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#REDIRECT [[IA-88-102, Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Informs That App a & B Documents Available in Pdr.Forwards Partially Deleted App B & C Documents (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)]]
| number = ML20205R164
| issue date = 10/18/1988
| title = Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Informs That App a & B Documents Available in Pdr.Forwards Partially Deleted App B & C Documents (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
| author name = Grimsley D
| author affiliation = NRC
| addressee name = Weissman S
| addressee affiliation = CALIFORNIA, STATE OF
| docket = 05000275, 05000323
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = FOIA-88-102, REF-10CFR9.7
| document report number = NUDOCS 8811090467
| package number = ML20205R169
| page count = 7
| project =
| stage = Other
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: 3. The wthheid informeton e apecsfcary esempted from pwtec decioewre by statute becated. (ExtMPTON 3)
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      **c posu ene m , a                                                                                                                      U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
* esi                                                            FOIA RESPONSE CONTINUATION L_                                                                                                _              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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          .                                                                                        i Re: FOIA-88-102 APPENDIX A RECORDS ALREADY AVAILABLE IN THE PDR
: 1. 9/23/81  Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Vote on Low-Power Operating License for Diablo. (1 page) PDR Accession No. 8110160308
: 2. 10/1/81  Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Briefing on Diablo Canyon - Incorrect Seismic Analysis.          (1 page) PDR Accession No. 8110160320
: 3. 11/12/81 Memo to W.J. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject:            Staff l
Requirements Diablo        Canyon. -(1Briefing)on  Recent Seismic page POR Accession          Design Errors at No. 8112030655 l
: 4. 3/8/82  Memo for W.J. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff l                      Requirements - Discussion and Possible Vote on Staff Recommendations on Diablo Canyon Program Plan and i                        Independence of Audit. (2 pages) PDR Accession No.
  !                        8203230049
: 5. 12/9/82  Memo for W.J. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion and Possible Vote on Diablo Canyon Phase !! Reverification Program and Appeal Board Certification.
(1 page) PDR Accession No. 8212220017 6,  9/20/83  Memo for W.J. Dircks          H.H.E. Plaine, and J. Zerbe from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Staff and Teledyne Briefing on Status of IDVP for Diablo Canyon. (1 page) j                          PDR Accession No. 8309270592
: 7. 9/30/83  Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff
:                        Requirements - Discussion of Diablo Canyon Schedule.
(1 page) POR Accession No. 8310070409 8,  11/2/83  Memo for W.J. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Public Meeting on Diablo Canyon.            (1 page)
POR Accession No. 8311140092 9    11/14/83 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff 9equirements - Discussion /Yote on Hearing Requests and Wrother to Lift Suspension at Diablo Canyon.            (1 page) i                        PDR Accession No. 8311230049                                              l i
)          10. 1/25/83  Memo for W.J. Dircks and H.H.E. Plaine from S. Chilk,                      I subject: Staff Requiretnents - Affirmation / Discussion and Vote.          (1 page) PDR Accession No. 8704280503 11,  1/26/84  Meno for W.J. Dircks and B.B. Hayes from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Disecussion of Pending Investigations on Diablo Canyon. (1page)PDRAccession No. 8402030051 4
Re:                  F0!A-88-102 APPENDIX A RECORDS ALREADY AVAILABLE IN THE PDR (Continued)
: 12. 2/15/84    Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Comments by Parties on Diablo Canyon Criticality and Low Power Operation.                  PDR Accession No. 8402240248
: 13. 3/29/84    Memo for W. Dircks, H. Plaine and R. Fraley from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Diablo Canyon Criticality and Low Power Operation (Continuation).
(2 pages) POR Accession No. 8404110602 14  3/30/84  Memo for W. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Diablo Canyon Criticality and Low Power Operation.                (1 page) POR Accession No. 8404110361 15, 4/4/84    Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Affirmation / Discussion and Vote.                    (1page)
PDR Accession No. 8404130380
: 16. 4/17/84    Memo for W. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Diablo Canyon Criticality and Low Power Operation.                (1 page) PDR Accession No. 8404250275
.            17. 8/7/84    Meno to H. Plaine from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Order on Earthquake and Emergency Planning for Diablo Canyon.
(1 page) PDR Accession No. 8408200300 18, 8/7/84      Memo to W. Dircks and H. Plaine from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Full Power Operating License for Diablo Canyon. (1page) PDR Accession No. 8408200505
: 19. 5/2/85    Memo for W. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff                                          ,
Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Diablo Canyon-2 Low Power Licences. (1page)PDRAccessionNo. 8505080515
: 20. 8/14/85      Memo for W. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Full Power Operating License for Diablo Canyon-2. (1 page) PDR Accession No. 8508200041 l
