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{{#Wiki_filter:._                                                                                          .--. .-              ,
.,  ,,    A cca Pc ,e Co ' pr.y r ^
P3 s'Ply'''
ff a f'18:":',/ /141 B nwfu " Amur's 3b?91 Te'estyy e ?O5 323 C,341 F. L. CL AYTON, JR.
s"' * * "'                                                                  AlabamaPower the southem electnc system c3            $
October 2, 1978 a        vn O        ( ? ! ',r '
                                                                              ,...,        w        wsn
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:c: e4 MR mm S"N r
:o 3-        Eb: es 5            e        *5  -
E S.
v            U1 o
x U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region II 101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303
==Dear Sir:==
Joseph M. Farley Nuclear  Plant, Unit 1, Licensee Event Report No.
LER 78-062/OlT-0 is forwarded      herewith, with three (3) copies each, in accordance with FNP Technical      Specification 6.9 to provide fourteen (14) day written notification      of the occurrence.
If you have any questions, please adviae.
Yours truly, Q (j/ n ....- y '
                                                          ,/ .-
                                                                                        --e F. L. Ciayton, Jr.
FLCJr/THE:bhj Enclosures cc:        Director, IE (40 copies)
Director, MIPC (3 copies)/
9 [r Iplf $485 posa                      sk ll3
                    * - g ..                                                                LICENSEE EVENT REPORT lh CONTROL BLOCK: l                        l        l    l      l  l                          (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION) 1                                        6 lo l1l l      0 9l A l LICENSEEL l J CODE  lM_lF l 1 l@[0 l0 l- l0 14        15 l0 l0 l0 l0 l- l0 l025 l@l LICENSL NUMBEH                              2ti 4 lLICENSE 1l ll TYPE 1l 1l@l Jo    b7 CAI b8l@
l CON'T l0l1I              "
s$"C 60l L l@l                          0 l 5 DOCKET l 0 l NUMBER 0 l 0 l 3 l 468 l 869l@lEVENT        0l9      l 2 l2 l7 18                l@l1l0l0l2l7l8l@
7      8                                          61                                                                      DATE            74      75        REPORT D ATE        80 EVENT DESCRIPTION AND PROE ABLE CONSEQUENCES h l o l 2 l l During an inspection of Class I & II pipe restraints / snubbers on 9/19/78(unit in Mode l lo l3; l 5), it was noted that main feedwater line lateral seismic restraint FW-R49 was not in l
[ o l, l l place. A review of on-site documentation was initiated to determine if the support had l
[ol3; l been removed or relocated. Bechtel performed a preliminary seismic analysis which indi-l toic1 lcated that the system may perform satisfactorily without the restraint. When the docu-l 10 l 71 l mentation review indicated that the restraint was misning work was initiated to rein- l i o ;s l l stall the restraint. Installation was completed on 9/26/78 while still in mode 5.                                                                                                    l 7        8 9110alth/ saf e tV of public Were not affected.                                                                                                                                  80 SYdEM                        CAUSE          C A USE                                                      COMP.            VALVE CCDE                        CODE        SUSCODE                  COMPONENT CODE                    SUBCODE            SUBCODE lo191                              l 11 l H l@ l Xlh l Zlh l S l U l P } 0 l R l T lh [_Z_lh l20Zl @
7        8                        9                10                11            12              13                            18            19 SEQUE N TI AL                      GCCURRENCE            REPORT                      REVISION
  .                        LER RO        EVENT YE Aft                                          REPORT NO.                            CODE                TYPE                        N O.
O Rtl'su g l21 7l22 8l l-l 23 l 016l 2l 24 l/l          10l1l                  l Tl            l-l        l0l
_                                                                  26        27            28        29            30              31          32 AKE      A      N              ON PL NT                      T                    HOURS            SB IT          F0F    bub.          U PLIE          MAN FACTURER
(_.Aj@l Zl@                          l Zl@                  l36 Zl@          l0l0l0l0l                  [_y j @          lNl@                lAl@ lXl9l9l9l@
3J          34                      35                                      J/                      40  di              42                                44 43                          47 CAUSE DESCRIPTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS h l i j o l lThe reason for/date of removal of lateral seismic restraint FW-R49 could not be deter- l
_. ;3 l,j l mined.                    FW-R49 was reinstalled. A review of selected hangers / restraints on 9/27/78                                                                                  l
      ,,  ,,,l indicated no other hangers / restraints were missing.                                                                                                                                l 11 131 l                                                                                                                                                                                        l 11 141 l                                                                                                                                                                                        l 7        8 9                                                                                                                                                                                80 A S              % POWER                                  OTHER STATUS                  ISC      f                            DISCOVERY DESCRIPTION I1lbl W h l0l0l0l@l                                                          NA                      l      l C l@l Inspection for NRC staff evaluation                                        l A TlVITY        CO TENT RELEASED OF RE LF ASE                                    AMOUNT OF ACTivlTY                                                          LOCATION OF HELEASE NA                                                      NA l1 l6tll 9l Z l @ tol Zl@l 7                                              1j                                                  44 l          l 45                                                                          80 l
