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{{#Wiki_filter:_                          _                            .                          __
  . at            t OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. 50-269                      l DATE    3-15-83 COMPLETED BY          J. A. Reavis TELEPHONE 7nA 777 7567 OPERATING STATUS Oconee #1                                                Notes
: 1. Unit Name:
: 2. Reporting Period: February 1.1983-February 28, 1983 Year-to-date and cummulative 2568                        capacity factors are calcu-
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power (}iWt):                                                      lated using a weighted
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWel:                                934                                    g
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):                          886 dependable capacity.
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):                          899
: 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):                          860 S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Give Reasons:
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe):
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions. If Any:
This Month                Cumulative
        !!. Hours in Reporting Pen.od                                              672.0                1 416.0                84 361.0
: 12. Number Of Hiours Reactor was Critical                                  672.0                1 416.0                59 083.0
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours
: 14. Hours Generator On.Line                                                672.0                1 402.88                55 985.9
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours                                                                      --                        --
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)                                1 715 551              3 582 949              132 702 636                    .
17 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                                599 270    _ _ ,
1 251 080                46 168 990
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                                573 956              1 197 132                43 694 058
: 19. Unit Service Factor                                                    100.0                    99.1                    66.4
: 20. Unit Availability Factor                                              100.0                    99.1                    66.4
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor iUsing MDC Net!                                      99.3                  98.3                    60.1
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)                                      96.4                  95.4                    '58.5
: 23. Unit Forced Ourage Rate                                                      0.0                    0.9                  18.8
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Tvpe. Date.and Duration of Eacht:
Refueling - August 1, 1983 - 10 keeks
: 25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of:,:artup:
: 26. Units in Test Status Prior to Commercial Operations:                                      Forecast                  Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIA L ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPER ATION 8303180386 830315 PDR ADOCK 05000269 R                                  PDR                                                                                                        pu- .
_.            .        .            ~                            . . . . ..          .                  ,
e            ,                                                                                                        ,
DOCKET NO. 50-269 UNIT Oconee 1 DATE 3-15-83 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL MONTH        Februa ry ,1983 AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL                            AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY                  (MWe net)                    DAY                    (MWe-net)                    .
861                          17                      861 1
859                          18                      861 2
859                          19                      809 3
861                          20                      795 4
862                          21                      835 5
862                          22                      860 6
861                          23                      861 7
861                            24                      861 8
861                            25                      860                -
9 10
                                        ' 862                            26                      849 835                            27                      R57 11 861                            28                      858 12 13                    862                            29 14 862                            30 861                            31 l                    15 1S                  861 DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL FOR\1 INSTRlR'TIONS On this fonn. list the averare d.nly unit power lesel in MWe net for each day in the reporting n.onth.
Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
These figures will i e used to plot a graph for cach reportintt month. Note that by usinli maximum
                                                                                                            ..t easions when the daily dependable capacity lor the net eteetrical ratin t of the umt. theri: may be average power leve: eweeds the 1t105 hoe tor tiie restricted power lesel hnel. In such c.nes, the average daily unit power output sheet should be footnoted to t splain the appasent anomaly.
i DOCKET N3.        50-269 UNITSilUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS                                        Oconee 1 UNIT NAME DATE      3-15-83      -
COMPLETED llY        J. A. R nvig REPORT MONTil February, 1983                                        704-373-7567 TELEPIIONE c
                          ,      .!E        3- $Y5 j j s.
Licensee    ,E g          .                  Cause & Coureetive No.        Date      ;--    5g        i                    Event      3,7        {"?
e-                          Action so H      j=        s      Ji g 3        Repini a    vO o
8O                    Prevent Itceurtence g
Q 1-P      83-02-11    F      --
B          --
CC        VALVEX      Control valve and stop valve movement periodic tests.
2-P      83-02-19    F      --
A          --
HH        VALVEX      Level controller problems on the D2 flash tank, B firs,t stage reheater drain tank, and C flash tank which caused out-put swings up to 10%.
I                    2                                                  3                                  4 F: Forced          Iteawn:                                            Methoil:                            Exhibit G lostructions S: Scheduled        A Eiluipinent Failure (Explain)                      1 Manual                            for Preparatiini of Data Il Maintenance of Test                              2 Manual Scram.                    Entry Sheets for Licensee C Refueling              -                          1 Autoinatic Serain.                Event Report (1.ER) File INUREC.
D Regulatory Resiriction                            4 Other (Explain)                    0161)
E-Opeautor Training & License Examination F-Administrative                                                                    5 G-Opeiational Error (Explain)                                                            Exhibit I Same Sousee 19/77)                Il-Other (lixplain)                                                          -