l I
: 1. 9/25/81    Memo to L. Bickwit from S. J. Chilk, subject: Staff Reauironents - Affirination Session 81-34, re: SECY-81-540
:.nd SECY-81-550. (3pages)*                                        1
: 2. 10/6/81  Memo to W. Dircks, L. Bickwit and B. Cotter from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Affirmation Session 81-36, re: SECY-81-566.    (2 pages)*
.            3. 11/2/81  Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Affirmation Session 81-40 re: SECY-81-604.
: 4. 11/16/81 Memo for W. Dircks, L. Bickwit, C. Kammerer J. Fouchard from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Affirination Session 81-42 (2 page) (re: SECY-81-595)*
: 5. 11/17/81 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirement    Discussion of Further Consideration of Diablo Canyon Seisn..c Issue.    (1 page)
;            6. 11/19/81 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion of Diablo Canyon Order.      (1page)
: 7. 2/4/82    Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirerents - Discussion of Diablo Canyon Report.      (1page)
: 8. 4/22/82  Memo for L. Bickwit from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements Memorandum - Affirmation Session 82-12.      (re: SECY-82-70)
: 9. 8/6/82    Memo for L. Bickwit and W. Dircks from J. Hoyle, subject: Staff Requirements - Affirmation / Discussion Session (re: SECY-82-28AandSECY-82-288). (2pages)*
: 10. 10/8/82  Extract from Staff Requirements - Affirmation / Discussion and Vote re: SECY-82 383. (1page)
: 11. 10/25/92 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff
;                          Requirements - Discussion of Phase !! Reverification Program for Diablo Canyon. (1page)
;            12. 11/3/82  Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff
;                          Requirements - Discussion of Pending Adjudicatory Matters in Diablo Canyon Proceeding.      (1 page)
: 13. 11/12/82 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk., subject: Staff Requirement - Conenents from '%rties on Phase II Reverification I                          Program for Diablo Canyon. (1page) i
            *The deleted portions are non-responsive to the request.
Re: FOIA-88-102 APPENDIX B DOCUMENTS BEING PLACED IN THE PUBLIC DOClMENT ROOM                                                i-(Continued)
: 14. 3/17/83      Memo for W. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject:                    Staff Requirements    - Briefing1 (on Verification Program.                      page) Interim Independent Design
: 15. 11/4/83  Memo for R. Fraley from S. Chilk, subject:                    Extract of Staff Requirements Memorandum - Discussion of Hearing Requests and                                    ;
Whether to Lift Suspension at Diablo Canyon.                                                    ,
16, 3/20/84      Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff                                                :
Requirements - Status of Pending Investigation on Diablo (1 page)
: 17. 3/29/84      Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Status of Pending Investigation of Diablo Canyon.  (1 page)
: 18. 10/5/84      Memo for W. Dircks and H. Plaine from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Affinnation/ Discussion and Vote (re: SECY-84-352)
(2 page)*                                                                                        i L
: 19. 8/6/85      Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff j                            Requirements - Discussion of Pending Investigations.                    (1page)                !
            *The deleted portions are non-responsive to the request.
4 I
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1 1
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4 l
: 1. 9/16/81  Memo for L. Bickwit from S. Chilk, subject:      Staff Requirements - Discussion of Low-Power Operating License for Diablo Canyon.    (1 page) Withheld in part pursuant to Exemption 5.
: 2. 9/i4/81  Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff                    ,
Requirements - Discussion on Low-Power License for Diablo            '
Canyon. (1 page) Withheld in entirety, Exemption 5
: 3. 9/24/81  Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff                    ,
Requirements - Discussion on Low-Power License for Diablo            !
Canyon. (1 page) Withheld in entirety pursuant to Exemption 5
.              4. 11/20/81 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion of May 18, 1967, Memo and Seismic Reverification Plan for Diablo Canyon.    (1page)Withheldin part pursuant to Exemption 5.
i              5, 7/8/83  Memo for H. Plaine and J. Zerbe from S. Chilk, subject:    Staff Requirements - Discussion of Procedures for Diablo Canyon Review.
(3 pages) Withheld in part pursuant to Exemption 5.
: 6. 11/1/83  Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff J                          Requirements - Diablo Canyon Motions by Intervenors for Formal Hearing. (1 page) Withheld in part pursuant to Exemption 5.          l
: 7. 7/31/84  Memo to H. Plaine from S. Chilk, subject:      Staff Requirements - Discussion of Earthquakes and Emergency Planning for Diablo Canyon. (1 page) Withheld in part pursuant to              ,
Exemption 5.                                                          !
: 8. 8/1/84  Memo to W. Dircks, G. Messenger and H. Plaine from S. Chilk,          (
subject: Staff Requirements - Status of Pending Investigations        ,
on Diablo Canyon. (2 pages) Withheld in part pursuant to j
Exemption 5.
: 9. 8/1/84  Memo to H. Plaine from S. Chilk, subject: Staff                      !
Requirements - Discussion of Earthquakes and Emergency Planning for Diablo Canyon and Discussion of Stay Motion.              l (1page)WithheldinpartpursuanttoExemption5.
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Latest revision as of 17:52, 6 December 2021

Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Informs That App a & B Documents Available in Pdr.Forwards Partially Deleted App B & C Documents (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 10/18/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Weissman S
Shared Package
ML20205R169 List:
FOIA-88-102, REF-10CFR9.7 NUDOCS 8811090467
Download: ML20205R164 (7)



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\,,,,,, INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OCT 18 m DoCatt vr upeeeen e

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PART 4.-RECORDS RELE ASED OR NOT LOCAftD (See c4ceed besest No egency records DAect to the wt have been located No ed@tKNI argency recorde subsect to be request have toen located ere aireMy evadetdo for pw.she repecten and copyeg in the N90 P4hc Document Room.

' Agency recorde eutnoct to the request that are corded m Agen$a _d ._

1717 H Street. N W., W esNngton, DC are temg made detde for p4hc mecocton and copyeg m the NRC Pwt>hekw m eri

! Agency records evtmt so the weet that Fe doet.ded m AMenes Ecom,1717 H Street. N W., WeeNngton. DC e a folder uneler the T044 rwarder and f eewester The acrgwopretary vertson of the proposekst that you agreed to eccept e a te4cAane convowtson with a memter of rey stem e now boeg made e,eletdo for pwtec mop end ccyrg et the NRC PAnc Docw e ent Room,1717 H Street. N W . Wahegton. DC a e a fcede* wnder tNo F0(A W end regwater name inctone$ e mformation cm how yow may owe access to and the charges for copyeg recorde pLeced a tN NRC Pwtec Docwerent Room.1717 H Sheet. N W , Waheg Agency recordt ht# to to rS'" e*s onClceed Amy applk etde charge for Capet of the records prov4ed and Pet *ent procedwree are noted m the Corwent$ Sectson Socordt owtqect to the reQvest be been re'e"ed to another Fe$eral agencyl.ool for reve* eM d<ect response to yow r

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  • er i the NRC PvtAc Document Room.1717 M Street. N W . Washngton, DC, e a touer under the FotA nw ter and roowooier new Comments

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, PA eT is e- APPLicacLE _potA satMPriohs Recorde evbrect to the request that are deserted in the enclosed Append.cos - -

_, are te ng wthheld in their entrety or in part undet FOtA Demptons and for t5e toesons set forth teiow pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552tbl and to CFR 9 kehit NRC Regutetene.

