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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000482/1986001]]
| number = ML20137U647
| issue date = 02/12/1986
| title = Insp Rept 50-482/86-01 on 860105-31.Violation Noted:Failure to Comply W/Temporary Mod Procedure in That safety-related Electrical Conduit 1J1E1D Tied Off W/Wire to Essential Svc Water Pipe Support 1-EF02-R009/134Q
| author name = Bartlett B, Cummins J, Hunnicutt D
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation =
| docket = 05000482
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = 50-482-86-01, 50-482-86-1, NUDOCS 8602190275
| package number = ML20137U613
| page count = 8
See also: [[see also::IR 05000482/1986001]]
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                                                                          APPENDIX B
                                                            US NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                  NRC Inspection Report: 50 Ie82/86-01                    LP: NPF-42                        ,
                                  Docket': 50-482 '                                                        ,
                                  Licensee: = Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E)
                                                Post Office Box 203          '
                                                Wichita, Kansas 67201
l '.
          .                      Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)
            l                      Inspection At: . Wolf Creek Site, Coffey County, Burlington, Kansas                      ,
                                    Inspection / Conducted: January 5 to 31, 1986
      ,                          ' Inspectors-        k                                              y2,//4/8/
                                                  J. E. Cuaunins, Senior Resident Inspector,            / Da t'e              ,
                                                  B. L. Bar'tlett,' Resident Reactor Inspector,
                                                                                                      -' Date                    .
                                  Approved:            h/          10- 8
                                                  D. M. Hunnicutt, Acting Chief, Project
                                                      Section B, Reactdr Projects Branch                                            d
                                    Inspection Sununary                        ,
                                    Inspection Conducted January 5 to 31, 1986 (Report 50-482/86-01)
                                    Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection including plant status;-
                                  ifollowup on previously identified NRC items; operr*ional safety verification;
i.                                  engineered' safety features system walkdown; onsite followup of events; licensee
!        -
                                    event report (LER) review; monthly maintenance observation; monthly surveillance
                                    observation; and plant tours. The inspection involved 148 inspector-hours onsite
                                    by two NRC inspectors including 12 inspector-hours onsite during offshifts.
                                    Results: Within the nine areas inspected, one violation was identified (failure
                    .. , 7 to comply with licensee's temporary modification procedure, paragraph 10).
                                        Na [D
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                                                  #    DETAILS
                1.      Persons Contacted
                        Principal Licensee Personnel                    '
                        G. L. Koester, Vice President-Nuclear
                      *J.  A. Bailey, Interim Site-Director
                      *F. T. Rhodes, Plant Manager                                .,
                        R. M. Grant, Director-Quality
                      *G. D. Boyer, Superintendent of Technical Support
                      *J.  A. Zell, Superintendent of Operations-
                      *M. D. Rich, Superintendent of Maintenance
                      *M. G. Williams, Supt.. of Regulatory, Quality,  and Administrative
                        H. K. Chernoff~, Licensing
                        K. Peterson, Licensing
                        G. Pendergrass, Licensing
                      *W. M. Lindsay, Supervisor Quality Systems
                      *C. J. Hoch, QA Technologist
                      *A. A. Freitag, Manager of Nuclear Plant Engineering, WCGS
                      *C, M. Herbst, Project Engineer, Bechtel
                        The NRC inspectors also contacted other members of the licensee's staff
                        during the inspection period to discuss identified issues.
                      * Denotes those personnel in attendance at the exit meeting held on
                        Janua ry 31, 1986.
    .            2.      Plant Status
                        ,The plant operated in Mode 1 during this inspection period.
                3.      Followup on Previously Identified NRC Items
                        (Closed) Open Items (50-482/8508-07 and 8508-09):    Issuance of
                        Surveillance Procedures.
                        These open items tracked the issuance of surveillance procedures that had
                        not been issued at the time of the inspection. The NRC inspector verified
                        the following surveillance procedures had been issued:
