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hbk '* kh DATE ISSUED: 6/5/86 h $ ;fg(e                ACRS Subcommittee Meeting Summary / Minutes For South Texas, Units 1 and 2 May 29 and 30, 1986 Bay City, Texas Purpose The ACRS Subcommittee on South Texas, Units 1 and 2 held a meeting on May 29 and 30, 1986 at Bay City, Texas. The purpose of the meeting was to review the application filed by Houston Lighting and Power (HL&P) company for license to operate the South Texas Project (STP), Units 1 and 2. The Subcommittee heard presentations from the applicant and the NRC Staff (including Region IV Staff). Copies of the agenda and select-              ;
ed slides from the presentation are attached. The meeting began at 2:00              l p.m. and adjourned at 6:30 p.m. on May 29, 1986 - and resumed at 8:30                l a.m. till 1:30 p.m. on May 30, 1986. The meeting was held entirely in an open session. There were no oral or written statements from the public. The attendees were as follows:
ACRS                            NRC                                      )
C. Mark, Chairman              L. Constable, Region IV                  l C. Siess, Memb,er              C. E. Rossi J. Ebersole, Member              N. P. Kadambi C. Wylie, Member                Vincent S. Noonan                        ;
M. El-Zeftawy, Staff            Jerry N. Wilson Jerry L. Mauck Westinghouse                    Carl H. Berlinger A. G. Dai                      Steven M. Long        .          .
G. W. Whiteman F. J. Twogood Claude E. Johnson      Sk D. L. Garrison, Region IV 8600010033 860605 PDR    ACRS 2424                  PDR t;,1crnE3 CaIGl'IAL Certified Ey
o    ,
F South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting                May 29-30, 1986 Westinghouse (Cont'd)          HL&P J. McInerney                  John Salinas B. S. Monty                    Jim Pendland M. J. Hitchler                Andrew 0. Hill A. T. Paterson                Richard A. Frazar J. S. Schlonski                Terrry G. Roberson K. P. Slaby                    Ben C. Rogers Bernard Gergos                Felix Karpinski J. C. Reck                    David Kidd W. R. Spezialetti              Qutha B. Winters Bruce D. Lorenz                B. R. Adyanthaya Glenn Lang                    Donald R. Sevcik W. J. Johnson                  Jackie A. Gault-Albert C. McIntyre Bechtel Energy Corporation    Stephen M. Dew Al Matiuk                      C. L. Harvey William W. Watson              C. M. Hubbard Rosanne C. Cook                0. B. Russom Robert A. Whitthauer          C. L. Grover
          ,                Adrian Zaccadia                J. D. Green Mary B. Moreton    i          D. A. Tomas Yvonne I. Williams            C. M. Turner Joe Litchiser                  G. E. Tandy Ralph H. Talmage              K. K. Chitkara Alfredo Lopez                  R. L. Beverly S. F. Miller                  R. A. Gangluff M. Bali                        R. J. Kerr Murat Tasar                    R. A. Atkisson D. H. Ashton                  G. L. Jarvela D. B. Getman                  R. R. Goodwin J. Atwell                      W. C. Parish                  .
1 Paul C. Trudel                Stan Eldridge I
  ., i-o South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting                                              May 29-30, 1986 HL&P(Continued)                                        Other A.J. Sanislo                                            Harold Scarlett Charles R. Albury                                      Andy Heines S. R. Basu                                              David Hooper Manas K. Chakiaiorty                                    Susan Meyers Karl S. Seidle                                          Bob Chancellor A. Bruce Poole                                          A. H. Gutterman R. L. Pai-er R. M. Attar R. L. Balcom T. E. Underwood
:                  M. A. Ludwig G. L. Parkeg L. H. Clark Phil Newcomb Tom H. Crawford L. Schlazer J. S. Phelps Rob Engen R. C. Munter T. J. Jordan            i J. E. Geiger W. Kinsey D. J. Cody J. N. Bailey M. E. Powell A. W. Harrison Mark McBurnett                                                                            )
Richard P. Murphy
;                  Jerry Goldberg Mark R. Wisenburg Jerrold G. Dewease
  >~ .
South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting                      May 29-30, 1986 Applicant's Presentation J. H. Goldberg (HL&P) presented a brief history for the South Texas Project. The application to construct and operate the STP was filed by Houston Lighting and Power Company on May 19, 1974. The application was docketed July 5, 1974. Following a public hearing before an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board on November 12, 1975, Construction Permits Nos. CPPR-128 and CPPR-129 were issued on December 22, 1975, by the NRC.
HL&P applied for an operating license on May 12, 1978, and the applica-tion was docketed on July 17, 1978.
The NRC Staff reviewed the design of the plant using Federal regu-lations, CP criteria, and two versions of the Standard Review plan (SRP), NUREG-75/087 and NUREG-0800. Licensing requirements based on the lessons learned from the TMI-2 accident have been incorporated into the design and operation of South Texas to provide additional safety mar-gins.
Initially, Brown and Root, Inc., was the engineer / constructor responsi-ble for South Texas. However, in September 1981 HL&P requested Bechtel Energy Corporation (BEC), to assume the responsibility for design, engineering, and construction management. Under the supervision of BEC l
as construction management, construction work has been performed by Ebasco Services, Inc.
i l
The applicant uses consultants as required in specialized areas; for example, Woodward-Clyde Consultants has provided seismic and geologic consultation, TERA has assisted with fire protection, and EDS Nuclear was consulted for piping analysis, soil studies, and Technical Speci-    I fications.
The STP status as of May 1986 is presented in Slide No. 1.
South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting                      May 29-30, 1986 E. W. Dotson (HL&P) presented the South Texas plant layout. Slide No. 2 shows the site map and Slide No. 3 presents the plot plan.