1. The methhead trdormeton e preewg csev *.ed purwent to tiecutrve Order 123rA (ExtMPTON 14
2. The methhead informaton roastee scdsey to the etemas pesonnel ruin and procedvu of NRC. (LXtMPTCN 2)
3. The wthheid informeton e apecsfcary esempted from pwtec decioewre by statute becated. (ExtMPTON 3)


l Secten 141.tet of the Atomic troep Act which prohewto the d.ectcewre of postracted Date or Forwedy meetncted Data 142 U $ C. 2141-2106L Swton 147 of the Atorme Enerp Act wwh prewts tre doctoowre of Unciosaded Sa egwarde r informaten 142 V 5 C. 2187L

4. The methhead infurmanon le a trade escret or commercel or feancel eformaten that a teeg wthheid for the reasontel recated. (ExtMPTON 41 TM tr*formaten le conodored to to soar tn.onese tpropretaryl eformaten e

The informaten a cone.swed is te proenetary c6meten purwent to 10 CFR 2 790'eHIL The eformaten met outirrvited end reewved in confidence from a beagn sowrce tsrevent to 10 rFm 2 730idx2r

6. The wthheW informaton cormats of irterepncy or ritroegency records that are not asedetAe thecogh decoverv 6. ring btgaten Doctoeve cd predeceonal eformaten wowld tend to inh 4Wt the open ord frere enchange of useas esseetest to the dehterat>ve process WTere recorde ere wthhead e thew entrety. the facts are enezincath intertweed wth the odoceccal woormaten. There also are no reances segregatne factual portsont tecewee the reaceae of the facts now6d perm 4 en werect agery ete proseceenal process of the egency s t a tMPTON I

4 The wthbau informanon o siempted from pwcac deciose er tocawee sto e4cioew re wowid reewit in a cteady unmarrante:1 e%es.on of corsonal p,weev. (ExtMPTON 6)

7. The wthheid eiormat on corests of evestigatory recordo compeed for en odorcement purposes and a teeg weAead for the resserve) recated (LaEMPTON h Decksure modd es=wre wth e en6coment proceeeng tocawee e cowid reveas tee scope. erecten, and foeve of enwerent eNons ord thwe cowne poseerv e4on them to taae acten to eNeid potental wrongdoeg or e veisten of MC reprer ents hom rweetgators (LatVPTCN 7 tin Doctosse wowe d constitute en wr eneted evosen of pesonal pmecy statMPTON 7:CH N rdormatea coneets of nattee of rewhaw and coer eformeten the dscicewre of =%h nodd reveal der +tes el conAsenter novces statVPTON 7 ton PAm1 H C-DINYING OFFICIALS Pw waat to 10 CF A 9 9 end 'or 9 il e' the U $ Nwcteer megulatorv Ccev=seen reewiatone. a een toen detamned that tN, eformaton neceed e eiwet proActen or emetoewee end that sto eroowctea en secteure e careerv to te put*c eterest N coreone responsede for the een.ei ere thoes cence's nosetr'ed benoa es eenveg ot4ceio and the Oweetor.

Orveen ee Awe ee and meeoroe. omco oe Aarne.stieten, tur say oeness thet may te opseeed to the tiecweve Dvoctor

  • Ocestere isooi OtNviNG of F.CtA6 Titta osf act , etCooDS OtNit0 APPtLLAf t optictat 0 ran PART H 0- APPEAL RIGHTS The done by each denyvsg offeial identafed in Part ti.C mov be swealed to the Appestate Offiew ksentfed in that secten. Any such appeal must to in vmeng and must be made within 30 days of reced of thee response. Appeais must be addressed as apprepnate to the Emecutrve Drector for Operatene or to the Secretary of the Commessen. U S. Nucasar Reg *ulatory Commroseon, Washington, DC 20555, and should cherty state on the enolope and in the letter i that a se an " Appeal from en Intte FOtA Decedon.
  • esi FOIA RESPONSE CONTINUATION L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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1. 9/23/81 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Vote on Low-Power Operating License for Diablo. (1 page) PDR Accession No. 8110160308
2. 10/1/81 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Briefing on Diablo Canyon - Incorrect Seismic Analysis. (1 page) PDR Accession No. 8110160320
3. 11/12/81 Memo to W.J. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff l

