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Notice of Nonconformance from Insp on 870721-24. Nonconformance Noted:Facility QA Deficiency Repts Not Properly Closed Out & Signed Off.Matl Release,Verification & Matl Cutting Activities Not Documented & Signed Off
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/10/1987
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20236M107 List:
REF-QA-99901099 99901099-87-01, 99901099-87-1, NUDOCS 8711120076
Download: ML20236M108 (2)



APFENDIX A C&S Valve Company Docket No. 99901099/87-01 NOTICE OF NONCONFORMANCE Based on the results of an NRC inspection conducted on July 21-24,1987, it appears that certain of your activities were not conducted in accordance with NRC requirements.


Criterion XVII of Appendix B to 10 CFR 50 states, in part, " Sufficient records shall be maintained to furnish evidence of activities affecting quality. The records shall include at least the following: Operating...

inspections, tests, audits, monitoring of work perforrtance...."

The C&S Valve Company Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual, Revision A, dated April 9,1986, Section 6.4.2 states, in part, " Construction shall be performed using the accepted traveler as defined in Section 3.7.1.

Construction activity shall be in accordance with the sequences provided in the travelers and manufacturing personnel shall perform.those specified activities to the documents referenced on the travelers."

Contrary to the above, the material release and verification, material cutting, heat code transfer / verification activities were.not documented and signed off as a separate step for various nuclear travelers in the sequence that these activities were being performed.



Criterion XVII of Appendix B to 10 CFR 50, states, in part:

" Sufficient records shall be maintained to furnish evidence of activities affecting quality. The records shall include at least the following:

the results of reviews, inspections, tests, audits, monitoring of work


performance, and materials analyses....

Inspection and test records i

shall, as a minimum, identify the inspector or data recorder, the type of observation, the results, the acceptability, and the action taken in connection with any deficiencies noted..."

Secticn 12.5 of the C&S Valve Company Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual, Revision A, dated April 9, 1986, states, in part:

"The Deficiency Report, with any attachments, shall be routed to the Quality Control Inspectors for monitoring of resolution implementation. When the resolution has been completed and witnessed by Quality Control. Quality Control signs off the Deficiency Report and returns it to Quality Assurance /ANI for sign-off. Quality Assurance /ANI sign-off indicates completion and proper disposition of nonconformance and thus releases the item for furtter processing. At this stage, QC shall sign-off the original sequ'ence of operation, identifying acceptance."

8711120076 871110 PDR GA999 EMVCSVAL 99901099 PDR i

2-j Contrary to these requirements:



Block 6 of the C&S Valve Company Quality Assurance Deficiency Reports (QA DR) number 2738 and 2746 were not properly closed out.

In both cases the block was signed and dated, but the acceptance or rejection j

of the disposition was not indicated.


Block 6 of the C&S Valve Company Quality Assurance Deficiency i

Report (QA DR) number 2743 was not properly signed off. The rejected disposition block was chec(ed but no signature or date was provided.



Criterion VIII of Appendix B to 10 CFR 50, states in part, " Measures Shall be established for the identification and control of materials, part....

These measures shall assure that identification of the item is maintained by heat number...or other appropriate means.....

These identification and control measures shall be designed to prevent the use of incorrect or defective material...and components.

Section 6.7.3 of the C&S Valve Company Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual, Revision A dated April 9, 1986, states, "If the heat code was inadvertently obliterated QC shall verify through accompanying documentation, that proper heat codes are restamped and this operation identified on the traveler.

If unable to identify positively, the item shall be rejected and documented.

Contrary to the above, one bar of 5" dia. x 14'10", heat M0723B material, was incorrectly marked as heat code QSB instead of the correct heat code GSB(87-01-03).