                              STS IC-214, Rev. 1, Trip Actuating Device Operational Test Phase A
                                Containment Isolation Manual Initiation
                              STS IC-225, Surveillances in this STS were incorporated into STS
                                GT-003, Rev. O, CPIS Manual Test, therefore STS IC-225 was
                                                                                                  _ _ . _ _ _ _ -
  i.  . ,
                    STS IC-229A, Rev. 0- Actuation Logic Test Load Shedder and
                      Emergency Load Sequencer Group I (Red).
                    STS IC-229B, Rev. 0- Actuation Logic Test Load Shedder and
                      Emergency Load Sequencer Group IV (Yellow).
                    STS NT-054, Rev. 1 - Feedwater Venturi Inspection.
              .Th ese items are closed.
              (Closed) Open Item (50-482/8459-09): System Restoration Instructions in
              Preoperational Test Procedures.
              The following startup test procedures were reviewed to verify that they
              contained comprehensive instructions for system restoration upon
              completion of testing:
                    SU7-0009.1, Rev. 1, Thirty Percent Power Load Swing Test Section
                        8.0 System Restoration.
                    SU7-SF06.3, Rev. 1, Operational Alignment of Process Temperature
                        Instrumentation Section 8.0 System Restoration.
                    SU7-SF09.1, Rev. 1, RCCA or Banks Worth Measurement at Power (30%
                        Power Pseudo Rod Ejection).
                    SU7-S0ll, Rev. 1, Initial Criticality and Low Power Test Sequence.
, .
                    SU7-SR03, Rev. 1, Incore Movable Detector Test
                    SU7-S010, Rev. 2, Post Core Loading Precritical Test Sequence.
              This item is closed.
                (Closed) Open Item (50-482/8504-01):        Incorporation of Certain Evacuation
              Activities into Procedures.
              This open item tracked the incorporation in appropriate procedures of
              instructions for the evacuation of nonessential personnel from the plant
              evacuation initial assembly point for those personnel who do not have
              transportation immediately available to them.        Instructions to cover this
              situation have been incorporated in Wolf Creek Radiological Emergency
              Respsnse Plan Implementing Procedure EPP 01-2.2, " Activation of Emergency
              Plan / Organization. This procedure, in Attachment 2.0, " Initial
              Announcement," and Attachment 3.0, " Reclassification Announcement," states:
              "If you do not have a vehicle try to ride with someone else who has a
I              vehicle or notify security."
              This item is-closed,
                (Closed) Open Itam (50-482/8459-08):        Discrepancy in Starttp Procedure.
              This open item was initiated to track a discrepancy in Power Ascension
              Test Procedure SU7-SF09.2, Revision 0, "RCCA or Bank Worth Measure at Power
                (50% Pseudo Rod Drop)."
L          -
  * .
      4. Operational Safety Verification
        The NRC inspectors verified that the facility is being operated safely and
        in conformance with regulatory requirements by direct observation of
          licensee facilities, tours of the facility, interviews and discussions
        with licensee personnel, independent verification of safety system status
        and limiting conditions for operations, and reviewing facility records.
        The NRC inspectors, by observation, interview of personnel, and review of
        documents, verified the physical security plan was being implemented in
        accordance with the security plan and that radiation protection activities
        were controlled.
        By observing valve position,-electrical breaker position, and control room
          indication, the NRC inspectors confirmed the operability of the safety
          injection system, residual heat removal system, and the containment spray
        system. The NRC inspectors also visually inspected safety components for
          leakage, physical damage, and any other impairment that could prevent them
          from performing their designed function.
        No violations or deviations were identified.
      5. Engineered Safety Features (ESF) System Walkdown
        The NRC inspectors verified the operability of ESF systems by walking down
        selected accessible portions of the systems. The NRC inspectors verified
        valves and electrical circuit breakers were in the required position, power
        was available, and valves were locked where required. The NRC inspectors
        also inspected system components for damage or other conditions that could
        degrade system performance.
        The ESF systems listed below were walked down during this inspection
        report period:
              Class IE 4160 Volt AC Electrical Systems
              Auxiliary Feedwater System
              Class IE 120 Volt DC Electrical Systems
        No violations or deviations were identified.
      6. Onsite Followup of dvents
        The NRC inspectors performed onsite followup of nonemergency events that
        occurred during this report period. The NRC inspectors (when available)
        observed control room personnel response, observed instrumentation
        indicators of reactor plant parameters, reviewed logs and computer
        printouts, and discussed the event with cognizant personnel. The NRC