P6HSONNEL FXPOsuHES NUMBE H                TYPE              DE SCHIP TION i, l i l v l 1010 l 0 l@l Z l@l                                                                NA                                                                                                  l PERSONNE L INJU IES
                        ~Um n DtSCn, prion @ NA
' l1laj11 l0l0l0l@l9 l
7                              11        17                                                                                                                                                80 LOSS of OH ()AMAGE TO F ACILi1Y 1YPE        DESCHIPilON NA l t l 9 l l Z l@l                                                                                                                                                                              l PL>u t e TY ILSU E D      DESCHtPTION                                              l l              h                                                                  NRC USE ONLY            ,
121 ,Hl9 l N lhl                                                    NA                                                                                        I    lllIIIllIIIII~I 7                          iO                                                                                                                                w o9                            80 s
                                .....r    < , - - , , ~ , , , , , . , ,    W. G. Hairston, III                                                ,_,c          (205) 899-5156                    _E
              -                              .            - -.                                    . _ - . - - .            ._  -- .. .              .. ..        .  ~
4      *.            ,
            ,                                                                                                                                                            i ALABAMA POWER COMPANY JOSEPH M. FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT .                                                    i DOCKET NO. 50-348 ATTACHMENT TO LER 78-062/01T-0 Facility: Joseph M. Farley Unit 1                                                                                                [
Report Date: 10/2/78 Event Date:
9/22/78 Identification of Event Main feedwater line lateral seismic restraint FW-R49 was not in place.
Conditions Prior to Event The unit was in Mode 5 for a scheduled' maintenance outage.
Description of Event On September 19, 1978, during an inspection of Class I and II pipe restraints and snubbers by Teledyne/Bechtel/SCSI personnel as part                                                          '
of an NRC staff evaluation, it was noted that main feedwater line lateral seismic restraint FW-R49 was not in place. A review of-                                                            ,
on-site documentation was initiated to determine if the-restraint                                                          -
had been deleted or relocated. This review indicated that the restraint was in place prior to December 16, 1976. It was not determined when the restraint was removed. Concurrent with the documentation search, a preliminary seismic evaluation was performed by Bechtel. _This evaluation indicated that the system may perform satisfactorily without the restraint. Bechtel stated that a more rigorous evaluation would have to be performed to verify this.
On September 21, 1978, Bechtel/SCSI notified the plant staff that the restraint was missing and that no authorization could be located for its removal. Further conversation with SCSI on September 22, 1978, indicated that a detailed evaluation concerning the need for this restraint would take one to three weeks. Based on this estimate, l                                              the Plant Manager notified the NRC of a possible condition as l                                              described in Technical Specification Work was initiated to reinstall the missing restraint.
On September 25, 1978, the Plant Operations Review Committee met to discuss the missing restraint. Present at the meeting were repre-i.
sentatives of Bechtel,' Daniel Construction Co. and Alabama Power Company Construction, Construction Quality Assurance, and.Startup.
All information relative to the incident was reviewed. The PORC                                                            :
recommended that all accessible Class I and II hangers / restraints                                                          ,
          ,                                  on safety related portions of main steam, main feedwater and auxiliary                                                        i feedwater piping located in the main steam and feedwater valve room                                                          l and selected hangers / restraints in other areas of the auxiliary                                                            1 y
  . ..            _ . _ - - _ _ . _ , _ .                      . _ _ _ . . . - _ . - - _ , _ _ . , . _ , - _ , . ,,                      -,_ ,.-o.,__      _ _ . -  -
78-062/01T-0 building and containment be inspected to verify the installation of pipe hangers / restraints. In addition to the main steam and feedwater valve room, selected portions of the following piping systems were inspected in the auxiliary and containment buildings: main steam, feedwater, pressurizer spray, letdown, residual heat removal, high liead safety injection / charging, safety injection / accumulator.
Approximately 190 pipe hangers / restraints were inspected. That                  j inspection, conducted in accordance with FNP-1-ETP-74, Pipe llanger/ Restraint Investigation Procedure on September 27, 1978 while still in Mode 5, failed to show any additional missirg hangers / restraints.
Concurrent with the above noted inspect. ion a further review of construction documentation was conducted.      No evidence was found to indicate that removal of the restraint was authorized, nor was information found to indicate when or why the restraint was removed.
Reinsta11ation of restraint FW-R49 was completed on September 26, 1978.
Designation of Apparent Cause The apparent cause could not be determined.
Analysis of Event The unit was in Mode 5, cold shutdown, at the time of discovery. A preliminary seismic evaluation performed by Bechtel indicated that the system may have performed satisfactorily without the restraint.
The restraint was reinstalled prior to leaving Mode 5. An inspection of selected hangers / restraints showed no others missing.      Based on this inspection, this condition is considered to be singular in nature.
The health and safety of the general public were not affected by this occurrence.
Effect on Plant This occurrence had no significant effect on plant operations.
Corrective Action As noted above, the missing restraint was reinstalled.
Failure Data None ac .-          -,              ,.n-  ,                                                            g}}

