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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20212H22324 September 1999Summary of 990831-0901 Meeting with STPNOC in Rockville, Maryland Re 990713 Request for 14 risk-informed Exemptions to Exclude safety-related LSSC & non-risk Significant Components from Special Treatment RequirementsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Significance Determination Process
Exemption Request
ML20210Q18411 August 1999Summary of 990722 Meeting with Util Re Proposed TS for SG Water Level low-top Trip Setpoint.List of Meeting Attendees & Handout Provided by Util Encl
ML20206G48430 April 1999Summary of 990315 Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Co Re Util Submittal of Draft Request for Exemption from Special Treatment Requirements for Components That Are Low Safety Significant or non-risk Significant,Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
Exemption Request
Commercial Grade
ML20199D19311 January 1999Summary of 981208 Meeting with STPNOC Re Status of Current & Future Licensing Actions & Activities.List of Meeting Attendees & Handout Provided by Licensee EnclNondestructive Examination
Overspeed trip
ML20195G06417 November 1998Summary of 980915 Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Co Re Graded Quality Assurance Implementation & Challenges.List of Attendees & Handout Provided by Licensee EnclUltimate heat sink
ML20155E1272 November 1998Summary of 981008 Conference Call with Util to Discuss Course Action That Would Be Anticipated If Licensee Were to Submit risk-informed Inservice Insp &/Or risk-informed Inservice Testing ProgramProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20154J79613 October 1998Summary of 980915 Meeting with Licensee Re risk-informed Operations at Stp.Copies of Slides Presented EnclProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20247L74120 May 1998Summary of 980506 Meeting W/Util in Re Proposed Merger Between America Electric Power Co,Inc & Central & Southwest Corp (Csw).Meeting Attendees & Handout Provided by Csw Encl
ML20217Q6495 May 1998Summary of 980413 Meeting W/South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company Re Current South Texas Project Improved TS Schedule.List of Meeting Attendees & Schedule EnclEnforcement Discretion
ML20217N0856 April 1998Summary of 980303 Meeting W/South Texas Project Re long-term Resolution of Bulletin 88-08, Thermal Stresses in Piping Connected to Reactor Coolant System. Proprietary & non-proprietary Handouts Provided by Licensee Encl
ML20199J3372 February 1998Summary of 980121 Meeting W/Stp Nuclear Operating Co Re Schedule for NRC Review of STPNOC Application for Conversion to Improved Standard Ts.List of Attendees & Handout Provided by Licensee Encl
ML20198K4786 January 1998Summary of 971204 Meeting W/Licensee & Representatives from W Re Proposed 3 Volt Alternate Repair Criteria for Plants Unit 2 Sg.List of Attendees & Handout Encl
ML20198G46019 December 1997Summary of 971210 Meeting W/Licensee Re SG Replacement for Unit 1.List of Attendees & Handout Matls Provided by Licensee Encl
ML20212G50429 October 1997Summary of 971002 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Staff Review Schedule for Plant Improved Std TS Conversion Amend.List of Attendees Encl
ML20217E45122 September 1997Summary of 970911 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re STP 3-train Design & Improved Std TSs FormatSafe Shutdown
Ultimate heat sink
ML20141C08114 May 1997Summary of 970424 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Hl&P Plans Re Incomplete Control Rod Insertion at Stp,Units 1 & 2.Meeting Attendees & Handout Provided by Hl&P,Encl
ML20140H7808 May 1997Summary of 970421 Meeting W/Hl&P to Discuss Hl&P Proposed QA Program Change to Implement Graded QA
ML20137Z36522 April 1997Summary of 970403 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Staff Review of Licensee Pilot Submittal for Section 3.5 of Project Conversion Amend.List of Attendees & Staff Handouts Encl
ML20137Q8649 April 1997Summary of 970331 Meeting W/Util Re Util Graded QA Application.List of Attendees EnclProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20137F23524 March 1997Summary of 970207 Meeting W/Listed Attendees in Rockville,Md to Discuss Nuclear Energy Inst Concerns Re Graded Quality Assurance Activities W/Volunteer PlantsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20133N38217 January 1997Summary of 970109 Meeting W/Hl&P Re Response to NRC Bulletin 96-01, Control Rod Insertion Problems. List of Attendees & Licensee Handout EnclShutdown Margin
ML20133M26715 January 1997Summary of 961212 Meeting W/Util Re Status of Staff Review of Licensee Request to Convert Plant TS to Improved Std TS Format.List of Attendees Encl
ML20134L78420 November 1996Summary of 961114 Meeting W/Hl&P in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of NRC Review of Licensee Request to Convert STP TSs to Improved STS Format.List of Attendees Encl
ML20206R4707 November 1996Summary of 960821-22 Meetings with Hl&P in Wadsworth,Texas Re Graded Quality Assurance Program at Stp.List of Meeting Attendees for Initial Meeting,List of Meetings Held During Two Day Session & Handouts for Meetings EnclBoric Acid
Fitness for Duty
Ultimate heat sink
Mission time
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Commercial Grade Dedication
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Post Accident Monitoring