        inspectors verified the licensee had responded to the event in accordance
        with procedures and had notified the.NRC and other agencies as required in
        a timely fashion.
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                            ESF actuations that occurred during the report period are listed in the
                            table.below. The NRC inspector will review the license event report (LER)
                            for each of these events and will report any findings in subsequent NRC
                            inspection reports.
                                    Date      Event          Plant Status        Cause
                                1/04/86        CRVIS*          Mode 1              Broken paper sensing
                                                                                    tape in chlorine monitor
                                1/04/86        CRVIS*          Mode 1              Blown fuse on chlorine
                            *CRVIS - control room ventilation isolation signal
                            No violations or deviations were identified.
                      7.    Review of Licensee Event Reports (LERs)                      '
                            During this inspection period, the NRC inspectors performed followup on
                            selected Wolf Creek LERs. The LERs were reviewed to ensure:
                                    The corrective action stated in the report has been properly
                                    Responses to the events were adequate.
                                    Responses to the events met license conditions, commitments, or other
                                    applicable regulatory requirements.
                                    -The information contained in the report satisfied applicable'
                                    reporting requirements.
                                    That any generic issues were identified.
        4                  -
                                    The report conformed to the guidelines contained in NUREG-1022 and
                                    Supplements 1 and 2.
                            The following LERs were reviewed and closed.
                                  '50-482/85-024-00, "ESF Actuation-Feedwater Isolation, Auxiliary
                                      Feedwater Actuation"
                                    50-482/85-025-00, " Condition Technical
                                    50-482/85-026-00, "ESF Actuation-Containment Purge, Fuel Building,
                                      and Control Room Ventilation Isolation"
                                    50-482/85-027-00, "ESF Actuation-Safety Injection and Main
                                      Steamline Isolation"
                                    50-482/85-028-00, "ESF Actuation-Auxiliary Feedwater Actuation"
                                    50-482/85-029-00, "ESF Actuation-Containment Purge Isolation, Fuel-
                                      Building and Control Room Ventilation Isolation"
                                    53-482/85-030-00, "ESF Actuation-Feedwater Isolation"
                                    50-482/85-031-00, "ESF Actuation-Feedwater Isolation, Auxiliary
                                      Feedwater Actuation, Steam Generator Blowdown and Sample
                                  -      -
  . . .  .
                    50-482/85-032-00, "ESF Actuation-Containment Purge and Control
                      Room Ventilation Actuation"
                    50-482/85-033-00, "ESF Actuation-Control Room Ventilation Isolation"
                    50-482/85-034-00, " Technical Specification Violation"
                    50-482/85-036-00, "ESF Actuation-Feedwater Isolation, Auxiliary
                      Feedwater Actuation, Steam Generator Blowdown and Sample Isolation"
                    50-482/85-037-00, "ESF Actuation-Control Room Ventilation Isolation"
                    50-482/85-038-00, "Auxilia ry Feedwater Actuation"
                    50-482/85-039-00, "ESF Actuation and Reactor Trip on Low Steam
                      Generator Level"
                    50-482/85-040-00, "ESF Actuation-Control Room Ventilation Isolation"
              No violations or deviations were identified.
            8. Monthly Maintenance Observation
              The NRC inspector observed maintenance activities performed on
              ' safety-related systems and components to verify that these activities were
                conducted in accordance with approved procedures, Technical Specifications,
              and applicable industry codes and standards. The following elements were
              considered by the NRC inspector during the observation and/or review of the
              maintenance activities:
                    Limiting conditions for operation (LCO) were met and, where
                    applicable, redundant components were operable.
                    Activities complied with adequate administrative controls.
                    Where required, adequate, approved, and up-to-date procedures were
                    Craftsmen were qual',fi'ed to accomplish the designated task and
                    technical expertise (i.e., engineering, health physics, operations)
                    were made available when appropriate.
                    Replacement parts and materials being used were properly certified.
                    Required radiological controls were implemented.
                    Fire prevention controls were implemented where appropriate.
                    Required alignments and surveillances to verify post maintenance