* q_'    i e
DOCKET NO: 50-2679 UNIT: Oconee 1 DATE: 3/15/83 NARRATIVE SU> DIARY Month:  February, 1983 Oconee Unit 1 entered the month at full load. The unit operated at this level until February 11 when control valve and st6p valve move-ment periodic tests were conducted. The unit was reduced briefly to 85% power to conduct these tests.
Beginning February 19 the unit began experiencing a series of power swings of up to 10% due to level controller problems on the D2 flash tank, B first stage reheater drain tank, and C flash tank, adju'stments were made on the affected valves and no further problems were discovered.
Oconee Unit 1 finished the month at full power.
4 P
e 4
            '                  MOKTi!LY REFUEI,ING INFORMATION REQUEST
: 1. Facility name:    Oconec Unit 1                                              ,
: 2. Scheduled next refueling shutdown:        August, 1983                        .
October, 1983
: 3. Scheduled restart following refueling:                                        .
: 4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?          Yes    .
If yes, what will these be?      Technical  Specification  Revision If no, has reload design and core configuration been reviewed by Safety Review Committee regarding unreviewed safety questions?        N/A    ,
Scheduled information:
date(s)/Afor N        submitting proposed licensing action and supporting ,
: 6. Important licensing considerations (new or different design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in design or new operating procedures).
: 7. Number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core:      17)          .
(b) in the spent fuel pool:    848      .
: 8. Present licensed fuel pool capacity:        1312*                            .
Size of requested or planned increase:                                        .
: 9. Projected date of last refueling which can be accommodated by present licensed capacity:                                                            .
DUKE POWER COMPANY                              Date: March 15, 1983          .
Name of
J. A. Reavis                Phone: 704-373-7567
* Represents the combined total for Units 1 and 2.
  .  ,      t OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO.      50-270 DATE      3-15-83 COMPLETED BY        J. A. Reavis TELEPHONE 7nA_179. 7567 OPERATING STATUS Ocnnpo #2                                                        Notes
: 1. Unit Name:
: 2. Reporting Period: Februarv 1.1983-February 28. 1983                                Year-to-date and cummulative 2568                              capacity factors are calcu-
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):                                                      lated using a weighted
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe):                        934 886 average            for maximum 5., Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):                                                dependable capacity.
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):                  899
: 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):                    860 S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Give Reasons:
None None
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe):
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions. If Any:
This Month                Yr. to.Dare            Cumulative
: 11. Hours In Reporting Period                                                  672.0          1 416.0              74 281.0
: 12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical                                        672.0          1 416.0              52 329.7
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours
: 14. Hours Generator On.Line                                                    672.0          1 416.0              51 226.4
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)                          1 703 302              3 608 748                120 272 057                          .
17 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                                  586 000 _. 1 243 200                  40 955 346
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                                    561 908      1 192 378                  38 862 613
: 19. Unit Service Factor                                                        100.0              100.0                      69.0
: 20. Unit Availability Factor                                                    100.0              100.0                      69.0 l      21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Nett                                        97.2                97.9                      60.6 l      22. Unit Capacity Factor tUsing DER Net)                                        94.4                95.0                      59.1 l      23. Unit Forced Outage Rate                                                        0.0                0.0                    17.3
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type. Date.and Duration of Eacht:
None I
: 25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:
: 26. Units in Test Status Prior to Commercial Operation):                                        Forecast                Achieved
e DOCKET NO. 50-270 IJNIT Oconee 2 3-15-83 DATE AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL MONTi{      February,1983 AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL                          AVERAGE D AILY POWER LEVEL DAY                (MWe net)                      DAY                (MWe. net)            ,
8 51                          17                  8 50 1,
18                  850 2                    850_ ..
850                                                849 3                                                  39 849                          20                  850
                  -4 848                          21                  849 6
845                          22                  850 6
51 0                        23                  R60 7
817                          24                  850 8
849                          25                  849 9
* 850                              26                  850 10 8 51                          27                848 11 8 51                          28                  849 12 847                            29 13 14                    8 51                            30 15                    850                            31 gg                    850 DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL FOR\1 INSTRlRTIONS On this fonn. hst tht averare d.nly urut power level in MWe net for each day in the reporting n.onth.
Compute to the nearest wnote megawatt.
These figures will I e used to plot a graph for caeh reporting month. Note that by usind maximum dependable capacity lor the net eteetrical ratin: of the urut. there inay be . casions when the daily average power leve: eweeds the 1001 hoe (or the restricted power lesel hnet. In such c.ises, the average daily unit power output sheet should be footnoted to osplain the apparent anomaly.
UNIT SilUTDOWNS ANI) POWElt ItEDUCT'DNS                    DOCKET NO. 50-270                    -
UNIT NAME Oconee 2              -
DATE 3-15-83 COMPLETED IlY          J. A. Reavis ItEPOllT A10NTil Februarv.1983                      TELEPl!ONE 704-373-7567
                                                                .      "E                                -
                                  %        .5 E        3'            Yk      Licensee      ,E-r,      h%                    Cause & Coerective No.          Da e
                                    ;--        g      j      j      5-      Event
N                          Adion to 5E          on      jg            itepint a    vio        yU                    Prevent fleentrence Q
3-P        83-02-07    F          --
D          --
