced thermal power from 94% to 70X for scram timing control rods

Si nificant Operational Events Unit 2 Date Time Event 4/27 0250 Control rod scram timing completed, commenced power ascension 0345 Reactor thermal power at 93%, rods limited 1954 Commenced reducing thermal power for shutdown (scheduled refueling outage, cycle 3) 2213 Reactor scram no. 76 manual from 35% thermal power 4/30 2400 Reactor at cold shutdown with cycle 3 refueling outage in progress e t I

~ ~ ~

~ ','D

10 Si nificant Operational Events Unit 3 Date Time Event 4/1/79 0001 Reactor thermal power at 70%, sequence "B", holding for STI 162 (load following) 0321 Commenced power ascension 0700 Commenced PCIOMR from 96% thermal power 1530 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 2315 Reduced thermal power from 99X to 68% for maintenance to EHC (leakage) 4/2 0400 Maintenance to EHC completed, commenced power ascension 0700 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/6 0243 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 90% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0542 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 4/7 '008 Reduced thermal power from 97X to 70% for turbine and SI's C.V.'ests 0120 Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, reduced thermal power from 70% to 50% for STI 162 (load following test-Phase 2) 0755 Commenced power ascension, part of STI 162 0940 Reduced thermal po~er from 90% to 80% for control rod pattern adjustment 1400 Control rod pattern adjustment completed, commenced power ascension 1500 Commenced PCIOMR from 95% thermal power 2120 . Reduced thermal power from 99% to 50% for STI 162 (load following test) 4/8 0428 Commenced power ascension, part of STI 162 1155 Commenced PCIOMR from 90X thermal power 1800 'Reduced thermal power from 99% to 50% for STI 162 (load following test) 2303 Commenced power ascension, part of STI 162 4/9 0405 Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 0810 Reduced thermal power from 95% to 85% for control rod pattern adjustment 1100 Control rod pattern ad)ustment completed, commenced PCIOMR from 85% thermal power 1830 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state

11 Si nificant 0 erational Events Unit 3 Date Time Event 4/12 2100 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 72% for control rod pattern ad/ustment 2215 Control rod pattern adjustment completed, commenced power ascension 2230 Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 4/13 1355 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 1910 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 85% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 2145 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced power ascension 2300 Commenced PCIOMR from 88% thermal power 4/14 0140 Reactor thermal power at 90%, holding for turbine C.V.

tests and SI's 0355 Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, resumed PCIOMR 0700 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/20 2200 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 40% for control rod sequence exchange from "g" to "3" 4/21 0330 Control rod sequence exchange from "A" to "B" completed, commenced power ascension 0700 Commenced PCIOMR from 70%

4/22 1330 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/24 0152 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 85% for condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat 0500 Condensate demineralizer backwash and precoat completed, commenced PCIOMR from 85% thermal power 1500 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 2155 thermal power from 99% to 65% for control rod

'educed pattern adjustment 4/25 0010 Control rod pattern ad)ustment completed, commenced power ascension 1200 Commenced PCIOMR from 88% thermal power 4/26 1500 Reactor thermal power at 99%, steady state 4/28 0048 Reduced thermal power from 99% to 80% for removal of "C" reactor feedwater pump from service for maintenance due to high vibration 0230 Commenced turbine C.V. tests and SI's-0400 Turbine C.V. tests and SI's completed, holding at 80%

thermal power for "C" reactor feedwater pump maintenance

12 Si nificant Operational Events Unit 3 Date Time Event 4/30 1244 "C" reactor feedwater pump maintenance completed and pump placed in service 1335 Commenced power ascension from 80% thermal power 1400 Commenced PCIOMR from 90% thermal power 1550 Reduced thermal power from 91% to 80% for removal of "C" reactor feedwater pump from service due to high vibration 2400 Reactor thermal power at 80%, holding for vibration checks on "C" reactor feedwater pump



I 44 17 18 19 950 20 1041 21 1021 1052 855 1061 7 23 989 1064 24 1058 25 1056 1056 1048 10 26 1062 27 12 1059 1051 28 1062 848 13 29 985 14 30 15 1060 31 1020



On this format, list the average daily unit power level in Mme Net for each day in the reporting ntonth. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.