                    operability were performed.
                    Quality control hold points and/or checklists were used when
                    appropriate and quality control personnel observed designated work
              Selected portions of the maintenance activities accomplished on the. work
                requests (WR) listed below were observed and related documentation
              reviewed by the NRC inspector:
                    WR 00310-86, Containment 11  2
                                                    Analyzer, GS 0658-II2 Analyzer 8 Pan
                      is extremely low.
                    WR 50146-86, Three month inspection and lubrication of the
                      personnel air lock during operation.
              No violations or deviations were identified.
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                9.  Monthly Surveillance Observation
                    The NRC inspectors observed selected portions of the performance of
                    surveillance testing and/or reviewed completed surveillance test procedures
                    to verify that surveillance activities were accordance with
                    Technical Specifications (TS) requirements and administrative procedures.
                    The NRC inspectors considered the following items while inspecting
                    surveillance activities:
                    -      Testing was being accomplished by qualified personnel in accordance
                            with an approved procedure.
                            The surveillance procedure conforms to TS requirements.
                            Required test instrumentation was calibrated.
                    -      TS limiting conditions for operation were satisfied.
                    -      Test data was accurate and complete. The NRC inspectors performed
                            independent calculations of selected test data to verify their
                            The performance of the surveillance procedure conformed to applicable
                            administrative procedures.
                            The surveillance was performed within the required frequency and the
                            test results met the required limits.
                    Surveillances witnessed and/or reviewed by the NRC inspectors.are listed
                    -      STS NB-005, Rev. 3, " Breaker Alignment Verification"
                    -      STS KJ-005A, Rev. 5, " Manual / Auto S art, Synchronization, and Loading
                              of Emergency Diesel Generator NE01"
                    -      STS IC-915, Rev. 2, " Analog Channel Operational Test Component
                              Cooling Water Non-nuclear Safety-Related"
                            STS KJ-005B, Rev. 4, " Manual / Auto Start, Synchronization, and
                              Loading Of Emergency Diesel Generator NE02"
                      -    STS IC-913, Rev. 3, " Containment Hydrogen Analyzer GS 065B
                              Calibration Test"
                            STS PE-013, Rev. 4, " Personnel Airlock Seal Test"
                    No violations or deviations were identified.
                10. Plant Tours
                    At various times during the course of the inspection period the NRC
                      inspectors conducted general tours of the reactor building, auxiliary
                    building, radwaste building, fuel handling building, control building,
                      turbine building, essential service water building, and the secured area
                      surrounding the buildings.    During the tours, the NRC inspectors observed
                      housekeeping practices, fire protection barriers and equipment, and
                    maintenance on equipment. The NRC inspectors also discussed various
                      subjects with licensee personnel.
.. .. .
            Selected NRC inspector observations are discussed below:
            On January 23,1986, on the 2026' level (northeast corner) of the
            auxiliary building, the NRC inspector observed that a temporary modifica-
            tion had been made in that safety-related flexible Electrical
            Conduit IJ1E1D was tied cff with wire to Essential Service Water Pipe
            Support 1-EF02-R009/134Q. The licensee has established and implemented
            Administrative Procedure (ADM) 02-101, Revision 13, " Temporary Modifica-
            tion," to control temporary modifications; however, the actions required by
            Procedure ADM 02-101 had not been performed to install the temporary
            modification described above.
            This failure to control this temporary modification in accordance with an
            established procedure is an apparent violation.      (50-482/8601-01) When
            this condition was identified to licensee personnel, they took immediate
            action and removed the wire attaching the flexible conduit to the pipe
            support, returning the installation to design configurations.
        10. Exit Meeting
            The NRC inspectors met with licensee personnel to discuss the scope and
            findings of this inspection on January 31, 1986. The NRC inspectors also
            attended entrance / exit meetings of other NRC region based inspectors
            identified below:
            Inspection            Lead                  Area              -Inspection
              Period            Inspector            Inspected            Report No.
            1-27/31-86          J. Kelly              Security              86-03

