IR 05000271/1987011

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Insp Rept 50-271/87-11 on 870803-07.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Preparations for Refueling,Including Refueling Procedure Review,New Fuel Receipt Insp,Training & QA Interface W/Refueling Activities
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 08/20/1987
From: Eselgroth P, Marilyn Evans
Shared Package
ML20237L312 List:
50-271-87-11, NUDOCS 8708280047
Download: ML20237L318 (6)


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Report N /87-11 Docket No. _50-271 License N DPR-28 i Licensee: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation l RD 5, Box 169, Ferry Road  ;

! Brattleboro, Vermont 05301 1

Facility Name: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station  ;

Inspection At: Vernon, Vermont Inspection Conducted: August 3-7, 1987


Inspector: FcPL U Evans, Reactor Engineer, DRS 970/87 dafe '

Approved by: # 2f/ 6 7 P. EseTgrot)f Chief, Test Programs Section,


dat'e l Operatio64 Branch, . ORS Inspection Summary: Inspection on August 3-7, 1987 (Report No. 50-271/87-11)



Areas Inspectech Routine, unannounced inspection by one region-based inspector of preparations for refueling including refueling procedure review, new fuel receipt inspection, training, and Quality Assurance interface with refueling activitie Results: No violations were identifie . Note: For acronyms not defined, refer to NUREG-0544, " Handbook of Acronyms and Initialisms."

F 8708280047 870821 PDR ADOCM 05000271 .




DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation J. Brooks, Senior Reactor Engineer, Refueling Coordinator

  • B. Buteau, Reactor and Computer Engineering Supervisor .

J. Durborow, Operations Engineer l

  • Jefferson, Assistart to Plant Manager E. Lindamood, Operations Training Supervisor R. Morissette, Plant Health Physicist
  • R. Pagodin, Technical Services Superintendent
  • J. Pelletier, Plant Manager S. Skibniowsky, Chemistry Supervisor
  • R. Wanczk, Operations Superintendent, Outage Manager Yankee Atomic Energy Company
  • Grippardi, Quality Assurance

The inspector also contacted other members of the licensee's technical and operational staff, i l

2.0 Preparation for Refueling 2.1 Refueling Procedure Review The inspector reviewed .he adequacy of the licersee's procedures l for the conduct of refueling operations. This included a review of administrative requirements for the control of refueliig operations i and plant conditions during refueling. The procedures listed in Attachment A covered the following activities:


Receipt, inspection, and storage of new fuel;


Fuel handling, transfer and core verification;


Fuel sipping operations and fuel bundle reconstitution; and



Post Refueling. core testin These procedures were reviewed for technical adequacy and to verify the licensee had established:


clear definition of lines of supervision;

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shift manning requirements; j i


requirements for training and qualification of key personnel; l


QA/QC requirements; l -

communication requirements;


radiation monitoring and radiological control requirements; j


i requirements for equipment checkout, dry runs of critical i operations, and fuel handling;


requirements for work stoppages, delays and holds; and


requirements for monitoring shutdown margin, reactivity, radi-ation levels, water level, decay heat removal and containment 1 i nteg ri t l The inspector reviewed the 1987 Refuel Outage Plan which provided the licensee's overall planning guide for the outage, including the out-age schedule, the revised plant organization and reporting lines for contractor control, departmental shift coverage, worklists, design ,

l changes and modifications and required surveillanc )

, The inspector interviewed key licensee personnel including the Reactor Engi eering Supervisor, the Refueling Coord;nator and repre-


sentatives of the licensee's Reactor Engineering, Training, Health Physics, Chemistry, Quality Assurance and Operations departments concerning their responsibilities and understanding of administrative I requirement Findings No unacceptable conditions were identifie .2 New Fuel Receipt Inspection The inspector reviewed a sampling of the receipt .nspection records for the 136 new fuel assemblies inspected at the site between June 15 l

and July 14, 1987. One hundred thirty fuel assemblies were inspected, I channeled and stored in the spent fuel storage pool while 6 unchan-neled fuel assemblies were stored in the new fuel vault. Licensee inspections were conducted in accordance with procedure OP 1401, "New Fuel Inspection and Channeling." No problems were identified during the new fuel a:sembly inspections. However, on June 26, 1987, the upper tie plate of fuel assembly #LYJ009 was damaged while the fuel assembly was in the fuel prep machine. The licensee issued a change to procedure OP 1401 to allow for repair of a new fuel assembly'while in a fuel prep machine. Tt.c b nt upper tie plate was replaced and the fuel assembly was reinspected and rechanneled on July 14, 1987.