SF        MOTORX    The 2A high pressure injection pump motor upper bearing temperature set off "    alarm. The pump was secured.
Reduced load to 55% d'ue to tech. spec.
time limitation on. pump being out of service. Motor replaced and unit returned to full load.
1 1                      2                                                      3                                    4 F: Finced            Iteason:                                                  Mettu>ti:                            Exhibit G - Inst ructions S: Scheiluted        A-Et[uipment Failure (Explain)                            1 Manual                            for Preparation of Data ll Maintenance of Test                                    2-Manual Scram.                      lintry Slicets for Licensee C Itcfueling                -
1 Auf omatic Sesam.                  Event !(eporI (Llilt) File INtiltEG-D Itegulatory ltest riction                              4-Other (lixplain)                  01bli 1:-Ope.ator Training & License Examination It Administrative                                                                          5 G-Opeiational lirror (lixplain) ~                                                              Exhibit I Sanne Sousee 19/77)                  Il Other (lixplain)                                                              -
C t iy Q
w                                                                0c.e        -
DOC ET              5 CORRECTED COPY                                UNITSilUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS                                ,
0c ne 2~
DATE        2/15/83 COMPLETED itY            J. A. Reavis REPORT MONTil January' 1983                                              704-373-7567 TELEPilONE
: e.          .
No.          Date i
                                      ,$g 5g 3
                                                    @    .355 E      Licenfee Event
                                                                                        ,E-r, g,y h
e.3        ,
Canse & Courective Action to H                                                      mO o5U yE          E      5g5            Repint er                                      Prevent Recurrence g
Q 1-p      83-01-05    F          --
A          --
HH      VALVEX      201 - Header drain pump tripped on low level due to discharge control valve.
2-p      83-01-08    F          --
A          --                      HH      VALVEX      Reduced power to. work on 2D1 heater drain pump discharge control valve.
I                      2                                                          1                                4 F: Foiced              Reason:                                      '
Method:                            Exhibit G. Instructiims S: Sdies'uted        ~A Ikl uipment' Failure (Explain)                          1 Manual                            for Preparation of Data 11 Maintenance of Test                                    2 Manual Scram.                    lintry Sheets for I.ieemec C-Itefueling                -
                                                                                        .t Automatic Scram.                livent Report t1.ER) File INLIREG.
D Itegulatory itestriction                                4 Olber (Explain)                  01bl)
E Upe:ator Training & License !!xamination F Adntinistrative                                                                        5 G Opeiational lis tor (lisplain)                                                              Esbibit I Same Sousee (9/77)                    Il Other (lixplain)
L                                                          -
: o. s DOCKET NO:  50-270 UNIT: Oconee 2 DATE: 3-15-83 NARRATIVE StDDIARY Month: February, 1983 Oconee Unit 2 operated at full power until February 7 when power was reduced to 55%. Late February 3 an alarm was received on the 2A high-pressure injection pump motor upper bearing temperature. The motor and pump were secured. Late February 6 the Technical Specification time. limit for one pump being inoperable expired and the unit began reducing load to 55% power. February 7 replacement of the motor was completed and the unit returned to full power.
Oconee Unit 2 ended the month at full power.
e S
: 1. Facility name:        Oconee Unit 2                                                    ,
: 2. Scheduled next refueling shutdown:        November, 1983                                ,
: 3. Scheduled restart following refueling:        January, 1984                            ,
: 4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?        Yes                ,
if yes, what will thcae be?      Technical Specification Revision lf no, has reload design and core configuration been reviewed by Safety Review Committee regarding unreviewed safety questions?              N/A      _.
: 5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information:    N/A                                                                    .
: 6. Important licensing considerations (new or different design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in design or new operating procedures).
: 7. Number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core:        177            ,
(b) in the spent fuel pool:        818                  .
: 8. Present licensed fuel pool capacity:      1312*                                        ,
Size of requested or planned increase:                                                  .
: 9. Projected date of last refueling which can be accommodated by present licensed capacity:                                                                      .
March 15, 1983 DUKE POWER COMPANY                              Date:                                    ,
Name of
J. A. Reavis                Phone:      704-373-7567
* Represents the combined total for Units 1 and 2.
                                                                  ,mm_..      . . _ _ .    %.--
      ,,.        d OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO.            50-287 DATE          3-15-83 COMPLETED BY          J. A. Reavis TELEPHONE vnA_qva- 7567=
OPERATING STATUS Oconee #3                                      Notes
: 1. Unit Name:
: 2. Reporting Period: February 1. 1983-February 28. 1983                    Year-to-date and cummulative 2568                              capacity factors are calcu-
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power ()(Wt):                                          lated using a weighted
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWel:                934 886 average for maximum 5.. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):                                    dependable capacity.
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):        899
: 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):          860 S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
None None
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted. lf Any (Net MWe):
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions. lf Any:
This Month                    Cumulative
: 11. Hours In Reporting Period                                    672.0              1 416.0            ' 71 928.0
: 12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical                        662.6              1 370.7                  49 591.9
: 13. Rescror Reserve Shutdown Hours                                --
J-                        --'
: 14. Hours Generator On.Line                                      6 54 .8            1 359.0                  48 502.3
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown (fours                                  --                    --                        --
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)                  1 597 682              3 396 109            117 445 170                .
17 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                      555 060,_.      1 177 670              40 575 484