Revision as of 22:52, 21 July 2020

Forwards LER#78-062/01T-0
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/02/1978
From: Clayton F
Shared Package
ML20147B361 List:
NUDOCS 7810100085
Download: ML20147B355 (1)


._ .--. .- ,

., ,, A cca Pc ,e Co ' pr.y r ^


P3 s'Ply

ff a f'18:":',/ /141 B nwfu " Amur's 3b?91 Te'estyy e ?O5 323 C,341 F. L. CL AYTON, JR.

s"' * * "' AlabamaPower the southem electnc system c3 $

October 2, 1978 a vn O ( ? ! ',r '

,..., w wsn

.Q d c: .g. $a U T C_'

c: e4 MR mm S"N r
o 3- Eb: es 5 e *5 -

E S.

v U1 o

x U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region II 101 Marietta Street, N.W.

Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Sir:

Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Licensee Event Report No.

LER 78-062/OlT-0 is forwarded herewith, with three (3) copies each, in accordance with FNP Technical Specification 6.9 to provide fourteen (14) day written notification of the occurrence.

If you have any questions, please adviae.

Yours truly, Q (j/ n ....- y '

,/ .-


--e F. L. Ciayton, Jr.

FLCJr/THE:bhj Enclosures cc: Director, IE (40 copies)

Director, MIPC (3 copies)/

9 [r Iplf $485 posa sk ll3


  • - g .. LICENSEE EVENT REPORT lh CONTROL BLOCK: l l l l l l (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION) 1 6 lo l1l l 0 9l A l LICENSEEL l J CODE lM_lF l 1 l@[0 l0 l- l0 14 15 l0 l0 l0 l0 l- l0 l025 l@l LICENSL NUMBEH 2ti 4 lLICENSE 1l ll TYPE 1l 1l@l Jo b7 CAI b8l@

l CON'T l0l1I "

s$"C 60l L l@l 0 l 5 DOCKET l 0 l NUMBER 0 l 0 l 3 l 468 l 869l@lEVENT 0l9 l 2 l2 l7 18 l@l1l0l0l2l7l8l@

7 8 61 DATE 74 75 REPORT D ATE 80 EVENT DESCRIPTION AND PROE ABLE CONSEQUENCES h l o l 2 l l During an inspection of Class I & II pipe restraints / snubbers on 9/19/78(unit in Mode l lo l3; l 5), it was noted that main feedwater line lateral seismic restraint FW-R49 was not in l

[ o l, l l place. A review of on-site documentation was initiated to determine if the support had l

[ol3; l been removed or relocated. Bechtel performed a preliminary seismic analysis which indi-l toic1 lcated that the system may perform satisfactorily without the restraint. When the docu-l 10 l 71 l mentation review indicated that the restraint was misning work was initiated to rein- l i o ;s l l stall the restraint. Installation was completed on 9/26/78 while still in mode 5. l 7 8 9110alth/ saf e tV of public Were not affected. 80 SYdEM CAUSE C A USE COMP. VALVE CCDE CODE SUSCODE COMPONENT CODE SUBCODE SUBCODE lo191 l 11 l H l@ l Xlh l Zlh l S l U l P } 0 l R l T lh [_Z_lh l20Zl @



O Rtl'su g l21 7l22 8l l-l 23 l 016l 2l 24 l/l 10l1l l Tl l-l l0l

_ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 AKE A N ON PL NT T HOURS SB IT F0F bub. U PLIE MAN FACTURER

(_.Aj@l Zl@ l Zl@ l36 Zl@ l0l0l0l0l [_y j @ lNl@ lAl@ lXl9l9l9l@

3J 34 35 J/ 40 di 42 44 43 47 CAUSE DESCRIPTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS h l i j o l lThe reason for/date of removal of lateral seismic restraint FW-R49 could not be deter- l

_. ;3 l,j l mined. FW-R49 was reinstalled. A review of selected hangers / restraints on 9/27/78 l

