PNO-IV-97-054, on 971006,premature Lifting of Main Turbine Moisture Separator Reheater Relief Valve Occurred.Licensee Removed Main Turbine Generator from Svc to Repair Relief Valve.Individual Transported Offsite Via Site Ambulance

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PNO-IV-97-054:on 971006,premature Lifting of Main Turbine Moisture Separator Reheater Relief Valve Occurred.Licensee Removed Main Turbine Generator from Svc to Repair Relief Valve.Individual Transported Offsite Via Site Ambulance
Person / Time
Site: South Texas STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 10/06/1997
From: Ron Kopriva, Tapia J
PNO-IV-97-054, PNO-IV-97-54, NUDOCS 9710070156
Download: ML20217E730 (1)

... M.

1- October 6,1997 PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION OF EVENT OR UNUSUAL OCCURRENCll PNO IV 97 054 This prelim; nary notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE safety or public interest significance. The information is as initially received without verification or evaluation, and is basically all that is known by Region IV staff in Arlington, Texas on this date, facility Licensee Emeraency Classification Houston Lighting & Power Co. Notification of Unusual Event South Texas 1 Alert l

Wadsworth, Texas Site Area Emergency

. Dockets: 50 498 - General Emergency i

X Not Applicable


PREMATURE LIFTING OF MAIN TURBINE MOISTURE SEPARATOR REHEATER REllEF VALVE On October 6,1997, at 11:15 a.m. (CDT), daring power ascension testing following the recent refueling outage, one of six moisture separator reheater bteam relief valves lifted unexpectedly with reactor power at approximately 75 percent rated power. The opening of the valve released steam to the atmosphere, accompanied by a loud noise that was audible for several miles around the plant. Reactor power was subsequently reduced to 12 percent, at which time the relief valve closed. The licensee has removed the main turbine generator from service to repair the relief valve. The reactor is currently at 8 percent power and stable.

At the onset of the event, one worker injured his leg while leaving the general area. The individual was transported offsite via the site ambulance as a precautonary measure.

The state of Texas has been informed.

There has been media interest, and the licensee has prepared a press release to address the event.

Region IV received notification of this occurrence by telephone from the resident inspector at 11:35 a.m. on October 6,1997. Region IV has informed the EDO, NRR, and Public Affairs.

This information has been discussed with the licensee and is current as of 3 p.m. on October 6,1997.


Joseph I. Tapia Ronald A. Kopriva (817)860-8243 (817)860 8104 9710070156 9710061 C( ' < o PDR I&E PNG-IV-97-054 PDR' h 4

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