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                        531 860          1 128 374              38 596 475
: 19. Unit Service Factor                                          97.4                  96.0                        67.4
: 20. Unit Availability Factor                                      94.4                  96.0                        67.4
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor Using MDC Net)                            92.0                  92.7                        62.2
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)                          89.3                  89.9                        60.6
: 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate                                          2.6                    4.0                      17.0
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months IType. Date,and Duration of Each):
: 25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of *,,:artup:
: 26. Units in Test Status a Prior to Commercial Operationi:                          Forecast                  Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPER A TlON pu- ;
.  ,. / j              .
DOCKETNO.        50-287 UNIT    oconna 1 3-U-83 DATE AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL February, 1983 MONTl!
AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL                            AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL                    -
DAY                (MWe net)                    DAY                  (MWe-net)          ,
860                            17                  859 1
860                            18 859 2
860                            19                  860 3
859                                                859 4                                                  20 860                            21                  859 5
860                            22                  860                            ,
6 859                            23                  8 58 7
860                            24                857 8
301                            25                o69 9
                              ' 598                              26                861 10 599                            27                  R60 11 509                            28                  861 12 286                            3 13 14                  505                            30 817                              31 15 16 DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL FOR\1 INSTRtKTIONS                                          ~
On this fonn. hst the averare daily unit power level in MWe net for each day in the reporting n.onth.
Compute to the nearest wnole megawatt.
These figures will i e used to plot a graph for each reporting month. Note that by usinji maximum dependable capacity lor the net electrical ratin: of the umt there may be . t easions when the daily average power leve: eweeds the 100 ' ime (or the restricted power lesel kne). In such c.ises, the average daily unit power output sheet should be footnoted to t splam the app.uent anomaly.
__,7                                                                                          __
DOCKET N3.        50-287      -
UNITSIIUT!) OWNS ANI) POWER REI)UCTIONS                                        Oconee 3 UNIT NAME                  '
I) ATE    3/15/83 COMPLETED itY        J. A. Reavis    i REPORT Af 0NTir February, 1983 TELEPllONE 704-373-7567
                                                                                  ":.                              e
                                        ,      ,$E            3' $N'E                Licensee      ,E r,      je,                Cause & Conscetive No.                      Date      i      3g                i    j55              Event        p          9. T                      Action to H      yE                $ 5 gg =            Repint er    mO o5 0 Prevent Reeterrence g
Q 1-P                83-02-09        F          --
A        --
CB        PUMPXX    Low oil level alarm in 3Al RCP, Reduced load and secured pump.
2                83-02-12          F      13.77              A          1                    CB        PUMPXX    Shutdown unit to add oil,to 3Al RCP.
3                  83-02-14        F        3.40              A          1                    HA        PIPIEXX    Shutdown unit to r'epair turbine control        ,
oil leak.
I                                  2                                                            3                                  4 F: Foseed                        Reason:                                                        Metimd:                            Exhibit G . Inst ructions S: Scheduled                      A Estuipment Failure (Explain)                                  I-Manual                          for Preparation of D.its 11-Maintenance of Test                                        2 M.mual Scram.                    lintry Sheets for Licensee C Refueling                    .                                1 Automalie Scram.                Event Repor (1.ER) FileINtIREG.
D-Regulatory Restriction                                      -1 Other (IIxplain)                01bli I:-Ope;ator Training & Ucense Examinatism F Administrative                                                                              5 G Opeiational lisror (Explain) ~                                                                  Exhibit i .Sanw Somee 19/77)                                Il-Other (lixplain)                                                                  -
    . - g              .
DOCKET NO:                  50-287 UNIT:        Oconee 3 DATE:          3/15/83 NARRATIVE SIDDIARY Month: February, 1983 Oconee Unit 3 operated at full power until February 9,                                                                                                                              When a low level alarm was received on the 3A_1 reactor coolant pump. Power was reduced to 68% and the pump was secured. The unit was shut-down February 12 to add oil to the pump. The unit was online again February 13.
February 14 a pinhole leak in the turbine control oil piping de~veloped.
The unit was taken offline and the section of piping was replaced. The reactor remained at 15% power while the unit was offline.
Oconee Unit 3 returned to service the same day and operated the remainder 9                of the month at near full power.
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* f *o' ' f,                  _ MONTHLY REFUELING INFORMATION REQUEST
: 1. Facility name:    Oconee Unit 3                                          ,
: 2. Scheduled next refueling shutdown: May, 1984                              ,
: 3. Scheduled restart following refueling:      July, 1984                    .
: 4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?      Yes        .
If yes, what will these be?      Technical Specification Revision If no, has reload design and core configuration been reviewed by Safety Review Committee regarding unreviewed safety questions?        N/A  ,
: 5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information:      N/A                                                    .
: 6. Important licensing considerations (new or different design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in design or new operating procedures).
: 7. Number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core:        177        ,
(b) in the spent fuel pool:    142    .
: 8. Present licensed fuel pool capacity:        474                            ,
Size of requested or planned increase:                                    .
: 9. Projected date of last refueling which can be accommodated by present licensed capacity:                                                        .
DUKE POWER COMPANY                              Date: March 15, 1983      ,
Name of
J. A. Reavis                Phone: 704-373-7567