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Findings No discrepancies were identified during review of new fuel receipt i inspection record .3 Training


The inspector discussed the licensee's program for training of licensed and nonlicensed operations personnel in preparation for refueling with the Operations Training Supervisor and other


representatives of the licensee's training department. The licensee stated that training included classroom training, simulator training j for licensed operators, and walkthrough plant discussions of l refueling equipment. The inspector reviewed lesson plans and noted 1 that classroom training and walkthrough plant discussions included a system overview, cietailed description of the refueling equipment, review of applicable procedures and precautions, and review of planned design change packages. The simulator training for control !

room operators included a review of control room operations during


the shutdown and cooldown of the plant, ,

Findings No unacceptable conditions were identifie .4 Quality Assurance Interface with Refueling Activities The inspector interviewed a representative of the licensee's Quali;y Assurance Organir: tion to ascertain the extent of QA coverage of refueling activitie In addition, the inspector reviewed procedure OQA-X-1, " Quality Assurance Surveillance," which delin-eates administrative control for planning, implementing, reporting, and resolving surveillance activitie The inspector noted that QA plans to perform sarveillances of several refueling activities including refueling prerequisites, fuel unloading and loading, core i verification, LPRM replacement and SRM/IRM calibrations, material !

control, housekeeping, radiation work permits and plant fire protection, j 3.0 Independent Verification l

As discussed in paragraph 2.2, the inspector independently verified new fuel receipt inspection result No discrepancies were identifie .0 Plant Tours The inspector, accompanied by a licensee representative, toured the refuel floor area to observe work in progress, housekeeping and cleanli-ness controls. The inspector questioned the licensee representative concerning refueling activities, training he had received and work in progress. All of the inspector's questions were satisfactorily answere ;




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5.0 Exit Interview A management meeting was held at the conclusion of the inspection on August 7,1987 to discuss the inspection scope, findings and observa-tions as detailed in this report (see paragraph 1.0 for attendees). ,

No written information was provided to the licensee at any time during I this inspection. The licensee did not indicate that any proprietary information was contained within the scope of this inspectio i l



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ATTACHMENT A PROCEDURES REVIEWED Procedure Date l N Revision Title Approved l

0.P. 1100 12 Refuel Platform Operation 2/14/86 0.P. 1101 12 Fuel Assembly Movement 3/24/86 0.P. 1102 12 Fuel Channel Operations 6/3/87 0.P. 1111 13 Control Rod Removal and Installation 3/31/87 0.P. 1400 14 Fuel Receipt and Preliminary Handling 6/1/87 0.P. 1401 14 New Fuel Inspection end Channeling 6/2/87 0.P. 1403 8 Fuel Bundle Nondestructive Testing 3/2/87 and Reconstitution 0 P. 1408 8 LPRM Removal and Replacement 7/31/87 l

0.P. 1410 13 Fuel Loading 8/12/85

0.P. 1411 8 Core Verification 3/18/86 0.P. 1490 11 Management of Refueling Activities 2/2/87 0.P. 4102 13 Refuel Outage Tests 8/1/86 0.P. 4111 17 CRD System Surveillance 11/7/86 0 P. 4426 11 Shutdown Margin Check 2/21/86 0.P. 4430 10 Reactivity Anomalies 4/29/86 A.P. 1500 13 Health Physics Activities during 4/7/86 New Fuel Receipt and Inspection A.P. 6024 5 Plant Housekeeping 4/10/87 i A.P. 6025 0 Quality Control / Independent 1/3/86

) Inspection R.P. 1621 Draft Vacuuni Fuel Sipping --



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