Requirements Diablo Canyon. -(1Briefing)on Recent Seismic page POR Accession Design Errors at No. 8112030655 l

4. 3/8/82 Memo for W.J. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff l Requirements - Discussion and Possible Vote on Staff Recommendations on Diablo Canyon Program Plan and i Independence of Audit. (2 pages) PDR Accession No.

! 8203230049

5. 12/9/82 Memo for W.J. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion and Possible Vote on Diablo Canyon Phase !! Reverification Program and Appeal Board Certification.

(1 page) PDR Accession No. 8212220017 6, 9/20/83 Memo for W.J. Dircks H.H.E. Plaine, and J. Zerbe from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Staff and Teledyne Briefing on Status of IDVP for Diablo Canyon. (1 page) j PDR Accession No. 8309270592

7. 9/30/83 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff
Requirements - Discussion of Diablo Canyon Schedule.

(1 page) POR Accession No. 8310070409 8, 11/2/83 Memo for W.J. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Public Meeting on Diablo Canyon. (1 page)

POR Accession No. 8311140092 9 11/14/83 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff 9equirements - Discussion /Yote on Hearing Requests and Wrother to Lift Suspension at Diablo Canyon. (1 page) i PDR Accession No. 8311230049 l i


) 10. 1/25/83 Memo for W.J. Dircks and H.H.E. Plaine from S. Chilk, I subject: Staff Requiretnents - Affirmation / Discussion and Vote. (1 page) PDR Accession No. 8704280503 11, 1/26/84 Meno for W.J. Dircks and B.B. Hayes from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Disecussion of Pending Investigations on Diablo Canyon. (1page)PDRAccession No. 8402030051 4


12. 2/15/84 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Comments by Parties on Diablo Canyon Criticality and Low Power Operation. PDR Accession No. 8402240248
13. 3/29/84 Memo for W. Dircks, H. Plaine and R. Fraley from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Diablo Canyon Criticality and Low Power Operation (Continuation).

(2 pages) POR Accession No. 8404110602 14 3/30/84 Memo for W. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Diablo Canyon Criticality and Low Power Operation. (1 page) POR Accession No. 8404110361 15, 4/4/84 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Affirmation / Discussion and Vote. (1page)

PDR Accession No. 8404130380

16. 4/17/84 Memo for W. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Diablo Canyon Criticality and Low Power Operation. (1 page) PDR Accession No. 8404250275

. 17. 8/7/84 Meno to H. Plaine from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Order on Earthquake and Emergency Planning for Diablo Canyon.

(1 page) PDR Accession No. 8408200300 18, 8/7/84 Memo to W. Dircks and H. Plaine from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Full Power Operating License for Diablo Canyon. (1page) PDR Accession No. 8408200505

19. 5/2/85 Memo for W. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff ,

Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Diablo Canyon-2 Low Power Licences. (1page)PDRAccessionNo. 8505080515

20. 8/14/85 Memo for W. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion /Possible Vote on Full Power Operating License for Diablo Canyon-2. (1 page) PDR Accession No. 8508200041 l

l I


1. 9/25/81 Memo to L. Bickwit from S. J. Chilk, subject: Staff Reauironents - Affirination Session 81-34, re: SECY-81-540
.nd SECY-81-550. (3pages)* 1
2. 10/6/81 Memo to W. Dircks, L. Bickwit and B. Cotter from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Affirmation Session 81-36, re: SECY-81-566. (2 pages)*

. 3. 11/2/81 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Affirmation Session 81-40 re: SECY-81-604.