Latest revision as of 19:58, 18 December 2020

Insp Rept 50-482/86-01 on 860105-31.Violation Noted:Failure to Comply W/Temporary Mod Procedure in That safety-related Electrical Conduit 1J1E1D Tied Off W/Wire to Essential Svc Water Pipe Support 1-EF02-R009/134Q
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 02/12/1986
From: Bruce Bartlett, Cummins J, Hunnicutt D
Shared Package
ML20137U613 List:
50-482-86-01, 50-482-86-1, NUDOCS 8602190275
Download: ML20137U647 (8)

See also: IR 05000482/1986001


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NRC Inspection Report: 50 Ie82/86-01 LP: NPF-42 ,

Docket': 50-482 ' ,

Licensee: = Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E)

Post Office Box 203 '


Wichita, Kansas 67201

l '.


. Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)

l Inspection At: . Wolf Creek Site, Coffey County, Burlington, Kansas ,

Inspection / Conducted: January 5 to 31, 1986




, ' Inspectors- k y2,//4/8/

J. E. Cuaunins, Senior Resident Inspector, / Da t'e ,








B. L. Bar'tlett,' Resident Reactor Inspector,


-' Date .





Approved: h/ 10- 8

D. M. Hunnicutt, Acting Chief, Project




Section B, Reactdr Projects Branch d


Inspection Sununary ,


Inspection Conducted January 5 to 31, 1986 (Report 50-482/86-01)


Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection including plant status;-


ifollowup on previously identified NRC items; operr*ional safety verification;

i. engineered' safety features system walkdown; onsite followup of events; licensee

! -

event report (LER) review; monthly maintenance observation; monthly surveillance


observation; and plant tours. The inspection involved 148 inspector-hours onsite

by two NRC inspectors including 12 inspector-hours onsite during offshifts.

Results: Within the nine areas inspected, one violation was identified (failure

.. , 7 to comply with licensee's temporary modification procedure, paragraph 10).


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1. Persons Contacted

Principal Licensee Personnel '

G. L. Koester, Vice President-Nuclear

  • J. A. Bailey, Interim Site-Director
  • F. T. Rhodes, Plant Manager .,

R. M. Grant, Director-Quality

  • G. D. Boyer, Superintendent of Technical Support
  • J. A. Zell, Superintendent of Operations-
  • M. D. Rich, Superintendent of Maintenance
  • M. G. Williams, Supt.. of Regulatory, Quality, and Administrative


H. K. Chernoff~, Licensing

K. Peterson, Licensing

G. Pendergrass, Licensing

  • W. M. Lindsay, Supervisor Quality Systems
  • C. J. Hoch, QA Technologist
  • A. A. Freitag, Manager of Nuclear Plant Engineering, WCGS
  • C, M. Herbst, Project Engineer, Bechtel

The NRC inspectors also contacted other members of the licensee's staff

during the inspection period to discuss identified issues.

  • Denotes those personnel in attendance at the exit meeting held on

Janua ry 31, 1986.

. 2. Plant Status

,The plant operated in Mode 1 during this inspection period.