~ ~


UNIT Bro~s Ferry 2 DATE


(MWe-Net) (MWe-Net) 17 03 1076 IS 1033 1077 19 1027 1077 1019 20 1067 1015 21 1069 ~

22 1013 1057 23 1013

, S 24 1009


1067 25 1001 1058 979 10 26 0 27 866 12 1050 28

-15 13 29 14 1040 30 IS 1022 31 16 1033 INSTRUCTIONS

'n this format, list the average daily unit power level in hIEVe Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.



Browns Fer 3 DATE 5/2/7 COMPLETED BY TELEPHONE 205/729-6846 MONTH A ril 197 DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL (MWe-Net) (MWe-Net) 1006 17 1066 992 18 1069 1065 1061 19 1067 1033 20 1073 21 759 1028 1042 6 22 811 1066 793 1017 24 946 917 10 1057 26 1006 1064 27 1088 12 28 842 13 1033 29 864 1060 866 14 30 1067 IS 31 16 1069 INSTRUCTIONS On this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.





2. Reporting Period: A ril 1979
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe):
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):
8. IfChanges Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net ilIWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month Yr:to-Date Cumulative

12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical


'4 ~ 53 2 287.86 22 519.45

13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 167.31 4566.44
14. Hours Generator On-Line 2193. 21885.0 "
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0 0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 2~ 145 926 6 294 977 57 067 649
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 2,100,300 18,918,300
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 2 044 386 18 356 606
19. Unit Service Factor 95.5 76.2 52.6
20. Unit Availability Factor 76.2 52. 6
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 66.7 41.4
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 66.7 41.4
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 4.5 8.8 38.0
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over iVext 6 iilonths (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
25. IfShut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:
26. Units ln Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY INITIALELECTRICITY COMMERCJA L OP ERATION (o/77)


DATE 5 2 79 COMPLETED BY Don Green TELEPHONE ~L229-6846 OPERATING STATUS Notes I. Unit Name:

2. Reporting Period:
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 3293
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross AIWe): 1152
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):


6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):


8. IfChanges Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted, If Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions. If Any:

This Month Yr.-to-Date Cumulative 365'28

12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 646 22 2781.07 19499.36
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 25.15 . 11501.86
14. Hours Generator On. Line 646.22 2770.40 '18838.26" '
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0 0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 8 386,684 51,838 472
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 687,850 2,857,580 17,171,368
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 669,399 2,784,696 16,674,860
19. Unit Service Factor 89.9 96.2 51.6
20. Unit Availability Factor 96.2 51.6
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 90.8 42.9
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 87.4 90.8 42.9
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 41.
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type. Date. and Duration of Each):
25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup:
26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIALOPERATION



1. Unit Name:
2. Reporting Period:
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross ilIWe):
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 1 9 7 Maximum De p endable Ca p acit y(Net MWe: )
8. IfChanges Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted, IfAny (Net MWe): N A
10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month Yr:to.Date Cumulative


12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 719 2 865.15 15 956.35
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0 13.85 1119.26
14. Hours Generator On-Line 2,857.37 ~