Latest revision as of 22:59, 7 August 2020

Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1983
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/15/1983
From: Reavis J
Shared Package
ML20069D462 List:
NUDOCS 8303180386
Download: ML20069D488 (16)


_ _ . __



1. Unit Name:
2. Reporting Period: February 1.1983-February 28, 1983 Year-to-date and cummulative 2568 capacity factors are calcu-
3. Licensed Thermal Power (}iWt): lated using a weighted
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWel: 934 g
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 886 dependable capacity.
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 899
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 860 S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Give Reasons:


9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions. If Any:

This Month Cumulative

!!. Hours in Reporting Pen.od 672.0 1 416.0 84 361.0

12. Number Of Hiours Reactor was Critical 672.0 1 416.0 59 083.0
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours
14. Hours Generator On.Line 672.0 1 402.88 55 985.9
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours -- --
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 1 715 551 3 582 949 132 702 636 .

17 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 599 270 _ _ ,

1 251 080 46 168 990

18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 573 956 1 197 132 43 694 058
19. Unit Service Factor 100.0 99.1 66.4
20. Unit Availability Factor 100.0 99.1 66.4
21. Unit Capacity Factor iUsing MDC Net! 99.3 98.3 60.1
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 96.4 95.4 '58.5
23. Unit Forced Ourage Rate 0.0 0.9 18.8
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Tvpe. Date.and Duration of Eacht:

Refueling - August 1, 1983 - 10 keeks

25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of:,:artup:
26. Units in Test Status Prior to Commercial Operations: Forecast Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIA L ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPER ATION 8303180386 830315 PDR ADOCK 05000269 R PDR pu- .

_. . . ~ . . . . .. . ,

e , ,


861 17 861 1

859 18 861 2

859 19 809 3

861 20 795 4

862 21 835 5

862 22 860 6

861 23 861 7

861 24 861 8

861 25 860 -

9 10

' 862 26 849 835 27 R57 11 861 28 858 12 13 862 29 14 862 30 861 31 l 15 1S 861 DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL FOR\1 INSTRlR'TIONS On this fonn. list the averare d.nly unit power lesel in MWe net for each day in the reporting n.onth.

Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

These figures will i e used to plot a graph for cach reportintt month. Note that by usinli maximum

..t easions when the daily dependable capacity lor the net eteetrical ratin t of the umt. theri: may be average power leve: eweeds the 1t105 hoe tor tiie restricted power lesel hnel. In such c.nes, the average daily unit power output sheet should be footnoted to t splain the appasent anomaly.


COMPLETED llY J. A. R nvig REPORT MONTil February, 1983 704-373-7567 TELEPIIONE c

, .!E 3- $Y5 j j s.