The site is located in south-central Matagorda County west of the Colorado River, 8 miles north-northwest of the town of Matagorda and about 89 miles southwest of Houston. The plant is located about 12 miles south-southwest of Bay City. Westinghouse Electric Corporation is the NSSS and turbine generator supplier for South Texas Units 1 and 2.
The station is composed of two units with identical pressurized water reactors (PWR), nuclear steam supply systems (NSSS) and turbine genera-tors. The units are arranged using a " Slide-along" concept. As a result, Unit 2 is similar to Unit 1 and 600 feet away, and the standby transformers are arranged using a " mirror-image" concept. It is a four-loop W,PWR. The fuel rods are Zircaloy that contain slightly enriched uranium dioxide fuel. The reactor core rated thermal power is 3800 Mwt. An additional 17 Mwt of energy is added to the coolant from non-reactor core sources, primarily reactor coolant pump (RCP) heat.
The reactor coolant system (RCS), comprising four parallel loops, is used to transfer the heat generated in the core to the steam generators.
The following systems are used to mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents, including design-basis accident (DBA), and are classified as engineered safety features (ESF) systems:
Containment heat removal system Containment isolation system Combustible gas control system Emergency core cooling system Fuel handling building heating, ventilating and air conditioning exhaust subsystems
South Texas Units 182 Meeting                                    May 29-30, 1986
* Control room habitability systems i
i Auxiliary feedwater system The reactor containment is a post-tensioned concrete cylinder with a steel liner plate, hemispherical top, and flat bottom. It is designed j                            to withstand the internal pressure and temperature resulting from a LOCA.                                                                                                      i l                            Three standby diesel generators (DGs) for each unit are the onsite standby power sources feeding the Class IE loads if the offsite power sources become unavailable. The DGs and their auxiliary systems are independent of each other and are located in separate buildings. The DG fuel storage and transfer system for each unit is furnished with three independent fuel trains, one for each emergency DG. The normal power supply to unit balance-of-plant (B0P) auxiliary loads is provided through the unit auxiliary transformer connected to the generator bus.
<                            The South Texas Plant has an emergency response facilities data acquisi-tion and display system ,(ERFDADS) that operates as an integrated system j                            to provide plant and environmental data to aid operators and management l .
in the control room to respond quickly and mitigate the consequences of                                    l an accident.                                                                                                l 1
E. W. Dotson (HL&P) described the unique plant features:
I. Three-train ESF systems - Physically segregated and electrically independent. It provides safe shutdown capability due to the three redundant shutdown trains (A, B, and C) powered from independent                                    j 3
Class IE power supplies. Separation, utilizing 3-hour fire barri-                                    l ers, is provided by locating the three electrical trains in a                                      l
South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting                        May 29-30, 1986
                    " bunkered" arrangement that limits interaction between the trains.
Slide No. 4 presents the three train design to different ESF systems.
II. Rapid Refueling System - is composed of five main features: (1)a quick release reactor head, (2) elimination of head electrical disconnects, (3) a one-lift concept, (4) withdrawal of the rod 4
cluster control assemblies, and (5) modified fuel handling capabil-ity.
III. Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) - consists of the high head safety injection (HHSI) and low head safety injection (LHSI) pumps, safety injection system (SIS) accumulators, residual heat removal (RHR), refueling water storage tank (RWST), and the associated piping. Each unit has three HHSI, LHSI, and RHR pumps as compared with two for other domestic Westinghouse plants.
IV. Heat Rejection to the Ultimate Heat Sink - the heat rejection is effected with the essential cooling water system (ECWS) in conjunc-tion with the component cooling water system (CCWS) with three cooling loops. A separate and independent ECWS is provided for each unit.
V. Fuel Rods - The STP is the only plant currently undergoing licens-ing that is based on the RESAR-41 design. The French reactors at Paluel have many similar features. The fuel rods are 14 feet long as compared with 12 feet in other Westinghouse reactors.
i VI. Other Features - (a) the auxiliary feedwater-system-(AFW)-which - ---- --
provides adequate cooling to the SGs in the event of a normal feedwater supply interruption has a non-headered design with individual pumps using a four-train concept (see Slide No. 5) feeding each of the four steam generators. (b) Qualified Display l
South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting                      May 29-30, 1986 l
Processing System (QDPS) - It is an integrated system designed to perform data acquisition and qualified displays for post accident monitoring, to address the separation requirements of the STP approach to a control room or relay room fire, and to a safety-grade control and position indication of several safety related valves.
For the seismic design, the Applicant stated that the horizontal peak acceleration value for the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) chosen is 0.10g. The corresponding peak acceleration for the operating basis earthquake (0BE) is 0.07  9 . The vertical peak accelerations are taken as two-thirds of the peak horizontal accelerations. Both the horizontal and vertical design response spectra comply with RG 1.60, " Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design for Nuclear Power Plants."
l              The Applicant discussed the design of piping restraints and measures to deal with the subsequent dynamic effects of pipe whip and jet imping-ment. E. W. Dotson (HL&P) stated that the provision for protection against dynamic effects associated with the pipe ruptures of the reactor coolant pressure boundary inside containment and the resulting discharg-ing fluid provides adequate assurance that a LOCA will not be aggravated by these dynamic effects.