15. Unit Reserve Shutdown floors 0 0 0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 8,835, I 7. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 734 410 2 958 630 '14 726,130
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 716 288 . ' 886 590 14 291,778
19. Unit Service Factor 82.1
20. Unit Availability Factor 2.1
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) ~ 1 70.7
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 94.1 70.7
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0 .8 8.0
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date. and Duration of Each):

ta e Se tember 1 1979

25. IfShut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup:
26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIALELECTRICITY COMMERCIALOPERATION (o/77)




rl C CO V Licensee Q~

~m C Cause Ec Corrective o 4 0 O Nir. Date m 5cc Event Action to PJ

~V CA C Report 0 O Prevent Recurrence CJ CI 74 79 04 02 F 5.58 Moisture separator fH level caused sto valve closure 75 79 04 06 Derated for turbine C.V. tests 76 79 04 14 Derated for "B" condensate booster um maintenance 77 79 04 16 Derated for "A" reactor feedwater um maintenance 78 79 04 28 Derated for turbine C.V. tests 79 04 29 26.77 Turbine sto valve closure OI6I)

F: Forced Reason: hiethod: Exhibit G - Instructions S: Scheduled A.Equipment Failure (Explain) I -hlanual for Preparation of Data B.hlaintenance or Test 2-hlanual Scram. Entry Sheets for Licensee C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scram. Event Report (LER) File (NUREG-

- D-Regulatory Restrictiun 4.Other (Explain)

E-Operator Training & License Examination F-Administrative 5 G-Operalloltal Error (Explain) Exhibit I - Same Source Il Other (Explain)


'ELEPHONE f4 ~ c ~


~ = 5 Licensee oCQ0 o Cause Ec Corrective No. Date ~ fY  ; Event Action to hK u~ C Report 4 wG E Q

~ Prevent Recurrence

~ Ch CI . ~

85 79 04 26 Derated for scram timin control rods 86 79 04 27 ,72. 78 Refuelin I

F: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit G - Instructions S: Scheduled A-Equipment Failure (Explain) I.hlanual for Preparation oi'ata B.hiaintenancc or Test 2.hlanual Scram. Entry Sheets for l.ic<<nsee C.Refueling 3.Automatic Scram. Event Report (LER) File INUREG.


D Regulatory Restriction . 4-Other (Explain) OI6 I )

E.Operator Training'iccnsc Examination F-Adminis t ra t ive G.Operat tonal Lrror (Explam) Exhibit I - Satnc Source I I Other (Explain)



P Licensee C<4J Cause &, Corrective N<i. Date EA


~0n D


O U Q Action to u

Report 0 cn G E Q

~ Prevent Recurrence 86 79 04 01 Derated for EHC maintenance (leaks e) 87 79 04 07 Derated for turbine C.V. tests 88 79 04 07 Derated for STI 162 (Load Following Test) 89 79 04 08 Debated for STI 162 (Load Following Test 90 79 04 12 Derated for control rod pattern ad ustment 91 79 04 20 Derated for control rod sequence exchan e from "B" to "A" 92 79 04 24 Derated for control rod pattern ad ustment 93 79 04 28 Derated due to high vibration on "C" Rx feed um 3 4 F: Furced Reason: Method: Exlubtt C - lnstructtons S: Scheduled A-Equipmcnt Failure (Explain) I -hlanual . for Preparation of Data B-hlaintenance or Test 2 hlanual Scram. Entry Sheets for Licensee C-Refueling 3.Autotnatic Scram. Event Report (LER) File(NUREG-D.Regulatory Restriction 4 Other (Explain) OI6I )

E.Operator Training & Liccnsc Examination F-Administrative 5 G-Operational Error Exhibit l ~ Same Source (Explain)'i-Other (Explain)



For the Month of APril 19 79 EFFECT ON SAFE ACTION TAKEN SYSTEM COMPONENT NATURE OF OPERATION OF CAUSE OF RESULTS OF TO PRECLUDE MAINTENANCE THE REACTOR MALFUNCTION MALFUNCTION RECURRENCE 4/5 Ventilatio Board and Dirty Filter None Operation None Replaced filters Spreading Room Supply Fans 4/17 Rx. Bldg. Discharge Valves in None Unknown None Turned valves and Closed check valve backward replaced Cooling from equip.