Licensee ,E g . Cause & Coureetive No. Date  ;-- 5g i Event 3,7 {"?

e- Action so H j= s Ji g 3 Repini a vO o

8O Prevent Itceurtence g

Q 1-P 83-02-11 F --

B --

CC VALVEX Control valve and stop valve movement periodic tests.

2-P 83-02-19 F --

A --

HH VALVEX Level controller problems on the D2 flash tank, B firs,t stage reheater drain tank, and C flash tank which caused out-put swings up to 10%.

I 2 3 4 F: Forced Iteawn: Methoil: Exhibit G lostructions S: Scheduled A Eiluipinent Failure (Explain) 1 Manual for Preparatiini of Data Il Maintenance of Test 2 Manual Scram. Entry Sheets for Licensee C Refueling - 1 Autoinatic Serain. Event Report (1.ER) File INUREC.

D Regulatory Resiriction 4 Other (Explain) 0161)

E-Opeautor Training & License Examination F-Administrative 5 G-Opeiational Error (Explain) Exhibit I Same Sousee 19/77) Il-Other (lixplain) -


  • q_' i e

DOCKET NO: 50-2679 UNIT: Oconee 1 DATE: 3/15/83 NARRATIVE SU> DIARY Month: February, 1983 Oconee Unit 1 entered the month at full load. The unit operated at this level until February 11 when control valve and st6p valve move-ment periodic tests were conducted. The unit was reduced briefly to 85% power to conduct these tests.

Beginning February 19 the unit began experiencing a series of power swings of up to 10% due to level controller problems on the D2 flash tank, B first stage reheater drain tank, and C flash tank, adju'stments were made on the affected valves and no further problems were discovered.

Oconee Unit 1 finished the month at full power.

4 P

e 4


1. Facility name: Oconec Unit 1 ,
2. Scheduled next refueling shutdown: August, 1983 .

October, 1983

3. Scheduled restart following refueling: .
4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment? Yes .

If yes, what will these be? Technical Specification Revision If no, has reload design and core configuration been reviewed by Safety Review Committee regarding unreviewed safety questions? N/A ,


Scheduled information:

date(s)/Afor N submitting proposed licensing action and supporting ,

6. Important licensing considerations (new or different design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in design or new operating procedures).
7. Number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core: 17) .

(b) in the spent fuel pool: 848 .

8. Present licensed fuel pool capacity: 1312* .

Size of requested or planned increase: .

9. Projected date of last refueling which can be accommodated by present licensed capacity: .

DUKE POWER COMPANY Date: March 15, 1983 .

Name of


J. A. Reavis Phone: 704-373-7567

  • Represents the combined total for Units 1 and 2.


1. Unit Name:
2. Reporting Period: Februarv 1.1983-February 28. 1983 Year-to-date and cummulative 2568 capacity factors are calcu-
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): lated using a weighted
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 934 886 average for maximum 5., Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): dependable capacity.
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 899
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 860 S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Give Reasons:

None None

9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions. If Any:

This Month Yr. to.Dare Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period 672.0 1 416.0 74 281.0
12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 672.0 1 416.0 52 329.7
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours
14. Hours Generator On.Line 672.0 1 416.0 51 226.4
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 1 703 302 3 608 748 120 272 057 .

17 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 586 000 _. 1 243 200 40 955 346

18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 561 908 1 192 378 38 862 613
19. Unit Service Factor 100.0 100.0 69.0
20. Unit Availability Factor 100.0 100.0 69.0 l 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Nett 97.2 97.9 60.6 l 22. Unit Capacity Factor tUsing DER Net) 94.4 95.0 59.1 l 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.0 0.0 17.3
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type. Date.and Duration of Eacht:

None I

25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:
26. Units in Test Status Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achieved




8 51 17 8 50 1,

18 850 2 850_ ..

850 849 3 39 849 20 850

-4 848 21 849 6

845 22 850 6

51 0 23 R60 7

817 24 850 8

849 25 849 9

  • 850 26 850 10 8 51 27 848 11 8 51 28 849 12 847 29 13 14 8 51 30 15 850 31 gg 850 DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL FOR\1 INSTRlRTIONS On this fonn. hst tht averare d.nly urut power level in MWe net for each day in the reporting n.onth.

Compute to the nearest wnote megawatt.

These figures will I e used to plot a graph for caeh reporting month. Note that by usind maximum dependable capacity lor the net eteetrical ratin: of the urut. there inay be . casions when the daily average power leve: eweeds the 1001 hoe (or the restricted power lesel hnet. In such c.ises, the average daily unit power output sheet should be footnoted to osplain the apparent anomaly.