,, ,,,l indicated no other hangers / restraints were missing. l 11 131 l l 11 141 l l 7 8 9 80 A S  % POWER OTHER STATUS ISC f DISCOVERY DESCRIPTION I1lbl W h l0l0l0l@l NA l l C l@l Inspection for NRC staff evaluation l A TlVITY CO TENT RELEASED OF RE LF ASE AMOUNT OF ACTivlTY LOCATION OF HELEASE NA NA l1 l6tll 9l Z l @ tol Zl@l 7 1j 44 l l 45 80 l


~Um n DtSCn, prion @ NA

' l1laj11 l0l0l0l@l9 l

7 11 17 80 LOSS of OH ()AMAGE TO F ACILi1Y 1YPE DESCHIPilON NA l t l 9 l l Z l@l l PL>u t e TY ILSU E D DESCHtPTION l l h NRC USE ONLY ,

121 ,Hl9 l N lhl NA I lllIIIllIIIII~I 7 iO w o9 80 s

.....r < , - - , , ~ , , , , , . , , W. G. Hairston, III ,_,c (205) 899-5156 _E

- . - -. . _ - . - - . ._ -- .. . .. .. . ~

4 *. ,


Report Date: 10/2/78 Event Date:

9/22/78 Identification of Event Main feedwater line lateral seismic restraint FW-R49 was not in place.

Conditions Prior to Event The unit was in Mode 5 for a scheduled' maintenance outage.

Description of Event On September 19, 1978, during an inspection of Class I and II pipe restraints and snubbers by Teledyne/Bechtel/SCSI personnel as part '

of an NRC staff evaluation, it was noted that main feedwater line lateral seismic restraint FW-R49 was not in place. A review of- ,

on-site documentation was initiated to determine if the-restraint -

had been deleted or relocated. This review indicated that the restraint was in place prior to December 16, 1976. It was not determined when the restraint was removed. Concurrent with the documentation search, a preliminary seismic evaluation was performed by Bechtel. _This evaluation indicated that the system may perform satisfactorily without the restraint. Bechtel stated that a more rigorous evaluation would have to be performed to verify this.

On September 21, 1978, Bechtel/SCSI notified the plant staff that the restraint was missing and that no authorization could be located for its removal. Further conversation with SCSI on September 22, 1978, indicated that a detailed evaluation concerning the need for this restraint would take one to three weeks. Based on this estimate, l the Plant Manager notified the NRC of a possible condition as l described in Technical Specification Work was initiated to reinstall the missing restraint.

On September 25, 1978, the Plant Operations Review Committee met to discuss the missing restraint. Present at the meeting were repre-i.

sentatives of Bechtel,' Daniel Construction Co. and Alabama Power Company Construction, Construction Quality Assurance, and.Startup.

All information relative to the incident was reviewed. The PORC  :

recommended that all accessible Class I and II hangers / restraints ,

, on safety related portions of main steam, main feedwater and auxiliary i feedwater piping located in the main steam and feedwater valve room l and selected hangers / restraints in other areas of the auxiliary 1 y

. .. _ . _ - - _ _ . _ , _ . . _ _ _ . . . - _ . - - _ , _ _ . , . _ , - _ , . ,, -,_ ,.-o.,__ _ _ . - -

78-062/01T-0 building and containment be inspected to verify the installation of pipe hangers / restraints. In addition to the main steam and feedwater valve room, selected portions of the following piping systems were inspected in the auxiliary and containment buildings: main steam, feedwater, pressurizer spray, letdown, residual heat removal, high liead safety injection / charging, safety injection / accumulator.

Approximately 190 pipe hangers / restraints were inspected. That j inspection, conducted in accordance with FNP-1-ETP-74, Pipe llanger/ Restraint Investigation Procedure on September 27, 1978 while still in Mode 5, failed to show any additional missirg hangers / restraints.

Concurrent with the above noted inspect. ion a further review of construction documentation was conducted. No evidence was found to indicate that removal of the restraint was authorized, nor was information found to indicate when or why the restraint was removed.

Reinsta11ation of restraint FW-R49 was completed on September 26, 1978.

Designation of Apparent Cause The apparent cause could not be determined.

Analysis of Event The unit was in Mode 5, cold shutdown, at the time of discovery. A preliminary seismic evaluation performed by Bechtel indicated that the system may have performed satisfactorily without the restraint.

The restraint was reinstalled prior to leaving Mode 5. An inspection of selected hangers / restraints showed no others missing. Based on this inspection, this condition is considered to be singular in nature.

The health and safety of the general public were not affected by this occurrence.

Effect on Plant This occurrence had no significant effect on plant operations.

Corrective Action As noted above, the missing restraint was reinstalled.

Failure Data None ac .- -, ,.n- , g