3. Followup on Previously Identified NRC Items

(Closed) Open Items (50-482/8508-07 and 8508-09): Issuance of

Surveillance Procedures.

These open items tracked the issuance of surveillance procedures that had

not been issued at the time of the inspection. The NRC inspector verified

the following surveillance procedures had been issued:


STS IC-214, Rev. 1, Trip Actuating Device Operational Test Phase A

Containment Isolation Manual Initiation


STS IC-225, Surveillances in this STS were incorporated into STS

GT-003, Rev. O, CPIS Manual Test, therefore STS IC-225 was



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STS IC-229A, Rev. 0- Actuation Logic Test Load Shedder and

Emergency Load Sequencer Group I (Red).


STS IC-229B, Rev. 0- Actuation Logic Test Load Shedder and

Emergency Load Sequencer Group IV (Yellow).


STS NT-054, Rev. 1 - Feedwater Venturi Inspection.

.Th ese items are closed.

(Closed) Open Item (50-482/8459-09): System Restoration Instructions in

Preoperational Test Procedures.

The following startup test procedures were reviewed to verify that they

contained comprehensive instructions for system restoration upon

completion of testing:


SU7-0009.1, Rev. 1, Thirty Percent Power Load Swing Test Section

8.0 System Restoration.


SU7-SF06.3, Rev. 1, Operational Alignment of Process Temperature

Instrumentation Section 8.0 System Restoration.


SU7-SF09.1, Rev. 1, RCCA or Banks Worth Measurement at Power (30%

Power Pseudo Rod Ejection).


SU7-S0ll, Rev. 1, Initial Criticality and Low Power Test Sequence.

, .


SU7-SR03, Rev. 1, Incore Movable Detector Test


SU7-S010, Rev. 2, Post Core Loading Precritical Test Sequence.

This item is closed.



(Closed) Open Item (50-482/8504-01): Incorporation of Certain Evacuation

Activities into Procedures.

This open item tracked the incorporation in appropriate procedures of

instructions for the evacuation of nonessential personnel from the plant

evacuation initial assembly point for those personnel who do not have


transportation immediately available to them. Instructions to cover this

situation have been incorporated in Wolf Creek Radiological Emergency


Respsnse Plan Implementing Procedure EPP 01-2.2, " Activation of Emergency

Plan / Organization. This procedure, in Attachment 2.0, " Initial

Announcement," and Attachment 3.0, " Reclassification Announcement," states:

"If you do not have a vehicle try to ride with someone else who has a

I vehicle or notify security."


This item is-closed,



(Closed) Open Itam (50-482/8459-08): Discrepancy in Starttp Procedure.

This open item was initiated to track a discrepancy in Power Ascension

Test Procedure SU7-SF09.2, Revision 0, "RCCA or Bank Worth Measure at Power

(50% Pseudo Rod Drop)."





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4. Operational Safety Verification

The NRC inspectors verified that the facility is being operated safely and

in conformance with regulatory requirements by direct observation of

licensee facilities, tours of the facility, interviews and discussions

with licensee personnel, independent verification of safety system status

and limiting conditions for operations, and reviewing facility records.

The NRC inspectors, by observation, interview of personnel, and review of

documents, verified the physical security plan was being implemented in

accordance with the security plan and that radiation protection activities

were controlled.

By observing valve position,-electrical breaker position, and control room

indication, the NRC inspectors confirmed the operability of the safety

injection system, residual heat removal system, and the containment spray

system. The NRC inspectors also visually inspected safety components for

leakage, physical damage, and any other impairment that could prevent them

from performing their designed function.

No violations or deviations were identified.

5. Engineered Safety Features (ESF) System Walkdown

The NRC inspectors verified the operability of ESF systems by walking down

selected accessible portions of the systems. The NRC inspectors verified

valves and electrical circuit breakers were in the required position, power

was available, and valves were locked where required. The NRC inspectors

also inspected system components for damage or other conditions that could

degrade system performance.