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Met Tower
Nondestructive Examination
Temporary Modification
Large early release frequency
Integrated leak rate test
Commercial Grade
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Fire Protection Program
Water hammer
ML20128L2908 October 1996Summary of 960916 Meeting W/Hl&P to Discuss Plans for SG Replacement at STP-1.List of Attendees & Handout EnclNondestructive Examination
ML20059K17327 January 1994Summary of 940121 Meeting W/Utils Re Results of Operational Readiness Assessment Team Insp at Plant.Various Deficiencies Noted.Media Representatives in Attendance
ML20059F3496 January 1994Summary of 931217 Meeting W/Hl&P Re Analysis Performed on Ecw Sys.W/Attendance List & Meeting Agenda
ML20058L73113 December 1993Summary of 931108-09 Meeting W/Licensee in Rockville,Md Re Resolution of NRC Bulletin 88-008, Thermal Stresses in Piping Connected to Rcs. Agenda & List of Attendees Encl
ML20059A6868 October 1993Discusses 931006 Operating Reactors Events Briefing 93-38 Which Informed Senior Managers from Listed Ofcs of Selected Events That Occurred Since Last Briefing on 930929.Attendees Listed in Encl 1Ultimate heat sink
Enforcement Discretion
ML20128P84918 February 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Briefing 93-05 on 930210
ML20062B37715 October 1990Summary of 900919 Meeting W/Util & Sandia Re Fire Protection Portion of Probability Safety Assessment
ML20056A00127 July 1990Summary of 900530-31 Meeting W/Sandia Natl Labs & Util Re PRA Review.Meeting Attendees Listed in Encl 1Safe Shutdown
Mission time
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20058L05219 July 1990Summary of 891128 & 29 Meetings W/Util,Sandia & Sea,Inc Re Plant Probability & Safety Assessment.List of Attendees & Sandia Questions W/Licensee Answers EnclLoop seal
Time to boil
ML20246P6115 September 1989Summary of 881130 Meeting W/Util at Plant Re Ability of Pressurizer Surge Line to Withstand Effects of Thermal Stratification.Discussions Concentrated in Areas of Design Documentation,Thermal Hydraulics & Stratification
ML20246K21724 August 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-30 on 890823 Re Reactor Trip W/Multiple Instrumentation & Equipment Failures at DC Cook Unit 2 on 890814 & Auxiliary Feedwater Flows at Hb RobinsonFuel cladding
ML20245J42611 August 1989Summary of 890808 Meeting W/Util & Sandia at Sandia Re PRA Study for Plant.Attendance List & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20246L2629 May 1989Summary of 880517 Meeting W/Util & Westinghouse Re Results of bottom-mounted Instrumentation Thimble Tube Insp. List of Meeting Attendees.Presentation Matl Handout WithheldEddy Current Testing
Flow Induced Vibration
ML20246P1819 May 1989Summary of 890506 Meeting W/Utils & Westinghouse Re Licensee Decision to Remove Remainder of Excessive Cooldown Protection Circuitry & Amend to Tech Specs.List of Meeting Attendees & Licensee Meeting Handout Encl
NUREG-0781, Summary of 890130-0201 Meeting W/Westinghouse,Houston Lighting & Power,Texas Utils,Bnl & EAS in Monroeville,Pa Re Overview of Status of Work on Bmi Thimble Tube Wear.Related Info Encl9 May 1989Summary of 890130-0201 Meeting W/Westinghouse,Houston Lighting & Power,Texas Utils,Bnl & EAS in Monroeville,Pa Re Overview of Status of Work on Bmi Thimble Tube Wear.Related Info Encl
ML20245F50825 April 1989Summary of 890127 Meeting W/Util Re Status of Licensee Pra. List of Attendees,Agenda & Util Presentation Slides EnclProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20196E2622 December 1988Summary of 881129 Meeting W/Util & Newman & Holtzinger Re Readiness for Low Power License.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20204D54312 October 1988Summary of 880908 Meeting W/Util in Arlington,Tx Re Schedule for Completion of Certain Security Tasks
ML20154N4477 September 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-036 on 880906 Re Events Which Occurred Since Last Meeting on 880830.List of Attendees EnclFuel cladding
Overspeed trip
ML20153D49426 August 1988Summary of 880810 Meeting W/Util,Westinghouse & BNL Re Status of Studies on Bmi Thimble Tube Wear Problems. Discussions & Licensee Handout WithheldEddy Current Testing
ML20151N05226 July 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-30 on 880726.List of Attendees & Summary of Reactor Scrams Encl
ML20196A92017 June 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-24 on 880614.Two Significant Events Identified for Input to NRC Performance Indicator Program.No Events Suggested for long-term Followup.List of Attendees Encl
ML20151W51421 April 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-016 on 880419 in Rockville,Md.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclBoric Acid
Non-Destructive Examination
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
ML20237D82317 December 1987Summary of 871030 Meeting W/Util Re Assessment of Util Compliance W/License Condition on Physical Security During Low Power Operation
ML20237C60614 December 1987Summary of 871202 Meeting W/Util & Bechtel Re Causes & Mods Relative to Pipe Failures in Auxiliary Feedwater Sys at Plant.List of Meeting Attendees & Util Handouts EnclWater hammer
ML20236P2845 November 1987Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 87-38 on 871103.List of Attendees,Viewgraphs & Summary of Reactor Scrams EnclUnanalyzed Condition
Flow Induced Vibration