4. 11/16/81 Memo for W. Dircks, L. Bickwit, C. Kammerer J. Fouchard from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Affirination Session 81-42 (2 page) (re: SECY-81-595)*
5. 11/17/81 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirement Discussion of Further Consideration of Diablo Canyon Seisn..c Issue. (1 page)
6. 11/19/81 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject
Staff Requirements - Discussion of Diablo Canyon Order. (1page)
7. 2/4/82 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirerents - Discussion of Diablo Canyon Report. (1page)
8. 4/22/82 Memo for L. Bickwit from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements Memorandum - Affirmation Session 82-12. (re: SECY-82-70)


9. 8/6/82 Memo for L. Bickwit and W. Dircks from J. Hoyle, subject: Staff Requirements - Affirmation / Discussion Session (re: SECY-82-28AandSECY-82-288). (2pages)*
10. 10/8/82 Extract from Staff Requirements - Affirmation / Discussion and Vote re: SECY-82 383. (1page)
11. 10/25/92 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff
Requirements - Discussion of Phase !! Reverification Program for Diablo Canyon. (1page)
12. 11/3/82 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject
Requirements - Discussion of Pending Adjudicatory Matters in Diablo Canyon Proceeding. (1 page)
13. 11/12/82 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk., subject: Staff Requirement - Conenents from '%rties on Phase II Reverification I Program for Diablo Canyon. (1page) i
  • The deleted portions are non-responsive to the request.


14. 3/17/83 Memo for W. Dircks from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Briefing1 (on Verification Program. page) Interim Independent Design


15. 11/4/83 Memo for R. Fraley from S. Chilk, subject: Extract of Staff Requirements Memorandum - Discussion of Hearing Requests and  ;


Whether to Lift Suspension at Diablo Canyon. ,

16, 3/20/84 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff  :

Requirements - Status of Pending Investigation on Diablo (1 page)


17. 3/29/84 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Status of Pending Investigation of Diablo Canyon. (1 page)
18. 10/5/84 Memo for W. Dircks and H. Plaine from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Affinnation/ Discussion and Vote (re: SECY-84-352)

(2 page)* i L

19. 8/6/85 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff j Requirements - Discussion of Pending Investigations. (1page)  !


  • The deleted portions are non-responsive to the request.

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1. 9/16/81 Memo for L. Bickwit from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion of Low-Power Operating License for Diablo Canyon. (1 page) Withheld in part pursuant to Exemption 5.
2. 9/i4/81 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff ,

Requirements - Discussion on Low-Power License for Diablo '

Canyon. (1 page) Withheld in entirety, Exemption 5

3. 9/24/81 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff ,

Requirements - Discussion on Low-Power License for Diablo  !

Canyon. (1 page) Withheld in entirety pursuant to Exemption 5

. 4. 11/20/81 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion of May 18, 1967, Memo and Seismic Reverification Plan for Diablo Canyon. (1page)Withheldin part pursuant to Exemption 5.

i 5, 7/8/83 Memo for H. Plaine and J. Zerbe from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion of Procedures for Diablo Canyon Review.

(3 pages) Withheld in part pursuant to Exemption 5.

6. 11/1/83 Memo for the Record from S. Chilk, subject: Staff J Requirements - Diablo Canyon Motions by Intervenors for Formal Hearing. (1 page) Withheld in part pursuant to Exemption 5. l
7. 7/31/84 Memo to H. Plaine from S. Chilk, subject: Staff Requirements - Discussion of Earthquakes and Emergency Planning for Diablo Canyon. (1 page) Withheld in part pursuant to ,

Exemption 5.  !


8. 8/1/84 Memo to W. Dircks, G. Messenger and H. Plaine from S. Chilk, (

subject: Staff Requirements - Status of Pending Investigations ,

on Diablo Canyon. (2 pages) Withheld in part pursuant to j

Exemption 5.

9. 8/1/84 Memo to H. Plaine from S. Chilk, subject: Staff  !

Requirements - Discussion of Earthquakes and Emergency Planning for Diablo Canyon and Discussion of Stay Motion. l (1page)WithheldinpartpursuanttoExemption5.

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