Water drain sump pump 4/27 RllRSW A-1 RHRSW Packing leak None Operation None Tightened packing pump 4/27 RllRSW C-3 RHRSW Packing leak None Operation None Tightened packing pump 4/27 RHRSW D-3 RHRSW Packing leak None Operation None Tightened packing pump

BRONNB FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 1 CSSC E UIPMENT MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE SUGARY 19 79 EFFECT ON SAFE ACTION TAKEN SYSTEM COMPONENT NATURE OF OPERATION OF CAUSE OF RESULTS OF TO PRECLUDE MAINTENANCE THE REACTOR IfALFUNCTION MALFUNCTION RECURRENCE 4/1 HPCI FCV.73-35 Shaf t bent an bearings bad None Operation None Replaced shifter shaf and bearings 4/1 1-PCV-25-2 Valve dirty Non'e Normal wear None Disassembled an and regulator cleaned valve, set not set pro- regulator perly 4/9 CRD 85-50-19 Valve leaking None Operation None Lengthened stem and through stopped leak



EFFECT ON SAFE ACTION TAKEN DATE SYSTElf COMPONENT NATURE OF OPERATION OF CAUSE OF RESULTS OF TO PRECLUDE MAINTENANCE THE REACTOR MALFUNCTION MALFUNCTION RECURRENCE 4/3 Ventila- '2A. Reactor Loose belts None Operation None Tightened belts tion bldg. exhaust fans 4/10 HPCI U-2 HPCI Leaking Unto None Operation None Tightened union Booster Pump



EFFECT ON SAFE ACTION TAKEN SYSTEM COMPONENT NATURE OF OPERATION OF CAUSE OF RESULTS OF TO PRECLUDE MAINTENANCE THE REACTOR MALFUNCTION MALFUNCTION RECURRENCE 4/l "A" CRD Dirty Filter discharge None Operation None Changed filter filter 4/4 RHR - SM 'Pac4ng leak. None Operation None Ad)usted packin pump D-3 4/4 RHR SM Packing Leak None Operation None Ad5usted packing Pump C-3

BROlPilS PERRY BUCLEAP, PL62IT M)ZT CSSC E UIBfENT ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE SDBfARY For the tfonth of Page 1 of 3 E ect on a e Action Taken System Component Nature of Operation of Cause of Results of To Preclude Maintenance The Reactor Malfunction. Malfunction Recurrence 3>>30-79 HPCI HPCI drain Scheduled N/A LS73-5 corroded Level not control- Replaced switches.

level maintenance ling properly Checked OK.

switches TR 112088 LS 73-5 4-3-79 Fire pro- Class "A" Scheduled N/A (1). Panel 9-2, Alarm would not Replaced relay in tection supervised maintenance A spreader rm. come in panel 25-323 to detector (R-3, R-6 zone light annunciator in alarm cir- A heat) would panel 9-2. Tested cuits and (2) Above would OK. LER 259/797 circuits from not light from TR 130004 panel to con- pnl 25-323 trol room 4-12-79 tandby uD'( diesel Relay operat- N/A Bad relay Improper operation Replaced relay and iesel gen- generator- e ting spurious- (discovered while times in accordance erator sys. time delay ly performing EMI 3) with EfI 15 and relay (SFD2) SZ 4.9.A.l.d.

Tested OK. TR 13 6 4-17-79 ir con- "B" control Chiller trip- N/A Dirty oil filter Chiller not operat- Replaced oil filter, itioning bay chiller ping on low ing properly checked oil pressure oil pressure normal. Tested OK.