J. G. Dewease (HL&P) outlined the corporate operational organization.
Slide No. 6 summarizes the nuclear plant operations department. The senior corporate officer in charge of nuclear matters is the Group Vice President-Nuclear. The incumbent officer has approximately 30 years of nuclear experience, including a period as a Vice President for Stone &
Webster Corporation.
The South Texas training program is designed using a systematic approach to training (SAT). The program provides the required training based on
South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting                      May 29-30, 1986 individual employee experience, the intended position, and previous training / education.
NRC Staff Presentation Mr. P. Kadambi, Project Manager of STP/NRC, stated that many features of the South Texas design are similar to those previously evaluated and approved by the NRC Staff for other PWR (e.g., Catawba, Millstone 3, Vogtle, the standardized nuclear unit power plant system SNUPPS - Wolf Creek, and Callaway). To the extent feasible, the NRC Staff has relied on its evaluation of those features in the other facilities in I        conducting the review. The NRC Staff has identified certain open and confirmatory issues in its review that have not been resolved with the j          Applicant. Some of these open 'tems are:
High energy pipe failures - Applicant's action is to submit flooding and jet impingement analysis.
Qualified Display Processing System (QDPS) - It is a microprocessor based system in which the software and the hardware need to be reviewed by both the Applicant and the NRC Staff. The NRC Staff is conducting interim audits and will review final report scheduled for October 1986.
* Conformance to RG 1.97 - based on discussions, conformance appears to be demonstrated with exceptions in monitoring: (a) pressurizer heater current, (b) containment atmosphere temperatures, and (c) containment sump water temperature.
* Safe and alternate shutdown systems - to bring reactor to cold l                shutdown state in case of fire anywhere will be reviewed.
* AFW reliability study - the NRC Staff review is ongoing and scheduled for completion by mid-June 1986.
!            South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting                                      May 29-30, 1986 Analysis for boron dilution event during modes 4 and 5 - NRC Staff requires that operator have minimum of 15 minutes for action. The Applicant's analysis is due in 3rd quarter of 1986.
1 Use of TREAT code for small-break LOCA - The NRC approved code for W plants is NOTRUMP. The Applicant plans to use NOTRUMP for first hour of accident and thch TREAT for subsequent operator actions.
;            Some of the confirmatory items are:
The NRC Staff will review the design changes resulting from the Applicant's commitment to bring MSIV actuation in line with other W_
c                          The NRC Staff has accepted the Applicant's schedule for comformance
.l with the ATWS rule, but the technical review is not complete.
The independent design vertification program (IDVP) developed by l
i                          STP appears to be progressing in a satisfactory manner, completion is scheduled for early 1987.
Mr. L. Constable, Chief /NRC - Region IV, discussed the STP inspection status. The inspection program status for Unit 1 is 70-80% complete and 40-50% for Unit 2. Major construction inspections are scheduled with
;            the as-built inspection when facility is 95% complete. Generally, f            Region IV, finds the STP performance and operation of the functional areas to be acceptable. Total number of the currently open allegation is 19. However, there are 24 new allegations (June 85 - May 86).
!            Subcommittee Concerns
!            During the course of discussion, the Subcommittee Members expressed some concerns regarding the following:
                                                                                                                  ,s    n
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i South Texas Units 182 Meeting                    May 29-30, 1986 I. The Applicant has not yet provided a program to minimize reactor coolant and radioactive gas leakage outside containment. The NRC Staff requires the Applicant to submit a program identifying the operational and maintenance activities enforced on specified systems (e.g., RHR) to minimize post-accident leakage of reactor coolant outside the containment.
II. The diesel generators and their auxiliary systems for STP are independent of each other are located in separate buildings.
However, the Subcommittee expressed concerns that the diesel generator fuel oil storage tanks for each unit are replenished with fuel oil during all normal and accident conditions from an auxiliary fuel oil storage tank (AF0ST) located in the yard. This concern was expressed back at the construction permit stage.
III. The battery room exhaust fans exhaust the battery rooms to the outdoors with an air change rate sufficient to maintain the hydrogen concentration level below 2% volume. However, the ventilation may not be sufficient to handle hostile environment condition.
IV. The training and operating instructions to handle severe core damage need to be explored more.
V. The Applicant in their modified design deleted the Emergency Borated System (EBS - FSAR Section 6.8) and the RCP seal
_ __ _-_ bypass _line (FASAR Section _9.3.4) . They claim that the Checmical and Volume Control System (CVCS) is designed to provide the sufficient services for:
1 South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting                                May 29-30, 1986 Maintenance of seal water injection flow to the RCPs, and Control of reactor coolant water chemistry conditions, activity level, soluble chemical neutron absorber concentration, and makeup.
The Subcommittee need to be more informed on this matter.
VI. The Applicant seems to overstate the advantage of their ESF three trains (A, B, and C) design which requires only one              e operating train out of three to be needed. However, this design does not apply to all electrical systems in the plant, for example, two out of three trains are required to function fortheheating, ventilation,andairconditioning(HVAC) system.