The ESF systems listed below were walked down during this inspection

report period:


Class IE 4160 Volt AC Electrical Systems


Auxiliary Feedwater System


Class IE 120 Volt DC Electrical Systems

No violations or deviations were identified.

6. Onsite Followup of dvents

The NRC inspectors performed onsite followup of nonemergency events that

occurred during this report period. The NRC inspectors (when available)

observed control room personnel response, observed instrumentation

indicators of reactor plant parameters, reviewed logs and computer

printouts, and discussed the event with cognizant personnel. The NRC

inspectors verified the licensee had responded to the event in accordance

with procedures and had notified the.NRC and other agencies as required in

a timely fashion.

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ESF actuations that occurred during the report period are listed in the

table.below. The NRC inspector will review the license event report (LER)

for each of these events and will report any findings in subsequent NRC

inspection reports.

Date Event Plant Status Cause

1/04/86 CRVIS* Mode 1 Broken paper sensing


tape in chlorine monitor

1/04/86 CRVIS* Mode 1 Blown fuse on chlorine


  • CRVIS - control room ventilation isolation signal

No violations or deviations were identified.

7. Review of Licensee Event Reports (LERs) '


During this inspection period, the NRC inspectors performed followup on

selected Wolf Creek LERs. The LERs were reviewed to ensure:


The corrective action stated in the report has been properly




Responses to the events were adequate.


Responses to the events met license conditions, commitments, or other

applicable regulatory requirements.


-The information contained in the report satisfied applicable'

reporting requirements.


That any generic issues were identified.

4 -

The report conformed to the guidelines contained in NUREG-1022 and

Supplements 1 and 2.

The following LERs were reviewed and closed.



'50-482/85-024-00, "ESF Actuation-Feedwater Isolation, Auxiliary

Feedwater Actuation"


50-482/85-025-00, " Condition Technical



50-482/85-026-00, "ESF Actuation-Containment Purge, Fuel Building,

and Control Room Ventilation Isolation"


50-482/85-027-00, "ESF Actuation-Safety Injection and Main

Steamline Isolation"



50-482/85-028-00, "ESF Actuation-Auxiliary Feedwater Actuation"


50-482/85-029-00, "ESF Actuation-Containment Purge Isolation, Fuel-

Building and Control Room Ventilation Isolation"


53-482/85-030-00, "ESF Actuation-Feedwater Isolation"


50-482/85-031-00, "ESF Actuation-Feedwater Isolation, Auxiliary

Feedwater Actuation, Steam Generator Blowdown and Sample



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50-482/85-032-00, "ESF Actuation-Containment Purge and Control

Room Ventilation Actuation"


50-482/85-033-00, "ESF Actuation-Control Room Ventilation Isolation"


50-482/85-034-00, " Technical Specification Violation"


50-482/85-036-00, "ESF Actuation-Feedwater Isolation, Auxiliary

Feedwater Actuation, Steam Generator Blowdown and Sample Isolation"


50-482/85-037-00, "ESF Actuation-Control Room Ventilation Isolation"


50-482/85-038-00, "Auxilia ry Feedwater Actuation"


50-482/85-039-00, "ESF Actuation and Reactor Trip on Low Steam

Generator Level"


50-482/85-040-00, "ESF Actuation-Control Room Ventilation Isolation"

No violations or deviations were identified.

8. Monthly Maintenance Observation



The NRC inspector observed maintenance activities performed on

' safety-related systems and components to verify that these activities were

conducted in accordance with approved procedures, Technical Specifications,

and applicable industry codes and standards. The following elements were

considered by the NRC inspector during the observation and/or review of the

maintenance activities:


Limiting conditions for operation (LCO) were met and, where

applicable, redundant components were operable.


Activities complied with adequate administrative controls.