UNIT NAME Oconee 2 -

DATE 3-15-83 COMPLETED IlY J. A. Reavis ItEPOllT A10NTil Februarv.1983 TELEPl!ONE 704-373-7567

. "E -

% .5 E 3' Yk Licensee ,E-r, h% Cause & Coerective No. Da e

-- g j j 5- Event


N Adion to 5E on jg itepint a vio yU Prevent fleentrence Q

3-P 83-02-07 F --

D --

SF MOTORX The 2A high pressure injection pump motor upper bearing temperature set off " alarm. The pump was secured.

Reduced load to 55% d'ue to tech. spec.

time limitation on. pump being out of service. Motor replaced and unit returned to full load.

1 1 2 3 4 F: Finced Iteason: Mettu>ti: Exhibit G - Inst ructions S: Scheiluted A-Et[uipment Failure (Explain) 1 Manual for Preparation of Data ll Maintenance of Test 2-Manual Scram. lintry Slicets for Licensee C Itcfueling -

1 Auf omatic Sesam. Event !(eporI (Llilt) File INtiltEG-D Itegulatory ltest riction 4-Other (lixplain) 01bli 1:-Ope.ator Training & License Examination It Administrative 5 G-Opeiational lirror (lixplain) ~ Exhibit I Sanne Sousee 19/77) Il Other (lixplain) -

C t iy Q

w 0c.e -


0c ne 2~

DATE 2/15/83 COMPLETED itY J. A. Reavis REPORT MONTil January' 1983 704-373-7567 TELEPilONE


e. .

No. Date i

,$g 5g 3

@ .355 E Licenfee Event

,E-r, g,y h

e.3 ,

Canse & Courective Action to H mO o5U yE E 5g5 Repint er Prevent Recurrence g

Q 1-p 83-01-05 F --

A --

HH VALVEX 201 - Header drain pump tripped on low level due to discharge control valve.

2-p 83-01-08 F --

A -- HH VALVEX Reduced power to. work on 2D1 heater drain pump discharge control valve.


I 2 1 4 F: Foiced Reason: '

Method: Exhibit G. Instructiims S: Sdies'uted ~A Ikl uipment' Failure (Explain) 1 Manual for Preparation of Data 11 Maintenance of Test 2 Manual Scram. lintry Sheets for I.ieemec C-Itefueling -

.t Automatic Scram. livent Report t1.ER) File INLIREG.

D Itegulatory itestriction 4 Olber (Explain) 01bl)

E Upe:ator Training & License !!xamination F Adntinistrative 5 G Opeiational lis tor (lisplain) Esbibit I Same Sousee (9/77) Il Other (lixplain)

L -

o. s DOCKET NO: 50-270 UNIT: Oconee 2 DATE: 3-15-83 NARRATIVE StDDIARY Month: February, 1983 Oconee Unit 2 operated at full power until February 7 when power was reduced to 55%. Late February 3 an alarm was received on the 2A high-pressure injection pump motor upper bearing temperature. The motor and pump were secured. Late February 6 the Technical Specification time. limit for one pump being inoperable expired and the unit began reducing load to 55% power. February 7 replacement of the motor was completed and the unit returned to full power.

Oconee Unit 2 ended the month at full power.

e S


1. Facility name: Oconee Unit 2 ,
2. Scheduled next refueling shutdown: November, 1983 ,
3. Scheduled restart following refueling: January, 1984 ,
4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment? Yes ,

if yes, what will thcae be? Technical Specification Revision lf no, has reload design and core configuration been reviewed by Safety Review Committee regarding unreviewed safety questions? N/A _.

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information: N/A .
6. Important licensing considerations (new or different design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in design or new operating procedures).
7. Number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core: 177 ,

(b) in the spent fuel pool: 818 .

8. Present licensed fuel pool capacity: 1312* ,

Size of requested or planned increase: .

9. Projected date of last refueling which can be accommodated by present licensed capacity: .

March 15, 1983 DUKE POWER COMPANY Date: ,

Name of


J. A. Reavis Phone: 704-373-7567

  • Represents the combined total for Units 1 and 2.

,mm_.. . . _ _ .  %.--



1. Unit Name:
2. Reporting Period: February 1. 1983-February 28. 1983 Year-to-date and cummulative 2568 capacity factors are calcu-
3. Licensed Thermal Power ()(Wt): lated using a weighted
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWel: 934 886 average for maximum 5.. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): dependable capacity.
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 899
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 860 S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:

None None

9. Power Level To Which Restricted. lf Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions. lf Any:

This Month Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period 672.0 1 416.0 ' 71 928.0
12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 662.6 1 370.7 49 591.9
13. Rescror Reserve Shutdown Hours --

J- --'

14. Hours Generator On.Line 6 54 .8 1 359.0 48 502.3
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown (fours -- -- --
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 1 597 682 3 396 109 117 445 170 .