VII. The Applicant has submitted some documents regarding protection against radiological sabotage for STP. These documents were reviewed by the NRC Staff in accoroance with SRP. The NRC Staff, however, has identified certain portions as requiring Additional information and upgrading to satisfy 10 CFR 73.55. Accordingly, security of the STP should be upgraded and addressed in a more complete fashion.
Action The ACRS during its 314th meeting in June 5-7, 1986 may wish to review the items that were discussed in the Subcommittee meeting with specific attention to the design features of the containment, seismological /
geological conditions at the site, ECCS acceptance criteria; hurricane flooding; transmission line network and protection; evacuation plans; reactor vessel welds and inservice inspection; and, Quality Assurance programs. Following the review the Committee will prepare a letter to the Commission.
South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting                                                              May 29-30, 1986 NOTE:    Additional meeting details can be obtained from a transcript of this meeting available in the NRC Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, NW, Washington, DC, or can be purchased from ACE-Federal Reporters, 444 North Capitol Street, Washington,
!                                                  DC 20001, (202) 347-3700.
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  . o        .
5/12/86 South Texas Units 1 and 2 ACRS Subconnittee Agenda Day 1 (May 29,1986)
Presentation Soeaker            Time I. Site Tour                                                9:00-12:00 Noon
: a. Aerial Tour
: b. Training Facility
: c. Plant Walkdown
                        *** Lunch ***
II. Opening Remarks                          C. Mark          2:00- 2:10pm (ACRS)
III. Applicant's Presentation
: a. Introduction                        J. H. Goldberg    2:10- 2:15pm (HL&P)
: b. Construction Organization                  "
2:15- 2:20pm and Construction Status
: c. Nuclear Philosophy    ,
2:20- 2:30pm
: d. Plant Layout                        E. W. Dotson      2:30- 2:45pm IV. Engineering Features
: a. Three Train Design, Including      E. W. Dotson      2:45- 3:05pm Fire Protection and Auxiliary      (HL&P)
Feed Water System
: b. Core Design                              "
3:05- 3:10pr
: c. Secondary Improvements                  "
3:10- 3:20pm
: d. Operator / Instrument Integration      "
3:20- 3:40pm Cognizant ACRS Staff Engineer: Medhat El-Zeftawy (202)634-3267
South Texas Units 1&2 Agenda                                                              May 29 30, 1986 Presentation Sceaker                            Time j                                              e. Seismic Margin                                    E. W. Dotson                    3:40- 3:50pm
: f. Pipe Break Elimination                                  "
3:50- 3:55pm
;                                                                  *** Break ***                                                      3:55- 4:10pm V. Oversight Review I
: a. Transition Program                                  J. E. Geiger                    4:10- 4:20pm (HL&P)
: b. Engineering Assurance                                                              4:20- 4:30pm
)                                              c. Safeteam                                                "
4:30- 4:40pm
: d. QA Program / Construction Phase                                                    4:40- 4:50pm
                                                                  *** Adjourn ***
Day 2 (May 30, 1986)
VI. Introduction                                .
                                                                                      '              C. Mark                        8:30- 8:35am (ACRS)
VII. Open Items Resolution                                            M. R. Wisenberg                8:35- 9:00am (HL&P)
;                            VIII. NRC Staff Presentation                                              P. Kadambi                      9:00-10:00am (
: a. Major Differing Technical Issues
: b. Construction Experience
: c. Significant SER Open Items, Confirmatory Issues and Licensing Conditions
                                                                  *** Break ***                                                      10:00-10:15am
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l South Texas Units 1&2 Agenda                              May 29-30, 1986        l Presentation Soeaker                            Time IX. a. Corporate Operational            J. G. Dewease      10:15-10:35am Organization                    (HL&P)
: b. Operational QA                  J. E. Geiger        10:35-10:45am X. Training Programs
: a. Selection and Training of Staff  D. J. Cody          10:45-11:00am
: b. Training to Handle Severe            "
11:00-11:15am Accidents XI. ' Readiness for Operation Including:  W. H. Kinsey        11:15-12:15pm (HL&P)
: a. Operations Experience Review          "
  ,                    b. Emergency Operating Procedures        "
: c. Emergency Protection                  "
: d. Radiation Protection                  "
l                    e. Fitness for Duty      ;
: f. Security                              "
:            XII. Closing Remarks                        J. H. Goldberg. 12:15-12:20pm XIII. Discussion and Adjournment                                  12:20-12:45pm J
_-    __  a            __3 l
!                                                                STP STATUS - MAY 1986 Percent Complete                            Key Dates l                                                                                                      Fuel    Commercial Scheduled Actual    Load      Operation l
Construction Unit 1 Power Block i
and BOP                        90.3    89.9    6/87        12/87 Unit 2 Power Block              59.8    60.4    12/88      6/89 Total              .
77.6    77.5 i
Engineering                      93.3    92.9 p
l                                            5!
i,                                            ~                                                                              STP l
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Latest revision as of 12:17, 7 December 2021

Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on South Texas Units 1 & 2 860529-30 Meeting in Bay City,Tx to Review Util Application for License
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 06/05/1986
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
ACRS-2424, NUDOCS 8608010033
Download: ML20203G217 (22)



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hbk '* kh DATE ISSUED: 6/5/86 h $ ;fg(e ACRS Subcommittee Meeting Summary / Minutes For South Texas, Units 1 and 2 May 29 and 30, 1986 Bay City, Texas Purpose The ACRS Subcommittee on South Texas, Units 1 and 2 held a meeting on May 29 and 30, 1986 at Bay City, Texas. The purpose of the meeting was to review the application filed by Houston Lighting and Power (HL&P) company for license to operate the South Texas Project (STP), Units 1 and 2. The Subcommittee heard presentations from the applicant and the NRC Staff (including Region IV Staff). Copies of the agenda and select-  ;

ed slides from the presentation are attached. The meeting began at 2:00 l p.m. and adjourned at 6:30 p.m. on May 29, 1986 - and resumed at 8:30 l a.m. till 1:30 p.m. on May 30, 1986. The meeting was held entirely in an open session. There were no oral or written statements from the public. The attendees were as follows:





C. Mark, Chairman L. Constable, Region IV l C. Siess, Memb,er C. E. Rossi J. Ebersole, Member N. P. Kadambi C. Wylie, Member Vincent S. Noonan  ;

M. El-Zeftawy, Staff Jerry N. Wilson Jerry L. Mauck Westinghouse Carl H. Berlinger A. G. Dai Steven M. Long . .

G. W. Whiteman F. J. Twogood Claude E. Johnson Sk D. L. Garrison, Region IV 8600010033 860605 PDR ACRS 2424 PDR t;,1crnE3 CaIGl'IAL Certified Ey

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F South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting May 29-30, 1986 Westinghouse (Cont'd) HL&P J. McInerney John Salinas B. S. Monty Jim Pendland M. J. Hitchler Andrew 0. Hill A. T. Paterson Richard A. Frazar J. S. Schlonski Terrry G. Roberson K. P. Slaby Ben C. Rogers Bernard Gergos Felix Karpinski J. C. Reck David Kidd W. R. Spezialetti Qutha B. Winters Bruce D. Lorenz B. R. Adyanthaya Glenn Lang Donald R. Sevcik W. J. Johnson Jackie A. Gault-Albert C. McIntyre Bechtel Energy Corporation Stephen M. Dew Al Matiuk C. L. Harvey William W. Watson C. M. Hubbard Rosanne C. Cook 0. B. Russom Robert A. Whitthauer C. L. Grover

, Adrian Zaccadia J. D. Green Mary B. Moreton i D. A. Tomas Yvonne I. Williams C. M. Turner Joe Litchiser G. E. Tandy Ralph H. Talmage K. K. Chitkara Alfredo Lopez R. L. Beverly S. F. Miller R. A. Gangluff M. Bali R. J. Kerr Murat Tasar R. A. Atkisson D. H. Ashton G. L. Jarvela D. B. Getman R. R. Goodwin J. Atwell W. C. Parish .

1 Paul C. Trudel Stan Eldridge I

., i-o South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting May 29-30, 1986 HL&P(Continued) Other A.J. Sanislo Harold Scarlett Charles R. Albury Andy Heines S. R. Basu David Hooper Manas K. Chakiaiorty Susan Meyers Karl S. Seidle Bob Chancellor A. Bruce Poole A. H. Gutterman R. L. Pai-er R. M. Attar R. L. Balcom T. E. Underwood

M. A. Ludwig G. L. Parkeg L. H. Clark Phil Newcomb Tom H. Crawford L. Schlazer J. S. Phelps Rob Engen R. C. Munter T. J. Jordan i J. E. Geiger W. Kinsey D. J. Cody J. N. Bailey M. E. Powell A. W. Harrison Mark McBurnett )

Richard P. Murphy

Jerry Goldberg Mark R. Wisenburg Jerrold G. Dewease

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South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting May 29-30, 1986 Applicant's Presentation J. H. Goldberg (HL&P) presented a brief history for the South Texas Project. The application to construct and operate the STP was filed by Houston Lighting and Power Company on May 19, 1974. The application was docketed July 5, 1974. Following a public hearing before an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board on November 12, 1975, Construction Permits Nos. CPPR-128 and CPPR-129 were issued on December 22, 1975, by the NRC.

HL&P applied for an operating license on May 12, 1978, and the applica-tion was docketed on July 17, 1978.

The NRC Staff reviewed the design of the plant using Federal regu-lations, CP criteria, and two versions of the Standard Review plan (SRP), NUREG-75/087 and NUREG-0800. Licensing requirements based on the lessons learned from the TMI-2 accident have been incorporated into the design and operation of South Texas to provide additional safety mar-gins.

Initially, Brown and Root, Inc., was the engineer / constructor responsi-ble for South Texas. However, in September 1981 HL&P requested Bechtel Energy Corporation (BEC), to assume the responsibility for design, engineering, and construction management. Under the supervision of BEC l

as construction management, construction work has been performed by Ebasco Services, Inc.

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The applicant uses consultants as required in specialized areas; for example, Woodward-Clyde Consultants has provided seismic and geologic consultation, TERA has assisted with fire protection, and EDS Nuclear was consulted for piping analysis, soil studies, and Technical Speci- I fications.

The STP status as of May 1986 is presented in Slide No. 1.


South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting May 29-30, 1986 E. W. Dotson (HL&P) presented the South Texas plant layout. Slide No. 2 shows the site map and Slide No. 3 presents the plot plan.

The site is located in south-central Matagorda County west of the Colorado River, 8 miles north-northwest of the town of Matagorda and about 89 miles southwest of Houston. The plant is located about 12 miles south-southwest of Bay City. Westinghouse Electric Corporation is the NSSS and turbine generator supplier for South Texas Units 1 and 2.

