IA-88-110, Final Response to FOIA Request Forwarding Two Printouts of Central Files Documents from 1980 to Present.W/O Encl

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Final Response to FOIA Request Forwarding Two Printouts of Central Files Documents from 1980 to Present.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Weissman S
FOIA-88-110 NUDOCS 8803040134
Download: ML20196F630 (1)





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RESPONSE TO FREEDOM CF Q X I "'4 meohss un I l *^'



wait . . ine mes.,

at W ilite Steven Weissman Esquire s PART l -RECORDS Ritt ASED OR NOT LOCATED (See checked boassi No agency records avbsect to the request have been located No addacnal agency records sub,ect to me request have boon located Agency records asbrect to the request that are cont #ed in Append. a'e sweedy asadatne for pwbhc raccten and copymg n the NRC PM Documeat Room.

1717 H Street, N W., Waeegtcc, DC Agency records subject to the request thm are dontded m Appendia are boog made avaaabn e for pubiac especten and copyeg m the NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H Street. N W. Washegton, DC. e a fo6 der under the f Ot A number and tea wester name.

The nonprecretary verson of the proposaus) that vow agreed to accept e a tenephone conversatson with a member of my sta+f e now beeg made avalable for pubhc mopection and cov1r g at the NRC Pwbhc Document Room,1717 H Street. N W , Washegton. OC. e a fonder under the FOIA number and 'equester name inclosed is informatson on how you may obtan access to and the etsges for copyeg records placed e the NRC Pub 4< Oocurnent Room.1717 H Street. N W. Washegton. OC.

X Agency records subsect to the roovest are enclosed Any apphcab6e charge for copes of the records p'oveed and payment procedures are noted en the comments secten.

Records subsect to the roovest keve been re'ened to another Fede st agencytest for reve* and deoct respoese to vow.

In vow of NRC s response to the reqwest. no twrtNr acten is boeg taken on appeal netter cated PART 18 A-INFORMATION WITHHf LD FROM PUBLIC Ol5 CLOSURE Co ta.n informaton a the reawesied records e toeg w,thoesd from pubhc dectosur e pursuant to the FOLA esemptcas desenbed e and for the reasons stated m Pai ll. sec-tons 8. C. and O Any reeased portens of the documente for w%ch ordy paq of tte record e teeg wthheld 4*e toeg ma$e avadable for pubhc mapection and copyeg m the NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H Street, N W., Washegton. OC. m a fo6 der under the FotA nwmter and reovester new Comments Enclosed are two computer print-outs which list all central files documents from January is 1980 to the present for Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2.

1 I

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