TR 129544

ERONNE PERRY 'NUCLEAR PLANT UUZT 1 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE SV11MARY Page 2 of 3 E ect on a e Action Taken Date System Component Nature of Operation of Cause of Results of To Preclude Maintenance The Reactor Malfunction Malfunction Recurrence 4-18-79 entilation Diesel genera (1 ) IIAII N/A (1) "A" exhaust (1) and (2) dampers (1) Replaced motor.

tor building exhaust fan fan damper motor locked in open posi-exhaust fans damper in "A" defective dampers room will not (1) A and close

{2) B (2) IIBII (2) "C" room (2) Replaced acx exhaust fan damper had iary contact.

damper in "C" faulty auxil- Tested OK. TR 117926 room will not iary contact close 4-22-79 Emergency "D" EECW pump Circuit break- N/A Faulty circuit Strainer motor will Replaced circuit.

equipment discharge er faulty breaker not run Breaker tested OK.

cooling strainer TR 128083 water motor - cir-cuit breaker 4-24-79 Battery U-1 250-V mai SI 4.9.A.2.C N/A Biannual surveil- Found humming in Removed metal shaving boards battery lance ACl relay due to from ACl relay. SI metal shaving . completed. TR ll 4-26-79 Air condi- 1-B, control Tripping on N/A Reservoir and Chiller tripping on Cleaned reservoir and tioning bay chiller low oil oil p'ump jet low oil pressure oil pump )et, pressure dirty changed oil'ilter and freon filter.

Tested OK. TR 127109



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~ 5 Page 2 of 2 ect on a e Action Taken Date System Component Nature of Operation of Cause of Results of To Preclude Maintenance The Reactor Malfunction Malfunction Recurrence 4-23-79 Ventilat- U-'2, 250-V Motor trips N/A Overload set at Tripping out at Reset overload to ing battery room out 100% full load 115(.. Tested OK.'R supply fan 2A 126913 motor 4-29-79 Neutron "E" IRMP Defective .:=. N/A Bad.cable IRM will not operat Installed new cable monitor- cable cable and connector per ing EMI 5. Checked OK.

TR's 115425 and 105406



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/ ~

EROVRE FERRY RUCLEAR PLARY URLY ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE S CHARY For the Month of April . 19 79 Page 2 of 2 E ect on a e Action Taken Date System Component Nature of Operation of ~ Cause of Results of To Preclude Maintenance The Reactor Malfunction Malfunction Recurrence 4-20-79 Air condi 4160-V shut- "Air condition N/A Freon charge low Alarm will not Added freon.

tioning down bd. er abnormal" clear Operation room chiller alarm tested'ormal.

TR 128846 (alarm clear) 4-24-79 Raw ser- 3A raw ser- .". Motor trip- N/A Motor leads Motor trip Replaced leads, vice vice water ping out burned meggered motor.

water pump motor Checked OK.

TR 128830

BRONNR PRRRY NUCLEAR PLRNT UNIT I & 3 INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE SUQfARY For the Month of April 19 79 CSSC Equipment ect on Sa e Action Taken Date System Component Nature of Operation of Cause of Results of To Preclude Maintenance The Reactor Malfunction Malfunction Recurrence Unit I Primary PdT-64-138 Calibration None Zero drift Redundant indicators New design trans-Contain-'ent do not agree mitters to be installed Unit 3 4-23 Radwaste Fq-77-16 Calibrate Nqne Zero drift Indi:cated"'%low with None pump off 4-23 Contain- H2H-76-38 Replace None Sensor failure Indicated 5% H2, lab New system to be ent sample was aero installed nerting

34 OUTAGE SECTION MONTHLY REPORT Much of April was spent toward planning and work preparations for the Unit 2, Cycle 3 outage which began with shutdown at 2213 hours on April 27, 1979. The outage is scheduled for 42 days.

Since no significant invessel work or ma)or modifications requiring critical path time are scheduled for the Unit 2, Cycle 3 outage, it should be the shortest scheduled refueling outage to date.

Training in preparation for the refueling outage and all the mandatory prefab work was completed in April for gobs scheduled,:during the outage.

Some major efforts were expended on non-outage work such as security and cooling tower modifications.

In conjunction with the Unit 2 effort, the planning and prefabrication work for the upcoming outages such as the torus and LPCI modifications were underway.

To date, the Unit 2, Cycle 3 outage is progressing very well, and at this time it is slightly ahead of schedule.