The station is composed of two units with identical pressurized water reactors (PWR), nuclear steam supply systems (NSSS) and turbine genera-tors. The units are arranged using a " Slide-along" concept. As a result, Unit 2 is similar to Unit 1 and 600 feet away, and the standby transformers are arranged using a " mirror-image" concept. It is a four-loop W,PWR. The fuel rods are Zircaloy that contain slightly enriched uranium dioxide fuel. The reactor core rated thermal power is 3800 Mwt. An additional 17 Mwt of energy is added to the coolant from non-reactor core sources, primarily reactor coolant pump (RCP) heat.

The reactor coolant system (RCS), comprising four parallel loops, is used to transfer the heat generated in the core to the steam generators.

The following systems are used to mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents, including design-basis accident (DBA), and are classified as engineered safety features (ESF) systems:

Containment heat removal system Containment isolation system Combustible gas control system Emergency core cooling system Fuel handling building heating, ventilating and air conditioning exhaust subsystems

South Texas Units 182 Meeting May 29-30, 1986

  • Control room habitability systems i

i Auxiliary feedwater system The reactor containment is a post-tensioned concrete cylinder with a steel liner plate, hemispherical top, and flat bottom. It is designed j to withstand the internal pressure and temperature resulting from a LOCA. i l Three standby diesel generators (DGs) for each unit are the onsite standby power sources feeding the Class IE loads if the offsite power sources become unavailable. The DGs and their auxiliary systems are independent of each other and are located in separate buildings. The DG fuel storage and transfer system for each unit is furnished with three independent fuel trains, one for each emergency DG. The normal power supply to unit balance-of-plant (B0P) auxiliary loads is provided through the unit auxiliary transformer connected to the generator bus.

< The South Texas Plant has an emergency response facilities data acquisi-tion and display system ,(ERFDADS) that operates as an integrated system j to provide plant and environmental data to aid operators and management l .

in the control room to respond quickly and mitigate the consequences of l an accident. l 1

E. W. Dotson (HL&P) described the unique plant features:

I. Three-train ESF systems - Physically segregated and electrically independent. It provides safe shutdown capability due to the three redundant shutdown trains (A, B, and C) powered from independent j 3

Class IE power supplies. Separation, utilizing 3-hour fire barri- l ers, is provided by locating the three electrical trains in a l

South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting May 29-30, 1986

" bunkered" arrangement that limits interaction between the trains.

Slide No. 4 presents the three train design to different ESF systems.

II. Rapid Refueling System - is composed of five main features: (1)a quick release reactor head, (2) elimination of head electrical disconnects, (3) a one-lift concept, (4) withdrawal of the rod 4

cluster control assemblies, and (5) modified fuel handling capabil-ity.

III. Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) - consists of the high head safety injection (HHSI) and low head safety injection (LHSI) pumps, safety injection system (SIS) accumulators, residual heat removal (RHR), refueling water storage tank (RWST), and the associated piping. Each unit has three HHSI, LHSI, and RHR pumps as compared with two for other domestic Westinghouse plants.

IV. Heat Rejection to the Ultimate Heat Sink - the heat rejection is effected with the essential cooling water system (ECWS) in conjunc-tion with the component cooling water system (CCWS) with three cooling loops. A separate and independent ECWS is provided for each unit.

V. Fuel Rods - The STP is the only plant currently undergoing licens-ing that is based on the RESAR-41 design. The French reactors at Paluel have many similar features. The fuel rods are 14 feet long as compared with 12 feet in other Westinghouse reactors.

i VI. Other Features - (a) the auxiliary feedwater-system-(AFW)-which - ---- --

provides adequate cooling to the SGs in the event of a normal feedwater supply interruption has a non-headered design with individual pumps using a four-train concept (see Slide No. 5) feeding each of the four steam generators. (b) Qualified Display l


South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting May 29-30, 1986 l

Processing System (QDPS) - It is an integrated system designed to perform data acquisition and qualified displays for post accident monitoring, to address the separation requirements of the STP approach to a control room or relay room fire, and to a safety-grade control and position indication of several safety related valves.

For the seismic design, the Applicant stated that the horizontal peak acceleration value for the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) chosen is 0.10g. The corresponding peak acceleration for the operating basis earthquake (0BE) is 0.07 9 . The vertical peak accelerations are taken as two-thirds of the peak horizontal accelerations. Both the horizontal and vertical design response spectra comply with RG 1.60, " Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design for Nuclear Power Plants."

l The Applicant discussed the design of piping restraints and measures to deal with the subsequent dynamic effects of pipe whip and jet imping-ment. E. W. Dotson (HL&P) stated that the provision for protection against dynamic effects associated with the pipe ruptures of the reactor coolant pressure boundary inside containment and the resulting discharg-ing fluid provides adequate assurance that a LOCA will not be aggravated by these dynamic effects.

J. G. Dewease (HL&P) outlined the corporate operational organization.

Slide No. 6 summarizes the nuclear plant operations department. The senior corporate officer in charge of nuclear matters is the Group Vice President-Nuclear. The incumbent officer has approximately 30 years of nuclear experience, including a period as a Vice President for Stone &

Webster Corporation.

The South Texas training program is designed using a systematic approach to training (SAT). The program provides the required training based on

South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting May 29-30, 1986 individual employee experience, the intended position, and previous training / education.