Where required, adequate, approved, and up-to-date procedures were



Craftsmen were qual',fi'ed to accomplish the designated task and

technical expertise (i.e., engineering, health physics, operations)

were made available when appropriate.


Replacement parts and materials being used were properly certified.


Required radiological controls were implemented.


Fire prevention controls were implemented where appropriate.


Required alignments and surveillances to verify post maintenance

operability were performed.


Quality control hold points and/or checklists were used when

appropriate and quality control personnel observed designated work


Selected portions of the maintenance activities accomplished on the. work

requests (WR) listed below were observed and related documentation

reviewed by the NRC inspector:


WR 00310-86, Containment 11 2

Analyzer, GS 0658-II2 Analyzer 8 Pan

is extremely low.


WR 50146-86, Three month inspection and lubrication of the

personnel air lock during operation.

No violations or deviations were identified.


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9. Monthly Surveillance Observation

The NRC inspectors observed selected portions of the performance of

surveillance testing and/or reviewed completed surveillance test procedures

to verify that surveillance activities were accordance with

Technical Specifications (TS) requirements and administrative procedures.

The NRC inspectors considered the following items while inspecting

surveillance activities:

- Testing was being accomplished by qualified personnel in accordance

with an approved procedure.


The surveillance procedure conforms to TS requirements.


Required test instrumentation was calibrated.

- TS limiting conditions for operation were satisfied.

- Test data was accurate and complete. The NRC inspectors performed

independent calculations of selected test data to verify their



The performance of the surveillance procedure conformed to applicable

administrative procedures.


The surveillance was performed within the required frequency and the

test results met the required limits.

Surveillances witnessed and/or reviewed by the NRC inspectors.are listed


- STS NB-005, Rev. 3, " Breaker Alignment Verification"

- STS KJ-005A, Rev. 5, " Manual / Auto S art, Synchronization, and Loading

of Emergency Diesel Generator NE01"


- STS IC-915, Rev. 2, " Analog Channel Operational Test Component

Cooling Water Non-nuclear Safety-Related"


STS KJ-005B, Rev. 4, " Manual / Auto Start, Synchronization, and

Loading Of Emergency Diesel Generator NE02"

- STS IC-913, Rev. 3, " Containment Hydrogen Analyzer GS 065B

Calibration Test"


STS PE-013, Rev. 4, " Personnel Airlock Seal Test"


No violations or deviations were identified.

10. Plant Tours

At various times during the course of the inspection period the NRC

inspectors conducted general tours of the reactor building, auxiliary

building, radwaste building, fuel handling building, control building,

turbine building, essential service water building, and the secured area

surrounding the buildings. During the tours, the NRC inspectors observed

housekeeping practices, fire protection barriers and equipment, and

maintenance on equipment. The NRC inspectors also discussed various

subjects with licensee personnel.




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Selected NRC inspector observations are discussed below:

On January 23,1986, on the 2026' level (northeast corner) of the

auxiliary building, the NRC inspector observed that a temporary modifica-

tion had been made in that safety-related flexible Electrical

Conduit IJ1E1D was tied cff with wire to Essential Service Water Pipe

Support 1-EF02-R009/134Q. The licensee has established and implemented

Administrative Procedure (ADM)02-101, Revision 13, " Temporary Modifica-

tion," to control temporary modifications; however, the actions required by

Procedure ADM 02-101 had not been performed to install the temporary

modification described above.

This failure to control this temporary modification in accordance with an

established procedure is an apparent violation. (50-482/8601-01) When

this condition was identified to licensee personnel, they took immediate

action and removed the wire attaching the flexible conduit to the pipe

support, returning the installation to design configurations.

10. Exit Meeting

The NRC inspectors met with licensee personnel to discuss the scope and

findings of this inspection on January 31, 1986. The NRC inspectors also

attended entrance / exit meetings of other NRC region based inspectors

identified below:

Inspection Lead Area -Inspection

Period Inspector Inspected Report No.

1-27/31-86 J. Kelly Security 86-03