17 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 555 060,_. 1 177 670 40 575 484

18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 531 860 1 128 374 38 596 475
19. Unit Service Factor 97.4 96.0 67.4
20. Unit Availability Factor 94.4 96.0 67.4
21. Unit Capacity Factor Using MDC Net) 92.0 92.7 62.2
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 89.3 89.9 60.6
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 2.6 4.0 17.0
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months IType. Date,and Duration of Each):


25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of *,,:artup:
26. Units in Test Status a Prior to Commercial Operationi: Forecast Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPER A TlON pu- ;

. ,. / j .



DAY (MWe net) DAY (MWe-net) ,

860 17 859 1

860 18 859 2

860 19 860 3

859 859 4 20 860 21 859 5

860 22 860 ,

6 859 23 8 58 7

860 24 857 8

301 25 o69 9

' 598 26 861 10 599 27 R60 11 509 28 861 12 286 3 13 14 505 30 817 31 15 16 DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL FOR\1 INSTRtKTIONS ~

On this fonn. hst the averare daily unit power level in MWe net for each day in the reporting n.onth.

Compute to the nearest wnole megawatt.

These figures will i e used to plot a graph for each reporting month. Note that by usinji maximum dependable capacity lor the net electrical ratin: of the umt there may be . t easions when the daily average power leve: eweeds the 100 ' ime (or the restricted power lesel kne). In such c.ises, the average daily unit power output sheet should be footnoted to t splam the app.uent anomaly.


__,7 __


DOCKET N3. 50-287 -


I) ATE 3/15/83 COMPLETED itY J. A. Reavis i REPORT Af 0NTir February, 1983 TELEPllONE 704-373-7567

":. e

, ,$E 3' $N'E Licensee ,E r, je, Cause & Conscetive No. Date i 3g i j55 Event p 9. T Action to H yE $ 5 gg = Repint er mO o5 0 Prevent Reeterrence g

Q 1-P 83-02-09 F --

A --

CB PUMPXX Low oil level alarm in 3Al RCP, Reduced load and secured pump.

2 83-02-12 F 13.77 A 1 CB PUMPXX Shutdown unit to add oil,to 3Al RCP.

3 83-02-14 F 3.40 A 1 HA PIPIEXX Shutdown unit to r'epair turbine control ,

oil leak.

I 2 3 4 F: Foseed Reason: Metimd: Exhibit G . Inst ructions S: Scheduled A Estuipment Failure (Explain) I-Manual for Preparation of D.its 11-Maintenance of Test 2 M.mual Scram. lintry Sheets for Licensee C Refueling . 1 Automalie Scram. Event Repor (1.ER) FileINtIREG.

D-Regulatory Restriction -1 Other (IIxplain) 01bli I:-Ope;ator Training & Ucense Examinatism F Administrative 5 G Opeiational lisror (Explain) ~ Exhibit i .Sanw Somee 19/77) Il-Other (lixplain) -

. - g .

DOCKET NO: 50-287 UNIT: Oconee 3 DATE: 3/15/83 NARRATIVE SIDDIARY Month: February, 1983 Oconee Unit 3 operated at full power until February 9, When a low level alarm was received on the 3A_1 reactor coolant pump. Power was reduced to 68% and the pump was secured. The unit was shut-down February 12 to add oil to the pump. The unit was online again February 13.

February 14 a pinhole leak in the turbine control oil piping de~veloped.

The unit was taken offline and the section of piping was replaced. The reactor remained at 15% power while the unit was offline.

Oconee Unit 3 returned to service the same day and operated the remainder 9 of the month at near full power.

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1. Facility name: Oconee Unit 3 ,
2. Scheduled next refueling shutdown: May, 1984 ,
3. Scheduled restart following refueling: July, 1984 .
4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment? Yes .

If yes, what will these be? Technical Specification Revision If no, has reload design and core configuration been reviewed by Safety Review Committee regarding unreviewed safety questions? N/A ,

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information: N/A .
6. Important licensing considerations (new or different design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in design or new operating procedures).
7. Number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core: 177 ,

(b) in the spent fuel pool: 142 .

8. Present licensed fuel pool capacity: 474 ,

Size of requested or planned increase: .

9. Projected date of last refueling which can be accommodated by present licensed capacity: .

DUKE POWER COMPANY Date: March 15, 1983 ,

Name of


J. A. Reavis Phone: 704-373-7567