NRC Staff Presentation Mr. P. Kadambi, Project Manager of STP/NRC, stated that many features of the South Texas design are similar to those previously evaluated and approved by the NRC Staff for other PWR (e.g., Catawba, Millstone 3, Vogtle, the standardized nuclear unit power plant system SNUPPS - Wolf Creek, and Callaway). To the extent feasible, the NRC Staff has relied on its evaluation of those features in the other facilities in I conducting the review. The NRC Staff has identified certain open and confirmatory issues in its review that have not been resolved with the j Applicant. Some of these open 'tems are:

High energy pipe failures - Applicant's action is to submit flooding and jet impingement analysis.

Qualified Display Processing System (QDPS) - It is a microprocessor based system in which the software and the hardware need to be reviewed by both the Applicant and the NRC Staff. The NRC Staff is conducting interim audits and will review final report scheduled for October 1986.

  • Conformance to RG 1.97 - based on discussions, conformance appears to be demonstrated with exceptions in monitoring: (a) pressurizer heater current, (b) containment atmosphere temperatures, and (c) containment sump water temperature.
  • Safe and alternate shutdown systems - to bring reactor to cold l shutdown state in case of fire anywhere will be reviewed.
  • AFW reliability study - the NRC Staff review is ongoing and scheduled for completion by mid-June 1986.



! South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting May 29-30, 1986 Analysis for boron dilution event during modes 4 and 5 - NRC Staff requires that operator have minimum of 15 minutes for action. The Applicant's analysis is due in 3rd quarter of 1986.

1 Use of TREAT code for small-break LOCA - The NRC approved code for W plants is NOTRUMP. The Applicant plans to use NOTRUMP for first hour of accident and thch TREAT for subsequent operator actions.


Some of the confirmatory items are

The NRC Staff will review the design changes resulting from the Applicant's commitment to bring MSIV actuation in line with other W_


c The NRC Staff has accepted the Applicant's schedule for comformance

.l with the ATWS rule, but the technical review is not complete.

The independent design vertification program (IDVP) developed by l

i STP appears to be progressing in a satisfactory manner, completion is scheduled for early 1987.

Mr. L. Constable, Chief /NRC - Region IV, discussed the STP inspection status. The inspection program status for Unit 1 is 70-80% complete and 40-50% for Unit 2. Major construction inspections are scheduled with

the as-built inspection when facility is 95% complete. Generally, f Region IV, finds the STP performance and operation of the functional areas to be acceptable. Total number of the currently open allegation is 19. However, there are 24 new allegations (June 85 - May 86).

! Subcommittee Concerns

! During the course of discussion, the Subcommittee Members expressed some concerns regarding the following:

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i South Texas Units 182 Meeting May 29-30, 1986 I. The Applicant has not yet provided a program to minimize reactor coolant and radioactive gas leakage outside containment. The NRC Staff requires the Applicant to submit a program identifying the operational and maintenance activities enforced on specified systems (e.g., RHR) to minimize post-accident leakage of reactor coolant outside the containment.

II. The diesel generators and their auxiliary systems for STP are independent of each other are located in separate buildings.

However, the Subcommittee expressed concerns that the diesel generator fuel oil storage tanks for each unit are replenished with fuel oil during all normal and accident conditions from an auxiliary fuel oil storage tank (AF0ST) located in the yard. This concern was expressed back at the construction permit stage.

III. The battery room exhaust fans exhaust the battery rooms to the outdoors with an air change rate sufficient to maintain the hydrogen concentration level below 2% volume. However, the ventilation may not be sufficient to handle hostile environment condition.

IV. The training and operating instructions to handle severe core damage need to be explored more.

V. The Applicant in their modified design deleted the Emergency Borated System (EBS - FSAR Section 6.8) and the RCP seal

_ __ _-_ bypass _line (FASAR Section _9.3.4) . They claim that the Checmical and Volume Control System (CVCS) is designed to provide the sufficient services for:


1 South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting May 29-30, 1986 Maintenance of seal water injection flow to the RCPs, and Control of reactor coolant water chemistry conditions, activity level, soluble chemical neutron absorber concentration, and makeup.

The Subcommittee need to be more informed on this matter.

VI. The Applicant seems to overstate the advantage of their ESF three trains (A, B, and C) design which requires only one e operating train out of three to be needed. However, this design does not apply to all electrical systems in the plant, for example, two out of three trains are required to function fortheheating, ventilation,andairconditioning(HVAC) system.

VII. The Applicant has submitted some documents regarding protection against radiological sabotage for STP. These documents were reviewed by the NRC Staff in accoroance with SRP. The NRC Staff, however, has identified certain portions as requiring Additional information and upgrading to satisfy 10 CFR 73.55. Accordingly, security of the STP should be upgraded and addressed in a more complete fashion.

Action The ACRS during its 314th meeting in June 5-7, 1986 may wish to review the items that were discussed in the Subcommittee meeting with specific attention to the design features of the containment, seismological /

geological conditions at the site, ECCS acceptance criteria; hurricane flooding; transmission line network and protection; evacuation plans; reactor vessel welds and inservice inspection; and, Quality Assurance programs. Following the review the Committee will prepare a letter to the Commission.

South Texas Units 1&2 Meeting May 29-30, 1986 NOTE: Additional meeting details can be obtained from a transcript of this meeting available in the NRC Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, NW, Washington, DC, or can be purchased from ACE-Federal Reporters, 444 North Capitol Street, Washington,

! DC 20001, (202) 347-3700.

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5/12/86 South Texas Units 1 and 2 ACRS Subconnittee Agenda Day 1 (May 29,1986)

Presentation Soeaker Time I. Site Tour 9:00-12:00 Noon

a. Aerial Tour
b. Training Facility
c. Plant Walkdown
      • Lunch ***

II. Opening Remarks C. Mark 2:00- 2:10pm (ACRS)

III. Applicant's Presentation

a. Introduction J. H. Goldberg 2:10- 2:15pm (HL&P)
b. Construction Organization "

2:15- 2:20pm and Construction Status

c. Nuclear Philosophy ,

2:20- 2:30pm

d. Plant Layout E. W. Dotson 2:30- 2:45pm IV. Engineering Features
a. Three Train Design, Including E. W. Dotson 2:45- 3:05pm Fire Protection and Auxiliary (HL&P)

Feed Water System

b. Core Design "

3:05- 3:10pr

c. Secondary Improvements "

3:10- 3:20pm

d. Operator / Instrument Integration "

3:20- 3:40pm Cognizant ACRS Staff Engineer: Medhat El-Zeftawy (202)634-3267

South Texas Units 1&2 Agenda May 29 30, 1986 Presentation Sceaker Time j e. Seismic Margin E. W. Dotson 3:40- 3:50pm

f. Pipe Break Elimination "

3:50- 3:55pm

*** Break *** 3
55- 4:10pm V. Oversight Review I
a. Transition Program J. E. Geiger 4:10- 4:20pm (HL&P)
b. Engineering Assurance 4:20- 4:30pm

) c. Safeteam "

4:30- 4:40pm

d. QA Program / Construction Phase 4:40- 4:50pm
      • Adjourn ***

Day 2 (May 30, 1986)

VI. Introduction .

' C. Mark 8:30- 8:35am (ACRS)

VII. Open Items Resolution M. R. Wisenberg 8:35- 9:00am (HL&P)

VIII. NRC Staff Presentation P. Kadambi 9
00-10:00am (
a. Major Differing Technical Issues
b. Construction Experience
c. Significant SER Open Items, Confirmatory Issues and Licensing Conditions
      • Break *** 10:00-10:15am

_ - _ - . - _ , - - , . - . . _ , . . - - - , - , . . - _ - .,_ ,, ., _ , , , , . . . , _, , _.,_,_.,_,_. _n, , . , -,_ - - _ .,

ii l

l South Texas Units 1&2 Agenda May 29-30, 1986 l Presentation Soeaker Time IX. a. Corporate Operational J. G. Dewease 10:15-10:35am Organization (HL&P)

b. Operational QA J. E. Geiger 10:35-10:45am X. Training Programs
a. Selection and Training of Staff D. J. Cody 10:45-11:00am
b. Training to Handle Severe "

11:00-11:15am Accidents XI. ' Readiness for Operation Including: W. H. Kinsey 11:15-12:15pm (HL&P)

a. Operations Experience Review "

, b. Emergency Operating Procedures "

c. Emergency Protection "
d. Radiation Protection "

l e. Fitness for Duty  ;

f. Security "
XII. Closing Remarks J. H. Goldberg. 12:15-12:20pm XIII. Discussion and Adjournment 12:20-12:45pm J


_- __ a __3 l


! STP STATUS - MAY 1986 Percent Complete Key Dates l Fuel Commercial Scheduled Actual Load Operation l

Construction Unit 1 Power Block i

and BOP 90.3 89.9 6/87 12/87 Unit 2 Power Block 59.8 60.4 12/88 6/89 Total .

77.6 77.5 i

Engineering 93.3 92.9 p

l 5!

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Site Boundary

  • ^ Unit No.1 N

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Unit No. 2 % / ,

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AfsT = Ausissary feedwater Storage Tank 5 .

Ivc = isolation Valve Cubule -* Fuel Oil 5torage Tank RCS = Reactor Containment Buddang iHB = fuelHandling 8uddsng A8 = Ausdeavy Boiler i

TG8 = Turbine Generatos Building EA8 = Elettrecal Ausdiary sudden 9 Di s LL.#AT DI a sLMA MAB = Methanaal Ausdeary Suddeng 1 (n r-STP E

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I l


' Minimum number of trains required Trains Normal Operation / Large Breaks Other System installed Accidents i

Shutdown j Diesel 3


0/0 2 1 Generators Essential 3 1/1 2 1 i Cooling Water i Component 3 2 1/1 1 Cooling Water ,

'1 l Reactor 3 Containment (2 RCFC 2/2* 2 1 Fan Coolers Units per (3 RCFC Units) tram)

Safety injection 3 0/0 2** 1 i Containment 3 0/0 2 0 i Spray Residual 3 0/1 2 1 i Heat Removal Heat Exchangers

$ Auxiliary 4 0/0 2 1 i R Feedwater

! a Normally supplied by RCB chilled water

  • Share RHR exhanger - RHR pumps not required STP

] Containment Containment ,,,, noin concept

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1 Plant Manager j South Texas Project I

. I Plant Superintendent I I I I Che ical Technical Managernent Facili, ties Outage llealth 8. Safety Reactor Maintenance Semices Semices Operations OP g nalysh5 Support Manager Senices Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Total Department Staffing 847 Unit One O.L Staffing 652

' Current Staffing 491 STP N

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